It is hard to believe October has already come and gone We were fortunate to see the temperatures cool down and had a great month of golf with two golf courses that are in great shape heading into November October was a very busy month with our Club Championship as well as more progress being made with the Clubhouse refresh The new countertops have been installed, and the flooring is currently in progress We are excited to bring in the new furniture as soon as the rest of the flooring is completed
We will be hosting the 2022 Men’s Member Guest, the Shootout at the Club, on November 3 5 As a reminder, all Club facilities, including the locker rooms and practice facilities, will be closed to all non tournament participants during the tournament. We appreciate everyone ’ s understanding and support! Thank you for being a Member!
Reese McCall General ManagerGeneral Manager
Reese McCall reese@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7807
Membership Director Nate Gumm ngumm@golfclubofhouston,com 281 459 7854
Events Sales Director Liz Strong lstrong@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7839
Event Services Manager
Food & Beverage Director Brandi Thorpe bthorpe@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7880
Regional Merchandise Manager Savannah Bolden sbolden@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7844
Membership Engagement Coordinator Alicia Fuston afuston@golfclubofhouston com
Membership Accounting/Human Resources Janice Cruz jcruz@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7852
Executive Chef Moses Cruz mcruz@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7837
Director of Golf
ofhouston com
Director of Agronomy John Freeman jfreeman@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7869
Fitness Director Hanh Jones hjones@golfclubofhouston com
Interest in the Clubhouse Advantage Membership is really starting to boom. As you know, this is the membership that allows New Members to enjoy ArrowFit; along with all the dining and social privileges. It does include some limited golf access, so it’s also perfect for those interested in learning to play golf.
The Discovery Membership continues to be a nice way to introduce prospective Members to the Club. It gives them the opportunity to experience full access for a couple of months prior to officially joining. If you have someone that is interested, but maybe not sure how they fit in, this is the perfect membership choice for them.
The LEGACY Membership is another option that can be extended to your parents and/or adult children. They will enjoy 50% off the current Initiation Fee to join ANY category of membership. Simply use the Referral Rewards link on the Club website to have an invitation extended on your behalf.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at the Club!
Alexander Dempsey
Bruno Cavazos
Craig Keller Jesse Williams
Kelli Quinto
Kenneth Phillips
Kyle & Kyla Plett
Troy Toner
Joseph & Hanh Tran
Bill & Julie Diehl
Dayton & Bettsey Robertson
Jay & Erika Reyes
Kerin A Cornejo
Tim Hadley
Jeffrey Ward
Richard Brooks
Skip Hutnek
With November comes the end of the growing season for warm season grasses The days are short, and the temperatures are falling As a result, the Bermuda Grass will not be able to produce chlorophyll resulting in all turf areas going off color We have pushed hard with potassium and micro nutrients on greens to enhance carbohydrate storage in both stolons and rhizomes We are still under severe drought stress; but our courses are in excellent playing condition, and we feel good about the overall condition of the putting surfaces
We removed trees and woody vines from the cordgrass areas on the Tournament Course; we still need to work on a few small areas along tree lines We have plans to remove a few trees over the next couple of months that we lost due to lightning strikes in the spring
Recently, we planted Perennial Ryegrass on the Member Practice Tee and will re open the area in early November The no mow areas on the Member course are being seeded with annual rye; these areas added contrast to the course last winter through June this year On November 7, the Tournament Tee and Practice area will be seeded; we will also fill divot lines and apply additional seed until green up and Bermuda Grass growth begins next spring
Please continue to repair ball marks, fill divots and be aware of cart traffic
1st: Byron Olson
2nd: Cristian Esparza
1st Gross: Shelbi Esparza
1st Net: Kim Broderick
Men's Senior Championship Flight
1st Gross: Robin Ellis
1st Net: Larry Seligman
ahead of the ball at address and at impact
directly over the ball at address
the ball
12, 2022
1st Gross: Eric Swanson
1st net: Ricky Tamez
1st Gross: Don Brockman
1st Net: Geoff Houlton
1st Gross: Joe Hardberger
1st Net: Glenn Kocurek
Pro Shop: Monday Sunday 6:30 AM 6:30 PM
Golf Practice Facilities are open 30 minutes after sunrise and close 30 minutes before sunset Practice Facilities will close at 3:00 PM on Mondays
Welcome to November, the month that begins the warm & cheerful holiday season! This new month also allows Golf Club of Houston to highlight the Esparza Family. Shelbi & Christian are active Members, participating in social events with their son Houston and playing in as many club tournaments as possible.
Shelbi & Christian knew what they were looking for when it came to joining the Club. They wanted what most Members wanted, excellent practice facilities, a place that primarily focused on golf while also having family activities that their son could attend Golf Club of Houston provided precisely that and having a place to play golf and spend time together as a family has helped to create wonderful and lasting memories The most memorable moment for the Esparza's happened as a family in 2019 during their first year as Members At 3 months pregnant with their son Houston, they both won the title of Club Champion
Since becoming Members, they have grown in their golf game, personal life, and professional careers Shelbi & Christian have met some of their dearest friends and business connections at the Club Living locally in Fall Creek has also provided their family with a close community and Club involvement
Ingredients: (Dry at least 4 days) (Preferably Jimmy Dean)
1 loaf sourdough cubed and dried
1 lb sage sausage cooked and crumbled
2 Granny Smith apples diced
(Soak in lemon water to keep from turning brown)
1 medium onion diced
4 ribs of celery diced Salt and pepper to taste
1 5 quarts rich chicken broth
Sauté onion and celery in whole butter, seasoning with salt and pepper When translucent, add apples and sauté 3 4 more minutes
Put bread and sausage crumbles in large bowl add the sautéed mixture and warm chicken broth to moisten (add more if looks dry), season to taste with salt and pepper
Pour into a baking dish and bake at 350° for about 40 minutes
We are in the middle of an incredibly busy this year! What we’re experiencing is a co factors which has driven up demand Firs are returning back to their normal hosting post pandemic; and secondly, a shift from in the timing of those events
We were thrilled to partner with a few ne events the Turner Construction Compan Golf Classic and the Houston Methodist H Foundation And of course, we welcomed our favorite events hosted by Members C Gretchen Van Beers and Doug Deaver
We also hosted an incredible Golf Club of Invitational to benefit junior golf with Cha Honorary Chairman. Thanks to all our Mem supporting us.
If I can be of future service to you for your
As the weather changes and the leaves turn, we quickly move into holiday mode, which means multiple holiday gatherings Nothing is better than breaking bread or enjoying a drink with family and friends, but not keeping up with your health routine can quickly derail your progress Here are some pro tips that will allow you to enjoy your holiday parties and keep you on track:
Stay Active Tis the season to start getting overwhelmingly busy Not enough time for a complete routine? Try reducing your workout time and increasing the intensity No matter how gridlocked your schedule becomes, keep your fitness activity a priority
Eat Protein First Make navigating a holiday party easy. Eat Protein first with veggies and starches/carbs last. Protein will satiate your appetite more quickly, whereas eating carbs first will have you craving more carbs.
Get Quality Sleep Sleep is where your body revitalizes itself, builds muscle, repairs tissue, and burns fat! Sacrificing sleep can cause a cascade of adverse metabolic effects Avoid eating and the use of electronic devices emitting blue light, both at least 1 hour before going to bed
The TOP 10 NAMES will be announced the first week of January. INDIVIDUALS NAMES WILL BE ON THE LIST. the AMOUNT SPENT WILL REMAIN PRIVATE.
The top 10 spenders will get an increased discount in 2023 for the entire year (30% off soft goods, 15% off hard goods).