4 minute read
Long Term Planning Committee
from ICLI 2012 Journal
by Hamza Byas
Long Term Planning Committee (LTPC) of ICLI
Brief Overview of 16 New Initiatives Launched in 2012. The LTPC was charged by the ICLI board, in early 2011 to oversee an orientation program for the board members in general and the new members in particular. LTPC organized an orientation session on October 29,2011 at ICLI. All attendees were involved in presenting their views regarding ICLI and a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats) analysis was conducted. In addition, Br Nazir Mir, Hamza Byas, Habeeb Ahmed, Sajid Shah, Sr Isma Chaudhry and Faroque Khan shared with the attendees their thoughts regarding the role, responsibilities, expectations of an ICLI board member and discussed the key points of the ICLI Byelaws. Several handout’s were provided to the attendees. Participants at Oct 29th 2011: Hamza Byas, Isma Chaudhry, Seema Rahman, Mohd Rashid, Seemi Ahmed, Irfan Amin, Farida Chaudhry, Arfa Khan, Gulnoor Khwaja, Nazir Mir, Rizwan Qureshi, Sajid Shah, Nazli Chaudhry, Kiki Byas, Shakeerah Idris, Nabeel Khan, Shaida Khan, Faroque Khan. SUMMARY of SWOT ANALYSIS ICLI Strengths: 1)Dedicated individuals 2) Reputation and brand name, outreach 3)Women in governance 4) Diversity, talent and programs 5)Vision & Mission 6)Interfaith work 7) Young families program. ICLI Weaknesses: 1)Board cohesiveness and participation 2)Lack of religious scholar/appropriate Imam 3) Westbury neighbors outreach 4)Youth participation and lack of new blood 5)Not religious enough 6)Poor communication 7)Stagnant membership & volunteer pool 7) Poor coordination between Mosques on Long Island 8) Food pantry 9) Intrafaith dialogue 10) Friday Khateebs. Few wks later the group was re-invited for a follow up three hour meeting which was held on Sunday Nov 27th and from that get together the following initiatives were identified, with the goal and objective of addressing the weaknesses identified in the prior meeting of Oct 29th. Each initiative leader was identified and they were requested to submit a brief plan of action along with a vision and mission. Participants on Sunday Nov 27th 2011 : Hamza Byas, Seema Rahman, Seemi Ahmed, Arfa Khan, Gulnoor Khwaja, Nazir Mir, Rizwan Qureshi, Sajid Shah, Kiki Byas, Shaida Khan, Sohail Nabi,Tanveer Mir, Saima Chaudhry, Fakhi Ahmed, Mohammed Mahmoud, Homaira Mamoor, Faroque Khan. New ICLI Initiatives Formalized at Nov 27th 2011 Meeting: (Initiative leaders in bold): 1. Outreach to ICLI Neighbors –—Sr Shakeerah Idris, Habeeb Ahmad, Seema Rahman. 2. School and College Outreach – Sr Isma Chaudhry, Gulnoor Khwaja, Shireen Khan and Nazli Chaudhry. 3. INN & Muslims Against Hunger Project: Br Rizwan Qureshi, Isma Chaudhry, Arfa Khan and Shaida Khan. 4. Health Agencies Outreach – Dietary & Spiritual needs of Muslim patients: Sr .Saima Chaudhry& Fakhi Ahmad 5. Eldercare, Advance Care Planning, Volunteer Training –: Sr Tanveer Mir 6. Intra-Faith Initiative: Br. Sohail Nabi,--Nabeel Khan, Fakhi Ahmed, Sr.Farida Chaudhry & Mohd Rashid,
Nabeel Khan. 7. Friday Khutbah’s –Br. Hamza Byas, Mohd Mahmoud, Sr. Seemi Ahmed, Sajid Shah, Irfan Amin, Sr. Gulnoor
Khwaja Faroque Khan and Fakhiuddin Ahmed. 8. National Muslim Organizations linkage with ICLI:—Br Faroque Khan, Imtiaz Jafar 9. Faith based organizational outreach on Long Island:– Sr. Seemi Ahmad 10. Recognize patrons of ICLI and trend setters from the community – awards program—Sr. Nazli Chaudhry. 11. Organization of Islamic Countries Outreach in NYC – -Sr Shaida Khan & Br. Nasir Farooqi. 12. Long Island Council of Masajids – --Habeeb Ahmed, Sajid Shah, Mohd Rashid & Faroque Khan. 13. 13)Visiting Scholar Program –Sr. Nadia Pervez, Ishan W Khwaja.
ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD 14. Annual or biannual day-long conference/workshop focused on career counseling, interview skills, leadership development, etc.—Sr. Saima Chaudhry & Tanveer Mir. 15. Salaam: New Muslims Initiative –: Sr Kiki Byas ,Shakeerah Idris, , Ferozan Noori and Sirfraz Khan.. 16. Interfaith Institute at ICLI: Faroque Khan, Chaudhry, Rabbi Jerome Davidson.
Outcome: Over the past year –2012--several programs were conducted and organized by the team leaders and the members of various initiatives, few examples—a summer barbeque for ICLI neighbors, ongoing school outreach and activities, identifying the spiritual needs of Muslim patients and addressing these needs, educational programs for the aging population—financial and health needs in particular, streamlining and diversifying the roster of Friday khateeb’s, hosting national Muslim organizations at ICLI ex MPAC, CAIR etc, continuing with the strong interfaith programs through the interfaith alliance and multifaith forum, developing a working relationship with the OIC in NYC, regular get together for the ‘new’ Muslims , workshops on career counseling, interview skills etc, special programs under the auspices of the interfaith institute—Haliki seminary initiative and recognizing role of Albanian Muslims during WW 2 in collaboration with the Holocaust center of LI.
Of the sixteen initiatives launched in early 2102, majority have taken hold and have produced quality programs, few initiatives are still struggling and hopefully in the coming year those initiatives will also develop quality programs which will be of value to the community at large.
My special thanks to the team leaders/members of the various initiatives who spent many hours in developing the various programs listed above. May Allah bless them for the effort and time spent.
Respectfully Submitted: Faroque
Faroque A Khan Chair Long Term Planning Committee. Nov 2012.
p.s: Acknowledgement: Special thanks to Sr Menire Terpis, Ferozan Noori , Br Saeed Ahmed for the technical support they provided for the various initiatives.