Erigo Magazine #1 March 2015

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last japan season

table of contents





line interview tokyo



notes This magazine aims to show that you can still look fashionable when you travel. in addition to showing the latest collection of Erigo, you can also get information anywhere that makes the city of inspiration erigo existing product and also gives you several options for traveling. Dwi Koesnan


Photographer // Debby Sucha / / Putra Mahendra M a k e - u p


Aldis Setiadi

Contributor // Febrian D e b b y S u c h a

Tokyo photographer // Debby sucha model // Natsuki akimoto

// shotaro yamada

Tokyo - Japan

land of the rising sun


you want to go to a place that has so many choices to be v i s i t e d f o r t h i s y e a r ’s h o l i d a y, from the existed culture, some tour place choices to see landscape views or to see urban lives, also the dominant culture fashion that Japan has, you can visit this two city in japan. Ye s , To k y o a n d O s a k a . To k y o i s w e l l - k n o w n w i t h t h e most population city in the world, and has been one of the fashion paragon these days. Yo u c a n f i n d v a r i e t y o f s t y l e s and characteristic with differences. This issue is supported because there are many places that gather youth creation. I f y o u t r y t o g o t o To k y o , t h e r e are a few places and some things that you can visit and do there, here we give you some recommendation places to visit :

To k y o s k y t r e e i s t h e w o r l d ’s t a l l e s t ‘ f r e e - s t a n d ing tower’ at 634m. Its silver y exterior of steel mesh morphs from a triangle at the base to a circle at 300m. There are two obser vation decks, at 350m a n d 4 5 0 m . Yo u c a n s e e m o r e stuff during daylight hours – at peak visibility you can see u p t o 1 0 0 k m a w a y, a l l t h e w a y to Mt. Fuji

From tokyo with art An d i f yo u ar e th at type of p erson who enjoy a r t, a nd l o v e t o v is it m u s eu m , th ere a re so ma ny museums of a r t t he r e , o n e o f th em is c al l ed Tokyo M useum of contemp or a r y a r t. The Mu s eu m o f C o n tem po ra r y Ar t Tokyo is a contemp or a r y a r t m u s eu m in K o to , Tokyo, Ja p a n. T he museum is l o ca t e d in K iba Par k. It wa s op ened in 1 9 9 5 . T his is one o f t he m u s eu m th at wh ic h is so crowd ed , a nd one the fav o r i t e m u s eu m in To kyo . But, there a re still a lot of mus e u m s o f ar t th at yo u c an visit in Tokyo , such a s : - - - - -

H ar a Mu s eu m o f C o ntemp ora r y Ar t Taka Is h ii G al l er y Mo r i A r t Mu s eu m Wako Wo r ks o f A r t Miz u m a A r t G al l er y

Shibuya S t r e e t As w e a l l h ave known shibuya str eet is o n e t h e b us i est st reet in t he wor ld . B eca us e it is the dist ric t of shopp ing a nd bus in e s s . W hy shoul d you go t her e? B eca us e wa l k ing has bec ome t he cultur e o f ja p a n e s e , you c an see so ma ny p e de s t r ia n s t h ere. Many phot ograp her a nd v i d e o g r a p h e r at t rac t ed by t his cr owd ed s tr e e t . B e s ides shopping, you ca n g et th e b e s t p h o t o of Japan here.

Senso-Ji S e n so ji is To ky o ’s mo st visited temple. T here is a golden image of Kan n on (t h e B udd hist Go d d e ss o f Merc y), whic h, ac c ording to legend, was m i r acul ousl y pul l e d o ut o f t he ne arby Sumida- gawa by two fisher men in AD 628. Entrance to the temple, there is red kaminari-mon (thunder gate), through the gate, p r o t e ct e d by fujin ( t he Go d of wind), and raijin (the God of thunde r ), an d a l so n akamise -d o r i, t he t emple prec inc t’s shopping street. A t the e n d of n a k a m b e -d o r i is t he t e mple itself. A lso you c an spot fiv e stor y pagoda t o y o ur l e ft a nd Asakusa-jin ja at the easter n edge of the temple c om pl e x.

Ketsumetsu selected items Photograph by Putra Mahendra Model Rene Maryn Makeup by Aldis Setiadi










febrian singer//traveler


When did you start to travel? Since I was a kid, my parents used to bring me to travel, even once in a year we travel together, and now on I found that travelling is one of my passion Where have you been, and where your favorite place? Why? I have just been in some places, and for me every place has a different memory, cause even though I go to some places that I used to, but it still has different story and has a different

Things that you should bring when travel (exclude smartphone) ? Camera, earphone and of course sunglasses What outfit do you bring when you are travelling? Swimwear, jacket, sunglasses , shoes and sandals. Tips for travelling?


By travelling you could find your own self, so that before you have your own family, you should

When you are travel do you prefer to go alone or with friends?

explore and travelling as much as you can.

It depens on where I go. If I go to a big city like Singapore, Bangkok or like city tour, I prefer to travel alone. But, if I go to place like beach, mountain or natural places I prefer with my friends.

Deby sucha Photographer//Tokyo Based @debysucha The profession as a photographer The first time i was introduced to the worlds of photography right when i was at college. I had an opportunity to work a part-time as an assistant of one of the main leading fashion photographer in Jakarta. From there, I know the world of fashion, especially fashion photography. From that moment on, I’m more interested in photography. When did you Start traveling? The first time i started to travel was from the winning prize of photo competition. From that moment on, I became interested in other culture beside Indonesian culture, and I tried by become a volunteer, homestay program and also did some backpacking. Where the most memorable destination? Honestly I havent been to many places before, if I should pick one I would choose japan. That’s why I choose to stay here. What do have to bring when you travel, beside gadgets? A journal. Because I like to wrote everything what comes to my mind. Outfit when travelling? A pair of comfy shoes, and NOT A JEANS pants. : D

Tips for travelling Do not think too much on how much money you should bring in your pocket. If you got enough, you should definitely go. Go to the locals, find indigenous locals, try to act like locals and you’ll find miracles as you go. Part-time job So i’m taking a part time job, aside from being a student, in a café called fab café. The interesting point from this café is you can get your coffee and create unique creation using laser cutter and 3d printers. From more info you can click www.

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