November Writing
Tuck Everlasting By Brighton Solheim
Would it feel right to never have to worry about dying? What if you’re hundred and one and look like seventeen? And could you imagine a world never ever being able to do what you want to do? Well let’s run away and see what happens. The problem is not only that the Tuck family lives forever it is also about a girl named Winnie who is always told what to do, so one day she thinks for her self. She decides to solve her problem by running away and on her way she met an odd family, the Tuck family. Winnie is very friendly and pleasant. But she has parents who don’t let her outside of the yard and they home school her. Winnie is an inmate of her own house. She never gets to make a decision herself because her parents always boss her around. It is so bad that her best friend is a toad because she never sees any other kids. On the other hand the immortal Tuck family are like pigs because they have all the time in there life to clean up, due to her mortality. They are the exact opposite of Winnies family. The author makes the writing sort of mysterious like Canned, it took a long time to tell us what was in the plot. An example is like on the first page it goes on and on about the setting. I really like the way the author builds suspense and sort of makes you think about what can happen next. Also Winnie doesn't believe that they live forever is true and that makes the reader sometimes think it is not true when it really is. I like that. I think the most dramatic part in the story is when the man in the yellow suit was trying to take Winnie away from the Tuck family and the mother pounds him with end of her shotgun and she gets taken to jail. That part amazed me because I would of never thought that she would of killed someone. Also when Winnie gave the water that makes you last forever to the frog instead of drinking it. One year in third grade I was just like Winnie, I came in the middle of the year, at recess I would always be on the play ground all by myself then finally I was able to meet some people to play with. Some of them had to move just like Winnie had to leave. It was quite sad. And I know that the tuck family was sad because Mae wacked the man that was taking him away in the head and killed him.
Two-‐Foot Punch Could you imagine a life with no parents and you never see your only brother. Well Niki’s life is just like that. Not only does she not have any family she has no friends. She lives with her aunt, who is a judge and is working on a big crime scene. Her brother makes bad choices makes more than few mistakes, which makes her life interesting! Big problems begin when people they didn’t know like their doorman and Niki’s brother’s “friend”, were bad. And let’s just say her brother got into a life-‐threatening problem but luckily he has a loving sister and Niki’s new friend worked as a team. Niki’s brother is not the smartest person in the world and he doesn’t really pay attention to what is going on. Well most teenager boy go get drunk have a cigarette well that is exactly what he does. Plus he gets into a lot of trouble. Luckily he has a younger sister Niki who saves his butt. But most of all she wants her family to be like every other family close loving and always be there for each other. Secretly she hates her brother but loves him at the same time. She is mad at his because he was dating this girl and she threw her cigarette and set there house on fire her parents ran in to get her brother because they thought he was in the house still but he wasn’t. Her parents died in the fire and he was out with his girlfriend. The author’s writing is deep it makes you feel the pain of what the characters are feel even the bad guys when they get hurt you feel bad even though you did nothing. The author of this series of book enjoys swriting about people getting bullied or something bad happens bad to a character. The most dramatic and my favorite part is when Derik Niki’s brother is about die but he uses the last of his strength and save shim self from falling out of the building. Also it scared me when Spinner the main bad guy tried to kill another one of the bad guys. He stabbed him with a knife but luckily he was able to get to the doctor in time. Luckily my family is nothing like Niki’s family. My family doesn’t get into big trouble we have a little fight every now and then. We have bad days, where there is fighting and arguing is a bit bigger than usual, but nothing involving weapons. Us kids get in trouble, but well don’t get into trouble involving people getting killed, yet. If we were to kill one another we would be living on the streets or in Juvie because my parents wouldn’t want murderers in their house.
A Mystery to the World
Have you ever wondered what it felt like to be born? Well just think about it. My vision of it is this… You come from a small world of darkness and muffled sounds, where it is always pleasantly warm, but then…the day…comes. The day the world of darkness ends. When your head comes out, the light shining in your face blinds you at first sight, squinting your eyes provides some protection. The cool breeze running through your body, the loud noises, seeing forms you have never seen before. Your family, strangers (family) dressed in funny looking clothes full of circles and weird shapes. They are crowding you asking to hold you and saying, “Ah, he/she is so cute I just want to squeeze it,” taking a few real first breathes. But all you can breath in is the bad breath everyone else just breathed out, ah garlic yeah someone had garlic, “peeyu,” because everyone is crowding you. Your mom looks at you in the eye and you really don’t know who she. Your mom is a big blur; all you can see clearly is the nice nose sticking out of her face. Life when you are born is a big question. In your mind you think of who are all these people, what is going on, what is all of this. Then you think about your life inside your mom, thinking, dark silent, nobody is gazing upon at you, you have a world just to yourself. Then you think well this could be the start of something new. You could actually like this new world. But the thing is? Do you really want to go there? Do you really want to be here, but you have no choice. When you arrive at a place everyone calls home, all you can do is eat, sleep, and pooh. You really want to play, but you can’t get a grip of the toy, so your parents play with it in front of you for you. Rub it in… You close your eyes when it is time to sleep and it reminds you of what life was like when you were inside your mom. Once you’re finally getting used to life with light and noise. You rethink it all over again. One thing you have to get used to in life is noise and that is for sure. The pots and pans banging while cooking dinner, siblings screaming, and parents rattling a toy in front of you. One day you are going to be just like your brother, sister, mom, and dad. They look like they like it here so why don’t you, you think to yourself.
Days and days pass and you’re still not sure if you want to like the new world, but you have to. At one point when you are a few months old you finally understand life and enjoy it. BUT, a newborn baby could enjoy it in the new world they could be happy to have noise in their life, other people, or it is not dark all the time. Life is boring inside your mother because there is no sound and no toys that some day you will be able to get a good grip of. When your born you could actually know who your mom is already you could know a lot more that everyone thinks. All your life until you forget about being born is all you are thinking and comparing life inside your mom. Being born is a mystery to them all. Is it exciting for the kid? Or is it annoying? We will never know because no one can remember.
sSpeech For Who Should be President
There are many differences between Mitt Romney and Barak Obama they are both doing things that I like and don’t like, but there can only be one winner! Many years I have known straight away whom I want to vote for but this year I can’t quite decide whom I want. Romney is good because wants to make the government a bit smaller, which means less taxes. Obama wants to make the government bigger, which means we will pay more taxes. But Obama also is going to try to reduce the amount of pollution from cars and continue to have public heath care program that will mean most everyone will be able to go to hospitals even if they don’t have health insurance. They just won’t get as good care as people who pay (that have insurance). Romney is planning to take away that privilege. Romney has helped a lot of businesses come back, Obama put down those businesses. On Obama's official platform, he outlines his plan to bolster public education, including hiring 100,000 new math and science teachers at the K-‐12 level over the next 10 years. He also wants to spend more money on schools. Romney wants people to pay more for schools. By the look of this map it says that Romney has more states for votes but Obama has less states but they have more votes. It says that Obama has 332 votes and Romney has 206 but that doesn’t mean that Romney doesn’t have a chance. You never know. Well you all know I can’t make the decision for who is to win because I don’t know whom to choose. But the vote isn’t all up to me it is up to America to solve the problem by electing the next president of the United States. Will Obama continue to run of will Romney take his place.
Potty Mouth By: Brighton
I am sitting there enjoying the nice cool air running through my hair, relishing the beautiful day. Then, right then and there, I hear something that I really don’t enjoy, hearing the voice of someone swearing. I turn around and give them the “Eye of the tiger” and they look back at into my eyes and they give me the face like, “ Who cares!” I think, “Well, you know what I care, first of all you ruined my day and second of all, I don’t like to hear that stuff.” It all begins towards the end of 4th grade; people in the world think, “Oh, I am so old, so sophisticated, so I can swear.” Young also agrees with me she says, “It is just wrong, they think they are so cool but their not.” Kristi agrees, ”Little kids follow the older people and are going to go around swearing without knowing what it means, that wouldn’t be good.” Mr. Bender even said that too. There are people like me that think there is no point of to swear because all you can do is just say poop, or ah man, and butt. When people swear in front of little kids, perhaps they are thinking, “Why are you saying that stuff” and me personally I feel just like them, there is no point and it isn’t good language. Some people try to make up excuses. For instance, if they say the beaver word they would reply they are talking about the literal meaning…a beavers home. We know they are not being genuine. I can tell if someone mutters a swear word and someone responds, “Don’t do that.” The person that just swore thinks she/he is so cool and it doesn’t matter, they also think it is not like it is going to hurt someone. But, it does hurt some peoples comfort zone. That makes me and a lot of other people feel like they are going to continue to make you feel uncomfortable so you say nothing. So you never get a chance to tell them to stop. The principal of my school said to me, “ Disrespectful language is not accepted at ASIJ. We want ASIJ students to speak to each other and adults in a respectful way. Being respectful is one of ASIJ's most important big ideas or values.“ That is a policy at our school. Also he believes that the punishments for our school are, “When disrespectful or careless language such as swearing comes to my attention from a teacher or other students, I take it seriously. I meet with the students involved and have them tell me what happened and what they could do differently in the future. Apologies are made, students sometimes have to call their parents with me and explain what they did; in other cases, sometimes students are suspended from the bus for using inappropriate language.” Kids need to know about the punishment. Mr. Bender also stated that he is aware that kid use bad language when an adult are not there to see it. He also knows that the kids here know what is good a bad language but when it does happen he questions, “ What was their intention? To try to be funny? To act bold or older than they are? To get attention?” It is sad if they are trying to get attention that way. Mrs. Witt states that, “ It is absolutely not ok to swear on the buses!” A lot of kids do swear on the bus when they are not a loud to and it is NOT ok.
I feel uncomfortable same as a lot of young kids and fellow students in my grade. I really wish people could watch their mouth and be careful with what they say because there is no point in it and a lot of kids are offended and makes then uncomfortable.
Bowl of Complaint By: Brighton
(Junior Correspondent)
The day begins full of drama trying to drag your self out of bed. Finally, the day begins to appear reasonable, because you finally are awake and your friends excitement open your eyes for you. BUT, the day starts all over again when lunch begins. You have to deal with the plates full of non-‐spiced, plain goopy, throw up food. For example, the Japanese Mabu tofu look and tastes like puke. This school is an American school! They need to serve at least Japanese food that is influenced by American culture. Not Japanese foods. It is disgusting! When they serve food like that I can’t help, but choose the side table food. But I don’t like fish so I can’t eat the onigiri either. I am stuck with a plain bagel. First of all they should at least have cream cheese for the bagel and a toaster. Elisabeth agrees, “ It’s gross, they can do better than that!” “It depends, I like the American foods that they serve best,” a student from ASIJ says. “I agree I don’t have time to pack a lunch to!” exclaims Maya. The reason why don’t just pack a lunch is because I go to bed at 7:30 and have homework. Never mind that I have to take a shower, get ready for bed, and still have time to eat dinner before I take a shower. I don’t have time to make a lunch. I am at the whim of the ASIJ menu…help!!!!