String theory is a design proposal at understanding the very large and very small, situated in a complex universe with a number of dimensions and biological factors.
Preliminary Design Studio BARC0182 Term1
- Edward Witten
The River Lea is one of the many tributaries connected to the Thames Estuary, making it a dynamic environment with brackish water and large tidal shifts. As a result of its location however, the River Lea has been polluted with sewage since the Industrial Era and in the past 10 years, been subject to heavy urban development along its bank. The Cody Dock team have watched over the river, testing for water quality and invertebrates, but have reported several issues of concern, such as low levels of insects and fish, traces of lead and cadmium in the water, and regular trash sightings. Dry conditions cause drought and low river flows allows for the proportion of contaminated water, where increased rainfall causes added contaminants from industrial runoff and grit and puts the surrounding area at risk of flood and further contamination. With all of the pollution it has faced as part of the Thames- the rivers have lost almost 90% of their freshwater mussel population including species Anodonta anatina and Anodonta cygnea (The Duck and Swan Mussel)
String theory is a project that intends to restore the freshwater mussel population to the rivers, as well as employ the mussels to help rehabilitate the river. Mussels are filter feeders capable of filtering 5-10 liters of seawater a day, and have outstanding benefits to the benthic community by aiding in nutrient cycling and habitat restoration. String theory proposes and hydrogel integrated woven system that seeks to collect and cultivate biofilm to support the mussel community, while also attracting fish who are important to the mussel’s life cycle.
String theory is a design attempt at understanding the very large and very small, situated in a complex site affected with a number of dimensions and biological factors.
If we are to create a solution beneficial to multiple forms of nature, we need to be able to think ‘quantumly’: equating the very small with the very large in a system that is relative to the time and space by which it functions
String Theory, is my attempt at exactly this. A potential sollution to a problem happening on an environmental/universal scale by assisting processes happening at micro meso and macro levels of biology.
Special Thanks to:
Shneel Malik: Hydrogel recipies and design expertise
Prantar Tumuli: Relation of Biology to Quantum Entanglement
Gino Brignoli, Alisa Graham-Brown: Cody Dock Educators and Staff
This project is dedicated to marine biologist and dear friend Reagan WIlliams, whose passion for shellfish aquaculture helped enable this idea and bring a complex vision to life.
THE THEOREM . . . . . . . . . . p 6
THE MULTIVERSE . . . . . . . . . . p 8-9
p 10-14
THE CHORDS . . . .
p 15-17
. . . . p 18-21
p 22-29
p 30-33
p 34
Biology as a Quantum Computer
Quantum computers are able to “poly-compute” or simultaneously process different investigations at different scales. In living organisms, cellular intelligence is able to produce a range of different functions at cumulative scales to yield almost infinte results
“wrangle” is a popular word when using computers- it refers to a computers ability to process several different operations into a unified process or result. Being able to wrangle demonstrates your ability to turn raw data into a readily available process. As designers, we need to learn how to wrangle.
The Qubit
A qubit is identified by its ability to exist as a superposition of several states in any given moment. This means its range of functions is infinite between 1 and 0 - or in a constant vibrating loop between the two. 1
The lower Thames has faced problems of excess of nutrients and particulate matter (from nearby industry, agricultural and sewage dumps), hypoxia (a lack of useable oxygen), harmful algae blooms (that feed off excess nutrients), turbid water, (upwelling of contaminated sediment into water flows) and loss of benthic flora and fauna, leading to the Thames being declares “biologically dead” in the 1950’s
Loss of Biological Life
As part of the Thame’s condemnation as “biologically dead” a recent study that sought to mimic an original survey from 1966 found that only 5% of the freshwater mussel population was left in the River in comparison to the original data. Anodonta anatina (Duck Mussel) decreased to 1.1% of the original density, while Anodonta cygnea (Swan Mussel) fell to 2.4% of the original density. [Ollard & Aldridge 2022]
In addition to this, the Cody Dock research team cited an insect decline was impacting the river- meaning freshwater invertebrates that are important to ecosystems were missing from current surveys.
Aims of The Thames Estuary 2100 Plan
Take an adaptive approach to manage tidal flooding and create climate resilient communities.
Deliver social, cultural and commercial benefits for communities and support resilient growth.
Restore ecosystems, reduce carbon emissions, and deliver environmental and biodiversity
Figure 1 : Descriptive Map of Thames Estuary Environment Agency, Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100), GOV.UK. (2023)
“A Multiverse is a system of Universes with events parallel to our own —
Photo of the Thames showing disscoloration of water from nearby industry, agriculture and other harmful practices happening alongside the river. Orange likely indicates metal oxides, where green indicates excess nutrients and eutrophication beginning.
85km long with 9km functioning as tidal estuary
The river has been a place for the dumping of sewage and had its aquifers in the lower portion contaminated by both industrial and agricultural practices. Thames Water released sewage into the River Lee and its tributaries 1,060 times in 2023.
Dry conditions cause drought and low river flows allows for the proportion of contaminated water, where increased rainfall causes added contaminants from industrial runoff and grit and puts the surrounding area at risk of flood and further contamination.Restore ecosystems, reduce carbon emissions, and deliver environmental and biodiversity net gain.
Dock Wildlife Sightings Board indicating what species are living in the immediate area to be included in consideration.
Upper Lea
Lower Lea
Table 1 : Water Quality Readings From: Snook, D. Water quality and ecology of the River Lea: Mass balance and a review of temporal and spatial data (2008).
Cody Dock
Cody Dock is a non-profit organization that works to restore London’s connection to natural waterways. They are responsible for implementing the walkways around the River Lea and monitor the water and invertebrate counts of the river every month. Outside Cody Dock was the selected site where experimentation took place.
“Tidal Lea Ecology Diagram” from Cody Dock, demonstarating range of wildlife dependent on the intertidal area of the
Lea and affected by contaminants and polution.
— each universe is alike/different based on the way the strings vibrate and how the dimensions are formed.
Filtration: A single mussel can filter between 5 and 10 litres of seawater, collecting 15 mg to 150 mg of particulate matter per hour. In Roditi et al [1996] it was estimated that the population of mussels in the Hudson River were capable of filtering the entire estuary every 1-4 days. The particle matter collected could be anything from cyanobacteria and phytoplankton, to contaminated sediment and microplastics. Anything undigested by the mussels is packaged in mucus and deposited as pseudofeces, where the mucus coating increases the remineralization of the sediment and promotes denitrification.
m = filtration rate
M = volume of farm system
n = number of mussels
C1 = initial concentration
C2 = final concentration
t = elapsed time
Primary food source: phyto-plankton cyanobacteria detritus organic particulate matter
Secondary filtering capability: harmful nitrogen + phosphorus heavy metals microplastics
Figure 2 : Filteting Rate of Freshwater Zebra Mussels. Records rate of chlorophyll feeding (triangles), micro-spheres (circles), and total suspended weight of particulate matter (squares). X axis records time in minutes, Y axis calculates fraction remaining of particulate matter in tank. From Roditi, et al. Filtration of Hudson River water by the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Estuaries 19, 824–832 (1996).
Digestive Tract
Posterior Abductor
Mouth Palps
Aneterior Abductor Foot Gills
Byssus Threads
Water with Contaminated Sediment
Figure 2 : Descriptive Drawings of Freshwater Mussel Filtration. Section with internal organs (left): Gills are coated with mucus to collect sediment, contaminated water is pushed through the interior organs using the foot. Clean water is pushed out the Exhalent Siphon (right) Particulate mater undigested is spit out compact-mucus coated pseudofeces. Hand Drawn.Restore
Life Cycle: Unlike other bivalves mussels reproduce sexually through the use of spat’ to fertilize embryos. The embryos called Glychodia are released into the water and attach onto a fish host . Once it metamorphosizes into a juvenile mussel and is too heavy to carry, it is dropped by fish further down in the river, where a new population can start to grow.
Bio Remediation: One population of mussels can lead to the restoration of the species in the River Lea and greater Thames estuary. In addition, a mussel habitat acts like a reef , providing habitat for invertebrates and fish species. Studies have pointed to mussel populations as aids to biodiversity [Murray et al. 2007 ]. Mussels can also provide a larger variety and biomass of associated invertebrates and fish than a similar area without farms. [Shumway et al. 2003]
Carbon Sequestration: Mussels are natural carbon sinks as they use carbon dioxide to build their shells, turning it into Calcium Carbonate, which is removed from the environment when the mussels are harvested. The carbon sequestered in the shells of the mussels harvested amounts to 218 kg CO2-eq per tonne of mussels harvested. [J.P. Hickey 2009]
Inorganic Phosporus from Sewage and Run-off
Inorganic Nitrogen from Sewage and Run-off
in Pseudofeces
Nitrogen & Phosphorous Cycles with the presence of Mussels. Mussels feed on phytoplankton, the nitrogen and phosphate from the primary producers is stored in the mussels, and removed when the mussels are harvested. The presence of mussels enhances dentrification and promotes the growth of phytoplankton through the release of ammonia in the water. Created in Adobe Illustrator.
Swan Mussel (Anodonta cygnea)
Duck Mussel (Anodonta anatina)
Invertebrates are mediators for the health of most freshwater ecosystems. When mussels drop pseudofeces- the coated sediment can be used by Caddisfly Larvae and Difflugia (freshwater amoeba) as protective casings or shells.
Fish have the potential to benefit indirectly from the system as the number of invertebrates increases providing a food source, and optimizing the system for fish-interactions can further the repopulation of mussel species in the river.
Figure 4: Mathematical Model showing relationships between Fish density, Mussel density and Nutrient density, where Fish and Mussels are complementary. From From Gazi et al, Integration of mussel in fish farm: Mathematical model and analysis (2008)
“Quantum Mechanics descrives the behavior of the very very small (atoms/ subatomic particles) while General Relativity governs the very large.”
Caddisfly (larvae)
Figure 3 : Shells created from sediment by Freshwater Ameoba’s and Caddisfly larvae. From B.J. Ford, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 131 (2017)
System (left) (no knots) Net System (right) (knotted)
Two 4cm x 4cm x 8cm were cast into the River on a 2m line, and dragged through top layer of bio film for collection.
Models were casted 10 times
Data taken: 15:30 on 18/10
Water Conditions: High Tide, Current at 2m/s
- Biofilm capture was most effective in sharp corners or ‘vertices’ of the model.
- Density at the top was more effective than density at the middle, due to biofilm collecting at the river’s surface.
- Knots aided in collection only minimally in comparison to a sharp corner.
- Trash and other debris were likely to collect at the edges of the system but not penetrate the middle layers.
- Steel Mesh collected more overall than the strings, due openings being more compacted.
Preliminary Considerations:
- Floating models are better attractors due to proximity to biofilm at surface. Floating models are also better attractors of fish.
- Using a woven system would be more effective than a simple net as it would allow for smaller openings and more layers for biofilm to be trapped in.
- Having large openings at the bottom decreases contact with densely populated Asian Clams and will allow for fish to pass through.
- Using moss balls/vegetative knots can monitor ammonia levels and serve other niches in the river.
Proposal: A floating woven system with vegetative knots, designed to maximize sharp corners and overlap, with increasing density from bottom to top.
“the mass charge and spin of subatomic particles of our universe are determined by the vibrations of the loop””
Preliminary Diagram of proposed framework for net-system. Feeding net for biofilm collection + invertebrates; Farming net for mussels + support vegetation; Spawining net for fish interactions + spat collection.
“There is geometry in the humming is music in the spacing of
Model at rest
Model in tension
humming of the strings, and there spheres” —Pythagoras
Spanish Moss or (Tillandsia usneoides) was experimented with due to its amazing water retention properties and epiphytic nature.
Spanish Moss grows in humid subtropical climates where it rests on trees without taking nutrients from the branches. Instead, due to its ability to hold 10x its weight in water, it can be a support for nearyby flora in drought periods.
Spanish Moss also exhibited interesting structural propertiesand was able both to be woven/ braided (below) and arranged into a hanging model with supportive layers (left).
Banana Fibers were experimented with due to their wide availability and easy execution. They presented no beneficial interactions with water however, and when dried were too brittle to mold into a woven model.
Model using Spanish Moss
Banana Fiber on Drying Rack
Spanish Moss Braiding
Banana Peels soaking and drying for processing
Inspiration: Mussel Byssus Threads present extraordinary mechanical properties that aligned with the needs of the system. Byssus threads exhibit impeccable underwater adhesion, able to stick to several substrates, including glass, plastic, and metal; as well as being self-healing and naturally biocompatible. Most important is it’s elasticity and strength allowing threads to be several times the length of the mussel, and can carry several times its weight through high stress and strain environments, such as fast water current movement, and desiccation.
Figure 5 : Properties of Mussel Byssus Threads. Model of collagen distribution across mussel byssus threads. Demonstrates stronger, collagen and silk-like properties at the adhesive end of the string and elastic qualities from the proximal “stem” From Qin X, Waite JH. Exotic collagen gradients in the byssus of the mussel Mytilus edulis. J Exp Biol. 1995 Mar 1;198(3):633-44.
Strength: Needed as the growing mussels will add weight and put strain on the system.
Elasticity: Important for expansion and contraction of the reef during extreme tidal changes
Underwater Adhesion: Affects the ability for the system to have increased resistance to strain caused by fast moving currents as well as binding mussels to the strings.
Bio-Compatibility: Interactions with biofilm and microorganisms will increase food availability for mussels and support the system as a whole.
Desiccation Resistance: In cases of extreme tidal shifts and drought the system needs to be able to retain water and nutrients.
Hydrogel Inclusion: Hydrogel exhibits excellent water and nutrient holding capabilities.
Hydrogel mixed with Chitosan could support biofilm capture and nutrient allocation for the mussels
Hydrogel mixed with Glycerine and Xanthan Gum could allow for added elasticity and water-holding capacities
Hydrogel mixed with Marine Collagen could act similarly to the collagen network of a Mussel’s Byssus Thread
Chitosan Hydrogel in curing bath.
“Physics is the structural harmony on which you can write the notes of the vibrating strings —
- Gel 1 cured with multiple air pockets, air pockets could indicate biofilm collection ability or possibility of inoculation with bacteria culture
- Gel 2 took the longest time to dry out but had the most shrinkage upon drying
- Gel 1 was more solid upon completion of curing
- Gel 1 dried out quicker than other formulas
- Gel 1 was malleable and able to be woven, braided and twisted if light pressure was used.
- Gel turned very small and brittle upon drying, but held internal strength and did not crumble.
Woven mesh of Hydrogel and Jute fiber
- Gel 2 did not retain strength or structural properties after drying, crumbling when moved.
- Gel 2 left residue on hands and surfaces
- Xanthan Gum did not appear to help Gel 2’s ability to be elastic
- Gel 2 was the weakest, unable to be woven or braided and breaking while still in wet stage, unable to hold its own weight.
Weaving Tests
- Gel 3 had the best internal strength, able to be woven into itself, twisted into itself, braided and was capable of holding its weight without breaking.
- Gel 3 had a more clouded/opaque color when dyed.
- Gel 3 had the best moisture retention-able to last days before drying out
- Gel 3 felt thick and heavy upon curing, denser than the other two formulas.
- Gel 3 held some elasticity and was able to be held in tension
- Gel 3 had a fish-like odor
- Strings produced by Gel 3 were the longest.
The Chitosan-Hydrogel (blue) preformed the best when attempting to weave it into a different fiber. It was stronger and held mor resistance than the other two samples. Even after drying was it was able to stay woven without breaking, turning into a hard self-structured mesh by the time it was presented.
The Glycerine + Gum Hydrogel (teal) preformed the least, breaking easily when being pulled on and despite the expectation of glycerine to act like a filler-increasing its water holding capability, this hydrogel had the most shrinkage after drying.
The Collagen-Hydrogel was chosen for the physical model (pg26).
chemistry is the melody, the food for the harmony, on which the variations of the song is understood” —Michio Kaku
THE CHORDS: The Hydrogel Models
Everything is composed of tiny wiggling pitch of a string’s vibration controls its
Birds Eye View
Feeding Net
The Feeding Net (blue) is modeled after the Chitosan Hydrogel and has most of its desnity on the outer rim and center, stretching the entire top of the hydrogel system. It’s purpose is to maximize availability of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria as a food source for mussels through the collection of biofilm. It adds additional surface to the top of the net to allow for invertebrates such as caddisflies and damselflies to lay eggs.
Farming Net
The Farming Net (green) is modeled after the Marine Collagen Hydrogel and has the most density in the center and exists towards the middle of the model. It is the main level for the mussels cultivation and has the most interaction with the system as a whole. It sustains large openings to be sure fish can pass through and can be inoculated with a bacteria culture as additional nutrient support.
Birds Eye View
Birds Eye View
THE CHORDS: The Woven Model
Density is decreased by controlling aperture sizes of the kagome weave. The densest parts occur in a ring around the center of the model, as a protective barrier from larger debris.
The bottom plane acts as a cover to protect against Asian Clams over-taking the system, and doubles as a spat collector when harvested. Adding vegetation to the bottom layer increases the range of niches the system can support, providing habitats for bottom feeders and crustaceans.
“In order to understand String Theory, break the concepts on which we’ve based
Birds Eye View
Apertures at 8cm
Apertures at 4 cm
Apertures at 2 cm
Model triangulated based on foldings before generating kagome weave
Hydrogel Inspired by Sample 2
Kagome was selected as a weaving pattern due to its variation of large to small apertures, and allows for overlap in 3 directions, maximizing the chances of biofilm capture. Kagome also has inherent structural properties,making it a popular choice for architecural investigations.
The woven model also includes far-reaching ‘arms’, allowing them to be variable in connections to terrain, the river’s walls, a floating platform, a frame and other nets in the system. Keeping the arms in tension will stop the system from moving with the tide, turning it into a stand alone structure. The addition of the arms allows the model to change shapes for the specific terrain of any site it is placed in.
some new idea will be required and based physical history” — David Gross
A bio-compatible hydrogel is woven through out to add moisture during low tide to prevent desiccation. Net
Populated with Mussels
Integration with larger hydrogel network
Integration with larger hydrogel network
“The fabric of our universe is a richly intertwined multidimensional verse twist and vibrate, rhythmically beating
Birds Eye View
Birds Eye View
Chitosan Hydrogel
Collagen Hydrogel
Integration with Net
Integration with Net
multidimensional labyrinth whithin which the strings of the of the unibeating out the lays of nature” — Brian Greene
“Equations that really work in simplicity are very elegant and
“The wonders of life and the universe are gaged in pointless dance fully choreographed
Physical Model showing Hydrogel Weaving
Houdini Model showing Mussel Grouping and Attachment
Blender Model showing Vegetative Integration
Blender Model showing Vegetative Capture
Heat Mapping
The physical model was constructed with a wooden frame, turning what would be fluid geometry into a rigid system. When taken off the frame, the model can be stretched into any shape.
The computer model allowed for densities of mussels and plants to be explored, as well as site integration.
The main concerns of the system are the possibility of desiccation, due to extended times out of the water, additionally, competition with the invasive species (Asian clam), and a life cycle analysis were conducted.
Heat transfer throughout the net was modeled to see points of possible decay due to intense solar radiation. The warmest points (seen in red) are isolated to the arms of the woven net and in plan view (left) the south-western corner.
This model does not account for heat transfer through water, so predicted temperatures by the model below 4m are likely to be colder than seen here.
Ability of the model to move with tides was simulated in Houdini and later modeled in Blender.
Desiccation resistance was best tested in the physical model, where the collagen hydrogel was used.
While shrinkage did occur, the structural integrity of the model did not change, as well as the strength of the gell itself, was able to hold itself in tension among the other strings.
The model was also able to be re-hydrated when re-introduced to water in the form of mist.
“You really need a theory of everything and the only canditate is String
Tidal Flux
Desiccation Resistance
View of system submerged in water
Heat mapping of Net Model
Model at low tide
Nutrient availability is the main factor for Mussel growth and viability, so there will likely be a decrease in available nutrients during the first few years of the system. Since the net system is designed to be an attractor of algae and biofilm, the mussels are likely to take nutrients away from the invasive Asian Clam that crowds the bottom of the River Lea.
This can be a problem should a die-off of these clams occur, as ammonia would be released in large levels that could be toxic to mussels and other forms of life.
Ammonia monitoring and Nitrification are essential to the success of the system.
Life Cycle
Anodonta anatina (Duck Mussel) usually takes 2 to 4 years to reach sexual maturity, whereas Anodonta cygnea (Swan Mussel) takes 3 to 5 but since the viability of Glichodia offspring can depend on water quality, as well as the speed of mussel growth, it may take 6 years for restoration of freshwater mussel populations.
This time can be shortened by having adult mussels integrated into the first generation so spawning would be attempted instantaneously with filtration and carbon sequestration.
On top of this, Duck Mussels typically live for 10-12 years, whereas Swan Mussels can last much longer, 1020 years. This means the system can be self-supportive for 10 years if routinely cleaned of large debris and ammonia levels are monitored.
Once mussels start to show signs of die-off and require harvesting, there are still uses for the now calcium-rich shells.
Shells tested to have heavy metals can be used as aggregate for concrete, trapping their pollution and carbon inside the material. (Garcia et al. 2017)
Other shells can be used as a natural pesticide, where it using mussel shell mulch can decrease the number of insects by 69% and increase yield by 28%. (Gonzales-Chang et al. 2017)
Mussel shells and byssial threads are shown to be capable of removing dyes from wastewater, as well as phosphorous removal. (Papadimitriou et al. 2017) (Paradelo et al. 2016)
Corbicula fluminea (Asian Clam)
Figure 6 : Beetle Behavior on control (red) and vines treated with mussel shell mulch (yellow) at Withering Hills Figure shows significant decrease in flying/hovering activity (plot a) and landind/eating activity (plot b) FromGonzales-Chang M, Boyer S, Creasy GL, Lefort MC, Wratten SD, Mussel shell mulch can increase vineyard sustainabilityby changing scarab pest behavior. Agronomy for SustainaibleDevevolpemt, 2017; 37: 42
Views above and below waterline
Site Plan showing nets at different scales.
“According to String Theory, what appears to be empty space is frequencies that create the 4 dimensions you and I call
“If we are to create a solution beneficial to multiple forms of the very small with the very large in a system that is
of nature, we need to be able to think ‘quantumly’: equating relative to the time and space by which it functions”
Looking ahead, the main goal of the mussel nets is to restore biodiversity lost by extensive pollution from land use. However, the land use and construction around the River Lea are supposed to proceed in the future, as housing developers buy up the river’s south bank. Accepting the proposal and integrating the system could counteract more contaminants that seep into the River, but will also present more challenges as the mussels struggle against the pollutants.
There are also concerns about the invasive Zebra Mussel spreading to the River Lea, and contributing to competition the mussels will face- integrating the system now when they are not present could work against delaying their arrival, as the net will work like a nutrient sink, drawing food away from invasives.
The implication of a system like this will also inspire more people to participate in cleaning efforts of the River to protect species that will use the nets as habitat. As the mussels repopulate the river, the hope is that their benefits will spread as well, creating a positive feedback loop that will bio-remediate the ecosystem.
“Quantum Technology is being touted as the
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Artwork and Diagrams were made with Adobe Stock, I acknowledge that Adobe Stock contains AI generated artwork.
All diagrams and drawings were made by me unless otherwise cited.
Hydrogel Recipies were insipred by Shneel Malik.