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From the Chairman

ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD Message from the Chairman

Assalamu ‘Alaykum, Shalom, Good Evening: On behalf of the Islamic Center of Long Island’s Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee, I wish to extend warm greetings of welcome to our elected officials, distinctive speakers, Muslim and Interfaith guests, loyal supporters and dedicated community members who tirelessly volunteer their time and valuable services. Every year we gather to share Center’s progress with the Muslim community, who plays a major role in Center’s development and growth, as well as the Interfaith community, through whose cooperation with ICLI seeds for peaceful-coexistence are continuously being planted. It is also a time when ICLI expresses its thanks and appreciation by recognizing individuals from both Muslim and Interfaith communities for their exemplary dedication, support and commitment to services and ideas required to uphold our civil liberties and work for betterment of life here on Long Island. Alhamdulillah, (Praise be to God) that ICLI has a rich history of outstanding community, and I am the beneficiary of this infrastructure in place to build on. To allow more time for our guest speakers, I will not be enumerating ICLI’s activities this year. You will find them in the journal in front of you. I must mention, however, our major multi-million dollar expansion project. It calls for everyone’s commitment to bring it to reality in the near future. Upon its completion, Insha’Allah – (God Willing), the Center will not only serve its growing Muslim community with extended, much needed space and more facilities, but the Interfaith community as well through its much sought after Interfaith Institute. These are challenging times for all especially Muslims. Allah, SWT reminds us in the Qur’an continuously that we should not fail to persistently do good, be just, be patient in the face of all odds and have undiminished faith in our Creator. It is only then that reward from Allah will be forthcoming. I will end here with the following verses from the Qur’an: Bismillah -irrahman-Irrahim (In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate) “……..thy Lord is not unmindful of all that you do.” Q27:93 “And those who believe and work righteous deeds, -- them shall We admit to the company of the Righteous.” Q29:9 Jazakum Allah Khairan, (May God Almighty reward you with all that is good.) Sajid Shah


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