We would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and hope everyone had the chance to spend some time with family over the holidays It is hard to believe that 2023 is already here, and we have a lot to look forward to as we head into the new year
The Clubhouse refresh has progressed very well, and we are in the final stretch The former Pro Shop, which will now become the Tournament Pro Shop, is on pace to be completed sometime in late February We will close the new Member Only Pro Shop for a final remodel at that time ArrowFit is "hopefully" days from opening, as we are on the final walk-through inspection from the Fire Marshal, scheduled for the first week of January
While 2022 was a very productive year at the Club, we are even more excited to see what 2023 will bring We hope to see you at the Club soon!
Reese McCall General Manager
General Manager
Reese McCall reese@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7807
Membership Director
Nate Gumm ngumm@golfclubofhouston,com 281.459.7854
Events Sales Director
Liz Strong lstrong@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7839
Event Services Manager
Barry Simmons bsimmons@golfclubofhouston c 281 459 7880
Regional Merchandise Manager
Savannah Bolden sbolden@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7844
Membership Engagement Coordinator
Alicia Fuston afuston@golfclubofhouston com 281.459.7800
Membership Accounting/Human Resources
Janice Cruz jcruz@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7852
Food & Beverage Director
Alexandria Dumitru adumitru@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7880
Executive Chef Moses Cruz mcruz@golfclubofhouston.com 281.459.7837 ofhouston com
Director of Agronomy
John Freeman jfreeman@golfclubofhouston com 281 459 7869
Fitness Director Hanh Jones hjones@golfclubofhouston com 281.459.7800
Nate Gumm
As you can see, we have several new Members including many Clubhouse Advantage Members that we are excited to say, “Welcome to the Club!” We also have a big THANK YOU going out to our Referral Rewards Member Sponsors from the last few weeks
The Clubhouse Advantage Membership is an entry level Membership category replacing the Social & Academy memberships. It is a wonderful opportunity to invite family, friends, neighbors, or business associates to enjoy everything the Club has to offer. It automatically includes Member, spouse, and eligible dependent children. Privileges are:
Full access to ArrowFit Clubhouse Dining and all Social Events Tournament Course Golf Practice Access
The Short Course
A 10% Discount to Play Tournament Course
The published one-time Initiation Fee is $2,500 to join However, your referrals will receive a $1,000 CREDIT towards that fee through the end of January. Your parents and/or grown children, receive a 50% CREDIT towards the one-time fee to join ANY level of membership through our special FAMILY LEGACY program.
Please contact me at the Club if I can be of any assistance, or if you would like to extend an invitation to join.
Thank you and I hope you have a Happy New Year! Nate
John & Cyndi Martin
Jason & Lauren Clark
Guillermo & Andrea Wydler
Kazoya Sasaki
Greg & Leslie Hattig
Eiji & Ayako Shirakawa
David & Michelle Hartnett
Denis & Barbara Blindauer
Chris & Becky Lentz
Randy & Dorrial Giveans
Jennifer & Matt Paulsen
Josh & Toni Arkless
It's hard to believe that 2022 is history and what a crazy year it was for golf course management We started with an unprecedented drought in March to excessive rain and lack of sunshine through November Ending December with exceedingly high & low temperatures As Forrest Gump would say, the weather in Humble "is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you are going to get "
On November 15, our soil temperatures were in the low to mid-50s, causing Bermudagrass shut down In late November, we had very smooth and fast greens, and then the soil temperatures rose in December to the high 70s and low 80s Within three days, we gained color but lost speed We reacted as quickly as possible to regain speed by applying an application of fungicides to protect the surfaces from pathogenic fungi and adding a Plant Growth Regulator to the solution to dwarf the blades and shorten the nodes The product was in the plant in a few hours, and soon after, we were able to get speeds back up During this time of year, leaf management has been a challenge, along with perpetual showers Overcast skies make it difficult to firm up the putting surfaces and attain optimum quality For that reason, we mow and roll daily to make the greens as good as possible
As most of you know, our world is upside down due to Covid Our equipment providers are predicting production from all manufacturers is at least 18 to 24 months behind We are thankful that Escalante has resources to draw from to get us the tools we need to do our job well Our senior Agronomist Team from the home office came for a site visit on December 14 I shared with them the challenges from the year but felt we held firm and even took a step or two forward in most areas of both courses My team works through the challenges and must be commended for their tireless efforts We have exciting plans for 2023 and look forward to a new year with everyone enjoying the best two golf courses in North Houston
On behalf of our team, I want to say, "Thank you, Members!" for your support and generosity towards the Employee Holiday Fund Every employee appreciates this annual donation just before the holidays
Thank you to all of the qualifiers who played in the event. We had an exciting finish.
Tom Laurenzo defeated Ryan Tippy in "Sudden Death" with a birdie on hole #18!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Low Gross: Richard Martinez & Padden Nelson
Low Net: Ryan Tippy, Larry Seligman, Joe Lerma, Tom Laurenzo & Al Serna
Golf Shop: Monday - Sunday 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Golf Practice Facilities are open 30 minutes after sunrise and close 30 minutes before sunset
Practice Facilities will close at 3:00 PM on Mondays
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Meanwhile, she attended the Los Angeles Pacific University College and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. She continued her journey in opening hotels in 2019 with Legacy International Center and Legacy Resort Hotel and Spa in San Diego, working with Springboard Hospitality Group.
Recently she had a role as a Director of Food and Beverage in Sedona, AZ. In 2021 she moved to Houston and took a role as the Regional Director of Food and Beverage with Coral Tree Hospitality, running the operations for The Woodlands Resort, The Westin Woodlands, and The Embassy Suites at Hughes landing. She joined the Golf Club of Houston in November of 2022.
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium potato, peeled and cubed
2 tablespoons butter
1 pound brussels sprouts or frozen brussels sprouts, thawed
3 cups chicken broth
1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 egg yolk
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
Sour cream and paprika, optional Crumbled Pork Crackling for garnish
In a large saucepan, sauté onion and potato in butter until onion is tender Add the brussels sprouts, broth, salt, curry powder and pepper; bring to a boil Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 10-12 minutes or until vegetables are tender Cool to room temperature
Place the potato mixture, in small batches, in a blender, cover and process until blended Return all to pan Combine egg yolk and cream; stir into soup
Cook and stir for 6-8 minutes over medium heat (do not boil) Garnish with sour cream and paprika if desired
We are consistently inundated with media personalities promoting different diets The spectrum of these diets is vast, and can range from vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto, intermittent Fasting, Mediterranean diet, etc Each may its own merits that could lead to improved health, however which is best for you?
The most effective diet is the one that you stick to Often people will try a different diet program, but do not give it enough time to really experience the benefits from Your body needs time to adapt to a change in eating, and the more drastic the change, the more adaptation time may be needed Whenever you make a change in your diet, give it at least a few weeks for your body to acclimate and before deciding if it is working or not. During this time you will also learn if this is a diet you can sustain long term.
Diets, like exercise, operate on a continuum that range from very simple to very complex If you do not have a regimented diet and do not have a health or fitness goal, your diet is simple with little restrictions However, having a particular goal will come with a diet that has more restrictions and can get increasingly complex
Fundamentally, your diet should match your lifestyle If your goal is to improve overall sports performance and workout several times per week, you will have different nutritional demands than someone who wants to improve health and casually does light cardio Your lifestyle will dictate key variables for an optimal diet such as nutrient density and eating frequency for your desired goal