Wehopethisnewsletterfindsyouwell!Whatafallithasbeen WearegratefulandblessedtohaveweatheredtheeffectsofHurricane Ianwiththeminimalimpactitimpartedontheclub Manywerenotsofortunate,andourprayersandthoughtscontinuetogoouttothem Ourstaffremainedsafeandtheywereanintegralpartofgettingusbackupandrunningafterthestorm Iamblessedtohaveanamazing teamworkingwithme!
Whileweareallawareofthedocksbeingdamagedandthebeachesbeingclosed,thisissomethingoutsideofourcontrolandwewillbe monitoringtheprogresscloselyandcommunicatinganyandalldevelopmentsastheyarise.
Thetenniscourtprojectisbackontrackandthefirstthreecourtswererecentlyreleasedbackintooperation Theylookandfeelgreat Thisisagreatimprovementandwelookforwardtotheprojectcompletionsoon
AswemakeourwayintotheHolidayseason,wewillcontinuetoprovideanactivesocialcalendarofeventsandhopetoseeyouatthe club.ThisseasonwearepleasedtoannouncethearrivalofanewculinaryteamledbyournewExecutiveChefMarcPetraliaandhisExec SousChefDustinRodenberg.Theybringwiththemawealthofexperienceandweareexcitedwiththeincreaseofcreativityandquality theywillbringtoTarponCove.
IwanttowisheveryoneaHappyandHealthyHolidaySeason SeeyouaroundtheClub!!
John Sexton jsexton@tarponcoveclub.com 239 592 9808
DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Brett Mance bmance@tarponcoveclub com 239 592 9808
Kadie DiGiorgio kadie@tarponcoveclub com 239 592 9808
Open daily at 10am
Dining is available 11am to close Wednesday Sunday
Swimming pool open daily sunrise to sunset Tennis open daily at 7am until dusk
DIRECTOR OF TENNIS Phil Landauer plandauer22@hotmail.com 239 513 9242
DIRECTOR OF TENNIS Myke Loomis Landauer mloomis@tarponcoveclub com 239 513 9242
Rudy Kronauge rkronauge@tarponcoveclub com 239 592 9808
DIRECTOR OF FACILITY MAINTENANCE Harry Keel hkeel@tarponcoveclub com 239 592 9808
471 Bay Club Drive Naples, FL 34110 www.tarponcoveclub.com
The festive season is upon us and we invite you to take part in the many social events planned in December
Be sure to mark your calendar for the Holiday party taking place on Friday December 23rd. The renovation of the tennis courts is on schedule and will elevate your tennis experience at Tarpon Cove
Be sure to check out the social media posts on Facebook updating the renovation progress as well as many posts from the various social events at your club.
We look forward to seeing you around your home away from home and enjoying everything the club has to offer
Mance Membership DirectorThe tennis grip is how you hold the tennis racquet in your hand and impacts every shot you hit in tennis It is important to know the different grips and the strengths and weaknesses of each so you can determine which grip is best suited for your game The grip is often not given much thought, which is a mistake
The tennis grip you select influences how the racquet will tend to swing through the ball, along with the angle of the racquet face and the optimal contact point Some grips have a natural tendency to swing more through the ball producing a faster and flatter hit ball Other grips naturally swing low to high generating a ball hit with more spin It is important to understand these factors when selecting the grip that will compliment your style of play the best
Remember, no tennis grip is perfect and there is wiggle room when selecting Each grip has its strengths and weaknesses However, some grips are better suited for particular styles of play The important thing to consider is which grip will compliment your game the best. Below are the three most common forehand grips. I personally lean more toward a Semi Western grip, Phil uses a Continental grip
Continental Forehand Tennis Grip: Strengths
Low balls High balls
Back spin Top spin
Eastern Forehand Tennis Grip: Strengths
Versatility between creating topspin and flattening out the ball Generating extreme topspin Transitions quickly to other grips Difficult to strike through balls beyond chest level
Semi Western Forehand Tennis Grip: Strengths
Versatility in hitting flat and topspin balls Racquet face naturally closes and makes it difficult to pick up low High balls balls
Short topspin angles Greater transition from semi western to continental grip when coming to net
When you ’ re feeling low, the pick me up you may need may be as simple as getting your blood flowing. Yes, we ’ re talking about exercise. Some research has shown movement can be a mood elevator. It’s also shown exercise may help prevent and ease certain mental health conditions. But when you don’t feel well emotionally, it can be hard to find the energy to do some things So it’s important to reach out for help if you ’ re not feeling well Here are some reasons to walk, dance, go to the gym or just get up and do a few squats even when you don’t feel like it.
Had one of those days? We’ve all been there. While it may be tempting to reach for your favorite comfort food or curl up in front of the TV, consider going for a walk to sweat out those feelings instead Exercise can reduce stress and release endorphins, which are our body’s natural feel good chemicals
Struggling with your mental health doesn’t just impact your mood or habits. It may also impact the structure of your brain Take the hippocampus, for example It’s a part of the brain that plays a central role in learning, memory, emotions and stress Depression, the most common mental health condition, may shrink the hippocampus and other parts of the brain over time.
In life, it’s easy to sweat the small stuff Looming deadlines, a broken washing machine, long lines at the pharmacy Sometimes these everyday challenges can be enough to push us over the edge. Turns out adding activity to your day, however you can, may help put things into perspective and lower your stress. Making it to the other side of a workout is good for you. The energy you put into a workout can alter your dopamine (a feel good chemical in the brain) balance and boost your mood for the rest of the day.
When you ’ re feeling low, quality sleep can help you feel better. In sleep, memories are stored. Emotions are rehearsed. You reload serotonin (another feel good chemical in the brain) and dopamine. And the brain gets recharged. If you ’ re struggling to get the Zs you need, get moving. Many people who are active often sleep better compared to those who move less during the day That’s according to a review in Advances in Preventive Medicine