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By: Angela Zhang


TABLE OF CONTENTS * Cover  Page * Introduction  * Habitat * Food * Protections  of  Porcupines * Behavior  of  Porcupines * Conclusion * Glossary * Index * About  The  Author  * Blurb

INTRODUCTION Did you know that porcupines have a lot of fun? They are so cute that when I first studied it, I was totally in to it! You just can’t believe it, they are awesome!!! I will tell you about the porcupine’s habitat, food, protection, and behaviors.

HABITAT Porcupines belong to the rodent family, they build their den as soon as they find a place that they can live. They choose quiet forests to live in. Porcupines live in hot, tropical places. They like to live in a place where there's no rain. If there's rain, then the porcupine's fur will go down and the quills will be seen. Usually, you won’t find their home, because the wild ones wouldn’t want a stranger to steal their home.

This is how many porcupines are left in this world!


Porcupines hunt in the daytime, because they have extremely poor eyesight. They eat leaves and anything they find in the wild. Porcupines love to eat salty food, and they're vegetarian. There’s a kind of porcupine that stays really close to people, but they don’t live with them. Those like to go to the vegetable market and eat lettuce and broccoli. They like to eat salty fish that the market people left it on the ground. Do you know how porcupines eat it’s food? First, they lick the food to see if it’s salty, then, they eat it.

PROTECTIONS OF PORCUPINES Porcupines are really good at protecting themselves. They can run away from their enemies very quickly. If a porcupine sees a huge animal while hunting, they could easily kill them by using their quills. They look like a fluffy animal, but there's a secret under them. They use their quills to attack and protect. Porcupines have different ways to protect themselves. Porcupines look very friendly, but they are just faking. They want you to pet them, but then you will have quills in your hand. When the big animals try to eat them, porcupines roll in a ball, so the big ones can't eat them.

BEHAVIOR OF PORCUPINES Porcupines are shy and friendly animals. Porcupines usually don't stay home during the day; they only stay home at night. They usually hide when they see you. They won't hurt you if you will not hurt them. Porcupines will be very tough when an animal attacks them. They show their quills and run to the enemies to attack them. It really hurts when the quills touch your hand. The only rodents that are not afraid of porcupines are fishers. Fishers belong to the weasel family.

This is a photo when a porcupine is calm.

Conclusion See, the porcupines are pro, they are friendly and helpful. They are cute and small, prickly and spiky. If you are interested, and want to read more, then you can find more information down at the Cited Sources!

cupine r o p e t u c This is a e flower! it h w e h t eating

Cited Sources Onemoregeneration.org. 2011. OMG Trivia | Oct-­‐15-­‐2011 | Cape Porcupine | One More Generation. [online] Available at: http://onemoregeneration.org/2011/10/15/trivia-question-for-oct-15-2011/ [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014]. Redorbit.com. 2014. North American Porcupine - Mammals Reference Library - redOrbit. [online] Available at: http://www.redorbit.com/education/ reference_library/animal_kingdom/mammalia/2577666/north_american_porcupine/ [Accessed: 24

Jan 2014].Fotopedia. n.d. Porcupine. [online] Available at: http://www.fotopedia.com/wiki/Porcupine#!/items/figonacci-ZEMGeZZs69k [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014]. Picstopin.com. n.d. Pin Baby Porcupine2 on Pinterest. [online] Available at: http://www.picstopin.com/480/baby-porcupine2/http:%7C %7Cwww*animalshawaii*com%7Cwp-content%7Cuploads%7C2011%7C06%7CBaby-porcupine2*bmp/ [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014]. Fourthirdsphoto Forum. 2010. Wildlife Porcupines are just....cute! - Fourthirdsphoto Forum. [online] Available at: http://forum.fourthirdsphoto.com/ photos/57045-porcupines-just-cute.html [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014].

In-text: (Penguin, 2014) Bibliography: Penguin, P. 2014. Porcupines » A Cute A Day. [online] Available at: http://www.acuteaday.com/blog/category/ porcupines/ [Accessed: 28 Jan 2014]. In-text: (Exploringnature.org, 2005) Bibliography: Exploringnature.org. 2005. Porcupine -- Exploring Nature Educational Resource. [online] Available at: http:// www.exploringnature.org/db/detail.php?dbID=43&detID=984 [Accessed: 28 Jan 2014].

GLOSSARY Rodent- Big kind of rat like hamsters and squirrels. Den- Den is a small home for small animals and it’s usually a hole in the ground. Tropical- A hot place over 30 degrees! Quills- The spikes under porcupine’s fur. Vegetarian- A person or a animal that only eats vegetable. Protect- Something to guild from getting hurt. Fisher- A tall brown animal with a lot of silky fur. Weasel- Something that looks kind of similar to a meerkat. Meerkat- Also a tall animal standing with two legs.

This is a photo of a meerkat standing up to look at something!


Angela Zhang is a 10 year old girl, she goes to Puxi SAS (Shanghai American School). Angela’s a 5th grader in Mr. Paci’s class. Her favorite subject in school is P.E. Angela’s hobby is drawing and swimming. She plays piano and she loves any kind of sports! Angela chose porcupines because she thinks porcupines are cute and awesome!!

Now, you know how amazing porcupines are! Did you know that some porcupines helps people that need help, they are kind, they uses different ways just to help you. You should thanks them!! Read this book to find out.

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