Case study

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Civil Rights Case Study Name: Brighton Solheim

Partner: Nobody :(

Case study: Brown Vs. Board of education

What happened? summarize the event

Why is this a problem? Which human right is being violated?

Summarize two perspectives on this issue?

In the year of 1950 Linda's father and 13 other african american parents tried to enroll there children in an all white school but they were not allowed to. That caused the Brown vs. Board of Education to occur in 1951. Topeka's NAACP branch to help Linda's father challenge the segragration law. In 1892 the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision was the you need to be separate, but equal had been applied to schools in the southern states since then. Most states stayed that way but states like South Carolina, Virgina, and Delaware were against the rule of seprate but equal. This happened around the same time Linda's father went for help to the Topeka NAACP. In the summer of 1951 Mr. Brown's case was heard by the U.S. District Court For the District of Kansas. The NAACP argued that separating Black children from White children was sending a message to them that they were somehow inferior, so there was no way that the education provided could be equal. Finally, on May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their decision: "…Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal education opportunities? We believe that it does…We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of "separate, but equal" has no place…" This is a problem because the white people are not following the rule seprate but equal the white people are treating them unfairly are being cruel to children by not letting African American children go to a good, well funded school. The black kids did not get the same education and there for the same quality of jobs. Mabe it wouldn't be such a problem if the white schools didn't have better teachers, supplies, and better everything. It just isn't equal. Perspective 1: I am guessing that the black parents and children were like. This isn't fair just because of my race they are not leting me/ my child to go to a good school. Why do they treat us like this and not let us go to a school with only white people, and why do they even have the separation?

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Perspective 2: The white person would probaly say something like. The black kids do not deserve to go to school here. They are not as educated and will bring down the level of learning. White people are paying more taxes so they should get a better education for their children.

Civil Rights Case Study cont.

Who made a difference? name the person or group

The Topeka NAACP helped set up the case so this problem would be stopped. But this wouldn't of happened if Linda's father didn't go to them for help.

Linda's father told the Topeka NAACP about it and they argued that separating black and white is sending an inferior and there is no way it can be equal that way. What did the person/group do?

What type of strategy would you call the action(s) of the person/group?

What changed as a result of this event?

Boycotts, sit-­‐ins and other protests Eventually it was decided in the Supreme Court They used their words and told the Court what they thought and that made a big difference. In the end the President sent the army to allow the students to enter the school. The Little Rock Nine accured and they had 9 black children try it out and go to an all white school. And because of that now children both black and white are going to school together. Desegrgation spead across the US from this decision.

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If you use you words and don't be physical you can get way farther in life. And that no matter what you personallity, skin color, or clothes you wear you shouldn't be treated badly and you should be treated equally.

What can we learn from this event?

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