Selective work - Portfolio

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NIEWBOUW BREDE SCHOOL Project supervisor: Yasser Hassan (, Jasper de Wert ( Unity Architects. NL (2021) Noordwijk aan Zee - The Netherlands (Competition Winner) The new Brede School is a project developed under the frame of mergin two rela�vely old schools which were looking to upgrade their insfrastrcture as well as displays the iden�ty of the schools involved. The new building folds like a dune landscape around the south-oriented school grounds. The dune landscape derives its appearance from the genius loci; the soul of the place. This loca�on-specific inspira�on takes shape in the design with the curved walls, dancing roof lines and overgrown roof landscapes.

The combina�on of innova�ve shapes and familiar materials makes it a contemporary building, fi�ng in its context. A number of sustainable choices have been made in the form of the design. On the one hand, the building is compact in design, so there are hardly any corridors. In addi�on, it has rela�vely li�le façade surface, which means that we not only build more economically but also have energy-efficient.

BIM Modelling process

NIEUWBOUW MONTESSORI KINDCENTRUM Project supervisors: Jasper de Wert ( Unity Architects.NL, Kees Jongelie ( Topos bouwkunde (2021) Den Haag - The Netherlands The school building of the John F. Kennedy Montessori school is due for renova�on. it has become even clear to us that the assignment does not only concern the design of a new school building, nut also on how people are sa�sfied with the way in which the Montessori principles are reflected in the design. With the building as the fourth pedagogue, this quality of the school building is extremely important for the teaching method. Nevertheless, the school will be demolished

and replaced by new construc�on because it no longer meets the requirements as a building. For us, this apparent conflict is the core of the task. On the design we look for a contemporary, compact and sustainable building that is united and reflects the Montessori principles. The images represent the ideas on the basis of a vision on urban design, the building and the plan of approach.

D E B L I N K E R T- C A S C A D E Project supervisor: Yasser Hassan (, Jasper de Wert ( Unity Architects. NL (2021) Capelle aan den IJssel - The Netherlands (Competition - 3rd place) Cascade project tumbles over the plan area like a waterfall, stretches out and seeks to connect with the surroundings. The height differences create exci�ng urban lines that highlight the project. The project takes advantage of nearby natural environment in order to cover itself from noise and air pollu�on. Addi�onally, a center park is created to bring a natural enviroment whi�n the architecture towers. Secondly, the inner projects looks for making connec�ons towards other facili�es. At the intersec�on of

these connec�ons, there is chance of natural experience. Hence, The communal space is placed on the central square at he heart of the plan. The building heights are defined by their immediate environment. Buildings close to lowest areas are star�ng low almost hidden from exis�ng greenery and volumes gradually climb towards the middle square. Finally, by rota�ng the volumes, a meandering space and experience is designed between the buidlings. This this also contributes to have be�er iluma�on and views.








ZWA M M E R DA M - H O U S I N G M A ST E R P L A N Project supervisor: Yasser Hassan (, Jasper de Wert ( Unity Architects. NL (2021) Zwammerdam - The Netherlands (Consultation work) The plan is commi�ed to maintain and build on the exis�ng quali�es of the loca�on and its surroundings. One of the objec�ves is to con�nue with the exis�ng routes such as the Bovensloot and the Spoorlan so that more green can be preserved. The current entrance of Ipse de Bruggen, which lies diagonally across the northeastern part, has been incorporated into the design. This road has qualita�ve mature trees that add great value to the neighborhood iden�ty. The plan takes into account sufficient space towards

the Spoorlaan. As a result, the planned reconstruc�on of the Spoorlaan can be leading in the design of the public space. In the neighborhood, a lot of a�en�on has been paid to the connec�on between Ipse de Bruggen and the MFA. By giving the Bovensloot a direct access to the S�ckterweg, a new accessibility will be created for the district and the future MFA. The green link between Ipse de Bruggen and the MFA is also located along this route.

GREEN ISLANDS Project supervisor: Koen Olthuis (, Arch. Ankie Stam ( Waterstudio. NL (2020) Drammen - Norway This project is located in the south west part of Norway in the ‘Fjord’ town of Lier and Drammen. This place has its par�culari�es that possess some pieces of land detached from te mainland. The aim was to try to connect this 'detached islands' to the harbour and create a new public hub where ci�zens can reach the islands reframed as public space. This small floa�ng pieces of land will have different ac�vi�es in either sta�ons of summer and winter.

A flexible hexagonal grid is designed to allow expansion opossite the pier Secondly, the physical stablishment of the pathways fulfill two func�ons; connect the green islands but also a�ach some public/ private spaces to accomodate func�ons. Lastly, some of the green islands had to be built on the sea (floa�ng islands) in order to pursue this con�nuity of spaces and fun�ons on the grid. This is one way to recuperate this fragmented harbour towards into a more public and commercial space.










Upper- right Hall connected to landsape

Upper- left Overview of the project

Lower- right Shading analysis

HOUSING UNIT IN DOORNBOSCH Project supervisor: Koen Olthuis (, Arch. Ankie Stam ( Waterstudio. NL (2020) Doornbosh - The Netherlands

The project is rearding a single-family house located in the city of Doornbosch in the north-east of the Netherlands.

sorrounded by the forrest around. Then benefit from the sunlighrt, so it has repe��on square opening on the roof to invite light to the house.

The design concept of the house is the con�nuity of the roof witht the ver�cal walls. The main objec�ves were the keep the sense of horizontality, so it is easily

Finally, it was part of the process to try different materials and openings for the shadow analysis.



Project supervisor: Koen Olthuis (, Arch. Ankie Stam ( Waterstudio. NL (2020) Tulum - Mexico (ongoing project) The house project is for a single family who permanently lived in the Netherlands but with desire to move to a much tropical area close to the Gulf of Mexico, Tulum. The design concept of the house starts with playing with a full box. Fisrtly, we star�ng empty the box playing with circula�nos and func�ons. Later, it was important to take in considera�on two elements that the client requested; a

green coutyard and large pool as they use those spaces in their rou�ne. Consequently the box was conformed by removing the voids for ilumina�on and cirula�on. The last formal spets had to delat with arch along the courtyard as a reflec�on of the colonial Mexican architecture. Finally, on the facace you can find perfora�ons for ilumina�on, but con�nuing with the concept of closed box.

MALDIVES AFFORDABLE HOUSING Project supervisor: Koen Olthuis (, Arch. Ankie Stam ( Waterstudio. NL (2020) The Malvides Archipelago

The project is located in South Asia in the Maldives Archipelago. The aim is to create the sense of neighborhoods whithin one surface -limited island. This idea is represented in the the ring-shaped neighboorhods which are formed by connec�ng different floa�ng units; one next to the other. Once the ring is close to be completed, the flexibility of the floa�ng housing allows to change the pos��on of the housing units

and stablish (neighboorhoods).



This cirular neighboorhods are built with respect the density demand; therefore, it is possible to built up to 4 rings with many water units. This is a density reached around 475 to 500 people per hectare, considering 1305 people as the maximum capicity willing to host.

Upper right Floating fundation Concept

Upper- Left Water Unit Exploded view

Lower- left Apartements’ location Exploded view

Middle Upper- right Ring 1- 40 Blocks 200 Units

Lower- right Project Overview

COLLECTIVE HOUSING AS AN URBAN DRIVER Project supervisor: Prof. Dimitra Kourri ( URBAN THESIS / ANALYSIS The envision of Quito is based in the development of various centrali�es (public and private infrastructure) along the Metro line to recuperate the compact city and orientate the city towards sustainable development. These centrali�es/systems act within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS), confirming the commitment of Quito for the implementa�on of the New Urban Agenda (NAU) established in the Habitat III event. Quito will con�nue to seek global commitments, together with its ci�zens, posi�oning itself as commi�ed a city to fight against climate change in order to improve the environmental and habitable condi�ons. Therefore, the main objec�ve is to transform the Jipijapa Neighborhood into a micro

centrality (micro system) as a demonstra�on project of Sustainable Transport-Oriented Development (STOD), possibly replicable in other strategic projects of the city. The aim suggests an innova�ve housing/ office commerce) urban development with a performance tending to reduce the carbon footprint, oriented to a responsible city model and aligned with the innova�ve environmental strategies in terms of sustainability. Consequently, the development is encouraged with a high presence of public space, affordable and quality housing focused on a broad spectrum of popula�on, services, commerce, pedestrian- oriented, free mobility encouraged, and infrastructure that recognizes their capacity to join the Metro system.

Up Centrality Micro (System)

Lower- left Hand sketched drawings master plan concept

Lower- right Axonometric view Exploded plan

COLLECTIVE HOUSING AS A URBAN DRIVER Project supervisor: Prof. Eamonn Canniffe ( Prof. Antonio Blanco Pastor ( Quito - Ecuador. Link: The project is composed by many quadrants, one aggregated afer the other. Looking from the top, it has a form of a spin-wheel system creatng a weave pa�ern as shown in the previous analysis. This weave pa�erns are further organized in four parts- each u�lized to accommodate either the gardens/ open courtyards or program to develop inside the plot (offices, commerce, housing). The spin wheel can expand, organize and deliver program as much as the densty needed.

This hypothesis looks forward to regula�ng the structure of the program (buildings) without restric�ng its growth. The idea was to create an integrated associa�on between the various programs. Although the grid is very strong and ra�onal, the task was also to connect to its immediate surroundings and also internally. Hence, the project a�empts to create an organism that was flexible in its internal mechanism and expansive in its external capacity.

Upper- Le� Eye level view Lower- le� Axonometric view Upper- Right Overview of the project

Lower - right Transversal sec�on

NORTHERN QUARTER URBAN REGENERATION PROPOSAL Project supervisor: Prof. Eamonn Canniffe ( Lead by: Prof. Dominic Sagar ( Manchester - England. Uk Dec. (2018) The Northern quarter proposal has been prepared by MA Architecture & Urbanism students. Following a introduc�on to the city, it was iden�fied that the Northern Quarter having a successful period of growth and investment was beginning to lose its individual personality notably via; demoli�ons, abandoned derelict buildings, lack of public space, increasing demand of commercial and living areas without the con�nued balance of

economic and residen�al sectors. The Northern Quarter Master Plan suggest the future organiza�on to balance the historic with the contemporary architecture and sets out parameters in which the city should develop innova�ve sustainable transporta�on links and green/public space solu�ons. All focusing on maintaining and enhancing the diversity and community sense of the area.





ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN OF THE P L A Z A A R G E N T I N A / T R A N S P O R TAT I O N H U B Project supervisor: Arch. Nicolás Macchiavello ( Aplus Architects (2017) Quito - Ecuador. Dec. (2017) Plaza Argen�na is a strategical square located in the north zone of Quito close to one of the most important economical headquarters within the city. Its loca�on is strategical for the traffic in Quito because it connects the higher valleys of the city with the east lower valleys. It is one of the east-main entrances of the city and has become and busy hub of transporta�on link. In the project we dealt with the issue to accommodate an underground mul�modal bus link for the people to

incen�ve the public transporta�on to go towards the valleys and vice versa. In addi�on, recuperate the public space in the surface. The urban design most show improvement to both the car accessibility between Quito and their valleys and increase the green and pedestrian area in the ground level for the people crossing. In the design six concrete towers propor�onate light to the underground and shadow on the ground for the pedestrian.

B E L L AV I S TA - C O L L E C T I V E H O U S I N G Project supervisor: M. Arch. Nicolás Macchiavello ( Aplus Architects (2018) Quito - Ecuador. January (2018) Bellavista hosing is a low-rise building encountered in the east side of Quito accommoda�ng 15 apartments ranging from 1 to 3 rooms with all the best services included. Its sober proposal respects the modern architectural heritage in the neighborhood. Reinforced concrete was the main

structural material accompanied with a mixture in the facade with concrete blocks and red bricks to contrast. Single 8 mm window copper colored was used in the front facade within a aluminum frame of the 100 mm by 50mm.

EL AROMO - SOCIAL / COLLECTIVE HOUSING Project supervisor: M. Arch. Nicolás Macchiavello ( Aplus Architects (2018) Quito - Ecuador. June (2018) El Aromo housing is a combina�on between different tpes of individual units in order to create a close and safe neighborhood in the valley of Quito, Nayon. The project is acommoda�ng 30 housing units from one floor apartments to duplex. Its architectural proposal is sober and the

reaason of the repe��on of the units is to create a rhythim in the facades to create one whole unity. Reinforced concrete was the main structural material accompanied with a mixture in the facade with concrete blocks and red bricks to contrast.

M A S T E R P L A N D E S I G N O F A N U R B A N A G R I C U LT U R E CENTER Project supervisor: Arch. Daniela Avellan ( Quito - Ecuador. Dec. (2016) Agronomic industry, food transporta�on, long distances between orchards and the market raising dras�cally puts in doubt the quality and availability of food for urban residents since the fodd sources are becoming more expensive and less healthy oriented. The Quito city council offers programs to encourage the use of urban gardens through minimal technology in reduced spaces to supply the needs of inhabitants and having an addi�onal income. This ini�a�ve puts in considera�on growing food

within the city, the landscape and buildings architecture. How can people facilitate food produc�on within the city? The CONQUITO organiza�on, promotes an urban program named AGRUPAR (Par�cipatory Urban Agriculture), which establishes spaces for urban agriculture in order to develop, experiment and disseminate the prac�ce of urban agriculture. The urban agriculture center is a place where such prac�ces are developed focused on a social produc�vity, cultural, educa�onal, environmental-sustainable purposes.

Architectural program

Right Ground floor

Zonification trough program relations

Roof design

Educa�onal farm, storage, processing plan, biofair, exhibi�on rooms, rest rooms, coffe shop, market, restaurant, crops, terraced crops, ver�cal agriculture, greenhouses, public produc�ve area, water reservoir.

Longitudinal Section

Water reservoir, educational farms, greenhouses

Market and gardens

P U B L I C I N S T I T U T I O N F O R S U P E R I O R E D U C AT I O N Project supervisor: Arch. Daniela Avellán ( Cuenca - Ecuador. Aug. (2016) The Na�onal Secretariat for Higher Educa�on, Science and Technology (SENESCYT) promotes agreements with different organiza�ons to strengthen the higher educa�on system in Ecuador. This organism pledges to enhance the arts and cra�s role within the country as well as the produc�vity field. The organiza�on is looking forward to expand the educa�onal

infrastructure in the country and build/re-built 40 Higher Educa�onal Ins�tutes, among them; the Public Insi�tu�on of Superior Educa�on of Cuenca - Azuay province. The ins�tu�on offers a technological training oriented to the development of the students’ abili�es and skills, and its educa�onal system focuses on the know-how prac�ce.

Master plan- Implantation Section through campus

M A S T E R P L A N D E S I G N F O R P U C E / N AY Ó N A S A N E X- U R BA N S E T T L E M E N T + ST U D E N T S R EC I D E N C E Prof. Arch. Eugenio Mangia ( Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) Quito - Nayón. Jun. (2015) The following work describes the design of an ex urban master plan generator in the outskirts of the city of Quito in its edges. The site plan of the PUCE /Nayón campus enhances connec�vity between different schools along the longitudinal axis which is every 300m approximately. The major points (departmental schools) are grouped according to their affini�es. The

green areas of permanence, transi�on, movement are the main paths that connect pedestrians with different schools and allow a direct rela�onship between the buildings and the landscape. The campus becomes a prominent reference for the design of a semi-independent university city in which encourages the leading of society to a community.

East elevation




The university residence is a temporary dwealling for foreign students who look forward be�er opportuni�es in the city. The project joins up the concep�on of a minimal accomoda�on for students. Thus, minimal housing becomes a strong mechanism that allows the expansion of individual and collec�ve iden�ty, and self-recogni�on of the person in order to exchange and nego�ate different situa�ons in everyday life. As a result, an alternate aisle is designed as a place of social connec�on, experimenta�on of external condi�ons and



rela�ons with the campus‘ views. The aisle enclose the building rooms’ design with the principal objec�ve of extrac�ng poten�al views from the east and west, the air blowing crossing from west to east, and natural light incident. Similarly, the topographic con�nuity into the project is represented by the structural rings, which form an invert U-shape around the perimeter of the building, and are key support to hang the slabs. Finally, the metallic rings represents the structural and architectural expression of the building.

Transversal section through building





Longitudinal section




West elevation

East elevation through courtyard

Exploded axonometric

Dweling ypologies

Shared dwelling

Individual dwelling

Duplex shared dwelling

Individual dwelling + Kitchen

Individual dwelling + Kitchen

North elevation

Duplex shared dwelling

South elevation

Vertical section trough wall

Water consuption Cross ventilation Two opening - opposite walls

Axonometric exploded - Intersection node for diagonals and rings

Axonometric section trough column union

Diagram showing daylight facade strategy for predominantly synnu sky conditions

Stainless steel union to structual rings

Glazing with integrated reflective profiles

01 Architecture program proportional space

02 Natural lights

03 Double heights and open corridors


04 Accesibility, ramps and auditorium

Down Longitudinal section Model

Prof. Arch. Ricardo Sargiotti ( Catholic University of Cordoba (UCC) Project Supervisor: Arch. Eloísa Minoldo ( Cordoba - Argentina. Jul. (2013) 3D model

The project was developed in the north-east sector of Cordoba, very close to a new highway that divides the city into two; the inner city and the suburbs. The studio deal with problems of underdevelopment and movement of minori�es in the periphery of the city (gentrifica�on). The project emphasized the border character that the peripheral

sector has, and enhance the sector with par�cular emphasis on the public space. For instance, the streets and sidewalks need to be rebuilt because that is the place where society connects to the building. As a result, the project tried to avoid social segrega�on in the border of the city and provide public equipment to the marginal popula�on of the periphery.

AG R I C U LT U R A L C E N T R E - ‘ E L T I N G O ’ Prof. arch. Rogelio Dávalos ( Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) El Tingo - Quito. Dec. (2012) El Tingo is a small rural neighborhood located in the parish of Alangasí in Tumbaco lower valley. The small town along with their surroundings are being shi�ed gradually by the prominent presence of private housing developers. Producing a gradually transforma�on phenomenon of land. The master plan proposed is a rural re-genera�on to support agricultural plots in the surroundings of Tingo and Guangopolo. The plan was projected to enhance/ protect the green areas which were abandoned/ forgo�en, treat the water surface from the San Pedro river,

and purpose water treatment to the reservoir. All of them as new recrea�onal areas for the community and local turism. As a result, an agricultural green corridor extends through tree kilometers in order to joint other small rural areas and engage the community. New roads for cars, paths for bicycles and pedestrians were projected. Finally, together with the farmers’ market the plan tried to connect the small communi�es’ commerces, strengthen the landscape experience for those new comers and to bring people to promote the agricultural tourism culture.





1 El Tingo public realm was in precarious condi�ons because depopula�on issues were going through the last decade; therefore, the public space encounters in bad condi�ons and the river is contaminated. Also, agricultural, industrial, commercial, and social ac�vi�es were decreasing and li�le exploited.

As a result, the objec�ve was a reac�va�on plan of the small town in which its spaces provide new different services and becomes a�ractors of economic ac�vity. Services as markets in which the suppliers can work their own land to self-sustain the community. A concept of agricultural sustainability was planted so it can strengthen economic, social, tourist and recrea�onal ac�vi�es.


1.- Recreational patio 2. - Crops 3.- Food services next to the river

Section through the river



Prof. arch. Owaldo Paladines Zurita ( Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) Cumbayá - Quito. May. (2012) Cumbayá is a constantly growing rural neighborhood located in the lower valleys at South- East of Quito. Cumbaya has formed upon a former agro/industrial town. At the begging of the new century Cumbaya has had a strong presence of domes�que space. This is an inextricable link between city development and evolu�on of industry. The aim was to design a project with new technological resources and services, in which people/ na�ves can develop local products or generate knowledge to enhance the produc�vity of the community.

The project presents itself as different block with various program. The block opens to break the enclosed paradigm of one big block by segrega�ng them; each one differen�ated by the metal cladding color. Towards crea�ng a new iden�ty in town; it is in the public space where the architecture opens up and has more poten�al for the collec�ve ideas in order to promote appropria�on sensi�bity. Therefore, variety of public encounter in the ground floor are prominet which unifies wraps the project into one. Ground Floor

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