The European-Security and Defence Union Issue 38

Page 14


In the Spotlight

+++ Abraham Accords +++

Strengthened Arab-Israeli relations: development prospects and many unanswered questions photo: ©CPO,

The great test of the new Arab-Israeli relationship is yet to come

by Gerhard Arnold, Theologian and Publisher, Würzburg


he Arab “axis of resistance” against Israel has broken, even if two long-standing hostile neighbours, Lebanon and Syria, will not hear of normalisation of their relations with the Jewish state. The “Abraham Accords”, brief and general statements about future cooperation between Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, which were brokered under heavy pressure from US diplomacy, without the participation of Arab organizations and signed on 15th September 2020 in Washington, generated worldwide media attention. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel as long ago as 1979, Jordan followed suit in 1994. In December 2020, President Trump announced further political normalisation between Morocco, Sudan and Israel. But the King of Morocco is having difficulty going any further, just like the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who has had discreet relations with Israel for years. However, these rulers have to take account of their peoples’ anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian sentiments, driven by the long-standing Arab support for a separate Palestinian state and the demand

for an end to the expansion of Jewish settlements, etc. This also explains the great reluctance of Kuwait, Qatar and Oman, which, while maintaining trade relations with Israel, uphold the rights of the Palestinians. They are a long way from signing the “Abraham Accords”, but Israel is no longer an enemy.

The Arab-Israeli rapprochement The establishment of diplomatic relations with the Jewish state by Bahrain and the UAE did not come as a surprise. Middle Eastern experts unanimously consider that the seeds of this development were sown some years ago. The two main reasons for the Arab-Israeli rapprochement are the growing concerns among numerous Arab states in the Middle East about Iran’s destructive foreign policy and its clear determination to build a nuclear bomb. The second reason is the US political and military withdrawal from the region, initiated by President Obama and continued by President Trump.

great test of the new “The Arab-Israeli relationship

is yet to come: how to deal with Iran.”


How do the participating Arab states view the opportunities for developing relations with Israel and the further handling of the Palestinian question?

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Articles inside

About us and our magazine

pages 54-56

by Dr Michael Stehr, Advocate, Germany Unmanned systems – ethics and international law Responsibility must remain in human hands

pages 50-52

Our Authors in 2020

page 53

Interview with Lt Gen Laurent Kolodziej, Strasbourg A Force for the EU and NATO Eurocorps: a mission oriented multinational force

pages 46-49

by Michael Rühle, Brussels Deterrence in the 21st century: necessary, but not sufficient Resilience is the solution of the future

pages 44-45

by Dr Kinga Brudzinska, and Lucia Rybnikárová, Bratislava Reinforcing European defence with deeper and wider partnerships The EU needs strategic allies and partners

pages 42-43

by Hartmut Bühl, Paris Globalisation accelerates invisible “wars” Commentary

pages 40-41

Interview with Jiří Šedivý, Brussels The role of EDA in shaping European defence A key player in EU defence settings

pages 36-39

Space news

pages 34-35

by Sinéad O’Sullivan, Washington, D.C. Global Earth Observation strategies for the reduction of climate-security threats Entering a new era

pages 32-33

by Dr Marcus DuBois King, Washington, D.C. Water stress threatens global political and economic stability Implications for environmental migration

pages 30-31

Documentation on climate change Taking climate change seriously

pages 28-29

by Olzod Boum-Yalagch, Ulaan-Baatar The green deal in the Asia Pacific Region A pragmatic way of thinking and acting

page 27

by Oliver Bruzek, Berlin Digitalisation and climate protection: can they go hand in hand? Benefits for the health sector and the environment

pages 24-26

by Dr Anton Hofreiter MdB, Berlin There is glory in prevention Climate policy at the heart of our coronavirus recovery

pages 22-23

by Dr Johannes Bühl, Leipzig The importance of aerosol, cloud and wind research for Europe Investing in high valuable space technologies

pages 20-21

by Marc Lemaître, Brussels EU Cohesion Policy: leaving no one behind in the green transition For a just and fair transition

pages 18-19

by Gerhard Arnold, Würzburg Strengthened Arab-Israeli relations: development prospects and many unanswered questions A strategic bulwark against Iran

pages 14-15

by Natalia Pouzyreff and Michèle Tabarot, Paris Is PESCO able to reinforce the credibility of the Common Security and Defence Policy? An original initiative, but difficult to implement

pages 12-13

by Robert Walter, London British vision of future cooperation in European security and defence Do not exclude post Brexit Britain from the debate

pages 16-17

by Hilde Hardeman, Brussels Facing the Covid-19 crisis in conflict zones worldwide The danger of pandemic as a motivator for peace

pages 10-11

by David McAllister MEP, Brussels/Strasbourg Facing new realities after the Covid-19 pandemic High time for strategic choices

pages 8-9

News, Nannette Cazaubon

pages 6-7

Editorial, Hartmut Bühl

pages 3-5
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