European Large-Scale Field Operational Test on Active Safety Systems
Bringing intelligent vehicles to the road‌
8 systems, 28 partners, 1000 vehicles… 1 field operational test euroFOT is a research project supported by European Commission DG Information Society and Media, involving 28 organisations. Vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers, research institutes and other stakeholders have joined forces in a “smart drive” to test 8 intelligent vehicle systems across Europe, with the aim of making our road transport safer, more efficient, and more comfortable. Around 1000 cars and trucks equipped with a range of different intelligent technologies will be tested in real-world traffic conditions on European roads.
European wide operations… The European field operational test will be conducted via various operation sites across 4 countries in Europe.
Intelligent vehicles driving across Europe Gothenburg - Volvo Trucks Wolfsburg - Volkswagen
Gothenburg - Volvo Cars Ingolstadt - Audi
Aachen-Cologne - Ford
Munich - BMW
Paris - CEESAR
Munich - MAN
Sindelfingen - Daimler
Torino - Fiat
Who will drive the vehicles? The euroFOT field test will take place with ‘everyday’ drivers. The various vehicle operations centres distributed across Europe are receiving strong support from fleet owners and car dealers to recruit drivers willing to take part in the euroFOT project.
Bringing intelligent vehicle systems to the mass market The results of the field tests will provide a better understanding of the short and long-term impact of the systems on safety, efficiency, the environment and driver comfort. It will also help to raise and increase consumer awareness of the new active safety systems. euroFOT is expected to greatly support the decision-making process to deploy these new transport technologies on the market.
Testing eight Advanced Driver Assistance Systems… The field test will focus on 8 different functions from various European OEM brands. Longitudinal control functions
Lateral control functions
Other functions
LDW & IW MAN Volvo Trucks
Volvo Cars CEESAR
Volvo Cars
VW Fiat Audi
Around 1000 Vehicles
BMW Mercedes
Volvo Trucks Volvo Cars
CAN + Video + Extra Sensors
CSW 150
CAN + Video Ford
CAN Only
FEA 460
Data Loggers in Total Volvo Trucks
MAN Volvo Trucks Volvo Cars 1500 questionnaires to 300 vehicles with LDW
50+ FEA Trucks auto-logging
Research questions The analysis of the data gathered in real traffic conditions with selected drivers is expected to highlight several crucial aspects of the tested functionalities. The project will mainly address the following research issues:
What is the impact of these functions on traffic safety? What is the impact of these functions on traffic efficiency and on the environment?
How does the driver react to these functions in short and long-term?
A common European methodology… The euroFOT project is applying the common European FESTA methodology, a step-by-step approach which has been developed to improve the comparability and significance of field test results. The euroFOT project is following three major methodological steps.
Function Identification & Description
Socio-economic Cost Benefit Analysis
Use Cases
Impact assessment
Research Questions & Hypotheses
Research Questions & Hypotheses Analysis
Performance Study Indicators Design
Ethical & Legal Issues
Data Analysis
Measures & Sensors
Performance Indicators
Data Acquisition
Figure 1: The “Field Operational Test chain” has been designed by the FESTA project and illustrates the various steps of conducting a field operational test. The euroFOT project is following this methodology.
Preparing... Specification and piloting: First, the fleets are being prepared for the trials. Specifying the functions, defining hypotheses for each of the functions, setting up data management procedures and the selection of drivers are only some of the steps required before the actual field tests can start recording the data.
Driving... Execution: Subsequent steps involve the installation of data loggers and functionalities into the vehicles. The recruited drivers are driving under normal, everyday conditions, and their actions and responses are logged.
Analysing... Socio-economic impact assessment: In the final phase, the data collected from the vehicle monitoring devices (the objective data) and from the driver himself (the subjective data) will be analysed. The collected data is considered representative of ordinary driving conditions on European roads, thus providing valuable insights on the overall effectiveness of intelligent vehicle systems, and the way the drivers use them.
Project set-up In order to achieve its objectives and ensure a European coordinated approach, the euroFOT project has been divided into 6 sub-projects, each dealing with different aspects of the ďŹ eld test. The tasks that pose the biggest challenge in the development of these large-scale ďŹ eld tests have been allocated to experienced partners.
Management and coordination (Ford)
In-vehicle systems for driving support (Volvo Technology)
Data management (Chalmers)
Methodology & experimental procedures (TNO)
Longitudinal control
Lateral control
Vehicle management centres (ERTICO - ITS Europe)
Evaluation, impact assessment, socio-economic CBA (IKA)
Italian VMC German VMC French VMC Swedish VMC
The challenges of euroFOT management and coordination The management and coordination of an international field operational test, across brands and across eight advanced driver assistance functions is a challenging undertaking. The most important outcome of euroFOT will be to give answers to research questions asked at the inception of the project, and to enable informed decision-making for the deployment of advanced driver assistance systems.
Management and coordination activities are based on a three layer structure illustrated below.
General Assembly
Steering Committee
European Commission
IP Coordination Level
EC Reviewers Technical Expert Group
IP-Management Team
IP Management Level
SP Management Level
Sub-project Leaders
To achieve smooth coordination of euroFOT, efficient communication links between 28 partners in 10 countries, as well as the European Commission are crucial. Major events such as general assemblies ensure proper communication inside the project community.
The steering committee and the leaders of the sub-projects meet regularly to ensure proper decisions are made, align the work of the various partners and sub-projects, and ensure that the project is carried out in a collaborative way.
External communication and PR activities are carried out by a communication expert group who advise the consortium on common tools and activities.
Many countries, functions, brands and interests are combined in one project: This might be one of the most challenging European-wide field operational test for some time Aria Etemad, Ford, IP Coordinator
In-vehicle systems for driving support (Sub-project 2) Objectives euroFOT is a European-wide large scale ďŹ eld test involving 28 partners that have committed to test eight different in-vehicle functions. The ďŹ rst objective of this sub-project is to provide common guidelines to the euroFOT project by 1) deďŹ ning common scientiďŹ c questions and 2) specifying all systems under examination. Further objectives of this sub-project are: to create the ďŹ rst prototypes able to collect ďŹ eld test data and to perform the pilot tests of the euroFOT project.
Approach The eight different in-vehicle functions tested in the euroFOT project have been identiďŹ ed and will be described in detail. In total, 20 different systems will be under test. Differences and similarities among these systems will be taken into account in order to formulate common scientiďŹ c questions to study the impact that these functions have on trafďŹ c safety, efďŹ ciency and on driver behaviour. Following the common guidelines from this sub-project, each of the vehicle manufacturers will be in charge of creating the ďŹ rst prototype vehicles. These prototype vehicles will be tested, according to a common procedure, in a pilot experiment before the real euroFOT data collection begins.
The euroFOT project needs clear objectives, unfailing installation, and a comprehensive pilot test Marco Dozza, Volvo Technology
Data management (Sub-project 3) Objectives To ensure a proper data analysis for euroFOT, robust and exible data management solutions are needed. The best suited data acquisition systems (DAS) and data storage for euroFOT need to be deďŹ ned and developed. Sub-Project 3 (SP3) will also develop analysis tools and quality assurance, and support partners through installation and maintenance strategies.
Approach Due to the complexity and size of euroFOT, data management works in several dimensions. Internally, data management partners work together on different parts of the data management chain. Collaboration with other sub-projects, to provide the right solutions is vital; to determine DAS-components, data management partners need to look at performance indicators (SP4), technical and practical constraints like availability of measurements, installation/safety issues (SP2, SP5), and data quality for analysis (SP6). Partners working on data management are also part of the different vehicle management centres (VMCs). Each VMC tests a different set of safety functions and hypotheses, and therefore needs different data management solutions. As a whole, data management provides common core, as well as speciďŹ c solutions for each VMC.
Expected results The whole chain of data management is being established: from data collection and storage to analysis tools for a European scale of ďŹ eld operational tests. The speciďŹ cations, procedures, hardware and software implementation will all be delivered, including data BDRVJTJUJPO TZTUFNT EBUBCBTFT BOE BOBMZTJT UPPMT 8IJMF UIF VTF PG UIF IBSEXBSF and software pieces might be limited to euroFOT partners, the knowledge built here (requirements’ speciďŹ cations and procedures) will be shared with a wider community.
Modern vehicle safety is a data-driven science. Therefore, robust and exible data management solutions are essential for a successful FOT Selpi, Chalmers University of Technology
Methodology and experimental procedures (Sub-project 4) Objectives The development of a common methodology is crucial for the set-up of a European-wide ďŹ eld operational test. The methodological issues of euroFOT encompass two aspects: t 5IF JEFOUJmDBUJPO TFMFDUJPO BOE TQFDJmDBUJPO PG QFSGPSNBODF JOEJDBUPST EFTDSJCJOH driving behaviour, driver workload and acceptability, trafďŹ c safety, trafďŹ c efďŹ ciency, and impacts on the environment. t 5IF TQFDJmDBUJPO PG FYQFSJNFOUBM QSPDFEVSFT UP CF BQQMJFE
Approach The FESTA project delivered a handbook with guidelines on how to conduct a ďŹ eld operational test. This handbook was intended to guide the work of ďŹ eld operational test organisers on a general level. The FESTA methodology is ďŹ ne-tuned to the speciďŹ c demands (e.g., systems, research interests) of euroFOT. SP4 will not only deďŹ ne the performance indicators but extend the FESTA handbook with descriptions of events (e.g., car following) and situation variables (e.g., type of weather). Furthermore, SP4 will focus on experimental design and procedures.
Expected results SP4 delivers the experimental method explaining how to investigate the different systems within euroFOT. More speciďŹ cally, SP4 develops a list of measurements, performance indicators, events, and develops situational variables related to the hypotheses developed in SP2. Furthermore, SP4 will develop the best possible experimental design in order to BOTXFS UIF IZQPUIFTFT 8JUI CPUI PVUQVUT 41 DPOUSJCVUFT UP B GVSUIFS EFWFMPQNFOU PG UIF handbook produced by FESTA.
Good ‘on-the-road’ evaluations of in vehicle systems are most often underestimated in terms of effort and difďŹ culty Rino Brouwer, TNO
Vehicle management centres (Sub-project 5) Objectives The SP5 ensures the smooth operation of the tests, including coordination of the vehicle management centres, the acquisition of the vehicles, the purchase and installation of the data acquisition systems, the relations with the drivers and the data quality monitoring.
Approach 8IJMF UIF WFIJDMF NBOBHFNFOU DFOUSFT BDU JOEFQFOEFOUMZ a coordinated approach needs to be taken to ensure a harmonised quality of the data before it can be merged and analysed. The SP5 operation is organised in four vehicle management centres: Germany, Sweden, France and Italy; divided in five operation centres in charge of the collection of the data and a series of operation sites addressing the practical details such as installation of the data loggers, driver interaction, and pick-up of the data.
Expected results The vehicle management centres play a key role in collecting the data from more than 1000 vehicles. They provide an operational platform for the entire project where practical details are treated in line with the recommendations made by the other SPs during FOT preparation and piloting.
Making sure that around 1000 vehicles hit the European roads across ten vehicle brands grouped in five operation centres, and at least 11 operation sites is a real challenge Maxime Flament, &35*$0 o *54 &VSPQF
German VMC
French VMC
Italian VMC
Swedish VMC
Operation Center 1
Operation Center 2
40 cars
140 cars – 100 trucks
90-105 cars
300 cars
100 cars – 50 trucks
12 months
12 months
12 months (4 x 3 months)
12 months
12-18 months
CAN+Video+ Radar
CAN Only
CAN+Video+ eyeTracking
Questionnaires only
CAN+Video+extra Sensors
Operation Sites Figure 2: The various operation sites from the vehicle manufacturers have been grouped into four Vehicle Management Centres (VMC) and corresponding operations centres.
Evaluation, impact assessment and socio-economic cost-benefit analysis (Sub-project 6) Objectives The final output of euroFOT is to deliver a comprehensive socio-economic impact assessment study on the various systems under test. The role of SP6 is to analyse and study the data, which is gathered from the field test, in order to evaluate the impact of the tested functions. This task includes the evaluation and analysis of all user related aspects concerning driver behaviour and performance, workload and user acceptance and how these behaviour and user acceptance develop all through the tests. The impacts of the selected functions on traffic and driving safety, traffic efficiency and environment will be identified. Finally, a socio-economic cost benefit analysis for each of the selected systems and functions will be delivered.
Approach The methodology for the evaluation and data analysis in euroFOT is inspired by projects like FESTA, eIMPACT and AIDE. In each vehicle management centre, the data will be collected from the test vehicles and checked according to data quality. The relevant data will be extracted and finally stored on the database. Data processing will start as soon as the data is available on the database. This data processing will include the calculation of relevant performance indicators needed for the analysis of the hypotheses defined initially. These hypotheses will be tested and verified. A global assessment of the euroFOT functions is conducted, using micro simulation models to scale up the effect and impact of the functions on traffic safety, traffic efficiency and on the environment. The quantified impacts are the input for the next step, in which the socio-economic cost-benefit ratio is determined.
Expected results Three main results are expected for this sub-project. First the defined hypotheses on the effects of the functions will be verified. Then the global impacts on safety, traffic efficiency and environment will be analysed. Finally, the socio-economic costs and benefits of the functions will be compared. The result will be the delivery of a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of active safety systems.
The positive effects of ADAS have been shown in various studies. Our task is to confirm this by hard facts Ahmed Benmimoun, *OTUJUVU GÊS ,SBGUGBIS[FVHF 385) "BDIFO 6OJWFSTJUZ
Consortium Vehicle Manufacturers
Automotive Suppliers
Universities and Research Centres
Other Organisations
European Center for Information and Communication Technologies EICT GmbH
euroFOT is a European Commission DG Information Society co-funded Integrated Project (IP) Duration: 40 Months, from May 2008 until August 2011 Total cost: â‚Ź22 Million EC contribution: â‚Ź14 Million Contact:
Project Coordinator: Aria Etemad,