The monthly newsletter from ERTICO - ITS Europe, the Intelligent Transport Systems and Services Network bringing intelligence into mobility Issue 11 - November 2011
Editorial Dear Readers, This month ERTICO - ITS Europe had the pleasure to talk with Gert Blom, Strategic Advisor Mobility of the City of Helmond in the Netherlands and winner, together with the City of Helmond, of the iMobility Award 2011. Mr Blom shared his thoughts on current achievements and future challenges for cities and ITS deployment. Cities and urban mobility issues are becoming more and more important to society’s wellbeing; that is why ERTICO is organising a Forum on ITS for Urban Mobility on 1 December 2011. During the Forum, stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss and share ideas on what cities need and what ITS can do for cities. In our highlight session you will find some information on the forthcoming ITS World Congress in Vienna from 22 to 26 October 2012. We would like to remind you that the Call for Paper is now open, interested stakeholders are invited to submit their papers before 13 January 2012. Earlier this month, Siim Kallas, Commissioner for Transport and Vice-president of the European Commission, gave a speech on the imminent challenges that European automotive industry will have to face. Moreover ERTICO and ETSI organised the first interoperability testing event for cooperative mobility services in Helmond (the Netherlands). ERTICO followed day by day the developing of this 5-day event. And finally, in breaking news, ERTICO Partner innovITS ADVANCE has demonstrated comprehensive eCall test and certification capability. I hope you will enjoy this month’s issue and wish you as always pleasant reading!
In Brief:
p7 ERTICO presents the 19 ITS World Congress in Vienna in 2012 th
p8 European project In-Time package available p9 ERTICO publishes the 18th ITS World Congress report p10 ITS America releases new 4 generation wireless report
p12 ACS – Xerox launches new virtual event p12 RACC automobile club launches a free traffic and travel information app for smartphones p16 Instant Mobility workshop unveils future internet impact on mobility ... and much more
Interviews of the month: ERTICO - ITS Europe talks to Gert Blom, Strategic Advisor Mobility City of Helmond ERTICO - ITS Europe Blue Tower, Avenue Louise 326 , B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 400 0700 Fax: +32 (0)2 400 0701
Read on page 2
Interview of the month ERTICO talks to Gert Blom, Strategic Advisor Mobility City of Helmond Winner of the iMobility Award 2011 for excellence in Policy making In 2009 we already had the honour to host the first European large scale demo on cooperative systems, when we turned our urban main road into a pilot and demonstration road for the CVIS/ Safespot event.
ERTICO: What is the involvement of the City of Helmond in (European and national) ITS projects? Gert Blom: The City of Helmond firmly believes in the power of technology and ITS to create a sustainable mobility system. It is, however, not just a matter of technology. Private and public parties will have to work closely together on business models and common roadmaps in order to achieve real deployment and mobility solutions. To make sure the future end-user supports these solutions, demonstrations have to be set up to show the potential benefits of ITS Large scale FOTs will have to be performed before getting to the final implementation. Helmond has been and will be active on all those aspects. Indeed, in order to facilitate demonstrations and FOTs, Helmond and the regional organisation BBZOB managed to close the A270 highway to normal traffic between Eindhoven and Helmond for some weekends. During these days, TNO performed their shockwave-pilots on this highway and both the ITS-community and the general public could participate in the SPITS demo and GCDC at the Automotive Week (May 2011).
Helmond is also a partner in the FREILOT project. The objective of this project is a 25% reduction in fuel for trucks in urban areas. In Helmond we are testing, amongst others, the intersection priority service within FREILOT. Besides the original predicted benefits of the project, we now see many more benefits of the FREILOT services, such as noise reduction, improved traffic flows and increased road safety. However what we believe to be the most important issue about the FREILOTproject, and indeed one of the original aims, is the search, during the pilot phase, for sustainable implementation (business models) after the end of the pilot, in 2012. Business and organisational models developed in this project could be a very good example for a wider ITS deployment. Deployment from technology to mobility solutions is also the key driver for the DITCM-project. We are now preparing to set up a permanent and integrated test-site for Cooperative Mobility, the Dutch Integrated Test-site Cooperative Mobility DITCM on and around the High Tech Automotive Campus in Helmond. ERTICO: What are the policy steps that the City of Helmond has taken? Gert Blom: The City of Helmond is a very handson organisation, driven by results and a common sense approach. But our work has a sound base in our mobility and air quality policy. For example, already in 2007, we stated our belief in technology solutions and willingness to support ITS pilots in our Helmond Mobility paper “Helmond Mobiel 2015�.
Issue 11 - November 2011
This is not only Helmond’s view; there is a broad and general political support for this approach in the entire Helmond-Eindhoven Brainport region. At a national level, we will contribute, through our involvement in DITCM, to a common roadmap on ITS, supported by all major stakeholders gathered in organisations such as Connekt and Automotive. nl. ERTICO: Can you share best practices with your peers? Gert Blom: We have learnt some lessons, especially from our involvement in FREILOT. First of all, there is the need to incorporate the involvement and belief in ITS solutions in policy papers and programmes. A sound policy base is the first step towards the real involvement in ITS projects and ITS deployment. Lacking this, you will have to explain over and over again to your local politicians and decision makers every single action and project on ITS and why they are relevant. Moreover, it is very important to inform your local city council about critical stages of the projects and their results and to ensure their involvement in milestones. For example, our city council was invited to the European launch event of FREILOT in 2010 but of course writing policy papers is only the beginning. Come out of your office! The deployment of ITS is all about working together in projects with all stakeholders, both from public as well as private bodies. Industry, R&D, education and governments, all are needed to make the step from technology innovations towards deployment of mobility solutions. Or, to use FREILOT project manager Zeljko Jeftic’s words, deployment of cooperative technology requires a cooperative mindset!
ERTICO: In a time of economic crisis, how can public authorities find ways to justify investments in ITS? Gert Blom: Maybe this is not the right question. I would say, that especially in a time of economic crisis, the need for investments in ITS is more urgent than ever. Resources for investment in new infrastructure will be very scarce in the future, meaning that a better use of existing infrastructure, through ITS, will be the only option. And there is also another reason. If European companies and research institutes prove to be leaders in developing ITS technology, this will help us to introduce them to new markets, and to increase our exports. I would say that ITS is a means to get out of the crisis! ERTICO: How can the EU facilitate deployment of ITS in European cities? Gert Blom: In my view, besides any financial funding, which of course is always more than welcome to stimulate new developments, the EU could facilitate deployment on two levels. The first, and the most obvious one, is to stimulate technical standardisation of ITS systems. However helping cities in organising deployment is becoming more and more important. We have to find the right business models in order to deploy ITS services, but we have also to find the right organisations for deploying ITS in other cities. I am not sure if this could be done by private service providers only, or if we need privatepublic organisations. ERTICO: You will participate in the Forum on Urban Mobility organised by ERTICO on 1 December. What do you expect from this event? Continued on the next page
Gert Blom: I would expect an open discussion and some sharing of ideas on this issue of organisations. By using FREILOT as an example in my presentation, I will raise the question: what if the pilot is successful? How will we ensure a
sustainable implementation of FREILOT services to other hauliers and to other cities after the pilot has ended and the co-funding from the EU has come to an end? Doing a pilot is of course all about finding real mobility solutions. It is all about deployment.
About the City of Helmond Being an industrial city and hosting the High Tech Automotive (HTA) Campus on its grounds, the Dutch city of Helmond has become an important centre for automotive R&D activities. As developments in the automotive sector are increasingly connected with mobility issues such as road safety, congestion and air quality, Helmond is confident that research and innovation in the automotive sector will contribute to solving current and future mobility challenges. Over the last 10 years, Helmond has therefore invested in an extensive adaptive urban control network, providing a ready platform for innovative control solutions, illustrated by the fact that the city served as test site for the CVIS and SAFESPOT projects on cooperative systems. The Helmond test site covers an intra-urban provincial road (N270) through the city centre, linking Helmond to Eindhoven. Traffic on this section is very diverse, with a relatively high share of trucks, buses, and high numbers of pedestrians and cyclists, especially in peak periods. The road covers 14 signalled intersections controlled by the network control system UTOPIA (Urban Traffic Optimisation by Integrated Automation). The interurban highway A270 between Helmond and Eindhoven has also been used as test site. As the N270 and A270 are close to the test facilities on the HTA Campus, testing equipment on different scales is available in one geographically concentrated area. More information can be found on the City of Helmond website.
Issue 11 - November 2011
The i-Mobility Network One year after the launch of the i-Mobility Network, ERTICO is proud to inform you that we have established a network of 435 organisations, including over 600 individuals. The i-Mobility Network has successfully strengthened the exchange of information between ITS stakeholders in Europe concerning relevant business and policy developments. Together with you, and your active involvement, we wish to further build on this success. To continue ensuring that all ITS stakeholders can connect with each other, we have decided to keep the membership free. For ITS stakeholders who wish to benefit from additional services such as preferential rates for ITS Congresses held in Europe, invitations to ERTICO Fora, access to papers and presentations from the European ITS Congresses etc., we now also offer a Membership Plus service. To compare the services offered within the Membership and/or Membership Plus of the i-Mobility Network, please click here. As an immediate benefit of the Membership Plus service we would like to invite you to the ERTICO Forum “ITS for Urban Mobility”, which will take place in Brussels on 1 December 2011. The Forum will also be streamed live for those i-Mobility Network Plus Members who are not able to attend in person. Save the date now! How to register for the Plus Membership? As a current subscriber, you are automatically included in the basic membership package (free of charge). To subscribe to the Membership Plus package simply send an email to, indicating the length of subscription (€300 until end of 2011, €1200 until end of 2012). Please do not hesitate to contact the Help Desk should you have any questions. Download the Terms and Conditions.
This month’s i-Mobility Network news selection Golden Ears Bridge: Free Flow reference... On 3 November Rosa Clausell Rountree, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Egis Projects Canada Inc.,announced that “CS America, previously known as InTranS Group, delivered the tolling system solution for the Golden Ears Bridge that allowed Egis Projects Canada, previously known as Transroute International Canada Services, to achieve ISO 9001:2008 and Payment Card Industry (PCI) certifications and deliver operational excellence”. For further information visit CS website.
Toll Operation starts on Poland A1 & A2 motorways with CS toll system CS delivers the Poland A1 Phase 2 Project two months earlier than expected. Early in 2011, Intertoll, the prime contractor of the Poland A1 Phase 2 Project, asked CS Communication & Systems to accelerate the project which was initially expected to be
completed on December 21, 2011. CS was able to successfully complete the Toll and ITS project on October 14, 2011 - more than two months in advance of the scheduled deadline. The scope of this project included the design, supply, installation and maintenance of 6 toll plazas, 16 automated entry lanes and 23 manual exit lanes. CS also designed and installed a full ITS system with SCADA system, optical fibre and IP network along the road, traffic counting stations and an Emergency call network comprising 70 Emergency call boxes and an Operation Center for this project. “Intertoll appreciates the efforts of CS in being able to complete the installation of the toll and motorway equipment 2 months ahead of the original schedule. The early completion required close cooperation by all the contractors on site and CS was able to supply their “A Team” of experienced management and supervisors to achieve this.” This good news from Poland comes following the earlier news that operation has begun on the Poland A2 Motorway. The Poland A2 Toll System has been in operation since last July. CS designed, supplied, installed, and will maintain a full upgrade of existing toll plazas comprising 57 lanes on a total of 8 plazas for the leading French integrator, Alcatel-Lucent. In addition, CS was committed to supplying an Emergency Communication System composed of an Emergency Call Centre and 52 emergency call boxes along the 104 km of the A2 Motorway. CS also supplied all the motorway management equipment with Closed-Circuit Television “These two project completions enhance CS’s position in the central European market. It shows one more time CS’s capabilities in delivering on time, best in class systems for major prime contractors like Intertoll and Alcatel Lucent. For over four decades, CS has established itself as a premier partner for Toll and ITS projects all around the world and will continue this winning dynamic.” says Arnaud Quemard, CEO Chairman CS ITS Business Unit. For further information visit CS website.
Don’t forget to publish your news on the i-Mobility Network website!!!
Issue 11 - November 2011
19th ITS World Congress in Vienna 2012 The ITS World Congress will be the event of 2012 about new technologies for smarter, cleaner and safer transport. It continues to be of increasing significance globally and with the theme “Smarter on the Way� the 19th ITS World Congress in Vienna will focus on the main challenges faced by the ITS sector: connecting seamlessly, serving customers and encouraging sustainability.
Click on the button below to submit your paper!
The event aims to gather over 300 exhibitors and attract some 8,000 visitors (3,000 registered delegates) from more than 60 countries worldwide, in the quest to share best practices and build reliable networks.
To submit your proposal for a Special Session, please fill in the form here.
The Call for Papers is open and the International Programme Committee warmly invites ITS experts to submit a paper to be considered for presentation and publication at the Vienna Congress before the deadline of 13 January 2012. The general topics of this 19th ITS World Congress in Vienna are: 1. Optimising provision and use of Infrastructure, Traffic and Travel Data and Information 2. Intelligent infrastructure 3. Continuity and Interoperability of Seamless Multimodal Services for Mobility 4. Integrated Safety and Security for all Users 5. Connected Vehicles, Infrastructure and Users for Cooperative Mobility Services 6. Sustainable, Clean and Energy Efficient Mobility For more detailed information on the topics, please click on the Call for Paper.
Special Interest Sessions: At the request of the organisations or experts involved in developing and deploying ITS, these interactive, tailor-made sessions will delve into topics and offer global perspectives and insight on ITS.
Demonstrations: The 19th ITS World Congress in Vienna is a major opportunity to present mature ITS solutions, future trends or results of research activities. The demonstrations will address and involve users as much as possible, they will take place on public roads and in a closed demo areas close to the exhibition center. The goal of these demonstrations is to provide the user with a true experience of the benefits that ITS can bring to daily life. More than 1.000 people are expected to attend the demonstrations. The Congress organisers invite national and international actors to participate in the demonstrations to provide an exciting and outstanding programme. ITS Vienna 2012 will showcase a wide range of cutting-edge solutions. More than 30 demonstrations are currently planned. The demonstration committee welcomes you to express your demonstration interest. For more information please contact ITS2012@ Continued on the next page
Information on stand bookings can be found here. The Exhibition will also reflect the theme with industrial exhibitors, public authorities and ITS related organisations showcasing technologies and services that are changing the face of transport today and tomorrow.
In addition, the Exhibition will be open to the general public on Thursday to show how ITS can help in daily life.
The 19th ITS World Congress in Vienna encourages worldwide policy attendance to foster a wide deployment of ITS solutions!
For further details on the 19th ITS World Congress & Exhibition, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Valérie Mindlin, or visit the Congress website which provides you with a first glimpse of what’s in store for Vienna!
Look at the exhibition floor plan to see the impressive list of exhibitors that have already secured their place here.
In-Time Package available! The In-Time Package allows cities and TISPs to set up an In-Time service in their city or region. In-Time defines a general, pan-European technical service infrastructure to support the efficient provision and operation of Multimodal Real Time Traffic and Travel Information (RTTI) services to road and transport users. In-Time is piloting and validating its innovative pan-European approach to RTTI services, using real travellers in real cities - Brno, Bucharest, Florence, Munich, Oslo, and Vienna. The ”In-Time Package” has been prepared to provide In-Time Follower Cities and Traveller Information Service Providers (TISPs) with the technical documentation and material necessary
to understand, set up and use the In-Time infrastructure. The interoperability between different systems and data/service sources is the key aspect of the In-Time infrastructure. This is achieved through a Service-Oriented, distributed Architecture (SOA) where nodes – content and service providers – are inter-connected via a B2B, Multi-standard, Commonly Agreed Interface (CAI) defined on the basis of EU open standards in the domain of ITS, geo-spatial data and Web Services.
Issue 11 - November 2011
In-Time provides a way to enable easy access to and use of essential contents and services underlying multi-modal travelling, including individual traffic, public transport, weather, location based services, flight, freight and intermodal journey planning. In-Time is conceived to facilitate the cooperation between local content/service providers – e.g. Local Authorities, Transport Service Operators, etc. – and Traffic Information Service Providers (TISPs) in the provision of value-added RTTI services to travellers. The In-Time Commonly Agreed Interface (CAI) enables standardised access to local RTTI services and information provided by Regional Data/ Service Servers (RDSS) in any city or geographical area implementing In-Time. By using the In-Time access layer, TISPs are able to access local data and services via a standardised interface bundling all transport information in the area, and exploit these to offer enhanced services to the road and transport end user. In-Time package content: In-Time conceptual Data Model encoded in Unified Modeling Language, UML The Application Schema of Geography Markup
Language (GML) derived from the Data Model as the exchange format for In-Time data WSDL files, also generated from the conceptual definition of In-Time services. XML schema definitions (XSD-files) for each Application Schema of the In-Time Data Model. XSD files are the starting point for the concrete use of the InTime specifications as they enable the automatic generation of code libraries, the configuration of OGC’s WFS and WMS etc. • A code library in C# and Java • An introductory guide with links to download publicly available full documentation providing detailed explanation of the principles, architectural design, standards and enabling implementation technologies underlying the definition of the In-Time infrastructure The In-Time package can be downloaded on the In-Time website. Find out more by listening to the In-Time webinar on 2 December at 10:00 AM CET. To register for the webinar click here.
18th ITS World Congress report published ERTICO – ITS Europe has published a report on the recently concluded 18th ITS World Congress in Orlando. This year, thousands of attendees from over 60 countries participated in the event, attending the sessions, participating in the demonstrations and experiencing the exhibition. Representatives of the USA government and the European Institutions as well as of the automotive industry worldwide attended the 4-day Congress. Visitors had the opportunity to visit 210 exhibits spread over 32 516.064 square metres. Exhibits included the European Pavilion, where international stakeholders met with representatives from ERTICO – ITS Europe, ITS Sweden and ITS Finland. The full report is available on the i-Mobility Network (in the Library) and it is accessible to all i-Mobility Network Members and ERTICO Partners. To register for the i-Mobility Network, click here.
ITS America releases new 4 generation wireless report The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) recently announced the release of its latest connected vehicle technical insight report entitled “Fourth Generation Wireless Vehicle and Highway Gateways to the Cloud”. ITS America will present this report in a webinar led by Dr Eduardo Esteves, Vice President of R&D and Technology Marketing, QUALCOMM. The webinar, entitled “Fourth Generation Wireless Infrastructure - Long Term Evolution (LTE) Advanced and Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets)” is on 14 December 2011 at 1 p.m. EST. The report examines how next generation widearea cellular such as 4G will be able to support vehicular applications, and how transport infrastructure may mesh with wireless networks. Specifically, it suggests that over the long term, vehicles will serve as 4G gateways that collect data from and manage and collect data from short range wireless sensors and other devices deployed in vehicles and highway infrastructure, such as cellular fem to cells, WiFi, Zig-Bee, Bluetooth or even Dedicated Short Range Communications/ Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (DSRC/WAVE). Furthermore, the paper contends that automotive electronics engineers will need to be cognisant of how on-board and offboard application data is treated by these vehicle gateways and by 4G networks, and how innovations such as “traffic shaping” and “vertical roaming” may improve the performance of offboard or “cloud” - based vehicular applications. This report and webinar series is part of the Technology Scan and Assessment project. Under a contract with the USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, ITS America is conducting a broad, multi-phase research project. Overall, the study will assess emerging, converging and enabling technologies outside the domain of mainstream transport research. Launched in 2009, the project has completed five
Connected Vehicle Technical Insight Reports and webinars on a number of technology issues, and will continue to publish the series into 2012. The goals of the Technology Scan and Assessment are to establish, or otherwise validate or revise, key assumptions in ITS JPO research and development programs regarding scalability, security, or safety of particular technologies. The Technology Scan and Assessment research series inventories new technology-enabled systems that may need to interface with future connected vehicle core systems utilising vehicle-to-vehicle/ vehicle-to-infrastructure technology. The Technology Scan research series covers technologies in within the science base (10 to 30 years perspective), or are in the emerging (5 to 10 years), or pacing (3 to 5 years applied on trial basis) categories. Innovation in the information technology, telecommunications, transport and energy sectors is assessed, focusing on technologies centered on efficient data and information flow, from acquisition (sensors) and dissemination (wireless), to processing (computing) and management (decision support) systems. To date, ITS America has produced reports on computer vision, active ranging sensors, 4G wireless and machine to machine communications. Future topics will include navigation and location aware technologies. For 2012, the series will examine of the impact of several innovations in computing that may significantly impact transport, such as semantic web, sensor crowd sourcing, stream computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The Technology Assessment series highlights particular risks or uncertainties that are broadly understood to impact a number of sectors, not just transport.
Issue 09 - September 2011
In security these include global innovations in computing and design of secure systems, as well as risk management addressing unique challenges in securing safety-critical systems fashion. In energy topics include global innovation in the development of utility “smart grid” and electric vehicle power trains and support systems, and how they may leverage to improve vehicle safety, mobility and environmental sustainability. ITS America will publish its report on electric vehicles in December 2011. You can view the report here.
Register for the webinar here. For more information about the Technology Scan and Assessment, visit ITS America website or contact Cherie Gibson.
This article has been published in cooperation with ITS America.
NEWS FROM TISA TISA Committee Meeting to take place in Berlin On 7 and 8 December 2011, TISA Member Bosch will welcome TISA Members in Berlin for the TISA Committee Meetings.These meetings will give Members the opportunity to discuss existing and new use cases and to assess the status of the ongoing work in the various Working Groups and Task Forces. Additionally, each Committee will hold discussions on specific topics of strategic importance for TISA. In particular, the Content and Service Provision Committee will discuss the current digital radio landscape in Europe, while the Technical and Standardisation Committee will discuss how direct cooperation with the car to car industry may contribute to a better harmonisation of standards. Finally, the Product Committee will see how TISA products could be shared with a wider community of organisations, as from next year. Being the last Committee Meetings of the Year 2011, the December Meetings will also be the appropriate timing for the Executive Office to give an overview of the 2012 events and to invite the Members to already save some key dates.
4th TISA “Traffic Flow Q-bench” Meeting The TISA “Traffic Flow Q-bench” Task Force, chaired by Carsten Lux (BMW) and aiming at building a standard tool for independently assessing the Quality and Accuracy of “Traffic Flow Information” provided by different service providers, held its fourth meeting in Brussels on 10 November 2011. During this meeting, further feedback from the Australian experience of TISA Member Intelematics helped to narrow down some of the issues introduced in the earlier meetings and to better separate the issues related to the usage of the Q-bench tool from those simply requiring fine tuning of the regional parameters. A plan to build-up guidelines for Ground Truth testing and to integrate variations caused by the digital maps into the assessment process was also discussed. A follow-up meeting will be held on 16 December 2011. For more information visit the TISA website.
ACS – Xerox launches new virtual event On the occasion of the 18th ITS World Congress, ACS – Xerox, an ERTICO Partner, has created an interactive tool where registered users can access highlights from ACS leaders, interviews and transport solutions presented at the Congress. In the virtual event, you can download different multi-media resources, view interviews and interact by asking questions and chatting, as well as register to other live events. Among the interviewees, Ken Philmus, Senior Vice-President ACS Transportation Solution Group, and Scott Belcher, Chef Executive Officer of ITS America, introduce the virtual ITS World Congress 2011 and share impressions and thoughts on the Congress.
In addition, Cees de Wijs, Senior Vice-President of International Operations ACS Transportation Solutions Group, talks to Hermann Meyer, ERTICO – ITS Europe Chief Executive Officer, about ERTICO and its activities as well as the Intelligent Transport System market in Europe, ITS developments and future challenges. To watch these and more interviews, register to Virtual ITS World Congress 2011. For more information, visit ACS, A Xerox Company ITS World Congress microsite.
RACC automobile club launches a free traffic and travel information app for smartphones ERTICO partner RACC (Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya) has launched a free application for real-time and predictive traffic and travel information, available for iPhone and Android devices. RACC has been an active traffic data collector for more than 20 years in Spain; RACC creates its traffic flow service from fusion of different data sources (mainly public loop sensors and floating car data, among others), as well as displaying information from more than 1000 traffic cameras, fuel prices from more than 8000 fuel stations and more than 1000 speed cams across Spain. Incident and journalistic data (as reported by users of the app)
is also available. The traffic flow service displays real-time congestion levels of service for more than 18 EU countries and predictive traffic up to 12 hours in the primary Spanish road network. Information is displayed on a very easy to use and intuitive Google Mapsbased user interface, and a lot of effort has been made in making the app very efficient in terms of performance, developing algorithms for the efficient management of huge amounts of information. For more information, visit RACC Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya website.
Issue 11 - November 2011
Commissioner Siim Kallas talks about the challenges ahead for Europe's automotive industry On 8 November, Siim Kallas, Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport, spoke at the EUCAR (European Council for Automotive R&D) reception in Brussels about the future challenges for the European automotive industry. In his speech, the Commissioner highlighted that the car and truck industry is fundamental to the EU economy as it grants employment and provides “means for millions of passengers to travel and for many thousands of businesses to prosper”. According to Mr Kallas “innovation and investment” are the key concepts to keep European economy going and to assure competitiveness in a global market where car sales are forecast to increase by more than 10% in 2020 in comparison with 2008. The Commissioner stressed that the EU competitors are “investing in low-carbon technologies in preparation for the shift towards cleaner road transport, reflecting a visible global trend towards sustainable transport technologies”. The same actions should be taken in the EU. A more environmentally-friendly approach should be considered as “energy-efficient vehicles will boost our industry's competitiveness, make Europe's economy greener and more resourceefficient, as well as create jobs”. However, “the technical and economic uncertainties are still too high at this stage to rely on a single candidate for fuel substitution”. That is why Mr Kallas highlighted that the real challenge will be to introduce new technologies which substitute fuel gradually into the European market, and this action “should be done at the same pace as the development of the technology”. Siim Kallas briefly described the next steps planned by the European Commission in terms of transport policy. First of all the Commission will present its “strategic transport technology
plan" (STTP) which will focus on “essential technologies over the whole product development chain based on a vision of an integrated, efficient and environmentally friendly and safe European transport system by 2030”. Secondly, the Commission has planned “an initiative on clean transport systems, which will be a comprehensive long-term fuel strategy for gradually substituting fossil fuels with alternative energy sources”. Mr Kallas concluded by underling that the Commission is investing a lot in research and innovation, in particular in the promotion of smart transport systems. The use of intelligent transport systems (ITS) is crucial “to support the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the European automotive industry. And also to make our road transport cleaner, safer and more efficient”. According to Siim Kallas “ITS has an enormously beneficial role to play in making our road transport ready for the future. Some applications are widespread and familiar, such as on-board navigation systems installed in millions of cars and trucks which process realtime traffic and travel information. But science is moving ahead all the time, adding more and more sophisticated applications to existing control functions. There is enormous potential”. Nevertheless research and innovation alone cannot face and overcome future challenges; Mr Kallas appealed to change Europeans “travelling habits, better combine road travel with different modes of transport such as rail, and ensure all modes offer attractive options for passengers and freight. We must start thinking about transport as a network, as a system, rather than thinking in terms of individual transport modes”. Read the full speech here.
EU, USA and Japan agree to speed up introduction of electric cars On 17 November 2011, the European Union, the United States and Japan agreed to promote quicker introduction of electric cars in their countries and to cooperate on regulatory obligations related to electric vehicles.
Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, stated that this agreement “will help to increase the market potential for this important breakthrough technology, contributing for competitiveness and a more sustainable road transport”. Currently automotive manufacturers’ global production of electric vehicles is still modest and
this agreement represents an important decision in terms of economic recovery and general costsensitiveness of the industry. Furthermore, this international cooperation with USA and Japan will offer a great opportunity to develop common actions. Read the full press release. For further information, visit the European Commission Enterprise & Industry website.
ITS Austria Conference 2011: 2012 marked by Intelligent Transport Systems The ITS Austria Conference, held on 11 November 2011, was distinguished by “strategies and measures to build an intelligent transport system in Austria”. In the course of the press conference Doris Bures, Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology, presented the national ITS action plan. The importance of Intelligent Transport Systems regarding efficiency, safety and environmental sustainability was also pointed out by the attending infrastructure operators and industrial representatives Josef Fiala (ASFINAG), Paul Forsreiter (Swarco) and Sören Hess (chair of the Car2Car Communication Consortium). The project “Testfeld Telematik” (testbed telematics), which is the first project as part of the ITS action plan, has been launched and will be the first deployment-hotspot for cooperative mobility. The project will also be one of the highlights of the demonstrations during the 19th ITS World Congress, Vienna, from 22-26 October 2012. Twenty-five national and international speakers guided the 220 participants towards the future of 14
our transport system and discussed the benefits and chances of intelligent mobility solutions as well as upcoming ITS services. Speeches were made by Odile Arbeit de Chalendar, representative of the European Commission, Hermann Meyer, ERTICO – ITS Europe, Fritz Busch, University of Technology Munich, Martin Russ, managing director AustriaTech, Herbert Kasser, Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology as well as the “ITS World Congress 2012” team, to name only a few. Presentations dealt with topics such as the new national ITS action plan and its instruments, the re-launch of the ITS Austria platform, its duties, structures and chances from its partners perspective as well as the preparation of the 19th ITS World Congress 2012 in Vienna and associated projects. For more information, visit the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology website.
Issue 11 - November 2011
Workshop - Implementation of NFC technology on public transport in Spain as a differentiator for transport. The interest of transport operators in this technology was shown through the presentation of several papers on this theme, and through several pilot tests that being currently realised. Finally, it was demonstrated how the Public Transport Committee of ITS Spain (NFC Working Group) is developing a white paper on NFC technology.
The NFC Technology Implementation workshop on public transport in Spain, held on 22 November 2011 in Madrid, brought together all stakeholders involved in the use of NFC for payment on public transport. Attendees included national, provincial and local level authorities in the field of road and railway transport, as well as representatives of the banking sector (BBVA, Bankinter), card chip manufacturers (Gemalto, Oberthur), system integrators (Ericsson, Indra), and the main Spanish telecommunications companies (Telefónica, Orange, Vodafone). The workshop began with an introduction to NFC (actors involved, the role of the TSM - Trusted Service Manager), requirements for success in the implementation of mobile payments from the banking point of view or the use of mobiles
Opening session The workshop was closed, encouraging attendees to show their progress and to issue their findings in the next “XII ITS Spanish Congress”. For further information, please contact Alonso Martín-Moreno Redondo.
Instant Mobility workshop unveils future internet impact on mobility On 28 October 2011, the Instant Mobility project held a workshop in Brussels, Belgium, to present its innovative future scenarios and use cases to an audience of key stakeholders. The workshop mainly addressed cities and regions interested in exploring the potential of future internet technologies for solving their mobility and transport issues. Instant Mobility is a 2-year research project in the first phase of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) and aims to build a platform to host innovative future internet-based services to optimise travellers’ mobility, goods transport and traffic management. To this end, Instant Mobility has described and is analysing a set of scenarios and services corresponding to the needs of five key stakeholder groups: • • • •
multimodal travellers car drivers and passengers public and other collective transport operators truck fleet operators and the distribution industry • road operators and traffic managers The workshop brought together over 35 participants, including representatives of the cities of Rome, Toledo, Istanbul, Trondheim and the Basque Region. The objectives of the workshop were: • to explore the concerns and aims of the cities and other participants and how Internet-based solutions could help in solving them • to validate the Instant Mobility scenarios, understand what was missing or needed modifying • to start a dialogue with potential candidate cities to host a pilot implementation of Instant Mobility applications in the second phase of the FI PPP programme from mid-2013 Their main challenges identified by city participants were congestion (and its environmental consequences) and the need to
shift the balance from individual to collective transport modes. Efficient and sustainable management of goods distribution and commercial vehicles in cities, and the lack of reliable online information across transportation modes were also a concern. Internet technology could influence people to choose greener means of travel and transport through multimodal real-time and personalised information, and also online ticketing. Moreover the internet could help in collecting data from travellers and vehicle movements, and making real-time information accessible online. This would help travellers, improve overall traffic management and reduce environmental impact. In conclusion, Instant Mobility technologies and services could support a better collaboration between public and private mobility actors in a city. The project contributes to making mobility information more complete, reliable, transparent and available for users, and shows how future internet technologies can help to integrate existing services to create next-generation mobility for all. The next Instant Mobility workshop for transport and mobility stakeholders will be held in February 2012 (date and place to be confirmed). The purpose will be to identify the requirements of potential users for the future internetenabled transport and mobility applications to be developed in the project, as well as to identify cities’ interests in being a pilot trial site in the FI-PPP phase 2, where they would host demonstrations of the Instant Mobility applications in the areas of traveller assistance, smart city logistics, and virtual traffic management and control. For more information please visit the Instant Mobility website or contact Paul Kompfner.
Issue 11 - November 2011
SNCF, Orange, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Total join forces to create Ecomobilité Ventures SNCF, Orange, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Total have joined forces to create Ecomobilité Ventures, Europe’s first investment structure led by a group of industrial companies and dedicated to sustainable mobility. A total of €30 million will be used to invest in innovative young companies. For SNCF, Orange, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Total, the objective is to contribute to the emergence of a new mobility ecosystem that transcends traditional industry boundaries. The creation of new forms of sustainable mobility, driven by fastchanging practices and technologies-requires a synergistic mix of knowledge and skills. Combining the innovation capacity of vibrant young companies with the experience and expertise of Ecomobilité Ventures’ industrial partners will foster the development of new, sustainable solutions. Ecomobilité Ventures will acquire minority interests in European companies at the start-up or development stage and will support them over the long term. The segments targeted are sustainable mobility products, services and technologies and mobility-related clean technologies. The fund will invest in young companies offering solutions to the various issues in these areas. They will have to demonstrate their ability to be profitable on a stand-alone basis by leveraging a solid business model, as well as their potential to become leaders in their market segments. “The creation of Ecomobilité Ventures is fully aligned with SNCF’s strategy, which is to link different modes of transportation in order to offer our clients end-to-end solutions," says Bernard Emsellem, Executive Manager for Ecomobility at SNCF. “By creating this investment structure, we are bringing together a wide variety of strategically-related competencies to foster the
emergence of new forms of mobility and meet market expectations." “Mobility is integral to the challenges facing our society today,” comments Vivek Badrinath, Executive Vice President, Enterprise Communication Services, at Orange. “Information and communication technologies are a vital lever for optimising travel and energy resource management. Orange has been focusing on these issues for several years through a program dedicated entirely to smart cities. It is only natural for us to work alongside other innovation-driven companies, regardless of their business sector or size. It’s part of our everyday philosophy of action.” “The Ecomobilité Ventures project offers the group PSA Peugeot Citroën the opportunity to extend its commitment to community development and social cohesion beyond the automobile, and so to act as a stakeholder of the life of territories and social cohesion.” says Patrice-Henry Duchene, head of Sustainable Development at PSA Peugeot Citroën. “We’re proud to be taking part in this initiative,” says Manoelle Lepoutre, Executive Vice President, Sustainable Development and Environment at Total. “This is the first time that four major marketleaders have pooled their expertise to support innovative young enterprises. It’s a novel way of driving innovation in the area of sustainable mobility and enabling the development of new, more efficient solutions for our customers." For further information, please visit the Orange website.
AMITRAN launched to develop a CO2 assessment methodology for ITS Europe will undertake a further step to deepen the scientific underpinnings of CO2 emission estimation. AMITRAN, a new project which started on November 1st and will run until April 2014 will develop a methodology to assess the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on CO2 emissions stemming from the transport sector. The overarching goal is to ensure accuracy and comparability between the assessment of ITS measures in terms of carbon implications. Gerdien Klunder, AMITRAN’s coordinator and a researcher working for TNO, explains why the project was set up: “The ITS field is developing very rapidly. There are numerous technologies and applications under development, and quite a few already on the market. Despite this fact, there is no consistent methodology that allows scientists to estimate potential CO2 reductions arising from the deployment of such technologies. However, that information would be critically important for decision makers – in the context, for example, of climate change agreements.” From well-to-wheel The calculation of CO2 emissions arising from the transport sector is a complex task. The mobility system has numerous components (driver, vehicle, infrastructure, traffic centre, operator, etc.) and stages (energy production, vehicle operation, maintenance, etc.), each with an associated carbon footprint. Fuel consumption during vehicle operation, for example, contributes to around 60% of the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of a passenger car. Even electricity production for e-cars emits CO2, which in coal dependent countries such as Poland and Estonia can be quite significant. Pursuing a well-to-wheel approach is
therefore the only way of accurately assessing the carbon footprint of different transport modes. The AMITRAN project aims to “connect the dots” by developing a reference methodology to correctly estimate well-to-wheel emission reductions achieved by intelligent transport systems (ITS). Although there are several models already available, these tools usually concentrate on specific components of the mobility system and are not able to provide the holistic picture required by AMITRAN. For example, VISSIM is a microscopic multimodal traffic flow simulation model that can be used in conjunction with an emissions model to estimate CO2 emissions based on the characteristics of individual road users and vehicles. Although assembling the two models can yield very precise and fine grained emission estimations, these tools are not suitable to model changes in human behaviour brought about by the deployment of intelligent transport systems. Other models would need to be added in order to achieve a comprehensive framework capable of addressing the whole chain of impacts. AMITRAN will develop interfaces between appropriate models allowing them to “communicate” with each other. An encompassing multimodal framework One of the innovations in AMITRAN is its encompassing scope. The CO2 assessment methodology for ITS will address both passenger transport and freight through a multimodal approach that includes road, rail, and ship transport (specifically, short sea and inland navigation; long-haul maritime transport is excluded).
Issue 11 - November 2011
ICT may impact transport CO2 emissions through multiple pathways (see figure below).
his or her performance and recommendations on how to tackle driving inefficiencies.
Starting from the pre-trip phase, ICT might influence destination choice, route choice or even trip generation altogether. Mode choice is also subject to change, as public transport, for example, usually becomes more appealing once passengers are aware of expected schedules, fares and routes. During the on trip phase, a driver with a navigation device might be prompted to adjust his or her route, or might receive advice on how to adopt a more environmentally friendly driving style. Likewise, a public transport user who loses a transport connection will be informed about the next departure or even be suggested to change to another line or mode if such strategy is time saving. Several ITS applications, particularly those that link the infrastructure with vehicles and users, also influence CO2 emissions. Green waves at intersections, for example, typically result in 5 to 10% emission reductions, particularly if compact platoons are formed. For the freight sector, factors such as vehicle choice, load factor and, more importantly, the whole fleet management, have a substantial effect on fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Lastly, in the post-trip phase, the user receives feedback about
Project work plan AMITRAN’s work plan follows the system engineering V-model path. The project starts with the definition of user needs and use cases based on the active participation by relevant stakeholders. Then ITS applications will be grouped into categories according to the strength of their effect on CO2 emissions and according to the parameters through which their influence is exerted. Based on these results, the next stage involves the definition of system boundaries, system architecture and model requirements. Further developments include the methodological framework to assess CO2 emissions, the interfaces between existing models, and the identification of eventual gaps to be worked out. In addition, a methodology to scale up local results to the European level is proposed. Validation tasks are carried out by comparing AMITRAN results with those from selected research projects dealing with ITS. Finally an impact assessment will be performed using the methodology developed to demonstrate the effects of ITS on CO2 emissions, energy efficiency, driver behaviour, and traffic flow. Continued on the next page
NEWSLETTER ERTICO – ITS Europe is responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of results. JeanCharles Pandazis, head of ERTICO’s EcoMobility sector, explains that active participation of external partners will be sought: “Coordination and cooperation with the relevant players will be fundamental for the success of this project. We will invite organisations from sectors not currently represented in the consortium to have a seat at the Advisory Council, and we’ll keep open communication channels with other ongoing projects in the field of ITS.”
“Coordination and cooperation with the relevant players will be fundamental for the success of this project. We invite all interested organisations to join our Forum so they can keep in tune with project news and participate in the workshops. I believe this cooperation strategy is mutually beneficial. We’ll also keep open communication channels with other ongoing projects in the field of ITS, particularly in the field of greenhouse gas emissions.”
The final deliverable of AMITRAN will be a checklist and a handbook to be used as a methodological reference by future projects when assessing ITS benefits. Guidelines on how to conduct cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses of ITS measures will also be published. These documents will be freely available online along with supporting materials.
AMITRAN will run for 30 months until April 2014, and is co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (DG INFSO). The total project budget amounts to € 2,6 million. Seven organisations will cooperate as part of AMITRAN’s consortium: TNO (coordinator, the Netherlands), PTV – Planung Transport Verkehr (Germany), ERTICO – ITS Europe (Belgium), TECNALIA (Spain), DLR – Germany National Research Centre for Aeronautics and Space (Germany), ECORYS (the Netherlands), and TEAMNET (Romania).
Involving the stakeholders ERTICO – ITS Europe is responsible for WP7, which deals with the dissemination and exploitation of results. Jean-Charles Pandazis, head of ERTICO’s EcoMobility sector, explains that active participation of external partners will be sought:
Further information
To join the Forum, and for further information, please contact Gerdien Klunder, TNO, or Nuno Quental, ERTICO - ITS Europe.
Issue 11 - November 2011
The first interoperability testing event for cooperative systems unfolds On 14 to 17 November 2011, ERTICO – ITS Europe and the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) organised the first Interoperability testing event for Cooperative Mobility Services, hosted by TNO in Helmond (NL). Fifteen companies and research institutes participated in this week of intensive testing and demonstrations, 5 days which could very well be the starting point of a new phase towards the deployment of cooperative systems. Fifty-two participants, fifteen companies and research institutes from all over the world arrived on 14 November at the High Tech Automotive Campus, Helmond (NL), part of the TNO premises, for a week of interoperability testing of their ITS implementations. After only a couple of hours, the open workspace had been turned into a testing laboratory, where computers, ITS units and antennas were connected by a multitude of cables.
After half a day of set-up, the go-ahead was given by the organising team: Sebastian Müller (right), from the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), the Technical Coordinator of the Plugtests together with François Fischer (left), from ERTICO, and Sander Maas (middle), from TNO, the host of the Plugtests in the name of the Dutch Integrated Testsite Cooperative Mobility.
It meant for the participants a green light to start the test sessions. Throughout the week, the interoperability of the transport and networking layers of the ITS implementations was to be tested. In practice, it meant that company A and company B would install their ITS units in a face to face configuration and simulate a number of scenarios implying a communication between the two units. For each scenario, the two companies monitored the behaviour of their units, and made sure that they were following the test specifications.
Peek/TNO and Cohda during a test session Some test sessions happened under the umbrella of important European projects, such as DRIVE C2X and eCoMove. It was for their partners an important milestone to ensure the interoperability of the ITS units inside a project as well as between the two projects. The week was also the opportunity for the participants to test the conformance test, developed and installed on the spot by ETSI team. CTAG – the Galician Automotive Technology Centre – who joined the Plugtests with the cooperative ITS units developed in the context of the SISCOGA
NEWSLETTER project, performed a demonstration of their accident use case, which raised a high interest amongst the Plugtest participants.
For more information, please contact Sébastien Mure. On 17 November 2011, the co-organisers of the Plugtests ERTICO - ITS Europe, ETSI, and the host TNO, invited the ITS community to attend a workshop aimed at presenting to a wide audience the importance of Interoperability events for the deployment of cooperative systems. Some early results of the Plugtests were also presented. A round table discussion, chaired by Maxime Flament, was organised to discuss the needs of the ITS community in terms of interoperability testing, as well as conformance and performance testing.
In the picture above, Honda is executing the conformance test A final test session, nicknamed “all on the air” concluded the week of the interop event: instead of sending radio messages through cables in the face to face configuration, the participants were asked to send their messages over the air and at the same time.
Above: Maxime Flament (ERTICO), with Phil Pettitt (innovITS), Amira Horozovic (Honda R&D Europe), Igor Passchier (TNO) and Gérard Segarra (Renault). After the theory on Plugtests, the workshop participants were invited to visit the testing room to discover in a more practical way what Plugtests look like. It was also an opportunity for them to discuss with the participants. A good test to visualise the behaviour of the ITS implementations when several devices are emitting. This article is based on the ERTICO live blog of the Plugtests.
This important day was concluded by a networking cocktail where a crowd of more than 80 people could further exchange on the topic.
Issue 11 - November 2011
euroFOT Final Event “Unveiling the results of the first large-scale FOT of ADAS in Europe” When: 26-27 June 2012 Where: Autoworld, Brussels (Belgium) The euroFOT final event will take place at the Autoworld in Brussels, on 26-27 June 2012. On this occasion, the euroFOT project results will be unveiled to an audience of approximately 300 stakeholders (decision makers, businessmen, experts, OEMs, dealers, etc.) who will have the opportunity to discover and discuss the conclusions of the first largescale FOT of ADAS in Europe. The general objectives of euroFOT are to assess the impact from the usage of Intelligent Vehicle Systems, and to give indications for the deployment of ICT technologies for a safer, cleaner and more efficient transport system in Europe. Another objective of the project is the implementation of methods and initiatives for improving the awareness on the potential of Intelligent Vehicle Systems, and to create a wide socioeconomic acceptance. In this context, euroFOT aims to develop generally applicable methodologies for FOTs, so that the transferability of results to the overall European and global conditions is assured. The objectives of the event are twofold: • To raise awareness about the proven benefits of the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems which have been tested, assessed and evaluated during the project. • To underline that field operational testing is a powerful tool to gain insight into the way functions and systems suit the user when operated in real-world traffic conditions. Pre-register for the euroFOT Final Event now!
4th ETSI TC ITS Workshop - Call for presentations ETSI is organising the 4th ETSI TC ITS Workshop, Safe Smart and sustainable traffic via cooperative ITS, on 7-9 February 2012 in Doha (Qatar). The event is hosted by QU Wireless Innovation Centre. The workshop aims to present the progress made with regard to Cooperative ITS where the first release of ETSI standards are close to finalisation. This workshop will offer you the chance to learn about the recent standardisation activities and to discuss the objective of global interoperability & harmonised deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems. The following sessions/topics planned for the 4th ETSI TC ITS Workshop are as follows: Cooperative ITS: trials, lessons, improvements; ITS applications; Spectrum aspects; Security; Mandated ITS standardisation; A cooperative mandate, a natural next step; Management of interfaces, networks and data for ITS. If you wish to submit a contribution on any of the session/topics, please fill in the abstract template and send it to before 11 December 2011. Participation in the workshop is free of charge, and open to everyone.
TTS Italia conference "The new world of technological systems for mobility - demand and supply meet" On 28 and 29 November 2011 TTS Italia and Club Italia will organise a conference "The New World of Technological Systems for Mobility – Demand and Supply meet" in Bologna, Italy. The conference will provide the opportunity to present and discuss best practice related to technological innovation for national mobility of goods and people, paying particular attention to issues such as environmental sustainability, especially in the context of the imminent adoption of the European Directive on ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) by Italy, expected by 27 February 2012. The conference aims also to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas between demand-side stakeholders (central and local public institutions, public transport companies, mobility agencies, associations, etc.) and supply-side stakeholders (producers, providers, etc.). The event will focus on opportunities and challenges to promote innovation and development processes within the transport sector. The conference is composed of three sessions focusing on different aspects of mobility: technologies for sustainable mobility; systems for integrated payment; and technologies for public transport. Additionally, two round-tables are foreseen to discuss the implementation of the ITS National Plan and the role of ITS within urban and metropolitan contexts respectively. For further information, visit TTS Italia website (in Italian)
Issue 11 - November 2011
ERTICO Forum “ITS for Urban Mobility” Urban Mobility – better mobility, better cities Date: 1 December 2011 Location: Brussels, Belgium Open to ERTICO Partners and i-Mobility Network Plus Members Live streaming for ERTICO Partners and i-Mobility Network Plus Members Growing prosperity creates growing demand for mobility of people and goods especially in urban areas. At the same time, urban areas have limitations concerning accommodating the increased mobility demand in terms of increasing road and parking infrastructure. Moreover, congestion problems, mostly present in and around urban areas, cost the European countries nearly 100 billion Euro, or 1% of the EU's GDP, every year. Added to this is the cost of pollution and concerns about urban road safety. Sustaining the mobility needs of the European citizen whilst tackling the negative effects of transport will be a real challenge for European cities in the next decade. The ERTICO Forum on Urban Mobility will examine and debate Urban Mobility issues, covering but not limited to the following four discussion areas: • What do cities want? Challenges and ambitions for cities • What can ITS deliver? ITS solutions for cities • What can help ITS deployment? • What are the existing success stories? Where has ITS been successfully implemented? On 12 January 2012 there will be a follow-up webinar examining issues raised in the Forum. Download the Draft Agenda. Click here for travel, hotel and venue information. To register for this event, please use the following link. Please note that ERTICO-ITS Europe Partners, iMobility Network Plus Members and city authorities can register to this event for free. For all other attendees, a 300 Euro registration fee applies. Non-members can register for the event by sending an email to
Issue 09 - September 2011
Forthcoming Events 1 December
2-11 December
ERTICO Forum “ITS for Urban Mobility”
42nd Tokyo Motor Show
Brussels, Belgium
Tokyo, Japan
2 December
5 December EESC - EC Conference White Paper
In-Time Webinar Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium
2011 Annual Polis Conference, Brussels, Belgium 29-30 November 2011 ITS Australia Awards 2011 30 November 2011 ERTICO Forum “ITS for Urban Mobility”, Brussels, Belgium 1 December 2011 Czech ITS Forum “Door-to-Door Seamless Mobility & Public Transportation Management”, Brussels 1 December 2011 Webinar: In-Time “Multi-modal real time traffic and travel information for all!”, Brussels, Belgium 2 December 2011 42nd Tokyo Motor Show 2011, Tokyo, Japan 2-11 December 2011 EESC – EC Conference on the White Paper on Transport, Brussels, Belgium 5 December 2011 Gulf Traffic 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 12-14 December 2011 CATCH Final Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom 13 December 2011
For more events information, please visit the ERTICO website by clicking here
Don’t forget to check out the latest issue of Transport Business International Please note that the news and information included in the articles do not necessarily represent the views of ERTICO itself and the source quoted should be consulted for more information.
If you would like to comment on this service or send us your news for next issue, please send any feedback to
ERTICO - ITS Europe Blue Tower, Avenue Louise 326 , B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 400 0700 Fax: +32 (0)2 400 0701
Editorial team: Henry Wasung Carla Coppola Nicolas White