Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine (ESEMAG) May 1996

Page 1

ENVIRONMENTAL Canada's top award-winning environmental magazine

Official 1996 Toronto

Environmental Tradeshow Guide

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May 1996

FOR A SAFE ENVIRONMENT CALL US! Turbidity/Suspended Solids Analyzer and Sensors

Blanket Level Detectors No moving parts, no

The Royce Model

maintenance, no re-

7011 Suspended Sol

calibration required.

ids Analyzer provides

Reliable micro-proc

reliable, continuous

essor based electron ics.

operation in waste treatment plants, riv

Continuously moni

ers, lakes and other

aqueous systems. A user friendly text

tors and controls in

terface level in tanks.

screen provides menu

Numerically displays interface depth in feet, meters or per centage of total tank depth, Displays either

driven setup. The in strument will read in

depth of interface or distance from surface to interface. Graphically displays full-depth interface profile on panel-mounted LCD graphical display. Trending Capability.


• Waste Treatment

• Any tank with a liquid/solid

• Petroleum

• Pulp & Paper

Parts Per Million

Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers


• Mining

either milligrams per liter or density per centage and is auto-ranging. With features that include insitu calibration, automatic color compensation (Patent

Pending), true microprocessor operation, and automatic ambient light compensation (Patent Pending). The Model 72 sensor is for low ranges commonly experienced in ef fluent streams (0-500 mg/i). The Model 73 submersible sensor is for medium ranges typically found in aeration basins (0-30,000 mg/L). The Model 74 in-line sensor is for higher ranges, such as WAS and RAS line applications (0-

Microprocessor-based dissolved oxygen analyzers with features such as automatic cali bration, self-diagnostics, stepped current output control, low cost multi-channel electronics, and low maintenance self-cleaning probes. Four chan

nel conversion available. Request Bulletins 9010/ 9040 and 94.

80,000 mg/l).

Circle 250 on Reader Service Card

Circle 251 on Reader Service Card

Circle 252 on Reader Service Card

Amperometric Chlorine Residual Analyzer

Portable Instrumentation for pH, ORP, SS, Interface Level and DO

Continuous Monitoring For Gas and Fire

These Battery operated port able Analysers are rugged, water-proof and completely submersible. They are de signed for reliable remote op eration in Waste Treatment

Plants, rivers, lakes, etc. The

Model 500 pH/ORP is avail able with an assortment of

Sensor styles. The Model 900 PPM DO System with the reliable Royce Model 95 galvanic DO Cell, and Model 711 Portable Suspended Sol ids/Interface Analysers are ideal for remote monitoring in

. Check these features:


Economical (uses inexpensive food grade

^ vinegar/non-hazardous buffer) [3

Wide Operating Range

, (.001 ppm to 100 ppm)

13 Low IVIaintenance

^ (self cleaning cell) [3

aeration basins, short term


W' '

Easy to Install

diurnal studies and laboratory applications. Each product features digital readout, microprocessor based electron ics with self-diagnostics. Ail models except for the 711 have analogue and RS232 digital outputs.

The Crowcon Gas Monitor is a Microprocessor controlled Gas Detection System designed in a standard 3 U (5 1/4") 19" Eurocard Rack. The Gas Monitor operates with Crowcon's and other Manufacturers' Gas Detectors, includ

ing infra-red and Gas and flame detector Sensors. Gas Monitor has a data logging facility which provides for con tinuous recordings of Gas levels. The System is supplied with self-installing supporting Software which operates In a Windows environment. Please ask lor details on

Crowcon's Portable single and multi Gas Detectors. Circle 255 on Reader Service Card

Circle 254 on Reader Service Card

Circle 253 on Reader Service Card

Automatic Liquid Sampling

Effluent Sampler

Sludge Sampler

Wherever it's Needed The EPS 1021 Effluent

Sampler is designed to extract samples of liq uid from an open chan nel or tank and deposit them in either a single composite container or sequentially Into an ar ray of 24 X1/2 litre con tainers for subsequent retrieval and analysis. Typical applications; ■ Crude sewage • Settled sewage • Final effluent

• Raw sludge • Most industrial

EPS 1021 Effluent Sampler To MISA Specifications


Circle 260 on Reader Service Card

Wide Range of Applications



The Epic 101 IT program mable portable wastewater sampler provides

from a sludge holding tank via the tank wall. The machine

represents the only really prac

tical method of acquiring sludge samples on a regular

cost effective automatic

sampling to assist In monitoring municipal

basis and is unique in its abil

ity to sample sludges contain

and industrial waste-

water. A general purpose unit designed to extract samples of most liquids including crude sewage and even some sludges from an open source and to deposit them Into a container or sequentially into an array of 12 or 24 separate containers for sub sequent analysis.

ing a high level of non-homo

geneous suspended solids. Typical Applications: • Anaerobic digester feeds/ contents/outputs • Mechanical dewatering device feeds

• Road tanker loading/dis EPS 1030

Sludge Sampler

Circle 261 on Reader Service Card

charge terminals • Sea tanker loading terminals • Consolidation tank feeds


Circle 258 on Reader Service Card




The EPS 1030 Sludge Sampler is designed to extract samples of sewage sludge from a flow ing pipeline or alternatively


For more information, circle reply card No. 259(See page 33)

April/May '96 Vol.9 No. 2 Issued May, 1996

iSSN-0835-605X President STEVE DAVEY Editor and Pubiisher TOM DAVEY Associate Editor SANDRA DAVEY

Sales Manager PENNY DAVEY (905) 727-4666


The good, the bad and the ugly, Editorial Comment by Tom Davey


is it time for risk assessment and management to take on a larger role?... 16

Western Canada and

Western US Rep. RON CANTON (604) 274-3849 Office Manager DENISE SIMPSON Sales Rep. COLLEEN DAVEY Cirouiation VIRGINIA MEYER Publistier's Asst. KATHLEEN CARIGNAN

Technical Advisory Board

is there a parallel with the O.J. case and environmental prosecutions?


Good news for bad smells - odour neutralization with essential oils


Environmental auditing tools


Water-based system cleans auto parts without using VOCs


Debating FOB Options

24 - 27

Robert B. Baker, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates

Jim Bishop MDS Dr. Pierre Beaumler

NOVAMANN (Ontario) Inc. Alan Church, C.Chem. Church & Trought George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. CH2M Gore & Storrie Ltd. Dr. Howard Goodfellow Goodfeiiow Consultants Ltd.

The economical way to examine your thermal remediation options


An open letter to Moe Sihota, EC's Environment Minister


Why life's a bleach (The Sodium Hypochiorite Story)


ISO 14000: A Systems Approach to Environmental Management


Federal and Frovinciai Ministries are active in developing innovative treatment and optimization projects


Methods of NAFL detection and measurement in monitoring wells


Rod Holme, P.Eng. Proctor & Redfern Ltd.

Don Kemp, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.

Enhanced settling trials using Ballasted fioccuiation for water treatment


MacViro Consultants

Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng., DEE

Canadians underestimate $31 biiiion workplace accident costs


No technical reasons for continuing Ontario's ban on incineration


Zebra and quagga mussels continue to wreak havoc on the Greak Lakes ecosystem


incineration: A real waste management option since iWA cancelled


Biofiim can make septic systems more effective


Ontario gold mine meets new EA requirements


R.V. Anderson Associates

Dr. Earl Shannon, P.Eng. CRA Consultants

Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi-montfiiy business publication pub lished by Environmental Science & Engi neering Publications inc. An ail Canadian

publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and industrial environmental control sys tems and drinking water treatment and dis tribution.

ES&E's readers include consulting engi neers, industrial plant managers and en

gineers, key provincial and federal envi ronmental officials, water and wastewater

treatment plant operators and contractors.

Official 1996 Toronto Environmental

Tradeshow Guide - Exhibitors, floorplan,

workshop topics/speakers


Canadian Publications Maii Sales

Product Agreement No. 18197 Second Class Mail


Registration No. 7750

Ad Index


Printed in Canada, by Web Offset Publi cations Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without writ ten permission of the publisher. Yearly subscription rates: Canada $45.00 for one year, $80.00 for two years, $25.00 per single issue; cheques must accompany subscription orders. (G.S.T. extra)



All advertising space orders, copy,artwork, film, proofs, etc., should be sent to: Envi ronmental Science & Engineering,220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3V6, Tei; (905)727-4666, Fax:(905) 841-7271.

Literature Reviews Product Review

Date Pad


R&D News

Industry Update


Reader Service Card

63, 64, 90 40, 84-94 59-62 33

Our cover story. This month's cover features Laidlaw Environmental Services' high-temperature hazardous waste incinerator, located at the company's Lambton Facility near Sarnia, Ontario. Operating at temperatures in excess of 1,300 de grees Celcius, the incinerator treats about 65,000 tonnes of waste annually. The inset was taken at the 1995 Toronto Environmental Tradeshow and Environmen

tal Compliance Workshops. Information presented in ES&E is collected from a variety of sources presumed to be accurate and complete. ES&E cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information presented. Readers are encouraged to contact authors, agencies and companies directly for verification and/or clarification. Material in ES&E only conveys information and should not be considered as legal or professional advice.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Concrete pipe's survived it ail.

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Then the Romans sought nothing more than a hot bath. Fortunately, the ancient designers used concrete in Rome's famed aqueduct system, the Cloaca Maxima. Still in

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Concrete Pipe...Here to Stay For concrete pipe manufacturers in your area, contact:

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For more information, circle reply card No. 247(See page 33)

Editorial Comment

By Tom Davey

The good, the bad and the ugly

TheMedia has profoundly

How media coverage can profoundly influence environmental policies

influenced environmental issues and even small items

in local papers can influ ence events. In 1968,1 saw a three inch newspaper report on the environ

ministers in Canada in those days. When I suggested to Mr. Greene that the environment was now so impor tant, that perhaps it was time for a Ministry of the Environment to be created, Mr. Greene dismissed the

detergents turned out to be extremely ethical and fair-minded. They simply asked for space to put their own point of view in a subsequent issue and expressed gratitude when this was

idea. He said that the resources


mental impact oflaundry detergents, given to high school students by Philip Jones, then a professor at the Univer sity of Toronto. He warned that the detergent phosphates could be acceler ating the process of eutrophication — the natural aging process of water

ministry was adequate to deal with ecological issues so there was no need for a Minister ofthe Environment. He was dead wrong. It was not too long afterwards, that I was interviewing Jack Davis, Canada's fust Minister of


the Environment while Joe Greene

make laws—a thousand times more

difficult to repeal them. While Dr. Jones certainly played a powerful role in the detergent phosphates issue, in shaping public opinion, it must be noted that many other scientists did fine research work which impacted on

article in Water and Pollution Control

the amendment to the Canada Water

magazine, quoting Dr. Jones' view that ifthe federal government would restrict the amount of phosphates in detergents, the natural aging process of water bodies might be slowed, even reversed. This magazine had quite a

Act, restricting the amount of phos phates permitted in laundry detergents. The article did not go unchallenged. The highly respected Maclean Hunter magazine, Research and Development, responded with a cover story "Did we hang phosphates without a trial?" I knew both the journalist who wrote the story and his editor quite well, and greatly admired the powerful impact of

which would enable

politicians, bureaucrats — even joumalists — to tmderstand eutrophication. The resulting publicity

wastewater, there could be a case to

remove the ban on detergent phos phates as the removal facilities would be no more costly to operate. But it will never happen. It is very easy to

ascended to the soporific bliss of the

Day ofthe Triffids. Meanwhile, an issue which had begun with a three inch news clipping in a local paper, had developed into an international story which certainly influenced the Minister responsible for

mental professionals, hardly the right medium to change the affairs ofstate. But, I had decided to put in a summary ofthe article

Now that sewage treatment plants do remove phosphorous from

Senate. Provincial ministers of the

During a later interview. Dr. Jones said that even well designed and operated sewage treatment plants at that time did not remove phosphorous and that the environmental impact of laimdry detergents could be substan tially reduced simply by restricting phosphates in domestic laundry detergents. Following our meeting,I wrote an

small circulation-less than 8,000and was circulated only to environ

tions involved in the manufacture of

environment then began to sprout across Canada like an environmental

the federal actions. Dr. Jones later

headed up a new environmental engineering school at Griffith Univer sity in Queensland where he died in 1994. There is a twist to the nutrient

removal capabilities of modem sewage treatment facilities. Worthy of note is that an industrial wastewater from

steel making-once thought to be an

industrial waste — has proved very effective in removing phosphorous from sewage wastes. I was present at a meeting where a Globe & Mail reporter noted that he had

While Dr. Jones certainly played a powerful role In the detergent phosphates Issue, In shaping public opinion, It must be noted that many other scientists did fine research work which Impacted on the federal actions.

amazed Dr. Jones and the

publishers ofthe magazine. The article was widely quoted across Canada and had some spillover in the United States. Dr. Jones appeared on television, was profiled in magazine articles, invited to address a congres sional hearing in Washington, as well as the International Joint Commission.

Some ofthe celebrity status even spilled over on to me. I was invited to meet Joe Greene, then Federal Energy and Resources Minister in Ottawa. Strange as it may seem, there were no environment

the article and its imaginative graph ics. In my humble opinion, I think they did a better journalistic job than I had done—certainly they threw in the substantial resources and considerable

talent available at Maclean Hunter.

But by then, my article and the subsequent cross-Canada coverage, had established momentum in the

flywheel of public opinion. Awareness had been made, opinions formed, and concems about our lakes had been

firmly established. I should mention that the corpora

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

seen tanker trucks dis

charging their contents at a Toronto sewage treatment facility. He voiced his suspicion that this was an industrial waste from the

steel mills being dumped. I was happy to inform him that this was almost certainly ferric chloride (iron salts) which should not be viewed as a waste, but as a beneficial process chemical, which was helping to rejuvenate our lakes. It was rather nice to see his haughty suspicion replaced by bewilderment and even a fleeting moment of humility. Much ofthe news coverage of environmental issues has been danger ously incompetent. A classic case of the news media creating news, rather than reporting it came about when a

Editorial Comment, cont'd. shipload of Canadian PCBs arrived in

we have records on factory workers

London for incineration at a treatment

who had immersion contact with

facility in Wales. PCBs had not been an issue in Britain at that time and the

PCBs for decades gives reliable exposure data on humans. While

ship had arrived from Canada and

there have been chloracne cases

docked without incident.

that PCBs were a controversial issue in

reported from PCB exposure, not one death has been directly attributed to this chemical. I am not saying that PCBs are benign; they are indeed

Canada. With that the grunge media,

toxic. But this chemical has never

Then a Canadian journalist casually mentioned to two London reporters

the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat. Surely the Gulf War did not need any 'moral'justification by such blatantly fabricated propaganda? Yet a gullible media unquestioningly bought this story which was replayed many times world-wide as an example of Saddam's brutal treatment of Kuwaitis.

An even more contrived farce came

the UK tabloids,

later when the last of

stopped feeding off the Royal Family momen tarily to erupt with

the 640 oil well fires

banner headlines

there was no doubt that it was the retreat

was extinguished in Kuwait. This time

warning of the Cancer Ship then docked in

ing Iraqi troops who


the Thames. Activists,

quick to respond to this journalistic mischief, then affixed

had set the wells

a skull and crossbones

ablaze, causing an eco catastrophe of global proportions. Billow ing smoke, lurid

to the side of the ship.

flames, heroic fire

workers, their finely

fighters and pathetic birds struggling in oil

honed reflex actions

slicks, all combined to

British dock

for spontaneous industrial actions

already in place,

make dramatic

Greenpeace protesters rapelling on this BC skyscraper predictably made head lines. Many political events have been shaped by such spectacular stunts, rather than scientific reasoning. ES&E photo by Steve Davey.

refused to unload the

vessel. So, instead of disposing of the PCB wastes in a facility especially designed for the task, the ship was forced to return across the stormy Atlantic like a vessel carrying the plague. British workers lost both the jobs and economic benefits of the project — in a country with three million unemployed. After a 6,000 mile return trip which certainly combusted tonnes offuel which would negatively impact on the environment, Canadian demonstrators became violent when the vessel

attempted to dock at Bale Comeau, which was then Brian Mulroney's riding. Perhaps this was divine retribution for earlier prime ministerial patronage when the port facilities were upgraded. Inaccurate media coverage has often been expensive for Canadians. All too often it has produced unwar ranted fears following news reports driven by entertainment values, rather than ecological significance. In some cases, government reaction to these reports have resulted in actions which proved costly both to the environment and Canadian taxpayers. From an epidemiological point of

warranted the media hysteria it generated. Ironically, there have been thou

television. But TV's

voracious appetite for spectacle required

additional cosmetics.

sands of lives saved because of the

long-lived fne retardant properties of PCBs used in transformers and other

electrical equipment which requires stable, non-flammable coolants. Indeed there is a growing tendency by the news media to create and stage news events, rather than report them.

The last desert fire had acmally been extinguished days earlier. After the site had been cleaned up, the fire was acmally relighted so the epic event could be extinguished for posterity. As for the oil-covered cormorants pitifully struggling in the slick? Well, certainly there were a lot of wildlife casualties but at least one

avian species shown on TV was not

One notorious case involved contrived

native to the Middle East. One

pickup truck fires on the NBC Net work when toy rocket engines were ignited by radio to cause gas tank fires

engineer I met who had visited Kuwait, suspected the dying bird footage was probably culled from stock footage from a tanker spill

in truck collision tests. Viewers were

unaware that the spectacular scenes of burning trucks were in fact contrived, not actual tests performed to assess automotive safety. Then there was the Hill and

Knowlton affair. This huge PR firm was a key player in the story where Saddam Hussein's troops were reported to have brutally taken sick babies out of incubators which were

shipped to Iraq. Only after the war was over did the story emerge that the

tearful testimony of the eye wimess testifying in Washington was actually a contrived affair. The 'wimess'

view, few chemicals have been

testifying before a congressional

monitored as well as PCBs. The fact

committee was later discovered to be

months earlier.

Thomas Jefferson, the third US President, was acutely aware of the need for legislative checks and balances and the power of the media. He wrote "IfI had to choose between living in a world without newspapers or governments,I woidd choose the world which had newspapers." If the principal author of the Declaration of Independence could now see how today's news media impact so power fully on political decision-making, he might wonder if we live in a world governed by the news media. Based on a guest lecture, Trent University, February 1996.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


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Date Pad May 1 & 2, 1996. Air & Waste Manage ment Association, Ontario Section Work

shop,"Incineration; Assessment ofthe Burn ing Issues". Toronto, ON. Contact: Jody Sabo,(416) 232-1435. May 2 & 3, 1996. Ontario Chapter, Solid Waste Association of North America, 1996 Annual Conference, "Partnerships Coming Together — 1996, '97 '98". Markham, ON. Contact: Richard Moskal,(905) 791-7800, ext. 4403, fax: (905) 791-2398, Region of

May 29, 1996. Air & Waste Management

Munich, Germany. Contact: (416) 2916359, fax:(416) 291-0025. May 13 - 16,1996. Waterloo Plume Course, "Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Groundwater". San Francisco, CA. Con tact: (519) 836-3102, fax:(519) 836-3381. May 28,1996. Air & Waste Management Association, Quebec Section, "Congres annuel. Conference sur les substances

Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. Contact: Erika Alexander, (905) 468-7681, fax: (905) 468-

toxiques". Montreal, PQ. Contact: Robert Auger,(514) 393-1000.

June 16-19,1996. WEF Specialty Confer

Association, Quebec Section, "Seminaire sur ISO 14000". Montreal, PQ. Contact: Pierre Bellavance, (819) 372-9353. June 4 & 5, 1996. The Friends of Fort George Symposium, "Design and Operation of Constructed Wetlands in Cold Climates".



May 29, 1996. Ontario Water Works Asso

ence, "Urban Wet Weather Pollution —

May 7 - 11,1996. IFAT 96. I Ith Interna tional Trade Fair for Waste Water and Dis

ciation Spring Workshop, "Distribution Problems and Solutions". Mississauga, ON.

Controlling Sewer Overflows and Stormwater Runoff. Quebec City, QC. 1-800-

posal, Sewage, Refuse and Recycling.

(416) 252-7060, Fax:(416) 252-3908.


June 20 & 21, 1996. Fourth International BOM Conference, Waterloo, ON. Contact

Leah Richards, University ofWaterloo, (519)

Technology Works!

888-4567, ext. 2851, fax: (519) 746-7499. June 23 - 27,1996. American Water Works

Association, Annual Conference & Exposi tion. MetroToronto Convention Centre, ON. Contact: AWWA, (303) 347-6159, fax: (303)

In Advanced Ultrasonic Level And Flow

Measurement And Pump Control


June 23 - 28,1996. Air & Waste Manage ment, 89th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Nashville, Tenn. Contact: (412) 232-3444, fax: (412) 232-3450. June 23 - 28,1996. International Associa tion of Water Quality, 18th biennial confer ence. Singapore. Contact: Jenny Ong, RAl Exhibitions Singapore Pte Ltd, (65) 2722250, fax: (65) 272-6744.

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For more Information, circle reply card No. 248

Industry Update Kelowna and Banff

Nova Scotia now has solar sewage treatment

decide on full

water metering All 11,200 residences in Kelowna, B.C. are

to go on full water metering. The city had budgeted $4.25 million for the metering pro gram, but decided instead to call for "Priva tization" proposals. Acontract was awarded in late 1995 for the successful bidder to in stall and read the meters for an annual fee of

$664,000 starting in 1997. The 5-year con tract is renewable for at least two more 5-

year terms, and the city has the option of purchasing the equipment at the end of the first 5 years. In Banff,Alberta,$500,000 will be spent on installing meters in every residence and business. Full implementation is scheduled for 1997. In addition, the town is spending $67,000 to have conservation devices in stalled in each home.

Left to rigfit. Frank f/toir, Executive VP Proctor & Redfern; Brenda Elliott, Minister of Environ ment and Energy; and Tom Davey, Publisher Environmental Science & Engineering, at the official opening of the SOLAR AQUATICS™ Wastewater Treatment facility at the Ontario Science Centre.

Bear River, N.S. now has Canada's first solar aquatics wastewater treatment plant. The award-winning project attracted many visitors this winter. The 13 by 20 metre glass green house includes banana trees, tanks of aquatic plants and an engineered marsh, all of which transform sewage into water. An article on Solar Aquatics was published in the Nov. '95 issue of ES&E.

Two Canadian iabs

go international ASL Analytical Service Laboratories Ltd. (Vancouver,BC)along with Indonesian part ners, have formed a joint-venture company (P.T.ASL Indonesia)to establish an environ mental services business in Indonesia. The

new company is building a "state-of-the-art" laboratory facility near Jakarta. The official


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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circle reply card No. 189 (See page 33)

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Industry Update announcement of this joint-venture was made in Jakarta on January 17, 1996 to co incide with the visit by Jean Chretien and seven Premiers. NOVAMANN International Inc. has

completed a joint venture with bel, a labora tory operation in Slovakia. The new com pany has been renamed bel/NOVAMANN. NOVALIMS is being converted for opera tion in laboratories in Brataslova and Nove

Zamky. This is the second major interna tional development for NOVAMANN, the first being Mexico.

Indoor alergy alert: take charge now The U.S. Institute of Medicine of the Na

tional Institutes of Health(IMNIH),says one out offive Americans will experience an al

lergy-related illness at some point during their lives, and indoor allergens will be re

sponsible for a significant share of these cases. Moreover,4,000 people die from al lergy-related asthma each year, which is an increase of 33 percent over the last decade. As the weather gets colder, people tend to spend more time indoors with windows sealed shut. "This increases the build up of

indoor allergens such as particles from dust mites, cockroaches, rodents and certain chemicals, as well as mold spores and ani mal dander, which is dead skin and dried saliva of pets," explains Alan J. Goodman,

M.D., an allergist in private practice in New York and New Jersey. Some have theorized that one ofthe pos

sible reasons for the steady rise in childhood asthma, a severe form of allergic disease, since the 1970s, may be the increase in en ergy efficient buildings which allow little exchange of outside air. This, coupled with the increased amount of time spent indoors, causes an increase in exposure to indoor al lergens. Dust mites are the biggest cause of aller

covering air conditioning and hot air vents with electrostatic air filters all help to keep the air relatively free of allergens. For more information on indoor aller

gens, contact Lobsenz Stevens or Karen Reina at(212)684-6300, ext. 311.

N-Viro commissions

first Canadian plant

gic reactions in the home. A member of the spider family, mites thrive in warm, humid

The first N-Viro facility in Canada has been installed by the Town of Leamington, On tario as part ofa major upgrade in the plant's sludge management system. The process

conditions. Nearly 100,000 dust mites can

ing facility is also the first to come on-line

live on one square yard of carpet and thou sands share your bed and bedding every night. The culprit for allergic reactions is a protein found in their minuscule waste pel

with N-Viro's latest technology, which uti lizes mechanically assisted drying as an al

lets. One mite can produce about 20 ofthese droppings in a single day! Mites can survive vacuuming because they stick to surfaces. Vacuuming may re move mite residue, as does washing. How ever, only washing items in temperatures greater than 130-F,extended exposure to sun

light,low humidity(below 30 to 50 percent) and freezing temperatures can destroy the mite. Mites also cannot crawl through spe cially treated fabrics or plastic. In addition, filtering the air with HEPA(High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, vacuuming with ma chines that feature HEPA-type filtration and

ternative to their traditional method involv

ing air drying the product in windrows. This technology offers several advantages to the Town, including a smaller footprint, an en

closed process facility, and a reduction in the drying time required from three days to thirty minutes.

The facility will process the sludge from the town plant as well as an H.J. Heinz plant operated by the Town, which together pro duce up to 70 wet tonnes per day during peak production periods of the H.J. Heinz can nery. Leamington's new facility provides a socially acceptable alternative to the old management method of direct land applica tion.

continued overleaf

DryVac™ Clarifiers are designed for superior liquid/solid separation suitable for discharge


0% MOISTURE WITHOUT A SLUDGE DRYER! Call DryVactm to retrofit your existing press or for a complete engineered system. Find out how our technology eliminates the need for gas driers, air permitting and high maintenance costs, while producing solids

Dry solid material

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800^992^9113 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more Information, circle reply card No. 191 (See page 33)


INTRODUCIIMGl Industry Update Under the new plan, waste activated sludge will be dewatered and processed through the N-Viro conversion technology, blending it with alkaline reagents which re act with the remaining water in the sludge to raise pH and the temperature of the mixture to pasteurization levels. This provides for

Toronto to host 1996 AWWA conference

the destruction of harmful bacteria and vi


ruses to protect public health, hut allows the survival of natural soil bacteria, which give the material its true, soil-like characteristics. The dryer incorporates a controlled tempera ture air environment,removing excess mois ture and ammonia while preserving the argronomic value of the product.



The 1996 American Water Works Associa

recommended for

tion Annual Conference and Exposition will

... an even more EFFECTIVE

be held in Toronto, June 23-27.

alternative to



No giardia cases in the region have ever been linked to drinking water, but a $396,000 consultant's study for the Greater Victoria


Water District has recommended a $13 mil


a iniMmL

lion ozonation facility to reduce the likeli hood of giardia in their unfdtered water sys tem. The study concluded that the current chlorine-ammonia disinfection process was inadequate to deal with potential giardia outbreaks. The consultant's report has been


referred to the Capital Region District Medi cal Health Chief.

The technical program has been geared to present the latest information on water quality, regulatory activity, research ad vances, management concerns,groundwater and surface water treatment, safety, conser vation, privatization,customer relations, and many other important topics, in addition to a world-class selection of papers. Exhibitors will display their latest inno vations, products and services in the world's largest annual exposition of drinking water industry products and services. Contact: (416) 252-7060, or fax:(416)252-3908.




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foi^informations omthis economical alternative,


Grease control problems

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Inquire for areas of distribution For more information, Circle reply card No. 291 (See page 33)

Industry Update Bottled water falls tests 1 In 6 times

viding greater certainty, this policy will en

use of this tool," she said.

courage companies and individuals to con

tinue to develop and use environmental evaluations," Mrs. Elliott said.

Under the new guidelines, the govern ment may request voluntary disclosure of evaluations during investigations. If a re quest is denied, a Judicial Inspection Order

According to documents released to The Vancouver Sun in mid-February, 15% of bottled water samples tested by Health Canada in the 1994-95 fiseal year did not eomply with current federal health standards. Health Canada refused to make public the brand names of the products that failed to meet standards, stating that such informa

of conditions.

ing emergencies involving a serious risk to

"Self-evaluations help protect the envi ronment while serving as a valuable man

human health or the environment.

tion was confidential. Vancouver's Medical

agement tool for business. Clear and fair

Health Officer noted that the bottled water

rules for access to the information contained

test results put public concerns about the city's tap water into perspective, especially when heavy rains increase the turbidity. "IVe don'tfail 15% ofthe time", he said.

in environmental evaluations encourage business and other seetors to make greater

The Canadian Bottled Water Association

puts the blame on non-member eompanies. The association is working with Health Canada to eomplete improved bottled water standards, due to be issued in 1996. Ironi

The new guidelines clarify the confiden tiality ofthese evaluations. The ministry will not, as a matter of course, request them and will only seek access under a specified set

or a Search Warrant is required. The gov ernment may only obtain environmental evaluations without an order or warrant dur

Businesses — including industrial, com mercial and agricultural operations—can use evaluations for many purposes, including risk assessment, compliance verification, management reviews and property dealings.




cally, Aids Vancouver eonfirms that people with poor immune systems turn to bottled water because they believe it to be safer than tap water.

In related news,it was reported that Japa nese officials recently pulled 45 brands of bottled water from the country's shelves, 13 of which were Canadian. Samples of the products contained mould, germs, and bits of insects, plastics and plants. Source CWWA Bulletin

UK government targets excessive leakage



Waste water slurry being fed Into a Derrick Flo-Line screening machine.

Some 20% of water losses in Britain are

blamed on leakage in water distribution sys tems. The UK government is contemplat ing mandatory leakage targets for privatized water companies. If the problems persist, Ofwat, the financial regulator for the water industry, and the government will order leak age targets.

IThe 'environmental demands,'which are .'xurrently being placed on corporations and municipalities to control B.O.D. (Biological Oxygen Demand) discharges ■and reduce in-plant treatment costs, have

The Drinking Water Inspectorate, Ofwat, and other agencies, will work together to at

Idfeated a tremendous need for efficient,

tack this problem. They will monitor the performance of water industries to make sure that environmental obligations are being met. The government's concern comes as a

reduce waste water solids concentra

result ofthe water shortages faced by the UK due to the excessively dry summer. It is thought unlikely that the situation will im prove during the winter and spring seasons.

New MOEE policy on self-Initiated environmental evaluations Ontario Environment and Energy Minister Brenda Elliott has released guidelines set ting limits on government aceess to infor mation contained in self-initiated environ mental evaluations. These evaluations are

internal reviews used by eompanies, institu

reliable and cost effective equipment to

Recovery of processed, carrots from a waste water streaiyi ysipg Derrick

tions. Derrick Corporation, with over 40 0.43MM urethane years of fine screening experience, is now . ; capable of offering this equipment tech- "I

: nology to the waste water industry ^ 'Worldwide. Through utilizing the Derrick ^"'f .•i"Flo-Line" screening unit design, high fluid •capacities can be effectively handled at

,very fine screen mesh openings. This i-llequates to fewerfjiverall units required JctUfi . . . . "

.. ■■j. '.sTri.T'

'. ■r.

.L- .r.:


pvery of waste




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tions and individuals to determine how their

activities affect the environment. "By pro

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circle reply card No. 269 (See page 33)


Industry Update Evaluations can provide opportunities to reduce liability as well as to assess and improve environmental performance. The ministry's Policy and Guideline on Access to Environmen tal Evaluations v/BlS developed after extensive consultation with other industry, legal and environmental groups, and other government agencies. Copies of Policy and Guideline on Access to Environ mental Evaluations (PIBS #3199e) are available at the Ministry of Environment and Energy's Public Information Centre in Toronto at 135 St. Clair Ave. W., tel: (416) 323-4321, residents outside

recipient countries for projects that aim to protect the global environment. The facility alone will commit US $2 billion to projects over the 1994-1998 period. The $2 million Canadian Consultant Trust Fund will be used by the World Bank to bring

Canadian technical expertise to bear in identifying, preparing and appraising projects financed by the Global Environment Facility.

Concrete Butterflies

Toronto can call the centre toll free at 1-800-565-4923.

Federal government announces

global consultant trust fund The federal government will contribute a total of $2 million to establish a special trust fund at the World Bank that will allow Canadian companies to participate in projects to improve the global environment, Environment Minister Sergio Marchi an nounced at Globe '96 in Vancouver, March 26, 1996. The Canadian Consultant Trust Fund, established following consultations between Minister Marchi and Pierre Pettigrew, Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsi ble for La Francophonie, will be financed with SI million each from Environment Canada and the Canadian International De

velopment Agency (CIDA). The federal government's contribution to this fund will en sure that developing countries can benefit from Canada's stateof-the-art environmental knowledge and technologies, which can contribute to resolving global environmental problems such as climate change, ozone layer depletion and loss of biological diversity. The funding is to be used for preparatory work related to projects financed by the Global Environment Facility, a finan cial mechanism that provides grant and concessional funds to


Butterflies and concrete pipe would seem to have little in common but at an environmentally sensitive project in Niagara Falls, On tario, they will both share the same facility. Butterflies will be the residents ofthe new Butterfly Conservatory owned and operated by the Niagara Parks Commission. When completed, the Conserva tory will be an indoor parkland facility, with rolling hills and walk ing paths. This facility is located adjacent to the Niagara Parkway near the Botanical Gardens. It is scheduled for opening late sum mer this year. Concrete pipe is used as the ducts for the air exchange system that will provide the special environment needed to raise butter flies. The air ducts are buried underground and installed vertically as well as horizontally. They range in size from 525 mm to 1500 mm internal diameter.

About 80% of the concrete pipe supplied to the project were special pieces. The remaining 20% was straight pipe. Special pieces included bends, reducers, tees and straight pipe in non-standard lengths ranging from 0.3m to 2.21 m. (Most sewer pipe jobs consist of about 85% straight pipe and 15% special pieces). Also needed were varying lengths of vertical pipe called stacks, that ranged in length from 0.445m to 2.206m tall. The stacks are the air outlets from the landscaped parkland. Eventually,the stacks will have grates with boulders placed over them to blend the outlets with the sur rounding landscape. New pipe designs were also needed for the project. The toler ances for the pipe layout required a very high degree of accuracy. Engineers at Waterloo Concrete worked closely with the contractor to ensure that the required tolerances were achieved. Some pre-engineered pieces were produced for delivery within one or two days of date of order. Joe Duarte, C.E.T., Waterloo Concrete Products

The Ozone Advantage

McMaster to be world water leader

Reliable and inexpensive oxidation inactivation of cryptosporidium and other parasites while providing multiple log re

The Federal government has approved $5.25 million in funding to wards a new McMaster University-based UN University Interna

duction of bacteria and virus. Hankin Atlas Ozone Systems Limited in association with Wheelabrator Water Technologies - Microfioc Products

690 Progress Avenue,#12 Scarborough, Ontario M1H3A6 Tel:(416)439-7860, Fax:(416) 439-6806


For more information, circie reply card No. 270 (See page 33)

tional Network for Water, Environment and Health. The centre is evidently poised to become a major UN marketplace of ideas for water problems the world over. The centre is expected to bring in S10 million in contracts annu ally with as many as 300 scientists across southern Ontario institu tions involved. The network includes 9 other universities. The centre will be located at either McMaster or the Canada

Centre For Inland Waters, and will orchestrate its university part ners in projects in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Project costs will be shared by the centre, the host country, private sector inves tors, and major funding agencies such as the World Bank. Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

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Risk Assessment/Management

Is it time for risk assessment and

management to take on a larger role?

For more than 20 years, the process

of quantifying risks ("risk assess ment") and then considering the results before choosing a course of action ("risk management") has been promoted as an important approach to managing environmental issues. Despite frequent use elsewhere(notably in the United States), risk assessment and risk management (RA/RM) have been used sparingly in Canada.

This situation may be changing. In the last couple of years, environmental regula tors in several provinces have shown a grow ing acceptance of RA/RM techniques. For example,the option ofderiving site-specific clean-up criteria on the basis of a risk as sessment is part of the guideline for manag ing contaminated sites proposed by Ontario Ministry of Environment and En ergy. Similar options appear in the Remediation Guidelines for Petroleum Stor

age Tank Sites drafted by Alberta Environ ment and the Contaminated Sites Regulation

proposed by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.

Another strong indicator of increasing support comes from the private sector where growing numbers oforganizations and com panies are choosing to use RA/RM as a means of responding to questions about risk from other stakeholders (i.e. potential part ners, members of the public, unions, inter nal directors, etc.) even when regulatory

agencies are not directly involved in the is sue being assessed.

*Angus Environmental Limited

Risk assessment (RA) is the process of estimating the probability of detrimental or

centrations of multiple chemicals of inter est, in several environmental media ofinter est, at all of the receptor locations of inter

undesired effects to human health or to the


environment. In the context of environmen

Risk management (RM) refers to the process of deciding how to react to the find ings of an RA. Risk managers usually must

What is RA/RM?

tal issues, the source of the risk typically is an activity or condition that results in a chemical being released into the natural en vironment where it can come into contact

with receptors(people, plants, or animals). The probability that an effect will occur is a function of factors that include the con

centrations of the chemical that the receptor encounters, the magnitude and frequency of contact, and the potential for the chemical to cause effects. Contact often is estimated

using mathematical models since it is imprac tical or even impossible to measure the con

consider other factors in addition to the re sults of an RA. These factors can include

costs, social expectations, technological ca pabilities, etc. Trying to strike a balance among factors not easily compared to one another makes RM a highly judgemental exercise.

Why Is the Role of RA/RM Growing? Several reasons underlie the growing ac ceptability of RA/RM. It offers a way of analyzing situations and identifying where









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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

By Brett G. Ibbotson, M.Eng., P.Eng. the primary risks lie. The results can be used to focus resources on the larger risk sources and not be diverted by minor risks. This also


means that RA/RM can be used as an alternative to some traditional

approaches to environmental issues that are becoming increasingly difficult or costly to implement. For example, unilaterally requiring that generic clean-up guidelines be met at all contaminated sites has resulted in some sites being left unremediated and under utilized. On an almost daily basis, we are reminded that the resources are not available to be so overly conservative and simplistic. Potential Applications The numerous ways in which RA/RM can be used to evaluate environmental issues and help people make management decisions are illustrated by the following five examples: 1. To Set Priorities or Trigger Response - Results ofan RA can be used to set priorities for action (i.e. you can choose to address the highest risk items first); and/or be a trigger for action (i.e. you can decide to take action when a risk is estimated to exceed a pre-determined level).Example:The owner ofa chemical manufacturing com plex was about to enter into a partnership. The future partner was interested in knowing how likely a clean-up might be needed for a specific chemical identified in a pre-transaction site assessment for which generic criteria have not been established. RA was used to estimate potential health risks to on-site workers and the nearest neighbours. Low risk estimates suggested there was little need for clean-up.


...unilaterally requiring that generic clean-up guidelines be met at all contaminated sites has resulted In some sites being ieft unremediated and under utilized. 2. To Demonstrate that Risk-related Issues have heen Consid

H No Product Seals - No moving parts in product

ered - Regulatory agencies, company directors, unions, or other stakeholders may ask for an RA as part of the information that they want to review before concurring with certain activities. Example:

zone. Only hose contacts product.

In the Toronto Port Industrial District, much time and effort will be

required to remediate widespread contamination in the subsurface. The Ontario MGEE concurred conditionally with the proposed re development ofa site into a materials recycling centre provided that an RA showed that subsurface conditions would not pose unaccept able health risks to the workers. The RA showed that risks were

acceptable and construction proceeded. 3. To Assess Claims of Harm or Undue Risk - By quantifying risk estimates, RA can be used to evaluate the validity ofclaims that can come from neighbours to a site, workers at a site, or other property owners. Example: There are many instances where materials such as liquid fuels and solvents have migrated onto neighbouring prop erties from leaking storage tanks. Neighbours can claim undue health risks, loss of property value, loss of property use, etc. An RA can be performed to estimate the probability of the released material being

H One Moving Part - Rotor alternately compresses and relaxes specially designed, resilient hose. Sliding friction minimized by liquid lubricant In the housing.

I Self-Priming - Boasts a 28 to 30-ft. lift. H Runs Dry Safely - No detrimental effect from running dry. Can function as a vacuum pump.

H High Capacities - Eight models available; flow capacities of.1 through 250 gallons per minute.

H Meters as it Pumps - Linear output, with commercially available pulse generators and pickup to count shaft revolutions, It's a metering pump.

H High Pressures - Performance up to 220 psig. H Ideal for Abrasive Slurries - Handles abrasive slurries and corrosive acids with minimum wear

the cause of undue health risks.

H Low Downtime;Low Parts Cost - Pump

4 - To Aid in Setting Objectives and Criteria - RA can be used to calculate concentrations ofchemicals in the environment or leaving

failure Is self-contained; optional hose failure switch shuts off motor Easy hose replacement. No critical adjustments.

a source that correspond to selected risk targets. Lifetime risks in the range of 1 x 10'^ to 1 x 10"'' have been used to set environmental criteria for some chemicals. Example: The Ontario MOEE has in corporated RA/RM into recent decisions such as revised environ mental criteria for lead,and a drinking water guideline for n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). An RA is part of the process used by the MOEE to propose new soil and ground water criteria in 1994. A risk-based approach has been used by Alberta Environment to de velop remediation guidelines for petroleum storage tanks.

5. To Compare the Relative Effectiveness of Options or Strate gies - The process of deciding how to address some environmental issues may include a stage where it is necessary to identify a pre-

HI Send for Catalog & Prices Waukesha/Bredel



Fluid Handling A United Dominion Company 611 Sugar Creek Rd. Delavan, Wl 53115 U.S.A. 414-728-1900 • FAX: 414-728-4320

Contlnued on page 19 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circle reply card No. 194 (See page 33)


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For more information, circle reply card No. 195(See page 33)

Risk Assessment/Management, cont'd. ferred option or strategy from among a list ofcandidates. It is common practice to com pare candidates on the basis of cost, timing, and ability to meet objectives. RA can be


• Lack of scientific consensus - Differences

didate would reduce risks. The results then

ofopinion between "experts" as to what con stitutes appropriate assumptions, procedures and interpretation of results can undermine the credibility of an RA/RM.

can be used to rank the options in terms of

When Should RA/RM Be Used?

used to estimate the extent to which each can

absolute reduction of risks or combined with

Like all problem-solving techniques or

cost information to estimate risk reduction

tools, there are some circumstances that fa vour the use of RA/RM, and others that

per unit of cost. Typically, the rate of risk reduction tends to diminish as spending in creases. At a certain point, costs become excessive for the incremental risk reduction

being achieved and strong arguments can be made for using the resources in other ways to reduce risks. There are few Canadian ex

amples to illustrate this application, but it has been used frequently in the United States.

In Ontario, the MOEE Is being asked to spend greater effort evaluating the cost-effectiveness

Hurdles to Overcome at RA/RM

of regulations and

Projects Virtually all RA/RM projects must over come numerous hurdles. Three commonly


encountered hurdles are:

• The inevitable learning curve - It can take considerable effort to get others (e.g., regu latory agencies, clients, stakeholders, etc.) familiar and comfortable with RA concepts, procedures, strengths and weaknesses. • Communicating RA/RM results - The sci entific training and experience needed to prepare an RA can also act as a barrier when the assessor needs to describe the results to

others who do not have similar training or

weigh against it. Table 1 presents ten key questions that can be used to determine how well suited RA/RM is to specific projects. All things being equal, the potential for applying RA/RM to a specific situation should increase in proportion to the number of favourable responses it generates; how ever, one unfavourable response, if suffi ciently important, can eliminate RA/RM from consideration. Conversely, one favour

able response may outweigh several unfa vourable responses in some cases. The real merit of the questions is that they provide a glimpse into the prospects for success while the RA/RM is still in the planning stage. Conclusions

RA/RM appears to be emerging from a period in which it was used sparingly in Canada for managing environmental issues. This shift towards greater acceptability of RA/RM likely stems from its ability to keep efforts focused on the larger risk sources and not be diverted by minor risks. This is criti cal since the resources no longer are avail able to be overly conservative. Supporters of RA/RM may also contend that it is a part of, or at least compatible with, the "Common Sense Revolution" that vari

ous governments are advocating. In Ontario,

the MOEE is being asked to spend greater effort evaluating the cost-effectiveness of regulations and decisions. Agencies in other provinces are likely to undertake similar ex ercises. This plays to an intrinsic strength of RA/RM. While RA/RM should not be seen as

some form of panacea for environmental management issues, it is important to be fa miliar with the strengths and limitations of RA/RM, and to be able to recognize when conditions are favourable for its application. For more information,

circie repiy card No. 197

TABLE 1: Ten key questions when considering whether to use RA/RM 1. Will key stakeholders accept a course ofaction that is based on the results ofRA/RM? If one or more key stakeholders cannot (or will not) move forward with a plan based on the results of an RA/RM, there may be little

point in pursuing such an approach. Similarly, stakeholders who are pre-disposed against a project inevitably can find points to criticize in a RA."Yes" is the favourable response.

2. Do you think that RA/RM could substantially lower the cost of resolving the issue at hand? The bigger the potential costs or savings, the more likely people are to consider non-traditional management options including RA/RM;


Yes is the favourable response.The degree ofconfidence that can be placed in RA results is raised if site-specific data are used in place of generic assumptions about receptors and environmental charac teristics.

7. Are "background" exposures sufficiently high that they could be used to argue against any additional exposure? Background exposures ofchemicals may be equal to or greater than those associated with "acceptable" risk levels. Examples include arsenic, benzene and some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons."No" is the favourable response,

therefore "Yes" is the favourable response.

h.Are thefate and toxicity ofthe chemical(s)ofconcern well known? Yes is the favourable response. Chemicals that are poorly under stood may require extensive reviews of published literature, field studies, or lab studies. 4. Are there characteristics ofthe environment that make chemical

fate or behaviour difficult to model? Examples of environmental characteristics that make chemical be haviour difficult to model include irregular or discontinuous sub

surface stratigraphy, complex terrain, lakeshore effects on air move ment, variable water table, etc."No" is the favourable response. 5. Are any ofthe receptors ofconcern at off-site locations? When this is the case, the risk assessor may have to address difficult issues such as how far from the source does the RA need to "look"?

How many receptors are located within that distance? Could chemi cals of concern reach large numbers of people via communal water supplies or food sources?"No" is the favourable response.

6. Can assumptions be replaced by or augmented with site-specific Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

8. Is it known how "acceptable"risk will be defined? Yes is the favourable response. Proponents may favour a less strin gent definition than that promoted by receptors, their representa tives, or regulatory agencies. The degree of difficulty in reaching consensus is likely to increase in proportion to the number of stakeholders who participate.

9. Will several stakeholders have roles in determining what consti tutes a sufficiently conservative approach to assessing risks? No is the favourable response. Making modelling assumptions and choosing receptor characteristics can become contentious. The po tential for this can increase if stakeholders have differing opinions as to what constitutes "reasonable" assumptions and characteristics. 10. Is time available and a process in place for getting key stakeholdersfamiliar and comfortable with the RA and the RM op tions being considered? Yes is the favourable response. RA/RM concepts and findings can seem daunting to the uninitiated. People often balk at things they don't understand.


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Guest Comment

Is there a parallel with the O.J. case and environmental


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technical people in the Ministry some times did not have the backing of their

(inlcuding Cost/Benefit Analysis) disk.

supervisors or directors in their branch or division, nor their technical concurrence before collaborating with the Investiga tions & Enforcement officers (I & E) to form a "basis of claim". Some cases re

mind us of Detective Lang in the O.J. case

Centrifuges have applications in many industries. Chemical

Recovery of chemicals, solvents, and catalysts Clarification of liquids Classification of pigments

Separation of two immiscible liquids

who said, "I've got twelve convictions recently on less evidence than this one". Some Ministry prosecutors in Ontario have been spoiled by the lack of defence of the charges by many corporations who felt they could not afford to challenge

Itshould have been obvious during the O.J. Simpson trial that an accused with

A large number of parallels can also be drawn with the laxity of the coroner in the O.J. case, as well as the sloppy field

defend himself in that system. While some feel O.J. was "only getting off because he is rich", it really points out

least one case, for instance, in a farm run

playing field somewhat. The LosAngeles

the accidental discharge of pig manure to a rural ditch would be injurious to trout and cause severe aquatic damage. These claims were made on the basis of estimated un-ionized ammonia calcu

D.A.'s office has access to the resources

of some 9,000 lawyers, as well as all of the various backup systems.

water for portable water treatment Thickening of waste activated sludge

techniques of the criminologists and in adequate lab procedures. We know of at

another key factor: that O.J.'s financial resources only helped him to level the

Dewatering of municipal waste sludge

Coroner, Criminologists, and Laboratory Procedures

lesser means would find it hard to

Environmental Waste

Dewatering of surface and ground


Environmentally, this is analogous to

the system in Ontario where companies charged in environmental incidents some times cannot afford to fight the case un

Industrial Waste Wastewater treatment

less there are extremely high stakes.

off prosecution, where it was claimed that

lations, and depletion of oxygen. These

postulations were actually based on as sumptions made for temperatures and pH

Dewatering of process waste

cause of the extremely high cost of fight

Industrial Fluids

ing back. Successful defences can easily

Purification of factory fluids for

reach $300,000, including both legal fees

of the water. These parameters could have been easily measured with field kits which are as simple as placing a probe in the water to determine temperature, pH, dis solved oxygen,or any specific ion ofcon

and the gathering of sufficient technical in



Cleaning paint booth water Recycling of waste oil Pulp & Paper Metal & Mineral Mining

Many corporations have taken the fall be

formation to demonstrate a lack of envi ronmental effect by the incident. There were several incidents, pointed out during the Simpson trial, of arrogance

Dewatering/ciassifying of clay Dewatering of tailings Coal Burning Eiectric Utilities

on the part of the police department in

Flue-Gas-Desulfurization -

dewatering of waste slurry Food/Agri-Business

in gathering evidence by the criminologists and the coroner, as well as the pros ecutors' attempts to downplay these in

Clarification of wine


Fermentation of yeast

Dewatering of spent grains,starch Fax or Write 1-416-299-5864

what some feel was a "rush to judgement".

ate a laboratory situation demonstrating

These included the lack of completeness

an adverse effect. Public Defender?

Environmentally, a remarkably simi

lar parallel exists in Ontario where the In spection and Enforcement division has been known to lay charges even when there is little technical merit from a sci

A' Alfa Laval Uniting Vital Technologies â–˛ Centrifugal Separation A Heal Transfer A Fluid Handling A Automation

entific point of view. Sometimes opin ions of very junior technical people within the Ministry have been used to postulate

101 Milncr Avenue,Scarborough.Ontario.Canada M1S4S6

claims of environmental damage that would be far-fetched in the minds of any

PHONE(416)299-610r* FAX(416)2y7-86y()

one with mature experience in this field.

Alfu Laval Separation

Also offices in Calgary, Vancouver and Halifax

For more information, 20

circle reply card No. 196

With respect to lab procedures, 1 was

actually involved in a case where the Min istry did not even follow their own pub lished protocol for aquatic toxicity test ing using daphnia magna in order to cre

It was also obvious that the junior

If records could be obtained on the enormous cost of the 1 & E division, as

well as all of the crown attorneys assigned to these cases, and the extremely high court costs, they would make an interest

ing comparison to the revenues obtained by the procedures followed on environ mental charges in this province. For the many small industries that are charged and don't have the financial resources to

defend themselves, why is it that we don't

have a public defender in Ontario, as they do in criminal cases?

*Norman Environmental Strategies

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Odour Control

By Ian Howard, B.A. and George Vance, Ph.D.*

Good news for bad smells — odour neutralization with essential oils

Bad smells are beginning to get the attention they deserve from decision-makers and enforce

ment officers. They are often a key nuisance factor in the siting or opera tion of a solid waste or wastewater facility. Readers of ES&E may

Works Committee dated June 8, 1993. In this report we find three odour control meth ods that were not listed by NRC in 1979: Dry Scrubbing with Activated Carbon, a variation of method #3, Ozonation, a varia tion of method #4, and Biofiltration.

measurable. In addition to Mr. Hill's work, in-house scientists at several large industrial companies in various markets have analysed Ecolo's odour neutralization and conducted

rigorous pre- and post-tests in the lab and in the field. Such tests have satisfied these com

panies on both effectiveness and health and safety.

have noticed a dramatic rise in the number of technical

Odours can be effec

and specialised conferences on odour control (e.g. composting), in new odour control products, and in regulatory enforcement of odour complaints. In the USA the regulations that govern the discharge of VOCs to the atmosphere have recently been applied

tively and affordably neu tralised out of doors, as well as indoors. Landfill site pe rimeter systems, gas clean ing cooling tower systems, and overhead systems at open air compost operations are examples. For many applications — transfer stations, landfill sites, composts, heavy equipment, sewage treat ment, and others — minor variations in generic or in stalled systems may be all that is required. Systems can be specified and in stalled in a matter of days or

to landfill sites and to indus

trial and municipal wastewater treatment plants. Also worthy of note is the current Hamilton Air Qual

ity Initiative (HAQI), an MOEE-led, multi-sector,

voluntary enterprise de signed to understand and im prove air quality for the city


One example is an inno vative 1993 project in which

as a whole.

For site and facility man agers who face the prospect oflost management and pro duction time, and possible

Ecolo's UK distributor fitted

a Caterpillar compactor with

Ecolo system similar to Three County's, with nozzles atomising airSolutiorf an airSolution® atomising above a pile of mixed waste on the tipping floor. system for controlling closure, effective odour control is critical. Biofiltration — a method driven by the in odours emanating from the working face of

The choices in odour control methods, prod ucts, and equipment available to environ mental managers have changed dramatically in recent years, mostly for the better.

crease in composting as a solid waste diver sion program - is the use of organic media and may be referred to here as method #6. Missing from the methods of odour con

Go back in time to 1979 when the US

trol mentioned above is the use of essential

National Research Council published a hand book entitled Odours from Stationary and Mobile Sources. It presented the following

general methods of odour control: 1. Modify the process. Use less odorous materials,generate less residual wastes, proc ess at more favorable temperatures. 2. Dilution in the atmosphere. Build a higher stack, locate a greater distance from people. 3. Dissolve odours in a liquid. Wet scrub bing in a mist or packed tower. 4. Oxidize odours with air. Includes high temperature oxidation in an incinerator. 5. Modify perception of the odour. Mask or counteract the unwanted odour.

The USNRC odour committee judged method #4 to be "the best opportunity for substantial and irreversible destruction". Move forward to a 1993 list ofodour con

trol technologies produced by the Metro Toronto Works Department in a report to the *Ecolo® Odor Control Systems

oils to neutralise odours. The catalytic oxi dation of odorous molecules with plant ex tracts is the "Good News" of our title.

The basic idea is straightforward. Atom ised oils of certain plants brought into con tact with odorous molecules accelerate the

natural organic decay processes to produce odourless organic decay. Unfortunately, the theory of "catalytic oxidation" is not as straightforward. Nor is it widely documented in the literature (e.g. the fleeting reference on p. 185 of the 1994 volume edited by G. Martin and P. Laffort

"Odours and

Deodorization in the Environment.") As the only extended treatment in the literature, David Hill's recent paper "Exhaust Odour Neutralization," which was presented to ASHRAE's Toronto Seminar in November

1995, has quickly become the standard ref erence. Mr. Hill's paper also contains re sults of controlled tests of various products on various odorous gases.

a landfill. When unfavourable winds want

to blow the fresh waste odours toward adja cent residences,the operator toggles a switch in the cab to atomise airSolution*'from noz zles on a bar on the roof of the Cat's cab.

The Cat's own compressed air system pow ers the nozzles. In 1995 Ecolo Toronto installed a simi

lar system on a livestock transport. The driver activates the atomising nozzles when travelling through residential areas en route to the slaughterhouse. A second example is at Three County Re cycling and Composting Inc., of Aylmer in southwestern Ontario. Three County con verts municipal solid waste and waste from food stores and food processors into agri cultural compost, and recycles noncompostable fractions. It has a planned throughput of 300 tpd. Its Ecolo atomising system consists of a 200 litre drum with a pump and cycle timer which supplies airSolution® to over 100 spray nozzles in two buildings with a total of 58,000 sq. ft. The composting building has nozzles above the doors at both ends, with the remaining noz zles located about 30 ft. above the floor in

the main tipping and sorting building. For more information, circie repiy card No.232

The results of odour neutralisation are

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


Environmental Auditing

By John-David Phyper*

Critical steps in environmental auditing

In the last few years. General Princi

ples for Environmental Audits (EA) have been prepared by standard set ting organizations, e.g. Canadian



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Setup Criteria

System Edit Window Help Support



Cspitsle I


Standards Association Z751-94 and Inter

national Organization for Standardization ISO draft 14010 and 14011 standards. These

General Principles dictate that an EA should be a systematic and objective evaluation of a facility, process or site from an environ mental perspective. Critical issues which arise when ensur

Froieci Niirntel: SSOCJ t




|i PicMnoKtJte

E* S, Guidefcej


ing ongoing conformance to these Guiding Principles include the following: • ensuring that auditors always identify the scope of the audit, boundary conditions and audit criteria prior to initiating the informa



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"lA-Basic Reqwiemenls

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tion request or site visit

•identifying and using current regulatory re quirements imposed by federal and provin cial legislation and municipal by-laws if a compliance audit is being performed •identifying and using current codes ofprac tices and published Environmental Manage ment System(EMS)standards • storing the audit findings in such a manner

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that - information is easily retrievable for close-out meeting,ensures accountability for each question, and findings are supported by



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reference documentation.

The preferred steps in an audit using an automated system include:

Step 1. Input of general information on the facility to be audited, e.g. location and site


AftgwereaSy jji i

Oft «Af?2g.t398



Step 2. Input of audit scope, boundary con




ditions, audit risks and dates for site visit.

Step 3. Selection ofaudit criteria from vari ous up-to-date databases: legislation(includ ing federal and provincial environmental and occupational health and safety), codes of practices (federal guidelines and Canadian

for each audit question: e.g. "Not applica ble", "non-conformance", satisfactory" or "missing information". If missing informa

tion, the program should allow for the entry of a date at which time the information may

Council of Ministers of the Environment

be obtained.

guidelines/codes of practice), published EMS,municipal by-laws related to environ

Step 8. Input ofdetailed findings in addition

mental issues and corporate policies. For easier access and understanding the audit criteria should be broken down into areas of

concern, e.g. Ontario-Air Emissions. Step 4. Extraction ofthe audit criteria iden tified by the User in Step 3 and the creation ofan audit plan/checklist which can be used on a portable computer on-site. The plan should not be affected by regulatory updates so that it represents a true "picture" of the site at the time of the audit.

Step 5. Input of information on the air, water and waste streams at the site, e.g. C. of A numbers, etc.

Step 6. Generate a concise checklist cover ing the selected audit criteria for use at the facility.

Step 7. Input of the status of conformance

'Environmental Software Associates Ltd. 22

to the status of conformance which can be

subsequently used during the preparation of the audit report. Step 9. Input ofreference material, e.g. pho

tographs from the site or site plans, which can be accessed during the input of audit findings which links the findings with ap propriate reference materials. Step 10. Input ofrecommendations for each area ofnon-conformance ifagreed upon with the client as being part of the audit. The recommendations build part ofan action plan which allows for tracking of issues based upon completion dates and costs. Step 11. Input of auditor's name allowing for traceability. Step 12. Generate a report limited to the nonconformance issues for the exit meeting. The user should also be able to modify the find ings, if appropriate, during the meeting to ensure that the wording fairly represents the conditions at the site.

Step 13. Generate a report which can be used as the Appendix to the formal Audit report containing all audit questions, the source of questions, auditor response (both status and detailed findings if entered), auditor name and the date of the findings. Step 14. Transfer audit findings to word processing file for subsequent use in an au dit report including cover page,table ofcon tents, introduction and findings entered by auditor.

Step 15. Tracking of outstanding conform ance issues can be either viewed or printed out in a report. The regulatory databases discussed above should be updated on a consistent basis en suring the timeliness of the audit criteria. The use of the aforementioned tool will

not allow for the input of data via a hand held computer during a site inspection and

may be intimidating to site personnel during interviews. The predominate benefits how ever, ofup-to-date audit criteria, consistency in documentation of audit findings, reduced report preparation time, and ease of track ing outstanding audit issues far outweigh the disadvantages. For more information,

circle reply card No. 233 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Industry Update

Water-based system cleans auto parts without using VOCs

Standard Products (Canada)

Limited faced a challenge when it decided to replace a highly effective vapor degreasing cleaning system that used volatile organic

trichloroethylene (TCE) in 1993. This gave Standard time to assess the alterna tives, but the clock was ticking. As a volatile organic compound (VOC), TCE was headed for further regulation. And a

solvents with an even more effective

water-based system. Aside from developing and designing it, there was the challenge of time. Based in Cleveland, Standard Products is a Tier 1 automotive supplier of body

The new cleaning system eliminates hazardous

cleaning solvent and associated regulatory permits and disposal

sealing systems and chassis components. Its Mitchell, Ontario plant produces en concerns. gine mounts and other rubber-to-metal bonded parts that depend on a clean sur Code of Practice for Degreasing was also face. Both natural and synthetic drawing on the regulatory drawing board. Their oils and lubricants must be thoroughly search led them to The Dow Chemical removed to achieve proper adhesive bond Company's Advanced Cleaning Systems ing in final assembly. Parts had tradition (ACS) in Midland, Michigan. ally been cleaned by vapor degreasing In the last half of 1993, ACS devel which uses solvent vapors to quickly oped a system that could be fully inte power off contaminants. grated into Standard's production opera Because of an impending phase-out of tion. The now installed high-volume, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) under the fully automated, aqueous cleaning system Canadian Environmental Protection Act meets all cleanliness and throughput (CEPA),the Mitchell plant had converted specifications. The in-line cleaning proc its TCA vapor degreasing operations to ess uses a HO'^'F spray wash cycle fol

lowed by two hot water rinses, and a forced-air dry cycle. Parts are transferred from large, in-process baskets to a con veyor system that meters the parts at a uniform rate to the wash system. The new cleaning system eliminates hazardous cleaning solvent and associated regulatory permits and disposal concerns. It deliv ers one-third-more immediate throughput, and is designed to accommodate increases in production expected over the next five years.

The new aqueous cleaning system also dovetails with a local plant drive to re duce waste. By completely eliminating VOC cleaning solvents, it also avoids re cycling and disposal costs and related concerns. In addition, wastes from the

new system are minimal, according to Standard Products Environmental Man

ager Wayne Peck.

The six-month follow-up service in spection revealed that the system is ex ceeding expectations, achieving even higher throughput than expected. For more information, Circle reply card No. 198


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iCtauliC' An ISO 9001 certified company )1995 Victaulic Company of Canada. All rights reserved.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circle reply card No. 199 (See page 33)


PCB Update

Environmental concerns must be addressed

before Canada permits PCB waste exports

Federal Environment Minister

an Interim Order under the Canadian Envi

Sergio Marchi and Health Mini ster David Dingwall announc ed February 26, 1996, that the environmentally sound management of Canadian PCB waste exports must be

ronmental Pivtection Act(CEPA)to amend

assured before the Canada/U.S. border will

if exported to the US, would be managed in

be opened.

an environmentally sound manner. There was also uncertainty about the final content of the proposed US regulatory amendments governing PCB waste imports. The US had

the 1990 PCB Waste Export Regulations to stop PCB waste shipments to the US. The Interim Order was made because Canada

lacked assurance that Canadian PCB wastes,

An Interim Order under the Canadian

Environmental Protection Act banning the export ofCanadian PCBs to the United States was put in place November 20,1995,follow ing a U.S. decision to open its borders to Ca nadian PCB wastes after 15 years of closure. "A cabinet committee agreed to maintain

not confirmed that PCB wastes were cov

the Interim Order so that a framework for

the sound environmental management of Canadian PCB waste exports can be put in place," said Minister Marchi. New U.S. rules governing the import of PCB wastes are anticipated shortly. As soon as they are finalized, the government will

ered under the Canada-US Agreement. On December 14, 1995, Deputy Prime Minister Sheila Copps and EPA Adminis trator Carol Browner confirmed the impor tance of developing a North American strat egy for PCBs,including the management of transboundary PCB waste shipments. The U.S. subsequently agreed that future PCB waste shipments will be subject to the Canada-US Agreement. Canada, US and Mexico have recently agreed to develop a North American PCB Management Strategy by the end of 1996.

Agreement on theTransboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste, are adequate to deal with PCB wastes, the Canadian government

stop the vessel unloading at Baie Comeau. Both Canada and the US routinely ship hazardous wastes (except PCB wastes) across the border for destruction, subject to the 1986 Canada-US Agreement on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste. Since 1980, the US EPA has had a PCB waste import/export ban. In 1990, PCB Waste Export Regulations were put in place banning PCB waste ex ports to all countries except the US, the in tention being to allow US government-

An Interim Order is a CEPA regulatory option for immediate action to deal with a

will then rescind the Interim Order and the

owned PCB wastes in Canada to be returned

significant danger to the environment or to

Canada/U.S. border will be opened. Ifadditional measures are needed,adjust ments under the bilateral agreement or amendments to Canada'sPCS Waste Export Regulations will be made. These amend ments would be completed and then the In

to the US for disposal.

human life or health. An Interim Order can

undertake an immediate review. If the new

U.S. rules,together with Canada's regulatory framework and the bilateral Canada-US

terim Order would cease to exist. "Since the Interim Order went into effect

last November, Environment Canada and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have intensified their efforts to identify an envi ronmental solution benefitting Canada and the United States," said Minister Marchi. The government expects that the environ mentally sound management of Canadian PCB waste exports can be assured by early summer at the latest, and that exports to the United States could begin soon afterwards. Backgrounder to the export of PCB wastes

Federal jurisdiction over PCBs includes transboundary and interprovincial shipment ofPCB wastes and the management of PCB wastes at federal facilities. Provincial juris diction includes intra-provincial shipment and the disposal at provincial facilities. PCBs are a high profile issue in both

In 1992, Canada enacted the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste Regulations and ratified the Basel Convention. Although the Basel Convention has not been ratified by the US, this Convention provides for bilat eral agreements such as the 1986 CanadaUS Agreement. In December 1994,the US EPA proposed to amend its PCB regulations to allow lim


the Interim Order in effect:

• offer to consult the governments of all the

affected provinces within twenty-four hours

ments by granting S.D. Myers of Ohio "en

•consult with other Ministers of the Crown

forcement discretion" to import Canadian PCB wastes effective November 15, 1995. On November 20, 1995, Canada made

to determine whether any action can be taken under any other Act of Parliament to deal with the significant danger.

Response to "PCB destruction progress in 1995" article Why did the U.S./Canada border open for PCB disposal? For the last five years, Canadian law has allowed exports of PCB wastes to the U.S., that is, if the U.S. gave prior consent. In 1980, the EPA said that "within a month" it

ship carrying Canadian PCB wastes. On re turning to Canada, demonstrators tried to

CEPA prescribes steps that must be fol lowed after the Interim Order is made to keep

after making the Order to determine whether they are prepared to deal with the signifi cant danger;

would come up with rules for allowing PCBs to be imported and exported from the U.S. By 1991,the EPAhad not done that and S.D. Myers Inc. asked if it could import PCBs from Canada for disposal. The EPA told us to follow a procedure that was to take two years. Five years and $1 million ago, two

when British dockers would not unload the

to deal with a significant danger to the envi ronment or to human life or health.

pated border opening was mid-1996. On October 26, 1995, without notifying Canada, the US EPA preempted its regulatory amend

Canada and the US. Canadian incidents in

Quebec, and the 1989 failed attempt to ex port PCB wastes to the United Kingdom

be made if a substance deemed toxic under

CEPA, in this case PCBs, is not adequately regulated, and immediate action is required

ited PCB waste import/export; the antici

clude the 1985 PCB spill in Kenora, Ontario, the 1988 St-Basile-le-Grand PCB fire in

The nature of an Interim Order

years seemed forever. However, on Novem ber 15, 1995, S.D. Myers finally succeeded in getting the EPA to do what it said it would

do in 1980, and became the first company with permission to import PCBs from Canada for disposal (using recycling and total destruction, no landfill, as the disposal method). By the time your readers read this, we

believe that the emergency export ban im posed by the previous administration of En vironment Canada will have been over turned. The reasons will be because of mas-

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

PCB Disposal's commitment to Customer Service is legendary but there is nothing magical about how we make our customers' PCBs disappear. For more information about disposal of PCB wastes, call toll free from anywhere in Canada 1 800 563-7227



18 72 Lake Driveway West, Ajax, Ontario L1S\3X1

(905)428?6480 Fax:(905) 428-6481

For more information, circle rgply card No.,?24(See page 33)

PCB Update, cont'd. sive PCB owners' support to open the bor ders(and save $150 million on their aggre gate disposal costs), because the ban flies in the face of international agreements that Canada has signed and because of the sup port of many Environment Canada officials for an open border. Why have Canadian PCB disposal prices dropped by half in the last 12 months? Before we began sending prices to Ca nadians in anticipation of the border open ing(we actually thought it would happen the summer of '95), PCB disposal prices were twice what they are now. Prior to our an nouncing the border being opened at a con ference on November 1, 1995, a Canadian incinerator company raised its prices(which were subsequently dropped after the an nouncement). We believe it was through prayer, hard work and a lot of persistence that all the obstacles to an open border were overcome so that Canadian PCB owners

could have a choice of disposal options. Consumer choice, not unregulated monopo lies, typically give purchasers the best value

When Chem-Security came to the U.S. EPA hearings to lobby for continued high prices from their unregulated monopoly by speaking against opening the border, they said that transportation did pose a risk; that Canadians were willing to take that risk; and

<10pgPCB/100 em^ • testing of each transformer carcass for in controvertible proof of cleanliness, •incineration ofnon-recyclables to six nine's destruction efficiency, and • no landfill of PCB wastes.

that U.S. citizens did not need to take that

Since all Canadian disposal companies

risk. S.D. Myers Inc.'s facility, located just 300 km across the border, is approximately

have to meet the same standards and since

3000 km closer to PCBs in 'Toronto and

Montreal than is the Swan Hills facility. Trucks do not need to go over a mountain range or hump along winding roads to get to our facility and these factors make S.D. Myers much more attractive from the point of view of transportation risks since these are minimized.

Additionally, we have estimated that less

than 10,000,000 km oftransportation would be necessary to bring all of Canada's PCBs

some U.S. disposal companies can meet those same standards, minimizing risks comes down to using processes which meet the Canadian standards, and are operated most capably, and using companies which recycle the greatest volume of their incom ing PCB waste. Equitable pricing comes from having more than one end disposal company competing for the business. S.D. Myers Inc. has battled to give this to Cana dian PCB owners.

After 16 years, on March 18, 1996, the

to S.D. Myers Inc. — and we have already

U.S. EPA made a determination that the im

transported PCBs over 17,000,000 km with out a reportable spill.

port of PCBs into the U.S. for disposal did not pose an unreasonable risk of injury to

With respect to disposal methods, there must be a reason that Canadian disposal

giving companies world-wide the ability to

human health or the environment and that

for their money.

standards are stricter than some U.S. stand

dispose of PCBs in the U.S. would benefit

How does a PCB owner minimize its PCB

ards. To minimize risk, Canadian compa nies would only want to use disposal com panies which have proven to

the world environment.

disposal risks for an equitable price?

a governmental (Canadian or U.S.) authority that they can meet the basic minimum Canadian standards. These minimum standards are:

•flushing ofpure PCB trans formers before handling, • cleaning recyclables to

It is S.D. Myers, and others' belief that this would never have occurred had we not

persevered for the last five years in raising the import issue. The Canadian government has indicated that they were waiting for the EPA to publish its final rule prior to their opening the border and so the reopening of the Canadian border should occur fairly quickly. Dana Myers, S.D. Myers Circle reply card No. 236

US import of PCBs-the debate continues The US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)has recently reversed a 16 years old ban on the import ofPCBs. This action is not a humanitarian one from the Republican Congress; it is the result of the pressures made by a well organized, powerful lobby from the US environmental industry, which has complained it is running out of domestic PCBs to destroy. The intent is to save USjobs and investments and to boost the US waste-disposal industry. The following statement from Dana Myers, President, S.D. Myers Inc., at the EPA hearing held on March 6, 1995, sums it up: "Well, certainly it's not Senator Dewine's or Congressmen Sawyer's and Regula's will to ship

jobs to Canada..."(in supporting an open-border policy aimed at importing PCBs from Canada).

The procedure followed by the EPA in lifting the import ban in a hurry can, and will, he challenged by environmental groups and US citizens. Since the EPA's decision has been made public, numerous articles have raised legitimate concerns in the US. One has to be quite naive to expect that the decision will not be chal Transformer decontamination and recycling furnace for PCBs.

The Transformer Furnace is an integral component of the Alberta Special Waste Treatment Centre, operated by Chem-Security (Alberta) Ltd. This patented, high temperature technology decontaminates PCB trans formers with a minimum of handling and potential worker exposure. The process eliminates generator liability and recycles the valuable metal from trans formers and PCB contaminated equipment. 26

For more information,

circle reply card No. 235

lenged and, eventually, reversed. Just remember what happened when Canada tried to export its PCBs to England, following the St-Basile-LeGrand, Quebec fire. Just imagine the reaction of US citizens living close to PCB incinerators when they realize they are being flooded with PCBs origi nating from Canada, Mexico, South America and Asia! Everyone knows that siting a hazardous waste incinerator or waste treat

ment facility, dedicated to treating domestic wastes, is a challenging task. Importing wastes is another story and the fact that some US companies have the support of mayors. Senators, or Congressmen in this issue is mean ingless. US citizens are known to speak their mind and to challenge, in court, their government and elected representatives! Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

PCB Update, cont'd. Transboundary shipment of PCBs (of wastes in general) is a lucrative business, particularly when the receiving country has a set ofregulations that are less stringent than the regulations in place in the exporting country. Not surprisingly, this is the case between the US and Canada. Currently, transformers and capacitors can be landfilled in the US, but not in Canada. PCB remediation wastes can be incinerated in in

dustrial furnaces in the US, not in Canada. Open-burning ofdrained PCB-contaminated transformers is authorized in the US, not in Canada. Contrary to common beliefs, US standards for treating PCBs are less strin

watery wastes. The high strength liquid DDT waste was processed at a peak rate of 2.9 tonnes per day and at a 24 hour sustained rate of 2.2 tonnes per day. The unit proc

ity SBVs,is scheduled to commence opera tions shortly at the General Motors ofCanada Limited site in St. Catharines, Ontario. Ini tially, it will be processing PCB liquids and

essed hazardous waste material for 69% of

contaminated bulk solids at the GM site. The

the two week period ending February 9. Over the coming weeks, we intend to in crease these daily rates. The performance of the modified SBV, along with the modi

SE25 ELI Destructor and two SBVs located

fied SE25 Destructor, has shown that we have a world-first non-incineration, continu ous process for safe destruction ofPCB con taminated wastes."

at the GM site have been designed with greater capacity than the Australian Destruc tor and single SBV. They are also in the proc ess of completing construction of the first commercial sized Thermal Reduction Mill

(TRM)for delivery to the GM site. The TRM will be utilized with the SE25 ELI Destructor

ECO LOGIC'S second SE25 ELI De

structor, together with two 27-drum capac

for processing soils and settled solids.

Circle reply card No. 238

gent when compared to those implemented in Canada.

Next time someone tells you that you will save money shipping your PCBs to facili ties in the US, make sure you compare ap ples with apples. It is also vitally important that one clearly understands the consequences of shipping their PCB wastes to the US. Make sure you have an option in Canada, in case the EPA's decision is reversed by a new Congress or is challenged in court. The Canadian Federal Government is

prudent in its decision to take some time to understand the consequences of the US uni lateral decision, prior to allowing the export of Canadian PCBs to the US. The Minister

Helping Nature Heal Itself On Site, In-Situ, On Time.

of the Environment is being cautious when he wishes to review the regulatory frame work in order to ensure that PCBs can be

treated in the US according to standards simi lar to those enforced in Canada. Otherwise, he will be faced with only one option: to modify the Canadian regulations in order to maintain the competitiveness of the Cana dian environmental industry.

Bioremediation That Really Works! Proven Effective in the USA & Canada.

P. Guerin, Vice President, Cintec Environment Inc.

Circle reply card No. 237

Commercial PCB waste destruction ELI Eco Logic's SE25 ELI Destructor and Sequencing Batch Vaporizer(SBV)located in Western Australia, is successfully process ing high strength PCB liquids, transformer fluids, bulk PCB solids, including electrical capacitors, and high strength DDT waste pesticide mixtures. The SE25 ELI Destruc tor and SBV, will continue processing of these wastes for Australian utilities and other customers.

Dr. Douglas Hallett, President and CEO of ECO LOGIC stated:"The refinements and

improvements we have made to our first commercial unit during the past few months have had the desired results. In 19 days we have successfully processed 15.8 tonnes of PCB contaminated electrical equipment for Western Australia's power utility, using our modified 9-drum capacity SBV and the SE25 ELI Destructor, 4.4 tonnes of high strength DDT liquids and 6.4 tonnes ofcontaminated

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Remediation Canada

"Remediation Canada offers the most cost effective,flexible and natural method of purifying contaminated soils, sludges, groundwater orprocess wastes."

Call now for

complete details 1109 North Service Road,East Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 1A6

Tel:(905)338-5210 Fax:(905)338-6263 Toll Free (888)4 IN-SITU



Helping nature heal Itself

Remediation Canada Inc is ajfiliated with LRC Technologies For more Information, circle reply card No. 239 (See page 33)


Thermal remediation

The economical way to examine your thermal remediation options

Thermal desorption is certainly an

effective and widely accepted remediation technology for many types ofsoil and petroleum-based

contaminants. Although this is true, one of the areas of concern for clients considering thermal treatment has been the expense and commitment involved in determining

whether it is suitable for their particular con taminant and project application. Enco-Tec has addressed this issue with

the development oftheir thermal simulation testing program encoTEST. They are now able to take project-specific soil samples and run a complete simulation of the thermal desorption process. The project presented here involved the testing of a creosote con taminated soil sample taken from a New Brunswick site.

Simulation and testing of low temperature thermal desorption(LTTD) Validation LTTD testing was carried out on a creosote contaminated soil sample from New Brunswick. The Enco-Tec LTTD proc ess uses standard rotary kiln technology to remove organic contaminants from exca vated solid wastes. The process works by vaporizing and isolating the constituents in a gas stream and then destroying them in a high efficiency afterburner. The process soil can then be disposed of as nonhazardous. The process uses heat to raise the tem perature of organic contaminants enough to volatilize and separate them from a bed of contaminated solid waste. Temperatures in the rotary kiln are controlled (325-535°C) to prevent widespread combustion since in cineration is not the desired result. A gasfired afterburner combusts the organic con stituents at elevated temperatures(1000°C). The Enco-Tec LTTD process was simu lated in a two stage batch process consisting of a first stage thermal treatment in a hori zontal stationary Lindberg tube furnace and a second stage combustion/flash chamber us ing acetylene and a second Lindberg furnace. The head sample which was received in four 500 ml jars was homogenized and ag glomerated into 1/4" balls. The agglomer ates were split into 100 gram samples for the test feed and head fraction. The soil was

agglomerated to improve its handling eharacteristics.

Both furnaces were preheated prior to charging the sample to the first stage. The first stage was always heated above the de sired temperature to reduce sample heatup time and to minimize heat loss at the start of

the test. After a fresh sample was loaded, the first stage was lowered to the desired test temperature. The first stage reaction cham ber was removed briefly and the soil charge agglomerates were loaded from the top. The 28

tube was then replaced inside the Lindberg fur nace.

Volatilized off-

gases from the first stage were pulled using a vacuum pump through the second stage combus tion chamber and con densed in a series of

impingers. The glass impingers were set in a cold water/ice bath. Three tests were car

ried out at 408°C,430°C

TABLE 1: LTTD Test Conditions Test#

Furnace Temperature.0 Soil Sample Temperature, C Nitrogen Flowrate, SLPM




440 430

465 453


LTTD Retention Time, minutes

Head Sample Moisture,% Total Sample Weight (In), g Total Residue Weight (out), g Second Stage Conditions








100 84

100 83




18 37.4

18 37.5 9.0



Furnace Temperature, 0 Supply Air Flowrate, LPM Hot Vacuum Gas Flowrate, LPM

and453°C (Tests 1,2,3)

Off-gas Flowrate, LPM

with a retention time of 5

Combustion Retention Time, seconds Total Volume Collected, ml

minutes in the first stage. The second stage was op


First Stage Conditions


0.99 550 60

18 9

0.99 0.95 540 550 60 60

Duration of Off-gas Sample, seconds erated at 872°C, 928°C, and 976°C for Tests 1-3 respectively and PAH reduction was met at all test tempera approximately 1.0 sec. residence time. The tures and the lower temperature in Test 1 soil head, residues from the three tests and achieved the best results. Results ofthe sec impinger condensates were analyzed for ond stage condensates and hexane rinse of

PCP,PAH and BTEX. CO,CO^ and O,were

impingers and furnace outlet are given in

monitored in the off-gas during each test. The LTTD test conditions are given in

Table 2-2. Close to 100% PAH and PCP reduction was achieved in all the tests. Off-

Table 1. Results ofthe PCP,PAH and BTEX analyses on the soil head and residue from

gas assay results are also given in Table 2-2. All tests/reports were performed and compiled by an independent research labo

the first stage are given in Table 2-1. The criteria (Ontario Guidelines) for first stage


TABLE 2-1; LTTD Test Results (Soil Analysis) Test#






LTTD Temp., C





Retention Time, min.




Combustion Temp. C


1032 1.36



460 5 1064 1.33 N/A


Retention Tme, sec. Moisture, %

Solids PAH Analysis (ppm) Naphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene

Pyrene Bz (a) anthracene Chrysene/Trlphenylene Bz (b-i-k) fluoranthene Bz (e) pyrene Bz (a) pyrene Indenopyrene Bz (ghl)perylene DIbz (ah) anthracene

Solid Hydrocarbon Analysis (ppm) Benzene Toluene

Ethylbenzene Xylenes C3 + C4 Benzenes

TPH (as fuel oil) Pentachlorophenol (PCP)

1045 1.35 N/A

Note -" = < 0.01 ppm 9.22 2.44

0.01 —



27.9 50.3

0.0 i








16.1 24.5 19.1 7.10

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01

0.12 0.07 0.22 0.14 0.16 0.35




0.01 0.01



3.89 1.21




0.29 0.45

0.95 1.24

0.56 0.32 0.39 0.41 0.13

0.91 0.47 0.31 0.45

0.46 0.13


28 40 1.3

170 N/A

38 N/A 1.9

19 35 1.9

- less than 0.5 ppm





3600 1340

40 840 1300 350




3.6 29

260 29 N/A N/A N/A

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Thermal Remediation, cont'd. Re: BTEX/TPH, PAH, PCP Analysis on Soils and Condensates (1) Soil(ppm, dry weight basis) SSH








Naphthalene Acenaphthylene ; Acenaphthenes'

9 22 2,44

27.9 50.3

Fiuorene Phenanthrene



0.15 0.11 0.02 0.49 0.29 0.02 ■ 1 . 0.45 16.1 : 0.01 0.02 0.95 24.5 1.24 19.1 0.01 0.01 0.56 7.10 0.32 0.01 8.76 ■ 0.39 3.74 0.01 0.41 3.89 T: 0.01 0.13 1.21 120


Pyrene Bz (a) anthracene

Chrysene/Triphenyiene ; Bz(b+k) Fluoranthene Bz(e) pyrene i Bz(a) pyrene Indenopyrene : Bz (ghi) peryiene ,Dibz (ah) anthracene

0.01 0.03


220 76.1 : 54.8



' ''FF®S( p- — ■ T-f


0.01 0.12 0.07

0.22 0.14

0.16 0.35 0.91 0.47

0.31 0.45

0.46 0.13

Note"-" = <0.01



Ethylebenzene Xylenes



hPi:'-^" I'P PPP P'-i,


C3 + C4 Benzenes


'Up— - 'P 3600 . rTPH (as fuel oil): ; ; Note = less than 0.5 ppm for aromatics and less than -

99.926 100.000 99.988 99.997 99.998 99.996 99.997 99.997 99.999

Pyrene Bz (a) anthracene

Chiysene/Triphenylene Bz (b+k) fluoranthene Bz (e) pyrene Bz (a) pyrene



Bz (ghi) peryiene DIbz (ah) anthracene Pentachlorophenol (PCP)

99.997 99.992

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 1340







Napthalene Acenaphthyiene Acenaphthene :

2 18







8 85


0.04 0.60

0.88 0.17 : 0.03 0.09 f 0.06 0.02

0.26 0.13

0.18 ; 0.04


i 0.02

0.15 0.11 0.05

0.13 0.12 0.06

0.06 f

Fiuorene Phenanthrene Anthracene

Fluoranthene i ■ Pyrene :Bz (a) anthracene



i B (b+k) fluoranthene Bz (e) pyrene Bz (a) pyrene Indenopyrene


N ote


peteetlQh Umits (HIgh DRE)

Zv:/;: — ■;:T (


Ethylbenzene Xylenes . GC Trace Off-gas Analysis

Off-gas N//o


62 9

Off-gas 0„% Off-gas 00%

N/A /N/A





33,7 6.5 0.0

62.3 1.1



Corrosion Interventions


EXPERIENCE: Our staff has over 20 yearsj design, supply, and instaila anodic corrosion control syi


PUUPU. ■■■

(DIbz (ah) anthracene : ( ifsi;




99.999 99.997 99.997 99.991

11-7895 Tranmere Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5S-1V9.

■' ■-■■—■


Bz (ghi) peryiene

99.999 99.996 100.000 99.999 99.995 100.000 99.998 99.999 99.999 99.995 99.993



(2) Condensates (pg)

99.996 99.996 100.000 99.991 99.980 100.000 99.997 99.998 99.997 99.994 99.994 99.992 ; 99.999 99.997 / 99.997 i 99.991

100.000 i

Gas Hydrocartion DRE (%)

Off-gas GO/Zo


SERVICES: • Design and installation of

systems for speciS^ppiications.

Note ■■-" = < 0.01

• Surveyinq

Hydrocarbons Benzene

■ ■vS

Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH las fuel oil)


■:; _


corrosion'controi systerai



03 + 04 Benzenes

' Note

99.763 99.939 99.998 99.928

Fiuorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene




Gas PAH DRE {%) Naphthalene Acenaphthylene

Benzene Toluene

Hydrocarbons ■(Benzene ;■;


TABLE 2-2: LTTD Test Results (Combustion DRE) Test#

SM ■

' "'fSifS

lEv^iuatloni Studies



= less than 0.5 pg for aromatics less t lan

20 pg for TPH (as fuel oil).

Pentachlorophenol (PCP)



<0 1




Volume of condensates


Thermal simulation testing can help make a sound decision ahout remediation options and solutions. Provided with an encoTest re

port, which discusses the details of the thermal application to the specific soil, clients have the factual analysis and information to

make an economically viable decision. They can choose the type and quantity of analysis needed based on the requirements of site remediation plans. Circle reply card No. 240

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Find out how to control your corrosion costs. Call 1-800-567-2432

For more information^ Circle Reader Service Card Number 268 29

Tmally, A Soil Umediat'm

Tim that JCives Up Zo JfsJ^ame

Clean^ils Specializing in the Treatment of Petroleum

Contaminated Soil

cieansoij^ Operates a fixed-base thermal soil remediation centre in Hamilton ♦ convenient, quick access to Q.E.W.

♦ large or small projects ♦ fully permitted by MOEE ♦ complete soil analysis with certificate of destruction

aeansoii^ also has mobile units ♦

treats soil on-slte

♦ soil cleaned for re-use

♦ fast mobilization and set-up

Your answer to

risk-free, pollution-free soil remediation ♦ final disposal, or ♦ treatment and recycle as backfill


225 Sheppard Avenue West North York, Ontario M2N 1N2 Phone (416) 226-3838 Fax (416) 226-2931

For more information, 30

circle reply card No. 225

Guest Comment

By D.G. Langley*

An open letter to Moe SIhota, BC's Environment Minister

A December press release from Environment Canada and BC

A 1992 BC auditor general's report noted that Zenon had 10% to 15% flags on blind audit

Ministry of Environment Lands & Parks(MOEL&P),is incorrect

samples whereas the standard was 10%. Zenon addressed this matter and since 1992,

in substance and misleading in its terms of overall government cost savings. The new federal government laboratory will be taking

has averaged 6.5% flags, surpassing the BC requirements. Have you assurance that the new Environment Canada laboratory will

work from the private sector (a deprivatizing initiative) which contradicts govern ment policy of not compet ing with the private sector. Capital cost savings The release purports capital cost savings of S3 million to $4 million.

achieve better results? Will the new Environment

Canada laboratory be sub ject to the same strict stand ards and public reporting of performance? We hope so. Furthermore,the issue of value was addressed with

the re-tendering of the con


capital cost of the new En

tract in 1993 which resulted

vironment Canada labora

in significant cost savings to BC taxpayers. lAETL be

tory has obviously not been considered in the context of

lieves that BCMOEL&P is

savings as no capital cost would have oc curred had the work remained in the private domain. The capital cost savings statement is misleading. In fact, using your logic you could correctly state that BC would have achieved $3 to $4 million savings by leav ing the contract in the private sector. Further savings of$1 miliion in annuai operating costs As Environment Canada will be "staff

ing up to 18 positions to handle the increased work load", lAETL questions the stated $1 million savings in annual operating costs as it is creating 18 new positions(we estimate the annual operating cost of 18 staff to be about $1.6 million). Where are the savings? lAETL had been advised in June 1995

by Earle Anthony, Regional Director, Envi ronment Canada that only eight new posi tions would be created for the BC program, not 18 as stated in the recent press release. As about 90% of the BC analytical work would be classified as "routine"(e.g. not re search, method development, QC or forensics), lAETL questions the need to staff 18 new positions. If the work is not contracted

to private laboratories, the Federal govern ment — with BC concurrence — will be com

peting with the private sector and acting con trary to stated policy of not competing. "Under privatization the government was not receiving value for money or high quality environmental services"

These are old issues which have long

currently receiving excellent quality and value. If not, please advise who, why, what, where and when?

The notion that government laboratories produce superior data quality to the private sector is a view that was held twenty to thirty years ago when the commercial sector was in its infancy. This is not the case today in Canada and BC where there are many world class commercial testing companies. Today, there are more accredited commercial labo

ratories than government laboratories in Canada.

Furthermore, there are no published sci entific reports suggesting that commercial laboratories are somehow inferior. In fact,

the first known independent study(published in 1995 by Environment Resource Associ ates, Denver) on data quality comparison between government and commercial labo ratories, showed that there was no statistical difference in data quality between lAETL member laboratories and State and EPA labo

ratories. We suspect that publication of the FPWQA studies would corroborate our point on private and public sector data quality. In conclusion, we disagree with the quoted savings ofthis initiative. We respect fully request that you substantiate the sav ings and make the savings data available to lAETL and the public. Secondly, we request that you reconsider deprivatizing the routine portion of this work and contract out all the routine work under public tender to accred

since been addressed. We believe the state

ited Canadian commercial laboratories. We

ment is misleading and confrontational since it is certainly not true at this time. It casts a negative image on the commercial labora tory business. Mr. Sihota, why was it in cluded in the press release? The majority ofthe referenced work was performed by Zenon Environmental Labo ratories under contract to your government.

recognize that this will necessitate the rene

gotiation of your agreement with Environ ment Canada. It is never too late to correct

an error ofjudgement.

'Executive Director, International

Association of Environment Testing Laboratories (lAETL)

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


By Dr. John Fletcher and Don Ciancone*

Why life's a bleach (The Sodium Hypochlorlte Story)

Sodium hypochlorite, the active

ingredient in household bleach,

was discovered by the French chemist Berthollet, in Javel on the

outskirts of Paris, in 1787. Its ability to ef fectively whiten textiles was quickly discov ered and put to commercial use with great success. By the end of the nineteenth cen tury, after Louis Pasteur had discovered so dium hypochlorite's potent effectiveness against disease-causing bacteria, it became widely used as a disinfectant. Studies by numerous independent research institutes have supported the high level of disinfec tion effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite. It is recognized as having an unsurpassed disinfection spectrum.

Sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl, is manu factured by the reaetion of molecular chlo rine with sodium hydroxide and water. A small exeess ofsodium hydroxide is required to maintain the pH between 11 and 13 to minimize decomposition. Household bleaches usually contain 3% to 6% NaOCl

creased, in part because of less attention to basic hygiene, wider social interaction and increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiot ics. When used as part of a daily hygiene regimen,sodium hypochlorite bleach can be effective in preventing infections by elimi nating surface germs, bacteria and viruses that cause them.

It is widely used in homes,schools, hos pitals, swimming pools, drinking water sup plies, and for disinfecting hard surfaces and surgical instruments. Its low cost and ready availability makes it an invaluable weapon for the maintenance of human health and

proper preventative hygiene,throughout the world. This is particularly so in the devel oping world where it is a major contributor in the efforts to stem the debilitating eonsequences of cholera, dysentery, typhoid and

In hospitals and other health care facilities

bleach Is used to disinfect

whereas bleaches for Industrial & Institu

surfaces against HIV, the virus responsible for the

tional(I&I)applications are typically 10% 12% active.

Sodium hypochlorite disproportionates spontaneously to chloride and chlorate. This disproportionation is accelerated by ionic strength, temperature and concentration of the bleach. Metals such as copper, nickel and cobalt catalyze the decomposition of sodium hypochlorite. Every day, millions of households throughout the world rely on sodium hypochlorite bleach for their disinfection, deodorizing and cleaning needs. The world market for sodium hypochlorite bleach, mar keted to the consumer, is in excess of 4,000,000 tons. This does not include the large quantities used, particularly in North America, for industrial uses such as waste water treatment and drinking water disinfec tion.

Sodium hypochlorite solutions are often mistakenly referred to as "chlorine bleach". This arises because ofthe use of chlorine in

its manufacture. However,this is truly a mis nomer as "chlorine" gas is not present in the product nor is it involved in the product's mode of action.

Its Many Uses and Benefits

Sodium hypochlorite has long been rec ognized as having outstanding disinfection properties. It has been proven by the Insti tute Pasteur in Paris to be the most effective

transmission of AIDS,

and Hepatitis B.

sumer,as well as institutional laundry. It can be safely used on many washable, colourfast fabrics including cotton, polyester, ny lon, aeetate, linen, rayon and permanent press. It is highly effective at removing a wide range of stains and soils not totally re moved by laundry detergents alone, e.g. blood, body soil, coffee, grass, mustard,red wine, etc. It provides a significant boost to the whitening and cleaning power of laun dry detergents even in cold or hard water and its unique disinfecting properties assures sanitization, which is of particular impor tance in hospital linens for example, to re duce the possible transmission of disease. For industrial and institutional applica tions the versatility and usefulness ofsodium hypoehlorite inelude: • It is used extensively in the area of water treatment to disinfect municipal drinking water and by those taking drinking water from wells.

• It controls algae in open reservoirs. • It remains as one ofthe most effective, and certainly the most cost-effective means of contolling the zebra mussel population, the presence of which is causing serious prob lems for industry and the ecosystem through out North America.

• It is widely used for swimming pool water disinfection, both as a daily regimen and as

other waterborne biotic diseases. In recent

a shock treatment.

outbreaks of cholera in Latin America and

• It is used to treat sewage to reduce odours and increase digesting efficiency. • Chemical toilets, industrial wastes for

the Caribbean Islands, sodium hypochlorite was an effective deterrent that minimized

morbidity and mortality, as was reported at a symposium on tropical diseases conducted under the aegis of the Pasteur Institute. Sodium hypochlorite also has an impor tant public health role in the developed world. There is increasing consumer aware ness and concern that the home can be a ha

ven for disease-causing organisms, such as salmonella and E. Coll. Following good hygiene practiees and using hypochlorite bleach has been shown to be the most effec

tive means of minimizing these dangers. It is also very efficacious for the removal of mold and mildew.

In hospitals and other health care facili ties bleach is used to disinfect surfaces

against HIV, the virus responsible for the transmission of AIDS, and Hepatitis B. In fact, many authorities, such as the Ontario Ministry of Health, specifically advocate such practices. It has been used by NASA in the United

disinfectant against all known pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. In recent years, the incidence of infec tion among certain populations has in-

States during the Apollo program to assure destruction ofany potentially harmful organ isms introduced from space missions. Throughout the world sodium hypochlorite is used as a laundry whitener,

"Colgate-Palmollve Canada Inc.

stain remover and sanitizer both for con-

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

odour control.

• Cyanide waste treatment in metal finishing. • Treatment for cyanide effluent in gold min ing. • Air scrubbing. • Food processing; dairy equipment sanitizing, fruit and vegetable processing, mushroom production, hog, beef and poul try production, maple syrup production,fish processing. • Precious metal recovery. • Cooling water and boiler water treatment to prevent fouling. Human and Environmental Safety During the last few years there has been a concerted effort to investigate and assess the human and environmental safety aspects of sodium hypochlorite. An extensive re view of the literature has been undertaken

by many investigators and the conclusions drawn are that sodium hypochlorite is safe for humans and the environment.

Depending on the coneentration in volved, hypochlorite solutions can be clas sified as either irritant or corrosive and ap propriate precautions should be taken when using the product, carefully reading the label, adhering to cautionary warnings and 31

Disinfection, cont'd. ment into table salt, oxygen and water. Other substances may be formed, to a small ex tent. These by-products are most often re ferred to as AOX (adsorbable organic halides). A great many studies have been made to provide a risk assessment of house hold bleach in terms ofits formation of AOX. The conclusions drawn were:

• the amount of AOX is very small both in absolute terms and relative to other human

activities and natural sources,

• the majority of these AOX are easily degradable, •the AOXs formed are primarily water solu ble and not bio-accumulative.

•highly chlorinated species,such as dioxins, are not formed.

The conclusion of the Swedish Environ mental Research Institute was that sodium

following usage directions. Particular atten tion must be paid to not mixing with other products, such as toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, ammonia or acids. Although skin and mucous membrane irritation can occur when the exposure con centration is greater than 5%, these effects are reversible. The overall safety ofsodium hypochlorite is further documented by re ports from poison control centres in North America and Europe which show no major health effects after unintentional ingestion or skin contact. The unpleasant taste of the

product prevents unintentional ingestion of significant quantities and thereby limits the extent of injuries. It is documented that sodium hypo chlorite is not a mutagen, carcinogen, teratogen or skin sensitizer. Indeed, in the context of its use in drinking water, lARC (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) has concluded that chlorinated drinking water is not a "classifiable" human carcinogen. Under normal household use, sodium hypochlorite is broken down in the environ

hypochlorite "does most probably not create environmental problems when used in the right manner and in recommended quantities". Conclusion

Sodium hypochlorite has a long history of safe use in homes, hospitals and schools, and it is widely available at low cost to con sumers. It is highly beneficial to basic hy giene and good health due to its disinfecting and sanitizing qualities. It kills all known germs and a wider range of bacteria than other disinfectants, and it helps to prevent the spread of diseases through water and

surfaces. Circle reply card No. 241




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For more information, circle reply card No. 101 (See page 33)

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


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The Densadeg is widely used for potable water worldwide. Why? • Because it combines flocculation,

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To find out about adapting the Densadeg to your facihty, call Degremont Infilco today.

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For more information, circle reply card No. 102 (See page 33)

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CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE Part of Canadian Manufacturing Week October 1,2,3, 1996 International Centre, Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario

See more than 800 international exhibitors One-stop shopping for all your manufacturing needs CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE Offers solutions for all pollution streams - air, water, hazardous waste and solid waste.

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Environmental Management

By Bill Neaves*

ISO 14000:a systems approach to environmental management Environmental Management System: Organization structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for implementing and maintaining environmental management.flSO 14000 Draft international Standard, Sec. 3.6)

Environmental management in

Canada is quietly undergoing a revolution. Has anybody noticed? Later this year the

work of ISO Technical Committee 207

will be published and adopted internationally under the modest title LSO Standard



Management Systems.

Canada has played a significant role in developing this standard, which will provide a practical set of guidelines that organizations can use to develop and im plement Environmental Management Sys tems (EMS). In so doing, the standard steps away from the prescriptive efforts of the past, shifting the emphasis to pol lution prevention and replacing such timehonoured phrases as "best available tech

energy and natural resources." (ISO 90004-1: Sec. 3.3) ISO 9000 also pro motes a management structure that shifts responsibility for quality from a small group to the whole organization. In the

ing the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" cycle to achieve environmental management ob jectives through continuous improvement. The standard builds the system ele ments around five principles:

same manner, ISO 14000 seeks to estab

1. An organization should focus on what

lish broad ownership of responsibility

needs to be done — it should ensure com

within an organization for environmental

mitment to the EMS and define its policy.


2. An organization should formulate a

Five Principles of Environmental Management ISO 14000 is, in fact, a series of inter

related standards that provide a system atic framework for dealing with an organization's environmental management needs. The document organization ofISO 9000 has been used extensively in devel oping the ISO 14000 system. The primary document,ISO 14000, presents a roadmap to development and implementation of an

plan to fulfill its environmental policy. 3. For effective implementation, an or ganization should develop the capabili ties and support mechanisms necessary to achieve its environmental policy, objec tives and targets. 4.An organization should measure, moni

tor and evaluate its environmental per formance.

5.An organization should review and con tinually improve its environmental man-

Figure 1

ISO 14000 Environmental Management System ISO 14000

Environmental Management System Roadmap

nology economically achievable" with "core system elements" and "continuous improvement". So, what is the standard ISO 14001

about and how will it affect environmen

System Specifications

tal management practices in Canada? Background Prototype PMS standards have been around for several years, both as industry standards (e.g.. Responsible Care in the Chemical Industry) and as National Standards.

Organizatio lal Evaluation

The latter includes EMS


and Core

Product 1 valuation




14020-^4 Envlronmenta



14031 Envlronmehtal

1^41-44 Ife-Cycle Assessme


standards published in Great Britain, Ja pan, Canada and several European coun tries. Ofthese, British Standards BS 7750 became the starting point used by the ISO technical committee to develop the inter

EMS. ISO 14001 contains the core sys

national standard.

tem elements and will be the standard

ISO 14000 is, in many ways, a logical extension of the ISO 9000 Quality Man agement standards that have been in use globally since 1987. A foundation prin ciple stated in ISO 9000 is that in order to be successful, an organization needs — among other things — to comply with the statutory and other requirements of soci

used for system audit and registration purposes. Other technical standards pro vide additional, detailed requirements concerning specific aspects of the system.


The overall relationship among the vari

ment and Policy, talks about commitment to the system by the senior management of the organization and requires an initial review to document the organization's present state. The intent of this review is to assess the environmental impact of all aspects of the organization's activities, to establish policies, set priorities and iden tify where sources need to be focused in order to make improvements. Subsequent sections address Planning, Implementa tion, Measurement and Evaluation, Re view and Improvement.


These requirements include "obliga tions resulting from law as regulations, rules, codes and other considerations,

notably protection of the environment, health, safety, security, conservation of

*DMA Systems inc.

ous documents is presented in Figure 1. There is inherent recognition in ISO 14000 that each organization is unique and as a result, the approach to environ mental management is pragmatic, empha sizing that environmental management is an on-going activity that affects the whole organization. To be effective, policies and procedures need to be understood by eve rybody in the organization and the sys tem has to function as part of its daily work. Strong emphasis is placed on us-

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

agement system, with the objective ofim proving its overall environmental per

Each of these principles is developed into a set of detailed requirements. For example. Section 4.1, entitled Commit


Environmental Management, cont'd.

conform to the standard and have been

and those required for on-going mainte nance of the system. Extension ofthe reg istration process to include Environmen tal Management Systems based on ISO 14000 is expected soon after the standard is published. The registrars are accredited in Canada by the Standards Council of Canada and in the United States by the Registrar Ac

implemented effectively. The main thrust of registration is directed at raising cus tomer confidence but an organization's internal operations also benefit, both from the activities that lead up to registration

ensure that each registrar operates its pro gram according to defined standards. These organizations also oversee the qualifications and competence of the in-

Voluntary Registration Some 80 organizations are accredited in North America to act as Quality Sys tem Registrars under ISO 9000. Regis trars provide manufacturers and service organizations with independent, thirdparty assessments oftheir Quality Systems in order to determine whether or not they

creditation Board, whose mandates are to

dividuals who do the auditing. Accredi tation of auditors already exists in the U.S. and is likely to follow soon in Canada. Applied to Environmental Manage ment Systems,registration provides an or ganization with important feedback con cerning the effectiveness of its systems; it also provides an opportunity for gov ernments to change their regulatory strat egy. To date, the European Union has al ready established a system of voluntary registration under its Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. In North America, Article 9 of NAFTA encourages the use of international standards as a basis for

Tap into the source for quality copper sulfate.

environmental management. This emphasis is reinforced in the side agreements regarding environmental co operation and is also the subject of on going meetings involving Canada, the United States, Mexico and Chile.

Proposed changes to the Canadian En vironmental Protection Act include the use of international standards and encour

age the voluntary registration process.

These changes are expected to be included in the Act when it is re-legislated within the next IS months. In Ontario, the MGEE is currently working with the Ca nadian Manufacturers' Association and

CSA to provide training and to promote use of ISO 14000. A Vision for the Future

An important trend in environmental legislation is an increased emphasis on pollution prevention; Environmental Management Systems based on ISO 14000 provide a delivery mechanism. Organizations who,already have ISO 9000-based Quality Management Systems in place will find the transition to ISO

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14000 implementation to be a relatively

water supplies must

small step that makes greater use of the management apparatus they already have.

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Having an EMS in place increases the confidence ofcustomers, suppliers, share holders, regulators and the general pub lic in an organization by demonstrating that it is committed to specific environ mental policies and objectives and is ac tively working toward achieving them. Based on experience with ISO 9000, organizations will find that the implemen tation process uncovers opportunities for waste reduction and cost savings. They can also expect to benefit economically from linking environmental objectives with overall organizational goals, which, in turn, provides opportunities to focus

resources where they will do the most good. Although not a panacea,ISO 14000 will provide an important set of tools for organizations to develop sound environ mental management and to contribute to society's broader need for sustainable de velopment.

For more Information, circle reply card No. 256 36

For more Information, circle reply card No. 104 (See page 33)

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


Federal and Provincial Ministries are active

in developing innovative treatment and optimization projects

Inspite ofbudgetconstraints,theWater

and Wastewater Optimization Section of the Ministry of Environment and Energy(MDEE)and the Great Lakes 2000 Clean Up Fund (GL2000CUF) of Environment Canada have been active in

linity loss during the nitrification process and better settling sludge. The mechanical ret rofits may be,as simple as installing timers to allow cycling of surface aerators, or to open and close electrically actuated valves on the diffused air supply. Once the aera-

L in winter, issued for many Ontario STPs. Average total nitrogen concentration waS however,lower in the S train(7.2 mg/L)than in the C train (21.9 mg/L)by 67%. Average and daily CBOD,SS and TP concentrations between the two trains were essentially the

leading the development and application of innovative treatment technologies and optimization approaches for the municipal water and

further estimated that a 20% air

wastewater treatment indus

flow saving is due to oxygen

tries. Four projects related to optimizing sewage treatment plants (STPs) for nitrification requirement are presented in

credit obtained during denitrification, and the remaining 6% saving is due to improved oxy gen transfer efficiency in the mixed liquor. The study is on-going to determine efficiency and air flow savings under winter con ditions. A similar study is be ing planned for the Dundas


The S train also realized an

air flow saving of 26% com pared to the C train. The study

this issue.

Increasingly, more sewage treatment plants are being re quired to achieve nitrification when undergoing plant expan sion. The requirement is nec essary to eliminate effluent toxicity to aquatic life, and in some cases to reduce oxygen demand in the receiving water. Nitrification requires more process air than for carbon

STP which uses mechanical aerators.


Waterdown STP

project is carried out by a con sortium of WTC, Totten Sims Hubicki



Schomberg Water Pollution Control Plant — designed by R. V. Anderson Enviromega. It evaluates the aceous BOD (CBOD) re Associates and Rupke & Associates. cost benefits and the optimum moval; the resulting sludge is design and operating conditions of an inte also more difficult to settle. Consequently, tion cycle times are set, only seasonal ad STPs with nitrification requirements are of justments may be required to allow for grated fixed film/activated sludge process ten designed with larger aeration tanks and changes in sewage temperature. Baffling of (IFAS). Results will also be used to assess aeration tanks and mixed liquor recycle are low cost alternatives for retrofitting the final clarifiers. MOEE and GL2000CUF commissioned

a literature review in 1993 to identify inno vative approaches to improve aeration and clarification systems to bring down their capital and O&M costs. The literature review concluded that by applying innovative technologies, hundreds of millions of dollars can be saved by On tario STPs when they are being expanded/ upgraded to comply with nitrification re

quirement. Currently,three field demonstra tion projects are being carried out at

not necessary with this operating strategy. Tillsonburg STP is a 8,200 mVday, con ventional activated sludge plant, serving a population of 11,000. Aeration and mixing are provided by coarse bubble diffusers and a combination of fixed and variable speed blowers. The plant is also equipped with an on-line computer control system to maintain a pre-set dissolved oxygen concentration in the aeration tanks.

Anoxic conditions provide several

For this study, the plant is divided into two equal parallel trains: the studied(S)train and the control(C)train. Retrofit comprises incorporating two software programs into the on-line computer system to manipulate blower speed and aeration on-/off- times. Field testing commenced in July, 1995. The on-/off- cycle in the S train was kept at 30 minutes each, with 2 short bursts of aera tion during the off- cycle to maintain mix ing in the aeration tanks. Results to-date showed that at 18° C and 5 days SRT, aver age effluent total ammonia nitrogen concen tration in the S train was higher (1.9 mg/L) than in the C train (0.5 mg/L). These total

advantages: reduction in subsequent aeration and energy requirement, recovery of alka

fluent limit of 3 mg/L in summer and 5 mg/

Tillsonburg, Waterdown and Woodward Avenue STPs to test some of the innovative

technologies identified by the literature re view.

The Tillsonburg STP project is carried out by the Wastewater Technology Centre (WTC). It evaluates the cost benefits, and the optimum design and operating conditions of on-/off- aeration control.

This control

strategy provides an alternating sequence of aerobic and anoxic conditions within the same aeration tank.

ammonia concentrations were within the ef

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Woodward Avenue STP in Hamilton. The

Remedial Action Plan (RAP) has proposed an ultimate effluent limit of 1.0 mg/L TKN for the Woodward Avenue STP.

Nitrifiers tend to grow better in the fixed media and are less prone to wash-out. The fixed media can be added to the existing aera tion tanks to increase biomass, and without increasing solids loading to the final clarifi ers. Consequently, an IFAS system can be an effective retrofit strategy for many exist ing STPs. Two commercial fixed media, Ringlace and Biomatrix, are being tested at the Waterdown STP. Both media are similar in

that they are made of plastic ropes and con sist of many loops or ringlets per foot of strand. Both media have a very high sur face area to volume ratio. The strands are

attached to a metal support frame which is installed in the aeration tank to form a non-

clogging biomass support media. The Waterdown STP is a conventional

activated sludge plant with a design capac ity of 2,730 mVday and a service populationof 7,000 people. Both the S and C trains were retrofitted to provide a small 37

Wastewater, cont'd. anoxic zone. The retrofit was completed in October, 1995. Results to-date showed that

ammonia removals were essentially the same in the S and C trains during warm weather and at lower flows. The S train, however, outperformed the C train during winter and at higher flows. At 12°C, total ammonia concentration was reduced from an average of 15 mg/L in the primary effluent to 5 mg/ L in the S train and to 10 mg/L in the C train. It is anticipated that the performance of the S train would further improve once the dis solved oxygen limitation in the S train is cor rected. The study is scheduled for comple tion in early 1997. The Woodward Avenue STP project is carried out by CH2M Gore & Storrie. It in

vestigates the cost-effectiveness of various baffling strategies to improve final clarifier performance. It is anticipated that more clarifiers will be needed when the Woodward

Avenue STP has to comply with the nitrifi cation requirement. In addition, the final clarifiers in the Woodward Avenue STP have

had performance problems in the past due to shallow side water depth and mechanical problems with the sludge removal mecha nism and leakages at the overflow weir laun ders. The mechanical and leakage problems were fixed prior to the study. The study will evaluate three different baffle arrangements: weir baffle alone to re direct wall currents away from the clarifier

weirs; weir baffle plus mid-radius baffle; and mid-radius baffle alone to interrupt shortcircuiting density currents. Each arrange ment will be tested for a minimum of eight weeks, at different hydraulic and solids load ing rates. In addition to solids monitoring, dye tests will also be conducted to charac terize hydraulic flow patterns. Evaluation of weir baffle alone is com

plete. Dye test results showed that the baf fle was successful in re-directing the flow from the clarifier side wall towards the inte

rior ofthe clarifier. However,the S clarifier

produced only marginally lower SS concen tration(16.4 mg/L)than the C clarifier(19.7 mg/L). The difference is, however, statisti cally significant at 90% confidence level. The study is scheduled for completion in early 1996. Use of Intermittent Slow Rate Sand

Filter (ISRSF) to nitrify lagoon effluent Ontario has approximately 165 sewage lagoons serving communities of 1,000 peo ple or less. Most ofthese lagoons discharge in the spring, and their effluent often con tains hydrogen sulphide and high ammonia concentration that can be toxic to aquatic life. Furthermore, lagoon effluent often contains high SS due to the discharge of algae and disturbance of bottom sediments.

In 1993, MOEE and GL2000CUF com missioned RV Anderson and XCG to iden-

tify alternatives which can be used to im prove lagoon effluent quality. Several alter natives including different types of con

structed wetland treatment,rock filters, aquaculture, slow rate land treatment, were

investigated. The study centered on the "Sutton"concept and ISRSF. The study con cluded that the ISRSF used at New Ham

burg (started in 1981) and Schomberg (started in 1990), is the most cost-effective alternative.

The ISRSFs are located in the open. The filters in New Hamburg and Schomberg are both 0.8 m in depth and composed of ordi nary beach sand. Lagoon effluent in New Hamburg is discharged by spraying intermit tently onto the sand filters, and the effluent is collected from the bottom for dis

charge. In Schomberg, the effluent is ap plied by flooding the filter surface. Both facilities are in southern Ontario. Filtered

effluent is discharged between late March to late November, depending on the weather conditions. In Schomberg,effluent discharge is restricted during July to September. Long term data at New Hamburg indi cated that nitrification is achieved within two

to three days of start up in the spring with lagoon effluent temperature remaining at less than 4° C. Between 1991 and, 1992, the ISRSF at New Hamburg reduced CBOD from 12 mg/L to 2 mg/L, SS from 17 mg/L to 2 mg/L,TP from 1 mg/L to 0.5 mg/L and total ammonia from 15 mg/L to 0.9 mg/L. McMaster University was then con tracted in 1995 to conduct more detailed site

JUMBOS A new range of submersible dewatering pumps is now available offering models for three different applications and designed using modular main components. ■ Jumbo(J Series)- 1.7hp to 95hp compact series for large volumes of water and high head applications. ■ Jumbo Centerline(JC Series)- 2.6hp to 15hp for slim line dewa tering in confined spaces and for 8", 10", or 12" well point systems. ■ Jumbo Sludge (JS Series)- 2.6hp to 15hp for large amounts of effluent containing solids in portable or permanent high head applications. Call orfax ABS Pumps todayfor a complete brochure!

monitoring and laboratory studies to optimize the design parameters for the ISRSF. Both field and laboratory study re sults concluded that nitrification can start up almost immediately at 4°C or lower, after the sand filter had been ffeezed for a long pe riod of time. Most of the nitrification oc

curred at the top 5 cm of the filter, and lev elled off at the 20 to 25 cm depth. The filter loading rate is dependent on the Kg of ammonia to be removed and ef fluent temperature. The filter size can be further optimized by increasing the discharge rate in the summer, by taking advantage of lower lagoon effluent ammonia concentra tions and higher temperature in the summer, More than one filter is necessary as the filter will be clogged after about 20 days of op eration. The filter can be returned to service

by simply resting it for 10 days. ISRSF ef

fluent TP is dependent on chemical dosage applied to the lagoon content. It is feasible

to achieve a TP concentration of 0.3 mg/L with ISRSF.

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The study results and experiences have been applied to expand and/or upgrade a number oflagoons in southwestern Ontario, and have resulted in millions of dollars

saved. All four projects are co-funded by MOEE, GL2000CUF and the participating municipalities. For more information, circie repiy card No. 257 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


Major Industrial Effluent By-Pass Suppose your plant had a sewer line with 32 million gallons per day (IvlGD) of process water flowing through it and you had to inspect the interior prior to starting repairs. Problem: tHow do you by-pass 32 MGD flow through two blocks of neighbouring towns from one 40" X 48" hole while ensuring uninter rupted plant reliability? That's exactly the challenge that recently faced a major Indus trial complex. Any reduction In flow

Do What No Other Centrifugal Pump Can...

rates would result in the shutdown

of processing operations. After ex tensive engineering review, every thing was planned, down to the smallest detail. In engineering this by-pass, several key challenges had to be overcome. 32 MGD or


f ■' •

22,400 USGPM, had to be drawn from one restricted location: a 40"

X 48" hole In a single sewer box. This was Impossible for any sub mersible pumps. The answer was a special bundle of pipes contain ing nine 12" pipes and four 8" pipes, ail welded together to fit In the 40" X 48" rectangular opening. Another challenge was the staging of the pumps. Suction

• Run dry continuously and reliably - unattended.

hoses were connected to the

• Auto self-prime to 28 feet - reprime on demand.

flanged pipes of the Intake bundle. Once the pumps were In place, the discharge piping needed to be run together Into four 18" discharge headers that would transport the process water to the destination: a water treatment facility two blocks away. Environmental laws called for

'double wall' containment piping for process water flowing over pub lic land. A system of plastic sheeting was devised to "wrap"the discharge pipes, forming a second layer of containment. The signal was given. One-byone, the Godwin DrI-Prlme® pumps automatically picked up their prime and started pumping water from the sewer box. Within minutes, the

entire flow was being bypassed, enabling the Internal inspection of the fire-glazed brick sewer lines that were Installed almost a cen



Self-adjusting, oil bath lubricated mechanical seal with solid silicon carbide interface, located outside affects of flow.

No moving parts. Air ejector priming produces 25 inches of mercury vacuum draw. Install hose, start pumoina and leave.

Sales, service and immediate rentals from stock anywhere. GODWIN DRI-PRIME® centrifugal pump models from 2 thru 12 inch, cast iron and 316 stainless steel, diesel and electric. Flows to 5,500 gpm, solids to 3.5 inches and discharge heads to 485 feet t.d.h. Pumps, hose and piping systems can be shipped anywhere the same day ordered. Ask how rental recapture can be applied towards purchase price.


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Godwin-Dri-PrimeP pumps automatically prime to 28 feet dry static suction heads inciuding

iong horizontal suction lines of severai hundred feet and wili reprime on demand. The selftury ago. adjusting, oil bath lubricated mechanical seal Is located away from the harmful effects of the The entire by-pass ran for a to flow, allowing pumps to run-dry overnight - unattended. Pumps are supplied in cast iron and tal of seven days reaching maxi 316L stainiess steei and wili handle solids to 3-1/2" and heads to 485 feet t.d.h. Pumps to 12 mum flows of 32 IvlGD, a large-vol ume by-pass, thought Impossible Inch, hose and piping are avaiiable for rental or purchase and can usually be shipped the same day, anywhere. For more information and assistance on municipal andIndustrialpumping to achieve. For more information,

circle reply card No. 230

systems, please contact Rf/IS Enviro Solv Inc at 800-563-1093.

For more information, circie repiy card No. 231

For more information, circie reply card No. 292 (See page 33)

Product Review Box culverts

Lafarge's dry or wet cast box culverts are quick to install; a typical precast installation can be made in less than a day. Project turn around time is kept to a minimum. Long road closings, traffic disruption and reroutings can be avoided. Minimum fill is required. The precast box culverts can be custom made in a wide varity of sizes. To meet spe cialized project requirements, custom spe

Thermoplastic-lined FRP tanks and equipment FABCO uses thermoplastic-lined, fiberglass reinforced plastics (FRP), for the manufacture of equipment ex posed to aggressive chemical services, or requiring that the purity of the process chemicals be maintained ArmourplasticsÂŽ employ the chemical resistance prop erties of high performance thermoplastics (PVC, CPVC, polypropylene, PVDF, E-CTFE, FEP and PFA), as the inner-liner (corrosion barrier), bonded to FRP structural laminate, specifically designed to handle the equipment's operating conditions. FABCO machine fuses the thermoplastic ma terials, used for the liners, as well as vacuum forming dished head and flat bottom liners and liners for internal support ledges. Armourplastics* are employed in the manufacture of storage tanks, processing vessels and scrubbers, as well as ventilation and piping systems. ml*'*ÂŽ'

Fabricated Plastics

For more information, circle reply card No. 175

cials such as radius, transition, bends,

provides easy reading offlow rate and visual flow indication from a distance. Many flow rate ranges are available- up to 220 USGPM (50,000 li/hr) maximum. Optional limit switches provide low or high flow alarm.

skewed and bevelled end units are available. There is no reliance on soil interaction for

strength. Lafarge Pipe and Precast For more information, circle reply card No. 170

Chemline Plastics

Carbotrap adsorbent tubes

For more Information, circle reply card No. 177

Cored tee connection tions. The BVF produces very little waste sludge on its own and provides a place for disposal of waste biological sludge. This increases the quantity of biogas produced and saves on sludge handling and disposal costs. The BVF reactor treats strong indus trial wastewaters like food processing, dairy, winery, brewery, distillery, and soft drink. ADI Systems For more information, circle reply card No. 176

Plastic rotameters Supelco combines expertise in adsorbent chemistry with years of manufacturing ex perience to produce state-of-the-art carbon adsorbents. Many of the adsorbents are not available anywhere else. The Carbotrap graphitized carbon blacks and Carboxen car bon molecular sieves are inert and nonspe cific. Their hydrophobic nature minimizes sample displacement by water (and water retention). They can be used at high tem peratures without bleed - with virtually 100% desorption efficiency for trapped or ganic compounds. Supelco Canada For more information, circle reply card No. 174

Waterloo Concrete Products has introduced

a three step, cored tee connection for PVC pipe. Available on mainline pipe from 675 mm to 1800 mm dia., the cored tee is avail able for lateral connections from 100 mm to 250 mm dia.

Low rate anaerobic system The ADI-BVF* reactor is a modified low-

rate anaerobic system. Its major advantage is that equalization and primary treatment (i.e. DAF and primary clarification) are nor mally unnecessary, because the system can accept wastewaters with very high organic strengths and suspended solids concentra40

Chemline's all plastic Variable Area Flowmeters("Rotameters")are ideal for plas tic piping. They feature union ends,a choice offour plastic tube materials, high accuracy, and low cost. The high visibility red float

A gasket is factory installed in the fitting opening, prior to the pipe being shipped to the jobsite. The lateral connection opening is protected by a disposable plastic cover to assure that it is clean prior to installation and to prevent backfill from getting into the mainline. The step arrangement in the open ing provides for both proper pipe alignment and a shoulder to prevent the lateral connec tion pipe from protruding into the mainline. Testing has confirmed the fittings' suit ability for both storm and sanitary applica tions by passing both hydrostatic and vacuum test requirements. Waterloo Concrete Products

For more Information,

circle reply card No. 178

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


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Processing hazardous liquid and solid wastes to add value is the

focus of Philip Environmental's By-product Recovery Group. Operating waste derived fuels plants,solvent reclamation facili ties, distillation operations, as well as treatment and disposal sites throughout North America,we provide clients with prompt service, minimized liability, maximized profitability, and the security of dealing with one of the largest environmental

companies on the continent. By virtue of its integrated by-product recov

ery services, Philip Environmental provides clients the significant benefit of dealing with only one company for all their environmental ser vice requirements.To find out more about how Philip Environmental can help you call 1-800-429-5503.

Ask for a copy of our integrated services on


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For more information, circle reply card No. 107(See page 33)

Recyd/ng So/ut/ons for Every Environment

Water Treatment

Enhanced settling trials using 'ballasted flocculatlon'for water treatment

Variable raw water quality, high

colour, and low temperatures can seriously hinder the settling process. Many water treatment plants in Ontario have experimented with a variety ofmethods to overcome this difficulty. One way to enhance the normal coagu lation, flocculation, and settling process uses microsand. The process, called 'ballasted flocculation' has been understood for many years, but was not utilized commercially in






Canada until the recent introduction of the

"Actiflo" process. Essentially the process involves light floe attaching themselves to microsand grains(50 - 100 micron diameter) through several stages of mixing. The sand, with particles attached, then settles quickly, assisted by tube or plate settlers to reduce any carry over. Then the sand and floe sludge mixture is pumped to a hydrocyclone where the sand is separated and returned to the process. Sludge is discharged from the cy clone for further treatment or disposal. Last summer, the first field trials of a ballastedflocculation system in Ontario took place at the 22 ML/d (5 MIGD) Lindsay Water Treatment Plant. The location was

appropriate. Lindsay had long struggled







with a difficult water to tteat, as the Scugog River, its raw water source, is highly col oured, low in turbidity, and high in alkalin ity. Two existing solids contact clarifiers provided mixing, flocculation, and clarifi cation. Even with alum dosages of 120 mg/ L, activated silica, and polymer, the clarifi-

Pesticide Monitoring with RaPID Assays®Test Kits Ohmicron RaPID Assays immunoassay(ELISA) based test kits provide a low cost and easy-to-use method for the

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ers could not even approach their rated ca pacity without considerable carryover to the filters. The carryover led to poor filtered water quality and the rapid huild-up of headloss through the filters. Furthermore, the high coagulant dosages used in an at tempt to weigh down the floe led to large volumes of waste sludge. In addition, in 1994 the Lindsay Water Commission was ordered by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) to elimi nate the discharge of chlorinated water, and waste streams containing in excess of 15 mg/ L suspended solids, into the Scugog River. The Commission was faced with a large capital outlay for the construction of sludge and backwash handling facilities. As a re sult, they first considered optimization of the process to reduce sludge volumes. They became interested in the ballasted floccu lation process because of its potential to help

solve both problems. The settling problem could be solved by installing two ballasted flocculation and settling units in the space currently occupied hy one of the existing clarifiers. The units would be capable of treating the entire plant capacity. To deal with the second problem, the remaining ex isting clarifier could be converted into a sludge thickener, without altering the foot print of the plant. Only a backwash equali zation tank would need be constructed out

side the existing building. On-site pilot testing of the process was carried out in July of 1995. Test results showed that alum dosages could be reduced by up to 50%, and polymer by 65%, with complete elimination of the activated silica. Most of the pilot testing was undertaken 'General Mgr., Lindsay Water Commission "Associate Manager, Water Supply R.V. Anderson Associates Limited


For more information, circle reply card No. 108 (See page 33)

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

By Wayne Elliott, C.E.T.* and Ken Campbell* using an upflow rate of40 m/h. At this flow rate settled water turbidity was reduced to less than 1.0 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit), and colour was generally reduced to about 5 TCU (True Colour Units). For com parison purposes, the existing clarifiers were designed using an upflow rate ofabout 3 m/h. With the successful pilot testing com pleted, Ted Hewitt, Rick Foster, and Wayne Elliott of the Lindsay Water Commission,


In the fall of 1995, R.V. Anderson Asso ciates Limited were retained to determine the

feasibility of the use of this system in Lindsay, and to examine the possibility of utilizing existing equipment for the treatment ofplant residues(sludge and spent backwash water). The engineering study commenced with

a review ofoptimization reports prepared by

compared to the addition of plate or tube set tlers in the existing upflow clarifiers. It was found that the existing clarifiers were not deep enough to accommodate plate settlers but could be retrofitted with the shallower

tube settlers. The performance improvement of tube settlers was not, however, expected to be enough to restore full plant capacity. The option ofadding new conventional clari fiers to substantially reduce the existing upflow rate was also considered,

visited two installations in the

Council of Kahnawake. The sec

Wear and maintenance on the sludge pumps and cyclones were found to be negligible after two years of operation. Colour removal, and process stability during changes In the

ond was the 13 600 mVd plant

flow rate were found to be excellent.

Province of Quebec which use the ballasted flocculation proc ess. The first was the 7700 mVd

facility operated by the Mohawk

operated by the City ofRoberval, located on Lac St. Jean. The major areas of interest were viewing the actual system in operation, investigating maintenance asso ciated with the use ofthe abrasive microsand, and observing colour removal in the high colour, low turbidity waters of Lac St. Jean. Wear and maintenance on the sludge pumps and cyclones were found to be negligible after two years ofoperation. Colour removal, and process stability during changes in the flow rate were found to be excellent.

The results of the pilot testing and site visits were enough to convince the Lindsay Water Commission that further investigation into the ballasted flocculation system was

the MOEE and others, over a number of years. Interviews with plant operators also

assisted in defining the difficulties with the existing clarifiers. Of great importance was the fact that rapid changes in the raw water quality caused frequent upsets to the clarifi ers. Many hours were required to regain control ofthe sensitive clarifiers after every upset event.

The study considered a variety of means to upgrade clarification so the plant could achieve its rated capacity, and how the plant could most effectively deal with the MOEE's

sludge discharge requirements.

but rejected due to high costs. Cost estimates performed on the range of alternatives indicated

that the ballasted flocculation sys tem, combined with the conver

sion of a clarifier into a sludge — thickener was the optimal solu tion. This was in spite of the fact that the process generates sludge volumes of 3 to 4 percent ofthe design flow. (The total amount

ofsolids, however, would decrease in accord ance with any reduction in chemical dos ages.) An application has been submitted to the

MOEE for approval in principle of the ballasted flocculation system for use in Lindsay. Once approval is received, the Lindsay Water Commission plans to under take design and construction, with comple tion scheduled for 1998.

For more information,

The ballasted flocculation system was

circle reply card No. 110

ECODYNE LAMELLA SETTLERS You can't settle lor less You can save space and instal lation time when you specify Ecodyne Lamella Settlers.

Ecodyne's 10 years experience in Lamella Settlers includes

single installations up to 90 MGD, treating a variety of raw waters including Great Lakes water. Graver Water Division

Custom designs are available with plastic or stainless steel plates, galvanized or SS selfsupporting troughs. No field assembly, no maintenance required. You can't settle for less.

2201 Speers Road Oakville, Ontario L6L 2X9 We make water work

Telephone (905) 827-9821 Fax (905)827-8428

Other Ecodyne Divisions specialize in cooling towers and other process equipment for municipalities, industry and utilities across North America.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circle reply card No. 109 (See page 33)


Occupational Health & Safety

Canadians underestimate

CWWAyACEPU Cmim H'8(rr sid

31 billion dollar workplace

Jrs tm ftUilts er isf'fi

Seventh National Conference

on Drinking Water Prince Edward Hotei Charlottetown

Prince Edward Isiand, Canada

August 11-13,1996

accident costs Half of Working Canadians Claim Little Knowledge of Health and Safety Laws

C aim to know aws

Balancing Risks and Reason Claim not to

know 48°/

Source: lAPA Workplace Accident Prevention Study, December'95 and January '96.

Keynote address "Drinking Water and Heaith Risks" by Dr. Steve Hrudey, University of Alberta. 20 eminent Canadian and interna-

tionai authors wiil present papers on:

• Agricultural impacts and source protection • Emerging guidelines and regulations • Innovative treatment for

municipal or private supplies • Monitoring and compliance • Public perception, awareness and consultation

• Risks, benefits and economics • Treatment devices, bottled water, and beverages • Waterborne diseases

with a poster session to review a further 20 papers of distinction. Conference fees (including GST)are $275 before July 19, $325 after. For more information, contact: Canadian Water and Wastewater Association

by telephone at (613)241 -5692; by fax at (613)241 -5193; by e-mail at 102504.2443@compuserve.com; or by mail at Suite 402, 45 Rideau St., Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 5W8 For more Information, 44

circle reply card No. Ill

Canadians drastical y under

estimate the financial losses

which workplace accidents and injuries inflict on the economy, according to a survey released February 8, 1996 by the Industrial Accident Pre vention Association (lAPA). In the lAPA's poll of 2,000 Canadians, 61 percent of the respondents estimated the annual cost of an industrial accident in Canada to be half or less than half the

projected figure of$78,000*. Meanwhile, 26 percent of those questioned could not even provide an estimate of the average financial loss caused by workplace mis haps.

take training courses as it would be for workers.

However, 52 percent of all respond ents said they are not very knowledgeable or not at all knowledgeable about the health and safety laws and regulations in their province. Only a bare majority of employed Canadians said they know the health and safety laws; 48 percent said they don't. "Just as traffic laws apply to all driv ers," says lAPA's Shaw,"health and safety laws apply to all employed or self-em ployed Canadians. This survey has con firmed the fact that in order to reduce the

and business have to better communicate

accident toll there must be greater aware ness of workplace safety." The overall survey results can be considered to be rep resentative of the Canadian public, within 2.2 percent, 19 times out of 20(most con servative estimate).

the fact that workplace accidents exact an enormous toll on the Canadian economy

Association has a membership of more

Maureen Shaw, President and Chief Executive Officer of the lAPA, the larg est safety and health consulting associa tion in Canada says: "Government,labour

— a conservative estimate is 31 billion

dollars a year. We also need to better edu cate Canadians about how they can collaboratively eliminate workplace acci dents and injuries and the staggering per sonal, financial and emotional losses those accidents bring." The lAPA survey (conducted in two waves in December, 1995 and January, 1996) found that while most Canadians don't know the financial cost of workplace

accidents, they do recognize the value in preventing them. More than 85 percent of Canadians agreed that more employ ees taking training courses or reading educational material on how to prevent such accidents would be helpful or very helpful for Canadian companies. The re spondents believed it would be just as helpful for employers and managers to

The Industrial Accident Prevention

than 120,000 businesses. For additional information, contact Pe ter Nixon, Industrial Accident Prevention Association, Tel: (416) 506-8888. *Based on Workers Compensation Board payouts, lost productivity, equipment dam age and other related accident costs. In formation provided by the Ontario Ministry of Labour and Human Resources Devel

opment Canada.

For more information about advertising in ES&E,

call Penny Davey (905) 727-4666

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


By Jim Pianos!*

Methods of NAPL detection and

measurement In monitoring wells

Determining the existence and

The draw back to this type of device is the high expense and the requirement for analysis ofoutput data to identify water level and water/product interfaces. Light Absorption Meters

thickness offloating or sinking hydrocarbons in contaminated aquifers is a very important consideration during a remediation project. Product thickness assessment is critical in

This technique involves the measurement

the estimation ofvolumetric calculations and

of the percentage of water in a liquid based on light absorption properties. Product in dication results from a zero percent water content, and water is indicated by a 100% reading. A useful feature of this type of de vice is its ability to detect emulsions. There can be some questions regarding the actual interface level between product and water when there is a percentage of wa ter mixed with the product. Generally, this type ofdevice is well suited for use in sludge

in subsequent selection ofrecovery method, and expected time frame for the recovery of free product. A number of products and methodolo gies are available for free product detection and thickness determination. Among these are: hydrocarbon indicator strips or paste, clear bailers, float/conductivity meters, den sity sensors, light absorption meters and opto-electric indicators. Each method has its positive and nega tive features. This article outlines the op eration benefits and limitations of each.

Indicator Strips or Paste Indicator strips and pastes are materials which are permeable to organic solvents and oil, but impervious to water. When they absorb a petroleum product, they indicate this by a change in colour. Typically, these materials are used by lowering them a known distance into a monitoring well. It is left in place for several seconds,then retrieved. At the surface, the distance is measured from the datum point at surface to the starting and end points ofthe colour change on the indi cator strip or paste. The difference in these two measurements indicates the product

level indication.

Opto-electric Indicators A field technician prepares to monitor product

By far the most tested and widely used


method of oil/water interface detection and

dency of viscous product to bypass the bailer entry point, thus resulting in less product in the bailer than actually exists in the moni

measurement is a combination ofoptical(re fraction) and electrical conductivity meas

toring well. Float/Conductivity Meters

The liquid surface in a monitoring well, whether water or product, is located with a float device which indicates when the probe has been inserted through a liquid. Water is

differentiated from product through a con ductivity circuit which operates at the same time and level as the float device. Ifthe liq uid is conductive it is assumed to be water,

urement circuitry. Typically, an infra-red emitter and detec tor is used to determine liquid level in a

monitoring well. As soon as the probe reaches a liquid, the infra-red beam is re

fracted away from the detector causing the circuit to indicate a liquid level. A conduc tivity circuit built into the probe at the same level is used to differentiate between water

This method is inexpensive, but the paste

and if it is non-conduetive, it is determined to be product.

(conductive) and product(non-conductive). The conductivity circuit and infra-red cir cuit combination allows detection of air-liq uid, floating product-water, and water-sink

introduces an additional chemical to the

This type of device has accuraey limita-

ing product interfaces. The thickness ofeach


groundwater. It cannot detect sinking prod uct in wells which also have floating prod uct. Repeat measurements are difficult be cause either a new tape with indicator paste or a new indicator strip must be used each time, due to the time delay involved in clean ing the paste off the tape, or removing the hydrocarbon which has absorbed onto the indicator strip. Clear Bailers The use of clear bailers to determine

product thickness involves the collection of a sample through the floating product and into the water. A clear bailer is slowly low ered into the borehole to a predetermined level, such that the base ofthe bailer extends a minimum of4" into the water. The bailer

must be long enough to cover the entire thickness of the floating product. Whep the bailer is retrieved, the floating product is visible and the thickness can be measured.

The main limitations to this method are

Table A

Detector Type



Ease of Use





Strips or Paste






Clear Bailers







moderate easy












Float/Conductivity Density Sensors Light Absorption Opto-electric

high 150' high 1,500' high tions due to its dependence on the density of the liquid it is inserted into. Floating prod uct of a high density will indicate a greater thickness than an equivalent thickness of a 300'

lower density product. Density Sensors Since there is a measurable difference in

Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid,(LNAPL), e.g. gasoline, water and Dense Non-Aque ous Phase Liquid,(DNAPL),e.g. dry clean ing fluid, densities, a density meter can lo

liquid is obtained by subtracting the differ ences between subsequent interfaces as measured on the calibrated lowering tape. Interface Indicator Comparison Chart The comparative features of the various hydrocarbon product measurement devices described in this article, pertaining to field use, are shown in Table A.

The selection of a product/water inter face device is based on the requirements of the monitoring project. The variety of de

the difficulty in precise placement of the bailer to intersect the product/water interface, and the deerease in accuracy due to the ten-

cate the interfaces between these immisci

vices described in this article indicates the

ble liquids. A very useful feature ofthis tech nology is its ability to detect the existence and thicknesses of different types of prod

need for technologies which have specific

*Solinst Canada Ltd.

ucts of different densities in the same well.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

functions to suit different uses.

Formore Information, circle reply card No. 226 45


By Brenda Elliott*

No technical reasons for continuing Ontario's ban on Incineration — Minister

Brenda El iot , Ontario Minister of Environment and Energy,told the EECO* Conference that her pri mary objective as minister was to

protect the environment and ensure the wise use ofour energy resources. The challenge was to do this in a way which recognizes economic reali

weak, we ean see that environmental degra

emment eliminated the Interim Waste Au

dation is sure to follow. We must work

thority. "We gave back to the GreaterTorontoArea municipalities the right to make their own de cisions on their waste, a right the other mu nicipalities had all along. We be lieve they can do it better than the province can. Those closer to the problem are better able to find creative, less costly, co-operative solutions. By putting an end to the former government's ban on incineration we are allowing all communities throughout the prov ince to take advantage of all the waste management options.

smarter and more efficiently. Within the sys tem there is room for cost-cutting and stream lining." She said the ministry has been pre-

ties and ensures that tax dollars

were spent wisely. "We must build a positive busi ness climate and restore prosper ity and confidence in our common future. Ontario must be brought out from under its crushing debt load that now stands just under 100 billion dollars. In 1995 alone, Ontario will have to pay close to

"We believe decisions should be based on sound environmen

tal and economic considerations, unreasonable today,unsustainable not on ideology. And the tech nology must be the most advanced tomorrow," she said. "We will pursue our environ available, subject to strong stand mental goals, and we will do so A lively Brenda Elliott enjoys a joke with Tom Davey at an environ ards,regular monitoring and rigid enforcement. You may be inter without compromise. Without a mental meeting, -photo Tessa Photography healthy environment there cannot ested to know that in the recent be a healthy economy. And when we look occupied with waste management issues. public consultation on lifting the incineration to parts of the world where the economy is That's why, as one of its first steps, the gov- ban,no technically-supported reasons for con tinuing the ban were submitted," she said. 9 billion dollars in interest costs;

Sue Tanenbaum is Chair of the OCPA Sue Tanenbaum, President of Loo Pipe, is the new Chair of the Ontario Concrete Pipe Association. Sue succeeded Ian Hatton who served as Chair through 1994 and 1995. The OCPA plans to continue with new technology development and research, while promot ing the benefits and advantages of using precast con crete drainage systems. Planning is now underway

for the 40th anniversary of the association in 1997. The change in the OPCA's executive took place at the association's annual meeting held in Mississauga on February 9. The following is the list of officers and Board members for 1996:

8. Tanenbaum 1. Hatton 8. Wood E. McMenamin R. Fauteux J. Munro J. Mion N. Naneff W. Nordick L. Steffler B. Sutherland D. Bacon

Chair Past Chair Vice Chair Treasurer

Loc Pipe Lafarge Construction Materials Pipe & Precast Con Cast Pipe Con Cast Pipe


Fauteux Concrete Products Munro Concrete Products Ltd. M-Con Products Inc. Rainbow Concrete industries Ltd. Waterloo Concrete Products

Director Director Director Director Director Director Director

Lafarge Construction Materials Pipe & Precast N C Rubber Products Inc. Stel-Crete Industries Ltd.

Ken Rovinelii, of the Cornell Development Group, was guest speaker. He pre sented the planning concept for the new town in east Markham that is expected to be built over the next 15-20 years. Recognized at this year's meeting was George Shirton. Mr. Shirton is the OCPA's first Honourary Member. The OCPA plans to acknowledge the work of other retired colleagues who have contributed f the success of the concrete pipe industry over the past four decades.

The Minister then outlined an innovative

proposal made by CIPSI — the Canadian In dustry Packaging Stewardship Initiative. "Under this initiative, brand owners and importers of packaged consumer goods would pay levies into an industry fund based on the amount of packaging they use. This fund would contribute to the cost of recy cling consumer packaging collected in mu nicipal Blue Box programs. This proposal is an excellent example of the kind of pub lic/private sector partnership that we, as a government, are promoting. It may be a way to help the municipalities meet their finan cial targets," she emphasized. "I firmly believe that stewardship is the way of the future not just in waste reduc tion, but in a multitude ofother environmen

tal and energy related areas. Individuals, communities and corporations taking more responsibility for the environment is an intemational trend. Governments are looking more and more to this style ofproblem-solv ing, encouraging industry conservation measures,encouraging pollution prevention, establishing partnerships to get the job done and encouraging voluntary action. In the past, partnerships have often meant the gov ernment's side ofthe deal was to bring money to the table. It doesn't have to be this way...it shouldn't be this way. The government's role is to bring advice, expertise and experience to the partnership," she said. "Environment & Energy Conference of Ontario


For more Information, circle reply card No. 112 (See page 33)

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

A "Solution" for ZEBRA MUSSELS The issue of zebra mussels

Is attracting Increasing attention from municipalities, utilities, government agencies and Industries around the Great Lakes. One solution Involves the use

of JAVEX-12™sodlum

We are therefore focusing much of our technical expertise on this subject. We are consulting with experts to establish dosage levels and techniques best suited to help control the spread of zebra mussels.

hypochlorlte, which kills the

If you'd like to discuss this current problem, or be kept

zebra mussel larvae.

Informed of the latest

Information, please fill out tl

Yes, please keep me informed on the use of JAVEX-12 sodium hypochlorlte for controlling zebra mussels. For current project □ For future project □ For research purposes □ Your name Title

Organization Address

Postal Code

Phone: ( Mall to: Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc. 255 WIcksteed Ave., Toronto, Ontario M4H 1G8 Phone: (416) 421-6000

Fax: (416) 425-9320

For more Information, circle reply card No. 113 (See page 33)

Mussels In Great Lakes

Zebra and quagga mussels continue to m

The Sixth International Zebra Mussel and Other Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference-spawned by the invasion

ofzebra mussels in 1986- was held in

Dearborn, Michigan in March, 1996. The con ference traditionally highlights the extensive re search on both ecological impact and industrial control of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and its close relative the quagga mussel {Dreissena bugensis).

Lake Superior to Lake Michigan. This fish species, which competes successfully with the yellow perch, may put new pressure on the fish ery as it spreads to the lower lakes. In general, local mussel popu lations continue to fluctuate as the

sel now appears to be dominant in northem waters. While populations

While the focus of the research continues to

in areas of Lake Huron and Lake

Ontario continue at relatively high levels, populations in Lake St. Glair and Lake Erie have dropped off somewhat and appear to be stabi

can inland waters, A number of vectors have

lized at lower levels. Numbers of

been identified for these introductions includ

larvae which were at one time de

ing commercial shipping, boat or aquarium trade, authorized releases, canals, highways or railroads, and last but not least, releases through commercial seafood trade. A significant research effort has begun in an attempt to identify and prevent future releases. Zebra and quagga mussels continue to wreak havoc on the Great Lakes ecosystem. Changes in water chemistry, as well as impacts at all lev els ofthe aquatic ecosystem have been dramatic. Many species have been affected, in particular, native bivalves (mussels) which have been ef fectively eliminated in many areas. In spite of this, at least one study, by U.S. Fish and Wild life Services, reported that young of the year perch, walleye and other fish species have not been affected. This is good news for the Great Lakes fishery which depends on these species for its viability. The bad news is that at least one fish species

tected at densities of 100,000/m^ or greater in Lake Erie are now re ported consistently at 10,000 15,000/mL The mussel remains a problem in the Great Lakes and has now spread throughout much ofthe

not been contained and has now spread from

Zebra Mussel Distribution

invasion matures. The quagga mus

be on impact and control of these damaging in troductions, there is increasing recognition that there are other potentially more damaging or ganisms which are poised to invade North Ameri

contained in ballast water,the River Ruffe, which entered the Duluth area in the early 1990s, has



midwestem and eastern U.S. as well

as making inroads as far south as New Orleans. A handful of mus sels were also detected in Califor

nia on vessels, prior to launching, that were trailed overland from the east. To date no live introductions

have been reported west of the Great Divide. Research continues into control of infesta

tion at municipal and industrial sites. A wide variety of chemical and non-chemical protocols were presented by university and private sector scientists at this conference.

For the most part, chlorine rernains the chemi cal of choice for zebra mussel control through out North America; however, ongoing environ mental concerns as well as safety and handling

issues continue to drive the research effort ink

alternative protocols. Besides the use ofother oxidants such as bro

mine or chlorine dioxide which continue to hav(

a small following, the highest profile and mos controversial control chemicals under investiga tion are the non-oxidizing biocides, commonb referred to as molluscicides. Researchers con

tinue to prove the efficacy ofthese products. Thi acute toxicity of most ofthese chemicals, whili

These mussels, removed from industrial wet well In Lake Ontario, are evidence of the moiusk's prolific breeding capabilities. 48

Sampling ocean-going vessel ballast v tial new introductions of exotic specie:

Environmental Science

By Don Lewis*

eak havoc on the Great Lakes ecosystem Other more novel chemical con

trols were also presented. These in cluded the use of Endod, a natural plant extract used to control the in termediate host snail in prevention ofschistosomiasis in Africa. Labo

ratory scale toxicity trials are in progress. In another unique trial at Wayne State University in Michi gan, an antidepressant that may block or antagonize reproductive mechanisms in zebra mussels is be

ing investigated as a means ofpopu lation control.

Research on coatings was again well represented at this conference. Coatings that contained significant amounts of silicones continue to be

nm. It was suggested that systems for mussel control could be available for some commercial

applications by 1997/98 depending on the re sults in 1996.

The use of high voltage electrostatic fields and pulsed electric fields are also being investi gated with mixed results. To date large scale trials have not been completed. In another study the cathodic protection tech nology was shown to significantly reduce settle ment on both steel and concrete structures. Full

most successful in preventing mus

scale trials are in progress with very promising early results. This technology may rival coat

sel settlement on concrete and steel.

ings, due to ease of underwater installation, if


Three or four silicone based prod

established colonies

ucts were recommended; however, some problems were noted, the most

important of which was the inabil ity to apply these coatings under water which may prevent wide distribution as of October 1995 spread use. One novel experiment included "Penaten" cream, a prod uct normally used by parents of newborns. This product, which has idvantageous from a treatment perspective, are a significant zinc component, not only reduced aroblematic from an environmental impact point mussel settlement but also prevented diaper rash af view. Spills ofthese products may be acutely on all of the boats tested! damaging, and,to date, companies that produce There continues to be a significant effort in

:hese products have had trouble overcoming user md regulator fears of long term toxicity and Dioaccumulation in receiving water sediments, fhis is particularly true in Ontario where only a Few experimental treatments have been approved

the area of non-chemical controls. The most

:o date.

planned for this coming summer. Depending on

in the Wetland Canal to detect poten-

water quality it was reported that 100% mortal ity of zebra mussel larvae was possible using medium pressure systems which produce signifi cant amounts of light in both UV C and UV B ranges. Other research in this area pinpointed some effective wavelengths between 250 and 290

promising of these appears to be the use of ul traviolet radiation. Research in this area has now

results continue to show inhibition of mussel set tlement in 1996.

All in all it appears as though a few alter native technologies are moving forward on a site or application specific basis; however, the silver bullet solution has still not shown it

self. Chlorine remains the least expensive, most easily applied and luost appropriate method of zebra mussel control at most sites.

It remains to be seen whether new products or technologies presently being developed will alter this trend. We will apparently have to wait until the seventh annual conference to be held in New Orleans in 1997.

For more information, circle reply card No. 227

moved beyond laboratory scale and installations that will treat in excess of 10,000 USGPM are 'Aquatic Sciences inc.

The weight of zebra mussels removed from an Industrial wet welt on Lake Ontario, overwhelms a waste

disposal truck, to the surprise of the operator. â– ngineering, May 1996



Incineration: A reai waste management option since iWA cancelied

In a statement concerning the Interim Waste Authority (IWA), Ontario's new

Premier, Mike Harris made it clear that all ofthe options for waste management in the Greater Toronto Area(GTA)(and for

that matter, the province), are in play. The position which will be taken in this article is that one of those options might be incineration of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). In 1992, the former NOP Government in Ontario banned the establishment of solid

waste incinerators in the province. During his election campaign, Mike Harris commit ted his Progressive Conservative party, now the government, to lifting the ban. As a result ofthe previous NOP govern ment's position, there has been little discus sion ofincineration in Ontario over the past several years. In lieu ofthat kind of discus sion, the search for increased landfill capac ity has continued in response to expected shortages of capacity in the not too distant

if capacity once again becomes a problem, cost adjustments can be made to ensure the

Part IV was designed to implement the stra tegies of the Waste Reduction Office to

continued diversion ofIC & I waste to other

ensure achievement ofthe 50% diversion tar

future. The IWA search was indicative of

disposal facilities.

get by the year 2000 established by the former Liberal government.

that kind ofapproach to waste management. The aggressive promotion of recycling and other waste diversion technologies, as well as the flow of Industrial Commercial

and Institutional (IC & I) waste out of Ontario to waste disposal sites in the northem United States has decreased the pressure to find new landfill capacity (at least in the GTA). We are, therefore, allowed an oppor tunity to reflect a little on our waste man agement options — reflection which should include the consideration of solid waste in cineration. Waste diversion

Statistics from the GTA indicate that the

flow ofmunicipal waste (the waste produced primarily by householders) to local landfill sites dropped steadily in the early 1990s. The slide has levelled off, to some extent, since that time. One can assume that the aggres sive promotion of diversion of municipal waste from the waste stream will continue

by municipal and provincial governments. This should result in a continued slow de

cline until something close to the target of 50% diversion by the year 2000(proclaimed by the provincial government in 1988) is achieved. The volumes of IC & I waste which are

disposed ofin local landfill sites have fallen off dramatically during the same period of time. Statistics show a drop of more than 50% of such waste going to local landfill sites. Although it is acknowledged that this source of waste is extremely cost-sensitive. "Municipal & Environmental Law Department, Holden Day Wilson 50

The bottom line to all of this is that there

is less MSW waste to be disposed of now Where does all of this leave Southern than there was five years ago and that trend, Ontario in terms ofits immediate waste man although reducing, should continue. agement strategy? The position of Ontario's government In a news release of June, 1994, the On over the past 10 years has significantly tario Waste Management Association affected the trends of waste generation and (OWMA) argued that there is sufficient disposal. The Liberal government in the late capacity in existing and easily approvable 1980s felt it was facing a problem of immi public and private sector landfill sites in and nent lack of capacity with respect to GTA around the GTA to meet the GTA needs for waste. Their strategy was to establish in municipal waste disposal for 35 years. Sub terim sites to allow the local municipalities sequent events have shown that the private to submit to the approval process to sector landfills were not quite as easy to get establish more long-term capacity. A com approved as the OWMA thought. That fact mittee known as SWISC (The Solid Waste and the position of the OWMA that IC & I Interim Steering Committee)was established waste should not be considered within to help guide the GTA through the long-term capacity studies to determine the need for process. Throughout this period, landfilling waste disposal in Southern Ontario(because was the only real disposal option considered. it will and should be allowed to flow in an No serious thought was given to incinera unrestricted way), cast some doubt on the tion, although it was discussed. optimistic position of the OWMA. The New Democratic Party, elected in One can conclude that there will be a need September of 1990, scrapped SWISC which for additional waste disposal capacity in the had by that time proceeded a fair distance GTA and in Southern Ontario generally along the approval process. In its stead, the within the next five to 10 years. There is no IWA was established to search for new dis crisis, as was thought to be the case when posal capacity for the GTA. Along with the IWA was created, but there will be a greater creation of the IWA came the establishment need than envisaged by the OWMA. There of the Waste Reduction Office within the is time for sober second thought. The ques Ministry of the Environment to spur the tion which remains to be further explored in diversion of waste from the disposal stream. this article is whether that capacity should Shortly thereafter, whatever little discussion be responded to by an incineration option as ofincineration there had been concerning the well as a landfilling alternative. Incineration and waste diversion GTA came to an end with the NDP pro nouncement on incineration noted earlier. working together In April of 1992,the Waste Management The myth that establishing incinerators Act was passed. Parts I and II of the Act impedes the diversion of MSW from the dealt with the IWA and Part III dealt with waste stream has been countered by a United the perceived shortfall in disposal capacity. States study reported on by Jonathan Kiser Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

By David I. Crocker* in the Solid Waste and Power Industry Source Book of 1993. The thesis of Mr.

Kiser's study is that Energy From Waste (EFW)or as the Americans call it, Waste To Energy(WTE),when coupled with waste di version programs, makes both aspects ofthe waste managemeiit strategy more effective. The data reviewed by Mr. Kiser allow him to conclude that many American com munities with WTE facilities have outstand

ing recycling programs — 53 of 66 commu nities surveyed with data onTecycling rates available indicate that they exceed the national average of 17%. Rates vary from 21% to 29% diversion. Two ofthe commu nities with WTE facilities have received na

tional recognition for the excellence oftheir recycling programs. Newark, New Jersey maintained a recycling rate exceeding 50%. In a survey conducted by Mr. Kiser of MSW Municipal Managers,the results were almost unanimous in support of a combina tion of diversion and WTE alternatives.

Those who responded to the survey indicated that the combination of recycling and WTE enables communities to become or remain

self-sufficient by reducing their reliance on others to manage their MSW;they can avoid what in many situations would be the ex port of waste to out-of-state destinations. In some municipalities, revenue-sharing arrangements between the WTE operator and the municipality have been struck. Mr. Kiser reports that in Baltimore, for instance, Wheelabrator has agreed to split revenues with that city after a ceiling is reached; which revenues are to be used to promote further and better recycling efforts. In addition, shared revenues can be achieved from steam

sales and electricity sales agreements. WTE can provide municipalities with a safety valve during periods when material markets are uncertain. The Greater Detroit

Resource Recovery Authority reports that the BTU value in combustible materials can be

recovered. These revenues can keep recy cling efforts afloat until markets recover. Other American cities report the same experience. The removal ofrecyclable materials from the waste stream before combustion creates

fewer operations and maintenance problems for the WTE plant according to Mr. Kiser's survey. Removal of ferrous, aluminum and other metals prevents clogging of the sys tem. Removal of recyclables provides a cleaner fuel with a higher energy content since many recyclables are reported not to bum. The result is that the life of the WTE

plant can be extended and capacity need not be an immediate issue; operating costs are lower as well.

Perhaps the most important result of Mr. Kiser's research is that it does not appear to him that there is any competition for the raw materials. In other words, diversion efforts and WTE units do not compete for the same waste allowing for the appropriate and socially acceptable management of MSW

waste. In short, Mr. Kiser concludes that a flexible solid waste management strategy is achieved by combining options. An effec tive combination of these options is recy cling and WTE.

ing on the common by-products of MSW incineration and landfilling. Dr. Jones has compared the two methods ofwaste disposal. Certain hypothetical are applied to the risk assessment to provide an equitable compari

The emissions issue

son. Such issues as location of the facili

The major and long-standing criticism of facilities which incinerate waste is that they emit to the atmosphere serious contaminants in unacceptable concentrations. There is, as a result, a lingering concern that the health

ties, their respective life spans, soil charac teristics and local plant and animal life, as well as climatic conditions, are hypothetical

and environmental effects of EFW facilities

mitigate against their establishment. EFW facilities have historically been placed under the microscope with respect to their potential emissions. The scrutiny of landfill sites, on the other hand, has been concentrated almost exclusively on impacts and potential effects on groundwater and other sub-surface conditions. We are aware

of very few studies evaluating emissions into the atmosphere from landfills and even fewer comparing such emissions to those that arise from EFW facilities.

In one such comparative study, Dr. K. Jones ofZephyr Consulting in Seattle,Wash ington takes the position that the health risk from the emissions to atmosphere from landfills may, in fact, be greater than that from EFW facilities.

In a paper entitled "ComparingAir Emis sions from Landfills and WTE Plants" pub lished in the March/April 1994 edition of Solid Waste Technologies, Dr. Jones suggests that EFW plants may be a better choice than landfills for minimizing health risks and en vironmental effects. He further suggests that the time is now for communities and regula tory agencies to compare the two waste dis posal methodologies before reverting to tra ditional thinking with respect to their emis

factors used in the relative risk assessments.

A dispersion model of emissions was also used in the study. The study concludes that the dioxin/furan cancer risks from the landfill and from the

EFW facility are very low. The landfill, how ever, poses a greater risk than does the EFW facility. Where there are flares for landfill gases or internal combustion engines to dis sipate landfill gases,the risk from the landfill ranges from 3.6 to 36 times that from the EFW facility. The study cites the fact that of the 189 pollutants included as Hazardous Air Pol lutants, in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 in the United States, over 30 have been identified in uncontrolled landfill gas emissions, whereas many fewer, some in trace amounts only, have been identified in emissions from EFW plants. In addition, EFW facilities are reported to produce much less of this contamination on a yearly basis than would a landfill. The study also points out several times, almost apologetically, in comparing the emissions from the two facilities, that the risks associated with nei

ther are unacceptable. In comparing some ofthe non-health re lated emissions from these facilities such as

sion potentials. In Ontario, there are very few MSW incineration facilities and they have been in operation for some time. Because of the 1992 ban on incineration, EFW facilities

non-methane hydrocarbons,carbon monox ide and nitrous oxides, the EFW plant once again does better than the landfill site. Greenhouse gases, the man-made sources ofgases which are alleged to be causing glo bal warming by trapping infrared radiation being reflected from the earth's surface, are produced in significantly higher amounts by

have not been subject to the scrutiny applied during the environmental assessment proc ess in recent years. On the other hand, undertakings to site new landfill facilities have regularly been subjected to the intense

goes on to suggest in an almost anecdotal way that ozone-forming pollutants and pol lution resulting from transportation accidents are more likely where the disposal method

review of the Environmental Assessment

is landfill rather than incineration.

Branch of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy and subsequently the Environ mental Assessment Board. Along with the social impact analysis, which is part of the environmental assessment process in On tario, there is the technical scrutiny. Although odours are usually part of the review of po

The study does not propose choosing one form oftechnology over the other, but rather suggests that a realistic comparison should take place in communities addressing future waste disposal issues and by the regulator in reviewing such proposals. As well. Hunter Taylor presented a study of greenhouse gas emissions to the Air and Waste Management Association in June of 1992. He also gives high marks to EFW facilities. His paper concludes:

tential effects on the namral environment of

a landfill facility, air emissions as they relate to health and safety are generally not. In the United States, however, where landfill gases are being collected and used productively,there is a growing body ofdata with respect to the emissions landfill sites are producing. Using some ofthis data and the more easily obtainable analysis ofemis sions from EFW facilities and concentrat

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

landfill sites than by EFW units. The study

"Because ofthe completeness ofcombus tion achieved by modem WTE facilities, and because of the offset in fossil fuel combus

tion resulting from the energy exported by the WTE facility, a ton of MSW disposed in Continued overleaf 51

Incineration, cont'd. eration process. Bottom ash is reported not only to be not hazardous and able to be dis posed of in solid waste landfills, but is often used as construction material. Fly ash, though somewhat more problematic, can be processed either to remove or recycle the heavy metal portion(which is its contaminat ing feature) and disposed of or used just as

a landfill without methane-to-energy

agement system to serve the area. It is their

recovery generates ahout twelve times more greenhouse gas emissions than a ton of MSW combusted in a modem WTE facility." Mr. Taylor promotes WTE as a primary strategy for solid waste disposal. In another study, Dr. Jones argues that it has not heen demonstrated that composting

view that successful waste diversion efforts

posed of from the region to amounts which could be handled by a new 1,700-tonne-perday incinerator which MetropolitanToronto, expansion of the Brampton incinerator and construction of a 600-tonne-per-day incin

is a safer altemative to incineration, since

erator near Durham could accommodate.

bottom ash would be used; or it can be treated

composting has not been scrutinized for its potential environmental and health impacts as has incineration. He points out the po

Theoretically, these units could be sited in locations which would minimize local op position (you can put them in industrial parks) and would not threaten the scarce agricultural land resource which surrounds the GTA. The flexibility with respect to the siting of incineration units is one more at tractive feature to this waste management option when compared to landfilling. Incineration lends itself to comprehen sive monitoring. The Ministry of the Envi ronment and Energy could impose suffi ciently onerous monitoring requirements for any EFW unit so that there should be no doubt left with respect to the quality ofemis

and disposed of as takes place presently. Incineration may not be the only option which should be considered in the post IWA waste management era in Ontario. A

tential health and environmental risks of

composting, suggesting that a comparison with WTE methodologies should be con ducted. He adds that the WTE approach should stack up well. There are, clearly,those who believe that MSW incineration has been given a "had rap" on the emissions issue. That bad rap led to the 1992 ban in Ontario.

With the

ever reducing availability ofappropriate land on which to locate a landfill site and the op position from local residents which mobi lizes against such facilities as they are pro posed, perhaps it is time to consider incin eration more seriously for Southem Ontario. Siting Toronto-based consultants, Richard

Gilbert and Ray Bremner have written sev eral papers on waste management in the

have reduced the amount of waste to he dis

with respect to this waste management op tion, however,leads to the conclusion that it may reasonably be part of any future waste management strategy. It is attractive in con sidering land-use issues and siting factors. It seems to co-exist well with waste diver

sion strategies. Its health and environmen tal effects are reported to he acceptable and comparable, maybe even attractive, when compared to landfilling.

sions. The kind of detailed information

which would result when compared to the hypothetical hydrogeological information applied to the landfill altemative when cou pled with the uncertain information with re spect to leachate production, is one more at tractive feature to the EFW option. There will, of course, be the need to dis

GTA. Their most recent effort describes a

hypothetical incinerator-based waste man

review ofsome ofthe information available

pose ofthe ash which results from the incin

David Crocker practised with the Ontario Minis try of the Environment for over 15 years where he was a senior prosecutor and extensively in volved in several major environmental assess ment hearings. This article was completed with the assistance of Dean Edwardson of Laldlaw

Environmental Services Ltd., Peter Klaassen of Laidlaw Medical Services Ltd., and Bryan Buttigieg of Holden Day Wilson.

Announcement Cancoppas Ltd., founded in 1973, Is pleased to announce that Jake Alaica, P.Eng., has acquired the company In Its entirety. Since Its Inception, the company has been Involved In the water and wastewater market, providing a full range of

analytical and water quality Instrumentation, engineering support and custom engineered solutions. Cancoppas Ltd. Is focused In four product group areas, Analytical/Environmental, Process Measurement, Signal Conditioning/Display, and Valve Automation and Control. Along with Its highly experienced and knowledgeable support staff, the company Is field represented by John Clerkin and Wayne Garbella.

John Clerkin has extensive experience in the sales and marketing field, stemming from many years of saies of process measurement and controi instrumentation in the water and

wastewater market. His saies experience is supported by a sound background in process

Jake Alalca's involvement in the environmen

tal engineering market dates back to 1983. He gained his degree in Electrical Engineering from Ryerson Polytechnic University in 1981, and is a registered Professional Engineer in the Prov ince of Ontario. He has worked with both water

ciated with Baber Colman, Honeyweii, and most recentiy Brian Controis. John is currentiy re sponsible for all of the company's direct saies in the Eastern region of the Southern Ontario

quality and analytical instrumentation, as well as custom designs of sampling equipment for such clients as imperial Oil, Ontario Hydro, Nova Petrochemical, and Suncor (USA). He has de signed sludge sampling systems for


Communaute Urbaine de Montreal.

measurement and controi. He has been asso

Wayne Garbella received his academic train ing as an instrumentation Technologist from Mohawk College in Hamilton. He has direct field experience in the industrial instrumenta tion and controls field. He has held sales posi tions with companies dedicated to the area of analytical measurements of water and wastewater, pH, conductivity, D.O. residual chlorine. Wayne is currently responsible for ail of the company's direct sales in the western region of the Southern Ontario market.

Cancoppas is the sole representative for such companies as Royce Instrument Corporation interface level, D.O. and TSS analysers. Air Dimen sions Inc. gas sampling pumps, EPIC wastewater and sludge samplers, Crowcon gas detectors, Chlorlnators Inc. gas chlorinators, Foxcroft Equipment chlorine analysers. The company is proud of its representation of quality instrumentation and the fact that many of its clients date back to the founding of the company in 1973. Cancoppas will continue to play a very active role In the environmental market, by introducing new products and services, while maintaining Its excellence in customer support.

Cancoppas Limited 52

1045 South Service Rd. West, Oakville, Ontario L6L 6K3

For more Information, circle reply card No.114 (See page 33)

Tel;(905)847-2740 Fax:(905)827-6984

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996





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logical and economic background in the Federal Republic. This is particularly evi dent from past successes recorded at the Munich Trade Fair Centre.

IFAT's international significance is also apparent from the cooperation of impor tant organizations and associations in the preparation and implementation of IFAT 96. They are, in particular: - EWPCA(European Water Pollution Con

trol Association e.V.) IFAT 96 vyiil present environmental tech nology for modem wastewater and waste - ISWA (International Solid Wastes and disposal and show future solutions in the Public Cleansing Association) - FEAD(European Federation ofthe Waste sewage and refuse sector. A leading International Trade Fair for Industry) Waste Water and Waste Disposal: Sewage, - Abwassertechnische Vereinigung e.V. Refuse, Recycling, Public Cleansing and (ATV) Winter Road Service, IFAT 96 will be held - Verband Kommunale Abfailwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung e.V.(VKS). in Munich for the 11 th time. Once again, EWPCA,ISWA and VKS For years, Germany has been both the are organizing the European Sewage and largest supplier and one of the largest us ers of environmental technology on the Refuse Symposium during IFAT 96. world market. In this respect, market For more information contact Unilink, events in this sector have the best techno Tel:(416)291-6359, Fax:(416)291-0025.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


Septic systems

Submerged biofilm can make septic systems more effective

TheCronitech AMB usesthe lead

ing edge technology of sub mersed biofilm to improve the performance of a conventional septic tank. This technology allows the sep tic tank to be converted into a high perform ance aerobic bio-reactor. Residential systems of this type have been used in Europe since 1989. Testing has consistently demonstrated over 80% reduction in the organic load and

From Air

Header Pipe

Air Hose



1 Primary Sedimenlalion B off im 3ut st at B

bacterial contamination of the waste water

effluent. In other words, when a system of this type is installed, the water leaving the septic tank is a clear odourless liquid which


is 80% cleaner than it would otherwise be.


Submersed biofilm technology exploits the completely natural formation of a com plex diversity of organisms, including fixed and mobile bacteria and protozoa. The biofilm spontaneously grows when water cir culation and dissolved oxygen are optimized in conjunction with a suitable support substrate. The system closely replicates the way organic waste is removed from water in a natural setting; the slippery rocks that


Aerators (x5)


/ Access



Cover '8



are found in a shaded forest stream are cov

ered with a layer of submersed biofilm. How does it work?

A small air pump is placed in the base ment or garage of the dwelling. Low pres sure air goes out to the septic tank through a buried flexible air hose. In the tank,the hose cormects to a header pipe and manifold that distributes the air to the aerators which are

placed at the bottom ofthe septic tank. Con temporary septic tanks are two chambered (see diagram). Wastewater enters through the inlet into the larger chamber first. This is where primary sedimentation and some anaerobic digestion take place; also sand and floating material such as oil and grease are trapped here. The wastewater then passes through a sub-surface connection into the second

chamber, where it is subjected to intense fine bubble aeration. The air bubbles and water

appear to "boil" up from the bottom. The entire subsurface cavity ofthis second cham ber is filled with a biofilm substrate which

provides approximately 100 sq. m. of sur face area on which biofilm naturally devel ops. In this way, the wastewater in the sec ond chamber is subjected to the process of biological oxidation by the bacteria and pro tozoa of the biofilm. Finally, the water passes through the outlet into some form of receptor.

The components of the Cronitech AMB are designed for minimum maintenance: • Biofilm substrate is an inert cube of tubu

lar net-like structures placed in the wastewater to provide a surface for biofilm growth. The substrate is not in any way con sumed or degraded and never needs to be replaced. • Aerators are made from a highly elastic synthetic rubber(EPDM)enabling the unit to be self-cleaning and auto-sealing. The other aerator components are made from PVC and/or stainless steel to assure a long underwater service life.

• Header pipe and manifold are made from PVC and/or 316 stainless steel for long life and durability. They also maintain the rela tive placement ofthe components under wa ter.

• Air pump is an industrial quality compres sor using oil-less carbon fibre vanes. The integral 1/3 hp electric motor is maintenanceffee and UL/CSA approved. The air pump operates intermittently about66% ofthe time and is controlled by a solid state program mable timer. The timer program is main tained in the event of a power outage by a permanent capacitor,eliminating the need to

Conventional receptors are leaching fields and seepage pits. Alternative systems may use sand filters, peat moss beds or some form ofirrigation or engineered wetland. In some cases, the discharge can be into open

This product is for use in residential wastewater systems where a conventional system is inadequate. Some examples ofthis

water such as a stream or river.

would be where:


maintain batteries. Where can it be used?

• The existing leaching field is old and imable to accept its original organic load. • The high density of septic systems is con taminating adjacent lake or source of pota ble water.

• A high water table is leading to contami nation of the ground water. • A small lot size has insufficient ground sur face for a suitable leaching field. • Conditions are inappropriate for leaching field or seepage pit construction such as: insufficient soil depth, steep slope, and in clay or gravel soils. The Cronitech technology can also be applied to larger systems for use in commu nities and industrial applications. How is it instalied? The Cronitech AMB can be installed into

any conventional two chambered septic tank. This can be done in one day without exca vation and without interrupting the use of the residence. New residences can also ben

efit, where additional advantages can be gained through installing a communal sys tem shared between neighbours. Prior to installation, the septic tank is pumped out and rinsed. The AMB compo nents are installed through the access cover ofthe septic tank. A small air compressor is placed in the garage or basement and an air hose leads out to the tank. The air hose does not need to be buried below the frost line.

For more information,

circle reply card No. 228 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Reduce your Downtime, and Operating and Maintenance Costs with Fiygt Submersible C Pumps



Sealed cable

entry reduces risk of damage.

Check out

the outstanding penfonmance features that make Fiygt Submersibles the industry

Easily accessible

junction box.

Thermal sensors in

stator windings prevent overheating.

standard: Stator and rotor remain

perfectly aligned without the need for external bolts that can

cause leakage.


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Short shaft virtually eliminates shaft deflection.

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environmentally friendly paint.

Exchangable wear rings reduce spare parts costs.

Find out how to lower operating costs with small and mid-range submersible sewage pumps from FLYCT. Contact your local FLYCT representative today.

Nothing Compares ITT Fiygt, 300 Labrosse Ave., Polnte-Claire, QC H9R4V5 (514)695-0100 fax:(514) 697-0602 Vancouver ■ Calgary ■ Edmonton ■ Saskatoon ■ Winnipeg ■ Hamiiton ■ Etobicoke • Sudbury Pointe-Claire ■ Quebec ■ Vai d'Or • Moncton ■ Fialifax ■ St. John's (NE)

For more information, circie repiy card No. 116(See page 33)




By Daryl Johannesen,Amy Lets, and Rick Schryer*

Ontario gold mine meets new EA requirements

In late 1994, Colder Associates' Saskatoon office was retained by Placer Dome Canada Ltd.(PDC) to assist in an environmental impact statement and biophysical assessment re

.fi jf

quired for a gold mine located in northwestem Ontario. Golder's staff in Mississauga, Ontario had already been involved at this site

performing such services as tailings pond site selection and hydrological surveys. Called the Musselwhite Project, this gold mine be came subject to the new Canadian Environ mental Assessment Act(CEAA) when the law came into effect in January 1995. The Musselwhite Project has since become the first mining project in Canada to require re view under this Act.

The CEAA established, for the first time

in a federal statute, a process for conducting environmental assessments of any projects that involve the federal government. The Act includes those projects that require fed eral permits or licensing; or those projects in which the federal government sells, leases or transfers control of land or contributes *Golder Associates

Fanshawe College Offers.

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Annual September Intake Now is the time to get involved in protecting your future! Today's students will enjoy tomorrow's

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The Musselwhite gold mine site.

financially. The Musselwhite Project will require federal permits and licenses and,there fore, must meet the CEAA requirements. The Musselwhite Cold Mine has a life

expectancy of 15 years. Already 9.7 mil lion tons of mineable reserves have been

identified there. Pending approval by the government, the ore will be mined using a combination of open pit and shaft mining. Construction of the mine was scheduled to

begin in November 1995. Several environ mental control plans will be implemented at this site including cyanide recycling within the mill; treatment of tailings slurry using

Department of Fisheries and Oceans as well as First Nations in the surrounding area. To date, several surveys have been com pleted, including: a late winter ungulate sur vey, furbearer track count and small mam mal surveys, and a northern pike spawning survey. Also completed is a detailed fish habitat mapping of the project area, a lake sturgeon creel survey with the local First Nations, a collection of fish tissues for met als analysis, and passerine and waterfowl inventories. The information collected has been in

corporated into the Environmental Impact

the Inco SO^/Air process; recycling of tail

Statement. It will be used to document the

ings pond supernatant to the mill to be used as process water; and directing of pit water, wastewater run-off, and site run-off to the polishing ponds for treatment prior to re

existing fish, wildlife, water quality and habitat ofthe area, and it also will be used to assess the potential impacts ofterrestrial and aquatic habitat loss, metals release to the environment, changes in water quality, and


Colder is designing the environmental as sessment work with an overall ecosystems approach which follows not only the CEAA requirements, but also the guidelines of the Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Program. The EEM Program guidelines are set by the regulatory groups Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

While the pulp and paper industry in Canada is the only area currently required by law to follow the EEM programs, similar programs are being developed for the mining indus try. It is anticipated those requirements will be in place by the time the Musselwhite Project is in the operational phase. As part ofthe CEAA process, Colder developed a specific work plan for the Musselwhite Project that addressed environ

increased access to the wilderness areas around Musselwhite. Work scheduled on the environmental as

sessment has been completed including: a detailed wetland community evaluation, a vegetation inventory and delineation ofeco logical land classes, additional fish spawn ing surveys, a benthic invertebrate study, a sediment collection program and an early winter ungulate survey. In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the new CEAA and the EEM program, all information collected will be used to de

mental concerns.This environmental assess

sign reclamation plans — with the final goal being the restoration of the project area to as near baseline conditions as possible. Rec lamation activities will likely include plant ing native trees, such asjack pine,and plant ing seed mixtures developed at the PDC

ment work plan was based on discussions with regulatory agencies such as the Ontario Ministry ofNatural Resources, Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, and the

Donna Lake Mine, which is located in the same region of Ontario. For more information, circle reply card No. 229

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Environmental Problems?

Do you know that 95% of all General Contractors, Architects, Consultants and Engineers have NO Environmental or Pollution Insurance Coverage! Unbelievable, it's true, every day in Canada,environmental remediation work is completed by so-called "professionals" operating without proper worker training, pollution or environmental insurance coverage. As the person who issued or contracted the work to be done, you could be liable. That's right, you could be sued both corporately and personally in the event of accidents, future contractor employee claims, pollution, contamination and environmental reprecussions resulting from the project being completed improperly. Over 95% of General Contractors, Architects, Engineers and Consultants do NOT have environmental and pollution insurance coverage. They carry only General Liability Insurance and Errors & Ommissions insurance coverage. This insurance does not cover environmental remediation projects or the resulting pollution cleanups and liabilities. Don't risk your future, protect your personal and corporate assets! Trust us, across Canada and the United States, we are experts in environmental remediation, asbestos abatement,industrial/commercial fire cleanups and restorations and lead abatement. We carry the best long term asbestos and "Environmental Impaiment Occurrence Insurance Coverage in Canada.

The experts in building and facility decontamination asbestos abatement and removal contractors

lead abatement and lead paint removal chemical clean-ups plant decommissioning environmental impairment occurance insurance urea formaldehyde foam (UFFI) removal, cost estimates, inspections asbestos encapsulation and repair hazardous waste spill clean-up contaminated soil remediation

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lead and hazardous coatings removal pharmaceutical decontamination heavy metals decontamination (mercury, cadmium, lead, PCBs, arsenic, silica, chromium, etc.)

pesticide, herbicide, fungicide clean-ups containment and barrier construction

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■I '■jr

R&D News the Monod kinetic model for a two-stage sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment sys tem. The effects of operating conditions on

Trihalomethane Formation in Water Treatment Ecole Polytechnique scientist M.Prevost and colleagues studied the effects of ozonation

the behaviour of this system for the treat-

Water Quality Research Journal ofCanada, the average concentration ofhydrogen ions, sulfates, aluminum, colour, and dissolved organic carbon was higher in these small

and biological activated carbon (BAC)fil

lakes than in a group of nearhy lakes which

tration on chlorine demand and the forma

are larger than five hectares.

tion of trihalomethanes and total organic halide compounds. The study used the Sainte-Rose water treatment facility in Laval,


Quebec, with a surface water influent hav

ing a dissolved organic carbon content of67 mg/L. The results, published in the Cana dian Journal of Civil Engineering, showed that ozonation marginally reduced short term

R&D News: edited by the Canadian Association on Water Quality Association Canadienne sur la

chlorine demand but that BAC filtration re

Qualitc de I'Eau

duced it by 40-55%. Ozonation reduced

trihalomethanes and total organic halides by 48-60% and 39% respectively. Subsequent BAC filtration further reduced these by 2034% and 16% respectively.

Biological Treatment of a CTMP Effluent

In a paper published in the Water Quality Research Journal ofCanada, University of Quebec scientists H.W. Liu, S.N. Lo and H.-

C. Lavallee present basic equations based on For more information, contact Dr. H.R. Eisenhauer, Canadian Association on

Water Quaiity, Environmentai Technology Centre, Environment Canada,3439 River Road South, Gioucester, ON K1A 0H3, Tel:(613)990-9849, Fax:(613)990-2855.

ment ofa CTMP effluent were studied theo

retically by these researchers. The study revealed that unstable operation of the anaerobic process could be due to the treat

ment being carried out in a time range in which the operation was very sensitive to the variation in either hydraulic retention time or mean cell age. Acidification of Small Lakes

Environment Canada scientist M. Papineau surveyed 25 small lakes (less than five hec tares area) in the area northwest of Quebec City to assess the chemical status of these lakes in relation to acidic deposition. About one-third ofthese lakes have very little neu

tralizing capacity and a relatively high con centration ofaluminum. As described in the

Novel Wastewater Treatment Process University of Manitoba scientists S.K. Basu,

T. Mino and J.A. Oleszkiewicz investigated the feasibility of utilizing the symbiotic re lationship of bacteria related to sulfur me

tabolism for organic removal in a sludge blanket type reactor. The microaerophilic upflow sludge bed reactor relies on the in teraction between sulfate reducing bacteria and microaerophilic sulfide oxidising bac teria,Beggiatoa, for organic matter removal. As reported in the Canadian Journal ofCivil Engineering, maximum removal of total COD, filtered COD and suspended solids were 92%,94%, and 87% respectively at a hydraulic retention time of 4.5 h. At a low hydraulic retention time of 2.5 h, a filtered COD removal efficiency of 89% could still be achieved.

River Transport of Phosphorus and Metals National Water Research Institute scientists

investigated the role ofsuspended sediments in the transport of phosphorus and metals in the Grand River and its tributary, the Nith

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For more Information, circle reply card No. 119 (See page 33)


R&D News, cont'd. River, T. Meyer and E. Delos found that about one-half the total phosphorus in the water was transported in the particulate form, of which about 20% is in a form that would

be potentially available for biological utili zation upon depletion of soluble phospho rus. As described in the Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, there was a lack ofsignificant sample site differentiation in suspended sediments chemistry reflecting the absence of chemical and/or biological processing ofparticles in transit and the simi larity of sediment sources. Groundwater Contamination

from Manure Spreading Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists C. Chang and T. Entz undertook research at Lethbridge, Alberta to determine the longterm effects of annual applications of cattle

Screening Assay for Dioxins A series ofenvironmental samples,compris ing fly ash, caustic wash water from regen eration of a petrochemical reforming cata

lyst, fish hydrogenateSi soil, and pulp mill sludge, were analysed for dioxin-like com pounds by an assay involving competitive binding of a reference radioligand and an extract from the sample to mouse hepatic Ah receptor. The results, published in Environ mental Science and Technology, by N.J. Bunce and colleagues from the University ofGuelph andWellington Laboratories, were compared with GC/MS. The bioassay gen erally gave higher dioxin equivalent values than GC/MS due to false positive values generated by coplanar PCBs and PAHs in the samples. Treatment of Wastewater in

manure on nitrate accumulation and move

Developing Countries

ment, and to assess the environmental im

Ecole Polytechnique scientist C.C. Delisle and colleagues from the Institut de recher che en biologic vegetale, Montreal, and INRS-Eau investigated two economical wastewater treatment processes on a pilot scale in the sahelian region of Niger, Aifica.

pact ofsuch a practice. Manure was applied annually at up to three times the recom mended application rate to non-irrigated and irrigated clay loam soils over a twenty year period. As reported in the Journal ofEnvi ronmental Quality, for non-irrigated soils,

minimal leaching loss of NOj-N was ob served below 1.5 m except for a year with unusually high precipitation. On irrigated soils, contamination of groundwater, even at the recommended manure application rate, was significant.

These were combinations of a facultative

lagoon and of ponds with the floating macrophytes water hyacinth or water lettuce. As described in the Water Quality Research Journal ofCanada, the two processes proved to be efficient, reliable and adaptable to the local climate. The facultative lagoon was a

reliable alternative to secondary treatment and the aquatic macrophyte ponds were use ful for nitrogen removal. Horseradish Peroxidase

Catalyzed Phenol Removal At the CAWQ Eastern Symposium on Water Pollution Research, delegates heard a paper by I.D. Buchanan and J.A. Nicell de

scribing the model which they developed for the kinetics ofhorseradish peroxidase(FIRP) catalyzed removal of phenol from aqueous solution. In the process, the FIRP molecule, activated by hydrogen peroxide, produces free radicals which diffuse into the bulk so

lution where they spontaneously react with the phenol to form polymers of high mo lecular weight and low solubility. These may be removed from the waste stream by sedi mentation or filtration. The process is eco nomically competitive with conventional oxidative treatment methods. The model

developed by these McGill University sci entists may be used to optimize the reactor configuration and operating procedures. Landfill Leachate Treatment

CH,M Gore & Storrie scientist M.A. Warith investigated the feasibility ofusing peat as a filtering medium for the removal of heavy metals and organic compounds from landfill leachate. Adsorption isotherms were estab lished using batch studies, while the migra tion profiles and breakthrough characteris tics were determined from continuous flow



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R&D News, cont'd.

published in the Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, demonstrate the effec tiveness of peat to remove heavy metals and

versity, used data from north-temperate lakes to examine the degree to which single monthly samples for total phosphorus and chlorophyll a represent seasonal means. As described in the Canadian Journal ofFish eries and Aquatic Sciences, the most precise

other contaminates from landfill leachate.

and accurate estimates of the means occur

studies with peat filter columns. Lead,zinc, calcium,sodium, and organic matter(meas ured as BOD)were examined. The results,

when single visit synoptic Surveys were con ducted during August to September.

Natural Degradation of Organochlorines The natural degradation of organochlorines

present in secondary kraft mill effluents has been investigated by scientists at the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada. Samples of effluents in polyethylene bags, which permitted the transmittal of light and gas, were submerged in a lake distant from industrial areas. As described by L. Roy-

months,the mineralization ofchlorine in the

shallowest sample reached 70 to 85%, with lesser AOX reduction at greater depths.

Sampling North-Temperate Lakes for Trophic Status Because total phosphoms and chlorophyll a concentrations vary seasonally within northtemperate lakes, estimates of lake trophic status are usually based on the results of many sampling visits. McGill University scientists R.L. France and R.H. Peters, to

gether with R.H. Rishikof from Trent Uni

Bench-Scale Jar Tests

McMaster University scientists studied the effects of a number of variables on the re

sults obtained (kinetics constants for floe

agglomeration and breakup) ifa bench-scale jar tests of turbidity. A two-parameter ki

netic model developed by others provided a

Qualite de I'Eau

good fit ofthe data when they were log-transformed. S.P Szpak, D.R. Woods and K. Bouchard report that the variables having a statistically significant effect were the inter action ofclay concentration and flocculation velocity gradient, plus clay type combined with rapid-mix time. The jar and paddle shapes did not have significant effects.

Decolouration and Detoxification

Metal Toxicity in Landfill

R «& D News: edited by the Canadian Assoeiation on Water Quality

Arcand and F. Archibald at the CAWQ East-

em Symposium on Water Pollution Re search, the bags were submerged at depths of0.1,1.1 and 9 metres and periodically sam pled to assess their levels of AOX. After 4

a number of factors including the type of wastewater, the nature of the polymer or polymer mixture used, the quantity of poly mer added, the pH, and the temperature.

Association Canadienne sur ia

of Wastewater

Leachate Treatment

A polymer treatment has been developed in Belgium for removal of colour and toxicity of various wastewaters. D. Gagnon and H.C.

Two nitrification-denitrification systems were used in a University of British Colum bia research project to determine the possi ble inhibitory and/or toxic effects ofsupple

Lavallee at the University of Quebec Centre for Research on Pulp and Paper have under taken to further investigate this technology with a view to optimize and model the proc ess. The results of this research, described at the CAWQ Eastern Symposium on Water Pollution Research, demonstrated its appli cability for the treatment ofseveral effluents. The effectiveness ofthe process depends on

mental chromium and nickel addition to the

process in the treatment of a relatively high ammonia, low biodegradable carbon, mu nicipal landfill leachate. The results reported by D.S. Mavinic and coworkers in Water Environment Research indicated that chro

mium and nickel caused inhibitory effects to the system at soluble concentrations of

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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more Information, circle reply card No. 122 (See page 33)


R&D News, cont'd. approximately 0.30 and 0.70 mg/L respec tively. Chromium affected both the nitrifi cation and the denitrification process whereas nickel impaired only the nitrifica tion performance.

Thickening and Dewatering Sludges A paper published in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering presents the results of

a study by Ecole Pplytechnique scientists on

the influence of chemical pre-conditioning on gravity thickening and dewatering of bio logical and chemical sludge (alum dephosphation sludge)from facultative aerated la goons. Two cationic polymers and two in organic reagents were studied by M.A. Desjardins and his colleagues. The inorganic reagents did not improve gravity thickening ofthe sludge while the polymers were more

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Name: _

Title: .

efficient by increasing capture rate and ac celerating solids settling. The addition of polymers to sludge to improve thickening does not affect the reconditioning of sludge to be dewatered.

integrated River Basin Management A paper published by J. Burton in Water Science and Technology^ describes the ap plication of a river basin management ap proach, developed by this St. Lawrence Cen tre scientist, to tropical river basins. A frame work for integrated river basin management was designed in consultation with African managers. It begins with an extensive docu mentation phase to produce an integrated diagnosis of the river basin, moves into a planning phase, and ends with an action and monitoring phase. Integrated river basin management is feasible, but the real chal lenge lies with the lack of information and the need for a people-oriented approach.

Degradation of Resin Acids


University of British Columbia scientists S.F. Liver and E.R. Hall compared the fate and




Code: _

effects of resin acids in anaerobic and aero


bic biological treatment systems under batch reactor test conditions.


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As described in

Water Research, no degradation was ob served under anaerobic conditions with a

non-acclimated sludge. Under aerobic batch conditions with a non-acclimated activated

sludge inoculum, high initial resin acid con


centrations were reduced to detection limits

in two to three days. The highest specific removal rate measured in this study with non-acclimated aerobic biomass was much

higher than comparable values reported by Circle the numbers below for FREE

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March issue that interest you. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 121; 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185

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For more information about products, services and articies in this issue (May '96), you can A Mail in the separate Reader Service Card B Fax this page to (905) 841-7271 tor fast service (You can also mail this if faxing is not convenient) Be sure to fill in your name, address and job function and signature. ENViRONMENTAL Science & Engineering 220 industrial Pkway. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada L4G 3V6 62

others for acclimated aerobic biomass.

Effluent Quality of Lagoon-Based Systems To establish Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA) in nonurban communities which presently use con ventional lagoon technology, B. Evans, R.V. Amderson Associates, and colleagues from the Wastewater Technology Centre, XCG Consultants, and the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy evaluated alterna tives which can be used to improve lagoon effluent and establish costs. Two existing processes were compared: the Button, Ontario plant (nitrifying extended-aeration followed by polishing lagoons, with waste sludge discharged into the lagoons) and the New Hamburg, Ontario plant (aerated or facultative lagoons with lagoon effluents sprayed intermittently over sand filters). Details on the comparisons and the recom mended improvements are contained in a paper published in Water Science and Technology. For more information, contact Dr. H.R. Eisenhauer, Canadian Association on Water Quality, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada, 3439 River Road South, Gloucester, ON K1A 0H3, Tel: (613) 990-9849, Fax: (613) 990-2855.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Literature Review For information on advertising in this section caii ES&E at(905)727-4666. Odour Control

Treating odours with Sodium Hypochiorite (JAVEX-12) is detaiied in a technicai buiietin.

Systems are discussed that dis pense a hypochiorite spray to oxidize organic odours. Other topics include: storage and air collection needs.


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please contact us. Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc.

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Professional Products Division

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Cyanide Removal


Using sodium hypochiorite (JAVEX-12) to effectively and quickly remove cyanide wastes

7/ 8" diameter self-contained data

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StrainPress® SludgeCIeaner Reusing sludge means cleaning it first, and Parkson has a unique product for doing just that. The StrainPress SiudgeCieaner removes from primary or secondary sludge etc., the nonorganic solids, e.g. plastics, papers, rags, that may settle or float in downstream proc esses. These trash solids are then com


Scrcciv'Compactor r..-.UKiuxvcoKnMurio:

pressed and extruded as a dry product that can be disposed of with trash and screenings from other sources in the facility. The cleaned sludge can then be processed further to produce what the EPA has defined as "Class A

sludge". Parkson Corporation Circle reply card No. 204

Soil Remediation Second Edition

An increasingly popular method of treating soils in situ is via vapor ex traction. EG&G Rotron regenerative blowers are used worid-wide to strip volatile contaminants from soils. Our

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all but the tightest silts and clays. Both vacuum and pressure can be used simultaneously to strip con taminant from soils and push the vapors in treatment systems. PROMAT Engineering Sales Inc. Circle reply card No. 206

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StormwaterA/Vastewater Plastic Chambers

Cultec Contactor™ and Recharger™ plastic leaching chambers used for on-site wastewater and stormwater

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Since 1962, Rotron has been setting standards for Regenerative AirTechnoiogy. Our advanced application expertise and innovative family of re generative air devices have been a major factor in allowing industry to break with the traditional but costly and maintenance-intensive, use of compressor and other high pressure, positive-displacement sources of shop-air. Blowers carry a no-fault guarantee for one full year. PROMAT Engineering Sales Inc. Circle reply card No. 207


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Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Official Show Guide



BUSINESS The 10th Annual Toronto Environmental Show & Conference

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Toronto Environmental Show & Conference May 7th and 8th, 1996 International Centre, Mississauga, Ontario To register FREE or for further information call or fax:

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Show Guide

The 10th Annual Toronto Environmental

Tradeshow & Workshops/Conference Toronto International Centre of Commerce, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontario May 7 and 8,1996 Welcome to the 10th Annual Toronto Environmental Show-it's

guaranteed to open your eyes to a whole new world of solutions to our environmental challenges and to identify related business opportunities. Opportunities to: • See and compare new products and services from over 170 leading environmental industry suppliers. • Network with some 4,000 of Canada's best and brightest envi ronmental professionals. • Develop new business alliances, find new suppliers, source new products. • Attend The Environmental Compliance '96 conference featur ing over 16 workshops. If there ever was a year to attend the Toronto Environmental Show,this is it. You're sure to gain that one great idea-formu late fresh strategies, and open new business possibilities. We look forward to seeing you in Toronto, May 7th and 8th, 1996. Bruce Day, Sales Manager,Southex Exhibitions PatAtkinson,Administration Manager,Southex Exhibitions

ES&E's 1995 Environmental Compliance Workshops/Confer ence, held in conjunction with The Toronto Environmental Tradeshow, attracted the largest ever number of attendees. Much care and planning goes into the development of a bal anced program of presenters in order to provide a cost-effective way of ensuring that staff have an opportunity to: - update environmental management skills; - attend practical, due diligence workshops; and, - continue to receive the increasingly complex training in envi ronmental and hazardous materials management. Our programs have been set up to allow choices in a wide range of environmental training and professional development sessions. The record pre-registration figures for our workshops/ conference are encouraging evidence that our programs fulfil a vital need in these environmentally sensitive times. Tom Davey, Publisher,

Environmental Science & Engineering magazine

Tradeshow Exhibitors A-1 AIRTEK INC.




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Eric Bouchard

Products/Services: international tradeshow;tech



Tei:(905)858-3333, Fax:(905)858-8013 Booth Personnel: BJ Singh Products/Services: Consulting services. AIR PURIFICATION,INC. #257 491 Saratoga Road, Scotia, NY 12302 USA Tei:(518)399-7617, Fax:(518)399-1150

Booth Personnel: KurtJonsson, Francis Paragon, Clifton Hiideriey, fvlichaei insero


Products/Services:IVIanufactures Rotorfiiter Emis

Tei:(905)567-4441, Fax:(905)567-6623 Booth Personnel:Anthony Gruner, Vince Lasch Products/Services: Designs, produces and sup plies wastewater treatment systems specifically tai lored to meet any need. Having our lab analyze and

sion Control equipment for a broad range of applica tions, including coal fired boilers, incinerators, sew age treatment plants and metal smelters. Additional offerings are the Puisorfiiter, a high efficiency dry dust collection system, effluent handling equipment, and corrosion resistant heat exchangers. Services in clude planning and evaluation, system design, as sistance with financing, equipment installation and start-up. ALBERTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT



4th Floor, 10155-102 St., Edmonton, AB T5J 4L6 ACS ENVIRONMENTAL


2042 Hixon Street, Toronto, ON L6L186 Tei:(416)503-1353, Fax:(416)503-1583

Booth Personnel: Chris Cornwaii, Jim Neiiigan, Chris Greig Products/Services: Custom built secure storage cabinets for the storage of hazardous materials. 66

Tel:(403)427-6060, Fax:(403)422-9127

Booth PersonnehlVlaureen fi/lacKay AMERICANA 97

911 Jean Talon St. East, #220, fvlontreai, PQ H2R 1V5

Tei:(514)270-7110, Fax:(514)270-7154


Booth Personnel:Craig WIckett Products/Services: Recyciing & disposal services for solvents & gaseous refrigerants. Acetone re placement systems for fiberglass manufacturing.

2233 Argentia Rd., Suite 400, fylississauga ON L5N2X7

6635 Kitimat Rd., Unit34, fvlississauga,

run treatabiiity tests assures performance integrity, in addition to complete in-piant wastewater treatment systems, ACG manufactures environmental equip ment designed primarily to remove oils from indus trial process water. Two of the most popular "pack aged" products being manufactured byACG are: the High-Efficiency Coaiescer, and the ACG Hydrosep.


3549 IVlavis Road, fvlississauga, ON L5C1T7 Tel:(905)279-5122, Fax:(905)279-4130


ANALYGAS SYSTEMS, A Division of inspectech Anafygas Group Inc. 450 fvlidwest Road,


Scarborough, ON lv11P3A9 Tei:(416)759-2241, Fax:(416)757-8096 Booth Personnei:Tony Richardson, Frans Stamm'ier, Vaughan Lawrence Products/Services:Fixed and portable ambient air (muiti) gas monitors and analyzers for environmen tal control.




4927 North Lydell Ave., IVIilwaukee, Wi 53217 USA

Tel:(414)332-0230, Fax:(414)332-4375 Booth Personnel:Fryston Canada, inc. Products/Services:Quaiity-committed organization which provides cost-effective air pollution control and subsurface remediation equipment for a wide vari ety of industries and conditions. The company be gan in 1979 as a supplier of heat recovery systems and has grown rapidly to significant stature in the design and installation of complete environmental systems helping industries and organizations to meet regulatory requirements ail over the world.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Show Guide #226


501 D - Weston St., Winnipeg, MB R3G 1 PI Tel:(204)783-0835, Fax:(204)772-2940 Booth Personnel:Jeff Simpson Products/Services: Palintest water testing & soil testing materials. #358


PO Box 2205, Stn. B, St. Catharines, ON L2M 6P6

Tel:(905)641-0941, Fax:(905)641-1825 Booth Personnel;John Sferrazza

Products/Services: Multi-faceted company providing a variety of services in the field of environmental consulting and engineering. AS! was founded by environmental scientists and professional marine technicians with the pur

pose of providing industrial clients with a unique combination of environmental engineering, biology and professional, marine and technical expertise. This blend of skills means that we are often able to provide Innovative solutions to

the complex environmental problems associated with working in an industrial setting. ARCTURUS ENVIRONMENTAL

Scratch and sniff


7900 Canadian Drive, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S5 Tel:(905)357-6424, Fax:(905)357-6447 Booth Personnel:David Sawicki, Paul Hubley,Andrew Panko,Tony Difruscio Products/Services: Now offer our consulting, planning, financing, real es tate, remediation and site development services on a national level. #131


P.O. Box 156, Guelph, ON N1H6J9 Tel:(519)824-3442, Fax:(519)836-1602 Booth Personnel: Robert Johnson #350


235 Yorkland Blvd., Suite 505, Wiilowdale, ON M2J 4Y8

Tel:(416)495-8535, Fax:(416)494-5565 Booth Personnel: David Simpson, Wayne Simpson, JulianTsafaroff #300


450 Phillip St., Unit 11, Waterioo, ON N2L5J2 Tel:(519)746-8973, Fax:(519)746-1222

Smell anything?

Booth Personnel: Brian Herner, Croline Kunze, Michael Hirtenstein Products/Services: Bioremediation services for restoration of contaminated

soils. Biofeasibility studies for the treatment of soil and wastewater. Special izing in TPH, PAH and phthalate esters. NEW SERVICE: Turnkey design and installation of biological air filters (biofllters)for odour removal in air streams. BOART LONGYEAR INC.



61 Malmo Court, Maple, ON L6A 1R4

Tel:(905)832-7979, Fax:(905)832-8080 Booth Personnel: Bill White, Peter Jacobs, Steve Wilkinson

Products/Services: Environmental drilling services; monitoring well supplies. BQC CANADA LIMITED


5975 Falbourne St., Unit #2, Mississauga, ON L5R3W6

Tel:(905)501-2556, Fax:(905)501-1717 Booth Personnel: Calvin Knaggs, Ruben Esteron Products/Services: Special gases — EPA Protocol Calibration Gases and NISTTraceable Mixtures; high purity regulations; environmental gases. BQVAR ENVIRONMENTAL


1190, 555-4thAve. S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 3E8 Tel:(403)750-9323, Fax:(403)237-7634 Booth Personnel: David Law, Cheryl Cascaden, Fred Meth Products/Services:Provides consulting and research services in the follow ing areas: environmental management, environmental impact assessment, air quality management, waste management, health & safety management and health & risk assessment & management. Our technical services include source emission testing, air quality monitoring, hazardous waste management. Indoor air quality, environmental laboratory research, Instrumentation & analy sis and waste gas incineration.

Ecolo® can do the same for your facility. Call now: 1-800-NO-SMELL that's: 1-800-667-6355 E-Mail: info@ecolo.com Web:www.ecolo.com Visit us in booth 136 at the Toronto Environmental Show.








294 WatlineAve., Mississauga, ON L4Z 1P4 Tel:(905)890-5880, Fax:(905)890-5510 Booth PersonnehTom Begg, Betty Stanley, MidoriVamamoto, Marco Mongiat, James Lachance

Products/Services: The Safety & Environmental Products Group of Brian Controls are displaying stack, environmental and area monitoring systems. Some of the products offered are CaliforniaAnalytical, Environics, Kurz, Moni

wor l dwi de

Fresh, clean air — naturally with Ecolo®

tor Labs, Industrial Scientific, Metrosonlcs and our own BSE line. Our newest

product is ASD, Inc.; this is a newer, lower cost CEM stack monitoring system for Nox, CO and 02.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circie repiy card No. 129 (See page 33)





550 Bowes Road, Concord, ON L4K 1K2 Tel:(905)660-1700, Fax:(905)660-3917 Booth Personnel:George Bennett Products/Services: Recycling and waste disposal. C3 ENVIRONMENTAL


350 Woolwich St. 8., Breslau, ON NOB 1M0 Tel:(519)648-3611, Fax:(519)648-3505 Booth Personnel: Cam Wood, Murray Gamble, Minh Lie, Bart Kanters, DIno Vito, Robbie Laird Products/Services: Environmental service/con

tracting company specializing in containment, con trol and corrective action technologies. The com

pany offers sen/ices in the following areas: primary containment linings, secondary containment sys tems, groundwater containment ceils and cut-off walls and Waterloo Barrier'^" systems. CALGON CARBON CORPORATION


P.O. Box 717, Pittsburg, PA 15230 Tel:(412)787-6814, Fax:(412)787-4523 USA Booth Personnel: Lynden Masien, Bill Zavora, Bob Deithorn

Products/Services: Activated carbon systems for liquid and air purification: temporary and emergency treatment services; reactivation/recycle services; soil

and sludge stabilization; flue gas treatment; VOC emissions control; wastewater and groundwater



55 St. Clair Avenue W., Suite 225,Toronto, ON L4W2Y7

Tel:(416)972-6645, Fax:(416)972-6648 Booth Personnel: PeterAsseistine, Patrick Muiiin, Sarah Gencey, Ian MacRae

fering classes In Canada for Hazwoper, Emergency Response and Certified Hazardous Materials Management.CHMR is also deeply involved In the ISO 14000 effort. We currently offer an excellent combination of environmental and quality manage ment consulting designed for companies intending to self-declare or register to ISO 14001.

Products/Services: The Canadian Environmental

Directory 1996/97 is the complete guide to the busi ness of environmental management. The Canadian Environmental Faxietter allows you to access envi ronmental business opportunities. CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION

CHEM-SECURITY(ALBERTA) LTD. #216 2 Tippett Road, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M3H 2V2 Tel:(416)630-8322, Fax:(416)630-3037 Booth Personnel: Bryan Maskell, Darren Bartoshewski, Cindy Williams, VInce Chirlcosta Products/Services: Operates a fully-integrated waste management facility In Swan Hills, Alberta. Our facility can handle all hazardous wastes, includ ing PCBs, with the exception of pathologioal, explo sive and radioactive materials. Our rotary kiln tech nology destroys hazardous materials with a 99.9999% destruction and removal efficiency. ChemSecurity (Alberta) Ltd. provides the generator with complete removal of all liabilities associated with the hazardous waste and offers a complete solution.


#201,2333 Boundary Road, Vancouver, BC V5M4V8

Tel:(604)291-9900, Fax:(604)291-1906 Booth Personnel: Ian Stuart, Paul Herrick

Products/Services: Environmental trade publica tion, serving the industrial, municipal and resource sectors 9 times per year. CANNINGTON GROUP,THE #233 130 Ram Forest Road, Gormley, ON LOH 1G0 Tel:(905)841-1848, Fax:(905)841-1062 Booth Personnel: David McCrossan,Tracey Smith



P.O. Box 1254, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7A7 Tel:(800)263-4949, Fax:(905)688-9507 Booth PersonnehGary Bellhouse, Sarah Edwards, Cralg Lincoln, Erica Bellhouse, Melodle Grant,

Products/Services: Environmental remediation and

construction services and excavating services.


Robert Provost

Products/Services: Collection and transportation, recycling of industrial and hazardous waste.


Certa Inc,





3350 FalrvlewSt., Suite3-165, Burlington,




250 Main Street East, Hamilton, ON L8N 1H6

Tel:(905)572-2981, Fax:(905)572-2206 Booth Personnel: Wendy Cairns Products/Services:CD ROM products: MSDS da tabase,TOXLINE database, HSDB,Canadian Health & Safety Legislation CD ROM, Canadian Health &

Safety Legislation PLUS Standards CD ROM.




2495 Raines Road, Mississauga, ON L4Y 1Y7 Tel:(905)277-0331, Fax:(905)277-2588 Booth Personnel: Manna, Barrnett, Enmet,Arjay Products/Services: Displaying the new Sigma 900 series fiowmeters and samplers; Arjay oil in water monitor plus the new laser suspended solids monitor.


Tel:(905)336-3822, Fax:(905)336-3844 Booth Personnel:John Hosty Products/Services: Hazmat training, consulting &


Booth Personnel: Gordon Wels, Alex Keen,


MATERIALS RESEARCH,THE 320 William Pitt Way, Pittsburg, PA 15238 USA Tel:(412)826-3915, Fax:(412)826-3947

Sid Morris

Products/Services: Specializing In the thermal treatment of petroleum contaminated soil at a fixed

Booth Personnel:Jeannle Chu, Dave Glaser,

site In Hamilton and with mobile units for on-site remediation. The CleanSoils Thermal Desorber^"

John Fortier

Products/Services: Since 1987, CHMR has pro vided training In Health & Safety and Environmental Awareness for over 15,000 students and 150 corpo rate and governmental entitles In 38 states and prov inces and over 7 countries. CHMR Is currently of

/\ 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116

processes all types of soil reducing hydrocarbons to residential standards. Complete MOEE permits; large or small projects; soil analysis and certificate of destruction; final disposal or treatment and recy cle as backfill. TO ONTARIO & FRENCH ROOMS




225 SheppardAve. West, North York, ON M2N 1N2 Tel:(416)226-3838, Fax:(416)226-2931

emergency response.

136 133 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 151 IS 158

122 124 126 128



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113 115


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249 251

25 25 297 25



318 399 352 354 35 35




305 307 309



313 315 317

335 337 339 341

343 345 347 349

35 35 357 35 361

Press Room



Show Office



Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996




446 Albert St. , P.O. Box 130, Waterloo, ON N2J 4A1

jl^avidson nvirbnmcntal

Tel:(519)884-4320, Fax:(519)884-6623

Booth Pesonnel: Mike Vatcher, John White,

Booth Personnel: Koulis Kyrlakou Products/Services;Storage tanks & accessories. COMMUNICARE


35 RipleyAve., Suite 102, Toronto, ON M6S3P2 Tel:(416)769-0846, Fax:(416)769-7790 Booth Personnel: Nelll MacMlllan, Robin Kennedy, Jim Purdy, Mike Moran, Jim Wright, Julia Suk Products/Services: Information Mapping®-The Information Mapping method Is a research-based, systematic approach to the analysis, organization and presentatiori of Information. Because the meth odology's underlying principles are based on cogni tive sciences - how people think and use informa tion-the method itself can be the underlying foun dation on which to build any communication program in any medium. Some applications Include: memos and letters, policies and procedures, marketing ma terials, E-Mail, compliance documentation, propos



R.R. #1, Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8

Tel:(519)664-1422, Fax:(519)664-1412 Booth Personnel: Bill Davidson

Products/Services:Envlronmentai drilling & related services.


(Parent of Bloman Products) 5730 CoopersAve.,#27, MIsslssauga, ON L4Z2E9 Tei:(905)890-6023, Fax:(905)890-6024



Comp 6, Site 18, RR#3, Penticton, BO V2A 7K8 Tei:(604)493-3635, Fax:(604)493-9347 Booth Personnel: Bud Gary

Dagex Inc,

Products/Services: Eiisa test kits. DRAIN-ALL LTD.


9030 Leslie St. #5, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1G2 Tei:(905)771-8400, Fax:(905)771-8911 Booth Personnel: David Griffiths, Jake Goldshtein, Ray Beaudoin Products/Services:Solids recovery and dewatering systems, linear and rotating screen/thlckener/dryer, filter press, belt press centrifuge, self cleaning step screens. Brush and spin dean self cleaning pres sure filters. Custom, low profile continuous wash,


1825 Power, Drummondvllle, PQ J2C5X4 Tel:(819)474-5500, Fax:(819)474-4072 Booth Personnel: Denis O'Reilly Products/Services: SAFE "T" STOR - hazardous


2705 Stevenage Drive, RR#1, Tei:(613)739-1070, Fax:(613)739-5971 Booth Personnel: FrankCardinaii, Paul Longpre Products/Services: Hazardous waste manage ment; site remediation; water treatment systems; laboratory services; absorbent supplier. DTE INDUSTRIES LIMITED


lations and enforcement.

materials storage building.

Booth Personnel: Bob Robertson

Gloucester, ON K1G 3N2

als, strategic plans and user guides.

Ambrose SamulskI, Ross Stevenson, GreggTaylor, Tracy Patterson Products/Servlces:Durham's College's three-year environmental technology diploma program Is indus try focussed. Students learn waste management, audits, chemical and biological aspects of water and air quality and monitoring and environmental regu DYNAVENT INC.



2000 SImcoe St. N., Oshawa, ON LI H 7L7 Tel:(905)721-2000, Fax:(905)721-3115


69 Comstock Road, Scarborough, ON Ml L 2G9 Tei:(416)757-6278, Fax:(416)757-5579 Booth Personnel:Ed Gianfrancesco, Robert Hawn, Enzo Siiano, John Hawiey Products/Services: Steel storage tanks manufac tured to Underwriter's Laboratories Canada specifi cations for the petroleum and chemical Industries. Including domestic fuel oil, waste oil, above and un derground tanks. New products include 'jacketed' underground tanks for longer life, low maintenance storage.


223 Cassandra Blvd., Suite 1004, Don Mills, ON M3A1V3

Tel:(416)383-0291, Fax:(416)383-0291 Booth Personnel: Claude Boyer Products/Services: SAFE "T" STOR - hazardous

materials storage building. ECO LOGIC


143 Dennis Street, Rockwood, ON NOB 2K0 Tel:(519)856-9591, Fax:(519)856-9235 Booth Personnel: Martin Hassenbach, Jim Nash Products/Services:The ECO LOGIC Process Is an

Innovative method of destroying organic hazardous waste, such as PCB's, in a variety of matrices in cluding soil/sediment, bulk solids and oils. In Canada, there are currently two permitted, opera tional PCB destruction facilities with the mobile ECO

LOGIC Process being one of them. This socially acceptable alternative to incineration employs pat ented gas-phase chemical reduction reactions In a closed loop to safely convert hazardous organic com pounds Into recyclable and useful products.

gravity sand filters, custom plate settlers, wastewater treatment plants. DANATEC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LTD.




1470 Jefferson Crescent, Oakvllle, ON L6H 3G6

Tel:(905)842-6363, Fax:(905)842-4101 Booth Personnel: Patrick Wallwork,

Douglas Patterson, Gary Huffman Products/Services: New Confined SpaceTraining Program, Gas Station Program, TDG Hand Book (updated February, 1996).


170 172 174 176 178 180




173 175 177 179 181



270 272 274 276 278 280


A Total Anti-Corrosion System The ultimate protection when metaisare exposed to nature'selements. •Ships(ALL surfaces) •Offshore Piatforms •Oii Tanks & Pipes(above & beiow ground) Heavy Machinery • Bridges Steei Reinforcing Rods(concrete) •Anywhere corrosion can occur

The ISOTROUSOGUARD System has approached the "( rust problem In an unconventional way. The ISOTROL/iSOGUARD System has a low surface tension combined with a low viscosity and high total solids. With these characteristics ISOTROUISOGUARD pene trates the substrate of rusted steel surfaces and encapsulates all rust particles. It also encapsulates inorganic salts and removes them from the electrollc system. In addition ISOTROUISOGUARD bonds onto the mother lattice, elimlrlating all air and •

■ :r 267


273 275 277 279 281



370 372 374 376 378 380


^ - .moisture pockets. When Itdries it presents a pore-free surface to the atmosphere. (AU. TH6 CAN BE ACCOVFUSHED WTTHQUT SANDBLASTIVGI 367

371 373




^t^rm^topRust .(A

M E tt I C A )


■" 2911 DIxwell Avenue, Suite 101, Hamden. Connecticut 06518 USA

' .- Phone; 203/407-3841 • 800/200-3599 • Fax: 203/407-3840

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more Information, circle reply card No. 130 (See page 33)



characterization and environmental audits, treatability studies, hydrogeologlcal studies, risk assess ment studies, technical assistance, consulting and


20 Freshway Drive, Concord, ON L4K 183 Tel:(905)669-4340, Fax:(905)669-9945 Booth Personnel: Brian Ainscough Products/Services: Landscape mulch & animal bedding manufactured from recycled wood & OCC.

analysis services, in situ oil treatments, Injecsol™


contaminated waters, research and development services, specialized product supplies, design and manufacture of specialized equipment.


1450 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, ON MSB 2X7

process, pile treatments (ex situ), bioreactor treat ments, installation of hydraulic barriers, treatment of

Tel:(416)445-6641, Fax:(416)442-2200 Booth Personnel; Mary Mancini



55Avonhurst Road, Etobicoke, ON M9A2G9 Tel:(416)207-0432, Fax:(416)207-9122 Booth Personnel: Keith Grattan ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS



1222 Fewster Dr., Unit 9,

Mississauga, ON L4W 1A1 Tel:(905)625-8664, Fax:(905)625-8892 Booth Personnel: Ian Howard, Calvin Sager, Mehmet Ucar, George Vance, John LInthwaite, Cyndi Pickard Products/Services: Ecolo® Worldwide manufac

tures automatic systems to atomize its exclusive blend of oils precisely formulated to eliminate your unwanted odors on contact. Ecolo® airsolution®

destroys odors with complete safety in commercial and industrial settings from A to Z - waste, MURF's, composts, exhaust stacks,scrubbers and more!

ENCOTEC ENVIRONMENTAL #118 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS LTD. 134 South Albion Street, Amherst, NS B4H 2X3 Tel:(902)661-6890, Fax:(902)661-6892 Booth Personnel:John Morrissey Products/Services: Provides expertise in the fol lowing areas: project management, bio remediation, on-site thermal desorptlon, thermal modelling, con taminated water management,vapour extraction sys tems, landfarming, excavation and transportation, hazardous waste management, thermal consulting and technology transfer.


965 NewtonAvenue,#270,

Quebec City, PQ 01P 4M4 Tel:(418)872-3600, Fax:(418)872-0149 Booth Personnel:Charles Boulanger, Louis Simard, Arnold Ross

Products/Services: Mission is to specifically Inter vene in the rehabilitation of contaminated sites and

treatment of contaminated matrix. Wide range of services include: verification conformity audit, site

ENSAT ■ LTia-" 90 Allstate Pkwy., Suite 600,


Markham, ON L3R 6H3

Tel:(905)513-1376, Fax:(905)475-5994 Booth Personnel: Richard P. Puntis

Products/Services:Provides turnkey environmen tal engineering and construction services for under ground and above ground storage tanks. Facility decommissioning remediation, design and construc tion.




1051 Bravar Drive, Ottawa, ON K4M 1G3 Tel:(613)692-5162, Fax:(613)692-5226 Booth Personnel: Frank D'Addario, Chris Ingoe, Wayne Throop, Marc Johnson, Paul Warriner, Katrina Altoft

Products/Services:Developing and implementing Environmental Management Systems(IS014000); compliance management & due diligence planning; contaminated sites management & remediation; Phase 1 property transfer assessment software;en vironmental issue scans; technical & awareness

training workshops; benchmarking; environmental performance evaluations; gap analysis; emergency preparedness & response planning; storage tank management & fuel handling practices. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING MAGAZINE




867 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, ON L7R 4A6 Tel:(905)336-6276, Fax:(905)336-6272 Booth Personnel: Gladys Locke Products/Services: Cleanup Fund - Great Lakes 2000 display highlighting environmental technologies from 300 plus demonstration projects undertaken by Cleanup Fund and partners.


220, Industrial Parkway South, Unit #30, Aurora, ON L4G3V6 Tel:(905)727-4666, Fax:(905)841-7271 Booth Personnel:Tom Davey, Steve Davey, Penny Davey, Colleen Davey Products/Services: Canada's top award-winning magazine for environmental professionals. Articles cover water and wastewater treatment, air pollution control, site remediation, groundwater issues, pulp and paper issues, occupational health and safety and stormwater management.

Golder Associates is helping its clients maintain the

WE BELIEVE BOTH INDUSTRY AND NATURE SHOULD WIN! , Golder Associates Geotechnical, Environmental & Mining Solutions

1 800 414-8314

balance between

industrial development and the environment, With innovative services like environmental risk

assessment,remote sensing and GIS modelling, plus traditional services,such as surface and

groundwater management, strategic planning and biological assessments,site assessment and remediation,and environmental

impact analysis, Golder Associates has the expertise that clients have trusted for over 35 years, With the integrated team of environmental and geotechnical

specialists behind our name,our professionals can meet all of your

Offices throughout Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia.


For more information, circle reply card No. 131 (See page 33)

environmental needs.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996



99 Atlantic Ave., Suite 402, Toronto, ON M6K3J8

Tel:(416)516-2337, Fax:(416)516-2837 Booth Personnel:Renee Lochhead, John-David Phyper Products/Services: Environmental Data Manager

for Windows (EDM) — new for 19961 Canada's #1 seliing management system for envlronmentai data. Environmentai Auditor (EA) for Windows - the #1

selling auditing/assessment tool for environmental managers/consultants/government agencies in Canada. Computerized EA-iSO Version -Environ mental Auditor (EA) for Windows ISO version Is a mandatory tool for any company considering ISO Im plementation.,




2175Teston Road, Maple, ON L6A1T3 Tel:(905)832-8161, Fax:(905)832-2111 Booth Personnel: Greg Landry, Jon Komow,


Cambridge, ON N1T1K6 Tel:(519)622-9924, Fax:(519)622-8050 Booth Personnel:Tom Maxwell

Products/Services: FLR has developed a process for the safe recycling of fluorescent lamps. These lamps contain hazardous amounts of mercury and mercury vapour and regulations restrict mercury from entering landfill. FLR separates and recycles the glass, mercury, phosphor, aluminum and brass com ponents. Flexible arrangements can be made for the removal of lamps from your location. Office lo cations: Cambridge, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec. FORESTRY SUPPLIERS,INC. #263 P.O. Box 8397, Jackson, MS, USA 39284-8397 Tel:(601)354-3565, Fax:(601)354-0362 Booth Personnel: Sandy Black Products/Services: Groundwater sampling and monitoring instruments; soil, sludge and sediment samplers; surveying engineering instruments; per sonal protection equipment and more. Free 500-r page catalog.


Ted GIbbs

Products/Services:Armourpiastic® (thermoplastlcllned fiberglass reinforced plastic), scrubbers, pip ing systems, chemical processing equipment. FILTER INNOVATIONS INC.


RECYCLERS INC.(FLR) IIOTurnbuil Court, Unit#15,


744 Gordon Baker Road, North York, ON M2FI3B4 Tel:(416)490-7848, Fax:(416)490-0974 Booth Personnel:John Dragasevioh, Mark Battaglia, Mike Baker Products/Services: Offers simple. Innovative and proven solutions in the treatment of process water,

wastewater and ground water. Our product line In cludes self cleaning, back-fiushabie filters and bag filters; coalescers and membrane filtration for oily water separation; and "Flow and Plug" systems for floor drains and compressor condensate filtration.





744 Gordon Baker Rd., North York, ON M2FI3B4 Tel:(416)490-7848, Fax:(416)490-0974 Booth Personnel:Robert Muiler, John Dragasevlch Products/Services: Now carries a large inventory of virgin and reactivated carbons for the filtration of vapour and liquid streams. Different types of car bon available: pelletized, granular, powdered and re activated, made out of several different materials

such as coal, coconut shell and wood. A complete line of carbon absorption equipment Is available in cluding vessels, canisters and panels.



118 Rutherford Road 8., Brampton, ON L6W 3J5 Tel:(905)454-3511, Fax:(905)454-2811 Booth Personnel: Barry Flarrls Products/Services: Extensive experience In the clean-up, decontamination of sites containing liquids and soils contaminated with hydrocarbons and met als. We also offer the most competitive prices for the packaging, transportation and disposal of PCS contaminated soils, ballasts, liquids, etc. GLENGARRY BIOTECH


850 Boundary Road, Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5 Tel:(613)936-2722, Fax:(613)936-2716 Booth Personnel: Robin Flockton, Carol Gordon, Craig Rugged Products/Services: Field and laboratory test sys tems for soil remediation. Also tests for PAH,TPH, BTEX, pesticides and herbicides.




2550 Argentia Rd., Suite 213, MIssissauga, ON L5N 5R1 Tel:(905)819-0600, Fax:(905)819-9922 Booth Personnel:Michael Velluso

Products/Services:Risk Assessment, Environmen

tal Management Planning, Environmental ImpactAssessments & Management, Environmental Site En hancement, Biological/Biophysical Assessments, Water Resources Management, Water Quality As sessments, Waste Management,Archaeloglcal Serv ices, Socio-economic Assessment & Public Consul tation.



#3-2880 Sheffield Rd., Ottawa, ON K1B1A4 Tel:(613)747-1788, Fax:(613)747-0520 Booth Personnel: Noel Perera,Yolanda Plurko, Lulgi Lorusso, Mark Schrader, Scott Mather

Specialized tools. Sophisticated technology. Secure transportation. The Alberta Special Waste Treatment Centre is tinique in its ability to eliminate your Hability for aU hazardous wastes, including PCBs, through comprehensive treatment technologies: □ high-temperature incineration □ recycling furnace □ physical/chemical treatment □ stabilization □ secure landfill.

We assume full liability for transportation, destruction and residual management as soon as your waste is loaded onto our vehicles. We also issue a Certificate of Destruction for all waste received,

providing due dihgence. To learn more about our full range of services and competitive prices, call; 1-800-633-5552. Liability Removal Through Treatment

DChem-Security (Alberta) Ltd. A member of the BOVAR group

Vancouver h Calgary ■ Edmonton b Toronto a Montreal

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, circie reply card No. 132 (See page 33)


Show Guide Products/Services: Wide variety of environmental services including: site assessment;site remediation & restoration; risk assessment/risk management; re medial investigations/feasibility studies; policy & regulation development; waste management(mu nicipal & bio-medical waste);storage tank manage ment; Storage Tank Management System(STMS)software program;compliance promotion & pollution prevention; Environmental impactAssessment(EiA); waste water & groundwater treatment.Provides con

taminated soil excavation & removal, vapour extrac tion, leachate collection systems,zebra mussel con trol systems, underwater services. HAROLD MARCUS LIMITED




miniature temperature loggers. Complete portable meteorologic stations with data loggers.

Flarold Marcus







205 Number College Blvd., Toronto, ON M9W 5L7 Tel:(416)675-6622, Fax:(416)675-9528


Booth Personnel:Glen Mazetz

951 Denlson St., Unit 4, Markham, ON L3R 3W9

Products/Services: Humber College Environmen tal program literature & marketing manual.

Tei;(905)305-6155, Fax;(905)305-6255 Booth Personnel: Arnie Gess,Todd Latham,

145 King St. East, Ste. 200,Toronto, ON M5C 2Y8 Tei;(416)363-5577, Fax:(416)367-2653 Booth Personnel:GiennaFord, Megumi Nishikawa, Ourght ivalnman Products/Services; Environmental management information systems (software products) and envi ronmental publications as follows. Software: IS014001 Self-Assessment Software(new product); IS0 14001 Implementation Software(new product); Waste manager. Publications; Waste Management Systems: Guidelines for implementation. Monitoring and Reporting; The Environmental Manual for Business & Professionals; The Canadian Environ mental Journal.



Portable stream flow current meters. Submersible

R.R. #3, Bothweli, ON NOP 1G0 Tei;(519)695-3734, Fax;(519)695-2249 Booth Personnel: John Scott, Denis Marcus,

ventional as well as innovative, state-of-the-art tech

nologies for both small and large complex environ

Products/Services: Exclusive Canadian distributor

for the Turner Design 10-AU Fluorometer for flow and chlorophyll studies, or oil In water monitoring. Water quality monitoring instruments from Hydrolab.


6970 Oakwood Drive, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S5 Tel;(905)357-1735, Fax;(905)357-7256

Guy Crittenden, Stephanie Foster, Lysa Shaw,


Karen Bell

2411 First St., RR#1.

Products/Services: Hazardous Materials Manage ment Magazine, the Canadian publication of pollu tion prevention and control.

Tel:(905)684-8568, Fax:(905)684-8560 Booth Personnel: Peter Belanger, Mike GIrotti

St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P7

Products/Services: Vandal resistant, Easi-Set

Precast Concrete Hazardous Buildings.



HAZCO CANADA,INC. #112 6541-B Misslssauga Road, Misslssauga, ON L5N 1A6 Tel;(905)858-3215, Fax;(905)858-3192 Booth Personnel:Tony Barecca Products/Services: Full-service, nationwide com pany which provides instrument rental, sales and repair services for the environmental industry. As illustrated in a fuil-coior catalog, services Include same-day shipping, certified technicians, an exten sive rental and sales inventory and premier customer sen/Ice. For further info, call 1 -800-361 -3201.

Booth Personnel: James Di Benedetto,

Kevin Christian, David Boyd Products/Services: Environmental contractor spe cializing in site decommissioning, in situ bioremediation, contaminated sediment capping, under ground tank removal, groundwater treatment, con





680 Hardwick Rd., Box 346, Bolton, ON L7E 5T3 Tel:(905)951-3145, Fax:(905)857-3330 Booth Personnel: Erwin Spehr Products/Services: Drying system. IDEXX


One Idexx Drive, Westbrook, ME, USA 04092 Tei:(207)856-0300, Fax:(207)856-0630 Booth Personnel: Barbara Smith

Products/Services:Colilert, Coiilert 18, Enterolert. INDUSTRIAL WASTE RECOVERY LTD.


#14, 1231-36 Ave. N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 6N6 Tei: 1-800-213-9775, Fax:(403)250-5957 Booth Personnel:Matt Mahon, RossThurston, Jeff Chernichen

4210 Morris Drive, Burlington, ON L7L 5L6 Tel:(905)333-5510, Fax:(905)333-4976

Products/Services: Customized groundwater re covery and treatment packages; oil/water separa tors; air stripping equipment; air and liquid phase carbon filters; soil vapour extraction and in-situ sparging systems; off gas oxidation units.

Booth Personnel:Jon Matheson, Beth Chaffe,

Wayne Eidt


BOOTH #304

Recycling Centre for Inorganic Waste Materials containing metals, copper, 1464 Graham-Bell

Bouchervllle, Quebec J4B 6H5

Tel: (514) 641-9555, Fax:(514) 641-9239

Booth Personnel: DerekYue

Products/Services:Economic flagship department of the Federal Government, it administers services

to business, science and consumer groups In Canada and promotes the competitiveness of Ca nadian businesses Internationally. The showcase product is the Canadian Environmental Solutions (CES), an award winning, portable, multimedia tool designed to provide instantaneous response to en vironmental problems. The product is available on

zinc, aluminum, cadmium, chrome, nickel, vanadium


For more information, circle reply card No. 142



#1 Front Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5J 1A4 Tei;(416)973-5159, Fax;(416)973-5131

Tkcyt & OcCm rt f




n r




Odor Neutralizing

Fugitive Dust Controi

Smokeless Debris Disposal

• Pulp Mills

• Pulp Mills

• Land Fills

• Saw Mills • Grain Elevators

• Pulp Mills • Land Developments

• Composting & Solid Waste Handling • Sewage Treatment Plants • Fuel Waste Dumps • Food Processing Plants • Oil Refineries

• Asphalt & Fiberglass Processing

• Recovery Stations • Recycling Plants • Land Fills • Mines & Quarries • Truck Load-Out Areas

• Construction Sites

• Hydro Reservoirs • Rivers & Streams • Lakes • Land Fills

• Logging Sites

'CUSTOM DESIGNED & MANUFACTURED FOR YOUR NEEDS" MEC SYSTEMS INC. 44775 Yale Road, Chilllwack, B.C. V2R 4H3 • Tel; (604) 792-7779 Fax:(604) 792-7072 72

For more information, circle reply card No. 125 (See page 33)

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


/«>c ;


Orbiting Mobile Satellite Communications Now you can go far beyond the limits of cellular and two-way radio technologies and stay in contact, affordabiy. The MSAT® Network provides the first mobile phone and data services to Canadians by satellite. When up-to-the-minute progress reports are vital to containing an environmental hazard, rely on the most advanced communications network available—from virtually anywhere in North America. From now on, the barriers posed by our geography no longer exist. For more information, launch your call now:

TMI Communications

1-800-216-MSAT Ref #130 MSAT is a registered trademark of TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership. MSAT Services are provided by GTIS, Gientel, Infbsat and Mobiiity Canada Sateilite,

- .. ' '

fe u 'Ji"- f i


For more information, circie reply card No..124(See page 33)


Show Guide CD Rom,diskettes and Internet. CES contains 500 environmental problems, 1000 solutions and their descriptions, along with the 600 companies that can provide the solutions. INTELEX PRESS INCORPORATED


93 Skyway Ave., Suite 101, Etobicoke, ON M9W6C7 Tel:(416)679-0119, Fax:(416)679-0168 Booth Personnel:Paul Lisanti, RandaliThomlinson, Dave Keller, Jim Everett, Brenda Shepley, Michael Hornick Products/Services: Inteiex EHS is a Windows

based software program designed to help manage your organization's regulatory and internal compli ance issues. It features a management, reference and an assessment section, which all work together to educate, assess and manage day to day activi ties. These three sections work together to provide a powerful management system benefiting both ex ecutive management and plant level management. Inteiex also offers other software packages includihg a system designed for ISO 14000 and for QS9000. Inteiex makes EHS Compliance easier.

Booth Personnel:Antonino Mafodda

Products/Services: Catalogues of Italian compa nies in the environmental field. JACUZZI CANADA

Linda Elliott


5880 Falbourne St., MIssissauga, ON L5R 3L8 Tel:(905)712-2424, Fax:(905)712-0999 Booth Personnel:Serges Ouimet, Bob Bellomo, Burno Crozzoll, David Altken, Patrick Abram, Doug Van Wyck Products/Services: Variety of jet pumps, suction centrifugal pumps and submersible pumps.

Products/Services: Mineral processing and hydrometallurgical testing facility, confirming extraction and processing techniques for the mining industry. As consulting engineers and scientists many of the basic mineral extraction techniques can also be uti lized to confirm contaminate extraction. With CAEAL

and SCO accredited Analytical and Environmental Laboratories, and a staff of over 200, clients are as

sured of fast, accurate and reliable response to any problems they may present. LANDMARK ENVIRONMENTAL INC.


Booth Personnel:Joel Reid, Ron Clark, Debbie Mason-Stogran, Dave Bucholtz, Mike Lord,


145-11780 River Rd., Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 Tel:(604)270-0350, Fax:(604)270-0349 #117

Booth Personnei:TerrieTrevlllion

520 Southgate Drive, Guelph, ON NIG 4P5 Tel:(519)824-2025, Fax:(519)824-2322 Products/Services:PCB sen/ices; water treatment;

Products/Services:100% blodegradeable abscrtient.

on-site services; service centres; treatment centres;

7475, boul. Newman, Suite 309,

hazardous waste incineration; transportation serv ices; HHW services.



Lasalle, PQ H8N 1X3 Tel:(514)364-6860, Fax:(514)365-2964 Booth Personnel: Paul Hebert



150 Bloor St. W., Ste. 505, Toronto, ON M5S 2X9

Tel:(416)968-1413, Fax:(416)968-2971



185 Concession St., Lakefield, ON KOL 2H0 Tel:(705)652-2000, Fax:(705)652-6365

Products/Services: Fixed facility, located in Que bec and dedicated to the decontamination of electri

cal equipment containing PCB. Soil washing plant located in Montreal. Quebec. LEVITT

environmental remediation full service zebra mussel control

Greenwood Enuironmental inc.

industrial diving & underwater video excavating & mechanical contracting wastewater treatment

The 6970 Oakwood Drive

Niagara Falls, Ontario



Tel: (905) 357-1735 Fax;(905) 357-7256


181 University Avenue Suite 1101, Box 11 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3M7 Tei: (416) 594-1155 Fax:(416) 594-0711





(Division Levitt-Safety Ltd.) 2872 Bristol Circle, Oakvllle, ON L6H 5T5 Tel:(905)829-3299, Fax:(905)829-2919 Booth Personnel:Chuck Palmer, Paul Kroes,

Peter Treasure, Norm Dean, John Lindsay, Jean Zimmerman

Products/Services: "LeakTracker" fugitive emis sions monitoring systems, Foxboro FID/RID and MIRAN analyzers, Ohmicron immunoassay kits, PetroSense portable and continuous Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon analyzers,TSI Indoor Air Quality moni tors, Pace analyzers for lead in water, soli or dust. Calibration Gases and accessories, Telog Water Level Tracker, Power Quality Recorders and Multi channel Loggers. Environmental instruments, safety, confined space entry packages and respira tory equipment available for rental.

For more Information, circle reply card No. 143






689 Elgin St., Newmarket, ON L3Y 385 Tel:(905)853-6600, Fax:(905)836-7542 Booth Personnel:Peter Lorlmer

Products/Services:XSorb - super absorbent. Com plete line of free flowing particulate, socks, pillows, booms, emergency spill kits, bio hazard spill kits.

Since 1962 FABCO has pro duced high quality chemical processing and pollution control equipment for the pulp and paper, chemical and mining industries,


North York, ON M2M4J8

Tel:(905)669-4126, Fax:(905)669-4126 Booth Personnel: Mike Silver, Julia Silver

Products/Services: Haz-Mat products. Secondary containment and spill control equipment. Industrial absorbents and absorbent traffic mats and rugs, chemical storage lockers, waste disposal bags with liner. Inflatable and drive-thru spill containment berms, spill pallets and overpacks. Plant and vehi cle spill kits. Poly-Dollies and Poly-Racks. Applica tion and regulatory consulting. Process storage tanks - single wall and double wall. "Fossil Filter" for hydrocarbon storm water runoffs.


•FRP(Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) - HAND LAY UP AND FILAMENT WIND ING




Tel:(613)498-1876, Fax:(613)345-7633 Booth Personnel: Bob Kennedy, Bruce Lounsbury, Louise Dalonzo, Bob Goodfellow Products/Services: Site remediation equipment,

O FABRICATED PLASTICS LIMITED \TORONTO - 2175 Testan Road, Maple [Tcronto), Ontario Canada L6A 1T3 Phone (905) 832-8161, Fax (905) 832-2111 f

For more information, Circle reply card No. 293 (See page 33)


36 Geneva Court, Brockville, ON K6V 1N1




ASSOCIATES,INC. 6478 Yonge St., P.O. Box 37040,

catalytic oxidizers, groundwater treatment equip ment,waste water treatment equipment, blowers, air stripper, carbon filters. NEW - Bio cube biological filters for air treatment.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996




6850 Goreway Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V1 PI Tel:(905)673-3255, Fax:(905)673-7399 Booth Personnel: Valerie Geldart, Grace Simonetti,

Jay Marteniuk, David Boudreau Products/Services: Environmental laboratory analysis; Industrial hygiene analysis; microbiology services; courier network.

Products/Services: Provides a comprehensive range of independent high-quality testing services to government and industrial clients in Canada and the United States. Novamann international was

formed by a merger of Mann Testing Laboratories In Toronto with Novalab and Lynn and Johnston Labo ratories, In Montreal. Novamann (Ontario) is accred

ited by the Canadian Association of Environmental Analytical Laboratories, the Canadian Standards Association, the Standards Council of Canada and

Agriculture Canada for specific analytical tests. The laboratory has three focus areas, they are: food, pharmaceutical and environmental analysis.




Booth Personnel: Victoria Gagnon,Adele Buckley, Brian Wanless Products/Services:Ontario Centre for Environmen

tal Technology Advancement(OCETA) is a private sector, not-for-profit corporation committed to help ing small and medium sized enterprises overcome the barriers involved In the commercialization of new

environmental technologies. OCETA provides a comprehensive range of technology transfer serv ices to Ontario-based developers of environmental technologies. We offer a full range of technical and business assistance for the commercialization of

technology to clients who range from individual en trepreneurs to corporations.


44775 Yale Road, Chilllwack, BC V2R 4H3

511 McCormick Blvd., London, ON N5W 4CB


Tel:(604)792-7779, Fax:(604)792-7072 Booth Personnel: Darryl Klassen Products/Services: Air quality control equipment.

Tel:(519)457-1904, Fax:(519)457-1676

99 Bronte Road, Suite 711, Oakvllle, ON L6L3B7 Tel:(800)457-4412, Fax:(905)825-6465

CtdOO Plastics

Booth Personnel: Alan Screen, Rob Ferris,

John Franklin, Roger Johnson, Ian Futter Products/Services: Lifebreath turbulent flow

Booth Personnel: Mark Serwinowski, Gerry DeCuollo, Michael Zachowski,Yvonne Cangelosi

precipitator- air cleaner. Lifebreath heat recovery

Products/Servlces:OHM is one of the nation's lead


ing on-site remediation services firms combining leading edge technical expertise with more than 27 years experience and the successful completion of more than 30,000 projects. OHM provides a full spectrum of on-site technologies, including physl-



454 Bleams Road West,

New Hamburg, ON NOB 2G0 Tel:(519)662-2540, Fax:(519)662-3330 Booth Personnel:Tim Bailey Products/Services: WHIRL-PAK sterile sampling bags and related sampling products. These single service bags are made of unbreakable polyethylene and are used for a wide range of sampling needs for liquids and solids. All bags have patented puncture proof tabs and documented sterility. Other products Include water and sludge sampling equipment,such as Sludge Judge and Swing Sampler. NOVAMANN INTERNATIONAL



63 Polsen St., 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5A 1A4 Tel:(416)778-6656, Fax:(416)778-5624



• Monitoring Wells »Recovery Wells

• Municipal Well Drilling • Industrial Well Drilling • Construction Drilling • Well Testing and Rehabilitation

• Gas Extraction Wells

• Deep Monitoring Well Specialists R.R. #1 (Bast Place) Waterloo, Ontario (519) 664-1422


5540 McAdam Road, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1 PI Tel:(905)890-2555, Fax:(905)890-0370 Booth Personnel:Pierre Beaumier,SteveTimmings

l-800'663'3849 Davidson "Since 1900"

147 North Street West

Wingham, Ontario (519) 357-1960

For more information, circie reply card No. 144



Storage Tank


X5 03 d





o I gl I


!— ■




>> 05




o c x:



(D "O c




03 0) U

& Construction

£ (D




90 Aiistate Parkway, Suite 600


/Warkham, Ontario


L3R 6H3



'> c


Phone;(905)513-1376, PAX:(905)475-5994 E-Mail; 103700.2767(gcompuserve.com

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information, Circle reply card No. 294 (See page 33)


Show Guide cal, chemical, biological and thermal to clean up haz ardous and industrial wastes on both a planned and emergency response basis.

ices tor HUB storage set-up, supplies and manage ment. Office locations: Cambridge, Ontario; Mon

Booth Personnel: Larry Firmin Products/Services: Metal recovery, by-products.

treal, Quebec; North Vancouver, B.C.

Environmental services. PIGMALION SERVICES GROUP

\ <9>


INC.,(THE) 6540 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, ON L5T 2E9 Tel:(905)670-1212, Fax:(905)670-9090


Booth Personnel: Ronald Smith




Complexe Guy-Favreau, 200 boul Rene-Levesque, Beetage, Tour Quest, Montreal, PQ H2Z 1X4 Tel:(514)496-5384, Fax:(514)283-2015 Booth Personnel: LyndaTurcotte, Danielle Pare, Use Comtois, Helena Rouleau Products/Services: Caring for the Earth will be the theme of the lUCN World Conservation Congress at the Montreal Convention Centre, 13-23 October, 1996. Over 2,000 participants from 130 countries will come together to discuss the long-term survival

of the planet and its inhabitants. This strategic gath ering will strengthen partnerships and cooperation worldwide to strike a balance between conservation

and development. Information: 1-800-691-lUCN. PCB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY INC.(CON TECH) IIOTurnbull Court, Unit 14,


Cambridge, ON NIT 1K6 Tel:(519)622-8058, Fax:(519)622-8050 Booth Personnel: Neil Ryan, Byron Day Products/Services:CON TECH provides complete

PERMASTOPRUST(AMERICA), INC. #115 2911 Dixwell Avenue, Suite 101, Hamden, CT, USA 06518 Tei:(203)407-3841, Fax:(203)407-3840 Booth Personnel:Randy Webster Products/Services: Isotrol corrosion control prod

plastics I








2530 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6L 5K8 Tel:(905)827-5333, Fax:(905)827-0203

5735 McAdam Rd., Mississauga, ON L4Z1N9 Tel:(905)890-8566, Fax:(905)890-8575 Booth Personnel: Brian Lewis, Barry Loescher, Todd Henry, Dana Bortolin, Rod Thomson, Petro Oh Products/Services:PASC was recently formed as a result of Philip Environmental acquiring the labo ratories of Zenon Environmental. Together Barringer Laboratories and Zenon Laboratories provide the most extensive organic and inorganic capabilities in Canada. Now with the labs in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, PASC has structured a unique network providing environmental analyses and serv

Booth Personnel:Tom Richard, Dale Hanscomb, Al Bakkum, MikeAuber, Bruce Bryan Products/Services: Polyprocessing Co. - cross

ices across North America.

Products/Services: Recycling of PCB electrical

linked polyethylene tanks; Burkert - level controls; Enpac - secondary containment; Flux - electric drum pumps:Grace - double diaphragm pumps; Pro-Con nect - quick disconnect fittings. PROECO CORPORATION 7722-9 St., Edmonton,AB T6P 1L6


Tel:(403)440-1825, Fax:(403)440-2428 Booth Personnel: Gerry Gerke, Diane Prieur, Brian Winters

equipment including: transformers, capacitors, tlourescent lamp ballasts, high voltage cable, switch gear. Mineral oil. Disposal of all types of PCB waste.


PCB reduction and destruction services. Fluores

cent light ballasts which contain PCB material are reduced to their smallest components, residual PCB material is repackaged ready for destruction. CON TECH also provides PCB destruction services which include waste preparation, loading, transportation and final destruction, of all PCB equipment and ma terials. As well, CON TECH offers complete serv-

Products/Services: Spill prevention, accessories, spill response kits, industrial sorbents.




4161 Sladeview Cres., Mississauga, ON L5L5R3 Tel:(905)607-5400, Fax:(905)607-2274 #200


100 King Street W., P.O. Box 2440, LCD 1, Hamilton, ON L8N 4J6 Tel:(905)521-1600, Fax:(905)521-1212

Booth PersonnehThad Kaniewski, Patrick Paradis

Products/Services: Spill containment products, fluorescent tube crushers, aerosol recovery, waste water recycling.


GENERAL CARBON Largest Selection In North America ▲ 10 Gallon -10,000 Gallon


▲ Dual Wall SAFE-TANK




# Complete line of Carbons for Water and Air Purification made

from Coal, Coconut Shell or

▲ Fluorinated



•Immediate Shipment from our Fully Stocked Warehouse. •Low Cost 55-Gallon Purification Barrels.

# Vapor and Liquid Phase Vessels and Systems.

•Complete Carbon Change-out and Regeneration Service. # Full Stock ofImpregnated Carbons.

•Custom Made Carbon Panels.

▲ Concrete Lining Systems - New and Retrofit

# Complete Carbon Packaging Facilities on Site.

▲ Level Alarms ▲ Level Controls

Call Today For A Free Copy Of Our 1996 Catalogue

▲ Pumps





StUi^^ytuluiAialPtaUic PloAuUi 2530 Speers Road Oakville, Ontario L6L 5K8 Tel: 905-827-5333



Fax: 905-827-0203

For more information, circle reply card No.293 (See page 33)

744 Gordon Baker Road

North York, Ontario M2H 3B4 Phone: (800) 269-3445 Fax: (416) 490-0974 For more Information, circle reply card No. 300 (See page 33)



R. R. #1, Bayfield, ON NOM 1 GO Tel:(519)524-1904, Fax:(519)524-6721 Booth Personnel:Frank Kunc, Yvon St. Onge, Gerald De Boer, Ray Coletta


Products/Services:Geomembrane liners(high den

Carl Kamme

Products/Services:OPSIS(DOAS)air quality and continuous emissions monitoring systems.




Products/Services: Provide businesses with infor

MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS,INC. 167 West Main Street, Suite 100, Lexington, KY, USA 40517 Tel:(606)231-8936, Fax:(606)231-8997

mation on waste reduction and advertise our serv

Booth Personnel: Scott R. Smith,

10 Peel Centre Drive, Brampton, ON L6T 4B9 Tel:(905)791-7800, Fax:(905)791-2398 Booth Personnel: DwayneCromwell




2321 Fairview St., Suite 205, Burlington, ON L7R 2E3

Tel:(905)631-1500, Fax:(905)631-1506



Products/Services: International firm which pro vides professional consulting services to industry in the areas of environmental management, prepara tion for ISO 14000, remediation, worker safety and industrial hygiene. SEALTEC LTD.

Booth Personnel: Robert Braid

Products/Servlces:Transportation, processing and recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous indus trial bi-products throughout NorthAmerica. RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES LIMITED

Joe Valeriote

Products/Services:On-site mobile shredding serv ices. On display is a console or locked box that cli ents may have at their office locations.

Dr. James W. Smith

ices(waste assessments, seminars etc.).




35Todd Rd., Georgetown, ON L7G 4R8 Tel:(905)873-2255, Fax:(905)873-1992 Booth Personnel:Jim Pianosi, Grace Lookwood, Tim Foltz, Adrian Beaumont, Jean Belshaw,

Doug Belshaw


Products/Services:Ice-O-Lator - pipe freezing serv

Products/Services:High quality groundwater moni toring equipment including groundwater samplers, water level indicators, drive-push equipment and more. New this year is a miniature levelogger for


wells with infra-red data transfer to reduce costs. Also

5195 - 8 Harvester Road, Burlington, ON L7L 6B5 Tel:(905)634-6500, Fax:(905)634-5533 Booth Personnel: Jeff Foster, Dan Stitt


330 Bay St., Suite 602,Toronto, ON M5H 2S8 Tel:(416)368-3303, Fax:(416)368-8429 Booth Personnel:John Murphy, Carmen D'Amato, Elsa Cabral,Alex Safronsky, Jane Smythe, Michael Miloff, Russ Spencer, Otomere Omoruyi,

Environmental Specialists Wastewater Samplers Groundwater Sampling Level Control & Flowmetering Plant Air Clean Up Portable Test Equipment: pH, Turbidityr

Kris Lefave, Tom Wass

Products/Services:Environmental consultants, pro fessional engineers, certified industrial hygienists, registered safety professionals, broker-Chem-Security (Alberta) Ltd., environmental project manage ment, competitively priced PCS disposal, asbestos, pollution control, air quality, biohazard remediation, process safety, regulatory affairs, management sys tem development. Phase I and II ESA, health and safety, multimedia training. RHOMBUSTECHNOLOGY


2359 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit #15, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K5 Tel:(905)855-2540, Fax:(905)855-7732 Booth Personnel:Frank Baxter, Kathleen O'Brien, Mark Cunningham,J.C. Purves, Jim Reid,TimTibbs,

208 Evans Ave., Toronto, ON M8Z1J7 Tel:(416)251-4114, Fax:(416)251-9176 Booth Personnel:Anders Frick, Lars Henriksson,

sity polyethylene)-for environmental protection fusion and extrusion welding.





P.O. Box 1619- Cty. Rd. 6, Detroit Lakes, MN, USA 56502 Tel:(218)846-3323, Fax:(218)847-4801 Booth Personnel: Richard Rankka, Jim Lockrem

Products/Services: Motor control panels for water,


Suspended Solids, O2, DO, Conductivity


2495 Haines Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 1Y7, Tel (905) 277-0331, Fax (905) 277-2588

For more Information, circle reply card No. 145

Contaminated soil? Hazardous waste? HAZCO responds with professional service and responsible waste solutions.

wastewater and HVAC industries.

S. D. Myers

Environmental Remediation Services S. D. MYERS,INC. #254 180 South Ave.,Talimadge, OH, USA 44278

Tel:(330)630-7000, Fax:(330)633-6615 Booth Personnel:Craig Schley, Tim Ashby, KimTrifero, Rick Barrett, Margie Novak Products/Services: USEPA permitted non-burial disposal of PCB's and PCB transformers. Removal and disposal of flourescent light ballasts containing PCB's via USEPA permitted total destruction. Trans former repair, oil testing, electrical rearing. Full serv ice preventative maintenance service.

Safety-Kleen Canada Canada SAFETY-KLEEN CANADA INC.


300 Woolwich St. S., Breslau, ON NOB 1M0

Tel:(519)648-2291, Fax:(519)648-2788 Booth Personnel: Cathryn Silva

• Site services, remediation and decommissioning • Landfill and pond decommissioning • Underground storage tank decommissioning • Pond construction and liner installation

• Water and sludge treatment • Waste disposal options - onsite treatment, stabilization, recycling, incineration, landfill •

Well-site reclamation

Hazardous Waste Management Services •

Licensed Waste Transfer Station

• • • • •

Documentation and waste profiling Repackaging and transportation Disposal options Container systems- waste bins, bag systems, tanks and drums Waste reduction, filter compaction and drum crushing

Products/Services: Environmental. SANEXEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC.

HAZCO Environmental Services Ltd. #127

205 - 295 The West Mall, Etobicoke, ON M9C 4Z4 Tel:(416)622-5011, Fax:(416)622-5823


Booth Personnel: Michael Vooilka, Richard


Phaneuf, Serge Panasuk,Alain Sauriol, Jean Paquin Products/Services:Turnkey PCB reduction and dis posal services, site remediation services, water and

Vancouver: Grande Prairie: Olds/Red Deer:

wastewater treatment services.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Head Office: 200, 5720 - 4 Street S.E.,

Calgary, Alberta T2H 1K7

(403) 297-0444 (604) 231-0737 (403) 354-3279 (403) 556-1333

Manitoba: Edmonton: Richmond C.A.: Toll Free:

(204) 378-2910 (403) 449-1114 (510) 232-1826 1-800-667-0444

For more Information, circle reply card No.301 (See page 33)


Show Guide a new narrow diameter interface meter, with easier to access, longer life batteries and a shielded drivepoint. SOLMAXGEOSYNTHETICS


270 Evans Avenue, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1J8 Tel:(416)251 -1261, Fax:(416)251-2160 Booth Personnel: Paul Payeur, Andrew Watt, Denis Ducharme

the Envirodike Spill Containment System, which of fers a cost effective method to upgrade existing tanks to provide complete spill containment through to the

Envirodike Double Vi/all vacuum monitor storage tanks. All Envirodike products offer innovative spill containment, protecting your business and the envi ronment.


Products/Services: From hazardous waste to po table water, Solmax Geosynthetics inc. offers the most comprehensive selection of geomembrane products available. As a specialty contractor, Solmax provides state of the art fabrication and installation

Booth Personnel: Chuck Boddy Products/Services:Solvent recovery, exhaust gas scrubbing, VOG removal.


13810-170 St., Edmonton, AS T5L4H8

Tel:(403)453-1520, Fax:(403)447-1810 Booth Personnel: Pauline Baker

Products/Services:Sphag Sorb;environmental or ganic absorbent.



Box 839, New Hamburg, ON NOB 2G0 Tel:(519)634-5708, Fax:(519)634-5779 Booth Personnel: Garry Ruttan, Jim Gallacher, Sheila Hannon, Chris Morton Products/Services: Hot off the pressesi Our new catalogue lists more than 800 products for all your sampling and testing needs. Precleaned contain ers, vials, bottles, bags, tubes and sampling acces sories.



668 MillwayAve., #15 & 16, Concord, ON L4K3V2 Tel:(905)660-0501, Fax:(905)660-7143 Booth Personnel: Fred Archibald, JohnArchibald, Alan Archibald, Sven Dean

Products/Services: Has been providing contract ing services for two decades to the environmental and mining sectors throughout the world. They offer portable solutions to sampling needs at cost-effec tive rates. Indoor sampling,transparent containment



1800-200 Bay Street, Ottawa, ON K1R7W8 Tel:(613)234-2265, Fax:(613)234-2276 Booth Personnel: Charles St. Glair Frazier, Mario Bainbrldge,Tom Nemeth, Bryant Frazier Products/Services:In-situ remediation of hydrocar bons without excavation. STABLEX CANADA INC.


760 Boulevard Industrlel, Blainvllle, PQ J7C 3V4 Tel:(514)430-9230, Fax:(514)430-4642

tubes, access to road inaccessible sites, raft sam

Booth Personnel: Richard Dufresne

pling for sediments, installation of monitor points for soil, gas or water, access to ground sensitive areas, ail are possible with our proven methods and expe

Products/Services: Inorganic waste treatment. STANCHEM,INC.


43 Jutland Rd., Etobicoke, ON M8Z2G6



13081 -10 Line N., Stouffvllle, ON L4A7Z7

Tel:(800)776-5976, Fax:(905)640-0268 Booth Personnel:Stephen Wilcox, David Barry Products/Services:Offers a complete line of envi ronmentally safe, above ground,flammable and haz ardous liquid storage tanks. Products range from


Tel:(416)259-8231, Fax:(416)259-6175 Booth Personnel:Steve Bushell, Bev Bouchard Products/Services: Activated carbon systems for liquid and air purification; temporary and emergency treatment services; reactivation/recycle services; soil and sludge stabilization; flue gas treatment; VOG emissions control; wastewater and groundwater



4171 Morris Dr., Unit 8, Burlington, ON L7L5L5 Tel: 1-800-895-9646, Fax:(905)632-5559 Booth Personnel: Emmanuel "Noel" G. Moya Products/Services: Exclusive distributor of Alarko

Submersible Pumps, North American Licensee for MPR Gas Compressors and Blowers, distributor for the following: Regal Chlorlnators, Cornell Cenfrlfugal Pumps, Smith and Loveless Pumps and Pump ing Station, Roper Progressive Cavity Pumps,Safern Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps, Envirocare Bar Screens, Wemco Hidrostal/Non-Clog Screw Pumps, Frederick, J-Llne and Homa Pumps. All equipment is used by waste water treatment plants, pulp and paper industries,food and beverage industries, and petro-chemical industries. TECK CORPORATION


350-272 Victoria St., Kamloops, BC V2C 2A2 Tel:(604)372-3464, Fax:(604)372-1285 Booth Personnel:Jim Melsom

Products/Services: Environmental data manage ment software.




60 Worchester Road, Rexdale, ON M9W 5X2 Tel:(416)674-2034, Fax:(416)213-1031

NASCO's Swing Sampler And Sludge Judge* Go To Great Lengths!


1450 Lodestar Road, Unit #2, Downsvlew, ON M3J 3C1

Tel:(416)635-5882, Fax:(416)635-5353

Complete Spill Containment For Existing Tanks

SWING SAMPLER-if you need to collect a sample from a horizontal flowing stream, such as a sewer, the new NASCO Swing Sampler is just what you need! The end of the sampler swings,

allowing collection of liquids, powders, or small solids from differ ent angles, including 90°. The pole extends up to 12 feet.

The Envirodike''"'^ oLfers an economical way to upgrade your existing above-ground storage tanks to provide complete secondary containment. The Envirodike's

Sampling Products Cataiogue, write Dept. ESE505, or

unique patented design is available in a variety ofshapes and sizes to accommodate farm tanks, utility tanks, generator fuel storage tanks, waste oil tanks and fur nace oil tanks. Careftilly engineered all weather shields are an integral part of the design keeping precipitation

use our phone or fax numbers below.

and debris out of the Envirodike.

SLUDGE JUDGE*—NASCO's Sludge Judge helps you obtain accurate samples of suspended solids, providing a visual sample, level by level, of the whole tank. It comes in 5 foot sections (with a Z'/a foot top section also available) for taking readings at any depth. For more information and to receive a FREE 1996-97


I Phone: 519-662-2540^ Plastics

454 Bieams Road West, New Hamburg, Ontario NOB 2G0


For more information, circle reply card No. 302 (See page 33)

For more information contact:

SPECTRA ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 1-800-776-5976 For more Information, circle reply card No. 303 (See page 33)

Show Guide TRANS CYCLE INDUSTRIES INC.(TCI) #354 4155 PIttman Rd., Atlanta, OA, USA 30349

Booth Personnel: David McClellan, John Zoratto,

John Wright, Kim Tan, Kim Worboy Products/Services:Provides consulting services in the areas of site investigations, environmental assess ments and remediation of contaminated properties. TERRALOG TECHNOLOGIES INC. 900,840-7 Ave.S.W.,

Tei:(404)349-4569, Fax:(404)344-8333 Booth Personnel:George Jackson, Steven Lauterback

Products/Services: Environmentally-safe disposal of obsolete electrical equipment and PCB wastes. Two US based facilities for the cleaning of metals from high and low level contaminated equipment. On-slte services Include packaging, loading, and transportation on company owned vehicles.


Calgary, AB T2P 3G2 Tel:(403)266-1865, Fax:(403)266-4855 Booth Personnel: Roman Bilak, Leo Rothenburg Products/Servlces-.Terralog provides a Slurry Frac ture injection (SFI) service for disposal of waste materials, Terralog has developed this technology

for the permanent disposal of large volumes of inert granular wastes into deep geological structures. SFI disposal operations do not impair current and future surface land use. Waste material Is granulated (as required)to pass specified injection criteria, and then slurried In a stream of water. The slurry Is made with as high a solids concentration as possible (1040%), and pumped down a waste disposal well at Insitu fracturing pressures. THERMO TECH WASTE SYSTEMS INC.


Emissions Monitoring


101,195 County Court Blvd., Brampton, ON L6W 4P7

Advanced Sensor Devices and California Analytical

Tel:(905)450-8866, Fax:(905)450-0018


Booth Personnel: Dr. Dan Cumming, Dr. Robert Jackman

Products/Services:Turn-key plant and technology for converting non-hazardous wet organic waste to value added feed and fertilizer products. THERMONIC RECYCLING INC.

If you are looking for a lower cose Stack Monitoring product, the CEMcat by Advanced Sensor


1464 Graham Bell,

Boucherville, PQ J4B 6H5

Devices is the solution you have

Tel:(514)641-9555, Fax:(514)641-9239 Booth Personnel:Jacques Levasseur Products/Services:Recycling and recovery of metals from spent Inorganic liquid, sludge or solid materials. THUNDER BAY INDUSTRIAL


grates NO^., CO, and Oj measure ment, auto-calibration, and com



munication in a single package.

280 Pearl St., Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1E6 Tel:(807)345-1109, Fax:(807)345-8198 Booth Personnel: Hugh Baxter Products/Services:Secondary containment.

California Analytical Instru ments,Inc. offers a range of config


urable gas analyzers for monitoring


been looking for. The unit inte

of CO,CO,,THC,SO,, NO,NO,, #250


P.O. Box 9826, Ottawa, ON K1G 5M2 Tel:(613)742-0000, Fax:(613)742-4130 Booth Personnel:Diane Dekuysscher Products/Services: The MSATR Network, Cana da's first mobile satellite communications network,

provides Canadians with voice and data communi cations virtually anywhere on the North American

Sales, Service, & Distribution in Canada by:

continent. The MSAT CommunlcatorR, oursatelilte


phone, connects you to the rest of the world! See


us at Booth #250 and find out more about the net

work, services and applications. TRINITY CONSULTANTS

Application Specialists Across Canada

OF rP^cocK-^

A Member of the WEIR Group PLC


Safety & Environmental Group


12801 N. Central Expressway,#1200, Dallas, TX, USA 75243

Tel:(214)661-8100, Fax:(214)385-9203 Booth Personnel: MellndaGuravlch

Halifax•Moncton•Quebec•Montreal- Ottawa•Toronto - Sarnia•Sudbury• WInnepeg•Saskatoon•Calgary ■ Edmonton• Vernon• Vancouver

Products/Services: Breeze dispersion models are user-frlendiy, versatile software programs for esti mating pollutant transport and dispersion from stacks, mobile sources, and toxic gas releases. Breeze software enables you to Increase productiv ity, visualize data, and quickly analyze air quality Is sues. The product line Is easy to learn and use and Includes the U.S. EPA's versatile ISCST3 and

ISCLT3 models.Trinity backs each product with ex pert technical support and timely data services.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


For Immediate Customer Sei-vice:


Long Distance:

Toll Free: 1-800-313-3103

For more information, circle reply card No. 140 (See page 33) 79


Sit e m

10 0





Integration of key components

Utilizes stamped tags, laser barcode and/or radio

Automated data collection

frequency identification



Unique ergonomics and automation


Compatible upgrades to any other LEAKTRACKER®

Compatible gas


detection with Foxboro® OVA 108 and TVA 1000


Automatic electronic data transfer Product i v i ty

Represented in Canada by: iLEMLEviTT Levitt instrumeots Division Levitt Safety Ltd. 2872 Bristol Circle

with data

Oakville, ON L6H 515

Tel:(905) 829-3299, Fax: 829-2919

management software Droducts such as F EMS® by EnviroMe rics Data

I ntegr i ty

Canada's Leader in Fire & Safety

For more information,

circie repiy card No. 141 (See page 33) Emp l oyee


Show Guide

Environmental Compliance '96 - Program The Toronto Environmental Conference

Workshops are divided into four streams on both May 7 & 8, with a total of 16 work shops available. The morning workshops run

Workshop #A2 ISO - Part 2;Practical steps toward imple menting 14001

- Part I

Session Chair: Paul MacLean, EEM Inc. Workshop #B2

Workshop #D3 Spill Management: Planning, reporting response - Part I Workshop Leader: Cliff Holland, Spill Management Inc. Workshop #A4 Beyond Compliance:A Guide to Voluntary Reduction Programs Workshop #B4 Environmental Regulation & Compliance

from 9:00 -12:00 noon; the afternoon work

shops run from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. There is a

Environmental Regulation & Compliance

two hour break at lunchtime — an excellent time to tour the exhibits at the Toronto En

- Part 2: Ontario

vironmental Tradeshow. There is a free

evening reception for workshop participants on Tuesday evening from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m TUESDAY, MAY 7

Workshop #A1 Understanding ISO - Part I:ISO 14000 Session Chair: John Phyper, Phyper & Associates Workshop #B1 Environmental Regulation & Compliance

Session Chair: Roger Cotton, Tory Tory Deslauriers Binnington Workshop #C2 Storage tanks in Ontario: A practicalguide to compliance Session Chair: P. Douglas Petrie, Outerbridge Miller Sefton Willms & Shier Workshop #02 Hazardous materials due diligence -

Workshop Leader: Kevin Dunn, AGRA Earth & Environmental

- Part 4: Substances

Workshop Leader: Rob Michalovicz,

Workshop Leader: Paul Gavrel, Dept. of Justice Workshop #C4 Eundamentals ofEnvironmental Auditing

Bovar Concord Environmental

- Part 2

Part 2: Proactive measures

- Part I: Ontario

Workshop Leader: Kevin Dunn,

Session Chair: Roger Cotton, Tory Tory Deslauriers Binnington Workshop #C1 Contaminated Site Assessment and


Session Chair: David W. Hopper, Angus Environmental Workshop #D1 Hazardous materials due diligence -

AGRA Earth & Environmental

WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 Workshop #A3

ISO - Part 2:Practical steps toward imple menting 14001 Workshop #B3 Environmental Regulation iS Compliance - Part 3: CEPA

Part I: Knowing the regulations Workshop Leader: David Shane,

Session Chair: Paul Gavrel, Dept. of Justice Workshop #C3

Bovar-Concord Environmental

Eundamentals ofEnvironmental Auditing

Workshop #D4 Spill Management:Planning, reporting & response - Part 2 Workshop Leader: Cliff Holland, Spill Management Inc.

For further details, please contact Environ mental Science & Engineering, 220 Indus trial Parkway South, Unit #30, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3V6,Tel:(905)727-4666,Fax: (905) 841-7271.

Environmental Compliance '96 - Priority Registration


Please reserve a place for me and my colleagues at the 10th Annual Toronto Environmental Workshops & Tradeshow. I/We wish to attend the following workshops (Check X in the boxes in the legend below to indicate your selection):

Day 1: May 7 (see page 4 & 5 of broctiure) D

B At










Day 2: May 8 (see page 6 & 7 of brochure) a.m.





Registration fees □ Single half-day workshop/ session:

Total registration = $225 + $15.75 GST = $240.75

□ Two workshops/ sessions:

Total registration = $365 + $25.55 GST = $390.55

□ Three workshops/ sessions:

Total registration = $495 + $34.65 GST = $529.65

□ Four workshops/ sessions:

□ 4+ workshops/ sessions:

Total registration = $595 + $41.65 GST = $636.65 Add $130 for each additional workshop registration over 4*

Payment options

Q Ienclose cheque for $ in payment for

workshop registrations.

Make cheques payable to: Environmental Science & Engineering - (GST# R122654049) p.m





G Iwish to pay for the above by VISA NAME:

The boxes above correspond to the numbered workshops illustrated in the

brochure. Simply mark with an X those sessions you wish to attend. MAIL to:

VISA Account# Signature:

ES&E, 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit # 30, Aurora, ON L4G 3V6



| Fax to:

(905) 841-7271

Phone: 1(905)727-4666

Job title:

Company: Street:

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

• City:


Code: 81

in Oclober 1996,.the eyes of the'world will be turned toward Montreal, site of the WarW Conservation Congress. Nearly i 2.000 specialists are expected to attend diis meeting, which continues in the spirit of The Earth Summit held in Rio in 1992. The Congress will focus on the protectiorv of biodiversity and the sustainable use of resources. For ten days, experts will explore global environmeBtal issues, and for the first time, the public ts invited to attend the workshops, round tables and lectures at this important gathering. From October 17 to 21, a, major exhibition with rpore than 100 exhibitors i will present a wide range of information ^ about sustainable development. It will • feature approaches, methods and ■experiments in conservation and the i



Woritl Conservation Congress 1410 Stanley Street, Suite 609

sustainable use of resources.

Montrdat, Qudbec, Canada

. The Department of Canadian Heritage -:

H3A 1P8

Parks Canada is proud to organize this

Telephone: (514) 287-9107

world-class event with the World



- ^ ■

(1 800 691-8426)

the world of Canada's commitment to


the environment.


(514) 287-1248 jpdl@netaxis.qc,ca

Conservation Union (lUCN), to remind :

The Woiln Consicruatifin tliiiun



Patiimoine canadien






For tnoie iniormation, circle reply card No. 127 (See page 33)




740 Notre Dame Street West, Suite 1500, Montreal, PQ H3G 3X6

Additional Exhibitors ATRION SYSTEMS INC.

Tel:(514)395-5382, Fax:(514)395-5097

Laval, PQ H7V1G5

Booth Personnel: Richard Matte

Tel:(514)682-2114, Fax:(514)682-2032 Booth Personnel: Philippe Ducas

Products/Services:In-network archival and retrieval of electronic material safety data sheets, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO #156

200 University Avenue W., Waterloo, ON N2L3G1 Tel:(519)888-4026, Fax:(519)746-4103 Booth Personnel: John Westlake, John Cullen

Products/Services:Why not getThe Waterloo Ad vantage working on your team? We assist compa nies and organizations by supplying "just-ln-tlme" hu man resources(Waterloo's multl-dlsclplined Environ mental Co-op students) for summer, short or long

term projects or work load peaks. We have moti vated, capable, real-world trained students In areas

from pollution control, to waste conversion, to envi ronmental regulation. Waterloo's Environmental Co

op students are ready today, willing and able to do real work with minimal training or supervision. WALKER LABORATORIES


3775 Levesque Blvd. West, Suite 201,

Products/Services: Chemmate, SImmIs, Tomes Plus, S2Scan, BPC/PCDX and EMS Net. CCH CANADIAN LIMITED


6 Garamond Court, North York, ON M3C1Z5 Tel:(416)441-4001, Fax:(416)441-2561 Products/Services: Get the straight talk on the

twists and turns of environmental compliance. CCH will be demonstrating their new Canadian Environ mental Compliance Manual. Everything Is here on planning. Implementing and monitoring effective En vironmental Management Systems. For a tree 1996 catalogue, call 1-800-268-4522. CONSULATE GENERAL OF KOREA,



P.O. Box 100, Thorold, ON L2V 3Y8

Tel:(905)227-1158, Fax:(905)680-1916 Booth Personnel: Kim RIsI, Judy Waher Products/Services: Full service environmental

Products/Services: Promote and Introduce Invest

analyses on soil, water and air. CAEAL/SCC and

ment opportunities In Korea(particularly environment Industry and technology). GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY



1500 Trinity Drive, MIsslssauga, ON L5T 1L6 Tel:(905)670-1700, Fax:(905)670-2009

867 Lakeshore Rd., P.O. Box 5068,

Booth Personnel:Paul Wilson, Jim Atkinson,


Booth Personnel: Dr. Bruce Janic, John Neate,

Rob Booth, Evelyn Mercer Products/Services: Provides services and tech

nologies that address pollution prevention, pollution control, site remediation, residue management and environmental chemistry analysis. #300

P.O. Box 385, Rookwood, ON NOB 2K0

Tel:(519)856-1352, Fax:(519)856-2503 Booth Personnel: Brian Jowett

Products/Services: Waterloo Barrier^" - contain

ment wall tor the control of contaminated groundwater. Formed of steel sheet piling with specially designed sealable joints. It otters exceptionally low hydraulic conductivity and documentable quality as surance/control.





company providing consulting-expertise tor compli ance audits, property assessments, risk manage ment, remediation, site monitoring and closure.




2200 Lake Shore Blvd. W., Toronto, ON M8V1A4


Tel:(416)252-5311, Fax:(416)252-4376 Booth Personnel: BorysYarosh Products/Services: Deslgn/bulld turnkey engineer ing services tor blotllter systems tor odour and VOC




1131 Derry Road East, MIsslssauga, ON L5T 1P3 Tel:(905)564-4700, Fax:(905)564-6776 Booth Personnel: Peter Seto, Nigel Newing, Gil Cossette, Klaus Elsaesser

Booth Personnel:John Newall, Rob Daclw

sampler, open channel tlowmeter, water quality moni tor, gas detector, gas analyser, etc.

Products/Services:Disposable bailer, Inertlal pump, Hydrolitt II, product Interface tape, water level tape,



Products/Services: Monitoring equipment tor en vironmental control tor both air and water, wastewater

electric bladder pump.


WESTEEL,a Division of #357 Jannock Steel Fabricating Company 450 Desautels, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2N5 Tel:(204)233-7133, Fax:(204)235-0796 Booth Personnel: George Gamby, Brad Warner Products/Services: Westeel environmental petro leum storage options: Fireguard, Fuel Vault, Total

20 Aqulla Court, Etoblcoke, ON M9W 5J2 Tel:(416)746-2098, Fax:(416)746-2098

Containment. Westeel environmental "used oil" con

soil. Displaying photos and material to promote our

Booth Personnel: Julius Flala, Greg Moro,

Eugin Garrltano, John Edwards, Harry Dahme, Patricia Elaine Lee

Products/Services: Specializes In biological deg radation of PCBs and heavy oils In contaminated bloremedlatlon technology.

tainment storage options: Recyooll. #146


2 Westwyn Court, Brampton, ON L6T 4T5 Tel:(905)454-4013, Fax:(905)454-8423 Booth Personnel: Mike Knapman, Randy Moyer,

22446 Davis Drive, Suite 142, Sterling, VA, USA 20164 Tel:(703)406-7760, Fax:(703)406-8173

Don Lachance, JohnTlnsley

Booth Personnel: Robert Miller

Products/Services: LIquld/sludge transfer and me tering pumps. Liquid tlitratlon/stralning systems. Oil/ water separation equipment. ZCL FIBERGLASS LTD.


Products/Services: Environmental Services Divi sion of Fluor Daniel. A full service environmental

77MowatAve., #101,Toronto, ON M6K3E3 Tel:(416)536-1236, Fax:(416)536-9265



Randy Barkhouse, Eric Denman

Burlington, ON L7R 4L7 Tel:(905)336-6423, Fax:(905)336-8912



production of

Toronto, ON M5H 2M5

Tel:(416)368-3399, Fax:(416)368-2893 Booth Personnel: Myung Kyu Chung, Dong Won Park, Yong Chul Lee

New York State ELAP accredited. Many packages available (Reg. 347, Ontario Drinking Water, MISA, decommissioning,TCLP).


conventional ATAD

65 Queen Street W., Suite 600


...for a more effective subsurface thermophilic aerobic digestion process


219 Jamleson Bone Road, Belleville, ON K8N 582

Tel:(416)802-2267, Fax:(905)837-2693 Booth Personnel: Robin MacGregor Products/Services: Underground fiberglass rein forced plastic storage tanks, above ground steel stor age tanks, double wall flexible piping.


? rfor^informapoW^ni^is econoinicai alternative^, _





contact.ffjYLE CUJHBERT

Products/Services: Manufactures, sells and serv

ices vacuum blasting machines, auxiliary equipment and accessories. Through the resources of Its attillated company. It Is experienced In, and Is currently servicing, a wide range of environmentally sensitive decontamination applications tor the US government and Industry. Additionally, surface preparation equip ment has also been designed and provided tor manu facturing plant Installation where dust containment


700;1207 .11th Avenue S.W; Calgary Alberta phone* 403.244.5340

fax 403.245.5156


^trademark'of DeeptShaft Technology.rnc^^l:

Is paramount.

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information,

circle reply card No. 147



Product Review tify faulty equipment. They also feature Lader language, annunciator and alarm pan els and pumps' alternating and starting de lay functions. ITT Flygt For more Information, circle reply card No. 148

Pumping station controls

In-situ bioremediation

ties, etc. The process costs considerably less than any existing method, uses only natu rally occurring microorganisms, and can be completed In weeks rather than months, de

pending on soll/molsture/temperature/oxygen variables. It can provide a permanent solution to a once on-going problem, meet ing environmental standards and making unusable sites profitable. Remediation Canada, Inc. For more Information,

circle reply card No. 149 Flygt LOGIMAC open protocol confrols are designed to allow greater versatility for pumping operations. These pre-programmed PLC's and built-in operator set-up, can also be easily adapted to Telemetry and SCADA systems. Both the LOGIMAC 210 and model 220 use float regulators to detect the liquid's level, while LOGIMAC models 280 and 480 use 4-20 mA level signals, backed by a low level and a high level float detec tor. Each Flygt LOGIMAC PLC can iden-

Ferrous chloride solution Helping nature heal Itself

Bioremediation theory has now been matched with a delivery technology (US Patent Pending)to detoxify most non-heavy metal polluted soils and water. It has been proven successful against purgeable and extractable hydrocarbons, human and animal waste, chlorinated solvents including PCPs, chemical wastes, stonn runoffs, and can be

used in commercial food production facili-

Due to the many applications for ferrous chloride and the variations In feed streams, Eaglebrook has developed the ability to cus tomize Its ferrous chloride to Individual ap plications and blend It with ferric chloride for special applications. Eagiebrook's ferrous chloride can be monitored by their laboratory to meet cus tomers' specifications. The concentration of Iron can be varied up to the solubility limit of ferrous chloride. The free acidity can be Increased or reduced as the situation requires. All products meet and exceed the AWWA standards for ferric chloride, as standards for fen-Qus chloride have not been Issued to date.

Eaglebrook For more Information,


circle reply card No. 150

•-""is-"""' Quality

Submersible electric,


diesel & hydraulic pumps



SINCE 1981




TEM - PLM - PCM - SEM - Flame AA - Graphite Furnace

MDS Environmental Services Limited


Quality Environmental Laboratoiy Analysis

+ Halifax, Nova Scotia

♦ Mississauga, Ontario

* London, Ontario

5595 Fenwick St., Suite 200 Halifax, Nova Scotia

921 Leathorne Street

6850 Goreway Drive

London, Ontario

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Fax: 902-420-8612

Fax: 519-686-6374

Fax: 905-673-7399

Certified/Accredited'* testing of:


Quality Analytical Laboratories Laboratoires Analytiques de Quality Toronto

(9GS) 390-2555 FAX (905) 890-0370 Montreal

(514)636-6218 FAX (514) 631-9814 Mdxico

(5-25)661-9979 FAX (5-25)663-1447 Toll Free; 1-800-563-6266


Thousands of successful pump station de signs are stored In MWI's computers, ready to help solve particular flood problems. MWI's submersible pumps are available in sizes from 10 hp to 2,000 hp, and feature: • Large slow speed propellers that allow the water to be pumped down to the lowest lev els In the shortest time and avoid cavltatlon.

Soil Water Air

• Simple, cost-effective, and easily main tained Installations.

• Stainless steel construction for longer life

Stack Emissions Waste - for registered t^ and matrices.

and lower maintenance costs.

• USA-sourced replacement parts that are non-exclusive and reasonably priced. MWI International

For more Information, EMERGENCY:(416) 237-8283

circle reply card No. 151 Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Product Review Contained tank system

The Envirodike Contained Tank System of fers a cost-effective environmentally safe method to store hazardous products above

Zebra Mussels, Clams, Algae, and Sand can choke Intake water pipes & downline equipment. An Amiad Filtration System can stop these contaminants. With filtration to 25 micron, you can count on It! • Call today for a FREE videotape.

ground. It is really two tanks in one, a pri mary single wall tank to store the product and a secondary spill containment system to protect the environment. Tank leaks are safely contained,eliminat

ing environmental damage, liability and clean-up costs. The sturdy steel construc


tion exceeds fire safety standards and is

30 years of clear solutions for your water filtration problems. P.O. Box 5547, Oxnard, OA 93031-5547

(800)969-4055 •(805)988-3323 • FAX (800) PRO-FILTER • FAX (805) 988-3313 • amladusa@aol.com

For more information, circle reply card No. 243(See page 33)

epoxy coated to ensure long-life. Site prepa ration is minimized and ground contact cor rosion eliminated by the full-length supports. Spectra Environmental For more information,

circle reply card No. 182

New chlorine residual

analysers brochure



Capital Controls have available a new bro chure describing their line of Chlorine Re sidual Analyzers. The 4-colour brochure compares the features and benefits of each ofthe chlorine residual analyzers to help the user select the proper analyzer for the indi vidual application.

Applications include monitoring drink ing water to meet SWTR,wastewater efflu ent to provide a record for NPDES require ments, and cooling and process water for power plants, chemical plants and other in

Amiad's BBS Filtration

filtration, so don't horse

System eliminates Intake

around with more ex

water contaminants like

Algae, and Sand at less

pensive, less effective filtration systems• Call today for more

than halt the cost of sand


media filters • AmIad Is

and a FREE

Zebra Mussels, Clams,

the leader In mechanical

dustrial water needs. Capital Controls For more information,

circle reply card No. 184 Environmental Science & Engineering, May1996

amiad 30 years of clear solutions for your water filtration problems P.O. Box 5547, Oxnard, OA 93031-5547

(800) 969-4055 •(805)988-3323 • FAX (800) PRO-FILTER • FAX (805) 988-3313 • amiadusa@aol.com

For more information, circle reply card No. 244 (See page 33)


Product Review


Non-pathogenic bacteria

Water Supply and Treatment Wastewater Treatment Arsenic Removal

Iron and Manganese Removal

ADI Limited Fredericton, NB G R O U P

Tel:(506)452-9000 Fax:(506)459-3954

Engineering, Consulting, Procurement, Project Management

Addtek Environmental Products now have

Ainley and


a full line of non-pathogenic bacteria espe cially designed for wastewater treatment

Associates Limited

plants, grease traps, septic tanks, and waste compactors. The bacteria are formulated to offer superior results to off the shelf items. In landfills and water treatment plants, systems are designed to solve odour and other specific problems.




280 Pretty River Parkway

48 High Street

(705) 445-3451

(705) 726-3371

Fax (705) 445-0968

Fax (705) 726-4391

BELLEVILLE 205 Dundas Street

Box 917, R.R.5

(613) 966-4243 Fax (613) 966-1168

(613) 822-1052 Fax (613) 822-1573


Addtek Environmental Products

For more information,

circle reply card No. 152 Environmental Auditing and Management Pianning

Pipe installation booklet available

Waste Management solutions to ttie 4 Rs

Planning and Management Design and Construction Operations and Optimization

The Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe Associa tion (CPPA) now has available a new tech nical booklet at no charge: Recommended Installation Practices for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. The Installation booklet provides infor mation on handling and installation of cor rugated polyethylene pipe and fittings in nonpressure applications for sewer, culvert, and subdrainage systems. The booklet spe cifically addressesjobsite receiving and han dling, excavation and backfilling, as well as compaction equipment, trench boxes, field modification and connections, and system inspection and testing. CPPA For more Information,

Water and Wastewater, Transportation and Urban Development Technologies

circle reply card No. 153

Toronto (416)497-8600, Welland, Ottawa, Oshawa, Sudbury (Dennis), London, Moncton (Touchie),

RGB Recycling


Wastewater Treatment

design engineering Air, soil, waste and water analytics, studies and troubleshooting

Environmental and occupational health and safety specialists Serving industry in Canada

225 Stieppard Ave. W., Willowdale, Ontario M2N 1N2


R.V. Anderson Associates Limited consulting engineers, architects, technology managers

Environmental and Infrastructure Specialists

Fredericton (Touchie), Charlottetown (Atlantech)


'Environmental professionals working with Industry to Improve water quality'


Aquatic Contaminant Remediation

Environmental Audits

Sewer Use Bylaw Consulting Water and Wastewater Engineering

Todcity Testing

Custom Environmental Services Ltd. in af

Environmental Engineering Stormwater Management Impact Assessments

PO Box 2205, Strv B, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2M 6P6 Phone (905)641-0941 (Branch Office) PO Box 86, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada N7T 7H8(519) 383-7822

filiation with PROECO Corporation has re ceived authorization to import and recycle PCB electrical equipment including: high and low level transformers, electrical cable, PCB containing fluorescent lamp ballasts, capacitors, low level transformer oil, and non

P(i:B ballasts. Disposal options for PCB ENVIRONMENTAL



solids, debris and other PCB waste are also


available. Transportation is available from anywhere in Canada. Certificates of Recy cling and Disposal are given. Custom es tablished Canada's first private licensed site for third party PCB waste materials in 1989.





PROECO Corporation For more Information, circle reply card No. 154

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Product Review Turbidity/suspended solids analyzers

= RCHCE ■k

cally 85% of a transformer carcass can be recovered as valuable reclaimed metal. The

work is carried out on the generator's site, thus avoiding the costly transportation fees generally associated with the disposal of this type of waste. Sanexen Environmental For more information,


circle reply card No. 163


ropean Community CE certification stand ards for Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) following Standard #89/336/EEC. The very sophisticated Model 7011 Con tinuous Monitoring Analyzer is designed to operate with three ranges of sensors: the Model 72 Turbidity Sensor (0-500 mg/1) is designed to be used insitu for constant tur bidity readings in plant outfalls and sewer lines; the Model 73 Medium Range Sus

pended Solids Sensor is a self-cleaning sen sor for use in aeration basins or other mixed

liquor systems; and the Model 74 Pipe In sertion High Density Sensor is a self-clean ing sensor for use in activated or waste sludge lines, for densities of up to 8%, Cancoppas For more information, circie repiy card No. 162

Mobile PCB decontamination

water measurements. With a 12 VDC power cable and internal datalogging, samples can be conveniently measured in the field on a small boat, field station or research vessel. Since 1974, Turner Designs fluorometers have been used by environmental engineers

and field specialists for a multitude of appli

The Royce Model 7011 Turbidity/Suspended Solids continuous monitoring instrument with full sensor line, and the Model 711 Portable MLSS/ILA Analyzer System are now certified to completely fulfill new Eu

ment designed for on-site environmental

cations. Hoskin Scientific

For more information,

circle reply card No.165 The Envirodike Spill Containment System offers a practical, cost-effective method to upgrade existing tanks to provide complete spill containment. Tank leaks and overfills are safely contained, eliminating environ mental damage, liability and clean-up costs. The Envirodike Spill Containment Sys tem easily adapts to existing tanks and the weather-guards remain clear of piping, pumps and vents. The sturdy steel construc tion exceeds fire safety standards and is epoxy coated to ensure long-life. Ground contact corrosion is eliminated by the fulllength supports. Spectra Environmental For more information, circie reply card No. 164

Non-invasive flow

Field fiuorometer for

The Portaflow MKII brings a new simplic ity to the non-invasive measurement of liq

environmental applications The Model 10-AU Field Fiuorometer is a

continuous-flow, on-site water monitor used

in chlorophyll and algae analysis, detection and measurement of hydrocarbons, and dye tracer studies. It is a rugged, field instru


uid flow. A fitted case houses the lightweight instrument, transducers, cables, battery

charger and a slim user's handbook. The compact and rugged unit is ideal for quick and unambiguous digital readout of linear or volumetric flow rates and Total Integrated

Chemical storage tanks Plastics Canada, a Division of Pepco Limited, is the first company in Canada able to offer the coveted Underwrit ers Laboratories Inc. (UL) certification for crosslinked polyethylene above ground tanks, to be used for the bulk storage of chemicals. The UL certification comes after more

than two years of testing to demonstrate the structural in

tegrity and chemical compat ibility of the tanks. Water treatment, sewage, and nuclear waste are only a few of the applications for these tanks. Currently, they

Decontaksolv™ is a mobile PCB transformer

decontamination process which reclassifies decommissioned transformer carcasses to a

non PCB waste. The process uses a solvent to solubilize and remove the PCBs from the

core and coil assembly and all other internal surfaces. The PCBs are separated from the solvent by distillation and packaged for fi nal destruction, while the solvent is regen erated for reuse on an ongoing basis through out the operation. The process, fully licensed in Canada, was proven effective on over 4,500 tons of Askarel and mineral oil transformers. Typi

are UL Listed for use with

Tank after 5.3 inches

more than 42 chemicals.

Mercury was applied

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Plastics Canada

For more information, circle reply card No. 166 Tank twelve hours after

releasing vacuum 87

Product Review Flow in either Imperial or metric units. Keying in data enables the Portaflow computer to select the correct sensor assem bly and, having mounted the sensors, the Portaflow takes over monitoring fluid char acteristics and temperature, allowing it to compute and display the appropriate sepa ration distance for location of the moveable

transducer within the sensor assembly. The Portaflow can be applied to both clear and cloudly liquids in any type of pipe includ ing those with composite walls.

3-D flow and transport modelling VISUAL MOnFLOW [cPJd modcllpliimo.vmlj Hud




si'fi HcMiXm

tluad Contours


Heath Consultants

For more information, circie reply card No. 167

Long term sample retention


The ability to model groundwater flow and contaminant transport has become a critical requirement in many environmental remediation and mine decommissioning projects. Now this type of project can be han dled by most groundwater profes sionals using the Visual MODFLOW software package. Visual MODFLOW is a fully-in tegrated, graphical modelling envi ronment which combines the VSG's MODFLOW and MODPATH in one

easy-to-use software package. This package also contains a visual inter face for linking in MT3D, a popular 3-D contaminant transport package. This seamless modelling platfonn allows the user to graphically design the model system, run the simula tion, and visualize the results, without leaving the Visual MODFLOW graphical modelling environment. Waterloo Hydrogeologic For more information, circle reply card No. 169

In areas where greater noise reduction/ isolation is required, EFPs can be used in conjunction with Eckoustic Modular Panel noise-attenuating enclosures. Positioning EFPs outside a facility can provide acoustic screening. The noise aris ing from generators can be absorbed by EFPS and reduce the area's decibel level.

For more information, circle reply card No. 171

many areas, including wastewater treatment

Thermal processing for

Satillite network


The CleanSoils Thermal Desorber''^" uses a

The MSAT* (Mobile Satellite) Network, covering every square inch of North America and its coastal waters, puts modern commu

multi-phased thennal process to volatilize hydrocarbons from soil particles and then separately oxidize the hydrocarbons. The equipment is designed to "recycle" non-hazardous soil contaminated with jet fuel, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oils, heavy oils, and similar nonchlorinated hydrocar

nications services within reach of all Cana

bons. It can be modified with different air

dians, everywhere. The Network picks up where traditional land-based telephone, cellular, microwave, and radio services leave off. Telephone, mobile telephone, facsimile, dispatch radio, paging, circuit and packet switched data services are all supported by the MSAT"' Net work, which provides full connectivity with the public telephone network and public and private data networks. Using a compact satellite phone, users can make and receive phone calls, exchange fax messages, monitor remote equipment.

quality control equipment to remediate soil contaminated with petroleum derivatives,

Noise control systems

plants, to effectively reduce reverberation and background noise. They are simple to install and can be spot located on walls and ceilings, without the need to modify the area or re-position utilities.

For more information, circie reply card No. 172

New North America

two sizes: a 6 oz. bag that holds a 4 oz. sam ple and an 18 oz. bag that accommodates larger samples. Nasco Plastics For more information, circle reply card No. 168

Eckoustic Functional Panels can be used in

TMI Communications

soil remediation

Eckel Industries

The new Whiii-Pak Retain Bag is made from a special, laminated barrier film that is designed for long term sample retention. The bag will hold liquids, semi-solids, or solids, can be heat sealed, and will retain a sample for up to two years. The special film is 55% more effective against moisture and 99% more effective against oxygen permeability than the regular Whirl-Pak bags. It is ideally suited for storing hydroscopic prod ucts. The new Retain Bag is available in

and network their computers with anyone, from anywhere. MSAT" Services are avail able throughout Canada.

polyaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons having boiling points below about 800°F.

The Thermal Desorber™ is a stand-alone, mobile processing unit. The 90 ton per hour capacity system fits on four trailer loads. Setup takes approximately two days, and space of about 150 x 150 feet is required. CleanSoils Ltd.

For more information, circle reply card No. 173

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Advertisers Product and Service Shozvease For information on advertising in this section, call ES&E at(905)727-4666. Ultraviolet disinfection

Plastic pumps

Building on the modular system concept, Trojan engineers have created the Tro jan System UV3000™. Some of the ad

A new technical bulletin describing the use of thermoplastic pumps for water and

vances in the UV3000^'^ series include:

Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp. Appli cation Possibilities Growfor PlasticPumps presents comparative data on a wide choice of pump materials, various pump designs,

For information

on advertising in this section, caii

Penny Davey at ES&E

(905) 727-4666.

electronic ballasts for increased power

efficiency; integrated solid-state circuitry to allow for greater monitoring capabil ity; operator-friendly programmable con trols to simplify operation and enhance performance. The system incorporates important features for simple and trouble-free in stallation and operation. Gravity flow brings wastewater to the UV unit. No pumps, pipe valves or fittings are neces sary. The UV lamp modules are installed in an open channel, outdoors. Trojan Technologies For more information, Circle reply card No. 304

wastewater treatment is available from

and a review of standard and custom non-

metallic pump/tank systems. Illustrations include a cut-away view of a fluoropolymer centrifugal pump, a close up of a thermoplastic sump pump with a unique seal device that prevents the escape of corrosive or toxic fumes from pressurized tanks,and various solid plastic pump bodies with colour coded flexible liners ofsix different elastomeric

materials. Vanton Pump For more Information,

Circle reply card No. 305

New sewer early warning system

Chlorine storage and handling eliminated

American Sigma's 950 Water Quality Monitor is a low cost option for tracking

ElMCO Process Equipment has intro duced an on-site disinfectant generating system for municipal potable water. The compact, skid-mounted system uses a patented, membraneless electrolytic cell to produce a powerful mixed oxidant so lution from salt water. The primary dis infecting agents - ozone, chlorine diox ide and hypochlorous acid-are substan tially more effective in combination than

Sludge thickening and dewatering

The Westfalia Separator CA 755 is a state-of-the-art decanter for wastewater

treatment. The extremely high bowl

These decanters can be effectively used for both thickening and dewatering wastewater. Adjustments in the machine parameters can be made quickly.

sewer system flow and water quality. Suspended in a manhole, the 950 pro vides data for proactive sewer system management. It can monitor flow, ve locity, rainfall, and water quality param eters such as pH,temperature, dissolved oxygen and conductivity. Engineered for long life in harsh environments, it can be strategically placed within a sewer system to provide adequate waming ofdetrimen tal changes in flow and water quality. The Sigma 950 offers flow monitor ing options to best suit the conditions at


each site. Can-Am Instruments Ltd.

speed and scroll torque yield flow rates of up to 500 GPM. All CA series de canters feature a patented high torque 2gear backdrive, which results in extemely dry cake solids -30% dry cakes at most municipal plants. The differential speed control automatically operates the equip ment proportionally to the solids load in the bowl.

For more information, Circle reply card No. 306

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

For more information. Circle reply card No. 307

chlorine or ozone alone. Because these

chemicals are produced in solution, at the concentration in which they will be used, the need to store and handle toxic gases or corrosive concentrates is eliminated.

EIMCO Process Equipment For more information. Circle reply card No. 308 89

Product Review licensed and certified where appropriate by provincial and municipal government agen cies and equipment manufacturers.

Solutions to LIST

compliance problems

Engineered treatment cells

ENSAT generally pumps out and cleans all USTs being excavated for closure on-site before they are moved or transported. Al though more expensive and time consum

ing, this approach greatly reduces the risk of an accident and minimizes clients'

liabillity. ENSAT Canada For more information, circie repiy card No. 179

Six-parameter system

ENSAT Canada has developed a diverse group of underground storage tank (UST) specialists and equipment inventory. As UST regulations continue to be phased in through December 1998, demand for turnkey solu tions to UST compliance problems contin ues to be strong. Many companies are sys tematically closing older UST systems and upgrading these systems with new state of the art equipment. ENSAT routinely con ducts closures and installs new systems for clients all over Canada. ENSAT crews are

Aboveground treatment cells employ a modified composting technique developed and used extensively by Groundwater Tech nology to reduce high concentrations ofcon taminants in soils and sludges to acceptable The new Endeco/YSI 600XL Multi-Pa

levels in reasonable time frames and at low

rameter Water Quality Monitor lets you measure combinations of dissolved oxy gen, conductivity, temperature, pEl, lowionic-strength pH, depth and ORP. This eliminates the need to carry separate in struments into the field. Salinity and to

costs. In the configuration most often uti lized, conditioned soils are placed on a nonreactive liner. An engineered matrix of per forated piping uniformly delivers water, nu trients, and oxygen to the soil. Volatile vapors are extracted from the soil mass through the same tubing or through a sec ond system. Groundwater Technology For more Information, circle reply card No. 180

tal dissolved solids are also available as

calculated parameters. Geneq Inc. For more Information, circle reply card No. 181

Literature Review For information on advertising in this section call ES&E at(905)727-4666. New Hach Systems for Wastewater Testing


Testing With These. N«w Haoh Systoms for Wsstewator Ibatlns

Designed for wastewater plants, the Series 5000 Low Range Phosphate Analyzer features a minimum detec tion limit of 4 ppb, well below permit requirements tor wastewater dis charge. Maximum detection limit is 5 ppm. The convenience, accuracy, and small sample size of Hach's COD Test 'N Tube™ vial chemistry system are now available tor meas uring phosphate and total persultate and Inorganic nitrogen, high- and lowrange ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. Hach Company Circle reply card No. 216

High Speed Dry Screening Derrick Model L and K single deck screening machines are available with either 1800 or 3600 RPM vibrators and In sizes

ranging from 18" x 60" to 48" x 120". Machines can be supplied with open hopper configurations or complete dust enclosures with

flexible motor seals, gasketed side access doors and remov able covers.

Derrick Corporation Circie repiy card No. 218

Hach Products For Water

Quality Analysls-1996 New 448-page catalogue covers portable, laboratory, and on-line In strumentation tor monitoring critical water quality and soil parameters. Includes



spectrophotometers; colorimeters; turbidimeters; test kits; electro chemical, titratlon, microbiological, and immunoassay products; GOD and BOD testing; chlorine analyzers; labware, reagents and standards. Hach Company Circle reply card No. 217

GODWiN Dri-Prime®

centrifugais can do what no other pump can... 25" Hg. vacuum = Auto self-prime to 28 feet and reprlme on demand. Mechanical seal is located away from effects of flow = Run dry continuous operation - unattended. Unlike submerslbles, tits into tight holes with out digging and cranes. Sewage by pass, petro-chem transfer, dewatering, major spills, lagoons, API and corro sive sludges, wellpoint. Solids to 3.5 in., heads to 485 ft. tdh. Pumps to 12 in. hose, piping can be shipped rush tor rental or purchase. R.M.S. Enviro Solv

Circle reply card No. 219


Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


Product Review Immunoassay test methods validated Ohmicron's test methods for the following


compounds have been validated by the US EPA SW-846 Method Number

4020 4035

Carcinogenic PAHs



4050 4030'

implementation of bioreinediation systems

biopiles, landfarming bioslurry reactor processes biological laboratory services contracted R&D projects

EPA Office of Solid Waste;


TECHNOLOGIES INC. Specializing in the design, devclopmem, and

' focusing on degradation of plasticizers, petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX, PAHs

450 Phillip St., Unit #11, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 5J2 Phone:(519)746-8973 Fax;(519)746-1222

Triazine Herbicides (Quantitative) 4670^ These methods,and the previously Accepted 2, 4-D (4015) and PC?(4010) methods are now appropriate for use in applications where SW-846 Immunoassay Methods are required or desired.

C.C. TATHAM & ASSOCIATES LTD. Consulting Engineers Specialists in a comprehensive range of Environmental and Municipal Engineering

'per California EPA Certification as Total BTEX. "Method 4670-Trizzine Herbicides as Atrazine in Water

115 Huronforio Street, Suite 201,

by Immunoassay, is the first quantitative immunoassay method developed for SW-846. Last May, the AOAC International adopted magnetic particle immunoassay for

Cotlingwood, Ontario L9Y 2L9

Tel.(705)444-2565 Fax(705)444-2327

Atrazine in Water as an AOAC^ Official Method.


For more information,

circle reply card No. 155


Residual chlorine analyzer

Environmental Engineers, Planners and Scientists

The Series 1870E Residual Chlorine

255 Consumers Road, North York, Ontario M2J 5B6

Analyzer is an accurate monitor for measur ing residual oxidants over a wide range of applications. Free or total chlorine can be

(416)499-4687 fax (416) 499-9000 phone

measured as well as other oxidants includ







ing bromine, iodine, potassium permanga

Barrie • Cambridge • London • Niagara • Ottawa

nate, and chlorine dioxide. This monitor can be used for wastewater disinfection, dechlorination eontrol, drinking water dis

PO Box 403, Victoria Station Montreal, (Quebec) H3Z 2V8 Tel: (514) 482-1 154

infection, swimming pool disinfection, and industrial process water. Capital Controls For more information,

circle reply card No. 271

Biofllm Wastewater Treatment

80% reduction in organic load (BOD) using simple technology proven at more than 1,000 installations worldwide. Installs into existing septic tank and solves many problems of odours and drainage in older leaching fields.

Teflon® FEP liners for



Eastern Region




Te!: [416] 4414111

Fax: [416] 441^131


Pacific Region



After extensive field testing, Krohne is now incorporating TEFLON FEP liners as the standard liner material in the IFS4000

magmeter product line for sizes 12" and above. This material is also optionally avail


TEFLON FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Pro-

pylene) liner is exceptionally smooth, and

• Environmental Science

can withstand temperatures up to 356-F. This liner is fiberglass-backed and bonded to the wall of the stainless steel

Tel: [604] 525-9333 Fax: [BD4] 525-9458

Professional Consulting Services • Planning • Engineering

able in the 8" and 10" sizes. The new


Toronto • London • Cambridge • Windsor • Ottawa • Halifax

Sydney • Fredericton • Winnipeg • Vancouver • Ye II ow k n i fe • Washington 10 0






M2N 6N5

(4 16) 229-4646

flowtube, enabling it to withstand full Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996



Product Review TORONTO




vacuum conditions up to 275-F. This liner

Gartner Lee Limited

advancement will make the IFS4000

"We are an international team of environmental

consultants dedicated to assisting mining companies in developing solutions to their en vironmental problems. Please give me a call." John Gartner, Chairman,(905)477-8400, ext. 337

magmeter product line more attractive for chemical, mining, food and beverage, water and waste, and pulp and paper applications. Summa Engineering For more information,

circle reply card No. 156

Instrumentation products catalogue National Instruments' new, full-colour 1996

Environmental/Occupational Health and Safety PROFESSIONAL CAPABILITIES:


'Workplace and safety audits

• Environmental Engineering 'Training programs > Legal compliance/designated substances • Ventilation assessment/design 'Air monitoring • Air emission controi > Indoor air quality 'Environmental audits 'Noise monitoring and controi >WHMiS > Asbestos


7070 Mississauga Road, Suite 160 Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7G2 Canada

Tei: (905) 858-4424 Fax:(905) 858-4426

catalogue describes the company's more than 500 software and hardware products that engineers and scientists use to develop inte grated instrumentation systems for test and measurement and industrial automation us

ing industry-standard personal computers and workstations. The catalogue includes in-depth tutorials on data acquisition, GPIB, VXI, and industrial automation; product line overviews; and selection guides. National Instruments

For more information,

circle reply card No. 157

Environmental Noise and Vibration Assessments


Recorder/data acquisition system

Design and Specification of Mitigation Measures


The MONARCH-Data-Chart 3000 is a new

Noise vilsration Acoustics

Audit Measurements

3, 4, or 6 input (12 display) channel, paperless recorder/data acquisition system. The bright 5 inch LCD display provides touchscreen selection of input signals. A 14 BIT A/D converter coupled with universal isolated analog input modules provides ac curate measurements for display and stor age of process information. The compact 144 X 144 mm DIN size instrument displays multi-channel bar graphs, graphics, digital,

HOWE GASTMEIER CHAPNIK LIMITED 2000 Argentia Road, Plaza i, Suite 203, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P7 Phone:(905)826-4044 Fax:(905) 826-4940


Consultants Ltd.

Environmental Scientists and Engineers

and date/time information.

Environmental Audits/Site Assessments

Fractured Rock Hydrogeoiogy Environmental Management and Compliance Hydrogeoiogic/Performance Assessment Modeling Site Remediation


(613)232-2525 Toronto

(905) 513-9400

Risk Assessment

circle reply card No. 158



Engineers & Hydrogeologists Serving the Groundwater industry for Over 60 Years 342 Bayview Drive, Box 310,

Tel.: (705) 733-0111 Fax.; (705) 721-0138

Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 415

151 Tagger Hims ■I LIMITED Environmental Consulting Engineers

• Water Supply

• hxclustrittl Minerals and A^nre^aie Resaurces

• Enviranmental Property Assessment Remediation

• Ceo-Enviromnental Engineerinfi

NEWMARKET OFFICE Toll Free (800) 263-7419

• Waste Water Disposal

ST. CAFHARINES OFFICE Toll Free (800) 668-2598

WINDSOR OFFICE Toll Free (800) 545-5406

Solar evaluation form now available The Solar Thermal Division of the Canadian



• Wci.iie Maiiaficnient

Data can be

stored on a PCMCIA Memory Card or 3 1/2" floppy disk for playback within the Data-Chart 3000 or transfer to any IBM™ compatable PC. Access Controi Sales For more Information,


Solar Industries Association has produced a Solar Evaluation Form which will be of sig nificance to any person or organization con sidering the use of solar technology. This form will cater to owners and managers con templating their new building or renovation projects, or energy or waste reduction plans or basic energy efficiency and conservation. The form and accompanying manual were developed by CanSlA with help from the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy. The form includes sections docu menting the location and orientation of the building under consideration for solar heat ing relating to ventilation and make-up air; heating process hot water, domestic and swimming pool water heating. Canadian Solar Industries Association

For more information,

circle reply card No. 159 92

Envirorimental Science & Engineering, May 1996

Ad Index


ABS Pumps


Acufiow Addtek Aifa Laval

53 12 20

Ambio Biofiitration Amiad

53 85


53 53

Aquablast Biastai Coatings Brian Controls

2, 52 71

Clean Soils

.... 9, 47, 63

Elmco Encotec Ensat Envirorent Fabricated Plastics

Fanshaw College General Carbon General Filter Golder Gravenhurst Plastics Greenwood Env. Hach Hankin Hazco Env.

33 59 43 67

64 63 74

10, 90


8 78 64

Sollnst Canada Terratec

Thermonic Inc

Thorburn Penny TMI Communications VIctaullc

Waukesha WEF

World Conservation

P.O. Bag 4300. Lakeflcid, Ontano Canada KOL 2H0 Telephone 705-652-2000 Fax. 705-652-6365





Consulting Engineers, Planners and Scientists, Specializing in the Environment MacViro Consultants Inc. 90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600, Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3 (905)475-7270 E-Mail: 103700.2767@oompuserve.com

Fax:(905) 475-5994






80 60

RMS Envlrosolv Reed Exhibitions Remediation Canada Restoration Consultants....




Levitt Safety McTlghe MEC Systems

PROMAT Englngeering




56 76

Laldlaw Env.

Plastics Canada




64 55





Parkson Corporation PCB Disposal PermaStopRust Phelps Dodge Philip Env.




Hydro Dynamics Ltd

Nasco Plastics National Instruments OCPA



96 16


ITT Flygt











Eaglebrook Ecodyne



Deep Stiaft Degremont




Consolidated Giroux CWWA Davidson Env. Davis Controls


Consultants Limited Consulting Engineers, Planners, Landscape Architects 220 Advance Boulevard, Brampton, Ontario L6T 4J5

79 77

Cancoppas Chem-Security


Kitchener (519)743-6111 (519)743-3330 Cobalt (705) 679-5979 (705) 679-5750


Can Am Ins

Security Insurance Sigma Aldrlch


Brampton (905) 459.4780 (905) 459-7869

64, 95



Environmental Management Consultants

for Water and Pollution Control Projects




•Hydrogeology •Waste management • Engineering geology •Environmental audits

MALROZ Engineering Inc. 168 Montreal St., Kingston, Ont. K7K 3G4 lei:(613)548-3446 Fax;(613)548-7975

•Site decommissioning & retiabllltatlon


25,64 69 36

Marshall Macklin


76 61 63

.39, 90 34 27


Specialists in Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeolcgy, Waste Management and Water Resources




Burlington, Mississauga, Whitby


80 Commerce Valley Drive East Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N4 (905) 882-1100 Fax:(905) 882-0055

65 78 63 7

53 72 60


23,64 17,64 58 82

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996


Product Review

Consultants pigmented alkyd paint specifically designed to provide optimum ultraviolet protection and durability to the ISOTROL coating. PermaStopRust(America),Inc.

New corrosion-control

paint ISOTROL is easily applied by brush, roller, airless spray or dipping, and has a shelf life ofup to seven years. Because rust starts from inside, ISOTROL prevents further deterio ration by repelling moisture and encapsulat ing existing rust. Surface preparation in volves only brushing off loose and flaking rust. No sanding is required!.

For more Information,

circle reply card No. 161

New reference manual A new Special Gases and Equipment Refer ence Manual and Buyers' Guide for Seientific and Environmental Applications has been released by BOG Gases.

It is recommended that ISOTROL be

used in conjunction with ISOGUARD, a


Highlights ofthe brochure include: high

purity COj for SFE and SFC applications



Consulting Engineers & Architect 1815 Ironstone Manor. Suite §^0. Pickering. Ont. L1W 3W9 • Tel: 905-831-1715

Fax: 905-831-0531

circle reply card No. 160

• Instrumentation & Controls

• Environmental Audits • Water Resources • Water Pollution Control

• Environmental Planning

• Water Supply




tified EPA Methods 15 and 16 mixtures. An

expanded equipment section includes envi ronmentally-friendly returnable small cylin For more information,

Consulting Engineers

TORONTO: (416)361-6135

plus a new Spectra-Clean® CO,for surface cleaning; a new returnable lecture bottle pro gram; a greatly expanded environmental sec tion including new high precision calibra tion gases, EPA Protocol mixtures and cer

ders. BOG Gases

THORBURN PENNY • Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Systems


jLlft pin|nsii$its

STONEY CREEK: (905)643-8186






Water Supply • System Optimization • Wastewater Solid Waste Management • Environmental Assessment MISA • Site Assessment & Remediation • SCADA

t 0 11 e n sims hublcki associates




Innovative Consulting in Environmental Services XCG Environmental Services Inc. • Corporate Environmental Policy Development • Land Application of Wastewater Tel:(905)821-1127

Mississauga, Ontario XCG Consultants Ltd. Tel:(519) 741-5774

Kitchener, Ontario

The KEY LOK lift pin insert is designed to provide a safe, water-tight and economic means of handling precast manholes and other concrete structures. The insert is com

pounded from polypropylene and molded in such a manner that a predetermined thick ness of concrete forms a barrier to prevent infiltration into the structure. It is installed



f Lv 7' ■

• Phase 1 Environmental Audits and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments

'Phase 3 Site Remediation and Decommissioning • Air Resource Assessment • Hazardous Materials Management • Wastewater Treatment Optimization • Waste Characterization and Minimization • Solid Waste Disposal and the 3Rs. • Hydrogeoiogy and Groundwater Investigations

during the manufacturing process and be comes an integral part of the structure. The insert forms a precise cavity to ac cept the keyed certified lifting pins. This assures minimum movement ofthe lifting pin during handling. This product is useful for sanitary sewer projects because the insert does not penetrate the wall and is, therefore, watertight. It elimi nates the necessity of patching the liftholes, thus preventing infiltration. The structure can be backfilled immediately. Waterloo Concrete Products

For more information,

circle reply card No. 183

Environmental Science & Engineering, May 1996

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San Benito


County, CA




County, OK


Meet the storm drain pipe materiai that gives iong service iife and iasting vaiue -


Type 2 42-year field tests prove


Field tests prove that


Type 2 coating.


After 42 years In service,

Type 2 gives extended service life, and analyses of these pipes make it possible to project the life expectancy of

2 corrugated steel pipe delivers superior longevity.

these pipes, installed in

different environments,

Corrugated steel pipes inspected at 52 sites in

were still in excellent condition and will

15 states showed the

superior corrosion

provide many more years of maintenance-

resistance of the

free life.


Type 2 corrugated steel pipe.

For more information, contact the Armtec office near you.

mjTA Construction Products

Sales Offices: Nanaimo, Prince George, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Reglna, Saskatoon, Brandon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, London, Gueiph, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, iViontreai, Dartmouth, Sackviile, St. John's and Bishop's Palis.

Large enough to serve you â– small enough to know you! For more information, circle reply card No. 185(See page 33)


Add Positive Soiids Coiiection to this Ciapifier Basin


Solution: Trac-Vac® Sludge Collectors Remove Solids Other Systems Can't Even Reach M M M hen the operators of this

I/I# municipal water treat■ ^ ment plant decided to up grade their dredge-type clarifiers, the steep-sided collection gullets posed a serious challenge for new solids removal equipment. Working with their engineer and EIMCO sales representative, plant operators devised a plan to replace existing gravity sludge drains with self-propelled Trac-Vac suction collectors.

Sharp floor slope transitions were regrouted into smooth curves (the new grade lines are visible in the top photo) and two Trac-Vac collectors were installed in each

of four bays. Special guide rail

to be alternated with half-basin

trips into the collection troughs, where accumulation is predictably heavier. That flexibihty has also been an important tool in adapting operation to seasonal variations in

attachments allow the Trac-Vac

solids inflow.

units to negotiate steep slopes without difficulty, yet each unit

If you've got a problem involving equipment or processes for potable water treatment, your EIMCO sales representative has a range of options for virtually every flowsheet. We'd like to be a part of your solution.

can be extracted for maintenance

without interrupting operations. PLC controls accommodate

uneven deposition patterns by allo-wing full-basin collection runs

IMII Main Office •5155 Creekbcnk Road • Mississaugc, ON •(905)625-6070• FAX:(905)625-3519 Western Office• 220-259 Midpork Way S.E.• Calgary, AL •(403) 256-6812• FAX:(403) 256-7071 Eco Equipement PEP Inc.•Terrebonne, QC•(514)477-7879• FAX:(514)477-7880

Atlantic Purification Systems Ltd.• Dartmoutb, MS•(902)469-2806• FAX:(902)463-3529

EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT A Division ofBaker Hughes Canada Inc.

For more information,

circle reply card No. 128 (See page 33)

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