Erigo magazine #May2015

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24 Derawan tropical paradise



traveler's tale


notes Tr a v e l i n g n e e d o u t f i t s w h i c h e a s y t o t a k e on and of course comfortable. Erigo provides the best outfit for you to pack on your backpack/suitcase and to be your companion ever ywhere. Our latest collection inspires by city which is the city theme of this edition magazine. Hope it will bring you inspiration too Juwita Novitasari @withh


Photographer // Putra Mahendra / / Dimas Nalendra M a k e - u p

// Raydinda

Contributor // Agu P u t r a M a h e n d r a

metropolis spring 2015

Photograph by Putra Mahendra Model Junior Ester


the windy city C hicago

is one of the-mustvisit-CITY if you are going to traveling to East Coast, USA. P e o p l e c a l l i t t h e w i n d y c i t y, as it call, the reason is the w e a t h e r. C h i c a g o i s a c t u a l l y the first city where skyscrapper were built, even long bef o r e N e w Yo r k C i t y. C h i c a g o i s i c o n i c a s a r t c u l t u r a l c i t y, t h e ater performances, jazz musical, art performance are the b e s t s h o w s i n t h i s c i t y. M o r e than that, who doesnt know Michael Jordan, he is famous by this city basket ball club, Chicago Bulls.

If you are going to stop by i n t h i s c i t y, t h e r e s o m e p l a c e s that have to be in your mustvisit-list. Here they are : Michigan Avenue This big street fulfilled by shopping stores, you will get anything you need to shop in this street include souvenirs.

W i l i s To w e r T h i s To w e r u s e d t o b e t h e t a l l e s t t o w e r i n t h e w o r l d u n t i l 1 9 7 3 . W h a t interests here also there is a glass balcony extending four feet outs i d e t h e 1 0 3 r d f l o o r o f W i l l i s To w e r c a l l e d s k y d e c k .

Millenium park This is the biggest outdoor space in the city. Around, there is also outdoor stage designed by Frank Gehr y and also the famous Cloud Gate designed by Anish Kapoor. In the summer, Millenium Park usually been used as an outdoor concert hall or an outdoor party venue.

activities Spend your time to watch art performance in The Chicago Theater or live orchestra, go check their webs whats going to perform at the date you’ll be there. If you are art enthusiasts, you might interest to go to Art Institute of Chicago and Museum of Contemporary Art. For you guys the sport lovers, watch NBA live or Baseball live may one of option you have to do, go check as well their webs, whether they are playing or not.

metropolis selected items Photograph by Dimas Nalendra Model Junior Sophie Makeup by Raydinda










derawan, tropical paradise EAST BORNEO - KALIMANTAN 2.2500째 N, 118.4167째 E Since we are surrounded by thousands of islands, why dont we explore this little Indonesian Maldives? Located at East Borneo, Kalimantan, there are some islands you should visit aside from Derawan, which is Maratua Island, Kakaban Island, and Sanglaki Island. To get to this islands, you can choose either by Tarakan or Berau. And then you continue your journey by Boat and finally enjoying these little paradises.

MARATUA ISLAND B esides Derawan, Maratua Island provides accomodation as well. But they said, if you stay here, you cant go back by Boat if the waves too high. Some people just passed their flight because they cant go back from this island. If you want the safest trip, stay the night in Derawan is still a solution. But dont worr y, if you stay in Derawan there is always trips to this Island.

KAKABAN ISLAND Other than Derawan or Maratua, this island only has a big Lake filled by stingless jellyfish. What interests here, you can do snorklling and play with beautiful jellyfishes. They are not considered as dangerous as other jellyfish. You can even play with them using your hands

SANGALAKI ISLAND What is interesting here is, this is the place where the sea turtles reproduce and breeds their baby-sea-turtle. If you dive, you can also find lots of beautiful Mantas to swim with. But in this Island i found this endless beauty combination of cr ystal water, white sands and sky.

agi putra Aspian traveler


What is your favorite travel essentials? Besides Smartphone, Canon Camera, Glasses, Shoes, especially Fedora Hat as my icon are the things i’ve always carried From all the destinations you’ve beentraveled, which one you love the most? Indrayanti Beach in Jogjakarta, hmm i find these beach looks similar to beaches in Bali, whereas white sands, blue deep ocean, and high cliffs. Do you prefer travel to the beach or mountain? Hmmm its a hard decision. But i prefer take a trip to a mountain, since i am an adrenaline lovers and a fog hunter and there always popped up an idea to captured best photos.

Where are you planning to go in the next trip? Probably back to Bali, this one is a family trip. Your favorite travel quote? Your Life is your Adventure

putra mahendra Photographer @maheendra

When did you found out that you have passion in photography? It was 2008, i was introduced to photography by doing it practically then suddenly it occurs to me that i have talent on this so i went to Germany to study about photography What is your best travel destination? Beach of course. The best beach i’ve ever seen was Selong Belanak, Lombok From all the place you’ve visited, which city that you think the best? Venice, Italy. So many objects to capture. From street photograph to cityscape photograph Besides camera, what is in your backpack if you are traveling? Sunglasses, Sneaker, And Erigo Joggerpants haha Most memorable trip? And where is it? It was Amsterdam. Why? so sobber....

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