Great Carpathian mountain system begins near Bratislava (Slovakia) and ends in the southeast near Iron Gate (Romania). The length of the Carpathians about 1500 km. From three sides surrounded by Central European lowland they.
First name Carpathians is mentioned in the second century AD, the Roman writer Claudius Ptolemy.
Geological development Carpathian mountain arc and adjacent thereto hills, plains and highlands were complex geological development path. Nowadays, this area is in the intermediate state. This resulted in intense tectonic movements, and at the same time do not come during the full consolidation and stability characteristic of platforms.
With increasing altitude in the mountains there is a natural decrease in temperature. It explains the rarefied air, where intense heat radiated from the ground.
Dniester tributary Candle tributary Myzunka tributary Sukil tributary Stry inflow resistance Pruth tributary Cheremos White Cheremosh tributary tributary Putila tributary of the Black Cheremosh Putila Siret Tisa White tributary Tisa tributary Borzhava tributary Latorica tributary Tereblya tributary Teresva tributary Tyachevets tributary of the Black Water (magician) Black tributary Tisa Oh tributary tributary of the Turia
SOIL Carpathians For mountain soils typical latitudinal zonation in the plain and vertical zonation in the mountains. In the Carpathians are three types of soil: brown ashed, mountain podzol and mountain meadow.
Highlight of the Carpathians
WILDLIFE Carpathians
Birds Carpathians ď ľ
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It would be difficult to imagine Carpathians without birdsong. The diverse chorus of birds has 180 artists, half of all bird genus Ukraine. And perhaps the most captivating heart Highlanders song grouse - a typical inhabitant of the Carpathian highlands and co pipit Satellite sheep.
International Biosphere Reserve "Eastern Carpathians" Carpathian reserve "Gorgan" CBR National Park "Synevyr" National Park "Vizhnitsky" National Park "Skole Beskids" Apshynetskyy reserve Bradulske reserve Uholskyi yew, beech Reserve