Annual Report 2009

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Annual Report 2009

Bringing intelligence into mobility for people and goods across Europe

Contents 04 ERTICO – ITS E


06 Chairman’s Report

08 CEO’s Report

10 Supervisory Board & Related Comm


12 Highlights 2009

14 Activities

26 ITS Network 27 Congresses

28 Finances

40 Partners


Bringing intelligence into mobility

ERTICO – ITS Europe Working together for a common vision for “Intelligent Mobility”. Towards zero accidents, towards zero delays, with reduced impact on the environment and with fully informed people. Where services are affordable and seamless, privacy is respected and security is provided.

A European transport system that is safer, more efficient, more sustainable and more secure than today ITS solutions reduce congestion and accidents while making transport networks more secure and reducing the impact of transport on the environment. ERTICO supports the cooperation of all stakeholders to speed up deployment. ERTICO’s Partners are committed to working towards the market introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS). Our ultimate aim is the safe, secure, clean, efficient and comfortable mobility of people and goods in Europe and beyond.

Bringing “Intelligence into Mobility” through cooperation with all stakeholders ERTICO works to enhance the awareness of ITS benefits amongst decision-makers, opinion leaders and the general public through a variety of activities including Congresses and European showcase events. Working together on research, development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services ERTICO is a public-private, multisector partnership with over 90 Partners from industry, infrastructure & telecom operators, public authorities, research institutes and users.

ERTICO’s activities are financed by annual fees from its Partners and through project funding from others, including the European Commission. ERTICO was set up in 1991 at the initiative of leading members of European industry, Ministries of Transport and the European Commission. ERTICO initiates and contributes to research, development and deployment projects. In addition, it provides a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas to increase the benefits and marketability of ITS.


The ERTICO office – a team to support successful implementation between public and private ITS stakeholders, bringing intelligence into mobility.

Chairman’s Report As Chairman of ERTICO – ITS Europe since June 2009, I am very pleased to introduce this Annual Report which highlights the achievements of the year 2009.

I would like to start by thanking Monica Sundström, my predecessor, for her excellent Chairmanship of ERTICO since May 2006. Monica continues to serve ERTICO as President & Spokesman and is highly dedicated to the ERTICO cause – and we are all very grateful for this. 2009 brought many challenges both globally and closer to home. Despite the instability of the financial markets, and the inevitable consequences of the economic crisis, ERTICO was able to pursue its objectives thanks to its stable membership and portfolio of activities. This is a common achievement by the partnership, and I would like to thank all the ERTICO Partners for their individual contributions.

ERTICO is the platform for the ITS Community to work together and make ITS a reality in our daily lives. The close cooperation of all actors, ranging from private to public stakeholders, suppliers and users, EU institutions, Member States, regions and cities, is more vital than ever now as we enter into the deployment phase for many ITS services. We also need cooperation between all initiatives to promote ITS on a global, regional and national level. In the future, vehicles will communicate with the infrastructure to improve mobility, save lives and protect the environment. There is a need for both sides to come together and agree on compatible technologies. And there is a need to continue and intensify this public-private partnership to ensure effective deployment of ITS in Europe and beyond. ERTICO provides a platform for cooperation for all willing to cooperate.

ITS is a win-win-win-win scenario! Win – because ITS improves mobility for the benefit of the society, individuals and the economy; Win – because ITS saves lives, reduces emissions, increases efficiency and reduces CO2 emissions; Win – because ITS creates jobs and employment in the EU; Win – because ITS creates profitable business opportunities, stimulates innovation and a competitive industry in the EU. ITS means innovative and intelligent work and ideas: we have to ensure interoperability and seamless connectivity. Privacy has to be respected. Liability rules have to be established. Business models have to be developed. Deployment roadmaps have to be agreed. ITS means together: our challenge is to bring all the relevant stakeholders together to achieve solutions for intelligent mobility and obtain sufficient political support at the European, national, regional and local level. This helps ITS and helps each Partner by gaining more mutual understanding, mutual support and cooperation.


The year 2009 was particularly successful for ERTICO in terms of EU projects with the start of four new projects and the acceptance of three project proposals by the European Commission. ERTICO continues to broaden its activities and the new projects cover the important areas of urban freight energy efficiency, real time traffic and travel information in cities, the potential of EGNOS and Galileo for ITS applications, the use of cooperative systems to reduce energy consumption, and pre-commercial public procurement for ITS innovation. You can read more about these in the Activities section. Three new Partner applications were approved during 2009 and 70% of the Partners were represented at the General Assembly and ITS workshop held in Genval in June. The 16th ITS World Congress took place in Stockholm in September, and attracted over 8000 attendees from 64 different countries. The ITS Congresses are instrumental in driving forward the research, development and deployment of ITS as well as providing business opportunities for many ITS stakeholders. The Stockholm event was rich in cross-sector exchange and enabled 60 ERTICO Partner organisations to present their ITS applications and services in a wide range of sessions and in the Exhibition. The ERTICO Public Authorities Platform met twice in 2009 to provide important input for the coordination and effective deployment of ITS in the Member States. Both meetings saw the active involvement of the European Commission, in particular with regards to the ITS Action Plan and eCall.

ERTICO also helps to raise awareness on ITS at European policy level and organised a breakfast workshop in January 2009 at the European Parliament to promote ITS solutions in the area of road safety for new Member States. During the first quarter of 2010 ERTICO held its second breakfast workshop at the European Parliament on the theme “Intelligence into Urban Mobility”, co-hosted by Dieter-Lebrecht Koch MEP and Zita Gurmai MEP. More than 50 representatives from ERTICO Partner organisations, national ITS Associations, national governments, the European Parliament and the European Commission participated and discussed different ITS solutions to make Urban Mobility safer, greener, more economical and more efficient. The Network of National ITS Associations, hosted by ERTICO, met in Johannesburg and Prague in 2009, enabling members to exchange information and share their visions for ITS. ERTICO’s co-operation with ITS America and ITS Japan also continued during the year with the traditional three CEOs meeting and collaboration for the ITS World Congress. I would like to thank the members of the Supervisory Board for their active involvement during the year. Extra meetings were held during the year to discuss how to increase the value of the ERTICO partnership and I am very grateful for the input of each and every Board member.

I would also like to give my thanks to the Strategy Committee, the Finance & Administration Group and all the ERTICO Partners for their contributions and commitment during the year. I would especially like to thank the ERTICO team for their hard work, flexibility and enthusiasm, for their motivation and dedication in challenging times with the aim of making the ITS family sustainable and the ERTICO platform well positioned. Let us continue to work together for the deployment of ITS solutions, supporting the creativity of all ITS stakeholders, establishing business models for public and private investment, ensuring interoperability and seamless functioning of service, and developing a consistent and effective policy programme at European and national level. Gunter Zimmermeyer


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CEO’s Report The mission of ERTICO – ITS Europe is to connect public authorities, industry players, infrastructure operators, users, research institutes and other organisations in order to accelerate the development and deployment of ITS across Europe and beyond, within a market-based approach. Founded on the basis that technology can be brought to market through cooperation, ERTICO provides a unique public-private, multi-sector, pre-competitive platform for ITS solutions to develop. 2009 has been a very successful year in terms of achievements for ERTICO and its Partners. Since January 2009, four new projects have started to further develop and deploy ITS systems and services. These projects cover the important areas of urban freight energy efficiency via eco-driving and traffic intersection related measures (FREILOT) and multi-modal real time traffic and travel information for drivers and travellers in European cities (In-Time). The VIAJEO project launched during the ITS World Congress in Stockholm also brings together multi-sector stakeholders to design, demonstrate and implement an open platform to collect and process data for transport planning and travel information in cities in Europe, China and Brazil. The GSC project on unlocking the potential of EGNOS and Galileo for ITS applications also began in March 2009. In addition, the iCar Support project which supports the eSafety Forum and the Intelligent Car Initiative started its work in December 2009. It can be noted that current ERTICO co-ordinated projects receive a total of €24.735.945 in EC funding for 50 ERTICO Partners.

In addition, ERTICO submitted two new project proposals as coordinator, which were approved for funding by the European Commission in 2009 to begin in 2010. These projects will address cooperative mobility systems and services for Energy Efficiency (eCoMove) and pre-commercial public procurement for ITS innovation and deployment (P3ITS). The current success rate for EC-approved ERTICO co-ordinated project proposals is 75% compared to the average of under 20%. This is due to ERTICO’s ability to bring together the most relevant multi-sector stakeholders from its membership into project consortia to provide technical know-how and expertise, as well as many years of experience in running successful ITS projects. The European eCall implementation Platform set up in February 2009 as a coordination body bringing together relevant stakeholders committed to implementing the public eCall service at European level, met three times during the year under the chairmanship of ERTICO and the Finnish Transport Ministry. The platform includes representatives of the European Commission, Member States, industry and other major stakeholders and aims to guide, coordinate and monitor the progress of the implementation of the eCall service across Europe to ensure a timely, effective and harmonised deployment of the service. ERTICO is also actively involved in the EasyWay programme for the implementation of ITS infrastructure.

ERTICO’s Public Authorities Platform is constantly benchmarking developments within the Member States related to the implementation of ITS and exchanges positions on EC activities in this field. This provides important input for the coordination and effective deployment of ITS in the Member States. The Network of National ITS Associations has been very active in exchanging information on activities in the EU Member States and some of the members are involved in several ERTICO projects. In addition, the Network played an important role in the success of the ITS World Congress in Stockholm by providing important sessions and prominently participating in the Exhibition. The cooperation between the National ITS Associations and ERTICO will be key for successful deployment of ITS in Europe and I am therefore extremely grateful that we were able to further strengthen our cooperation during 2009 under the Network leadership of Nico Anten (Connekt) and now Jennie Martin (ITS United Kingdom). ERTICO has strengthened its supporting role to initiate international cooperation for its Partners. The current work of ERTICO within the SIMBA II, VIAJEO and STADIUM projects involving Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa will be the basis for further activities in this area. Cooperation on global ITS deployment also continues with ERTICO’s counterparts ITS America and ITS Japan, in particular with regards to safety and cooperative systems.


In addition, the ERTICO Partners contributed to identifying the next priority ITS services to bring to deployment as quickly and effectively as possible, opening up opportunities for new activities in 2010 and beyond. ERTICO identified several openings during 2009 for project development and demonstrations in future EC calls to further promote the expertise and leadership of its Partners. ERTICO was involved in nine new project proposals submitted in April 2010 (two as coordinator, two as supporting Partner coordinators and five as contributor) in the areas of co-modality, smart urban mobility, integrated safety & cooperative mobility services, dedicated short range communication, international cooperation and eCall. Requested EC funding for the ERTICO Partners involved in these projects is approximately €21 million. The Partner Topic Groups played a leading role in developing new project proposals with the support of the ERTICO team during 2009. Work began on developing the ERTICO website to become the information exchange platform for its Partners and the ITS Community at large in 2009. New features include a comprehensive directory of stakeholder profiles, news and information on products, services and projects, RSS feeds on the latest ITS developments and an extensive search function. Future developments include online networking tools such as interactive commenting and sharing. ERTICO’s Corporate Identity was also refined with a new Corporate Brochure outlining the Vision, Mission, Objectives and Goals of the company.

The ITS World Congress in Stockholm on 21–25 September 2009 focussed on the benefits of ITS for end users and society under the theme “ITS in daily life” and covered all modes of transport. ERTICO extended an invitation to its Partners and the national ITS associations to present a subject, product or service at the ERTICO stand during the week. Sixteen Partners and National ITS Associations rose to the challenge to increase their visibility and in addition, ERTICO Partners explained their roles, experiences and plans in each of the four ERTICO activity centres – SafeMobility, CooperativeMobility, InfoMobility and EcoMobility. The ERTICO cocktail event was also the perfect opportunity for networking and the promotion of key messages from the ERTICO Chairman, Gunter Zimmermeyer. ERTICO is a platform for cooperation of its Partners and the ITS Community as a whole. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank the Partners for all these excellent activities which underline their commitment to ITS and to the ERTICO partnership. In return, we will continue to do our utmost to support our Partners at all levels in our common pursuit of ITS development and deployment. Hermann Meyer


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Supervisory Board & Related Committees ERTICO – ITS Europe Supervisory Board – elected 11 June 2009 ERTICO Supervisory Board members are elected by the ERTICO Partners at the annual General Assembly. The five ERTICO sectors are represented on the Supervisory Board with the following number of seats: Industry (6); Infrastructure Operators (3); Public Authorities (3); Users (2) and Others (1)

To ensure continuity, the ERTICO Partners aim to have the same Board members, Chairman and President & Spokesman elected for a period of three years, even if there is a statutory election every year.

During 2009, the Supervisory Board met two times under the chairmanship of Monica Sundström and four times under the chairmanship of Gunter Zimmermeyer.

The role of the Supervisory Board is to: »» Establish strategic guidelines for the CEO »» Approve the annual budget and work plan »» Approve new Partners or resignations »» Appoint the CEO »» Establish the agenda for the annual General Assembly

Members Industry

Infrastructure Operators


Christian Rousseau (Renault) Klaus Kompass (BMW Group) Helmut Matschi (Siemens) Marco Monticelli (FIAT Group) Liévin Quoidbach (Navteq) Gunter Zimmermeyer (Robert Bosch)

Jean Mesqui (ASFA) Yves Lagoude (Thales e-Transactions) – until December 2009 Günther Weber (Vodafone)

Gunter Zimmermeyer (Robert Bosch)


President & Spokesman (ex-officio)

Johann Grill (ADAC) Miquel Nadal (RACC)

Monica Sundström (Swedish Transport Administration)



Michael Nielsen (IRU)

Ivan Hodac (ACEA)

The ERTICO CEO is an ex-officio member of the Supervisory Board

Chair of Finance & Administration Group

Public Authorities Jordan Giddings (UK Department for Transport) Evelinde Grassegger (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation & Technology) Dean Herenda (Slovenian Ministry of Transport)

Vice Chair Jean Mesqui (ASFA)

Bruno Chazalette (Volvo Group) Chairman of Strategy Committee Michael Niedenthal (VDA)


Chairman’s Advisory Committee The Chairman’s Advisory Committee prepares the agenda and decisions of the Supervisory Board. The Committee also deals with the tasks of remuneration and nomination and any issue the Chairman wishes to address.

Members »» Chairman Supervisory Board »» Vice Chairman Supervisory Board »» Chair Finance & Administration Group »» ERTICO CEO

Finance & Administration Group The Finance and Administration Group reports to the Supervisory Board.

Members »» Bruno Chazalette, Volvo Group (Chair) »» Hermann Meyer, (as ERTICO CEO) »» Didier Gorteman, (as ERTICO CFO) »» Pierre Lerusse, External ERTICO Auditor The Group oversees the ERTICO accounts, budget & membership evolution, the preparation of the financial reports for the General Assembly and Supervisory Board, and all administrative & ISO procedures.

Strategy Committee


The Strategy Committee advises the Supervisory Board on issues of strategic importance including but not limited to:

»» Michael Niedenthal, VDA (Chair)

»» Focus areas/priorities of activities »» Structure and composition of the membership

»» Luisa Andreone, FIAT Group (CRF) »» Jacques Boussuge, ASFA

»» Formulation of joint positions on ITS

»» Laurent Colpier, Volvo Technology Corporation

»» Deployment of ITS related products and services

»» Serena Cussons, UK Department of Transport

The Strategy Committee Chairman and members are confirmed on an annual basis by the Supervisory Board after recommendation of the Chairman’s Advisory Committee. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chair of the Finance & Administration Group are ex-officio members of the Strategy Committee. Supervisory Board members are also invited to attend meetings.

»» Josef Czako, Kapsch »» Jean-François Gaillet, Ygomi Europe »» Dean Herenda, Slovenian Ministry of Transport (Board member) »» Richard Harris, Logica »» Mari-Louise Lundgren, Swedish Road Administration »» Miquel Nadal, RACC (Board member) »» Michael Ortgiese, PTV »» Lievin Quoidbach, Navteq (Board member) »» Christian Rousseau, Renault (Board member) »» Hans-Joachim Schade, Siemens AG »» Günther Weber, Vodafone (Board member) »» Peter Biesenbach, Robert Bosch/Jörg Tegtmeier The ERTICO CEO is an ex-officio member of the Strategy Committee

Highlights 2009 ITS Congress, Stockholm 2009

ERTICO Stand, Stockholm

Partner presentations at ERTICO

Music with wine glasses at the Stockholm City Hall

ERTICO Partners were given the floor to talk about a topic, product or service. Presentations were filmed and are online

Vincent Blervaque (ERTICO), Emilio Davila-Gonzales (DG INFSO), Francisco Ferreira (DG INFSO)


ERTICO cocktails

eSafety Award Ceremony

Mingling at the ERTICO cocktail hour at Stockholm

The prize-winners

CVIS Road Tour

Having fun... Visitors and delegates await the start of the demonstrations

Cooperative Mobility – Sector presentation

Audience participation during sector presentation

Exhibition VIP Tour

Gunter Zimmermeyer (Robert Bosch), Monica SundstrĂśm (Swedish Transport Administration)

Highlights 2009 General Assembly, 11/06/2009

Jack Short, Secretary General of the International Transport Forum, gives a speech during cocktails

Networking at the ERTICO General Assembly

Lively discussions at the VIP table

l-r: Didier Gorteman (ERTICO), Monica Sundstr枚m, (Chairman 2007-2009), Ana Ram贸n (ERTICO), Shainoor Noorali (ERTICO)


eCall Implementation Platform Kick-off 12/02/2009

eCall IP Kick-off

Delegates at the eCall IP Kick-off

In-Time Kick-off – 16-17/04/2009

Hermann Meyer (ERTICO) with Kallistratos Dionelis (Secretary General ASECAP) In-Time Kick-off

EP Breakfast workshop 20/01/2009

1st ERTICO Breakfast workshop, European Parliament

ITS Russia

High level meeting between the European Commission, ITS Russia and ERTICO

Activities Strengthening cooperation. Working with our Partners to facilitate the deployment of key ITS applications.


Activities In 2009, ERTICO - ITS Europe further strengthened its activities for the development and deployment of key ITS applications together with its Partners.

The year was an important milestone with the restructuring of ERTICO activities into four sectors to better match ERTICO priorities to the reality of ITS development and deployment in Europe: »» SafeMobility Sector: Towards zero accidents »» Cooperative Sector: Towards fully connected vehicles and infrastructure »» EcoMobility Sector: Towards reduced impact on the environment »» InfoMobility Sector: Towards zero delays and fully informed people 2009 marked a major step in the development of next generation mobility services based on cooperative systems, with the outstanding progress made by the CVIS and SAFESPOT Integrated Projects. Jointly they have very significantly advanced the development of cooperative applications for safety and efficiency and have delivered important inputs for the standardisation of vehicleto-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, as well as organising the impressive first live public demonstrations in Europe of cooperative systems during the 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm.

Deployment is gaining greater importance on the agenda of ITS stakeholders and ERTICO is therefore taking advantage of new funding instruments put in place by the European Commission to provide a bridge from research to implementation through pilots, demonstrations and field operational tests. Within European Field Operational Test (FOT) activities, the EuroFOT project will establish a comprehensive, technical, and socio-economic assessment programme for evaluating in real traffic conditions the impact of eight technically mature advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), using multiple fleets of vehicles, including passenger cars and trucks. The ERTICO-coordinated FOT-Net support action is a strategic networking platform gathering together national, European and international FOT organisers. Following the R&D stage, pilot projects are essential to stimulate innovation and to foster a first implementation of mature systems and services with the involvement of all service chain actors such as the vehicle industry, service providers, fleet operators and public authorities. The FREILOT and In-Time pilots were launched in 2009 in a total of 12 cities in Europe, with the objective of increasing energy efficiency of road transport in urban areas.

ERTICO has remained active during 2009 in international ITS cooperation, launching demonstration projects such as VIAJEO and STADIUM. These constitute an excellent opportunity to address global issues such as transport planning and travel information with stakeholders from Europe and emerging countries (Brazil, China, India and South Africa). Together with many of its Partners, ERTICO has participated extensively in the European Commission Research Framework Programmes through its work on a variety of research, development and deployment activities to support the on-going and future implementation of ITS in the areas of SafeMobility, CooperativeMobility, EcoMobility and InfoMobility. 2009 was a very productive period with significant achievements in the domain of cooperative systems, eSafety, digital maps, GNSS enabled ITS services, ADAS, multi-modal traveller information, nomadic devices, satellite communication and the transport of goods.


The 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm was a major milestone in 2009 to promote research results, to demonstrate innovative products and services and to create a global market place for ITS.

We would like to thank our Partners for their support and strong contribution to our activities over the year. We look forward to continuing our cooperation and to shaping the future together.

The transparent process for new activity development has ensured effective Partner participation in our different activities, and throughout 2009 we have benefited from our Partners’ expertise in working together to fulfil our strategic goals. The four Partner Topic Groups have been very successful in strengthening involvement of the Partners and in developing innovative ideas for new activities, as well as in taking an active role in implementing the ERTICO Strategy by focusing on priorities.

ERTICO also benefits from a strong working relationship with the European Commission, and this collaboration has brought successful results during 2009. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ERTICO team in Brussels for their expertise and dedication, that has made possible the many achievements mentioned above.

In the following section, we summarise ERTICO’s achievements over the past year in the various activities within the areas of SafeMobility, CooperativeMobility, EcoMobility and InfoMobility, including international cooperation.

Vincent Blervaque, Director of Development & Deployment

Activities SafeMobility EuroFOT The euroFOT Integrated Project (May 2008 – August 2011) funded by DG Information Society and Media with an overall budget of €22 million, has brought together a comprehensive array of different organisations to test intelligent vehicle systems across Europe. The field tests will focus in particular on eight distinct functions that assist the driver in detecting hazards, preventing accidents and improving driver efficiency. Over the course of one year, up to 1000 cars and trucks equipped with a range of different intelligent technologies will be monitored on European roads across France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and The Netherlands. In 2009, the different Vehicle Management Centres (VMCs) adapted their vehicles to collect the data needed for the assessment of the safety systems. A series of pilots were started with a limited number of vehicles to tune the data acquisition process. In addition, a driver recruitment campaign was initiated throughout leasing companies, dealerships and customer programmes. The FOT operations for the 1000 vehicles will last one full year starting with a ramping up phase in 2010. The results of this project are expected to greatly contribute to supporting the decision-making process to deploy these new transport technologies on the market. ERTICO is involved in the dissemination of the project and in the coordination of the VMCs.



FOT-Net is a 31 month (June 2008 – December 2010) Specific Support Action funded by DG Information Society and Media, with an overall budget of €1.23 million. It aims to bring together European and international stakeholders in a strategic networking platform to present results of Field Operational Tests (FOTs), identify and discuss common working items and promote a joint approach for FOTs using the FESTA methodology as a basis.

ROSATTE is a 30 month EU-funded project, with an overall budget of €4.6 million aiming to establish an efficient and quality ensured data supply chain from public authorities to commercial map providers with regards to safety related road content. The purpose of ROSATTE is to facilitate access to accurate and up-to-date safety attributes which can be exploited for the establishment of national digital road databases. This will enable more efficient road operation and maintenance and also a direct integration with commercial navigation maps.

In 2009, FOT-Net organised one stakeholders workshop, three seminars and an international FOT workshop at the ITS World Congress in Stockholm. In addition, FOT-Net supported a series of FOT events such as the national FOT Naturalistic Driving Study event in Munich and the TeleFOT Stakeholders Forum meeting in Brussels. It also liaised actively with Asia Pacific and US activities supporting bilateral cooperation with European FOTs. In addition, FOT-Net launched a FOT wiki cataloguing FOT activities around the world and published two eight-paged Newsletters.

The project started in January 2008 with 15 partners onboard. In 2009, ROSATTE finalised the requirements and architecture definition and initiated the implementation of the ROSATTE data store with the nine participating public authorities and road operators. Also, a series of surveys have been conducted to understand the willingness of the European Member States and map makers to implement this solution across the whole of Europe.

ERTICO is coordinating this support action together with nine other contractors and a growing number of 15 associated partners.

ERTICO coordinates the project and is responsible for the tasks preparing for the future deployment. Transport for London joined the consortium in February 2009.



The ADASIS Forum was established in 2002. In 2009 it kept its membership stable with 31 organisations, including vehicle manufacturers, ADAS suppliers, navigation system suppliers and map providers with interests in the ADAS Horizon concept. This concept gives in-vehicle ADAS applications a look-ahead capability by taking advantage of digital maps as a predictive sensor. In 2009 version 2.0 of the standardised ADAS Interface was under development for implementation in future projects.

ERTRAC is the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council which was established to mobilise all stakeholders, develop a shared vision and ensure the timely, co-ordinated and efficient application of research resources to meet the continuing challenges of road transport and European competitiveness.


ERTICO is a member of the steering group and is active in three of the four working groups (urban mobility, long distance transport and road traffic safety). During 2009, ERTICO contributed to the elaboration of the “Transport Scenarios 2030+”, which are taken as a basis for the update of the ERTRAC Strategic Research Agenda. SAFIER is a project financed by DG RTD to support ERTRAC activities. iCars Thematic Network The iCars Network (July 2008 – July 2010) contributes to the deployment of Transport ICT technologies by sharing knowledge and experience on these technologies among a wide range of stakeholders on a number of specific topics. The project is funded by DG Information Society and Media. ERTICO is leading the work dedicated to the exchange of good practices between organisations which deal with information dissemination and awareness actions amongst authorities, businesses and endusers. ERTICO also participates in the information flow between the world of ITS development and that of public procurement.

eSafety Support and iCar Support Europe-wide cooperation in the field of eSafety is another key focus area for ERTICO. Since 2003, the eSafety Forum, a joint platform involving over 200 members representing all road safety stakeholders, has been the driving force behind promoting eSafety development and deployment throughout Europe. The eSafety Support office, launched in January 2006, was hosted by ERTICO and included key players such as ACEA, FIA and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. This office acted as an independent secretariat, promoting eSafety activities in Europe. The eSafety Support office offered organisational assistance to the eSafety Forum and its Working Groups and stimulated ongoing work in the field of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems. In 2009, eSafety Support offered support for the organisation of two Plenary meetings (one focussed on setting an Economic Recovery Plan for eSafety and the other on eCall deployment – the eCall Summit October 2009), four eSafety Forum Steering Group meetings, one European Observers meeting and two European eCall Implementation Platform meetings. It also assisted and hosted Working Group meetings, standardisation group meetings and eSafety-related events, including awareness raising amongst decision makers to sustain the adoption of the Intelligent Car report by the European Parliament.

The eSafety Support office organised the third ceremony for the eSafety Awards at the ITS World Congress in Stockholm, honouring organisations which have accomplished outstanding achievements with regards to the acceleration of the deployment of eSafety systems. eSafety Support organised the eSafety Observatory annual meeting 2009 in the context of the ITS World Congress, where the Member State representatives were invited to discuss the progress of their countries on the ITS Action Plan and to give their first views and feedback on ELSA (European Large Scale Action) in Transport. eSafety Support was very active in 2009 in supporting the promotion of eSafety across Europe by being present at a number of congresses and conferences and by producing new media tools to support the dissemination and raising awareness of the benefits that eSafety technologies can bring. eSafety Support also participated actively in the activities of the “eSafetyAware!” communication platform (of which ERTICO holds the vice-presidency). In addition, extensive discussions on the future of the eSafety Forum took place during 2009, which led to the extension of the scope of the Forum to ICT for safe, smart and clean road mobility. continued on next page…

Activities SafeMobility eSafety Support and iCarSupport (continued) The eSafety Support Action was completed in September 2009 and the new iCar Support (December 2009 – December 2012) took over its role of supporting the eSafety Forum activities. The Intelligent Car Support project (iCar Support) supports the new activities of the eSafety Forum, which focuses on the development, deployment and use of ICT based transport systems and services. The work of the Forum will cover the entire roadmap for the implementation of the services up to their deployment. The project supports dissemination and outreach activities, focusing on raising awareness of eSafety technologies among decision makers of relevant bodies. A specific objective of the project is to support and coordinate the standardisation activities related to ITS standards, with a special focus on safety and intelligent car applications. The iCar Support Action also involves new partners: Ygomi and Q-Free, who will contribute mainly to the ITS standardisation activities. VTT and DEKRA continue to lead the work in the area of deployment roadmaps, while ACEA’s contribution to the project brings the required level of skill, commitment and authority to support the ongoing efforts in implementing eCall in Europe.

eCall impact assessment Study To support the political decision on whether or not a regulatory approach is to be introduced, the European Commission launched an eCall Impact Assessment Study in November 2008. This study investigated the market introduction of eCall across Europe, analysed the legal and liability issues, carried out a full assessment of potential impact of eCall introduction and identified the costs and benefits. It also assessed three specific policy options: do nothing, voluntary agreement supported with public sector campaigns and other actions, or mandatory introduction by regulation. In addition to supporting this decision by the European Commission, the study provided information to help decision making by other stakeholders in the eCall service chain. The eCall Impact Assessment Study, led by TRL, involves TNO, VTT, eSafetyAware, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and ERTICO as major partners. The study ran over a six month period and the first results were delivered in May 2009. For more information on SafeMobility activities, please contact:

Dr Maxime Flament, Head of SafeMobility Sector, +32 (0)2 400 07 35,

CooperativeMobility CVIS The CVIS Integrated Project (February 2006 – June 2010), co-funded by DG Information Society and Media with a budget of €40 million has designed, developed and is testing the technologies required to allow vehicles to communicate, form a network and thus cooperate directly with the roadside infrastructure. The advent of such technology is expected to lead to the development of numerous new and enhanced in-vehicle services for increased road safety and efficiency. During 2009, the project consortium integrated the CVIS platform and its core modules (communication/networking, position/mapping and open application management) within the six CVIS test sites. Trials began in autumn 2009 and will be completed by spring 2010. Key applications include cooperative urban traffic management, truck parking and loading/unloading management, access control, hazard warning and for driver and fleet operator services in urban and interurban driving situations. Dissemination was a top priority in 2009, with a first demonstration event on 11-14 May at the Helmond (Netherlands) test site, where the first urban and interurban services were on show. A substantial onroad demonstration was also organised during the ITS World Congress in Stockholm, as well as a demonstration theatre event. Planning also began during 2009 for the largest ever cooperative mobility showcase event held during Intertraffic week in Amsterdam, 23-26 March 2010.


CVIS was active in liaison activities during 2009, contributing to the common European Communication Architecture and the EUUS technical roadmap activity, as well as cooperation with SAFESPOT and COOPERS projects at Stockholm. Finally, the project also started preparing for widespread exploitation of the results through a number of cooperation agreements with external projects and organisations, that receive the CVIS open reference platform and can evaluate it for their own purposes. SAFESPOT SAFESPOT (February 2006 – June 2010), with an overall budget of €38 million is an integrated research project co-funded by the European Commission Information Society Technologies. The core project objective is to understand how intelligent vehicles and intelligent roads can cooperate to produce a breakthrough for road safety. SAFESPOT helps to prevent road accidents by developing a Safety Margin Assistant that detects, in advance, potentially dangerous situations and that extends in time and space the driver’s awareness of the surrounding environment. The Safety Margin Assistant is an Intelligent Cooperative System based on Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication.

During this fourth year, project partners focussed on preparing the test sites for field trials and then carrying out those trials. A joint demonstration was organised together with CVIS at the ITS World Congress in Stockholm during September 2009, showcasing interoperability in the area of Cooperative Systems. Common demonstration scenarios were developed to show interoperability and complementarities between the different systems, including road condition/speed alert, emergency vehicle warning and HMI download scenarios. Certain core components developed in SAFESPOT, for example the Local Dynamic Map, were taken up in the CVIS project and vice versa. Cooperation continued with CVIS, COOPERS and COMeSafety projects. SAFESPOT partners were heavily involved in the further development of the European Communications Architecture for Cooperative Systems under the umbrella of COMeSafety. Support to ETSI was also high on the agenda for project partners where SAFESPOT input has fed into future standardisation on architecture, applications, messages, communication and networking etc.

ERTICO’s participation concentrated in the SCORE sub-project, where the overall technical coordination and architecture development is done, as well as in supporting the dissemination and demonstration activities at the Stockholm and Amsterdam showcases. The focus of work was on creating joint demonstration scenarios as well as test site cooperation work.

Activities CooperativeMobility SISTER SISTER (November 2006 – June 2010), an integrated research project co-funded by DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission with an overall budget of €10 million, has successfully finished its third year. SISTER investigated potential roles of satellite communication in ITS applications, especially where satellite navigation is involved. Integration of satellite with terrestrial communication can enlarge communication coverage and improve reliability and efficiency, therefore enhancing service quality. ITS services such as eCall, map updating, dangerous goods monitoring and road charging can all benefit from satellite communications. The project term was extended to mid2010, to allow evaluation of the use of S-band communication, a new possibility for ITS services created when the EU granted two operating licences for mixed satellite-terrestrial services.

During the third year the project work focussed on the evaluation of demonstration results in order to develop a sound understanding of satellite communication in ITS services performance. ERTICO Partners WirelessCar and Volvo Technology took part in the SISTER eCall pilots that compared the performance of GSM with low earth orbit and geostationary satellite communication networks. Satellites were indeed able to deliver eCall successfully, with coverage even when GSM was not available. ERTICO’s participation has concentrated on evaluation, dissemination and exploitation. During 2009 ERTICO successfully carried out demonstrations and organised a special session on satellite communication for ITS at the 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm. The project was also presented at numerous conferences and workshops on ITS and satellite technologies. The project also successfully developed links with a number of EC and ESA funded projects, e.g. SatNEx (European Satellite Communications Network of Excellence), an FP6 project coordinated by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). For more information on CooperativeMobility activities, please contact:

Paul Kompfner, Head of CooperativeMobility Sector, +32 (0)2 400 07 32,

InfoMobility TISA The Traveller Information Services Association (TISA) was launched in 2007. It is a not-forprofit company (ASBL under Belgian law), hosted by ERTICO. TISA was established to ensure an international framework for marketdriven, coordinated, proactive implementation of traffic and travel information services and products based on existing standards such as RDS-TMC and TPEG. It also works towards the development and deployment of future standards and services. TISA has taken over all the activities undertaken by the previous TMC Forum, the TPEG Forum and the German Mobile. Info project. It also supports standards that provide elements or frameworks for services and products covering traffic and travel information, including roads, public transport and related information needs such as landmarks, weather and environmental information. A number of specialist task forces within TISA address the key development topics. TISA has over 90 members from across the traffic information value chain and is recognised as the key organisation representing the interests of this industry sector.


i-Travel The i-Travel project coordinated by ERTICO initiated in 2008 was completed in September 2009. The need for seamless travel information is the next logical step in providing support for the everyday traveller and, in fact, the market has already moved towards providing basic solutions that meet this requirement. However, there are many open issues in providing a seamless application that marries all facets of the travel service chain through booking to the “on trip” assistant. The i-Travel project lays the groundwork for a contextual traveller assistant that supports the traveller at every stage of his/her journey. In 2009, the project produced a roadmap for small scale pilot demonstrations including a demonstration at the 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm and will continue to promote the connected traveller concept. GSC The availability of EGNOS and the introduction of GALILEO as an improved Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are an important opportunity for business and social improvement for Europe. ITS represent a considerable market for GNSS-enabled services. In this context, it is crucial to work towards the technical conditions that reflect the business needs and will enable an open and competitive mass market for providers that offer tolling services, enabled by GALILEO and EGNOS in combination with other value added GNSS-enabled services.

The GSC project (March 2009 – June 2011) goes beyond the demonstration of the technical feasibility of the ‘multiple services platform’ into an analysis and recommendations with respect to the feasibility of market deployment as it will identify how standardisation and certification mechanisms can provide the basis for the trust-relationship between different business entities in a horizontal mass market. According to the European model for tolling (EETS) the European Toll Service Provider (ETSP) will be held responsible for the correct collection of all required toll charging data and the risk of malfunctioning end-user equipment or interference between the toll application and other ITS services has to be controlled. As a consequence, the main challenge in establishing a mass market of GNSS-enabled converged services that run on the same piece of equipment, does not lie in the technical capability of equipment to run two or more services in parallel, but in the control and assurance that can be provided to the service operators and aggregators, more specifically to the ETSP and the toll charger.

SIMBA II SIMBA II (May 2008 – October 2009) set up and ran a series of expert groups to further advance the work on the priorities defined in the first SIMBA project. It brings together European and local organisations from Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil. The goal is to engage in preparatory technical work and feasibility studies for the development or implementation of new ITS (urban) and infrastructure technologies (looking at adapting European technologies to local needs in an effort to improve local transport conditions). In 2009, the project made progress in the different working groups in each country by means of regional workshops and held a Europe-Russia workshop about international cooperation on ITS during the 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm. VIAJEO The VIAJEO project (September 2009 – August 2012) will design, demonstrate and validate an open platform which will be able to: support the transport operations, planning and a wide range of traveller information services; deliver dynamic information independent from language to improve their provision of transport information and traveller services through integrated traffic data collection and management; deliver a solution that enables cross-modal journey planning, dynamic route guidance, effective payment access and improved personal mobility, etc. and provide standardised interfaces to connect a variety of entities needed for the mobility services. continued on next page…

Activities InfoMobility VIAJEO (continued) The open platform will facilitate the integration of components for data management allowing integration of European and local components as most convenient in Athens, São Paulo, Beijing and Shanghai. The demonstration cities in Europe, China and Brazil have been carefully chosen to ensure that they have a reputation as national role models, allowing the results of successful demonstrations to be extended to other cities in these countries and also potentially to other countries in the respective continents. STADIUM The STADIUM project (May 2009 – April 2013) aims to improve the performance of transport systems made available to a wide and differentiated range of users in the framework of large events hosted by big cities. The term “performance” is used here as covering several dimensions, including the efficiency of the transport services (frequency, punctuality, reliability etc.), their comfort, affordability and ease of use, their safety and security, as well as their impact on the broader community of involved citizens in areas such as congestion, air quality, accident risk which affect both users and non-users of transport services.

Hosting a large event for a city is both a challenge and a big opportunity. The latter because it is an occasion to improve the infrastructures, beyond the dedicated ones, and services in order to bring the city to a higher level of efficiency after the events. The challenges come from the exceptional rise of resources allocations in a limited time due to the superimposition of the event’s connected impacts over the normal city functions. Transport is one of the most complex, critical and sensitive sectors in the hosting of large events, regardless of the size and level of development of the Host City. Most of its complexity derives from the obligations set by the International Bodies (i.e. IOC, CGF, FIFA, UEFA, BIE) over the Local Organising Committee (LOC), responsible in full for the harmonisation of the event’s functional transport services with the transport system under the responsibility of the Local Authorities. For more information on InfoMobility activities, please contact:

EcoMobility FREILOT The FREILOT pilot (April 2009 – October 2011) focuses on reducing energy consumption of goods delivery vehicles in urban areas. The specific energy consumption of urban goods transport depends on many factors; vehicle performance, driver behaviour, urban geography and the road network, traffic control strategies and performance, weight of the vehicle and its load to name but a few. Clearly no realistic single measure can address all these aspects and lead to a significant increase in energy efficiency. A holistic and integrated approach is needed combining various measures that can be implemented without excessive cost and with the necessary public acceptance. The FREILOT service aims to increase energy efficiency drastically in road goods transport in urban areas through a holistic treatment of traffic management, fleet management, the delivery vehicle and the driver, and demonstrate in four linked pilot projects that up to 25% reduction of fuel consumption in urban areas is feasible. The FREILOT service comprises the following elements: »» Traffic management: Energy efficiency optimised intersection control; »» Vehicle: Adaptive acceleration and speed limiters;

Vincent Blervaque, Director of Development & Deployment, +32 (0)2 400 07 24,

»» Driver: Enhanced “green driving” support; »» Fleet management: Real-time loading/delivery space booking.


The service will be piloted in four European implementation sites: LyonFrance, Helmond-Netherlands, KrakowPoland and Bilbao-Spain, showcasing the benefits of the service and ease to implement it in different parts of Europe. In 2009, the project partners successfully developed: »» Implementation plan (specifying technical aspects of FREILOT trial); »» Methodology and Evaluation plan (specifying how the FREILOT impact will be measured); »» Business model (the first stepping stone towards ensuring sustainable implementation).

IN-TIME In-Time (April 2009 – April 2011) will pilot and validate an innovative pan-European approach to Real Time Traffic and Travel Information (RTTI) services. The reliable and real-time delivery of these services to the individual traveller and to traffic management centres is likely to reduce drastically energy consumption in urban areas, across different modes of transport. The traveller is expected to change his travel behaviour according to the information he/ she receives, opting for the most efficient and quickest modes for his/her travel journey. The role of the In-Time project is to deliver a standardised interface for the various stakeholders involved to implement these RTTI services, to issue recommendations and to study the user acceptance, the market potential and the societal benefits that these services can bring. Pilots will be set up in the course of the year in six European cities: Vienna, Brno, Bucharest, Oslo, Munich, and Florence.

In 2009, the project partners focussed on the first steps to set-up the pilots and implement the services at the end-user service providers. This phase started successfully with the analysis of the state-of-the-art, and the assessment of the stakeholder aspirations. Based on these results, system specifications including the system installation and the adaptation were developed. For more information on EcoMobility activities, please contact:

Jean-Charles Pandazis, Head of EcoMobility Sector, +32 (0)2 400 07 14,

ITS Network The ERTICO - ITS Europe hosted Network of National ITS Associations was formed in order to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all actors at the local and national level - such as small and medium sized companies - and support ITS promotion from the ground up. It was officially launched in 2004 and now stands at 25 members. The objectives of the Network are to: »» Exchange information and agree on the appropriate content of future regional, national and EU programmes »» Exploit synergies in current regional, national and EU projects »» Act as a channel for local SME participation in EU programmes »» Cooperate to establish an appropriate European ITS Policy framework »» Collaborate on ITS training

The Network currently consists of 25 member organisations. ATT Russia ITS Austria ITS Croatia ITS Czech Republic ITS Denmark ITS Finland ITS France ITS Hellas ITS Hungary ITS Network Germany ITS Norway ITS Polska ITS Portugal ITS Romania ITS Slovakia ITS Slovenia ITS Spain ITS Sweden ITS Switzerland ITS United Kingdom ITS&S Polish Association of Transport Telematics Telematics Cluster (Belgium) MLC ITS Euskadi TTS Italia


2009 was an active year for the Network. Meetings were held in Johannesburg and Prague enabling members to exchange information and share their visions for ITS. The first meeting of 2009, held in Johannesburg was hosted by ITS South Africa and took place after the e-transport Conference and Exhibition, also organised by ITS South Africa. The meeting held on the first day discussed current Network business as well as potential activities for 2009. The second day enabled Network members to see the deployment of ITS in some of the many new infrastructure projects being built in preparation of the 2010 World Cup to be held in South Africa. The second meeting, hosted by ITS&S was another two-day event held in Prague. During the afternoon of the first day, members of the Network along with members of the ITS National Associations participated in a series of four workshops focusing on Strategy, Regulation & Standardisation; Road User Charging; Road Safety and Green Transport. The Network meeting on the second day was attended by seventeen of the Network member associations some of which presented the latest developments in ITS within their countries.

In addition to Network meetings, the Network and the International Road Federation co-organised (with the IRF) a Special Session during the World ITS Congress held in Stockholm to explore investment in ITS, and what needs to be done to support policy makers to develop effective ITS implementation strategies. At the end of 2009, Jennie Martin (ITS United Kingdom) took over as interim Chairman of the Network succeeding Nico Anten (Connekt), and was officially elected Chairman in March 2010. Norbert Handke, ITS Network Germany was elected as Vice Chairman. For more information, please contact Anna Limbrey, Network Coordinator, +32 (0)2 400 07 19,

Congresses The exchange of knowledge and experience among the ITS community significantly contributes to the development, implementation and deployment of ITS in Europe and across the world. The ITS World and European Congresses are ideal events for all ITS stakeholders to meet and make the necessary contacts to move initiatives forward. The ITS Congresses benefit from high-level support from government, industry and other organisations, including the ERTICO Partners. The events also provide an opportunity for the European Commission to present its projects and programme to achieve sustainable mobility for people and goods through the use of ITS solutions. ERTICO – ITS Europe, ITS America and ITS Japan cooperate closely together for the preparation of the annual ITS World Congress and Exhibition. Each year the event takes place in a different region, and stops in Europe every third year. Valuable support is also provided by the host region in various forms and the national ITS association of the country. European ITS Congresses are organised by ERTICO in the years when there is not an ITS World Congress in Europe. It can be noted that ERTICO took over the management of the ITS World Congresses in Europe and the European ITS Congresses in the summer of 2009.

The city of Stockholm hosted the 16th ITS World Congress on 21-25 September 2009. The Congress and Exhibition focussed on the benefits of ITS for end users and society under the theme “ITS in daily life” and covered all modes of transport. Over 8000 people attended the Congress and Exhibition, which was open to the general public on the last day.

Sweden was chair of the European Union at the same time as the Congress and used the opportunity to invite key politicians and decision makers to attend a special Plenary Session at the Congress and visit the Exhibition.


Both the Congress and the Exhibition put a strong emphasis on deployment. In addition to the sessions, a number of ‘hands-on’ demonstrations, technical visits and technical tours were organised to highlight the multi-modal deployment of ITS solutions for the benefit of end users and society. The Demonstration Theatre in the Exhibition hall offered visitors an opportunity to experience five different scenarios demonstrating how ITS in daily life ensures a more efficient, safe and secure future using green solutions. Visitors were also able to try out the latest state-ofthe-art ITS applications and technologies of the future at the outdoor Experience Park and the multi-modal “Traffic Control Management” centre. Highlights included the “Cooperative Systems Showcase”, where visitors were able to experience the future of cooperative mobility based on technologies enabling vehicles and road infrastructure to communicate. The ERTICO Partners were well represented in Stockholm with 60 organisations involved in the Congress sessions, the demonstrations and the Exhibition. Several Partners and members of the Network of National ITS Associations also presented their ITS related services, products or positions on the ERTICO stand during the week. The ITS Congresses have proven to be effective tools to drive forward the research, development and deployment of ITS as well as provide business opportunities for many ITS stakeholders. In order to further strengthen the ITS Congresses, an expert group of ERTICO Partners and members of the Network of National ITS Associations met in November to share opinions and ideas.

Preparations are well on the way for the 17th ITS World Congress to take place in Busan, South Korea, organised under the theme “Ubiquitous Society with ITS”, from 25 to 29 October 2010. Busan 2010 will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate expertise and high level achievement within the field of ITS from a global perspective. The organisation of the 8th European ITS Congress to take place in Lyon on 6-9 June 2011 has also begun with the active participation of Grand Lyon, the Rhône Alpes region, the Lyon Urban Truck and Bus Cluster, the French Ministry of Transport (MEEDDM), ITS France and the French organisations active within ERTICO – ITS Europe and will be supported by the European Commission. The main focus of the Congress will be “Intelligent Mobility: ITS for sustainable transport of persons and goods in urban regions”. Planning has also started for the 19th ITS World Congress 2012 to be held in Vienna, Austria from 17 to 21 September under the theme “Smarter on the way”.

European ITS Congresses 2011 Lyon, France (6 – 9 June) ITS World Congresses 2010 Busan, Korea (25 – 29 October) 2011 Orlando, USA (6 – 10 0ctober) 2012 Vienna, Austria (17 – 21 September) For more information on ITS Congresses, please consult the ERTICO website: its_congresses or contact either

ERTICO has also launched the call for tender for host cities for the ITS Congresses from 2013 until 2018, and will launch a tender mid-2010 for the new license to organise ITS Congresses and Exhibitions on behalf of ERTICO for the subsequent years after 2012.

Didier Gorteman ( or

Valérie Mindlin (

Finances Continued Growth. Financial stability guaranteed by stable membership growth and development of new activities in line with Partner priorities.


Finances The ERTICO – ITS Europe Finance and Administration Group reports to the Supervisory Board. It is made up of Bruno Chazalette, Chair of the Finance & Administration Group, Hermann Meyer, Chief Executive Officer and Didier Gorteman, Chief Financial Officer. The External Auditor is also invited to attend as necessary.

The following points should also be noted:

1. Membership The Supervisory Board approved three new applications for ERTICO Partnership in 2009. At 31 December 2009, ERTICO had 103 shareholder Partners. The membership fees for 2009 amount to €2.402.500.

The Finance and Administration Group has analysed the 2009 accounts and last forecast for 2009 and confirms that ERTICO is in a sound financial situation. All 2009 costs have been in line with decisions of the ERTICO Supervisory Board.

Membership & membership fees (in €) at 31 December of each year

Topic Groups launched in February 2008 resulted in the development of several successful proposals submitted in 2009 in the area of EcoMobility and InfoMobility. Several meetings were also held with potential Partners with a view to further strengthening the ERTICO membership.

The Finance & Administration Group noted a continuous effort to monitor Partner involvement in activities and encourage participation in the proposal building process for the 7th Framework Programme. The work of the Partner

70% of the Partners were represented at the General Assembly on 11 June 2009 in Genval and the Partner session that followed.


Partners (fees)


Number of Partners























2. Office Refurbishment In accordance with the decision of the Supervisory Board in 2008 to stay in the Blue Tower, the entire ERTICO office (both floors used by ERTICO) has been totally refurbished. As decided in 2008, the remaining provisions made for refurbishments were used in 2009. An amount of €33.719 has been spent and a new provision of €10.000 has been made for the relocation of the lunch room in 2010.


3. Activities In terms of new development in 2009, ERTICO made total investment of €530.551 in personnel and associated costs for new developments. Through this investment, ERTICO was successful with 3 new project proposals including more than 33 ERTICO Partners to start in 2010 representing: »» EC funding for ERTICO Partners of around €10M »» EC funding for ERTICO of €4.2M for the whole duration of the 3 projects and which represents more than €925.000 EC funding only for 2010. With respect to the key performance indicator this represents, in terms of budget and funding, a success rate of 73% compared to 49% in 2008. In 2009, the current ERTICO co-ordinated projects and accepted proposals received a total of €24.7M in EC funding for more than 50 ERTICO Partners. For 2009 the total EC funding ratio was 72% compared to 62% in 2008. EC funding represents 42% of the total income. A reliable administration process and financial control is also an important factor which contributes to the high success rate obtained by ERTICO on proposals.

4. Administration EC & VAT Audits In April 2009, the SISTER project was subjected to an in-depth financial audit from External auditors sent by the European Commission. The conclusions were very positive: ERTICO is well organised, and the financial internal control and project management processes are efficient and reliable. All EC requirements have been fulfilled in an appropriate manner. The margin of error found between the costs claimed and rejected is less than 0,23% representing less than €1.000.

This indicates the trust in the financial reports provided by ERTICO in the framework of European programmes. It can also be noted that ERTICO underwent a VAT check in February 2010. Nothing has been rejected or adjusted by the Belgian authorities. ISO AUDIT In addition, ERTICO carried out a successful external re-certification audit of its ISO Certificate ISO 9001:2008 on 1 December 2009.

5.Congresses It should be noted that ERTICO took over the management of the ITS World Congresses in Europe and the European ITS Congresses in the summer of 2009, as well as the operational management of ITS Congress Association. Brintex’s license was extended to organise ITS Congresses and Exhibitions on behalf of ERTICO until 2012. The tender for the new license for the subsequent years after 2012 will be launched during 2010 as well as the call for tender for host cities for the ITS Congresses from 2013 until 2018.

It can be noted that until now, financial stability in terms of annual Partner contribution has been guaranteed due to the stability of the ERTICO membership and membership fees. 54% of the ERTICO budget in 2009 was secured by membership fees, the development of new ERTICO own activities corresponding to Partners’ priorities and interests, and revenue generated from the licence of the ITS Congresses and other activities. This has enabled ERTICO to participate in EC-funded projects and has guaranteed the continuity of its work programme. The ERTICO brand is recognised as a key partner to the European Commission. Finally, the Finance and Administration Group would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated team in Brussels for their expertise and their deep involvement that has made possible the 2009 achievements. For more information on the ERTICO finances, please contact:

6. Conclusion Since its creation in 1991, ERTICO always had the objective to secure the participation of the main ITS actors and is firmly established as the European organisation for ITS. Its links with the European Commission have helped ERTICO achieve its goals to push forward the research and deployment of ITS. Maintaining an active Membership and encouraging the participation of every Partner in relevant ERTICO activities are permanent objectives of the ERTICO management. The ERTICO office helps and supports its Partners on a daily basis and facilitates the research and deployment of their ITS products and services for the benefit of all European citizens.

Didier Gorteman, Chief Financial Officer, +32 (0) 2 400 07 21,

Finances Balance Sheet Assets (Belgian presentation in â‚Ź) 2009 FIXED ASSETS INTANGIBLE ASSETS TANGIBLE ASSETS Furniture and vehicles Leasing and other similar rights Other tangible assets FINANCIAL ASSETS Other financial assets Amounts receivable and cash guarantees

CURRENT ASSETS STOCK AND CONTRACTS IN PROGRESS Contracts in progress Amounts receivable within one year Trade debtors Other amounts receivable Investments Other investments and deposits Cash at bank and in hand Deferred charges and accrued income





332,851.52 282,751.08

43,185.81 43,185.81

50,100.44 2,000.00 2,000.00

2,000.00 2,000.00


2,775,617.60 2,630,552.55 145,065.05 134,588.97 134,588.97 998,964.68 55,959.00

15,928,856.74 7,452,427.98 7,452,427.98 2,644,280.96 2,444,198.48 200,082.48 132,220.08 132,220.08 5,636,894.48 63,033.24




Due to the decision to stay in the Blue Tower and the approval of office refurbishment, ERTICO has invested in 2009 in office furniture and office layout for an amount of €363.179. Taking account depreciation of the year, the fixed assets have been increased by €289.666 and the total fixed assets are €334.851. It has also been decided to write off all old equipment and furniture and remove the corresponding amount of €676.131 from the fixed assets. Projects in progress have been reduced to €0; this transfer has generated a variation of projects in progress for the same amount of €7.452.428. This is due to the acknowledgement that, at the closing period of 31 December 2009, the work completed on the European projects can be considered not as projects in progress, but as turnover for work completed, meaning €6.120.510. The balance represents €1.331.918 coming from the variation of the yearly projects in progress. Amounts due by trade debtors increased by €186.354, partly due on the one hand to the increase of €897.000 of trade debts to be drawn up to the European Commission, coming from the balance between the transfer of advance payments of EC projects amounting to €5.223.510 and the cancellation of projects in progress for an amount of €6.120.510, and on the other hand, to the decrease of invoices to be drawn up to TISA, which has been done during the year, in addition to outstanding ERTICO membership fees for 2010.

The total amount for trade debtors is €2.630.553, of which €1.285.000 represents unpaid membership fees 2010 out of €1.832.500 invoiced at the date of 31 December 2009. Other trade debts amount to €145.065 and are composed mainly of VAT, income tax to be recuperated and suppliers instalments. An amount of €134.589 has been placed as other investments and deposits. This represents the bank guarantee for the office rent, which is placed in a deposit account to avoid costs related to bank guarantees. This deposit generated €2.369 interest in 2009 after pre-paid tax. At the closing of the 2009 accounts, it can be noted that the cash at the bank has decreased by €4.637.930. It has been decided at the end of the year, in order to give a clearer image of the ERTICO’s own patrimony, to place an amount of €5.234.500 in a trust third account. This amount represents all advance payments received by ERTICO as Project Coordinator from the European Commission for Project Consortia members. This amount should not be considered as belonging to ERTICO and therefore, in accordance with the statutory auditor, has been placed in the Rights and Commitments accounts of the balance sheet instead of in the Assets.

This significant amount is related mainly to the CVIS project (€741.500), the ROSATTE project (€1.209.000), the FREILOT project (€997.500), and the GSC project (€916.500). These amounts concern pre-financing payments from the European Commission and will, at a later date, be transferred to the Consortia members in 2010, based on the decision of the Steering Committee of each project. ERTICO’s own cash flow represents €998.965 at the end of the year and during the year it has generated a net interest of €15.878. In light of the above statements, at the close of the year, the total assets decreased by €11.674.061 and amount to €4.299.982.

Finances Balance Sheet Liabilities (Belgian presentation in â‚Ź) 2009 CAPITAL AND RESERVES CAPITAL Issued capital Uncalled capital RESERVES Legal reserve PROFIT CARRIED FORWARD


CREDITORS AMOUNTS PAYABLE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR Financial debts Credit institutions AMOUNTS PAYABLE WITHIN ONE YEAR Current portion of amounts payable after more than one year Financial debts Credit institutions Trade debts Suppliers Advances received on contracts in progress Taxes, remuneration and social security Taxes Remuneration and social security Other amounts payable ACCRUED CHARGES AND DEFERRED INCOME



411,829.72 63,860.00 191,580.00 -127,720.00 20,088.00 20,088.00 327,881.72

384,232.41 65,100.00 195,300.00 -130,200.00 20,088.00 20,088.00 299,044.41

141,000.00 141,000.00 141,000.00

88,904.79 88,904.79 88,904.79

3,747,152.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,876,652.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 694,505.75 694,505.75 254,302.72 142,610.24 21,334.37 121,275.87 785,233.34 1,870,500.00

15,500,905.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,131,955.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,275,698.38 1,275,698.38 7,642,959.55 167,724.57 47,317.78 120,406.79 4,045,572.86 2,368,949.99




Capital and reserves amount to €411.830. The capital has been adapted to the level of the Shareholders at 31 December 2009. The provisions for liabilities and charges have increased by €52.095. As decided in 2008, the remaining provisions made for refurbishments were used in 2009. An amount of €33.719 has been used and a new provision of €10.000 has been made for the relocation of the lunch room. The provision of an amount of €19.185 made in relation to the expatriate status has also been written off, as no more uncertainties are currently expected. In accordance with the precaution principle adopted since 2006 and in agreement with the Auditors, a provision representing 2% of the total EC contribution of the year or €40.000 has been made. A provision related to staff departures and pre-pension payments has been made and represents €55.000. Therefore, the total net provisions of the year amount to €52.095. In addition to the €88.905 of the previous year, the total of provisions for other liabilities and charges represents €141.000.

Trade debts have decreased by €581.193, mainly due to the payment of suppliers at the end of the year. Advance payments have decreased by €7.388.657. In parallel with the acknowledgement concerning EC projects in progress, the advance payments received for the projects can be considered at the end of the year, 31.12.2009, not as advance payments but as turnover for an amount of €6.120.510. This amount comes from written off advance payments representing €5.223.510 for the projects and the difference represents trade debts amounting to €897.000 to the EC for current projects. The amount at the end of the year, 31.12.2009, concerns essentially the advance payments for fora representing of €254.303. Taxes, remuneration and social security debts have decreased by €25.114 in comparison to 2008. Other debts, representing amounts due to Consortia members, have decreased by €3.260.339. As explained above, an amount of €5.234.500 representing the balance of the amount due to Consortia members has been placed in trust accounts in line with the decision to give a clearer image of ERTICO’s patrimony. This amount is also not a liability related to ERTICO and therefore, in accordance with the Statutory Auditor, has been placed in the Rights and Commitments accounts of the balance sheet instead of in Liability.

The 2010 Membership fees which were invoiced in 2009 (€1.832.500) have been placed as deferred income. The amount of €547.500 has already been received at 31 December. In 2005, the Supervisory Board decided that the Congress activities should be cost neutral to ERTICO. As the Congress activities have a three-year cycle, the revenue from the 16th ITS World Congress organised in Stockholm in September 2009 will cover the costs for the following European Congresses, as well as the ITS World Congress in Busan in 2010. Consequently, an amount of €39.050 has been placed in deferred income in 2009. In light of the above statements, at the closing of the year, the total liabilities decreased by €11.674.061 and amount to €4.299.982.

Finances Profit & Loss Account (Belgian presentation in â‚Ź) 2009 OPERATING INCOME Turnover Increase/decrease in stocks of finished goods, work and contracts in progress Other operating income

OPERATING CHARGES Services and other goods Remuneration, social security costs and pensions Depreciation of and other amounts written off formation expenses, intangible and tangible fixed assets Increase/decrease in amounts written off stocks, contracts in progress and trade debtors Other provision for liabilities & charges Other operating charges


5,135,448.78 12,439,744.26

5,048,186.29 3,163,553.71





-5,112,860.79 3,700,186.11 1,293,118.05

-5,084,476.80 3,920,630.90 1,033,905.37





52,095.21 26,267.93

-22,983.36 26,922.46





25,655.93 23,875.24 1,780.69

125,127.53 116,900.42 8,227.11

-5,092.41 -3,605.11 -1,487.30

-13,623.88 -2,464.22 -11,159.66







Income from current assets Other financial income

FINANCIAL CHARGES Interest and other debt charges Other financial charges

Adjustments to depreciation Other extraordinary income



4,466.60 0.00

Extraordinary depreciation of and extraordinary amounts written off formation expenses, intangible and tangible fixed assets Other extraordinary charges


-15,917.58 -15,917.58



-28,015.30 -28,015.30

-29,686.49 -29,686.49







INCOME TAXES Income taxes Adjustment of income taxes and write-back of tax provisions


Profit & Loss Account The profit and loss account for the financial year 2009 shows a turnover of €12.439.744 of which €2.402.500 are Membership fees, €3.407.851 come from European projects which ended in 2009, €6.120.510 from advance payments of EC projects as mentioned above, €165.024 from Congress licence revenue and €343.859 from TISA. The variation of finished contracts and contracts in progress represents an amount of -€7.452.428. As mentioned above, this amount is due to the fact that the account of projects in progress has been reduced to €0. In light of the above statement, the global revenue from the EC amounts to €2.075.933. Other operating income amounts to €148.132, mainly from revenue generated by fora and other Corporate activities and the promotional campaign for congresses. The operating income represents a total of €5.135.449. The operating charges amount to €5.112.861, or more specifically, €3.700.186 for services and miscellaneous goods, €1.293.118 for remuneration and social security costs, €71.193 in depreciation. It should be noted that after five years of court cases against a former ERTICO Partner concerning non-payment of fees, ERTICO won the case and the fees have been paid; consequently €30.000 has been retrieved as written off bad debt and has been deducted from the operating charges.

The amount of €52.095 appears for provision and charges. As explained before, an amount of €33.719 has been used for the refurbishment in 2009, and a new provision of €10.000 has been made for the relocation of the lunch room in January 2010. A provision of an amount of €19.185 made in 2008 concerning the expatriate status has also been written off, as no more uncertainties are currently expected as this status has been formally endorsed by the tax authorities. In accordance with the precaution principle adopted since 2006 and in agreement with the Statutory Auditor, a provision representing 2% of the total EC contribution of the year or €40.000 has been made. A provision related to staff departures and pre-pension payments decided in 2009 has been made and represents €55.000. Other operating charges related to local taxes amount to €26.268.

Taking into account the extraordinary charges and income, the profit for the year before taxation is €56.853. At the date of closing the accounts, a charge of €28.015 has been taken into account as income tax for the financial year 2009. This results in a net profit of €28.837 for the year, which is available for appropriation. As the number of shareholders went from 105 at the end of 2008 to 103 at the end of 2009, it is not necessary to supplement the legal reserve. Consequently, it is proposed to carry forward the net profit of €28.837. Taking into account the net result of the year and the resulting profits from previous years, the profit to be carried forward stands at €327.882. All the costs mentioned in this report are consistent with the decisions taken by the Supervisory Board during the year.

This represents an operating profit of €22.588. Taking into account the financial income and charges, the profit on ordinary activities before taxation is €43.151. Extraordinary incomes represent €13.701 and represent mostly the gain in supplier’s disputes in 2004, tax adjustments on expatriates, and revenue from the insurance for a stolen computer.

Appropriation Account (Belgian presentation in €) PROFIT TO BE APPROPRIATED Profit for the period available for appropriation Profit brought forward




327,881.72 28,837.31 299,044.41

299,044.41 34,075.67 264,968.74



327,881.72 327,881.72

299,044.41 299,044.41

To legal reserve

RESULT TO BE CARRIED FORWARD Profit to be carried forward

Auditor’s Report


Partners One Common Vision. Bringing together the skills, interests and expertise of over 90 Partners.


Partners At the beginning of 2009, ERTICO – ITS Europe had 102 Partners

ERTICO would not exist without its Partners. Much of ERTICO’s daily work is understanding Partners’ needs and expectations and providing best value for membership. This means using Partners’ skills and expertise in the projects ERTICO develops, supporting their businesses, developing their ideas in publicprivate partnership, connecting them to other ITS sectors and promoting their achievements. ERTICO offers its Partners a unique multisector platform where consensus on the current ITS issues can be built and concrete results achieved. The commitment and dedication shown by the Partners is vital to the success of ERTICO’s ongoing activities. Partners participated in a wide range of ERTICO organised meetings throughout 2009, and were well represented at the General Assembly in Genval in June. Several meetings were also held with individual Partners, in particular to facilitate the introduction of new Partners and help them identify how to make the most of the ERTICO partnership. Work in the Partner Topic Groups continued and resulted in successful project proposals in the area of EcoMobility.

ERTICO’s ISO Quality System puts a strong focus on providing Partner satisfaction and added-value for membership, closely monitoring Partner participation in all activities enabling ERTICO to maintain the benefits of membership. More than 85% of the ERTICO Partnership is involved in ERTICO activities, and more than 50% of the Partners receive EC funding from projects coordinated by or developed with ERTICO.

For information on the ERTICO Partners, please consult the ERTICO website For more information about becoming an ERTICO Partner, please contact:

Three new applications were approved by the Supervisory Board during 2009 to join the ERTICO partnership: »» WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk »» PluService srl »» Tecnalia (for 2010)

Rasmus Lindholm, Head of Partnership Services, +32 (0) 2 400 07 39, or

During the first quarter of 2010, the Supervisory Board approved the application of the Norwegian Research Institute SINTEF. Consequently as of 31 March 2010, ERTICO has a total of 90 Partners.

Anna Limbrey, Partnership Services Manager, +32 (0)2 400 07 19,


Graph on evolution of membership by sector at 31 December of each year 120







84 80





75 66

60 53

50 45






29 20




20 17



1 1



4 1 1





4 1 1




5 2


2 2


















8 2






















7 2













Public Authorities



6 3




7 4










12 9

















Partners Industry

BMW Group

Denso Europe BV

Adam Opel GmbH

Dr Joachim Scholten

Mr Jean-Michel Henchoz

GME Global Technology Engineering – Electrical

Strategy, Targets, Innovation and Vehicle Validation

Research Engineer Business Planning

Dept. Development Abroad, Type Approval and Traffic Management

Mr Per Johansson Sr. Manager, GME Global Technology Engineering - Electrical

Cobra Automotive Technologies SpA

Airbiquity Europe Ltd

Mr Michelangelo Ruggiero

Marketing Manager


Continental Automotive GmbH

Mr Jacques Amselem

Mr Peter Saeger

Head of Pay-Per-Use Unit / Allianz Group

Senior Manager Connected Systems

Altea Mr Alexander Weiss von Trostprugg Business Development & Strategic Alliances

Cross Divisional Systems Dr. Thomas Salbert Public Private Partnership Mr Helmut Matschi

EU Technical Research Department Efkon AG Mag. Peter Hofmann Global Sales Director Egis Mr Martial Chevreuil Executive Vice-President, Strategic Policy and Development, Egis MobilitĂŠ Ericsson AB Mr Anders Fagerholt Program Manager Telematics Business Unit Networks

Autoliv Electronics AB

Member of the Executive Board Continental AG

Division Interior

Mr Gianfranco Burzio

Daimler AG

Mr Lennart Strandberg Director Connected Safety Development

AVL List GmbH

Dr. Ing Manfred Buck

Business Environment & Corporate Regulatory Strategy

Dr Josef Affenzeller Director, Research Coordination

Transportation & Sustainable Mobility S/RM

Fiat Group

CRF - Product Research EU Network Fujitsu Ten (Europe) GmbH - Mr Michael Daucher General Manager


Honda Motor Europe

Mizar Automazione – Swarco Group

Peek Traffic BV

Mr Filip Sergeys

Mr Gino Franco

Mr Siebe Turksma

Government Relations – Regulations

Innovation Director

Product Manager Research

ITIS – Integrated Transport Information Services Ltd


PluService srl

Mr Liévin Quoidbach

Ms Monica Giannini

Mr David Francis

Marketing & Sales

Technical Director - Broadcast Technologies

Vice President, Government Marketing & Strategy Europe

Kapsch TrafficCom AG

NEC Europe Ltd

Dr-Ing Michael Ortgiese

Mr Josef A. Czako

Dr Heinrich Stüttgen

Research & Innovation

Group Director, International Business Development

Vice President, NEC Laboratories Europe

Mobility Systems

PTV Planung Transport und Verkehr AG

Mrs Michaela Harrich Liaison Manager International Organisations

Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd – Belgian Branch


Mr Jun Watanabe


Mr Richard Harris Director ITS, UK Logica

NXP Semiconductors


Mr Frank Daems

Director Business Development

Mr Davide De Sanctis

Director European Affairs

Mr Patrick Pype

Business Development and Institutional Relationships Manager

Oracle Belgium NV

OctoTelematics Division

Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Europe http://global.mitsubishielectric. com/bu/automotive/index.html

Mrs Monica Marinucci Business Development Director

Mr Kent Adeborn

Panasonic Automative Systems Europe GmbH

Senior Advisor Mr Ralf Dirk Becker R&D Department

Vice President Q-Free ASA Mr Knut Evensen Chief Technologist Ramsys Inc Mrs Erzsébet Adamik Chief Executive Officer Dr András Edelmayer Director of Research & Development Renault Mr Christian Rousseau Mobility & Transport Policy Director

Partners ROAD Group Holding AG

Telargo d.o.o.

Volvo Car Corporation (representing Ford Motor Company)

Mr Ad Bastiaansen

Ms Alenka Pavlic

Co-Founder & CEO

Program Manager

Urban Kristiansson, PhD

Robert Bosch GmbH

Tele Atlas - TomTom

Dr Peter Biesenbach

Mr Rob van Essen

Senior Vice President

Vice President Research & Development

Head of Central Division External Affairs, Governmental and Political Relations

Thetis SpA

Director, Soft Products

Volvo Technology

Mr Marino Mazzon

Mr Bruno Chazalette


Director Soft product & Fuel Strategic planning

Senior Tech Advisor at R&D

Prof Dr Gunter Zimmermeyer Senior Advisor / ERTICO Chairman Satellic Traffic Management Deutsche Telekom Group Mr Friedemann Kirn Account Director International / Director EU Relations Siemens AG Industry Sector, Mobility Division, Complete Transportation Mr Hans-Joachim Schade Vice President Business Development Intelligent Transport Systems & Services Transportation Policy

International Developments Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA

Volvo Technology Corporation (representing Volvo Group) Mr Mats Rosenquist

Renault Trucks


Mr Ole Diels


Mr Pierre Piver

Vialis Mr Rudi Lagerweij Manager, Business Development

Group Vice President, Automotive WirelessCar (representing Volvo Information Technology)

Volkswagen AG

Mr Martin Rosell

Managing Director

Prof JĂźrgen Leohold Executive Director Group Research

Mr Magnus Johansson Director Business Development

Technolution BV

Dr Martin Weiser

Ygomi Europe Kft

Mr Jan van der Wel

Manager Research Driver Information Systems

Chief Executive Officer

Dr Sabine Spell

Mr Jean-François Gaillet

Director, Policy Trends

VP, External Affairs Europe


Public Authorities

Finland – Finnish Transport Agency (FTA)

Hungary – Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication & Energy

Austria – Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology

Mrs Eini Hirvenoja

Traffic Management Expert

Mr Lajos Szücs Ms Evelinde Grassegger Head of Unit, Mobility and Transport Technologies Mr. Franz Schwammenhöfer Head of Unit, Transport/ITS Belgium – Flemish Government, Department Mobility & Public Works

France – Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Sea MEEDDM/DGITM/SAGS/MTI

Director General, Department for Transport Infrastructure Mrs Sznezsanka B. Szlatényi Senior Counsellor, EU and International Transport Relations Unit

Mr Jean-François Janin ITS Task Force Manager

Ireland – Department of Transport - www.mobielvlaanderen. be –

Germany – Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Stadtentwicklung Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development

ir Nele Dedene

Afdeling Verkeerscentrum, Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken

Italy – Ministry of Transport

Ms Sabine Dannelke

Head of Division, Transport Telematics & New Transport Technologies

Eng. Amedeo Fumero

Czech Republic – Ministry of Transport

Mr Reiner Wünsch

Mr Jindrich Fajka

Vice Head of Division, Transport Telematics & New Transport Technologies

Department for Transport Strategies Czech Republic – Ministry of Industry and Trade Denmark – North Denmark Region (Region Nordjylland) Mr Svend Tøfting Project Manager Denmark - Danish Road Directorate

Germany – DLR (German Aerospace Center)

Mr James Caffrey Technology Specialist, National Sustainable Travel Office

Department Chief for Land Transports, Human Resources, General Affairs and General Transport Planning Luxembourg – Administration des Ponts et Chaussées -

Mr Georges Simon

Dr Christian Piehler

Head of Department, Division Centrale de la Voirie

Program Director Transport Dr Frank Köster Institute of Transportation Systems Dr Dietmar Wurzel Brussels Representative Transport

Norway – Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) Mr Ivar Christiansen Head of Traffic Management Section

Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln (WDR)

Mr Even Myhre

Mr Åke Egemalm

Head of ITS Section

Department of ITS

Mr Thomas Kusche Senior Editor

Partners Poland – General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways

Spain – Basque Government - Department of Housing, Public Works and Transport

Sweden – Banverket – Swedish National Rail Administration

Mr Lech Witecki

Mr Iñaki Arriola López

Mr Lars-Göran Bernland

Regional Minister

International Affairs

General Director Mr Ziemowit Cyndrowski Head of International Co-operation Section Portugal – Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres (IMTT.IP) Ms Maria Luisa Nunes Head of International Relations Department Portugal – EP-Estradas de Portugal, SA Mr António Manuel Rodrigues Head of Road Telematics Department Saudi Arabia – Ministry of Transport Eng Abdullah Al Mogbel Deputy Minister of Transport Slovak Republic – Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications Mr Peter Barek

Mr. Ernesto Gasco Gonzalo Vice-Minister of Transport and Public Works

Sweden – Swedish Transport Administration

Mr Jose Viteri

Mrs Monica Sundström

General Manager, Transport & Logistic Cluster – MLC – ITS Euskadi

Senior Advisor/ President and Spokesman ERTICO – ITS Europe

Spain – Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT)

Mrs Mari-Louise Lundgren

Deputy Director on Traffic

ITS Manager, Head Office Development Department

Spain – Ministry of Development Mr Juan Miguel Sánchez García General Director, Directorate General of Land Transportation Mr Miguel Ángel de Frías Aragón Director of the Division of Coordination and Support for the Innovation of Rail and Road Transport, Directorate General Of Land Transportation Mr Ángel Cabo Astudillo

Slovenia – Ministry of Transport

Area Manager, Headship of Projects, Directorate General of Land Transportation

Mr Jaime Huerta Gómez de Merodio

Mr Dean Herenda

General Secretary, ITS Spain

Head of Road Tolling and ITS Division

Head of section ITS Services

Mr Federico Fernandez-Alonso



Mrs Eva Schelin

Mr Kent Olsson TCC Coordinator, Road Traffic Management Switzerland – Directorate General of Swiss Customs Mr Camille Simon Expert Switzerland – Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) Mr Gerhard Petersen, Dipl. Ing. ETH/SIA/SVI Senior Advisor Traffic Management


The Netherlands - Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management Directorate General Rijkswaterstaat, Center for Traffic and Navigation Mr Ronald Adams Strategic Advisor for Network Management The Netherlands’ National Police Agency (KLPD) Mr Ad Hellemons Commissioner, Director EU Affairs Mr Jan Malenstein Chief Inspector, Senior Advisor EU Affairs United Kingdom – ACPO – Association of Chief Police Officers for England, Wales and Northern Ireland Road Policing Business Area - ITS Working Group Mr Robert Hammond Chief Superintendent Mr Mick Trosh Chief Inspector, Home Office Scientific Development Branch United Kingdom – Department for Transport

Infrastructure Operators ASFA (Association Professionnelle Autoroutes et Ouvrages Routiers)

European Affairs Director, Security Solutions and Services Division Vodafone

Executive Director

Mr Günther Weber

Mr Jacques Boussuge

Head of Advanced Research Programme

Director of Operations and Safety

Vodafone Group Research & Development

Ms Malika Seddi Director of International Affairs Orange Mr Jacques Garcin Director, Telematics and Automotive TDF Group - Mr Michel Reneric Head of Multimedia Division, TDF Chairman, Mediamobile Telecom Italia Mr Marco Annoni Senior Project Manager

Dr Jordan Giddings

Vertical Platforms Innovation (ITS, Logistics & Tourism)

Head of Branch, Future Vehicle Technologies

Mr Yves Lagoude

Mr Jean Mesqui

Technology & Operations - Network - TILAB

Ms Serena Cussons Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser


Partners Users


ADAC e.V. (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club)

ACEA (Association des Constructeurs Européens d’Automobiles)

Dr Bernhard Labudek

Mr Ivan Hodac

Director, International Cooperation

Secretary General

Mr Johann Grill

Dr Wolfgang Reinhardt

Director, Consumer Protection and Public Policy

Director, Regulatory Affairs

Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB (Dutch Automobile & Tourist Association)

Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)

DEKRA e.V. - Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug Ueberwachungsverein Mr Oliver Deiters Managing Director, Representation of DEKRA e.V. to the European Union Head of Global External Affairs and Public Policy FIA Mr Wil Botman Director General European Bureau -

Mr Ferry Smith

Prof George A. Giannopoulos

Manager Public Affairs

Director of the Hellenic Institute of Transport

Ms Eliza Gagatsi

Research Associate Professor

Transport Engineer, Hellenic Institute of Transport

innovITS Mr Phil Pettitt

Mr Miquel Nadal

CTAG – Automotive Technological Centre of Galicia (Spain)

RACC Foundation Director

RACC Automobile Club (Reial Automobil Club de Catalunya - Spain) Mr Josep Mateu Director General

Mr Pere Sauret Technical Director of RACC Foundation

Mr Luis Moreno Diéguez General Director Mr Francisco Sánchez Pons Electronics and ITS Director

Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) Dr Angelos Amditis Chief Executive IRU (International Road Transport Union) Mr Umberto de Pretto Deputy Secretary General Mr Michael Nielsen General Delegate, IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU


VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry)

Dr Ing Antonio Strumia

Verband der Automobil Industrie E.V. (VDA)

ISMB (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella)

Managing Director Dr Paulo Mulassano Navigation Lab Director SINTEF (Partner 2010) Dr Ragnhild Wahl Research Director Tecnalia (Partner 2010) Mr Alberto Pe単a ITS Unit Manager TNO Mobility Mr Frans op de Beek Manager ITS - Dr Michael Niedenthal Head of Transport Department VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Mr Risto Kulmala Research Professor

ERTICO – ITS Europe 326 avenue Louise, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32 (0)2 400 07 00 Fax +32 (0)2 400 07 01

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