The ITS Partnership Bringing intelligence into mobility for people and goods across Europe
Around 100 organisations in a public-private Partnership... ERTICO – ITS Europe was founded at the initiative of leading members of the European Commission, Ministries of Transport and the European Industry. ERTICO is the network of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services stakeholders in Europe. We connect public authorities, industry players, infrastructure operators, users, national ITS associations and other organisations. The ERTICO Partners and the dedicated ERTICO team of highly skilled professionals work on a portfolio of activities to accelerate the development and deployment of ITS across Europe and beyond. ERTICO – ITS Europe has played a leading role in advancing: »» the Traffic Message Channel standards and service deployment(TMC), »» eCall service definition, standardisation, implementation preparations and pilots, »» next generations of preventive safety systems, »» preparation for standards for V2V, V2I communication, and cooperative systems deployment »» global harmonisation of ITS together with other Regions.
The deployment of ITS systems and services across Europe will stimulate innovation, strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy and create jobs Gunter Zimmermeyer (Robert Bosch GmbH) Chairman of Supervisory Board ERTICO – ITS Europe
A multi sector partnership…
ERTICO – ITS Europe in numbers » Founded in 1991 » Around 100 shareholder Partners » Over 30 professionals located in Brussels » More than 25 activities across 4 continents (Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Americas, Africa) » Annual budget of €4.5 M » Over €125 M total European Union financial contribution towards current activities of the ERTICO Partnership
Each year, the ERTICO – ITS Europe Partnership is highly successful in attracting EC funding for its many ITS research and deployment projects Dean Herenda (Slovenian Ministry of Transport) Chair of Finance and Administration Group ERTICO – ITS Europe
‌working together‌ Advancing research and development
Informing and guiding policy
ERTICO offers a unique networking platform for international collaborative research and development, where innovative ideas are transformed into tangible results.
Close to the heart of European decision making, we inform and advise policy makers on appropriate policy frameworks to stimulate market introduction and remove potential deployment barriers for ITS.
ERTICO has a certified process of project development and management through generating ideas to project proposal submission, and from running the project to disseminating its results. Our team of project managers offer outstanding technical expertise in various ITS domains, and many years of experience in running successful ITS projects.
Driving deployment ERTICO acts as catalyst for successful ITS deployment by hosting thematic fora, and supporting standards for common interfaces and protocols to ensure interoperable, connected and open systems. We support business and policy decision making by initiating impact assessment activities such as field operational tests and pilot projects.
We connect industry and policy stakeholders through the organisation of thematic events and workshops.
Raising awareness We organise awareness raising activities such as ITS World Congresses together with ITS America and ITS Japan, European ITS Congresses, conferences, workshops and showcases. We promote existing and future innovative ITS concepts to the press and the public at large, through the newly established i-Mobility Network!
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…working together…
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g n i g n i r B e c n e g i intell y t i l i b o m o t n i
The future of ITS depends on cooperation between public and private stakeholders, to ensure fully open, connected and interoperable services across Europe. The mission of ERTICO – ITS Europe has never been as relevant as today Monica Sundström (Swedish Transport Administration) President & Spokesman ERTICO – ITS Europe
…achieving goals… SafeMobility
Integrated road safety: provide all road users with relevant safety support from vehicle & infrastructure.
Traffic and traveller information: ensure evolution from real time traffic information to truly integrated multimodal transport planning and traveller information.
Safe urban mobility: improve safety into the design of urban mobility services. Road user behaviour: enable safety innovation through better understanding of road user behaviour.
EcoMobility Eco-smart driving: support drivers to adopt and then maintain a fuel-efficient driving behaviour.
Geo-localisation: provide ubiquitous localisation through GNSS/indoor geo-positioning and appropriate location referencing methods. Freight and Logistics: optimise overall supply chain by means of e-freight and intermodal interoperable logistics management. Access and Demand management: support interoperability of European electronic toll and road charging services.
Eco-freight and logistics: enable freight routing and logistic operations to optimise fuel consumption and make goods transport greener.
Eco-traffic management: implement traffic control and management systems improving global traffic network energy efficiency.
“X2X” Communication: connect travellers and goods to provide cooperative services, connect vehicles with each other and link vehicles with nearby roadside equipment and transport infrastructure.
Eco-vehicles: integrate hybrid and electrical vehicles into the transport and energy network.
Cooperative monitoring: collect real-time vehicle-based data about road, traffic and environment status and accidents. Cooperative safety applications: provide local hazard warnings, enable the safe intersection, deliver safe speed and “ghost-driver” warning. Cooperative traffic management: use vehicles as “virtual loop detectors”, display in-vehicle “virtual VMS”, enable vehicle-totraffic control centre interaction for smooth driving.
…achieving goals…
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Intelligent Transport Systems and Services are now becoming an integral part of our daily life
g n i g n i r B e c n e g i l l inte ity l i b o m into
Michael Niedenthal German Association of the Automobile Industry (VDA) Chair of Strategy Committee ERTICO – ITS Europe
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‌towards a shared vision Our vision is to bring intelligence into mobility, working together in public-private partnership towards...
where services are affordable and seamless, privacy is respected and security is ensured. accidents, delays, ...reduced impact on the environment, ...fully informed people,
To achieve this vision, stakeholders should cooperate to achieve an optimal and sustainable use of all transport modes.
…towards a shared vision
The ERTICO – ITS Europe Partnership promotes deployment of ITS for all modes of Transport in Europe by working together. Hermann Meyer CEO ERTICO – ITS Europe
Look how ERTICO connects all stakeholders across Europe to bring intelligence into mobility:
Bringing intelligence into mobility for people and goods across Europe
Today the ERTICO Partnership is creating the intelligent mobility of tomorrow! 5 reasons to join the ERTICO – ITS Europe Partnership: » Get connected to our unique community of public-private Partnership and develop new business relations at local, national and global level » Get involved in cutting-edge collaborative ITS research and deployment projects supported by the European Union » Access first-hand the latest intelligence about policy developments in the field of ITS » Gain privileged access to leading thematic fora on deployment of ITS » Take centre stage at European and Global ITS Congresses, through speaking, exhibiting and demonstrating your activities
Want to know more? Anna Limbrey Partnership Services Manager +32 (0)2 400 07 19
Rasmus Lindholm Head of Partnership Services +32 (0)2 400 07 39
ERTICO – ITS Europe 326 avenue Louise, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32 (0)2 400 07 00 Fax +32 (0)2 400 07 01