DIALOGOS: Andy Boot, Sergio Breviario, Alessandro Castiglioni, Antonio Catelani, Alessandro Castiglioni, Antonio Catelani, Sergio Breviario, Andy Boot, Ermanno Cristini, Giovanni Morbin, Giancarlo Norese, Goran Petercol,Ermanno Cristini, Giovanni Morbin, Giancarlo Norese, Goran Petercol, Fabio Sandri, Luca Scarabelli, Emily Speed, Alessandra Spranzi
Assab One, Milano, may 2011
DIALOGOS is a research born without a specific project and an orthodox curatorial scheme, focused on the possibility to develop an artistic practice on ideas that continuously negotiate knowledge, choices and sensitivity. An experience grown among artists who have chosen themselves for coincidence, "elective affinities", or trajectories that have,crossed their way of doing.