ENVIRONMENTAL A Davcom Business Publication
April/May 1990
Cement kilns can prevent Hagersvilles and St. Basile-le-Grands
Retrofiliing RGB contaminated transformers Ventilation design for contaminant control
High costs of low-cost thinking UV disinfection techniques No-dig report
The EPS 1021 Effluent
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The Epic 1011T programmable portable wastewater sampler provides cost effective automatic sampling to assist in monitoring municipal and industrial
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A general purpose unit designed to extract samples of most liquids including crude sewage and even some sludges from an open source and to deposit them into a container or sequentially into an array of 12 or 24 separate containers for subsequent analysis.
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Typical Applications * Crude sev\/age * Settied sewage * Final effluent
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Portable Wastewater Sampler To MISA Specifications
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Effluent Sampler To MISA Specifications Circle reply card No. 125
SLUDGE SAMPLER The EPS 1030 Sludge Sampler is designed to extract samples of sewage sludge from a flowing pipeline or alternatively from a sludge holding tank via the tank wall. The machine represents the only really practical method of acquiring sludge samples on a regular basis and Is unique in its ability to sample sludges containing a high level of nonhomogeneous suspended solids.
Circle reply card No. 127
Also available
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Circle reply card No. 126 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
1SSN-0835-605X Editor and Publisher TOM OAVEY Sales Director STEVE OAVEY Editorial Assistant VIRGINIA MEYER
Production Manager SAM ISGRO B.C. Sales Representative RON GANTON Sales Representative PENNY OAVEY
Technical Advisory Board George V. Crawford, P.Eng. Rod Holme, P.Eng. Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng. J.V. Morris, M.Sc., P.Eng. Mike Provart, M.Sc., P.Eng. Dr. Howard Goodfellow
Robert Ferguson, P.Eng.
April/May 1990, Vol. 3 No. 2 Issued May, 1990
Chemistry - the second invisible profession Article by Tom Davey industry Update
5 6
Mannheim water project uses large submersibles
Testing/retrofiliing RGB contaminated transformers
Article by Timothy P. Keegan
R. Bruce Smith
Avoiding problems with drives or pumps Environmental Science & Engineering Is a bi-monthly business publication published by Davcom Communications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and Industrial environmental control sys tems, energy management, drinking water treatment and distribution, air
pollution monitoring and control, solid
Article by Greg Jackson and Larry Madden
SCADA systems for smaller water utilities
Article by Mark Robertson
The high cost of low-cost thinking Article by Mike Mansfield
Trenchiess technology arrives in Ontario Article by Douglas Dunbar and Hershel Guttman
and hazardous waste treatment and
disposal and occupational health and safety.
ES&E's readers include consulting engineers. Industrial plant managers and engineers, municipal engineers and officials, key provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater treatment plant operators, contractors, equipment manufactur ers, representatives and distributors
welcomes editorial
tions from research
Ultraviolet light disinfection of wastewater
and academics. ES&E
Environmental monitoring using immunoassay Article by Dr. Randy Leavitt
Article by Rory Murphy
How Cement Kilns could prevent future Hagersvilles Article by Charles Cole
Representative sampling for today's tough effluent standards Article by Brian Evans
Sustainable development and global warming Article by Lyn McLeod, Ontario Ministry of Energy
Ventilation design for contaminant control Article by Dr. Howard Goodfellow, Ph.D.
Institutions, environmental
associations, equipment suppliers and government agencies. ES&E does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the safekeeping of contributed material. Please send photocopies, prints (not negatives), or otherfacslmllles of the written or graphic material for consideration.
Head Office - 10 Retch Or., Aurora,
Ontario, Canada, L4G 5N7, Tel: (416) 727-4666. All advertising space orders, copy, artwork,film, proofs, etc. should be sent to Environmental Science &
Engineering c/o Prestige Printing, 30 Industrial Pkwy. Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3W1.
Printed In Canada, by Prestige Printing Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without writ ten permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief pas sages In reviews. Second Class Mail
Registration No. 7750
R&D News What's New
54 63
Cover photo - See story on page 48. Global warming, an area of growing concern. Is epitomized in this cover shot by T. Davey.
EBBm Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
When the going getstough Goiman-Rupp pumps getgoing! plm rirxJcj
Designed to service in minutes, Gorman-Rupp pumps virtually eliminate downtime. A clogged pump can be quickly and easily cleaned-out by simply removing the end-plate using ordinary tools. Constructed from high quality alloy steels and rugged cast housings, Gorman-Rupp pumps will withstand the most rigorous job conditions. And, precision manufacturing using 'state-of-theart'technology gives high performance and reliable service.
Gorman-Rupp pumps are idealfor handling: □ Waste Water and Sewage □ Solids-laden liquids and slurries
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GORMAN RUPP Gorman-Rupp industrial pumps are built tough for long life and
trouble-free service...
thousands in use. We have
M jpump to fit your appiicatif^^ for descriptive iiteratwO.'
Gorman-Rupp of Canada Ltd. 70 Burweli Rd., St. Thomas, Ont. N5P 3R7
Phone: (519) 631-2870 Telex: 064-73530 Fax: 519-631-4624
; Circle reply card No. 111
Distributors across Canada. Consult the Yellow Pages for your lieares'f
Editorial Comment by Tom Davey-.
Chemistry - the second invisible profession
Around 1669, Hamburg
on earth.
In the March '90 issue of ES&E, Dr. Pierre Beaumier, C.Chem., and Graham Chevreau, C.Chem., ^ made
a cogent plea for the formation of a licencing body for chemists, similar to the provincial engineering associ ations such as the Association of
Later he sold it to Krafft who created a sensation before the crowned
heads of Europe wherever he exhi
providing cheap, portable combus
bited it.
tion - hut who has ever heard of its inventor?
Herr Brand had unwit
tingly taken the first step which led to the knowledge that P is the essen tial element of all life. He has been referred to as the first chemist as
well as the first person known to have discovered an element.
But his phosphorous mirabilis languished as a mere curiousity for a hundred years until a J.F. Gahn made his startling discovery: phos phorous was an essential constitu ent of human and animal hones.
Later a C.W.Scheele found the phos phorous could he produced from hone ash. But Brand's secret was so
well kept, Robert Boyle and Kunchel had to rediscover the process methods independently. Research continued and in 1780, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, a French public official, demonstrated that when P was burned in the air, it pro duced an acid which weighed more than the original phosphorous.This almost literally exploded the prevelant theory that phosphorous con sisted of phlogiston and an acid. But, while his experiments were still in progress, he was arrested and tried by revolutionaries of the French Republic. M. Lavoisier pleaded for two weeks' grace to conclude his experi ments but the tribunal declared that the state has no need of chemists. His
request denied, he was guillotined, dying in obscurity, taking his valua ble scientific knowledge with him. But while luminaries in medi
cine, architecture and commerce have their heroes well represented by such names as Sir Alexander Fleming, Frank Lloyd Wright, J.P. Morgan and many,many others,the historical records of distinguished chemists are remarkably barren.
Only after John Walker of England invented the lucifer match, in 1827,
did phosphorous become an impor tant commercial commodity. The match was surely an important stage in the industrial revolution -
This a fantastic achie
vement by the chemical profession, yet its significance remains with held from the public.
alchemist Hennig Brand, accidentally discovered phosphorous in his labor atory while trying to turn base mate rials into gold. While he failed in his quest scientifically, he nevertheless transmuted his findings into wealth. Calling his discovery cold light, for it left a luminous trail in the dark, he kept his process secret.
Chemical professionals - like their engineering colleagues - are largely unknown by the public they serve so well; their achievements ignored by the news media who prefer instead to record the antics of rock stars and junk bond dealers. Yet chemistry has made fantas tic progress in recent years. The contributions of the chemical pro fession were brought home to ES&E staff in Washington, DC and Phila delphia a few years ago, when we met with the late Dr. Abel Woiman, then the dean of North American environmental sciences. The much revered Dr. Woiman was in his nine
ties when we met him. While physi cally frail, his penetrating intellect commanded the rapt attention of internationally renowned environ mental engineers and scientists, inevitably concluding to a standing ovation. Dr. Woiman told us that when he
started his scientific career,'the analytical state-of-the-art was only capable of measurements up to one part per ten thousand. And even less than two decades ago, the abil ity to measure was in the part per million range. Instrumentation and chemistry then proceeded at a stag gering rate. Today's analytical chemists rou tinely find toxins at parts per trillion and have the capability of detection In the parts per quadrillion range, in what Dr. Don Mackay so ably des cribes as: The Incomprehensibility of tinyness, ^ science can now deal with toxic concentrations in the range of nanograms, picograms or even femtograms per litre - ranges so incredi bly small that even scientists have difficulty remembering what these prefices mean. Some have likened current ana
lytical capabilities to an ability to distinguish one or two hairs from amongst the heads of every human
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Professional Engineers of Ontario. Theirs is an argument the provin ces might adopt to their own great benefit as public concern on environ mental issues keeps mounting. For chemists, like engineers, are at the forefront of those learned profes sions upon which we must rely on to face the growing environmental cri sis. ES&E
1 ES&E March/April 1988, page 29; 2 ES&E February 1989, page 17; 3 ES&E March/April 1990, page 47. Editor's note: ES&E will gladly mail
photocopies of the referenced items to readers. To facilitate fuifiiiment, written requests only pieaseto: ES&E 10 Retch Crescent, Aurora, ON L4G 5N7.
See Chemical Hall of Fame
page 13.
Letters Dear Tom:
In explaining the benefits of cement kiln technology for the des truction of wastes, there is no article that does it better than your editor ial on PCB destruction of December 1988. This editorial was used as one of the articles in our hand-out to the
press at a news conference. Best personal regards, Charles Coles, General Manager,St. Lawrence Cement.
Dear Tom:-
It has been a few years now that I've been off the environmental
engineering battlefield and hence not been exposed to your editorials. My loss. I have just read, totally by chance, your piece on Responsibility without power...(Dec/Jan '90 ES&E). As usual, you are right on target. If society does not soon see, or he shown the truth ofthe environ
mental issue, then it indeed will find itself up to its proverbial ears in the mire.
Keep up the good work. I will keep in touch. Peter J. Osmond, P.Eng.
Industry Update. A Perrier and lime, and hold the Perrler These are not happy days for the French company Source Perrier S.A., which has recalled 160 million bottles of its Perrier mineral water from shelves worldwide. Customers
whose day is empty without the sta tus of a sleek green bottle in their hand are being left high and dry; those who drink Perrier for health
considerations are being told they must do without for three months for health considerations. It's
enough to drive people hack to alco hol, coffee with caffeine, fur coats, cholesterol and
chickens that
haven't been given the run of the barnyard. The culprit is a trace ofthe chemi cal benzene detected in some bottles
of Perrier. The company says the source of the water, the Vergeze spring in southern France, is not contaminated, hut that filters used to remove naturally occurring impu
rities from the water had not been
of temperatures.
changed as they were supposed to be. Perrier is erring on the side of safety, which is as it should be, and of its image and reputation, which is as it must be. The experience of other companies whose products have been contaminated may he dis tilled into three simple rules: remove it immediately from the shelves, tell the public all you know about what caused the trouble, and put the pro duct back only when you can assure people you've licked the problem. There is inevitably a chance that Perrier drinkers will try other bever ages in the interval and grow to like the alternatives, a risk that may be particularly high for bottled-water companies. "You won't believe it. I discovered this metal tap in the kit chen, and when I turned it on I found a supply of water that tastes quite pleasant and comes in a range
couldn't believe it when the hill
UK plans to recycle refrigerator CFCs Technology to remove the CFC (chlorofluorocarhon) gases from old refrigerators and freezers, enabling their metal to he recycled without damage to the Earth's atmosphere, is being developed in Britain, where fridge recycling stations are planned within the next few years. Behind the plan to develop safe recycling by the end of 1992, is a collaboration
Group, a metals recycling specialist based in the English Midlands, Britains giant Imperial Chemical Indus tries - one of the main producers of CFCs in Europe - and Llndemann Maschinenfabrlck of West Germany. The partnership aims to create the first complete recycling station capable of removing all CFCs from domestic appliances, by the end of 1992. Following successful opera tion of a pilot plant, it would he pos sible to set up a chain of gas-tight, pollution-free, recycling centres by 1995 to handle 90 percent of the UK's scrapped fridges and freezers. The group would also be able to build similar systems in other parts of the world, and the techniques could he extended to recycling other products such as insulating foams used in the building industry. CFCs escaping from the coolant systems and insulating foam of old appliances as they are broken up are
seen as one of the main threats to the world's environment because
they both destroy the ozone layer that protects life from harmful ultra violet rays, and contribute to the greenhouse effect causing global warming.
And cheap?
arrived. It's a local product and this may sound incredible - until now we've been wasting it on our lawns..."
The next big trend? You read it here first. From the Globe & Mall Editor ial Page.
Nuclear industry Conference Nuclear Energy â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ready for the'90s is the theme of the Canadian Nuclear Association's 30th Annual
Conference at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Canada, June 3-6,1990. Contact the Canadian
Association, 111 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario,Canada M5G1P7. (416) 977-5211; Fax:(416) 979-8356.
Instrumentation in Japan The International Association on Water Pollution Research and Con
trol (lAWPRC) is conducting a Although manufacturers are now Workshop on Instrumentation,Con seeking alternatives to the harmful trol and Automation of Water and gases, which will enable their pro Wastewater Treatment and Trans duction to he phased-out, it is esti port Systems in conjunction with its mated that over the next 15 years, 15th Biennial Conference in Kyoto, more than 22,000 tonnes of CFCs Japan. This workshop is the fifth in embodied in existing appliances, a highly successful series. will have to be safely disposed-of in As before, the workshop will be Britain alone, with the present total held in two locations, Yokohama of existing potentially recoverable and Kyoto. The focus of the Yoko CFCs throughout the world amount hama portion of the workshop, July ing to some two million tonnes. 27-28, will be on technical tours of a In the type of recycling station centralized sludge treat#nent center envisaged, the liquid CFC- and water distribution and purifica containing coolant will first he tion centers. Lectures and a panel sucked out and pumped into sealed discussion by researchers and prac containers, before the appliances titioners from several countries will are passed into the insulated gas- also be conducted in Yokohama. On tight main processing plant. Here, July 29, the workshop will recon automated machinery would separ vene in Kyoto to meet in conjunction ate insulating foam from other with the lAWPRC Biennial Confer materials which can be taken away ence. for normal recycling. Further information on the Work shop including travel arrangements The foam will be compressed,and the gas it contains extracted. CFCs may be obtained from: Bruce Jank, will be separated out and purified Wastewater Technology Centre, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, through a complex cooling and con densation process, before being L7R 4A6, Canada; (416) 336-4599 passed to the chemical manufac
Fax:(416) 336-3765.
turer for refinement and eventual re
use if necessary.
All the technologies involved are proven, but they have never before been combined in this way. Over a year ago,ICI announced its plans to set up a full-scale production plant for ozone-benign CFC substitutes at Runcorn in north west England, which is due to become operational in 1991. Details: ICI Chemicals and
Polymers Ltd., PO Box 14, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QG, England.
In the March 1990 Issue of this maga zine, an advertisement by Geneq Inc. on page 9 contained an error in a sen tence about the System Q. The sent ence should have read "MVP (mean, velocity, profiling) Probe Offers the Most Accurate and Reliable Flow".
This error was in no way attributa ble to Geneq Inc. who had supplied the
regrets the error.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
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:Drive reliability so iong-iasting, you may have to look to remember it's a Eurodrive. Eurodrives are custom-assembled
and built to last. That's why many of the first drives we installed in Canada
years ago are still going strong. Custom-assembling our drives here in Canada means we can match the
New compaa drive extends helical bevel
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our seasoned application engineer ing specialists. Their only job is to solve problems and make sure you get the right drive for every applica tion. When you need them, they re spond fast.
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Same goes for our sales people. They're technical, and talk your language. And they're always close by at our
Keeping a good thing going. Building a better drive is just part of Eurodrive's reliability strengths. We
So if your looking for long term, worry-free drive performance, don't forget Eurodrive; Canada's reliable
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Circle reply card No. 104
At Sensus Techinologies, we have on enviable heritage which dates back to the 1860'$ when we were
the National Meter Company, it includes years of growth as part
bringing you exciting new prod uct technologies and a renewed commitment to providing the fin est service and highest quality for the next 130 years.
of Rookweil international. But as
Shakespeare put it, "Ail that is past is prologue." Today,as a new company, we are dedioated to
Circle reply card No. 102
RO. Box 487
Uniontcwn, PA 15401 Phone: 412/439-7700 A BTR Company
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
=Industry Update designers versatility not previously possible with typical concrete pipe.
storm Water Workshop Showcases New Tools for the 90's
Marketed in Canada, Ultra-Rib PVC pipe can be used in conven tional storm applications where leak tight joints are required,as well as more unconventional applica tions, where perforated pipe is required for ground water recharge. PVC has the added advantage of
being inert to acid rain and agressive soils according to David Eck
stein, Technical Director of the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association.The realization that acid rain may be
affecting the infrastructure is forc ing designers to chose products like PVC that have an established track
record of good resistance. Dr. Ron Townsend from the Uni
versity of Ottawa, spoke of another tool available to designers. Studies in a number of communities have
Scepter's Veso Sobot with Dr. Smith (standing) at one of several computer work stations available at the meeting in Toronto.
Some 100 engineers, technicians and technologists from industry and government were on hand to see the latest tools available for design ing storm water facilities for the 90's. Sponsored by Scepter Manu facturing Company and B.F. Goodrich, the program included speakers from across North America. Key note speaker Tom Davey stressed that designers should always be receptive to new ideas and innova tive technology. According to Paul The!!, Presi
advances in equipment technology has made available cost competitive PVC storm sewer pipe that allow
shown that systems designed with Inlet Control Devices can prevent surcharging during flows that have a return period of up to 100 years. Existing systems can make tempor ary use of ICD's if suitable storage facilities exist. Only the lower con duit has an increased capacity. Without ICD's, the entire system would have required changes.
Circle reply card No. 260
Leak detection for
underground storage tanks.
dent of Paul Theil and Associates
and long time proponent of storm water management, developments in the field have been progressive. Due to proliferation of new technolo gies, the designer has many more tools today as opposed to a decade ago, allowing him more options. Storm modelling programs like ULTRA, capable of generating hydrographs for rural and urban
technology Intrinsically safe â&#x201A;Ź
watersheds as well as calculating
approximate storage requirements provide simple, easy-to-use tools for preliminary analysis and review. More detailed programs like MIDUSS provide very comprehen sive solutions to storm water prob lems in a very easy to use package. According to Dr. Alan Smith, devel oper of MIDUSS, this newest ver sion is a result ofresponding to good user suggestions, making the latest version the most powerful to date. New developments have not been
The new Series DMS from Warrick Controls is the solution for
underground storage tank monitor ing. Utilizing intrinsicaiiy safe com ponents, the Series DMS actively monitors up to fourtank systems for over-fill protection, leak detection
and can distinguish between hydro carbons and water. The Series DMS is available for
double wail fibreglass and steel tanks, fuel tanks, chemical tanks
and monitoring wells. For more detailed information, write or call...
Davis Controls LIMITED
2200 Bristol Circle. Oakvilie, Ontario L6H 5R3 Tel: (416) 829-2000 Fax: (416) 829-2630
limited to software however, recent
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 107
Industry Update. ADI gets Engineering Award of Merit
development of start-up techniques for fermenters. To date, ADIdesigned fermenters have treated wastes from potato processing, wet corn miiiing, pharmaceutical, dairy, distiilery, confectionary and grain processing operations.
The award was presented by the Honourable A.H. Lacey, Minister of Commerce and Technology, in con junction with the Association of Professionai
Brunswick to ADi Limited. Dr. Bob
Landine, P.Eng., Manager, Environ mental Division, accepted the award.
AMRA Meeting Report The number of the Canadian dele
gates at the Automatic Meter Reading Association attested to the level of
Left to right, Arthur Gunn, President Elect, APENB, Dr. Landine, A! Lacey, Minister of Commerce and Technology and Bill Cooper, Deputy Mayor at the APENB annual conference.
An award was presented to ADI Limited in recognition ofthe innova tion shown by its staff in the development and application of anaerobic biotechnology in wastewater treatment.
In the mid-1970s, a team of ADI engineers and technicians, led by Dr. Robert Landine, strove to apply the principles of anaerobic biologi cal processes to the treatment of strong, warm, organic waste streams.
These efforts involved
many hours of laboratory and onsite research and development to establish design criteria for robust, reliable and low-cost anaerobic fermenters.
Once design criteria were estab
lished, the team then developed techniques for building and operat ing full-size fermenters. Several Innovations and patented inventions later, ADI has established a world wide reputation for anaerobic wastewater treatment with over twenty Installations operating in Canada,the United States, Europe,India and Austraiia.
With each new project there have been
improvements. Among the key developments have been the use of floating membrane covers, the use of microprocessor instrumentation and controls,the recovery and use of biogas, the design of inlet, outlet, recycle and mixing devices, and the
interest for this technology in the Canadian market. Water, gas and electric utilities and telephone com panies from across North America congregated in Baltimore to learn more about the rapidly growing field of automatic meter reading. The symposium provided a unique opportunity to discuss AMR sys tems with counterparts in the indus try. Equipment displays, guest speakers and round-table discus sions sparked the enthusiasm ofthe many participants. For any utility examining the
long-term benefits of automating their meter reading system, the AMRA symposium is a "must".
Next year's session will be held in Atlanta from September 24 - 27 and promises to be the most exciting yet. Dave Hanes, Schlumberger
WATTS/MUESCO AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVES Serving the municipal waterworks, irrigation and industrial markets. Featuring; Deep Weil Pump
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WATTS REGULATOR OF CANADA LIMITED, 4211 Malnway, Burlington, Ontario L7L 5N9 Telephone: (416) 332-4090
Circle reply card No. 108
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
^^^S;that A/OÂŽsystem was the first big project thatI worked on when Ijoined Air Products 22 years ago.That was back in1990 and... back then this was all vacant land.
Now look at it. But that A/0 system has never bothered a soul."
"Look at those kids going down there to fish. Back in 1990 they'd have been lucky to catch anything at all, and if they did, their parents might have been wary of eating it." "I remember how hard we had to work to convince the consultants
and municipal people. The com pany's anaerobic selector technol ogy had been doing the job in other parts of the world for quite a few years, but it was just coming into its own in Canada. They knew it was good at biological nitrogen and
phosphorous removal but they didn't appreciate how efficient that plant would be in removing BOD while creating a non-bulking sludge." "I was the new boy on that job and it was me who stayed up nights making exhibits for the next days' meetings. Chemical cost savings. Energy savings over 20 years, thanks to lower pumping loads. And there were a lot of questions on odours, cold northern climates, loading ranges and of course capi tal costs. But in the end it got built. Of course nowadays it all seems pretty routine. I couldn't even guess how many new or expanded
"A/O" and "OASES" are trademarks of Air Products and Chemicals,Inc
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
retrofit A/0 systems are on the job today in industry and municipalities right across the country." "Ah,the good old days. Things were more exciting back then." Air Products. AlO systemsfor
biological nutrient removal. OASESÂŽ secondary treatment systemsfor municipal and industrial wastewater. Cost-effective oxygen supply and ozone generation equipment. For more information, contact Henry Frese at Air Products, 2090 Steeles Avenue Fast, Brampton, Ontario L6T1A7. Tel.(416) 791-2530. Fax(416) 791-6808.
AIR PRODUCTS Circle reply card No. 114
Sclairpip^ BY <r^
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For Immediate and Long-Term Savings! The original manufacturers of SclairpipeÂŽ high density polyethylene pipe
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of Sclairpipe made by KWH PIPE(formerly Wiik & Hoeglund) has been installed in North America alone. Call on our widely experienced engineering design team to discuss savings on your next pipe system application.
Just one-tenth the weight of concrete, Sclairpipe saves handling time, reduces labour and on-site equipment requirements. Its excep tional resistance to stress, chemicals, abrasion, impact and weather extremes now provide long-term economies on close to 2,000 projects
around the world â&#x20AC;&#x201D; over twenty-five million feet
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Circle reply card No. 115
— Industry Update Chemical hall of fame announced at York The Department of Chemistry at York University in Toronto has
of choice for the treatment of infec
tious diseases of bacterial origin.
announced the foundation of The
Chemical Hall of Fame and pres
The most chemically inert resin known. Teflon withstands high temperatures and has good electri cal insulating and lubricating prop erties. Discovered by accident and initially pursued for use in atomic bombs. Teflon appeared in civilian goods in the early 1960s.
ented its selection of inaugural inductees. The idea for a Chemical Hall of
Fame was proposed by a group of chemical scientists at York as a way of recognizing those chemical sub stances and materials that have
provided great benefits to society, and to honour the men and women who invented or discovered them.
The seven inaugural inductees were nominated by members of the Department of Chemistry at York, and by high-school students
applications, as a neutralizing agent for alkalis, as an oxidant,as a dessicant, as a catalyst for a variety of processes, and as an electrolyte. Pulp and paper making, synthetic fiber production, steel making, min eral processing, and many other industrial processes depend on it. Further information is available from Professor Pierre G. Potvin,
Department of Chemistry, York University, 4700 Keele Street, North York, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Tel: (416)
Sulfuric Acid
Sulfuric acid has a vast range of
M Montedoro-Whitney UJ The Leader in Water Instrumentation
across Ontario. Ammonia
Known to most people as a com ponent of household cleaners, ammoriia is primarily used in agri cultural fertilizers and in the manu
facture of a variety of commercial products including nitrogengontaining plastics (such as nylon),
pharmaceuticals (such as the sulfa drugs), and dyes. Aspirin Since its introduction as an anti
pyretic or fever-reducing agent in 1875, aspirin has become the most widely-used pharmaceutical in the world, known for providing relief of pain, fever and inflammation. Recently, it has been recommended as daily medicine for heart-attack sufferers.
NItroglycerIn Nitroglycerin is one of the few chemical substances important in two very different areas. It is well known as a high explosive used in mining, construction and demoli
tion primarily in the form of dynam ite (invented by Alfred Nobel). In sub-milligram amounts, nitrogly cerin is a useful coronary vasodila tor in the prophylactic management of angina pectoris. Nylon
Nylon is the shortened name of nylon-6,6, the first and most com mon polyamide polymer. Disco vered in 1938, nylon was initially developed in the United States for military use during WWII when silk for parachutes became rare. Penicillin
Penicillin is actually a generic name for a very large family of com
pounds, of which about 22, with names such as penicillin G, cepha^ losporin C and ampicillin, are clini cally useful. Since their first use in humans in 1941, the penicillins have rapidly become the antibiotics
SysternQ' The Rugged Q-Logger'' offers: • • • •
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Depth, Velocity, and Rainfall Measurement Flow Proportional Sampler Trigger Output Battery Protected Memory Stores 32,000 Readirigs Field Interchangeable Circuit Boards — Bo Manual Calibration Required MVP (Mean, Velocity, Profiling) Probe Offers the Most Accurate and Reliable Flow Measurement Performance in the Industry Extremely Long Operating Life with Standard Lantern Batteries Modem Telemetry with Auto-Polling Available Powerful QBase"' Software for Computer Analysis, Reporting, and Modeling of Flow Data on PC-compatible Portable and Office Computers
You need SystemQ for: • Infiltration & Inflow Studies
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GENEQ inc. •223 Signet Drive. Weslon. Ontario. Canada M9L1V1,
•7978JarryE.,Montreal,Quebec.Canada H1J1H5, Tel:(514)354-2511. Tlx:05-829568. Fax:(514)354-6948
Environmental Science <S: Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 109
Industry Update P&R designs mobile testing lab
New Association formed The Canadian Environment Industry Western Canada Diversification Association has been incorporated Dept. for each company from West under Canadian Federal law and
ern Canada which wishes to exhibit.
held its first meeting on May 17,
January saw the start ofthe first
1989. The second AGM will be held in Vancouver in March 1990.
membership drive since the inaugu ral Annual General Meeting. Mem bership costs $250.00 per individual and $500.00 per company.
The specific objectives of the Association are to:
The Directors are:
• act as a national information
exchange centre, keeping members aware ofdevelopments and issues in the environment industry field; • represent the interests of the members to the various levels of
government in Canada with refer ence to legislative initiatives; •act as a vehicle to inform industry, government and the public about new technology and its capabilities for environmental protection/reha bilitation; •fulfill an environmental education
role within society; • provide a vehicle for pooling efforts to penetrate new markets both in Canada and in the export field.
During 1989, the CEIA worked
President: John Bennett, Bennett Environmental, Vancouver Vice-President: Pierre Grenier, Stablex Canada, Blainville Treasurer: Bill Lightowlers, Zenon Environmental, Vancouver Secretary: Graham Seagel, Sutek Services, North Vancouver Director (Ontario): Aivo Veel, OWMC, Toronto Director (Ontario): Robert Redhead, Tricil, Mississauga Director (Alberta): Robert Scace, Scace & Associates, Calgary Director (Manitoba): Bill Harper, I.D. Systems, Winnipeg Director (Quebec): Mark Toivanan, Group Sanivan, Montreal For further information, contact Patrick Dixon, Canadian Environ
which wished to exhibit at GLOBE
ment Industry Association,Ste.200, 1130 West Pender St., Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A4, Tel: (604) 687-7001,
'90. It obtained a$5000 subsidy from
Fax:(604) 681-6825.
with the Government of Canada to
obtain assistance for companies
Proctor & Redfern has designed a mobile PCB testing facility for STELCO.
The STELCO Enter
prises Laboratory is fully equipped for sample preparation, extraction and analysis of water, oils, soils, and gauze swipes for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Analyses for PCB at concentrations of 0.2
PPM in soil and oil are routinely achieved.
Two technicians provide a ser vice based on a one-day turn around for 8-12 samples depending on prep aration complexity. Although the present focus of the facility is on PCB analysis for site remediation, this facility is capable of performing analysis on a wide range of hazard ous waste materials. Equipped with Gas-Chromatograph/Mass Spec trometer (GC/MS) purge and trap, GC/MS atomic adsorption spec trometer, and additional support equipment, the laboratory has the capability to analyse all the contam inants scheduled under MISA.
The lab is set up within an eight foot wide by forty-four foot long licensed and road worthy highway transport trailer.
Business and the Environment
A Partnership or... a $10 Million Lawsuit? Every business must recognize situations potentially dangerous to the environment and comply with the regulations established to protect our natural resources.
When you need help, do you know where to turn? Have you complied with the regulations? Do you need government approval or an environmental assessment? Do you have a problem with contaminated land or with waste transportation and disposal? What are your civil remedies?
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Blake, Cassels & Graydon has addressed the complex issues of environmental protection for business, industry and municipalities.
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Toronto • York Region • Ottawa • Calgary • Vancouver • London, England 14
Circle reply card No. 116
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Fill in your answer on the coupon below, and we'll send you our color
"That's one small step for a man... (Spoken on the Moon at 2:56 pm on 21 July, 1969) ...one giant leap
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We're designers and manufacturers of our own off-the-shelf, wide range of corrosion resistant Safety Steps, Ladders, Platforms, Guard Rails, Manhole Grates. We also custom design and fab ricate special safety equipment for your specific applications. MSU products provide maximum security and safety for climbing or descending... whether outside a tower, chimney or inside a shaft.
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MSU Mississauga Ltd. 2222 South Sheridan Way, Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5J 2M4
(416)823-4340 Fax (416) 823-4947
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 118
Mannheim water project makes use of large submersibles The purpose ofthe weir is to raise the water level to a minimum eleva
tion of 282.4 metres, thereby sub merging the intake conduite and allowing water to be pumped from the river.
The main section is a
mass concrete wall, 2.2 metres above the river bed, with a down stream concrete stilling basin and a concrete cut-off wall penetrating the underlying till layer to a minimum depth of one metre. It was con structed using protected earth cof ferdams at the elevation of the river bed. Stone Town Construction Ltd. of
T- --3k-,
St. Marys, Ont., partially diverted
the river in order to minimize the
height of the cofferdams and allow for seasonal fluctuations in river ele
vation; total river diversion was avoided by scheduling the work in stages.
1200 mm 0 pipeline from River Pumping Station to Raw Water Reservoir.
Engineers looking for an in
novative system to be speci
fied in the construction of a
new raw water pumping facility have chosen the use of large submersible pumps (over 100 HP). The "Mannheim Project"' river pumping station, located on the Grand River in Kitchener, Ont., is reputedly the first raw water han dling project in Ontario designed around 300 KW submersible pumps.
Designed by Associated Engineer ing, the station will eventually hold four such submersibles, for a total pumping capacity of 245 ML/d. Slated for completion in the spring of 1991, the Mannheim Pro ject aims to satisfy the anticipated potable water requirements of the Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge
Between the weir and the fish-
ways are two, 3.0 metre wide draw
down openings with stoplogs. Two, accomplished with a concrete weir and an intake structure. The weir, located approximately 900 metres downstream from the Highway 8 bridge in Kitchener, is comprised of one section across the channel, an east bank buttress and a west bank buttress. The west bank buttress
0.40 metre diameter culverts are
formed through the weir at an invert elevation of 280.5 m. The east and west bank weirs are earth embank
ments with rip-rap surface protec tion on both sides of a concrete core
penetrating a minimum of 1 metre into the till layer.
incorporates the intake structure.
areas for the next 50 years. It is based on the extraction of water
from the Grand River, treatment to potable standards, potable water storage, followed by injection into a groundwater aquifer. In the initial year prior to the development of the aquifer recharge system,the treated water will be pumped directly into the water distribution system. Extracting the raw water will be ' Actual name, "The Master Water Supply Project - Mannheim Scheme". An article on this system appeared In
Capacity and head chart showing the typical performance of the Flygt 3530 submersible pump used at Mannheim.
the Dec/Jan '90 Issue of ES&E. 16
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Testing Services
misa-we Meet THE Standard From the beginning, we at
MISA legislation and Regula
Bondar-Clegg have based our service on the highest stan dards in testing and in meeting
tion 309 in the Province of Ontario.
We do this by using strict quality assurance procedures
We provide: • complete MISA parameter (ATG)capability • priority pollutant analysis
that ensure we meet or exceed
• hazardous waste and
our customers' needs.
all QA/QC and reporting protocols required by MISA (Municipal/Industrial Strategy for Abatement)regulations. Our goal is to help you meet government environ
contaminated soil characterization
(Regulation 309) • Dioxin,Furan and PCB
mental standards in the best
way possible. At Bondar-Clegg, we provide extensive environ mental testing services that cover all the Analytical Test Groups(ATGs)required by the
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Bondar-Clegg & Company,Ltd. 5420 Canotek Road, Ottawa,Ontario KIJ 8X5
Tel:(613)749-2220 Fax:(613)749-7170 Telex:(613)053-3233
Circle reply card No. 119
P u 1
if*' '
For years, H. Forrtaine has been a leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of equipment such as slide gates and submersible pumps, for the water and wastewater industry. Known for their simplicity, efficiency and durability, H. Fontaine fabricated gates offer such characteristics as stainless steel flange back construction and a
unique ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) self adjusting seal.
Forward-looking H. Fontaine is committed to offering its clientele a simple yet efficient environmentally-sound product
and is determined to pursue its research and development efforts to maintain its technological edge. There could be no better guarantee of high performance and quality. Circle reply card No. 120
1295 Sherbrooke, Magog, Quebec JIX 2T2 Tel.: (819) 843-3068 Fax:(819) 843-1006
Mannheim water project makes use of large submerslbles (Continued) The intake structure in the west
bank weir has two,6.0 metre wide by 1.0 metre deep openings, protected
by bar screens, at an invert eleva tion of 280.5 metres. There are two
concrete intake conduits connecting these openings which supply raw water to the pumping station. The pumping station will draw water up from the Grand River impoundment, screen it to remove coarse material, and pump it to a 140 million litre raw water storage reser voir some 350 metres away. When finished, it will have four wet wells, two containing travelling water screens, two containing submersi ble pump units. Each pump well will initially house one Flygt 3530 sub mersible centrifugal pump and later two Flygt submersible pumps. While the pump wells will be isolated from each other, a 1.050 metre square sluice gate will be provided between
chamber and pump well are 5.9 m x 5.9 m, and 6.6 m and 5.9 m respec tively.
requirements are particularly attractive in applications such as this, where excavation is extremely
22.2 m of static head. Provision has
difficult and the available head of
been made for a third 840 1/s pump
water is low. Moreover, being underwater,they are less noisy than conventional pumps and provide for more storage or activity space on the operating level of the station."ES&E
to be installed in Phase II. In the
final stage,two ofthe 8401/s pumps will be removed and three 950 1/s
pumps will be added.
TESTING WATER QUALITY? Are you responsible for routine potability testing, checking process water suitability, or monitoring landfill leachates? If so, MANN AQUA can help you confidently meet your objectives simply by using our
thus addressed concerns about exca
vating too deeply into the ground, which might have disturbed the con fined artesian aquifer underneath the pumping station and ruptured the groundwater pressure." The wet wells form the sub
structure for the floor of the facility.
The upper level will be used for water quality monitoring, electrical equipment and instrumentation purposes. Above the wet wells will be a lifting hoist and monorail to facilitate pump installation and maintenance.
The overall wet well dimensions, including the screen chambers and the pump wells, have been designed for a maximum flow velocity of 0.6
between 2.1 m and 5.5 m. The horiz ontal dimensions of each screen
,.$70 100 mL
And in case you think you're getting the whole"picture with your present ^ testing. .. "
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING! Ask yourself this.."Do my test results balance?... Are they complete?"... or. . . don't you really know!
At MANN AQUA we know! Quality comes first because our expert system says so. And to prove it, we give you all of your theoretical Quality Control data so you can see for yourself just what your water is or is not missing. It's really quite simple: our computer checks the ion balance. When the cations and anions(+ and -)are not equal, either an analytical error exists which we'll correct before it leaves the lab, or something is in your sample which has not been tested for; in either case the theoretical conductivity pinpoints the solution. So if you didn't know what you were missing before . . .
NO W YOU DO. At MANN AQUA,you don't have to worry about ion imbalances...our expert system doesn't allow them. And remember, if your pluses and minus don't add up, we won't say "We told you so"- we'll tell you WHY! MANN AQUA LABORATORIES LTD.
m/s at the minimum water level. To
allow for approximately 0.3 m of freeboard (except during a regional flood), the operating depth within the pump well will be limited to
.....:.v....5 DAYS
which would have been more com
mon, we opted for the large Flygt submersibles because they have a low NPSH, thereby minimizing the need for water above the pump impeller in order for the pump to function normally." he says. "We
water as a heat sink. Their NPSH
Phase I of the project calls for the installation of two Flygt pumps, each capable of providing 840 1/s at
the wells to enable the use of both wells should one screen be out ofser vice. The screened river water can then be drawn into the bottom intake of either of the mixed flow
submersible pumps. According to Associated Engi neering's assistant resident engi neer, Graham Best,there were sound reasons for specifying submersibles in this application. "Rather than use vertical turbine pumping units,
"Submersible pumps function well in raw water conditions," says Al Livingston, P.Eng., Associate's Vice-President, Engineering Servi ces. "They reduce the building ventilation loads by utilizing the
#6-400 Matheson Boulevard East, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1N8
Phone (416)890-9272, Fax (416)890-3023
Changing the way professionals, like you, see their resuits.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 121
Testing and retrofill of In-service PCB contaminated electrical transformers
The Canadian Department of National Defence and Environment Canada awarded O.H. Materials
Company of FIndley, Ohio a contract to operate the first approved trans portable incinerator in Canada to burn PCB wastes in storage at
Goose Bay, Labrador. Three of the requirements ofthe contract were: 1) Testing for PCB contamination of all in-service electrical equipmentin the electrical distribution network on the air force base and in the town
site. 2) The draining, flushing and refilling with new oil of all PCB con taminated equipment found. 3)The transportation of all PCB waste oil from contaminated transformer to
the storage site to await destruction. PPM Canada Inc. of Brampton, Ontario was awarded a subcontract
to perform the requirements of this part of the contract. Because of the time, manpower and costs asso ciated with the removal from the
By Timothy P. Keegan*
together to allow 24 hour notifica tion of power outage to the affected areas.
The PPMC line crew de-
energized and isolated each trans former prior to sampling, a transformer Hilti gun was used to punch a small hole in the trans former above the oil level. A Pipete was used to drain an oil sample from the transformer. The hole was then
sealed with a silicone plug and the unit re-energized. Downtime for each unit was approximately 5 min utes.
PPMC supplied an on-site mobile laboratory utilizing gas chromatograph for PCB detection. Ofthe 400 in-service transformers tested for
PCBs, 130 transformers were found to contain PCB levels above 50
PPM. PCB contamination ranged
The first phase was to perform a PCB oil analysis on all in-service
from 50 ppm to 1900 ppm with the average being around 250 ppm. Once all the samples had been taken and analysis completed, a second schedule was set up for the draining, flushing and refill of PCB contami nated equipment. The four-man PPMC retrofill crew consisting of an engineer, lineman, certified electri cal technologist and a technician,
transformers. A schedule was put
utilized three vehicles to complete
pole of PCB contaminated trans formers and replacement with non PCB transformers, PPM Canada
performed all testing, draining, flushing and refilling of all trans formers on the poles. SAMPLING
this phase of the project. Vehicle one was a utility bucket truck used to lift the lineman or CET's equip ment and hoses up to the trans former. Vehicle two was a spill pan equipped transport truck which con tained drums of new oil, empty
drums for PCB waste oil, pumps and a filter press for draining and refil ling of transformers, a transformer vacuum and spill containment equipment. Vehicle three was a van used for transport of supplies and as an escort for transport of PCB waste oil to the storage site. RETROFILLING
Once the bucket truck was put in place and spill pan equipped trans port truck backed up as close to the pole as possible, the PCB contami nated transformer was de-energized and isolated by the lineman and plastic was placed around the bot tom of the pole and under all hoses. The top was removed and PCB oil drained through a one inch hose into drums located in the spill pan equipment truck. The transformer was then flushed with clean oil and
drained again. The transformer was then allowed to sit empty for ten minutes and then
vacuumed to
remove all liquid residue from the bottom ofthe unit. The transformer
was then refilled with new oil, sealed and re-energized. Downtime for each transformer was approxi mately 20 to 30 minutes. CONCLUSION
The project was started in late November of 1989 and completed in the middle ofJanuary ofthis year.It took 16 days to sample 400 trans formers and 14 days to drain, flush and refill 130 transformers.
average temperature was minus 15 Degrees Celsius and because of the amount of snow, snow removal was
required from a number of the poles to allow truck access. A second PCB
analysis will be performed after ninety days to reclassify trans formers as non PCB and to deter
mine average PCB levels after retrofilling. Preliminary analysis was done on 6 ofthe highest contam inated transformers and found that
after 4 weeks back in service, all transformers were below 50 ppm.
Circle reply card No. 206 'Timothy P. Keegan Is President of PPM Canada Inc. 20
Environmental Science. & Engineering, May 1990
'ic; 24" FLANGED 45° LATERAL
'tg; flanged bell MOUTH CASTINGS
Pioneers in the design, manufacture and direct marketing of TC.' Waterworks Products dating back to 1906, Terminal City Iron Works today, is the only Western Canadian manufacturer of a complete line of Flanged Grey Iron Waterworks Fittings. These superior quality 'T.C.' Grey Iron Flanged Fittings conform to the ANSI B16.1 Specification and are available in sizes 4" through 24". Contact our experienced Sales Staff for prompt and efficient customer service.
iron works ltd.
Manufacturers of 'T.C.' Waterworks Products
1909 Franklin Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5L 1R1 • Phone (604) 253-7525 • FAX (604) 253-6365
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 122
Avoiding probiems with drives or pumps
How do you avoid problems
By Greg Jackson
when applying mechan
ically adjustable speed drives on pumps? This is a question often asked from within a cloud of smoke emanating from a burned-out variable speed drive. While there are many, many fac tors that can affect the proper appli cation of centrifugal and positive
displacement pumps, applying mechanical variable speed drives to them is relatively simple. The key is understanding how they are designed to perform. Essentially, these drives consist
of a motor, coupled to a device capa ble of producing a variable mechani cal speed ratio which is in turn coupled to a gear reducer. As such, there are three components which can limit the output power (horsep ower) of the drive train. They are: the motor's rated horsepower, the
Larry Madden R.L. Madden Associates
range the permissible power capac ity can be calculated from the for mula in Figure 2. If the application calls for con stant power output (constant hor sepower)over the full speed range,it is possible to lay out a selection on this basis utilizing the formula in Figure 3. In this case the variable speed unit is only under maximum load at the low speed. It is important to note that the gear unit coupled to • Oulpuf speed in r/min.
R ~ Variable speed ralio range
mechanical strength ofthe variable
speed component and the torque capacity of the gear reducer. For the sake ofsimplicity,the rat ings listed in the catalogues pro vided by most drive manufacturers show a constant output torque value for a given horsepower and speed range. This value is based on the motor's rated horsepower at the m£iximum speed shown in the range. By applying the drive utiliz ing the published constant torque rating most of the problems can he avoided. However, the accompany ing graphs point out the true picture relative to how the three limiting factors interact.
Figure 1 indicates a selection based on constant torque. With this type of application the gear unit to which the variable speed drive is connected will be uniformly loaded over the entire variable speed range. This torque pattern would he typical for a positive displacement pump application under a constant dis charge pressure. The maximum power from a vari able speed geared motor is only available at the highest output
speed. At speeds elsewhere in the T. = ■
Actual output torque
Ta is determined liy
Tg = constant
ttie capacity of the driven gear unit
"1—^ j
Pa = Rated output power in Ho max I
Tj = Output torque
Fig. 1 22
in tb.-in.
1800 RPM. The pump supplier util izes this speed range because it appears safer to have the required RPM in the middle of the range, since there may be some differences between the specification and the actual requirements of the system. The drive supplier selects and quotes a variable speed drive with an output speed range of 416-1800 RPM and an output HP of 20. Unfortunately, it is likely the order will be awarded because of one
glaring but common mistake. Because the drive supplier does not know at which RPM within the spec ified range the 20 HP must be avail able, using his standard selection procedure, the drive will be under sized. The speed range should have been specified with a maximum speed of 1200 RPM for two reasons. First, from the graph in Figure 2, one can see that the curve showing the maximum power available indi
Max. power available
conforming to test results
Pa (Hp)
cates that the variable drive would
be capable of delivering the 20 HP at 66% of full speed. (Not possible with AC and DC drives). However, this would be achieved hy demanding constant HP output from the varia ble speed component of the drive
train. (rpm)
Fig. 2
there would he a reduction in the
the drive must be capable of trans mitting the torque values arising from this lay-out. These torque values can he from 200 to 600% of
those characteristically found in constant torque selections. (See Fig. 4). It is best to contact the manufac turer of the variable speed drive in order to get the output power curve for a particular unit. The variable speed drive can be utilized to its fullest in the following example. From na min. to na,("Figs. 5 & 6), the reducer's rated torque is utilized, and in the range from na to na max, the power then remains constant.
Problems arise when perfor mance specifications for the pump and drive package are based on an incomplete knowledge of the design performance of the drive. For exam ple,the pump manufacturer receives a specification for a centrifugal pump and determines from the pump performance curve that he requires 20 HP at 1200 RPM in order to meet the specified flow and dis charge pressure. The pump manu facturer in turn
If this were a belt or other
friction type of variable speed drive
projected life of the friction compo nents of 71.25%.
In terms of torque, 20 HP at 1800 RPM represents 700 Ib.in., while 20 HP at 1200 RPM is equivalent to 1050 Ib.in. As such,it is conceivable that the gear reducer which would be supplied in this example could also be undersized resulting in an insufficient service factor and early failure. By specifying the speed range to be laid out with 1200 RPM as the maximum speed,there would be 50% more mechanical ratio in the
gear reducer, the reducer would be sized for the proper output torque and the variable speed component would be required to produce 50% less torque, eliminating the pre-
p, = ■
Max power available
^ conlorminglolesl results (Hp)
Pa=Pamin = Constanl
his drive
supplier and asks him to select a 20 HP mechanical variable speed drive with an output speed range of 450-
Fig. 3
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
viously mentioned 71.25% reduction
in life.
The other reason for specifying a top speed of 1200 RPM in this exam ple is more obvious to pump suppli ers. As the speed is increased beyond 1200 RPM, the pump will demand increased power from the drive in a cubic relationship to the percentage ofspeed increase. There fore, at the specified maximum speed in this example the pump would demand approximately 68
4 1 VF
Formula HPa =
3 x HP
Aside from the problem illus trated above, a centrifugal pump 600
(Ib-in.) -
Actual output torque
Ta is determined by the
I \
gear unit
capacity ol the driven
3960 X Efficiency where
min -
can provide variable power (HP) requirements for the drive at a set
= Brake Horsepowr
drive when human error comes into
= Flowrate in US GPM = Water Head in Feet
occur from time to time include
conservative safety factors in deter mining the TDH (Total Differential Head) of the system and subse quently when purchasing the actual pump unit. While this is an under standable practice, extra caution must be used in its implementation
=The efficiency of the pump when pumping water at the given Q and H. Reviewing the above equation
debris in the pipes jamming centrif ugal pumps or running a positive displacement pump against a closed valve or blocked pipe. While these kinds of problems can be dealt with fadrly easily on
you will note that BHP varies directly with the head and flow and
variable speed drives require a
= Constant
therefore the power demand on the Max power available conforming to test resJils
Pr (Hp)
Pa max
^ "amin p "a
when utilizing a variable speed
drive unit.
As the following diagram indi cates, a given centrifugal pump strictly follows a preset curve of head and capacity for each RPM level. At a set speed,the pump has a set capacity against a given dis charge pressure. The purpose of using a variable speed drive on a centrifugal pump is to generate the same flow at different discharge pressures.
It is important to note that a cen trifugal pump does not create a dis charge pressure, it acts against one. Therefore, if the static and dynamic head losses of a system are greater or less than anticipated, the pump
will produce a different flow in accordance with the actual head
requirements of the system. As given in the Hydraulic Insti tute Standards, the brake horsep ower for a centrifugal pump can be
play. The types of problems which
SpGr = Specific Gravity ofthe fluid 3960
RPM. This most often occurs when
the performance curve of the pump does not bisect the calculated sys tem curves at the anticipated head and corresponding flow. A common occurence in the engi neering of a pump system is to use
•Design your piping layoutin accor dance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards and generally accepted practices. The next problem to be consi dered is how to protect the variable
Fig. 4
Courtesy of Brim Pumps and Systems Ltd.. Misstssauga, Ontario
calculated by the following equa
Maximum torque (Ta)
Fig. 5
'^a min
JW (rpm)
drive could be increased without
changing the RPM. Furthermore, the efficiency ofthe pump decreases the further it moves away from its ideal operating point, which further increases the power requirements of
constant speed drives, mechanical closer look.
The most common protection devices found on drive systems are fuses or breakers. However, fuses are intended to protect the energy supply, not the motor and drive. In cases of sudden stalling, such as debris jamming a pump, the drive must be protected from the inertia of the motor's rotor running up against the stalled pump. The impact of the inertia on the drive train will damage the drive before fuses or any other electronic device can react. In such cases, a mechanical torque limiting device is the only safe solution. Mechanical variable speed drives by nature have a variable mechani
the drive.
cal ratio in the drive train. There
To avoid these unknowns,simply follow the following steps in the selection of your centrifugal pump
fore, in constant torque applica-
and drive unit.
•Prepare an accurate system curve with realistic safety factors and give the pump supplier this curve. • Design your system with suction and discharge gauges on the pump unit and a tachometer or other speed indication device on the drive. This will allow an accurate determina
ZAdua!output torque T. ^amaK (Ib-in.)
Ta Is determined by the capacity of the driven
gear unit
permissble torque
(pattern, utilizing the maxcap>abllity of all Involved components
Fig. 6
tion of actual pump and drive perfor mance.
Environmental Science. & Engineering, May 1990
Continued 23
SCADA systems for smaller water utilities expanded to match the user's needs. Future SCADA systems could auto matically collect the required infor mation and generate the necessary Regulatory Reports.
As computer technology be By Mark Robertson*
comes less expensive and more powerful, new costeffective computer appli cations are emerging. One such application is the use of Personal Computer based SCADA systems for the smaller Water Utilities.
SCADA is an acronym for Super
visory Control And Data Acquisi tion. Supervisory Control is defined as the ability to adjust and override the automatic control programs con tained in the field equipment. From the SCADA work station, an opera tor can change automatic program
setpoints such as the tank levels used for starting and stopping a pump.
Under this definition, the SCADA system does not perform automatic on-line control. The auto
matic control programs are stored in, and operated by, products such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs). These items are typically located beside each motor control
centre (MCC) and are connected to the motor starters in the MCC.
Data Acquisition refers to the col lection and storage of historical data. On a regular basis, SCADA software collects and stores all of
the process information such as tank levels, or pumping station flowrates, and system pressures. This information is used to generate daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports. BENEFITS
There are many benefits to be derived from installing a SCADA system, such as: • improved monitoring and control of the operation; • integration of other processes; • integration of other functions. 24
Many Utilities now use auto matic control equipment (either PLCs or RTUs) to start and stop the
high and low lift pumps. This equip
ment works well but normally has
very limited data storage capabili ties
remotely. The SCADA system com pliments these devices by communi cating with them, storing the process information and allowing remote monitoring and control from a centralized location.
SCADA systems are especially valuable during high demand peri ods. A single operator sitting at the computer can monitor the water demands and tank levels for the
entire utility from one location. Dur ing these periods, the operator can manually adjust the system setpoints, if required, to obtain the maximum volume of water availa ble.
The same SCADA system hard ware and software can monitor, and
possibly control, multiple processes. A single system could include the water supply system, the sewage
collection and treatment system, and the Hydro system. For a smaller Utility, the cost of the SCADA system could therefore be shared by various groups. One of the key benefits of most SCADA systems for Utilities is the minimal additional funds required
to integrate other functions into the SCADA package. Typical examples are building security systems and gas detection systems. A Preventative Maintenance (PM) software
program can also be added. Most PM packages can transfer the required maintenance information from the SCADA data files to the
PM software program. The PM pro
gram then executes its functions. As the Regulatory Agencies develop stricter requirements on both water quality and reporting, the SCADA system can be easily
Over the past ten years, the cost of installing a SCADA system has rapidly decreased. Computer based SCADA systems have been used in the larger corporations and Utilities since the mid 1970's. At that time, the software required a mini or mainframe computer. Now similar software can operate on a Personal Computer. As Personal Computers become more powerful and less expensive, the SCADA system hard ware costs continue to drop. The cost of the SCADA software
has also decreased. Earlier systems required customized, expensive soft ware. Today, commercial off-theshelf SCADA. software packages are available from many vendors. For most small municipal sys tems, once the project scope is identi fied, an approximate capital cost can be pulled together fairly quickly. Since today's SCADA systems are operated on Personal Compu ters, the system hardware is supp lied and supported by many sources. In almost every project, there are two or three local computer suppli ers who can maintain the hardware.
Off-the-shelf software also minim izes the on-going operating costs. Software programs have usually been rigorously tested before sale. This pre-testing helps reduce many of the potential software problems which could appear months after start-up. OPERATING COSTS
SCADA system operating costs have also be decreasing. In the past, the SCADA systems operated on mini or mainframe computers and required computer specialists on staff to perform system mainte nance.
Ingersoll, Ontario PUC has suc cessfully operated a small SCADA system for over a year. The system consists of eight RTUs (Bristol DPC 3330s) located at the seven remote well pumping stations plus the ele vated water tank, and a SCADA computer system at the Public Util ity Commission offices. The elevated tank RTU monitors
the tank level. The pumping station RTUs automatically control the *R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
well pumps, high lift pumps, and other equipment at each site. Each RTU communicates with the PUC
office through modems connected to Bell Telephone lines. At the PUC office, the SCADA system is operated on an IBM-clone, PC AT Computer. In addition to acting as an Operator Interface, the SCADA system automatically logs all alarms and events, collects the historical operating data, generates daily, monthly and annual reports, and monitors (via the RTUs) for Chlorine gas leaks. The system provides 24-hour monitoring. Between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., specified alarms transmit an alarm signal to a nearby police station where station staff then
phones the appropriate person. In the future,the system will eas ily be expanded to include a security system, a preventative mainte nance software package, an energy management system, and addi tional RTUs at new well pumping station sites.
In summary, the benefits of installing a SCADA system include improved system monitoring, improved information storage, and the low capital costs required to inte grate building security systems, or other functions, with the SCADA network. ES&E
Avoiding probiems with drives or pumps continued from page 23 tions, as the speed is decreased the horsepower demand on the motor is decreased. Since the reducer portion
slip and fail. To protect the drive and also the pump in similar instan ces the following measures can be
of the drive train is sized based on
the constant torque rating of the • Use a mechanical torque limiter variable speed drive, plus a service with a setting equivalent to the nom factor, overload conditions can inal output torque capacity of the occur if the drive is stalled at the variable speed drive as shown in the lower end of the speed range. In the manufacturers' ratings tables for case of a 6:1 speed range, the motor the HP and speed range selected. can produce up to 600% of the nomi •Install discharge pressure sensors nal constant torque at the input connected to control relays which shaft ofthe reducer without tripping will shut down the drive if the dis breakers because of the mechanical charge pressure climbs above the advantage gained through the vari value equivalent to the drive's maxi able speed device. mum output torque. The above condition could occur •Design a pressure relief and recirif a positive displacement pump culation loop in the piping layout. were forced to pump against a closed There is also an electronic system valve or a blockage in the line. As available on the market which can the discharge pressure increases, effectively prevent overloads due to the power(HP)demand on the drive stalling on mechanical variable will increase proportionally until speed drives. the weakest link in the drive train Other factors such as start/stop fails. At the highest speed setting, cycles, hours of operation, and the breakers on the motor's power ambient conditions must also be supply may trip. However, at lower considered when selecting a speed settings, either the mechani mechanical variable speed drive. cal advantage in the variable speed However,these are considered to be components will cause the reducer routine. These questions should to be overloaded or the horsepower always be addressed by a reputable capacity of the variable speed com drive manufacturer and are not spe ponent will be exceeded causing it to cific to pump applications. ES&E
ProMinent® Vario
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Robar's specialty waterworks flttings are manufactured with corrosion-resistant
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ProMinent® Vario. A new concept of motor-driven metering pumps! Variabie, interchangeabie control units pace the pump continuously, or relative to external pulse signals or standard process signals. Chemical supply and flow moni tors,fauit indicating LEDs,a coilec-
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Circle reply card No. 123
Circle reply card No. 124
Easy maintenance packing gland/bonnet: Cast of rugged ductile iron for maximum strength, easily un
Non-slamming design: Adjustable brake (not visible) con trols plug for smooth operation. Permits locking in position.
bolted should maintenance be
required. Non-binding bearings: i
Stainl^ bearings are selflubricating (TFE impregnated fiberglass faces) to prevent binding
Reliable stem packing seal: Multiple chevron packing assures positive stem seal, easily ad justable without disassembly.
and resist corrosion.
l>^gned to eliminate seizing: Backup o-ring keeps media from bearing area. Positive sealing plug:
Cam-action eccentric presses the resilient plug into the seat for positive seatog in both directions.
Rugged, lightweight body: Durable iron body is tested to
350 psi, yet weigl^ 1/3 less than flanged valves.
Long life resilient plug coating:
Exceptional flow char^leristics:
Various resilient elastomeis are
Minimum 90% diameter (81%
available to encapsulate the plug
area) free flow circular port pro
providing tight shut-off and long
vides excellent flow with
service life.
minimum turbulence Accepts pigs for cleaning.
Fast, easy installation: i Grooved end design permits fast installation, easy service if re quired. Conforms to AWWA C-606 rigid groove and C-509 end-to-end
The welded-on nickel seat pro
vides excellent corrosion resistance
Corrosion resistant nickel seat:
prolonging service life. Lower stem corrosion protection: Secondary o-ring seals stem. TFE
Non-binding bearings:
thrust washer is corrosion resistant
(See above)
and reduces operating torque.
Introducing \^c-Plug the grooved end eccentric plug valve from Victaulic^ Built for performance, designed for ease of installation, operation and maintenance.
durable, corrosion resistant
eccentric plug valve with twocoupling installation ease. Vic-Plug offers exceptional flow performance with upper
and lower self-lubricating bearings, secondary seal and TFE thrust washers to resist corrosion and
reduce operating torque.
Circle reply card No. 255
For full information, write
Victaulic Company of Canada, 65 Worcester Road, Rexdale,
New Vic-Plugâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the lightweight,
Vic-Plug is available in sizes 3" through 12" with standard handle, gear operator, or the new Victaulic mechanical advantage lever for smooth, easy operation
Available in 3" through 12" sizes for 175 psi service.
Ontario M9W 5N7. TEL; 416-675-5575. FAX: 416-675-5729
iCtauliCŽ goes the limit... and beyond. Vic-Plug and Victaidic are registered trademarits of Victaulic Company. Š1990 Victaulic of Canada. All rights reserved.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
The high cost of low-cost thinking
The City of Etobicoke is a
large urban municipality with a population of300,000 which forms the western
portion of Metropolitan Toronto. The underground infrastructure consists of 600 miles of water distri
bution pipe, almost 600 miles ofsan itary sewers and over 500 miles of storm sewers. The age of these pip ing systems range from relatively new to 90 years, with a likely aver age age of over 35 years. The condition of these systems varies from excellent to repulsive, with the majority falling into the category of slightly tattered.
we removed 15 pipes that appeared By Mike Mansfield, P.Eng.*
reasonable answers to that ques tion. The programme itself will examine samples of pipe removed during maintenance operations for i.e., remaining wall thickness and soil conditions. Matched with age and type of material, we hope to eventually produce sufficient infor mation to make valid statistical pro jections.
rehabihtation that will ensure the
• Replacement of all valves and hydrants; •Replacement of all water meters; •Installation of remote meter read
ers (ARBs); •Repair of all defective curb stops; •Installation offull cathodic protec tion on all exposed metallic fittings;
•Inspection and engineering costs (minimal); • Internal cleaning of all small copper water services from water meter to main to restore flow capac ity.
The existing mains in the system have been extensively tested and found to have flow capacities in the 25 to 80% range, compared to new mains. Cement lining will correct this problem but the overall ques tion as to how long any given pipe
can be expected to last bas not been answered. In 1990 therefore, we are
proposing to begin a long term mate rial testing programme which, we hope, will allow us to provide some
came from different manufacturers.
tem will not last forever. I know that
ture. We have started with our water
ventional open cut replacement.
ence was noted, whether the pipe was salt glazed or not, or whether it
do not make an airtight case. It is sufficient however, to cause me great concern for the future well being of our sanitary sewer system. The main point however, that I wish to make, is that the sewer sys
future viability of our infrastruc
Included in that cost are the follow
ria for those conditions. No differ
tub installation and 15 pipe samples
We have come to realize that none
The cost is 25% of the cost of con
and shipped them, still wet and wrapped in plastic, to a testing laboratory for 3 edge bearing tests. The results of those tests, coupled with the known depth, soil condi tions and trench width,showed that the pipe strength averaged 60% of that dictated by normal design crite
I readily concede that a single bath
of these systems will last forever and that we must begin a process of
distribution system. In 1986, we began a replacement/rehabilitation programme that will totally over haul the entire system. The comple tion date is the year 2036 - not an overly ambitious program, but a realizable one. Like the City of Toronto, we have elected to use the cleaning and cement mortar lining process as the main vehicle for the rehabilitation process.
to be sound from various locations
you have heard this statement before, but I feel that it is worth
repeating indefinitely, mainly because our society has not yet understood it. The theory, yes. But not when it comes to putting up with
the disruption and inconvenience of replacement work and especially Conventional repairs dislocate traffic.
Some 85% of the sanitary sewer system is made up ofsmall diameter pipes in the 8" to 12" range. The predominant material is vitrified clay pipe. The most common prob lems are root penetration, calcite deposits at joints, grease buildups, and structural failures. Some of the
structural failures, I would like to
note, are caused by other utility com panies using no-dig methods. The structural problems of clay pipe are however, our greatest concern for
the long term. Clay pipe, in our experience, loses its structural strength with time and reverts to a shale like material that crumbles when disturbed. Since I have found
the same to be true under my own basement floor when installing a new bathtub, the effects of traffic loading, industrial chemicals and climate can probably be safely dis counted.
For a number of years now, the City has awarded an annual sewer spot repair contract, based on pre vious TV inspection results. The Contractor is required to excavate and replace one or more pipes, depending on the nature of the flaw to be corrected. Several years ago.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
not when it comes to paying for the work. Taxes are already perceived as being excessive and any increases for this purpose will only come after exhaustive campaign ing, spiced with many failures in the system to help drive home the mes sage.
Now, at last, to the no-dig aspect. Watermain cleaning and cement mortar lining, as discussed pre viously, restores the flow capacity to new condition and also arrests the
internal corrosion process. Coupled with a thorough external corrosion control programme, we can extend the useful life expectancy of a watermain by at least 50 years. Not a bad return on the 25% ofthe replacement cost spent for the rehabilitation. When the original main is too small, cement lining is obviously not an appropriate solution, nor are any other lining methods. In my opinion, it is up to owners of sewer and water systems, usually municipalities, to try new methods of construction or installation or
repair of their systems. If success ful, it is after all the owners who Continued on page 30. 'Director, Utilities Division Engineering, Works Department City of Etobicoke 27
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these programs fits your needs. Then,let's work as partners towards achieving new energy efficiency for your company and for Ontario. It makes good business sense.
developing innovative energy technology. Two others help Ontario companies improve their in-plant energy efficiency. And a
Circle reply card No. 128
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
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Zenith 80420 Industrial Process Equipment Providesfunding assistance to Ontario companies to demonstrate the perfor
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Cogeneration Encouragement Helps companies to examine ways of producing their electricity while providing useful heat energy.
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Or write to: Programs & Technology Branch Ministry of Energy 14th Floor
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Energy Leadership Ontario
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Lyn McLeod
Energy Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
No-Dig Seminar Report
$20,000 each, we have had probably
The high cost of low-cost thinking
over 100 of these failures.
Where are the 1950 savings now?
continued from page 27
Lastly, I would like to address stand to reap the benefits of the sav ings that such methods may confer. I am not talking about materials hut installations, etc., that involve con siderable labour and equipment. Whether I can buy pipe for $10 per foot or $12 per foot for a $100 or higher total installation cost is, to me, irrelevant. I prefer to buy the best available - any shortcuts in this
mechanical compaction being required. Back in 1950, that must have been worth $2 to $4 per joint or about 15 to 20 cents per foot of installed pipe. The fatal flaw in this wonderful
what I see as the Achilles heel of
no-dig methods: COST. I have heard figures mentioned during this seminar and I have
some preliminary numbers for our own contemplated projects. In my opinion, they are very high. Unless circumstances preclude conven
new material took about 25 years to show: the stuff does not stop expanding when the joint has sealed itself. Instead, the pressure in the joint keeps building up until the pipe finally bursts. Typically, the pipe tears open longitudinally, usually along the horizontal plane. Quite often the entire pipe barrel is torn open in this manner. This type of failure is usually catastrophic in terms of what happens to the road
penetration will remain slight. In summary, I am all for new methods
above it.
that will reduce the inconvenience
lead-sulphur compound was used.
In Etohicoke's case, our star per former as far as breaks go, forced a total closure of a major arterial road
Its claimed benefit was that it elimi
for 6 weeks. The concrete base had
of open cut methods, hut as a munic ipal representative, I must ask the question: What's in It for me and the taxpayers that I represent? ES&E
nated the need to caulk the joint and therefore, saved 1-2 hours of the pipelayers time per joint. And it did. The joint would leak for several days after being placed into service
to be investigated, pressure grouted, the asphalt wearing surface replaced and the curbs and side walks largely replaced. The total repair cost was about $180,000 for this single failure. Although the others were not as expensive, proba bly averaging about $10,000 to
area or investments in untried or
new to the market material is, at best a dubious step and at worst the savings are not commensurate with the risk.
A vivid example of this is the mineral lead watermain joint mate rial, used first in the 1920's and finally discontinued with the advent of the mechanical joint about 1955. Instead of pure lead, a
and then would have sealed itself -
the compound reacts with water and expands to fill the joint without
tional methods, a very rare occurence in my experience, no-dig methods will remain a curiosity to he occasionally admired, hut not to be considered for daily wear and tear. Unless the developers of these systems can substantially underbid Conventional methods, market
Need consulting,laboratory or equipment Information? Refer to ES&E's Dec/Jan 1990 DIRECTORY & SPECIFIER'S GUIDE
Manager, Groundwater Resources Engineering
Buttress-Loc Sewer
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ing engineering company dedicated to providing excellence In environmental engineering and scientific services for Industries and municipalities In Canada and abroad.
This vacancy within the new hydrogeology section, located In Kingston, Ontario, requires a mature engi neer with direct experience In the consulting engineer ing practice of water resources engineering In North America. The Incumbent Is expected to fulfill a multi ple role of business development, technical activity, and division management. Major activities will Include the application of surface and sub-surface computer models for simulation of water quantity and quality phenomena; as well as communication and manage ment of specified technical and business objectives within the Groundwater Resources Engineering Div ision. Travel Is a routine consequence of technical
Replace worn-out sewers
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Buratron SYSTEMS LIMITED 75 Nugget Avenue SCARBOROUGH, ONT. Ml 8 381 (416)-299-4370
Circle reply card No. 129
The successful candidate wi ll be a P.Eng., with a Bachelor level degree In Civil or Environmental Engi neering or Applied Science and a minimum Master level degree In Water Resources or Environmental Engineering or an equivalent Applied Science pro gram. A high degree of facility with Karst topography groundwater analysis Is required, as well as six or more years direct technical experience and progressively Increasing supervisory responsibilities, interested candidates should forward resumes to:
Ms. J.A. Starchuk, H.R.P., Manager, Human Resour ces, Gore & Storrle Limited, 255 Consumers Road, North York, Ontario, M2J 5B6, or Fax:(416) 499-4687.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Aer-O-Ro announces
we have 5/5 vision.
High peiformance low energy drum filters — a revolutionary answer to today's filtration challenges
• Rugged tertiary drum filters use cloth filtration for effective wastewater treatment. Wastewater flows into
the filter radially from the outside. The solid particles are retained by the filter cloth. • This Canadian made unit is so effective it can remove
significant amounts of solids, including BODs and phos phorous.
• Filters comprise of one or more drums with a perfo rated sleeve covered with durable filter cloth. Media
Replacement is easy, quick, cheap and adaptable. • Filter cloths are produced from multi-layered needlefelt with high strength properties. You can specify differ ent filters for various treatment options but the units are especially suitable for sewage effluent. • Economical? Two workers can replace a filter in two hours. The fabric is guaranteed for one year. • Low power and low ongoing operating costs make it a truly cost efficient unit.
• Backwasfiing is done using clear water from within the dmm while a suction nozzle operates on the outside of the cloth while the drum is rotated on its own axis.This
ensures that the entire filter cloth is thoroughly backwashed in minutes - with no downtime while filtering. •The filter drum is especially suitable when operated in conjunction with Rotating Biological Contactors — but its compact size and flexibility ensures that it can work in a variety of configurations.
• Suitable for retrofitting and plant upgrade in existing plants as well as for new developments requiring tertiaiy treatment.
Other advantages: • can be made from galvanized or stainless steel • consistent high performance • low maintenance
• low operational expertise needed • very cost competitive • easy to transport-modular design for phased growth
The units are made and backed by Aer-0-Flo Environmental inc.
— the Environmental Solution Company
Aer-O-Flo Environmental Inc., 1175 Appleby Line, Unit C-3, Burlington, Ontario L7L 5H9 Tel: (416) 335-8944, Fax:(416) 335-8972
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 130
Trenchless technology arrives in Ontario
A successful Trenchless Technology Seminar was held recently, organized by the AWWA Ont.Section
and the Pollution Control Associa
tion of Ontario, being part of a "NoDig",two-day transfer ofinformation on this emerging technology. Special international guest speakers pres ented papers including Ted Flaxman, Chairman, International Society for Trenchless Technology; Haydn White, representing the expe rience
of the
Authority, U.K.; Professor Dietrich Stein, of Bochum University in West Germany, co-author of the book Microtunnelling - Installation and Renewal of Nonman-Size Supply and Sewage Lines by the Trenchless Construction Method; and Rich Thomasson of the Washington Sub urban Sanitary Commission and originator for the proposed North American Society for Trenchless Technology. The Ontario Sewer and Watermain Contractors Associ
ation was also a sponsor of the seminar.
Several Canadian experts offered their views on where and how the
By Douglas Dunbar and Hershel Guttman*
where disruption can he very expen sive;
•provide more economic methods of providing communities with utility
technology could be applied in Onta rio, such as Ronald Munkley, Vice President of Consumer's Gas,whose
paper provided much of the small bore information for this article.
Key areas identified for further study are in; methods to construct and connect services; means to
effectively deal with obstructions such as boulders. It was also stressed that more
extensive geotechnical investiga tions should be carried out prior to construction in order to effectively use any of the "no-dig" techniques. Overview
International interest in the devel
opment oftrenchless excavations has grown rapidly in the past few years. Among the needs which various trenchless techniques aim to fulfill include: •the renewal of deteriorated sewers
and other utility lines in older deve loped areas; •installation in congested inner cit ies and under roads and railways
Many techniques which now form important parts of trenchless technology have been well deve loped in a few countries or within certain industries for many years,in particular Japan and Germany. Of the diverse techniques now available,there are four strong lines of commercial development emerg
ing: impact moling; slurry and EPB microtunnelling; steered auger bor ing and directional drilling. Impact Moling This construction technique, also known as earth piercing in the USA, has become one of the most widely used methods, mainly because of recent improvements in equipment. This is especially true if one includes pipe ramming and pipe replacement
by bursting methods. The principal factors favoring impact moling are low equipment costs and the rela tively low level of skill required. The main disadvantages are the lack of accuracy over long pushes and diffi-
^iLrunoj^ll If^piLmLion They are all at stake when you select an environnnental laboratory. Whether it's wastewater monitoring for MISA compliance, evaluation of hazardous waste, or a full-scale site investigation you need a lab that you can depend on to provide reliable data, quickly and cost-effectively.
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ENVIROCLEAN Environmental Laboratory Services 32
Circle reply card No. 131
921 Leathome St.
London, Ontario MSZ 3M7 Phone:(519)686-7558
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
culties arising in loose, wet or rocky ground. Impact ramming, however, has some advantage in wet or gravely ground if driving is carried out with an open-ended lead pipe, which effectively seals off unstable ground. Recent
resulted in better control of the tools
used, as well as in more accurate launching and greater use of track ing using electromagnetic equip ment.
Microtunnelling is defined as a method of installing small diameter pipes (in the range of 300 to 900 mm ID) by the use of an automatic remote-controlled shield which can
be steered accurately to line and grade. The extension of slurry shield and earth pressure balance tech niques from large tunnels to small diameter equipment made possible the concept of microtunnelling equipment for installing pipe accu rately in subaqueous conditions. Development of the microtunneller took place mainly in Japan. Machines have now been developed which are capable of crushing gravel and boulders, which has greatly extended the technique. Most microtunnelling equipment is expensive and requires skilled operators, but with increasing expe rience there are now several contrac
tors who are capable of operating such machines. Developments are being aimed at dealing with hostile ground conditions. Microtunnelling is rapidly becoming an economic alternative to open-cut trenching in most situations in spite of the high initial costs.
Auger Boring
Steered auger boring machines are steered in the drive shaft, and not at the face, as is the case with microtunnellers. Standard auger machines are not generally suited to water-bearing ground but many can be adapted by applying air or water pressure at the face and mucking out through an auger sealing device. Directional Driiiing Large scale directional drilling has been available since the 1970's.
Recent equipment development and steering techniques have become available both for long crossings, such as beneath estuaries, and for shorter crossings. According to Ron Munkley "Directional Drilling is costly but is very effective in situations where a pipeline must drop significantly below its regular grade to avoid an obstacle. It is particularly useful for large river or waterway crossings
Duratron's Hank St. Onge addressing the seminar. since it eliminates most of the envir onmental and other concerns asso
ciated with such crossings".
dig" approach to pipeline construc tion or rehabilitation were:
• a minimum of traffic disruption and its attendant hidden public
The boring is first accomplished costs; with a small diameter drillhead, •significantly less haulage of exca which is remotely operated and vated material yielding reduced directed. This process can be landfill demands and truck distur assisted by water jets located in the bances; drillhead. A reamer following the • reduced environmental impacts, bore is used to expand the hole to the particularly where stream or trans desired size and then the pipe is portation corridor crossings are pulled through this hole. involved; and Other Topics of Discussion
• where medium sized sewers or
Several other forms of "no-dig" technologies were identified and described, such as slip boring, wet boring, torpedoes, and the use of "keyhole" techniques for small bore needs. Rehabilitation techniques
water mains are involved, particu larly in depths requiring shoring,
for sewers and water mains were
also discussed, including an excel lent 20-minute video on the cleaning and cement lining of existing castiron water mains by Silvio Cesario, of the Scarborough P.U.C. Applications of Trenchiess Technology Some form of trenchiess technol
ogy is appropriate for the installa
tion of all of the major components of the infrastructure of a modern
city: • water mains; •sanitary and storm sewers,includ
ing connections to individual resid ences;
• gas mains; • hydro ducts. According to Ron Munkley, "trenchiess technology has been used in the natural gas industry for years as a means to reducing con struction and reinstatement time, to reduce costs, to complete works with a minimum of public inconvenience and to protect the environment." The main arguments offered dur ing the day in favor of using a "no-
Environmental Science. & Engineering, May 1990
significant cost savings could accrue.
Summary In order to be acceptable as a via ble alternative to open cut construc tion, any trenchiess technology must satisfy the following require ments:
• it must compete successfully in unit cost; • minimize traffic disruption and interference with the public gener ally; • must be capable of negotiating all manner of ground and groundwater conditions; • must be capable of installing pipe within a few centimeters of design line and grade; • pipe and pipe joints and appurte nances must be watertight; •develop a manhole system suitable for jacking in the order of 100m. It is felt that these criteria are
now being satisfied by the best of the trenchiess technology systems which have been developed in North America and abroad. ES&E
*Douglas Dunbar and Hershel Guttman are principals in the firm of R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, Willowdale, Ontario. 33
extraction with methanol or aceton-
Environmental monitoring using immunoassay biotechnology has been employed in fermentation and cheese making
processes. However,it is only in the last decade this high technology field has found its way into monitor ing chemicals present in the envir onment.
Immunoassay (lA)is an analyti cal technique which utilizes the spe cific nature of antibody binding for the determination of most any
target molecule. The technique has found very wide applicability in the area of clinical biochemistry for the analysis of serum proteins, infec By Randy K. Leavitt, Ph.D.*
Present methods of analysis for chemicals in the environ
ment require time consum ing isolation and cleanup procedures, expensive analytical equipment, and highly trained per sonnel. While in most cases classic
instrumental techniques allow the analyst to achieve multi-analyte determinations from a single chromatographic "run", pressure is mounting from public and govern ment agencies to test more samples for more analytes at a lower cost. Adding fuel to the fire is the expand ing knowledge ofthe effects ofchem
tious disease, and biochemical imbalances. Immunoassays have also been used for the determination
of small molecules such as drugs and chemicals of environmental concern. The method is based on the
principle that an antibody, gener ated against the target molecule, will bind only with the target mole cule - it has no affinity for the matrix
components. Since the antibo dy/analyte reaction cannot be mea sured directly, a labelled derivative of the target molecule is used as an auxiliary reagent. Labels are typi cally radioisotopes, fluorescence markers or enzymes.
Antibodies to target analyte are produced in host animals such as rabbits, sheep or goats. These are
icals in food and the environment.
immobilized in a stable fashion to
The result has been a large expendi
polystyrene test tubes or microwells. An enzyme is attached to a standard of the target analyte to form an enzyme conjugate. The conjugate
ture of human and financial resour
ces directed toward discovering better ways of doing the same ana
lyses, expanding the scope of multianalyte determinations, increasing the throughput of samples ana lyzed, and reaching exceedingly lower limits of detection. Much of this research has centred around more efficient extraction proce
dures, improved instruments and chromatographic systems, and automated analyses. In recent
years the field of biotechnology has been exploited for solving some of these problems. Biotechnology is defined as: the application of science and engineer ing to the direct or indirect use of living organisms, and their parts or products, in their natural or modi fied forms, to provide goods and ser vices'.By this definition "biotech nology" dates back to antiquity. Man has used animals for food,loco
motion, companionship, and recrea tion for millenia.
More recently.
and test matrix are added to a tube
or microwell where they compete for antibody combining sites.
The conjugate is hound by the antib ody in a proportion inverse to the amount of free target analyte pres
detection of chemicals used in the
agriculture sector. Excellent tests exist for triazine herbicides, chlori
nated phenoxyacetic acids, chlori nated phenols, cyclodienes, N-methylcarhamates and Benomyl. Immunoassays for dibenzodioxins and
have been
reported^ but are not yet commer cially available. This limited line of immunoassay based tests is not a function ofthe technology's capabil ity. Rather, it is due to the small number of companies which have recognized the impact this method
could have and which also possess the technical capability to manufac ture effective tests.
Immunoassay, as it has evolved to this point is a rapid and inexpen sive technology. Screening results on literally hundreds ofsamples can be achieved in less than two hours.
The tests which are available today
retail for $10.00 to $25.00per sample depending on target analyte. 'The technology has been adapted for either laboratory or field use. No specialized labour training or educa tion is required. The downside is that multi-analyte determinations are not possible unless the target compounds cross react with the antibody. Further, the test does not have the ability to distinguish between cross reacting species.
Thus, immunoassay is not a tool to be used for confirmatory or absolute
quantification purposes. It cannot replace gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. However, the speed, simplicity, sensitivity and low-cost make immunoassay a very
efficient and potentially valuable adjunct to these more classical ana lytical methods. ES&E
ent in the test matrix. Following a simple wash step to remove 'Weldon J.Shindler, D.B.,"Canadian Bio unreacted matrix components and technology Industry Sourcebook", Minis try of State for Science and Technology, conjugate, enzyme substrate is Government of Canada, July 1988. added. The enzyme which is bound 2 Albro P.W., Luster M.I., Chae K., Chaudto the antibody reacts with sub hary S.K., Clark G., Lawson L.D., Corbett strate to produce a coloured product J.T., McKlnney J.D., "A Radioimmunoaswhich can be easily measured. say for Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-DioxIns", A negative result is very Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 50, 137-146, coloured. Interpretation of the 1979. results is therefore very simple: a Luster M.I., Aibro P.W., Chae K., Lawson L.D., Corbett J.T., McKlnney J.D., tube or well having less colour than "Radioimmunoassay for Quantitatlon of the negative control is a presump 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran", Anal. tive positive. Some tests are so sen Chem., 52. 1497-1500, 1980. sitive that positive results can be Stanker L.H., Watkins B., Vanderlaan M., obtained at parts-per-trillion con Budde W.L., "Development of an Immu centrations. Aqueous matrices can noassay for Chlorinated Dioxins Based on usually be analysed with no pre- a Monoclonal Antibody and an Enzyme treatment.
'Bioman Products Inc.
itrile. The organic extract can fre quently be analysed directly. Current commercially available immunoassay kits for environmen tal monitoring focus primarily on
Soil and other such
matrices require a very simple
Circle reply card No. 256
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELiSA)", Chemosphere, 16, 1635-1639, 1987.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
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Ultraviolet Light Disinfection of Wastewater
Itraviolet (UV) light as a means of disinfecting wastewater is emerging as
By Rory Murphy Trojan Technologies Inc.
the most economical and
faithfully replicate the biochemical
t technically echnica
feasible alternative to chlorination. In the mid-seventies, wastewater was disinfected almost
exclusively with chlorine. Research revealed that chlorine residuals in
receiving waters were deleterious to the aquatic biota. Chlorination also produces chlorinated compounds that may be toxic to humans and animals. Regulations have been introduced that set limitations on the chlorine residual level in waste-
water discharged to certain streams and lakes. These residual concen trations have been set at levels that
require the wastewater to be dechlorinated or require the chlorina tion process to be discontinued and replaced with ultraviolet light disin fection.
UV light disinfects by damaging
ous materials such as chlorine gas.
information in these nucleic acids.
Nucleic acids will absorb light of dif ferent wavelengths but demonstrate a maximum absorption when exposed to light between 255 and 260 nm. Low-pressure mercury
for DNA. Numerous studies have demon
Two plants are under construction In Quebec City, an east and west plant, each with a capacity to treat 403,000 m^/day and 342,000 mVday respectively. It Is estimated that the ultraviolet disinfection system will
strated that the 260-nm UV light has the strongest germicidal effect on microbes. UV irradiation is thus absorbed
by the nucleic acids in microorga nisms, and damages or modifies the genetic information. That damage renders a cell unable to replicate and
preventing it from replicating.
no toxicity to fish when compared to
undisinfected wastewater.
ultraviolet wastewater disinfection
vapor lamps generate light with a large majority of their spectrum at 254 nm, which is very close to the maximum absorption wavelength
results in death of that cell. UV irradiated effluent exhibits
City will have two of the largest systems in the world. Both of these systems will be manufactured by Trojan Technologies,Inc. ofLondon
the DNA of the bacterial cell thus
acids, DNA and RNA, which store genetic information. To live and reproduce, the cell must be able to
To date, over twenty wastewater treatment plants in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and Brit ish Columbia have changed over to ultraviolet light disinfection. Over thirty more are in the design stage. When completed in 1991, Quebec
Another advantage of ultraviolet light is that it eliminates the trans portation and handling of hazard
eliminate the use of over 700 tons of
chlorine per year from the effluent being discharged Into the St. Law rence River. The Quebec Ministry of Environment encourages the use of U V as an alternative to chlorination In
Its wastewater treatment plants. For many years UV was per ceived as not being an effective dis infectant of wastewater unless some
type of filtration system proceeded
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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
help determine the contributions of the above three components to
it. Better understanding of the fac tors that affect the performance of UV and improvements to the design of the equipment has largely dis pelled this perception. During the early eighties, UV systems were introduced which were specifically designed for wastewater disinfec tion. These were open channel grav ity flow systems. These systems have performed
tors to reduction in UV transmis
much better than the enclosed ves
sion through that particular
sel type reactors used in the nine teen seventies. Many of these systems failed and have been replaced with open channel type systems. Performance in each case has shown a marked improvement. The quality of the wastewater entering UV disinfection equipment
reduce UV transmission. If the absorhance at 254 nm of the filtrate
resulting from removal of the sus pended solids by 0.45 micron filtra tion is very low compared to the total absorhance before filtration, then the removed suspended solids were the most important contribu
of one or more banks of UV lamps, ballast panels, controls and effluent
table 1
Peak Hourly
•transmission of UV light through the wastewater, and possible: • coating of the lamps by UV absorbing materials in the wastewater.
Several wastewater components can reduce UV transmission:
Capital Costs
UV Equipment
$ 5,140
Assumptions Labour Costs; $15/HR Power Costs: 6<:/KW/HR Lamp Replacement Costs: Hourly Flowrate
12 month disinfection season
pounds may be a problem. If removal of colloids by coagula tion followed by filtration reduces
by the typical 0.45 micron filter used to remove and determine suspended solids. Measurement of UV absorhance
(or transmittance) at 254 nanome ters in a UV spectrophotometer can
level control device.
The controls
consist of a lamp and UV intensity monitoring system and associated
still further the absorhance of the
alarms. The status ofthe UV inten
filtrate, then some semi-quantita
sity within the bank of lamps and the status of each lamp can be moni tored both locally and remotely at
tive indication of colloid contribu tion to reduction of UV transmit tance can be obtained.
These kinds oftests are not defin
itive, but when interpreted by some one having familiarity with the particular wastewater being treated, wastewater chemistry and
treatment technologies, a starting point is obtained to pinpoint poten tial or real problems and to develop corrective approaches.
introduction both in capital and operating costs. The exposure time required to achieve adequate disinfection is in the order of4-6 seconds with UV sys tems compared to 15 minutes for
which are too small to be removed
$ 60.00
Average Daily Flowrate assumed to be 0.50 Peak
ceal the microbes within the sus
Colloids are particles such as pro teins, microbial cell wall polymers, and large humic acid complexes
The economics of UV have become more attractive since its
• colloids which scatter and absorb UV before it reaches the microbes.
$ 85,000
• suspended solids which shadow external microbes from light or con pended solids, •soluble UV absorbing organic and inorganic chemicals, and
Disinfection is a function of UV
the wastewater which influences:
of various sizes.
If the filtrate has a
the wastewater treatment plant and the various operations performed prior to UV disinfection. UV disin fection is therefore an integral part of the wastewater treatment pro cess, and the cooperation of UV equipment manufacturer, plant design engineers and plant opera tors will help ensure optimal design of systems for UV disinfection and addressing of problems as they might arise in retrofitted systems.
the nominal output intensity of the lamps is modulated by the quality of
Table 1 shows the typical capital and operating costs of UV systems
high absorhance, then colloids and/or UV absorbing soluble com-
depends on equipment design but
tact chamber with one train of the tank modified to suit.
These costs are for new plants, the cost of systems retrofitted in existing plants will vary with the particular conditions prevailing at existing plants. UV systems consist
is a function of both the influent to
dose, and dose is a product of hght intensity and residence time within the UV equipment. Neither inten sity nor residence time are constant for any particular UV installation. Residence time is dependent on the equipment design but varies with the flow rates through that equipment. Light intensity too
will vary with the design flowrate. Very often the UV system is retrofit ted into the existing chlorine con
chlorination or ozonation. This alone saves on contact tanks and
space which is especially important when a treatment plant has to expand. The U V equipment can be located in a building or out ofdoors. All that is required is an effluent channel measuring 8 metres in length and 1.2 metres in depth with a width that
Environmental Science. & Engineering, May 1990
the main control centre. Maintenance tasks will consist of
periodic cleaning of the lamps and, depending on the design configura tion of the equipment, lamps will have to be changed out every 12-24 months.
The safety precautions which must be taken by the operator are relatively simple when compared with chlorination and ozonation.
The operator should avoid exposure of skin and eyes to the burning lamps. A face shield is recom mended rather than safety glasses as it better protects facial skin and eyes.
Increasing regulation concern ing the amount of chlorine residual in wastewaters discharged to rivers and lakes ensures that alternatives
will have to be found. To date, UV is emerging as the most economic and technically feasible alternative. It also has the advantage of not hav ing a negative environmental impact on the wastewater and con sequently the receiving streams and lakes. ES&E 39
Cement kilns could prevent future Hagersvllle and St. Baslle-le-Grand disasters The industries that generate hazardous wastes treat 62 percent
Of the 2.3 million tonnes
needing off-site treatment, about one million tonnes are combustible
and could potentially be used as fuel in cement kilns. Less than 20 per cent of hazardous wastes are cur
rently being reused or recycled, partly because of economic factors and partly because of a regulatory and social ambience which is fre
By Charles M. Cole*
Disposal of wastes has
reached a crisis point. If waste disposal is not handled in the proper
manner, we face the risk of repeated environmental disasters, such as the Hagersville tire fire in Ontario or the PCB warehouse fire at St.-
Basile-le-Grand in Quebec. With each disaster, environmental risks
multiply at an alarming rate. As a society, we can no longer adopt a "wait and see" attitude. Our concerns must be addressed today. The time has come to adopt a more
aggressive and proactive role in bringing about the measures and methods necessary to effectively
implement responsible waste management.
The cement industry in Canada has long held the view that it can
play a vital role in alleviating the waste management problem. World wide,the industry has already had a substantial impact on waste man agement in several European coun tries, as well as Japan and the U.S.,
environmental aspects of this technology.
quently hostile to resource recovery projects. With the Hagersville disaster so fresh in our minds, it has become evident that the disposal of tires is a major concern. In Ontario alone, it has been estimated that there are
ments have not been received on
nine million tires per year requiring disposal. That means waste dispo sal sites are growing at a rate of 11 tires per minute. Under present cir cumstances, the maximum number that can be recycled in any manner is approximately 22 percent. That leaves seven million tires a year going to landfill sites or tire storage. The cement industry feels that rather than wasting any more time letting these tires accumulate, they should immediately be used as a val
this document. Consequently, the
uable fuel resource.
St. Lawrence Cement of Missis-
sauga is presently proceeding under the Environmental Assessment Act
for approval to burn Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) produced from nonrecyclable, non-hazardous, munici pal solid waste as a partial fuel in its cement kilns. The draft Environ mental Assessment Document has
been filed with the Ministry for 17 months and as yet, all of the com environmental assessment cannot
proceed. But the time to act on these con
cerns has long since passed. As an indication of just how serious the waste disposal problem is in Can ada, a brief look at some numbers present us with an alarming tale with no end in sight. Canada gener ates six million tonnes of hazardous waste and 16 million tonnes of munic
ipal waste annually.
Ontario and
Quebec account for 80 percent of these hazardous wastes and 60 per cent of the municipal wastes.
with remarkable success. For exam
It has been
proven time and time again that the advantages far outweigh the disad vantages.
The scientific community has long been aware of the unique prop erties of the cement kiln. The pro duction
burning of limestone at extremely high temperatures. When heated to its melting point, ground-up limes tone is transformed into clinker, which has the hydraulic properties required for cement to harden when it reacts with water.
Heating limestone requires large
(END 1988)
ple, the burning of tires In rotary cement kilns is a well accepted means of disposing of waste tires in a total of 29 plants In Europe.
Unfortunately, this type of aggressive approach does not hold true for Ontario, or Canada. Two
1000 -
years ago, St. Mary's Cement had a proposal before the Ministry of the Environment to burn tires as fuel in
its kiln. This proposal has been refused, as has a proposal to make a test burn to verify the industry's claims with respect to the positive
8 a
8 8
â&#x2013; "Ceneral Manager, St. Lawrence Cement 40
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
quantities of fossil fuel, primarily coal. A portion of this coal can be replaced by non-recyclable wastes such as used oil, solvents, tires or
refuse derived fuel.
Cement kilns are especially appropriate vehicles for destroying wastes effectively and safely, for a number of reasons:
• Extremely high flame tempera tures, ranging from 1950 to 2300 degrees Celsius are attained in the burning zone of cement kilns. •Maintenance ofthese high temper atures, which allow for the safe des truction of the most highly toxic materials, is guaranteed by the fact that it is technically impossible to produce cement at lower tempera tures.
•Kiln burning entails a long reten tion time of the wastes at high temperatures. Conventional incin erators typically operate at a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius for only one second; while cement kilns operate at much higher
Society's unwanted by-products, such as used tires and municipal waste make a valuable fuel resource
for the cement industry and could replace up to 20 percent of the coal used in the manufacturing process. That also translates into reduced
consumption of a non-renewable
ingly clear that we must continue to voice our concerns over any more bureaucratic delays in these mat ters. That is why the cement indus try has once again approached the Ontario government - in this case to propose to actively work together in implementing a viable technology, so we can take immediate action to
solve this problem. We are very much aware that waste disposal in our society is a politically difficult issue, but this is not the time to be stalled in procedu ral red tape. The problem must be addressed now if we are to maintain
46.4% 25.8%
the standard of living we've learned to enjoy. ES&E
B □ m
temperatures for 7 to 10 seconds. • Exhaust gases are 'scrubbed' by the thousands of tonnes of ground
resource in producing an essential product.
limestone fed into cement kilns each
plants in Ontario agreed to use tires to replace 20 percent of their fuel, they could consume approximately seven million tires per year. Although this would put to good use tires presently being generated for disposal, it would not address the problem existing with the piles of tires presently distributed through out the province. But whether the problem be tires, municipal waste, or PCBs, the cement kiln option must become an integral part of the province's waste management strategies. The result will be a more environmentally secure and economically sound waste disposal system. When assessing the environmen tal impact of the Hagersville inci dent, coupled with the knowledge that steps had been taken two years ago that would have possibly
• Cement kilns do not produce ash requiring disposal in landfill sites, as the ash which is produced becomes chemically bound as part of the cement itself.
These important characteristics make the cement kiln the most effi cient waste destruction device now in existence.
It is also important to realize that extensive tests conducted through out Europe have proven conclu sively that using waste such as tires in kilns has no detrimental effect
with respect to the quantity of green house gasses produced. Experience in those countries has proven that when you add all those advantages together, total destruc tion of the waste takes place and emissions from the kiln are essen
tially unchanged from when con ventional fuels (i.e. coal) are used.
We estimate that if all the cement
avoided it, it has become increas
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Thorburn Penny Limited is proud to announce that David Ohashi, P.Eng., has joined the firm as a Project Manager in the Municipal Services Division.
David has over 10 years expe rience in the field of Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering. He will provide valuable management skills for existing and future pro jects of our company. 41
Representative sampling — a prerequisite for today's tough effluent standards
The Ontario Ministry of Environment's MISA pro gram has focused attention on the need for proper sampling and analytical tech
niques. Polluters now face increased fines and the potential of considerable negative publicity if effluent discharge limits are not met.
The current
concentrate on regulating direct dis chargers in 8 main industrial cate gories. These industries will be required to identify and measure the discharge of toxic substances and conventional contaminants (BOD, SS, heavy metals, etc.)in their efflu ents. In addition, they will have to use the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable(BATEA) to reduce discharges to effluent requirements specific to the indus trial sector and may have to carry out receiving waterhody impact assessments (hiomonitoring) of
the form of return on investment
By Brian Evans*
and the ongoing Demonstration Studies of its implementation in six
(ROI). They might as well view this requirement as an Environmental Tax as there will be few exceptions granted and there is no traditional ROI.
The only direct advantage
Ontario communities has necessi
tated that all industries must gear up to analyze their effluents on a regular basis if they are not already doing so. Industries on a sewer system will soon face several decisions such as:
• Implement appropriate pretreatment;
• Negotiate a surcharge agreement with the owning authority; • Evaluate alternative discharge arrangements such as becoming a direct discharger; • Closing down and moving else where. The cold hard facts are that the
their effluents.
cost of doing business in Ontario just went up. This can be particu larly serious for industries that have not previously been required to treat
The publication of a new proto type municipal sewer use by-law
discharges or for companies that are used to evaluating expenditures in
accrues to industries who have res
trictions on current production quo tas because of existing discharge agreements. These can be increased by improving the quality of pretreatment thereby allowing addi
tional processing in the existing facility. Indirectly,there is a benefit from being perceived as environ mentally responsible. These potentially detrimental situations focus attention on a vital
component of the above evalua tions, namely correct and represen tative sampling and analytical techniques which are required to create a useful database. Incorrect
methodology can result in addi tional analytical requirements which in the long term can impact on the capital costs of pre-treatment Continued overleaf
Measuring C02 for lAQ Studies? Environmental
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A forum on policies, techniques and trends presented by leading practitioners Recommended for
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Peter Hunt, Program Coordinator The Banff Centre for Management
solution. • Warm-up less than 3 minutes • Sample pump incorporated • 8 Hours operation between charges • No Consumable Gases required • Sealed optical system NORTECH CONTROL EQUIPMENT INC. 135 The West Mall, Unit 4 Etobicoke, Ontario M9C 102
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The Banff Centre
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Circle reply card No. 135 42
The ADC PM Series of infrared gas analyzers offers a veiy cost effective
Tei: (514) 331-4460
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Circle reply card No. 136
Is this company's effluent
breaking the law? Maybe!
In 1989, a new model sewer use by-law was unveiled in Ontario and is being
adopted by municipalities province-vdde as an interim measure until the incor poration of MISA. This means that for thousands of Ontario companies, sewer effluent regula tions will become stricter with increased enforcement and penalties for pollu tion violations.
What can your company do NOW to prepare for the FGTGRE? Does your effluent quality meet current regulations? Do you know? Chemical analysis of your effluent can provide the answers you need and help you make proper decisions based on hard facts...now and in future. The relatively inexpensive cost of characterizing your wastewater NOW can pale in comparison with FGTGRE penalties or fines for violation! As a division of SGS Supervision Services Inc., the world's largest independent
testing & inspection company,XRAL ENVIRONMENTAL is equipped to assist you answer these questions with our experienced sampling personnel and modern laboratory. Contact us for assistance. LETS WORK TOGETHER TODAY FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT TOMORROW
A Division of SGS Supervision Services inc. 1903 Leslie St. Don Mills, Ont.
Tel:(416) 445-5809 Fax:(416) 445-4152
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 137
HfiZCO RENTS Performance
Representative effluent sampling continued
and costs of the treatability studies.
Three key components in the development of an appropriate database are; •Proper sampling equipment and techniques;
•Appropriate preservation and transport methods; •Reliable and cost-effective analytical methods.
Samples can be divided into broad categories namely grab and composite,and can be collected man ually or automatically. The grab samples reflect waste characteristics at a given pointin time while manually collected samples are difficult to composite accurately and are only used as an initial characterization. Most industries have production cycles which result in variations of discharges on an hourly, daily, weekly or seasonal basis. Such industries are best served by flow paced composite samples especially on a short term basis. Seasonal, and in certain cases
weekly, variations are usually accounted for by repeti tive samples. Sampling Equipment
Composite samples require special samplers which come in a wide variety of models and should he selected according to site specific needs. Typical
samplers can be rented for between $100 to $500 per week or purchased for between $3,000 and $10,000 depending on the degree ofsophistication. A decision whether to buy or rent depends on the size ofindustry and degree of effluent monitoring. Many consultants offer the appropriate sampling equipment as part of
their services.
Typical options available in automatic samplers
Wh«n delivery, performance and reliability of vital instruments are a must for the
success of your project coil H6ZC0. your one-stop instrument rental shop! Rent all the instruments you need for industrial hygiene monitoring and hazardous waste site investigation. Expand your environmental testing capabilities while conseiv'ing working capital. Receive expedited shipping and technical expertise without additional costs.
Same day shipments to oil locations in
•Flow proportional versus fixed volume sampling; •Duckbill or suction collection device;
•Suction versus pumping withdrawal mechanism. When installing a sampler, care should be taken to
sample at a location where theflow is representative of the facility output and at a depth where velocity and particulate settling do not affect sample quality. An important component of the MISA and new sewer use by-law is the requirement that discharges meet both a concentration and a load limit. The latter
implies that some form of flow measurement is required. In most industries this can be accomplished by using the existing clean water usage and subtract ing the process and in-plant use. All that would be required would he an initial calibration of the flow
meter followed by an annual check. In the event that no raw metering is available,or is unreliable, or incom
Daily ■ Weekly ■ Monthly Rentals
plete, flows can he measured by rented samplers from suppliers or consultants. However,this provides only an initial indication and it is recommended that some
permanent measuring device be installed.
Sample handling
The cost and the implications of a detailed analyti cal evaluation are significant. Any company starting on the road should ensure that its own staff are ade
quately trained to collect, handle and if required, pro
6547D Mississauga Road •.Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1A6
cess and analyze samples. If there are some doubts, then the staff member could be trained at one of the
416-858-3215 44
Circle reply card No. 138
many appropriate courses offered by the Community Colleges or by the MOE. If requirements are short term, then consultants should be hired to do the work or at least train staff to perform these services. Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Many of the analyses for com pounds being monitored under MISA or the new sewer use hy-law are sensitive to external effects such
as elevated temperature and con tamination which cause for exam
ple, the degradation or alteration of state from particulate to soluble. Long transport or storage periods under these conditions should he avoided in order to minimize these
impacts. Proper sample handling techniques must he employed. Most compounds including vola-
tiles and heavy metals transform if
improperly preserved. Conse quently, analyses performed at a later stage may not he truly repre sentative of the initial sample. Spe
cific chemicals such as acids are
generally added to stabilize sam ples. In other cases,chilling or freez ing is employed. In situ measurements such as pH,tempera ture, residual chlorine and dissolved gases analyses are usually per formed immediately. Automatic samplers are availa ble with many different options which assist in maintaining sample integrity. These include refrigera tion, stainless steel, glass and teflon attachments.
The need for these
depends on the analyses required; for example, when organics and spe cifically volatiles are required. Most analytical laboratories are located a significant distance from the industry and samples have to be transported. Care should he taken to minimize alteration ofthe sample during this period. Sample han dling should he professional, con tainers should he thoroughly clean, preservation and refrigeration should be employed and elapsed time should he as short as possible.
Exhibiting Equipment, Machinery,Systemsand Servicesfor: • Drinking water and wastewater • Waste management and recycling •Air pollution
• Processing and manufacturing • Soil contamination
• Monitoring and controls • Engineering
Analytical services
The MISA program has placed a greater emphasis on analytical techniques. Simple analytical tech niques now only form a small part of any analytical data set. While many industries may have in-house analytical capability, the MISA requirements have necessitated
The Environment Congress: solving interrelated problems affecting the environment - water, earth and air. 'lease send more
Information (
□ Exhibiting □ Congress 3 Visiting
that outside laboratories become a
fact of life. Many specialist labora
tories have been founded to meet these needs. Most consultants have
also either expanded, upgraded, or even established laboratories to offer a better service to their clients
and to meet this growing demand. Before hiring any analytical ser vice, several factors should he evalu ated. The long-term nature of most sampling programs necessitate this. Examples are listed below.
TEL. NO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Environmental Science and
• Turn around time is also critical. Continued overleaf
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Show & Association MANAGEMENT INC. 4920 Dundas Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9A IB6 (416) 234-1240 FAX (416) 234-1695
Member Canadian Association of Exposition Managers
Circle reply card No. 139
c&«ii 45
Representative effluent sampling, continued The ability of a laboratory to offer a
rapid response is important if reme dial steps are required. In certain cases, long delays are unavoidable such as with volatile organic scans, but in general, a turn around time of approximately 14 days for basic analyses is not unreasonable.
â&#x20AC;˘ Responsibility of a laboratory is important. It should have a good track record and be recognized as having good quality control. The quality control (QC) and quality assessment(QA) are vital consider ing the critical decisions made on the basis ofthis data. An example is
Alfred Egerton, President of Egetec Enterprises Inc., Is pleased to announce the appointment of RIyaz JlwanI, M.Sc., P.Eng., Gen eral ft/lanager of Its Canadian Operations. Mr. JlwanI brings 7 years of pro gressive experience, In the envir onmental engineering Industry, with particular expertise In the water and wastewater Industry. Egetec, a member of the Istec Group Is a designer and Integrator of environmental monitoring sys tems, and Is a noted distributor of Environmental
Science products.
the evaluation regarding the type (and hence cost) of pre-treatment. If any doubt exists,the MOE should be consulted or possibly even your resi dent consultant.
â&#x20AC;˘Pick-up service is not an important factor, but is convenient if regular analyses are required. This step will ensure proper handling of samples from the time they leave the facility. The advent of MISA has resulted
in the requirement of routine moni toring for a whole new batch of sophisticated parameters. In all, 29 groups have been identified. The cost of analyzing all is extremely high. On the average,complete ana lysis on a sample will cost approxi mately $4,500. While all these tests
are only required in rare cases,it can become extremely significant when weekly or even monthly repetitions are required. The 29 groups can be broken down into several sub-groups for simple comparisons. Traditional analyses such as BOD,SS, Ptot', pH, ammonia, etc., cost in the $15 - $40
range. A common heavy metal scan costs approximately $120 and an open metals scan,$600. The organic fraction, which is made up of the volatiles and the extractables, can cost up to $3,000 with former costing $500 and the latter $2,500. The potentially high cost of ana lyses should be clearly evaluated before deciding on whether to do them internally or externally. The impact on discharge infractions,the type and scope of pre-treatment required, and the decision on whether to pay the surcharge fee or pre-treat all hinge on sound sam pling, handling and analytical tech niques. Any company attempting a discharge evaluation should seriously consider hiring outside experts to fully evaluate all aspects of the problem. ES&E *Brlan Evans Is the MISAcoordinator
with the Proctor & Redfern Group In Toronto.
ANNOUNCEMENT Richard J. Rush and Stephen G. Nutt are pleased to announce the formation of XCG Consultants Limited. The company,located in Kitchener, Ontario, will provide senior envir onmental engineering consulting to industry,
government agencies and to other profession als who require specialized advice or project management assistance in dealing with envir onmental matters.
Richard J. Rush, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. has worked continuously in the environ
mental engineering field since 1970. His experience includes
design of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment and sludge
management systems. Since the early 1980's, Richard has been responsible for the hydrogeoiogicai, hazardousand solid wastedivision of
a major Canadian consulting engi neering firm. During this period, he was responsible for a diverse range
Richard and Stephen's almost forty years of combined consulting experience covers virtu ally every aspect of environmental engineer ing. XCG Consultants, by its small size and the specialized nature of its services, is structured to allow you direct access to that experience. The 1990's will require innovative solutions to complex environmental problems. XCG Con sultants is prepared to assist you in meeting these challenges.
of industrial and hazardous waste
site assessments, clean-up plans, property environmental audits and construction/remediation
ment at PCS sites, leaking under ground fuel tank sites, solvent spills,
Stephen G. Nutt, fVI.Eng., P.Eng., has been involved In the environmental
engineering field since 1973.
Throughout his career, he has focussed on the process aspects of municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment. His industrial wastewater
expertise spans virtually all industrial
categories including petroleum and chemical sectors, mining, metal fin ishing and iron & steel, food indus tries, pulp & paper and automotive manufacturing. This experience includes In-plant waste management as well as end-of-pipe treatment. He has also been responsible for pro cess optimization studies, environ mental
study reports for sewage treatment
coal tar sites, as well as sites contam
XCG Consultants Ltd.
Suite 904
facilities across Canada while man
50 Queen Street N
Engineering Consultants
Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6P4
aging the municipal wastewater treatment division of a leading Can adian consulting engineering firm.
pesticides, oil, lead,
DIVINA and other contaminants.
Circle reply card No. 140
Fax 519/741-5627
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
The No Problem Bar Screen Degremont Infilco's automatic, self-cleaning climber screen, the screen that has no submerged moving parts.
In case of blockage the spring mounted comb passes over the obstruction without damage.
At Degremont Infiico we are always trying to make your job easier, that is why we have developed the self-cleaning
• Ease of installation
climber screen.
• Easy maintenance
Our climber screen is easy to install in any municipal or indus trial treatment plant intake chan nel. It will fit any width from 1'6" to 30'0". It can discharge screen
ings at great heights and can be installed in deep channels. Its simple operating mechanism ensures efficient performance. Maintenance is easy because all moving parts are above water.
scraper blade
• Mechanical simplicity • No submerged moving parts
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160-D St. Joseph Blvd., Lachlne Quebec H8S 2L3 (514)634-8011 4325 Steeles Avenue West, Downsvlew Ontario M3N 1V7 (416)661-5521 300 205 - 9th Avenue S.E., Calgary Alberta T2P 0G8 (403)237-6859
bar screen
Circle reply card No. 141
\ Gas Leak Location Services Fast, expert service for environmental protection and safety in your plant. Heath's industrial inspection crews combine today's most advanced leak detection technology with years of field experience to minimize costly hazards In your plant. With our wide range of highly accurate, portable sensing equipment, we provide complete on-slte services to effectively control energy, gas or fluid losses.
Heath will tailor a program to your specifications for emergency service, scheduled inspections, independent audits, or empioyee training. All designed to do the job quickly, simply, accurately and with minimal interference to your operations. Call Heath today for details. Shown above: Model HCM-1 detector for ppm through percent gas searching andpinpointing.
f HEATH u \ Coiisu&ants
.. creative solutions to liquid and energy losses.
2085 Piper Lane
1st Fir. Farrell Plaza, 6923 Farrell Rd. S.E.,
11825 St-Evariste
London, Ontario N5V 3S5
Calgary, Alberta T2H 0T3 (403)258-0151
Montreal, Quebec H4J 2B1 (514)331-1580 Fax: (514) 331- 9980
(519) 659-1144 Fax: (519) 453-2182
Circle reply card No. 142
Sustainable development and Global Warming Lyn McLeod, Ontario Minister of Energy, spoke at ttie Toronto Symposium on Global Warming in Marcti when a Discussion Paper was presented to various groups including environmentalists and Industrial figures. This article contains excerpts from both her presentation and the Discussion Paper.
the steps that can be taken to reduce
The term sustainable devel
The term sustainable develop ment may mean different things to different people. The heart of the concept, however,will continue to be
those emissions are beneficial in
their own right. But if the warnings about possi ble climatic changes are correct,and we do nothing, a steep price will
have to be paid. Not by us, but by the generations to come that were so much on the mind of the Brundtland Commission.
year. My colleagues and I concluded that it would be imprudent to ignore the possible implications of a con tinuing buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In the words of the final communique: The conse quences of inaction are unaccepta ble.
nition, which says sustainable development is that which meets the needs of the. present without com
should make sense in their own
promising the ability of future gen
right. And the suggestions con tained in our discussion paper have that virtue. They are essentially
and attainable objective.
erations to meet their own needs.
surround the question of global warming. But even if there really is no global warming trend, we lose nothing by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To the contrary, many of
annual conference in Toronto last
The discussion paper sets out a series of possible first steps in a pro posed action plan that would embody two key principles. The first, is that the actions taken now
opment has been a little overworked of late. It may even be in danger of becom ing a cliche - and that is something we simply cannot allow to happen. Sustainable development is a real Scientists have referred to some of the scientific uncertainties which
- serious as these problems may be. We are now facing concerns about a buildup in the atmosphere ofcarbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases - problems which could well have far-reaching implications for future generations. This was essentially the position taken by Canada's federal and pro vincial energy ministers at our
the Brundtland Commission's defi
David Buzzelil, of Dow, has also
expressed the thought that sustai nable development is a journey - and I tbink that captures the idea that it's how we proceed that counts. We are no longer talking only about depletion of resources and pollution
conservation measures which call for consideration of more efficient
use of energy in all sectors - indus trial, commercial, institutional and residential.
Besides reducing greenhouse gas
.ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGJ Hamilton Executive Consultants, established in
1976, has earned a well deserved reputation in Southern Ontario based on our honesty, integrity and dependability. We currently have available a number of opportunities in Environmental Engi
neering including the following: INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR
2-5 years experience in water, soil and wastewater treat ment. Toronto area.
INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST...$65K Senior role. lO-i- years in wastewater treatment. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates is
London area.
pleased to announce the appoint ment of John Toth, P.Eng., to the position of Senior Project Man ager. Mr. Toth has served the
Ontario Government in the envir onmental field for more than 32
years from his early days with the
Toronto area.
Ontario Water Resources Com
For further information, please contact:
mission to his many years of ser vice with the Ministry of the Environment. Mr. Toth has remained a devoted advocate of a cleaner environment in Ontario. At
5-(- years project management and M.Sc. in Hydrogeology. Toronto area. $30-40K
Decommissioning and testing. Lab and site work.
92 KING STREET EAST, SUITE 1064 HAMILTON, ONTARIO L8N 1A8 (416) 523-6621 FAX:(416) 523-6751
the time of his appointment, he was Manager of the Ministry's Municipal Approvals Section. 48
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Acres International Limited Consulting Engineers Environmental Assessment• Waste Management•Industrial Hygiene Environmental Audits• Air Quality• Environmental Modeling Wildlife Management• Land Use Planning 480 University Avenue,Toronto, Canada MSG 1V2• Tel.416-595-2000 • Fax 416-595-2127 St. John's • Sydney • Halifax • Niagara Falls • Burlington • Winnipeg • Calgary • Vancouver
Water Supply & Sewage Disposal • Roads & Bridges Flood Control • Solid Waste Disposal Municipal Drains • Land Use Planning OUR EXPERTISE INCLUDES A SOLID AND EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND IN
The Hon. Lyn McLeod emissions and other environmental
impacts such as acid rain, these measures will help to reduce energy consumption and energy costs. This
Ainley and Associates Limited| CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS
in turn will reduce our business and
industrial costs, making Ontario goods and services more competi
Environmental Auditing and Management Planning
tive in world markets - a desirable
goal in itself. The second principle underlying our suggestions is that the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should be - and must be - an effort of
the entire community. It cannot be simply a government effort. Each and every one of us bears some responsibility for what is happen ing to the atmosphere.
Waste Management solutions to the 4 Rs
Wastewater Treatment
design engineering
Environmental and occupational health and safety specialists Serving Industry In Canada
Air, soil, waste and water
analytics, studies and troubleshooting
225 Sheppard Ave. W., Wlllowdale, Ontario M2N 1N2
Scientists teii us that the effects of a
simpie handclap radiate outward to
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
touch the farthest star. So,too, when
it comes to using energy. Turn on your air conditioner...drive to the var iety store...throw the switch to start an assembly line - do any of these things and the atmosphere is impacted in a small, but incremental way.
There is an atmospheric effect when you make a call on the electric ity supply, for much of our electric ity generation is based on the burning of fossil fuels - which are, of course, a primary source of green house gas emissions. Everybody knows that automo bile exhaust contains a number of
harmful emissions, such as carbon monoxide. We may be less aware that the average automobile in the course of a year also emits some thing like five metric tonnes of car bon dioxide - the most important of the greenhouse gases. The build up of greenhouse gases is, of course, a global problem. Cana da's contribution to the concentra
tion of gases is in the neighborhood of 2.5 percent of the world total - and Ontario's
consulting engineers and architect
Water Pollution Control
Environmental Planning Land Development
Water Supply
Water Resources
Municipal Services
TORONTO (416)497-8600 OTTAWA (613)226-1844
WELLAND (416)735-3659
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Tunnels and Shafts
SUDBURY (705)671-9903(Dennis Consultants)
AquaticSciences Inc.
Environmental Scientists Commercial Divers
• spill site investigations and cleanups • underwater video inspections
• impact assessments • water quality monitoring
P.O. Box2205,Station B, St. Catharines, Ontario L2M 6P6
is down
around 1 percent. But that does not lessen the
importance of our contribution to
TELEPHONE:(416) 622-9502, FAX: (416) 622-6249
Continued overleaf
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Ac 49
Sustainable development & Global Warming continued from page 49 either the problem or the solution. Canada, which uses more energy per capita than almost any other nation on earth, bears its full share of responsibility for what is happen
ing to the global atmosphere, and for taking steps to remedy it. And Ontario, as Canada's largest energy-user, fully shares that responsibility. In 1988 the Ontario Government
passed the Energy Efficiency Act - a piece of legislation that allows us to set energy-efficiency standards for all energy-using equipment and household appliances sold in Onta rio. The first regulations are already in place, and others are soon to follow. We have
Hydro to make demand manage ment and conservation a top prior ity - a move that will reduce the increasing demand on the provin ce's current electricity generating facilities and relieve Hydro of some
of the pressure to build more facili ties.
In addition, the Ministry of Energy is carrying out a variety of programs aimed at promoting energy efficiency in the industrial, municipal, institutional and resi
ing of methane gas on landfill sites. The second guiding principle to be addressed is the involvement of
dential sectors.
For example, one of them - the Institutional Energy Management Program - contributed to an innova tive system for heating and cooling the buildings at Carleton Univer sity in Ottawa. What makes the sys tem unique is that it makes use of water pumped from 250 feet under the ground for the provision of heat ing and cooling. This novel approach enables the university to reduce its consumption of natural gas by one million cubic feet a year. In the process, Carleton also saves more than $400,000 annually on its natural gas bills. We're also very proud of Ener-
Search - a program that supports the development of innovative energy technologies. One of the more exciting projects we are Involved with is the development of a process here in Ontario that could make hydrogen a fuel of the future. The Discussion Paper sets out a
series of possible first steps that could have the effect of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in Ontario - everything from changes in the Building Code to encourage more energy-efficient construction, to regulations governing the vent
the whole Ontario community in responding to the problem of green house gas emissions. Edmund Burke once declared that
our antagonist is our helper. He that wrestles us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Yet even better than the antagonist is the constructive critic.
In attempting to deal with a prob lem as large as this one,the enemy is not likely to be lassitude so much as a feeling of helplessness. We see that the problem is global in scope that greenhouse gases are being spewed into the air by smokestacks in Frankfurt and by the burning of forests in the Amazon Basin. We know that our own contribution to
the total problem is relatively small, and are tempted to conclude that nothing we do will change any thing. Why bother? Well, I happen to think there are very good reasons why we should bother. But word quickly gets around in today's glo
bal village,imparting a ripple effect to human actions. What we do here
in Ontario can matter. And, with leadership at the federal level, what we do in Canada as a whole can mat ter to others. ES&E
Potable water.
Portable plant. Graver Monoplants are pre-engineered and pre-assembled into self-contained water treatment units easily transported and quickly installed. Seventeen standard sizes are available to treat from 20
gpm to 500 gpm,for municipal plants and wlierever addi tional or improved water is needed. Each Monoplant contains clarification, filtration, chemical feed and gravity backwash systems. Conservatively designed, the Monoplant pro duces water with an effluent turbidity of less than 1 JTU.
For complete information, contact Ecodyne Ltd., Graver Water Division, Oakville, Ontario, 416/827-9821;
Calgary, Alberta,
_ 403/255-9797 r:
Circle reply card No. 143
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Product profile
SGRVEYLOGGER The Speedometer For Effluents
The No. 1 Portable
Sewerage Flowmeter
Direct flow readings including surcharges Direct mean ultrasonic velocity
Direct mean height ^ WALL —[MOUNTED
• Accurate
• Repeatable
• Linear Built for Canadian sewer conditions
Meets or surpasses MiSA standards Full graphics analysis program No massaging or manipulation of results
Cost effective Goal orientated
Thousands in service worldwide
RAMSEY LAKE INDUSTRIAL UMITED Serving Industry Since 1975 Walden Plaza,P.O. Box 158, Lively, Ontario POM 2E0; Telephone:(705)692-4734; Fax:(705)692-4735
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 144
Ventilation design for contaminant control
Ventilation is an old art that has been of concern for cen turies. It has been stated the. Neanderthal took venti
lation into account in the design of their caves. Already by the time of the birth of Christ, the famous Roman architect Vitruvius discussed
the location, orientation and plan
ning of buildings with regards to ventilation.
The simplest definition for venti lation and the one that I prefer is; Ventilation - control of the environ ment with airflow. The three generic types of ventilation systems are general or dilution ventilation, displacement ventilation, and local exhaust ventilation (sometimes called LEV, dust control, fume con trol, mist control, etc.). General or dilution ventilation depends on dis persion and dilution for the contam inant removal process. Displace ment ventilation is based on using buoyancy and momentum forces to develop a stratification with clean air below and the contaminated air
in the well defined layer above the breathing zone for the occupant. Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is based on capture at the source. LEV has a capture device - a hood which is an important element of the ventilation system. Figure 1 is a pictorial representation of the three types of ventilation systems. Indoor Air Quality Ventilation is an important tech nology for the 1990's. It is easy to think of many applications of venti lation and the role it plays in our society. The simplest fact is that each of us require about 15 kg/day of air to breathe. Our bodies require that this air be of acceptable quality
By Howard D. Goodfellow, Ph.D.*
in order to keep us healthy. Recent statistics show that our population now spends on average about 80 to 90% of their time indoors. (50 years ago, that percentage was in the 6070%). For any time that we spend indoors, there has to be a ventilation system of some description provid ing air (fresh, clean air we hope) for
perlecl displacement
hood f
pollutant source
Figure 1 : Types ol Venlllatlon Systems
Smoltln« Sid. 62-1961
ASHRAE 62-19616 Minimum
\ ASA S14 (1946)
I was at the Healthy Building '88 conference in Stockholm, Sweden where the conference theme was on
Healthy Buildings and how to avoid sick buildings. The Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) has been defined as a building where more than 20% of the building occupants complain
ASKBAE «2-79 Minlmu
62-1961 Minlmun
1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025
YEAR Figure 2 : History of Recommended and Minimum Ventilation Rates
of symptoms of malaise, headaches, breathing problems, etc. There were
if you use the prescriptive method. Figure 2 shows the history of recom
more than 600 in attendance and at
mended and minimum ventilation
least one-third of the papers and
rates in the U.S. for acceptable indoor air quality. The data show that large changes are primarily
technical discussions were on the
subject of ventilation. For example, major causes (75%) of sick buildings based on an examination of 350
buildings in the U.S. were poor ven tilation, poor filtration, and contam inated HVAC systems. We have recently completed a survey of about 30 schools in the Toronto area and
poor/inadequate ventilation was
observed in more than 50% of the schools. Ventilation in our houses is
also becoming an important con cern, especially for some of the new energy efficient homes with many new synthetic materials of construc tion and home furnishings. The symposium demonstrated clearly that a new level of understandingin
the ventilation technology field is
required in order to ensure proper Let us assume that you are a
3) Local Exhaust Ventilation
23 Stale Co<I»((I922)
us to breathe.
Heating, Ventilation, Air Condi
2) Displacement
eilllnoi(l<95] ASHVE RsqulremenI
ventilation of our houses.
perlect mixing
VENTILATION RATE, dm per person
tioning (HVAC) engineer and are responsible for the ventilation design for a new office complex. The architect along with the project design team have specified the office space and layout configura tions. As a design engineer, you are responsible for the HVAC design to give an acceptable air quality. Being a skilled practitioner, you obtain a copy of ANSI/ASHRAE 62-1981 R entitled Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. As you review this document, the first thing that you notice is a two-path approach involving the use of the
based on comfort levels not health
effects, and there is still no consen sus today on the proper ventilation rate. Scientific data do not exist to
support the proposed design ventila tion rates. Using the performance approach, it is necessary to have information on acceptable indoor contaminant levels.
Such stand
ards do not exist at the present time although many countries have com mittees working on establishing indoor air quality guidelines. This appears to be a monumental task as over 8,000 chemicals have been identified in the indoor environ
ment. Very little scientific data exist on the potential health effects of these chemicals on an individual basis or interactions with other chemicals.
Prof. Fanger of Denmark has sug
gested a new method for measuring the quality of air in an occupied space. He has proposed that large numbers of low level contaminants can combine to be noticeable to the
occupants as annoying and can con tribute to a feeling of malaise. For these cases, no medical causes can be found. Prof. Fanger has coined the term "olf" (for olfaction) for this quantity. An "olf is the amount of air pollutant or bioeffluents emitted by a standard person. A standard person is defined as an adult work ing in an office or the like, who is
prescriptive method or the perfor
mance method. A further detailed
'President, Goodfellow Consultants
analysis shows that the ventilation rates as specified are only minimum
Inc. and a member of ES&E's Advi
sory Board.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
sedentary and in thermal comfort, and with a hygienic standard cor responding to 0.7 baths/day. Prof. Fanger has performed many office experiments using an odour panel who were trained to quantify the odour of an average office worker. This panel was then taken to several locations under different conditions
to judge the odour of any environ ment in terms of a number of olfs.
Table 1 shows the results from 20
different buildings in Copenhagen. The results show the larger pollu tant contributions by the space and the HVAC system. This represents
above areas but it will be many years before the total integrated package is developed. I will discuss some current research and deve
lopment activities in the hood design field. Hoods represent an essential ele ment of the local exhaust ventila
tion system. They represent the first line of defense (i.e. the first oppor tunity to capture the conatminant at the source). Hoods can be classified by types into four groups
Group A Group B Group 0 Group D
Enclosures Booths Captor Hoods Receptor Hoods
For each hood group, technical characteristics and design equa tions can he developed. Recent research and development activities have included the development of computer models to predict hood efficiencies as well as the wides
pread use of fluid dynamic model ling and tracer gas applications. ■
a new technique to measure Indoor
Air Quality and provides design gui dance for the HVAC engineers.
LTD. Waterloo, Ontario S19-S79-3500 (FAX) 519-579-3986
o HAZARDOUS WASTE SERVICES Table 1. lAQ Test Results from Denmark
Pollutant Sources
Olfactlon Quantity
outdoor air
occupants office space HVAC system Total
0 olfs
D WATER RESOURCES Toronto, Ontar/o 4 16'858-2320
42 olfs 58 olfs 62 olfs
Concord Scientific Corporation cJiisuitTnt"'^'
162 olfs
Industrial Ventilation
A second example of the techni cal problems faced by practicing ventilation engineers is in the design of ventilation systems for industrial plants. The ventilation standard or guideline which must be complied with is based on a contam inant exposure limit. This is an 8
hour Threshold Limit Value (TLV) which represents the permissible exposure for workers. Although some research is being done at this time, there are large gaps in the scientific literature. There is only
(FAX) 416-858-3779
• Hazard and Risk Control
• Occupational Hygiene Services • Pollution Control-System Design • Dispersion and Acid
• • • •
Deposition Modeling
sources, establish hood perfor mance, calculate the migration of contaminant into the workplace
■ Landfill Gas Control & Utilization
■ Solid & Hazardous Waste Management
which must be available to establish
Instrumentation Development Indoor Air Quality Studies Safety and Environmental
Head OHice: 2 TIPPEn RD., TORONTO, ONTARIO M3H 2V2 (416)630-6331
limited technical data to allow cal culations of emission rates from
environment, etc.
Analytical Lab Services
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■ Environmental Assessment I Water Supply ■ Municipal Engineering
I Hydrogeology
I Wastewater Treatment
■ Construction Management
WaterlooX®'fin ^''ssissauga X®'' '*16-629-0510 Fax 519-884-0525 " Fax /1 c cno.nci c 416-629-0515
a priori worker exposure levels in an industrial workplace is as follows: i) characterize the emission source
ii) define contaminant pathways
from source to hood
iii) establish hood design equations and performance for a specific hood iv) define building ventilation flow
v) establish worker activities and work practice vi) calculate worker exposure. Using a systems approach, it is possible to treat each of the above steps as an element of the total worker exposure model. In the past, almost all ventilation system designs were based on empirical and rule-of-thumb approaches with minimal science or proper engineer ing activities. Scientific activities are currently underway in all of the
BIILILOim Environmental Laboratories
chemical analysis treatability studies monitoring and assessment engineering/scientific support
Environmental Science & Engineering. May 1990
MISISSAUGA (416)568-1414
FAX (416)568-1339
Supplied by the Canadian Association on Water Pollution Research and Control
R&D News
the most affected by sulfide. Data analysis produced retardation coef ficients of 0.6 L/mg for acetate and 1.2 L/mg for propionate. Methanogenic Degradation of Selected Phenols
As described in a paper accepted for publication in Water Research,P.M.
Readers wishing further information on R&D News items are encouraged to contact Dr. Hugh Eisenhauer. Details can be found on page 60.
Fedorak, W.B. Kindzierski and S.E. Hrudey evaluated five anilines and two hydantoins commonly found in coal
Acidification of Nova Scotia Surface Water
rienced LRTAP acidification (46%), those acidified by local/natural
Water Quality Branch scientist G. Howell, together with R. Gelinas
sources (20%), and those with limited acidification (34%).
and J. Slaats of the Canadian Wild
Sulfide Toxiclty to
life Service used a microcomputerbased geographic information system to integrate and analyse water quality and population den sity data in an attempt to distin guish between local and transboun-
Anaerobic Processes
The effects of sulfide on anaerobic
degradation of lactate, butyrate, propionate, and acetate were stu died in batch serum bottles by Uni
dary acidification sources in Nova Scotia. As described in the Water
Pollution Research Journal of Can ada, these scientists used water quality data from 332 lakes to derive a potential local acidification map, and another map which illustrated acidification response. When the two were combined,the results iden tified those lakes which had expe
versity of Manitoba researchers J.A. Oleszkiewicz, T.Marstaller and D.M. McCartney. As described in Environmental Technology Letters,
batch culture, serum bottle tests to determine whether they inhibited phenol- or p-cresol-degrading methanogenic cultures. These Uni versity of Alberta scientists found that degradation and subsequent methanogenisis of phenol was unaf fected by the substantial quantities ofthe substituted anilines, while the results with p-cresol were unaffected by the hydantoins. Extended incu bation periods showed that none of the three isomers of ring substituted methyl anilines and neither of the two hydantoins were readily degraded to methane.
maintenance of higher pH (7.7-7.9) allowed
for tolerance of much
Underestimation of
higher concentrations of sulfide pointing to un-ionized H2S as the inhibitory sulfide species. Lactate
R.J. Maguire and R.J. Tkacz have found significant concentrations of
utilization was the least affected
PCBs and other chlorinated hydro-
while propionate degradation was
Continued overleaf
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
ECODYNE LAMELLA SETTLERS You can't settle lorless You can save space and instal lation time when you specify Ecodyne Lameila Settlers.
Ecodyne's 10 years experience in Lamella Settlers includes
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Custom designs are available with plastic or stainless steel plates, galvanized or SS selfsupporting troughs. No field assembly, no maintenance required. You can't settle for less.
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Other Ecodyne Divisions specialize In cooling towers, evaporators and other process equipment for municipalities, Industry, and utilities across North America.
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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
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Circle reply card No. 147
Eax:(403) 486-2424 55
We do Environmental Analysis to help you control pollution
MISA Governments are taking an active role in recognizing and controlling tiazardous ctiemicals in the environment. In Ontario, regulations are being prepared under MISA,(Municipal-Indus trial Strategy for Abatement), to strictly control toxic contaminants in water. MISA will affect both the industrial and the municipal sectors and will set the standards for other jurisdictions to follow. We at Mann Testing have established comprehensive screening methods to accurately identify and measure contami nants in water, air and soil samples. Recently, we have developed
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cost effective, automated anal^ical methods specifically for use
•toxic metals
with MISA.
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Monitor Our experienced chemists can monitor hazardous chemicals in the following areas: •water; waste treatment effluents, drinking water, ground water •soil; sediment and waste chemical sludges
Commitment All analysis of highly toxic materials is performed in our High Hazard Laboratory which is specifically designed to protect both the environment and personnel. This responsible approach is a reflection of our commitment to the preservation of the
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When you require environmental analysis or want more infor mation on our services, please call or write us.
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Quality The level of service provided assures the accurate measurement of chemicals by using state-of-the-art instrumentation and an extensive Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program.The result is a cost efficient service to our clients.
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Circle reply card No. 148
PHONE:(416) 890-2555 TELEX: 06-960496 FAX: (416) 890-0370 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE(416)237-8283
R&D News, continued carbons in
extracts of filtered Niagara River water at pH 12 after the water had been throughly extracted at pH 1. As described by these National Water Research Institute scientists
Services in
in Chemosphere, this finding may he the result of a strong association
Gartner Lee
140 Renfrew Drive, Suite 102, Markham, Ontario L3R 8B6
Fax (416)477-1456 Teiex 06-986278
between a fraction of the dissolved
lipophilic chemicals and dissolved organic matter in fresh water, an association
that is
resistant to
organic solvent extraction at acidic or neutral pH, hut which is at least partially disrupted by extraction at high pH. Water Quality Guidelines Water quality guidelines are recom mendations for the protection of
2180 Meadowvale Blvd., Misslssauga, Ont. L5N 5S3
■ Contaminant Hydrogeology • Waste Engineering • Site Decommissioning
Tel: (416) 567-4444
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Calgary • Kamloops • Kelowna • Saskatoon • Vancouver • Hamilton • London • Montreal
Canadian water resources and form
Ottawa • St. John's• Toronto • Val d'Or• Waterloo • Whitby• Windsor
the scientific basis for establishing site-specific water quality objec tives. The multi-disciplinary approach taken to derive numerical limits designed to protect fresh water aquatic life integrates the physical-chemical characteristics, use patterns, levels of Canadian occurrence, and environmental fate with the current toxicological pro file of the compound. To illustrate the procedure. Water Quality Branch scientists M.P. Wong and
Gore Sk Storrie Limited Consulting Engineers
255 Consumers Road,North York,Ontario M2J 5B6 Telephone(416)499-9000 Fax(416)499-4687 Ottawa • St. Catharines • Barrie • Cambridge • Mississauga
R.A. Kent have summarized the
development and rationalization of the guideline for the pesticide carhofuran
Water Pollution
Consultants for water and pollution control projects
Research Journal of Canada.
Knox Martin
Denltriflcation of Leachate
D. Mavinic and colleagues from the University of British Columbia and Virginia Polytech and State Univer sity, used a single-sludge, nitrification-denitrification system to treat a high ammonia, low biodegradable
Kretch Limited Consulting Engineers. Planners. Landscape Architects. Fax: (416) 459-7869 220 Advance Boulevard, Brampton , Ontar io. L6T 445(416)459-4 780
carbon landfill leachate. As des cribed in Environmental Technol
ogy Letters, glucose and methanol were used as external carbon sour
ces for denitrification consistently achieving complete ammonia remo val. When glucose was used as the carbon source, inconsistent denitri fication performance was expe rienced. However, with methanol, the denitrification performance was consistent and reliable, with com plete denitrification achieved.
(519) 966-2250
FAX:(519) 966-5523
(519) 539-2015
Copper in the Environment
Copper compounds have been widely used in industrial processes and agriculture. As a result, ele vated copper concentrations can be found in many areas of the bios phere. To better understand the toxicity of copper to organisms, it is necessary to understand the mecha nism by which copper influences
MacVIro Consultants Inc. 7270 Woodbine Avenue, Third Floor. Morkhom, Ontario, L3R 4B9.Telephone:(416)475-7270.TelefAX:(416) 475-5994
Consulting Engineers, Planners and Scientists, Specializing In the Environment
Continued overleaf
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
R&D News, continued
ENVIRONMENTAL • Hydrogeology
• Engineering geoiogy geology Environmentai audits
Site decommissioning & rehabiiitation
MALROZ Engineering inc.168 Montreai St. Kingston,Ont. K7K 3G4 Tel:(613)548-3446
biological and chemical processes in the environment. A review pub lished by Guelph University scient ists C.A,Flemming and J.T. Trevors in Water, Air and Soil Pollution, examines copper toxicity, microhial resistance mechanisms, and factors influencing copper speciation and toxicity in the environment. Structure of Activated Sludge Floes
Marshall Mackiin Monaghan Limited Consulting Engineers Surveyors Pianners
sliced into thin sections as described
Specialists in Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources 275 Duncan Mill Road
Don Mills, Ontario MSB 2Y1
Burlington, Misslssauga, Whitby
Relatively large activated sludge flocs were stabilized by D. Li and J,J, Ganczarczyk and then were
(416) 449-2500 Fax: (416) 449-6076
in Biotechnology and Bioenginee.ring. The study of these sections, after staining, revealed that the dis tribution of microorganisms and of extracellular polymers in the flocs varied randomly leaving large water channels and reservoirs in some of the flocs. Based on the
Engineering a whole new world,
Audits Toronto.Ontario
(416) 798-0111
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(403) 298-4170 Fax
(403) 298-4125
Comprehensive Environmental N
Tel. 416 822-4111
Monitoring, sampling, analysis and development of control strategies for all media.
Fax 416 823-1446
Air, water and waste.
2395 Speakman Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5K IBS
Journal of Canada. A total of 224 water samples were extracted at up to 1 L/min, with dichloromethane
during monitoring cruises on lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Superior. To evaluate the performance of the extractor,five surrogate spikes were
Extractor performance was evalu
Kitchener, Bracebridge, Port Elgin 871 VICTORIA STREET M3RTH
ated for both ambient and centrif-
uged water samples. Recoveries ranged from 89-130% and coeffi cients of variation were generally not greater than 25%.
N8B 3S4 Foxi (519) 741-3603
Tell (519) 579-4410
Large Volume Water Extractor Environment Canada's Water Qual ity Branch scientists M, Neilson and R, Stevens describe the design, shipboard operation and perfor mance of a large-volume extraction
cated an abundant presence of extracellular polymers in amor phous forms.
added in the field: endrinketone,1,3dibromobenzene, 1,3,5-tribromobenzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene, and 2,3,5,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl.
a certain size limit. Direct observa tion of the interior of the flocs indi
in the Water Pollution Research
OR TECH Services I
results, these University of Toronto scientists suggested that the acti vated sludge flocs might be charac terized by the fractal concept within
paul theil associates limited consulting engineers 21 COVENTRY ROAD, BRAMPTON, ONTARIO L6T 4V7 (416) 792-2215
Model of Lake Acidity A simple dose-effect model express ing the relationships between lake acidity, weighted mean annual sulfate concentration in wet deposi tion, Ca, Mg, and true colour has been developed by J, Dupont and Y. Grimard. As described in a paper published in Water, Air and SoilPol lution, the results obtained with this model show that an airborne sulfate
Specializing in Municipal Services,
Stormwafer Management and Urban Flood Relief 58
target loading of 15 kg/ha/yr in wet deposition would be best suited for the protection of the greater portion Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
of sensitive lakes. These Environ
ment Quebec scientists conclude that a target loading of 10 kg/ha/yr would be required to protect the most sensitive lake ecosystems.
Proctor & Redfern limited Consulting Engineers Architects Planners Environmental Scientists Water Supply, Treatment, and Dustribution
Removal of Organlcs by
Wastewater Collection and Treatment
Pervaporation is a new membrane process that has application in the removal of organic compoundsfrom wastewater, leachate and contami nated groundwater. In pervapora tion, one side of dense, non-porous
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Brampton Hamillon Kcnora KinKslon Kilchener London .North Bay Ottawa St. Catharines St. John'.s. Nfld. SauH Sle. Marie Sudbur) Thunder Bay Whilb> 45 Green Hell Drive, Don Mills, Onutrio M3C 3K3
Tel: (416) 445-3600
pax: (416) 445-5276
membrane is in contact with water
containing organic compounds, while the other side of the mem
brane is exposed to a vacuum. Organic compounds are absorbed in the membrane and diffuse through to the other side where they are drawn off by the vacuum. C. Lipski and colleagues at Environment Canada's Wastewater Technology Centre have successfully conducted bench-scale tests.
Pilot-scale eva
(416) 853-1223
luation presently underway is expected to significantly improve both the permeation rate and the concentration factor.
Rainy River Quality In a paper published in the Water Pollution Research Journal of Can ada, W ater Quality Branch scientist J.C. Merriman reports on the distri bution of organic contaminants in water and suspended solids of the Rainy River. Samples were taken
Slmcoe Engineering Group Limited Consulting Engineers Simcoe Building, 345 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario L1V 1A1
Tel: (416) 286-2285
Fax: (416) 286-1361
Branches: Mississauga end Buffalo
from stations on the river and from the final effluents of two bleached
kraft pulp and paper mills discharg ing into the river. High levels of PCBs, dioxins, furans, chlorophenols and polycyclic aromatic hydro
Consulting Engineers • Whter Supply • Environmental Planning • Water Pollution Control • Water Resources • Instrumentation and Controls •
carbons were found in mill effluents
•Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
resulting in some elevated concen trations in the Rainy River down
3S1 Main Street East
Milton, Ontario
Tel:(416) 875-2144 Fax:(416) 875-2145
T.F: 1-800-263-4178
downstream end of the river, there was no impact evident for the com pounds analysed.
Poiyaiuminum-siiicate-suifate Coagulant
sims hubicki
Alum performance as a coagulant for water clarification is very often reduced at water temperatures
Head office:
Tel: (416) 668-9363 Fax: (416) 668-0221
Engineers Architects and Planners
below 5°C. Domtar scientists G.A. Milette and M. Bosisio evaluated a
Toronto, Whitby, Cobourg. Kingston Bracebridge, Ottawa, Simcoe. Waterloo. Huntsville
new replacement coagulant, polyaluminium-silicate-sulfate (PASS).
and Kresin Engineering and Planning Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie
As described in Sciences et tech
niques de I'eau, it was found that PASS reacts faster in cold water
than alum,settled water turbidity is often lower than one NTU, and its quality is only slightly affected by coagulant overdose. As a conse quence, PASS is now used regpilarly
at the Domtar fine paper plant in Windsor, Quebec although alum use continues during the summer months. Continued overleaf
Consulting Engineers
Head Office: 51 Townllne, Orangevllle, Ontario L9W 1V1 . 519-941-0330 ORANGEVILLE . FERGUS . GRAVENHURST . KITCHENER
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
nants in sludge applied on agricul
R&D N0WS, Continued Pesticides Research and Monitoring
The second annual report of Envir onment Canada's pesticides pro gram summarizes the results of
projects undertaken during 19871988 by the department's regional and district offices, research insti tutes and centres, branches and ser
vices. Topics related to pesticides in the aquatic environment include identification of sources, persist ence and fate in surface and ground water, toxicity and environmental risk, analytical methods develop ment including bioindicators, and the results of monitoring programs. Also included in the report are dis cussion documents summarizing
tural lands.
tives requires considering seasonal variability, biological critical peri ods, interactions with other varia bles, and effects of cumulative exposure and lags in functional responses. Designing an effective and efficient monitoring program to determine compliance with sitespecific objectives involves allocat ing the sampling effort according to
these factors. In a paper published
index is included at the end to ena
ble readers to easily identify studies related to a particular topic. Site Specific Water Quality Objectives
The development of site-specific water quality guidelines and objec
tion or to the health of animals eat
ing the crops. Furthermore, plant uptake of organic contaminants is apparently unlikely to represent a hazard for agricultural production.
in the Water Pollution Research
Journal of Canada, Inland Waters Directorate scientists D. Valiela and
P.H. Whitfield outline a hierarchical
approach to determining this alloca tion process.
the environmental effects of five
pesticides: oxyfluorfen, pentachlorophenol, triadimefon, metsulfuronmethyl and propiconazole. An
M. Webber and his
colleagues found that 1,1-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, toluene, and ethylbenzene added in munici pal sludge are unlikely to persist for more than a few days. They do not represent a hazard to crop produc
Land Disposal of Municipal Sludge Concern has been expressed that organic contaminants in municipal sludge applied to agricultural land could present health and environ mental hazards. In a joint Environ ment Canada - Ontario Ministry of the Environment project. Wastewater Technology Centre scientists studied the fate of organic contami-
DMA Engineering Ltd.
St. Croix River Water Quality Prior to 1970,pulp mill discharges to the St. Croix River reduced dis
solved oxygen levels well below objectives required to maintain fish populations. Since 1972, the mill has installed primary and secon dary treatment and regulated river discharge rate and effluent composi tion. A paper published in the Water Pollution Research Journal of Can ada, by Water Quality Branch scientist H.S. Bailey, provides data on the recovery ofthe river. By 1980, dissolved oxygen had improved suf ficiently to permit restocking the river
Atlantic Salmon.
Although returns of this species are still below the objective, fisheries biologists have been pleased with the increasing returns and other aspects of the salmon restoration program-
Telephone:(416)238-0007 Dynamic Models tor High Rate
Anaerobic Treatment
Wastewater Technology Centre scientists have assessed dynamic models for a high rate anaerobic treatment process. A pilot scale anaerobic hybrid reactor was oper ated by R.M. Jones and E.R. Hall under steady state and dynamic conditions using a pulp and paper
mill effluent as a feedstock. Data
collected during experimentation on the pilot plant were used to evaluate two different mechanistic dynamic
models of the process. The results published in Environmental Tech nology Letters showed that both models were adequate in qualita tively describing steady state and dynamic process behaviour but would be of limited use in directly providing estimates of process vari ables for control purposes.
LandiUseiPlannmg & Develppmenl...Environmental Approvals, WasJe Oisposal and vMunicipal Law John R. Willms / Donna S.K. Shier
P. Do.uglas Petrie / C.C. Robert Wong / Thea M. Dorsey 73 .Ri.cb.mo.nd Street West, Suite 200, Toronto., Ontario iM5H 1Z4
1416) 863-0711 • Fax:(416) 863-1938
For more information, contact Dr. H.R. Eisenhauer, Canadian Associa tion on Water Pollution Research and
Control, Conservation and Protec tion, Environment Canada, Ottawa, ■ lllllllillHK
ON K1A 0H3.
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Kee^j^Technology Ahe^ofthe Imagination As air qualj^standards for
sulphur diqjf^ emissions be
come more stringenMhe need
for accurate, relial^ instru? mentation is of mcreasiiy importance.
asurement under even th
mobile monitorin^ll^ation-
most complex applications.
ary source field momloring
T/ie Best is Even Better The Model 721AT incorpo
rates a dual cell, split beam measuring and detection
• EPA^rtifiable • Wide Agamic"dual range"
method using a single radiation
L capabilRy
npable If mea»ring
•^apid start-up time
source,resulting it^n analwr
The improved Model 72w
SO2 Analyzer sets a new stan
fver a vine dyn»ic rangb
dard in continuous emission
without sacrificing low end sensitivity. The 721AT offers improved portability, convenient for a variety of applications. Now
monitoring(CEM)equipment, exceeding the demands of environmental authorities and
plant operators alike.
Operational through normal or upset conditions and vary
in its own 19" CEMA/NEMA1
ing concentrations of SOj,
enclosure, designed for rack mounting, the analyzer is
the 721AT provides accurate
ideal for use in laboratory.
Benefits/Fe^thfres jingle point caiibration (5 mins.) • Seven user-selectable outputs
• Accuracy and sensitivity— ±0.5% of full-scale
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A member of the BOVAR group 1313 • 44th Avenue N.E.
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Agents in North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Pacific Rim.
Literature Review Oil/water separators McTighe Industries, Incor porated Separators are design ed specificaliy to remove oils and/or other lightweight materi
Real voice-a new concept... from a proven company
Microtel, a leader in electronic
als and solids from oil-water
mixtures. McTighe Engineers have designed a proven, no-
nonsense means oif separation with a variety of options that will assist you in meeting or exceed ing all state and federal oil and grease effluent limitations.
monitoring systems has devel oped the ultimate in dialing alarm monitors. You actually tell the system what to say when it calls. Each alarm message is spoken into the system micro phone, digitized and memoriz ed. Messages can use any
words-any language-and can
include advisory information along with alarm status annu-
Can-Am Instruments Circle reply card No. 200
ciation. Can-Am Instruments
Circle reply card No. 201
/nuifaee Meier
Streamline automatic
Interface meter The new Solinst Interface Meter meaures the level and thickness
samplers STREAMLINE,with Its patented liquid sensor and sealed elec tronics, combine sample integri ty and rugged practicality, innov ative capabilities, such as indi cating the time that samples are collected and consistent sample volumes even with changes in lift, set STEAM LINE apart.
of both sinking and floating hydrocarbons, it is simple to operate; easy to clean and decontaminate; inexpensive to repair. The sturdy 1-1/2" dia. pro be is excellent for use in monitor
ing wells. Solinst Canada Ltd.
Can-Am Instruments Circle reply card No. 203
Circle replay card No. 202
Groundwater sampling systems
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Ground Water Sampling Systems
Geoguard's range of downwell components and flexible build ing block design allows each groundwater monitoring well to be equipped with a dedicated sampler that addresses the specific characteristics of the well. Complete portable pack ages are also available.
Can-Am Instruments
Circle reply card No. 204
Advance belt filter press Komllne-Sanderson belt filter
presses are designed for con tinuous operation, energy effi ciency, high throughput and maximum dewatering with high cake yields and long operational life in the hostile environments of
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Product Profile:
Deep Shaft goes global The Deep Shaft process is now in use around the world. The Japanese, alert to technologies that reduce land use are currently operating 37 Deep Shaft wastewater treatment plants, processing municipal sew age and industrial wastewaters from food, fish processing, chemical pesticide, paper and shell process ing operations. The Deep Shaft Process treats both sewage and industrial waste in a sealed, self-contained, bio-reactor installed vertically in the ground to a depth of between 150 and 500 feet. The Process uses only a fraction of the land required to accomodate a conventional waste-treatment plant due to its vertical, sub-surface nature. In addition, the increased pressure associated with depth means the Deep Shaft Process is
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much more efficient in the treat ment of wastewater than are con
ventional methods, according to the company.
The Deep Shaft bio-reactor is
CanTest Ltd
Analytical Services
divided into downcomer and riser
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1523 Wast 3rdAve
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vided to the waste material. Because
ofthe depth and the configuration of the bio-reactor, oxygen transfer rates are substantially higher than in a conventional plant. The result? Clean water - at substantial savings in operating energy(itselfan ecolog ical benefit) and land costs.
I Cahadlan Orinklng Water Criterial Tel: l.-jV-r' U i.GC/MS.GD/ECD.'HPLC,IC. ICpJ[
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Circle reply card No. 155 178 Louisa St., Kitchener, Ontario
Flygt DPC
N2H 5M5
environmental engineering & science urban planning transportation engineering building design DPC (Dewatering Pump Control) is a control unit developed for use with Flygt portable pumps. The DPC primarily used in mines and construction sites, operates without any external sensors located in the sump. Instead, it adjusts the pumping and rest cycles to the inflow rate, stopping the pump each time the sump is emp
Circle reply card No. 156
TORONTO(416) 229-4646• EDMONTON (403) 463-8094• HALIFAX (902) 453-1115
Setting the standard for service
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6850 Goreway Drive, Toronto, L4V IPl, Tel: (416) 673-3255, FAX:(416) 673-7399
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Packages include: 35 Parameter of water quality analysis ($55.00/sample) 16 Parameter of soil quality analysis ($50.00/sample) With FINE ANALYSIS LABORATORIES you can be assured of high quality,
prompt service and an average turn around time of 4 business days. 83 BIGWIN RD., UNIT #8, HAMILTON, ONT. LOR IPO (416)574-4977
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'Specializing In Inorganic Water Quality Analysis • 30 Parameter Rapid Chemical Analysis program featuring 5-day turnaround
400 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit 6, Mlssissauga, Ont. L4Z 1N8
Phone: (416) 890-9272
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Comprehensive Environmental Analytical Services Air Quality • Water Quality • Hazardous Waste • Emission Testing
• Complete MISA Parameters
» Ontario Drinking Water Criteria
• Reg. 309 Compliance
• Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins/Furans • Ambient Air Monitoring
» Odorous Compounds
► Rush Analysis Available
Mann Testing Laboratories Ltd. Professional Analytical Services Since 1972
5550 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1P1 Phone: (416) 890-2555 Fax: (416) 890-0370
TEL: (416) 847-0065
FAX: (416) 847-3840
TEL: (519) 339-8787
FAX: (519) 336-6965
Elemental Scans • Characterizations • RGB's • Sampling "16 SGS Locations Across Canada"
1903 Leslie St.
Tel: (416) 445-5809
Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2M3
Fax: (416) 445-4152
3650 WesbrookMaU, Vancouver. B.C.
• MISA analysis for over 50 plants • Ultra-trace Dioxins/Furans by MS/MS • Ortified by NYS-DOH
Fifteen to 20 years ago peristaltic pumps were universally accepted as the means to draw wastewater sam
ples out of channels and deposit them into bottles for subsequent analysis. Unfortunately the method had a number of shortcom
ings, including sample volume inconsistency, unpredictable pump tube splitting (often with very messy results) and high power demand (giving short duty cycles with battery powered portable units); these being just a few of the principal problems with the system. During the 70's, a new sample technique using an air pump and a sample chamber started to gain pop ularity both in North America and Europe, but it too suffered from problems — notably the overpo wered pumps which were employed. While lifting the samples in a very impressive manner, they created a high vacuum which when exerted on the liquid surface, caused deran gement of the sample. The high
power pump again gave only a short duty cycle from the battery. A key
element in this system was, and is,
the electronic detector which stops
systems were not uncommon.
Helping Management Make Better Environmental Decisions 768 WESTGATE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONT. L6L 5N2
designed for MISA challenge
the pump when it senses that the sample chamber is fully charged. Some devices, at that time, suffered from unreliability and flooding of
Product Profile Air pump wastewater
V6S 2L2 (604)222-1169
PROCESS ENGINEERING • Waste treatment evaluation
• Bench and pilot scale testing • Technical / economic assessments
A basically sound system eventu ally found disfavour simply through its engineering never having had the opportunity to evolve. The EPIC 1011 Portable Wastewater Sampler employs the very latest mechanical and electronic technology, overcom ing the disadvantages of its prede cessor without any of the inherent "peristalitic pump" problems. The 1011 has during the past 2 years been refined to meet with the demands of the latest MISA (Munic
ipal and Industrial Strategy for Abatement) wastewater monitoring legislation and a fixed site model, the 1021 Wastewater Sampler has also been introduced.
EPIC samplers have moulded plastic cases and have been designed with a great deal of atten tion to operator convenience. Many container formats are available (in
both plastic and glass), enabling exact selection for each application. Facilities for maintaining samples at low temperatures are available with both feed and portable units. Cancoppas Limited
Circle reply card No. 157
Environmental Science. & Engineering, May 1990
New improved Kent compound meter
New, Rugged Sampler Engineered And Priced For Canadian Markets! Simple, Four-Button Operation; Changes From Discrete To Composite Sampling In Seconds! Program Menu and Prompting Pad
16- Digit LCD
New and improved Kent COMBOÂŽ Compound meter, in sizes 2" to 8", offers precision performance.
Rechargeable 12-VDC Battery
This meter features new conven
tional laying lengths, affording ease of installation, offers test ports allowing for field testing and drain plugs permitting in-service repairs. Kent claims prohlem-free perfor mance, greater accuracy, with more precise low and high end flow - plus higher revenues for cost conscious
Simplest Controller
On The Market
Waterproof Trigger Input
\ ^ Waterproof, \. Modular (M
water utilities. Kent Meters Inc.
Circle reply card No. 150 Detectronic Series 4 CM Flowmeter
Ice Cooling Capacity For Up To 3 Days
Impact And Corrosion Resistant
Detectronic microprocessor based
Polyethylene Housing
effluent flowmeters are based on the
fundamentals of mean velocity monitoring and average height by either pressure or sonic methodol ogy.
Outputs are; RS232 (RS422 optional), 0-20mA, O-lOV, flow pro portional pulse for sampler, counter pulse, plus preset alarm contacts; velocity, height, flow and time. The logger module records in velocity, height flow and real time.
Double-Wall Insulated
24 One-Liter
Collection Hose
The local transmitter communi cates to the remote controller via 24 VDC.
Every discrete or composite sampling feature you need-including cooling capability-is built into
Remote controller power supply by either 24 VDC or 115/220 VAC. For problem flow areas or wide channels, multi-transducer units are available. Ramsey Lake
Available at a highly competitive price, this new sampler was developed by
Buhler's new Model PSB-90.
German and Canadian
Velocity profile monitor Detectronic's ultrasonic point veloc ity monitor. Model 32LCM, is designed to provide velocity profiles for sewers, open channels, creeks or rivers.
The 32LCM is: Electronically cal ibrated, verifiable, certifiable, accu rate, repeatable, linear and tamper-proof. The 32LCM is available in stand
ard or water-proof enclosures. Ramsey Lake
engineers specifically for Canada. Built to the highest standards of European quality, the unit is rugged, very reliable, and extremely simple to operate. Glass or plastic bottles, and Teflon tubing are available. Call or write for more information.
Compiles with MISA specifications!
GENEQ inc. 7978 Jarry E., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H1J1H5 Tel:(514)354-2511, FAX:(514)354-6948 223 Signet Drive, Weston, Qntario, Canada M9L1V1 Tel:(416)747-9889, FAX:(416) 747-7570
Circle reply card No. 151 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Circle reply card No. 103
^emtnnr SHBEBS
Legal advice can be expensive - lack of it can be devastating Environmental Science & Engineering - Canada's
largest magazine for environmental professionals - presents a one-day Seminar and Workshop on Environmental Law. Attendance will put you in close contact with some of Canada's most distin
guished legal, engineering and scientific experts. You'll be able to listen to and question speakers and workshop leaders on such topics as the Approval Process for Municipal Landfills or the Impact of MISA on Municipalities. Who should attend? Municipal officials, industrial managers, real est ate developers, property owners, consulting engi neers and architects.
Other sessions will cover:
• the Storage and Transportation of Hazardous Wastes. This topic has made international head l ines in recent months. Speakers and workshop leaders will enable managers to comply with the increasingly complex regulations facing indus tries and municipalities.
• Real Estate, Developing and Financing. In an age of spiralling real estate values,the potential prob lems in buying and selling contaminated land have multiplied rapidly and now pose serious financial hazards to all property owners, poten tial buyers, developers and financiers.
• Environmental prosecution and MOE search and
• Due diligence and other legal issues.
Tentative speakers Include: Jim Bishop, C.Chem., Vice President, Environmental Protec tion Laboratories and until recently, Director of Water Resour ces Branch, Ontario tylinistry of the Environment, heading the MOE's MISA program. Mr. Bishop's vast experience in various MISA complexities will be invaluable to participants.
• Anthony J Crutcher, P.Eng., a partner In the environmental engineering firm of Conestoga Rovers & Associates Ltd. He is a civil engineer specializing in waste management, water resources and hydrogeology. He has been an expert witness before the Ontario Environmental Assessment Board and the
Ontario Municipal Board dealing with hydrogeology, contami nated soil remediation and other waste management issues.
Speakers from Blake, Cassels & Graydon,Barristers and Solici tors win include the following: • John Brownlie, Q.C., a senior partner in the firm, who has defended corporate clients charged with environmental offen
• Burton Kellock, Q.C., is also a senior partner of the firm, with extensive experience in environmental and municipal lawareas seeking government approvals or defending commercial inter ests involved in environmental prosecutions. He is called on a regular basis to advise clients who are purchasing or selling industrial lands or involved in environmentally sensitive opera tions.
• Bruce Smith Is a partner in the firm, practising commercial litigation with an emphasis on environmental law, financial institutions and corporate remedies. His environmental prac tice includes civil remedies for environmental damage and insurance claims.
• Robert Fishlock is an associate of the firm, who is on the executive of the Ontario Environmental Law Section, Canadian Bar Association. He has advised commercial clients involved in
the sale or purchase of industrial land and businesses and the impact of new environmental laws and regulations on busi nesses.
refunds for cancellations received in writing by Sep
Remervber, what you don't know can hurt you - or your company. This seminar permits a rare interlace with top experts practising In the field. The format Is designed to ensure audience participation, enabling particular prob
tember 2.
lems to be addressed.
Fee $425.
After July 31, $475.
For two or more registrations, $400. per registrant. Full
The fee covers luncheon and
available seminar papers.
Send cheques to Environmental Science & Engineering, 10 Fetch Crescent, Aurora, Ont. L4G 5N7 or Phone (416) 727-4666 for details or FAX (416) 841-7271
Circle reply card No. 110
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
What's New Mixing without moving parts
free operation. Mounted on unique all stainless
Rehau introduces new
"No-Dig" technoiogy Rauline, a short section polymer pipe system is installed using the hurst lining technique, and requires no open trenching. This system is used primarily in the renovation of sewer systems,
and features lockahle,push fitjoints that are rubber sealed. The pipe can withstand high tensile and com-
steel floats or brackets, it uses a spe cially designed propeller to aerate and mix in any specific direction or in the entire basin. All aeration and
mixing occurs below the water sur face, eliminating spraying and splashing. Aer-0-Flo Circle reply card No. 162 Ad Index
pressive forces.
Joints are within the pipe wall, and provide a smooth interior and exterior pipe surface. Rehau
Circle reply card No. 161
Horizontally mixing
energy consumption, improved pro cess control, and product quality. Saves chemicals, eliminates
overdosing, and has minimal space requirements. Also has low capital costs for a completely sealed system. Statiflo
Circle reply card No. 160
Free and Total Chlorine
contained. Features include a uni
que solid shaft design allowing a larger aspirating tube for greater oxygen transfer with less horsep ower, plus sealed tapered roller bear ings for continuous maintenance-
Whether you need quick, simpleto-perform spot cheeks, advanced in-lab instrumentation, or continuous on-line monitoring, Hach has a chlorine analysis system to meet your needs and budget. Each
Graydon Bondar Clegg
14 17 71
Cone Davis Controls
55 12 62 19 56
Lit. Reviews
Mann Aqua Mann Testing Mln. oi Energy
MSU MIsslssauga Nortech
68 15 42
Prominent Fluids
9 47
Ramsey Lake Ind. Robar
51 25
Dense Duratron
Envlroclean ES&E Seminar Executive Man.
32 66 48 69
Flygt Geneq
SEW Eurodrlve Smart Turner
Ter, City Iron Works The Env. Show
Totten Sims Hublckl
38 21 45 48 26
Gore & Storrle
VIctaullc Watts/Muesco
Gorman Rupp
4 18
Westech Western Research
Hazco Heath Consultants
44 47
X-Ral Labs XCG
H. Fontaine
Analysis Systems
Test Kits
■ Ideal for field or laboratory use ■ Ready-to-use, unit-dose reagents ■ Rugged carrying cases ■ Complete reagent reordering information
Digital Titrator, drop count titration, and colorimetric methods
Colorimeters & Spectrophotometers
35 61
■ Preprogrammed calibrations ■ Comprehensive manuals • Ready-to-use, unit-dose reagents ■ Available as portable laboratories ■ 0-5 mg/L range, 0.1 mg/L resolution ■ Programmable mV, V or mA recorder output ■ Operates unattended 28 days • Dual set-point alarms
On-Llne instrumentation
Model CL17 Chlorine Analyzer
Pump-Colorimeter Chlorine Analyzer
■ NEMA-4X enclosure
■ ■ ■ ■
system uses Hach's USEPA*-
approved DPD chemistry, which helps provide accurate results. And all Hach chlorine systems come with everything required for testing, including premeasured reagents and easy-to-follow, stepby-step instructions.
KWH Pipe
CXicX Laboratory instruments
From simple to sophisticated and always accurate
New patent-pending TORNADO® aerator provides horizontal mixing to aerate and mix basins up to 10 times more efficiently than alterna tive methods. Designed for ponds, lagoons, oxidation ditches, and tanks, TORNADO is totally self-
B.F. Goodrlch Bannf Centre Blake Cassels
Can Am
aspirating aerator Statiflow mixers have no moving parts for virtually maintenance free operation. Features include low
Asr-O-Flo Air Products
Self-cleaning sample ceil Positive-displacement sample pump Complete range options Three tests per minute
•United Suics Environmental Protection Agency
For more information, ask for literature number HACH COMPANY P.O. Box 389
[HACH, Loveiand, Colorado 80539 U.S.A.
Sales outlets throughout Canada ■ Instrument Service Centre in Winnipeg
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
Telephone:(303)669-3050 FAX:(303) 669-2932
Circle reply card No. 226
What's New utes instead of hours.
Water leakage control
Sampler for MISA regs
Complete products and services for underground pipe location and leak
Manning Priority Pollutant Samplers
Heath is a single source for water leakage control equipment and ser vices and the exclusive distributor of Metrotech and Sewerin locator
and detection products for efficient pipe tracing, leak detection and pin pointing. Advanced sonic technology and
fully automatic underground pipe locators help crews, make leakage control surveys simple, fast and
offer a number of features making them highly effective for MISA sam pling. Sample repeatability is assured by the unit's proven vacuum pump method, and a pro grammable choice of 2, 4, or 8 bottle configuration accomodates any sampling schedule. The samplers' Time Override Function and Sample Event Output signal ensure that minimum sam ples are attained and sampling is
Replacing seals is as easy as replacing the impeller or wearplate. Simply remove the coverplate. Gorman-Rupp seals are made of tungsten titanium carbide. Gorman-Rupp solids handling pumps range in size from 3inches to 10 inches and deliver 3,300 gpm
with heads up to 130 feet. Depend ing on pump size, they can handle spherical solids up to 3 inches in diameter. Gorman-Rupp
Circle reply card No. 166
verified. METCON
Circle reply card No. 164
Technical facilities provide quick, economical equipment
repairs, maintenance and calibra tion for a wide range ofinstruments. Heath
Circle reply card No. 163
Underground leak detection "Vapor-Safe" is a portable hydrocar bon vapour system capable of detecting leaks in underground monitoring wells. "Vapor-Safe"is completely porta ble, utilizing simple plug-in opera tion with readings display in numerical values or colour bands.
Readings take only a few minutes. The system also provides indica tion of background vapours (pre
vious contamination) and
vapours (recent contamination). Davis Controls
Circle reply card No. 165
Pumps can be serviced
Range of safety steps, ladders, platforms, guard rails MSU are designers and manufactur ers of their own off-the-shelf range of corrosion resistant Safety Steps,
Ladders, Platforms, Guard Rails and Manhole Grates. MSU also cus
tom designs and fabricates special safety equipment to match specific applications. These products provide maxi mum security and safety for climb ing or descending...whether outside a tower, chimney or inside a shaft. With Manhole steps, MSU's#360 is the only one that's been tested and listed with Underwriters Laborato
ries and each one proudly hears the
In minutes
Gorman-Rupp solids handling pumps are built to service in min
UL mark. MSU
Circle reply card No. 167
Monenco Consultants Limited, Is pleased to announce the opening of new state-of-the-art environmental laboratory facilities In MIsslssauga, Ontario.
The expanded laboratory and environmental R&D facilities will enable the Environmental Division to offer full environmental, occupational health and
Complete Digester and
hygiene, and analytical services to our clients. Effective May 1990,the new laboratory and offices will be located at: 160 Traders Boulevard
Lagoon Cleaning
MIsslssauga, Ontario
Land Appiication Systems
L4Z 3K7
Program Deveiopment Tel: (416) 648-3463 1435 Jerseyvilie Rd. W., Jerseyville, Ontario LOR 1R0
As a result of this expansion, Monenco requires the following senior professional staff at our Rexdale and MIsslssauga offices: HYDROGEOLOGISTS and WASTE MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS
Candidates should have 5 to 10 years experience In the following fields: contaminant hydrogeology,soil and water remediation,and contract spec
ifications. Experience In groundwater and contaminant modelling would be an asset.
Ideal candidates wi ll have 10 years experience In Industrial wastewater
treatment, preferably In the organic chemical and/or pulp and paper Indus
also suppliers of quality filter sands and gravel ANTHRAFILTER MEDIA & COAL LTD.
tries. Reply In confidence to: Human Resources Manager
66 Brant Strast. Hamiltan. Ont. LBL6A8
Tel: (416) 523-1850
180 Attwell Drive, Suite 400 Rexdale, Ontario
Fax: 523-6270
M9W 6A9
Monenco Consultants Limited
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
WET OR DRY, FLYGT KEEPS PUMPING IT OUT. Flygt's wet CP pumps are easy to install. Ttiey can be mounted quickly and simply on guide bars and lowered into the liquid. The discharge connection is fixed to the sump floor so that when the pump is lowered on
the guide bars, it automatically engages the discharge connection and releases automatically when it is raised.
Flygt's dry CT pumps are installed alongside the pump sump and mounted on a stand with inlet pipes. Like all Flygt pumps, they are submersible and cannot be damaged by accidental flooding.
All of our 0 pumps are compact, efficient, and available in sizes from 1 to 700 HP.
Backed by years of application engineering experience, they can reduce operating costs by up to 75%. They provide reliable perfor mance and the peace of mind you have come to expect from Flygt.
For complete Information on our versatile C pumps,contact your local Flygt representative. Good Ideas Take Flygt. Circle reply card No. 227
Flygt ITT Fluid Technology Corporation
FLYGT CANADA,300 Labrosse Ave., Pointe-Claire, P.O. H9R 4V5 (514)695-0100 Telex: 05-821844 Telefax:(514) 697-0602 Vancouver ■ Calgary ■ Edmonton ■ Saskatoon ■ Winnipeg ■ Hamilton ■ Etobicoke ■ Sudbury ■ Ottawa ■ Pointe-Ciaire ■ Quebec ■ Vai d'Or ■ Moncton ■ Halifax•St. Jotin's (Nfid.) USA: FLYGT CORPORATION, Norwalk, Conn.
Whats NewNew personal
long been recognized by industries
chlorine monitor
chlorine. In fact, most dangerous incidents involving chlorine gas occur as a result of leakages in hulk chlorine storage or cylinder storage.
New chlorine monitor joins the range of NEOTOX personal, pocketsized gas monitors said to be extre mely accurate and reliable. The electrochemical chlorine sensor is another NEOTRONICS in-house
development in sensor technology. The new sensor has been exten
sively field tested and provides sta bility and long life. The dangers associated with the use and handling of chlorine have
which manufacture or handle bulk
The new chlorine NEOTOX should
ensure that the atmospheres in such confined spaces are safe prior to entry. It will also continuously mon itor the worker's breathing zone to warn of accidental releases of chlo rine.
It provides a standard audible alarm at the threshold limit value of
2 parts per million, although the alarm set point is user settable. Chlorine concentrations are dig itally displayed in the range of0.1 to 199.0 parts per million.
Westinghouse Environmental Services
Circle reply card No. 152
•Hydrogeological Assesments •Real Estate Transaction Environmental Audits
•Engineering Services •Solid and Hazardous Landfill Design •Bioremediation (Insitu-Bioreactor-Composting) •Laboratory Services •On Site Remediation •Chemical Soil Fixation
•Sensor Controlled Pneumatic and Electric Pumps •Carbon Treatment Cell
•Air Stripping Towers
•Off Gas Treatment Systems •Clarifiers
•Oil Water Separators •Vacuum Extraction Systems
I.E. ITed) Pollock, Fh.D., P.Eng. CH2M HILL ENGINEERING LTD, is very pleased to announce that Ted Pollock has joined the Waterloo office as Industrial Services Division Manager. Previously employed by a major consulting firm in California, Dr. Pollock brings to this posi tion over 20 years of environmental engi neering experience. His experience, both in Canada and the United States, encom passes the fields of industrial wastewater
treatment, contaminated
groundwater remediation, and hazard ous waste management.
Supported by a staff of
employee-owned Canadian engineering firm with principal offices in Calgary and Waterloo. The firm offers a complete range of environmental engineering ser vices from initial feasibility studies, to process development, detailed engineer ing design, and onsite construction man
1600 Seasoned Professionals.
For Information Call
agement. or write to
Westinghouse Canada Inc. 5905 Chemin St.-Frangois, Ville St.-Laurent, Qu6bec H4S 1B6
Committed to Quality 70
Circle reply card No. 170
Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1990
SAMPLE SIGMA...CANADA Liquid samplers combining sample integrity with rugged practicality... that's STREAMLINE'". STREAMLINE'" innovation includes a patented liquid sensing system. Unlike other peristaltic pump sam plers, STREAMLINE'" delivers repeatable volumes by automatically compensating for changing lifts. And if the first attempt to take a sample fails due to a plugged
intake, STREAMLINE'" initiates a high pressure purge and tries again. Most importantly, we understand that samplers get rough treatment... and STREAMLINE'" will take it. Electronics are
isolated in a watertight NEMA 4x, 6 housing and the roto-molded polyethylene case is more impact resistant than the ABS common to other samplers.
Distributed By:
Representatives Across Canad 2495 Raines Road
'Complies with MISA Specifications' Portable Samplersâ&#x20AC;˘ Refrlgeratecf Samplers Ground Water Samplersâ&#x20AC;˘Open Channel Fiowmeters
Mississauga Onlario L4Y1Y7 Tel (416) 277-0331 FAX (416) 277-2588
... a new era in
"engineered storm water management." CSA Certified
Not Affected by Acid Rain
Engineered for "storm water management," Ultra-Rib's unique PVC design provides a durable, high impact, non-corroding pipe for storm drain systems. Certified to CSA B182.4 and meeting ASTM F794, Ultra-Rib, with a Manning flow coefficient of n = .009, provides the lowest flow resistance of any storm drain pipe.
Made from PVC, Ultra-Rib is not affected by aggressive soils and the low pH's of acid rain.
Engineered for Strength Proven in worldwide applications, Ultra-Rib meets the rigorous demands of shallow or deep burial. A seamless PVC pipe, Ultra-Rib's reinforcing ribs girdle the true circumference of the pipe, providing a pipe stiffness in excess of 320 kPa (46 lb./in./in.) while exacting tolerances provide leak-tight joints.
Ground Water Recharging
Cost Effective
Ultra-Rib's economy - ease of handling, reduced installation time, complete line of fittings, and significant labour and maintenance savings- will make it the piping of choice.
Software and Design Brochure Get to know more about Ultra-Rib. Contact your
Easy to cut on site.
nearest Scepter branch for our latest Ultra-Rib software and design brochure.
Where environmental concerns for recharging the ground water are a preferred option to ponding, perforation of Ultra-Rib can accommodate design specifications.
Leak-tight joints prevent infiltration
807 Pharmacy Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario Ml L 3K2 (416)752-2200 fax: 416-752-8512 ninfote Scepter Is a member of the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association. Gaskets can easily be repositioned.
VANCOUVER (604) 525-8621
CALGARY (403)236-8333
EDMONTON (403)468-4444
SASKATOON (306) 933-4664
FAX 604-525-8607
FAX 403-279-8443
FAX 403-465-5617
FAX 306-934-2020
WINNIPEG (204)633-3111 FAX 204-633-3075
Circle reply card No. 101
MONTREAL (514)337-2624
SAINT JOHN (506) 632-9000
BEDFORD (902) 835-8684
FAX 514-337-7886
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