E&f style guide draft6

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Style Guide 2016

Contents About Us 3 Target Customer 5 Style & Tone Hawaiian Words & Phrases 7 Logo 9 Best Uses What not to do 11 Typography 13 Color Palette 15 Approved Imagery 17 Shipping Materials & Packaging 19


About Us The Earth & Fire company is a Hawaiian based ceramic artisan shop that makes fine china and dinnerware. All the products are unique hand-made with volcanic materials which when fired makes the products extremely durable. Our tagline: Durable Elegance testifies to the quality of the products created. The beautiful designs are timeless will be as striking as long as the pieces are guaranteed; a lifetime. The tone of the company should always be energetic, friendly, welcoming, but always simple. The dinnerware and designs will all have a simple but uniquely Hawaiian. Hawaiian tribal elements are bold & geometric and all materials will reflect those elements. When customers buy an Earth & Fire product they deal with the craftsmen directly. Each craftsmen designs and creates their own styles and products or customers can work with an artisan to create thier own unique piece. Key words: Quality - Craftsmenship - Practical - Durable - Elegant Unique - Beautiful - Timeless - Oraganic 3

Target Customer Earth & Fire is perfect for those who are looking for a modern version of fine china but also value the practical nature Earth & Fire products provide. Young 30-50 Professionals Well-traveled Educated Starting families First time home buyers Engaged or just married Artists or Craftsmen


Hawaiian Words & Phrases

Aloha Mahalo Makai Mauka E Komo Mai Pau Hana Pau Hana Aina Kamaaina Hale Ohana Maikai Kokua

Love, affection, hello, & goodbye Thank you Towards the ocean Towards the mountain Welcome Done, Finished Work Work is Done Homeland Native born House or home Family Excellent or goodness Help, supprt


Earth & Fire

Logo Use the full color logo when possible. The single color logo option is acceptable when full color option is not cost-effective. The transparent option should not exceed 60% opacity when placing logo on merchandise. The black & white version should be used when advertising in black & white or in kraft paper media. Logo should always be scaled in a uniform fashion. Logo should always be oriented in upright portrait. Logo should appear on light colored plain background. (Please see examples on packaging pages). The flower & block letter combination can be used without the logo text but only after the logo has been introduced already.


Earth & Fire

Examples of what NOT to do with the logo.

Logo Continued Text may be either purple or black. Earth & Fire should always use an ampersand. The words earth & fire should be oriented with Earth on top, then the ampersand on it’s own line and fire on the bottom. The height of the text should be the same height and the block letter. The width of the plumeria flower from leaf tip to leaf tip should be equivalent to the width of the block letter & the word earth combined. The block letter and text should have a shallow drop shadow, oriented to the bottom left of the page with 60% opacity. The flower should overlap with the right third of the flower overlapping the block letter. There should be a consistent amount of white space around the logo equivalent to size of the plumeria flower.

Do not add effects to the logo. Do not crop the logo. Do not present the logo in outline format. Avoid positioning the logo on dark colored backgrounds. Do not squeeze or stretch the logo. The logo should never be smaller than 1.5 inches wide. Do not change the shade of purple.


Typography Use Franklin Gothic Medium for titles or section headings. Franklin Gothic Book should be used in body text. Avenir or Corbel can be used if franklin gothic medium or book are not available. Use Purple, brown, or black for the color of text in all publications. All text should follow the Chicago Manual Style (Turabian, MLA) format. Elements of Style by Strunk & White is also acceptable. For reference use the webite www.MLA.org Native and uniquely Hawaiian words or phrases are encouraged but should used sparingly & strategically. Words like, Aloha, help to communicate what is unique and special about Earth & Fire. Aloha is a word that most people would be familiar with but other words, E Komo Mai, are not. Do not assume a customer knows that E Komo Mai means welcome.


Color Palette

Aloha Purple

RGB 89 37 104 HEX 592568 CYMK 76 100 27 15


RGB 181 186 182 HEX B5BAB6 CMYK 30 20 25 0

Tropical Orange RGB 255 121 19 HEX FF7913 CMYK 0 65 100 0

Baked Brown = RGB 107 80 67 HEX 6B5043 CMYK 47 61 67 34 Fern = RGB 29 92 46 HEX 1D5c2E CMYK 86 38 100 35 Black Sand Beach = RGB 45 41 38 HEX 2D2926 CMYK 63 62 59 94 15

Imagery Earth & Fire uses high quality images in all of its media. All images should reflect the keywords, and tone mentioned earlier. Images should also maintain the color scheme. Examples of imagery has been included througout the style guide. In every publication or page a tropical plant should be included in the bottom right hand corner. This will act as a stamp of identification in addition to the brand logo, consistent use of the ampersand, color scheme, and typography. When appropriate, single hawaiian words should be used as navigation indacators. Example: A tag with the Earth & Fire logo and the word Mahalo should be included in the packaging of every purchase The top of any multi-page publication should include the words Aloha & E Komo Mai.


Shipping & Packaging Material All packaging and shipping material should be brown in color. Kraft paper materials are prefereable. The Earth & Fire logo & other imagery can be stamped or fixed to packaging by sticker. See examples below.


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