CCN October Newsletter 2022

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#CCoftheNorth | countryclubofthenorth.comSTAY CONNECTED COUNTRYCLUBOFTHENORTH OCTOBER 2022


Tony Madera

The parking lot is nearing completion as is the drainage work on the golf course! It is so nice to see these improvements being completed which will greatly enhance the presentation of the club and add to the Member experience We will also be looking to do some concrete work around the pool and the curbing walking into the fitness center We are hopeful this can be accomplished some time in the next month or two

The cooler weather has been a welcoming change (at least for me) as we see lows in the 40’s with phenomenal fall temperatures during the day It is truly my favorite season as we look forward to the fall foliage of the leaves along with faster and firmer greens

As you have recently seen, my weekly message will be sent out every Monday along with the hours of operations, specials of the week, and anything which I feel you would need to know about, so you are not caught off guard We are committed to trying to improve the Member experience on every visit while we continue to invest capital dollars to improve the club

Thank you for your continued support of CCN as we look forward to our bright future!


PGA General Manager

Tony Madera 937.374.5000 ext 6

PGA Head Golf Professional

Dave Miller 937.374.5000 ext 2

Director of Catering & Events

Stacy Black stblack@ccothenorth com

937 374 5000 ext 4

Membership Director

Adam Bolton

abolton@ccothenorth com

937 374 5000 ext 3

Director of Course & Grounds

Kevin Butts 937.374.5030

Office Manager

Jacquie Ayers

jayers@ccothenorth com 937 374 5000 ext 7

Interim Executive Chef

Jason Downey

jdowney@ccothenorth com

937 374 5000 ext 5

Front of House Manager

Kyle Thomas

kthomas@ccothenorth com

937 374 5000 ext 5

Bar Manager

Kirsten Steinke ksteinke@ccothenorth com

937 374 5000 ext 5


Adam Bolton Membership Director abolton@ccothenorth com 937 374 5000 ext 3

MynameisAdamBolton,andI’dliketointroduce myselftotheCCNfaithful Irecentlybecamethe club’sMembershipDirectorandcan’twaittobuild uponwhathasbeenestablishedthroughoutthe yearsatCountryCluboftheNorth Overthelastfew weeks,I’vebeenfortunatetohavemetafewofyou, andlookforwardtomeetingallofyouinthenear future!


New Members

Hollie Bradley

Kendall & Jennifer Lawson

Referred By

Angie Degenhart

Lee Shepard

Ron MBryant Ike & Patti Palmer

Michael Palmer

Joseph & Harriet Reichley

Ron Bryant

The Reichley's

Dale Hertenstein

I’manewdadtomydaughter,Quinn,whowas borninFebruary At7monthsold alreadylooks likeagolfertome!

IwenttoTHEOhioStateUniversityandama Buckeye‘tilIdie!O H!

I’manenormousfanofthegameofgolfandam verypassionateaboutwhatitcanprovidefor familiesandbusinessesalike Ireallyenjoylivemusicandloveagoodconcert RedHotChiliPeppersjustcameoutwithagreat albumifanyoneislookingforsomenewtunes!

IamaDaytonnative,attendedFairmontHigh School,andafterlivinginmultiplecities throughoutmycareer,I’mproudtocallDayton home!

Fornow,here’salittleaboutme: Pleasedon’thesitatetosayhello I’mlikelythefine gentlemaninabrightlycoloredgolfshirt.Seeyou soon!

John Puckett

Jose & Mary Aponte

Darin Beach

Adam Murphy




From the Golf Shop…

The last day of summer is behind us and now looking forward to that excellent fall golf weather. We had a pretty hot September with some great events that took place. The LGA had 2 mixers and their Annual Solheim Cup tournament. Team USA came back from a 1 point Day One deficit and defeated Team Europe by 3 points. Format was 9 Hole Fourball and 9 Hole Modified Alternate Shot each day.

Team USA players: Tee Pazitney, Daryl Nels, Tracey Hollenbaugh, Deb Frederick, Carol Degenhart, Tammy Ross, Betsy Burns & Carol Smith. Team Europe players: Angie Degenhart, Molly Horstman, Pam Pendry, Gale Smith, Becky Knipper, Julie Wentworth, Helen Zheng, Nancy Schindler & Joan Pratt.

Couples Golf has been a big hit and the Oktoberfest Theme went very well. Don’t miss out on our October Halloween themed 9 & Dine with prizes for best costumes and cart décor!!!

MGA will playing their annual Ryder Cup event in October and the Men’s Thursday Night League will be finishing up.

Fall merchandise is in and the golf shop is packed with goodies! It’s not too early to get that Holiday Shopping done!


Tuesday Sunday: 7:30 AM 6:00 PM

Monday: Closed Tee Times Begin at 8:00 AM

facebookcom/CCoftheNorth countryclubofthenorthcom


LGA Closing Day Thursday, October 6

MGA Ryder Cup October 7 & 8

Men's Thursday League Final Thursday, October 20

Halloween 9 & Dine Friday, October 21



Our staff has been hard at work the last month with many different projects and agronomic practices We successfully conducted fall aerification at the beginning of September with a core tine process to remove organic materials from the greens We then top dressed and brushed in new sand, fallowed with the dryject process, followed with more sand We finished this process with spreading 60 tons of sand in and on our greens This process has many benefits and has been a great agronomic practice for our greens this fall


As you all have noticed we have also been working with contractors on completing some much needed drainage improvements and repairs. We will continue the next couple of weeks with drainage repairs and installs on 12 and 18. We have installed new drainage on 9 and 11 to help us in those tough spring thaw months coming out of winter. These improvements should help with diverting additional rainwater into drains instead of areas that are already thawing and saturated from the winter freeze.

Moving forward into fall, we have more projects to get completed before mother nature shuts us down for winter. We plan to continue fall agronomic practices on tees, approaches, and fairways; with aerification processes and verti cutting to help reduce thatch which in the long run will help us with moisture control, along with many other benefits on all playing surfaces. We are currently working on getting all of our pond banks, creeks and water falls cleaned up.

We will continue to improve all aspects of this amazing property and hope to get a lot accomplished this fall season. Everyone here at maintenance is excited for the fall weather and hope to see you all out playing golf and enjoying it with us before the dreadful winter weather!



ForthemonthofOctober,Ichosetosharetwoofmy favoritefallrecipes Thefirstbeingpumpkinrollthatmy grandmamakesformeeveryyearbecausesheknows it’smyfavoriteandthesecondbeingapplepieonice. Mygrandma’spumpkinrollissosweet,moist,and betterthananyotherI’vetriedbefore;itseemsfairly easytomake!















1. 2 3. 4 5.

Mixtheeggs,sugar,bakingsoda,pumpkinpuree, flour,andcinnamoninamixingbowlandwhisk untilasmoothbatter

Pourmixtureontoyourbakingsheetandbakefor 15minutesat350degrees.

Whilebaking,mixthecreamcheese,powdered sugar,vanilla,andmargarine.Beatuntilsmooth. Dustpowderedsugaroverterryclothandplace bakedmixtureontop Rollmixture(withoutthe filling),andchillinrefrigeratorforatleastonehour beforeaddingfilling

Afterchilling,spreadcreamcheesefillingover cooledpumpkinandrollupagain.Cutslicesto preferredsizeforeatingandenjoy!

Thisapplepiecocktailisoneoftheeasiestbutbest tastingdrinksyoucouldmakeathomeorforalarge gatheringwithfriends.



Applejuiceorapplecider,yourchoice Cinnamonsugarmixture





Inadrinkshaker,pour2ozofFireballand4ozof applejuiceandshaketomix.

2. 3


Usethecaramelasastickybase(orwhatever rimmeryouchoose)anddipthetopofyourglass inthecinnamonsugarmixturetoaddsome sweetnesstoyourdrink

Pourthecontentsoftheshakerintoyourrocks filledglass.

Addacinnamonstickforextragarnishordrink as is!

DINING HOURS Tuesday:11:00AM 3:00PM Wednesday Saturday: 11:00AM 8:00PM Sunday:11:00AM 6:00PM Tuesday Sunday:7:30AM 4:00PM TURNSTAND


12 Reasons Why You Should Choose CCN for Your 2022 Holiday Celebrations

Tis the season to be booking your family, company or group holiday celebration at Country Club of the North. As we move into September, and say farewell to summer, it's the perfect time to book your date and space at CCN to celebrate the holidays.

Here are a few reminders why choosing CCN for your holiday celebration location will make your holiday season the Merriest of all: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12

All Inclusive Venue Holiday Décor Included Holiday Menu Offerings Holiday Drink Offerings Personalized and Dedicated Service by Our Staff Room Set Up & Tear Down Taken Care of by CCN Staff No Room or Facility Fee if you are a Member of CCN

Professional Event Planning Services at No Additional Cost Close and Complimentary Parking Variety of Spaces to Choose from to Fit Any Celebration Size Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Reservation Times Available Being the Host that gave the gift of a spectacular holiday celebration to their colleagues, friends, and family

Don't delay call or email me today to reserve your holiday celebration date and space! We are only a hop, skip and an elf away from the twinkle, lights, silver bells, and cheer of the season

937 374 5000 ext 4 stblack@ccothenorth com



Solong,summer Hello,fall!

Assummergiveswaytofall,it'stimetogetreadyforshorterdays,coolertemperaturesandcolorfulleaves.Thinkof thenewseasonasafreshstarttoyourhealthyhabits Stowawaytheswimsuitanddustoffthesweaters Consuming theseasonalproducethatmakesthisseasonsotasty Andcelebratetheholidayslikeahealthpro–byenjoyingfoods withoutoverindulging.


Hydratewithtonsofwaterthroughouttheday,andyourimmunesystemwillthankyou.Thefoodsyoueatcan alsohelppreventthecold Yogurt,withallitsprobioticglory,hasbeenshowntoboosttheimmunesystem,and oneservingofseaweedpacksmorevitaminCthananorange

Thinkbeyondpiesandjack o' lanterns.Sureeveryonegetsexcitedforpumpkinspicecoffeedrinksinthefall,but didyouknowpumpkinitselfistrulyafallsuperfood?PackedwithvitaminsA,CandEaswellaspotassiumand fiber,it'sincrediblyversatile Grabacanofpumpkinandwhipupsomecozyandnutritiouscomfortfoodforthe season.Don'tforgettosavethosepumpkinseedsforayummysalad.

Spendtimeoutside!Thefallisagreattimetoexploretheoutdoors Theleavesarebrightonthetreesand satisfyinglycrunchyunderyourfeet The(usually)moderatetemperaturesareareprievefromthesweltering summerandagiftbeforethefrigidwinter.Spendingtimeoutsidehastremendoushealthbenefits,including boostingyourimmunesystem Inadditiontoimprovingmentalhealth,sunexposurebolstersvitaminDlevels, whichhelppreventinfections

Consumein seasonveggies.Fallvegetablesincludebeets,Brusselssprouts,cabbage,carrots,cauliflower, eggplant,kale&squash Anabundanceoftastyautumnvegetablesmakesiteasytoreapthebenefitsofaplant baseddiet,suchasdiabetesprevention,hypertensioncontrol,hearthealthandmore

CALENDAR October Events Join us for a bite & a glass of wine while musician Linda Prevo plays some tunes Specializing in keyboard & vocals, this is her first appearance at CCN and we're excited to have her! LIVE MUSIC WITH LINDA PREVO 6:00 - 9:00 PM A fun, Halloween themed game with dinner to follow Dressing up & cart decor is encouraged! $72 Per Couple/$36 Per Player COUPLES 9 & DINE 5:00 PM 21 FRIDAY Join us in CCN's new & improved parking lot for this free Trunk or Treat event Decorate your trunks for the trick or treaters! Prizes will be awarded for Best Costume & Best Trunk TRUNK OR TREAT 4:30 PM- 6:30 PM23 SUNDAY WEEKLY TRADITIONS For more information call 937 374 5000 WINE DOWN WEDNESDAYS: Half price bottles & $10 Burgers THIRSTY THURSDAYS: $1 Wings & $3 Miller Light Drafts FIRST FRIDAYS: Live Music on the 1st Friday of every month FRIDAY 7

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