PICTIONARY Ericka Rodriguez 6th Bil #13
Acumen Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.
Paycheck A check issued to an employee in payment of salary or wages.
Layoff The act of suspending or dismissing an employee, as for lack of work or because of corporate reorganization.
Fringe Benefit An extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary, for example, a company car, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc.
Referral A person referred or recommended to someone or for something.
Mandatory Required or commanded by authority; obligatory: Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.
Hazard A chance; an accident.
Proposal A plan that is proposed.
Booths A small enclosed compartment with a window, used to separate the occupant from others: a ticket booth.
Regrettable Eliciting or deserving regret: a regrettable lack of funds; regrettable remarks.
Invoice A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill.