Focussing on industrial/municipal wastewaters — hazardous wastes — air pollution & drinking water treatment
Serving environmental professionals across Canada
September 1993
I i %
Chlorination and chloramination for municipal water supplies
Greenhouse gases control brewery wastewater pH in BC Could tree spiking be considered arboreal acupuncture? Fungal remediation technology for site clean up Advanced high rate treatment for CSO Control Modelling transients in complex pipelines California to host 66th WEF conference
Corrosion control for ductile iron pipe
Blanket level Detectors Features;
Parts Per IVIIIIion
Level Detectors
Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers
The only blanket interface monitor/controller
Microprocessor-based dissolved oxygen ana
• No moving parts, no maintenance, no recalibration
required • Reliable micro
processor based electronics.
• Continuously monitors and con trols interlace level in tanks.
• Numerically dis
plays interlace depth in feet, meters or percentage of total tank depth,
Displays either depth of interface or distance from surface to interface.
• Graphically displays full-depth interface profile on panel-mounted • LCD graphical display.
Applications: • Any tank with a liquid/
• Waste treatment
lyzers with features such as automatic cali
Interface following a disturbance, exhibits continuous clarifier profiles on a computer and controls up to four sludge pumps auto matically to maintain the desired interface level. The Model 2500 has no moving parts and
bration, seif-dlagnostlcs, stepped current output control, low cost multi-channel elec tronics, and low maintenance self-cleaning
probes. Four channel conversion available. Request Bulletins 9010/9040 and 64/90.
can be virtually maintenance free. Request Bul
solid interface
• Petroleum
which automatically retains a clarifier blanket
letin 2500.
• Pulp & Paper
Circle 233 on Reader Service Card
Circle 232 on Reader Service Card
Circle 231 on Reader Service Card
Amperometric Chlorine Residual Analyzer
The EPS 1021 Effluent
Sampler is designed to extract samples of liquid from an open channel or tank and deposit them In either a single composite container or sequentially into an array of
waste water sampler Is a unique world first — the only electrically operated (with intrinsically safe power pack) sampler of its type which is fully approved for Zone 1
24 X 1/2 litre containers
for subsequent retrieval and analysis.
Typical Applications
hazardous environments,
Check these features: Sy Economical
* Crude sewage
providing an alternative to
* Settled sewage
traditional pneumatic
* Final effluent
(uses inexpensive non-loxic/non-hazardous bulfer) sy Low Maintenance
* Raw sludge
* Most industrial effluents
(seif cleaning celi)
sy Easy to Install (SC Continuous sampling
The 1511 complies with the many international safety
EPS 1021
standards and is certified
5y Meets EPA Requirements
Effluent Sampler
by BASEEFA for use in
(40CFR 136 table IB mi7)
Circle 234 on
sy Unaffected by pH Swings
Reader Service Card
(up to IpH)
To MISA Specifications
Zone 1 environments with
the following classifica
Circle 235 on Reader Service Card
tions, E Ex ib I IB t4.
\iy Operates without need for buffer
(raw water pH up to 7.2}
ay wide Operating Range (.OOtppm to lOOppm)
Circle 680
Auto-Pacing Valve WI
The EPS 1030 Sludge Sampler is designed to extract samples ot sewage sludge from a flowing pipeline or alternatively from a sludge holding tank via the tank wall. The machine represents the
Wide Range of Applications
□ Low cost
□ High Quality □ Easy to install
The Epic 1011T programmable portable
wastewater sampler
□ Universal
only really practical method of
provides cost effective automatic sampling to assist In monitoring municipal and Industrial
□ Linear
□ Low feed capability □ Controls over-feeding □ L.ED. Display □ Will automate any gas
acquiring sludge samples on a regular basis and is unique in its
ability to sample sludges
containing a high level of nonhomogeneous suspended solids.
A general purpose unit designed to extract samples of most liquids including crude sewage and even some sludges from an open source and
Typical Applications
* Anaerobic digester feeds/ contents/outputs
* Mechanical dewatering device
to deposit them into a
container or sequentially Into an array of 12 or 24
* Road tanker loading/ discharge terminals * Sea tanker loading terminals
separate containers for subsequent analysis.
EPS 1030
Circle 236 on
Circle 237 on Reader Service Card
Sludge Sampler
Reader Service Card
Circle 238 on Reader Service Card
TELEPHONE (416) 847-2740
FAX 416) 827-6984
For more Information, Circle reply card No. 220
* Consolidation tank feeds ISO 9001 CERTIFIED
ISSN-0835-605X Editor and Publisher TOM DAVEY
September 1993, Vol.6 No.4 Issued September, 1993
(416) 727-4666 Associate Editor SANDRA DAVEY
Sales Manager PENNY DAVEY (416) 727-4666
Could tree spiking be considered arboreal acupuncture?
By Tom Davey
Western Canada and
Western US Rep.RON GANTDN (604) 274-3849
Bacteria found to purify pulp & paper mill waste
Chemistry — an invisible profession with historical giants
(416) 727-4666
Technical Advisory Board
By Tom Davey
Robert B. Baker, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
Allan Church, C.Chem. Church & Trought
George V. Crawford, P.Eng. Gore & Storrie Ltd.
Robert Ferguson, P.Eng. Metro Toronto Works Dept. Dr. Howard Goodfellow Goodfellow Consultants Ltd.
Chlorination and chloramination for municipal water supplies By S.Y. Jasim
Using earthworms during biological testing for soil quality
By C.D. Wren, G.L. Stephenson and R.P. Lanno Demonstration of advanced high rate treatment for CSO Control
By G. Zukovs. W.C. Pisano. R.M. Pickett and P. Chessie
Rod Holme, P.Eng. Proctor & Redfern Ltd.
Don Kemp, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Modelling transients in complex pipelines By Bryan W. Karney
MacViro Consultants
Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng. DEE R.V. Anderson Associates
Dr. Earl Shannon, P.Eng. CH2M Hill Engineering Ltd. R. Bruce Smith, LLB.
Resource Productivity as a new measure for industrial
By Seiichi Watanabe Fungal remediation technology for site clean up
California to host 66th WEF conference
Blake Cassels Graydon Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi-monthiy business publication published by Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An ail Canadian publica tion, ES&E provides authoritative editorial
coverage of Canada's municipal and in
By Steve Davey
dustrial environmental control systems
Corrosion control for ductile iron pipe with polyethylene
and drinking water treatment and distri
By Normand De Agostinis
ES&E's readers include consulting engi neers, industrial plant managers and en gineers, key provincial and federal envi ronmental officials, water and waste-water treatment plant operators and contractors.
Greenhouse gases control brewery wastewater pH in EC By Brian Lemke P. Eng.
Time now for free trade within Canada
ES&E welcomes editorial contributions
but does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the safekeeping of con tributed material. Environmental Science
& Engineering, 10 Retch Or., Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 5N7, Tel: (416) 727-4666 Fax:(416)841-7271. All advertising space orders, copy, art work, film, proofs, etc. should be sent to Environmental Science& Engineering,c/c Pro-Art Graphics, 70 Ferrier St. Markham, Ontario, Canada, L3R 2Z5, attn: Gary
By John Coomey Departments Industry Update
R&D News
Classifieds Literature Reviews
Product Review
Ad Index
Reader Service Card
65 65
Canadian Publications Mall Sales
Product Agreement No. 181897 Second Class Mall
Registration No. 7750 Printed in Canada, by Pro-Art Graphics Ltd. No part of this publication may be rep roduced by any means without written permission of the publisher. Yearly subscription rates: Canada $45.00 for one year, $80.00 for two years, $8.00 per single issue; cheques must accom pany subscription orders. Directory &
Buyers' Guide $35.00.(G.S.T. extra)
Cover Story (page 64) This wastewater treatment pilot skid is a 7'6" x 39'0" platform mounted on wheels and designed as a portable demonstration unit. A Drumshear (a
rotary fine screen),an Aer-0-Float(acavitation air flotation unit)and a Sludge Cannon (a sludge dewatering device) are mounted on this platform which can be shipped conveniently anywhere in the world. Aer-0-Flo photo Information presented in ES&E is collected from a variety of sources presumed to be accurate and complete. ES&E cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information presented. Readers are encouraged to contact authors,agencies and companies directly for verification and/or clarification. Material in ES&E only conveys information and should not be considered as legal or professional advice.
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
By Tom Davey
Editorial Comment
Could anti-logging spiking be considered arboreal acupuncture?
Now that vegetarianism has
Magazine. He contemptuously dis missed Canadians as cold soup."On a world menu. Canada would be Vichys-
gone from being a fad to a force there is increasing
focus on the environmental
soise. It's cold,half-French and difficult
impact of beef and mutton production. With their unerring propensity for the truly irrelevant. British writers leapt into the void with some witty advice on vegan dining room etiquette. Is it ethical for vegetarians to eat car nivorous plants? enquired a reader of a leading British newspaper.This is a fas cinating question to those who feel Brits have always been more concerned with table manners than what's actually on
to stir," he emoted haughtily. He pro bably thought that the main Canadian contributions to his newspaper were the trees used in newsprint. But Canadian bark is better than his bite.'Vichyssoise' Canadians stirred themselves long enough to dominate many UK news papers — including his own — ranging from the Lords Beaverbrook and Thomp
the table, or even how well food is
cooked. Some UK readers joined in the debate on botanical ethics with some
sensitive advice. After all, this is a na
tion where its explorers used to dress for dinner in the jungle; where Batman is an officer's personal servant, not a car toon character.
The first respondent advised that car nivorous plants might be eaten — but only in self defence. Another counselled that eating plants,such as Dionaea musc//;u/(7, the Venus Fly Trap, might be con strued as meat-eating by proxy. "Vege tarians should seek to peacefully per suade these plants to give up their car nivorous habits." It was also suggested that Linda McCartney — wife of former Beatle Paul — might be persuaded to endorse a range of nutritious'bite-sized' veggie snacks which vegans could drop into their fly traps to wean them from eating live insects. Prince Charles, too, was considered.
He is not only renowned as an eloquent environmentalist, but is reported to have actually talked to plants. While he would certainly add a regal presence to the cause, the Prince is unlikely to be persuasive with a carnivorous species whose first name is Dionaea.
Feeling overwhelmed by now, I con sulted an academic specializing in Rhe torical Bioethics. This is a brand new
discipline which evolved from environ mental protesters whose media mani pulation influences Canadian political reaction far more effectively than scien tific facts. The academic's face bright ened when she heard that ethical con
cerns could emerge if people ate car nivorous plants. There might be a thesis or two in this:perhaps it's evenfrivolous enough to qualifyforfederal Green Plan funding, she thought. After contemplating various aspects ofeco-ethics,she invoked some cerebral
Socratic precedents before posing her answers in a series of remorseless ques
tions.Ifeatingsuch plants Is meateating by proxy — surely eating meat from her bivores, such as cows and sheep, could be vicarious vegetarianism? Then what about the ethics of meat eating insects — such as black flies or mosquitoes — who feed so voraciously on us? What about the grass which sheep and cowsconsume, often caus ing serious erosion? In Australia, sheep have datnaged fields so much they have been called cloven footed locusts, she stressed.
Seeking to inject some reality into her arguments, I enquired about the ethics of activists who drive spikes in trees to stop logging? "After all, spiking can kill
or maim loggers or sawmill operators,"I said, confident that this was a real ethi
cal issue, not an academic debating point.
Activists may refuse their weifare cheques because they were printed on paper made from sacred trees.
Her reply was Swiftian in its response: "Spikes in trees could be construed as
merely arboreal acupuncture,'' she re plied, neatly skewering my argument while reducing human suffering to a semantic abstraction. This sort of rhe
torical obfuscation was clearly meat and drink to her. I now understood why Socrates had been given the hemlock, only to realize that hemlock too, is classed as vegetable matter. Man felled
by tree, so to speak. More dialectics on bioethics ensued. She emoted a profu sion of food-related metaphors which she deftly entwined like DNA spirals around all links in the food chain.
"Not only our bodies,but our thoughts and even our national identity — all are shaped by the food chain," she intoned, her thesis later confirmed by some pe jorative scribblings of a British reporter, Simon Mills ofthe London Sunday Times
son to Conrad Black.
Delve anywhere into the carnivorous plantissue anditbecomes apparentthat the distinction between predator, inter mediary and quarry, ultimately blend into singularities we call ecosystems. Now I am beginning to sound like a rhetorical bioethicist. Perhaps it's con tagious. The Globe & Mail also linked the UK
reporter's insults to food and national pride. The Globe urged its readers to be "tolerant and understanding of the inane spite that sometimes infects jour nalism in Britain — where what passes for cooking must sour even the sweet est temper." Personally I don't think it's British cooking, but the leaded gasoline that provoked hisjournalistic pique.The au tomotive soup urban Britons breathe is not a metaphorical "Vichyssoise, but an actual toxic brew which can have seri
ous neurological effects on people. Per haps this affected the reporter's temper more than British cooking. When I visited the UK a year ago,both unleaded gas and catalytic converters were rari ties, yet 'Vichyssoise' Canadians stirred themselves to adopt both environmen tal measures many years ago.
This brings the focus on carnivorous plant ethics full circle. It could be said we are also 'consuming' vegetable mat ter when we breathe the life-giving oxy gen from trees. The same trees later consume the carbon dioxide we exhale
which trees recycle into oxygen. Literal ly the cycle of life. A Toronto Star article,(Aug. 12) hin ted that certain activists may refuse their welfare cheques because they were prin ted on paper made from sacred British Columbia trees. If this practice spreads to Ontario, we may yet have a budget
surplus and Premier Bob Rae's Social Contract may not be worth the paper it's written on.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
i if
Com mil l ed to Excellence
Industry update MOEE trying to improve EA program Ontario Environment and Energy Mi nister Bud Wildman recently released a
report outlining administrative reforms to speed up and clarify Ontario's envi ronmental assessment(EA) program. Several of the administrative reforms
already are underway:
• The government review process for EAs has been streamlined.In 1991/92,
the government completed more EA reviews than it did in the previous four years combined. This rate was maintained in 1992/93.
• The system is being made clearer. Easy-to-read guidelines are being de veloped to guide project proponents
and the public through the process. • Public consultation is occurring at an earlier stage in the EA process. The ministry encourages this by having public and government agencies re
hearings are not needed at all.
tions came into effect on September 1,
The reforms outlined in Environmen
tal assessment reform:A report on improve ments in program administration came
To assist Albertans in understanding the new legislation the following are
out of the work of the Environmental
Assessment Program Improvement • A Guide to the Environmental Protection Project Task Force and the Environ and Enhancement Act mental Assessment Advisory Commit • Albertans respond to the proposed En tee (EAAC). vironmental Regulations:A Summary of The new reforms do not include the extension of the Environmental Assess
the public input received on the re ment Act to the private sector. Mr. Wildgulations and indicates how issues man pointed out that select privately were addressed by the government constructed municipal road, sewer and • Fact Sheets on the new regulations water projects have recently been made These publications can be obtained by subject to the municipal class EA pro calling Alberta Environmental Protection at: 1-800-661-5586.
For copies of Environmental assess ment reform: A report on improvements in program administration (PIBS 266le), as
well as EAAC's Reform to the Environ mental Assessment Program, call the MOEE's Public Information Centre at
(416) 323-4321.
such as the Waterloo landfill and the
Spadina Light Rail Transit projects —
Carboline, Denso sign distribution agreement Denso North America Inc.,a member of Winn & Coales International, and Car
boline Company,a subsidiary of RPM, Inc., have entered into a national dis
view EA documents at the same time.
Previously, the public review only came after the government review was completed. • Issues are being resolved early in the process through the use of alternative dispute resolution. This reduces the length of hearings. In many cases —
Public Comments, which summarizes
New environmental
legislation for Alberta The Province of Alberta has new legisla tion and regulations providing a com prehensive framework for environ mental protection and enhancement in the province. The new Act and Regula
tribution agreement for the sale of the Denso line ofanti-corrosion products in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Under the agreement, Carboline will provide marketing and customer sup port services for Denso petrolatum and bitumen tapes through the Carboline sales network of 130 representatives nationwide.
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Looking ahead,our new Liquid Oxidation Reactor(LOR)process,jointly licensed with ABB Lummus Crest Inc., will help chemical manufacturers reduce solvent consumption and the emissions associated with oxidation processes, making them more cost-effective and better for the environment. For economical environmental solutions that make sense in both the short and long-term, contact Praxair at 416-803-1600 or write Praxair Canada Inc., 1 City Centre Drive, Suite 1200, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5B 1M2.
^PRAXAIR Praxair is the new global identity for Linde-Union Carbide is a trademark of Praxair Technologies, Inc.
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An Atmosphere of Excellence
Industry update Novalab merges with Mann Testing
Lynn & Johnston will be merging with Novalab.The new Novalab will employ
65 people and will remain 100% Cana dian owned and operated. The combined annual sales of the or
ganization will now exceed $16 million, thus forming the largest privately held environmental laboratory group in Ca nada.The ChiefExecutive Officer ofthe
John Martin
Novalab Ltd.,of Montreal,Quebec,and Mann Testing Laboratories Ltd.,of Mis-
sissauga, Ontario announced the mer ger of their laboratories. The combined resources will allow the organization to take advantage of national markets and international markets, such as Mexico.
The proposed NAFTA agreement will open many opportunities in Mexico for Canadian environmental service com
panies. Mann Testing Laboratories Ltd. was established in 1972 by Mike Mann,for merly of the Ontario Department of Health Laboratories.The company em ploys over 150 people and is 100% Cana dian owned.
Simultaneously with this merger.
combined organization is John Martin, from Mann Testing Laboratories, while the Chief Financial Officer is Gerry Johnston from Novalab.The laboratory and analytical services to commercial operations in Mississauga and Mon and industrial clients in Canada and the treal will continue under their present United States. names. Each location provides a com EPL President, Douglas Langley prehensive range of environmental an (above) stated "the investment illus alytical-services, from tests as simple as pH to the most complex analysis for trates the confidence the government of Ontario has in the environmental test dioxins at parts per quadrillion. ing industry. EPL's laboratory has the capability to test for over 300 pollutants in soils, sludge and effluent wastes, water, air, Provincial High Tech tissue samples and commercial pro Agency makes Green ducts. The firm's services are designed
Investment in EPL Innovation Ontario Corporation has invested $500,000 in Environment Pro
tection Laboratories Inc.(EPL), one of the largest privately owned environ mental testing companies in Ontario. EPL provides environmental sampling
to meet Provincial, Federal and U.S.
EPA requirements and standards. EPL
will use the investment to buy new test ing equipment which will enhance the firms capabilities enabling it to provide expanded services to existing clients as well as pursuing new accounts.The firm currently employs 45 skilled workers.
• 100% Canadian Ownership • Dedicated Management Team
•Total Capability: Sales, Design, Engineering and AAanufacturing • Committed to Customer Service
• Full Quality Assurance Programme •85 Year Track Record
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Anaerobic digesters Clarifiers Detriter Thickeners
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Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
For more information, Circle reply card No. 171
Industry update ones would increase the bulk of bags thrown away by a factor of five, say US researchers. They would occupy 70-80% more valuable landfill space."
Environmental issues need
active management Companies need to manage environ mental issues actively in order to stay on-side with regulators and lenders, says environmental expert Richard
prosecutors come calling. It happens that this pro-active approach meets the needs of the lending community, which is having to factor environmental risk
Harris, President of KPMG Environ
into all credit decisions," he said.
mental Services Inc.
Speaking at the 7th annual Toronto
Environmental Conference, sponsored by Environmental Science & Engineering, Harris noted that most environmental
expenditures today are being driven by fear â&#x20AC;&#x201D; either on the part of directors/ officers, who may be held personally responsible for corporate misdeeds, or by lenders/bankers, afraid that they may be held liable for the costs of site remediation,
"Many large corporations are putting together due-diligence programs in or
"Pollution is not only a crime but also an economic event," concluded Harris.
"Accordingly, both government and in dustry would be well advised to rethink their approaches to environmental is sues. If clear, consistent regulatory guide lines existed for corporations, they could better manage risk and demonstrate sound environmental stewardship â&#x20AC;&#x201D; not so much out of fear, but rather in
pursuit of competitive advantage". 40% less energy than making a tonne of paper bags(about 27,000)..." "Making a polythene bag produces over 60% less air pollution than making a paper bag: 60% less nitrogen oxides
source of raw materials. In the mean
time it would do nothing."
and three times less carbon monoxide."
John S,P, Robson
"Replacing plastic bags with paper
Chemex Labs Environmental Services Announcement Or, Henk Blok, President of Chemex Labs Ltd.,is pleased to announce the appointment of Or, Parker Shieh as Su
pervisor of Environmental Services. Dr. Shieh has extensive ex
perience in the areas of or ganic, inorganic, and nuclear environmental chemistry. He
Parker Shieh, Ph.D.
"Priced rationally, landfill is cheap, be cause despite the moralistic fervour of the extreme greens there is no shortage of landfill sites. The entire projected waste ofthe United Statesfor the next 1,000years could be thrown into a holeforty-four miles byforty-four miles by 120feet deep: so that of Canada would require a hole less than 14 miles square by 120feet deep. If such a hole were located in, say, a remote part of Northern Ontario(or northern B.C.), how bad would it really be? If this ques tion is put to the people who actually live there, they have already said that they want the employment garbage process ing would bring. It should also be noted that, since technology is not static, such a dump would,as extraction techniques improved, slowly turn into a valuable
able care" defense should provincial
Matt Hoddon in Green Magazine points out the following in the paper vs plastic grocery bag comparison: "Making a tonne of polythene film bags (about 90,000 bags) consumes 20-
in this hole
He advised conference participants to develop an environmental manage ment framework for their organiza
der to be able to demonstrate a "reason
Plastic vs paper facts
A 1000 years of garbage could fit
joins Chemex after holding
management positions in two major environmental labs in
the U.S. Dr. Shieh received Doctoral and Masters degrees in Analytical and Nuclear Chemistry from the University of Idaho, and a B.Sc. in Chemistry from Eastern Washington
Eraser Forum
Environmental Recqgnitign
Gartner Lee
congratulate Atlantic Packaging and Champion Photochemistry who were recently presented with awards of
environmental distinction Recycling Council of Ontario,
by the
Gartner Lee is proud to have assisted
these clients with the environmental
His expertise centers around the areas of Method Develop ment and QA/QC implementation. He will work with a grow ing team of qualified Environmental Chemists and an Envi ronmental Engineer at Chemex to deliver reliable and timely
approvals of two successful waste
results to a diverse client base.
Chemex Labs Environmental Services specializes In the chemical analysis of waters, wastewaters, soils, sludges and air for mainly inorganic parameters. Trace metal ana lyses,a particular strength of Chemex,are served by 3ICR's and a Graphite Furnace AA. Chemex is a wholly-owned Canadian company in its 27th year of operation with Cana dian offices in North Vancouver, BC and Mississauga, ON. Internationally, it is served by 5 offices in the U.S. and a new facility opened this year in Thailand.
recycling projects. For more information on these projects and the range of
environmental services offered by Gartner Lee, please call Eric Pringle at (604) 299^144 Bill Baifour at (416) 477-8400
Chemex Labs Ltd. Vancouver, BC (604) 984-0221 Mississauga, ON (416) 624-2806
For more information, Circle reply card No. 172 14
For more information, Circle reply card No. 173 Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
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Aer-0-Flo is a member of the EV group For more information, Circle reply card No. 174 Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
Association news
By George Powell
Great Lakes Water Quality Teleconference a first for WEAO The US EPA's Water Quality Gui dance for the Great Lakes System and Correction;Proposed Rules was the subject ofthe WEAO's first tele conference held in Toronto on July 13. Fifty Canadian environmental professionals participated. The Guidance is a dense, 245page document full of highly com plex scientific discussion. It is con sidered hy many in the US to be a modelfor setting water quality goals and is designed to ensure consistent protection of humans, wildlife and aquatic life, preventing further degradation of the Great Lakes sys tem and providing for its restora tion.
Of course, the Guidance could affect future Canadian and Ontario
water quality legislation very seri ously and, therefore, it attracted intense interest from Canadian
water quality specialists. The Guidance contains aspects which are new and which have the
potential to radically change the regulation and practice of water quality protection in the Great Lakes states. Some of these have not yet been proven in practical application. It is an attempt to translate broad Great Lakes policy, as developed under the Joint Agreement,into the US legislative process. As such,it is not necessarily appropriate to the demands of Canadian legislative practice. Further, we are not con vinced that it is always based on the best or most appropriate available science.
The Guidance contains six major
tect water quality in three main categories. A general category spe cifies that degradation must not be allowed to reach below what is
required to maintain any uses that have existed since 1975.
regardless of where they are located. A second category protects waters
designated as an Outstanding National Resource — waters where
no degradation will be allowed under any circumstances. Lake Superior is designated as such an area. A third category provides set con siderations, including an assess ment of treatability, pollution pre vention, and socio-economic need,
George Powell Director, WEF
which must be considered before
2)The second element ofthe Gui dance sets down criteria for the pro tection ofhuman health. It provides numeric criteria for some 20 chemi cals of concern in a manner similar
to that for aquatic life. It also defines criteria development for other chemicals.
3) The third element proposes water quality criteria for wildlife. If implemented,this legislation would be among the first to do so. This element specifies numeric criteria for four pollutants, with Tiers defi ned in a way similar to those for the human and aquatic life criteria. It considers the impact on five species at the top of their food chain; the mink, river otter, eagle, osprey and belted kingfisher. 4)The fourth element sets up pro cedures for deriving bioaccumulation factors. These are designed to
establish factors for chemicals
1) The first specifies how water quality criteria are to be set to pro tect aquatic life. Numeric criteria are provided for 16 chemicals and procedures are laid down for the development of criteria for other
which hioaccumulate as they are consumed and move up through the food chain; algae through to fish or animals, for example. Chemicals which hioaccumulate strongly are
"chemicals of concern".
chemicals of concern" (BOG) and are to he regulated as particular cases. Some known and potential
Criteria development is segrega ted into two tiers. Tier 1 criteria are
established when available toxicity data meet standards specified in the Guidance. If data are more limited. Tier 2 criteria can be established by applying factors to provide a mar gin for uncertainty. Tier 2 criteria are calculated to be conservative
and to consciously err on the "safe" side. While cheaper to develop, the basis for Tier 2criteria may be scien tifically less sound and possibly excessively stringent. Considerable discussion took place with respect to the soundness of using Tier 2 cri teria for regulatory purposes. 16
must he protected to this extent
considered to be "bioaccumulative
degradation is allowed. 6)The sixth and last element des cribes the implementation steps and sets procedures for control of pollu tants. Site-specific modifications, variances from standards, whole effluent toxicity,loading limits, etc., are some of the areas for which pro cedures have been established.
The Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System and Correc tion; Proposed Rules is truly a uni
que water quality setting guidance. Its wide scope requires comment from Canadians.
Canada will be discussing this legis lation with the EPA in August through the protocol setup in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agree ment.
The WEAO's teleconference gave our association an opportunity to comment on the proposed legisla tion. We were able to point out the need to recognize the protocols ofthe Great Lakes Water Quality Agree ment and expressed our regret that the Guidance reached a very advan ced state before we were invited to comment. A seven-hour video of the confe
rence is available from the WEAO.
BCCs are listed in the Guidance.
Contact WEAO at(416) 502-1440. Reprinted from the Water Environ
5) The fifth element is an antidegradation policy designed to pro
ment Association of Ontario Newsietter.
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
IIN'T BElim WHM WE S«Y ABIIT BBB WBBB. BEUEVE YBBBSELE. At Environment Protection Laboratories we believe
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Contact Jim Bishop, For more information, Circle reply card No. 175
Vice-President Soles & Service at
(416)673-3255, or FAX (416)673-7399
Industry update Bacteria found to purify puip & paper miii waste A University of Toronto chemical en gineer has identified the dechlorinating bacteria naturally present in a pulp mill treatment system which improve the quality of waste from pulp and paper mills.
"Identifying the bacteria responsible for the conversion and breakdown of
chlorinated substances is the first step toward maximizing the effectiveness of biological treatment systems and im proving the quality of effluent dis charged to rivers from pulp and paper mills." said Professor Grant Allen who
led the investigation with colleagues at U of T's Pulp and Paper Centre, Biological treatment systems,such as those in use at most pulp and paper mills, eliminate some of the organo-
chlorine from pulp mill effluents na turally — bacteria present in the system convert or break down harmful toxins.
However, little has been known about
the bacteria present in these systems and how they can be most effective. The U of T researchers have isolated
three species of bacteria —Ancylobacter aquaticus. a Pseudomonas species and an unidentified methylotrophic organism — in a pulp mill's biological treatment
system that break down simple chlori nated substances, reducing the overall levels of chlorinated organics in pulp and paper mill effluents. Most pulp and paper mills have bio logical treatment systems in place, typi cally consisting of aerated lagoons and settling ponds or activated sludge treat ments. The systems operate like an ac celerated environment with different
bacteria battling each other and speed ing up decomposition. Designed to reduce suspended solids and oxygen-consuming materials in the waste, these treatment systems are now also being relied on to reduce the toxicity of the effluent to fish and the over all levels of chlorinated organics in wastewater.
"Biological treatment systems are ef fective but inconsistent at reducing toxicity. They also remove a fraction of the chlorinated organics but little is known about the bacterial community and other mechanisms operating in these systems. The goal of our research is to make biological systems as effective as possible by not only identifying which bacteria are present in the system at a given time, but also which are most effi
cient at dechlorination and under what
conditions they work best," said Pro fessor Allen.
Analysing samples from a pulp mill at Dryden, Ontario, researchers iden
tified the different organisms making up the bacterial communities at dif ferent stages of the treatment system. They compared bacteria found in the aerated lagoon and settling pond with that of the inflowing river to determine species and community characteristics best suited to life in mill wastewaters.
"Tests revealed about 100 times more
bacteria in the treatment system than in the influent river. A. aquaticus and the unidentified methylotrophic bacteria were found in abundance in the mill
treatment system but not in the river. Their abundance in pulp mills is ex plained by the organisms" use of galactose, glucose, arabinose, acetate, for mate
methanol, all found
bleached pulp mill wastewaters and other carbon-rich environments.
"We also found plasmids in the ma jority of bacterial strains isolated from this system. Plasmids — fragments of DNA that are separate from the chro mosome — are often associated with
Consulting Engineers
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Industry update bacteria's ability to degrade certain ma nufactured compounds. High plasmid incidence could mean increased degrad ing ability." explained Allen. The release of chlorinated organic compounds to the environment is of concern because some of these com
pounds are persistent, accumulative and toxic. The pulp and paper industry is a major source ofchlorinated organics worldwide due to pulp bleaching. (Bleached pulp produces high quality, white paper.) Although discharges of chlorinated compounds have not been
Paper Centre,(416)978-8517.
The draft regulation will be imple
MDS acquires
mented as follows:
• venting of refrigerant CFCs. HCFCs and HFCs will be prohibited MDS Health Group Limited ("MDS") • as of Jan. 1, 1994, only certified per sons possessing an Ozone Depletion has acquired Enviroclean Laboratories
Inc. from SNC Lavalin Inc. No terms
Prevention Card will be allowed to
were disclosed.
handle, service and repair refrigera tion equipment containing fluorocar bon refrigerants. All equipment to be dismantled, destroyed or disposed of
Enviroclean is located in London,
Ontario and provides a broad range of environmental testing services for clients throughout Ontario. It is the fourth member of the growing MDS North
will have to be drained of CFCs and
tagged accordingly
correlated with toxic effects, the indus
American network of environmental
• as of Dec. 31, 1995, new model cars
try is facing increasing regulatory and market pressure to reduce these dis charges. Having isolated dechlorinating bac teria. researchers are now looking at
laboratories joining Reading Industrial Laboratories in Pennsylvania and Fen-
will no longer be fitted with air con ditioning units that contain CFCs
wick Laboratories in Nova Scotia and Fenwick Laboratories in Ontario.
and HCFCs.
ways to enhance their role in the treat
ment system through the addition of
GL&V wins Quebec Ontario's fluorocarbon
pulp and paper mill
regulation aims to protect ozone layer
waste treatment contract
The findings were published by Al len, Roberta Fulthorpe and Steven Liss in the Canadian Journal of Microbiol
ogy. The research was supported by a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Uni versities and Colleges" University Re
Environment and Energy Minister,Bud Wiidman,recently released a draft regu lation to prevent the release of tens of thousands of tonnes of fluorocarbons.
GL&V Out. has recently been awarded a contract for the effluent treatment sys tem at the James Maclaren Pulp and Paper Mill in Thurso, Quebec.
With this draft regulation and mea
This contract will consist of a 225 ft.
of 13 pulp and paper companies.
sures taken under the 1989 Ontario re
Contact: D. Grant Allen, Chemical En gineering & Applied Chemistry, Pulp and
gulation. 90 per cent of the sources of ozone-depleting substances will be con
dia. primary and two 215 ft. dia. secon dary clarifiers. Installation is scheduled
search Incentives Fund and a consortium
for 1994.
David Brierley Tel:(416)441-4111 Fax:(416)441-4131
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
and Industry
For more information, Circle reply card No. 177
Industry update New water/sewage program for Ontario The MOEE's newly-created Municipal Assistance Program will emphasize support for the planning and delivery of
environmentally sound, efficient and cost-effective water and sewage services throughout Ontario. Funding will be in the form of loans which municipalities will repay, plus interest,over the lifespan ofthe projects. Annual grants, equal to interest and
y Metering Pumps
principal payments, will be provided to municipalities to offset the cost of the loan repayment. The Municipal Assistance Program,
starts this year with the first project an nouncements expected in January 1994.
"There will now be predictability and consistency in the amount of money available from year to year for munici pal water and sewage projects, and the provincial government can amortize its capital expenditures over the life of the projects," said MOEE Minister Bud Wildman.
Under the new program, more types of projects will be funded including major components ofthe systems, water efficiency and system optimization stu dies and their capital projects,and com
• High Reliability • Controlled Metering from 0.2 to 90 l/h
• Integrated Electronics • High Control Flexibility with plug-in options • Choice of 5 Metering
bined sewer overflow and storm-water
control projects.
DEW Line Ciean-Up Study Awarded To
Alberta Consultants
• Choice of 3 Drive Gear
options. For the BEST choose
1275 Eglinton Avenue East, Unit 49 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2Z2 Tel:(416)624-3188 •Fax:(416)624-1293
neerir^ 2rgiiLIMITED O Montreal, Quebec H4B 2M8
UMA Engineering Ltd., teamed with Jacques Whitford Environment Limited and Sheppard Hedges & Green Ltd., have been awarded a Department of National Defence contract by Supply and Services Canada to provide engin eering services for the design and cost estimating of the environmental clean up of 21 Distant Early Warning(DEW) Line sites in northern Canada. Under the North American Air Defence Mod
3300 Boul. Cavendish, Suite 225
ernization (NAADM) Program, the DEW Line sites are being replaced by
Tel.:(514)487-7801 • Fax:(514)487-0058
upgraded Short Range Radar and Long Range Radar facilities called the North
For more information, Circie reply card No. 178
Warning System.
The 21 sites included in this project are located on the remote Arctic coast line between Komakuk Beach in the
Yukon Territory and Cape Dyer on Baf fin Island.
Join CEIA Ontario
ABB completes $110 million
Canadian Environment Industry Association
environmental system for BO pulp mill
CEIA is your ticket to expanding environmental business. And it is time our industry sector had its own association. CEIA Ontario is here to work in your interest. Attend the next Environmental Business Opportunities Breakfasts (EBOBs). Get the CEIA Environmental Intelligence Faxletter. Join the next trade mission, and get involved with special events to improve your business while your business improves the
ABB Combustion Systems has just completed a $110 million state ofthe art chemical recovery boiler system for Crestbrook
Forest Industries
Skookumchuk pulp mill. The order for a chemical recovery
environment. Write:
boiler island forCrestbrook's Skookum
Gary T. Gallon, President Canadian Environment industry Association, Ontario
chuk pulp mill from Mitsubishi Canada Ltd. was to replace the previous Mit subishi supplied chemical recovery unit.That unit was 28 years old.The new system will be instrumental in reducing
Suite 139, 401 Richmond Street W. Toronto, Ontario M5V 1X3
Ph.(416) 598-7901 Fax (416) 598-7762
the mill's emissions.
For more information, Circie reply card No. 179
Arctum Environmental Is pleased to Introduce the latest additions to Its team of environmental specialists
t I J. Michael Osborne, MASc., P.Eng. Vice President, Ontario Region
Vice President, Environmental Risk Management Niagara Fails
Dr. Hans Tammemagi, Ph.D. Vice President, Waste Management Niagara Fails
consultant and as an Environmental Advisor for a
Mr. Horvatis has extensive experience quantifying environmental risk for financial institutions. He will spearhead the Arcturus Environmental Management Team and Phase 1
Dr. Tammemagi is a recognized expert with over 20 years experience as a consultant in nuclear waste management, site assessments and sediment remediation consulting in Canada and
major petroleum company.
the United States.
Paul Chapman, M.A., MCiP. Vice President, Planning Niagara Fails
Tony Hawke, B.Sc. Vice President, Quebec Region Arcturus Environnement Ltbe (Montreal)
Manager, National Capital Region
Paul has twenty years of land-use planning and management experience with provincial and local government agencies. He is directing the environmental planning program serving the private and public sector.
Mr. Hawke has over 12 years experience as a consultant performing assessments, remediation and hydrogeoiogicai investigations in the Qubbec Region.
Mr. Osborne has over 10 years experience in contaminant hydrogeoiogy, iandfiii assessment and monitoring and site remediation both as a
Peter Horvatis, M.B.A.
¥ Daniel J. Garand, B.Sc. Ottawa
Mr. Garand has over 8 years experience as a consultant performing site assessments, remediation and geochemicai studies. He brings this experience to Arcturus projects in the Nation's Capital.
7900 Canadian Drive, Niagara Fails, Ontario, L2E 6S5 Phone (416) 357-6424 FAX (416) 357-6447 70 East Beaver Creek Road, Unit 24, Richmond Fliii, Ontario, L4B 3B2
Phone (416) 889-0070 FAX (416) 889-0078 148 Colonnade Road South, Suite 205, Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7R4
Phone (613) 727-0216 FAX (613) 727-1806
624 Montgomery Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 2B5 Phone (807) 346-8840
FAX (807) 346-8775
1155 Nobel, Suite A, Bouchervilie, Quebec, J4B 7L1
/ ENVIRONMENTAL For more information, Circle reply card No. 114 Cnr mnra infnrmatinn
rtirr!l«» rt^nlv riP
Phone (514) 449-7811
FAX (514) 449-6672
4248 Ridge Lea Road, Suite 115, Amherst, New York, 14226 Phone (716)831-9904 FAX (716) 831-9926
By Tom Davey
Editorial comment
Chemistry, the second invisible profession, also has its historical giants
AHamburg alchemist, Hennig Brand, is recorded as the first
chemist to have discovered an
element when he accidently discovered phosphorous while trying to transform base metals into gold around 1669. While he did not produce gold, perhaps he unwittingly laid the foun dations of the great German chemical industry which is one of the reasons Germany is a global economic power, a legacy which transcends gold in value. Over a century later, a French noble man, Antoine Lavoisier, was making great strides in his phosphorous expe riments when he was arrested by the Revolution. He pleaded with the tri bunal — not for his life — but for two
more weeks to conclude his experi ments. The tribunal denied his request saying: "The new state has no need for chemists." (Today the Ontario govern ment says there is no need for chemists to be licenced!)
Two years ago, Britain honoured Michael Faraday, a towering figure in science and chemistry. Called the father of electricity, his work also profoun dly affected water treatment. He was the first to liquify chlorine and also dis covered benzene in 1825. In a rare accolade for a chemist, his portrait
replaced that of Shakespeare on the reverse side of new 20 pound notes in the UK.
Had he survived the bloodbath he
able career when he helped to hire
might have done for French chemistry
Michael Faraday, later to become The
what Pasteur (also a chemist) did for
Father of Electricity'. Faraday, born in 1791, three years after Sir Humphry's birth,left school as a 14 year old. He was the son of a poor blacksmith, unlike Davy who came from parents who owned an estate. After working as a bookbinder, Faraday worked as Sir Humphry's assistant and soon achieved his own reputation as a leading chemist. He became the first man to liquify chlo
biology. The economic losses from La voisier's execution might still continue to this day. Sir Humphry Davy is famous for in venting the miners' safety lamp which saved thousands of lives by preventing methane explosions in British coal mines. He is less well known as a che
mist and father of cathodic protection. As a boy he saw the British warships
sailing out to master the high seas. Cop per bottoms on the wooden boats made the Royal Navy fasterthan its rivals. But he noticed that, when the ships re turned, the copper sheathing was often severely damaged through corrosion at the seams.
He experimented with sacrificial anodes and the problems were solved, an important step in Britain's mastery of the seas. Sir Humphry was a leading chemist in his day but is seldom remem bered as such. He was a friend of the
legendary poets Samuel Taylor Coler idge and William Wordsworth, both of whom he used as subjects for nitrous oxide experiments. He had artistic ten dencies and also wrote poetry.In spite of England and France being at war, he was awarded the Napoleon Prize from the Institut de France. Ironically his work negated one of Lavoisier's theories that all acids contained oxygen. Sir Humphry added to his memor22
rine, the first man to discover benzene and later became known as the father of
electricity and a scientific legend. During Faraday's bicentenary in 1991, Professor John Thomas said that
Michael Faraday changed the very na ture ofscientific thought."Newton's pic ture of the Universe explains celestial mechanics,the ebb and flow of the tides
and the basis of flight. It has nothing to say about the marvels of modern com munication.In his basement laboratory in 1845, Faraday demonstrated that light,electricity and magnetism were in timately related, now the basis of all modern communication. He later laid
the foundations for all oftoday's electric motors, generators, transformers and other electrical equipment so vital to
everyone knows the great Russian com poser Aleksandr Borodin,famous for h is striking harmonies — in such com positions as Prince Igor — which were unconventional in western European music.
But how many are aware Borodin held a doctorate in chemistry, being noted for his research in aldehydes? He also helped found medical courses for women in 1872, a century before politi cal correctness began. History notes him as a major classical composer yet he regarded music as a mere diversion from his scientific work in chemistry. When Antoine Lavoisier lost his head
to the Guillotine, it was a great loss to Erench science. Ironically, the British, in honouring Michael Faraday as the "Father ofElectricity," placed Faraday's head on the 20 pound note in 1991, 200 years after his birth. Previously Shakes peare had held place of honour on the banknote.
Pierre and Marie Curie helped to fill the vacuum left by M. Lavoisier when they jointly won the nobel prize in phy sics in 1903 for France. The Polish born Marie later became the sole winner of
ties. He also established the laws ofelec
the Nobel Prize forchemistry in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium and also discovered the element polonium, so
trochemistry through his experiments
named after her native Poland.
with the chemical effects of electric currents."
It is quite obvious that chemists have dramatically reshaped the world we live in. We honour poets, generals, prime
modern environmental treatment facili
Moving from motors to music,almost
Environmental Science cfe Engineering. September 1993
International events ministers, rock musicians, architects,
writers and a variety of scientists from all disciplines; but almost nowhere in
Cologne international Trade Fair for Waste Disposal and Recycling, 18th to 21st May, 1994
our culture can evidence be found ofthe
significant contributions of the chem ists. Great chemists are to be found in
Frank-Rainer Billgmann. chief execu
various reference sources, but usually in
tive of the Federal Association of the
roles other than as chemists. I cannot
German Waste Disposal Industry told a Toronto press conference that the waste disposal industry is Germany's No. 1 growth industry.
find any other learned profession whose professional skills impact so drastically on society in medicine,our judicial sys tem (through forensic science) and on the environment, yet whose members remain unlicenced. Perhaps chemists developed a formula to make their pro fession invisible.
It is obvious that the political and communications skills of chemists do
not match those they display in their analytical laboratories. Perhaps ACPO should increase the decibel level of its
clamour for licencing in its approaches to Ontario Attorney General Marion Boyd. Even in a dialogue with the deaf, at least some of the vibrations might get through to her.
*From a paper given to the Association of the Chemical Profession of Ontario, May,
He said 80 million Germans live in
just under 360.000 sq. km.,that is 224 per sq. km.In the FC as a whole the popula tion density is about 145 persons per sq. km.In contrast, approx. 248 million US Americans are spread over 9.3 million sq. km.,a density of27 persons in a com parable area. In domestic refuse alone. 30.5 million
tons were collected in Germany in 1990. That represented about 380 kilograms per head. To this must be added indus trial waste, road-building rubble, build ing site waste and the entire field of spe cial waste amounting to almost 300 million tons orabout 3.75 tons per inha bitant a year. The time has passed in which attempts were made with "end-of-the-pipe" tech nology to simply limit the worst excesses.
Today waste avoidance even begins in production. What cannot be avoided there, should be re-usable, or at least
recyclable. Because tough German environmen tal legislation is rapidly being copied — at least to an extent — in the other FC
countries,experience clearly shows that a boom in the waste disposal markets in neighbouring countries can be expec ted. where around 350 million Euro
peans live and need to be "freed"of their waste. Sewage, should also be urgently considered because according to the ex perts in Germany 60.000 kilometers of sewers need to be renewed or repaired — a gigantic task requiring investment capital of over DM 400 billion.
Entsorga will be held from 18 to 21 May 1994 in Cologne. It will be orga nized by the waste disposal industry itself and in 1994 will be the world's
largest show for this branch of industry. Details: Ms. Fdel Wichmann.Tel:(416) 598-3343. Fax:(416) 598-1840.
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For more information, Circle reply card No. 115 Envimnmenial Science & Engineering, September 1993
For more information, Circle reply card No. 117 23
Drinking water treatment
Examining chiorination and chioramination for municipai water suppiies
Treatment of Municipal Water Supplies with gaseous chlorine is the most widely used method of disinfection. Other objectives
of chiorination are;
1. Controlling taste and odour in treated water.
2. Preventing the regrowth of micro organisms in the distribution system. 3. Preventing interference with coagula tion and flocculation processes. 4. Eliminating the potential for bacterial growth in the fdter media. The major factors affecting the effi ciency of the chiorination process as a germicide are; the chlorine residual con centration, contact time, pH and water
"V^en chlorine gas is dissolved in water it hydrolyses rapidly (1), HjO-
C**. Their main effect is as central ner
Alternatives to chiorination have to be
considered but must be equivalent in their disinfection ability and have no health threatening by-products. Chloramines are one of the potential replacements for chlorine. It is common knowledge that chloramines are slower in their effect against micro-organisms compared to free available chlorine.
vous system depressants. These compounds are formed when free chlorine combines with some pre cursors present in raw water.The concen tration of THMs depends upon the reac tion time, pH,temperature, total organic â&#x20AC;˘ Chlorine and ammonia react to form carbon present and chlorine dosage. The common precursors in the Great three types of chloramines; Lakes water are humic and fulvic acids
(2), algal biomass and algal excretions. It has been reported that algal substances increase the potential of THM forma tion. High pH and high chlorine dosage
HOCl + NHj NHj Cl
HOCl ^NHCl^ + HjO Dichloramine and
increase the rate of formation of THMs.
were much below THM MCL (Trihalomethane maximum contaminant level). Tables 1, 2(2), 3(5).
NHjCl + HjO Monochloramine
Values for THMs in Windsor,Ontario
chemicals as belonging to Cancer Group B2* and the last one in Cancer Group
NH^ Cl + HOCl
â&#x20AC;˘ NCI,
*Also known as Nitrogen Trichloride.
H+ + C1-+ HOCl Table 1
The fast rate of reaction is due to the reaction of the chlorine molecule with
Chloroform in Raw Water (ug/L), Windsor, Ontario
the hydroxyl ion rather than with the YEAR
Highest Value
Lowest Value
water molecule:
Clj + OH:
HOCl + Cl-
HOCl is known as hypochlorous acid and is classified as a weak acid, which
undergoes partial dissociation; Table 2
HOCl ^ H+ + OClTrihalomethanes in Raw Water (ug/L), Windsor Ontario
The amount ofhypochlorite ion(OCC) becomes appreciable when pH level is higher than 6, while molecular chlorine
Highest Value
Lowest Value
is non existent. The concentration of
(OCI") and HOCl is also known as the free available chlorine.The ease ofpenet ration of the bacteria cell walls makes
chlorine germicidally efficient. Great concerns have been expressed
THM's and Chloroform in 1986 were based on one value only.
THM in Raw water till June 1992 in Windsor Raw water is <0.5 ug/L(5)
on the use of free chlorine due to the for
mation of Trihalomethames (THMs). THMs are a group of chemicals consist ing ofthe following compounds;Chloro
Table 3
Concentrations in Treated Water, Windsor Treatment Plant in ug/L
form, Bromodichloromethane, Bromoform and Chlorodibromomethane. The U.S.E.P.A. has classified the first three
USEPA Weight of evidence criteria for ciassifying carcinogens. *B2; Probabie Human Carcinogen (Suf
ficient evidence from animai studies and
inadequate evidence or no data on carcinogenicity to humans). **G: Possible Human Carcinogen (limi ted evidence from animal studies; no data). 24
* Till June 1992.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
By Dr. S.Y. Jasim* These reactions depend on tempera ture, pH,contact time and the chlorine to ammonia ratio. Monochloramines are formed when the chlorine to ammonia ratio is less than
The free chlorine residuals were rapidly neutralized within the GAG(Granulated Activated Carbon) filters but biological
has to be considered in making a deci sion to replace chlorine.
processes were unimpaired. Chloramines were more stable and residuals averaging
(1) White, Geo. Clifford, (1972). "Hand
5:1 and pH is 7.5 and higher.The effect of
0.1 mg/L were detected in the filter ef
Book of Ghlorination". Van Nostard and
the combined available chlorine was
fluent. HDC bacterial counts in the ef
Reinhold Company.
found to be slower in its germicidal effect compared to free available chlorine. Dichloramine is a more potent germicide
fluent of the pre-chloraminated filter (2) Bewtra, J.K.,(1991)."Use Impairment averaged 8.93 x 10^ cfu/ml, compared Associated With Drinking Water In The with 1.22 X 10* cfu/ml for the pre-chlori Great Lakes Basin" (State of the Great
than monochloramine. It is formed at a
nated filter efnuent.(3)
Lakes Basin Ecosystem). Report pre
lower pH than that required to produce
pared for the Joint Water Quality Board/
Other experiments(4) which involved pilot plant operations and laboratory tribute to the taste and odour problems. analysis using Ozone and PLROXONL Trichloramine is known to be an effective (Hydrogen Peroxide & Ozone) as the oxidizing agent. It has been used for the primary disinfectants were conducted. bleaching of flour, as a fungicide and for Two different water supplies were used. control of insect pests on fruits during The findings were that when chloramine storage. The use of this compound has was applied following pre-oxidation by the monochloramines. However,in water treatment, dichloramine could con
Science Advisory Board Task Force of the International Joint Commission, Windsor, Ont, March.
(3) Lechevallier, Mark N., Becker, William C., Schorr, Paul, and Lee, Roman G.,
(1992). "Evaluating the Performance of Biologically Active Rapid Filters", April,
been limited because it is considered to
either ozone orPLROXONL,total THMs
1991, Journal, AWWA,Vol. 84.
be toxic by ingestion and inhalation.
were produced at concentrations less than 2 mg/L in both waters while chlorination would produce much higher levels
(4) "Pilot — Scale Evaluation of Ozone and PEROXONE".The Metropolitan Wa
Monochloramines were first utilized as a water disinfectant in 1916,in Canada.
Although they are slower in their effect compared to free residual chlorine as a germicidal agent, their tendency to pro duce lower THMs make them very at tractive to be considered as a replace ment for Chlorine.
Recent stiidies(3) conducted to exam
ine the activities of hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite and chloramine on bac terial growth on different surfaces(glass, metal,granular activated carbon),showed that monochloramine penetrated and
of THMs in both waters.
ter District of Southern California and
James Montgomery Consulting Engineer ing Inc. Prepared for AWWA Research
A conclusion could be drawn that the use ofchloramine as an alternative to free
chlorine has some positive advantages as a disinfectant especially in water dis tribution systems. The longer contact time needed when using chloramines
Foundation, and American Water Works Association, 1991.
(5) Water Treatment Plant, Water Division, Windsor Utilities Commission, Windsor, Ontario.
inactivated biofilm bacteria more effec
tively than other disinfectants used. The effect of monochloramine was an im
provement on the effect of free chlorine in the disinfection of complex biofilm population. Experiments extended to a model of a flowing pipe system showed that using free chlorine dosage as high as 4 mg/L for two weeks(free chlorine resi duals 2.5 - 3.5 mg/L)on biofilm growth on iron pipes, had no significant effect on bacterial viability. Exposure of the biofilms on the iron pipes to 4 mg/L mon
ochloramine residual resulted in a)3 log die-off after two weeks of treatment.
Additional experiments comparing pre-chlorination and pre-chloramination were conducted also. When a free chlor
ine dosage of 5.0 mg/L was applied, the residual averaged 3.0 mg/L in the settling basin effluent. A ratio of(3:1)chlorine to ammonia was used to form chloramine.
Ammonia was injected into the pipe bet ween the settling basin and one of the filters. AOC (Assimilable Organic Car bon)levels in the pre-chloraminated fil ter effluent averaged 71.5 pg/L and in the pre-chlorinated filter effluent averaged 53 pg/L.
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The Innovative Method of Wastewater Treatment *Windsor Utilities Commission,Water Division, Windsor, Ontario. Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
For more information, Circle reply card No. 116 25
Soil management
Using earthworms during biological testing for soil quality portant point made was that the rationale for the actual numerical value of a SQC is in fact often poorly defined. The most common stated rationale
for establishing SQC is to protect the health of plants, animals and humans from risks associated with exposure to contaminated soil. To establish risk to a
target group one must know both ex posure and toxicity. Exposure is often estimated through modelling while tox icity can only be measured through tox-
icological bioassays. The CCME proto col requires a minimum amount of high-quality toxicity data on which to establish theirguideline. Unfortunately, soil toxicity data for even the most com mon chemicals (i.e., BTEX. PCBs) are often insufficient in terms of either
quantity or quality. When more uncom mon chemicals are considered there is
virtually no soil toxicological informa
During soil toxicity tests the worms are counted and weighed at regular
Soil quality ha.s become one of
tion available.
intervals to monitor mortality and growth. the
issues of the decade. Current
methods for assessing soil quality are based upon chemical ana lysis and comparison with literature values, placing little emphasis on the actual hioavailability of contaminants. This report describes soil toxicity tests and promotes their use for the ecologi cal risk assessment of potentially con taminated lands.
Soil quality criteria Soil quality is generally determined
entirely, at great cost to the investors, because of soil contamination.
using soil dwelling organisms such as earthworms and collembola, or by as lish standards to minimize the risk to sessing phytoxicity using seed germina the environment and to human health. tion and growth tests. The tests can in In general two levels of criteria have clude acute lethality or chronic subbeen developed for different classes of lethal exposure tests to determine effects on growth and reproduction. land-use, one for Agriculture/Residen The recent concerns regarding soil tial/Parkland,and one forCommercial/ Industrial. Higher concentrations of contamination have heightened aware ness and interest in the methodology some chemicals are permitted for Com used to assess soil toxicity. This is reflec mercial/Industrial land use since the direct exposure to humans or other ted by the increasing number of papers at scientific conferences and workshops biota is presumably less than in an agri addressing the effects of soil con cultural or residential setting. In Ontario, the Ontario Ministry of taminants on nontarget organisms. Environment and Energy (MOEE) However,the state of the art for soil tox has numerical criteria for approx icity tests is perhaps where aquatic tox imately 22 chemicals. Environment icity testing was 10 to 15 years ago. Envi Canada has developed federal SQC ronment Canada and the MQEE are through the Canadian Council of Mi rapidly moving to advance knowledge nistries of the Environment (CCME) in this area and attempting to identify with different criteria for site assess the most appropriate battery of tests for Soil quality criteria(SQC)have been developed by various agencies to estab
by measuring the levels of specific con taminants and comparing them with government criteria for acceptable le vels. If the concentration of a particular chemical in soil does not meet govern ment guidelines further action may be required by the owner or other respons ible party. Further action can involve decommissioning by appropriate tech nology including bioremediation, soil washing, or excavation and landfilling at a properly licensed landfill facility. For the most part decommissioning can be relatively expensive. Determination of soil quality is part
Quebec and New Brunswick. Sheppard et al (1992) provided a comprehensive review of the SQC development pro
of a Phase II audit where soil con
tamination is suspected as a result of preliminary (Phase 1) investigations. Environmental audits are now routinely carried out as a prerequisite to property transfers or development. A substantial number of proposed developments have been either placed on hold or deferred 26
Soil Toxicity Tests The toxicity ofcontaminants in soil to plants and animals can be assessed
ment, and for site remediation. Provin
contaminated site assessment.
ces that have developed SQC include
There are currently no specific bio logical test methods for assessing the
British Columbia. Alberta, Manitoba,
Brett Ibbotson provided a thought provoking review of the rationale for existing soil quality criteria in Qntario (ES&E, Dec. 1991/Jan. 1992). The article outlined some of the inherent limita
tions in the process of developing soil standards faced by all agencies.The im
toxicity ofsoil contaminants in Canada.
Although the federal government has sanctioned the European QECD earth worm test protocol,a fundamental limi tation of that test methodology is that it utilizes the compost worm, Eisenia foetida. which has a very limited distribu tion in Canada.The common earthworm
or nightcrawler. Lumbricus terrestris. is much more common and ecologically relevant to the Canadian environment.
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
By C.D. Wren, G.L Stephenson and R.P. Lanno* Seed germination tests involve the planting of seeds of a particular plant species in soil with known concen trations of a chemical(s) and monitor
ing the time to germination. Root elong ation and seedling growth are also often assessed. In Canada,the common plant species for testing are lettuce and radish. These are considered to be relatively sensitive to agrocheniicals and rep resentative of vegetable crops in that one is a root crop, and the other an above-ground crop. However,both spe cies are dicotyledonous plants that do not represent the major market crops grown in Canada. No monocotyledonous crop species such as corn. rye. oats, barley and wheat are currently required to provide the minimum data require ments for the development of SQC.
Soil is a very complex medium and the same characteristics that influence the chemical fate and behavior affect
soil toxicity by altering bioavailability. Parameters such as organic content, moisture content, redox potential. pH. soil texture and cation exchange capa city can potentially affect toxicity. Fur thermore. the dramatic variation in soil
composition across Canada empha sizes the importance of developing a site-specific approach for assessing the risk of potentially contaminated lands, rather than adhering to generic numeri cal values.
Soil toxicity testing should be suppor ted in government funded research pro grams to generate the toxicity data re quired for the development and valida tion of SQC. Furthermore, soil toxicity testing should be incorporated into a site-specific ecological risk assessment approach for determining the hazards
additive or antagonistic. Furthermore, there are literally hundreds of chemi cals for which soil quality criteria do not exist, and quite likely won't for several years, if at all. Soil tests can have a variety of appli cations. Recently, in situ earthworm bioassays were successfully used to identify "hot spots" at a contaminated superfund site in the United States(Callahan et ai 1991). Soil toxicity tests can also be used to examine the efficacy of site remediation techniques.The volume of soil required for a full earthworm
Experience In aquatic toxicology has shown repeatedly that it is virtually impossible to predict the toxicity of chemical mixtures
soil criteria in Ontario can cost several
thousand dollars. Toxicity tests with soil are still in the developmental stage and cost will depend on the type oftest being conducted. However,the results ofthese tests will measure the bioavailable frac tion of soil-associated contaminants and are. therefore, more useful for asses
sing risk than chemical data alone. The information derived can be invaluable
for determining risk and for subsequent disposition of properties. In conclusion, soil bioassays repre sent a cost effective technique for mea suring toxicity which is an integral component of assessing ecological risk. Therefore, soil toxicity tests should be combined with other methods includ
ing exposure modelling and chemical analysis to provide a comprehensive ecological risk assessment for con taminated soils. Literature Cited.
bioassay is approximately 9 to 12 kg. The length oftime required to conduct a bioassay varies with the type of test and test species. Acute worm lethality tests can be conducted in 7 days, with 28 days for a worm reproductive test. Some plant species will display seed germina tion within 2-4 days, while 21 days may be required for a full plant growth test. The time required for these tests should not be an issue where major decommis sioning projects are being assessed, but they could pose some limitations where immediate on-site decisions are re
quired. The cost ofsoil toxicity tests compares favourably with chemical analysis. A scan of soil for all 22 chemicals having
Cailahan, C.A. etal. 1991. On-site me thods for assessing chemical impact on the soil environment using earthworms; a case study at the Baird and McGuire superfund site, Holbrooke, Massachu setts. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.10(6):817826.
ibbotson, B. 1992. Soil guidelines in Ontario â&#x20AC;&#x201D; are there more questions than answers? Environmental Science & En
gineering, Dec.1991 /Jan. 1992 4(6):7480.
Sheppard, B.C. et at. 1992. The devel opment of assessment and remediation guidelines for contaminated soils, a re view of the science. Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:359-394. {'T.Z.iri
associated with contaminated lands. We
would argue strongly that the mere pre sence of a chemical does not always imply hazard in an ecological context. Extensive decommissioning is not ne cessarily warranted just because the concentration of the particular chemi cal may exceed the current SQC.Qn the other hand,a soil may pose a toxicological hazard even though it is contamin ated by several contaminants that all fall below "acceptable" standards. In this instance, the effect of multiple soil contaminants should not be based on a
series ofsingle guidelines,but should be measured directly through toxicity test ing. Experience in aquatic toxicology has shown repeatedly that it is virtually impossible to predict the toxicity of chemical mixtures by simply measuring levels of contaminants. The toxicity of chemical mixtures may be synergistic.
*Ecological Services for Planning Ltd., Guelph, Ont.
The currently used toxicity test earthworm species Eisenia foetida (top) is smaller and much less common in Canada than the nightcrawler, Terristris lumbricus,(lower). The three small dots on the left are egg capsules pro duced by the worms during reproduction tests.
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
By Rod Holme*
International scene
Australian Water & Wastewater Association holds 15th federal convention on Gold Coast
The 15th Federal Convention of the Australian Water & Waste-
water Association (the "other" AWWA)was held on the Gold Coast, south of Brisbane, in sunny Queensland, in April. Held every two
years,the Convention features an exten sive technical program (papers and pos ters). special seminars and an equip ment exhibit("Ozwater"). The Convention also attracts a strong international presence, with the Ameri can Water Works Association. Water Environment Federation. International
Water Supply Association and the Inter national Association of Water Quality
being officially represented. I had the honour of representing the American Water Works Association,
and addressing the Qpening Session. This was in the august company of the
Sydney will host the 1995'Oz' AWWA Convention. Photo Tom Davey.
Governor General of Australia, the
Honourable Bill Hayden.
Keynote Speakers at the Opening Ses sion were Professor George Tchobanoglous. Professor of Civil Engineering from the University ofCalifornia. Davis, and Dr. Rufus Chaney. Research Agro nomist with the United States Depart ment of Agriculture and adjunct Profes sor of Agronomy at Penn State. Professor Tchobanoglous advocated more
work now in progress for major new water treatment plants, along with the removal of iron and manganese in a variety of surface systems. Of major ongoing concern is the eutrophication ofthe large inland river sys tems. This has significance beyond water supply,and has had a detrimental impact on agriculture, livestock and in dustry in the affected communities.
impacts of treatment plant effluent and stormwater discharge into the ocean and estuarine environments.
Using Sydney as an example, all wastewater treatment plants have se
condary treatment and ocean outfalls. Beach pollution problems persist, how ever. when rainfall events cause over
flows and storm discharges that virtually "skim" across the Harbour, out to the ocean, and onto the beaches.
terization. rather than the traditional
reliance on non-specific parameters such as BQD and Suspended Solids. He also strongly advocated plant design and lo cation to enhance effluent re-use oppor tunities. stating that regionalization of plants never takes re-use into consider ation.
Rufus Chaney delivered a strong de fense of the composting and land dis posal of sewage sludge, citing its dispo sal in landfill or by incineration as a waste of a valuable resource. He also demonstrated the benefits from recent
research, including data to show that perceived risks are low or non-existent. The technical program showed that many issues are similar to those being faced by the Water and Wastewater in dustry in Canada,but there was natural ly an emphasis on the more pressing needs of the day. In Water Supply, this emphasis included large scale pilot plant *Past Chair Ont. Section AWWA and a Vice President at Proctor & Redfern Limited 28
The most noticeable difference from the North American
experience was the issue of Water System privatization and major municipai "corporatization." The most noticeable differences from
the North American experience were the issues of Water System privatization and major municipal "corporatiza tion". In response to the need to build long planned surface water treatment plants, major metropolitan communi ties have elected for a version of priva tization with the oft quoted acronym "BOOT"â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Build,Own,Operate,Trans
It is probably ironic to note that the
public in Sydney views its majestic beaches with mixed emotions. They are concerned about pollution, but they are even more concerned about sun expo sure and skin cancer. A suntan is now
seen as a sign of stupidity, not a sign of beauty. The more than 800 attendees at the Convention included a number of Ca
nadians who enjoyed not only the com prehensive technical program, but also a number ofsuperb social events.These were centred on the amenities and cli
mate offered by the subtropical Gold Coast. Australia's premier resort area. (Remember that in Australia, you have to go north to find the sun in the winter).
fer. In addition, the water and waste-
The next Australian Water and Waste-
water authorities in those municipalities are also forming separate entities to sell their services and expertise on a fee for service basis. This expanding exercise has been termed "corporatization".
water Association Convention is already
In the wastewater field, a lot of atten
tion was paid at the Convention to the
being planned for Sydney in April 1995. If the superb organization and variety offered by the very successful 15th Con vention is any indication, planning now to attend this 16th Federal Convention
would be a great idea.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
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equipment FMC provides practical solutions to your equip ment needs with one of the most complete lines of water and wastewater treatment equipment available. Our product design and development is the result of over 70 years experience with installations across North America and around the world.
The FMC equipment line includes: screw pumps, bar screens, travelling water screens, grit collec tors, rectangular sludge collectors, travelling bridge collectors, circular sludge collectors, thickeners, aerators, air diffusers, flocculatlon
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Treating combined sewer overflows
Demonstration of advanced high rate treatment for CSO control
In 1990, Metro Toronto Works, in
conjunction with the Ontario Min istry of the Environment and The Great Lakes Cleanup Fund spon sored a major evaluation of advanced satellite CSO treatment technology. The project was conceived in four phases, including the construction and evaluation of a full-scale de
G. Zukovs, President, W20 Toronto, Ontario W.C. Pisano, Principal,
scale solids removal and disinfection
studies, development of a new pro cess evaluation model, SSAT, and preparation of a comprehensive plan for integrating advanced high-rate CSO treatment in the Don River Sewershed area of Metro Toronto.
Portions of Metropolitan Toronto are
presently served by combined sewers while other areas are only partially se
parated with on-site drainage directed to the sanitary collection system. Sewers overloaded with wet weather flows still
overflow to area waterways. Beach clos
ing and other water quality impacts have increased public and political awareness regarding combined sewer overflows(CSOs). Consequently, a new generation of public works plans were initiated to provide comprehensive con trol of CSO discharges while meeting future servicing needs. Planning has re-
the North Toronto Treatment Plant).
Havens and Emerson
Cadorna. Massey Creek. Victoria Park and Godfrey Fowler, permitting over
Boston, Massachusetts P.M. Pickett, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto
flow of excess wet weather flow.
The Don Sewershed is served by two
P. Chessie,
treatment facilities, the Metro Main
Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto
Treatment Plant located on the shoreline
monstration facility to be built at the Phase I activities were completed in 1992 resulting in detailed charac terization of CSO quantity and quality at North Toronto, extensive bench-
presenting details ofthe trunk sewer sys tem. The Metro Toronto trunk system in the Don Sewershed has five major CSO regulators. North Toronto (located at
of Lake Ontario and the North Toronto
suited in major proposed works totall ing over $500 million and requiring twenty years to construct. Because of the substantial costs and
long implementation horizon, other more economical and flexible solutions
were sought. The trend in Europe and the United States has been to implement
combinations of storage and "satellite" treatment facilities. Satellite facilities
appear better able to provide tailored solutions providing overall CSO control in a cost-effective manner. Accordingly, in 1990. Metropolitan Toronto Works in conjunction with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and The Great
Lakes Cleanup Fund sponsored a ma jor evaluation of advanced satellite CSO treatment technology. The project was conceived in four phases,including the construction of a full-scale demon
stration facility to be built at the site of the North Toronto Treatment Plant.
Key words Combined sewer overflow,satellite treat ment, vortex separator, sedimentation,
Study area description The sewershed tributary to the Main Treatment Plant (Don Sewershed) en compasses a substantial portion of Met ropolitan Toronto. Figure 1 presents the
boundaries for the sewershed as well as
Treatment Plant discharging to the Don River.
Satellite treatment configuration The preferred satellite treatment scheme emerging from an exhaustive evaluation of alternative configurations is presented in Figure 2. Vortex separa tors and sedimentation basins alone as well as in combination were evaluated
along with conventional retention stor age. The effect of coagulant addition upon sedimentation efficiency was also examined.Two disinfection alternatives were evaluated, chlorination and ultra
violet light irradiation. Dechlorination was included in the chlorination alter
native to preclude effluent toxicity. The preferred satellite treatment faci lity configuration is designed to capture small overflow events in the storage volume provided by the vortex vessel and sedimentation basin. Retained flows are returned to central treatment. Over
flows exceeding storage capacity are treated locally up to the capacity of the satellite facility. A substantially larger design capacity is incorporated in the vortex separator to provide partial treat ment to extreme peak flows. Disinfec-
By-Pass Sedimentation Tank By-p
(> "\
w\ t
Figure 1 Map of Study Area
Figure 2 Satellite Treatment Flowsheet
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Treating combined sewer overfiows tion is provided to the whole (blended) treated effluent stream. Storage is used to buffer underflow during periods of limited interceptor capacity. Study methodology The overall Phase I work program was multi-faceted and incorporated a number of major objectives including the comparative evaluation of the costs and environmental performance of sa
Table 1
Environmental Performance Deiags CSO
Storage Volume'
Godfrey - Fowler 11
Retention storage Vortex -f aedimcotation + disinfection
Retention storage
Victoria Park
Vortex & scdimeatation -f disinfection
Masscy Creek
Retention storage
tellite treatment and conventional re
tention storage for the five major over flow locations. A previous study(UM A.
Vortex & sedimenlation + disinfection
Retention storage
1989) had examined overflow control at
the five major regulators and had re commended
Vortex & sedimentation + disinfection
Retention storage
North Toronto
retention Vortex & sedimentation -E disinfection
storage facilities. Details of catchment
hydrology, dry weather flows and regu lator capacities were obtained from the UMA study. Monitoring carried out at
Retention storage
Vortex & sedimentation + disinfection
Notes: 1. Exclusive of vortex underflow. If underflow storage is included, the total volume of tankage = 62.600 m'.
the North Toronto overflow served to
ch aracterize CSO quality and to develop satellite treatment process data. The process data were incorporated into a recently developed analysis model termed SSAT which was employed to examine the performance of both the
Table 2 Total Costs
Capital Cost
Total O&M Cost
Total Annual Cost
satellite treatment facilities and conven
tional storage. Existing Performance The performance of the regulators at each of the sites was estimated using SSAT. Regulator capacities were based upon the Metro criteria (peak DWF + 0.26 L/s/ha).The North Toronto site was analyzed including an existing4,000 m^ storage facility. With the exception of North Toronto each of the regulators provides a low degree of control. Over flow frequencies are in the range of43 to 46 events with volumetric and pollution control in the range of 10%-20%. In con trast the relatively modest storage volume provided at North Toronto reduces overflow frequencies to nineteen events per year and affords a volumetric con trol level of 65%. Environmental Performance
Table 1 presents the capacities of the proposed satellite treatment facilities. The retention storage volumes have been included for purposes of com parison.The capacities and storage vol umes are all based upon a design suffi
Retention storage
Vortex + sedimentation + U.V.
Vortex + sedimentation + Cl2/DeC[2
m Manufacturers and Suppliers of major equipmentfor water and wastewater treatment
cient to ensure no more than one uncon
trolled overflow per year. Including the North Toronto site,the retention storage option requires over 240,000 m'ofstorage
volume. In contrast, the satellite treat
ment alternative requires approx imately 62,600^ inclusive of vortex un derflow storage or approximately 25% of conventional storage requirements. Table 1 also presents measures of en-
8070 Jarry Est Anjou, Que, H1J 1H5 Tel:(514)351-4632
continued overleaf Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
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For more Information, Circle reply card No. 101 31
Combined sewer overflow cont'd
control to one overflow event with cor
ciency given a blended effluent provided a solids capture of61% to 65%.The disin
alternatives. Coagulant usage, labour and Main Treatment Plant operating costs make up the most significant com ponents of the cost of operating the sa
responding high levels of volumetric
fection efficiencies for satellite treat
tellite treatment alternatives. Labour
control. The satellite treatment alterna tive would result in less volume dis
ment facilities and the Main Treatment
and Main Treatment Plant operating costs are in turn the most significant for the retention storage alternative. The retention storage alternative results in
vironmental performance for the reten tion storage and satellite treatment al ternatives. All the alternatives provide
charged through the Main Treatment Plant into Lake Ontario and greater volume treated and discharged locally. Because of the higher solids removal efficiencies afforded by the Main Treat ment Plant the retention storage alter native offers an overall solids capture of
80% to 85%.The satellite treatment alter natives with less overall removal effi
Plant are the same. Consequently,fecal coliform capture levels are reasonably similar for both the satellite treatment
and retention storage. Costs
Table 2 presents the aggregated capi tal and operating costs for each of the
ijLiuij iu/ Imi
JWC Environmental's industry-acclaimed Muffin Monster® grinder, with dual-shafted grinder technology, promotes a more efficient and cost-effective digestion process while it helps expand the life of your digester. Its rugged tungsten carbide grinder seals hold up to even the most challenging of solids problems. For the best in solids reduction technology, make the most of your dollars... with the Muffin Monster.
the highest annual and unit operating costs. The retention storage is also most expensive from the standpoint of both capital and total annual cost. The capi tal cost of retention storage for the Don Sewershed exceeds the most costly satel lite treatment alternative by $30 million. The same differential exists in the ag gregated total annual cost of between $3-4 million/year for each year of the 40 year project life. Application of ultra violet light irradiation for disinfection results in a costpremium of$10 million or about $1 million/year of project life. Summary
The satellite treatment facilities pro posed for the five major overflow regu lators in the Don Sewershed were com
pared to retention storage using a wide range of performance, cost and other criteria. Key findings of the analysis included:
• The retention storage and satellite Prevents rags and problem solids from plugging pumps during recirculation
Protects diffusers and mechanical aeration equipment in aerobic digestion Delivers homogeneous sludge and increases surface area for efficient digestion
treatment alternatives provide simi lar degrees of pollution control for all parameters studied other than sus pended solids. • The satellite treatment alternative
Promotes better mixing and increases digester life between maintenance Reduces cycle time by enhancing the digestion process
would require 62,600 m^ of tankage versus approximately 240.000 m^ for the retention storage alternative. The satellite treatment facility area re quirements would therefore be con siderably smaller. • Depending upon the disinfection al ternative selected, the capital cost of the five satellite treatment facilities is
from $59.6 M for Ch/DeCh or $69.8 M for U.V. In contrast, the retention
storage facilities have a capital cost of $99.9 M or 30% to40% greater. Operat ing costs show a similar trend. Acknowledgements The
nowledge the substantial contribution to the project of Dr. W.Cairns of Trojan Technologies Ltd. and Dr.H.Brombach of UFT. The efforts of the Water Pollu tion Control Division staff under Mr.
R.M. Pickett P.Eng. are also gratefully acknowledged. Mr. G. Zukovs was To ronto Area Manager for CH2M Hill Engineering Ltd. at the time of the study. References
UMA Engineering Ltd.,"A Report on the Don Trunk Sewer System and Main Treatment Plant". November, 1989.
For more Information, Circle reply card No. 102 32
Circle reply card No. 250 Environmental Science <6 Engineering, September 1993
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Designing pipe systems
Modelling transients in complex pipelines all pipeline transients. The kinetic ener gy carried by the fluid is rapidly conver ted into strain energy in the pipe walls and pressure in the fluid. The result is a pulse wave of abnormal pressure that travels along the pipe. The hammering sound indicates that a portion of the original kinetic energy is converted into acoustic form. This and other energytransformation losses(such as fluid fric tion) cause the pressure wave to gradu ally decay until normal (steady) pre ssures and velocities are once again restored.
Photo shows I REX workshop on Modelling Transients given by Professor Karney earlier this year.
Pressure pipe systems are sub
jected to a wide range of physical loads and operational requirements. For example, underground piping systems must with stand mechanical forces caused by fluid pressure, differential settlement and concentrated loads.The pipe musttolerate a certain amount of abuse during construction including welding stresses and shock loads. In addition, the pipe must resist various kinds of chemical
attack. The internal pressure require ment is of particular importance, not only because it directly influences the required wall thickness of large pipes, but also because pipe manufacturers often
strength of a pipeline by its pressure rating. Traditionally, pipeline engineers have emphasized steady state conditions
during design. In these applications, there is a balance or equilibrium bet ween many flow components:the rate of inflow to each segment equals the rate of outflow,the external forces acting on the pipe are balanced by the momentum changes, and the external work is com pensated for by internal losses of me chanical energy. As a result, the fluid generally moves in the direction of dec reasing hydraulic grade line elevations. Devices such as pumps, valves, and transitions cause local pressure changes that are easily accounted for. Be warned, however â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in transient applications this orderly situation rarely exists. In stead, large and sudden variations of both discharge and pressure can pro34
pagate through the system,greatly com plicating analysis. Although this com plexity is often inconvenient for the analyst, it is nevertheless the behaviour of the pipeline during transient con ditions that often determines the suc
cess or failure of a given design or system. Transient conditions
The total force acting within a conduit is obtained by summing the steady state and water hammer (transient) pressures in the line. Transient pressures are most
It turns out that all changes in fluid velocity, whether gradual or sudden,are accomplished by water hammer pheno mena. The only difference is that very slow adjustments in velocity or pressure produce such small disturbances that the flow appears to be smoothly adjus ted. Yet, even in these near-equilibrium cases,it is travelling pressure waves that bring about the eventual changes in steady state flow. If water hammer waves were always small, the study of transient conditions would be oflittle interest to the engineer. This is not the case. Water hammer
waves are capable of breaking pipes, damaging equipment and have caused some spectacular pipeline failures. Ra tional design, particularly of large pipe lines, requires reliable transient analysis. Yet,despite their intrinsic importance for design, transient considerations are frequently relegated to a secondary role. That is, only after the pipeline's profile, diameter and desien discharge are cho-
Water hammer waves are capable of breaking pipes, damaging equipment and have caused some spectacular pipeline failures.
important when the rate of flow is changed rapidly, such as by closing a valve or stopping a pump. Such dis turbances, whether caused by design or accident, may create travelling pressure and velocity waves of large magnitude. These transient pressures are superim posed on the steady state values present in the line at the time the transient occurs.
Most people have some experience with water hammer effects. A common
sen is any thought given to transient conditions.This practice is troublesome. First, the pipeline may not perform as expected, possibly causing large reme dial expenses. Second, the line may be over-designed and, thus, unnecessarily expensive. This tendency of designing for steady state conditions alone has been particularly common in the water supply industry. There has been a wide ly held misconception that complex ar rangements of pipelines reflect or
example is the banging or hammering noise sometimes heard when a water
faucet is rapidly closed. In fact, what happens in this simple example typifies
*Associate Professor,Department of Civil Engineering, University of To ronto, Toronto.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
By Dr. Bryan W.Karney* dampen water hammer waves.Although wave reflections in pipe networks do occur, attenuation depends on many factors and cannot be guaranteed. Net works are not intrinsically better be haved than simple pipelines and some complex systems may even respond more severely to transient conditions. Challenges and solutions Although the problem of predicting transient conditions in a pipeline sys tem is of considerable practical impor tance. many challenges face the would-be analyst.The governing partial differential equations describing the flow are nonlinear, the behaviour of
even commonly-found hydraulic devices is complex, and data on system perfor mance are invariably difficult or expen sive to obtain. The often surprising character of pulse wave propagation in a pipeline only makes matters worse. Even the basic question of deciding whether conditions warrant transient
analysis is often difficult to answer. When simulation is required, the de tailed output of a transient analysis pro gram. with its seemingly endless se quence of head, velocity and other values, can be somewhat bewildering. Recently, a variety of programs have been created with these problems in mind. These software tools provide an interactive framework for editing, exe cuting and displaying transient con ditions in many pipelines. Although the complexity of the transient phenomena means that no single graphical sum mary completely describes a system's response, a broad range ofcomplemen tary images can usually be effortlessly created. Taken together, these different ways ofinterpreting unsteady flows pro vide considerable insight into the way pipe systems react to different hydraulic
focusing and other phenomena. All
facility provides physical insight and has significant implications not only for teaching pipeline hydraulics in various courses but also to the designers and operators of pipeline systems.
these cases can be easily analyzed, un derstood and interpreted using various execution and graphical options.Such a
For more information, Circie repiy card No. 251
disturbances. Various kinds of respon ses are modelled including pump fail ure. sudden and gradual valve motions, waves on a reservoir, resonance, wave
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For more information. Circle reply card No. 103
R&D News
Supplied by the Canadian Association on Water Pollution Research & Control
Fate of Volatile Organlcs in Wastewater Treatment
The fate of volatiie organic compounds (VOCs) in municipal activated sludge plants was investigated by W.J. Parker and coworkers at pilot and full scale. These scientists from Enviromega Limi ted and the Wastewater Technology Centre observed that more than 80% of the mass flow of nonchlorinated com
pounds was biodegraded while less than 20% was removed by stripping. Conver
study undertaken by University of Ma nitoba scientist S.K. Basu and a Japanese colleague was to define the system un der various hydraulic retention time and organic loading conditions. The re sults published in Environmental Tech nology show that. at an HRT of4.5 hours and organic loading of2 kg COD per m-' per day. maximum efficiency corres ponding to 93% and 94% of total and
Research, survival varied dramatically, from 0 to over 80%. at several sites, indi
cating that sediment samples must be collected on a number of different dates at each site if an accurate assessment of
potential toxic effects to biota is to be made. Although highly variable, the data suggest that the toxicity of Hamil ton Harbour sediments has been dec
reasing over the study period.
filtered COD removal were obtained.
sely.46% of the mass flow ofchlorinated
Fate of Metals in Wastewater Treatment Plants
compounds was biodegraded and 47% was removed by stripping. Adsorption of VOCs onto waste sludge was not a sig
H.D. Monteith and colleagues from En viromega Limited and the Wastewater Technology Centre dosed a solution of
nificant removal mechanism. In their
seven metal salts into batch and con
paper published in Water Environment
tinuous flow dynamic wastewater expe riments at bench- and pilot-scale to calibrate a computer-based model for predicting the fate of metals in munici pal water pollution control plants. As
Research, the researchers discuss pro cess operating characteristics. lAWP
Microaerophlllc Upflow Sludge Bed Treatment of Wastewater
described in
Microaerophilic Upflow Sludge Bed Reactor is a new wastewater treatment
Hamilton Harbour Sediments
process originally developed in Japan.
U. Borgman and W.P. Norwood. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, assessed the toxicity
The process relies on the interaction be tween sulfate reducing bacteria and the microaerophilic sulfide oxidizing bac teria Beggiatoa which dominates in or ganic matter removal because of a limited oxygen supply in a sludge blan ket type bioreactor. The objective of a
Water Environment Re
search. the model accounts for both pre
Toxlcity of
of Hamilton Harbour sediments at fi ve sites on seven different dates over a three
year period using a static chronic tox icity test with Hyalella azteca. As des cribed in the Journal of Great Lakes
cipitation and so don onto primary and secondary sludges, and predicts the concentration of metals in the primary sludge, return activated sludge, and se condary clarifier effluent. Sampling at a full-scale treatment plant revealed that, except for lead, the predicted effluent concentrations agreed well with obser ved values.
GASURVEYQB A technological breakthrough in Gas Detection The new range of Gasurveyor instruments uses the latest in microprocessor tech nology to produce a lightweight gas detection/monitoring unit that is easy to operate yet gives better field utilisation than previously available. Built from modular components,the Gasurveyor is portable, rugged and offers low individual capital and maintenance costs. It can be automatically checked and re-calibrated in the field which greatly extends its utilisation time in operation. Combining this with sensitivities of 10 ppm to 100% gas, it makes the Gasurveyor the single instrument for your entire utility operations.
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Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
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For more information, Circle reply card No. 113
R&D News cont'd Dioxins in the Environment
R.M. Berry. C.E. Luthe and R.H. Voss
have compared the dioxins content of common everyday materials with that of pulps and papers. As described in En vironmental Science and Technology,
these Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada scientists found dioxins in such materials that are contaminated
with fine particulate matter (dust). The
concentrations, expressed as 2. 3. 7. 8TCDD toxicity equivalents, in some of these materials are often orders of mag
nitude higher than levels associated with pulps and papers, including those produced by recycling processes. A common homologue distribution in these materials indicates a common source.
Analysis of Trace Metals
In a paper published in the Journal of Great Lakes Research. J.O. Nriagu and colleagues at the National Water Re search Institute describe the pre cautions and procedures necessary for minimizing contamination artifacts during the collection,filtration and ana lysis of trace metals in fresh water. The techniques for proper decontamination of sample containers and labware and for field blanks are also described. Pre
liminary results obtained using the pro tocols described cast doubt on most of
the published data on trace metal con centrations in the Great Lakes.The pro
the Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada include changes in flow regimes, storage pool volumes and flow velocities, achievable by structural changes in in let. storage and outlet structures; treat ment of runoff by sedimentation or filtration; enhancement of biological processes contributing to pollutant re moval through longer detention and in troduction of aquatic plants; and. improvement of aquatic life habitat.
170 to 230 hour lag was observed before removal of the phenol commenced. Modelling Spills
Attainment of Effluent Standards
A general two-dimensional spill model for the spread of liquids on grass and impermeable surfaces has been devel oped by R. Belore. S.L. Ross Environ mental Research Limited. University of Waterloo scientist J. Capka. and a U.S. colleague. As described in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, evaporative
A design-point method, or advanced
and infiltrative fluxes are estimated as
first-order second-moment technique, was used by M.Sharma and E.A. McBean for reliability-based analysis ofactivated
losses of fluid in combination with the
surface affinity depth and positioncomputing methods to develop timevarying spill profiles. Laboratory expe
sludge processes in meeting specified effluent standards. Together with a U.S. rimental results were used to demon colleague, these University of Waterloo strate the validity ofthe computer model scientists utilized flow, influent BOD using water and carboxymethyl cellu lose doped water to reflect different and influent suspended solids concen trations in evaluating the performance viscosities. of the activated sludge system. As des cribed in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,two types offailure to attain specified effluent standards were con
In a joint research project. Queen's Uni
sidered. namely BOD failure and SS failure. The reliability of the activated sludge system was studied with respect
Columbia studied the behaviour and control of nutrients in the enhanced
to the volume of the aeration tank using the design-point method.
of the results in Environmental Technol
Characterization of Landfill Leachate
Enhanced Aerobic Digestion versity scientist B.C. Anderson and D.S. Mavinic of the University of British
aerobic digestion process. In the report ogy. it was concluded that chemical con
trol of the mixed liquor pH for the en hancement ofaerobic digestion is. at the
University of Waterloo scientists exa same time, an effective method for the mined estimates of leachate strength removal of nuisance nutrient species files on dissolved metal concentrations and its variance over time to provide a and a means of ensuring efficient over in the water column of Lake Ontario management tool for forecasting the all operation of the digester. show very distinctive source-dependent need for leachate treatment and groundfeatures obscured in earlier studies by water monitoring during the active phase Effects of Chlorinatlon poor data quality. of municipal solid waste landfilling. As on Nitrification described in the Canadian Journal of Chlorine is commonly used for filamen Removal of Phenol from Wastewater In a paper accepted for publication in CivilEngineering.S. Reitzel.G.Farquhar tous bulking control. T. Marstaller Water Research.}.K. Bewtra and cowork- and E. McBean used historical lysimeter (Reid Crowther & Partners). J.A. Olesz studies to develop regression curves kiewcz (University of Manitoba), and ers at the University of Windsor des characterizing leachate strength for a D.M. McCartney (Poetker Maclaren cribe the effect of the additive polyethy lene glycol (PEG) on the horseradish series of contaminants. For each of Ltd.) used two sequencing batch reac peroxidase(HRP)catalyzed removal of these, the time scale for the regression tors to investigate the effect chlorine has phenol from wastewater. The addition curves was normalized with regard to on the nitrification process. As des ofPEG had significant protective effect moisture addition and refuse mass,and cribed in Environmental Technology. once-a-day batch doses ofchlorine were on the activity of HRP. The amount of is presented as cumulative litres ofleach peroxidase required was reduced 40- and ate per kilogram of municipal solid applied to the reactors. Nitrifying bac teria were affected by a once-a-day dose 75-fold less than that required without waste. of 1.5 mg C12 per gram of SS. while Removal of 2-Nltrophenol by PEG for 1 mM and 10 mM phenol solu filamentous bacteria required sustained Activated Sludge tions respectively. The minimum doses of HRP and PEG required for at least In a research study undertaken at the doses of 2.5 mg C12 per gram of SS for University of Manitoba. A. Janeczko two days followed by six days of doses of 95% removal were determined for several 1.5 mg C12 per gram of SS to be af phenol concentrations. The reaction and J.A. Oleszkiewcz compared the re moval of 2-nitrophenol and oxygen fected. times for at least 95% removal from 1 mM and 10 mM phenol solutions were 5 consumption patterns in batch resMIrex In the Great Lakes pirometers with a constant level of easi hours and 3 hours respectively. Until 1988. mirex had been reported for ly biodegradable biogenic substrate si only a few locations in the Great Lakes, Stormwater Quality Control mulating municipal sewage. As des A paper by J. Marsalek. National Water cribed in Environmental Technology, in primarily Lake Ontario, and the St. Research Institute. W.E. Watt. Queens runs using acclimated sludge subjected Lawrence River due to several localized sources. In a recent paper in the Journal University, and D. Henry. Ontario Mi to batch doses of 2-nitrophenol. imme of Great Lakes Research. D.B. Sergent nistry of the Environment reviews ret diate conversion was observed which rofitting measures that can be taken to was not affected by repeated addition of and colleagues from the Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic provide water quality control in storm- the phenol after its complete disap water ponds.The measures discussed in pearance. With unacclimated sludge, a Sciences report new and confirmed 38
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
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For more information, Circie repiy card No. 107 Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
R&D News cont'd measurements of mirex in water and
fish samples from Lakes Erie. Huron and Michigan, and Isle Royale on Lake Superior. The levels of mirex in water were similar among all the lakes. How ever. levels in fish were 100 to 200 times lower in Lakes Erie and Huron relative to Lake Ontario. The reasons for the
sudden appearance of this pesticide are
long history of water quality problems including high coliform bacterial levels, heavy surface algal blooms,dense weed growths, low water transparency, and dominance by coarse fish species. In a paper published in the Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada. University
applied routinely throughout the open-
of British Columbia scientist T.G. Northcote and B. Luksun of the Bur-
The effect of temperature gradient on the process of moisture movement with
water season due to continuous inputs
of nutrients from point and non-point
Landfill Leachate Production in Cold Climates
Deer Lake, located in the geographic
naby Planning Department review the in the landfill environment was inves water quality problems of Deer Lake, tigated on a laboratory scale by E.J. Leskiw. D.C. Sego and D.W. Smith. As summarize the results of various inves tigations and research on the system, reported in the Canadian Journal ofCivil and outline the attempts to improve and Engineering, these University of Alberta manage lake conditions. The role that scientists found that moisture migrates through the freezing refuse to form ice the community,senior levels of govern ment and educational institutions have lenses. The significance ofthis moisture played in the process is also discussed. movement during the cold weather is the increase in the leachate production which may occur within the landfill. Stormwater Quality Improvement Because of scale-up complexities, field J. Babin ofLimnofix Inc. and University investigations are necessary to verify the of Alberta scientists E.E. Prepas and Y. observed laboratory findings. Zhang have used lime and/or alum to reduce phosphorus concentration in stormwater retention lakes and to pre cipitate out particulate matter. As des For more Information,contact Dr. cribed in the Water Pollution Research H.R. Elsenhauer, Canadian Asso Journal ofCanada, a lime/alum mixture ciation on Water Pollution Re was better at controlling macrophytes and shoreline filamentous algae, but search and Control, Conservation alum was better at controlling plankton- and Protection, Environment ic algal growth and turbidity. Overall Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0H3, water quality can be improved through Fax:(819) 953-9029. this treatment,however,the applications
centre of Greater Vancouver, has had a
of lime/alum mixtures will have to be
not clear.
Lime Sludge Dewatering Effluents A paper published by H. Zhou, D.W. Smith and S.J. Stanley in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering presents the results of the characterization of lime
sludge dewatering effluents from a large scale water treatment plant. These Uni versity of Alberta scientists also present treatment and management options which were evaluated through bench-
scale experiments. The quality and quantity of supernatant effluents from the thickener and centrate from the cen
trifuge were determined. The superna tant was composed primarily ofcalcium ions and alkalinity which can be treated through pH adjustments. The centrate had poor settling and filterability pro perties. However, these could be sub stantially improved by polymer pretreatment.
Restoration of a Small Urban Lake
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Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
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Industrial strategy
By Seiichi Watanabe*
Resource productivity as a new measure for industrial performance Fig.1
energy consumption. This kind of development may point the way towards enabling us to find a way to maintain growth while still pre serving the environment. Taking the television as an example, one of the current models is compared with an hypothetical TV set composed ofvacuum tubes and another composed
(weriking hei«s®tiio!d
annual awerage p®? month)
food, housing, utilities, clothing, etc.
transportation/teiecommunications education, culture/entertainment, etc.
78,25 '
1960 ¥ 32,093
of discrete transistors. A television with 1975 ¥166,032
the same sophisticated functions as the current technologies provide but con structed by vacuum tubes would con sume enormous material and energy
52.0 7°/
resources. In this sense, the semicon
ductor industry has been able to create a great economic value from little re
> <
Expenditure for Physical Satisfaction
Expenditure for Mental Satisfaction
Traditionallylabor productivity
and capital productivity have been the major measures by which an industry or a com pany evaluated performance. The for mer describes the value added to a pro duct by a given amount of labor while the latter describes the value added by a unit of capital. The simple pursuit of these two productivities alone, however, is no longer satisfactory without full consideration of the environmental im
plications.Whatkind of measure should be applied to an industry or to a com pany to measure its environmental soundness and to encourage the eco nomy to gradually shift itself to one compatible with environmental preser vation.
by Sony was truly epoch-making. Ow ing to the much smaller size, weight and power consumption realized by transis tors,one could enjoy information,news, music and drama anytime and any where. Yet the price was much higher than the large immobile radios thatpeople were accustomed to. The new pro duct shifted the center of focus to the
programming transmitted by the radio and away from the radio itself. More people could have access to the intellectual satisfaction of listening to radio information, news, and sports programs. The industrial success of the transistor radio and of the transis
torized electronics products which fol lowed began to suggest an economic society where people find major eco nomic value in an intellectual satisfac
Intellectual satisfaction as the major
tion with very limited material and
According to economic theory, pro duction is defined as an activity which utilizes labor and capital to add econo mic value to raw material and energy. No mention is made of the inevitable
consumption of environmental resour ces in this definition and yet there is a real cost to the society in a macroeconomic sense.
My purpose is to propose Resource Productivity as a new measure for indus trial performance compatible with envi ronmental preservation. I hope that this will be taken up as a proposal and that it will trigger discussions towards developing a sufficiently fair and quan titative measure.
Resource productivity is defined as the economic added value multiplied by the lifetime over the sum of(in monetary value): i) The difference between the amounts of material consumed and recycled.
economic value
Recent changes in the spending pat terns of an average Japanese household have been plotted.In 1953,about 80% of the expenditures went to food, clothing and housing,to physical or material sa tisfaction, while only about 20% went to education,traveling,entertainment,etc.,
Hypothetical TV Sets Composed of
Current TV Sets
Vacuum Tubes
(Sony KV-29ST70)
30 m'
Consumption Energy
to mental satisfaction or, what 1 would
call, intellectual satisfaction. By 1990, more than half of all expen ditures had shifted to non-material commodities and I believe that this re
alignment will progress further in the coming years. Thus, while the total pro duction ofgoods and services has vastly increased over the last century,the shift in economic value away from large resource-consuming material items has kept this economic growth from over whelming the environment. The commercial success of the tran sistor radio which was launched in 1955 42
1400OO active elements Vacuum tubes: 6W/8lements Transistors: 0.1 W/elements
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Exploring remediation options ii)The energy consumed for produc tion and recycling. iii)The energy consumption by the average use over the product's life
Fungal remediation technology for site cleanup
If the technology for recycling is pri mitive and consumes a lot of energy, then the resource productivity will be low. The longer the lifetime, the better the productivity. The power consump tion will impact the environmental cost of using the product as well. Acceptance of intellectual satisfaction as the major economic value
It is not yet clear that an economy can sustain its growth under the constraints ofenvironmental preservation. Although technology will definitely help society direct itself toward that direction I be
lieve that the social mentality should change from demandingincreasingmnterial satisfaction to accepting intellectual satisfaction. Many of the efforts made in the elec
tronics industry have enabled people to base increasingly large economic value in intellectual satisfaction. Sony's first tape recorder was very large in size and consumed a lot of power.It evolved into Walkman products, into digital record ing machines and into the mini-discs machines introduced a short time ago. The newest model ofthe Walkman oper ates 15 hours with a small battery. In fact, there has been extensive downsiz
ing in all product lines over the last two decades. Because ofthis, as the industry enjoyed growth, its resource producti vity has improved as well.
Fungal Example
Heavy pelroieum hydrocorbons
Crude oil, API separator sludge
Light petroleum hydrocarbons
Benzene, toluene, xylene
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
Creosote, coal tar
MEK, acetone
Polychlorinoted biphenyls^
Cr, Pb, etc.
Nonhalogenated phenolics
Chlorinated pesticides
Chlordane, lindane
in a short time nor by technological means alone. It is necessary to provide some social system which encourages the improvement of resource produc tivity in manufacturing and leads soci ety to an economy compatible with en vironmental preservation. *Director, Research Center, Sony Cor poration. Excerpted from the Canada/ Japan Symposium on Environmentally Sound Manufacturing Through the Prism of Management of Technology, Toronto.
Adapted from USEPA/540/2-91/002, "Underslandhg Bioremediation: A Guidebook for Citizens." 'Refers to practice of stimuloting naturally occurring microorgonisms (through the addition of nutrients, moisture and/or oxygen) to degrade the confominant.
^ Fungal products hove been used to treat some polychlorinoted biphenyls (PCBs); to dole, however, not oil possible PCB congener combinations hove been tested.
Groundwater Technology, Inc. has joined with Mycotech Corporation, a leading manufacturer of fungal pro ducts, to extend the use of fungi to the large-scale
taminated soils. This new technology has the potential to be highly efficient and cost-effective in the biodegradation of contaminants which have been resis
tant to bacterial remediation. Fungal remediation is thought to represent the next major advancement in biological site treatment solutions, it offers the cri
sioned,however,can neither be reached
•Suitable. Suitability demonstrated in lab and field triols. © Potentiolly suitable. Suitability may be limited by concentration or other environmental factor. C Suitability not effectively demonstrated, and/or not cost-effective.
treatment technologies. Like other on-
the design of electronic products for ef ficient end-life recycling. The economic society herein envi
and cresols
It should be noted that, while the elec
dity-like items such as aluminum or paper. We must rely on innovation in
tronics industry has been introducing ever smaller, more efficient products, the unit volume has increased in step. Thus, we must face the challenge to recy cle or reprocess the now widely dis tributed complex materials that we are producing. The efficiency of recycling these materials is, at present, quite a bit lower than that for the more commo
Aerobic Bacterial Remedlatron'
tical benefit of destroying contamina tion where it is, alleviating the lingering liability which accompanies excava tion, transport and off-site disposal. While bacterial bioremediation tech
nology has had a powerful, wide-rang ing impact on environmental cleanup,it has proven difficult or impossible to apply to certain contaminants.The only practical alternative has been costly in cineration or disposal as hazardous waste.
Fungal remediation, using naturally
occurring lignin degrading fungi,is par ticularly of interest in addressing envi ronmentally persistent, complex or ganic compounds for which bacterial
remediation methods have as yet been slow or ineffective. Contaminants that
may be amenable to fungal remedia tion are:
systems,fungal treatment offers drama tic cost advantages over excavation and incineration, at the same time eliminat
ing the liability of transporting con taminated soil.
Fungal treatments for contaminated
soil have been under laboratory inves tigation for a number of years. But until now,a major impediment to field appli cation to hazardous waste has been the
lack of manufacturing technology cap able of producing the appropriate fungi in the large quantities required for site remediation. To solve this problem, Mycotech adapted solid culture tech nology to an automated system that pro vides dramatically increased yields. This proprietary technology produces a non-toxic, fungal agent that is easily shipped and safely handled at the pro ject site. These products are the result of more than a decade of fungal research and technology development. As with conventional bacterial biore
mediation,the suitability offungal treat ment for a particular site will vary with soil and contaminant characteristics.
For this reason, the professional biore mediation staff of Groundwater Tech
nology are overseeing project evalua tion, and will recommend and imple ment treatability and pilot studies accordingly. Understanding of how fungi degrade organic contaminants in various soil types, coupled with experi
PCBs, coal tars, creosote, PCP, chlori
ence in soil remediation, enables the
nated pesticides, including chlordane and heptachlor,crude oil, API separator sludge, bunker fuels, lubricants, diesel fuels in high concentrations and more. Performed on-site in aboveground
design of treatment systems that opti mize cleanup processes.
Environmental Science <& Engineering, September 1993
For more information, Circle repiy card No. 259 43
! ri
Jjlj i Jj
hMTi H
Laboratory, Portable or Process Testing
Hach's pioneering achievements in turbidity measurement have produced the world's be.st-selling laboratory and process turbidimeters. Now we've added yet another inno vation —the 2100P Poitable Turbidimeter.
The 2100P is the first portable turbidimeter to provide microproce.s.sor-ba.sed operation and a two-detector ratio optical system that
permits testing of a wide range of samples including colored solutions.
: c/:
> W
0 E w
Spectrophotometers and
Hach One pH/ISE Meter
Nobody knows water quality testing better than Hach. And nobody offers a more com prehensive selection of systems. Each system is designed for ease of use and comes com plete* with everything required for testing: reliable instrument, proven methods (many EPA approved), premeasured reagents, labware, clear instaictions and ongoing technical support.
Available for field or lab testing, Hach's pre programmed spectrophotometers and colori meters bring greater levels of speed, conve nience and accuracy to colorimetric analysis. BR/2000
E □
Electrochemical Instruments
Hach meters, electrodes and probes for pH,
a 0
ISE, ORP, Conductivity and IDS measure
ment offer fast response, proven accuracy, repeatable results and long life. Systems
include the Hach One"' non-clogging reference electrode, stability indicators and automatic buffer recognition.
> W
□ w
New 2100P Turbidimeter combines portability and laboratory-grade performance.
< w
Wastewater Testing Hach's two-hour COD test feamres USEPA-
Rea4y-t(huse COD vials eliminate reagent weighing and handling.
approved chemistiy and leak-proof sample vials. For BOD testing, Hach's complete system includes time-saving, ready-to-use buffer nutrient pillows, nitrification inhibitor,
□ C/l
H w
and bacterial .seed cultures.
d >3 a 1—(
P.O. Box 389
Loveland, Colorado 80539 U.S.A. Telephone: (303) 669-3050 FAX (303) 669-2932
Service Center in Winnepeg ■ Saies Outlets Throughout Canada
ALKALINITY HIBACTERIA n~BOD □ BROMINE □ COD □ CARBON BlOXro Digestion appiinitiis. If needed, may be ordered separately.
For more information, Circie reply card No. 111
Product Reviews
Rapid-Pulse™ DO
Grundfos Environmental
technology eliminates stirring
Solinst has been appointed Canadian agent for Grundfos Environmental Pumps. The small diameter of the Redi Flo 2
submersible pump allows easy access into 2" wells. Stainless steel and Teflon®
construction ensure optimum sample integrity. It combines a compact design
Geneq Inc. has been appointed Cana dian distributor by YSI Inc. for Water Quality Products. The YSI 6000 Environmental Moni
toring System helps monitor and assess water quality in lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries and coast waters. Because YSI
Rapid-Pulse(patent pending)dissolved oxygen measurement needs no stirring, this system is ideal for unattended monitoring.
It responds quickly, is easy to calib
with the power required for environ mental applications. Redi Elo 2 and Redi Flo 4 both allow purging and sam pling with the same pump. The easily adjusted flow rates range from 100 ml/min for sampling to 32 gpm for purging. Pumps can be either dedi cated or portable. Both ensure minimal sample bias and reliable performance. Ideal for purging, product recovery and VOC sampling. Solinst Canada Ltd.
For more information, Circle reply card No. 152
rate in air and is less affected by passive
fouling than
New Mini Monster
The YSI 6000 also measures conduc
tivity, specific conductance, salinity, temperature,resistivity,ORP,pH,depth and total dissolved solids. Geneq
For more information, Circie reply card No. 150
solids reduction equipment Accommodating a 150 GPM flow rate and 4-inch line connections, the new
Mini Monster grinder was made for light waste-grinding applications in
those areas where larger waste grinders are too expensive. Suggested applications include pump protection in small pump stations and package plants as well as light sludgegrinding. The unit handles the smaller solids volumes that can quickly build up to larger amounts and often cause plugged inlets and put higher stress on pumps and other equipment. Periodic changes of the cutter cart ridges can be accomplished while the grinder stays in-line and the unit can re sume operation after just a few minutes. JWC Environmental
For more information, Circie reply card No. 153
New HighwayVIEW™ for Windows Links PLCs
ABPLCS '.Feadn
gmmipg jf^.PressureHislogrwn
Where your concerns are our concerns QUALITY - TURNAROUND - PRICE
Selpon^' ■ 37.^ psi
5735 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z1N9
. . . Actual: j _37.&7 (psI Rei^TImB 4«-Ptessuf&s
416-890-8566 Toll Free: 800-263-9040 Fax:416-890-8575
CanTest Ltd
CTMNTTEST HighwayVIEW for Windows, a new LabVIEW Virtual Instrument (VI) lib
rary is used to control and monitor Allen-Bradley programmable logic controllers(PLCs) With the SEG HighwayVIEW VI lib
Environmental Analysis
Analytical Services Suite 200 1523 West 3rd Ave
Vancouver, B.C.
Hazardous Waste Characterization
Occupational Health & Safety
V6J 1J8 Fax: 604 731 2386 Tel: 604 734 7276
rary and network driver. Lab VIEW can communicate with Allen-Bradley PLC5 and SEC 500-series controllers using the serial port of a Windows-based PC. With the new add-on VI library, users
can quickly create displays, panel con trols, production management tools, and statistical quality systems without sacrificing the reliability or ruggedness of PLCs. National Instruments
For more information, Circle reply card No. 151 Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
Product Review 950! Residual Chlorine Monitor
|B Chemex Labs Ltd. >-Water Potability Testing ►Contaminated Sites Testing ►Waste Characterization
►Sewer Discharge Sampling & Testing
►Acid Rock Drainage Prediction
►Accreditations with CAEAL and BCMOE
Vancouver, BC (604) 984-0221
Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 949 McDougall Avenue Windsor, Ontario
MIssissauga, ON (416) 624-2806 Great Lakes Instruments. Inc.'s advan
Regulation 309 • Metals • Inorganics • Orgonics Volatile Organics • BTEX • Asbestos • RGBs Gas Bag Analysis • Odour Ponels • Isocyanotes
Inquiries about additional analytical services are encouraged
FAX (519)255-9304
N9A 1L9
Setting the standard for * service
* quality
* turnaround time
6850 Goreway Drive, Toronto, L4V IPl, Tel: (416) 673-3255, FAX: (416) 673-7399
ced microprocessor-based Model 95CI Residual Chlorine Monitoring System provides accurate measurements and allows exact additive feeding relative to demand.
The system measures total free resi dual chlorine, free residual chlorine, pH and C, and combines high reliability with high accuracy to offer several dis tinct advantages over conventional sys tems. Besides being extremely easy to install and calibrate, the system auto matically compensates for the influence of temperature and pH. and is ready for measurement within a short period. The Model 95CI analyzer receives three sensor inputs from the CI-IOOO sampling assembly. Summa
For more information, Circle reply card No. 154
Well caps and completions
for monitoring and remediation
Meeting the needs and expectations
of our clients with accurate defensible data
for environmental decision making.
ENVIROCLEAN laborai orif.s in( . (519) 686-7558
P.O. Bag 4300, Lakcfield, Ontario Canada KOL 2H0 Telephone 705-652-2000 Fax, 705-652-6365
QED GroundWater Specialists supplies a range of caps and completion pac kages designed for ground water mon itoring and cleanup wells, including en gineered completions for landfill leachate and condensate wells and dual
Comprehensive Environmental Analytical Services Air Quality • Water Quality • Hazardous Waste ' Complete MISA Parameters ' Reg. 309 Compliance ' Poiychlorinated Dibenzodioxins/Furans
' Ambient Air Monitoring
' Emission Testing ' Ontario Drinking Water Criteria ' Odorous Compounds ' Rush Analysis Available
Mann Testing Laboratories Ltd. Professional Analytical Services Since 1972
5550 McAdam Raad, MIssissauga, Ontario L4Z 1P1 Phone: (416) 890-2555 Fax: (416) 890-0370 46
(liquid/vapor) extraction systems. QED also stocks basic caps for casing diameters from 1.25" to 8". with quick turnaround on non-standard, oversize
or square caps; locking caps; lowclearance caps; waterproof seals; and a
full selection of enclosures, mounting
hardware, and accessories.
QED GroundWater Specialists
For more information, Circle reply card No. 155
Environmental Science c6 Engineering, September 1993
Product Review
Corrosion test kits To help municipalities and industries monitor the efficiency of treatment pro
grams. Hach offers several economical
test kits for screening parameters that contribute to corrosion.
Analysts can quickly verify the suc cess of corrosion control programs by screening samples with Hach's new model CM-1 Test Kit. This durable test
MISA • Process/Wastewater • Soil • Solid Waste
Elemental Scans • Characterizations • RGB's• Sampling "16 SGS Locations Across Canada"
1903 Leslie St. Don Mills, Ontario MSB 2M3
kit monitors hardness, alkalinity. pH. temperature.TDS.orthophosphate and silica anywhere in the distribution sys tem and contains all reagents and ap paratus necessary for 100 tests. • Portable testers read out pH and TDS
Tel: (416) 445-5809 Fax: (416) 445-4152
values in seconds
• Wide-range, drop-count methods for alkalinity and calcium measure even the hardest water
• Calculation of both the Aggressive Index and the Langlier Index are possible • Monitors both phosphate- and silica-
Burlington, Ontario(416)332-8788 Vancouver, B.C.(604)444-4808 Montreal, Quebec(514)493-4733
Ainley and
based treatment chemicals Hach
Circle reply card No. 156
LeadTrak™ Test Kit To safeguard public health and limit exposure to lead and copper in United States drinking water supplies, the USEPA has passed regulations identify ing maximum contaminant levels (MCLGs)for lead (50|ig/l) and copper (1.3 mg/1). Similarlimitations are being
280 Pretty River Parkway
48 High Street
205 Dundas Street
(705) 445-3451 Fax (705) 445-0968
(705) 726-3371 Fax (705) 726-4391
(613) 966-4243
Box 917, R.R.5 (613) 822-1052
Fax (613) 966-1168
Fax (613) 822-1573
Determine lead levels quickly in the 0150 |ig/l range with Hach's LeadTrak
Waste Management solutions
The test uses a DR 100 Colorimeter
(included with the kit) or a spectrophotometer and features a detection limit ofless than 5 pg/l. The kit includes a lead standard solution to verify accu racy and includes reagents for 20 tests.
Environmental Auditing and Management Planning
considered worldwide.
Test Kit.
Environmental and occupational health and safety specialists Serving Industry In Canada
to the 4 Rs Wastewater Treatment
design engineering Air, soil, waste and water analytics, studies and troubleshooting
225Sheppard Ave. W., Willowdale, Ontario M2N 1N2
Circle reply card No. 157
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
Concrete cracks repaired using new low pressure injection method
consulting engineers and architect
Water Resources
Environmental Planning Transportation Municipal Services
TORONTO (416)497-8600 WELLAND (416)735-3659 OSHAWA (416)434-2544
OTTAWA (613)226-1844 SUDBURY (705)671-9903 (Dennis Consullanis) BROCKVILLE (613)498-1208 (Sexsmith Consullanis)
Water Pollution Control
Water Supply
Sealtec Corrosion Protection Service.s.
using low pressure injection techniques, successfully repaired hairline cracks in a 3 million gallon water holding reser voir at the Lake Huron Supply System
Land Development Tunnels and Shafts Structures
in Grand Bend. Ontario.
According to Lake Huron Water Sup ply System Superintendent. A1 Scott. "Previous attempts using high pressure injection systems attained limited suc cess at a much higher cost." Virtually all crack applications either structural or water proofing,can be suc cessfully repaired by the low pressure injection system. Sealtec Ltd.
• spill site investigations and cleanups
• underwater video inspections
Environmental Scientists Commercial Divers
• impact assessments
• water quality monitoring
P.O. Box 2205, Station B, St. Catharines, Ontario L2M 6P6
(416) 641-0941
Circle reply card No. 158 Environmental Science cfi Engineering, September 1993
Product Review
Energy savings for
WTP operations
C.C. TATHAM & ASSOCIATES LTD. Consulting Engineers Specialists in a comprehensive range of Environmental and Municipal Engineering
From 25%-50% of the huge amounts of energy used to operate aeration devices
115 Hurontario Street, Suite 201,
Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 2L9
during the wastewater treatment pro
Tel.(705)444-2565 Fax(705)444-2327
cess can be saved.
CONSULTING ENGINEERS • Wastewater Collection & Treatment > Hazardous & Solid Waste
Management ■ Environmentai
• Water Supply Strategies 'Water Resources &
Environmental Planning ■Analytical Testing > Fieid Sampling & Flow Measurement
(519) 579-3500
(403) 237-9300
(403) 488-2760
(604) 684-3282
Arthur Technology's energy savings system uses an automatic on-line respirometer to continuously monitor the varying respiration rates of the mic roorganisms and match their need for oxygen to the oxygen supplied. The instrument anticipates the need
for oxygen by sensing the amount of
incoming food, and then matches the oxygen supply according to oxygen de mand. The energy savings system targets the single largest expense in operating a wastewater treatment plant — from 6585% of the total cost — and makes it
possible to save from 25-50% of that cost
without harm to the microorganisms. This system may be used by any mu
• Underground Storage Tonk Management,
nicipal and industrial biological waste-
• Environmental Assessments and Audits
pressors or mechanical devices to force
WINDSOR (519) 255-9797 TORONTO (416) 498-7444
• Risk Assessments, Groundwoter Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling
Arthur Technology
• Ambient Air Monitoring ond Source Testing
investigation and Remediotions
• Anolytical Loborotory Services
water treatment facility that uses com
oxygen into wastewater. For more information, Circle reply card No. 159
Fungal Remediation □ELCAN
Eastern Region Toronto Tel: (41B) 441-4111
Fax; (416) 441-4131
Offices across Canada and Gvarseas
Prairie Region Calgary Tel; (403) 276-9081 Fax; (403) 277-6902
Pacific Region Vancouver Tel; (604) 525-9333 Fax; (604) 525-9458
@iiiLL©rii Professional Consulting Services Planning Engineering
which have been resistant to bacterial remediation. The brochure lists the classes of che
micals which may be suitable for fungal remediation, helping site managers evaluate this advanced technology for their environmental projects. Some of the chemicals which may be treated using fungal technology include coal tars, creosote. PCP, chlorinated pes ticides. bunker fuels and lubricants,
Environmentai Science
among others.
Toronto • London • Cambridge • Windsor • Ottawa • Halifax • Sydney
Fredericton • Winnipeg • Edmonton • Red Deer • Yellowknife • international 100 Sheppard Avenue East. Toronto, Ontario M2N 6N5 (4 16) 229-4646
Groundwater Technology, Inc.. offers a new. 4-page bulletin on fungal remedia tion which is a new generation of biolo gical treatments for contaminated soil. This new technology has the potential to be highly efficient and cost-effective in the biodegradation of contaminants
Groundwater Technology
For more information, Circle reply card No. 170
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
Product Review The EnEco thermal
Consultants In The Environment
oxidation system An oxidation system employs partial pyrolysis as the means of waste reduc
Environmental Planning Ecologicai Science
The waste stream is introduced into the first of two chambers in an unsorted
TORONTO (416)477-8400
thermo-couples also allow for con tinuous monitoring of Chamber tem peratures which are kept at around
United States Environmental Protec
For more information, Circie reply card No. 160
New area velocity flow logger
NIAGARA FALLS, NY (716)285-5448
50offices throughout Canada, the United States. Australia and Europe.
, Golder
800° F.
tion Agency (EPA). Eneco
VANCOUVER (604)299-4144
cient for the oxidation to commence unaided, and the flame is shut off. The
This low temperature oxygenation creates no slagging of glass, aluminum foil and cans, tin cans or anything else. Accordingly, toxins and noxious gasses are well below the standards set by the
Gartner Lee
state. This Primary Chamber is then completely sealed air-tight and a flame
is introduced for a short period in order to begin the oxidation process. Thermocouples on the chamber walls advise when the temperature is suffi
Planning Implementation Monitoring
Tel:(604] 298-6623 Fax:(604]298-5253 Tel:(416]567-4444 Fax:(416]567-6561
Environmental/Occupational Health and Safety PROFESSIONAL CAPABILITIES:
'Workplace and safety audits
• Environmental Engineering •Training programs > Legal compliance/designated substances • Ventilation assessment/design • Air emission control > Air monitoring > Indoor air quality • Environmental audits • Noise monitoring and control •WHMIS > Asbestos
2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 111, Suite 301 Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1V9 Canada •(416)858-4424
Telex: 06-218242
Gore Sk Storrie Limited Consulting Engineers WASTEWATER • WATER •SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTES•DRAINAGE
255 Consumers Road, North York, Ontario M2J 5B6
Telephone (416) 499-9000 Fax (416) 499-4687 Ottawa 'Thorold • Barrie • Cambridge• Mississauga • Kingston • London
The new Isco 4150 Flow Logger pro vides maximum accuracy under the toughest open channel conditions in
cluding: submerged, full pipe, sur charged, and reverse flow conditions.
Patent pending Doppler technology allows the 4150 to directly measure average velocity in the flow stream. An integral pressure transducer measures depth of the liquid to determine flow stream area. The 4150 then precisely calculates flow rate by multiplying the flow stream area by the average velo city. The streamlined, low profile 4150 Sensor is easy to install in pipes, man hole inverts, and other open channels.
Hydromantis,Inc. □--CJ-HZ)
Consulting Engineers
1685 Main Si. West, Suite 302
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 1G5 Tel. (416) 522-0012 FAX (416) 522-0031
Water and Wastewater Engineering • Water Resources Modelling • Simulation • Integrated Computer Control
The sensor sheds debris and withstands
corrosive flow stream chemicals. And,
unlike electromagnetic probes, the 4150 sensor resists fouling caused by grease and oil. Nortech
For more information. Circle reply card No. 161
Expert Systems • Neural Networks
ISIJagger Hims mm
•Ilyclrogaalogy * Engineering Geology Geotechniccti Engineering * Geosynllxeiic Engineering Utl Audit & Sit*: Remediation
* Seioage System Design
'Industrial Mineral & Aggregate Resources NEWMARKET OFFICE
130 Davis Drive. Suite 210 Newmarket, Ontario Canada L3Y 2N)
274 Fourth Avenue, Unit One
Telephone (416) 853-3303
Teiephone (416) 687-1771
Fax (416) 853-1759
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
Environmental Consulting Engineers
Toll Free (800) 263-7419
St. Catharines, Ontario Canada
L2R 6P9
Fax (416) 687-1773 Toil Free (800) 668-2598
Product Review
Consultants Environmental Management Consultants
Reciprocating piston flowmeter features wide turndown
for Water and Pollution Control Projects == ■==
Brampton (416)459-4780 (416)459-7869 ■■
KItcliener Cobalt
(519)743-6111 (519) 743-3330 (705) 679-5979 (705)679-5750
Consultants Limited Consulting Engineers, Planners, Landscape Architects 220 Advance Boulevard, Brampton, Ontario L6T 4J5
Managing today's environmental issues. IEnvironmental Economics I Environmental Management Systems I Accounting I Disclosure & Financing Advice IPublic Policy ■ Assistance in M«feA Negotiations
I Due Diligence
IEnvironmental Audits
Model 682 Reciprocating piston flowmeter from Schlumberger features ac curacy of +0.1% over 200:1 turndown ratio.
It offers outstanding flexibility, wide turndown, and tbe ability to handle a wide range of viscosities witb accuracy.
Environmental Services Inc. PO Box 31, Commerce Court West, Toronto M5L 182 Tel: 416-777-3778 Fax:416-777-3364
Windsor, Ontario
FAX; (519) 966-5523
(519)680-3580 FAX: (519)680-3582
MacVIro Consultants inc. 7270 Woodbine Avenue, Third Floor • Morkham, Ontario. L3R 4B9 • Telephone: (416) 475-7270 • TeleFAX: (416) 475-5994
Consulting Engineers, Planners and Scientists, Specializing In ttie Environment
• Hydrogeology
MALROZ Engineering inc. 168 Montreal St., Kingston, Ont. K7K 3G4 let: (613) 548-3446 Fax; (613) 548-7975
Global flow probe
(Si 9) 966-2250
Circle reply card No. 162
• Waste management
Tbe Global Flow Probe is a bigbly ac curate water velocity instrument for measuring flows in open cbannels and partially fdled pipes. It consists of tbe protected TurboProp positive displacement sensor, coupled by tbe expandable probe bandie to tbe digital readout display. Tbe Flow Probe incorporates true velocity averaging for tbe most accurate
• Engineering geology
flow measurements, and is said to be ideal for storm water runoff studies,
• Environmental audits
well as ditcbes and sewers. Geneq Inc.
• Site decommissioning
measuring flows in rivers and streams as
Circle reply card No. 163
Groundwater samplers
& rehabliltatlon
Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited
Tbe new Solinst Bladder Pump pro vides samples tbat meet tbe bigbest EPA
standards for groundwater monitoring. Features include stainless steel and
Teflon construction, easy decontamina
Consulting Engineers Surveyors Planners
tion without tools. Gas driven DVP
Specialists In Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources TORONTO, EDMONTON
Burlington, Mississauga, Whitby
80 Commerce Valley Drive East Thornhlll, Ontario L3T 7N4
(416)882-1100 Fax: (416)882-0055
samples depths to 2,000 feet witb tubes as narrow as 14" in diameter. A drive-
point DVP enables sampling without a drill rig. to depths of 65 feet. Solinst Canada Ltd.
Circle reply card No. 164
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Product Review
Eurodrive enhances line of
Proctor & Redfern Limited
adjustable speed units
Consulting Engineers Architects Planners
SEW Eurodrive has announced signifi
Environmental Scientists
cant product enhancements to its line of
Varigear adjustable speed units. A double-cog belt design with notches
"Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution
on the inside and outside of the belt
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
increases belt flexibility, thereby increas ing the efficiency of the drive. The double-cog design also increases the running stability of the belt at oper ating speeds, leading to reduced slip
Wastewater Collection and Treatment Hamilton Kenora Kingston Kitchener London North Bay Ottawa St. Catharines Sauli Stc. Marie Sudbury Thunder Bay Windsor 45 Green Belt Drive, Don Mills, Ontario M3C 3K3 Tel: (416) 445-3600
Fax: (416) 445-5276
page and belt wear. In addition, the new
belt design features a molded profile with surface textile-fibre reinforcement,
further increasing belt durability. Conventional units use pulley halves that are balanced as a group,and gener ally only balanced at one set speed. Be cause pulley halves must open and close during operation,conventional balanc ing techniques can lead to noticeable
vibration during operation. In addition to design enhancements. Eurodrive now takes an additional step in balancing both pulley halves inde pendently. and at high speeds.
SEW Eurodrive
Consulting Engineers & Architects
For more information, Circle reply card No. 165
New graphical user Interface code-generation utility added to
345 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario L1V 1A1 Telephone 416-509-2285
Fax 416-509-1361
LabWindows® version 2.3
Environmental Consultants — Laboratory Analysis Industrial Expertise Since 1963 IMPACT STUDIES
121 HYMUS BLVD., POINTE-CLAIRE, QUEBEC H9R 1E6 TEL.(514)697-3273 FAX:(514)697-2090
THORBURN PENNY National Instruments announced the new Version 2.3 of its LabWindows au
Consulting Engineers
tomatic code-generating software for DOS instrumentation applications.The primary enhancement to LabWindows
• Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Systems • Instrumentation & Controls
• Environmental Audits • Water Resources • Water Pollution Control
Version 2.3 is the new user interface
• Environmental Planning
• Water Supply
CodeBuilder,an interactive prototyping and program-generation utility to help LabWindows users automatically design and build programs with graphical user
MILTON: Tel.:(416)875-2144 STONEY CREEK: Tel.:(416)643-8166 OTTAWA: Tel.:(613)247-0111
Fax:(416)875-2145 Fax:(416)643-8171 Fax:(613)247-0114
interfaces (GUIs). The new user interface CodeBuilder
automates the process of manipulating graphic panels and responding to events from these panels, overcoming many problems novice users had in getting started with event-driven program ming techniques. National Instruments
For more information, Circle reply card No. 166
Complete Environmental Service Water Supply • Wastewater • Needs Studies Environmental Assessment • Environmental Audits
Solid Waste Management • MISA
TEL.(416)668 9363 WHITBY FAX.(416)668 0221
hubicki associates
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Product Review
Consulting Engineers HEAD OFFICE:
^ I^
51 Townline, Orangevllle, Ontario L9W IVl Tel:(519)941-0330 Fax:(519)941-1830
• Environmental Audits • Decommissioning «& Clean-Up • Asbestos/PCB Management • Waste Management • Hydrogeology
Calgon Carbon's Vapor Pac activated carbon system, used for the removal of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) at air emission sources, has been redesigned to reduce pressure drop by over 20%. Reducing the pressure drop involved replacing existing bituminous coalbased granular activated carbon with larger 4x10 mesh carbon. The redesign reduces power needed for blowing air through the system, which results in a significant energy savings for users. The system Is especially useful for short-term projects and treatment of flows up to 1000 cfm. containing low to moderate VOC concentrations.
Head Office 1595 Clark Boulevard. Brampton.Ontario L6T 4V1
Consulting Engineers
Improved activated carbon system
Telephone (416) 793-9800 Fax:(416)793-0641
Boston»Cambridge*Chicago*Hamilton*London»Markham*Montreal»North Bay Ottawa»Oshawa*Sudbury»Timmins*Toronto*Thunder Bay'Winnipeg
UMA Engineering Ltd. Telephone;(416)238-0007
Calgon Carbon
Circle reply card No. 168
Positive displacement blowers for vapor extraction soil remediation process
VIBRON Consulting Engineers
Measurement, Prediction, Assessment, Expert Testimony Design and Specification of Controi Measures Road, Raii & Air Traffic, Manufacturing Plants, Industrial Processes, Landfill Sites, Quarries, Presses, Blasting
1720 Meyerside Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5T IA3 Tel:(416)670-4922, Fax:(416)670-1698 Waterloo (519)746-3415
(VOC)from contaminated soil.
During this process, air is injected into the soil via inlet wells. As the air
passes through the contaminated soil, it becomes laden with volatile organic chemicals and is drawn by vacuum into extraction wells placed in strategic loca
WILLMS & SHIER/BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Environmental and Waste Management Approvals Municioal Law, Land Use Planning and Development
tions at the site.
Occupational Health and Safety. Environmental and Civil Litigation
This VOC-containing air is then ven ted into the atmosphere or treated, de pending on the level of contaminants
4 King Street West, Suite 900, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3X2
Vapor extraction is becoming an increas ingly popular remediation process for removing volatile organic chemicals
(416) 863-0711 Fax:(416)863-1938
and Federal, state, and local environ
XCG Consultants Ltd.
Suite 904 50 Queen Street N
Kitchener, Ontario
519/741-5774 Fax 519/741-5627 N2H 6P4
Providing Senior Consulting Advice on Environmentai Matters Environmental
Engineering Consultants
mental regulations. Stokes Positive Displacement Blowers can be used both for injecting air into the wells and for creating the vacuum in the extraction wells. Because they are positive displacement blowers, their ca pacity varies little with differences in vacuum or pressure. And since they can be V-belt driven, the speed (capacity) can be changed easily by using different
Richard J. Rush
Stephen G. Nutt
combinations. Thus one blower can be
MASc, PEng Principal
MEng.PEng Principal
adapted to the varying requirements of different contaminated sites.
Stokes Blower
Circle reply card No. 169 52
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
Product review
Technologies Inc.
Micro-Ozonation :A patantad process rocess
plains the benefits of WhiteWater'" Air Strippers from QED Treatment Sys tems. Compact,low-profile units rapid ly remove a wide range of contaminants
direct injection of billions of highly reactive tiny ozone bubbles.
• Liquid and Dewatered Application. • Digester and Lagoon Cleaning. • Contract Facility Operations. • Spills Response & Industrial Wastes.
With a transportable system from EnvirOzone Technologies you coxild biibble away more problems than
those of contamination; the smells,
Mali — P.O. Box 60069
Oakvllle, Ontario L6M 3H2
tank winter heating and the long waits associated with other types of treatment, all could be gone !
Location — W.A. Johnson Resource
Management Centre
4449 Hwy #25, Oakvllle, Ont. L9T 2X5
Trycode, P.O. Box 1082, Samia ON. N7T7K2. Tel.:(519) 332 8959 Fax.:(519)332 4666
Circle reply card No. 211
Circle reply card No. 140
Plant Facilities & Mobile Services
DLAO I ALi BLASTAL COATINGS SERVICES INC. j ■ A i-t 0 n ^ )! Leaders in Quality & Performance"
cleaning Protective Coatings
'Sandblasting • Glass Baad * Alkyd Enamels * Epoxy Coatings • zinc ricm
Oiarlflers, Pipe, Tanks, Structural
Steel, Concrete, Small Parts
• Plastic Flame Coating
^/I O C /I 71 O
42 Taber Road, Rexdale Ontario
For more information, Circle reply card No. 141 SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS
Environmentzd Specialists Portable Test Equipment: pH, Turbidity Suspended Solids, O2, D(j, Conduotivity
2495 Haines Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Y1Y7,Tel (416) 277-0331, Fax (416) 277-2588
For more information. Circle reply card No. 142
from water. QED GroundWater
Circle reply card No. 188
Ultra-compact waste water sampler Epic's "new baby" makes light work of effluent monitoring. • Purpose designed 5 litre composite sampler for trade effluent monitor ing. • Ultra-compact design, lightweight and easily carried. It is only 345mm (dia)X 400mm(high)and weighs only 9Kg (including battery). • Maintenance-free battery takes over 1000 samples per charge. • Easy to operate with 9 pre-set pro grammes to meet the most common composite sampling requirements. • Optional plug-in programmer can be used to set up individual automatic sampling routines. • It is reliable, self-contained and wea
therproof. Cancoppas
Circle reply card No. 189
Wastewater Samplers Groundwater Sampling Level Control & Flowmetering Plant Air Clean Up
air strippers Free, 12-page illustrated catalog ex
lor the treatment of waste water
rby (J
Biosolids and Waste Utilization
Guide to effective
Specializing in testing of Underground and aboveground storage tanks
Nationwide service offered
through offices in Montreal, Toronto and Edmonton
2650 Meadovwaie Blvd., Unit 12A, Mississauga, Ont. L5N 6M5,(416)819-8811
Edmonton (403)963-9403
For more information. Circle reply card No. 144
New dissolved
oxygen analyzer A new microprocessor based, con tinuous monitoring dissolved oxygen (DO)analyzer has been introduced by Royce Instrument Corporation. Typical applications for the Model 9000/95 System include the continuous monitoring of DO in aeration basins, lagoons, digesters, lakes and water ways.
The digital instrument is fully auto matic with features such as: 0-99.9 PPM
DO range, push-button automatic cali bration. automatic altitude and chlori-
nity correction, and self-diagnostic electronics. Cancoppas
Circle reply card No. 190
/1uUjCtOuJ/i/ CORP. 7 High Pressure Water Jetting Liquid/Dry Vacuum Services
L '
Tel: (416) 438-6706
^ Fax:(416) 438-1521
Waste Water Treatment
Sponge Jet Cleaning For more information. Circle reply card No. 145 Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
nthrafilter Media & Cool Ltd. ao ewtp fiOAD,RlR.*6.8RAN1F0RD.ONTAOO N3T SU
ia;<5l9}?5M080 FAX:<519) 751-0617
Circle reply card No. 146 53
Product review analysis in programs such as Microsoft Excel® and Lotus 1-2-3®. Nortech
Circle reply card No. 181
1-10 horsepower Tornado aerator The Tornado from Aeromix Systems. Inc. is a high-efficiency, totally self-con tained. horizontal mixing, aspirating
shows not only the gas concentration, but also the units(ppm.%. mg/m3. etc). A bargraph shows current gas readings graphically and up to 13.000 readings may be stored in the history log. Nortech
Circle reply card No. 183
Tideflex™ Check Valves
Recent design modifications have in creased aerator performance and eased maintenance. Notable modifications in
Flow Data Collectlon and
Processing Software
clude the addition of: a special seal module, a splash guard cone, a revised motor mount with break-away design,
Flowlink Software allows flow rate,
and hash marks to indicate desired
rainfall, and sampling data from Isco 3200 Series Open Channel Flow Meters to be quickly and easily collected,stored and analyzed. The package operates on IBM PC or compatibles, and allows the user to ini
mounting angles.
tiate the transfer of data from remote
monitoring sites to a central computer using telephone or short haul modems, or collect data on-site with a laptop computer. Flowlink is ideal for:
• Routine industrial and municipal monitoring • Sizing sewers • I & I studies
• Non-point source runoff studies • Billings It can generate a variety of informa tive graphs and reports including daily and monthly summaries. Data can also be exported in ASCII format for further
aerator by 35%. without compromising its ruggedness. Suited for wastewater treatment and VOC removal, the Tornado aerator is
unsurpassed when it comes to reliabi lity. performance, and ease of service. Aer-0-Flo Environmental Inc.
Circle reply card No. 182
Infrared Analyzer ADC 7000 Series of Microprocessor controlled infrared analyzers offer userfriendly operating features for such di verse applications as monitoring:
all rubber check valve is de
signed for maintenance-free backflow prevention.The patented Tideflex Check Valve is available in sizes Vi to 90". in
slip-on. flanged and inline designs. Tideflex Check Valves are totally pas sive. have low headloss and seal on en
trapped solids with as little as 1 foot of
back pressure. The all rubber design of
the Tideflex™ will not warp or freeze and is completely maintenance-free. Tideflex™ Check Valves are used in a
• NO/NOx
• Sulphur Dioxide
• Methane
• Carbon Monoxide
variety of applications: sewage outfall lines, storm sewer lines, in-line slurry applications and are ideal for use on effluent diffuser systems.
• Ammonia
• Hydrogen Chloride
Neo Valve
• CFCs
• Carbon Dioxide
The large, backlit graphic display
Circle reply card No. 186
Advertisers' Profile
Aer-O-Flo Environmental Inc. Aer-O-Flo Environmental Inc. is a manufacturer and
supplier of a wide range of water and wastewater mea suring and treatment equipment in Canada and inter nationally. Clients include industrial firms with diverse wastewater treatment needs, as well as municipalities with water and wastewater treatment responsibilities. Aer-O-Flo's commercial success and international mar
keting attracted the attention of the CBC who featured the company on its prestigious Venture program. Aer-O-Flo Environmental Inc. advertised in the very first Environmental Science & Engineering magazine pub lished in February 1988.Since then, Aer-O-Flo ads have been featured in every issue of ES&E. Aer-O-Fio President, Harry Marshall says:"I find ES&E's articles are highly regarded by environmental pro fessionals. I also like its readership mix of municipal and consulting engineering staff along with industrial mana gers who have increasing environmental responsibili ties."
Harry Marshall
For all wastewater treatment needs, Aer-O-Flo En vironmental Inc. can be reached at 1175 Appleby Line, Unit B2, Burlington, Ontario L7L 5H9. Phone (416) 335-8944.
For advertising enquiries in Environmental Science
& Engineering Phone (416) 727-4666 or Fax (416) 841-7271.
For more Information, Circle reply card No. 187 54
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
Book ioifrL)^,lillplt space Todaif! SIXTH ANNUAL
Calgary Convention Centre f0
#240,4936 - 87 St„ Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5W3 Phone:(403)469-2400 Fax:(403)469-1398
Phone:(403)258-0705 Fox:(403)255-7404
For more information, Circle reply card No. 191 Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
WEF Highlights
California to host 66th WEF Annual
Conference & Exposition
Thelasttimethe WaterEnviron
ment Federation visited Cali
fornia was literally an earth shaking event — the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. The quake reached seven on the Richter Scale. No
one was injured from the Canadian de legation but we all returned with a heightened sense of Canadian camara derie. This year all the thrills can be experienced vicariously at Disneyland. Anaheim being the focal point of the 1993 WFF Conference. The Great Ca
nadian Ice Breaker on Sunday October 3 is another opportunity to foster cama raderie.
Registrants will love the exclusive party planned when the Federation has sole and unlimited use of Disneyland on Monday, October 4 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. WFF guests will be the only ones plunging down Splash Mountain, tra velling through space in Star Tours, and flying with Peter Pan in Fantasyland. Admission to the park is included for those registering for the Full Con ference. Additionally, tickets can be purchased through WFF for $20 — about a third of the regular cost.
Members of the winning team at the Ontario Operations Challenge who won the right to compete at Anaheim (left to right) Don Gervais, Lisa Bumbaco and Marcel Lafrenier. The Operations Challenge. October 5 will be a combination of five exciting events to test skills in pump main tenance.process control,laboratory pro cedures and safety — the winners will be
Facility Tours Delegates can choose from eleven dif- Irvine Ranch Water District — the ferent site visits of municipal and indus award-winning 15 mgd Michelson trial plants and examine waste mini Water Reclamation Plant. mization procedures,treatment and dis posal of contaminated groundwater. October 6 sludge management and recycling, Orange County Sanitation Districts and more.
Water Factory 21 and Green Acres Pro ject — A water recycling facility that County Sanitation Districts of Orange processes 10 mgd of secondary effluent County — Main Street Pump Station through chemical clarification, recarLos Angeles County Sanitation Districts' bonation. multimedia filtration, carbon Joint Water Pollution Control Plant absorption, and reverse osmosis for deep well injection in a sea water October 5 Stringfellow Treatment Plant — Once a barrier. liquid hazardous waste disposal facility, Hunt-Wesson — This large producer of this plant now treats an average of 6.5 canned tomatoes, ketchup, and tomato million gallons a year of contaminated sauces has reduced the volume of wastegroundwater. water produced by 50%. Carbon Canyon Wastewater Reclama tion Plant — This plant achieves strin October 7 gent effluent nitrogen removal limits City of Riverside — Water Quality Con with the unique biological nitrogen re trol Plant — The plant employs biologi moval process employed for treating cal nutrient removal and is converting biosolids recycling. to Parkson Panel aeration. October 4
Hyperion Treatment Plant — City of Los largest printed circuit board manufac Angeles — This plant features a co-gener turers in Orange County. California. ation system of gas and steam turbines Waste minimization systems include that continuously converts methane copper recovery, deionization. and gas. heat, and steam to produce electri cal and steam power. waste segregation. Diceon Electronics, Inc. — One of the
North American Champions. While the actual Conference begins
October 3 golfers could start off with a game at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. October 1 at 9 a.m. The $100 entry fee includes cart, green fees, lunch and prizes. Proceeds from the4person select shot tournament go to the Water Envi ronment Research Foundation. Details
Steve McNalley (909) 383-8612. But at the main event — WFF's 66th
Annual Conference & Exposition fea tures presentations by the world's ex perts on water quality issues, techno logy. and research, plus an opening ses sion that focuses on professionalism, ethics, and social responsibility in the water quality field. In addition, com panies will exhibit related products and services on
more than
140.000 net
square feet of space.
Speakers for the opening session on October 4 include Walter Block, mem
ber ofthe College of Holy Cross Econo mics Department faculty, radio and television commentator, and syn dicated columnist,and Margaret Maxey. professor of bioethics at the University of Texas and former president of the National Institute for Engineering Ethics.
Carol Browner, administrator of the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, also has been invited to address the
opening session. Lord Gathorne Cranhrook. chairman
of English Nature, an environmental protection commission in the United Kingdom, will speak at the Federation Luncheon on Tuesday. October 5.
Environmental Science d Engineering, September 1993
By Steve Davey*
Preliminary Program
Hazardous Waste Site Management Beneficial Use
October 2
Pumping Station Design Aquatic Criteria for Metals Information Systems Rotating Shift Work Wastewater Microbiology October 3 Industrial/Commercial Source Discharges
Collection System Management/ Rehabilitation
Groundwater & Hazardous Waste
• Laboratory Analysis • Management of Qdors and VQCs and
Managing Stormwater Impacts
Fate of Contaminants in Wastewater Treatment Plants I
International Trends
Water Reuse and Reclamation I: Policy and Planning Emerging Environmental Profession
• Innovative Concepts • Stormwater, NPDES and Pretreat-
• Full-scale BNR Experience/Plant Re-rating
Instrumentation, Control, and InformaSystems III Today's Wastewater Treatment Tech nology in a Nutshell Biological Nutrient Removal Physiochemical Treatment of Indus
ment Issues
• Advances in SSES
• Regulations • Nonpoint Source Toxicity Issues • Infrastructure Financing • Small Community Treatment Systems
trial Wastes
• Disinfection
Marine Water Quality Monitoring Wastewater Microbiology Base Bid Concepts
Selected Treatment Topics Monitoring/Planning from Agency Perspectives Management of Contaminated Soils
• Management of Qdors and VQCs and
October 4
Environmental Monitoring and
Environmental Effects
Aerobic Biological Treatment of
Sustainable Development
Industrial Wastes
Water Reuse and Reclamation II: Plan
Fate of Contaminants in Wastewater Treatment Plants II
For registration information phone 1 (703)684-2404.
Physical Hydraulic Modeling and
ning and Case Studies
Dear Steve:
SS Removal
Pollution Prevention
Construction Techniques and
Safety and Assessing Health Risks
Our Environment
Qperators Forum II
Abelated note to congratulate and thank you as well as other members of the "Davey Clan"and your staff for the pro
Landfill and Leachate Mangement Digestion Safeguarding Coastal Waters California Local Issues I
Public Education I: Teaching Kids and the Public
Natural Systems I: Innovative Uses for Sludge and Wastewater Treatment Instrumentation, Control, and Information Systems I
Surviving Organizational Change
duction ofthe 1993 Toronto Environmen
October 7 Attached Microbial Processes
Toxicity Reduction BNR Piloting and Modeling Pumping Station Qdor Control
Hazardous Waste Evolving Technologies Thermal Treatment
Advances in Site-Specific Water
Quality Permitting and Analysis Federal Facilities and Environmental
October 5
Multiphase Processes Anaerobic Biological Treatment of
tal Conference.
It was a sincere pleasure working with such an energetic group. The honesty and sincerity exemplified by your group during the production of this Con ference was a pleasure to experience. Thanks, once again, for an excellent Conference.
Sincerely yours, T.P.(Tom) McCaffrey President
Canadian Exhibition Management Inc.
Water Reuse and Reclamation III:
Case Studies/Qperation
Industrial Wastes
Biological and Chemical Phosphorus Removal
See us at
Sewer Rehabilitation: The State of the Art
the WEF Show.
Groundwater Treatment
Dewatering Lake and Stream Quality Techniques
Current Coastal Water Quality Issues California Local Issues II
Equipment Suppliers Specializing
Public Education II: Siting Facilities —
In Water & Wastewater Treatment
No Problem
Natural Systems II: Traditional Uses
Products Available Include:
For Wastewater Treatment
Instrumentation, Control, and Infor mation Systems II
Quality: Can We Manage It?
Bar Screens
Screw Conveyors Screening Press
Plate Settlers Belt Presses
Fiberglass Structures Composting Systems
Package Plants
Odour Control
Grit Classifiers
Oxidation Ditches
Sludge Centrifuges
Anaerobic Biological Treatment
Sludge Collectors
Wauklsha Pumps
Industrial Issues
Aerators RBC's Sand Filters
Chlorlnatlon Equip.
Vertical Lift Belt
Mussel Strainers Sluice Gates Slide Gates
Conveyors Package Wastewater
October 6
Biofilm Reactors and Hybrid Film/Floc Systems The Impact of CSQ Facilities *Steve Davey is President; Environmen tal Science & Engineering Publications
Pumping Stations
ARLAT INC. 44 Westwyn Court, Bramalea, Ontario, L6T 4T5 Tel;(416)457-1700 Fax:(416)457-1730
Inc. and a Director of the Water Environ ment Association of Ontario.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
For more Information, Circle reply card No. 192 57
Corrosion control
Corrosion control for ductile Iron pipe with polyethylene encasement
In 1664 King Louis XIV com
pipeline. If the rate of corrosion is im measurable over a period of time, that rate of corrosion is insignificant. It is
missioned a cast iron water main to
be constructed from Marly-onSeine to Versailles to supply water to the palace fountains and the town. This same cast iron pipeline was recen tly replaced after more than 325 years of
useful, then, to be able to analyze the environment into which a ductile iron
pipeline will be placed to determine its potential for corrosivity.
service, not because of corrosion, but
The rate of corrosion is a measure of
due to the need for greater flow capacity.
the amount of current leaving the metal at the anode. Faraday's Law tells us that the weight loss of a metal over time is directly proportional to the magnitude ofcurrent.The magnitude ofcurrent, by Ohm's Law. is directly proportional to the driving potential and inversely pro
This is not an isolated case. Some 19th
century installations are still in service today. And the Ductile Iron Pipe Re search Association(DIPRA)maintains a list ofsome 400 cities and utilities who have had cast iron mains serve them for
more than 100 years, and a growing list of those who have enjoyed at least 150 years of service.
As impressive as this is. there are utili ties that have iron pipelines that have suffered significantly from corrosion and have not been provided the kind of service life expected of our water pipe lines. Why the difference between King Louis XIV's cast iron pipe which lasted three centuries, and other iron conduits
which suffer adversely from corrosion? How can we identify potential problems and bring corrosion under control? We can begin to answer these questions by understanding the nature of corrosion, learning to identify corrosive environ ments and incorporating an effective and economical corrosion prevention system. In doing so. we can install duc tile iron pipe in practically any soil envi ronment with confidence that corrosion can be controlled.
The first step in controlling corrosion is to get to know your own system. Utili ties should keep good records regarding their water systems, to include under standing the difference between a pure ly mechanical break and one that re sulted from corrosion. By examining breaks one might be able to identify areas within a system where corrosive soils are present. For new installations in previously undeveloped areas, iden tifying potentially corrosive environ
ments before construction begins makes corrosion control a part of the design process, and helps minimize it as a maintenance problem. Therefore, it is important to know what causes corro sion to occur so that one might deter mine where to use polyethylene encase ment on ductile iron pipeline installa tions.
*Regionai Engineer, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Anjou, Quebec 58
Normand D. Agostinis, (right) with Denis Lapointe,1984-85 AQTE Presi dent. This article is based on a paper
given at the 1993 Association quebecoise des techniques de I'eau confer ence.
Corrosion is an electrochemical phe nomenon that involves a flow ofelectric direct-current and a chemical reaction. For corrosion to occur there must be an
anode and a cathode that are electrically connected by a metallic path and im mersed in an electrically conductive electrolyte. If any of these four con
portional to the resistance of the circuit.
Underground pipeline corrosion is usually galvanic in nature, and there fore generally driven by very small dif ferences in potential. This makes the corrosion cell current more controlled
not occur.
by the resistance of the circuit than by the magnitude of the potential. And the most significant effect on resistance bet
Underground pipelines can be affec ted by two forms of corrosion: galvanic and electrolytic. Galvanic corrosion is generally driven by some naturally oc curring dissimilarity that results in a driving electrical potential between the
fering character of the soils into which the pipe is placed. This helps explain why iron pipe in one location may last in excess of 100 years, while a similar pipe in another
ditions are eliminated, corrosion will
cathode and the anode. The connection of two dissimilar metals in a common
electrolyte,or placing a metal in an elec trolyte of uneven composition could re sult in such a cell. A dry-cell battery is one example of a galvanic corrosion
ween installations comes from the dif
location suffers significantly from cor rosion. Since circuit resistance is the
most important variable in controlling corrosion, we are interested in the resis
tivity of the soil and whether environ ments that support anaerobic bacteria
While there are many possible causes of corrosion, this should not lead one to conclude that corrosion on
underground conduits Is Inevitable are present. Resistivity is a direct mea
Electrolytic corrosion has the same components as a galvanic cell; however, the driving force or electrical energy comes from an outside source. Stray di rect-current from an existing impressedcurrent cathodic protection system can be a source of electrolytic corrosion. â&#x2013; While there are many possible causes of corrosion, this should not lead one to
conclude that corrosion on underground
sure of the soil's ability to conduct elec tricity and anaerobic bacterial activity tends to support corrosion cells by re moving polarizing films (thereby reduc ing the resistance at the cathode). With ductile iron pipelines, the pro cedure most commonly used to help identify potentially corrosive soils is the
10-point system described in Appendix A of the ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 Stan
conduits is inevitable because not all soil environments are corrosive to un
dard. "Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Piping for Water and
derground ductile iron pipe. The signifi cance of a potential corrosion problem will be dependent more on the rate of corrosion than on the theoretical possi bility that a corrosion cell exists on the
decessor. the Cast Iron Pipe Research
Other Liquids." "This system was origi nally developed by DIPRA's pre
Association, and has been in use since
1964. The evaluation procedure exam-
Environmental Science cfe Engineering. September 1993
By Normand De Agostinis, P.Eng.* ines five factors: soil resistivity, pH,oxi dation-reduction potential, sulfides,
ethylene encasement has been effec tively protecting millions of feet of cast
and moisture. It has been used to suc
and ductile iron pipelines. The success experienced with polyethylene encase ment led to the development of the first American National Standard for poly ethylene encasement in 1972 (ANSI/ AWWA C105/A21.5), as well as other international, industry and national standards. Polyethylene encasement is a globally accepted method of protect ing ductile iron pipe. Research by DIPRA has been exten sive and ongoing since the early 1950's at various test sites throughout the United States. The results have shown the longterm effectiveness of polyethylene en casement in all types of soil environ
cessfully evaluate conditions for more than 90 million feet of proposed pipe line installations. Should an environment be deter
mined to be potentially corrosive, there are several methods available to protect underground structures. For ductile iron pipe, polyethylene encasement has proven to be the most effective and eco nomical solution. It is a passive protec tion system installed at the construction site during placement of the pipe. The pipe is wrapped with a tube or sleeve of 8-mil thick loose polyethylene as des cribed in the ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5
Standard. The polyethylene acts as an un-bonded film preventing direct con tact of the pipe with the surrounding aggressive environment and effectually limiting the electrolyte available for cor rosion to the small uniform environ
Further evidence of the effectiveness
of this system is found in the many field investigations of ductile and cast iron pipes installed in corrosive environ ments and protected by polyethylene
ment between the pipe and the wrap. The exchange ofgroundwater under the wrap is inhibited by the weight of the backfill material and surrounding soil.
encasement. The oldest such installa
The result is that the corrosion reactions
cently examined in 1990. The pipe was
that do occur eventually deplete them selves through oxidation. The first experimental use of poly ethylene encasement was in the United States in the 1950's. Since then, poly
found to be in excellent condition, even
tion of polyethylene investigated is in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. The pipe line was installed in 1958 and most re
Where problems have existed,they have been due to improper installation tech niques and could have been avoided. There are many advantages to using
ductile iron pipe. Utilities that appre ciate these advantages for systems as important as those that convey potable water to their customers need a means of
protecting their ductile iron pipelines from corrosion.The objective should be to minimize extra costs that may be as sociated with a corrosion control pro
gram while providing an effective installation. The initial cost of poly ethylene as a material is very low. Polyethylene is easy to install and re quires no additional or specialized manpower at the site. The only place it can be damaged is at the point ofinstal lation and it is easily and quickly re paired. It is a passive protection system that does not deteriorate underground and requires no maintenance. The Ductile Iron Pipe Research As sociation has been studying corrosion through various test sites in the United States for the past 60 years. Based on over 40 years of combined research and field studies, polyethylene encasement
soil. Numerous other sites have been
has proved its effectiveness in corrosive environments and its economy over al ternative protection methods.
investigated in a variety of corrosive en vironments with similar positive results.
Circle reply card No. 255
after thirty-two years in a very aggressive
The Corporation of the Township
of West Lincoln requires a
The Project Manager will manage all aspects ot Phase IV of the remediation of the former Chemical Waste Management Ltd.
(CWML) Site In Smithvllle. Reporting to the Managing Board of Directors, you will manage all activity associated with remediation of the site and any surrounding lands which have been con taminated by the chemical migration from theslte. You will be res ponsible for containment of contaminants In the bedrock below the site and Initiate research and development activity at the site tor the
ultimate removal of chemical contamination.
Location; Smithvllle, Ontario Applicants for the position will have proven project management experience with a demonstrated ability and skills for negotiating complex agreements, In administration and communication, a sound knowledge of all levels of government and many years of related environmental experience. Extensive experience in the ma nagement of technical consultants and contractors, pilot studies and field research projects. Proven abllityto supervise staff, manage within a budget and substantial experience In relating to media, general public, special Interest groups and elected officials.
This Is a contract position. Initially for the period ending March 31, 1995,and extendable on an annual basis. Salary will be determined by qualifications. A detailed job description will be made available to those Interested by calling the number below. Applicants are asked to submit their application to the under signed by October 15,1993. Rob Mens, Administrator, P.O. Box 400, Smithvllle, Ontario LOR 2A0 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (416) 957-3346.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Edmonton, Alberta
Tel: (403)221-0200
Tel: (403)465-0251
TbI: (6041545-8998
Fax: (403)221-0213
Fax: (403)468-1410
Fax: (6041 545-5227
Vernon, B.C.
For more Information, Circle reply card No. 193
Drinking water quality
By Matt Uza and John Mills*
The facts about Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite commonly found in the waste of most mammals. Four spe cies are recognized; C.paruum is the major species responsible for cau sing cryptosporidiosis, a gastroin testinal illness, in humans and animals. Cryptosporidium oocysts (parasitic "eggs") are ingested and invade the intestinal tract where the
organism completes its life cycle. Oocysts are 3-5 microns in diameter and possess a tough outer shell which makes them environmentally stable. Oocysts are shed in the feces and transmitted via the fecal-oral route.
Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis linger for two to four weeks in heal thy people and include nausea,diar rhea and cramps. Cryptosporidium is similar to the Giardia organism, but it is more resistantthan Giardia
and about one-half the size. Cryp tosporidium is therefore harder to kill and more difficult to physically remove from water supplies than Giardia.
An outbreak of cryptosporidiosis *Ont. Ministry of Env. & Energy
was confirmed in late April 1993 in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The Mannheim W.T.P. and several infil tration wells were shut down and
the population was supplied hy the Region's deep well supply. There is no standard analytical method for cryptosporidium; results can vary significantly among labo ratories. A complicating factor is that current analytical methods do
red to have the greatest risk of con tamination. Municipal groundwater supplies are generally considered to be at much lower risk of contamina
tion than surface water supplies. Disinfectants such as chlorine and chlorine dioxide are not effective
in killing the oocysts;results ofongo ing ozonation studies are encourag ing. Therefore, most plants provid ing disinfection alone are at consi
not discriminate between viable and
derable risk.
non-viable oocysts. Due to the inhe rent problems associated with moni toring and analysis, continuous monitoring of a surrogate cryptos poridium parameter is required to ensure the safety of potable water supplies. Particle counting offers the greatest potential for surrogate monitoring. All surface water supplies are susceptible to contamination in varying degrees. Water plants loca ted on rivers are subject to fluctua tions in raw water quality due to rainfall events, and intensively farmed areas are the most likely sources of cryptosporidium. There fore, plants located on rivers drai ning agricultural areas are conside
treatment for water plants is physi cal removal of the oocysts hy coagu lation, flocculation, sedimentation
The most effective
and filtration.
The degree to which a plant is
properly operated and optimized largely determines its effectiveness against cryptosporidium. Typical measures may include source pro tection, intake shutdowns, continu ous turbidity monitoring, filtering to waste, elimination of hydraulic surges, optimized backwash proce dures, media inspections and elimi nation of backwash supernatant recycling. Excerpted from Ont. Section AWWA/ OWMA Pipeline
... somego zuitH tHefCozu, ... otfiers manage it; and then there are those who CONTROL it.
[Mueller Canadaj ^dve Seen CONTROLLING theflow ofwater to Canadiansfor over 80 years... 9(pt a[ot ofour competitors can say that. AWWA Valves â&#x20AC;˘ Century and Modern Centurion Fire Hydrants â&#x20AC;˘ Corporation Brass Products 60
For more Information, Circle reply card No. 196
Environmental Science cfe Engineering, September 1993
probably have G&S Plant Audits can save thousands
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If saving money is important
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This G&S Plant Audit confirmed that actual capacity was much
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Telephone (416) 499-9000, Fax (416) 499-4687. Offices in Ottawa, Barrie, Mississauga, Thorold, Cambridge, Kingston, and London
For more information, Circle reply card No. 140
Wastewater treatment
Greenhouse gases control brewery wastewater pH in BC
Early this year Delcan commis
sioned an underground pH control facility at Labatt Brew ing Company's New Westmin ster. B.C., brewery. The facility is the confluence ofseveral individual brewery process wastewater streams, and pro vides an opportunity to monitor total wastewater rate and volume from the
industry.The facility entraps prohibited wastes and affords sufficient detention
time to bring about pH correction. The Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD) has re cently enacted the Sewer Use Bylaw which requires a pH correction process before wastewater is discharged.In fact,
wastewater with pH {10.5 and pH )5.5 is prohibited. Specifically, wastewaters containing glass, paper labels, six pack retainers and other plastics, are pro hibited. The Labatt facility retains these in its twin mixing tanks, to be removed once a month by vacuum truck. In this facility,fermenter gas,occasionally sup plemented by pure COj,is diffused into the mixing tanks. The resulting car bonic acid combines with the typically high pH wastewater, and a reduction in pH occurs. Usually, pH as high as 14 is reduced to 10.5 or less.
What causes this extremely high pH? One major contributor in the plant is
the bottle washing process. To soak off
Generation of CO2 from batch fer
labels and remove residue from bottles
mentation follows a bell shaped curve.
to prepare them for reuse,a highly caus cycled, but there is a limit to the degree
The ordinate ofthe curve is CO2concen tration in the exhaust gas stream and the abscissa is time. Collection of CO2 for
of reuse. Residue such as labels re
carbonation of beer is done in the cen
moved from the solution creates a high
tral part ofthe curve where COjconcen tration and purity are optimum. Gases generated in the time periods when con centration is increasing and decreasing were previously exhausted to atmo sphere. These impure and variable con centration gas streams are now directed to the pH control facility. Before they are
tic solution is used. The solution is re
pH effluent as it is dewatered. As well,
when the brewing,fermenting and aging vessels plus interconnecting piping are cleaned in an automated process, high pH effluent develops. Also, low pH ef fluent is sometimes generated by acid washes. Proprietary cleaning com pounds containing phosphates are used extensively, and these create a buffering effect and resistance to pH correction. Pure carbon dioxide is necessary to supplement fermenter gas when the wastewater is highly buffered, has high pH and/or when the fermenter gas con tains insufficient COj to bring about correction. Although controlled addi tion of various acids is an alternative to
correct high pH,COj was the chemical of choice in the New Westminster
Firstly, it is a common commodity used for carbonation of the finished
product. Secondly,large volumes of fer menter gas which contain impurities, e.g. water vapour, were formerly exhaus ted to the atmosphere.
used, the main contaminant, water va
pour, must be removed. This is accom plished in a simple entrapment device which is installed in the fermenter gas supply piping upstream of the pH con trol facility. The entrapment device was engineered by Labatt and Delcan en gineers. It is comprised of an enlarged section in the pipe where gas velocity is abruptly reduced. Condensed water va pour drains away by gravity through a water filled U tube which maintains a
closed system.
How is fermenter gas distributed in the wastewater?
A lobe type positive displacement blower then pressurizes fermenter gas which is piped underground to four spargers.Two in each detention tank are constructed of PVC piping similar to well screens. In fact the usual applica tion of slotted PVC is for well screens.
Except for special seals, the blower is conventional, a type found operating at extended aeration sewage treatment plants. The seals are designed for the denser than air carbon dioxide. Sup plementary CO2 is distributed similarly except the 1,380 kPa plant supply has to be pressure reduced and regulated. Dis tribution is through four sintered type 304 stainless steel spargers. Fermenter gas and COj piping is all type 304 stainless steel. This material is used extensively throughout the brew ery. The corrosive nature of the wastewaterjustified its continuance in the pH control facility. Control offermentergas flow, supplementary CO2 and caustic addition(when low pH pertains) is ini tiated by one of two pH transmitters.
180 scfm 15 hp fermenter gas blower, motorized butterfly valves and COj gas sup plementary supply apparatus.
*Senior Project Manager with Delcan Corporation
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
By Bryan L Lemke, P.Eng. Rising pH sensed at the downstream end of the detention/mixing tanks re lays to motorized butterfly valves which modulate flow rates. The position oftwo such valves in the fermenter gas system controls pressure and keeps the blower in operation. As pH continues to rise,
fied and located concealed services.
intact, water services, gas services and
These techniques are invaluable in situ ations where record drawings are in complete. missing or questionable.This
600V electric duct banks. A further com
site, where brewing activities have been •••••-
carried out for over a century, is one of these situations. When services had
and fermenter residue are under con
been located and tributary piping was identified, designs were prepared for re-
GVS&DD fees for discharge of exces
devices then actuate a conventional
chemical feed pump which distributes solution
stream. Monitoring and continuous chart recording of pH at upstream and downstream ends of the facility shows its effectiveness.
The pH facility is only one compo nent of a wastewater management sys tem engineered for Labatt by Delcan. Prior to its construction,brewery wastewater. storm water and sanitary wastewater entered the combined sewer sys tem of the City of New Westminster via 17 separate connections. Only five of these were accessible for sampling and flow measurement. The balance were
identified and located by no dig tech niques.
Video inspection,dye tests and a com bination of dye tests during video in spectionare techniques
Here it is installed in 500. 600 and 700
mm corrugated steel casi ng pipes.These sizes and proximity of cross services added to the challenge.The contractor's greatest challenge was installing the main interceptor section during a one week shutdown period designed by the brewery. That section included the rail way spur which had to be dismantled and reinstated within the designated period. Study continues at the brewery to bring about reduced water consump tion.BOD5 and suspended solids reduc tion. Water conservation by recycling and reuse shows good prospects. Cap ture. storage and reuse of brewery pro ducts such as yeast,spent diatomaceous earth filter medium, spent grain liquor
the pure COj stream cuts in. Its control valve responds to the transmitter and controller modules. When pH ap proaches the lower limit (pH 5.5). all CO2 sources shut down. The control
plexity was its installation longitudi nally beneath 80 metres of railway spur.
typlcal pH recbrcf."
plumbing. Objectives were to divert and separate sanitary wastes, stormwater and cooling water from wastewater generated by brewery processes. Process wastewater was intercepted by new sewers which paralleled the combined sewers. The interception sys
sideration. In the
near future, the
sive amounts of these constituents will
be a major cost of doing business at breweries and at other industries in Greater Vancouver.
tem had to thread between services left
For more information, Circle reply card No. 260
TROJAN SYSTEM UV.:KXXJ Ultraviolet light Is the environmentally-safe alternative to chlorine for treating ivastewater, effectively destroying bacteria, algae and other microorganisms. Ultraviolet light eliminates chlorinated compounds and the need to monitor chlorine residuals - resulting in Increased operator safety and lower Insurance premiums. With over 700 UV systems worldwide, Trojan Technologies now offers Important advances with the Trojan System UV3000. • UV lamp modules with integrated solid-state power supply for reliability and easy maintenance. • Minimal power consumption. • Programmable controls to simplify operation and enhance performance. • Efficient new design virtually eliminates the need for buildings.
Discover all the benefits of the competitively-priced Trojan System UV3000.
Trojan Technologies Inc. 845 Consortium Court
London, Ontario, Canada N6E 2S8
Tel.:(519)685-6660 Fax:(519)681-8355
For more information, Circle reply card No. 129
Cover story
Wastewater pilot skid Is easily shipped anywhere In the world
4flif yov thought
Acryi methane elracchortde
roethyl Vinyl 2-Chlorotolucne mochloromethan Dibromomethane 3-Dichlorobenzen l-Dichloroethan ch oroethan
w :â&#x20AC;˘ .a-.s
New provincial regulations will Increase testing requirements hi for municipalities. 0.7 1,2-Dib
Enviroclean has served Ontario
2-Dichlord 4-Dichloreberi ichloroeihane 0
municipalities for 25 years. We deliver
ichloropropane 0 opropylbenzene 0 chloromethane chloroethene
the information
Aer-O-Plo's pilot skid is a 7'6" x
39'0" platform, mounted on
wheels and designed as a port
you need when
able demonstration unit.Three
you need it.
pieces of Aer-O-Flo's equipment, a Drumshear{a rotary fine screen), an Aer0-Float (a cavitation air flotation unit) and a Sludge Cannon (a sludge dewatering device) are mounted on this plat
t/ Drinking Water Analysis
form. hlo
t/ Sewer Use By-Law Monitoring
Chlor 9 Dibro 2-Dichloro 4-Dichloreberi ichloroeihane
â&#x153;&#x201C; MISA-STP monitoring
ichloropropane 0. opyibenzene 0.05 chloromethane 0.06
PCB Analysis ^ Full Service
Emergency Turnaround Certified by the Canadian Association of
Environmental Analytical Laboratories ENVIROCLEAN LABORATORIES INC. 921 Leathorne Street
London, Ontario, Canada
mounted on the skid. The skid is a self
contained,compact,but full sized work ing model of a typical system that AerO-Flo provides. On arrival, simply con nect to an electrical outlet, drop the effluent pipe into a drain and treatment can begin immediately. The skid was designed so that each piece of equipment can be operated in dividually, or in any configuration with the others.In a typical wastewater appli cation,the water would pass through the Drumshear first, where the largest solids would be screened out. It would then go to i\itAer-0-Float. where the finer solids would be floated out of the water. The
pH control is required because pH af fects how different solids flocculate.
Polymers and flocculants are added to make the fine solids hold together so they can be removed by the equipment. In order to accomplish this, the pilot skid has two mix tanks complete with mixers and pH sensors, and six chemi cal storage tanks complete with mixers and metering pumps. Three chemical storage tanks supply each mix tank,one each for acid and caustic (for pH ba lance) and one for polymer. The mix tanks are situated to provide chemical addition at virtually each step
of the skid's processes. The pH balance is available before and after both the
Drumshear and Aer-O-Float and poly mer addition is available before either
of these and into the sludge before it reaches the Sludge Cannon. With these different combinations, the pilot skid can offer virtually every combination of equipment and chemical addition that could be required by Aer-0-Flo"s
sludge from both of these could be com bined and pumped to the Sludge Cannon
N5Z 3M7
Telephone: (519)686-7558 Fax: (519)686-6374
where more water would be removed.By
the skid's dimensions allow it to be
isolating and combining this equip ment, seven different configurations are possible. Chemical conditioning is also in-
loaded into a 40' shipping container for shipment to anywhere in the world.
Toll Free:
Circle reply card No. 122 64
All ancillary equipment, such as chemical storage tanks, pumps, mixers, mix tanks, piping, wiring, etc., are
eluded in the pilot wastewater treatment system.The two types of chemical addi tion available on the pilot skid are pH balancing and polymer addition. The
The skid was designed to be portable;
Circle reply card No. 258
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 1993
Literature Review For information on advertising in this section caii ES&E at(416) 727-4666 pH Instrumentations
CSA Approved Fall Arrest System
Field & Industrial The Model 30WP is a portable pH Recorder in a glass reinforced poly ester case with hinged clear polycar bonate cover and complies with NEMA 1-2-3-4-4x12-13 require ments. A crystal controlled chart motor drive provides accurate chart timing and a gel type combination electrode encapsulated in 3/4" PVC nippied handle, provides a rugged sensing element. Rechargeable bat tery. Also available, pH and ORP sampling Meters, and RecorderControllers, indicator-Controiiers. Analytical Measurements Circle reply card No. 201
COBOL£SS pH Recorder
Certified to CSA standard Z259.1-
1976 Type 1 Ciass B, the MSU #3152 Safety Siide Rail System as sures worker safety. For use on towers, watertanks,chimneys and in deep underground structures, the MSU system has enduser benefits galore: Designed for use on ladders longer
than 5m;Ail aluminum rail attachesto
USU Mississauga Circle reply card No. 200
any type of vertical ladder or rungs; Attachment brackets fit any type of rung size or spacing; Patented tra veler operates smoothly(no slipping between notches).
Watertight Aluminum
Ultrasonic Level and Flow
Access Hatches
Specialist Brochure
The TYPE M Access Hatch is de
Magnetroi's Ultrasonic Level and
signed with the operator in mind.The watertight, gasketed drain channel keeps water out of underground structures — this is particularly im portant for drinking water reservoirs. The continuous piano hinges are at tached with vandal-proof, stainless steel hardware.Gas springs are sup plied with each hatch to assure easy operation and maximum safety. The Type M has a flush design — the operator is not exposed to any trip
Flow Specialist brochure is a 20 page, four color catalog which pro vides a method of selecting the cor rect level or flow control for your ap plication. A unique Feature and Se lection Guide shows the extensive
line of ultrasonic products available, both contact as well as non-contact,
with descriptions to assist with pro duct selections.
Magnetrol International Circle reply card No. 203
MSU Mississauga Circle Reply Card No. 202
Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment
plus Return on Investment
Grinder Pump Stations
plus Return on Investment
tion contracts for its anaerobic SBR
The Environment One Grinder Pump powers the low pressure sewer system providing wastewater stor age,grinding and pumping in a single unit. Utilizing small diameter sewer piping (32 mm-100 mm), shallow buried to the terrain contour, the Grinder Pump station can discharge the wastewater vertically more than 28 metres or move it horizontally up
technology for nitrogen removal,and
to 3.3 kilometres.
its new Covered Aerobic Reactor
Ontario Sewage Equipment Circle reply card No. 205
Low Pressure
Sewer Systems
PAYBACKS of three to five years, LOW O&M COSTS, and BiOGAS ENERGY are possible with the ADi-
BVF™ patented anaerobic reactor. The SPACE-SAVING tank type or the larger in-ground type are two popular
variations on the BVF'" system. ADi offers complete supply-and-instalia-
(CAR™)that will improve the perfor mance of aerated lagoons in cooler climates
ADI Systems Inc. Circle reply card No. 204 iEEE488antl^*
Data Acquisition and
i/XIbus Control, Data Acquisition,
Instrument Control Free 1993 catalogue of measure
fincl Analysis
Ad Index ADI Aer-0-Flo
Analytical Meas.
Anthrafilter Arcturus
54 54 21
Features new LabViEW software for
Big 0
Windows and Sun, and LabWin-
Campbell Sc.
37 54 35
dows. Describes IEEE 488.2 Inter
Can Ex. Man Can. Am. Ins.
ment and instrumentation products
for PCs, workstations, and more.
faces, plug-in data acquisition boards, VXibus controllers, DSP hardware and software, and signal conditioning accessories. Training
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12 67 10
Schlumberger SEW Eurodrlve Summa
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TWp. West Lincoln
FMC Gartner Lee GL&V Gore & Storrle
29 14 13 61
32 59
66 31 68 64
36 9
National Ins. Neo Valves
Eco Equip.
MSU Mississauga
18, 19
classes also detailed. Includes tu National Instruments
54 6 20 14 25
Groundwater Tech Hach Heath Cons. IPEX JWC
torials and glossary. Circle reply card No. 206
Tanknology Terratec
20 23
41 54 54 63 54 60
Western Water
Guest comment
By John Coomey*
Time now for free trade within Canada
While the North American
tors come into Ontario and undercut and secure contracts. The Ontario Gov
Free Trade Act dominates
ernment to date has done little if any thing,to stop this practice which prevents
the headlines,trade between
Canadian provinces is anything but free. It is often easier for Canadian environmental suppliers to sell and install equipment in the United States than in other provinces. While most provinces have some restrictive practices,non matches Quebec's restric
Ontario contractors within their own
province, from securing some lucrative jobs that are undercut by Quebec con tractors.
Earlier this year. New Brunswick toughened its policy against Quebec construction companies and labourers. New Brunswick,in fact,copied Quebec's
The Ontario Pollution Control Equip ment Association has been vigorously working to reduce trade barriers bet ween the provinces. I commend the work done by some OPCEA Directors for their work in bringing this problem
laws so that Quebecers in most cases,are shut out from bidding on Government contracts.
The Federal Government is involved
John Coomey
to the attention of both the media and
our political leaders. Restrictions are not even in Quebec's
interests in the long run. Economic his tory shows that protected manufac turers ultimately stop being competitive; that short term gains become long term pain for both the manufacturers, their
communities ployees.
ultimately, em
There is also the matter of fairness.
The construction industry in Quebec has laws and regulations ensuring Quebecers are given priority for jobs. Other provinces state this acts as a barrier to construction
*Preslclent, Ontario Pollution Control Equipment Association
Quebec. On the other hand, Quebec contrac-
in this procedure and has known about this situation as have all the other pro vinces for many years, but nothing has been done. Everyone is stalling, pro bably because of political reasons; no one ever wants to hurt people in Quebec and possibly lose votes in an election. This practice is absolutely ridiculous and hurts each and every Canadian in directly by allowing one province to ob tain contracts in Ontario without a re
ciprocal arrangement for Quebec. On a broader issue, the same thing applies to other products. Beer is a good example, and wine from B.C. where taxes are levied interprovincially. How can we talk about free trade with other countries when we ourselves in
Pipes, flanges, valves and fittings can be buried — but not forgotten. Corrosion will attack, and repairs can be costly. So protect your valuable assets with Densyl Tape and Profiling Mastic. It's long-lasting protection that's easy to apply. • No abrasive blasting • No special equipment or training
Canada are not practising what we are preaching? It is obvious to everyone that nothing will happen before we have another Fe deral Election. IfPrime Minister Camp bell fulfils her promises of reorganizing the Conservative Party and looking into misdemeanours such as the interprovincial tax situation (regardless of poli tical votes), then we might be getting somewhere. The
OPCEA attended a meeting recently in a
Deputy Minister's board room in To ronto with a Trade Policy Branch to dis cuss interprovincial trade barriers. The report we have received back is that no thing is going to happen overnight.
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For more information, Circle reply card No. 123 66
Environmental Science & Engineering. September 1993
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For more Information, Circle reply card No. 147
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For more information, Circle reply card No. 148