7 minute read
from April Issue 2021
Healthy Living
Syeda Aziza Fatima (Samia) from @thenutricaid, Dietitian
also known as a food therapist as she believes in eating healthy & it is the best form of self-respect. She has pursued Nutrition & Dietetics to help & guide everybody towards learning the art of healthy living. Cooking is one of her passion and she loves to indulge in high nutrition along with tasty food. She’d love to prioritize & modify the lifestyles for healthy living.
As a Dietitian, I believe health is our wealth and a healthy outside starts from a healthy inside. So together let us experience the art of healthy living by eating right. The “Nutricaid” is my own virtual clinic setup which means Nutritional assistance / guide/ help/ support etc. “Nutricaid” is an initiative to guide everybody towards the art of learning healthy living with nutritional therapy. We present various nutritional therapies with easy-going diets based on one’s needs. Our motto is to steer you through the journey of a healthy and productive life. Our assistance will be available via social media platforms until desired goals are achieved & one on one consultation along with nutritional counseling will be delivered.

• Stay hydrated (at least 3l per day) • Sleep well (at least 8-9 hours per day) • Avoid stress • Exercise daily • Eat without distractions (No tv, no phones) • Eat small and frequent meals.
• Instead of refined foods like maida go for whole grains like whole wheat flour, oats, brown rice etc • Avoid Red meat, organ meat; instead go for chicken & fish; you can have it once or twice a week. You can use methods like steam, boil, and grill or bake to cook them. • Use low fat or skimmed milk instead of cow or buffalo milk. • Include more fiber in your diet. at least 2 servings(200-300gms) of fruits & 3 servings (300-500gms ) of veggies per day • Use not more than 4 tsp 10-20 ml
Unrefined oil in a day. • Use not more than 1-2 tsp (5-10gms) of salt in a day. • Avoid sodas, preservative juices; instead go for natural drinks like lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk, sugar cane juice. • Avoid fried foods, processed food & junk. • Avoid packages snacks ; instead go for sprouts , chana, rice or bajra flakes, puffed rice , stock etc. • Engage in physical activities like walking for 30-40 minutes per day.
Instagram: @thenutricaid Facebook: @thenutricaid Whatsapp: +918341869052
Inheriting the Positive Attitude

-By Bidisha Barik
The awareness of therapeutic journaling was raised in the 1960s when Psychologist Dr Pogoff began offering workshops in “Intensive Journal Method” and published three books that promoted journal writing for personal growth. Later, when public school systems included journal writing in their English classes - these journals were academic - teachers noticed the simple assignments often revealed a lot about the student’s emotional life. Journals serve different purposes with its different types- for writers: it serves as collecting their thoughts, catalogue of their ideas either with unstructured writing or prompts and for non-writers, it serves as a practice of maintaining records of daily events, to-do-lists or gratitude journaling which focuses solely on the positives of your life - gratitude journaling is an effective way to boost your self-esteem and help in personal well-being. The consistency with journaling creates awareness of thoughts. It helps in engaging with their insights while putting them down in a writing format without any filter. It builds a way to self-discovery and reflects a hue of positive ideas that ease the battle
with the negative thoughts or act as a problem-solving technique. In this process, one will have a bunch of self-development records, which they can revisit later that will motivate and revive your trust in self-growth. The daily practice of journal writing involves dealing with stress management and strengthening and the growth of critical cognitive ability in an individual.

Bidisha Barik
Journal Artist & Writer
““I’ve experienced that confronting a blank page forces out the voices of inner-self and strengthens my intuitions. It also motivates me to work on the path of self-reliance on the difficult days - with the calming words I have once inked on the pages making it more volatile on the heart and mind. Also, revisiting the old journal spreads persuade new prompts for journaling. Journaling has been my calming escape from the messed up thoughts where I can slowly ink down the words and the unclear portrait of thoughts altogether draws an aesthetic image as a spread.”
“A journal is your completely unaltered voice”, said Lucy Ducas. And we’ve people sharing similar opinions about journaling.

Reshma Khatoon
“Growing up I was the sort of person who couldn’t let go of anything that seemed even a little bit pretty. Like patterned papers, passes, notes passed in secrecy between me and my BFFs, and they all had to stash somewhere safe. I like the idea of keeping a journal and putting in everything I love between the beige fawn papers, like doodles, my art, my drawings, my poems, a poem by other poets, song lyrics, playlists, plans, outfit inspiration, random pictures of me and my friends, and then decorating it with cutesy stickers and glitter. It is a place where everything fits in aesthetically. It becomes my little world, without even trying, a little world full of things that inspire me and uplift me. It’s a really elegant space to put my tangled thoughts neatly. I like the idea of organizing most random, wistful, happy, depressing thoughts and whims in a pattern of shades and moods that I can show off to everyone. If not writing down poems, I’m writing goals and plans and that helps in productivity management, even if in just a small way. Plus, I love the sound of scissors cutting paper, and mixing colors to paint away boredom. Everyone has a creative and artistic side, although it does not always show on the outside, and my journal is a depiction of who I am.” “

Journaling is a way to explore the ideas as they unfold. Over the years, journaling has advanced with various additives to the process.

““There are a lot of thoughts that go on in our brain. Sometimes they get so entangled that writing them down makes it much less complicated. Journaling daily is a great way to recognize and work towards one’s emotions, insecurities and goals. Apart from that, writing down daily tasks helps to get organized and plan the day out effectively. With the recent boom in social media, people are accustomed to checking their phones, first thing in the morning. This should be changed to journaling, if not in the morning, then at least once at night.
People who are overburdened with anxiety and stress find journaling particularly beneficial. Also recommended by psychologists, people suffering from any kind of mental health issues find it calming to have their thoughts written down.”
Saima Afreen
Senior journalist
“A journal, especially maintained by a wordsmith, carries unslept nights along with the insatiable hunger to explore more of the hidden parts of his/her psyche that don’t guarantee light or a door to exit. The words on the pages aren’t just symbols in ink but spells that hold the reader seharzada (enchanted). However, the arrangement of the words is written almost the same way what the author/poet feels in that moment as the lines are penned in silent hours, in that part of the night when a marigold twig may still be shivering from the storm it just witnessed -- one cannot always find beautiful, “ positive, delightful writing in a notebook -- these words are written in states of fear, unnamed restlessness, anxiety almost otherwordly in nature that only a writer can feel. To read such pages are acts of going through the storms, and come back to one’s own world whose very definition changes after what you witness. At the same time, you never know if the same words can pull out the very darkness that you were running away from yet identified yourself with.”