John Sexton
edibleseasonwe’vehadsofar!WearethrilledtoannounceourreturntoDelnorWigginsState Park as of March 1st The Endless Summer is now making daily trips to and from the park, and we have a postedscheduleavailablebothonlineandattheclub
We’llalsocontinueofferingourpopularSunsetCruisestwiceamonth–besuretogetonthelistearly!There is a limited number of beach chairs on board, so please remember to have your membership card ready whenboarding
With so much exciting programming happening around the club this month, be sure to check the calendar andsecureyourreservationsforallyourpreferredactivities.Manyofoureventsfillupquickly. TheTennisProShopisexpandingitsselection,makingittheperfectspotforgiftsorfindingthatspecialitem foryourself
We’vegotsomefantasticFood&Beverageeventslinedupthismonth,includingourSeafoodBuffet,Sunday BruncheverySunday,theOmarBakerDanceParty,ChefMarc’sCookingClass,St.Patrick’sDaycelebration, NashvilleNightfeaturingtheCountryWesternBandWhiskeyCounty,andourever-popularFarmersMarket onthelastFridayofthemonth.
Lookingforwardtoseeingyouaroundtheclub! Bestregards, JohnSexton
Alyssa Schlegel aschlegel@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
Kadie DiGiorgio kadie@tarponcoveclub.com 239-592-9808
Marc Petralia mpetralia@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
Justin McKenna jmckenna@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
Phil Landauer plandauer22@hotmail.com 239-513-9242
Myke Loomis Landauer mloomis@tarponcoveclub com 239-513-9242
Harry Keel hkeel@tarponcoveclub.com 239-592-9808
Alyssa Schlegel
Spring has arrived, and with it comes one of the most exciting times of the year at Tarpon Cove The sunshineiscalling,andwe’rethrilledtoannouncethattheBeachShuttleisofficiallyback!
The Beach Shuttle is running daily, making it easier than ever to enjoy a relaxing day at DelnorWiggins Pass No need to worry about parking just hop aboard, enjoy the scenic ride, and step right onto the sand Whether you ’ re looking to take a swim, collect seashells, or simply unwind by thewater,thisisoneofthebestwaystoexperiencethebeautyofSouthwestFlorida.
Another exciting event this month is the Tarpon Cove Farmers Market on Thursday, March 28. Stop by and browse fresh produce, artisan goods, and handcrafted items from local vendors. It’s a great waytosupportsmallbusinesseswhileenjoyingamorningattheclub
As always, Tarpon Cove is best enjoyed with great company. If you know someone who would love to be part of our club, now is the perfect time to introduce them to the Tarpon Cove lifestyle. Membership opportunities are available, and referrals from current members help us grow the strong, welcoming community we all enjoy If you have a friend or neighbor who may be interested, we’dlovetoconnectwiththem
Meet Lori Wehmann, a dedicated tennis enthusiast and valued member of Tarpon Cove!
Originally from Minnesota, Lori and her husband, Jim, traded in snow for sunshine and can often be found on the courts perfecting her game. Jim and Lori love the active Florida lifestyle, and when she's not on the court, she's spending quality time with their kids or enjoying all that the club has to offer
Next time you see Lori at the courts, be sure to say hello!
Myke Loomis-Landauer
league season comes to a close, we want to congratulate all our Tarpon or their hard work and dedication! We were competitive in every league we playedandproudlyrepresentedTarponCovewithhonorandsportsmanship.
Lookingahead,thespringleagueseasonkicksoffonMarch17th,withthreeTarponCove teams ready to compete! Be on the lookout for emails with the weekly home match schedules we’d love to have you come out and support our players Let’s make it anothergreatseason!
Member Jan Engle hosted her ladies’ Wimbledon event on Saturday March 1. Twentyfour players dressed in Wimbledon whites and played for a fun mixer. Traditional strawberries and cream were served at the club prior to playing Jan also mixed in a little Wimbledonandtennishistoryintheevent.Thanks,Jan,forhostingthisfuntime!
POP tennis continues every Thursday! Come on out at 3:30 and join us for a fun time! Doesn’t matter your skill level. POP is a fun game and fairly easy to learn. We have tons offunandlotsoflaughs!
The ball machine is available for rent by the hour or by the month Don’t overlook this great practice tool to get in a workout or hone your strokes. Call the pro shop today to signup.
March8th|8:30am CardioTennis
March15th|8:30am CardioTennis
March15th|10:30am LuckoftheIrishTennisMixer
March22nd|8:30am CardioTennis
EveryThursday|3:30pm PopTennis
Come listen to everyone ’ s favorite local singer Omar Baker. Space is limited so make your reservations fast before you miss out.
Dress up in your favorite Nashville attire and come listen to live music performed by 5 piece band Whiskey County!
Don't miss out on our monthly farmer’s market. Come out and support locally owned businesses.
TUESDAY-THURSDAY: Happy Hour 3-5pm
FRIDAY: Happy Hour, 4-7 pm
SATURDAY: Happy Hour 3-5pm
SUNDAY: Breakfast Buffet 9:30am-11:30am
A “good night’s sleep” is something everyone wants but is not something everyone manages to get March is National Sleep Awareness Month; It is an opportunity to look at our own sleep habits and search for ways to improve on the quantity and quality of sleep we get. Sleep plays a critical role in overall wellness – allowing for the brain and body to recharge from the previous day’s activities. Failing to get enough sleep can have both short-term and long-term effects, hypertension, chronic headaches, alertness problems, mental acuity issues, and attention deficitlike behavior, reduce performance at work and cause irritability and depression. Here are a few ideas to encourage healthy sleep habits
• Go to sleep at the same time each night, and get up at the same time each morning, even on the weekends.
• Get regular exercise, but not within 2-3 hours of bedtime.
• Don't eat a heavy meal late in the day. A light snack before bedtime is OK.
• Make your bedroom comfortable, dark, quiet, and not too warm or cold
• Talk with a doctor if you continue to have trouble sleeping. Good sleep is essential to good health!
Findings show there are opportunities for small adjustments to our daily routines that prioritize sleep for overall health. Things you can do to help be your Best Slept Self:
• Increase exposure to bright light upon waking and throughout the afternoon.
• Help regulate your body’s sleep/wake process by eating meals at consistent times during the day and avoiding heavy meals 2-3 hours before bed.
• Avoid screentime at least one hour before bed.
• Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly space by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet.
• Follow recommended guidelines on proper exercise to improve overall health and your sleep. Aim for at least 20 minutes of exercise a day.
• Get the recommended hours of sleep per night. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours for most adults. We encourage you to try out one or two of these tips, remember small changes can make a positive difference in your health.