Press release - In-Time goes public!

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Press release: Intelligent and efficient travel management for European cities Time for greener moving. In-Time goes public! Vienna, 25/1/2011 The In-Time launch event took place on 25 January 2010 in Vienna, Austria. High level participants from industry and service providers and city and regional representatives had the opportunity to critically examine the In-Time project’s achievements and aims, the technical solutions to be deployed and the progress and models of the six in-Time Pilot cities - Brno, Bucharest, Florence, Munich, Oslo and Vienna. The event opened with an introduction from Bernhard Engleder (City of Vienna) and a project overview from Martin Boehm (Project Coordinator, AustriaTech). Participants then had the opportunity to visit the In-Time demonstration area, where In-Time project partners were on hand to explain and answer questions on their contributions to the project. Bernhard Engleder (City of Vienna) underlined that “…cooperation with the InTime project is very important for a city like Vienna enabling us to offer high level traffic information service in the Vienna Region to all…” Martin Boehm (Project Coordinator, AustriaTech) said, “The extensive developments of the last 1.5 years have borne fruit for all Martin Boehm, In-Time Project Coordinator

In-Time In-Time project partners. We can now start the important pilot phase that will contribute to the successful realisation and continuation of In-Time services.” The In-Time project was then described and discussed in three sessions. The first session focussed on the In-Time concept and its expected impacts. The second delved into the technical architecture and end user solutions from the three InTime Traveller Information Service Providers. Finally, the third session examined how interested public authorities and companies can become involved in the InTime project. Bernhard Engleder (City of Vienna) noted that “The next challenge will be to connect the regions throughout Europe and to set common standards for data quality, services and usability. In this context, In-Time is a very important next step and can be called an outstanding best practice example for innovative traffic services and transnational cooperation.” Finally, Martin Boehm Project Coordinator, AustriaTech) wrapped up proceedings, “In-Time will give users the unique possibility to optimise their travel routes in cities and to change their travel habits in a more environmental friendly way without any effort. This service could not only enhance the user´s comfort in travelling, but also help to achieve goals like CO2 reduction or the better use of capacity in transport in urban areas.” Samson Tsegay (Mizar) demonstrates In-Time

Vincent Maenhaut (Geo Solutions) with the In-Time System on Microsoft Windows Mobile

In-Time Contacts: Project information: Martin.Boehm, Gerald.Lamprecht Phone: +43 1 26 33 444 AustriaTech Press information (including photos): Henry Wasung

Katharina Schüller

+32 (0)2 400 07 40

+43 1 26 33 444-48


AustriaTech GmbH

Note to the editor: In-Time will pilot and validate an innovative pan-European approach to Real Time Traffic and Travel Information (RTTI) services. The reliable and real-time delivery of these services to the individual traveller and to traffic management centres is likely to reduce drastically energy consumption in urban areas, across different modes of transport. The traveller is expected to change his travel behaviour according to the information he/she receives, opting for the most efficient and quickest modes for his/her travel journey. In-Time is a Policy Support Programme supported by the European Commission Seventh Framework programme of Information Society Technologies. In-Time is a response to the European ICT PSP second call for proposals 2008, addressing Objective 2.2 ICT - for adaptive urban transport management infrastructure and services. Duration: Total cost: EC contribution: Coordinator: Partners:

36 Months, starting from the first of 1st April 2009 €4.58 Million €2.29 Million Austria Tech Telematix, Brimatech, Teleatlas, Mizar, Austro Control, micKS, Geo Solutions, Brněnské komunikace, ATAF, Softeco Sismat, Verkehrsverbund Ost, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, SINTEF, ASFINAG, Fluidtime, ERTICO, PTV, Swarco, Arsenal Research, Memex, TelMap


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