Welcome to the
ERTICO eMagazine In this Issue: Cleaner and Greener driving Developing eco-driving technologies and skills, from research to practice
Your ultimate guide to the ITS European Congress 2013 From 4 to 7 June in dublin, Ireland
Interview with: Martin Russ, Managing Director AustriaTech and General Secretary of ITS Austria
April 2013 Contact us: pr@mail.ertico.com
Follow us on twitter: @ERTICO
Editorial contents 2
Cleaner and greener driving
Your ultimate guide to the ITS European Congress 2013
Interview with Martin Russ, Managing Director AustriaTech
Welcome to our April edition “We need to rethink the way we function, the way we produce and consume.”
Next–up we have an article from ERTICO’s
These were the words of Janez
Intern, Mollie M. Wagoner, which
Potočnik European Commissioner for
tells you everything you need to
Environment during a speech on the
‘sustainable economy’ in Geneva on
European Congress in Dublin. Her
‘Ultimate Guide’ highlights the main
“Our future,” he said “taking into account human population growth and growing per-capita consumption rate will be very much shaped by
The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are solely those of the authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of ERTICO or its Partners.
fuel-saving technologies.
events and activities, lists the key
Cleaner and Greener driving
speeches and speakers and gives an
Developing eco-driving technologies and skills, from research to practice
overview of the many workshops and
by Anouk Van den Bussche
how well we manage existing limited
If you are coming to Dublin in June,
Driving a car inevitably means consuming fuel and impacting the environment. According to the European Environment
be sure to read her article in full!
Agency, 24% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union are to be attributed to the transport sector
His warning was clear, and this
Finally, you will find the first in
in general and 17% directly to road transport.
‘management of resources’ will be
a series of articles which aims to
Could the way we drive really improve these figures? Eco-driving experts believe it can and should.
vitally important for industries such
explore ITS in Europe. With the 2013
as travel and transport which count
ITS European Congress just a month
for as much as 24% of the total
away, we thought it would be nice
which is the EC’s main instrument
Protecting the environment is the
greenhouse gas emissions in the
to start our ‘Euro tour’ with a trip to
vehicles have integrated advanced
to discuss and prepare the further
motto of this new driving culture.
European Union.
Austria, hosts of the World Congress
technologies focussed on lowering
development of the EU’s climate
Basically, by following certain eco-
in 2012.
environmental impact, new hybrid
policy, has identified eco-innovations
driving principles, the same route
and electric vehicles have not yet
as an essential solution to reducing
can be travelled using less fuel and
replaced the current fleet of cars
emissions from cars, and incentive
thus reducing C02 emissions, as well
and trucks circulating in Europe
for the automotive industry to invest
as making savings and driving more
in them. The strategy was also
safely. The benefits of eco-driving are
integrated in the 2011 ‘White Paper
indeed multiple. Climate protection
fact, between 1990 and 2010, the
on Transport’, defining a roadmap
is the first aim of eco-driving but the
CO2 emissions produced by road
and action plan to be implemented
financial benefits can also become
As always, we hope you enjoy the
transport have increased by nearly
by the European Commission in order
an important incentive for private as
magazine and we look forward to
23%. But fuel efficiency is only one
to achieve more efficient and less
well as professional drivers. Public
delivering next month’s ITS Congress
side of the coin and environmentally
polluting road transports. From this
transport drivers and road hauliers
special edition.
friendly driving behaviour is also key
perspective, a certain number of
for example have high interest in
The Editorial Team
to reducing our fuel consumption.
EU funded research and deployment
eco-driving. Even more so as eco-
Becoming a European priority, the
projects focus on making transports
driving also improves professional
European strategy on clean and
drivers’ comfort and safety.
For this reason I am delighted to introduce this month’s lead article
Martin Russ, Managing Director of
AustriaTech and General Secretary
pioneering EU projects which are
of ITS Austria answers my questions
turning ‘eco-driving’ research into
about his home country, while I
reflect on the excellence of an online Austrian route planner.
efficient vehicles also contributes to the Europe 2020 objectives of smart
The “CO2 and cars” working group of the second European Climate Change
benefits of eco-driving.
In order to optimise eco-driving,
But what exactly is eco-driving? Eco-driving
behaviour. By analysing and adapting their behaviour, significant savings can be made in terms of fuel consumption.
several research and deployment projects focus on developing ad-hoc technologies supporting eco-friendly driving behaviours by using Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) such as
cooperative systems. The cooperative
feed-back tools used in the eCoMove
systems used in the projects include
test car seen in Helmond was without
vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to
a doubt the haptic pedal, sending non
verbal information involving touch.
providing the driver with real-time
Optimising technology supported eco-
interactive information from the
driving definitely means exploring the
best ways to communicate the driving
that he can take into account when
advice to the drivers. The aim of the
adapting his driving behaviour. Let’s
ecoDriver project is to deliver the
have a closer look at some of these EC
most effective feedback to drivers on
funded projects to understand how
green driving by optimising the driver-
they will to help us with becoming
efficient eco-drivers.
loop. It is easy to imagine the poor
results in eco-driving performances
measuring impacts and defining
overwhelmed with visual messages
To support ITS assisted eco-driving,
would clearly put off any driver from
the first step was to assess its impact
paying attention to the eco-driving
internationally and develop common
advice messages. In order to address
measurements and methodologies. ECOSTAND project.
The project
started in December 2010, and involves three international regions (the European Union, Japan and the United States) working together on a framework for a common assessment methodology impacts
Systems on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. ITS assisted eco-driving is only one among other ITS solutions examined by the project but it is nevertheless an important one.
this issue, the ecoDriver research
COSMO test site Salerno, Italy
That’s exactly the focus of the Building on the ECOSTAND project’s
transport examined in the project
outcomes (providing guidelines on
range from road to rail, and includes
what standard methodology should
sea and inland navigation shipping.
contain), the AMITRAN project takes
So of course eco-driving, here again,
the assessment methodologies one
is not the only focus of the project as
step further by defining them for the
it examines a whole chain of effects
European territory.
in multimodal transport but with
The methodologies developed by the Amitran project focus on the impact of Intelligent Transport Systems on CO2 emissions for both freight and passenger transport. The means of
eCoMove test vehicle in Helmond
of goods delivery vehicles in urban
in a perfect flow of green lights! Once
at our destination, the “ecoPostTrip”
systems already present in Helmond
application also provided an analysis
are being continually developed and
of our eco-driving performance with
the city provides a perfect setting
personalised recommendations.
for eCoMove project testing and validation (finalised March 2013).
project focuses on optimising the feedback provided to drivers to increase both the acceptance and the effectiveness of green driving support for all types of powertrains, including hybrid and electric vehicles. One of
the strengths of the ecoDriver project
individual drivers, but by creating
is its ambition to take into account
a specific view on user behaviour.
eCoMove is an ambitious integrated
integrated solutions, eCoMove also
all scenarios (traffic conditions, type
However an eco-driving style is indeed
of vehicle etc.) and individual driving
at heart of Amitran’s methodology
cooperative mobility systems and
drivers and fleet managers. Freight
styles to adapt the human-machine
development ambitions.
services for energy efficiency in
and road operators driving trucks for
interfaces (HMI).
various contexts and for various
example, are provided with solutions
users. Last month, we had the chance
to optimise their routing, to save fuel,
to travel in one of the eCoMove
and to manage traffic more efficiently.
You may be wondering: “What do
test cars for a live eco-driving
these new technologies supporting
demonstration in Helmond. Although
sending them information on the
eco-driving concretely do and what
from the outside the car seemed
current road context and they can
does a vehicle equipped with them
quite normal, the equipment inside
also benefit from eco-driving training
look like?”. Well, to find out, one can
the vehicle was intriguing.
in order to adapt their driving habits
head to Helmond in the Netherlands.
screens and devices provided dynamic
and use the cooperative technologies
This medium sized city close to
green driving and routing guidance
to their full potential.
Eindhoven is actually equipped with
as well as tips to tune the vehicle’s
state of the art cooperative systems
functions for minimum fuel usage.
as it hosted the now completed
By following the virtual coaches’
FREILOT pilot project which focussed
on reducing energy consumption
actually managed to circulate the city
Research and deployment: new technologies supporting eco-driving
Optimising the
solutions are being developed, pilot projects such as COSMO are already using the existing technologies in various real-life contexts. COSMO’s aim is to demonstrate, in realistic conditions, the benefits of integrating advanced
management services and to quantify their impact in improving energy
technologies One of the most effective eco-driving
efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint. Experiments are carried out in various areas including ecodriving for private vehicles as well as public transport vehicles.
5 Among the three COSMO pilot sites,
driving behaviours, nothing replaces
follow-ups are crucial. In this regard,
two are using eco-driving technologies
proper training; even more so when
the eCoMove project carried out an
in urban contexts. In Gothenburg,
it comes to driving in a professional
empirical study with professional
context, where other goals such as
drivers to investigate motivators and
indications given by their onboard
rapidity and efficiency need to be
barriers to the use of eco-assisted
display to get green lights and avoid
systems and to changing driving
queues while in Salerno, Italy, it is individual drivers who are using the eco-driving technologies. In both cases, the impacts on travel times, traffic flow and emissions as well as on user acceptance are all measured and recorded to illustrate efficiency and raise awareness. On 15 and 16 May 2013, all results and outcomes of the project will be presented on the occasion of COSMO’s final event in Salerno. In addition to being highly valuable to future research and
also constitute excellent business cases for the automotive industry
Responding to the specific needs of road
ECOeffect project offers a high-quality eco-driving programme combining the latest technology, advanced training techniques and safety behaviours for the road transport sector. The programme consists of theoretical as well as practical training and is accessible to both professional drivers and driving instructors. The benefits of the programme for transport companies are clear and concrete: saving fuel, time and money, but also strengthening one’s market position
behaviours. We know the financial savings guaranteed by applying ecodriving in the road transport sector are a crucial incentive but the eCoMove study
alone will not keep drivers involved in the long run. Without monitoring and regular feed-back from their
Your ultimate guide to the ITS European Congress 2013
employers, drivers seem to lose the
From 4 to 7 June in Dublin, Ireland
by Mollie M. Wagoner
regular feed-back from management on good eco-driving performances will help achieve more sustainable results.
After an intense review process the final papers for the 2013 European ITS Congress have been chosen. The papers represent a wide array of ITS expertise and innovation from across Europe, the diverse topics and authors promise interesting sessions for this year’s Congress. With almost 300 selected papers there are over 100 sessions planned for the four day congress, including Executive Sessions, Special Interest Sessions, Host Sessions, Interactive Presentations,
by boasting a greener corporate
The psychological dimension of eco-
image. The ECOeffect Training System
driving practices is undeniable and
Becoming an eco-driver: training
(EETS) enables trainers to individually
has a direct effect on the penetration
and incentive
Attendees of this year’s congress will
the programme. These sessions act as
actors for a successful implementation.
measure, improve and rate the driving
rate of greener driving. Even the
represent the multiple ITS industry
a forum of healthy debate within the
Speakers include Siim Kallas, EC Vice
skills of each professional driver, a
best cooperative approach becomes
ITS community in hopes of parking
President and European Commissioner
critical point in the long run.
worthless without user acceptance.
leaders, top researchers, university
new ideas and solutions in the ITS
for Transport, Jean Mesqui, Chairmen
Jean-Charles Pandazis, Head of the
professors, local, municipal, and top
field. Each year the Plenary sessions
of ERTICO’s Supervisor Board, Martin
EcoMobility Sector at ERTICO, points
government officials, and European
host a unique group of VIPs who have
Friewald Head of the Department
out: “eco-driving has become an
politicians from all levels.
special and differing insights into the
of Road Transport for the German
world of ITS, this year is no different.
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
As individuals, we could all start trying to apply the eco-driving principles and golden rules but to achieve
In order to maintain the benefits of
significant and sustainable changes in
eco-driver training - incentives and
important focus in the ITS projects and technologies but the human factor remains the key aspect” For the Italian students involved in the COSMO project for example, using the car park and taking a shuttle bus suggested by the COSMO smart phone application results in getting free coffees in the university bar! Incentives should indeed be varied and individualised according to the target group. So what would it take for you to change your driving habits and become a perfect eco-driver in the long-run? Contact Anouk Van den Bussche a.vandenbussche-EXT@mail.ertico.com
COSMO eco-driving bus in Gothenburg, Sweden
Technical and Scientific sessions and Plenary Sessions.
The 2013 ITS European Congress
and Urban Development, Manfred
schedule is now available on the
The first Plenary Session, set to take
place during the opening ceremony,
schedule is interactive and offers
will look at ‘ITS deployment success
a brief description and overview
of the congress sessions. For more
together the European Commission,
The second Plenary Session will focus
information please visit the Congress
the Member States and ITS supply
on ‘Real ITS solutions for real city
website: www.itsineurope.com
needs’. Sustainable development of
success stories, focus on the common
urban areas is essential and requires
Plenary Sessions
to in
review delivery
of Swarco Holdings AG and Abel Caballero Mayor of Vigo Spain.
At each ITS Congress three Plenary
and discuss how to ensure a lasting
Session are held over the course of
cooperation between the various
technologies and services for water,
©ITS Vienna
smarter travel, main drivers behind
demonstrating real solutions where
the ITS industry, sustainable urban
and regional areas, delivery of road
have led to significant benefits in
charging systems, and ITS for personal
and improving journey times for
Special Interest and Stakeholder Workshops
motorists. The second allows a chance for Irish companies that participate in research and development related
Congress Webinar Discover the ITS European Congress 2013 programme and the new App that will guide you through the programme and around the Convention Centre! Register for the webinar here: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/ register/374223023
This year’s European Congress will
to ITS to present their findings and
Friday 3 May 11:00 CET
case studies. The third will focus on
Session. These special sessions are
smarter travel specifically related
In the webinar we will have two exceptional presentations:
created at the request of different
to how ITS deployment has lead to
organizations or experts who develop
significant socio-economic benefits
or deploy ITS. These sessions are
by encouraging individuals to adopt
interactive and tailor-made to offer
alternative modes of transportation.
Presentation of the Congress programme
energy, transport, waste management
conclusions based on inputs prepared
the audience fresh perspectives on
The fourth and final session deals
and ICT. The European Innovation
by a team of Rapporteurs.
the ITS industry. Hosts vary from
with policy-driven ITS deployment
research institutions to universities,
and the positive impacts on public
Eric Sampson, Senior Congress Programme Adviser, will take you step by step through the exciting programme and highlight sessions and events you cannot miss. In addition to the grand Opening, Plenary sessions and Closing Ceremony, Mr Sampson will give tips of where and when you have to be to get the most of the ITS European Congress 2013.
to state transportation authorities.
Congress mobile App
Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) aims to integrate
Executive Sessions
the Energy, Transport and Industrial
Over the course of the congress
Technologies parts of the Horizon
nine Executive Sessions have been
2020 programme. This Session will
organised. Executive Sessions are
begin with an update on the SCC
a chance for industry executives
programme. City policy-setters and
and public officials to share their
service providers will then describe
experience of ITS deployment and
the state of the art integrating
innovation. These sessions provide an
services and how providing them can
exciting chance to gain insight into
improve a local economy, increase
the future of ITS from those at the
the quality of life, allow businesses
forefront of the industry.
to test new solutions, and improve the wider economy. Speakers include Robert Madelin - Director-General of DG CONNECT, Matthias Ruete -
Some of the topics of this year’s executive session include: addressing ITS challenges in peripheral regions,
Topics of the Special Interest Sessions
vary from energy efficiency,
Interactive Sessions
urban mobility solutions, to precommercial procurement to regional tolling and hinterland transport for European ports. The large number of diverse topics ensures that there will be something for everyone.
These sessions are composed of presentations
experts on different ITS related topics encompassing all technical, economic, organisational and societal aspects of ITS. The aim of these sessions is to encourage and enable the exchange of information on deployment ranging
putting on four unique sessions during
from improving the operational use of
the audience a flavour of what the
FOT-Net stakeholder workshop, and
the congress. The first is aimed at
systems and services on the one hand
authors have to present. The second
many others.
to research and planning to support
90-minute stage immediately follows
new applications on the other.
the presentations; all of the authors
Phillips - Director of Traffic and City
Interactive sessions provide a unique
Engineer for the City of Dublin, Ville
opportunity for the audience to
Lehmuskoski - Head of Transport
deepen their understanding of ITS
Planning for the City of Helsinki,
Lisa Amini - Director of IBM Research
are held in a two-stage workshop
Ireland and Hauke Jürgensen - CEO of
format. The first stage is a regular
Intelligent Traffic Systems, Siemens
presentation in which technical and
scientific papers addressing the same
The third and final Plenary Session
issue are grouped together, allowing
will take place during the Closing
discussion on the topic. In each
Ceremony of the congress. It will
90-minute session there will be at
focus on ‘Strategic views on ITS
least 10 three minute presentations
Sampson) will present the congress
Register now, space is limited!
This year’s Host, ITS Dublin are also
Director-General of DG MOVE, Michael
innovation’. Chief Rapporteur (Eric
The Congress team will introduce you to this year’s Congress App. The mobile application (available for iPhone and Android) will keep you up to date on all congress activities with a live newsfeed on events happening over the week. The app will help you find your way around the convention centre and the city of Dublin with ease by using the mobile maps and public transportation information. With the “My Congress” function you can bookmark events, speakers or sessions, exhibitors and organise your personal schedule.
Hermann Meyer (ERTICO CEO), Alan Kelly (Irish Minister of State for Public and Commuter Transport) and Jean Mesqui (ERTICO Chiarman) at the ITS World Congress 2012
with no time for questions and answers. This stage is meant to give
will be available for a more personal and in-depth question and answer period between speakers, specialists, and delegates.
From 4 to 9 June Dublin will also play host to the European Space Expo, a free interactive exhibit illustrating the innovations in the European space programmes. Delegates are more than welcome to visit the exhibit in
Ancillary Events
addition to the congress.
There will be several ancillary events
Technical Visits
at the congress, each focusing on European co-funded projects. Some events include a COSMO/Compass4d workshop where partners will openly discuss
cooperative cities,
European workshop
focusing on eCoMove and eCoDriver,
Delegates are invited to attended technical visits coordinated through the congress. These technical tours take delegates to visit some of the many examples of innovative ITS deployment
Some visits include the Port Tunnel,
11 and a tour of IBM’s first Smarter Cities
Press and media professionals can
Technology Centre.
attend the congress free of charge on
the presentation of their press pass
for networking.
Interview with: Martin Russ, Managing Director AustriaTech and General Secretary of ITS Austria
Mobil App
and have free access to the exhibition
Download the new “ITS Congress App”
There will be a number of different
area and congress sessions. As every
for this year’s congress! This app will
demonstrations put on by companies
keep you up to date on all congress
and research groups on the cutting
arranged a fully equipped press room
activities with a live newsfeed on
Not many people know, but the
and why his country was able to
with free Wi-Fi access devoted solely
events and access to the interactive
Austrian Rail operator ÖBB provide
become an early pioneer in this area.
to journalists and media.
programme in your pocket. Find
one of the most useful travel websites
your way around the convention
in Europe.
edge of ITS. Stop by and witness some of the innovations and advances made in ITS this year. Exhibition
Irish Night
centre and beyond with ease by
in 2004, but the network was not as
Known as SCOTTY, this is an online
tight as it is today. Obviously the most
route planner that lets you plan a
visible activity was to bring the ITS
train journey anywhere in Europe.
World Congress to Austria together
Available in English, the site is clear
and easy to use and even when it
Innovation, and Technology. During
can’t find you a train – it provides
the preparation of the Congress
information about local busses.
Come and see what makes Ireland
using the mobile maps and public
The exhibition will be open every
unique! Our Irish Night allows you to
transportation information. You will
day of the congress. Come by to see
enjoy Ireland’ s famous hospitality,
even be able to construct your very
some of the biggest players in ITS
food, music, conversation, and ‘craic’
own schedule so you can be sure to
and what they have been working
at the Guinness Storehouse – home of
attend all the sessions that take your
on. See the main themes of the
the drink that is famous around the
interest, with additional information
congress; sustainable city regions,
world. You can enjoy some of the best
on the speakers provided. Want to
smarter travel, knowledge-sharing,
in Irish traditional music and dance as
set up a meeting with a speaker you
I discovered the site about five years
competitiveness through innovation,
well as get an in-depth appreciation
just heard? Using the mobile app’s
ago and fell in love with it, both as
and peripheral regions; come to life
of how Guinness is made. You’ll also
networking abilities you will be able
a service and as a concept.
at the exhibition site. Meet and talk
get the chance to pour or ‘pull’ your
to connect with speakers and other
time I was travelling a lot in Europe
to enthusiastic representatives from
own pint and even learn a few Irish set
delegates. Get the most out of this
and it provided the perfect solution
a variety of fields within ITS.
dances. The night offers you a chance
year’s congress, download the mobile
to the endlessly frustrating process
to discuss work with colleagues in an
of trying to arrange trips using out-
For the press and media
informal setting with areas available
“ITS Austria was originally established
At the
dated timetables or foreign language websites. Since discovering SCOTTY I have planned hundreds of trips around Europe and this includes journeys
cooperation, which finally led to a new structure and a new form of strategic alliance. Our approach was to build a strong network of national mobility platforms together with national and regional infrastructure operators and mobility providers. This explains already our focus, which is to force multimodal mobility. So it is all about changing minds and connecting modes.”
As Austria is a small country ITS got on the agenda very early: it was more promising to invest in intelligent systems than to build streets. Already in 2004 ITS Austria developed a telematic framework, which became a European benchmark. Based on this first approach – and in close cooperation with the platform – the Ministry of Transport published Austria’s national ITS Action Plan in 2011. It includes first measures to be taken to get improved mobility services – in terms of safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Specific working groups foster the deployment of key services. A main task for ITS Austria is to bring ITS to the political agenda and represent a common position of the Austrian stakeholders. Our focus
in otherwise challenging places like
Were there any specific factors
is national and regional deployment
Ukraine and Turkey.
playing a major role in defining
– of course based on European
After joining ERTICO last year, I
ITS in Austria?
standards and specifications. To be
learned that SCOTTY actually has brothers and sisters. In fact he comes from a family of systems known as
I also discovered that there are many people working hard to bring the simplicity and benefits of such systems to the masses. This is great news, and there are many exciting developments underway in this area, but for me, it all started in Austria. For this reason, I was delighted to be able to interview Martin Russ, Managing Director of AustriaTech and General Secretary of ITS Austria. He explained the history of ITS in Austria,
Ribbon cutting ceremony ITS World Congress 2012 in Vienna
13 Our approach was to build a strong network of national mobility platforms together with national and regional infrastructure operators and mobility providers. This explains already our focus, which is to force multimodal mobility. So it is all about changing minds and connecting modes.
for me. It provides green wave when I go by bike. If you have a look at
ERTICO Partnership events
www.mobilotse.at you can see that we already have all these services in Austria. The challenge now is to connect them in an intelligent way.
honest, solutions on a European basis
we were able to convey to the
are too complex and inhomogeneous
community our approach to involve
to be realised in a short term. As
infrastructure operators as well as
we need solutions immediately to
the mobility providers, the industry,
Of course, we will. It’s our duty to
21-24 May 2013
meet today’s challenges in mobility
and the political actors. To mention
be where the biggest ITS community
we pursue a national and regional
the most important achievements:
Munich (DE)
meets. Under the umbrella brand
approach. We are in the lucky position
the Geographic Information System
of ITS Austria we will be present
that our Ministry is responsible for
with selected partners representing
transport as well as innovation which
Information System VAO, and the
makes the deployment process much
easier. AustriaTech as the national
operators as well as Austria’s industry
stakeholders. Our aim is to show the
mobility agency supports this process
– with Kapsch, Siemens, Swarco, and
main topics of the transport policy
Efkon leading the way – have strong
and the strong competences of ITS
competences to meet the challenges
Austria and its partners.
Congress in Vienna last year.
of the global markets.
Will you attend the European
19 April 2013
ITS Congress in Dublin in June?
Brussels (BE)
in Austria
I hope many of you will also join us,
Was this an enjoyable experience?
If you could invent one new ITS
and if you need to book a train for
And what were the main highlights
gadget or system next week,
your journey, you know where to look!
for ITS Austria?
what would it be?
First of all, we want to thank
I would invent a seamless and personal
everybody for this great experience.
mobility service. Let’s call it mode
connector. It would have features
representatives of politics, economy,
which would meet my daily mobility
The interview is the first in a
and research made this congress a
needs in terms of convenience and
series of articles that explore the
huge success for our common cause.
ITS industry in different European
The World Congress was a great
things: with the mode connector
possibility to present the Austrian
I could shake my mobile phone in
approach on ITS too. We hope that
order to ask the bus driver to wait
ERTICO Supervisory Board Meeting
2nd TPEG Testfest
Other dates for your Diary! Dublin, Ireland, 4-7 June 2013, 9th European ITS Congress, www.itsineurope.com Tokyo, Japan, 14-18 October 2013, 20th ITS World Congress, www.itsworldcongress.jp Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 June 2014, 10th European ITS Congress Detroit, USA, 7-11 September 2014, 21st ITS World Congress Bordeaux, France, 5-9 October 2015, 22nd ITS World Congress
Contact Ian Bearder
World Congress 2016
ERTICO is recruiting! We are currently seeking to recruit a full-time (m/f) • Communications Manager • Partnership Services Officer For more information on our current vacancies and to apply for a job, please visit the ERTICO job page on the website.
For further information, please contact us: Avenue Louise 326, B-1050 Brussels Belgium t +32 (0)2 400 07 00 f +32 (0)2 400 07 01 pr@mail.ertico.com www.ertico.com