Behind ESDi Projects - english

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Alba Alaminos / Ruth Algueta / Carlos Anselmo / Susana Aristoy / Andrea Asensi / Victor Azcoitia Laura Balet / Victor Barberán / Fran Bodego Gemma Carreras / Arnau Casado / Ane Castro Núria Cobos / Núria Costa / Núria Crosas Marianna de Nadal / Elizabeth Ferrandiz / Eva Garrell Javier Gómez Carballo / Antonio Gonzalez

Miguel González / Eduardo Huerta / Laura Ibáñez Sandra Lamas / Salvador Limonero / Júlia López Marta Lozano / Albert Margalef / Tomás Martín Alba Molist / Marc Morros / Marc Nicolau Anna Orriols / Carla Playà/ Lalo Quintana Sebastian Pérez / Claudia Pla / Albert Puig Mireia Puig / Elisabet Tobias / Etc.

_____ Multi-disciplinary Projects

ESDi Virtual Lab by HP Multi-disciplinary team

Hewlett-Packard (HP) and ESDi have created a Virtual Lab for training and innovation that is open to the university world. The Lab features cutting-edge technologies: immersive computation (Sprout) and Virtual Reality. HP has provided the technology and ESDi is in charge of student and faculty know-how and Lab use. A team composed of Graphic Design and Interior Design students conceived the graphic design of the space, which will be printed thanks to HP’s innovative 3D large-format printers. Participating students: Júlia López, Albert Margalef, Javier Gómez Carballo, Sebastian Pérez ESDi faculty and team: Antonio Gonzalez, Fran Bodego, Marianna de Nadal. Partners: Hewlett-Packard

HP Mars Home Planet Multi-disciplinary team

As a member of the HP Education League, ESDi takes part in the HP Mars Home Planet project, in which Virtual Reality (VR) techniques are used to create spaces and products for Mankind’s future development on Mars. Here, ESDi draws up models and prototypes as, for example, a transport vehicle that features a VR work area. HP Mars Home Planet will select the best projects and give prizes for designs, continuing the work carried out for ‘Mars 2030’, a VR experience initially jointly promoted by Fusion and NASA. Participating students: Elisabet Tobias, Gemma Carreras, Núria Cobos, Ruth Algueta,Victor Azcoitia, Júlia López, Alba Molist, Arnau Casado, Marta Lozano and Laura Balet. ESDi faculty and team: Antonio Gonzalez, Fran Bodego, Marianna de Nadal, Carlos Anselmo, Eduardo Huerta, Mireia Puig Poch and Tomás Martín. Partners: HP Ink and HP Enterprise, Autodesk, Fusion, Launch Forth, Technicolor, Unreal Engine ,VIVE, Barcelona Mobility Lab, Computer Vision Center (CVC).

Project by Paula Abián and Júlia López


Graphic Design & Interiors

Brand Image project applied to spaces with the participation of the School’s ThirdYear students of the Design Degree (whether specialising in Graphic Design or in Interior Design).The students came up with diverse plans for murals in the University’s areas, and the final project was “Sewing the space”, by Júlia López and Paula Abián. Participating students: Third-Year students taking the Degree in Design, specialising in Graphic Design and Interior Design ESDi faculty and team: Susana Aristoy, Lalo Quintana, Julia López, Paula Abián and Claudia Pla.

Proposta d’Albert Margalef

ESDi Living Lab

Interior Design and Design Management ESDi and the company eMobike are working together to create a pioneering centre in Catalonia oriented towards the dvelopment of cutting-edge products and services, and the resolution of technological problems. Furthermore, work is being done on setting up a Living Lab on ESDi’s university campus. The lab will provide an area for experimenting with products, processes and solutions. The students have worked in the classrooms on analysis and design to enhance the experience of e-bike users and to come up with new uses for e-bikes. In addition, resident students in Design Management have worked with Design Research methodologies to give the company new insights on users. These insights should lead to new strategies for adding value and eventually for creating new business models. Participating students: 4th-Year students taking a Degree in Design, specialising in Products; resident Design Management students ESDi faculty and team: Elisabeth Ferrandiz, Eduardo Huerta, Marc Morros, Marc Nicolau Partners: eMobike


Multi-disciplinary team European Project in which ESDi designs and builds prototypes linked to Smart Cities. This work covers: designing and building prototipes for manufacturers; street furniture and buildings that can interact with people; traffic lights to improve mobility; energy-saving; making areas pleasanter; fostering better ‘urban mobility’ solutions (reducing strategies air pollution; achieving greater environmental sustainability). Partners: Sabadell City Council and Fundació Sabadell per la Indústria [Sabadell Industrial Foundation].

Smart Cluster Multi-disciplinary team

ESDi has been part of the SMART Cluster since 2017, a research and development programme for Smart Products and Smart Design. The cluster forms part of the EUREKA international competitiveness network. Other EUREKA members are The Czech Republic, South Korea, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, and Turkey, which take part through companies, universities, and science-industrial centres. Within this context, ESDi seeks to forge strategic alliances to develop prototypes and innovative projects. ESDi faculty and team: Salvador Limonero, Eva Garrell.

Science Night, Hospital Parc Taulí Graphic Communication Team

ESDi created an advertising poster for the 3rd edition of La Nit de la Ciència [Science Night], a research project by Hospital Parc Taulí, which, this year, was focused on rare diseases. The project’s slogan is: “Diagnosis and treatment for every patient with a rare disease”. ESDi faculty and team: Eduardo Huerta and Sandra Lamas Partners: UAB, Sabadell City Council, Fundació Parc Taulí [foundation], Fundació Bosch i Cardellach [foundation], Fundació Olga Torres [foundation]

Conceptualisation and design of the Sabadell City brand Multi-disciplinary team

Design of the city’s identity through a multidisciplinary project in which ESDi researchers analysed the image citizens have of their city, Sabadell’s projection abroad, and a study of other European cities. This has led to identification of the conceptual parameters needed to develop the proposed brand image and its graphic expression. Participating students: Inés Herranz, Núria Cobos and Gemma Carreras. ESDi faculty and team: Encarna Ruiz and Eduardo Huerta. Partners: Sabadell City Council

ESDi Color_LAB Multi-disciplinary team

ESDi Color_LAB is Spain’s representative in the international organisation Intercolor, which has 16 member countries drawn from Asia, Europe, and the US. Within Intercolor, ESDi is the only academic entity and thus makes a big contribution in the field of conceptualisation.The working approach incorporates analysis of the latest social trends, based on Socio-semiotics, a science that interprets the world to create visual content through colour and materials. ESDiColor_LAB shares its ideas through a global framework thanks to its participation in the Intercolor International Congress, which is held every six months and at which the colour charts are drawn up for the textile, fashion, and Product Design industries. Participating students: Helena Rabal, Anna Salvador, Elisabet Sarro, Irene Argelic, Inés Herránz, Ainara Navarrete, Neus Orero, Laura Prieto, Arnau Raga, Chiara Pellegrini, Thijs Philipuus and Selina Ruijter ESDi faculty and team: Encarna Ruiz, Miguel Gonzalez and Anna Armentano.


Multi-disciplinary team An analysis the skirtbrand Marola was carried out through its website and branding. This led to a proposal for the catalogue that was soundly based on linguistics, semiotics, and brand concepts. Participating students: Helena Rabal, Anna Salvador, Elisabet Sarro, Irene Argelic, Inés Herránz, Ainara Navarrete, Neus Orero, Laura Prieto and Arnau Raga. Professors i equip ESDi: Encarna Ruiz. Partners: Marola

ESDi 2018 Advertising Campaign Multi-media team

The ESDi multi-media team created videos for the 2018 communication and advertising campaign. Various videos and messages were used to this end, with the titles (translated into English) included: Mad about Design; ESDi in a Minute; Notable Alumni; Study Abroad. Participating students: Víctor Azcoitia ESDi faculty and team: René Ferrero

trobada Harley Davidson

identitat, estètica i simbolisme com a marca

ESDi Harley-Davidson Multi-disciplinary team

The Harley-Davidson company provided ESDi with material in the form of mannequins and garments mostly. The firm gave the School’s Fashion Design students free rein to use this material, customise it, or re-purpose it as they saw fit to give the garments a discontinued on life. The resulting projects were exhibited at a private showing held by Harley-Davidson at Barcelona’s Montjuïc Trade Fair. The showing targeted the firm’s purchasers of accessories. Over 900 professionals in the sector attended the event. Participating students, ESDi faculty and team: Multi-disciplinary team comprising Fashion and Graphic Design students, and faculty in the Fashion and Product field Partners: Harley-Davidson

_____ Fashion Design Projects

Poblenou Shoes

Fashion Design

Fourth-Year Fashion students made style proposals to yield ‘overall look’ options for shoes made by the Poblenou shoes company. The aim was to provide apparel combinations for would-be on-line shoppers. Participating students: Fourth-Year Fashion Design students ESDi faculty and team: Miquel Malaspina, Professor of Styling, and the shoe manufacturer’s representative, Prof. Davit Malakian Partners: Poblenou Shoes

A Solidary Christmas Fashion Design

ESDi’s Communication and Fashion Design team, together with students in this field, took part in a solidary workshop with Fundació Finestrelles [foundation] to design tote bags. ESDi’s audiovisual team made a Christmas video for the Foundation an the company Prevint collaborated in the initiative. Participating students: First-Year Fashion Design students ESDi faculty and team: Mireia Rossinyol, Sandra Lamas, René Ferrero, Brunella Tedesco, Dolors Giró Partners: Prevint and Fundació Finestrelles

Inditex Generation 2018 Fashion Design

Through its programme of summer fashion shows in Corunna and Barcelona, Inditex gives students the chance to sign up for paid internships and work directly with design teams for the Inditex Group’s various brands. The project aims to carry on from the reviews and tutorials conducted during the fourth year of the degree so that selected students can win a cash prize for their final degree projects. Participating students: 3rd-Year Fashion Design students Partners: Inditex

School Space Fashion Design

Catalonia’s design and fashion schools have the chance to present their students’ degree dissertations for exhibition in the Open Area of ‘080 Barcelona Fashion’. Within this framework, student Sara Tapia Luna exhibited her collection When The Bronx Was Burning with two mannequins dressed in men’s clothes. Anna Trias Gumbau also presented pictures of her fashion stylings. Participating students: Sara Tapia Luna Partners: 080 Barcelona Fashion

Saba-TIC [Sabadell ICT] Products and Smart Design Product Design

ESDi took part in Saba-TIC, Sabadell’s ICT fair for showcasing new technologies. ESDi presented its ‘Tupperware’ prototype of a smart device applicable to Tupperware-like containers and Tetra-Briks to cut down on food waste.The prototype was produced as part of the Bachelor in Smart Design programme.Three designs for heaters were also prototyped using 3D printing, as part of the Small Household Appliance assignment in the Third Year of the Design Degree specialising in Product. Participating students: Students of the Bachelor in Smart Design and students of the 3rd Year of the Design Degree with specialisation in products: Anna Rodríguez Bosch, Joaquim Rivas Soler, Alba Guerrero, Marc Senar, Laia Montaño ESDi faculty and team: Víctor Barberán and Guiu Llusà Partners: Sabadell City Council

Product Design

Starting with the idea of designing a desktop LED lamp, students came up with their own creations.The design process was linked to discussion of the legacy of designer Josep Maria Magem, whether in connection with a given detail, material, or concept. The initiative emerged from a collaboration with the exhibition “Magem Incandescent”, curated by alumni Guillem Celada and exhibited by the Sabadell Art Museum. Participating students: 4th-Year students taking the Design Degree with special reference to Products: Alba Guerrero, Neus Iglesies, Laia Montaño, Judit Moreno, Marc Senar ESDi faculty and team: Jordi Llopis Partners: Sabadell Art Museum

_____ Product Design Projects

Gazes: Shining the spotlight on Magem

St. Joseph’s Day Competition, Sabadell School of Industry Product Design

ESDi Product Design student created different types of suit valets that become part of composition held on St. Joseph’s Day. The winning design, by Alba Molist, was then reproduced by other students from the School of Industry’s Woodwork and Furniture. The prize was accorded to the person who most faithfully rendered Molist’s design. The ESDi student was also a member of jury. Participating students: 3rd-Year students of the Degree in Design, specialising in products: Roberto Acosta, Laura Balet, Núria Calvet, Arnau Casado, Mathilda Humard, Marta Lozano, Alba Molist ESDi faculty and team: Guiu Llusà Partners: Sabadell School of Industry and The Sabadell and County Carpenters Guild

_____ Interior Design Projects

Christmas lights Interior Design

Two ESDi students took part in the first edition of the ‘Christmas Lights for Shop Windows’ programme — an initiative designed to boost local business in the street Gran de Sarrià. The designers created the shop display for the Josefa Cortinas shop, drawing on local traditions. Participating students: Third-Year students of the Degree in Design (specialising in interiors): Júlia López Sáez, Paula Abián i Gimbert ESDi faculty and team: Laura Martínez Partners: FAD and Barcelona City Council

Cladding Design (Solits company) Interior and Product Design

Working in tandem with Solits, a company specialised in the development of solid surfaces, students researched new applications for acrylic panels as cladding for façades and/or interiors. Participating students: 3rd-Year students (product specialisation): Roberto Acosta, Laura Balet, Arnau Casado, Mathilda Humard, Marta Lozano, Alba Molist; 3rd-year students (interior specialisation) Júlia López, Paula Abian, Queralt Bascones, Irene Porcar. ESDi faculty and team: Guiu Llusà and Susana Aristoy Partners: Solits


Interior and Product Design Prodis is a Terrassa-based organisation fostering social inclusion and the quality of life of the mentally handicapped. Students worked on a project to improve Prodis’ occupational centre. The project involved: (1) designing services based on analysis of the tasks users perform in the centre; (2) finding ways to enhance those tasks and the areas in which they were carried out. In addition, work was done on improving the residential care facilities to make them more ‘homely’ and less institutional. Participating students: 3rd-Year Design Degree students (specialising in products): Roberto Acosta, Laura Balet, Arnau Casado, Mathilda Humard, Marta Lozano, Alba Molist, Maria Dolores García Santibañez, Vanessa Hoppe. 3rd-Year Interior Design students: Júlia López, Paula Abian, Queralt Bascones, Irene Porcar, Alejandrina Loret de Mola Cámara ESDi faculty and team: Coral Martínez and Marc Fernández Partners: Prodis

Paraules Fèrtils Audiovisual Design

Audiovisual Design students were involved in creating the exhibition “Fina Miralles. Paraules fèrtils (1972-2017)”. For this purpose, they used the notebooks, manuscripts and sketch books of Fina Miralles, a Sabadell artist and recorded the artist’s voice to reproduce it as part of the exhibition.

ESDi faculty and team: Medín Peirón Partners: Sabadell Art Museum

_____ Audiovisual Design Projects

Participating students: 3rd-Year students of the Degree in Audiovisual Design taking the Materials and Technology 2 course: Andrea Asensi, Albert Puig

_____ Graphic Design Projects

National wine label competition Disseny Gràfic

The purpose behind the initiative is to spawn a new generation of graphic designers specialising in the burgeoning ‘wine label’ field. To this end, EtiquetaNews (online magazine for the labelling industry) launched the first National Wine Label Competition for Graphic Design students. ESDi students submitted designs for the competition. Participating students: 4th-Year Graphic Design students (Projects 4: Printed Graphics) ESDi faculty and team: Quim Boix Partners: EtiquetaNews

Inapa Calendar 2018

Graphic Design

Graphic Design students worked on coming up with ideas for the 2018 calendar that the Inapa company gives away to its customers as part of its loyalty programme. Furthermore, once the company had chosen the winners, Inapa held an exhibition of the calendars at Art Fusion BCN. Participating students: Elisabet Tobias, Nuria Cobos, Gemma Carreras, Aitana Kugeler and Albert Margalef. ESDi faculty and team: Lalo Quintana Partners: Inapa

_____ Design Management Projects


Design Management Each academic year, the firm Nomon Design works with a guest company to analyse its products and services, and to solve some of its problems. This year, the guest company was Aridi, which sells office furniture. Participating students: 3rd-Year Design Management students taking the Projects 2 course ESDi faculty and team: Sisรณn Pujol Partners: Nomon Design and Aridi

Classroom project with Associaciรณ Lligam Design Management

In keeping with our commitment to organisations fostering social welfare, our Design Management students drew up strategies to help Associaciรณ Lligam grow. The Association helps women who have served prison sentences and/or suffered from domestic violence to make better lives for themselves. Participating students: 3rd-Year Design Management students taking the Special Projects course ESDi faculty and team: Dr. Eduardo Huerta Partners: Associaciรณ Lligam

Urban Development in Sabadell

Gestió del Disseny

Each year, Sabadell’s City Council holds a competition for the best innovative ideas for the city’s town planning in order to meet any of the six urban challenges posed. 2nd-Year students taking the ‘Projects’ course draw up proposals, which are then entered for the competition. Participating students: 2nd-Year Design Management students taking the ‘Projects 1 and 2’ courses ESDi faculty and team: Dr. Eduardo Huerta Partners: Sabadell City Council

Naruto Cosplay Jacket

Bachelor in Smart Design

Jacket design with a red symbol using lights and a capacitative sensor on the back. ‘Cosplay’ (which stands for ‘costume play’) is a kind of fashion in which participants (also called ‘cosplayers’) use accessories and costumes to play a given character. In this case, the jacket represents Naruto Uzumaki, a manga character in the Japanese comic written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. Participating students: Laura Ibáñez ESDi faculty and team: Victor Barberán

The Magic Ball

Bachelor in Smart Design

The Magic Ball is a very special crystal ball that lights up with all kinds of colours and plays music, responding to our minds as sensed through our hands. It lights up when we place our hands close to it and answers ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to our questions by turning green or red, respectively. The Magic Ball is never wrong — do you dare ask it a question? Participating students: Anna Orriols, Ariadna Solà ESDi faculty and team: Victor Barberán

LED Wall

Bachelor in Smart Design

Interactive screen made up of colour LEDs whose purpose is to capture the user’s attention. It works using ultrasonic sensors, which measure how far the beholder is from the object. Each time a user passes close to the installation, the movement is detected and the screen switches on, displaying various animations with light and colour. Participating students: Martin Morante, Jordi Spinnox, Francisca Sotomayor, Alejandra Padilla, Laia Muntal, Claudia Hintzmann, Cristina Salarich, Stephanie Rivera, Paula Aguilar ESDi faculty and team: Victor Barberán

____Bachelor in Smart Design Projects

_____ Internships in Companies and Institutions Job Bank

_____Internships in Companies and Institutions Job Bank

Anne Castro & NĂşria Costa Fashion Design


Samsung EGO Innovation Project Technology and sustainable garment-making are the keys to this project. Ane Castro and NĂşria Costa were chosen by Samsung as winners of the Samsung EGO Innovation Project, which allowed the winners to inaugurate the closing runway show of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid 2018. The collection CONECT3D included fabrics produced with 3D printing and digital manufacturing, constituting a manifesto on the future of fashion.

_____ Awards

Alba Alaminos Interior Design


3rd CODIC Prize for the Degree Capstone Project, (awarded by the Catalan Association of Interior Designers and Decorators — CODIC) ESDi student Alba Alaminos won Third Prize in the 19th edition of the CODIC Awards for her Final Degree Project ‘Skyline Flight School’, focusing on the development of an international school for pilots at the Sabadell Aerodrome. With its focus on “fostering general welfare through the humanisation of space”, the project analysed the properties of the various spheres in which pilots are taught and socialised.

Núria Crosas Graphic Desig


Accèsit, PFG Awards (awarded by Catalonia’s Graphic Design Association) The PFG Awards cover the best Graphic Design projects between 2012 and 2017 in Catalonia. Núria Crosas won Accèsit Prize for her work ‘Fractal’, which enshrined simplicity and geometry as key criteria in a new form of dance notation, which makes use of diverse icons and colours to indicate movements and parts of the body.

Carla Playà Design Management


Swab Stairs The ‘Swab Stairs’ award focuses on the creative transformation of cityscapes. A project by Carla Playà was lauded for “Its contribution towards creating a smart, sustainable city’. The project was one of those exhibited in Barcelona’s Underground stations. It involved decorating the risers of the steps of the Diagonal L5-Rambla Catalunya/Diagonal Underground station, stressing environmental sustainability and encouraging passengers to walk up instead of taking the lift/escalator..

Touching Emotions Fashion Design


INNOVATIVE COSTUME of the 21st CENTURY: THE NEXT GENERATION (International Exhibition at BAKHRUSHIN CENTRAL STATE MUSEUM - MOSCOW [Главное здание Театрального музея им. А.А.Бахрушина] Design of wearables applied to the Performing Arts and Dance. At the end of the project, a wardrobe was created that reflected the interactions between the dancers during a performance. These wearables enhance communication between the performers and also strengthen their link with the audience. Participating students: Irene Argelich, Ainara Navarrete, Neus Orero, Elixabet Perdiguero, Laura Prieto, Helena Rabal and Arnau Raga ESDi faculty and team: Encarna Ruiz and Miguel González

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