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Customer Relationship Driven Innovation
Customer Driven Innovation
What if.... t t
What if.... t t t
Customers had to be locals? What if cabs did not pick up tourists? What if cabs were only for tourists?
Customers made appointments with certain drivers? What if they created a relationship with drivers like they do their hairstylists? t What if you removed the need to talk at all? t What if customers co-created the routes taken? (online reviews)
Revenue Driven Innovation
Offer Driven Innovation What if.... t
t t t
There was a service that only picks up individual customers, removing groups. There were economy options? Luxury options? There was a member ship punch card? Or travel miles program? Taxi’s could also tow
?,%45"%%&.+B"( 955+3'#4+5 B7/-':;+$7&'B-)*"27-U What if.... t t t
Cost Driven Innovation
Resources Driven Innovation
What if.... t t t
There was a renewable fare card? Like a toll tag. Or a member program? (“put it on my tab”) Raised them with a luxury version?
We didn’t own our cars? We removed our need for garages? We removed the need for gas?
What if.... t
We reduced costs and offered an economy version?
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Business Model SWOT Evaluation Strengths
Financially Strong Owners
High Costs
Efficiency subjective to traffic flow
Place to Place Convenience Wide range of service
Taxi Driver Competition
Customer Intimacy
Customer Loyalty Driver/Customer Relationship
?,%45"%%&.+B"( 955+3'#4+5 MTA Subway raising prices
Economy (Customer Spending)
Sustainibility/ Environmental Awareness
Gas Prices
Product Leadership
NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Sustainibility/ Environmental Awareness
Operational Excellence
6,(#,7"&+8&955+3'#4+5 !NC>&.'O&/&R%837&*%1M$3&=339M851930
Strategy for Growth
Driver Information Monitor (2008) Passenger Information Monitor (2008)
Reserve a Car
Service Innovation Matrix Strategic Platform
Service Concept
Service Delivery System
Service Branding & Marketing
Car used for Advertisement Reserve a Car Website
Taxi and Limousine Committee (TLC)
Website Lost and Found Postings Phone Apps - “CabSense” (2010), “Report A Taxi “(2011)
Service Offerings
Nissan Leaf pilot study (2012)
ADA Cab Design (2011) Flat Rates for Outside City Limits
Replace 3 Light System (2011) Cab Decal Redesign
Existing Customer Groups
Driver Information Monitor
New Car (2013) - Nissan NV200 to Replace Ford Crown Victoria
New York Taxi Workers Alliance
Lost and Found Postings
Passenger Information Monitor
Cab Decal Redesign
Nissan to replace Ford (2013)
Flat Rates
Reserve a Car
Car as Advertising
Car used for Advertising ADA Cab Design (2011)
Hybrid Cars Nissan Leaf pilot study (2012) ADA Cab Design (2011) Website Phone Apps - “CabSense” (2010), “Report A Taxi “(2011) Replace 3 Light System (2011)
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B,)7%<-(<3-%)"-%;(#$/%#$%7,-#"%;)#3C%3#Dneighborhood business illicit, illegal environment
clubs moved outbusinesses having a hard time succeeding in their place
private white schools don’t want government to get involved, somehow causing increasing racial imbalance
former black community lost to malls & newly integrated areas
37th st. was centrally located there ain’t no white people breaking their geographically to the necks to come to savannah metro waters ave well, this is waters ave New York is too fast. white flight issue business owners forced Chicago is too cold. the building was terrible to finance revitalization and the rent might have been Savannah is just right. if you feel afraid, then too high, so we decided to hold you’ll be afraid. but deconstruction it all depends out as long as possible barber shops of a city to talk for hours current geographical regenerate jobs The section from Victory Drive, sustainability and preservation are system is isolating widen the street you know, all the way down to one...reconstruct the neighborhoods. make more room Henry & Anderson St. has such that’s why this is a community potential...if you go up north of Victory, just the opposite direction, there are a evolution of an area couple of commercial buildings that waters ave was a have great spaces. victim of integration work not on the deconstruction & other side of the universe drug reconstruction community changed activity from having a lot of zoning = killer of sustainability & mixed use bars & clubs around
non-evaluative statements about the infrastructure or nature of the environment
physical representations of care
public-facing indicators of upkeep or effort, e.g., mown grass, flower pots, cracked house paint
and it [garbage] will just sit there
big huge ugly, ugly planters = garbage cans
need more little parks... where you can eat, enjoy in my view, the impetus to waters ave is that shopping centers...there are grocery stores...other stake holders that would come to the table
st nife
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$190k house
you just passed a crack house
find someone decent to rent to? won’t get as much money
broken windows
abandoned and neglected buildings
historic district approved house colors
preservation...every single structure you will...understand what and how they meant to somebody. they’ll tell you. she cried, she couldn’t walk
gang house dilapidated homes vacant houses is just an invitation for squatters...but if it’s vacant & it looks like nobody really cares, then yeah, it could be a problem
we had big houses. and that’s what drew people. and that’s the same thing about waters ave corridor ...2/3 story houses...you all the streets around can develop into very waters ave have the real big good properties houses. and you can see the development coming through the bricks and mortar here. street by street by street. we selected this property are everything fining home owners whose architecturally speaking, fort knox because for several reasons, one is houses don’t meet code the...price was right which you can get everything from we’ve got a wall is obviously the bottom line mission, victorian, all kinds of & a barricade for anyone looking for a different, shotgun, i meanproperty, and it offered us just go down, zigzag quality old houses the ability to do what we any direction nice buildings won’t wanted with the property benecessarily help. they’ll be cause the property was condepleted in a few years anyways demned at that time
plants on improved the the street appearance of the area We had an effect on the color pallate, yeah. A lot of trees out front & kind of landscaping
mayor johnson owned the house, its an empty lot now
landlords may not be maintaining their property section 8’ers don’t really care about the home you can tell there is improvement by the facades. you can tell when a house has boards on the windows, or broken windows, or no windows at all
evaluative statements that may or may not have a basis in fact that represent the hopes or opinionsof an individual
it y manifestauthorsubconsciously
waters avenue
the garbage is everywhere... and people don’t care
manifest authority
physical manifestations of authority being exercised or neglected, e.g., a street light bulb being blown and not replaced
backyard gardens
place for young people
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expose larger systems
tangible and intangible representations of systems, like capitalism, that are outside the control of the area
expo more ideas
people to come with
everybody needs to go one block, clean, then the next
people don’t have what they need burned house not demolished‘this is savannah: save it all!’ no regular street sweeping compared to downtown and ardsley park if a lightbulb goes out on Jones St., they’re there in 2 seconds. In here, three years if they put a street light on. And three shootings recycling not picked under that street light up in 3 weeks 2nd, 3rd & 4th teir neighborhoods...don’t get the same attention as Jones & cans & bottles Charlton streets. we don’t get the on the road same trashcans or lights
uth esta
green spaces
public or private green space- e.g., parks
s stem ersy[if] Waters Ave rg was more attractive sela it would probably entice
green truck [restaurant] doing a million dollars a year
buildings; either homes or business
takeout restaurant
I’m always amazed by the juxtaposition of beauty and blight rose plants older than all of us
common structures public spaces and buildings
I see 3x the
garbage on Waters than here [side sts.]
I’m going on my 4th year of owning the restaurant
Bars and Bars and Bars
neighborhood business
businesses as physical structures or ideas
easily accessible
there is really nothing there. my friends all moved away for better school systems, safer neighborhoods, less threats
business- [rosette’s lounge], but school philosophy is that I would never everybody going to college. it can’t be waters ave doesn’t that’s not true. have anything to zero tolerance for attract businesses here demolition = such potential loss of character reminded us of new york neighborhoods I’ve been on the eastside for life I see beautiful things and other people are like, no area known not ideal locationfor crime depressed neighborhood and residential
their chicken is so good. oh my god. it’s like a black woman is in the kitchen, but she’s not.
no services. no nothing.
So we were kind of hesitant on leavif you walk in the door “they backwards” ing. However, we still had the option you have a purpose for without waters avenue, of trying to find other places. So the being here the word slum comes to other places we found didn’t have mind...it’s not right...the adequate privacy- the building businesses need to be was terrible, and the rent might more attractive, have a people that live here don’t deserve it have been too high, so we defacelift & people will want it’s not a cided to hold out as long as pos- to come to waters ave legitimate my mom goes in there sible
The Environment of Waters Ave
home& away
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Customer Journey:
NYC Taxicab Service NAICS - 485310
Strategy Canvas:
Needs A Ride
After Ride
Before Ride
Pay Driver
Hail Cab
Customer Value Proposition:
For people in NYC that need to get to a specific destination on time, NYC Taxi is a transportation service that delivers comfortable, convenient, and efficient transportation within Manhattan and the surrounding areas. Unlike the subway or bus systems that have restricted routes and set schedules our service is highly accessible and customizable, because we offer a personal door to door delivery experience picking you up and taking you directly and safely to your destination.
During Ride
Heavy User Core Service:
Low Personal Activities
Travel Distance
Friendly Service
Value Factors Taxi
Taxi Use: End Goals: Get to business meeting on time Experience Goals: A quick, effiecient, no nonsense ride.
During Service
Reliable Schedule
Travel Time
Passenger Information Monitor Luggage Assistence Lost and Found Posting GPS System Payment Transaction Friendly Service
Transportation within Manhattan and the surrounding areas
Yellow Medallion Availability Lights Visability Dispatch System
35 Sales Manager for Herman Miller Girlfriend of 8 years Apartment in Brooklyn None Subway, taxis, car, bike Attached to his ipad Stock trading, die hard Knicks fan, plays in a community basketball league
Enhancing Services:
Facilitating Services:
Age: Occupation: Status: Home: Pets: Transportation: Habits: Hobbies:
Subway rail
Age: Occupation: Status: Home: Pets: Transportation: Habits: Hobbies:
Identified Gaps
Word-of-Mouth, Personal Needs, Past Experiences
Rushed, Frazzled, Exhausted
Journey Map
27 Hair Stylist for York Salon Single Shared apartment on Lower East Side Cat Subway, taxis, occasional rental car Shoe addiction, social smoker Blogging, pilates, jewelry making
Taxi Use: End Goals: Meet friends at a restaurant across town Experience Goals: A comfortable, relaxed ride
Expectations and Emotions
Light User
Grabs breifcase and ipad, pulls on coat, and takes the elevator downstairs.
Puts on heels and texts friends as she heads down three flights from her apartment.
Expectations and Emotions
Expects to catch a cab immediately. After two taxi’s drive by he starts to get frustrated.
Anxious, Tense, Impatient
Expects the driver to take 8th Ave because everyone knows it’s the quickest route in this traffic.
Walks from office to the corner of the street.
Immediately makes a quick business phone call. Sticks arm out, waits, and hails a cab
Opens taxi door and slides into the backseat.
Tells driver his/her destination.
Walks from apartment building to corner of the street.
Expectant, Eager, Animated
Doesn’t bring a coat because she doesn’t expect to wait in the cold too long.
Puts on seatbelt while having a short polite conversation with the driver. Thankful, Energetic, Pleased
Expects that the driver knows the quickest and best route to the restaurant.
Is driven directly from pick up location A to specified destination B.
Trusting, Distracted, Fascinated
Not surprised when he was only 30 cents off when guessing what the total would be.
Looks at notes on ipad prepares for meeting, watches news on TV monitor. Checks make-up in mirror, texts on her phone, looks out the window at the city lights.
Confirms amount owed
Discusses amount owed
Aware and Alert
Has credit card already out and ready to pay.
Scrambles and digs out wallet from purse.
Expects ride to be longer. Surprised when the driver stops and they are there already.
Amazed and Flustered
Swipes card on customer information monitor.
Forgets about taxi ride immediately after closing the door.
Opens door, gets out of backseat, double checks for belongings and then closes door.
Pays the driver with a $20 and waits for her change.
Apologetic and Appreciative
Checks watch as he quickly walks from street to office building entrance. Walks from cab down the block to the restaurant.
Forgets about taxi ride immediately after closing the door.
lives in Brooklyn with his girlfriend and takes the subway into the city every morning. He’s been working for Herman Miller for close to 5 years but has worked in the city for 15 and knows the streets like the back of his hand. His office is centrally located at 6th and 46th but his client meetings are scattered throughout Manhattan and he relies on taxis for the better part of is day. Thank god for the company credit card because the cab rides alone cost a fortune. Carter is working hard for a possible promotion at the end of the year. His girlfriend complains that he needs a vacation but he just can’t see the value until he gets a leg up. Although he would like to see the Knicks game this weekend.
Perceived Service
Gets to meeting 10 minutes early.
Service Delivery
Mgmt perceptions of consumer expectations
Service Provider
6/#+7*"-'I)8/"' C-7<7#$+$7&
The Knowledge Gap: There is a gap between the managment and the consumers expectations. Management currently applies a “one size fits all” to consumer expectations and may be unaware of unfulfilled consumer needs.
Happy, Fulfilled, and Excited
Customers that are not paying attention or are not familiar with NYC streets/wayfinding and are not familiar with the taxi payment system:
External communications to consumers
Translation of perceptions into service quality specs.
Sits down at table where friends have already ordered her favorite drink.
If a taxi ride goes well and the customer is satisfied, they quickly forget about the experience after use of the service. But if the customer has a bad experience they remember and hold onto it.
Could be subject to longer unnecessary routes or fradulant charges.
A"734>"& 6+5>"H#R
Expected Service
Relieved, Confident and Focused
Good experiences do not remain memorable experiences
Suspicious, Observant
lives on the Lower East Side and shares an apartment with two roomates to save on rent and bills. She loves working at York Salon. It’s been a dream come true to move to the city and do what she loves. She still can’t believe she lives here, in Manahattan! York Salon is on the Upper East Side and even though it is not too far from her home, she still takes the subway and walks rather than taking a taxi everyday. It can get expensive... and that deters from saving money for her shoe obsession. She loves going out with the girls for dinner and an occasional show at the theater. So on nights when she’s dressed up she splurges for the conveinence and safety of a cab ride. Expected
High Perceived
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Erin E. Dora | SERV 724 | Prof. Bau | Spring 2012
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Era Analysis:
!"#$%&'()"'*"+,&-($'(".-%$/,"$,"&0-"1232 1840s -1900s
Victorian Era
1860s -1910s
Aesthetic Movements
Art Nouveau
Art Deco
Mid-Century Modernism
Free combinations of decorative elements in all styles. Heavy ornamentation and elaborate use of decoration.
Visible connections and joints in furniture and architectural structures. Rectilinear shapes, sturdy construction.
Stylized natural forms. Curvy elongated lines. Entirely holistic.
The movement banished the design traditions of the past offering geometric and angular shapes, bold outlines, and zigzag forms. Use of bold bright colors like yellow, purple, ruby and turquoise.
Clean simplicity. Emphasized creating structures with ample windows and open floor plans.
Contemporary updates of styles from the past creates eclectic designs in architecture, furnishings, and interiors. Wit and humor are also common elements in post-modern buildings and homes.
A desire to be “in style” and the availability of mass produced products
People believed that beautiful objects should exist for the enjoyment of everyone, not only the elite. It was thought that a beautiful environment could actually enhance one's quality of life.
The first original style that took inspiration from its surroundings, not history such as flowers, seeds, and roots.
Defined the contemporary times of 1920's and 1930's America. Spurned by the events of World War I, a healthy economy provided the perfect conditions for positive outlooks and collective good spirits.
Streamlined machines. Nature. The American Suburbs.
Took root as a response to modernist design Post-modern designers tend to reject the functional, minimal use of materials and lack of embellishment adopted by modernist designers.
Design Intention
Make good taste accessible to all classes. The Industrial Revolution made it easy and cheap to produce ornamentation that would previously have only been accessible only to the elite.
Advocacy for craft production and a resistance to machine production. It was largely a reaction against the impoverished state of the decorative arts and the conditions by which they were produced.
Intentions were to harmonize with the natural environment. The philosophy of furniture was to design according to the whole building and be made part of ordinary life.
Married luxury and function in a versatile design and served as an interpretation of the social norms, expectations, dreams, desires, interests, fascinations, frivolities and spontaneity of the culture in which it developed.
Goal was to bring modernism into America's post-war suburbs Open up interior spaces and bring the outdoors in. Function as important as form.
Seeking to free themselves of restrictive rules, post-modernists place form over function when desired.
Iron and glass were produced cheaply and efficiently.
Truth to material. Ebonized wood with gilt highlights. Accentuated connections.
Handcrafted wood.
Metallic materials of stainless steel and aluminum. Shiny lacquers and inlaid wood, even sharkskin and zebra skin.
Post and beam construction. Large sheets of glass.
A mixture of various design styles, unexpected design materials, and unconventional angles.
William Van Alen
Frank Lloyd Wright Le Corbusier Charles and Ray Eames Mies van der Rohe
Robert Venturi Michael Graves Philip Johnson Robert A.M. Stern
To define the mind sets and lifestyles of the revelry and celebration of the times.
An emphasis placed specifically on targeting the needs of the average American family.
Post-modernists seek to create comfortable spaces for the body, mind, and soul.
Aesthetics Inspiration
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Who’s Who Role of Designer
Decorating was the “good taste” of the woman of the house. Design pulls away from craftsmen.
William Morris John Ruskin Gustav Stickley Green and Green
Antoni Gaudi
The goal was to create design that was for the people and by the people, and a source of pleasure to the maker and the user.
It was the duty of art not to overlook any everyday object.
(Empire State Building)
[ Erin E. Dora - IDUS 711 - S. Johnson - Fall 2011 ]
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Setting Expectations and Communicating Brand Promise: t Establish brand lifestyle through the stores and products t Multi-faceted website shows their commitment to constant change t Events and Competitions/Team Volcom promotes athletes and their sports. t Winning team expectations = “celebrity” or “sports fan” consumer t Music, Artwork, and Advertisements communicate “tone of voice”, open mindedness, and “youth against establishment” attitude.
Meeting Expectations and Delivering Brand Promise: t They deliver on the promise of lifestyle, creativity, liberation, and commitment to change. t Despite their youthful nature they are a serious brand and meet expectations on a world wide level across cultures. t They themselves are an “established tradition”
Ideal Brand Positioning Although Volcom already does a high amount of work in the community uplifting the creative talents of the youth genereation, more emphsis could be placed on this sector to ward off the perceived image of our youth being irresponsible and irrelevent. Placing emphasis on their community events and competitions, featured artists, and team/sponsored members could highlight role models empowering the youth generation as a whole and give support and attention to a societal group that usually is not given adequate credit.
Satisfied and Delighted Customers: t Loyals: Best boardsport gear and clothing there is. Go team Volcom! t Switchers: See the brand as trendy and fashionable (either with street clothes or athletic wear) so they switch to what is popular, what they like, or what they can afford. t Disloyals: Too adolescent, punk, skater-kid, irresponsible or over-branded and trying too hard.
Defining Brand Expectations and Promise: t “Youth Against Establishment” t Expect liberation, innovation and experimentation and the dedicated promise to breakdown established traditions t Expect me to fly high and play hard but with a promise to seriously deliver. t Promise to young men and woman who share my passion for art, music, film, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding and motorcross to create clothing that not only exemplifies their lifestyle, but enhances the ability to live it.
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