Modern Marketing Information & Analysis CW2

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Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis Coursework 2: Marlow FM

Black Sheep Marketing: 20914427, 21017802, 21024091

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Contents: Executive Summary Introduction – Problem Definition & Research Original Plan, Proposal & Issues The Marketing Research Process Exploratory Research Marlow FM Target Audience Primary Research -

Face-To-Face Focus Groups (Qual)


Focus Groups Results & Analysis


Online Questionnaire (Quant)


Justification of Online Questionnaire


Questionnaire Results & Analysis


Face-to-Face In-Depth Interview (Qual)


In-Depth Interview Results & Analysis

Conclusions & Recommendations Appendices References

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Executive Summary: This report will explain, identify and justify the most appropriate forms of market research to help achieve the aims and objectives of community radio station; Marlow FM. Currently, the business aims to attract more advertisers and more listeners – in number and value terms. Within the report, Black Sheep Marketing will aim to reach these goals for the radio station’s target market through extensive primary research. A range of statistical techniques will be applied to assess the validity of the research, which will then be critically evaluated for future projects and suitable conclusions and recommendations will be presented. Both qualitative and quantitative research will be conducted for the task. Black Sheep have performed two face-to-face focus groups (one group of radio-listeners and one group of nonlisteners) as well as an online questionnaire using SNAP software. In addition to this, the agency has also carried out an in-depth interview with the manager of a local organisation within Marlow FM’s transmission area. The results and analysis of these research methods will be presented throughout the report and supporting presentation.

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Introduction – Problem Definition & Research Objectives: Community radio station Marlow FM has been broadcasting since early 2011. Audiences from High Wycombe, Marlow and its surrounding areas can listen via the radio or online. Marlow FM currently produces over 90 hours of live or pre-recorded shows every week, specialist programs, drive-time shows and a wide variety of music. Recently however, Marlow FM has been looking for improvements for their station with the help of Black Sheep Marketing. As conducted by Marlow FM, the chosen target audience has been specified as 35-55 year olds. As by our previous study by the radio station, this was shown to be the highest age range of listeners that tune into their station. Problem definition is the first and one of the most important stages in the market research process. It helps define exactly what the research is about, “influences how the subsequent stages will be conducted” and determines if the overall project will be a success (Brassington & Pettitt, 2007, p.151). For any market research project to commence, problem definition needs to be identified. It is essential for Marlow FM to define what the problem is and how this will translate into research objectives. The community radio station has been operating since May 2011 and reaches over 55,000 households in High Wycombe, Marlow, Loudwater and other surrounding areas. Recently however, Marlow FM has been looking for goals to improve their radio station. They currently only possess one advertiser for their online website and listener figures are low. As a result of defining these problems, the company’s research objectives are as follows; “Attract more listeners to Marlow FM – ‘in number and value terms’” “Gain more local businesses to advertise through the radio station and website” “Raise awareness and money for the Marlow FM local charity” The problem definition aids in understanding the information that will be needed and therefore also helps in identifying the research objectives. Black Sheep Marketing needs to assess the nature of Marlow FM’s problem to help meet the research objectives. These may stem from; Market conditions/competitors actions; Marlow FM’s own objectives, plans and capabilities; Any previous marketing activities and their effectiveness; The nature of the existing radio station and plans for the company’s future; The awareness, attitudes/opinions and behaviour of listeners/transmission target area.

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

The Marketing Research Process: The Marketing Research Process gives an overall structure to market research and ensures appropriate objectives are defined and achieved as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. Following the model will enable Marlow FM to gain a perspective of their current and potential listeners. It will also give an indication on how to attract more advertisers to the radio station. When undertaking a research project, it is essential to ensure that it is planned and executed systematically and logically. Using the marketing research process model will allow Black Sheep to take some of the risk out of marketing decisions that will help Marlow FM in the future. It is applicable to all aspects of the marketing decisions and should be an integral part of the process of formulating a marketing strategy. (Proctor, 2000, p3). The Marketing Research Process is outlined in the diagram below.

Problem Definition & Opportunities Identification (Please see “Introduction & Problem Definition”)

Research Objectives Research objectives need to be distinguished before the project is undertaken. They need to be “clearly and concisely stated to ensure that the research brief can be adequately prepared”. This is where exploratory research may be useful to gain a better understanding of Marlow FM’s transmission area, why audiences do/do not listen to the radio station, discussions with local businesses in the area etc.

Planning the Research Brief The formulation of research needs falls into two elements; the preparation of the research brief and agreeing the research plan. Prepare Brief: This originates from Marlow FM and should include 5 main points to be included. 1) A definition of the problem (To improve/update the radio station). 2) A description of the market to be researched (Chosen target audience of Marlow FM – 45-55 year olds) 3) Specific research objectives (To gain more listeners/advertisers to the station), 4) Time and financial budget and 5) Reporting requirements (questionnaires, focus groups, in-depth interview). Agree Plan: Once the brief has been identified, the plan needs to be agreed by Black Sheep and Marlow FM before the project begins and primary research is conducted.

Data Collection The first step in the research plan is to identify what data needs to be collected and establish how this will be conducted. This will involve both primary and secondary research. Secondary research consists of information that already exists can be accessed via internal records, market reports, articles, books, journals etc. Primary research is undertaken by Black Sheep Marketing on behalf of Marlow FM. This includes surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, in-depth interviews etc.

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Conducting the Research Once the research plan has been developed and data collection has been completed, it’s then necessary to conduct the research itself. Questionnaire design needs to be finalised and published online for respondents to complete. Face-to-face focus groups need to be conducted by Black Sheep with one group of listeners and one group of nonlisteners of Marlow FM. A final in-depth interview is to also take place with a local business within the Buckinghamshire area and why they would/would not decide to advertise on the Marlow FM radio station.

Analysis & Interpretation of the Information Whilst data collection is important, it is fundamental the results are then analysed “i.e. turning raw data into useful information, that provides the most value” to Marlow FM. Both qualitative and quantitative results need to be interpreted and analysed. Questionnaire results (quant.) can be evaluated via charts/tables/percentages etc. Trends, opinions and actions of respondents can be easily analysed this way. However, results from the two focus groups and in-depth interview (qual.) can be harder to examine. Data findings can be interpreted through video/audio recordings, quotes etc. Attitudes, feelings and views of Marlow FM’s target market can then be identified.

Preparation & Presentation of Final Report and Research Evaluation (Conclusions & Recommendations) Finally, all aspects of the marketing research process must be planned, prepared and produced for a final report and evaluation for Marlow FM. Information provided must be in an appropriate format for the radio station to easily comprehend. Brassington & Pettitt (2007, p.171) explain that “too often, research reports are written in highly technical language or research jargon that, to a client, is confusing or meaningless”. The final report, evaluation, conclusion and recommendations should include key facts and figures from Marlow FM’s target market and transmission area and clarification of points to bear in mind for the future. Although exploratory research will make it more likely that the final outcomes will match those planned, the research evaluation will require “careful consideration in weighting up the value of the project”. Thoughtful analysis of the planning, conduct and outcomes of the project will also help to teach both Marlow FM and Black Sheep Marketing valuable lessons for the future. This stage also involves a review of all aspects of the overall research plan and recommendations for Marlow FM to achieve their initially-set goals and objectives. As explained previously, the overall plan for Marlow FM will be presented in a written-report and verbal-presentation. (Flow Chart 1: Source – Brassington & Pettitt, 2007, p.151-172)

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Original Plan, Proposal & Issues: Black Sheep Marketing have criticised and analysed the original proposal for Marlow FM. After evaluating, Black Sheep came across a number of possible problematic suggestions that were documented in the first proposal. According to Proctor, (2005, p.247) explains that it is important to identify possible issues or limitations in a market research plan before executing the research. By identifying these issues before hand, it enables Black Sheep to work on the right things, allowing defined objectives to be achieved, time and money to be saved because the issues have been identified prior to acting on the research plan and will ensure the research is as accurate as possible. The first problematic factor Black Sheep came across was the conclusion that the designated timeline was not long enough to enable Black Sheep to carry out the research and to give time for effectively analysing the results. Black Sheep originally proposed a time scale of approximately 8 weeks, conducting the research from the 1st of October 2012 to the 23rd November 2012. After discovering this would not give enough time for Black Sheep to fully analyse the research findings, the proposed timescale has now been modified from the 1st October 2012 to the 14th February 2013. This will ensure there is enough time to guarantee the correct sampling for the proposed target audience is achieved, eventually resulting in clarification and insight into the current and potential listeners of Marlow FM. Secondly, Black Sheep feel that two separate focus groups should be executed, one for listeners of Marlow FM, and another for non-listeners. Doing this would give a deeper insight into both audiences. This will hopefully provide an understanding on the opinions of current listeners and gaining perception on what would entice the non-listeners ‘tune in’ to Marlow FM. Finally, Black Sheep Marketing acknowledged that a wider clarification on the transmission area was needed VS the population of that catchment area. This is needed to ensure sampling is correct when conducting research. According to a recent study conducted by Marlow FM (2012), Marlow FM currently reaches out to around 55,000 households within Buckinghamshire, including surrounding areas such as High Wycombe, Loudwater, Flackwell Heath, Bourne End, Cookham and Hurley. Black Sheep Marketing have created a map below to show these catchment areas in full.

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To ensure sampling will be correct and give a true and accurate indication of the opinions of Marlow FMs listeners and non-listeners, as mentioned previously, Black Sheep need to clarify the transmission of the signal VS the population and gender of these catchment areas within the specified research audience.

According to (2012), a recent survey was conducted in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, gaining statistics on the town’s population, gender diversity, age range, town industry, education and occupations.

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |


Population: According to (2012) Marlow has a population of 17,522 people.

High Wycombe

Population: According to (2012) High Wycombe has a population of 92,300 people.

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |


Population: According to (2012) Loudwater has a population of 4,170 people.

Flackwell Heath

Population: According to (2012) Flackwell Heath has a population of 5,900 people.

Bourne End

Population: According to (2012) Bourne End has a population of 5,320 people.

After analysing these results, according to (2012), out of the total population in Marlow, 8508 are male and 9,014 are female. This is very close, however with the female gender dominate the population slightly. This should be considered when Marlow FM decided who to target, in regards to their male or female listeners. However, Marlow FM needs to be careful in ensuring they do not disregard the other party by not catering to both genders. Stats also show the mean range of the population is approximately 40.43. Marlow FM need to ensure they consider the age of the population when targeting candidates to participate in focus groups or questionnaires. Black Sheep need to also consider how to target this age group and how to approach this age of audience. It is also noted that out of the population, 25% are Managers and Senior Officers in their occupation. This indicates that such a big percentage of the population has entered higher education. Marlow FM need to possibly consider the content of the day to day schedule in appealing to the topics that might interest the higher educated population.

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Exploratory Research: Any business wanting to conduct market research needs to define precisely what the problem is and how that translates into research objectives. This may lead to identifying other concerns or problems that need to be included in this research that Marlow FM did not think of firstly. Black Sheep originally recommended that exploratory research should embarked on in order to collect preliminary data to help clarify or identify a problem. Before undertaking Marlow FM’s proposal, Black Sheep suggest this investigation may be needed to develop “initial ideas or insights and to provide direction for the future” (Wilson, 2012, p.34). According to Wright & Crimp, (2000, p.4) “Exploratory research can be used to clarify the problem areas for research.” Exploratory research is often undertaken in order to collect preliminary data to help clarify or identify a problem, rather than for generating problem solutions. After evaluating this method of research, Black Sheep feel it is important to continue using this format to help Black Sheep Marketing eliminate some of the possibilities or filling some basic gaps in understanding how Marlow FM’s current and potential listeners and advertisers react to Marlow FM, whilst expressing their opinion on the station. Black Sheep Marketing will conduct an exploratory focus group that will act as ‘pilot testing’ to prepare for quantitative research. Conducting these focus groups will hopefully guide Black Sheep Marketing and Marlow FM into the right direction on what to focus on in the later quantitative stage, whilst reducing the research costing significantly, as we are reducing the risk of researching unnecessary or less important information. Exploratory Research includes: Secondary Research (Newspapers, Trade Journals, Published Reports, Internal Records, Directories, Books, Government Statistics, Articles etc.) Primary Research (Surveys, Questionnaires, Focus Groups, In-Depth Interviews etc.) Quantitative & Qualitative Data Whether primary, secondary, qualitative or quantitative data is used, the purpose is to make an initial assessment of the original problem, so that more detailed extensive research work can be planned appropriately and effectively. Secondary research consists of both internal and external data that has been previously gathered. Internal data may include Marlow FM listener figures, information in the internal marketing inform system, annual reports etc. whereas external data may include government reports, newspapers,

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

the Internet, books etc. As a whole, conducting secondary investigation can help to “clarify or redefine the research requirements as part of the exploratory research.” More specifically, internal data can provide more information on Marlow FM’s target audience, transmission area and listener figures and may therefore clarify which members of the market should be researched further. From the Internet alone, information can be found on market size and trends within the radio industry, competitor activity, environmental trends, and consumer wants etc. Secondary research can; “Help to clarify or redefine the organisation’s research requirements” “Assist in research design” – Highlighting aspects such as who to interview for the focus groups, where to hold the discussion and the most appropriate questions to ask. Enable Black Sheep to easily interpret primary data with more insight, presenting a picture of what the data means in the context of other “current or historical developments in the market” (for example, if listeners tune into Marlow FM in the mornings around 8am may be explained by the age profile of this audience, e.g. listening to the radio on the way to work). “Provide a source of comparative data to check on the reliability of data gathered from primary data” and provide any additional information which may not be easily accessed using primary research. (Source: Wilson, 2012, p.52)

Secondary research was conducted in CW1 on behalf of Black Sheep Marketing about Marlow FM, regarding the audience, competitors, radio content etc.


Marlow FM Secondary Research Music Transmission


According to a recent survey

Marlow FM regularly plays a

Marlow FM broadcasts to

A few of Marlow FM’s

the majority of listeners are

variety of programs, shows

around 55,000 households in

competitors operating

people aged from around

and news on air as well as

Marlow and the surrounding

within Buckinghamshire

35-54 years old; with the

different music genres

area, including High

include radio stations

majority of them listing at

ranging from Disco,

Wycombe, Wooburn Green,

such as Mix 96 FM,

breakfast or on the way to

Contemporary, Country,

Bourne End, Flackwell Heath

Awaaz Radio and Time

work in the morning.

Reggae, Jazz, Blues and Folk.

and Loudwater.

106.6 FM.

(Table 1: Exploratory Research: Marlow FM Secondary Research)

Next, Black Sheep Marketing will conduct primary research (including quantitative and qualitative data, as explained later) as part of the marketing research process. Although primary research can sometimes be a time-consuming process, data collection can be exactly tailored to Marlow FM’s

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

problem in hand. To meet the research brief and set objectives, Black Sheep will conduct the following primary methods; An online questionnaire using SNAP software (Quant.) 2 face-to-face focus groups (Qual.) -

One group of listeners of Marlow FM


One group of non-listeners

1 in-depth interview with the owner/manager of a local business within Buckinghamshire. (Qual.)

Qualitative Research Qualitative Research involves the collection of data which is easily open to interpretation. For example, “people’s opinions where there is no intention of establishing statistical validity” (Brassington & Pettitt, 2007, p.145). “This type of research is especially useful for investigating motivation, attitudes, beliefs and intentions rather than probability-based samples”. Qualitative data will be generated from Black Sheep Marketing’s two focus groups and in-depth interview, as explained above. Results can “reflect the complexity that underlies consumer decision-making and identifying how and why consumers act in the way they do”. This can help Marlow FM gain an insight into listener behaviour, attitudes and opinions. It also allows the interviewer to obtain “deeper and more penetrating insights into topics than would be the with a questionnaire” (Wilson, 2012, p.103)

Quantitative Research On the other hand, Quantitative Research will also be conducted. This involves the collection of information was is easily quantifiable and not open to the same level of interpretation as qualitative research. It can include audience figures, market share/size, demographic information etc. According to Brassington & Pettitt (p.145, 2007), the success of quantitative research depends in part on “establishing a sample that is large enough to allow Marlow FM and Black Sheep Marketing to be confident that the final results can be generalised to apply to the wider population. It may then be possible to specify that ‘45% of the market think that... whereas 29% believe...’ for example”. As a result, quantitative research will be generated from Black Sheep’s online questionnaire which aims to reach at least 100 respondents. Overall, gathering quantitative data is more structured than qualitative and analysis of the findings will tend to be more statistical in nature and will be undertaken with the help of computer software SNAP (Wilson, 2007, p.131). The results from Black Sheep’s questionnaire will be much easier to analyse and will be presented using charts/tables etc. (Table: Quantitative & Qualitative Research)

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In conclusion, one of the first requirements in preparing the research plan for Marlow FM is to clearly identify what data is needed and establish how they are to be collected. Black Sheep Marketing have previously collected secondary research and will proceed to conduct primary research (as explained previously) which will include both qualitative and quantitative findings. Both Qualitative and Quantative Research will be used to obtain an initial understanding of: Consumer perceptions of the radio market Do consumers prefer to listen to music, weather/traffic updates or chat shows on the radio? Why? Do you tend to listen to the radio intently or have it on as background noise? Dimensions which differentiate brands Do consumers prefer to listen to KISS 100 rather than Marlow FM? The decision-making process Why do consumers prefer to listen to KISS 100 rather than Marlow FM? Consumer usage patterns and behaviour & Identifying service improvements When do listeners most often tune into Marlow FM? What improvements would audiences most like to see from Marlow FM? Black Sheep Marketing have conducted two focus groups and an online questionnaire to gain an understanding into some these areas. Please see PAGE 15 for more details. Overall, exploratory research will assist in determining whether to undertake further research and will also help to “define the objectives, information targets and sample for a programme of more extensive research� (Wilson, 2012, p.104).

Marlow FM Target Audience:

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Primary Research:

Face-to-Face Focus Groups (Qualitative) Qualitative research is especially useful for investigating motivation, attitudes, beliefs and intentions, rather than quantitative data such as questionnaires. It is often based on very small-scale samples and, as a result, cannot be generalised in numerical terms. Although results are often subjective, tentative and impressionistic, they can reflect the complexity of the consumer decision making, capturing the richness and depth of how and why consumers act in the way they do. (Proctor, p.234, 2000) Qualitative Research Advantages Qualitative research is usually much cheaper than quantitative research. There is no better way than qualitative research to understand the in-depth motivations and feelings of consumers. Using Qualitative research will allow Marlow FM obtain first hand experiences with ‘flesh and blood’ consumers. Black Sheep Marketing will be able to observe the consumers reactions to concepts, hear consumers discuss Marlow FM at length using their own opinions. It can improve the efficiency of quantitative research.

The real value in qualitative research lies in helping marketers and companies to understand not what people say, but what they mean. Focus Group discussions and in-depth interviews are the two most commonly used qualitative research methods. Group discussions are the most popular method of qualitative marketing research. An interviewer recruits 8 to 10 people with similar characteristics who meet in a relaxed informal atmosphere, for a discussion that can last up to two hours. The discussion is convened by a moderator who will introduce the subject matter and encourage the participants to discuss the key issues identified during the briefing with the client. The quality of the discussion is largely dependent on the accurate recruitment of participant’s and the skills and experience of the moderator. Participants should be recruited to specification. Catterall (1994, p.16) This would be a worry for Marlow FM for example, if there were 6 participant’s that were radio listeners, and 2 that were not, this can disrupt the atmosphere and flow of the discussion as these recruits would probably have little to contribute.


Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

As explained earlier, Black Sheep conducted two separate focus groups, one for listeners and one for non-listeners. As a result, this will give a deeper insight into the opinions of both audiences. Online Using mixed online and offline methods, Black Sheep Marketing targeted a number of individuals within the catchment area of Marlow FM, to take part in a short focus group that would be hosted in Marlow on the 4th January 2012. The online method consisted using social marketing tool, LinkedIn. As the specified research audience being 35-55. it was decided upon Black Sheep Marketing that using this platform would present male and female professionals within the transmission area. To ensure Black Sheep would have a number of worthy candidates, a number of 50 individuals were targeted, both listeners and non-listeners of Marlow FM. This resulted in 13 people (7 female and 6 male, all frequent radio listeners) and 9 people (4 female and 5 male, non-listeners) agreeing to divulge their personal details and to be considered in taking part in the fourth-coming focus groups. In resulting of contacting the possible participants, 4 (2 female and 3 male, frequent listeners) and 5 (1 female, 4 male, non-listeners) agreed to meet with us.

Offline In regards to the off-line method, on the 17th December 2012, Black Sheep Marketing members met outside Waitrose Supermarket in Marlow, Buckinghamshire. This was discussed and decided by all members that this would be a fitting place to interact with members of the community due to the typical residents of Marlow being in the social AB group. Black Sheep Marketing briefly discussed with the public the purpose of this report, asking them to take part in a short focus group. Black Sheep Marketing targeted a number of 64 people, resulting in 14 (7 female and 6 male, all frequent radio listeners) and 19 (9 female, 10 male, non – listeners) people, again agreeing to divulge their personal details and they would consider taking part. In result of contacting the possible participants, 8 (5 female and 4 male, frequent listeners) and 6 (3 female and 3 male, non-listeners) people agreed to meet with us at the focus group. Black Sheep decided that the focus groups were to be held in a local coffee shop on Marlow High Street, proving a neutral and in-formal environment. As explained earlier in this report, more women were regular listeners of the radio; Black Sheep Marketing decided it would give a more accurate result if the ratio of women participants were higher than the male.

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Black Sheep Marketing have conducted two face-to-face focus groups, one group of listeners of Marlow FM and one group of non-listeners. Before the focus groups are to take place, it is important to implement recruitment of participants. This involves ensuring that appropriate respondents are “identified and invited to participate and ultimately turn up, prepared to take part in the group discussion” on behalf of Marlow FM. Recruitment is a very critical element of focus groups and if the wrong respondents are employed, Black Sheep are at risk of not achieving the original research objectives. The research proposal (Marlow FM target audience) has set out the type of participants required for both focus groups and on the basis of this; Black Sheep have produced a specification for the recruiting interviewees. Incentives such as financial rewards, gift vouchers etc. will frequently be offered to “demonstrate the value put on the participant’s contribution in both input and time” and potentially ensure attendance of respondents. In terms of time schedule in relation to when the focus groups will be conducted will determine on the potential needs of the participants, for example, outside working hours, around school times for parents etc.

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Focus Groups Results & Analysis Traditionally, focus groups are held in a location where participants feel most comfortable. As a result, Black Sheep’s two group discussions were held in a local Marlow Starbucks Coffee shop. As food and drink is provided, this assists in relaxing the overall atmosphere. It is the role of Black Sheep to bring together a group of participants, build a rapport between them, focus their discussions on appropriate topics and ensure that they all have an equal opportunity to contribute. The focus group discussion guide for the two focus groups is as follows; 1. The Introduction Phase Warm-up techniques The research objectives of the session The general agenda of topics regarding the radio market/Marlow FM Prompts for the participants to introduce themselves 2. The Discussive Phase General topic areas to be discussed Potential prompts and stimulus material 3. The Summarising Phase Prompts for summarising what has been discussed Thanks to participants Exploratory Focus Group Session First Half Warm Up Techniques To feel more comfortable and to get everyone into a relaxed state of mind, participants have been instructed to split into pairs. Each pair learns something about their partner and then introduces their partner to the rest of the group, so everyone if introduced in a relaxed atmosphere. Result Participants agreed this method made them feel more at ease and gave them a sense of feeling more comfortable with the other members of the group. Black Sheep Marketing came to a conclusion that it would be beneficial not to focus on local radio stations in the first half of the session, however just about generic radio itself. This gave a broader outlook on how the participants perceived radio in general.

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Second Half Warm Up Techniques Before the second half of the focus group started, warm-up techniques such as the “word association” game were implemented to help the respondents feel more comfortable and relaxed with other members of the focus group that possibly they did not get to interact with in the previous half. During the second half of the focus group, the conversation was guided to focus on local radio stations, gradually going deeper in the conversation to Marlow FM in particular. This half was also carried out to meet the research objectives for Marlow FM as one of their aims is to increase advertisers for their radio station. The focus group was carried out in a casual but still professional environment to help the respondents feel at ease with one another and get their opinions across easily and effectively.

Sample of the Focus Group Guide Question 1: What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say radio? Followed on topics related to this question. Likes/Dislikes Problems Changes you would like to see within the radio industry? How do you feel about current radio stations? What elements do you like to listen to on the radio (music, news etc)? What attracts you to listen to the radio? What wouldn’t attract you to listen to the radio? What factors might lead you to consider listening to the radio more? Why do you currently not listen to the radio? What would entice you to listen to the radio? Some of the results (comments from respondents) from the focus group are as follows; “I would like to hear unique genres of music on the radio and have different shows and features each week”.

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“I don’t like repetitiveness. I hear the same thing every two minutes and when I go to change the channel, the same shows or songs are exactly the same across loads of different radio stations”. “I enjoy listening to nostalgic songs from the past as they bring back memories from when I was younger”. “I would like to hear in-depth interviews with interesting guest appearances from celebrities etc.” “I don’t listen to the radio – I feel that as soon as I turn it on I will be bombarded with advertisements that are irrelevant to what interests me.” “What would make me turn or to a local station? To hear about my local communities.” The findings from both these focus groups are essential for Marlow FM to take into consideration as they need to be aware of what their current and potential audiences would be interested in hearing on the radio and what they wouldn’t enjoy. This is extremely important as repetitiveness (as explained above) can cause the audience to switch off and not tune into the radio station. It is fundamental Marlow FM present shows and music their audience will enjoy and encourage them to listen to the radio station again and again. By staging this focus group, Black Sheep Marketing were able to gain a bigger insight into what local business owners think about advertising through local radio stations. After analysing the perception of the participants towards local radio stations, Marlow FM and advertising with Marlow FM, Black Sheep Marketing would like to express just some of the responses and concerns that each individual expressed. Participant One: (Female, aged 48): “A few months ago, I went on to Marlow FM’s website to see about advertising my business. I thought their online website was not impressive, if I was going to place my trust in a radio station to advertise my business successfully, I would choose one that is more appealing and looks more professional.” Participant Two: (Male, aged 50): “I feel that local radio stations should focus on the community, especially highlighting problems that the community are trying to face together. It allows different views to be taken into consideration.”

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Participant Four: (Male, aged 49): “Due to the current economy, advertising costs need to be low. Small local businesses simply do not have the advertising budget to afford large campaigns. Marlow FM should offer advertisers a range of offers that will allow a range of budgets. “ “I have heard of Marlow FM before. I feel that they are a great radio station and an asset to the community. However I feel they need to broaden their programmes, possibly having specific shows on specific topics. For example, a live debate on the possible HS2 running through Buckinghamshire.”

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Online Questionnaire (Quantitative) Overall, a poorly designed questionnaire will fail if it doesn’t gather the data originally expected. The risk of this happening can be made smaller if a questionnaire is done successfully. Here are some of the main objectives and aims to consider for a successful questionnaire. The heart of the questionnaire should meet the information requirements of the study firstly. In order for it to fulfil its role properly then the questionnaire need to be carefully analysed, to make sure the questions retain the interest of the respondent. It is important that questions given are not tedious, too complex or poorly explained; also insuring that the questionnaire takes as little time possible for respondents to complete. Open – ended questions and closed questions are the two main types of questions that can be used in a questionnaire. The open-ended questions allow the respondent to express their views on the given subject, whereas closed-ended questions only give the option to give one or more response from a number of potential replies provided. When using sequence in a questionnaire (Wilson 2012) states that “It is best to approach it from the respondent’s point of view: What sequence will respondents perceive as being interesting and logical? If respondents feel that they are jumping from subject to subject, the questioning can feel more like an interrogation than a relaxed marketing research survey.”

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Justification of Online Questionnaire: Overall, online questionnaires have many advantages. A few are;  Reduced Costs & Time; By producing online questionnaires rather than conducting telephone or street face-to-face questionnaires can cut costs dramatically as there are no personnel/staff involved in administration and there are no call charges. Results are processed automatically and results can be accessed at any time. This is also much less time-consuming. Smart-Survey explains that “the time span needed to complete an online survey is on average, two-thirds shorter than that of a traditional research method”.  Fast Delivery; “There have recently been a growing number of online software packages and survey hosting sites that make the design and analysis of online surveys very straightforward” (Wilson, 2012, p.142). As a result, online questionnaires can be designed and despatched to numerous respondents quickly and efficiently.  Penetrating Different Target Groups; Additionally, online surveys can access a wide variety of audiences and individuals who may be difficult to reach through other means of communication. By executing an online survey, Marlow FM can also potentially reach a much wider market.  Easy to use/style; Smart-Survey indicates that 90% of people with internet-access prefer to answer surveys online rather than any other form of communication. This gives them the chance to answer questions at their own leisure and time. The overall style and design of the questionnaire can also be personalised according to the business. For example, including multi-media components such as images, audio, video, colours can be changed and brand logo can be included. Consequently, this can make the questionnaire more interesting for respondents. However, with any type of market research, the use of online questionnaires can also have its disadvantages As a result, in order to reach all members of Marlow FM’s target market; Black Sheep Marketing has also conducted face-to-face focus groups and an in-depth interview. For example; 

Limited Sampling and Respondent Availability; Certain populations of Marlow FM’s target audience are less likely to have internet access and respond to online questionnaires. “It is also harder to draw probability samples” (Tyson Gingery,, 2011).

Unreliable Data; A lack of interviewer to assist respondents with information regarding the questionnaire can possibly lead to less reliable data.

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Questionnaire Results & Analysis The questionnaire also aimed to gather some information on how often listeners tune into Marlow FM and if there was anything they thought the radio station could improve on as well as their general attitudes/opinions regarding the radio market. A total of 100 people filled out the online questionnaire. While the quality of this research data is essential, it is the analysis of the information that provides the most value for Marlow FM. The results and analysis of the respondents’ answers to the questionnaire as follows.

1. Are you Male or Female?

Female 45%

Male 55%

To ensure the overall results were not biased, a similar amount of each gender was asked the radio questionnaire; 55 male and 45 female.

Which one category below indicates your age? 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Under 16 17-24








As shown, the majority of the respondents who answered the questionnaire were aged 17-54. Again to avoid biased answers, a wide range of ages were asked.

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3. What town of Buckinghamshire do you live in? 25 20 15 10 5 0

As explained on their website, Marlow FM broadcast in a range of different areas within Buckinghamshire. Black Sheep Marketing included this question within the questionnaire to find out where the majority of respondents live. As shown, the most common areas were Marlow, High Wycombe, Wooburn Green, Bourne End and Loudwater. Quite a few respondents also live in Beaconsfield where Marlow FM do not currently broadcast in but it could be something to look into in the future if they want to expand.

4. Do you listen to the radio? (If no, please skip to question 7) No 5% Yes 95%

As shown above, the overwhelming majority (95%) of everyone that answered the questionnaire do listen to the radio. The 5% which answered “no” were instructed to skip to question 7 (as the next few questions were not applicable for them). These 5% were also told to give reasons for why they don’t listen to the radio. Some example answers were: “I find television more interesting” and “I don’t own a radio device”.

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5. What time of day do you listen to the radio? (You can circle as many as you like) At breakfast 9%

6% 4% 7%

Travelling to work/school


At lunchtime


During the afternoon Travelling from work/school

29% 3%

During the evening


Whilst getting ready to go out Whilst studying/working Whilst going to bed

The pie chart above shows that the majority of respondents listen to the radio travelling to/from work/school (60%). This is important for Marlow FM to take into consideration as listeners are much more likely to tune in and pay attention to what is being broadcast during the times of 7/8am and 5/6pm. An option of “other (please specify)” was also available although 0 respondents circled this answer.

6. What do you like to listen to on the radio? (You can circle as many as you like) Music Travel Information 3%




Local News and Events


National News and Events

7% 17%


Local Sport 7%


International News and Events



National Sport International Sport Talk Shows Competitions Weather Updates

As shown in the pie chart above, the majority of respondents enjoy listening to music, travel information, local news and events. This is important for Marlow FM to take into consideration as they must meet the wants and needs of their audiences. An option of “other (please specify)” was also available for this question although 0 respondents circled this answer.

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7. What top 5 radio stations do you listen to the most?

This pie chart shows the most popular radio stations with listeners. The results show that KISS 100, Capital 95.8 and Heart 106.2 are listened to most by

Marlow FM 97.5

respondents. This may be due to the fact

Time FM 106.6

that all three are national radio stations

Mix 96 FM 96.2

so can be broadcast anywhere within the

Awaaz Radio

UK and reach out to millions of people

KISS 100

which Marlow FM and other local radio

Magic 105.4 Heart 106.2 Capital 95.8 Classic FM Choice FM Radio 1 Radio 2 Radio 3 Radio 4 Radio 5 LIVE Radio 6 Music XFM

8. Do you listen to local radio stations within your area? No 30%

Yes 70%

Advantageously, the majority of the respondents do listen to local radio stations. The 30% which answered “no” were then asked an additional question of “If no, why not?”, as shown in the next graph.

stations are currently unable to do. However, 3% of respondents did circle Marlow FM as one of their top 5 radio stations they listen to. An additional option of “Other (please specify) was also included within this question. The main answers for this among respondents were BBC National Radio and “Smooth”.

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9. If no, why not? 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

I prefer There is a lack There is a lack The quality of I prefer the I am unaware listening to of relevance in of variety in the broadcasts music on of any local the radio my local radio my local radio on my local other radio radio stations stations I am stations stations radio stations stations in my area already aren’t as good familiar with as others and enjoy As 30% of respondents do not listen to local radio stations, they were asked why not? The majority answered they “prefer listening to the radio stations they are already familiar with and enjoy” and “there is a lack of variety in my local radio stations”. It may be useful for Marlow FM to include more relatable variety with their radio content as this could attract much more listeners.

10. Have you heard of Mix 96.6 FM? No 40%

Yes 60%

Although the report is essentially about Marlow FM, Black Sheep Marketing wanted to investigate if their main competitors were well known amongst respondents. 40% of people who answered the questionnaire were unfamiliar with Mix 96 whereas only 3% were unaware of Marlow FM (as shown later).

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11. Can you name 2 local radio stations in your area? Question 11 of the questionnaire did not include any options for respondents to choose from, but a comment box where they could write 2 local radio stations they are aware of within their area. Because of this, the qualitative data has been harder to analyse and generate into a graph/chart. However, some of the most mentioned answers included Marlow FM, Time 106.6, Mix 96.6 and Gold FM.

12. Is there anything you would like to be informed about on local radio stations? (You can circle as many as you like) Local News Local Businesses Local Special Offers/Deals within Buckinghamshire 6%




13% 18% 4%


Local Sports



Local Music Religious Views Local Debates within the community (HS2) Local Weather Updates Local Traffic Reports Competitions

Black Sheep Marketing included this question within the questionnaire as it is useful for Marlow FM to be aware of what people would like to hear from a local radio station. As the majority of respondents would most like to be informed about local businesses, local special offers/deals within Buckinghamshire and local news; Marlow FM should take this into consideration and include this type of content for their radio station as it can achieve their aim of gaining more listeners.

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13. Have you heard of Marlow 97.5 FM? No 30%

Yes 70%

Unfortunately, a third of the respondents had not heard of Marlow FM before they answered the questionnaire. This may be because Marlow FM does not often advertise their radio station so people are less aware of them. This is something that the business can improve on.

14. How often do you listen to Marlow FM? Regularly 10% Never 30% Sometimes 25%

Occasionally 35%

As explained previously, 30% of respondents have never heard of Marlow FM. These 30% also answered that they never listen to the radio station. Only a small percentage listens on a regular basis whereas 60% listen occasionally or sometimes. Following Black Sheep Marketing’s research methods and media kit, Marlow FM could increase the amount of people who tune in “regularly”.

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15. Is there anything you think Marlow FM could improve on? Similarly to question 11, question 15 of the questionnaire did not include any options for respondents to choose from, but a large comment box where they could write anything they thought Marlow FM could improve on. Because of this, the qualitative data has again been harder to analyse and generate into a graph/chart. However, some of the main comments that were given by people who answered the questionnaire are as follows; 

“Their website could be improved”

”A media pack could be accessed quickly and easily through the website”

“The variety of the shows and music on their radio station could be better”

16. Do you own your own business?

37% 63%

Yes No

As one of the main aims for Marlow FM is to gain more advertisers for their radio station, Black Sheep Marketing thought it would be useful to ask all respondents if they owned their own company and would be interested in advertising through local radio (as explained later). The pie chart above shows that 37% of everyone who answered the questionnaire does own their own business.

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What type of business do you own? Retail Store 0% 22%


Utilities Company (e.g. Construction, Mechanics, Plumbing, Electrician etc.) Law Firm

14% 27%


Agency Services (e.g. PR, Advertising, Marketing, Recruitment etc.) Beauty (e.g. Hairdressers, Nail Bar, Tanning Salon etc.) Other (please specify)

As explained previously, Black Sheep Marketing aimed to find out information on people who owned their self-run businesses (self-employed) as Marlow FM’s main aim is to gain more advertisers for their radio station. The pie chart above shows that out of the 37% of respondents that do own their own companies mainly own retail stores, utilities companies and beauty salons.

Would you consider advertising your business on a local radio station within Buckinghamshire?



Yes No

Finally, 57% of those respondents who do own their own business would be interested in advertising their company through a local radio station within Buckinghamshire. This is a huge advantage and opportunity for Marlow FM’s objectives. In addition to this, 43% said they would not consider doing this. Therefore, it is extremely important for Marlow FM to use effective marketing strategies to increase the amount of advertisers for their radio station.

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From looking at the results, only 7% of people tend to listen to the radio in the morning whilst they are getting ready for work, eating breakfast etc. This may mean that what is being played on the radio station might not be closely attended to, “being used as just background rather than for detailed listening� (Brassington and Pettitt, 2007, p.336). However, 60% of people did state they listen to the radio whilst travelling to and from work. As more attention is more likely to be paid during these times rather than first thing in the morning, it is important for Marlow FM to attract more listeners with what they want to hear, when they want to hear it. It is also essential to use a high level of repetition to ensure their advertising messages are put across to everyone. In addition to this, results have also shown that the majority of questionnaire respondents enjoy hearing music, travel information and information on local/national news on the radio. It is essential for Marlow FM to pay special attention to these figures and include these in their segments while on air during the times as explained above as they must meet the wants and needs of their audiences. Finally, results from the questionnaire have also identified that the majority of respondents would most like to be informed about local businesses, local special offers/deals within Buckinghamshire and local news on Marlow FM. If they hope to achieve more listeners and reach out to more people, this should also be included in what they broadcast on air. It is extremely important for Marlow FM to take all of these aspects into consideration in order to achieve their research aims and objectives.

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Face-to-Face In-Depth Interview In-depth interviews are interviews that can be specifically conducted face-to-face, in which the subject matter of the interview is explored in detail using an “unstructured and flexible approach”. As with other qualitative research (Black Sheep’s two focus groups), depth interviews are used to develop a deeper understanding of consumer attitudes and the reasons behind specific behaviours regarding Marlow FM. This understanding is achieved through responding to an individual’s comments with extensive probing and other appropriate information. Although there is an agenda of topics which need to be covered regarding Marlow FM’s research objectives, it is important for Black Sheep Marketing to take key characteristics and points into consideration. Firstly, the interview should last around 45-60 minutes according to Brassington & Pettitt (2007, p.105). In order to collect information and results effectively, the in-depth discussion will also be tape-recorded for later analysis. The choice of location for the in-depth interview to take place is also an important matter to take into consideration as this ensures the respondent feels more comfortable to answer questions. As Black Sheep Marketing has conducted an in-depth interview with local business “Plume” (women’s clothing store) in Marlow, using the manager/owner’s professional premises allows the head researcher to access any additional materials for the interview if necessary. This also makes it more convenient and relaxing for the respondent to take part in the interview. Overall, the development of rapport is critical to the success of any in-depth interview; respondents will only express their true reactions and replies if they feel comfortable with the discussion and interviewer. This is why the above characteristics are essential as well as body language and other skills. Positive/mirrored body language and professional manner is more likely to put the respondent at ease “the flexibility of the depth approach means that personable skills of Black Sheep Marketing is critical to the quality of information obtained from the interview” (Brassington & Pettitt, 2007, p.107). Rapport is not automatic and has to be worked at during the interview.

In-Depth Interview Results & Analysis Topics that were touched on during the in-depth interview included: Opinions on pricing for advertising through local radio stations Thoughts on how often they would like their business to be advertised on local radio What would make them choose to advertise with one local radio station rather than another How many people could their radio advertisements reach out to

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

Opinion on local radio station What would you like to/wouldn’t like to hear on your local radio station What is your opinion on Marlow FM How do you think Marlow FM could appeal more to their audience

References Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt (2007). Essentials of Marketing. 2nd ed. Essex: Pearson Education. Tony Proctor (2000). Strategic Marketing. New York: Routledge. Pg.3. Len Tiu Wright and Margaret Crimp (2000). The Marketing Research Process. Essex: Financial Times Prentice. Pg.3. David Jobber (2010). Principles and Practice of Marketing. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pg.497. Colin Gilligan and Richard Wilson (2012). Strategic Marketing Planning. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier. Pg.51. Tony Proctor (2005). Essentials of Marketing Research. 4th ed. Essex: Pearson Education. Pg.234. Catterall, M. (1994) ‘Focus group discussions in qualitative market research’, University of Ulster. David Jobber (2010). Principles and Practice of Marketing. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pg.478. Sunny Crouch and Matthew Housden (2003). Marketing Research for Managers. 3rd ed. Oxford: Elsevier. Pg.159. Anne Gregory (2000). Planning and Managing. 2nd ed. London: Kogan Page Ltd. Pg.35. Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt (2007). Essentials of Marketing. 2nd ed. Essex: Pearson Education. Pg.197 Naresh K. Malhotra (1999). Marketing Research. Essex: Pearson Education. Pg.530. Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt (2007). Essentials of Marketing. 2nd ed. Essex: Pearson Education. Pg.209 David Jobber (2010). Principles and Practice of Marketing. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pg.209. Awaaz Radio Official Website [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15/11/12]

Modern Marketing Information & Analysis – CW2: Marlow FM. | 20914427 | 21017802 | 21024091 |

“Advertising on Marlow FM” Marlow FM Official Website [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15/11/12] “Marlow FM Latest Audience Figures” Marlow FM Official Website [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15/11/12] “Advertising on Time 106.6” Time 106.6 Official Website [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15/11/12]

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