The Bulletin - Issue 47 June / July 2018

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Issue 47 June-July 2018

The official newsletter of the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia Ltd


Read our member-focused submission regarding the DBA revised scope of practice registration standard DHAA Symposium The build-up continues pre-tax year and early bird benefits still apply

Step out of your comfort zone Open up a whole new world of possibility

STATE ROUND-UP Find out what’s happening in your local area

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People don’t buy what you do, people buy why you do it. Simon Sinek The DHAA believe that it’s reason for being is to empower oral health professionals by delivering education, support and advocacy. This was the outcome of our leadership training day in Melbourne on 26 May. Doesn’t sound like much for six hours work, does it? In fact, it was life changing. For over six hours, directed by Michael McGann from Non Profit Training, we distilled down the things that are the most important to the DHAA. It has set us on a direction that keeps our ‘why’ firmly in our focus. If you’d like a taste of the theory, check out this YouTube link. Of course, it doesn’t only apply professionally. It can be applied to all aspects of life. We also looked at marketing the Association and created imaginary members to look at their motivations and barriers to being involved. It was also great to be joined by the inaugural group of student leaders. They are a fantastic and diverse group from all over the country with a fresh take on the profession. I personally appreciated hearing their stories of why they joined the profession and I hope we inspired them in some way to Student leaders are the future of the DHAA remain active and motivated members. I’m sorry to not have a name to put to the quote, but one of them said that it was a ‘blend of psychology, art and science.’ So true. So succinctly put. Here is their photo. Watch this space. One of them might be our future president or CEO. Modern life can get very busy and distracting, but if you can find your way to becoming a volunteer for the Association and get yourselves an invite to one of these leadership days, you won’t be disappointed. They are always motivating, social, thought-provoking and they provide a real connection to the DHAA and the profession. I hope to see you at our next leadership day next May! Kathryn Novak DHAA National President

Contents 04 News Stories including; our response to the DBA revised scope of practice; the call for DHAA Oral Health Award nominations; the pros and cons of postgraduate eduction; ADX18 show report; and a very popular graduation.

22 Symposium Cairns 2018 Get the latest update on our unmissable national event with a full program preview.

26 Boundary conditions of thinking The possibilities if you step outside your comfort zone.

28 DHAA has you covered Have you considered the DHAA Professional Indemnity insurance?

30 Passion for prevention How one woman rekindled her love for dental hygiene.

32 Taking the strain Beware the mental and emotional pressure of work.

36 Don’t sign your life away Our expert guide to reading employment contracts

38 Volunteer for good Two stories displaying a community spirit.

40 State of the Nation Your local state round-ups.

Key Contacts CEO Mel Hayes CONTACT




IT REP Josh Galpin


The Bulletin is an official publication of the DHAA Ltd. Contributions to The Bulletin do not necessarily represent the views of the DHAA Ltd. All materials in this publication may be readily used for non-commercial purposes. The Bulletin is designed and published by



The Dental Board of Australia has recently invited feedback on the proposed revised Scope of Practice Registration Standard. We thank all the members who took the time to provide valuable feedback on the existing scope and the proposed changes, it helped the DHAA formulate a truly member-focused submission. Read on for the full submission to the Chair of the Dental Board of Australia, Dr John Lockwood


Consultation on proposed revised scope of practice registration standard and guidelines Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback for the Consultation on a proposed revised scope of practice registration standard and Guidelines for scope of practice. The Dental Hygienists Association of Australia Ltd. (DHAA) is the peak professional body representing some 1600 dental hygienists, oral health therapists and oral health students throughout Australia. In line with our Strategic Plan, we regularly survey members about issues affecting the profession, including the Scope of Practice Registration Standard and Guidelines. This feedback encompasses data collected from our membership regarding the existing and proposed registration standard and guidelines. The DHAA have undertaken two member surveys in the past eight months, to determine our members understanding and gather their feedback on the existing scope of practice registration standard and guidelines, and the recently proposed revisions. Further, we have worked together with our colleagues at ADOHTA to reach a shared understanding on this consultation. As requested, this submission will address the eight questions raised in the consultation paper.

1. From your perspective, how is the current registration standard and guidelines working? In October 2017, the DHAA invited members to provide their opinions on the current scope of practice registration standard, via an online survey. 205 members completed the survey; based on a sample size calculation, we required a minimum sample of 91 respondents to be representative of our membership base. Respondents included dental hygienists (68%), oral health therapists (18%) and dual qualified hygienist-therapists (10%), from all States and Territories in Australia. The overwhelming majority of respondents (91%) indicated that they were satisfied with the requirement that “All dental practitioners are members of the dental team who exercise autonomous decision making within their particular

areas of education, training and competence, to provide the best possible care for their patients”. They also agreed (87%) that “Dental practitioners must only perform dental treatment: for which they have been educated and trained in programs of study approved by the National Board, and in which they are competent”. Comments provided related specifically to the lack of clarity and confusion within the profession regarding this standard. Respondents indicated that independent practice

“ R espondents indicated that independent practice would recognise the dental hygienist and oral health therapist as a highly trained and educated health professional, with some 50% unsatisfied with the lack of independent practitioner status.” would recognise the dental hygienist and oral health therapist as a highly trained and educated health professional, with some 50% unsatisfied with the lack of independent practitioner status. Respondent’s comments recognised that independent practitioner status still required a team approach to care and referral for areas outside their scope of practice. There were some concerns that undergraduate training has not prepared the profession for independent practice (37%), and suggestions for implementation were centred on the provision of provider numbers and include established guidelines, an application process and post-graduate training, as well as looking to other countries that have implemented independent practice. There are concerns from our members regarding the structured professional relationship (SPR). We have received feedback that this has been poorly implemented in practice, and that the required one-on-one relationship with a dentist is restricting practice for hygienists, therapists and oral health therapists. Further, our members have reported numerous incidents where their clinical expertise and tertiary qualifications have been questioned, despite the current standard and guidelines outlining we are able to make autonomous decisions within our scope of practice.


2. Are there any issues that have arisen from applying the existing registration standard and guidelines? The current registration standard and guidelines are not clear, with many of our members describing them as unclear and difficult to interpret. Further, when seeking clarification from AHPRA, they have been advised that the Dental Board does not assist practitioners in interpreting the standards and guidelines, and that they should seek independent legal advice. In our opinion it is essential that the registration standard and guidelines be written in plain English.

“ T he current registration standard and guidelines are not clear, with many of our members describing them as unclear and difficult to interpret.” For dental hygienists and oral health therapists, the current standard does not enable flexibility for dental practice and referral pathways. We understand this viewpoint is shared with our colleagues at ADOHTA. Feedback from our member survey indicates that the structured professional relationship is not always ‘professional’, with hygienists and OHTs experiencing a lack of respect and trust for clinical decision making within their scope, despite being tertiary qualified practitioners. Our members would welcome an opportunity to work within a collegial team-based approach to care, with multiple dentists, specialists, hygienists, therapists, oral health therapists and prosthetists.

3. I s the content and structure of the proposed revised registration standard and guidelines helpful, clear, relevant and more workable than the current registration standard and guidelines? In April 2018, the DHAA invited members to provide their opinions on the proposed revised scope of practice registration standard, via an online survey. 144 members completed the survey; based on a

sample size calculation, we required a minimum sample of 91 respondents to be representative of our membership base. It should be noted that our survey directed members to read the DBA consultation paper and reflective tool; many members responded that the consultation paper was wordy and difficult to understand, and could not find the reflective tool. Removing reference to programs to extend scope, completing CPD to broaden skills, knowledge and competence The majority of members surveyed (80%) agreed that they understand the new guideline, while the remaining (20%) did not understand or are unsure. There is concern that CPD programs, mini courses and short education sessions do not necessarily provide sufficient information, opportunity for skill repetition/development and consolidation of new skills to enable a practitioner to safely provide a new treatment or procedure for a patient. Members indicated that when learning a new skill or technique, one does not necessarily have the confidence or ability to determine whether the learning that has taken place is comprehensive and safe. The suggestion was made that DBA should provide more guidance to allow practitioners to make an informed decision on what is suitable CPD; this includes dentists, specialists, hygienists, therapists, oral health therapists and prosthetists. The DBA should also consider a process for monitoring the content of CPD courses, for the safety of the public. Removal of all reference to independent practitioners It is clear that our members find this proposed change ambiguous and unclear. Only 55% of survey respondents understand this guideline, with the remaining 45% do not understand. Removing the requirement that dental hygienists and oral health therapists must not practise as independent practitioners is welcomed by the DHAA. We understand this viewpoint is shared with our colleagues at ADOHTA. Removing this restriction for dental hygienists and oral health therapists will allow greater opportunities to practise in a variety of settings, including residential aged care facilities (RACF’s), group homes, wards and units


in hospital settings, and homes for the disabled. Hygienists and oral health therapists have capably and safely worked within their scope for many years, demonstrated by very low notification rates (approximately 10%, compared to 90% received for dentists and specialists). Many countries around the world recognise the value of preventive dental care and place a high community value on preventive dental services. Many encourage independent practice and direct access, meaning citizens may see a dental hygienist without first having to see a dentist. In Ontario, Canada, Bill 171 was introduced in 2007 which allows the public to access the dental services of registered dental hygienists. Other countries with similar legislation include the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Scandinavian countries including Sweden and Norway, and many states in America. A review undertaken prior to the legislative change in the UK highlighted that direct access to dental hygienists resulted in increased access to care, improved patient satisfaction and no significant risks to patient safety.1 In California, USA, dental hygienists may register for alternative practice; these practitioners have specialised training and an additional license that allows them to have their own independent business and work in settings other than a dental office and without the supervision of a dentist. These services can be provided in designated underserved areas, as well as schools, institutions, residences, skilled nursing facilities, and private homes of homebound persons. This model reaches some of the most underserved populations. However, as currently worded, this proposed revision causes confusion due to the poorly phrased double negative. Further, completely removing the premise of an independent practitioner at this point may create further confusion among the dental professions. We note the Board agreed that it should move incrementally towards removing the bar on independent practice from the registration standard for hygienists and OHTs; we believe by removing the restriction AND the term independent practitioner in one revision, there will be a significant gap in understanding and interpreting the standard and guidelines by the profession. We suggest removing the restriction in this review, and then phasing out the standard (including reference to independent practitioners) in five years. Note that

the AHPRA Code of Conduct includes plain language statements regarding scope of practice that are applicable to all health practitioners. Our members understand that there is a huge responsibility that comes with working independently. The DBA, through its accreditation of dental and oral health programs, needs to ensure adequate training is provided for this change in the scope of practice to protect the integrity of the profession. Further, the DBA needs to work with the professional associations to ensure adequate training is provided for the current workforce. Team based approach to care The vast majority of members (87%) are supportive of, and understand the team-based approach to care. Members indicated that this approach is logical, and important for dentistry. The DHAA welcome a model where dentists, specialists, hygienists, therapists, oral health therapists and prosthetists can work together respectful of each other’s scope of practice, in a team-based approach to care. We understand this

“ D ue to the obvious confusion regarding the reference to independent practitioners, this requires revision. We urge the Board to reconsider removing all reference to Independent Practitioners.� viewpoint is shared with our colleagues at ADOHTA. Determining individual scope of practice The overwhelming majority of members (85%) indicated that they understand how to determine their individual scope of practice. The minority continue to have some concerns that the scope of practice is too open to interpretation, and it is easy for a practitioner to make an error of judgement because of the vagueness of the standard and guidelines.

4. I s there any content that could be changed or deleted in the proposed revised registration standard and guidelines? Due to the obvious confusion regarding the reference to independent practitioners, this requires revision. We urge the Board to reconsider removing all reference to


Independent Practitioners, and rather look at a new definition. For your consideration, we propose: An independent practitioner is a practitioner who may practise autonomously within their scope of practice, within a team-based approach to care.

5. Do you think that a review period of at least every five years (rather than three) is appropriate? Why or why not? The DHAA holds the view that dental practitioners, like all other health practitioners, should not require

a registration standard to define their scope of practice. We propose that, with the assumption that the current proposed changes are approved, that the Scope of Practice Registration Standard and Guidelines are phased out after five years. It should be noted that “registrations standards ‌ may be used in disciplinary proceedings against health practitioners as evidence of what constitutes appropriate practiceâ€?. 3 While ever the standard and guidelines are perceived by practitioners as unclear and confusing, then it is not guiding appropriate practice and is therefore potentially detrimental to public safety.


It should be noted that the Dental Board is the only Board under the National Registration and Accreditation with a Scope of Practice Registration Standard for the health practitioners it regulates. Like the Dental Board, other Boards have numerous divisions of practitioners, that are also required to deliver care using a team-based approach, and yet they do not require a registration standard that spells out to health professionals the need to work within their areas of education, training and competence. In fact, all other health practitioners work within their scope of practice in line with the AHPRA Code of Conduct, which includes plain language statements applicable to all health practitioners; there is no reason dental practitioners should be treated differently. We understand this viewpoint is shared with our colleagues at ADOHTA. A professional can be defined as “a member of a profession… governed by a code of ethics, and profess commitment to competence, integrity and morality, altruism, and the promotion of the public good within their expert domain. Professionals are accountable to those served and to society”. 4 All health professionals, regardless of their profession, division or endorsements, through the process of registering for practice are committing to providing services within their scope of practice. Therefore the purpose of a registration standard is questionable.

6. D o you have any other comments on the proposed revised registration standard and guidelines? The DHAA are broadly supportive of the proposed changes to the standard and guidelines, which recognise the need for professionalism, reflection and justification in clinical decision making, and encourage a more team based approach to care provision. We understand this viewpoint is shared with our colleagues at ADOHTA.

7. Is the content and structure of the new reflective tool helpful, clear and relevant? The DHAA has received positive feedback from its members on the reflective tool. The tool appears to

be thorough yet easy to understand, and provides a reference point for clinician’s to self assess their current clinical competence. Further, it supports the strong focus of self-reflection and assessment that dental hygienists and OHTs receive during their education and training.

8. I s there anything missing that needs to be added to the new reflective tool? There is concern from our members that the consultation period did not allow them sufficient time to consider the new reflective tool. The DHAA would be supportive of developed education and training for the profession on how the tool should be used. Further, a strategy for how the Board intends to engage the profession on using the tool, and how its use will be monitored require consideration. After a period of testing, the tool

“ T here is concern from our members that the consultation period did not allow them sufficient time to consider the new reflective tool. The DHAA would be supportive of developed education and training for the profession on how the tool should be used.“ should be evaluated and reviewed. We understand this viewpoint is shared with our colleagues at ADOHTA. There is concern that self-regulation will be abused by a small minority, and that the Board should have a strategy for identifying such individuals. While a small minority, any abuse of the privilege of self-regulation may tarnish the credibility and public trust for all those in the profession. We again thank you for opportunity to provide this feedback, and are pleased to be contacted for any clarifications or ongoing discussions. Yours sincerely, Kathryn Novak DHAA Ltd. National President

Turner S, Tripathee S, MacGillivray S. Benefits and risks of direct access to treatment by dental care professionals: A rapid evidence review. Final Report to the General Dental Council 2012. 2 3 4 Cruess SR, Johnston S, Cruess RL. (2004) Profession: a working definition for medical educators. Teaching and learning in medicine: 16(1); 74-6. 1


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The 2018 DHAA Oral Health Awards It’s time to get your nominations in for the this year’s awards and we have some new categories to consider too!


n keeping with our annual tradition the DHAA will be recognising those oral health practitioners that are making a meaningful contribution to our profession with the annual DHAA Oral Health Awards. As dental hygienists, oral health therapists and dental therapists we all share a focus on prevention, and collectively are known as oral health practitioners. The DHAA Oral Health Awards will be presented across five categories: 1. Community Service Do you know an oral health practitioner that has made a difference to their local community? Perhaps implemented a community oral health program or health promotion initiative? Contributed to the improved oral health of those in their community? 2. Leadership Do you know an oral health practitioner who is inspiring? Who has been a valuable mentor? 3. Excellence in Higher Education Tomorrows oral health practitioners are shaped by their education, and the research that underpins it. This award is open to lecturers, clinical educators and placement supervisors who have provided a positive and enriching learning experience for oral health students. 4. Commitment to Clinical Excellence Our professional identity is only as good as the quality of preventive care we provide to our patients. Perhaps you work with an oral health practitioner that goes above and beyond, or has developed patient initiative in your practice? Or has committed to professional development? 5. Service to the Association To be nominated by the DHAA Board of Directors, for continued and significant contribution to the DHAA.

Nomination requirements All nominees must be members of the DHAA. Nominations should be completed using the nomination form. Anyone may submit a nomination with the candidate’s permission. Nominations must clearly document why the candidate should be considered, above all others, for these distinguished awards. All nominations must contain sufficient information to inform the selection process without additional research. It must include the details of a referee for the nominee from current or former colleagues, employers, editors, students or associates.

“ T he DHAA will be recognising those oral health practitioners that are making a meaningful contribution to our profession with the annual DHAA Oral Health Awards.” DHAA Oral Health Awards Nomination Form Nominations can be made via email using the downloadable form on the DHAA website.. APPLICATIONS CLOSE 5PM 20 JULY. Selection Process All nominations received will be assessed by a panel with recommendations put to the DHAA Board of Directors for final approval. The panel will consist of three people, with at least one a current Director of the DHAA. Recognition Award recipients are recognised annually at the DHAA National Symposium with a plaque, and acknowledged in the DHAA Bulletin. n

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Still learning after all these years

Exclusive DHAA member discounts Amelia Munn takes a look at the potential savings available to members

Conjoint Associate Professor Deb Cockrell reports on the graduation of a very popular Newcastle lecturer ON FRIDAY 6 APRIL, 2018, Linda Wallace graduated as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Newcastle. Dr Wallace’s thesis involved researching graduates from the Bachelor of Oral Health program in terms of social demographics, career choice influences, employment opportunities and experiences, and job satisfaction. Her PhD was awarded without amendments, testament to her commitment, rigour and research skills. Members will remember her with respect, admiration and great fondness. She has been involved with teaching BOH students at Newcastle since 2006 and consistently achieves outstanding feedback on her teaching and clinical skills. Equally importantly, Linda is a true people person with a wicked sense of humour. Linda is the Peter Pan of Oral Health having obtained her hygienist certificate from the Royal Australian Naval Training School of Dental Training in 1985. In 1987, she passed the Dental Hygienist Assessment of the Dental Board of NSW, the first Australian military-trained hygienist to do so (see inset pic). She recalls that it “was a long hard slog to get recognition”, so, along with other hygienists, the DHAA NSW Branch was established to provide a support association for hygienists. Early meetings were apparently held in

someone’s lounge room in Glebe! While working as a hygienist and oral health promoter, Linda studied and obtained qualifications in public health, tertiary teaching and workplace assessment. In the very early days of the BOH at Newcastle, Linda was an external contributor to the program in the area of oral health promotion. Her numerous talents were obvious and the discipline was delighted to welcome her as a substantive staff member in 2007. Since that time, Linda has been a key staff member, leading the hygiene elements of the BOH and studying at the same time. She has had immeasurable success culminating in the highest University qualification of PhD. Linda is following in the footsteps of her thesis supervisors and mentors, Professor Jane Taylor and Associate Professor Janet Wallace. She is an outstanding teacher, researcher, leader and mentor. Dr Linda Wallace PhD simply deserves to feel as happy as she looks. n Conjoint Associate Professor Deborah Cockrell is an overseas-trained Oral Surgeon with a PhD in dental education. She has worked in a wide range of settings including academia, outreach services, public and private practice. the President and Director of the Australian Dental Council, and Past President of Australian Dental Association NSW

I WAS PLEASANTLY surprised to find how good the commercial access benefits associated with DHAA membership really are. It still pays to shop around as the discounts can vary considerably depending on product types, but I have found multiple items to be significantly cheaper. As I write this I can see a $30 HDMI cable at a discounted price of $7 – that’s over 75% off! I have recently taken advantage of this member benefit to get some things for my mum, including a new television soundbar, as well as various other electronics and appliances – I ordered online and picked it all up from my nearest store within a few hours, saving myself over $300 in the process. The bargains were too good to resist. In fact they were so good that I went back the next day and picked up a sneaky new soundbar for myself as well!

HDMI cables on Google (above) and with DHAA discount (right). Main pic shows cheeky TV soundbar

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Shida Taheri The DHAA Sponsorship Officer tells The Bulletin about why she loves her role Just a few of the DHAA crew at ADX18

The DHAA on show at ADX18 Nicole Hocking reports on her volunteer experience THIS YEAR’S ADX18 was held at the International Convention Centre in Sydney from 23-25 March. The DHAA were fortunate to have a small stall, with members volunteering throughout the whole weekend. I was lucky enough to be helping on the stall on the first day of the exhibition. The DHAA stand was in a fantastic position, right on one of the main aisles, and next to the GSK stand – who were giving out free ice cream! This meant we had a lot of foot-traffic passing by the stand, allowing us to engage in conversations with many attendees. We had some great resources at the stall to give out, including a brochure that the DHAA has put together in collaboration with Oral B outlining what a dental hygienist is, and how valuable they are to the dental industry. A large number of dentists came to our stand to enquire about employing hygienists, and were able to take this brochure to help educate themselves and their staff on the benefits of having hygienists as part of their dental team. Students and non-members came to the stand and asked about membership, and we were able to present to the them the many benefits of being part of the DHAA. We handed out heaps of membership flyers and had numerous discussions about our indemnity insurance, CPD events and our Industrial Relations (IR) support line. On Saturday night, the DHAA put on a cocktail night for members that were attending the ADX. This was a great networking opportunity for members, and a chance to catch up with colleagues and enjoy some great food and drinks together. This was my first ADX, and I was thoroughly impressed with the whole exhibition. The amount of dental supplies on display was overwhelming and it was great to see all of the different exhibitions. The variety was incredible with stalls for tooth whitening, dental instruments, sterilisation equipment, tooth paste and brushes, dental chairs, dental loupes, labs, orthodontic appliances, all the different associations and more. Overall it was a great weekend, and I am very much looking forward to attending again with the DHAA when ADX comes around again in 2020. n

MY MAIN ROLE with the DHAA is organising sponsorship for our events. The generosity shown by our industry partners allows the DHAA team to deliver bigger and better events filled with quality content. By being a part of our events, our industry partners get to show off their new products, new research and the chance to interact with our delegates. I encourage you to contact me regarding company partnerships, advertising opportunities and/or to be a part of our state-based local events and our National Symposium. Call me on 0416 922 210 or email me at

CALLING ALL WRITERS! Do you enjoy researching topics and writing about them? Do you have articles or journals that you’d like published? Got something to share with your hygiene colleagues? The Bulletin is always looking for content of interest to dental hygienists and would love to feature yours or even have you on the writing team. Interested? Get in touch with our Editor at



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Very Busy South Australian Bees Two events in the same week kept the DHAA SA volunteers on their toes - but they came good as Margie Steffens reports APRIL WAS CERTAINLY a busy month for DHAA SA. Hot on the heels of the Special Olympics (see report below) we were very pleased to be hosting a training session in dental care for older people. The Aged Care Dementia Workshop was held at Southern Cross Care, Fullarton, from 18-20 April. Under the guidance and instruction of Dr Archana Pradhan there was a particular focus on dementia patients living in supported care. Dr Pradhan is a special needs dentist with whom I have worked for many years and who has a particular passion and interest in aged care and disabilities. I am happy to say all the sessions were booked with 17 participants – one of whom was a dentist, and Maggie flew down from Queensland. Most of the residents that were booked in were dentate, and a few

Quality aged care in the community from a quality crew

were edentulous, giving participants an opportunity to offer a range of supportive care and information – not only to the residents but to the staff. Information was recorded as to their oral condition, and instructions written for staff to follow up. Simple treatment modalities were undertaken with the opportunity to apply silver fluoride where appropriate and again the followup instructions were given. Denture care was offered and basic OHI. DHAA SA would like to offer their grateful thanks to the staff at Southern Cross Care. In particular, Sandy Pedler the DON – who had been under significant stress managing a major reconstruction at the site – was incredibly helpful and grateful for our interest. Ram, the carer, was an amazing asset. Bringing the residents to us and assisting with their transfer as necessary. An absolute gem

who displayed all the qualities we admire in care staff. The intention is to follow this up in three months, if Dr Pradhan is back. If not then either Lynda Van Adrighem – who is undertaking screening and support for Southern Cross Care – or I, will review the residents and record their progress especially post silver fluoride. For all attendees it was a most useful learning experience and an opportunity to work together on improving quality of life for older people in our community. n

Smiling faces and Special Smiles at the Special Olympics

Extra Special Olympic Effort THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS is a global sporting event for people with intellectual disabilities. Held in Adelaide from 15-20 April at Adelaide Shores, West Beach, it’s a wonderful opportunity for these young people to participate in organised competitions such as swimming, golf, athletics and so much more. We were very privileged to have Dr Archana Pradhan come down from Queensland to coordinate and support this event – along with her husband Anil whose support was invaluable in so many ways, particularly with the setting up and assisting with participants.

The Dental Hygienists Association of Australia in SA has been proud to support the Special Smiles healthy athletes program; with 80 volunteers performing dental screenings for the athletes, all of which was ably coordinated by Dr Archana Pradhan. The volunteers comprised of dental hygienists, OHT’s dentists and dental students screened over 300 athletes – all of whom were given dental health education, toothbrushes, toothpaste and provided with information if they required further care. Once again a very successful program and a good deal of fun was had by all, as you will see by the photos.


Postgraduate Education Is it worth it? Jo Mohammadi looks at the pros and cons of taking your qualifications to the next level FOR THOSE OF you that have watched the popular American sitcom “Big Bang Theory” you will notice that Sheldon often makes fun of Howard Wolowitz for “only” having a masters degree as the rest of the group all have PhD’s; but, does it really matter? Contrary to popular belief, a PhD is not intellectually difficult but calls for discipline and stamina. With postgraduate qualifications becoming more common amongst oral health professionals, is this path something you’ve pondered?

What does PhD stand for? “Doctor of Philosophy” or “Doctorate”. A PhD is usually the highest level of academic achievement. What is the difference between a Masters and a PhD? Generally speaking, a masters degree can be completed via coursework and/or research whereas a PhD requires the development of significant and original research in your area of expertise. A masters degree can also range from one to two years full time as opposed to a PhD, which can take between three to five years full time. If you’re planning on studying only part time, this will take even longer.

Should I do my PhD? If you are only studying further for the title or purely to earn more money, you could be in for a shock. Just because you have a PhD doesn’t mean that you are entitled to a higher wage. Remember, completing a PhD requires great discipline and perseverance. Don’t go into it half-hearted. Try talking to people that are current students and those that have completed a PhD before you make your decision. Recent DHAA recipients of PhDs include; Linda Wallace; Carol Tran; and Kelsey Pateman. However, if you have a topic that you are truly passionate about, definitely consider it!

Questions to ask yourself before you apply n Do you have the time to undertake a PhD? Can you make

Do I have to be a statistics ‘whiz’ to undertake a PhD? Although it is advantageous to have a solid foundation of statistics, for the complicated stuff you can hire a statistician. Is there any funding or scholarships available? Commonwealth funding for postgraduate students is available through the Australian Government’s Research Training Scheme (RTS). There are also National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and university specific (domestic and international) scholarships you can apply for. In addition, many associations and foundations offer funding opportunities for research. Some examples include, the (Dental Hygiene Research Fund) DHRF and the Australian Dental Research Foundation (ADRF). Why don’t you think outside the box and explore non-oral health associations related to your area of interest? Eg. Topic: Oral Health in Elderly = Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG), Dementia Australia National (DAN).

the commitment? Be realistic, you’re not going to be motivated to sit down and study after a full day of work. n Do you have a topic you’re interested exploring? More specifically do you have a research question you want to ask? n Do you have a potential supervisor in mind? (Usually your supervisors are experts in the field you are wanting to explore). n Do you want to complete your PhD as a dissertation or by publication? n Have you conducted a literature review in the area of research to see what research is currently out there.

Encouraging new and experienced oral health practitioners to contribute to oral health research increases credibility to our profession and contributes to the literature of evidence-based practices. For further information on studying a PhD or suggestions on future articles for the bulletin, please email the editor at n


REMEMBER YOUR FIRST DHAA Student Leader, Tayla Griffiths, recalls her first hands-on patient experience


ecently I had the pleasure (read ‘terror’) of seeing my first ever patient. Entering my second year of the Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy & Hygiene) at Charles Sturt University, I knew this moment was coming. I also knew I was well prepared, having spent the previous year developing my technical skills, in the simulation clinic. Interacting with patients wasn’t completely foreign to me either, having worked as a dental assistant for a few years. So, why was I so scared of seeing my first patient? Prior to seeing my first patient, I’d asked a number of experienced clinicians if they remembered their first. They all did. When they reflected on the experience, no-one had horror stories about how terribly it went, they were all smooth, uneventful appointments. One thing they all had in common though, was the nervousness and stress they felt at the time. Hearing that my emotional response was common, put me slightly at ease. In the days leading up to the appointment, my stress levels heightened. I started thinking about all the questions my patient could ask me. What if they ask me to justify the benefit of fluoride? Or the age deciduous canines erupt? Gosh, what if they want to know about the ingredients in a certain toothpaste? I started intensely studying, revising everything I had learnt up until now. I wanted to be prepared, and I believed I could only do that if I had an answer to every question. The night before the appointment, I struggled to get to sleep. I was dreading what awaited me in the morning. After a pretty poor night’s sleep, tossing and

“ I n the days leading up to the appointment, my stress levels heightened. I started thinking about all the questions my patient could ask me” turning, my alarm went off, today was the day. I just kept telling myself to relax, this time tomorrow, you’ll wonder what you were so stressed about. My assistant was just as nervous as me, I think I found comfort in that fact. Our tutors held a brief group meeting, they talked about how exciting it was, telling us to relax and have fun. I looked around the room, my feelings were written all over my classmates faces, I could see we were all terrified. Then it was time, my patient had arrived. The next couple of hours went by in a blur. I remember trying to appear confident and well composed. I can remember how strange it felt to probe

real gingiva, as opposed to the fake stuff from simulation clinic. I remember my hands sweating in my gloves, while I fumbled around trying to find the working end of a Gracey curette. I also remember how lovely my patient was. The patience of a saint, kind and gentle, they never put me on the spot and were so thankful at the end. But the thing I remember most, is the complete relief and sense of accomplishment I felt at the end of the appointment. I’d done it. I couldn’t stop smiling. I was filled with adrenaline and so much energy. I’ve now seen about 10 or so patients. Each time it gets a little easier and I relax a little more. I’ve learnt that I’m not expected to have an answer for every single question, I’m a student and I am still learning. I am so thankful for my clinical tutors, the guidance they give me and the wisdom they impart. The experience of seeing my first patient is not one I will forget anytime soon. I will always remember the stress I felt. But I will always remember the pride and accomplishment that came with it, and how much I love what I get to do. n



et me be begin by saying that I am the biggest fan and supporter of our suppliers. These charming men and women make our jobs easier by supplying us with all those clever little tools and gadgets. The ones that get patients knocking off that biofilm daily, the remineralisation agents that repair the damage that said biofilm causes when they aren’t using the aids that you’ve custom chosen for them, plus all of the general tools of the trade that make day-to-day life in the dental practice even more enjoyable. Hats off to these hard-working reps who pop-in regularly to keep us up-to-date on the latest, and greatest, advances on all things preventative; dropping off those sacred samples that we all cherish – these visits excite me even more than the postEaster chocolate discounts at my local supermarket! I could literally gush for days about how fabulous our suppliers are, so why am I directing this Rant at them? Well, the truth is that while I love you all to bits, I kinda have a very specific bone to pick with you my dear, lovely supplier friends. I feel like our relationship could be even better. Just as with any long term relationship, no matter how much you love each other, some things will always need improvements and change. Now there is one ‘thing’ in particular that I feel like we can work on. Namely the discrepancy between the colour codes for the sizes of interdental brushes. ‘Yeeesssss!’ I hear the readers say enthusiastically as they read this. I know I am not the only person driven nuts by this. The fact that when a patient comes in and tells me the colour of the interproximal brush they are using, that I then have the pleasure of playing the ‘which brand’

Interdental brush colour conundrum an open letter to suppliers guessing game; and all because you guys have chosen different colour codes for your product sizing. Sorry, let me correct that, your colour codes miss-match on at least 50% of the brushes, which is still way more than one should have to tolerate, and more than I would prefer. I know I’m sounding like a nagging wife – which I do oh-so-well, just ask my husband – but you have got no idea! It’s like Groundhog Day, with each patient using interpretive dance to get across which darned dental supplier they use for cleaning between their teeth,

“ If only all of you manufacturers could agree to use the same colour for the same brush size, then I wouldn’t have to go through this pantomime every time.” I know it may seem crazy, but if only all you manufacturers could agree to use the same colour for the same brush size, then I wouldn’t have to go through this pantomime every time. I wouldn’t have to run through complex colour conversions with my patients that have them looking at me like I’m talking some niche branch of quantum physics! To be perfectly honest this one simple change would increase the chances of our patients buying your products, and using them - I swear it’s true! All too often I lose a patient’s attention when I start rattling off the various colour options. I can see it in

their eyes that it’s all got too hard. Most patients want their health management to be easy, and preferably have little-to-no requirement to think too hard. This is why interproximal brushes are a dream, they work so well, so easily, we’ve just gotta get that sizing colour code right. Why am I so worked-up over this? My goal is to improve my patient’s health. I want to spend my time saying how fabulous your products are and how they will make their oral health so much better. Nobody, literally nobody, wants to need to do complex colour deciphering. So I ask you, from the bottom of my heart, the true deep loving heart of a devoted hygienist, can somebody out there in supplier-land consider taking the lead in standardising the brush-colouring system? I know it’s a big ask, but whoever takes up the challenge will be a true hero among hygienists. As the kids say these days, you will be a ‘legit’ hero, and dental health professionals from all-over Australia – and maybe even the world – will be patting you on the back for your efforts. In return, like in any good negotiation, if you can do this for me then I will do something for you. I will promise to continue supporting your cause by recommending your products and selling them at any practice that I might frequent – and I’m sure many of my colleagues will do the same. I will also make a point of visiting your booth at every event that I attend and speak to your reps about what you have going on, while graciously accepting any samples you might bestow upon me. Plus, I will schedule a time in my day book for your rep to have regular one-on-one chats. Why? Well, because just as you’ve looked after me, I’ll will look after you. I’ve got your back mate! n


New Leaders. New Ideas DHAA Student Leader, Lily Neaton, shares her insights from the DHAA Leadership Day MY NAME IS Lily Neaton and I’m a 19 year-old Bachelor of Oral Health student at Central Queensland University (CQU). Currently in my second year of studies, I was lucky enough to be selected to participate in the DHAA Student Leadership Program. I commenced my course at CQU in 2017, coming straight out of high school with no previous dental experience. However, I’m glad to have chosen this field of work. I’ve found it nothing but rewarding and enjoyable. Since being selected as a DHAA Student Leader I have presented to first-year BOH students at CQU regarding the importance, and benefits of joining the DHAA, as well as briefly touching on the Student Leadership Program. The students were impressed by the benefits of joining and many expressed interest in applying for the leadership program when they reach their second year of studies. I was pleased at the response to my presentation in general, and we were able to hand out forms to allow students to join the DHAA. I am grateful for this opportunity to practice my public speaking, while also sharing my own personal experience and knowledge of the DHAA and its benefits for both students and full members. The annual DHAA Leadership Day on the 26 May saw the coming together of the student leaders with the other volunteers within the DHAA – including the Board of Directors, State Chairs and other committee members. Throughout the day we were able to discuss our diverse backgrounds, stories and future career goals. The day helped me to collaborate and expand my knowledge on the oral health profession as a whole. As a student, I haven’t got to experience this level of collaboration before, let alone share my own story, and experience with fellow students from different unis. The activities throughout the day allowed us to challenge our views on the DHAA and elaborate on its importance for students and professionals. At the end of the day we were able to reflect as a student leader group on the things that we would like to see implemented by the DHAA that are specifically for students. Our list of objectives for the DHAA was purely from a student perspective and students from all campuses were equally represented. The list comprised of things such as scholarships, more information on scope of practice, more DHAA involvement within every university, as well as ensuring that all students are signed up within their first year of studies. As a student I know that at times it can be difficult to understand the importance of organisations like the DHAA when you haven’t even graduated from your studies; but having an understanding of the bigger picture, and realising that you can play a part in influencing future decisions for your career field is very important. I am honoured to be apart of the Student Leadership Program and am looking forward to the possibility of undertaking a volunteer position within the DHAA once I have completed my studies as an oral health therapist. n

Indigenous Study Grant Recipients Announced THE AUSTRALIAN DENTAL HEALTH Foundation (ADHF) and the DHAA have awarded five study grants to support undergraduate Indigenous oral health therapy and dental hygienist students in 2018. This year, each of the successful study grant recipients receive $5000 plus mentoring services by DHAA. Chloe Kitchingman, who is studying at Central Queensland University, is excited to be one of this year’s recipients. Chloe accepted her grant, saying “I have always wanted to help make a difference. I am so grateful to receive this grant. It will provide the assistance I need to enable me to complete my studies. I am confident that the funding and mentoring made available will enhance my ability to deliver care to the community.” Chair of the ADHF, Mr David Owen, extended his congratulations to the five recipients saying: “The ADHF hopes that the grants will provide these recipients with valuable assistance to help them complete their courses and then embark on delivery of care to help reduce the inequality that exists between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. We know that the delivery of dental care to Indigenous Australians is enhanced if that care is provided by an Indigenous practitioner.” CEO of the DHAA, Dr Melanie Hayes, also congratulated the recipients saying: “The DHAA is proud to be able to help provide study grants and support to the undergraduate students in their university journey. University can be a challenging time, particularly financially, so these grants are there to make the experience that little bit easier. We wish the recipients well for their future studies.”


DHAA Symposium 2018 rolls into Cairns from 18-20 October. A packed program, some great workshops and the Gala Dinner make this an event not to be missed! Story by Leonie Brown



Please note the program is current as of 7 June 2018 and is subject to change.

18 October



Apart from symposium there are some uniquely cool things to see and do in Cairns

WORKSHOPS 09:00 Alexander Technique by Aniko Ball (3 hours) Ergonomics and the Alexander Technique. 09:00 LA Refresher (3 hours) Expressions of interest requested. Register now if you would like this workshop to proceed. 10.30 Pilates by Sarah van Kuijk (1.5 hours) Use pilates to improve and add value to your fitness and health.



Register before 30 June

ith the end of the financial year fast approaching you won’t want to miss registering for the DHAA symposium in Cairns. Register by 30 June to be able to claim your costs for this financial year with the tax man. With Early Bird Rate finishing on the 16 July you will be taking advantage of the lower price as well as the earlier tax benefits. There is an amazing pool of 12 speakers travelling from America, New Zealand, Australia and even some local Cairns gems. They will fill our minds with new dental concepts and information as well as awaken memories and re-energise the way we think about what we always thought we knew. A new thing to note in the programme this year is a Panel

“T hey will fill our minds with new dental concepts and information as well as awaken memories and re-energise the way we think about what we always thought we knew. “

12:00 LUNCH BREAK Your time to explore the local food offerings of Cairns. 13:00 OFFICIAL WELCOME Halls A & B PLENARY SESSION ONE - Halls A & B 13:15 Ann Spolarich Sponsored by Colgate (1 hour) Caring for Patients with special needs in geriatrics: Practice tips and management considerations 14:15 Tabitha Acret Sponsored by EMS (45 mins) Guided Biofilm therapy, the new gold standard of preventative care treatment. 15:00 Kerry Stingel (45 mins) Looking after yourself: Ergonomics and selfmanagement tips. 15:45 SHORT REFRESHMENT BREAK Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D 16:15 AWARDS & ANNOUNCEMENTS (25 mins) Halls A & B PLENARY SESSION TWO - Halls A & B 16:40 Mary Mowbray Sponsored by Oral B (50 mins) Owning your own practice. 17:30 WELCOME RECEPTION Exhibition Hall & Outdoor Plaza



Please note the program is current as of 7 June 2018 and is subject to change.

19 October


08:00 R EGISTRATION Foyer PLENARY SESSION THREE Halls A & B 08:30 Ann Spolarich Sponsored by Colgate (1 hour 30 mins) Increasing Patient Engagement- efficacy of oral health educational interventions to change behaviour. 10:00 MORNING TEA Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D PLENARY SESSION FOUR Halls A & B 10:30 Mary Mowbray Sponsored by Oral B (1 hour) Pericementitis. 11:30

Panel Discussion on Provider Numbers (1 hour)


UNCH BREAK L Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D


Aged Care Lunch - Margie Steffens - (30mins)

PLENARY SESSION FIVE Halls A & B 13:30 Katrina Murphy (1 hour 15 mins) Industrial relations. 14:45 Grant Patterson (30 mins) Motivational Speaker 15:00 AFTERNOON TEA Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D PLENARY SESSION SIX Halls A & B 15:45 Geraldine Moses Sponsored by Erskine (1 hour 15 mins) Update on dental pain management now that codeine is prescription only & Update on anticoagulants. 19:00 TROPICAL ELEGANCE GALA DINNER Cairns Cruise Terminal GALA DINNER THEME This year’s theme is Tropical Elegance where vibrant colours, floral prints and flowing lines will be the order of the night. If you need more inspiration then read this website on how to dress with tropical elegance.

“ A new thing to note in the programme this year is a Panel Discussion with experts debating on the current topic of provider numbers that is getting our passionate mob of OHTs and hygienists talking.” Discussion with experts debating on the current topic of provider numbers that is getting our passionate mob of OHTs and hygienists talking. We are also adding a motivational speaker to the mix to leave us even more inspired to achieve our goals. We are continuing to hold our ‘Aged Care Lunch’ to keep up discussions about this important subject in Australia, as well as our ‘New Graduates Lunch’ which is becoming more informative and helpful each year as we listen to feedback about what participants want to hear. On top of this you also have the opportunity to do a Thursday morning optional workshop. From an LA refresher course, learning the Alexander technique for optimum dental posture, a pilates class to start your day and more to be announced – the hard part will be choosing which one! Make sure you head back to the website to read more about the available workshops and if you have already registered for the symposium but now want to add a workshop simply email An always popular part of the symposium is the incredible trade display. There has been an unprecedented level of interest in dental related companies wanting to come and spend time with delegates this year. This is down to you!



Please note the program is current as of 7 June 2018 and is subject to change.

20 October


08:00 R EGISTRATION Foyer PLENARY SESSION SEVEN Halls A & B 09:00 Ann Spolarich Sponsored by Colgate (1 hour) Caring for medically complex patients. Three of the keynote speakers for this year. LtoR: Ann Spolarich; Mary Mowbray; and Prof Geraldine Moses

Feedback from last year in Adelaide was that delegates were very engaging in conversations with trade display rep’s. We are thankful for them being at our symposium so we can learn about all the new as well as existing products and ask all our burning questions. We hope you are able to take back a new idea and/or product to your workplace from the trade display as much as you do from the lectures. The recent announcement of the gala dinner theme ‘Tropical Elegance’ has led to a lot of chatter amongst colleagues about catching up and letting their hair down on the night. The venue Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal was a previous working wharf and now hosts a multitude of events in its beautifully restored No. 3 Wharf shed. Sitting on the water’s edge overlooking the stunning Trinity Inlet’s waterways and tropical mountains, this is an evening you will not forget. I hope to see you all there. n

How the payment DHAA Symposium plan works ATTENDING SYMPOSIUM CAN be a sizeable financial commitment, especially if it’s not in your home town. For this reason the DHAA has the added a payment plan option to spread the cost of registration. The Early Bird plan breaks down the registration fee into three instalments. The payments will be charged on the fifteenth day of each month following the date that you register. The payment plan option will be available until Saturday 16th July (two days before the Early Bird registration deadline). The payment plan option will be available until the Early Bird registration deadline (Monday 16 July, 2018). Please note that there will be a charge of 4% of the registration fee. Should you have any questions about DHAA Symposium 2018 please email the symposium managers.

10:00 Mary Mowbray Sponsored by Oral B (30 mins) Patient stress management and TMD. 10:30 MORNING TEA Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D PLENARY SESSION EIGHT Halls A & B 11:00 Mary Mowbray Sponsored by Oral B (30 mins) Patient stress management and TMD, continued. 12:00 Camile Farah Sponsored by Erskine (1 hour) An update on oral cancer and precancerous pathology. 12:30

UNCH BREAK L Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D

12:30 New Graduate: Lunch & Learn Dr Felicity Croker, Melanie Hayes and Tabitha Acret take the stage (30mins) PLENARY SESSION NINE Halls A & B 13:30 Felicity Croker (1 hour) Domestic violence and medical emergencies. 14:30 Camile Farah Sponsored by Erskine (1 hour) An update on oral cancer and precancerous pathology. 15:30 AFTERNOON TEA Trade Exhibition, Halls C & D PLENARY SESSION TEN Halls A & B 16:00 Neil Meredith (1 hour) Implants and prosthodontics. 17:00 OFFICIAL CLOSE Halls A & B


Boundary Conditions o

COMFORT ZONE “We are boxed in by the boundary conditions of our thinking” Albert Einstein IN ALL THINGS in life, there are concepts, or principles, that when adopted enable us to experience better results than if we’re without them. In each edition we will begin to go through these foundation principles upon which other concepts can be built. Have you ever been told that you can’t do something? That it’s just not possible? Has this deterred you from even trying? Do you stop yourself from experiencing life for fear of not succeeding? As mentioned in my previous article in last Bulletin edition, until 1954 it was common knowledge that it was not possible to run a mile in under four minutes. Yet on 6 May, 1954 Roger Bannister did just that and ran a mile in three minutes and 54 seconds. Now what’s interesting about this story is not that Roger broke the record – but what was to follow. Two months later, two more runners broke the four-minute mile. And within a very short period of time, more and more people broke the ‘four-minute mile’ myth. Our boundary conditions are the conscious limits of our thinking the edge of our known world. Another way to look at it is that it’s the edge of our comfort zone, or the edge of what

is familiar. Think about that, every result we get in our lives is based on what we know. We know how to make $50,000 per-year. If we knew how to make $250,000 a year we would do that. We know how to have good relationships with two or three friends. If we knew how to have close, loving and outstanding relationships with ten close friends, we would create that too.

“ Our boundary conditions are the conscious limits of our thinking the edge of our known world” We don’t because it is outside what we know. It is outside our boundary conditions, outside of our comfort zone. To create transformation in any area of our life, involves us finding ways to go beyond what we know, to what is unknown. It is only in the unknown that the transformation we desire is available. We must go beyond the boundary conditions of our thinking. It is only in the realm of what we don’t know that the magic is.


of Thinking n Expanding our thoughts beyond the boundary conditions of

our thinking is about n Being self-aware of when we are using old thinking to deal with new and unfamiliar situations. n Asking different questions that focus less on the problem and more on what we need to learn to be able to manage it. n Learning that courage can only come through action, it does not arrive by mail or just turn up one day... we must act. n Recognising that fear is normal, and that waiting for fear to disappear is waiting for the impossible. The fear is always there, and so is the courage, and when we act, we feel the courage. n Next time you notice yourself saying ‘I could never do that’, think about where that belief came from? Did someone tell you that? Did you read it somewhere? Whose belief is it? n Question the belief. Just because someone else has said it, doesn’t make it true n Look for ways to overcome any limitations; has anyone else overcome the same challenges as you? If they can you can too. n Remember Roger Bannister and others whose unnerving beliefs have carried them forward in the face of uncertainty n Make a commitment not to limit yourself anymore – what we focus on is what we get! What are the real benefits when you’re willing to step outside of your boundary of thinking, outside your zone of comfort; You’ll be more energised and productive Comfort kills productivity, and we can also fall into the “work trap”, where we feign “busy” or feel overwhelmed, as a way to stay in our comfort zones and avoid doing new things. Pushing your personal boundaries will build confidence and increase self-esteem. You’ll have an easier time dealing with new and unexpected changes By taking risks in a controlled fashion and challenging yourself to things you normally wouldn’t do, you can experience uncertainty in a controlled, manageable environment. Learning to live outside your comfort zone when you choose to can prep you for life changes that force you out of it.

Stepping out of your own comfort zone can open up a new world of possibility Story by Lyn Carman

You’ll find it easier to push your boundaries in the future Once you start stepping out of your comfort zone, it gets easier over time. As you challenge yourself, your comfort zone adjusts so that what was difficult and anxiety inducing becomes easier as you repeat it. You’ll find it easier to brainstorm and harness your creativity Seeking new experiences, learning new skills and opening the door to new ideas inspire us and educate us in a way that little else does. Trying new things can help us reflect on our old ideas and inspire us to learn more, see old problems in a new light and tackle the challenges we face with new energy. Your boundary condition of thinking is your home base, a safe place not to stay in, but to return to, after each exhausting and exhilarating expedition through the wilderness of life. Take a look at your life today, if you are enjoying a shelter of comfort, break through it and go outside where life awaits. n


DHAA has you covered With the tax year ending and membership renewals pending for many of us, it’s time for us to consider our professional indemnity insurance options


he DHAA membership renewal date is fastapproaching, and we are all reminded that as a regulated healthcare professional, you can be found legally responsible (or liable) for the professional errors, omissions, and negligent acts associated with your practice as a dental hygienist or oral health therapist. This is why you require professional indemnity insurance (PII), which provides coverage to respond to claims that may arise out of your professional practice. If a claim is brought against you, PII will protect you by ensuring that your legal defence is coordinated and paid for. Your PII also covers the cost of patient compensation, or damages. This means that your patients’ interests are also protected because your comprehensive PII offers them timely access to compensation for valid claims. BMS have been assisting DHAA members with their insurance needs for 12 months and now provide PII to over 1,000 members nationally. Through leveraging the buying power of the DHAA membership and the low risk profile of the Dental Hygiene and Oral Health Therapy professions when compared to the broader dental industry; BMS have been able to negotiate highly competitive pricing for a comprehensive

policy that is tailored to your profession. The DHAA Insurance policy is automatically included as part of your membership purchase. If you currently do not participate in the DHAA insurance policy and your insurance is not due at this time, you can easily switch to BMS during the year via your DHAA member profile.

“ If a claim is brought against you, you will want assurance that you have the best coverage and defence available to protect your reputation, livelihood, and finances.” If a claim is brought against you, you will want assurance that you have the best coverage and defence available to protect your reputation, livelihood, and finances. Through participation in the DHAA Member Insurance Program, you gain access to a range of valued benefits to assist in reducing practice

risk and assisting in the event of a claim, including: Practice risk resources BMS experts will work with legal professionals and dental hygiene professionals to provide targeted information, tools, content and educational seminars and webinars on practice risk, thereby aligning with DHAA’s long-term strategy to help members manage risk. Specialised legal protection Members have access to specialised legal services, including free initial legal advice at the time a claim, complaint or allegation is made against you. Exceptional Service DHAA members will have access to BMS experts through a range of platforms, including email, phone and live chat via the DHAA Insurance Site. BMS will work with members to answer any questions you may have. For more information, or if you have questions, contact the BMS team on 1800 940 762 or at n This page contains general information, does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. For full details of the terms, conditions and limitations of the covers, refer to the specific policy wordings and/or Product Disclosure Statements available from BMS Risk Solutions Pty Ltd on request. BMS Risk Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 45 161 187 980, AFSL 461594) arranges the insurance and is not the insurer.


RENE MEMBW YOUR ER TODA SHIP Y Key features of the DHAA Professional Indemnity Insurance policy Unlimited Retroactive Cover If you’ve had a PII policy in place for the last 12 months, the DHAA policy will provide you unlimited retroactive cover for events that occurred in the past that you weren’t made aware of.

Run-Off Cover If you’re retiring or going on maternity leave, we can activate run-off cover. This means you’ll be covered after you cease practicing.

Member Therapy & Counselling Having a claim made against you can be a stressful experience. The DHAA policy supports you by providing funds to help access professional support services.

Loss of Documents

$20m/Claim | $40m/Annual

Want to Work Overseas?

Claims arising from lost or leaked documents are common and can be costly. The DHAA policy provides $100,000 in cover to protect you against a claim of this nature.

High limits for individual claims and a high annual limit per member. Unlike some other PI policies, DHAA members each have their own individual limit and not shared with all members.

The DHAA policy covers members working overseas worldwide, excluding only USA. This is more expansive than many other policies due to our work with Dental Hygienists & Oral Health Therapists in Canada.

Refund of Fees

Students Free Practice Staff Covered Locum Covered

Public Relations

Sometimes, regardless of any wrongdoing or not, refunds are requested. The DHAA policy will cover up to $10,000 of refunds in fees to finalise a claim.

Your professional reputation is important. If your reputation in damaged through a claim made against you, the DHAA policy covers members for up to $50,000 to help restore your image.




Rekindling the Passion for Prevention With her career beginning to lose it’s lustre Deb Hume decided to take control and has added a new shine to her job as well as her patient’s teeth Story by Deb Hume


ighteen months ago, I recognised that I was burning out. After 23 years of practice, my days were losing subjectivity. Although oral health care is continuously evolving and much has changed in what we know, my daily routine remained predictable and my passion for prevention was waning. Acknowledging that I still have quite a few years of practice ahead of me, I went on a search to reignite my enthusiasm and re-establish effective conversations with my patients. My search brought me to an online article in which the author discussed the benefits of pre-polishing teeth before scaling which included the reduced need for instrumentation, improved patient comfort, more efficient appointments and improved patient interaction and autonomy for their oral health. This wasn’t the ‘lightbulb

moment’ I was looking for but it was an easy and immediate change that I could make. The implementation was fairly smooth as I began each appointment with “We’re going to do things a little bit differently today” and asked the patients for feedback at the end. The patients commented on the reduction in instrumentation and I immediately experienced the benefits outlined in the article, however it still wasn’t the commodious change I was hoping for. Soon after this, I came across the Swiss Dental Academy’s Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) protocol which enhanced and gave substance to the transition I was making. I was given the opportunity to travel to the EMS head office in Nyon, Switzerland to learn the theory and evidence behind the protocol as well as be introduced to the technology in their new AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master unit that was being launched. At the end of the course, I knew

that this was what I was looking for and I was eager to return to my practice to implement my new found knowledge. However, to fully embrace this move, it had to be a full team approach. I needed to convince my dentist and other hygienists to firstly adopt this protocol and secondly, to incorporate an AIRFLOW unit into our practice. Asking my dentist to invest in our hygiene department by purchasing the unit required some investigation and planning. This wasn’t a standard “it’s been 18 months and we need new scalers” request, nor was it purely asking for a financial sum. No, this was proposing that an entire practice – comprising of seven practitioners and nine support staff – incorporate a change of mind-set from what we know as ‘conventional prophylaxis’ to a minimally invasive way to manage biofilm and its effective removal.


I was initially met with some resistance and uncertainty from my team when I broached the subject; but after being given the opportunity to present GBT to the entire team, and aligning the protocol with the benefits I was experiencing, they were willing to undertake the required change in routine and following the GBT protocol – pre-polishing their patients with a standard, slow speed hand-piece. They soon began to experience some of the benefits that I had since implementing GBT, however, we still needed to improve on the method of removing biofilm – both supra and sub-gingivally – safely and effectively around not just natural tooth structures but also around implants, crowns and bridges and orthodontic brackets, with which traditional polishing just wasn’t as effecacious. We invited an EMS educator to our practice for an in-house demonstration of the AIRFLOW Master unit. Practitioners had a chance to be both patient and practitioner and experience GBT utilising AIRFLOW technology. After having the opportunity to perform a full appointment with the unit, the hygienists were on board with my new found enthusiasm and agreed that this was something we needed in our practice. I presented a business plan to my dentist and office manager who, recognising my new-found energy with GBT, accepted my request to invest in the hygiene department by saying that if I was asking for something of this magnitude, he trusted that I would make it work. Introducing the AIRFLOW into the appointment was equable as I had already begun ‘conditioning’ my patients to GBT but was replacing the pre-polishing with

air polishing. I expanded my explanation of the unit to include how the unit works in the most minimally invasive way to remove biofilm both above and below the gumline more effectively, efficiently and comfortably than I have been able to with traditional methods. At the end of the appointment, I always seek feedback, and the overwhelming majority of patients comment that their appointment was much more comfortable, their teeth feel great and many saying “That’s it? Wow!” My initial concerns about my patients’ reaction to change were alleviated and I reminded myself that it is down to us, as professionals, to condition our patients

“ Volunteering is something that many of us consider, but all too often we never quite get there” to expect the treatment they receive. By providing a brief explanation as to why I have chosen to practice GBT at the beginning of the appointment, and including them in the process, they have all been happy with the implementation so far. How has this changed things for me? By following the GBT, I am spending more time educating my patients about their oral health and prevention, with our conversations being more subjective and effective because they can see what they are missing. They are becoming more engaged and autonomous with their oral

health and look forward to seeing the improvements at their next ‘AIRFLOW’ appointment. My appointment times have reduced and I now can see more patients per-day which has translated to increased production. I have less hand, and overall body, fatigue at the end of the day due to decreased instrumentations and patients have been telling their friends and family about the ‘new technology’ we now have. Why did I specifically choose the AIRFLOW Prophylaxis Master unit over other air polishers? The technology within the unit allows the operator to control the temperature of the water output, from unheated up to 40 degrees, ideal for sensitive patients. The AIRFLOW handpiece can be directed both supra and sub gingivally while the PERIOFLOW® handpiece provides access for effective biofilm removal in pockets from 4-10mm around both natural teeth as well as implants. The benefits for both practitioner and patient were conspicuous. What does my dentist say about GBT and AIRFLOW technology? “The implementation was seamless and the immediate report back from patients’ was that this was the best and most comfortable appointment with the hygienist they had ever experienced. The initial resistance from the rest of the hygiene team has turned to excitement and friendly in-house arguments about who gets to use the AIR FLOW. The results with biofilm removal were also very impressive and we are awaiting delivery of our second unit so that all of our patients can experience GBT with the AIRFLOW at every appointment in both of our hygiene rooms.” n

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Deb Hume is a Canadian trained Dental Hygienist with an Advanced Dip in Restorative Dental Hygiene. She was a lecturer and clinical demonstrator in the ADOH program at RMIT and has held both executive and non-executive positions with the DHAA (Vic branch). Deb has lectured nationally on smoking cessation for oral health professionals and is currently working in private practice while working towards her Masters in Clinical Teaching. She is also an Educational Consultant for Hu-Friedy and loves her Air Flow® Prophylaxis Master so much, she now works for the company as an Educator!


TAKING THE STRAIN The professions we have chosen are not only physically demanding, but they can also take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being Story by Margaret Galvin


CONTENT WARNING: This article contains discussions about mental health and bullying.


ver the years I have had friends and colleagues deal with all manner of emotional labour, burnout, anxiety, and depression. I sat down with my good friend, counseling psychologist of 30 years, former registered mental health nurse, and dental practice co-owner and practice culture manager, Susan Dalby, to discuss what we can do to stay mentally and emotionally healthy. With your dental and psychology background, what are some of the challenges you’ve seen over the years faced by oral health practitioners that may impact on their mental health, and what contributes to the burnout of oral health practitioners?

I suppose primarily when I first started working in the practice, the dental hygienist didn’t exist and what I noticed was the way people were selected to go into dentistry and often the people who ended up in dentistry, were really not the right personalities to be there .Australia’s medical system was then selected to an HSC score, whereas in the United Kingdom you had to have the high grades but you then had an interview because they actually wanted to see whether in fact there was the personality fit for the job [and in some cases] their personality didn’t fit often it’s nothing about them being bad, but then they couldn’t deal with it because the intensity of the connection between the dentist and the client just overwhelmed them. And I see this now, as the

hygienists have actually become more predominant in the dental workforce. The same thing applies. We’ve started at the beginning with picking students that have certain personality types, then moving on, once they’ve got through that university programme and they start in practice what are some of the things an oral health practitioner may face that might contribute to early burnout and the like?

There’s a lot of stuff. There is the emotional, and there is also the physical because if you end up having chronic pain, that’s actually going to affect your mental health as well. So I guess I will just make mention that it’s really important to actually take care of your

your degree a certain amount of personal development threaded throughout the years of training, so that when you actually get out there you know how to not get too caught up in somebody else’s issues that’s the main burnout thing that’s with the patients of course, but then you’ve got staff. Tell me more about this staff side of things. Because we see them every day. I see some staff more than I see my own family!

That can be a bit of a thorny issue because you’re going to have different personality types and you’re going to have different personalities that actually don’t mix and that’s where you need strong management you need strong management without bias, an objective

“ The more you are empathic without objectivity the more likely you are to probably get burnout.” physical health but we’ll go back to the idea of things that are faced. The more you are empathic without objectivity the more likely you are to probably get burnout. I get the first part of that, the more empathic you are, what do you mean by ‘being objective?’

Being able not to get sucked in because people in dental chairs will tell you everything, because they’re in such a vulnerable position. If they’ve got things bubbling up from underground, which is like a death or a relationship breakdown as soon as they get in that chair it’s just bleurgh, out it comes! And that can be really overwhelming for somebody who is trained to attend to somebody’s dental health, but there’s not been enough focus put on how to deal with the emotional stuff that you are undoubtedly a hundred percent going to experience most days while you’re there. There needs to be, I think, within

management who will listen to all sides and be proactive management [in some cases] just don’t want to know about it. They just want to sweep it under the carpet what they‘re doing is actually trying to make an excuse for the person causing the problem, but not actually looking at what sort of devastation it’s having on the system itself. We covered a few of the things popping up for oral health practitioners that might cause burnout and emotional labour what are some of the signs a person can look out for in themselves or in their colleagues that might be red-flags that they’re having some mental health issues or they’re burning out?

I think the idea is actually to be able to prevent that rather than letting that happen [to aid in the prevention] if you’ve got good management, the management should be focusing on


watching out for these signs. Looking for conflicts between staff the management should be looking for what’s happening bullying is one of the things that is really important, because that has a huge effect upon mental health, and in a small confined space like that with dentists and hygienists and dental assistants, there can be a lot of bullying [between parties] the first step is to actually make it apparent to the management if they don’t deal with the bullying they are going to have this rotating door [of staff] because instinctively if people are really unhappy, they will leave. Then you get the other type of personality who won’t leave because they think they have to tough it out and those people will often get put on such a lot, that they’ll have extra work that they have to do and in the end they are so exhausted, that they’re actually opening themselves up for permanent mental health issues. So if you are noticing that a colleague is working extra and doing extra when you’ve said ‘no’ and have got that boundary, maybe you need to mention to them if they’re looking tired, they’re feeling exhausted the first signs of burnout are complaining. If you hear this kind of complaining going on, that is the first sign there is a distress within the system if people are whingeing, there is an issue. If people seem to become emotionally disturbed or emotionally distressed and then start not turning up for work, that’s another indication. Absenteeism is a really good indication that there’s something not quite right somebody starting to be really negative in the way they’re talking different from normal and then there is the personality thing. People who are empathic will often take on peoples’ distress, but they won’t know what to do with it. It’s almost like being a sponge, so you can only take so much of that before it actually starts to leak out you need to have the ability to listen, which is very good, but then you need to know when to say ‘I’m really

sorry, this is awful. It sounds to me like maybe you need to go and talk to somebody who is professionally trained. I can give you some names. ’ This is a good tip, find out who the best practitioners around where you work in terms of psychologists [setting this boundary is] being able to know when you have had enough there’s nothing wrong with being a good listener, but you have got to have a boundary. Just to summarise, we’ve started back at uni; who we’re getting into uni; when they’re getting out of uni; it’s the interactions; not taking on too much from their patients emotionally; interactions with staff and management; and management, what they can do to help out and make sure things are ticking along nicely, and also the signs and symptoms (gossip, absenteeism). Say I find I am having some mental health issues, what are some of the things I can do? What are some of the resources I can reach. I’ve heard about ‘mindfulness’ and things like that. Are these sorts of things that can help out or what would you recommend, or would it depend on how big the issue is?

You mentioned ‘mindfulness’ there’s a huge use for mindfulness, because it actually can create a clearer objectivity. Can that be more of a preventative as opposed to after the fact?

Yes and no, there’s other therapeutic techniques that I believe that are far more useful than mindfulness that can actually help people to see what they’re doing to their bodies it’s very much about the breath it’s actually looking at how you breathe I very much come from the neuroscience neurobiological point of view, which is all relatively recent I do intertwine mindfulness, but this is a very different technique I have really highly anxious patients and when we look at what they’re doing in their breathing, either they’re not breathing for large

periods of time, or they’re only breathing into the upper part of their lung[s] if you are constantly breathing into the top third of your lungs what you’re doing is you’re actually connecting with the system of flight and fight. If you can actually get people to understand ‘this is what you’re doing to yourself’, and then invite them to breathe in to the lower part of their lungs, and teaching them to breathe slowly, focusing on all parts front, side and back. Two thirds of that lung area is actually devoted to the system of calm. If you actually do that, you can calm your state down it’s not like mindfulness [which] hasn’t had the underlying biology it’s sort of like there’s a whole mechanism, and that’s only the start of it. Then I would teach people mindfulness there are some people I wouldn’t teach mindfulness to because it would actually relax them too much, and if they’ve got trauma memories, they will come flooding back also too, I would be saying to people I think that you, as a health professional, need to have regular supervision from somebody who’s an emotional doctor. So what do you mean by supervision?

For example, I go to supervision once a month because of the work I do [I] can, if [I’m] not careful, become also entangled there are some clients who will push buttons for us, and it might set our central nervous system on edge and it could be overwhelming, and if you keep on doing this, you will end up having burnout. So once a month I will go for supervision. I don’t discuss the cases because that become case management, I actually say the effect this particular case is having upon me. The person who’s working with me will ask me questions then I can talk about it, and then I can distinguish ‘this is my stuff’ and ‘that is their stuff.’ It seems to be coming back to setting your boundaries with your workmates, your patients.


“ When people start feeling a bit hopeless at work, maybe they can start doing gratitude, or doing things for others” If we’re not ready yet to talk to someone face-to-face about these sorts of issues, are there any other resources that can help us along and maybe prepare us to go to talk to someone about it? Because I know not everyone’s open about it.

Yes. Facebook pages. Because sometimes those can be a great support, those sort of online forums, because they’re distant and you can [sometimes] use a pseudonym and then ask a question [people] can be very supportive and usually what happens is they’ll say things like ‘maybe you need to go seek some help’. If you’ve got good management, or you’ve got a good team leader, that’s probably the first line of approach and see if that helps. But it depends upon the issue I think the first port of call would definitely have to be your team leader or the management, but if that wasn’t any good, then I think the online forums, seeking outside help [would be the next

option]. Particularly looking at bullying, if the structure is not supportive then I would be saying ‘leave.’ You don’t have to stay where bullying is supported by the management you don’t have to put up with it because it has a detrimental effect upon your personal life start looking for another job one option is to maybe do casual work to find out what the culture is of the place you are going to, because you might be jumping out of the frying pan, into the fire. Some places of work have culture training for their employees. One thing that workplaces may incorporate is having a way for people to complement their co-worker’s efforts and the like. Acknowledging and appreciating the small things that can make a workplace run well.

So that’s consideration for others. And I think that is a really good part of the culture they say, ‘part of the healing is to be grateful.’ Maybe that’s an idea.

When people start feeling a little bit hopeless at work, maybe they can start doing gratitude, or doing things for other people, so other people can go ‘thanks, that’s really nice’ [it can bring about] that sense of being valued. Is there anything else about mental health of oral health practitioners, you would like to discuss that you feel like we haven’t covered?

The connection between what’s called social determinants of mental health are all played out in the dental chair by all, basically, but particularly the patient often you will find [awkward patients] are people who have got huge issues of power and control and often what you get is the aggressive patient coming in it is [important for the] practitioner to realise it’s actually not about them. n If this article has raised any issues for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

The author would like to note this is not a transcript of the interview conducted with Susan Dalby. It has been edited for flow and ease of reading. All efforts have been made to remain true to the actual interview.



Don’t sign your life away... The Bulletin talk to DHAA Industrial Relations consultant Katrina Murphy about what to look for when reading employment contracts Story by Margaret Galvin

RELATIONSHIPS ARE DIFFICULT. From the very first meeting to the final parting, be they personal or professional, relationships require maintenance to be successful. At times they may also require a third party to ensure everyone is playing fair. One such third-party for professional relationships is an Industrial Relations (IR) advocate and consultant. DHAA members are fortunate to have access to the knowledge and skills of Katrina Murphy, IR consultant and advisor; commission and tribunal advocate; workplace investigator; and management trainer. Ms Murphy has worked in both the public and private sectors in various IR positions, and found the public sector fuelled her passion to achieve just outcomes for employees across all sectors. In 1994 Ms Murphy started her own IR consulting business, which became the Brisbane-based ‘Katrina Murphy Industrial Relations’ in 2006. Thanks to the Victorian branch of the DHAA approaching Ms Murphy to assist them in remaining award-free in 1993, Ms Murphy has been a consultant and passionate advocate for hygienists and OHTs nationally since 2003. When Ms Murphy first started with the DHAA, the more common industrial relation issues were associated with “…retaining and enhancing flexibility of employment and highly desirable employment conditions such as paid time off to attend DHAA CPD events...”. As time has passed, the issues have become more serious. Concerns about sham contracting, pressure to work for free (including meetings during lunch hours, unpaid training, and unpaid administrative work), forced stand down of permanent employees, incorrectly or unpaid long service leave, and repeated refusals to approve annual leave, have come to the forefront. Another concern of hygienists and oral health therapists is that of security and stability of


employment. “Unfortunately, employers appear to be confusing ‘flexibility’ with unfairness more frequently in the dental industry,” reports Ms Murphy. In the hope that people enter employment opportunities with an IR issue-free future, Ms Murphy highlighted the following red flags people can keep an eye out for when reading contracts, sitting an interview, or interacting with employees/employers: n Avoid commission-only work. It is very rare for employers who offer commission-only work in the dental industry to be offering reliable, secure employment conditions. n Avoid employers who say the contract they are offering cannot be changed at all. Each contract can and should be changed, subject to negotiation between the employee and the employer. An employer who makes excuses that someone else is responsible for writing the contract is passing the buck. It is a red flag that the employer will continue to pass the buck, be rigid, and uncompromising, if the employee has issues later in their employment. n Avoid an employer who makes sexist, racist or other demeaning ‘jokes’ or innuendo at any time before, during, or after an interview. Ms Murphy recommends that if a DHAA member is concerned about employment issues at any time, they should seek IR advice. If a member is concerned about their unsigned contract, it is highly recommended they contact the DHAA IR advice line before they sign it. If interpretation of an existing contract is required, DHAA IR advice line can do that too. They can also provide strategic assistance on dealing with problematic situations in the workplace. It can be overwhelming for a new graduate Hygienist or Oral Health Therapist to search for employment opportunities that are fair and equitable.

Even for those of us who have ‘been around the block a few times,’ jobhunting can be a quagmire of contracts, negotiations, paperwork, and interviews. In order to prepare yourself for the search, new graduates (and this is sage advice for the old-hands too) ought to “sit down and write out everything you are looking for from an employer…write a list of everything you have to offer… Make sure you have researched as much as possible about the particular employer you are seeking employment from. Show that you have done your research at the interview by commenting positively on something you saw on the website... Focus on your work experience (any work experience at all, regardless of industry) or volunteer experience, and what you have learned from that and how you think that might be useful in this role. Work experience is a big thing for all employers, as is punctuality and willingness to listen and learn, and to work hard with enthusiasm… also know the difference between casual, permanent and part-time employment, contractor, commission-only and fixed term…” Knowing what your knowledge, skills, and experience are worth can be quite the steep learning curve. Various job-seeking websites, asking fellow practitioners what they earn, and social media, are all sources of information regarding common pay rates. Over the years, the question has been asked as to why hygienists and oral health therapists do not have an Award Rate? This question was put forth to Ms Murphy, and the following is her answer in full. “The Federal private sector modern award which the Health Services Union has been pushing for dental hygienists and oral health therapists for many years, regardless of continual firm, public opposition from DHAA, is the Health Professionals and Support Services Award. The award is not favourable for the professions of dental hygienist

and oral health therapist. It has a classification structure which is oriented around salary progression being based on increased managerial responsibilities, rather than professional clinical qualifications, skills and experience. As such, if this Award did apply to the two professions, regardless of their qualifications, skills and experience, they would be classified at the bottom two levels of the classification structure, which have very low minimum rates of pay. Employers often like to pay the lowest wage they can justify. As such, award coverage would mean an immediate to short-term significant drift downwards for the occupations’ market rates of pay for wages. The Award is a huge industrial instrument which applies across a diverse array of private sector health sectors of Australia (e.g. all the private hospitals and aged care facilities). Therefore, the classification structure is generally suited to large private health organisations. It does not fit the needs of dentists, dental hygienists or oral health therapists in the typical private practice.” Inter-professional relationships can be difficult. There are many stakeholders that are trying to do what is in their best interests. Prior preparation, keeping an eye out for the red-flags, and tailored advice from an IR consultant, may increase your chances of having a career that is IR issue free. Ms Murphy has been a passionate advocate and consultant for the DHAA and its members for over two decades. Her ‘sincere appreciation for the support and kindness the DHAA has given [her] over so many years…’ is very much reciprocated. The above advice is for general use only and thus cannot be used as advice for a specific IR issue. If a DHAA member has specific IR related questions or issues, they are able to contact the DHAA IR Advice Line. This is a free service for members and can be accessed through their DHAA website. n

38 Taking the plunge


Are you community spirited we hear from two DHAA members who have very different stories to tell

Watch Amy Canard’s video report from Nepal

THE TEETH TALK is a privately run oral health promotion business based in Sydney owned by Kelly-Jean Burden. Currently, the business provides oral health incursions/education to early childhood centres across Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. It’s still considered a ‘start up’ business as it has only been operating for the past three years. In 2004, I graduated as an OHT from the University of Queensland, with a B. App.H. Sc (Oral Health). During one of those early undergraduate years, I had a moment of inspiration during an in-depth discussion on the Ottawa Charter. This degree really gives me three divisions – hygienist, therapist and health promoter. I remember asking: “How do I get into oral health promotion as a career?” The answer was that I would need to do that via the public sector. I needed to understand how the public sector was structured to deliver oral health messages to the community as a whole. They have loads of resources and research on target groups and specific communities and really do have some great tools at their disposal. However, as wonderful as the public sector is, it also has some limitations. From this point I drew a comparison – the public sector provides clinical dental services, as does the private sector. The public sector provides oral health promotional services, but can the private sector match this? The public sector is limited in the number of services it can provide. There is a gap, and when it comes to oral health promotion it is a big gap. It took me ten years to realise my dream of becoming a private oral health promoter. I was scared and I didn’t want to be judged or labelled or cut down like any other overgrown poppy. I just wanted to quietly chip away at my goal without anyone noticing, but that is not promotion. One of my greatest personal achievements as a result of The Teeth Talk, has been overcoming some of my own personal battles – dealing with fear, imposer complex, learning to feel vulnerable and how to move through it. Surprisingly, there has been some unexpected personal development.


Business owner Kelly-Jean Bur den

The Teeth Talk was born, during my second period of maternity leave. I sat my husband down and explained my vision. He was hugely supportive, and there have been times when his support has been the only thing that has got me through. “Fortune favours the brave” were his words and I frequently hear them echoing in my mind when things get tough. The work began with lots of networking. I felt quite well-connected in the dental world, so I ventured out into the community. My eldest daughter was in childcare, so I met with the director, an entrepreneur herself who encouraged me, and supported my idea. I joined a woman in business networking group called – Women With Altitude, it became my safe place. I highly recommend becoming a member of a business networking group, if you’re an ABN holder – you have a business. While I have been developing this programme

over the past three years, there have been a roller coaster of emotions. If I didn’t love what it is that I do so much I would have been very easy to let it fall by the wayside. Oral health promotion, and having a strong community spirit, is the best part of our job, it’s lovely outside the clinic!

How the other half live AMY CANARD EXPLAINS how volunteering in Nepal has given her an honest insight to the daily lives of those living in a disadvantaged country. Nepal is full of culture, warm hearts and a land rich of natural beauty has forever changed me in so many ways. I was out of my comfort zone without any of the luxuries that we take for granted in Australia, and immersed into something I couldn’t quite comprehend prior to arriving in Nepal. Life here is harsh. The weather is cold and not always having electricity and running water makes it even harder. Villages with little or no access to health and medical care are forever grateful for the generosity and contribution that is offered by those who are willing to

volunteer their time and expertise. Some of the villages are inaccessible to vehicles, so how do they access health care? How do they get the knowledge and education to prevent dental disease? We, as volunteers, can help educate and expand their knowledge, give them the tools to assist in quality progression of the nations oral health care system. The people of Nepal are the kindest, most generous people. As an Australian, my initial thought was ‘these people are poor, really poor,’ but what I quickly discovered, was that the Nepalese may not have the luxuries we all know, instead they are very much rich in their hearts, living day by day yet still giving to others in need. Arms, homes and hearts were wide open from day one. Showing much gratitude, excitement and desire to learn all that they can about their oral health. A trip that was difficult, confronting and at times saddening, proved to be something I will treasure forever. Words cannot describe the feelings I have to truly know that the education and assistance I have provided will not only change the lives of those I encountered, but also aid in the progression of oral health care for the country. n


What you need to know, before you go! Melinda Alchin BOH Newcastle n Passport Is yours valid and have six months left on it from the return date of your trip. n Visa Is there a visa requirement for your country of choice? n Visa Can you apply online or do you need to send your visa away for application? n Visit Your Doctor Are you up-to-date with immunisations, do you require a booster, are malaria tablets required for country of choice to travel to or other medications? n Travel insurance Be sure to have documentation and a record of your policy number and phone/email contact. n Passport Copy Have a colour photocopy of your passport kept in a separate location to the original – just in case! n Research Your Destination Understand the cultural beliefs, and traditions, ie are there any clothing requirements for entering temples? Take a hat, sunglasses and comfy shoes. n Host Contacts Have a list of all host contacts and how to contact them while travelling.

n Phone SIM for country of choice, or remember to have roaming data turned off or you’ll be in for a bill shock! n Local Currency Take small denominations of exchanged money for all countries you are visiting and/or a Visa/ Mastercard that is accepted in the country of choice. n Flight Details Double-check flight details and any weight restrictions of what you’re allowed to take. n Perfect Packing Are you required to take stock – personal protective wear (take a head light and extra batteries!) toothbrushes, toothpaste, fluoride varnish, etc. Do you want to take a gift to the clinic/school/orphanage you’re visiting? Would you like to take colouring-in, stickers or balls if you’re working with young children? n First Aid Kit Take Band Aids, Gastro-Stop, Panadol, hand gel, mosquito spray and any other requirements. n Medications Don’t forget any prescribed medications you might be taking.

A full state-by-state run-down of Association happenings around the country


“ The ski weekend planned at Lake Crackenback will be a great opportunity to combine CPD with an opportunity for some skiing or a chance to catch up with our NSW colleagues around the warmth of a roaring fire.”

WELL I CAN’T believe that we are half way through 2018 already and winter is upon us here in the capital. However, we do have a couple of winter events to ignite your interest: the “Risky Business” PD Day on 23 June and a combined NSW/ ACT Ski Weekend at Lake Crackenback on 4 August. Our first event for 2018, “Modern Concepts in Periodontal Therapy & Implant Maintenance”, held on 5 May was a huge success. Dr Sal Shahidi was the quest speaker and he gave the attendees a review on the prevalence and causes of periodontal disease in Australia; with one in four Australians affected by some form of periodontal disease. He explained that there is an evolving view that the pathogenisis of periodontal disease is a result of dysbiosis of the entire microbiota. Dr Shahidi went on to outline treatments such as the use of probiotics and antibiotics that are being used with varying degrees of success. Dr Shahidi’s treatment methodology is to start with OHI and education, control of diseases such as diabetes and removal of local factors such as overhangs. This is

DHAA ACT members have had plenty reason to smile

followed by the extraction of teeth with Grade III mobility followed by initial therapy to remove the biofilm. At the re-evaluation stage he determines if further extractions or periodontal surgery are required. His take home message was that with appropriate maintenance, periodontally compromised teeth can be retained for decades. The morning lectures were followed by a delicious lunch at Bullici’s Restaurant in the lovely Manuka precinct of Canberra. The final activity for the day was a hands on workshop putting into practice the Guided Biofilm Therapy, which had been discussed during the morning lectures. Dr Sal Shahidi, Dr Annamaria Sordillo from EMS and Melissa Slater from Henry

Schien Halas instructed us on the use of the AIRFLOW®. With such a great start to the year, I’m really looking forward to our next few events. The “Risky Business” PD day has some great presentations lined up by Shamus Breen from BMS, Dr Janet Wallace from Newcastle University and Cathryn Carboon, our Colgate sponsored speaker. We will be having an infection control update and finishing the day with a dynamic presentation on communication. The ski weekend planned at Lake Crackenback will be a great opportunity to combine CPD with an opportunity for some skiing or a chance to catch up with our NSW colleagues around the warmth of a roaring fire. On Thursday 4 October,

41 For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit

New South Wales

ACT DHAA will be hosting one of our very popular dinner meetings with the guest speaker being Professor Jane Dahlstrom, Oral Pathologist. Professor Dahlstrom will be presenting two extremely interesting lectures; “Human Papilloma Virus infection and Head & Neck cancers” and “Pigmented lesions in the Oral Cavity”. So with a number of interesting and engaging events planned for the second half of the year, I encourage you to go to the DHAA website, look up the CDP events and book the dates into your calendars –oh yes, and don’t forget to register early! I look forward to seeing you there. Madellyn Kennedy ACT State Chair

“ We have managed to secure donations of $15,000 to give away as prizes in a raffle we will host on the day.”

I’M REALLY LUCKY to have such an amazing group of people in NSW to help with CPD planning and executing events. With National Volunteer Week behind us I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you not only the

NSW committee, but to all the oral health volunteers out there who volunteer their time in homeless shelters, childcare centres, and overseas in communities less fortunate than ours. This year we are looking for volunteering opportunities around Sydney and will communicate them to you very soon. The DHAA BMS “Risky Business” Road Show is making its way around Australia. NSW was first up with Shamus Breen representing our professional indemnity insurance provider. 50 DHAA members traveled to Bondi Beach and enjoyed

an awesome half-day event. I highly recommend attending. I personally learnt a lot and best of all you get the chance to have all your PII questions answered. We have two full-day events coming up. Head to our website and purchase your ticket very soon. We will be in the snow Saturday 4 August, and at Taronga Zoo on Saturday 25 August where we will be official sponsors of Love Your Sister foundation. We have managed to secure donations of $15,000 to give away as prizes in a raffle we will host on the day. Prizes include CPD courses in across Australia – including at least four in Sydney; huge hampers from Tupperware and Blackmores; wine; tickets for Taronga Zoo; beauty vouchers; a Side Kick Hu-Friedy instrument sharpener; electric brushes; and much more! All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to Love Your Sister, which raises awareness and money for cancer research. Cancer has touched us all in some way so we thought this would be a great charity to support at our biggest event of the year... exciting times lay ahead! Jacqueline Biggar NSW State Chair



“ Delegates enjoyed Amanda Brown’s expert Infection Control lecture – very practical that was tailored especially to our profession.”

WHERE HAS THE start of 2018 gone? With a busy start to the year, the Victorian team are working well together with our newest members to finalise the details for our upcoming events. In May the DHAA BMS “Risky Business” Road Show rolled into Fenix on the Yarra. The day was a successful one, with many guests complimenting the venue – the river view roomed not only overlooked the Yarra River but has an entire glass wall and is surrounded by eucalyptus trees. Delegates enjoyed Amanda Brown’s expert Infection Control lecture – very practical that was tailored especially to our profession. She was followed by Seamus Breen from BMS, who discussed the DHAA Professional Indemnity Insurance policy. The highlight of the day, had to be the panel discussion between Nina Springle, the member for the South Eastern Metropolitan region and responsible for the Greens Health Portfolio, and Mary Wooldridge, the member for the Eastern Metropolitan Region, opposition leader in the legislative council and the shadow minister for health.

Tooth fairies and trolls learn dental health from Cathryn Carboon

Hannah Mann received the Best Performance in Hygiene award

Not only did we get to debate what we can do as clinicians to campaign for dental health funding we also educated our members what exactly is a dental hygienist, dental therapist and oral health therapist. Just recently the Victorian branch had the pleasure of awarding our award for Best Performance in Hygiene

to Hannah Mann from Melbourne University. We would also like to make a special mention of Peta Morrissey, our DHAA Student Representative in Victoria, who also received an award on the day. Congratulations to these guys and all of our hard-working students. Rewarding people for their hard work is an honour and

43 For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit

Northern Territory

one to be truly celebrated. If you are a regular reader of the DHAA Bulletin, you will remember DHAA’s very own Cathryn Carboon published her children’s book “Who is the Tooth Fairy’s Best Friend?”. This month Cathryn held a school program through her local library of Wangaratta. Children dressed up as tooth fairies and tooth trolls to learn all about the positive effects of fluoride. What a fantastic way to partner with the local community! This book is available through the DHAA Facebook page should any other hygienists wish to conduct a similar educational and fun event in their local community. With the team busy organising events for the rest of the year, we hope to see you all there! Sarah Laing Victoria State Chair

“ We are excited to be holding the DHAA inaugural CPD event for the iconic Alice Springs.”


ITS EARLY JUNE and winter is affecting everyone, except here in Northern Territory where we have the dry season. Why not take advantage of the seasonal change and pay us a visit to warm up and gain valuable CPD points at the same time? We are excited to be holding the DHAA inaugural CPD event for the iconic Alice Springs. The half-day CPD seminar being held on 15 September will be focusing on infection control. The other upcoming Northern Territory event is being held on 30 June, in Darwin. It is the NT leg of the very popular DHAA BMS “Risky Business” Road Show. Under the title ‘It’s All About Prevention’ the roadshow will have a presentation from the providers of the DHAA Professional Indemnity insurance package. So if you have any questions in that area then this will be a great opportunity to get

personalised answers. Both events allow opportunity for socialising, networking and an insight into the many benefits of membership with the DHAA. Please visit the DHAA website for more information and updates on key events. DHAA Vice-President Tabitha Acret is located in Darwin and I am located in Alice Springs, so if you are interested in joining the committee or know of any non-members who might be interested in getting involved with the association, please feel free to get in touch with us via email at directornt@ The DHAA NT committee continues to support and work on behalf of our members. I look forward to seeing you at one of our networking CPD events in the near future. April Lunnie NT Chair

Where’s My Tassie Report? DUE TO THE fact that Tasmania currently does not have representative at either national or state level there is sadly no state report for this issue. If you are interested in representing the state of Tasmania as State Chair please contact DHAA CEO at


Western Australia

WITH SO MANY exciting CPD events being organised for 2018, I am looking forward to representing the DHAA in Western Australia for another year. Almost half of the year has flown by and membership renewal is fast approaching at the end of this month (June). If anyone needs a quick reminder. The DHAA memberships are now renewed inline with the financial year – 1 July to 30 June . The cost of full membership is $250 with optional good value of BMS Indemnity Insurance for an additional $200. Being a member of the DHAA provides a greater sense of belonging. Being part of a network of likeminded professionals, with the opportunity to attend functions and catch up with colleagues and friends is very empowering. The WA committee has met recently to discuss

“ Being part of a network of like-minded professionals, with the opportunity to attend functions and catch up with colleagues and friends is very empowering.”

topics such future CPD, memberships, student presentations and Dental Health Week (6-10 August). ADA WA and ADOHTA WA in conjunction with DHAA WA, have decided to combine program planning and present a joint activity. This is still in the planning stages and we will be calling on volunteers to help. If there are any members doing anything special or events for Dental Health Week we at the WA chapter would love to know about it, so please send in your articles and share your stories. The EMS Guided Biofilm day held recently was a great success. Unfortunately we only had limited spaces and had to turn away late registrations. The hands-on experience was certainly popular and the attendees commented that it was a great event. We also recently had a first aid refresher which was fun for everyone involved. Our future CPD events require members to register ASAP to take advantage of the early bird prices. Head to the DHAA website for a full list of events. Since our last committee meeting we have welcomed Louise Abbott from Albany

come on board and Belinda Rowland from Denmark WA helping out where she can for the south west. We would really like to see a member represent us out there in the Goldfields, Pilbara and Kimberley, this would help DHAA WA chapter to access oral health professionals in these more remote areas and perhaps organise an event closer to home for these members. Please contact me if you know of or if you’re keen to help out. DHAA WA chapter have represented and attended the State Oral Health Advisory Council and the Frail Aged Working Committee meetings. Wendy Wright attended a workshop with Yvonne Markovic and Yuko Shimayzu and ideas of how to help the carers and the aged with oral care proved to be a worthwhile exercise. Some exciting news is that DHAA committee member, Keily Baraba, and her husband are the proud parents of a baby girl “Camile Mae” on 16 May. We have wished Keily and family best wishes and thank you to all the committee for their well wishes. Aileen Lewis Western Australia State Chair


South Australia

“ Don’t miss this one-off opportunity to hear Professor Bartold. Tickets are selling fast for this iconic venue, wonderful food and the opportunity for wonderful night out with friends.”

HELLO WINTER SA, “We are all like snowflakes, all different in our own beautiful way!” I trust you are all snuggling in for the winter and perhaps for some making plans to seek a warm holiday or perhaps heading off to the snow. Our next exciting and popular event is our annual magnificent dinner at Adelaide Oval on Friday 6 July with Professor Mark Bartold, highly sought after international speaker, in a rare appearance right here in Adelaide. Don’t miss this one-off opportunity to hear this fabulous speaker. Tickets are selling fast for this iconic venue, wonderful food and the opportunity for wonderful night out with friends and colleagues. Find out more here Door prizes are always fun at our CPD events for those in attendance and as of this year one of the door prizes at each event for a lucky attendee will be complimentary registration to the second event ahead on the calendar. The door prize will not be transferrable, no exchanges will be available and the person must be in the room at the time of the draw. This is a fabulous

Sprout Cooking School was hugely popular with delegates

prize and we trust it will be enjoyed by the recipient. Here in South Australia we have had a fabulous few months, since the last Bulletin edition. Our March supper event at The Lakes Resort Hotel saw 78 people attending to hear Dr Daniel DeAngelis presenting ‘Early

47 For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit

Intervention Orthodontics’ with overall fabulous feedback for the evening. The winner of the door prize at this event is Brooke Kinna for registration for the July Dinner at Adelaide Oval. The Aged Care Face-toFace workshop and online learning was a huge success with demand from other states and further courses here in Adelaide. Sprout Cooking School was a new and unique event for DHAA SA and it received rave reviews – if you missed it then here’s a few examples of what some had to say!; “A new approach to events”; “New information, great venue, awesome food demo and delicious food!”; “One of the best DHAA (or any) events I’ve ever been to – well-done team!” After all of our events and every year we seek your feedback for what we do well and what you would like to see improved upon, this is your opportunity for you to have your say. We are aware it is not possible to please everyone all the time as we all have unique needs and wants from the events and our membership. All of your feedback is read and discussed. We aim to offer a variety of events, in various areas across the city and

state and offer a high level of value for your membership dollars. Please contact myself or Annie Bogaerts contactsa@ if you would like to offer suggestions, or if you would like to get involved. Coming up we have our Destination Event at the Novatel Barossa Valley Saturday 11th August, make a weekend of it and take advantage of the discounted accommodation offer, hear some fabulous speakers and enjoy some wonderful food and wine. Reserve your place here. Our Professional Development Day and National AGM will be held at the magnificent Adelaide Town Hall on Friday 7 September. This is a not-tobe-missed opportunity to attend this historic venue and experience a day of education, networking, trade stands and lunch. Get to know all of our DHAA board directors who will be in attendance for the National AGM – let’s show them how we do it in SA! Ability is what you’re capable of doing, Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lyn Carman South Australia State Chair


“ We recently had a successful hands-on instrumentation workshop which was sold out months in advance.”

IT CONTINUES TO be an exciting time for Queensland! We recently had a successful hands-on instrumentation workshop which was sold out months in advance. We thank Hu-Friedy and Jane Rossi for presenting a very informative reminder to concentrate on ergonomics, and for introducing a number of instruments that will make our debridements better. Our next event will be DHAA BMS “Risky Business” Road Show, which will feature Prof Laurie Walsh, Dr Mel Hayes, and Shamus Breen. It will be a very informative day featuring topics such as infection control, career development and the BMS insurance group. We are excited to be the host city of DHAA Symposium 2018 which rolls into town 18-20 October (see page xx for details or visit the DHAA Symposium website). Queensland are also honoured to be the host of the ISDH International Conference in Brisbane next year. Stay tuned for more information. Carol Tran Queensland State Chair


DHAA Year Planner - 2018/19

The CPD Events calendar is filling up. Full details at






23 Jun

DHAA ACT ‘Risky Business’ Roadshow

QT Canberra

30 Jun

DHAA NT It’s all about prevention

Mantra on the Esplanade, Darwin

6 Jul

DHAA SA Dinner Meeting

Adelaide Oval


DHAA Tas ‘Risky Business’ Roadshow

Wrest Point Casino, Hobart


DHAA WA Full day

Pagoda Resort & Spa, Como

21 Jul

DHAA Qld ‘Risky Business’ Roadshow

Eagles Nest, Kangaroo Point

28 Jul

DHAA Vic Full day “Christmas in July”

Brooklands of Mornington

4 Aug

DHAA NSW CPD Ski Weekend

Novotel Lake Crackenback Resort & Spa, NSW

11 Aug

DHAA SA ‘Risky Business’ Roadshow

Novotel Barossa Valley Resort, Rowland Flat

25 Aug

DHAA NSW ‘Love Your Sister’ Full Day

Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

25 Aug

DHAA Qld Subgingival and advance debridement workshop


7 Sep

DHAA SA Professional Development Day and National DHAA AGM

Adelaide Town Hall

8 Sep

DHAA NSW Wollongong Half-Day Event

Sage Hotel, Wollongong

15 Sep

DHAA NT Infection Control Seminar

Doubletree by Hilton, Alice Springs

15 Sep

DHAA WA ‘Risky Business’ Roadshow

Pagoda Resort & Spa, Como

OCT ’18

18-20 Oct

DHAA Symposium 2018

Cairns Convention Centre

NOV ’18

8 Sep

DHAA NSW International Event

The Westin, Nusa Dua, Bali


15-17 Aug

International Symposium on Dental Hygiene

Brisbane Convention Centre

JUL ’18

AUG ’18

SEP ’18

Key to the state colours n ACT


n NT

n Qld

nS A

n Tas

n Vic

nW A

Develop Empower Support


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