Example Lesson Plan 1

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Instructor: xxxxxxxxxxxx Level: Grade Four Unit: Social Studies: Regions of the United States: Southwest Topic: Grand Canyon and Carlsbad Caverns ISTE Standards:  For Students: Research and Information Fluency- Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information Goals:  To introduce students to important historic landmarks in the Southwest Objectives:  Have students understand the location of the Grand Canyon and the Carlsbad Caverns (Google Maps)  Students will use the internet to research and report two facts about the Carlsbad Caverns or Grand Canyon Materials: Power point of Grand Canyon and Carlsbad Caverns Google Custom Search Engine on Southwest Websites Computer/Projector- GoogleMaps Procedure: 1. Anticipatory Set: (To be done during reader’s workshop group time). Students will work in pairs to visit two websites on Ms. Fucci’s Custom Search Engine set up for the Southwest. Students will investigate one of the two landmarks we will study today in SS (Carlsbad Caverns or Grand Canyon). Pairs of students will write down two facts from their learning to share with the group. Website Resources: - Grand Canyon - http://www.nps.gov/grca/forkids/index.htm - http://www.ohranger.com/grand-canyon/just-kids - http://www.explorethecanyon.com/explore-learn/grand-canyon-facts.cfm - http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210629/Stephen%20C%27s%20Page.htm - Carlsbad Caverns - http://www.nps.gov/cave/forkids/index.htm - http://www.carlsbad.caverns.national-park.com/info.htm 2. When Social Studies begins, pairs of students will present their two facts to the group. We will create class chart on this to be hung in the room.

3. Direct Instruction: show power-point that gives an overview of the other important landmarks in the Southwest- Grand Canyon and Carlsbad Caverns 4. Guided Practice: If there is time, students can share their connections with this power-point. 5. Next, we will use Google Maps to locate the two landmarks and see them in their real setting. 6. Closure: Ticket Out: Each student must name one thing they have learned so far this unit Assessment: Students are being formally assessed by completing the search of one of the two landmarks. Teachers will informally assess as students work and formally assess if they are able to find and write two facts.

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