John Sexton
Aswelookbackat2022ithasbeenayearfullofexcitingeventsandwehavehadourshareofchallenges Ithasbeenaveryfestive holidayseasonatTarponCoveandthankyouforallofthosewhoattendedtheMemberHolidayParty Theeventhadcloseto300 membersparticipateandthereweremanygreatcomments Aswelookforwardto2023wehaveastellarlineupofentertainmentand eventstokeepyoubusyandinvolvedinyourclub BesuretosavethedatefortheEveningofMagic,MurderMysteryandCasinoNight thatwillbehappeningoverthenextfewmonths Wewillalsobeincorporatingmorelivelythemepartiesaswellasaspeakerseriesinthe newyear
Thetenniscourtrenovationisonscheduleandwillcertainlyenhancetheplayabilityforourmemberswhoenjoytennis. Wewillkeepyou updatedaboutthedevelopementsofthemarinarepairsothatwecanonceagainofferserviceswithourbelovedEndlessSummer.
Ifyouhaveanyconcernsorquestionspleasefeelfreetocontactme.WewillcontinuetoofferthedonutsandcoffeeeventssothatIcan keepyouupdatedastothecluboperationsandbetheretoansweranyofyourquestions.
JohnSexton GeneralManager
John Sexton jsexton@tarponcoveclub.com 239-592-9808
DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Brett Mance bmance@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
Kadie DiGiorgio kadie@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
Open daily at 10am Dining is available 11am to close Swimming pool open daily sunrise to sunset Tennis open daily at 7am until dusk
DIRECTOR OF TENNIS Phil Landauer plandauer22@hotmail.com 239-513-9242
DIRECTOR OF TENNIS Myke Loomis Landauer mloomis@tarponcoveclub com 239-513-9242
EXECUTIVE CHEF Marc Petralia mpetralia@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
DIRECTOR OF FACILITY MAINTENANCE Harry Keel hkeel@tarponcoveclub com 239-592-9808
471 Bay Club Drive Naples, FL 34110 www.tarponcoveclub.com
We hope that you have enjoyed yourself over this holiday season and rang in the new year with a bang 2023 will bring many exciting social events that will be added to the Tarpon Cove social calendar and we look forward to seeing you enjoying your home. While 2022 had its challenges we remain optimistic that 2023 will be our best year yet
Be sure to contact me if you know of anyone that may be interested in joining the Tarpon Cove family You receive referral rewards points for each member you refer that can be redeemed for wonderful vacations and other great benefits.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Welcome Back Party on Friday, January 13th!
Brett Mance Membership DirectorHappy New Year! 2023 is going to be a great year for tennis at Tarpon Cove!
As I write we are still working with three courts completed courts 4,5 and 6 while courts 1,2 and 3 are being worked on Fortunately, the weather has cooperated with no major setbacks in moving forward with the completion of the project I’ll try to answer some questions below that many of you have asked in recent weeks concerning the project
1) How will League play affect court time?
I have asked the league coordinators to schedule all of Tarpon Coves league matches to played away for the month of January. That will leave all our court times available for member play in the mornings and afternoons.
2) When will we return to 90-minute court reservations?
We will return to 90-minute court reservations when all 6 courts are open and ready for play. If there is no one scheduled in front of you or behind you, you may have extra time.
3) Why are the lights being taken down?
The lights as they have been deemed unsafe The poles themselves have several rusted areas near the bases and at risk for falling The existing type of lighting we have is antiquated and difficult to get parts for We are removing them for now, with the intention of replacing with new LED lights
4) What about shade covers and ice machines on pads between courts?
New pavers have been laid on pads between 5 & 6 and 3 & 4 Pavers will soon be laid on pad between 1 & 2 and between fitness center and court one Tables with umbrellas will be provided until new canopy structures can be manufactured and reinstalled. Ice machines will be reinstalled when canopies are reinstalled. Until then we will continue to provide ice cold water.
I’m sure there are many other questions you may have and as always, we are here to help you. Please feel free to call or stop by to see us anytime! Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive and understanding of this huge undertaking. Yes, it’s been disruptive of our normal activities but, when all is said and done, it will be so worth the wait. I promise! So please continue to hang in there with us a little bit longer….we can see the light!
Wishing you a Happy Healthy 2023!
Myke and Phil
Physical Dimension
Caring for your body to stay healthy now and in the future
Intellectual Dimension
Growing intellectually, maintaining curiosity about all there is to learn, valuing lifelong learning, and responding positively to intellectual challenges
Expanding knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing your gifts with others
Emotional Dimension
Understanding and respecting your feelings, values, and attitudes Appreciating the feelings of others
Managing your emotions in a constructive way Feeling positive and enthusiastic about your life
Social Dimension
Maintaining healthy relationships, enjoying being with others, developing friendships and intimate relations, caring about others, and letting others care about you Contributing to your community
Spiritual Dimension
Finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life with or without organized religion Participating in activities that are consistent with your beliefs and values
Vocational Dimension
Preparing for and participating in work that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment that is consistent with your values, goals, and lifestyle
Contributing your unique gifts, skills, and talents to work that is personally meaningful and rewarding
Financial Dimension
Managing your resources to live within your means, making informed financial decisions and investments, setting realistic goals, and preparing for short-term and long-term needs or emergencies
Being aware that everyone ’ s financial values, needs, and circumstances are unique
Environmental Dimension
Understanding how your social, natural, and built environments affect your health and wellbeing
Being aware of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment
Demonstrating commitment to a healthy planet