Zurbazine 2019-20

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IES Zurbarán Navalmoral - Bilingual section

Zurbazine cabecera

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19 / 20


What worked out and what didn’t this year





women, leaflets and more!



COVID 19 SP EC IAL More and more and more online: http://thebiliblog.blogspot.com

s y a 59 d

t a e r h t 9 1 D I V O C r e d n u After 59 days at home without being able to go out, I will tell you about my EXPERIENCE: When they told us that we were NOT going to be able to LEAVE home, that we had to cancel all our TRIPS, our PROJECTS, our PARTIES... because of the COVID 19, It was a bit difficult for me. it was RADICAL CHANGE. It was very strange to spend the day on the STREET and at that time not being able to go out because of this threat. I think the worst thing was not being able to see my GRANDPARENTS, my FRIENDS and my loved ones. I think that this PANDEMIC has brought out the best and the worst in us and has made us realize many things. My sister and I have taught my grandparents how to use a MOBILE and make VIDEO CALLS. We have been great cooks with the help of my MOTHER and we have been gardeners with my FATHER. We have improved playing VIDEO GAMES and we have also played with friends, although it is not the same to have them in front you and to be able to give them a HUG. After so many days under this VIRUS you end up getting used to it and what was STRANGE before is now an everyday thing. But I also have to say that after so many days this is EXHAUSTING, TIRING and very very BORING. I am wishing I could GO OUTSIDE, see my friends, be able to KISS my grandparents, and although it may seem like a lie, I am looking forward to going back to CLASS.

By: Candela Sรกn chez Rufo, 2 ES O 1B

COVID-19 ALERTT LEAFLET Now we can progressively go out, but don't forget



You must wash your hands regularly, especially if you go out. You must stay in your province and travel as less as possible. You must make an appointment in order to go to a shop. You must stay at home if you feel any virus symptoms. You must respect the timetable to go out to relax.

You can't meet more than 10 people at the same time. You can't travel to the provinces that are in a different phase. You can't be closer than two meters to anybody who is not living with you. You can't go to a social event which involves more than 30 people and is not outdoors.




WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES If you don't respect the 2 meters rule you could catch the virus. If you don't wear a mask you could spread the disease. If you go to public places without following the rules, you could either catch or spread the virus. If you visit your grandparents they could become ill. If you don't wash your hands frequently you could put your health at risk.

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO You should wear a mask everywhere you go and clean it once you get back home. You should only leave home if it is necessary or if it is allowed in your province to go out at certain times. You should stay away from the people in your family and friends that could be vulnerable to covid-19. And most important: YOU SHOULD BEHAVE RESPONSIBLY AND FOLLOW THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS.

encouraging co

around th

Here’s a sample of letters sent from our 2nd Bachillerato students to the mo 28th April 2020 Dear patient, My name is Gloria, a girl doing my A levels who hopes that you recover from the disease as soon as possible and who sends you a lot of strength. I know there is not much I can do, just stay home, but I hope that at least when you read this letter, you know that although many people who are doing some things wrong, there are many more who are doing it well. You are having a somewhat complicated situation and you are also in isolation, that is why I communicate on behalf of everyone, so that you know that we are with you and that we send you a lot of energy from home.

26th April 2020 Hello unknown friend, I see myself in the need to send you my support from my country, more specifically from the small room in which I have been locked up for two weeks. The thing is, friend, that in these complicated times that we are going through because of that damn microbe our lives are going to find many potholes, but with time and the sacrifice of each one of us we will be able to reconquer our old lives, or what’s left of them. I would like to encourage you to overcome and struggle. You can fight the virus and I ask you to keep y https://heeoe.hee.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/ imagepicker/1737/papworth.jpg our morale up. I hope you also write a letter when everything is over, it will be your turn to cheer people up and continue with this chain of support for thousands of people.Don´t let me down. A virtual hug from your unknown friend

We are living an unknown situation for everyone, but I am sure that we are all putting 100% to stop this and minimize the harm as much as possible. Stay calm, this will pass and after all we will surely remember it as a tragic memory from which we emerged unscathed. Much courage, you can fight this and more, Gloria 30/4/2020 Hi unknown patient, We don’t know each other, but we are suffering the same disease, COVID-19. I don’t know how difficult it can be suffering it in a hospital, so far away from your family, being bored,...but I can only tell you to be strong, because we can fight it together. In my case, I’m following the rules that the government has said like “don’t go outside”, “clean your hands frequently”,... to help this situation to finish soon. If you are very bored, try to think of happy memories. Get well soon, An unknown person who cares about you

30 April 2020 Dear patient, How’s everything? I´m Mario. I know this could be weird because you don’t know me but I want to have a conversation with you. I’d like to have an answer. First of all, I know you because you’re the first person in Navalmoral de la Mata who has been infected of covid-19 and the hospital gave me the opportunity of talking with you because my mum works there and she thinks my idea can be performed. I wanted to talk to you to give you entertainment in the way I think could be cool. Everyone know that you aren’t able to receive visits, so the last weekend I did a charity tournament on twitch with 100.000 viewers! I earn 500$. After making some polls on my social networks, the winner idea was buy you a PS4 with 3 games to enjoy them in your hospital room. You will receive it tomorrow and you could play fortnite, grand theft auto v and the last of us all the time you want! Finally, it’s time to say goodbye. I hope have an answer and meet you when everything got finished. Fight and enjoy the games! Haha. Get well soon, Mario

ovid 19 patients

he world

om of our conversation assistant Eleanor, who works at a hospital in England April 29th, 2020 Dear patient, First of all, I wanted to cheer you up from Spain. I know you are having a bad time suffering from coronavirus, but I have to tell you that you are doing great and you’re going to beat it very soon.

Hello! How are you? I’m writing to say that it’s a difficult situation because you can’t see your family and friends, but I ´m sure that if you fight day after day, you will beat this virus. Besides, many experts are working at this moment to create a vaccine and one of them says that they will have one in one month. Don´t worry about this, I am convinced that you will win the virus, because the best nurses and doctors in the UK work in this hospital and they will take good care of you. I hope you get well really soon. All my energy! Jesús Izquierdo

I also had the disease a month ago. I got to recover and was able to go home to my family. Time passes very slowly between the four walls of the hospital ward, but the nurses are doing a wonderful job for all of us and I am sure that, like me, you will be able to see your whole family very soon. I hope I can encourage you a bit with this letter and make your day more enjoyable. Your family must be very proud of you and surely they will miss you. Cheer up! Kisses, Jessica 29/4/2020 Dear patient, I don’t know you personally, but your cases have appeared in the news and I want to give you all my support in your battle against COVID 19. Even though you can’t see your family and friends while you’re in hospital, you have to know that everybody is thinking of you and trying to do their best to make you stronger. Besides, the experts have said that the peak has already been reached and things are getting better, so you will probably be fine in a couple of days. Finally, I just wanted to say that now you’re a hero for millions of people and you mustn’t give up. Everybody is with you! Love, Miguel

26/04/2020 Dear patient, This is just a quick letter to tell you that very soon you will be better and back home. I’m writing this to you because nobody can visit you as the health authorities are forbidding people to visit COVID-19 patients. This illness is highly contagious, that is the reason. We all have been in quarantine for a long time but now we can go out little by little, so don´t despair, you will also go back to normality in a short time. You shouldn´t worry, as you are a strong person and you’ll be fine. The doctors are excellent and they will help you. I hope you can leave hospital soon, Mohamed



go, a s k e e a few w s t n hool e c s d h u t g i s h y r made m st in ou I e g s n n u o i o t y s e que are the m o y s e e h r T a . ark s r m e l l w i s These w n a g eir are livin e w here you have th e adults ones. n o i situat lik e e and r h t a s w r o e n answ hey k wers: s n a r i but their rking hard and t e ry of th o e are a w w m e s r m y a u a s d y The e you a v a e l I . s hard e s e h t our live t during s o m e h miss t u o y o d s like t n a o s h s e W l ) a a to extr g n i ng to o i g o , ? g s g s d n s i n i v e li even m , our fri e s e W i l . i l l m a a b Our f l or foot l a b t e k s a paddel, b ! ol! s that g n highscho i h t o e now t u l a v e r ive mo g u o y o ith our w d b) D n e ? p e e we s ’t befor m i n t d i eets e r d t h s t u o e e r y h o t value m alking in w n e v Yes, we e lling or e v a r t , s familie cause e b s r e . t s u p wn of our to ue more our com learning or val not be d l u We also o c e ple. mw o e e h p t r t e u h o t with t with o c a t n o c like to keeping u o y d l one? e m o s c)Wou o k you’ t fter us. n a a g h n t i ‘ k y o s for lo sa e i l i m a f rses. u n our d o n T a ers. doctors c i e f f h o t l e l es. c a i m l o o o T h p s d ’ n e l a ers ld peop o n i firefight g o n T i ome k h r t o a w g e n l i are stay the peop o o T h w e l eop all the p rules. o T e . owing th to our teachers l l o f e, of cours d n A



FOR THE BOOK DAY Patricia M. 1ºESO 1

SO 1 C, 1º E HUGO

.Javi er R. 1º ES O 1

Jaim e J. 1 ºESO 1 Valeria F. 1ºESO 1

SO 2 a C. 1º E Martin

Val eria C. 1 ºES O 2




Del 6 al 13 de febrero de 2020 nos visitaron 15 alumnos y 3 profesores del colegio RSG. WIRINGHERLANT de Wieringerwerf (Holanda). DÍA 1, JUEVES: A las 16.00 les recibimos en el instituto y fuimos a enseñarles el pueblo. Volvimos pronto a casa porque estaban cansados del viaje. DÍA 2, VIERNES: Por la mañana fuimos al instituto, les enseñamos las instalaciones del centro, un grupo de alumnas de 4º hicieron una exposición sobre Extremadura, los profesores nos explicaron el plan para los días venideros y luego fuimos a desayunar y a jugar al fútbol. En la segunda parte de la mañana, fuimos al ayuntamiento a una recepción con la alcaldesa, que celebraba su cumpleaños; después hicimos la Ruta de las Fuentes y volvimos al instituto. Por la noche cenamos todos juntos en un restaurante. DÍA 3, SÁBADO: A las 12.00 fuimos con las familias y los profesores a la Charca Mayen para celebrar una comida campestre. Día 4, DOMINGO: Ese día era libre y cada familia hizo actividades diferentes: Villuercas, Monfragüe, La Vera, Trujillo, Cáceres…. Día 5, LUNES: Fuimos a Madrid de excursión: visitamos el Santiago Bernabéu, el centro de Madrid (Plaza de España, Palacio Real, Catedral de La Almudena, Plaza de la Villa, Plaza Mayor) y fuimos de compras por Gran Vía, Callao, Sol. Día 6, MARTES: Por la mañana fuimos al instituto y desayunamos churros con chocolate, para después ir al Pabellón Antonio Jara a celebrar la Olimpiadas de la Sección Bilingüe. Las pruebas eran: Salto de longitud, lucha greco-romana, 100m lisos, 1,5km, relevos y lanzamiento de peso. Para la entrega de medallas vinieron la Concejala de Educación y el Concejal de Deporte. Esta actividad era la culminación de la tarea AICLE sobre las Olimpiadas que veníamos desarrollando desde principio de curso. Volvimos a casa y descansamos un poco. Por la tarde salimos por el pueblo y cenamos por ahí. Día 7, MIÉRCOLES: Ese día salimos de excursión: El primer sitio que visitamos fue Casas de Miravete, donde hicimos varios talleres (pinturas rupestres y bateo para buscar oro). Después fuimos a Romangordo y visitamos La Casa de los Aromas y los trampantojos. A continuación hicimos una ruta a pie hasta Higuera, donde visitamos La Casa de las Abejas e hicimos un taller de fabricación de velas de cera. Al llegar a Navalmoral por la tarde salimos a dar un paseo. Día 8, JUEVES: Estuvimos en el instituto haciendo distintos talleres (manualidades con materiales reciclados, ajedrez, escalada y baile. De 13.00 a 14.00 estuvimos tomando algo en la cafetería y a las 14.00 nos despedimos de ellos hasta dentro de un mes y medio. En resumen, con esta experiencia hemos aprendido muchísimo y no sólo inglés. Hemos convivido con personas que eran extraños y que se han convertido en nuevos amigos. NOS VEMOS EN MARZO!!! (*Lamentablemente, debido al estado de emergencia por el COVID19 la segunda parte del intercambio en Holanda no se ha podido realizar)


OCHOA – ESQUIADORA BLANCA FERNÁNDEZ skier. She was born h is an Sp a as w oa ch O z Blanca Nieves Fernánde blings to the Port of si d an s nt re pa r he with in full in Madrid, but moved spent in freedom and as w od ho ild ch r he e, red Navacerrada. Ther ith the snow that cove w t ac nt co to in g in m old nature, inevitably co she was eleven years n he .W ar ye e th of lf the Port for almost ha der brother Paco (the ol s hi of s es cc su e th to and due in large part to a training center ed ov m ca an Bl , n) ai Sp nees of first successful skier in es in Viella, in the Pyre et hl at r te in w r fo ol ho ds. with boarding sc g she won many awar iin sk to n tio ca di de t ea ItaLleida. Due to her gr ight, she married the -e ty en tw of e ag e th On July 17, 1991, at corial, whom she had Es El of ry te as on M e th lian Daniel Fioretto in skiing in Switzerland. n he w e ag of s ar ye en arriage met being only fourte contracted a second m e sh d an g in rc vo di ia and They ended up had two children, Oliv e sh m ho w ith w , da , with David Fresne divorce. On August 24 in d de en so al n io un David, although the e being reported days nc ra ea pp sa di r he , en 2019 she was last se ess body was found el lif r he g, in ch ar se of later. After several days uadarrama, one of G de ra er Si e th in , ak ta Pe near the top of La Peño ptember 4th 2019. Se on , es ac pl ite st, in ur vo her fa her first World Cup te on w e sh d, ol s ar ye In 1985, being 22 is would be followed by Th ). es at St d te ni (U il the Giant Slalom of Va in the Italian Station om al Sl in em th of l al another three victories, 0) and the Austrian 99 (1 ne zi or M of ch e Fren she of Sestriere (1987), th r, in Albertville (France) te la ar ye A . 1) 99 (1 g since of Lech Am Arlber d years of dedication an rts fo ef y an m so ar found the fruit to pic Slalom. Her best ye m ly O e th in ze on Br childhood, getting a urth overall. In 1992 fo ng hi is fin r te af 88 19 in the World Cup was career. she ended her sports TV programmes, ity al re us rio va in nt ta contes The She participated as a nqueror of Aconcagua, Co e Th , es iti br le Ce of er, in such as The Forest Celebrities to the Wat d an ld or W e th of d s Conqueror of the En ting in the StarDream pa ci rti pa d te ar st e sh Antena 3. Since 2007 hletes such as Albert at g in nd ta ts ou l ra ve se Company, integrated by Torres and dedivi Xa or o or em ld Va a , Amay ing Ferrer, Estela Giménez d executives in improv an s er ag an m ng si vi cated mainly to ad work performance. CELIA CARRASCO

More and more and more online: http://thebiliblog.blogspot.com



Celia Barquín was born in Puente de San Miguel (C antabria), the 6th of July 1996. She was a Spanish amateur go lfer. From a very young age she lik ed the sports, when she was nine years old, she finished ru nner-up in the Spanish Be njamin Youngest Child Champions hip in 2006. Four years lat er Celia became Champion of Sp ain in the Children’s Cham pionship in 2010.

In addition to her sports career, when she was fift een years old, she received the “Bes t Interview Award ́ ́ of th e national competition for Stud ent ́s El País, for her int erview to Severiano Ballesteros. Th is year she also won th e literary competition of short storie s ``Gabino Teira ́ ́ for th e Rotary Club of Torrelavega in the category of 1415 years old. In 2012 she was admitted in the resid ence for high performance athlete s, where she completed her A levels studies. During this period she won the first award in the Gran Prix of Chiberia Three consecutive years, and she was the only person in his tory to get it .When she was 18 years old, she was selec ted to be part of the Amer ican Golf Team of the University of Iowa, while studying the civil engineering degree at that university. That summer, Celia became the first woman go lfer to participate in the Olympics, representing Spain in th e Nakin Youth Olympic Games in 2014. During her univers ity stage, Celia combined her golf career with the Spanish te am, with which she won a Bronze and a Silver medal in the Women’s European Cham pionship for teams in 2015 and 20 16. With her University Te am, she got some victories, the m ost notable being her trium ph in the Big 12 Championship of the United States in 2018 . She was chosen the Best Athlete of her University in 2018, th at same year Celia won the Europe an Amateur Golf Champio nship in 2018, becoming the fifth Spanish to achieve this victory. At the end of August 2018, Celia passed to the Seco nd Phase of the LPGA Q-school. On 17 September 2019 Ce lia was found lifeless on th e track of the Coldwater Golf Lin ks in Ames (Iowa) at the age of 22. After investigating the ca se, the police determined that she had been killed by a 22 -year-old man, called Co llin Daniel Richards, who had been living in a tent near the go lf course, he was charged with her murder. MARÍA VIALÁS

SPORTS lea you're gonna gonna like'm! like'm!


More and more and more online: http://thebiliblog.blogspot.com



This year we couldn’t go to Monfragü e but that didn’t mean we didn’t learn about the wond Park we have nearby. These are some of the projects about flora and fauna the students of 1st ES O did to learn a

THE RABBIT (by In ma Gonzalez 1ºESO 1) Rabbits usually live in san dy soils áreas that provide them the co nstruction of their borrows. They also like forests although they tend to opt for vast fields. They have a body covered with thick, woolly fur, pale brown to gray in color, an oval head and large ey es. They weigh between 1`5 and 2`5 kg in the wild. The wild rabbit measures 34 to 50 cm (head and body length), the ea rs measure 4 to na Blanco 1st ESO 1) 8 cm. Their weight varie servoirs THE OTTER, (by, A s from 1`2 to ers, streams, lakes, re riv in r te wa ar ne 2`5 kg. es t The otter liv , short legs, a flat snou dy bo ed at ng elo an s They have 6 incisors, a diff n and and even coasts. It ha erence from fferent shades of brow di s ha r fu Its l. ul sk rodents that only have n 62 and 69 and an elongated e fingers. It is betwee th n ee tw be es four. The additional incis an br s, fish, it has mem ors are round, eat frogs, crustacean rs tte O . il) ta e th t small, and directly behin cm long (withou d the upper incisors. Rabbits’ teeth are mussels… d can use small rocks open rooted an es ut in m 4 er at rw and grow continuously. ussel The otter can be unde and hit the shell of a m ne sto a ke ta ey (th nt at 12 km/h. like tools for hu ry fast, but it can swim ve n ru or fly t n´ ca It to eat it). tinction. r food. It isn´t in danger of ex ming and searching fo im sw is r te ot e th o, In the phot

THE D The de Its bod tres(or se anim herbiv tems... g,their learn h cial so indicat ming.I





derful National

about it.

DEER (by Lucía G.E 1ºESO 2) eer takes refugee in areas of forest or bush. dy’s colour is light brown. Its size is two mer also can be one metre) in adults deers.Themals are robust, majestic and active.They are vorous so they eat grass, plants, roots, leaves,s. A curious fact is that since they are younr parents take their food,while they watch to how they have to do it. They can make a speound called “Howl”(“Berrea” in Spanish),that tes that summer is ending and winter is coIn my picture the animal is eating from a tree.

The fox(by Naila G.1ºESO 1) The fox is an animal that lives in burrows but its ha bitat is the forest . They have a fur brown co lor and theyare of medium size. Foxes are mammals animals wi th pointed ears, long an d thin snout and furry tail and body. Th ey can run for hunting. Foxes are omnivorous an imals and they also hunt . They use their fine smell and ears for detecting small rodent s. Their abilities are they ha ve night outs because they have a very good view. they are very cunning an lonely anim als.

PatriThe Eurasian Eagle.(by cia M.1ºESO 1) they are They are brown and nt in the very big. They can hu ep dudark but they can’t sle ly ,they ring the day. Normal als, beeat birds and mamm . In my cause they kill them looking picture, my animal is e they at the camera, becaus ey live are very intelligent. Th two big in Europe. They have soft feaeyes, two small legs, s. They thers and two small leg ing . are very good at hunt



ow because it is one of ill w e th is ee tr ite ur vo fa My ry forests and lle ga d lle ca e th rm fo at the species th of the aspirin, win io nt ve in e th re fo be e also becaus tonic, febrifuge and as d te pu re ry ve as w rk llow´s ba anti-rheumatic laveneder, because I love e th is er w flo ite ur vo fa My it is interesting k in th I . ur lo co its d an l how its smel tic and vulneraria, ep tis an an as ed us en be that it has cers and wounds. ul e th e nc se es its ith w cleaning ANA BLANCO 1º ESO 1

My favourite tree is the c beautiful and big, and it i and very representative of rite flower in Monfragüe i is very beautiful and stran colors of the flowers . ELISA M. 1ºESO 2)





cork oak, because it is very is typical from the dehesa f Extremadura. My favouis the Foxglove because it nge, and I like the bright

because I e e tr y rr e b w ra st is the My favourite tree tree could have t a th f o it u fr e th t did not know tha e peony because th is r e w o fl te ri u alcohol!! My favo fight epilepsy le p o e p y n a m lp e that flower can h and convulsions. 1 HUGO C 1ยบESO

WHAT WE ARE IS THANKS TO OUR Hello, I am go ing to talk abo ut my grandm dfather died in other because 2000 and I do my grann’t know anyth My grandmoth ing about him er is a very im . portant perso is an example n for me beca to follow. Wh use she y? Because s nowadays sh he is very str e is working m ong and any hours a d because she ay, even in co works as a cle nfinement, aner. Since I was li ttle she has ta ught me that dependent an I have to be d strong. All th brave, ine problems I helped me fo had with two rget them; all boys, she the problems she gives me I have with m solutions to s y friends, olve them. In has helped m short, my gra e a lot and th ndmother at is why toda she is to me. y I realize how important I love her so m uch. Ariadna Gil G uzmán



bilingüe, and her gran dparents


Alba Burgos, 4º ESO

My grandparents are the most im going to talk about their past an First I am going to start with my My grandfather Fernando is a v every day I am with him. I really retired. He worked for over 50 y shop was open, so I spent a lot o has dogs, sheep, chickens, horses “monterías”. We had a great tim My grandmother Isabel is the be of things together. When I am animals of my grandparent or g started worked in an old people’ 40 years but she is 68 years old n Finally I am going to talk about m My grandfather Paco unfortuna can’t talk about him. My grandmother Mari is 71 years of years in a textile factory. Whe her I played football, basketball These are my grandparents. I mis HUGO CASAS 2ºESO BILINGÜE


O 1, and her grandp a

mportant people in my life. Now I am nd the activities I do with them. mother’s parents. very special person in my life. Almost miss him. He is 70 years old and he is years in a shop. When I was born this of time there. He loved animals so he s and cows. Every weekend we went to me there. est person in the world. We make a lot with her we normally go to feed the go walking. When she was young she ’s home and she was working there for now, so she is retired. I miss her a lot. my father’s parents. ately is dead and I didn’t know him so I

Actually, I have two grandparents alive, my grandfaMy ther Antonio and my grandmother Mariángeles. Pura her dmot gran grandfather Constantino and my s. died a lot of years ago. But these are sad past thing I am grateful to them for all the moments that I spent with my grandparents in my childhood. When I was five or six years old approximately, I used to go to my grandparent ́s Mariángeles and Constantino house and my grandmother always watched films like Barry Lyndon and Cantinflas. The things my grandmother likes the most are talking and watching historical films. She also told me a lot of stories. Constantino loves animals and the countryside. When my parents went to work in summer he took my sister and me to his plot and we rode the horses and we fed the animals. Constantino and Mariángeles are my paternal gran dparents. My maternal grandparents are Pura and in Antonio. Antonio taught me to play chess. He was cham of lot a Navalmoral Club of Chess. He also won when pionships. Pura also took care of my sister and I d we were kids. She took us to the park and we playe her was thing al there. My grandmother ́s most speci delicious meal ́migas`and her omelette. They were my favourite meals. I love my grandparents! Rodrigo García, 2 ESO 2.

Ana García, 4º ESO 1, and her grandparents

s old so she is retired, she worked a lot en I was a child, every day I went to see etc. with her. iss them a lot and obviously I love them.

More and more and more online: http://thebiliblog.blogspot.com


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º eso 1


VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG Expressions such as ‘the tip of the iceberg’ are used to refer to the fact that only a small part of what it is really known about an issue. And this simile is used because an iceberg hides most of it underwater, being actually ten times larger than can be seen (its tip). The three most important points of the iceberg are summarized in: There are 3 violations every day in Spain, one every eight hours, including complaints and police actions. Highlights Catalonia and the Balearic Islands already have the highest rate of violations. In Europe, 1 in 20 women has been raped, it has been quantified since the age of 15. They represent about 9 million. About 70-80% of cases are perpetrated by someone from her immediate environment. When it is not the couple, only 23% of cases is someone unknown. Women hide their daily abuse. We accumulate some cases over others until some victims, very few in proportions, dare to take a step forward. In Spain, only 20% of affected people report having suffered physical or sexual violence. They are the tip of an iceberg that expects its particular Titanic to come to light and reveal its true immensity. In my opinion, today's society is disgusting. Everything has become uncontrolled and meaningless. There must be a sudden and immediate change since cases of abuse, violations etc. are quite common, unfortunately. The education given to men has to be done in a different way, making them aware of the serious damage they cause us. Women should not be afraid to go out, we simply don’t accept any macho comments simply because we are women. ANDREA RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ 1ºBH

f . . O e, some o ing a walk alone riend, uncles, etc N s u b a Y m o v f SA omen suffer fr hen they are ha r husband, boy need.

or ologists f e y h e h c h e y t s k t i p l r o e s A lot of w ey don’t know w ve pp is om wn relati don’t have the su rents. Th ice and s e th o l l a r o p p e o p d h e e n p h a m t y s o f r y r o them b ur teache d would change ffer this f g and the provide the help o u n s i y k b l m a e e t h f m t o o n d ld th ,a Some of mitted are scare overnment shou ols and a ing at all o h n m t e o h o c c m s n e o t r s a a w n t t a ea gh eG All these gender m iolence crimes th f view, th lity should be tau r o u t o n i y o t p a h rv From my In addition, equa pect everyone, t of gende r e b m s u . e s n r the tion for u l o s the victim young people to e e h . t s ay be se day culture w hts. ow m e t h h s s n i t o x d i l e t s u a c o e w th rig edu d change e women had no sum up, l u o o T c t I . er nce imes, wh der viole t l n a e v g e i d ce me ed in sin v i l cos eno Mar r o M l e i Dan gender s a h c es su s l u r s i s i g l d a ci an bout so t that in guys a s getting u e e r t a a u c o e u b w a ed wledge creasing since achers o e t n k e f m o k so de en a lac t how that is ing how e z b a s y m a a n lw It is importa e has a r y e l l h a t e , r e tely. ing, sad t it is a k u l violenc a b t e , r h e t a a g w bre my a g ore a ss was e r sufferin around and we are m t c n a e n m a o c i w r d f informe about the Ame he number o ht, and g u T o . h y t r k o r n i e The st really th would have ev ove it all. e m e d than I bers pr and ma r m e u h n g i , ise e is h ain to r otherw g s violenc d y n a s a little s r who whoeve really put our ower in our e ld kids th e go l e t c a n c e y We cou l u o d i uld e ver the st der v e o n t h e a s g h s e w t k n t u ma gs. Pare ld decide abou at calling or j n i d n u c o o ou surr girls sh ys shouldn’t d , y a w t righ d gu no. irl or a n g s a i a r ( o a s e N t w a y. who tre want to t their intimac d n e i r f a ec disresp es, if you have al Boys, m ithdisrespect )w on’t be D woman ! t u h tay s ing fun k a don’t s m m f the ht afraid o doing the rig for of you meone o s thing! w o ou kn onship i y t f a i l e , r o s a Al n apped i r t s ealthy, i h o m wh e e out, es not s that do lp them to get he please s well. d n e r e v that ne Z 2º BH A Í D A N RIAD

DAVID BOWIE: Jump the say. David Bowie was,is and will be one of the most special singers. He was very creative and he had a very characteristic personality. He composed a lot of songs and won so many awards for his work in his life. I have chosen a song from him called Jump the say. This song was composed in 1993. It’s a rock song. It was nominated for the ‘’Bait Award for Best British Videoclip’’. In the videoclip David Bowie is dressed up with an expensive outfit, he was an executive. His bosses depressed him. This depression is reflected with the lights turning on and off by the bosses. His brother had schizophrenia and Bowie wanted to express how hard this ilness is. I think this song tries to show how hard this mental ilness is for the rest of people, that don’t have it. Schizophrenia is an ilness that only people who have it know how difficult is to live with it every day. My favourite verses of the song are: ‘’When comes the shaking man a nation in his eyes striped with blood and emblazed tattoo streaking cathedral spire. I like this stanza because it explains with poetry the madness that schizophrenic people suffer. In my opinion David Bowie tried to make people more empathic with this people. I think all the people in the world should understand and help these people. Natalia Fernández Sánchez 1BH.

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M y n e w la n g u a g e a s s is t a n t fo r t h is y e a r is E le a n o r W a d e . S h e ’s a p re t t y y o u n g w o m a n fro m C a r lto n , n e a r L e e d s . S h e is o n ly 2 0 y e a r s o ld , h e r b ir t h d a y is o n t h e 1 4 t h o f N o v e m b e r. A b o u t h e r fa m ily , s he has g o t a yo u ng er 1 8 y e a r s o ld s is te r. S h e ’s g o t a lo t o f p e t s ; o n e c a t , t w o d o g s , t w o c h ic k e n s a n d t w o h o r s e s . E le a n o r liv e s n e a r Yo r k s h ire D a le s N a t io n a l P a r k , in t h a t p la c e t h e re a re a lo t o f e c o s y s te m s . S h e b e lie v e t h a t it ’s t h e m o s t b e a u t ifu l p la c e s h e h a s e v e r b e e n . S h e d o e s n ’t h a v e m a n y h o b b ie s b u t s h e lik e s g o in g o u t w it h h e r fr ie n d s , w a lk in g in t h e c o u n t r y s id e a n d w a tc h in g fo o t b a ll w it h h e r fa m ily . S h e is in te re s te d in ro c k m u s ic e v e n t h o u g h s h e lik e s a ll t y p e s o f it . R e g a rd iin g fi lm s s h e e n jo y s c o m e d y , ro m a n t ic c o m e d y , c r im e ... a n y t h in g e x c e p t o f h o r ro r. H e r fa v o r ite a c to r s a re L ily C o llin s a n d R y a n G o s lin g . S h e d e c id e d to b e a la n g u a g e a s s is t a n t b e c a u s e s h e is s t u d y in g S p a n is h a n d lin g u is t ic s . S h e is in h e r 3 rd y e a r o f d e g re e in N o t t in g h a m T re n t U n iv e r s it y a n d s h e h a s to v is it a S p a n is h s p e a k in g c o u n try. B e c a u se o f th a t, s h e b e lie v e d t h a t b e in g a la n g u a g e a s s is t a n t w a s a g o o d w a y to im p ro v e h e r S p a n is h . In h e r d e g re e in S p a n is h s h e s t u d ie s e c o n o m ic s , p o lit ic s , lite ra t u re , a r t , a n y t h in g re la te d to S p a n is h c u lt u re . S h e d e c id e d to s t u d y S p a n is h w h e n s h e w a s a t s c h o o l, t h e re , s h e a ls o s t u d ie d F re n c h a n d s h e re a liz e d t h a t it w a s s im ila r to S p a n is h . T h e n , s h e s t a rte d to b e k e e n o n S p a n is h a n d d e c id e d to s t u d y it . N o w s h e is liv in g a lo n e in S p a in a n d s h e lik e s it s o fa r, s h e lo v e s t h e w e a t h e r, t h e p e o p le a n d t h e fo o d . S h e w a n t s to v is it S e v ille a n d B a rc e lo n a , s h e b e lie v e s t h e y a re b e a u t ifu l p la c e s . I t h in k w e a re g o in g to h a v e a g o o d y e a r w it h h e r a n d to im p ro v e o u r E n g lis h a lo t ! ARAN TXA ZAM O RA G ARC ÍA 2 o B A C H

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER is an Irish film (1993) and it is based on the true story of Guildford Four. The topic of this film is the terrorism in Ireland (IRA). In the name of the father tells the story of Gerry Conlon who is a man who does small thefts. His father Guiseppe sends him to London and he starts to live like a squatter. Suddenly, one day, there is an explosion of a bomb in a pub of Londron and some days later Gerry returns to Ireland where he is arrested as a suspect with three more people. They don’t find the real terrorists so they torture and threaten them, getting their statements by blaming themselves and the father of Conlon. The four have a 30-year sentence and the father has 12 years sentence. A month later the police finds the real terrorist but they hide their mistake making them stay 15 years more in prison. The father has an illness so he dies in jail. 15 years passed and they don’t reopen the cases but the lawyer of his father gets access to the evidence under a note ‘’don’t show to the defence’’. Finally, they get out of jail. It is a very poignant film because it teaches you how they can destroy five inocent lives. because justice is not curried out correctly. A lot of cases like the accusation of Mark Denny of stealing a Burguer King and raping an employer when he was 17. 30 years later he shows his innocence and he received 10 million dollars. In my opinion, no matter how much money they give you, you will never recover the lost years. CARLA MATEOS 2oBT

la historia del

chas cosas por encima de las mu Me quedaron grabadas dos el rcambio con Holanda, con aqu que me traje de nuestro inte n bie tan y der no, y tan adaptado, instituto tan nuevo, y tan mo os aci instalaciones, y tantos esp diseñado, y que tenía tantas y tantos recursos… deportivos, y tantos medios, tros, muchos espacios, en los cen Me quedó grabado que hay o que se pueden usar com ins en los suyos y en los nuestros, Insospechadas. Divertidas. De talaciones no convencionales. por tivas, por ejemplo. muparedes eran de colores, que Y me quedó grabado que las ía o decoradas, que apenas hab chas cosas estaban pintadas, paredes de colores lisos. o que nos podíamos traer, que Y pensé que eso era un recurs más daría a levantar la vista con no sería caro y que nos ayu alegría. Eso pensé. esdel rocódromo. Y empecé a inv Y entonces se me ocurrió lo aAp yo. iales, los precios, qué sé tigar cómo hacerlo, los mater de y fácil: “oye, Rafa, esas piezas reció Montaña, y todo fue mu de rnet son mucho más baratas rocódromo que venden en inte ir. mit per os o que nos las podem lo que nos pensábamos. Yo cre as para probar…” Si quieres pedimos unas poc ma. . Madre mía, cuidado con Che Y en esto, me crucé con Chema a, cos ier lqu e engañar para cua No solo está dispuesto a dejars a ort bajo o no, que eso le imp sin preguntar se si costará tra uí Es que te lee la mente. Conseg bien poco. No solo eso, no. y o), zum un e é (él siempre prefier engañarle para tomar un caf me Pri ía. a poco, casi por telepat entonces surgió la idea, poco das luego, por qué no unas ban ro iba a ser un rocódromo y ya; pies para colocar las manos y los de color, a distintos niveles, to tan ta gus al final, ya que nos en los diferentes colores; y s mo , “¿cómo no, mejor, dibuja esto de las tareas integradas en damos color, y lo integramos un paisaje de las Villuercas, le a str nue , bel centro?” “Y a Isa nuestras actividades como Geo y sí, Sí, va a gustar, ¿no crees?” inagotable coordinadora… Le a clase, ¡y nuestros alumnos van además lo vamos a hacer en ! rendizaje basado en proyectos ser par tícipes de todo esto! ¡Ap iva! ¡La caña en innovación educat sas ntaña nos consiguió las pre Así que manos a la obra: Mo n nadas, hasta que llegó el bue (que estuvieron meses almace los uió sig e con ello); Chema con tiempo y las ganas de poners viajes al almacén para que que colores (madre mía, ¡¡¡cuántos ilio bel nos dio el visto bueno; Em dasen al gusto de todos!!!); Isa n bié tam que n, , y su supervisió nos consiguió las her ramientas secon a la obra, esto fue lo que era importante… ¡Y manos guimos ter minar! y en horas libres, con (poco) frío Un par de meses de trabajo Ana ía tra n esos cafés que nos (mucho) calor, a deshoras (co ía rescos que Esmeralda nos ten de vez en cuando), y esos ref deseando cer rar). preparados cuando ya estaba ada estrenarlo. Este año, pensáb En realidad, ya solo nos que n bue estre, con la llegada del mos dar le uso en el tercer trim no… tiempo. Pero no, va a ser que á hecho. Bien hecho, nos gus est ya Nos queda el trabajo, que la de allá de ser docentes. Más taría pensar. Y mucho orgullo del día a día… tiza, del silbato, de la rutina,

rocódromo rafa ruiz



Eco friend



Lyocell uses a much more ecological process than others , it’s made in a system that recycles almost all of the chemicals used. Tencel® is the brand name of lyocell and it’s made from eucalyptus. Eucalyptus trees grow quickly,without using pesticides, fertilizers or irrigation. Lyocell is 100% biodegradable. IONCELL Process: The process uses a solvent called ionic liquid to dissolve cellulose. In the dissolved state, cellulose can be transformed into beautiful and strong fibers. The only chemicals applied are the non-toxic ionic liquid and water. Fibers: the fibers feel soft and are strong even when wet. The fiber properties of Ioncell are equal or better than others. The Ioncell® process could revolutionize the recycling of textile waste.

The fabric has the same quality as conventional cotton but does not pollute as much. Organic cotton prevents pollution more than conventional cotton. It is grown from natural seeds and without the use of chemical elements. Unlike conventional cotton, organic farmers use ancestral farming methods, including crop rotation, mixed agriculture or zero tillage to preserve soil. Organic cotton uses up to 71% less water than conventional cotton. Organic cotton producers are not exposed to hazardous substances. This product is certified by seven organizations.







Recycled nylon has benefits: it diverts waste from landfills and its production uses much less resources than virgin nylon. Most of the nylon produced comes from old fishing nets, this causes trash to be recycled. One of the bad things about this type of nylon is that it is more expensive than virgin nylon, but it has more environmental is better for the environment.

Alpaca fiber comes from the fleece of the animal bearing the same name. Alpacas are from Peru. They need little water and food, which is cut grass so alpacas do not pull it out, and they do not damage the soil with their feet, as goats or sheep do. Alpacas are sheared once a year, which is enough to produce 4 or 5 sweaters, and their wool is classified by hand because of their colour and the thickness. There are 2 types of alpaca: Huacayo,which is characterised because of its fluffiness, and Suri, which is a more silky fiber. The wide range of colours that alpacas afford, encourages less dying, which means doing no damage to the environment. Alpaca fiber is very strong, elastic and non-flamable and alpacas have a very sustainable lifestyle, so they help to protect the environment.









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