BOOK 2012
CONTENTS Dean’s Message 05 Research Policy 06 Research Outputs 08 Publications Strategy & Marketing 12 Finance & Operations 34 Management & Organisation 46 Doctoral Programmes 62
‘‘The school’s mission is “to prepare, through education and research, innovative and responsible managers to perform in a global environment.’’ Dr. Olivier APTEL Dean
Dean’s Message Par une politique de recherche volontariste menée depuis cinq ans, l’ESC Rennes School of Business est aujourd’hui en mesure d’enregistrer une production scientifique significative. Plus de 250 contributions intellectuelles dont 90 publications dans des revues à comité de lecture ont été publiés sous la signature de notre Ecole. C’est sans doute dans le haut niveau de notre faculté permanente que l’on doit puiser la source de ces résultats. Pour qu’ils puissent exprimer toute leur puissance créative, nos enseignants-chercheurs bénéficient en permanence d’un environnement intellectuel stimulant et d’une culture de recherche désormais totalement intégrée à la vie quotidienne de l’École. Ce mouvement se renforcera encore dans les années à venir. Notre plan de développement stratégique 2012-2017, lui-même décliné de notre mission consistant à ‘‘Préparer, par l’enseignement et la recherche, des managers responsables et innovants à agir efficacement dans un environnement globalisé” prévoit d’accentuer notre recherche notamment autour des axes du Management de l’Innovation, de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises et du Supply Chain Management. Cet objectif sera soutenu par un plan de recrutement de nouveaux professeurs qui viendront renforcer encore notre faculté permanente constituée à 80% de professeurs internationaux. Notre objectif est simple : utiliser la recherche en management pour mieux servir nos étudiants et les entreprises qui nous font confiance.
Thanks to a proactive research policy for the last five years, the ESC Rennes School of Business has had a significant scientific production. More than 250 intellectual contributions, including 90 publications in peer-reviewed journals were published by our School. The highly qualified faculty of ESC Rennes is undoubtedly the source of these results. A constantly stimulating intellectual environment and research culture that is fully integrated into the School’s everyday life helps them to express their full creative power. This forward momentum will only continue. Our Strategic Development Plan for 2012-2017, aligned with our mission to ‘Prepare, through education and research, innovative and responsible managers to perform in a global environment’ will allow us to focus our research on such major themes as Innovation Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Supply Chain Management. This objective will be supported by a recruitment plan of new faculty members that will further strengthen our permanent faculty already composed of 80% of international professors. We have a simple objective: use research in management to better serve our students and the companies that trust us. Dr Olivier Aptel, Dean and Director General
Research Policy The School’s mission statement guides faculty members to produce intellectual contributions that advance the management disciplines. In accordance to its mission, the School has opened two specialized research centers – one in the field of Technology and Innovation Management and the other in the field of Responsible Business. A third Research Center of Purchasing & Supply Chain Management is currently being implemented. These are themes whose output is of benefit to the visibility and the reputation of the School, both nationally and internationally. In accordance with the School’s strategic mission to use research to contribute to the development of knowledge creation, a majority of the publications are of a discipline based nature. Our Professors regularly publish in leading academic journals in management, finance, organization studies, and marketing such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of World Business, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Marketing Management, etc. ESC Rennes has adopted a 2012-2017 research strategy which follows six main principles: 1. Alignment with the identity, the mission and the culture of the School and its overall strategy 2. Consolidation of the research culture 3. Consolidation of the doctoral programmes 4. Development of research cooperation with ESCR partners 5. Focus on the quality of the Intellectual Contributions 6. Visibility of the School (more active media presence). Our research output for 2012 is described in details in the next pages. It is characterized by a successful focus on high quality faculty research productivity with a well-developed research culture. The 2012 Research Book celebrates the excellent research performance of our Professors. We are extremely proud to present their intellectual contributions. Dr. Michel DELORME Vice-Dean for Knowledge Development and Research
Dr. Michel DELORME Vice Dean of Knowledge Development and Research
Research outputs
Annual production of Intellectual Contributions
“We have a simple objective : use research in management to better serve our students and the companies that trust us.�
Research Type
International Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
National Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Other International Research Publications
Other National Research Publications
Accepted Papers at Peer-Reviewed Conferences
Case Studies
Other Publications
Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals 2008-2012
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Strategy & Marketing Department
Publications CLAIRE-LISE ACKERMANN, Doctorate, Nantes University, France Ackermann C-L., Mathieu J., & Roehrich G. Risque et lancement de produits nouveaux : l’apport de la cognition sociale implicite. Management et Avenir, Vol 57. Ackermann C-L., Mathieu J., & Roehrich G. Un enrichissement du processus de décision d’adoption d’une innovation par la prise en compte de l’attitude implicite. Proceedings of the 11th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venise, Italy, 19-21 January. Ackermann C-L., Mathieu J., & Fort-Rioche L. L’impact de l’expérience antérieure sur l’attitude implicite à l’égard d’un nouveau design produit : le cas du rétro-marketing automobile. Actes du 28ème congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 9-11 May, Brest, France.
CAROLE A.D. BONANNI Doctorate, Paris XIII University, France Bonanni C., Lépineux F., & Roloff J. (Eds.) Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good – International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. de la Burgade E. & Bonanni C. L’avenir est dans la Bretelle. Administrative Science Association of Canada, Saint John, Newfoundland, Canada, June. Xu-Priour D.L., Bonanni C., & Palmer, A. The effects of coolectivism and timestyles on consumer online behaviour: evidence from China. Academy of Marketing Conference, Southampton, Great Britain, July.
IRENA DESCUBES PhD, University of Economics, Prague Descubes I. Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Recovery in Afghanistan: Ongoing Debate on Best Instruments from Czech Perspective. Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO), Pensacola, Florida, USA, 15-18 February. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Exercising Strategy - Attention shoppers: Nervous breakdown in progress on aisle 5. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw Hill. Forthcoming. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Evidence Based HR - Don’t feel like going to work today? Not a problem. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming.
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Strategy & Marketing
Publications Irena Descubes (continued)
McNamara T. & Descubes I. Exercising Strategy - Do you need a compliant labour force willing to work 7 days a week for pennies a day? Call us. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Managing People - Porsche: Where high performance meets low cost labour. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Pay Structure Decisions - Oil, diamonds and ... computers? The emergence of a new cartel. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. Descubes I. & McNamara T. The Analysis and Design of Work - Daily stand-up meetings: an agile management tool. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. Descubes I. & McNamara T. Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay - Carrots and sticks aren’t cutting it anymore! Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. McColl R. & Descubes I. Le VéloSTAR: Improving the World’s First Automated Bike Rental System. Case Study: ECCH UK. Gregory M., Kehal M., & Descubes I. Mentored action learning applied to personal knowledge management - a research in progress. UKAIS 2012: United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems annual conference, Oxford, UK, 26 – 28 March. Descubes I. Factors Influencing Biofuel Purchase Intention. 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech, 13 – 15 September.
PRADEEP P.K. DIVAKARAN PhD, Aarhus University, Denmark Divakaran P. K. P. Pre-release member participation as potential predictors of post-release community members’ adoption behaviour: evidence from the motion picture industry. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-15. Divakaran P. K. P. Effects of New Product Preannouncements on Web 2.0 Based Consumption Communities and their Significance. IEM International Journal of Management and Technology, 2(2), 91-95. Divakaran P. K. P., Nørskov, S., & Waldstrøm, C. Innovation ideas and their social networks in user communities. 2012 EURAM at Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 6-8. Divakaran P. K. P., Nørskov, S., & Waldstrøm, C. Using idea-networks and their early network-patterns in online communities as a screening method at the fuzzy front of innovation. 10th Annual International
Open and User Innovation Workshop at Harvard Business School, USA, July 30 – Aug 1. Divakaran P. K. P. Effects of New Product Preannouncements on Web 2.0 Based Consumption Communities and their Significance. IEMCON 2012: Technical and Managerial Innovation in Computing and Communications in Industry and Academia, Science City, Kolkata, India, August 18 & 19. Divakaran P. K. P. & Fort-Rioche L. Community-based Brand Equity and their relationship with Market Performance: A New Product Perspective. 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Czech Repubilc, September 13-15.
LAURENCE FORT-RIOCHE PhD, Open University, UK Truong Y., Klink R.R., Fort-Rioche L., & Athaide, G.A. Consumer Response to Product Form in Technologically-Based Industries: The Role of Consumer Innovativeness and Design Acumen. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Forthcoming. Ackermann C-L., Mathieu J., & Fort-Rioche L. L’impact de l’expérience antérieure sur l’attitude implicite à l’égard d’un nouveau design produit : le cas du rétro-marketing automobile. 28ème congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 9 – 11 May, Brest, France. Truong Y. & Fort-Rioche L. Innover par le design. Afterwork de la Recherche La Cantine Numérique Rennaise, Rennes, France. Divakaran P. K. P. & Fort-Rioche L. Community-based Brand Equity and their relationship with Market Performance: A New Product Perspective. 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Czech Repubilc, September 13-15.
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Strategy & Marketing
Pradeep Divakaran (continued)
Publications PETER HULTEN PhD, Umea University, Sweden Hulten P. A Lindblomian perspective on customer complaint management policies. Journal of Business Research, 65, 788-793. Hulten P. Value creation by “muddling” in the B2B sector. Journal of Business Research, 65, 781-787. Hulten P., Barron A., & Bryson D. Cross-country differences in attitudes to business associations during the 2007-2010 recession. Journal of World Business, 47 (3), 352-361. Barron A., Hulten P., & Hudson S. The financial crisis and the gathering of political intelligence: A cross-country comparison of SMEs in France, Sweden and the UK. International Small Business Journal, 30 (4).
DILDAR HUSSAIN PhD, University of Vienna, Austria Hussain D., Moritz L., Windsperger J. The choice between single-unit and multi-unit franchising: Combining agency and transaction cost perspectives. The Journal of Applied Business Research, September/ October 2012, Vol. 28, N° 5, pp. 769-776. Hussain D., & Windsperger J. A Property Rights View of Multi-Unit Franchising. European Journal of Law & Economics. Forthcoming. Hussain D., Perrigot R., Mignonac K., El Akremi A., & Herrbach O. Determinants of Multi-Unit Franchising: An Organizational Economics Framework, Managerial and Decision Economics. Forthcoming. Hussain D., & Perrigot R., Mignonac K., El Akremi A., & Herrbach O. Determinants of multi-unit franchising. An organizational economics framework. European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, Vienna, July 9-12. Hussain D., Windsperger J. Multi-Unit Franchising: Organizational Capability and Transaction Cost Explanations. 26th Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA), 17 – 19 May.
SEONG-YOUNG KIM Master, Toulouse Business School, France (PhD ABD) Seong-Young K. The influence of resource conditions between firm and partners on firm performance in alliance portfolios. Annual Conference on Global Economy, Business and Finance, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 December.
Strategy & Marketing
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Chair ‘‘Foresight and the Common Good’’ Our Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) works closely with Canon Research Centre France (CRF) to develop an innovative Corporate Social Responsibility approach that is both differentiating and transferable to other entities of the Canon group. It is consistent with the will of Canon to be a pioneer, a corporate citizen, and to become an admired corporation. Besides, it provides many opportunities for fruitful collaboration between CRF, the CRB, and other actors on four continents: Europe, Asia, America and Africa. “Which Governance Models for Large Business Organizations in the 21st Century?” The Canon Chair develops a research program at the intersection of four areas: foresight, globality, governance and the common good. It aims to study the articulation and interdependence of the four domains: how can we explore the future, integrate finalities, and think globally, in order to design governance schemes that will enable business organizations to deal with the challenges of the 21st century and contribute to build a more sustainable world? Current research investigates the relationships between 2 or 3 of these 4 dimensions, but not between all of them; hence the interest of the research program.
WHY FORESIGHT? • The Canon group has a very long-term view - embracing the next two centuries -, and explicitly wishes to become and remain a company of the “top 100”. WHY GLOBALITY? • Faced with the globality of the crisis, we need to mobilize the globality of knowledge and to invent multi-actor cooperative schemes on the planetary scale. WHY GOVERNANCE? • At all levels of human action, innovative governance mechanisms are required, relying on the key principles of responsibility and subsidiarity. • For instance, how can the Canon group - and CRF contribute to design this multilevel governance? How can its employees get involved? WHY THE COMMON GOOD? • The corporate philosophy of Canon is founded on the concept of “Kyosei” – commonly translated as “working and living together for the common good”; it conveys an ideal of social harmony. • At the global level, and as we will advance into the 21st century, the common good is likely to become the horizon of ethics, politics and economics.
Dr. François LÊpineux Professor, Strategy and Marketing Department 18 > 19
Publications PHILIP J. KITCHEN PhD, Keele University, UK Papasolomou I., Kountouros H., & Kitchen P.J. Developing a Framework for Successful Symbiosis of CSR, Internal Marketing and Labour Law in a European Context� The Marketing Review, 12 (2) 2012. Lead paper. Forthcoming. Porcu L., del Barrio-Garcia & Kitchen P.J. How Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Works: A Theoretical Review and Analysis of its Main Drivers and Effects. Communications and Society 25 (1) 2012, 313-348. ISI impact factor: 0.205; ranked first within the communication area according to the national Spanish ranking IN-RECS. Forthcoming. Palakshappa N., Bulmer M., Eweje G. & Kitchen P.J. An Integrated strategic partnership between business and non-profit organisations: a case study approach. Journal of Marketing Communications. Forthcoming. Kitchen P.J. The Dominant Influence of Marketing in the 21st Century, Chapter 1 in Kitchen P.J. 2012, ibid Books. Kitchen P.J. The Recasting, Applicability and Relevance of Hobbes Leviathan. Chapter 2 in Kitchen, P.J. (2012) ibid. Kitchen P.J., Schultz D.E. & Papasolomou I. The Conceptual Bridge between Corporate and Marketing Communications. Managing Corporate Communication: A Cross-cultural Approach, edited by Gambetti, R. and Quigley, S. Palgrave-Macmillan. 39pp. Forthcoming. Kitchen P.J. and Tourky M. The Importance and Relevance of Integrated Marketing Communications: A Global Perspective. in Handbook of Research on International Advertising edited by S. Okazaki, 2012, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 25pp. Kitchen P.J. The Age of Organisationalism. Chapter in Kitchen, P.J.(2012), Ibid Book chapter. Kitchen P.J., Tourky M., Shaalan M. & Dean, D. Corporate Identity: Antecedents and Components - Developing a Theoretical Framework Corporate Reputation Review. Case study. Kitchen P.J. Integrated marketing communications. Baker, M.J. (ed.), Principles of Marketing, The Marketing & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at http:// Case study. Kitchen P.J. The Ever-Expanding Role of Public Relations in Marketing. Keynote Speech: European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Istanbul, Turkey; 20-22nd September 2012. Kitchen P.J. Corporate Branding: Antecedents, Modelling, Outcomes Keynote Speech: 30th Flemish Scientific Economic Congress, November 21st and 22nd, Antwerp, Belgium.
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“Future knowledge is today’s research.”
Publications FRANCOIS LEPINEUX PhD, Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers, Paris, France Lépineux F., & Rosé J.-J. Spiritual leadership in business, in Thompson, M. (ed.), Business, Spirituality and the Common Good, Boise: Russell Media, p. 145–167. Rosé J.-J. & Lépineux F. From the financial crisis to wise management: The relevance of the ‘return to Aristotle’ in Thompson, M. and Bevan, D. (eds.), Wise Management in Organizational Complexity, CEIBS Palgrave Macmillan Management Series, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming. Virmani A. and Lépineux F., Spiritual-Based Entrepreneurship for an Alternative Food Culture: The Transformational Power of Navdanya in Zsolnai, L. (Ed.), Spirituality and Sustainability, Ethical Prospects Series, London: Springer. Forthcoming. Bonanni C., Lépineux F., & Roloff J. (Eds.) Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good – International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Rosé J.-J., & Lépineux F. The planetary crisis in the light of phronèsis. paper presented at the ECCLAR Conference Wise Management in Organizational Complexity, China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, May 23-24. Virmani A., & Lépineux F., Sustainable agriculture as spiritual-based entrepreneurship: The transformational power of Navdanya paper presented at the European SPES Forum Conference Spirituality and Sustainability: A New Path for Entrepreneurship, Visegrad (Hungary), September 21-23. Lépineux F. Organization of the Canon Chair seminar animated by Arundhati Virmani on Sustainable Entrepreneurship in India - the Navdanya Movement, June 19, ESC Rennes School of Business.
HAMID K. MAZLOOMI Doctorate, INPL and SKEMA, France Mazloomi K. H., & Jolly, D. Knowledge Transfer in Alliances: The Moderating Role of the Alliance Type. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Forthcoming. Mazloomi H., & Jolly D. How the intent to explore and partner difersity matter for learning partner. DRUID 2012, 19 – 21 June. Mazloomi H., Billinger S., & Caverot G. How do High Tech SMEs Adopt Entrepreneurial Approach for Growth: The Case of Open Innovation. 10th International Open and User Innovation Workshop, Boston, United States of America, 30 July – 1 August. Mazloomi H., Nasiriyar M. & Phelps C. Complementarity and Diversity of Partners: How Do They Matter for Innovation. Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2012 - Prague, Czech Republic, 7 – 9 October.
ROD McCOLL Doctorate (Ed.D), RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia McColl R. & Truong Y. The effects of Facial Attractiveness and Gender on Customer Evaluations during Web-Video Interface Sales Encounter. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Forthcoming. Puncheva-Michelotti P., McColl R. & Michelotti M. Exploring the nexus between corporate patriotic appeal and corporate reputation: A multi-stakeholder analysis. 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, Rennes, April 18-20. McColl R. & Mattsson J. Understanding service memories. AMA SERVSIG, International Service Research Conference, Helsinki, June 7-9. McColl R., Mattsson J., & MacGilchrist R. The role of emotions and time on service experience memories. 19th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Vienna, 18 – 20 July. MacGilchrist R. & McColl R. Assessing the impact of alternative sales promotions on promoted products in the presence of the equivalent non-promoted product: A pilot study. 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech, 13 – 15 September. McColl R., & Truong Y. How Facial Attractiveness impacts web-video experiences. ANZMAC Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Adelaide, Australia, December 3-5. McColl R. & Descubes I. Le VéloSTAR: Improving the World’s First Automated Bike Rental System. DVD, ECCH. McColl R. & Descubes I. Le VéloSTAR: Improving the World’s First Automated Bike Rental System. Case study: ECCH., UK
MARYAM NASIRIYAR Doctorate, IAE Aix-en-Provence, France Mazloomi H., Nasiriyar M., & Phelps C. Complementarity and Diversity of Partners: How Do They Matter for Innovation. Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2012 - Prague, Czech Republic, 7 – 9 October.
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Strategy & Marketing
Publications ADRIAN PALMER PhD, De Montfort University, UK Palmer A. 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Organisor, ESC Rennes, France with over 40 participants from 17 different countries, April 17-20. Palmer A. & Huo Q. A study of trust over time within a social network mediated environment. Journal of Marketing Management., accepted for publication. Forthcoming. Blumrodt J. & Palmer A. Branding tourism sea side destinations through websites. Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Palmer A. Worthington S. & Dann S. Relationship Marketing Exploring the value of loyalty, Fisk, Raymond P, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah and Harris, Lloyd C (Editors) , Serving Customers: Global Services Marketing Perspectives, pp63-81, Tilde University Press, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN 978-0-7346-1099-7. Palmer A. & Huo Q. A time series, webnograophic analysis of trust in a viral high-tech brand. Proceedings of the 12th International Research Seminar in Service Management, IAE, Aix-en-Provence, France, 28 May – 1 June. Palmer A. & Huo Q. Critical-mass effects on contribution to online service fora. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association SERVSIG conference, Hanken University, Finland, 7 – 9 June. Xu D., Bonanni C., & Palmer A. The effects of coolectivism and timestyles on consumer online behaviour: evidence from China. Academy of Marketing Conference, 2 – 5 Southampton, Great Britain. Palmer A. & Koenig-Lewis N. The effects of social identity on inward tourism promotion. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton University, 2 – 5 July. Palmer A. & Huo Q. Why are some online forums successful while others fail? Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton University, 2 – 5 July. Blumrodt J. & Palmer A. Catch your city’s image: Branding tourism sea side destinations through websites. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton University, 2 – 5 July. Huo Q., Palmer A., & Hudson S. Determining the development and sustainability of online communities. 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech, 13 – 15 September. Palmer A., & Koenig-Lewis N. I love my town, but will I recommend it to my friends? Proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Nottingham Trent University, 24 – 28 September.
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“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think differently.�
Reciprocal Value Propositions in Practice: Constraints in Digital Markets By Truong Y., Simmons G. and Palmer M., Industrial Marketing Management, 41 (1), 197-206.
The value proposition concept, while forming a central foundational premise of servicedominant (S-D) logic, has nevertheless been treated somewhat ambiguously. Recent work in attempting to address this has focused through a S-D logic lens on the reciprocal nature of value propositions. Important to this work has been a focus on communicative interactions and resource integration between network suppliers and customers. Overall, value proposition thinking has not studied in detail their adoption and use in practice. Considering the compelling notion of reciprocity, there have been recent calls for research to consider reciprocal value propositions in practice. The overall aim of this paper, therefore, was to explore how reciprocal value propositions are developed (or not) in practice at the network level. The study was set in the mobile television (TV) sector, which, as an internet-driven sector,
is viewed as particularly pertinent. To conduct the study an S-D logic and Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group framework are integrated for the first time. A key finding is that while the reciprocal value proposition concept is theoretically intuitive, it is by no means inevitable in practice. Reciprocal value propositions were found to be simultaneously constrained, and, potentially enabled by these constraints in practice. At an overall level this paper contributes to the ongoing collaborative process, which aims to move S-D logic from a framework to a theory. More specifically, we provide new insights into the development of reciprocal value propositions in practice.
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GUIDE project The GUIDE project (“Gentle user interfaces for elderly people”) is one of the first European funded projects of the Center of Technology and Innovation Management (CTim) of ESC Rennes School of Business. The consortium is led by Technicolor and involves Fraunhofer Institute, University of Cambridge, Vsonix, University of Lisbon, Centro de Computação Grafica, and Ingema. The aim of the project is to fill the accessibility, expertise, time, budget and framework gaps for the developers of Web&TV applications. This is realized through a comprehensive approach to the integration of various user interface technologies, multimodal adaptation to the user’s impairments and preferences and design-time virtual user simulation based on advanced user models. As an application platform, GUIDE targets connected TVs and Set-Top Boxes, including emerging application platforms such as HbbTV, but also proprietary STB middleware solutions that integrate broadcast and broadband services. These platforms have the potential to address the specific needs of elderly users with applications such as home automation, communication or continuing education. The role of the CTim in this project is to analyse market data of the TV industry, propose relevant business models for the platform, and elaborate
the marketing strategy for commercializing the new technologies. On a monthly basis, the Ctim runs a series of research seminars in which both our researchers and guest scholars from renowned international universities present their current research to an audience of faculty members. In 2012, some of our visiting scholars came from University of Berkeley, University of Southern Denmark, and University of Hamburg. We also run several workshops a year within a broad range of topics that are related to research such as paper development, publishing in top journals, and collaboration in research projects. Our research has appeared in journals such as International Journal of Market Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, and International Journal of Advertising.
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Dr. Yann TRUONG Associate Professor, Strategy and Marketing Department
Publications PETYA PUNCHEVA-MICHELOTTI PhD, Griffith University, Australia Puncheva-Michelotti P., McColl R. & Michelotti M. Exploring the nexus between corporate patriotic appeal and corporate reputation: A multi-stakeholder analysis. 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, Rennes, April 18-20.
LAURENT SCARINGELLA Doctorate in Business Administration, Grenoble Ecole de Management Miles R. E. & Scaringella L. Designing the Firm to Fit the Future. Journal of Organizational Design, 1 (2), 69-74. Scaringella L. Cost reductions along the global innovation scheme In: Producing New Knowledge on Innovation Management, ed. B. Chapelet and M. Le Berre, Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 115-128. ISBN 978-2-7061-1715-2. Scaringella L. Exploration of geographical scope: the cluster of Grenoble. Proceedings 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech, 13 – 15 September.
DIRK SCHNECKENBERG PhD, Duisburg University, Germany Schneckenberg D. & Barron A. A theoretical framework for exploring the influence of national culture on Web 2.0 adoption in corporate contexts. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 15 (2), 176-186. Schneckenberg D. Clarifying the Concept of Enterprise 2.0. Purposive Expert Interviews at the E 2.0 Summit (Invited Academic Expert). Designing the Social Business Excellence, 7-8 February. Schneckenberg D. T-Shaped Knowledge Workers: Why Graduates Should Learn to Think Deep and Lateral at the Same Time. In Alegre. J & R. Chiva (Eds) Proceedings of the Eight International Conference of the Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Communities, Book of Abstracts, 25-27 April 2012 (p.37). OLKC: Universidad de Valencia. Schneckenberg D. Strategic Incentive Systems for Open Innovation Practices. K.R.E. Huinzingh, S. Conn, M; Torkelli & I. Biltran (Eds.), XXIII International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference Proceedings, Book of Abstracts, 17-20 June 2012 (p.44). Barcelona: International Society for Professional Innovation Management.
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Matzler K., Schneckenberg D., Spieth P., Tidd, J. & Vanhaverbeke, W. Business Model Innovation. Conference Track for the 12th EURAM Conference ‘Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence’, 6-8 June 2012 (Track Number 39). Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management: European Academy of Management. Schneckenberg D. How to Motivate Active Contributions to Open nnovoation? A Cross-sectinal study of Organisational incentives Systems. 28th Egos (European Group for Organisational Studies), Helsinki, Finland, 2 – 5 July.
YANN TRUONG PhD, Open University, UK Truong Y., Simmons G., & Palmer M. Reciprocal value propositions in practice: Constraints in digital markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 41 (1), 197-206. Truong Y., Klink R.R., Fort-Rioche L., & Athaide G.A. Consumer Response to Product Form in Technologically-Based Industries: The Role of Consumer Innovativeness and Design Acumen. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Forthcoming. McColl R. & Truong Y. The effects of Facial Attractiveness and Gender on Customer Evaluations during Web-Video Interface Sales Encounter. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Forthcoming. Truong Y. A cross-country study of consumer innovativeness and technological service innovation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Forthcoming. Truong Y. & Fort-Rioche L. Innover par le design. Afterwork de la Recherche La Cantine Numérique Rennaise, Rennes, France. McColl R., & Truong Y. How Facial Attractiveness impacts web-video experiences. ANZMAC Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Adelaide, 3-5 December. Truong Y. & Dmitriev V. Developing business models for radical innovations: A new venture’s perspective. Annual Conference on Global Economy, Business and Finance, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 December.
JEAN-PHILIPPE TIMSIT Doctorate, University de Savoie, France Viola JM., & Timsit JP., Yankova D. Technological Resources Reconfiguration and Organizational Scope: A Longitudinal Analysis. Strategic Management Society, Prague, 7 – 9 October.
Dirk Schneckenberg (continued)
Publications DONG-LING XU-PRIOUR PhD, IGR Rennes, France Xu-Priour D.L., Cliquet G., & Fu G. The combined influence of time pressure and time orientation on consumers’ multichannel choice: evidence from China. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol 22, Issue 5. Xu-Priour D.L. Effects of social interaction in e-commerce: Understanding Chinese customer responses. 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, Rennes, April 18-20. Xu-Priour D.L., Bonanni C., & Palmer A. The effects of coolectivism and timestyles on consumer online behaviour: evidence from China. Academy of Marketing Conference, Southampton, Great Britain, 2 – 5 July.
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“Any business professional needs cross-cultural research and communication skills to succeed in the future.�
Finance & Operations Department
Strategy & Marketing
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Publications BOUCHAIB BAHLI PhD, HEC Montréal, Canada Bahli B. Social Influence In Computer-Mediated Communication: The Effects On Group Meeting Outcomes. Journal of Applied Business Research, 29 (1). Forthcoming. Bahli B. Enabling innovation in information tecnology outsourcing: an empirical study. Australian Conference on Information Systems, Geelong, Australia, 3 – 5 December. Patel A., Benslimane Y., Bahli B., & Yang Z. Addressing IT Security in Practice: key responsibilities, competencies and implications on related bodies of knowledge. IEEE Conference on Industiral Engineering and Industrial Management, Hong Kong, 10 – 13 December. Heier H., Borgman H., & Bahli B. Cloudrise: Opportunities and Challenges for IT Governance at the Dawn of Cloud Computing. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - December. Borgman H., Heier H., & Bahli B. (2012). Paradise by the Dashboard Light: Designing Metrics in Turbulent Environments. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - December.
HANS BORGMAN PhD, Rotterdam University, Netherlands Heier H., Borgman H., & Bahli, B. Cloudrise: Opportunities and Challenges for IT Governance at the Dawn of Cloud Computing. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - December. Borgman H., Heier H., & Bahli B. (2012). Paradise by the Dashboard Light: Designing Metrics in Turbulent Environments. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - December.
TAOUFIK BOURAOUI Doctorate, Université de Paris Ouest, Nanterre, La Défense, France Bouraoui T., Mehanaoui M., & Bahli B. Stock Spams: Another Kind Of Stock Prices Manipulation. Journal of Applied Business Research, 29 (1). Forthcoming. Bouraoui T. The impact of stock spams on liquidity. Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Zurich (Switzerland), 12-13 April. Bouraoui T. Stock spams: A new business to make money. The Global Management, Finance & Information Technology Research Conference, New York (USA), 24-27 May.
Finance & Operations
Publications DOUGLAS BRYSON MBA, University of New Brunswick, Canada Blumrodt J.,& Bryson D., & Flanagan J. European football teams’ CSR engagement impacts on customer-based brand equity. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(7): 482-493. Hulten P., Barron A., & Bryson D. Cross-country differences in attitudes to business associations during the 2007-2010 recession. Journal of World Business, 47 (3), 352-361. Atwal G., Bryson D., & Hulten P. The Impact of Product Packaging on Consumers’ Purchase Decisions within a Low Involvement Product Category. Journal of Euromarketing, 21 (2/3). Forthcoming. Bryson D. & Atwal G. Antecedents of Attitude towards the Adoption of Internet Banking in Senegal. Journal of Innovation Economics. Forthcoming. Hudson S. & Bryson D. The relationship between individuals’ assessment of corporate social performance and person-organization fit, job satisfaction and turnover intentions: an empirical study. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Forthcoming. Atwal G. & Bryson D. Subway Derailed: the Case of Germany. Foundations of Marketing (4th Edition), by Fahy and Jobber. 20 Canada Sq., Canary Wharf, London, UK: McGraw-Hill Education. Khan S., Atwal G. & Bryson D. The Communication Dilemma. Book Chapter: Atwal, Glyn and Jain, Soumya. (Eds.), The Luxury Market in India: Marahajas to Masses. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
EMMANUEL de la BURGADE Doctorate, Mines Paris Tech, France Riot E., de la Burgade E. Stamping La Poste: an illustration of the influence of societal effects on strategic change. Journal of Strategy and Management Vol 5, N0 2, pp 175-210. de la Burgade E. & Bonanni C. L’avenir est dans la Bretelle. Administrative Science Association of Canada, Saint John, Newfoundland, Canada - December. de la Burgade E. A new orientation for the French postal services: is La Poste getting global for its own sake? EBHA - BHSJ Paris 2012: business enterprises and the tensions between local and global, Paris, France, 30 August – 1 September.
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Centre for Responsible Business While consumer groups are increasingly expecting companies to adopt a socially responsible behaviour, new regulations and extra-financial rating agencies invite them to take environmental, societal, governance and ethical issues into account. Doing business in a responsible way meets the demands of their stakeholders and may even be a matter of survival; on that assumption, ESC Rennes School of Business decided to create the Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) five years ago.
The Centre for Responsible Business links a global approach to corporate responsibility and performance with a forward thinking orientation regarding the challenges which businesses will face in the coming decades.
implement sustainability policies. It also nurtures the School’s pedagogy to include responsibility in all its educational programmes and cooperates in various networks with academia, business, civil society and government.
Areas of expertise:
Raising awareness and developing skills for responsible management The Centre contributes to pedagogical innovation through the development of new courses dealing with sustainability, CSR and business ethics, which are gradually being incorporated in all programmes taught at ESC Rennes School of Business, in order to increase the awareness and skills of students on these matters. The CRB organises conferences and symposia in cooperation with various national and international actors.
The CRB focuses on five main areas: • Responsible leadership • Business and the environment • Managing stakeholder relationships • Corporate social performance • New business models contributing to sustainable development. ACTIVITIES Contributing to excellence in both theoretical and applied research, the CRB has a vocation for helping organizations devise and
Publications KHALID EL BADRAOUI Doctorate, Paris Ouest Nanterre, La Défense, France El Badraoui K. & Lilti J. The Long-Run Operating Performance of Canadian Convertible Debt Issuers: Trends and Explanatory Factors. International Journal of Business, Vol 17, N° 3, pp 299-324. Shalchian H., El Badraoui K., M’Zali B., & Lilti J. On the Performance of Socially Responsible Investing: Further Evidence. Bankers, Markets & Investors, N° 118, May-June 2012, pp. 30-42. El Badraoui K., Shalchian H, M’Zali B. & Lilti J.J. A Multi-dimensional Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence. 2ème Conférence Internationale sur la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises, Agadir, Morocco, 27-30 Avril. El Badraoui K., & Le Pogamp F A. Security Design of Callable Convertible Bonds and Issuers External Financing Costs. III World Finance Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4 July.
MARK GREGORY MSc, Kingston University, UK (PhD in progress) Gregory M. A reflection on Personal Information Management Systems. PIM Workshop 2012, part of CHI 2012 11-12 February Bellevue, WA. Available at reflection.pdf Kehal M. & Gregory M. Knowledge Diffusion via AUTomated Organizational CARTography [AUTOCART]. UKAIS 2012: United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems annual conference, Oxford, UK, 26 – 28 March. Gregory M., Kehal M., & Descubes I. Mentored action learning applied to personal knowledge management - a research in progress. UKAIS 2012: United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems annual conference, Oxford, UK, 26 – 28 March.
RAMZI HAMMAMI PhD, Grenoble INP, France Hammami R. & Frein Y. An optimisation model for the design of global multi-echelon supply chains under lead time constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 1-16.
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DONATIEN HAINAUT PhD, Université Catholique de Louvain- la Neuve (UCL), Belgium Hainaut D. & MacGilchrist R. Strategic asset allocation with switching dependence. Annals of Finance, Vol 8, N° 1, pp. 75-96. Hainaut D. Multidimensional Lee-Carter model with switching mortality processes. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, Vol 50 (2012), pp. 236-246. Hainaut D. Seasonality modelling for catastrophe bond pricing. Bulletin Français d’actuariat, 12 (23), 129-150. Hainaut D. Entry and exit decisions with switching regime cash flows. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 8 (1), 58-72. Hainaut D. Multidimensional Lee-Carter model with switching mortality processes. Actuarial and Financial mathematics conference 2012 Brussels, Belgium, 9 & 10 February. Hainaut D. A structural model for credit risk with Markov modulated Lévy processes. Séminaire SAF de l’ISFA, Université Lyon 1, 2 March. Hainaut D. Intensity models for credit risk with switching regimes. MAF 2012 Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance, Venice, Italy, 10 – 12 April. Hainaut D. A Fractal Version of the Hull-White Interest Rate Model. AFFI (Association Française de Finance) Winter Conference, Paris, France, 20 December.
MOUNIR KEHAL PhD, Surrey University, UK Kehal M. & Gregory M. Knowledge Diffusion via AUTomated Organizational CARTography [AUTOCART]. UKAIS 2012: United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems annual conference, Oxford, UK, 26 – 28 March. Gregory M., Kehal M., & Descubes I. Mentored action learning applied to personal knowledge management - a research in progress. UKAIS 2012: United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems annual conference, Oxford, UK, 26 – 28 March.
CHAABEN KOUKI Doctorate, Cours Central de Paris, France Kouki C., Sahin E., Jemai Z., & Dallery Y. Impact of random lifetime in periodic review perishable inventory systems. International Journal of Production Research. Submitted.
17th Corporate Marketing COmmunications Conference ESC Rennes, April 19-20, 2012 In April 2012, ESC Rennes proudly hosted the 17th annual meeting of the Corporate Marketing Communications conference, following in the footsteps of previous prestigious hosts which have included Erasmus University, Netherlands, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Warwick University, UK and Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. The 2012 conference came at a time of increasing public skepticism about the role of corporations in society and the way they communicate with their stakeholders. The focal point of the conference was the analysis of past, present, and future trends in corporate and marketing
communications. Have some communications practices proved inadequate? What critical changes are needed? What is the role of corporate and marketing communications in reinvigorating businesses, societies and economies? How can communications help rebuild trust in brands, institutions and corporations? A total of 33 papers were presented during the two-day conference plus presentations by keynote speakers. The conference continues to have an international influence, with 50 delegates attending, coming from 19 countries, and reflecting the international outlook of ESC Rennes.
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“ESC Rennes professors publish regulary in leading academic journals.�
Dr. Donatien Hainaut Associate Professor, Finance and Operations Department
Publications RENAUD MacGILCHRIST Doctorat, la Sorbonne, Paris, France Hainaut D. & MacGilchrist R. Strategic asset allocation with switching dependence. Annals of Finance, Vol 8, N° 1, pp. 75-96. McColl R., Mattsson J., & MacGilchrist R. The role of emotions and time on service experience memories. 19th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Vienna, 18 – 20 July. MacGilchrist R. & McColl R. Assessing the impact of alternative sales promotions on promoted products in the presence of the equivalent non-promoted product: A pilot study. 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech, 13 – 15 September.
TOM McNAMARA PhD, Open University, UK McNamara T., Shaaban S., & Hudson S. Simulation of Unbalanced Buffer Allocation in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines. International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 1-15. Forthcoming. Shaaban S., McNamara T., & Hudson S. The Effects of Unbalancing Operation Time Variability on the Performance of Unreliable Lines. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 24. Forthcoming. Shaaban S., Hudson S., & McNamara T. Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Unbalanced Operation Time Means – A Comparison. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May 23-25, 2012, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Exercising Strategy - Attention shoppers: Nervous breakdown in progress on aisle 5. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Evidence Based HR - Don’t feel like going to work today? Not a problem. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Exercising Strategy - Do you need a compliant labour force willing to work 7 days a week for pennies a day? Call us Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. McNamara T. & Descubes I. Managing People - Porsche: Where high performance meets low cost labour. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming.
McNamara T. & Descubes I. Pay Structure Decisions - Oil, diamonds and ... computers? The emergence of a new cartel. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. Descubes I. & McNamara T. The Analysis and Design of Work - Daily stand-up meetings: an agile management tool. Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming. Descubes I. & McNamara T. Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay - Carrots and sticks aren’t cutting it anymore! Human Resources Management – International Edition by Noe (8th ed.). McGraw - Hill. Forthcoming.
ILARIA PERI PhD, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy Frittelli M., Maggis M. and Peri I. Risk measures on P(R) and Value at Risk with Probability/Loss function. Mathematical Finance. Forthcoming. Peri I. Risk measures on P(R) and Value at Risk with Probability/Loss function. 50th Euro Working Group on Financial Modeling, Rome, Italy Speaker, May 3-5. Peri I. Risk measures on P(R) and Value at Risk with Probability/ Loss function. Bachelier Finance Society, Sydney, 7th World Congress, Australia. Speaker, Jun 19-22.
THIERRY SAUVAGE Doctorate, Aix-Marseille University, France Sauvage T. & Doriol D. Management des Achats-Supply Chain Vuibert. Sauvage T., Haouari M. Risk Management: A new way to improve logistics outsourcing. Chapter 20: IGI Global.
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Tom McNamara (continued)
Publications DAMIR TOKIC Doctorate (PhD), The University of Texas - Pan American, USA Tokic D. The Passive Investor Puzzle. Journal of Asset Management, 13 (2), 141-154. Tokic D. When Hedging Fails: What Should Every CEO Know About Speculation. Journal of Management Development, Vol 31, N° 8, pp, 801-807. Tokic D. The Economic and financial dimensions of degrowth. Ecological Economics, 84 (2012) 49-56. Tokic D. Speculation and the 2008 Oil Bubble: The DCOT Report Analysis. Energy Policy, 45, 541-550. Tokic D. Managed futures for long term investors: a DEA ranking analysis. Australian Economic Review, Vol 45, N0 4, p 422-440. Tokic D. Crude oil futures traders: Who is watching whom? Energy Studies Review. Forthcoming. Tokic D. The Passive Investor Puzzle: Implications for Traders. International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS), Paris, France, 16 – 19 April. Tokic D. Managed futures for long term investors: a DEA ranking Analysis. The Global Management, Finance, Information technology Research Conference, New York, USA, 24 – 27 May. Tokic D. The Fourth Wave of Globalization. IISES, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24 – 27 June.
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The Link between Legitimacy and Responsibility By Claasen C. and Roloff J., Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 107, No. 3, p. 379-398.
This article investigates the link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and the reasons for which legitimacy is ascribed or denied. It fills a gap in the literature on CSR and legitimacy which lacks empirical studies regarding the question whether CSR contributes to organisational legitimacy. The problem is discussed referring to the case of De Beers’ diamond mining operations in partnership with the Namibian government. 37 stakeholder interviews are analysed with regards to cognitive, pragmatic and moral legitimacy
as defined by Suchman (1995). The main finding is that the majority of statements on organisational legitimacy refer to moral legitimacy and most issues raised in this context challenge the company’s legitimacy despite its comprehensive CSR engagement. The study demonstrates that legitimacy gaps can be a result of communication practices that raise unrealistic stakeholder expectations and that the legitimacy gained by CSR engagement in one area cannot substitute legitimacy losses caused by failures in another.
Management & Organisation Department Review
Publications JENS BLUMRODT Doctorate, Université Haute Bretagne, Rennes II, France Blumrodt J., & Bryson D., & Flanagan J. European football teams’ CSR engagement impacts on customer-based brand equity. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(7): 482-493. Blumrodt J., Desbordes M., & Bodin D. Soccer brands and corporate social responsibility. Sport, Business and Management: an International Journal. Forthcoming. Blumrodt J. Quel talent au service de l’entreprise du sport spectacle? Colloque International, Football & Recherche, Université Rennes 2, Rennes, France, 30 May – 1 June. Blumrodt J. & Palmer A. Catch your city’s image: Branding tourism sea side destinations through websites. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton University, 2 – 5 July. Blumrodt J. Does ethics pay for football teams? Customer perceived ethicality and brand equity in European football leagues. ISBEE World Congress Warsaw, Poland, 10 – 15 July. Blumrodt J. & Palmer A. Branding tourism sea side destinations through websites. Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 3 – 7 August. Blumrodt J. Comment vendre sa destination touristique sur Internet ? Faire correspondre l’image de marque des sites touristiques français de bord de mer à l’image voulue par les élus de la ville. FNEGE, IIIe États Généraux du Management, Strasbourg, France, September.
CYRLENE CLAASEN PhD, Open University, UK Claasen C. & Roloff J. The Link between Responsibility and Legitimacy. The Case of DeBeers in Namibia. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 107, No. 3, p. 379-398.
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Management & Organisation
Dr. Philip KITCHEN Professor, Strategy and Marketing
Center of Technology and Innovation Management The Center of Technology and Innovation Management (CTim) of ESC Rennes School of Business aims to foster research on innovation management among its faculty and connect the Center’s expertise to the school’s stakeholders: companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, students and alumni, and the local community. The CTim collaborates extensively in several funded research projects with companies such as Orange, Alcatel-Lucent, and Technicolor, most of the time within the cluster “Images & Réseaux”, one of the world’s leading clusters in digital imaging technologies and networks. These collaborative projects build upon our expertise in Digital Marketing, Technological and Business Model Innovations, Knowledge Management, and Technology Transfer. Our researchers are also currently involved in a large European project and several company-related consulting projects. The CTim also runs a monthly research seminar in which both our researchers and guest scholars from renowned international universities present their current research to an audience of faculty members. In 2012, some of our visiting scholars came from University of Berkeley, University of Southern Denmark, and University of Hamburg. We also run several workshops a year within a broad range of topics such as paper development, publishing in top journals, and collaboration in research projects. Our research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, International Journal of Market Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Knowledge Management Research &
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Practice, and International Journal of Advertising. The mission statement of the CTim is articulated around four core objectives: 1) Contribute to cutting-edge theory development by conducting research leading to publications in top academic journals and participation in international conferences; 2) Develop original research that advances management practice in innovation management; 3) Collaborate with local, national, European and international firms and academic institutions; 4) And develop innovative pedagogical approaches for the school in the field of innovation.
Publications FABIO FONTI PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) Ferriani S., Fonti F., & Corrado R. The social and economic bases of network multiplexity: Exploring the microdynamics of the emergence of multiplex ties. Strategic Organization. Forthcoming. Baroncelli S., Fonti F., & Stevancevic G. Mapping the teaching tools in EU studies: Initial results from a comprehensive study. In Baroncelli, S., Farneti, R., Vanhoonacker, S., & Horga, I. (Eds.), Teaching European Union Studies: Patterns in Traditional and Innovative Teaching Methods and Curricula. Berlin (Germany): Springer Verlag. Forthcoming. Fonti F., & Stevancevic G. Innovativeness in teaching EU studies: An empirical investigation. In Baroncelli, S., Farneti, R., Vanhoonacker, S., & Horga, I. (Eds.), Teaching European Union Studies: Patterns in Traditional and Innovative Teaching Methods and Curricula. Berlin (Germany): Springer Verlag. Forthcoming.
HELENA GONZALEZ PhD, IE University, Spain Gonzalez H. & Richter A. Turning negative prevention focus emotions into creativity. SIOP conference. Symposium, San Diego, USA, April, 2012. GonzĂĄlez H., Richter A. Understanding when frustration fosters idea generation: The moderating role of leadership. Academy of Management conference, Boston, USA, August, 2012.
SARAH HUDSON PhD, Sheffield University, UK Barron A., Hulten P., & Hudson S. The financial crisis and the gathering of political intelligence: A cross-country comparison of SMEs in France, Sweden and the UK. International Small Business Journal, 30 (4). Shaaban S. & Hudson S. Transient Behaviour of Unbalanced Lines. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 24 (4), 575-602. McNamara T., Shaaban S. & Hudson S. Simulation of unbalanced buffer allocation in unreliable unpaced production lines. International Journal of Production lines, 2012, 1–15, iFirst. Forthcoming.
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Management & Organisation
The Diffusion of HR Practices in Chinese Workplaces and Organizational By Michelotti M., Industrial and Labor Relations Review - Gahan, P., Michelotti, M., Standing, G. - Vol. 65, N째 3, Article 8, pp 651-685
How relevant are human resource practices in economies undergoing significant economic transition from a command to a market based system? Using data drawn from a large sample of Chinese establishments, this study investigates the spread of a range of western style HR practices and estimates the relationship between the adoption of these practices and three organizational outcomes: sales per employee, total labor costs and unit labor costs. The authors find a mixed result relationships between labor management practices and establishment
productivity. While the introduction of a number of human resource practices was also associated with significantly higher labor costs, the results indicate a more mixed result for the relationship between these practices and unit labor costs. These findings add further to our understanding of the relationship between work practices and organizational outcomes, and contribute to clarify the impacts of the changing economic context on HRM in China.
Publications Hudson S. & Bryson D. The relationship between individuals’ assessment of corporate social performance and person-organization fit, job satisfaction and turnover intentions: an empirical study. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Forthcoming. Shaaban S., McNamara T., & Hudson S. The Effects of Unbalancing Operation Time Variability on the Performance of Unreliable Lines. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 24. Forthcoming. Shaaban S. & Hudson S. Brittany Baguette Ltd, ECCH Case for Learning. Shaaban S., Hudson S., & McNamara T. Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Unbalanced Operation Time Means – A Comparison. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May 23-25, 2012, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Shaaban, S., Hudson, S., & McNamara, T. Performance of Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Uneven Buffer Allocation. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May 23-25, 2012, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Huo Q., Palmer A., & Hudson S. Determining the development and sustainability of online communities. Proceedings 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech, 13 – 15 September.
LILY MING LI PhD, Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin, Ireland Li M., Mobley W., & Kelly A. When do global executives learn best to develop cultural intelligence? An investigation of the moderating role of experiential learning style. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Forthcoming. Li M., Wang Y. & Mobley W. H. Introduction – Looking Back and Looking Forward, in W. H. Mobley, Y. Wang and M. Li (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership. Bingley: Emerald. Vol. 7:1-6. Wang Y., Li M. & Mobley W. H. Conclusion – Reconnecting with the foundations to build global leadership capability. In W. H. Mobley, Y. Wang and M. Li (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership. Bingley: Emerald. Vol. 7: 389-398.
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Sarah Hudson (continued)
Publications MARCO MICHELOTTI PhD, Monash University, Australia Gahan P. G., Michelotti M., & Standing G. The Diffusion of HR Practices in Chinese Workplaces and Organisational Outcomes. Industrial and labor relations review, 65 (3), 8, pp. 651-685. Puncheva-Michelotti, P., McColl R. & Michelotti M. Exploring the nexus between corporate patriotic appeal and corporate reputation: A multi-stakeholder analysis. 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, Rennes, April 18-20. Michelotti M. Corporate ownership non wage benefits and firm performance in Post-communist economies: evidence from Ukraine European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 6 – 8 June.
JULIA ROLOFF Doctorate, International Graduate School Zittau, Germany Claasen C. & Roloff J. The Link between Responsibility and Legitimacy. The Case of DeBeers in Namibia. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 107, No. 3, p. 379-398. Bonanni C., Lépineux F., & Roloff J. (Eds.) Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good – International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Roloff J. & Bakteeva A. Financing social enterprises: Equity capital, donations, and profits. Paper presented at the EBEN Annual Conference in Barcelona,September 20-22. Roloff J. The Grenelle de l’Environnement: A source of social capital for a more sustainable building sector. Fifth International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE) World Congress on the topic Tradition and New Horizons: Towards the Virtue of Responsibility, in Warsaw, Poland, July 11-14.
STEFFEN ROTH Dr. rer. pol., Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany Jaccard D. & Roth S. Formation à la gestion de projet et simulations. Revue Economique et Sociale 70(2). Roth S. The moral of functional differentiation. A new horizon for descriptive innovation ethics. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 17(2).
Roth S. Leaving commonplaces on the commonplace. Cornerstones of a polyphonic market theory. Tamara. Critical Journal of Organization Inquiry 10(3). Roth S. Editorial: The multimedia organization. Tamara. Critical Journal of Organization Inquiry 10(3). Roth S. Sustainability of Innovation, Innovation of Sustainability. 6th International Conference on Indicators and Concepts of Innovation (ICICI 2012), November 22-23, 2012, Founding Member of the Conference Board.
ISMAEL SENE Doctorate, HEC Paris, France Sene I. Lessons from the past: about civic entrepreneurship. ASPA Conference 2012, Las Vegas, USA, 2-6 March 2012. Sene I. Towards an epistemology of civic action. ICSB World Conference 2012, Wellington, New Zealand, 10 - 13 June.
JEAN-MICHEL VIOLA PhD, HEC Montreal, Canada Viola JM. & Timsit JP., Yankova D. Technological Resources Reconfiguration and Organizational Scope: A Longitudinal Analysis. Strategic Management Society, Ă Prague, Octobre.
INJU YANG-McCOURT PhD, Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin, Ireland Yang I. Expressing emotions in Korean Organization Overseas. 2012 European International Business & Economics Conference, Rome, Italy, 6 – 8 June. Yang I. Challenges facing East Asian Managers Overseas. Conference of the Journal of Business and Economics in Times of Crisis, Munich, Germany, 16 & 17 August.
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Steffen Roth (continued)
6th International Days of Statistics and Economics Prague, September 13-15, 2012 ESC Rennes School of Business co-presided the 6th Edition of the International Days of Economics and Statistics at the University of Economics of Prague, from 13 to 15 September 2012. More than a hundred researchers from fifteen different countries discussed contemporary issues in economics, statistics and management. Seventeen research papers were presented by members of the permanent faculty at ESC Rennes. Together with the representatives of our partner universities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, ESC Rennes intends to continue to increase the prestige and influence of this conference during the 7th edition which will take place in Prague mid-September 2013.
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“Emphasize the importance of the long term view.�
Dr. Laurence Fort-Rioche Associate Professor, Strategy and Marketing Department
Doctoral Programmes PhD Since 1992, ESC Rennes has delivered a PhD programme on behalf of the Open University in the UK (AACSB and EQUIS accredited). We recruit students who wish to study topics of interest to the school which cover the main themes within business management such as Marketing, Strategy and Management, Human Resources Management, Operations Management and Finance. But the School focuses principally on research activities within its two centres: - Technology and Innovation Management, - Responsible Business. Current topics studied by our students: “Managing Open Innovation: Capabilities and skills to foster collaboration in inter-organizational teams” / An Investigation of Company’s Intentions to Incorporate Biodiversity in Environmental Management Systems / Mentored action
research into Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS) http://www.markrogergregory. net / Dividend policy & cost of debt: Evidence from MENA emerging markets /Studying the impact of converging technologies on the product development process: the case of drug-device convergence / A New Approach to Inflation Targeting: Extracting Expected Core Inflation from Convenience Yield of Futures Prices and Open Interest Data to Establish Proactive Monetary Policies / Understanding and Managing Program for alignment with business strategy – The case of the Media & Entertainment Industry / Nine Years of 3G/3G+ Mobile Commerce Services: Evidence for Behavioral Predisposition as a Predictor of Adoption Intentions / Critical mass as an antecedent to stability in online communities / On the influence of task time and variability on un-paced assembly system throughput, using simulation / The Impact of Customers’ Personality on their Emotional Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions in a Context of Call Centres.
DBA ESC Rennes offers the DBA programme and the DBA degree, directly and in collaboration with affiliated international institutions, currently: Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT) in Beijing, China and Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, programme in Rennes. The mission of the DBA programme is to prepare higher-level managers with significant business experience to become engaged scholars, reflective practitioners or faculty members. This is done by offering a structured doctorate degree programme that is both rigorous and relevant, using a combination of course work and a high quality original research thesis. The course work has a focus on research methodology and both qualitative and quantitative
research methods for business students and emphasizes current issues in the main business disciplines as well as selected themes that fit both the student population preferences and the strengths of ESC Rennes. The programme typically takes 48 months, with a possibility for fast students to complete the degree in 36 months. In 2012, the graduated first cohort of the programme with BUPT. BUPT DBA – Cohort 1 THESIS: A Research on the Purchasing Intention of Key Clients in China’s Telecommunication Equipment Industry Based on Customer Equity / Empirical research on effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on customer satisfaction - the case of China Telecom Hubei / Precise Marketing in the
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Telecommunications Industry Based on Internet User Behavior Analysis / Study on Competitiveness of Telecom Operators under the 2/3G Network Convergence / Research on Influencing Factors of Consumption Behavior and Marketing Strategies of Credit Cards / Research on the Influence of After sales Q-service Quality on Customer Loyalty based on Telecommunication Manufacturers / Research on relationship among Corporate Culture, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Performance - taking Chinese Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry as Example / An Empirical Research on EVA-Oriented Financial Policies of Telecom Operators -based on Perspectives of Financial Performance and Financial Management / A Study on influence factors on Customer’s Satisfaction Based on Lifestyle - Empirical Analysis of Mobile Value-Added Service in Shanxi / Study on the Psychological Contract In the Phase of the Enterprise Organizational Restructuring / The Business Model Research and System Design of the Digital Content Distribution Platform on Internet / Research on Customers’ Willingness to Accept the Mobile Internet / The Research on the Corporate Culture and Organizational Identification of Restructured Enterprise in Telecom Industry / Research on Family Telecom Consumption Decision-making Mechanism Based on Group Decision Making Theory / The Study on the Relationship between Mobile Service Level and Customer Behavior based on the Zone of Tolerance / The research of the adoption Behavior of mobile data service based on user relationship network / Research on Dynamic Strategy Management and Adaptive Mechanism of Telecommunications Enterprise / Corporate Governance Theories : Executive Compensation Mechanism in
China’s State-owned Enterprises / Research on Key Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Broadband in China’s rural Area based on the Empirical Research of Jiangsu Province / Training Transfer : Influencing Factors and its Relationship / The Impact of Empowering Leadership Behaviors on the Followers’ Performance / The impact of customer experience on customer satisfaction and loyalty - Based on Mobile phone services in China /Research on Integrated Information Service Strategies of Telecom Firms based on Eco-industrial Value Chain / The Economic Value Evaluation System of Radio Spectrum Resources / Study on Equilibrium Service of the Telecom Operators / The Influence of Satisfaction and Switching Costs on 2G Mobile Customers Switching to 3G Services / Research on customer segmentation of Telecommunications Enterprise Based on customer Lifetime Value /Study on the Influencing Factors of Continuous Intention of Using Online Games / How Ethical Leadership Influences Subordinators’ Attitudes and Behaviors : The Mediating Role of Fairness Perception and Trust in Supervisor / Impact of Confucian Values on Trust and Commitment in Chinese Telecom From the perspective of liquor values / Research on Telecom Marketing Channel Performance Evaluation-Empirical Analysis Based on a provincial branch of China Unicom / An Empirical Research on Market Timing Theory - evidence of H-shares listed on the SEHK / Research on the Impact of Channel Structure on Channel Performance of Telecom Operators in 3G Environment / A Data Mining Based Research on Call Center Services.
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