One thing I have learnt through brand me and my research is that when the idea is in my head, I often find it hard to get the idea written down in a cohesive manner that would make sense to someone else. This next paragraph is taken from my conversation with a fellow student explaining my idea for my 360 Campaign.
remember how I was looking at the Romeo and Juliet film ages ago in the pod at uni And then I had the 1-1 with Tracey and she said look at religious iconography And l'm looking at escapism, utopia and dystopia So religious iconography and utopia link with the garden of Eden So My gap in the market ( graduate support ) is going to be transported by taking a pill to this modernised version of the garden of Eden to escape the harsh realities of real life Now while in the garden of Eden everything is all nice and trippy like when you are high But the longer you stay there the more things aren't as it seems (a bit like when the snake entices Adam and Eve to eat the apple)
So this raises the moral question for my consumer. The longer you hide from the harsh realities of real life the longer it's going to take you over come whatever is happening in your own life
That last bit I've tied in fairytales (Peter pan) the lost boys who don't grow up. I've labelled our generation 'the lost generation' who want to escape real life to take a break (escapism)
But at some point we all need to face the stuff we don't want to face so we will have to grow up/ leave the garden/ stop taking the pill and continue on with real life Does that make sense?
I do apologise for the informal prologue, however I believe that it has briefly introduced my 360 campaign allowing me to continue on in a greater depth.
Tell me we'll be alright Say that we'll be fine Plug me right in, jump through the screen Final frontier, I can be anything Maddening scenes, Anthropocene Blink and you'll miss us like we were a dream Maybe AI is the messiah My machine's learned all my kinks and desires Virtual porn, airbrush my jaw Are we having fun yet? Endless hot takes, chaos'll reign Guess we learned nothing from history's mistakes Billionaires, rocket to Mars Stuck on Earth drinking in driverless cars Icecaps'll fall, Cali'll burn Wilful denial until it's my turn Bunch of old white men who don't give a fuck Are we having fun yet? Tell me we'll be alright Say that we'll be fine Lie to me, it's alright, right?
with the protagonist looking for an escape from real life utopia is a place they can escape to. leaving your natural body behind. the nature of utopia breathes and gives life to whoever wishes to escape. with utopia having total control its the perfect way for the protagonsit to stop time and enjoy the moment.
the only way to reach Utopia. a simple pill or powder will do. Utopia welcomes those who chose freedom from society and dont conform to the norms of society. It celebrates individuality and all weird and wonderful ideas. Just take the medince and simple slip away to Utopia.
Generation Z are our protagonsit for the story. Creative graduates are struggling to meet deadlines and break into a fiercly competiitive industry. with presures rising, its easy for them to slip into Utopia, to pause real life, to say a teen a little while long. you dont need to grow up.
Utopia is an out of body reality. the flora and forna look after your physical body whilst you pause time and escape. the longer you stay in Utopia the more you increase your feeling of euphoria.
Much like the Garden of Eden, Utopia has everything you will ever need. As long as you continue under the influecne of its nature. Who would ever want to leave? the longer you stay the more euphoric you feel, however if you want to leave you will slow start to notice that not everything is as it seems. the serpent has came to take it all away .......
a constant presure
whilst in Utopia , since you are outside of your body, your body doesnt feel the effects of time. you encounter the ‘peter pan effect’. you never brow up and you never have to face the harsh realities of adulthood.
the new ‘lost generation’. born with technology in our hands we have been desensitised towards the world. Using narcotics and drinking as a mental escape great authors have relayed the message that excessive materialism and drinking will cause destruction. But with Utopia looking after the physical body. Will you feel the effects of the chemicals?
to leave Utopia or to stay. that is the question.....
The longer you stay in Utopia the more you become entransed in the new reality and being to forget your own. not all is as it seems however, much like the garden of eden, Utopia can turn into a plce you may soon want to escape.
The protagonsit was looking for an escape from the harsh realitys of real life, however once in Utopia it will be a battle again to escape the new reality.
With inspiration taken from the garden of eden, allows me as a storyteller to explore the idologys of good and bad and heaven and hell. creating a constrast in my story and helping Utopia develop its own personality.
the feeling youll experience in Utopia. this feeling contrasts against the realities of real life and entices the protagonsit to stay longer.
able to speak your own mind without social media cancelling you
are you truely boundless in Utopia ?
nature is pure in every sense of the term, but in Utopia the feeling that everything is not as it seems echos around the new realitys landscape.
As a creative storytell i took inspiration from the metaverse and the new reality that you can now be transported somewhere withoutleaving. combining this with the harsh realities graduates in the creative insudustrys are facing. the Concept of Utopia was created.
the idea that our reality is slowly turning into a dystopian novel makes the concept of Utopia even more worrying.
In the current fashion climate graduates are facing a fiercely competitive environment, one that requires you to keep up or risk losing out on securing funding or internships. Through studying various interviews with designers and graduates it’s becoming increasingly common for creatives to turn toward narcotics to deal with the downfalls of studying in the industry.
It’s clear there’s a gap in the market when it comes to supporting graduates in the fashion industry and for my 360 campaign I aim to create a fashion film which will create awareness around the current situation graduates are facing.
Taking inspiration from Baz Lurhmans ‘secret life of flowers’ and using my knowledge from brand me I intend to conceptually create a story surrounding a utopia graduates can escape to. This will fit alongside a avautegarde market as they are conceptual when I comes to designs and will there for allow me the space to think conceptually outside the box.
Are we having fun yet depicts a utopia which Generation Z escape to. By taking a pill, they hide from the harsh realities of life. Whilst in utopia they soon face the decision of returning to reality to face their problems or stay in utopia and never grow up.
Utopia - Garden of eden -
Euphoria - Digital -
Futurism -
Digital -
Dystopia -
Boundless -
Androgyny -