With the arrival of fall It was nice to see so many of you out and about enjoying all areas of your club We had a great turn out for our Club Championship Congratulations to our 2022 Club Champion, Garrett Graham and all of our winners and those that participated November looks to be another amazing month for us at Black Hawk The agronomy team has worked hard and has the course in great shape as we finish up 2022 We are happy to announce that we are in the process of building a new website that will enhance your Member experience We look forward to launching the site in early 2023 Please continue to enjoy this month’s newsletter and what the team has to share with you about upcoming fun member events We look forward to seeing you around the club and if I can be of any assistance, please let me know
Mike Shoelen
General Manager, PGA
Karie Rogers krogers@bhawkcc com 281 340 7266
Emily McKenna emckenna@bhawkcc com 281 340 7218
Christina Castro castro@bhawkcc com 81 340 7247
Marsha Greer mgreer@bhawkcc com 281 340 7280
Trent Peddy tpeddy@bhawkcc.com 281 340 7238
DIRECTOR OF TENNIS Brian Cosma bcosma@bhawkcc com 281 340 7265
MEMBER ACCOUNTANT Toni Young tyoung@escalantegolf com 281 340 7287
DIRECTOR OF AGRONOMY Jim Wallace jwallace@bhawkcc com 281 340 7228
Ben Arcizo barcizo@bhawkcc com 281 340 7278
Sunday Thursday*: 7:00 am 8:00 pm
10:00 am 8:00 pm
& Saturday: 7:00 am 9:00 pm
12610 FM 1464 Richmond, TX 77407 @bhawkcc | www.bhawkcc.com
I'd like to thank each one of you who participated in our Member Guest and First Annual Trunk or Treat! The staff at Black Hawk enjoys hosting family/friend events for you to utilize your club and make lasting memories
I hope you all had a chance to invite a family or friend out here to show off Black Hawk's beautiful amenities As your Membership Director, I would like to thank you all for the support of sending in your referrals It is a pleasure signing up your friends and family as Black Hawk members it is our goal to grow our Club with more members like you!
Thank you!
I'd like to give a warm welcome to some of our new members! Member referrals are an excellent way to build the community here at Black Hawk
Black Hawk Members, Happy November! Can you believe we made it through the summer and fall already? We put in a lot of work this growing season and it was a great deal of fun We have a couple more Club events, the Wooden Fence and the Member/Member Chapman, before we get to the holiday season I want to thank all of you for your patience and support We’ve had a lot of projects and moving parts to enhance the overall golf experience We’ve made a lot of improvements, but we are not resting There will always be room for improvement, and our goal is to make it better every day I hope to see you on the course Please enjoy these photos taken by the Golf Staff, Christian Perdue and Adam Schmitt We hope you've had the opportunity to book an early morning tee time to truly experience the peace and quiet your course has to offer!
As we move into the holiday months, we have a lot of events to be excited including our 2022 wooden fence week. This year we will be reestablishing the lady’s wooden fence that will take place on November 15 & 16. The guy ’ s wooden fence will take place on November 18th and 19th with the pairings party being conducted on November 17th. Team Black Hawk looks to continue its dominating run as we look to clinch another victory over team Shadow Hawk.
Be on the look out for the 2023 Member event schedule launch party as we announce the schedule for the 2023 season. More details to come.
We have two fitting days left for this year Titleist on November 5th from 12pm to 5pm and Titleist again on December 6th 12pm to 5pm Watch out for our pros emails for Sign up links or email him directly and you can get yourself an appointment
In order to open up more Saturday Member tee times, we have moved the 4 person Winter Wonderland scramble to December 9th Be on the lookout for the signup link in weeks to come We hope to see your participation!
for the month of November, stop by the Club House for Hot Apple Cider. It will be with our
Station until 3pm
with Bethany 10:15am
with Paola 6:00am
with Greg 9:00am
with Jennifer 10:15am
with KaraAnn 6:00am
fecta with Jennifer 9:00am
with Courtney