Amazon River Dolphins

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Amazon River Dolphins

By: Nicole Chen

Amazon River Dolphins

Table Of Contents Pg.1.......................................................... Front Cover Pg.2.......................................................... Introduction Pg.3.......................................................... Producing Babies Pg.4.......................................................... Food Pg.5.......................................................... Physical Appearance Pg.6..........................................................Habitat Pg.7..........................................................Predators Pg.8..........................................................Cited Sources Pg.9..........................................................Glossary Pg.10........................................................ About The Author

Description ( Introduction) The Amazon River Dolphin is the largest river dolphin in the whole world. It's head is so flexible that it could twist itself, It's body is extremely heavy, they can live over 30 years old, This dolphin has many other names too, For example "the pink dolphin" ( It got it’s name The Pink Dolphin because the color on its body is pink) or "Boto".

Producing Babies The mother produce it's babies usually in May to July,Water levels are high during July. This usually ends in October to November. A baby dolphin is called a calf, It is born alone , It's mom leaves it when it is about 3-6 years .


It is not picky it eats all kinds of fresh water fish their sharp teeth helps them gobble their foods easily. What helps them to find their foods? Echolocation helps the pink dolphin to find their food. Their weakness is echolocation but if they don't concentrate on, the sound, they won't find any food.

Physical Appearance They have a long beak, their long beak helps them to gobble their food .Their beak is about 2.5 meters. These dolphin has three types pale blue, pink and grey white. The pink dolphins have grey dots on their head. They can be up to 9 feet long, they have a hump on it's back instead of a fin. Their flippers are curved.

Habitat It lives in South America, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana and Brazil. The Amazon River is polluted because the typhoons in the amazon rainforest cause the Amazon River to be dirty. It also can live in very shallow water

Fun Fact During the wet season, the Amazon River can reach over 190 kilometers in width.


Dolphin sashimi

Humans are one of the predators for Amazon River dolphin because some of the Japanese eat seafood and I'm pretty sure that they eat dolphins too. The Japanese likes Sashimi, which is made out of fish. Dolphins are fishes too so they eat dolphins . That’s why Dolphins are almost extinct.

Cited sources Amazon River Dolphin | Species | WWF In-text: (, 2014) Bibliography: 2014. Amazon River Dolphin | Species | WWF. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 Feb 2014]

2.Amazon / Pink River Dolphin In-text: (WWF, 1892) Bibliography: WWF. 1892. Amazon / Pink River Dolphin. [online] Available at: what_we_do/endangered_species/cetaceans/about/river_dolphins/pink_river_dolphin/ [Accessed: 10 Feb 2014].

Glossary B Boto- another name for the pink dolphin

E Echolocation-a special sound that

Fun Fact Almost all Botos are white!

About The Author Nicole is a is a very impatient girl. She now lives in Shanghai.She went to live in California to live with her aunt for 2 years.She likes to help people in need. She likes wild life and one of her favorite animals are dolphins. Her dream is to be a vet. Her hobbies are jump roping and piano, she has one brother who is really mean. Her best friends are Annie, Madeline and her best friends from her old school is Claudia. She now lives in Shanghai, China. She goes to school in Shanghai American School. She is from Taiwan and L.A. Her favorite subject is Physical education and Music. This picture is in Hawaii (Sea Life Park) with a dolphin

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