Colegio SCJ Miss Ana Lucia Toeic
Ericka Rodriguez Key #13
1. Learning Process 2. Angiogenesis exercise 3. Worksheet 4. Rubric 5. Partial Test 6. Final test 7. Essays 8. Pictionary 9. Reflection
Third Academic Unit Content Distribution Second Academic Unit (June 9 to August 14)
TOPIC (TICs) Ss will be assigned the topic for their English Week Project and provided instructions and criteria. Later, they will be given time to organize their work and start the investigation and creative process
PERIOD double
WEEK June 9 to 13
We will miss this period due to the visit to USAC for results. Grammar review Pronouns / language strategy tips, vocabulary tips/strategy practice
// 142-148
LISTENING at the TIC´s lab TED Conference (Can we Starve Cancer Cells?) Complete listening comprehension assignment
SPEAKING Top Modern Medical and Technological Advances Slideshare presentation suggested link: READING COMPREHENSION (we will miss these two periods due to the grade meeting with parents)
June 16 to 20
(double) //
MID-TERM VACATION … JUNE 23 TO JULY 4 WE WILL MISS THIS PERIOD DUE TO THE MID-TERM // VACATION. LISTENING 80-84 Advertisements, news, weather READING COMPREHENSION 152-156 Advertisements, bulletins, formats and tables LISTENING instruction & practice at TIC’s // Warmup: Jeopardy Game
July 7 to July 12
(one) (double) (double)
July 14 to 18
TALKS: business announcements, special announcements, recorded announcements (Practice and review quiz) TENSE REVIEW FEEDBACK Practice on photocopied booklet REVIEW PRACTICE ON VERB TENSES *practice on photocopied booklet and quiz LISTENING instruction & practice at TIC`s Post-test practice READING PASSAGES Forms, tables, labels PRESENTATION OF ENGLISH WEEK PROJECT
(one) (double) (double) // 157-170
July 21 to 26
(one) (double)
(double) More practice tests
July 28 to August 1
Speaking: Respond to Questions Prompt Relies (Fluency) Class Discussions READING ASSESSMENT of TOEIC Partial Test Unit 2
More practice tests
LISTENING COMPREHENSION *TICs Listening comprehension review (all further practice tests)
(double) (double)
READING COMPREHENSION Grammar tips Vocabulary tips Strategy practice
STRUCTURE/reading REVIEW Double passages Application of TOEIC third Unit Test *listening part* SPEAKING & WRITING PART READING ASSESSMENT of TOEIC Unit Test Portfolio preparation and presentation
(double) (double) (one) (double)
August 4-7
August 11 to 15
ANGIOGENESIS EXERCISE 1. Define angiogenesis and find an illustration to represent it. Angiogenesis is the process through which new blood vessels form from preexisting vessels. Angiogenesis is a normal and vital process in growth and development.
2. Why does angiogenesis cause diseases? Mention some? Because these exists certain situations in which excessive or insufficient angiogenesis cause diseases like‌
3. Why is angiogenesis related to cancer? Because sometimes due to excessive angiogenesis cancer goes from harmless to deadly; as is evidenced in the image the process ends as
metastases. The same body feeds the cancer, what makes it big and malignant. 4. What is Angiogenetic Therapy and how does it work? Angiogenetic Therapy is a therapy that causes the body to stop feeding the tumor, which makes the cancer start starving causing its disappearance, this occurs because the structure of the blood vessels that feed the cancer are weaker and poorly designed than normal ones. 5. Are these drugs or therapy approved by the FDA? Yes, these drugs and the therapy have been approved by the FDA. 6. Mention some foods that diminish angiogenesis. Some of the food that diminishes Angiogenesis are Tuna, dark chocolate, grapes, orange, tomatoes, strawberries. 7. Can obesity be treated with angiogenesis? Yes, as long as they start an Angiogenesis treatment, people will start losing weight but when people finish therapy they will regain the fat they lost during therapy. 8. What happened to the mouse when he was treated with angiogenetic therapy and what happened when the therapy was removed? He lost weigh until the therapy was removed, then he gained all the weigh and fat again. 9. What organization made a study based on angiogenesis and what did it discover. A study made by Dean Ornish at UCSF and Tufts University; they discovered the importance of a healthy diet. 10. Explain if we can eat to starve cancer. Yes, but only if we choose to eat healthy and not eat at all the food that were previously mentioned which will diminish angiogenesis and blood vessels that are meant to feed cancer cells and tumors and the person should eat anti-angiogenesis products.
Meerkats are very famous creatures. In my generation they have become famous since the release of The Lion King, due to Timon which is a Meerkat, also he is one of the main characters of the movie. Meerkats are amazing animals and have a particular lifestyle in the social, political and environmental sphere; these pretty animals even have their own show on Animal Planet called The Kingdom of Suricato. Physically, Meerkats are beautiful creatures, and have characteristic features like: a male Meerkat can weigh up to 731 grams while a female will typically weigh 720 grams. Other interesting facts about these animals are that they suffer from poor vision at short range though they have excellent long range eyesight and also these animals can run at a speed of up to 37 miles per hour. Meerkats are social animals who exhibit altruistic behavior, on occasions they also take part in wrestling matches and other social activities. Also they live in colonies of approximately 25 members, and when a colony becomes overcrowded, the group usually scatters to form new little groups to ensure that there will be enough food for everyone. When Meerkats eat there is a designated Meerkat who stands guard as a sentry. In the political sphere these animals are very resourceful and family orientated, as long as each of them knows his place in the hierarchy. This is a strict hierarchical structure which assists with controlling numbers and ensures that only the strongest Meerkats are reproducing. They exclude the non-members of their community. A Meerkat could at some point kill its subordinates as a way to improve the position of their own offspring. They share their environment with yellow mongooses, ground squirrels and in some cases, snakes. Luckily, they are immune to poison from snakes and scorpions, making them able to share their habitat with that kind of creatures. Meerkats live near stony rivers and banks of rivers, these deserts and on hard ground. I think Meerkats are very intelligent animals, in some aspects they remember me of human race but at least they act by their own nature. Also, these animals have characteristics that not all animals have, like their speed or the fact that they eat snakes, spiders, scorpions, lizards, plants, egg and other creepy crawlies.
Surely not many people understood the title, but it was expected, now I will explain what I meant Paul Tillich once said “Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone, and solitude expresses the glory of being alone”. As a girl that grew up alone I feel comfortable when nobody is around me and based on my own experience when you are studying alone you can concentrate better, take all the time you wish to view each topic, and no one is bothering you; but if you are the type of people who others have to be pulling and pressuring you to do the things then you are not showing interest or even your maturity. Some people probably do not like being alone, they get bored and so on but you have the most important test of your whole life and you go with your friend to study better? Are you insane... I am sure that it has happened to you lets imagine: You and Fulano are “studying” sometimes you text with your other friends so you get more relaxed but then it happen the big question… ¿And if we go out for a while and then we come to study, Mengana just invited me to a party at her home? Then you go to the party return late, and you do not know anything your test. It is very common. Another advantage of studying alone is that you can take all the time you wish into each topic, no matter what it will be ok if you don’t learn quickly a topic, and you can eat whenever you want, or go to the bathroom, also take a nap, or go relax somewhere close, and no one needs to agree with you. Moreover, for some guys it does not work either to study alone or in groups, people who are not really interested in studying will not make it for the simple fact that they do not care about their grades because people who are not really interested in studying will not make it for the simple fact that they do not care about their grades. In conclusion studying in solitude can be beneficial most of the times, I will not deny that sometimes it is better to study with a partner, especially if he or she have more knowledge than yourself. According to studies it is always necessary study in solitude, especially in the early stages of assimilation of new information.
Intense Visits to the Museum I’d rather spend my days in museums than my nights in clubs. Teenagers and young adults of our age usually wait for the weekend because all they want is to party all night long, positive thing to this group of people. Visiting a museum is a pretty good way to learn the history of a country, maintain our culture, and to know the talent of people that surely already died. To visit a museum is something that transports you to another time; you can find almost any kind of collections or artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural or historical importance. I am in love with places that became museums; like San Felipe castle I went there last year and I swear that with every step that place told me its story. Almost every time I travel I attempt to visit all the museums I ca. I see it as a way to feed my little cultural knowledge, and it’s amazing the amount of money you need for hours and hours of entertainment. A few months ago I went to the Railroad Museum and guess how much the entry cost me? Q2 it was cheaper than a beer, incredible right? In the world there exist hundreds of museums and I would like to visit some of them, for example the Louvre, in Paris which is one of the world’s largest museums and the most visited art museum in the world. Just for you to know, you should take advantage of what our ancestors have left to us. I believe museums are good for human beings; they challenge minds expand knowledge and teach us events that occurred in the past. They are like books that are not read, but they are seen if you have a free Saturday or Sunday you should investigate about museums that are close to you and go, I promise you’ll not regret it!
Reflection As always I love the way to present the portfolio, because I like a lot to use technology. This unit I fell in love with the new way of doing essays because I like to read and write so I feel, like I show my talent.