Weird things that predict divorce, according to science

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Weird Things That Predict

Divorce, According To Science

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Much has been said about the behaviors and factors that predict divorce. Some are obvious, such as incidences of extramarital affair. Some are understandable, like issues with finances. Other reasons, however, seem absurd from the outside looking in. Consider:

Spending More Than $20,000 on Your Wedding

The logic behind this seemingly absurd factor lies in the statistics. When a couple overspends during their wedding, they are already setting themselves back financially. The average cost of a wedding today is about $25,500. If a middle-class couple spends more than this, they are more likely headed down the wrong direction.

Having a Commute Longer Than 45 Minutes

The explanation behind this is more personal and emotional than it is quantifiable. If one or both spouses have to commute to and from work longer than 45 minutes, studies show they are more vulnerable to choosing divorce because of too much stress and lack of marital bliss.

Having a Daughter

A 2010 study discovered that sons make families want to stick together, despite trying times. As for families with daughters, however, the study found moms to be more likely to leave. According to the research, mothers want to set their daughters a good example of not settling for any less than what they deserve.

Using Social Media Too Much

Several studies have attributed to the use of social media as a channel for rekindling old flings, flirt with someone from the past or as a venue for virtual affairs. A recent study on divorce even found out too much social media use is responsible for about one-third of their cases.

Not Being Equal in Household Duties

Although seemingly minor and not pointing directly to divorce, several couples who have filed divorce admit to this factor to their separation. It could also be more about gender roles inside the home and who is the more dominant power.

Most of these reasons and factors may sound absurd, but for those people involved who have suffered through these little arguments and issues, these are all valid reasons and situations. There is no one way toward divorce, the same way there isn’t one way out.


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