Science & Engineering Focussing on industrial/municipal wastewaters - hazardous wastes - air pollution & drinking water treatment
Canada's top award-winning environmental magazine
March 1999
Conference Preview - Environmental compliance '99, Americana '99, WEAO, BCW&WA, OWWA/OMWA, & No-Dig '99 Improving water and wastewater operator training Wastewater treatment in the food industry
Restoring Winnipeg's water lifeline Hazardous waste solutions
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The most remarkable thing about ZENON's ZeeWeed' technolog}' may be its ability to immediately upgrade your current conventional filtration plant by fitting inside your existing tanks. Ensming a reduction in capital costs with minimal change to your infrastructure. This... is why ZENON invented immersed membrane technology. ZENON's ZeeWeed' suction system. Suction...
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For more information, circle repiy card No. 102 (See page 25)
February/March'99 Vol. 12 No. 1 Issued March, 1999
g toxic wastes See page 64
Ad Index
Reader Service Card
Product Review
35, 37
Literature Reviews
Industry Update
Professional Cards
Cover Story by Tom Davey Pressure sewers & grinder pumps Restoring Winnipeg's aqueduct Air pollution market expands Can boiiers heip meet air regs?
36 Online wastewater monitoring 38 Food industry wastewater 45 Improving operation efficiency 59 Drinking iron rich water in Waies
Sales Manager
Managing Editor
7 22 24 26 28
Sales Representative
Circulation Manager
Publisher's Assistant
Technical Advisory Board Robert B. Baker, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Jim Bishop
Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
Beak International Inc.
Alan Church, C.Chem., QEP. Church & Trought Inc.
George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc.
62 Our $60 billion infrastructure deficit 64
Hazardous waste incineration
68 Reviewing Canada's PCB industry 72 Reduction of VOC at Superfund site 74 Contaminated groundwater barrier 76
R.V. Anderson wins Award of Merit
One Antarctic threat ruled out
CH2M Gore & Storrle Limited
Dr. Howard Goodfellow
Rod Holme, P.Eng.
Goodfellow Consultants Ltd.
Proctor & Redfern Ltd.
Barry Loescher, Ph.D. Philip Analytical
Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng., DEE
Spring Convention Previews
R.V. Anderson Associates
Environmental Science & Engineering Is a bi-monthly business publication of Envi ronmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. ES&E's readers include consulting engineers, Industrial plant managers and engi neers, key provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater treat ment plant operators and contractors. Canadian Puhllcatlons Mall Sales Second Class Mall Product Agreement No. 181897 Registration No. 7750
Printed in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission of the publisher. Yearly subscription rates: Canada $45.00 for one year. ((3.S.T. extra) All advertising space orders, copy, artwork, film, proofs, etc., should be sent to: Environmental Science & Engineering, 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Dntarle, Canada, L4G 3\/6, Tel: {905)727-4666, Fax;(905)841-7271, E-mail: esemag@lstar.ca, Weh site: http://www.esemag.com
Environmental Compliance
11 Americana '99 14 Water Environment Association 16 BO Water & Waste Association
17 Air & Waste Management 17 OWWA/OMWA Joint Conference
19 North American No-Dig '99 19 Energy Efficiency Conference 20 Combustion Canada '99
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Introducing a new advance in on-line
analysis of hardness, alkalinity,
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Process Analyzers, it's never
been easier to monitor and control the treatment process. ♦ These
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innovative, microprocessor-controlled analyzers have been designed
to reduce the cost and effort of process monitoring and control,
ammonium. offering continuous, on-line analysis for hardness, alkalinity, nitrate
and ammonium. ♦ They're accurate and reliable—self-cleaning, self-priming and self-calibrating. ♦ They're compact and fast— requiring less sample, and less analysis time. ♦ And they're
versatile. You can sample up to three streams with one analyzer,
and you can network multiple analyzers together. ♦ Add it all up and you've got the control solution you've been waiting for.
For more information, contact the Hach International Marketing Department. Sales offices throughout Canada. Ser\'ice & Support
Centre in Winnepeg. Request literature number 1504.
Loveland, Colorado 80539-0389 U.S.A. Phone: 970-669-3050 Fax: 970-669-2932 S-B074
E-mail: intl@hach.com
For more information, circle reply card No. 103(See page 25)
Let it rain! The StormceptorÂŽ System fights stormwater pollution at the source! STUDIED IN THE LABORATORY
Engineered to efficiently separate oil and sediment from stormwater flows, Stormceptor protects stored pollutants from scouring with its built-in high flow by-pass. STUDIED IN THE FIELD
With several thousand installations throughout North America, Europe and Australia, Stormceptor provides a tried and tested solution to source pollution problems. TYPICAL INSTALLAnONS
Commercial Parking Lots Industrial Properties Gas Stations Residential Subdivisions
Roads and Highways
Environmental History
Could the historic River Thames be poised to enter a new era?
One of the most famous waterways in the world,the
River Thames, has for cen
turies played a pivotal role in the history of Britain. Claudius de feated the natives in AD 434, built a
bridge, created Londiniiim and intro duced Roman law and engineering to England. The Romans never conquered Scotland, however; instead they built Hadrian's Wall, an engineering master piece of forts and walls which literally marked the end of Rome's expansionism. Much later, William The Conqueror built the Tower of London on the banks
of the Thames, following his victory over Harold in 1066. Well into the 18th
century, it was the Thames, not the roads, which was the main mode of
transportation for Londoners. London has seen countless battles, dating from
The Thames may soon see a renaissance for canal barges. Photo by David Manse!!.
the Roman times to the rockets and
architecture. He died ofa waterbome dis
bombs of WW11. The dockside cranes
ease in 1861 -typhoidfever-when Brit ain was the richest country in the world.
ter. Their work still remains the key stone of modem wastewater technology. In an age when people have walked
once dipped in a silent salute when Winston Churchill's body was borne Dr. Snow's intuition about cholera and even driven cars on the moon as well along the Thames as the great wartime had many scornful detractors. One leg as sent robots to Mars, it is incredible to leader went to his final resting place. end suggests that he took matters into think that pioneers of germ theories and London also has a permanent niche his own hands by breaking the handle wastewater treatment were alive less in the history of drinking water epide of the Broad Street water pump, prevent than a century ago. miology. In 1854, Dr. John Snow, then ing its use by Londoners in that area, The once badly polluted Thames has studying lethal cholera outbreaks in but as the epidemic was already subsid seen great improvement in water qual London, suggested that the epidemic ing, it was difficult to prove the value ity in recent years while London's docks, might be countered by removing the of his actions. It took three more dec once the busiest in the world, declined Broad Street pump from which people ades before the actual cholera bacillus badly in the last three decades. Ambi were drawing their water. Dr. Snow had was identified. But his actions had pro tious plans are afoot which will make noted that the cholera was mostly asso duced an awareness of the crucial imthe dockyard cranes busy again. Brit ciated with water supplied by the ish Waterways(BW) which runs The once badly polluted Thames has seen Southwark and Vauxhall company Britain's 3,200 kilometre canal great Improvement In water quality in which took water from the network, recently took charge of recent years while London's docks, once Thames below a major sewage the dock basins with a mandate to the busiest In the world, declined badly in outfall. He further noted that wa
ter supplied further upstream by the Lambeth Company had eight times fewer deaths from cholera than the
Southwark and Vauxhall company. At that time, the source of the chol
era was a mystery. It was widely be lieved that such diseases were the con
sequences of evil behaviour, making vic tims of the indigent, the poor, the intem perate and the dissolute. Queen Victo ria's husband. Prince Albert, was none of these. He was rich, industrious, ath letic and talented in music, science and
restore them to life.
the last three decades.
portance of separating sewage dis charges from drinking water sources. Another Englishman, Sir Joseph Lister, surgeon and medical scientist, was also subjected to scepticism when he outlined his theories on antiseptic medicine. When he used carbolic acid
during his operations, death rates from infectious complications plummeted. While his germ theory would seem to date from the dark ages, Joseph Lister actually died in 1912,approximately the time when Ardern, Lockett and Fowler
By Tom Davey
were developing the world's first acti vated sludge treatment near Manches
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Like the London docks, the ca nals and barges slumped into serious de cline as the faster delivery times of rail ways and road haulage made them uncompetitive. Now. with British highways often suffering from gridlock, the barges might play an environmental as well as an economic role in moving goods. The recently refurbished flood con trol barriers at the mouth of the Thames
will give the ancient city protection from tidal surges few cities can equal(ES&E cover story, September 1998). As the millennium approaches, the ancient River Thames may now be poised for its renaissance. â?–
Spring Conference Preview
Environmental Management, Compliance, and Best A vallable Technologies '99 April 7-8,1999 Regal Constellation Hotel, Toronto, Ontario Environmental Science & Engineering will present the 7th Annual Environ mental Compliance and Due Dili gence Conference, Workshops and Technologies Exposition, April 7 and 8, 1999.
Ontario's largest conference of envi ronmental compliance strategies, tech nologies and solutions takes place at the Regal Constellation Hotel, near Pearson International Airport, Toronto. The workshops provide a unique en vironmental education and training op portunity for; • Plant managers and engineers. • Environmental managers and co-ordinators.
• Environmental lawyers. • Environmental and engineering consultants. • Environmental auditors.
• Environmental health and safety managers.
• Dangerous materials shippers and supervisors. • Storage tank managers. • Spills and emergency response teams. Workshop participation gives del egates access to some of Canada's lead ing environmental consultants. Some 50 top-notch speakers representing Cana da's leading-edge environmental train ers,lawyers,consultants, managers, ad ministrators, and health & safety prac titioners, are scheduled to participate in "Environmental Compliance '99". Their names will be familiar to you as some who are speakers at conferences costing over $1,000 to attend! Eor a fraction of that amount, you and your colleagues can register for a half-day workshop in which you will have access to these top practitioners - for a frac tion of the cost of their normal consult
ing fees! Discounts for multiple registrations ensure that all members of your team can take part and one company alone sent 16 registrants to attend these work shops recently. Many others arrange group partici pation and involvement for plant man agers, environmental audit teams, 3Rs teams, supeiwisors and environment and
health & safety committee members. Workshop participants benefit not only from the educational workshops, they also receive other educational materials
such as background papers, books, wall posters and more. Eollowing are some of the program highlights: APRIL 7
EMS development, part 2: Environmental aspects review • The environmental review process. • Using review results. Risk Management & Response Environmental Risk Management for Managers and Supervisors • An introduction to risk management. • An integrated model for EMS and risk
Environmental Leadership
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduction, Part 1: New options and opportunities
The regulatory options. Opportunities for municipalities. Opportunities for industry. Identifying and quantifying corporate risk exposure from climate change. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduction,Part 2: Strategy and implementation • Developing a long term coiporate strategy.
• The practicalities of getting started. • Emissions trading in practice. Regulation & Compliance Environmental regulation & compliance for supervisors & managers • The new framework for
site assessment- linking ESA to the RSC.
• Decommissioning and remediation. • Record of site condition(RSC)update. • Site-specific risk assessment(SSRA) and the RSC.
• The law, liabilities and the RSC. APRIL 8
Environmental Due Diligence Environmental Due Diligence for Supervisors and Managers • Due diligence - what it means for companies. • Due diligence from the consultant's viewpoint. • Due diligence - the MOE inspector's view.
environmental compliance. • Federal environmental legislation. • Provincial environmental legislation. Environmental regulation & compliance for snpervisors & managers - a continuation • The approvals process and approvals reform.
• Anatomy of an environmental prosecution. Environmental information
management: Document handling for due diligence • Confidentiality and security. • Environmental management systems/ ISO 14000.
• Consultants and subcontractors -
• New enforcement mechanisms under Bill 82.
• New spills reporting requirements. • The waste management system and the new reforms.
• Clean-up of contaminated sites. Environmental Management in practice First steps to EMS development: Initial review & management plan • The ISO 14001 framework.
• Initial environmental review process. • Development planning. • Case histories.
the Record of Site Condition • Phase 1 and Phase II environmental
• Government initiatives.
• • • •
• Hypothetical applications. Site-Specific Risk Assessment and
diligent documentation. • Writing legally-sensitive audit reports, memos and manuals. Regulatory Reform: Focus Sessions Environmental approvals: A practical roadmap for a changing landscape • Approvals - what's new and what's not.
• • • •
AERs, SARs, and approval fees. Air approvals primer. Waste approvals update. Solutions and strategies. Continued on page 11.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
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Now that we have your
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This indispensable manual offers the most current information on the
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For more information, circle reply card No. 130(See page 25)
Spring Conference Preview
What's the best way A to put a chemical
Environmental ment
if metering pumj
to work? The new Beta Pump offers state-of-the-art
microprocessor con trolled metering which greatly simplifies both operation and function monitoring.
Continuedfrom page 8. Managing Flammable and Combustible Liquids under Ontario's new Fire Code • The new Ontario Fire Code Part 4:
details and implementation schedule. • Part 4 impacts on storage tank management.
• Part4 implications for process safety. • Part4impacts on emergency response planning.
Finii one
Environmental Management Overcoming the obstacles to successful EMS implementation
simpie, quTck,
• Initial and ongoing planning. • Overcoming the obstacles. • Non-conformance & prevention and corrective action.
Auditing within the Environmental Management System • Compliance audits.
W hy purchase a complete IVielering Package?... • Fully assembled and tested
• Internal EMS audits.
• Standardized & economical
• Registration audits.
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Risk Management & Response Spill Prevention for supervisors and managers • Spill prevention. • Planning. • Reporting and alerting. • Assessment.
Spill Prevention for supervisors
• Expert assistance
Packages for any chemical service
and managers • Fate and effects.
• Containment & recovery techniques. • Suddenly there's a spill - what do
you do? 1. Tank oveiTlow.
2. Fire at a chemical storage facility. 3. Truck rollover.
Exhibits and "Best Available
Technologies" sessions Bach registrant also receives FREE access to special lunch-time "Best Avail
able Technologies" sessions designed to showcase advances in environmental
technology, products and services and FREE access to the environmental ex hibit area.
ProMinent is the technological market leader In Chlorine Analyzers and Controllers, Chemical
Metering, Complete Water Treatment Packages, Pumps and Controllers and Engineered Skid Mounted Systems. ProMinent Canada
ProMinent USA
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formation on booth space, please con
Fax 519-836-5226
Tel 412-787-2484
tact Environmental Science & Engineer ing at 1-888-254-8769,(905)727-4666, Fax:(905) 841-7271.
For conference registration or for in
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Fax 412-787-0704
For more information, circle reply card No. 106 (See page 25)
Spring Conference Preview
Americana '99
March 24-26,1999, Montreal, QC
•Environmental Mgmt.and Norms • Contaminated Site Management - Remediation of Inorganic Contami
Some 400 exhibitors will participate in
- Drinking Water Norms
nants in Soil and Groundwater
Americana '99.
- Private Operation of Water Works in
- Biobarriers, Reactive Barriers
SESSION TOPICS: • Environmental Geomatics
North America
- Risk Analysis
- Reseai'ch and Development - Quality of Drinking Water
- Understanding Climatic Change
• Wastewater
- Review of the Situation and Global
- Industrial Waste Reduction Program - Municipal Water Treatment - Agriculture and the Environment •International Einancing
- Emission Limits and Permit Trading • Drinking Water
- Brownfields
• Solid Waste
- Technological Solutions and Special Waste Management - Reclamation of Waste Matter
- Managing/Designing Sanitary Landfill Sites with the Arrival of the Year 2000
•Environmental Biotechnology - Biotechnology's Contribution to Res toration
- Biorecovery and Biovalorization
•International Markets
- Business Opportunities - Opportunities in the Middle East • Canadian Technologies - Canadian Environment and Energy Technology Showcase •Environment and Economy - Foreign Policy & Sustainable Dev. Contact RESEAU Environnement,
Tel: (514) 270-7110, Fax: (514) 2707154, E-mail: info@americana.org
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For more information, circle reply card No. 131 (See page 25)
For more information, circle reply card No. 132
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omm Gaordie Qautd, Barry Orr Seated: Gary Burrows
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"lO'e Informatfon, circle reply oarrrrr™"""" ep,y card No. 107 rSee na, nartA Of\
Spring Conference Preview Wiitcr Environment
Standing Out for the Water Environment
Association of
April 11 to 13,1999 Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto
Ontario A
The Water Environment Asso
ciation of Ontario has set out
to produce the most ambitious conference program in its 28 years of operation. Keynote speaker Mike Duffy, award-winning host of CTV's Sunday Edition, will provide an insider's view of the Canadian political system which governs our lives and pro fessions. There will be a tradeshow put on by the Ontario Pollution Control Equipment Association, the Operations Challenge and a post conference work shop on instrumentation. The technical sessions include:
• Biological nutrient removal and toxicity control. • Managing your utility for the next millennium.
• Industrial wastewater treatment plant process optimization. • Professional Wastewater Operations. •Plant operations in new facilities: ready or not.
Operations Challenge combines the various skills required by modern operators. • Facilities management.
• Sewer use control programs. • New technologies: perfecting the
• Optimizing wastewater treatment Continued overleaf
Anaerobic Digesters
Circular Clarifiers
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For more information, circle reply card No. 108 (See page 25)
Also exclusive supplier of the famous DORR-OLIVER
ODS Diaphragm PUMP
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
:w::E3o.i '■■ 'fy
It offers proven technology with over 100 existing municipal and industrial applications. The MASKO-ZOLL system is available in sizes to process waste water
• Simple operation and minimal
from small towns to cities.
• Decreased footprint
Key Features Include:
• Easy to retrofit to waste water headworks
• Grit removal, solids removal and
• Extremely low energy requirements
dewatering • Primary clarification • Not affected by hydraulic shock, toxic materials or temperature
• No odour or spillage
• Constructed of acid resistant stainless steel
• Reduced complexity and cost of sludge treatment
I liJimHH
For more information, circle reply card No. 109 (See paqe 25)
Spring Conference Preview
BC Water & Waste Association 27th Annual Conference Vernon, BC - April 25 - 28,1999
This conference takes place at the Best Western Vernon
Lodge. The conference theme is Meeting Our Fiscal and Environmental Challenges. Conference papers include: Monday,April 26 Drinking Water Treatment Technology • Open Basin Pilot Testing of a Large Surface Water Source - Black Mountain
Irrigation District, Kelowna, BC. • Ozone for Water Treatment.
• Development of Membrane Water Treatment in BC.
• Microfiltration in Response to the Threat of Giardia and Ciyptosporidium. Wastewater Collection
• Use of I & I Bug Type Flow Monitor ing Devices. • Linking GIS to Sanitary Sewer Mod elling: The Next Step in Infrastructure Planning. • Odour Control in Wastewater Collec
tion Systems Using Sodium Nitrate Solution.
• Huntington Trunk Sewer Tunnel. Innovative Technology • A New Pollution Prevention Approach
in BC - Municipal Applications. • Practical Experiences from Phasing in the New Cogeneration System at lona. • Onsite Product Performance Stand
ards: A Time of Change. • A Free-Water Surface Constructed
Scene from last year's exciting Operators Safety Competition which will again be a feature in this year's conference in Vernon, BC. ES&E photo - Penny Davey Tertiary Wastewater Treatment, and Low Flow Stream Augmentation. Operations Issues • Cross Connection Control I - Getting Your Program in Place! • Cross Connection Control II - New
Plumbing Code Changes. • Management Techniques for the FirstLine Supervisor. • City of Vancouver's Hydroscope Pilot Project. Ttiesday,April 27 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
Wetland for Stormwater Management, • District of North Cowichan, Chemai-
Standing Outfor the Water Environment, cont'd,from page 14 plants to improve performance and reduce operating costs.
• Biosolids and organic wastes: management.
• Municipal pollution prevention for stormwater and CSOs.
• Research topics. • WWTPs- capital/design optimization.
• Getting to market- biosolids/organic residual processing. • Collection systems - keeping them flowing. Fears about the legal liabilities of
Y2K will be explored in two highly topical papers. The winning Operations Challenge teams will go on to compete at the 16
nus and Crofton Wastewater Treatment Facilities.
• Biosolids Management Through In strumentation.
• Overcoming Construction Challenges of the Bazan Bay Marine Outfall. • UV Disinfection: The Relationship Between Effluent Quality Criteria and Disinfection Criteria.
...later events include a trip to the Lone Pine Ranch, a trip to Heritage Cabin, line dance instructions, western activities, a Western Night and, ofcourse, the annual banquet.
annual Water Environment Federation
Conference later this year in New Orleans. There is also a second less serious
event when consulting engineers and suppliers are pitted against each other in a 'fun' challenge. The two day Guest Program will in clude trips to the National Ballet
Technology transfer seminars on
April 28 will cover 'Municipal Insights into Trenchless Technology' and 'BC's New Municipal Sewage Regulations'. There will be equipment displays, wine tasting, tours and youth participation. The Partner's Program starts Sunday,
scenes tour, the financial district,
April 25 at 1:15 p.m. with a Golf Tour nament at the Preditor Ridge Golf Re sort. At 7:30 p.m., there is a Meet and
Chinatown, Kensington Market, little Italy, Greektown and the colourful
Greet event at the Vernon Curling Rink hosted by manufacturers, suppliers and
Harbourfront area, renowned as a cul
tural centre for drama, crafts, poetry readings, sailing amenities and many
Other later events include a trip to the Lone Pine Ranch, a trip to Heritage
School for an exclusive behind the
other attractions.
Cabin, line dance instructions, western
Delegates can start the conference with the Sunday Evening Icebreaker.
activities, a Western Night and, of course, the annual banquet. Eor registration information, contact
Eurther conference details from
Sandy Pickett, Fax:(416)502-1786.
the BCWWA,Tel:(604)540-0111,Fax: (604)540-4077.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Spring Conference Preview
OWWA/OMWA 1999 Joint Annual Conference
"Our Water - Our Future"
May 16-19, 1999• Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa
Afterseveral years ofunprec
edented change, the one as surance drinking water treat
impact of Bill 35 on water utilities in Qntario, as case studies of restructuring
shooting, rehabilitation, optimization, source protection policy and provincial
are examined. Qther concurrent ses
ment leaders have is that
sions will include the Research Forum
This conference combines technical
change will continue in the water indus try. The security once enjoyed in pro fessional organizations has been shattered by global realities and the need to become more competitive. In the wake of all this change,the water industry still has to as sure delivery ofdrinking water ofunques tionable quality and sufficient quantity.
and a Distribution Session providing advice on new techniques for today's managers and operators. The second day starts off with the Early Bird Session, in which past suc cesses are contemplated,just before we launch into the future with 'Operating In The New Millennium', the Plenary Session topic. The Tuesday afternoon concurrent
content with the opportunities to net work with peers in the water industry. Social activities include the Sunday evening Meet and Greet, the Monday night Charity Casino, the Tuesday evening banquet, and the Wednesday tours and golf outing. This conference gives you unprec edented exposure to all the latest issues facing our water industry as we prepai-e
sessions feature OWWA/QMWA's first
for the next millennium.
Water Efficiency Session which will demonstrate how cost savings accrue
Monday, May 17 Conference Opening Keynote address: Dr. Jerry Schubel, President, New England Aquarium.
The Consultants Meet and Greet on
Sunday evening, May 15, is a prelude to the largest provincial drinking water con ference in Canada, put on by the Ontario Waterworks Association and the Ontario
Municipal Water Association. On Monday, keynote speaker Dr. Jerry Schubel, a noted visionary, will predict the future of our dwindling water supply. Rod Holme,President of
even after the revenue is lost from re
AWWA, will focus on the future direc
ducing billings; the Treatment and Small Systems Session which will deal with taste and odour control, filtration opti mization and Cryptosporidium treat ment options; and the Groundwater and
tion of the industry. The OMWA Session will explore the
look at the total spectrum of trouble
Source Protection Session which will
Session A - OMWA
• Who will control your Public Water Authority in the new Millennium? • Bill 35 Electricity Competition Act: Implications for Water Utilities. Continued overleaf
Air & Waste
Management Association - Ontario
Section Spring Conference
Process Measurement Control & Environmental Instrumentation
Measurement Instruments
Water Quality Instrumentation
New Rules or No Rules
Air Quality - Regulations, Technology and Legislation in Ontario May 5 - 7,1999 Osgoode Hall Law School York University, Toronto, Ontario Topics will include: • New Approaches to Air Quality Control • Public Education and the Environment
•Area Velocity Flow • Insertion Electromagnetic and Doppler Flow •Thermal Dispersion Mass Flow
•Dissolved Oxygen •Total Suspended Solids
•Ultrasonic Level
• pH Monitoring & Control
•Temperature and Pressure • Fixed and Portable Gas Monitoring
• Residual Chlorine
•Interface Level Monitoring
• Environmental Risk Assessment
• Atmospheric Chemistry • Air Quality Modelling • Control Systems • Monitoring There will also be exhibits and poster
•Waste Water - Portable and Stationary •Sludge •Gas (Sampling Pumps)
1045 South Service Road West, Oakvilie, Ontario, L6L6K3
sessions. For more information contact: Jean-
Yves Urbain, Tel:(416) 445-7022, ext.
• System Solutions •Commissioning and Start-Up
Tel.:(905)847-2740- Fax:(905)827-6984 E-mail: controls@cancoppas.com - URL: http://www.cancoppas.com
2283, or E-mail: "jyurbain@pandr.com Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
For more information, circie reply card No. 133 (See page 25)
Spring Conference Preview •Backwashing and Temperature Effects on Biological Filters. • Utility Restructuring: Chatham-Kent, • Water Demand Forecasting Using Ar tificial Neural Networks. Case Study 1. • Utility Restructuring: Kingston, Case • Characterization of Water Quality Modeling Issues in Water Distribution Study 2. Systems. Session B - Distribution • Water Purveyors Guide to Ontario • Effect of Medium Pressure UV and Plumbing Code. UV/H,0 on Subsequent THM and HAA • Reducing Distribution Losses Using Formation During Drinking Water •AMO Perception ofPublic Water Utili
• Overview of Tastes & Odours in On
tario Drinking Water Supplies. • Utility Response to Water Quality Regulations(A US perspective). Session E - Groundwater and Source Protection
•Implementing Groundwater Protection Policy.
• Rehab and Optimization of Ingersoll
Flow Modulation.
Municipal Well System. •Troubleshooting Well and Pump Main
•Cathodic Protection Program-Region of Ottawa-Carleton Experience.
Tuesday,May 18 - Early Bird Session • Digging Back Into The Future - The
• Groundwater Initiatives of the Prov
• Recent Research Activities on Buried
History of the Waterworks Industry in
ince of Ontario.
Utilities at the National Research Coun
cil of Canada.
Plenary Session • Operating In The New Millennium.
Session C - Research Forum
tenance Issues.
Session F - Water Efficiency
• Capital Expenditure Savings Result ing From A Water Conservation Pro gram in a small Ontario Community. • Dealing with the Revenue Loss Impli
• Factors Affecting the Inactivation of Microbial Surrogates for Giardia and Cryptosporidium when Disinfecting
• Our Structure - Governance Models
with Chlorine Dioxide.
•Simulation of a Weighted Flocculation Process Using a Modified Jar Test Pro
• Our People- Giving them the Tools to do the job. • Our Customers-Unquestionable serv ice delivery.
cations of Water Conservation Programs. • Results of the Water Efficiency Moni toring Charrette. • Economic Savings as a result of a Water Conservation Program. Wednesday, May 19
Session D - Treatment and
- Lemieux Island Filtration Plant/ Fleet
for Ontario's Water Utilities.
• Our Business-A camel or a thorough
• Evaluating Corrosion Control Strate gies to Improve Water Quality in the Halifax Regional Distribution System. •Application of Neural Networks to the Modeling of Water Treatment Particu-
Small Systems • Optimization of Filtration Processes. • Treatment Options for Cryptospori
- Museum of Civilization.
late Removal Processes.
(416) 252-7060, Fax:(416) 252-3908.
Street Pumping Station. For more information: OWWA,Tel:
Effective Sludge Level Detection and Control Through BinMlnder 93fl0^
€L1 Great Lakes
.Mucnclic inductive flowmeters Clanfier and
Thickener Applications Sceeittlsili OfiriKl I*:
D61 Aulyz
S440D Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
It's a Blast!
Entech Doslan.Irni. .
Raco Verbatim... The best
It's a Blast!... GLi's Model D63
BinMlnder 9300™ Sludge
thing between you and your re
Analyzer/5440D Dissolved Oxy gen Sensor is the most ad vanced D.O. system available. Adding the self-contained airblast cleaning system makes it the best performing, low main tenance membrane system ever. Simple menus guide the operatorthrough start-up, cali bration and operation. Circle reply card No. 238
Level Detection and Control...
mote facilities. This brochure
describes an automatic dialing/ remote monitoring system that will contact a series of prepro grammed telephone numbers with a voice message when any of the 96 alarms connected to
the system is tripped. Circle reply card No. 237
BinMlnder 9300™ is ideal for:
Magnetic Inductive Flowmeters... The Aquafiux 470 Electromagnetic Flowmeter from Krohne provides high measuring accuracy and stabil ity. Every 470 Flowmeter is cali brated exactly in one of the
Primary & secondary ciarifiers; tanks; stationary & traveling bridge; gravity & DAF thicken
tion facilities. Supplied ready for operation and ISO 9001 cer
ers; reactor ciarifiers.
Superior signal processing and control features provide maxi mum performance in water and wastewater applications. The
Circle reply card No. 240
Summa Engineering Limited
Summa Enterprises
6423 Northam Drive
Place Grilli, 3539 Blvd. St. Charles, #350 Kirkland, Quebec H9H 5B9
Mississauga, Ontario L4V1J2 Tel: (905) 678-3388, Fax:(905) 678-0444 18
Circle reply card No. 239
world's most accurate calibra
Tel: (514) 591-5748, Fax:(450) 455-3587 Environmental Scieitce & Engineering, March 1999
Spring Conference Preview
North American No-Dig '99 "Explore The World Of Trenchless Technology"
May 23-26,1999
• Rehabilitating Pipelines. • Designing No Dig Projects. • Designing and Application of Pipe Technologies.
Orange County Convention Centre, Criando, Florida
The North American Society
Social events will include an Ever
glades adventure evening and a golf
for Trenchless Technology
p.m. in the exhibit hall for the first look at state-of-the-art trenchless technology
(NASTT) will host its annual
For conference registration informa tion, contact: Prestige Accommodations, Tel: I-800-32I-6338, (949) 752-7866, Fax:(949)752-7444. Eor exhibit booth
No Dig Conference and Exhi bition May 23-26,1999. NASTT is the
Equipment and trenchless technology processes, displayed and discussed at the
only organization in North America spe cifically and exclusively dedicated to the science and practice of trenchless tech
Exhibition, will come to life on Wednes
information, contact: Trade Associates
day, May 26. Eield demonstrations will
Inc., Tel: 1-800-960-2242 x230,(301) 468-3210 x230. Fax:(301)468-3662.
nology. In the technical sessions,indus try leaders will present the results of in novative trenchless technology research and developments. There will be op portunities to: • Network and exchange ideas on ad vanced technologies and benefits; • Learn about innovative products and services; and
• Gain insights into the construction and rehabilitation of underground infrastruc ture without trenching or environmen tal disruption. NASTT and the No Dig exhibitors invite delegates to join them for the libbon cutting on Sunday, May 23, at 4:00
be held at the Orange County Waste Treatment Plant. Complimentary trans portation will be provided to and from
First Canadian Conference
the field demonstration site and to the
on Energy Efficiency May 18-20, 1999
airport in the afternoon. Casual dress is recommended.
Technical sessions will include:
Natural Resources Canada(NRCan)will
• Knowing your Geology and Local
host the fu'st ever Canadian Conference
on Energy Efficiency at the Ottawa Con vention Centre, May 18-20, 1999.
• Inspecting Pipe and Eield Conditions. • Adopting Innovative Equipment and
"This annual conference will take
stock of what Canada has done in the
• Horizontal Directional Drilling Inno
area of energy efficiency and examine how we can improve our overall per formance in the near future", said Ralph
• Maintaining Natural Gas Services. •Applying No Dig Solutions. • Contracting Eor No Dig Services.
Goodale, Natural Resources Minister.
Continued overleaf
The Field Convertible Check Valve. The new Series 317 check valves from Victaullc - provide a new dimension in service and adaptability. Grooved ends reduce the weight of the valve making it faster and easier to install. A closure coupling and cap give you quick
access to the valve for any required maintenance. This AWWA C-508 valve features a clear flow design and offers positive sealing in either a horizontal or vertical position for pressures up to 175 psi. All accessories are designed for direct mounting in the field, Victaulic provides you with a complete valving package for lift stations. Available in four field convertible trim packages. Contact Victaulic for
An ISO wen 9001 cedilied company An
416-675-5575 Fax: 416-675-5729
more information.
©1998 Victaulic Company oi Canada. All rights reserved. Victaulic is a registered trademaik of Victaulic Company of Canada.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
iCtSluliC \A e-mail: victaulicV'Victaullc.com
For more information, circle reply card No. 134 (See page 25)
Spring Conference Preview "It is an important part of our efforts to address climate change and to achieve Canada's commitment under the Kyoto Pro
• Reducing Emissions and Improving Energy Use from
• Improving Transportation Engines, System and Fuels for
The Canadian Conference on Energy Efficiency, under the
auspices of the Office of Energy Efficiency(GEE), will bring together world-renowned public and private sector partici pants to explore new ways to optimize energy efficiency. The first-ever Canadian National Energy Efficiency Awards will also be presented. Winners must have contrib uted in major and innovative ways to achieve energy effi ciency. Some 50 exhibitors will demonstrate the latest de velopments as well as innovative services and programs tar geted at industry, households and institutions. The GEE assists Canadian industry, business, institutions and households answer the climate change challenge. The Kyoto Protocol calls for Canada to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 6% from 1990 levels by the period spanning
Flare Gases. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions.
• Biomass in Canada's Energy Mix.
Plenary sessions will address the status of Canada's ef forts to meet its Kyoto commitments as well as technology policies and priorities, market drivers for greenhouse gas re duction, and emission trading. For more information contact the CC '99 Coordinator at:
Tel:(613)236-6222, Fax:(613) 236-6850.
DynaSand" Filter
2008 to 2012.
For more information contact: Pierre D'Amour at E-mail:
pdamour@marcon.qc.ca, Emmanuelle Gehin at E-mail: egehin@marcon.qc.ca or Fax:(514) 875-7505.
For over 19 years, both municipalities and industry have chosen Parkson's
DynaSand Filter over ail other filters. It's a clear
Combustion Canada '99
favourite due to its iack
of moving parts, ability to handle plant upsets, and low levels of operator attention and maintenance required,
Combustion and Global Climate Change, Canada's Challenges and Solutions May 26-28,1999
Parkson has the process know-how and experienced staff to support your
Telus Convention Centre, Calgary, Alberta Leading experts from Canada and abroad will present new and innovative concepts and technologies that will have a significant impact on reducing harmful emissions from fossil
filtration needs. We're the world leader in continuous-
fuel combustion. Some of the themes that will be examined
cleaning sand filtration technology, with over
4,000 North American
• Market and Technology Assessment for Greenhouse Gas
instaiiations. Call us.
• How Electric Utilities Can Succeed in the Climate Change Challenge.
PARKSON CORPORATION Represented in Canada by Axel Johnson (Canada) Inc. and its representatives 9050 Ryan Avenue, Dorvai, QC HOP 2M8 Telephone 514-636-8712 Fax 514-636-9718 E-Mail: parksoncanada@compuserve.com
• Industrial Combustion and Greenhouse Gases: the
Consequences and the Challenges. • More Efficient Residential and Commercial Combustion
Systems. • New Inroads into CG,Capture and Sequestration. • The District Energy Solution and Climate Protection.
For more information, circle reply card No. 135 (See page 25)
ONE source for the regulatory information you need
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New Folio Views Software be ginning May
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For more Information call
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For more information, circle reply card No. 136 (See page 25)
Services Available
Environmental Science cfe Engineering, March 1999
ABB Water Meters is the first to offer low lead metering products that better protect consumers. In response to the Safe Drinking Water Act, ABB has introduced the first bronze water meter to pass the NSF 6l standards, which prevents the leaching of indirect additives into the nation's drinking water, providing consumers with a water meter that is virtually lead free! In addition to being safer for the consumer, the new low lead meter also carries the
ABB Water Meters, Inc. Your Natural Resource
ABB reputation for dependabihty and engineering excellence. It offers the industry's longest and broadest warranty of 25 years. When you need a steady supply of consumerfriendly metering products, turn to your natural resource - ABB Water Meters, Inc.
Ji IIII Toll Free: 800-670-5368
Telephone: 905-238-9622
Fax: 905-238-5640
1200 Aerowood Drive, Unit 35, Mississagua, Ontario, Canada L4W2S7
For more information, circle reply card No. 137(See page 25)
Collection Systems
Pressure sewers and grinder pumps Despite their widespread application, there are situations where gravity sewers cannot be used, or may not be the best option
Canadian communities not on septic tanks typically have their sanitary effluent col lected by a gravity sewer sys
tem. Lift stations and forcemains trans
port this effluent to a treatment plant. But despite their widespread apphcation, there are situations where gravity sew ers cannot be used, or may not be the best option. This includes locations
house, the various plumbing fixtures connect to a 113 mm (4.5 inch) outside diameter drain, waste and vent pipe which exits the basement below the frost
line. This pipe discharges into the tank of the grinder pump station (Figure 1). The pump is located in the tank, and op erates on level control. Only the top of the station is visible above grade, creat ing an unobtrusive profile that can be
where: - New residential lots cannot be
serviced without lowering an existing gravity system. - A new development is pro posed beyond existing gravity sewers, but is too small to af ford a full size lift station.
- The water table is high, as in
(2 inch to 4 inch). Because the liquid is being moved by pressure differential instead of elevation differential, it does
not require any particular slope and can be buried just below the frost line. The development of"trenchless" excavation, or directional drilling has dramatically increased the speed and decreased the cost of installation.
Hydraulically, the pressure sewer piping is laid out as a multibranch system without loops. If you look at your hand, your fin gers may be compared to the branches of a grinder pump sys tem. They join at your hand, which may be compared to the forcemain transporting the out put of all the grinder pumps to
lakefront or island communi
Demonstration projects and years of field experience have
- The excavation required for a gravity sewer would be difficult or costly, because of unstable
verified a mathematical model
or, at a park or campsite, a se
which predicts how many grinder pumps will be operat ing in the system at any time. This has been incorporated by the manufacturer we represent,
ries of remote washrooms must
Environment One, into a com
be economically connected to form a sewer system. - The residences provide only seasonal occupancy.
puter program which can model any piping layout. The program
formations, bedrock at the sur
face or hilly teiTain. - The residences ai^e scattered;
calculates the friction head based
on the predicted number of operating pumps and adds the static head. This yields the dis charge pressure required at each
- The area to be serviced is ex
tremely flat, with no visible grade. Canada has an established
population of pressure sewers and grinder pumps. These in
This grinder pump's profile makes it inconspicuous in resi
stallations came about to address one or
more of the design issues mentioned above. Some sites are approaching twenty years in age. They have excel lent operating records, and new units are being added regularly. A review of Ontario locations shows that both the
North and South are well represented. A typical system Let us take a look at a typical pres sure sewer system. Beginning at the
By Richard Jacobs P. Eng. John Brooks Company Mississauga, Ontario
readily disguised. Once the sewage leaves the grinder pump station, it enters a section of pip ing known in the trade as a "lateral" which is typically 31 mm (1-1/4 inch), to provide a non-settling transport velocity of at least 0.6 m/s(2 feet/sec).
The pumps are the positive displacement type, rated for continuous operation at any pressure between a negative and 42m(60 psig or 138 feet). (This is important; centrifu gal pumps would respectively run out and shut off under these conditions.) Typical pipe would be polyvinyl chlo ride or high density polyethylene mate
A redundant check valve and isolation
rial in standard dimension ratio 11 or
valve with extension handle in a protec tive tube known as a "curb stop" must be provided. From the lateral, the sewage enters the pressure sewer, which is much smaller than a typical gravity sewer. The common size range is 50 mm to 100 mm
13.5 wall thickness. A total piping length of 3 to 4 kilometres (2 to 2-1/2 miles) is achievable. The successful operation of grinder pumps in treatment plants of most types has been documented,including aerated lagoons, activated sludge plants, trick-
dential areas.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
ling filters, rotating biological contac tors and constructed wetlands.
Reduced capital cost of new sewer installations
John Brooks Company retained a consulting engineer to prepare the report Cost Analysis ofGP 2000 Low Pressure Sewer System. Four residential devel opments constnacted with gravity sew
mined by the calcula tion (350 1/day per person) x (3 persons per residence) x (16 residences) = 16,800
litres/day. Infiltration is estimated from the formula I = 0.283 x D
X L, where I = infiltra
ers were examined to determine if
tion, D = the pipe di
grinder pumps would have been a real
ameter = 200 mm
istic alternative. One of these (Case D
and L = the pipe length
in the report) was a 12 lot project where
= 230 m.From this the
a lift station was installed. The com
infiltration flow is
parative costs were:
13,000 litres/day, which is 77 percent of the sanitaiy flow, or 44 percent of the com
Lift Station and Gravity Sewer Cost for 12 Lots Cost Per Lot
$144,100.00 $12,008.00
bined flow.
Pressure Sewer Cost
for 12 Lots Cost Per Lot
Figure 1
The infiltration al
$75,900.00 $6,325.00
The cost of the pressure sewer sys tem is only 53 percent of the cost of the gravity system. The report concludes that any small development where a lift station is required will find pressure sew ers and grinder pumps to be a very costeffective alternative. Other projects we are involved with support this finding. Elimination of infiltration
Another development studied in the report(Case A)turned out to be an illu minating study of infiltration, which is defined as surface runoff which enters
the sewer system. This is a completed project, so the infiltration allowance was the one used in design. Consider a 16 lot subdivision with an
area of 11,000 sq. m (2.7 acre), serviced by a gravity sewer 200 mm (8 inch) in diameter and 230 m (759 feet) long. Sanitary effluent production is deter-
lowance almost doubles the design flow, with a predictable effect on capital and operating costs. But a grinder pump sys tem does not need this allowance. It is a
closed system and surface runoff cannot enter it. The writer has observed flowmeter
readings at the outlet of a pressure sewer system where it discharges into the grav ity system of a neighbouring commu nity (where the treatment plant is lo cated). The flowmeter was installed for
billing puiposes. During a half hour pe riod in January, on a warm day when snow melt would be expected, the flow was clearly in the range of 0.9 to 1.6 1/s (14.2 to 25.4 US gpm). This was for 150 connected residences at 3:00 to 3:30 in the afternoon.
Other issues
In Ontario, the Ministry of Environ ment issues Certificates of Authoriza
tion to permit construction of new sew-
age works. They recognize the neces sity for pressure systems, and design re quirements are found in the "Adverse Conditions" section of their publication Guidelines For The Design ofSanitary Sewage Sy.stems. Grinder pumps may be installed close to houses on private property, and be come part of the homes. People are wary of a technology that is new to them, and need to be informed ahead of time when
a retrofit project is proposed for their area - for instance, if a pressure sewer is proposed to replace failing septic tanks. Some jurisdictions wisely reduce the sewage surcharge to compensate the homeowner for what can be perceived as a potential inconvenience and expense. A key issue is whether the unit is re liable. But with 100,000 installations in North America,the service record for
Environment One grinder pumps has been tracked. The average residential user can expect a life of 9-10 years be fore the first service call, and units oc
People are wary of a technology that is new to them, and need to be in formed ahead of time when a retrofit
project is proposed for their area - for instance, if a pressure sewer is pro posed to replace failing septic tanks.
casionally last as long as 17 years. Serv ice is not expensive, especially when di vided by the number of years of opera tion. One owner has hidden the grinder pump under a planter on his patio. The unit has been in place since 1990 and has not required any attention. Acknowledgements 1. Roberts, C.R., (1997) Cost Analysis of GP 2000 Low Pressure Sewer Sys tem. Report by: McElhanney Engineer ing Services, Surrey, BO. 2. information received from W. Horkey, President, Pumps & Systems inc.. Thun der Bay, Ontario. For more information,
circle reply card No. 110
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Restoring Winnipeg's iifeiine New lease on life for Shoal Lake Aqueduct
Since 1919, the City of Winni
peg has secured its drinking water from Shoal Lake,located
approximately 155 km east of the city at the Manitoba-Ontario border, through a pipeline system known as the Shoal Lake Aqueduct(Aqueduct). The Aqueduct is constructed of unreinforced cast-in-place concrete over most of its length. The cross-section of the Aqueduct is primarily a horseshoeshaped arch that varies in size depend ing on the Aqueduct's slope, with a typi cal height of about 2.1 metres. As expected,the structure has gradu ally deteriorated over its service life. First, the CG&S and UMA Engineering Ltd. project team conducted an exten sive program for the City of Winnipeg to assess the Aqueduct's condition and determine the necessary rehabilitation measures to extend the operational life for another 50 years. Following the as sessment, the repair work began. The repair program focused on strat egies for rehabilitating defective Aque duct sections identified in the condition-
assessment program. The primary fo cus was on achieving long-term struc tural stability and minimizing water exfiltration and infdtration. Exfiltration
in particular promotes deterioration from sulphate attack, swelling clay pres sures,ice lenses,and freeze-thaw cycles.
Repair work was carried out from 1994 to the fall of 1998, and involved
ballasting, internal, and external repairs.
By Andrew Philip & Don Grandy CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited
Injecting an arch crack. 24
Further repair work is planned for the winter of 1998 and beyond. Ballasting repairs The potential for floatation, or buoy ancy, is greatest when the Aqueduct is dewatered for inspec tions and repairs. The buoyancy assessment program determined where buoyancy prob lems existed along the Aqueduct and recom Placing ballast material on the top of the Aqueduct. mended appropriate remedial measures. Investigation re been repaired. Repairs consist prima vealed that the most economical and rily of injecting cracks and construction practical way to address the buoyancy joints in the arch and invert slab with a problem was to install a gravel ballast flexible polyurethane resin. Other less layer on top of the Aqueduct. critical internal repairs will be carried Most of these repairs were near the out in other stretches in future years. Manitoba-Ontario border where the External repairs groundwater level is typically above the Locations exhibiting severe arch top of the Aqueduct. cracking with distortions and locations One of three critical areas was bal where the arch walls were severely dete lasted during the 1997-98 winter months, riorated from sulphate attack were iden with work wrapping upjust before spring tified for strengthening. All of the criti thaw. The contractor met the challenges cal areas - just less than 1.7 km of the of winter work by constracting a winter Aqueduct - have been strengthened by road over the bogs and swamps. The re applying an external reinforced shotcrete maining two areas are scheduled for com shell over the existing deteriorated arch. pletion over the next two winters. Following the installation ofintemal shor ing and bracing,deteriorated concrete was Internal repairs Internal repairs were designed to removed using high-pressure water blast ing equipment. Once sound concrete was minimize water exfiltration and infiltra exposed, a reinforcing steel cage was in tion. The 15-km stretch initially identi fied as the most critical and in need of stalled and the shotcreting was completed. For more information, restoration (because of extensive longi circle reply card No. 138 tudinal cracking and faulty joints) has
Shotcreting the external shell. Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Ad Index
Page Reader Service No.
Page Reader Service No.
ABB Water Meters, Inc
Industrial Scientific
ABS Action Carbon-Chem
56 56
115 120
Insitu Contractors
ITT Flygt
KMK Consultants
Aquablast Aquarius Aquatic Science
56 34 42
116 172 308
MakLoc Buildings Inc
Make\way Plastics
Bovar Waste Mgmt
78 79
CH2M Gore & Storrie
Centennial Concrete
Ozonia Parkson
9 20
105 135
Colgate-Palmolive Coigate-Palmolive Consulting Engineers
43 35
157 200-201
Philip Utilities
P.V. Anderson
Sonic Soil Sampling
Davis Controls
Denso Derrick
59 12
163 131
Trans-Cycle Industries
US Filter
Fabricated Plastics Frontenac
44 60
126 164
Waterloo Barrier
Western Water
Zenon Env.
166 109 101
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March 1999
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
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Air Pollution Report
Air pollution market expands worldwide Utilities spend $12 biiiion operating electrostatic precipitators
Ninety-five percent of the
World Precipitator Sales 1999
2,000 coal-fired power plants around the globe em ploy electrostatic precipi tators for particulate air pollution con trol. The total annual cost is more than
(US)$12 billion. According to a new Mcllvaine report, Electrostatic Precipitator World Mar kets 1999-2004, the largest precipitator market segment is power, followed by the pulp and paper industry and cement. Metals and mining are in fourth place. The fifth largest segment is the chemi cal industry which uses both wet and dry precipitators for acid mist and other pol lutants. Two rapidly growing segments are wood particle driers and paintfin ishing facilities. A large new use of wet
precipitators is to reduce SO,and heavy metals emitted from power plant stacks. The huge annual cost translates into profitable and substantial business for 400 companies supplying parts and seiwices such as plate straightening, electrode replacement, mechanical contracting, emissions testing, consulting, rappers, dust valves, electronics, and insulators.
New precipitator system sales will exceed $1.3 billion in 1999. The larg est suppliers are ABB, Lurgi, FLS, and Mitsubishi. Several Chinese companies have made their way into the top 10. There has been tremendous change in the industry in the last two decades. Two of the historical leaders. Research
Cottrell and Joy Western Precipitation, are now part of other companies. Innovative wet precipitator designs have boosted sales for a number of new
entrants to the precipitator industry. Therefore, despite considerable consoli dation at the top, the number of precipi tator companies around the world has actually increased. The new companies are, for the most part, focusing on tech nology or applications on a worldwide basis, whereas the consolidation is
eliminating regional suppliers. Conse quently, there is a continuing globaliza-
tion of the industry. Many precipitators in the US are old and inefficient. They will need to be rehabilitated and their efficiency im proved to meet tougher emission stand ards. Higher reliability requirements will be demanded in the future deregu lated power industry. Large expendi tures for flue gas conditioning systems and for replacement of internals will be needed.
The top purchasing countries will be China and the US, but there will be ex
penditures in 80 countries and regions. Recovery boiler precipitators will be purchased in Indonesia. Cement pre cipitators will be purchased in Vietnam, and copper smelter precipitators in Chile. India, Turkey, and Poland will increase precipitator expenditures at greater than 7% per annum over the next five years.
The huge annual cost translates into profitable and substantial business for 400 companies.... 26
Reaching purchasers will be difficult for suppliers since much of the expendi ture is in developing countries. This is illustrated by the relationship between Gross National Product and precipitator market potential. The higher the ratio, the higher are precipitator purchases per unit of GNP; China Taiwan
So, in France where the GNP is four
times higher than Taiwan, the precipi tator purchases are less than 10% of those in Taiwan.
Electrostatic Precipitator World Markets 1999-2004, is a three-volume,
1,300 page report accompanied by a computer disk which provides the op portunity to expand the 30,000 forecasts in the report to include specific subcategories in each of 80 countries and regions. For more information, contact: The
Mcllvaine Company, 2970 Maria Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062, Fax: (847) 272-9673.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update
Environmental compliance In late November 1998, the Ontario MOE introduced the
Enhanced Environmental Compliance Bill. The proposed amendments will increase penalties for polluting to four or five times the cun^ent levels, allow the ministry to hold on to seized equipment once a conviction is registered, increase the incidents where jail terms can be ordered, and order con victed polluters to make restitution for the environmental damage they have caused. In short, would-be polluters are
New Dimensions
for Environment
on notice.
Environment Minister, Nomi Sterling said:"The dry clean ing associations are interested in working to improve the en vironmental performance of their industry. Three dry clean ing companies - Davlin, Einchdale and Careful - are past recipients of our Pollution Prevention Award,and, barely one year in existence, our battery recycling program has several hundred retailers actively participating. "We have introduced the Smog Program and Drive Clean. But we have also recently been successful in working with the federal government to set stringent national standai^ds to re duce sulphur levels in gasoline. Lowering sulphur emissions will result in major improvements to Ontai'io's air quality. The next phase of our efforts will be to work with our US counter parts to ensure that similai" standards are adopted. "We will also develop emission performance standards for all generators wishing to sell in the Ontario electricity mar ket. Our objective is to ensure consistency with our US coun terparts and I will be raising this matter in an upcoming meet ing with senior environment officials in Massachusetts, Con
Waste Water and
Waste Disposal.
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Waste Disposal: Water, Sewage, Refuse and
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With over 1,700 exhibitors fr countries, IFAT offers the worl
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For more information, circle reply card No. Ill (See page 25)
and environmental technoloc
For more Information, circle reply card No. 112 (See page 25)
Biogas Utilization
Can boilers help meet air pollution regs In wastewater treatment? - Part II: Alternative approaches to gas utilization In the January issue of ES&E(page 90), the author discussed the production of methane during wastewater treatment aiong with various incineration options. In Part II, various scenarios are reviewed
inciuding cogeneration.
It has been suggested that boilers can meet the air discharge regula
tions without any special require ments. All plants require heating of different forms in the winter and the difficulties with an incin erator seem to be made worse be
cause of cyclical operation in the winter. Systems have been de signed where boiler use is maxi mized even when there is no'ben eficial' use of heat in the summer. In order to avoid boiler overheat
ing, the systems have been pro vided with air to water heat ex
changers which dissipate heat di rectly to the atmosphere outside
of the buildings. With proper control of sludge feed and heat ing, the operation over 24 hours will maximize the beneficial use
This form of operation has been pro vided to the exclusion of any waste gas burner at some plants. While this ap proach may be practical, the lack of any form of'emergency'burner makes it im possible to fully comply with the B105 Gas Code. Also, it is pretty well essen tial to provide two boilers when one boiler can be justified in a digestion sys tem at a smaller plant. Cogeneration Systems Methane gas has been burned for
engine also provides adequate destruc tion efficiency for the gas. Cogeneration using methane gas has been tried at some plants with differing degrees of success. It has only been since the mid-1980s that parallel elec trical generation was feasible for small systems, and it has been even more re cently that Hydro will pay a reasonable rate to buy power back from a cogenera tion system owner. Digester produced gas is used to drive gas turbines or en gine generators to generate elec trical power, with the latter be ing more realistic on smaller scales. Cost is recovered in two
ways either by simply displacing the equivalent hydro supplied electricity (cogeneration) or by reducing electrical demand costs by reducing the surge loads on hydro supplies (peak shaving). An engine provides approxi mately 35% of the input energy as electrical power and it is diffi cult to justify the low efficiency unless some of the other 'waste'
energy is also recaptured. The two largest heat losses are from the engine block and from the
of the heat in sludge heating and will waste heat only when re muffler. Block heat can be used quired. as a source to heat the sludge and At some plants, beneficial op replace the boilers. Muffler heat eration can be incorporated into exchangers allow for an addi the design in the summer where tional heat capture which may there are large open air water bring the total energy capture to storage tanks such as filters. Liq possibly 60% overall efficiency. uid temperatures are such that hu Radiant heat within the room can midity control can be a problem in these facilities. Dissipation of Close up of open flare burner showing stainless steel be moved around if the engine is located within a larger building surplus heat into the filter area Incinerator and natural gas pilot gas supply. structure. can help to control humidity. beneficial mechanical uses at plants for Difficulties with cogeneration sys Other areas of plants such as under many years. Large methane burning en tems relate to the blending of the sup ground tunnels and galleries can also be gines have been used at the Humber ply and demand requirements for heat cool in the summer and heat can be ab plant in Metro Toronto to operate aera and electricity to plant demands. Sludge sorbed with some benefit. tion blowers for a number of years. In heating and electrical energy production this case the engines do not run electri must pretty well coincide unless the hy By Bob Wiilcocks cal generators but power blowers di dro supply provide a reasonable return Acres and Associated rectly. This defers the need for electri for energy which they buy. An ideal situ Environmental Ltd. ation would be a reverse reading meter This paper was presented at the cal power for the blowers and one ex pects that the system was installed us which allows 100% electrical energy 1998 Conference of the Water ing this approach because it was not cost savings to be recovered when the Environment Association of possible to operate parallel electrical system is running. This allows the en Ontario systems with Hydro until recently. The gine to run when the sludge or other sys-
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Biogas Utilization terns need heat without sacrificing on electricity. New PLC control systems and computers allow much more con trol flexibility than was possible even 10 years ago. As was the case with the use of boiler
heating systems, systems such as the Pickard plant in Ottawa were designed to allow for cogeneration to replace the waste gas burner. A waste gas burner was provided for an interim period to allow for the cogeneration system to be
Alternatives such as the boiler unit heater,
the cogeneration system and the radiant heaters all meet Ministry efficiency requirements while providing for the safe destruction of surplus gas.
High Efficiency Radiant Heaters There have been high efficiency ra diant gas heaters on the market for a few years which have been used where openflame burners would not be appropriate. An example is in poultry barns where dust would create serious problems for an open flame burner. Very recently a manufacturer of these 'chicken barn'
heaters adapted them for digester pro duced methane and these have been in stalled at the Hamilton Woodward
Avenue plant in Ontario, to dissipate all excess digester produced gas into a nearby water plant filter gallery. Gas is piped to the water plant and is used to heat the gallery and to control humidity in the summer and winter.
It is understood that this approach was taken instead of providing a large waste gas incinerator installation at this facility. It makes more sense for ben eficial re-use than to waste the energy and replace it with natural gas or other purchased energy. It has been suggested that the cost of these units would allow
them to be used in other wastewater
plants to dissipate digester gas at a substantially lower cost,even if they had to be installed outside. Their destruction
which seldom is required. If one looks at the design of the new style open flare, it is fairly obvious that the operating problems of the enclosed flare are not present. If there is some way to improve efficiency, then the en closed flare system is clearly not the best approach. As was noted above, waste gas systems are required by the Code for emergency burning of waste gas. In most cases, the largest volume of gas is burned in the boiler and, with some plan ning and with possibly some additional heat exchangers, all digester gas could be burned in the boilers.
In discussion with the manufacturer
it was pointed out that the destruction efficiency of90% at the design flow rat ing can be increased by slowing the gas flow through the burner flame. A 98% efficiency can be attained if the rate of gas flow is reduced to 10% of the de sign. While this seems to be a signifi cant derating factor, the actual implica tions may not be that significant at a specific plant for a number of reasons as discussed below.
Taking the example plant which gen erates waste gas at a daily volume of
burner could be called upon if a cata strophic failure of the digestion system was imminent.
To summarize the implications in our example plant; • The difference in cost between a 50 mm burner and a 150 mm burner is not
• The 150 mm burner provides 98% de struction efficiency when the rate of gas flow is regulated to 10% of its rating; the system does not have similar oper ating concerns as the enclosed flare which is being replaced. •The cost of the new burner is less than
50% of the cost of a replacement en closed flare. This cost ratio is out of the
normal range because the enclosed flare could reuse the existing high pressure natural gas line and the control panel. For a new installation the cost of the
burner as compared to the enclosed flare would be in the 20-30% range, depend ing on whether or not there is a high pres sure natural gas supply available. The flare requires a high pressure supply. • It is relatively easy to make the neces sary other changes to the system to al low the flare to be retained as an emer
efficiency is high enough to meet Ontario Ministry of the Environment require
2500 mVd, the waste gas burner could be sized at 50 mm. If the diameter is
increased to 150 mm,and the same vol
At the example plant, an amendment to the existing C of A was granted by the Ministry to permit the installation of the new replacement flare. With some common sense, the open flare burner provides a reliable form of emergency burner capacity, meeting
What about the open flare? Alternatives such as the boiler unit
heater, the cogeneration system and the radiant heaters all meet Ministry effi ciency requirements while providing for the safe destruction of surplus gas. Where no other system is provided as a waste gas burner, these systems could not comply with the B105 Code. As soon as a burner is required, there is a requirement for a C of A and the Minis try is looking for their 98% destruction efficiency unless the system is so small than common sense allows them to ac
cept a burner with a 90% efficiency
ume is regulated over the entire day, then the 10% rate is attained and the destruc
tion efficiency increases to 98%. The best part is that the capital cost differ ential may be <$10,000 between the two burner costs and the cost of the burner
package may be 20-30% of the enclosed flare cost. If other changes are made to the system to maximize boiler use, then the burner would be seldom used except possibly for monthly testing. If one is concerned about the real
emergency burner capacity, then a two stage gas regulator system could be pro vided so that the full capacity of the
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
gency burner.
both the MOB and B105 Cas Code re
quirements at a reasonable initial cost. It does not come with the inhei^ent weak
nesses of the enclosed flare systems which still have a role to play in large plants or in landfill applications where continuous burning is required. For more information,
circle reply card No. 113
Product and Service Showcase Oily Water Pump
Oil-Water Separator
Concrete Pipe
Design Manual
The Megator Sliding Shoe Pump is an extremely versatile positive displacement pump for environmental, marine, mining and industrial applications. The pump is self-priming, can operate under dry suc tion and can handle liquids of any vis cosity to a maximum at which pumping is economically feasible. This unique pumping design offers extremely low emulsification of oily/water mixtures.
The TECHNO-SELECT oil-water sepa rator uses a unique and reliable differen tial gravity valve to ensure maintenancefree disposal of separated oils without any trace of water. In most applications, ef fluents under 10 ppm are produced. Made of polypropylene or carbon steel, this OWS handles flow rates from 5 to
Circle reply card No. 245
5,000 GPM. It offers a solid 30-year warranty on the OWS body and coalescent plates. Nortech GSI Inc. Circle reply card No. 246
Environmental drilling
Sludge disposal
Nortech GSI Inc.
The new updated version is available now from the OCPA. This indispensable manual offers the most current
information on the design, manufacture, application and installation of precast concrete drainage systems. Get your FREE copy and read aU about it!
concrete pipe association
llhe oho hoice
of o lifehme
Circle reply card No. 247
Getting the red out with PIpePac
Sonic Soil Sampling Inc. provides envi ronmental drilling services by using proven methods of drilling boreholes that are both versa tile and cost-effec
tive. Utilizing a 2" standard split-spoon sampler,our crews can drill inside and out side buildings and install monitors for water or soil gas. Our crews can also be equipped with portable hollow & solid stem augers. Geotechnical services are also provided using portable SPT units and concrete coring equipment for road & con crete testing. Sonic Soil Sampling Inc. Circle reply card No. 248
Separators & Interceptors for the removal of oil, grease and solids from wastewater
A FluosolidsÂŽ Combustion System is ideal for disposal of most biological wastes, noxious liquid and semi-solid wastes. Fluid-bed reactors offer greater flexibility, fuel economy, lower mainte nance and are more compact than other types of combustion. The system can be used for combustion of refinery wastes, activated sludge, pulping waste and other organic wastes. GL&V Process Equipment Group Circle reply card No. 249
PipePac is a software that has merged 3EB (Three-Edge-Bearing),SAMM (Spangler & Marston Method of pipe design),CAPE (Cost Analysis of Pipe Envelope), and LCA (Life Cycle Analysis). Merging of the programs into one application has resulted in a uniform interface, a single database for each project, simplified use, reduced data entry, minimized errors, and standardized design process. OCPA
Inlet StormceptorÂŽ system
Sedlment/sollds detection
Circle repTy card No. 250
The Inlet Storm
ceptor System employs the same principles of op eration as the well
known In-line in-
terceptors. Developed to treat runoff from an
For the economical treatment of indus trial and commercial wastewater. Treat
ment applications include: industrial facilities; process wastewater; floor washing; parts washing;compressor con densate. Automotive repair shops and food processing/preparation facilities are also available. Proceptor
Circle reply card No. 251 30
area of up to 0.20 ha, the Inlet Stormceptor has inherited the internal by-pass function, ensuring that all sediment and oil removed from storm-
water runoff remains trapped within the storage chamber,even during peak flows. There are cuixently more than 2,500 units in place throughout North America. Stormceptor Canada Inc. Circle reply card No. 252
Based on 32 bit digital signal microproc essor technology and Entech Design's unique filtering and tracking software, BinMinder 9300 offers the very latest in blanket level and sediment level detec
tion. Systems accept one to four sensor inputs for economical continuous moni toring of four vessels by a single proces sor. A full complement of system out puts is onboard, and local operation is handled by means of a membrane switch control panel with full function LCD dis play. Summa Engineering Circle reply card No. 253
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Product and Service Showcase New metering pump
Latest technologies for aggressive chemicals
Two channel controller
new Sigma HK packed-plunger metering pump is capable of ac curately dosing very small quan
ProMinent offers the latest and most cost-
effective materials to handle your corro sive chemicals. Whatever the chemical
is that you need to meter. ProMinent will have a safe and dependable system for you. The piping system will be arranged to keep the required space as compact as possible but will still allow easy mainte nance. ProMinent Fluid Controls
tities of neat
ProMinent Fluid Controls have intro
duced a new 2-channel controller in a sin
high pressures, ranging from 10 ml/lrour at 4640 psi(32 bar), up to a maxi mum flow rate of480 gallons(1575 1/hr) per day. The pump features a special PTFE ring packing with integral selftensioning packing spring, virtually eliminating leakage. Material of con struction
ceramic. ProMinent Fluid Controls
gle housing. It is available with pH/chlorine or pFl/ORP measurement. The unit is custom configurable through an identcode and can be ordered with two limit
relays, proportional pump control outputs and isolated 4-20 mA for each measured
parameter. It also has two digital inputs, one used as a pause function for the con trol action and one to monitor sample water flow. ProMinent Fluid Controls
Circle reply card No. 254
Circle reply card No. 255
Circle reply card No. 256
New calibration/verification module
FX-1000p - chlorine analyzer
Explosion proof pumps
Three important features enable the FXlOOOp to operate with a drift-free signal:
ICE-PIC"" LaiiDration/Verification Mod
a constant buffer solution feed rate; a
ule, designed to quickly verify calibra tion of the company's 1720C and 1720D Process Turbidimeters. Using the com pact. lightweight ICE-PIC Module, op erators can now perform a typical verifi
constant water flow into the cell unit; and
cation in 40 seconds or less. With Hach
process turbidimeters. there is no need to stop or divert sample flow. Hach Company Circle reply card No. 257
in a more accurate reading. The distilled white vinegar buffer solution and .scrub ber balls, work together to keep the cell clean. Cancoppas Circle reply card No. 258
The explosion proof Dia-Vac" pumps are widely used in hazardous atmospheres within the petroleum, refinery, chemical, utility, and pharmaceutical industries. These economical leak-free diaphragm gaseous sampling pumps can be custom designed and built for your specific ap plications. The ADI moisture resistant head is machined with a reduced sealing surface not allowing liquid to interfere with the sealing of the valve disc or pump performance. Cancoppas Circle reply card No. 259
5-[n-1 test strip
New grooved-end AWWA
PlantPROâ&#x201E;˘ Trash Pumps
Hach Company has introduced the new
a gold and copper electrode for chlorine residual measurement. A reliable clean
ing system is also incorporated to keep the electrodes free of dirt, which results
check valve
Hach's newest all-in-one test strip is de signed for fast and dependable on-site testing for five key water quality param eters-Total Chlorine (0-10), Free Chlo rine (0-10), Total Hardness (0-25 gpg or 0-425 ppm)Total Alkalinity (0-240) and pH (6.2 - 8.4 pH). Each test strip allows the user to conduct five important water tests simultaneously in about 60 seconds. In a compact, easy-to-open, plastic con tainer, these strips can accompany you anywhere in the field. Hach Company Circle reply card No. 260
Victaulic's new Series 317 grooved-end AWWA check valve for water and waste-
water services is easily installed with Victaulic grooved couplings, transition couplings or flange adapters; it features a unique coupling-cap assembly that facilitates access for reduced mainte
nance downtime. Used in combination
with the grooved-end Victaulic plug valve, it provides a complete grooved valve package for lift stations. Victaulic Circle reply card No. 261
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
PlantPRO'"''' Trash Pumps offer high quality, premium performance at a price that won't bust your budget! All of our pumps are made of heavy duty cast aluminum with cast iron replaceable wear parts. Both 3" and 4" models are avail able. USABIueBook
Circle reply card No. 262 31
Product and Service Showcase Wedco stormwater catch basin High density polyethylene: Superior resist ance to tnost chemicals and acids, especially road salt. Proven material. Corrosion free.
Life expectancy of 25 years. Flexible Installation: For existing installa tions, pipe can be placed at exact height by using a cradle adapter. Rotating top cone al lows variable positioning of rectangular man hole opening. Rectangular opening is off-cen tre to allow for more precise alignment with
Stormwater management
Canadian enviroOSH
High-capacity, open bottom Cultec Rechargerâ&#x201E;˘ chatTtbers provide
and much higher infiltrative capa bility. Less area
and OSH legisla tion exactly as it appears in origi nal legal sources complete with il
greater storage
and less crushed
lustrations, charts
lower cost. Total height 75", total weight 152 lbs. 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" x 1/8" angled stainless steel reinforcing band for more rigidity, in stalled midway in the cylinder. A four-season testing program was conducted by Quebec City in co-operation with Laval University, Wedco Moulded Products and SETRAInc. Make-Way Plastics Ltd.
stone are required with Recharger stormwater management systems. Recharger HD far exceeds any H-20 wheel load requirement for instal lation under paved, trafficked areas. Cultec chambers effectively serve envi ronmentally sensitive areas while making valuable land available for parking lots, athletic fields and other applications. Make-Way Plastics Ltd.
and high resolu tion graphics. Topics include: environmental protection, workplace health and safety, transport of dangerous goods, workers compensation, WHMIS, etc. National, regional, plus Standards
Circle reply card No. 263
Circle reply card No. 264
Circle reply card No. 265
Bitumen & butyl tape systems
Landfill gas compressors
Pre-packaged sewage lift
the curb or sidewalk.
Lightweight: Does not requre heavy equip ment to tnanoeuvre. Faster installation at a
and WCB collections available on CD-
ROM (using Folio Views) and www. CCOHS
This 6' X 6' above-ground lift station is shipped with pumps, motors, controls, valves and piping all pre-engineered, pre tested and ready for immediate hook-up. The tough fiberglass enclosure is corro
disbonding. Dense North America Inc.
A full complement of Ro-Flo rotary slid ing vane type gas compressors is avail able to suit your specific digester gas handling needs. Offered in single or twostage configurations, these compressors are uniquely designed to provide ex tended operating life while handling a variety of dirty, corrosive gas mixtures. For convenience, the Ro-Flo compressor can be factory equipped. Pencon Equipment Company
blends with its surroundings. The pan els are removable for easy maintenance. Inside, Gorman-Rupp T Series self-priming centrifugal sewage pumps give de pendable performance. Gorman-Rupp Company
Circle reply card No. 266
Circle reply card No. 267
Circle reply card No. 268
ABS expands range of
sewage pumps
Packaged Sewage Pumping System
Denso's bitumen and butyl tapes are cold applied, with excellent adhesion to pipe and self. No special equipment is re quired. They meet AWWA standards and are compatible with common pipe coat ings. Their flexibility provides extra pro tection at vulnerable areas and they pro vide excellent resistance to cathodic
Pumps for use in sewage generally have large solids passages - typi cally 80-100 mm. However, a large solids passage alone
will not
ensure against blockage. The ABS CB (Contra Block) hydraulic sys tem consists of an open single or multiblade impeller which has a waved shearing inlet together with a bottom plate on which a spiral groove is cast. This starts at the centre and runs to the
outside of the bottom plate. ABS Pumps
Circle reply card No. 269
sion, mildew and weather-resistant, and
Surface deten tion/retention of stormwater has been the standard
practice for years. Since
ground space is often scarce and
its value high, un derground con struction is be
coming a more common approach. Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) is used for these facilities. The benefits are low cost, high strength and easy installation. Videos and a work book are available. Armtec
Circle reply card No. 270
Gorman-Rupp's new J Series Packaged Submersible Pumping System places controls and valves above ground in an attractive, vandal-resistant fiberglass en closure. This design permits safe and easy access to controls or valves for main tenance or service. Compact, economi cal design reduces site space require ments by eliminating the need for a sepa rate valve pit. Gorman-Rupp of Canada Circle reply card No. 271
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Product and Service Showcase Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Environmental Management Software
American Sigma recently expanded its impressive line-up of flow meters with the Sigma 970 Permanent Ultrasonic Flow Meter. Highly accurate and reli able, the 970 flow meter is so easy to pro gram it can be done without a manual. The large visual display allows the user to easily determine the system's current status or review a user defined flow his
tory in graphical format. Can-Am Instruments Ltd.
Circle reply card No. 272
Environmental Monitoring
Envista Technologies is a scientific soft ware company with products to address the issues of environmental management. The Envista product provides managers, geoscientists and engineers with a pow erful tool for maintaining and tracking regulatory compliance as well as envi ronmental and geosciences information. Envista creates a corporate data standard and ensures that data is complete and consistent. Envista Technologies Circle reply card No. 273
HS generation & corrosion analysis software available
Controlling hydrogen sulfide problems
U.S. Filter/Davis Process has developed BIOXIDE® as a means to eliminate the
odour,coiTOsion and safety problems as sociated with hydrogen sulfide in sew age. BIOXIDE® achieves sewage odour control naturally, rather than chemically. As a result, it both removes dissolved
hydrogen sulfide and prevents its forma tion. U.S. Filter/Davis Process
Circle reply card No. 274
Conveyor screening belt
Concrete Pipe Association
Aquatic Sciences biological experience ranges from the collection of baseline environmental data to impact assessment, biomonitoring and fisheries studies. Their toxicology lab is presently serving MISA compliance needs. In addition to standard toxicity testing, the laboratory completes advanced toxicity identifica tion evaluations for clients with more
complex effluent streams. Aquatic Sciences
A software program from the American Concrete Pipe Association significantly reduces the time and cost involved in pre dicting hydrogen sulfide generation and its effects on concrete pipe sanitary sew ers. The Hydrogen Sulfide software(HS) also determines outflow sulfide concen
trations and the resulting corrosion rate and life factor. This program is avail able for IBM-compatible systems run ning on a DOS platform. Cost for mem bers is $30, non-members pay $60. AGFA
Circle reply card No. 275
Circle reply card No. 276
the belt to be increased and additional
fluid to be processed. Derrick Corporation
Circle reply card No. 277
Centrifugal Blowers
Fiberglass Tanks
Clemmer Technologies Inc. manufac tures and markets fiberglass tanks from premium resins in both single and dou ble wall construction featuring: • Above ground horizontal and vertical configurations. • Underground models to ULC S615 or customer specifications. • Custom designed to meet specific re quirements. Call one of Clemmer's in dustry experts to help you with your stor age solution. Ciemmer Technologies
The Derrick Flo-Line Scalper™ is an in clined conveyor screening belt driven by a 1 hp, variable speed motor. The unit works to increase solids recovery from industrial and wastewater process flows, while reducing wastewater treatment costs. As solids loading increases, the variable speed motor allows the speed of
MUNRO ConaKeSdiidci^ iromMtinro! 1-800-461-5632 www.munroconcrete.com
Circle reply card No. 278 Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Circle reply card No. 279
Lamson Multi-stage and Turbotron Cen trifugal Blowers provide clean, dry and oil-free air/gas at variable flow rates, with volumes up to 50,000 CFM. The blow ers are dependable, trouble-free and quiet, with a very high-efficiency design. Installation is easy and no maintenance is required. The housings are made of heavy duty cast iron. Pencon Equipment Co. Circle reply card No. 280 33
Product and Service Showcase For information on advertising in this section, oail ES&E at(905)727-4666.
Compact ozone generator
STX70 SewerGuard^
Dissolved air flotators
3 t..?
•0 - 999 PPM H,S • Up to 300 hours continuous datalogging • Sealed, water tight enclosure • CoiTosion resistant
• Ideal for odor control monitoring
Ozonia's range of standardized compact ozone generator units, the OZAT®, take advantage of the latest technological de velopments, including "Advanced Tech nology" dielectrics. It is a very compact unit capable of producing extremely high ozone concentrations (up to 15% from oxygen -5% from air), and it offers cli ents inexpensive hi-tech equipment for the economical production of ozone. It reduces or eliminates the need for costly chemical oxidants and disinfectants. The
applications for ozone are numerous, in cluding drinking water installations, waste treatment plants, swimming pools and aqua culture. Ozonia For more information,
Industrial Scientific introduces the
STX70 SewerGuard'''''', designed exclu sively for the waste water treatment in dustry for monitoring hydrogen sulfide gas concentrations in manholes, wet wells and lift stations. The Sewer-
Guard'^'^' houses an STX70 H,S monitor in a water tight, corrosion resistant Peli can candying case to protect the instru ment from the extensive damage caused by wet, highly con'osive hydrogen sulfide environments. For additional informa
tion on the STX70 SewerGuard''''", con
tact Industrial Scientific Corporation
AQUARIUS has a complete line of Dis solved Air Flotators: circular, rectangu lar with and without lamella. They can be used for: the separation offats and sol ids in the food processing industry; re covery of oil, greases and valuable chemicals in the petroleum, chemicals and metals industries; fiber recovery and deinking in the pulp and paper industry; process water clarification in all indus tries; and sludge thickening, especially on backwash water. For small applica tions, the flotators are all pre-piped skid mounted. On large installations, acces
at 1-800-DETECTS (338-3287) or
sories can be assembled in a concrete res
1-412-788-4353. Industrial Scientific
ervoir. AQUARIUS For more information, circle reply card No. 172
For more information,
circle reply card No. 170
circle reply card No. 171
Membrane technology in Industry
Southam's Environmental and
SPIRACONE sludge blanket clarifiers
OH&S Legislation on CD Be
you can't
afford to be <
Chemical plants, hydrocarbon producers, pulp and paper mills, utility plants, etc., are no longer continually regenerating their ion exchange systems, thanks to Zenon membrane technology; it takes multiple stage treatment systems and re places all but one with a single step, mem brane based process which delivers con sistent 18 meg-ohm water with virtually no waste and with 10 percent of the chemical requirements. Zenon's process, which replaces filters, clarifiers and ion exchange beds, occupies a much smaller footprint than conventional technology and, when combined with its modular de
sign, the Zenon system is ideal for retro fit and incremental upgrades. Zenon For more information, circle reply card No. 173 34
The General Filter SPIRACONE, an
Get the most complete, accurate and upto-date compilation of environmental, health & safety and workers' compensa tion acts, regulations and guidelines on one convenient CD. Make simple or complex queries, perform keyword searches,"hotlink" to other pieces of leg islation and much more!
/ six bimonthly updates per year. / easy-to-use FolioViews search software.
/ flexibility of choosing only the service you need: National, Ontario, Western or Eastern Canada.
Southam Environmental Group For more information, circle reply card No. 174
upflow sludge blanket clarifier, combines mixing, flocculation and sedimentation in a single treatment basin for maximum treated water production in minimal space. Raw water and chemicals are hydraulically mixed, then passed upward through distinct zones for reactionflocculation, clarification, and sludge re moval. Hydraulic mixing eliminates mechanical mixers, while its conical shape eliminates scrapers. The unit's compact size reduces cost by minimiz ing land requirements, and the mixer-less and scraper-less design minimizes main tenance. USFilter
For more information,
circle reply card No. 175
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Literature Review For information on advertising in this section call ES&E at(905)727-4666.
A "Solutton" for ZEBRA MUSSELS
Zebra Mussels
Odour Control
To help Gontroi zebra mussels,
Treating odours with Sodium Hy pochlorite (JAVEX-12) is
one solution involves the use of
JAVEX-12 sodium hypochlorite,
detailed in a technical bulletin.
\A/hich kills the larvae. We are con
Systems are discussed that dis pense a hypochlorite spray to oxidize organic odours. Other topics include: storage and air
sulting with experts to establish dosage levels and techniques best suited to help control their spread. If you'd like to discuss this problem, or be kept informed of the latest Information, please con tact us.
Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc.
collection needs.
Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc.
Circle reply card No. 201
Professional Products Division
Circle reply card No. 200
StrainPress® SludgeCleaner Parkson's StrainPress® SludgeGleaner removes the nonorganic solids from sludge that may settle or float In downstream processes(plas tics, papers and rags). It saves on the high maintenance costs of digest ers, belt presses, pumps, pipes, heat exchangers and centrifuges. It Im proves compost and soil amendment sludge disposal techniques. Benefits Include no plugging In sludge han dling systems, cleaner compost/ sludge, reduced odours, and low operator attention. Parkson Corp. Circle reply card No. 202
CEO's 1999 Directory Now Available!
Ontario's key annual reference direc tory for the province's consulting en gineering Industry Is now available! Published by the Consulting Engi neers of Ontario, the 1999 Directory provides detailed corporate profile Information and selection criteria for
the extensive CEO membership. Listings include: geographic loca tions; fields of technical specializa tion; types of service offered and typi cal projects; key personnel & contact Information. Price - $75.00. CEO
Circle reply card No. 203
The N-Pump
Eckoustic® Functional
The new N-Pump's performance Is distinguished by Improved efficiency, using breakthrough technology,com bined with non-clogging perform ance. The design of the hydraulic ends of the N-Pump Improves the flow of liquids which greatly reduces the risk of clogging, especially when pumping liquids with high solids or fibrous content, such as sewage, and, because of the high pumping efficiency, reduced maintenance costs are achieved. ITT Flygt Circle reply card No. 204
Panels Eckoustic® Functional Panels
(EFPs) provide a more comfortable acoustic environment. By reducing noise levels, thereby lessening worker fatigue, EFPs promote safety and help Improve productiv ity. EFPs can quickly add sound absorption to compressor rooms, blower rooms and pump rooms. In administrative areas, work can be
carried out more efficiently with EFPs providing acoustic control. Eckel Industries
Circle reply card No. 205
•nnN(; h ii
High quality plastic piping
Hazardous materials
Fabricated Plastics Limited offers
For optimum storage and con
industry a full spectrum of high qual ity, corrosion resistant, plastic piping systems, designed and fabricated for a wide range of conditions and tem peratures. End-users now have a choice of a variety of materials from solid FRPto thermoplastic-lined FRP. Lining choices include: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF, E-CTFE, FEP, PFA, and TEFZEL. Our 10-page brochure outlines material selection and prop erties, joining methods and dimen
tainment of hazardous materi
sional details. Fabricated Plastics
Circle reply card No. 206
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
als, the Ghem-Loc Building can be an economical solution. Deal
directly with this established manufacturer and their In-house
design team for a custom de signed building. The Ghem-Loc building complies with Canadian and US Building and Fire Codes and features all steel construction. Gptional features range from fire suppression systems to customized door sizes, partitions and hoisting equipment. Since 1971, Chem-Loc has been chosen for reliable, eco nomical hazardous materials storage. MakLoc Buildings inc. Circle reply card No. 207
Wastewater Treatment
Online wastewater process monitoring Six municipal wastewater treatment plants in New York State were examined to determine whether using process audit and electrical submetering techniques would be an effective way to identify energy conservation opportunities.
Municipalities are respon
sible for running their wastewater
facilities efficiently for the benefit of their residents, businesses, and
industiies. The challenge is to identify available energy conservation opportu nities(ECOs) within the plants and take the necessaiy steps to seize those oppor tunities. CG&S has developed an inno vative program to meet this challenge. CG&S examined six municipal wastewater treatment plants in New
for identifying ECOs at existing facili ties. Recommendations
Several maintenance and housekeep ing items were identified at the six plants. Common problems included pumps with inoperable or worn backflow prevention valves, inappropriate valve or gate settings, and worn pumps.
were operating well within their efflu ent discharge requirements and provid ing good to excellent treatment levels. The project combined process audit, energy audit, and electrical submetering techniques to identify low-capital-cost ways to improve plant performance and energy efficiency. This approach has several advan tages:
â&#x20AC;˘The effects of energy conservation rec ommendations on treatment perform ance are easier to anticipate when real-time process performance
York State to detennine whether
using process audit and elec trical submetering tech niques would be an effective way to identify energy con servation opportunities. It is a simple approach measure what you have, what you are using, and the performance
data are available. Measured electrical con
sumption data on a processby-process basis are needed to determine the
potential energy savings associated with imple menting ECOs. Using a single power-draw
achieved, and then make
measurement may over
decisions on improving performance efficiency
estimate or underesti
mate the potential sav ings. â&#x20AC;˘ Real-time process and performance data are
based on the results. A combination of
techniques The three-year study was sponsored by the New York State Energy Research and De velopment Authority (NYSERDA), the Empire State Electric Research Corporation, and the Electric Power Re
needed to evaluate the theo retical versus achievable en
search Institute. A combination of tech
niques-some developed by CG&S spe cialists in plant analysis technologies was used to obtain real-time process and electrical consumption data. The ulti mate goal was to find ways to optimize treatment efficiency and reduce operat ing costs. Recommendations ranged from minor operational changes and housekeeping activities to major capi tal upgrades. The results indicate that the audit approach is an appropriate tool
By Linda Ferguson, P.Eng., CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited
Operating procedure changes were rec ommended at some plants, including changes to pump control strategies and solids-handling procedures. Excess capacity in one or more unit processes was found to contribute to increased energy consumption at some sites. Excess blower capacity resulted from upgrades from coarse- to fine-bub ble aeration, excess aeration basin vol ume, and excess solids stabilization
capacity. Recommendations included removing basins from seiwice and down sizing equipment. Lessons learned
The plants included within this study 36
ergy savings associated with im plementing ECOs. The data can also indicate ways to increase the achievable savings. â&#x20AC;˘Discrepancies or unexpected results in the data indicate areas for improved per formance that are missed using more tra ditional approaches. The audit approach,a systematic and rigorous methodology for obtaining ac curate performance information, is an appropriate tool for identifying ECOs at existing wastewater treatment facilities. Online process data, equipment per formance characteristics, and electrical
submetering information are required to predict the benefits of implementing en ergy conservation measures on plant performance. For more information,
circle reply card No. 124
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Literature Review For information on advertising in this section call ES&E at(905)727-4666. Proven water and process fluid treatment systems
CbBBicil Testiov Ssiutioos
Our 530 page all color mail-or
Ecodyne offers a broad range of en gineered systems to make water suit able for use, recycle or discharge. Available are proprietary designs In clarifiers and filters; lamellas; hot process softeners; oil coalescers, Ion exchange; reverse osmosis and deaerators - any of which can be combined in exactly the right way to provide the most suitable water treat ment process. Ecodyne Limited Circle reply card No. 208
facturers - everything you need to keep your water and wastewater systems running smoothly. Simply pick up the phone for ex pert technical advice and same day shipping to anywhere In
New VWRbrand Solutions
Sludge Dryer
The SludgeMASTERÂŽ IRC dehydra tion system is a complete sludge handling system which dehydrates sludge with heat. In a typical dehy dration application, 2,000 pounds of wet siudge at 18 percent solids are reduced to less than 500 pounds of dry solids at 90 percent. The heat processing also transforms the
der catalog, has over 12,000 Items from more than 400 manu
Canada. USABIueBook
Circle reply card No. 209
VWR Canlab is pleased to announce Ktl'
1- â&#x20AC;˘
the release of a new solutions cata
logue containing atomic absorption standards, pH buffers and a large se lection of reagents prepared in ac cordance with EPA, ASTM, APHA and AOAC standard testing methods. VWRbrand solutions are NIST trace
able where applicable and all prod ucts are expiry dated. Custom manu facturing services are available. For
biosoiids into useful soil amendment. U.S. Fllter/Davis
Circle reply card No. 211
more details contact us at 800-932-
^1^ ^i < III I
5000 or visit our Web site: www.vwr canlab.com VWR Canlab
Circle reply card No. 210
Geotextlles for civil
Design Data 41
engineering applications Manhole Flotation
Available from coast to coast in
for Civil EnBlncering AppileMloi
Canada, Armtec woven and non-
woven geotextiles are manufactured from polypropylene, to the highest in dustry standards. With this compre hensive line, Armtec is able to pro vide a full range of geotextile prod ucts to suit every application, from
Preventing manhole flotation Design Data 41 from the American Concrete Pipe Association aids en gineers in the proper design of man holes to prevent flotation. Design methods, using basic soil mechan ics to determine if a manhole is sus
ceptible to flotation, are presented for the engineer. The effects of the man hole configuration and surrounding soil conditions are taken into consid
erosion control and soil stabilization, to chip seal and asphalt overlay ap plications. Armtec
eration with the analysis. Cost for Association members is $3.00; nonmembers, $6.00.
Circle reply card No. 212
Circle reply card No. 213
Come to I FAT 99 oam the world ew dimensionsfor
isposai and the envirdnmeh
UunMi Ui tMtfC
Trade Show IFAT 99 which takes place in Munich, Germany, May 4-8, is a comprehen sive fair for practical solutions to problems in all fields of waste dis posal and environment technology. The main emphasis lies in the dis posal and recycling of solid refuse and in the treatment of wastewater
and sewage sludge. For the first time, IFAT also presents problem solutions in water extraction and sup ply. UnlLInk Circle reply card No. 214
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Environmental Risk Information Services Ltd.
Southam launches new database service that targets environmental problems! EcoLog ERIS (Environmental Risk Information Service) helps buyers and developers spot contamination problems on commercial and in dustrial properties in Ontario. The service -first of its kind In Canadascreens key federal, provincial and private sector databases and pre pares a detailed assessment report for a property and its neighbouring sites within a 350-metre radius. Southam Environment Group Circle reply card No. 215
Food Industry Focus
Wastewater treatability in the food and beverage Industry Treatment at the end of pipe is not cost-effective.
astewater treatment is a
plications to reduce and/or recycle wa
concern in most indus
ter and treat wastewater streams.
wastewater service delivery, and the pro vincial down loading offunding for some
Pressure on the Food and
of these services, there is much more
Beverage Industry The food and beverage industry is traditionally a user of large volumes of water. In addition to water as a compo nent of many products, it is a conven ient, clean, and a relatively inexpensive
pressure on the municipality to cover its real costs of operation. With the in volvement of private/public partnerships encouraged,there will be a further move to rising costs for these services. It is not suiprising, then, that munici palities are entering into structured pro grams of raising water rates. As well,
trial sectors, however,
the food and beverage industry is potentially more concerned than most. With the pressure from mu nicipalities of rising water charges and the application of sewer bylaw stand ards, the cost of water and wastewater
measurably impacts the overall cost of production. At the same time,it is a fact
resource. Because food materials are
easily moved or quickly dissolved in water, it becomes an easily available solvent and method for conducting cleanups and other production needs. Since the company is only cleaning food debris, it is not generally considered hazardous by the generator. It is some times difficult for company staff to fully understand the impact of putting the
that many countries in the world have adapted to water costs that are two and three times the costs in Canada. As
water costs rise to reflect the require ments for infrastructure renewal, the
food and beverage industry in Canada must respond with new technology ap-
water into the sewer.
By Alex Keen, President and
With the rising costs of municipal in frastructure support, both for water and
municipalities are, perhaps, more ag
gressive at establishing surcharges for over-strength discharges. Obviously, the cost to food compa nies, then, is twofold, namely, rising water charges and increases in wastewater surcharges. Finally, in some cases where residential and commercial devel
opment is restricted by the capacity of municipal wastewater treatment, the Continued on page 42
CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited
Environmental engineers, planners and scientists Water Supply and Distribution
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Solid Waste Management
Water Resources Engineering
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Systems Analysis Modelling
Process Control
Air Management
Industrial Services
Environmental Planning
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Environmental Laboratory
Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal
Environmental Site Characterization/Reconciliation
180 King Street South, Suite 600
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Waterloo, Ontario N2J 1P8
North York, Ontario M2J 5B6
tel; (519) 579-3500 fax: (519) 579-8986 direct dial:(519) 579-3501 + ext.
tel:(416)499-9000 fax:(416)499-4687 direct dial:(416)499-0090 + ext.
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London â&#x20AC;˘ Ottawa â&#x20AC;˘ Thorold â&#x20AC;˘ Vancouver
For more information, circle reply card No. 153 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Comlna iccn tc an underoavement
SINCE t986, THE FIRST AND BEST HIGH CAPACITY CHAMBER AVAILABLE! Most Cost Effective Design Save on Labor/Tlme/Land Area
Structural Integrity Attained by Combination of Design and Top Spec Materials 400+ Gallon Capacity Chemically Resistant Durable
Interlocking Rib Connection Dver 10 years on the Market with No Structural Failures!
Eliminates the High Maintenance and Liability Displayed by Ponds and Reclaims Land for Other Uses
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Save time and $$$—Lightweight and Easy to Install
(Parking/Attractive Landscape)
#1=SAFETY! QUALITY! PERFORMANCE! Low Profile, High Volume Design, Recharger 330 is 30.5" high, yet stores more water than pipe over 40" high. Use only 622 Recharger 330 chambers and store over 40,000 cu. ft. of stormwater. Available in regular gauge for non-traffic; heavy gauge for traf ficked areas. For use under municipal parking lots, rest areas, ath letic fields, parks, highway side and medians, etc... CULTEC offers a full line of CONTACTOR™ and RECHARGER™
chambers ranging in sizes from 12" high to 30.5" high; and our rrewesf chamber, FIELD DRAIN®panel is only 8.5" high.
"We stand behind our products so you can drive over them." Recharger 330 specifically designed for trafficked applications.
Don't Lose Ground... CULTEC-Your Wisest Choice.
CULTEC, INC. 878 Federal Road Brookfield, CT 06804 _ _ 203-775-4416 Phone ■ 203-775-1462 Fax
Made with up to 75%
recycled materials
In Canada contact:
Make-Way Plastics Ltd. 110 Wellington Street, Exeter, ON NOM 1S2 Tel:(519)235-3606, Fax:(519)235-0191 Toll Free: 1-800-894-4430
For more information, circle reply card No. 154(See page 25)
y Q y S
< i
0 2
z <
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y >
o z
0 D C
0 u
We're the world's largest manufacturer of water and wastewater treatment systems. But we're also your neighbors. Chances are, there are USFilter people and products hard at work in your own hometown. With technologies and services
ranging from intakes to disinfection, USFilter offers many solutions to help you meet your surface water goals and requirements. Contact lls for our potable water treatment capabilities brochure. 508.347.4526 phone 508.347.7049 fax
2 n
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For more information, circle reply card No. 299(See page 25)
CenTROL filters are
conventional gravity
More than
filters in a cluster customers world
arrangement. A sin gle control column normally serves four
The economy of the All
cells; all four cells
central operating platform. The compact arrangement of the CenTROL packs as much filter area as possible into a smaller building space. The central control column is prefabricated, reducing installation costs. CenTROL furnishes its own backwash water supply so
plants is famous among budget makers. How ever, it's their performance under harsh condi tions that's legendary among operators. Now you can have the industry's most comprehen sive selection of technologically advanced process options, at a price you can afford. U.S. Filter/Davco 800.841.1550 phone
pumping and maintenance costs are reduced,
912.228.0312 fax www.usfilrer.com
can be observed and controlle
resulting in lower long-term operating costs.
wide use Hydro-
Climate''"' field-erected
Clear® filters for
Circle reply card No. 291
U.S. Filter/General Filter Products
508.347.4526 phone
508.347.7049 fax
tertiary treatment, wastewater reuse,
stormwater, pri mary effluent, and industrial treatment. The filter features a unic|ue underdrain
system and a shallow bed of single-media, fine-grained sand that permit the filter surface to be "pulsed" or regenerated periodically, pro-longing filter runs and keeping the filter online, despite unpredictable changes in solids loadings and characteristics. These innovations also allow the filter to be back-
www.water,usfi lter.com
Circle reply card No. 290
washed efficiently with significantly less power and water than required with other types of filters. U.S. Filter/Zimpro 800.826.1476 phone 715.355.3335 fax w ww.usfi 11er.com
Circle reply card No. 292
This efficient, reliable system for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater is a complete mix, closed loop reactor process, consisting of one, two or three independently aerated channels. It is wellsuited for both conventional activated sludge Proven in more than 700 installations across
all countries and markets, the high perfor mance of CMF Microfiltration is now ideal —
and affordable — for water reuse applications. It has become an accepted replacement for
and extended
air treatment modes. The
process is driven by the Mammoth Rotor'^aerator, one of the simplest, most effective devices for mixing and aerating wastewater.
effluent values of
0.72 mg/1 TN and I mg/1 BOD/SS/P — achieved without
tertiary filters or chemicals — are not
unexpected for this nutrient removal process. Orbal'' Sim-Pre'" is a series of complete mix reactors in a single basin with internal recycle. The process is
flexible, easy to operate, energy-efficient,
More than 4,000 individual Mammoth Rotors
processing treatment for both municipal and
are performing successfully in more than
and tolerant of wide flow and load swings. U.S. Filter/Envirex 414.547.0141 phone
industrial wastewater reuse. CMF technology is well-suited to applications where water is discharged into sensitive environments, for
1,300 installations across the United States.
414.547.4120 fax
U.S. Filter/Zimpro
715.355.3335 fax
recycling/recharging applications, and For spray irrigation of food crops, Unique in-situ integrity testing validates removal down to
800.826.1476 phone
Circle reply card No. 295
Circle reply card No. 294
two-tenths of a micron, or about two hundred
times finer than a single human hair. U.S. Filter/Memcor 800.636.2674 phone
410.561.3017 fax
Circle reply card No. 293
ALKA-PRO" 300 SERIES ALKA-PRO® 300 Series continuously monitors biological activity at critical ^ Mm'r.
locations in a waste-
water treatment plant, allowing operators to detect and correct upset conditions long before they would become evident by any other available test. ALKA-PRO 300 Series
automatically controls process equipment,
providing accurate real-time evaluation of the plant's bacteria metabolism and biomass health. The benefits are improved effluent quality with reduced chemical costs and process power. LfS. Filter/Davis Process 941.355.2971 phone 94 1.35 1.4756 fax Circle reply card No. 296
provide a cost-effective, trouble-free way to eliminate other
odors and
of all
types in municipal and industrial applications. This patented scrub bing technology uses an integral packed bed, sump and recirculation system. These systems significantly reduce chemical consumption rates
and provide exceptional system flexibility. Scrubber vessels, constructed of rotationally molded high-density crosslinked polyethylene, are extremely durable, seamless and mainte nance-free. POLY-STAGE'^' Air Scrubbers,
This multi-stage packaged odor control system
provides the highest guaranteed performance (99+ 9^) for odor and acid gas removal. Our
patented design utilizes multiple gas absorp tion stages for premium scrubber performance and optimum chemical utilization. Each LO/PRO'" wet scrubber of premium-grade FRP vinylester resin arrives at the jobsite completely factory-assembled and of singlepiece construction, substantially minimizing installation costs. Typical gases treated include
hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, other reduced
guaranteed against failure for five years.
sulfides, hydrofluoric acid, hydro-chloric acid, and ammonia at air flow rates up to 24,500 cfm. U.S. Filter/RJ Environmental
U.S. Filter/Davis Process 941.355.2971 phone
619.455.7688 phone
941.351.4756 fax
when used according to specifications, are
Circle reply card No. 297
619.455.7689 fax
Circle reply card No. 298
Food Industry Focus
Wastewater treatability in the food and beverage industry Continuedfrom page 38 municipality may not allow overstrength agreements because it unfairly restricts the ability to approve new resi dential or commercial development
ment-at-source solutions. Production is
usually a combination of high strength washouts and cleanups, combined with high-volume uses of water with low lev-
which results in more tax revenue.
Pollution Prevention is the Key Particularly in the food industry, treat ment at the end ofpipe is not cost-effec
tive. The company must review practices upstream and practise pollution preven tion or control at the source if it is going to find a cost-effective way to use water. Because water use is such a major com ponent of production costs,ranging from 2%-14%, this will be the secret to being more competitive in the future. Implementing water recycling and reduction strategies has a two-pronged effect. Not only does it reduce munici pal water charges, but it also reduces the cost of treatment and/or recycling equip ment since hydraulic flow is the most influential factor in the cost.
There are a number of features of the
food and beverage industry that make it practical to investigate smaller, treat-
First Step is Characterization The first step is a complete charac terization of wastewater from process operations in terms of flow rates and contaminant concentrations. Not only will this identify the process operations that contribute contaminants, it will help quantify the impact. This is especially important in developing a source con trol strategy. For example, with a quan titative analysis, controls at one or two operations can be calculated to determine if that is all that is needed to achieve com
pliance. The results of the characteriza tion will provide the data to: â&#x20AC;˘ Assess the potential for wastewater minimization through water reduction and/or reuse.
â&#x20AC;˘Identify upstream options to minimize the contaminant concentrations and
loadings. The characterization is essential for
"Can food processing be environmen tally friendly?" els of contamination. To combine these streams is to increase the cost of treat
ment by diluting the high-strength con taminants in the larger volume of water.
providing a sound basis for the devel opment of an overall treatment strategy that includes changes in procedures, treatment options at source, and any re quirements for final treatment. Inexpen sive options are the first consideration such as changes in procedure, water re duction opportunities, rerouting ofsew ers to contain high strength streams, etc. Embrace Technology Improvements With the easy to implement options completed, the baseline is set for finan cially rationalizing equipment-based improvements. The most cost-effective option is to ensure existing control equipment is optimized. For example, wastewater interceptors provide the cheapest form of separation of food materials that float or settle such as fats,
oils and greases. However, flow rates through the interceptor often exceed the design capacity. Reducing or treating part of the flow upstream may be the secret to optimizing the existing inter ceptor for better performance on the rest of the effluent. In most situations further treatment is
www.aquaticsciences.com The Aquatic Sciences Inc. website displays a wide range of Environnnental Analytical Services for utilities, industries and municipalities. Link to e-mail for specific enquiries.
Aquatic Sciences Inc. PO Box 2205, 250 Mortindoie Road, St. Cothcrines, ON L2R 7R8
905-641-0941 Telephone 905-641-1825 Facsimile v/ww.oquaticsciences.com
For more information, circle reply card No. 308 (See page 25)
required if discharge standards are to be achieved. In particulai; there is not a good method of treatment for the soluble Bio
chemical Oxygen Demand(BOD)com ponent of the wastewater. It is this pa rameter that causes the most problems for companies and creates financial hardship in terms of the sewer surcharges admin istered by the municipalities. The chal lenge, then, is to find new technological approaches that deal with the problem of BOD and are priced at a level that can demonstrate paybacks based on reducContinued overleaf Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
A "Solution" for ZEBRA MUSSELS The issue of zebra mussels
Is attracting Increasing attention from municipalities, utilities, government agencies and Industries around the Great Lakes. One solution Involves the use
of JAVEX-12™sodlum
We are therefore focusing much of our technical expertise on this subject. We are consulting with experts to establish dosage levels and techniques best suited to help control the spread of zebra mussels.
hypochlorlte, which kills the
If you'd like to discuss this current problem, or be kept
zebra mussel larvae.
Informed of the latest
Information, please fill out tf
Yes, please keep me Informed on the use of JAVEX-12 sodium hypochlorlte for controlling zebra mussels. For current project □ For future project □ For research purposes D Your name Title
Organization Address
Postal Code
Phone; (
Mail to: Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc., 6400 Northwest Dr., Mississauga, ON, L4V 1K1 Phone: (905) 678-3707, Fax: (905) 678-0898, E-mail: javex-12info@colpal.com
For more Information, circle reply card No. 157 (See page 25)
" ©
Food Industry Focus tions in water charges and wastewater surcharges. Membrane-based separations have been used in some industry process op erations for some time, especially in the dairy or brewing industries. They have yet to gain acceptance in terms of treat ing waste waters. The challenge in ap plication involves understanding the components of the waste process stream and the impact on membrane fouling in combination with the factors that maxi
mize flow rate through the membranes. Membranes have specific impact on streams that have high BOD due to high total dissolved solids(TDS)such as sug ars from confectionery products, juice manufacturing, and beverages. Mem brane separations are ideal treatment options upstream where they can some times provide an extra payback in terms of reduced water usage. Biological oxidation on a small scale is a more difficult problem. Most large food manufacturers with the room will
install conventional biological systems. This approach requires the space and the scale of operation to support it, and it is expensive in capital and operating costs. Packaged biological treatment systems
such as the CMS RotoDisc, the Zorch
Sequencing Batch Reactors or the ALTECH System HydroKlean provide new, down-scaled options for installa tion of biotreatment with a small pack age inside the plant. With easy opera tion, the capital cost of such a plant can be compared to the elimination of the
municipal wastewater surcharge and a payback analysis can be performed. Payback Options There are a number offactors that can
have an impact on technology payback calculations, including: Elimination ofBylaw Surcharge. Bylaw surcharges are often between $50,000 to $200,000. As these are di rect costs to food companies and are likely to increase rather than decrease, they become an important part of the payback calculation for new equipment. As an added incentive, several munici
palities offer a program that repays a portion of the capital back, based on past surcharges paid. Reduction of Water Charges. Reduction in water usage through projects such as better collection ofrinse waters, separating clean water streams from dirty ones, and the potential use of
MacViro Consultants Inc.
membranes - all can easily reduce wa ter consumption by 30%-50%. At ap proximately $0.95 per cubic metre (in cluding water and sewer charge), this could amount to significant savings at low capital cost and have the added ben efit of reducing the hydraulic flow and cost of final treatment.
Reduced Waste Transport Costs. The food industry generally has lower cost waste disposal options be cause the waste streams are generally considered to have some nutrient value
where disposal options can include land
application,livestock feed,composting, etc. However, many water streams are very dilute with BOD contaminants and the cost of haulage becomes expensive. Membrane applications have provided attractive pay backs by simply concen trating the waste and reducing haulage by as much as 80%. There are substantial opportunities in the food industry to manage water and wastewater to reduce costs. It is a mat
ter of carefully evaluating treatment at the source in combination with newer,
lower cost technology applications. For more information,
circle reply card No. 158
^ Your complete source for Sid Gillespie
Eric MacDonald
President & CEO
ft '
Sid Gillespie is pleased to announce that Eric MacDonald succeeded him as President and CEO of MacViro Con
\ ©bDuqSI
sultants Inc., effective February 15, 1999. Eric is well-known to the engineering consulting
industry and brings exemplary credentials in both corporate and project management. His current practice of EAD MacDonald Inc. will become a wholly-owned subsidiary
of MacViro and as such, continue to service clients in
strategic engineering and management. Eric has conveyed a vision of the future of MacViro which is based on first-
class client service and a profile of leadership in its field of technology. Sid will continue as Chairman of the Boaid and provide day-to-day support to Eric.
e-mail:fabcotor@istar.ca TORONTO 2175ATe5k*iRcad,Mopfepbrcrtc^,Ontario,CorodolifiA 1T3 Fhooe(905)832-06(X),IbBFreeFox l-8(X)-668-8415 EDMONTON 12938 • 148th Sfreet, Edmonton, Afcerta T5i 2H8 Phone (403) 451-0238, Fox (403) 455-4816 VANCOUVER 9511 • 194A Street, Surrey, B.C. V4N 4G4 Phone (604) 8820766, Fox (604) 882-1432
16 Ronald Drive, AAontreol VNfesf, FQ H4X 1 ^^8
Phone (514) 369-6600, Fox (514) 369-5736
For more information, circle reply card No. 126 (See page 25)
Plant Operations
Improving operation efficiency Since 1993 a certain amount of training is mandatory, and operators must now be licensed to operate water and wastewater facilities.
The need for successful train
ing programs stems from requirements to protect public health and the desire to pro
tect the environment-both of which are
driven by various forms of legislation. Since 1993 a certain amount of training is mandatory, and operators must now be licensed to operate water and wastewater facilities. The last two decades
have seen significant changes, particu larly in the way that facilities are man aged and operated. The most signifi cant impacts have come about as a re sult oftwo major forces in the water and wastewater industry: â&#x20AC;˘ the move to use private contract op erators; and,
â&#x20AC;˘ development and use of computerbased technology for plant automation, process monitoring and information management.
In addition, the economy has placed significant constraints on fiscal spend ing of municipalities across the coun try. Consequently, a great deal of focus is now being placed on municipalities which operate water and wastewater systems to provide the same or improved levels of service for the same or, even in some cases, reduced costs.
Training programs have generally re volved around part-time study at com munity colleges, one to five day semi nars and workshops on basic technical skills, on-the-job training (OJT) by a more senior experienced operator, and distance learning. Forward planning to determine the specific needs of an or ganization,its future goals and the needs of its personnel was not carried out to any great length. With the progressive development of more stringent environ mental regulations, in particular dis charge criteria for wastewater treatment
plants, and the overwhelming need to reduce spending in the public sector, it is imperative that a more focused ap proach is brought to the training of op erators.
By Vincent Nazareth, Steve McMInn and Peter Laughton, Anderson Operations Inc., Toronto
A changing workforce The technological revolution is changing the composition of the opera tions workforce. A significant number of senior experienced operators will leave the workforce over the next five
years. In some cases this demographic change is seen as an opportunity to re duce staff complements but there is also concern that this will result in compe tency gaps.
The issue here is the departure from the organization of a wealth of practical experience, which is going to prove very difficult to replace. In addition, the ex perienced operator will no longer be there to provide on-the-job training for younger, less experienced staff. These demographic changes in the workforce, coupled with the need for operators to have a more diverse range of skills will mean that b-aining approaches for util ity operators will need to undergo sig nificant changes, in terms of approach, content and delivery methods. Striving for efficiency Operation and maintenance of water
trol philosophy, condition and age of equipment, and experience and skill of the staff.
Cost reduction strategies will gener ally address these three principal areas and changes could include the follow ing: installation of new equipment; im plementation of new or upgraded con trol and automation systems; and modi fications to operational and control phi losophies. The physical changes adopted, will need to be supported by training in re gard to the operation and maintenance of the new equipment. Generally this is pro vided by the supplier and,in most cases, tends to deal more with maintenance than
with operation. Training in relation to automation systems is usually of longer duration and will include participation of operators in the commissioning process. Process control changes will generally be covered by the consultant, usually in a classroom environment.
The downside of all this training stems from the fact that there is usually no evaluation of whether the intended
and wastewater facilities account for a
skills have been transferred. In the case
significant portion of a municipality's annual budget. Three prime components of the operation and maintenance budget are: personnel - 25 to 45%; energy - 20
of process control philosophy modifi
to 30 %; and chemical - 5 to 15%.
These percentages will vary accord ing to degree of treatment, design, de gree of automation, operation and con
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
cations, experience has shown that the facilities will function well while oper ating in situations normal mode. How ever, when things start to go wrong, the process has been known to suffer be cause the operator will not have been Continued overleaf 45
Plant Operations given enough hands-on training, espe cially in scenarios when things are not going according to the "text book" plan. This represents a failure to fully trans fer the knowledge and skills required by the operator. In the final analysis, the operator must have the confidence to practically apply the skills learned. The sustained success of any optimi zation measures will not be possible if the operator has not been trained prop erly. This is recognized by the CCP Method of Optimization which con cludes its three-stage approach with Comprehensive Technical Assistance. But it is not sufficient to train only when changes are made or when new facili ties are added; there are other driving forces which arise not only from obli gations but also from the potential ben efits that will be realized. It is impor tant to realize that benefits from train
ing can be ascribed to both employer and employee and,therefore, training needs should be reviewed both from an own
er's perspective, and from that of the operator.
From the owners' perspective, if they have limited funds, the value of a well
planned training program may not be
readily apparent. Apart from the advan tage of being able to comply with man datory licensing regulations, a well ex ecuted training program will result in better, more efficient operations, pro ducing the following benefits: Improved Compliance. For wastewater treatment facilities this means
meeting effluent discharge criteria for the plant more consistently. Lower Operating Costs. A highly skilled and motivated workforce will
increase the efficiency of the plant. Re duced costs will be realized from better
process control and more effective use of chemicals and equipment. Enhanced Emergency Response. Well trained operators are better equipped to deal with emergency situations such as loss of power, spills, process upsets and high flows. Protecting Assets. Water and wastewater treatment facilities and infrastmc-
ture represent a sizeable investment for municipalities. Well trained staff will be able to protect the investment and help realize the full useful life of equip
provision of services to the public. Well trained operators will improve this and the operators will be better equipped to recognize and address increasing pub lic demands.
Proper training will also provide ben efits from an operator's perspective. Professional development will provide greater opportunities for advancement along the operator's career path and im proved morale as the individual sees the results of being empowered with the knowledge. In addition to career devel opment, other benefits to the operator include:
Job Satisfaction. Operators who have participated in a focused training pro gram will have a broader knowledge and will be better equipped to handle their jobs. This will lead to a greater sense of achievement and, ultimately, better job satisfaction.
Self-Esteem and Confidence Training. Proper training will increase self-esteem and will instill greater confidence. Op erators will be able to make informed,
ment and facilities.
knowledgeable decisions in their dayto-day responsibilities.
Improved Service Delivery. The chief responsibility of a municipality is the
efit to both parties, include:
Some results which will be of ben
Potable water.
Portable plant. Ecodyne Monoplants are pre-engineered and pre-assembied into self-contained water treatment units easily transported and quickly installed. Seventeen standard sizes are available to treat from 20
gpm to 500 gpm,for municipal plants and wherever additional or improved water is needed. Each Monoplant contains clarification, filtration, chemical feed and gravity backwash systems. Conservatively designed, the Monoplant produces water with an effluent turbidity of less than 1 JTU.
For complete information, contact: ^
Ecodyne Limited 4475 Corporate Drive Burlington, Ontario L7L 5T9 Telephone:(905) 332-1404 Toll Free: 1-888-EGODYNE
Fax:(905) 332-6726
^ Internet: info@ecodyne.com
111 MfiFMCN
11 M. A member of The Marmon Group of companies
For more information, circle reply card No. 159 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Plant Operations
The planning exercise should cover a reasonable time-frame of five to seven yeai"s to make sure that we develop training programs to take us to where we want to be in the future. Improved Safety Records. Safety training, including successfully writing examinations, will increase both aware
ness and knowledge, which will result in less safety related incidents. Enhanced Morale. Improvement in job satisfaction, self-esteem and self-confi
dence will ultimately lead to greater morale and better team spirit. As new plants are built and existing ones are upgraded, more stringent dis charge criteria may be applied. In sen sitive areas, changes to discharge limits are likely to come into effect. In some cases, it may be necessary to install new processes or additional tankage. In oth ers, compliance may be achieved by op timization. In both scenarios, enhanced
training, specific to the changes, will be required to ensure that the goals are achieved and that the desired effects are maintained.
Assessing training objectives The availability offunds for training is usually limited and therefore it is im perative that whatever funds are avail able are well spent. An important and vital step which is often ignored is the carrying out of a planning stage in which the needs of the program are assessed prior to developing detailed objectives for the program. When developing a plan for training, a much broader per spective must be reviewed. It is not suf ficient to merely address immediate needs. The planning exercise should
cific requirements of the program. How ever, the short-term training needs will require use of delivery methods which are readily available at the time. There may not be time to customize instmction prior to delivery. As part of the planning process the following should be considered: • assessment of current operator skill levels to determine the "gap" that needs to be filled by the program to reach the five to seven year objective, • alignment of skill levels with salary/ wage levels within the organizational structure,
• development of a career path for the various staff categories. The planning process needs to be re visited on a regular basis to ensure that the program remains consistent with an organization's objectives. For more information, circie repiy card No. 160
AO Specialists in Water Supply and Sanitation for Health
the training program. "Big-Picture-Plan ning" will uncover short-term needs, medium-term needs and the longer-term needs. This provides an opportunity to
Associates in Rural Development, Inc., an international firm providing techni cal services in development assistance, is looking for water supply and sanita tion sector specialists in areas relating to: water and sanitation systems engi neering; community participation; health and hygiene education; water quality analysis and laboratory systems; epidemiology; health and water-borne disease statistics; and training program design. International experience required and good command of at least one foreign language(Spanish, Russian, French pre
review which avenues ai'e best-suited and
cover a reasonable time-frame of five
to seven years to make sure that we de velop training programs to take us to where we want to be in the future.
An assessment of the objectives the organization intends to achieve at the end of the planning period must be under taken and these will become the focus of
most cost-effective to deliver the train
ing in the medium to long term. One of the more valuable planning outcomes is that the training modules for the medium and long term may allow for incorporation of customized instimction, specially designed to address spe
Please send full curriculum vitae
(CV) to: RAM/OCR, ARD, Inc., P.O. Box 1397, Burlington, VT 05402; Fax to RAM/OCR at:(802)658-4247; or Email to: rmohammed@ardinc.com with
copy to: dread@ardinc.com
Environmental Science tfe Engineering, March 1999
-for Cost-Ejfective Pumping ABS Pumps Corp. 1215 Meyerside Drive, Unit #7 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5T 1H3 Phone (905) 670-4677 • Fax (905) 670-3709
For more information, circie repiy card No. 161
Industry Update lishes The City of Toronto Privatization
Screenings positively discharged
(T/sludge (2)-stones/grit (3)-screenings
Sludge Offload
W W I I????: '/ //////////////////////////////,
4 grate Sludge Receiving Hopper
Reporfi on a quarterly basis, covering: •Strategic government intelligence on pri vatization considerations;
• Analysis of privatization initiatives in Canadian and US municipalities; • Future privatization initiatives under consideration;
• Updates on former and cun^ent privati zation initiatives in other municipalities; • An outline of the political and bureau cratic players involved in privatization; •Political analysis of the relevant privati
Self-cleaning fine screen
zation environment;
(6, 3, 1 mm & finer) for
• Intelligence on interested bidders and
water, wastewater, sludge.
Models for tank/channel;
Screw Press
then' efforts; and • Related labour relations and other chal
stainless steel design; high high open area; automatic operation; high reliability; easy installation
lenges; • Privatization efforts by school boards and other government agencies.
Master i
tolerance to sand/gravel;
Snyfifin ftfi
For further information, contact: Mu
-Hi "G" vibrating & rotating screens for jparation Equipment sludge/sand/grit/stones separation/washing; Water/Wastewater Treatment Systems -Screw, Wash k Piston Presses for washing/ Telephone: (416) 250-7111 dewalering/conveying of screenings; Facsimile: (416) 250-81J1 -Bagging System for sanitary holding & E-mail: dagex@istar.ca disposal of dewatered solids
nicipal Government Consulting Group at: (416)226-4949, Fax:(416) 226-9045. Canadian wins 1998 Volvo
environmental prize
For more information, circle reply card No. 307(See page 25) The Montreal 2000 Electric
Vehicles Projecta first In Canada
despite having some of the most strict regulations against air pollution. In Que bec,road transportation is responsible for
about 70% of NO^ emissions, over 35% of VOC emissions, and 40% of greenhouse-gas emissions. It is also responsi ble for 60% of cai'bon-monoxide (CO)
Dr. David Schindler, Killam Memorial
Professor of Ecology at the University of
A reduction in greenhouse gas emis sions could be a major factor in slowing climate change. Furthermore, the use of electric vehicles will make it possible to reduce CO, emissions by more than 3.8 tonnes per vehicle per year. Contact: CEVEQ,Tel:(450)431-5744.
Alberta in Edmonton, was named 1998 co-winner of the Volvo Environment
Prize. The intemational award is given annually by Volvo to recognize outstand ing contributions to understanding or pro tecting the environment. Dr. Schindler shares the 1998 Prize with Malin
Falkenmark, Professor of Applied and Intemational Hydrology at the Swedish
The City of Toronto Privatization Report
Natural Science Research Council.
Dr. Schindler's pioneering work has revealed the danger to water supplies of
Photo - T. Davey
The recently amalgamated City of Toronto currently manages an annual budget ofsome $6 billion on behalf of its
The Montreal 2000 Electric Vehicles
2.4 mllhon residents. The new Council,
Project was signed January 25th,to bring together organizations with commercial
under the leadership of Mayor Mel Lastman and Budget ChiefTom Jakobek, has publicly stated its determination to invite private sector partners to consider alternative service delivery methods in all budget areas. According to most observ ers, the privatization opportunities out lined by City Council are substantially more aggressive than other jurisdictions. Municipal Government Consulting pub-
addition of other toxins to water supplies, and has earned him a host of global
Florida's Vero Beach police are already using Bombardier electric vehicles.
or institutional vehicle fleets that are in
terested in acquiring one or more ofsome forty electric vehicles for regular use in their fleets.
As with mostlarge cities, Montreal has to contend with urban smog caused by
nitrogen-oxide (NOj,) and volatile-or ganic-compound (VOC) emissions, this 48
overfertilization, acidification, and the
awairis. Professor Falkenmark's work in
relating water quality to human life and health, particularly in developing coun tries, has eamed her intemational recog nition. Volvo Envir-onment Prize laureates are
chosen by an independent Prize Commit tee, supported by a Scientific Committee ofleading, globally recognized,scientists.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update
US Navy combats air treatment problem
Ainley & Associates Limited Consulting Engineers and Planners
The US Navy and other propellant manu facturers have a requirement to heat(an neal)propellants in order for them to func tion properly. In this process, niti'oglycerine(NG)and other energetic materials are released to the atmosphere. Currently,
Water Supply and Sewage Treatment Environmental Assessments - Roads and Bridges Structural Engineering - Land Use Planning Our expertise covers a// aspects of C/v/t, Murv'cpa/ end Enwronmentat Engineering and Land Use P/anning
there is no BACT (Best Available Con trol Technology) to prevent these emis sions from being discharged dnectly into the envnonment.
COLL/AJGWOOD (70S/ 445-'34SJ
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The Indian Head Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center invited
Purifies® Environmental Technologies Inc. to submit a concept for an air pollu tion control system. The challenge was to drastically reduce NG and other gase
Environmental and OHS professionals providing quality consulting, scientific & engineering services • • •
engineering and scientific studies management systems and audit capability Ptiase I & 11 investigations and remediation
225 Sheppard Ave. W. North York, Ont. M2N 1N2
Tel;(416) 226-0148 Fax:(416) 226-2931
ous emissions in a safe manner. The
London, Ontario based company pro posed and demonstrated a solution to this
problem using a Photo-Cat® air treatment system, similar to systems already in use with US industry and the Korean military. An added benefit of this type of solution is that the process air can be close-looped, eliminating the requirement for a continu ous supply of freshly conditioned air. This added irmovation is said to provide a significant reduction in energy con sumption with cost savings with the anneahng process. Subsequently, Purifies was awarded a sole source contract by the Naval Surface Warfare Center for the design, engineer ing and technical supportfor the full-scale portion of the Military Construction Project(MILCON)Air Pollution Control System. The MILCON requUes an air treatment capacity in excess of 12,000 cfm to a stringent set of requirements. Contact; www.purifics.com Sea will win over UK coastal
defences, say MPs A committee of UK MPs has suggested
that paids of the British coast at risk of flooding should be abandoned to the sea. The Commons agriculture committee said
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited consulting engineers, architects, technology managers
Environmental and Infrastrnctnre Specialists Planning and Management Design and Construction Operations and Optimization Water, Wastewater, Transportation, Urban Development and Telecommunication Technologies Toronto(416)497-8600 E-mail: willowdale(^rvanderson.com Web Site: www.rvanderson.com Welland; Ottawa; Sudbury (Dennis); London; Moncton (Touchie); Fredericton (Touchie);
Charlottetown (Atlantech); Bombay, India(PHE Consultants)
Environmental professionals working with industry to improve water quality
Aquatic Contaminant Remediation
Environmental Audits
Sewer Use Bylaw Consulting Water and Wostewoter Engineering
Toxicity Testing
Environmental Engineering Stormwoter Management impact Assessments
PO Box 2205,250 Martindaie Road, St. Cattnarines, Ontario, Canada L2R 7R8 Pti; (905)641-0941 Fax: (905)641-1825 www.aquatic.com Branch Office: PO Box 86, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada N7T7H8 Ph:(519) 383-7822
that to continue to build ever higher de fences to keep out the rising sea is no
longer an option, and retreat to new posi tions inland should begin immediately in some places. People who are forced to abandon homes and fields for the general good of the community should be compensated
by the government. Any vendors of the 1.3 million properties classified as at risk from flooding, should be forced, by law, to disclose the danger to potential pur
Technologies Inc.
biopiles, landfarming bioslurry reactor processes biological laboratory services
Specializing in the design, development, and implementation of bioremediation systems
• focusing on degradation of plasticizers, TPH, POP, BTEX, PAHs in soil
biofilters for odour control
Wellington Rd.#34, RR#3, Guelph, Ontario N1H 6H9 Phone:(800) 353-2087,(519)767-9100 Fax:(519)767-1824
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update While recommendations delighted environmental groups, they angered farm
ers and landowners, who said the MPs had
oversimplified the issue.
Consulting Engineers
"It is time to declare an end to the cen-
Specialists In a comprehensive range of Environmental and Municipal Engineering Collingwood
Tel.(705)444-2565 EMail: iiifo@cctatham.com
Tel.(705)645-7756 Web: wviw.cctatham.com
tuiies-old war with the sea and seek a
peaceful accommodation with our former enemy," the report says, "It is better to plan a pohcy of managed realignment (of the coast) than to suffer the consequences of a deluded belief that we can maintain
P^ieciftcRiskAs es mait(39^)
indefinitely, an unbreachabie Maginot line of towering sea waUs and flood defences."
Model ing
• Human Hedthand Ecologies Site
• Environmentd FcteartdFood Chan
'• DetemimisticandProbabilistic(MonteCarto.l
Turning London sludge into watts Sludge from London, England is to be burned to generate enough electricity to power 19,000 homes through a project just completed by the Thames Water com pany. Wastewater from almost five miiiion Londoners is bandied by two treat
• Environmenta ImpactarxtRemedichonAnayas
• Integrated Rift Management
• Scientific Peer Reniav
• Oa/dopmentofSieSpeaficRemediaCriteria
'• RiftComnunicdion/ExpertTestimony
forSpeOficChemcasandCcniplexChemicsl Mixtures CANTOX ENVIRONMENTAL INC.
2233 Argentia Road, Suite 308, Mtsassauga,ON L5N 2X7,Tel;(90S)542-2900 Fax:(905)542-1011 E-mail; esigal@canloxenvironmental.com. Intaind: http://wvw.cantoxenvironmental.ccHn • Vancouver • Cdgary • Misassauga • Hdifat •' Nav Jersey
ment works sited beside the River
Thames. Sewage sludge was tradition ally disposed of at sea but this will come to an end shoitiy when a new European
CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited
Environmental Engineers,Planners and Scientists
Union directive is introduced.
255 Consumers Road, North York, Ontario M2J 5B6
Thames Water instigated a wide-rang ing independent study of the future op tions for sludge disposal and the constmction of the two high-technology sludge-
phone(416)499-9000 fax (416)499-4687 direct dial (416)499-0090 + ext. Barrie • Calgary • London • Ottawa • Thorold Toronto • Vancouver • Waterloo
powered generator stations was staited in 1994.
Consolidated Giroux Environment Inc. Dredging (since 1971)
Building work was completed early in 1998 and since then the plants have un dergone a tough commissioning process.
• Dewatering • Pumping • Weed Harvester •Tailings relocation • Hazardous Waste Reduction
Contact: www.thames-water.com
•High Speed Decanter Centrifuges
portable ozone water
Tel:(506)684-5821 E-mail: cgiroux@nb.sympatico.ca
Fax:(506)684-1915 Web site: www.GIROUXINC.com
treatment unit Praxair, Inc. has introduced a new mo
bile pilot system for evaluation of ozonebased water treatment solutions directly
Toronto • Ottawa
at the customer's site. The unit allows
London • Hamilton Vancouver • Victoria
Specializing in:
• Drainage Planning
• IVoter & Wastewater Systems
• Hydro-technical Services
• Industrial Treatment
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Toronto, Ontario tA3C 1K1
• Environmental Planning
Fax: (416) 441-4131
• Stormwater Management
Praxalr Introduces
Corporate Office:
133 Wynford Drive Teh (416) 441-4111
Praxair to process a customer's effluent or process water samples under "real-hfe" operating conditions with different ozone technologies at less cost than conventional methods. The unit also allows examina
tion of more operating parameters in a shorter time frame, minimizes testing er rors due to mishandling samples while eliminating the cost of shipping samples to laboratories.
• Communities
Praxair expects companies in the met als, food processing, pulp and paper, tex
• Environment
• Facilities
tile and chemical industries to use the new unit to evaluate ozone as a solution for
Cambridge • Winds ir • Ottawa • Halifax Sydney • Fredericton • Winnipeg • Yellowknife • Vancouver • International M2N 6N5 (416) 229-4646 100 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario Toronto
• Infrastructure
water treatment applications such as dis infecting, purifying, colour removal, low ering toxins and COD levels. The pilot system is capable of treating
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update up to 26,600 litres of water per day with ozone. In addition, the system can add
•> Transportation Planning Traffic Engineering Environmental Planning Municipal Engineering Road (S Bridge Design
carbon dioxide to the water stream for
pH control. Customers can lease the portable sys
Transportation and
tem for a nominal fee, which includes
Environmental Consultants
portable liquid oxygen and cai'bon diox ide from Praxair.
Contact: www.praxair.com
Teh 14161490-8887 Fax: 1416' 490-8376
Tel: (604)654-1945 Fax:(604) 654-1551
Canada to support US EPA in lawsuit Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy and Environment Minister Christine
Duke Engineering &Services(Canada),Inc. A Duke Energy Company
Stewart, announced February 11,support
of the US Environmental Protection
• Environmental Audits/Site Assessments
Agency (EPA) in its court fight for an aggressive smog reduction program. The
nitrogen oxide(NOj^)emissions reduction
• Fractured Rock Hydrogeology • Environmental Management and Compliance • Flydrogeologic/Performance Assessment Modeling
program, starting in 2003, will apply to
• Site Remediation
(613) 232-2525
• Risk Assessment
(905) 513-9400
Calgary (403) 262-4885
22 midwest and northeast states and the
District of Columbia. It will have sig Energy and Environmental Research Corp.
nificant health benefits for Canadians in
Specialists in Air Science and Engineering
Ontario and Quebec as well as in New
' Source testing, monitoring & approvals. • Emissions inventories & computational modeling.
Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Canada will seek to participate in the court challenge that the EPA is facing from over 70 entities including the states of Michigan, Ohio and other midwest states as an amicus curiae or friend of the
court. In so doing, Canada plans to join 24 parties that are coming together to sup port the EPA, including environmental and health groups and a coalition of New England states with whom Canadian provinces are already partners in the acid
• NOx/SOx emission reduction/control.
• APCD & process performance verification. • Air toxics measurement & control. • Odour studies
EER Canada 58 - 127! Denison St.. Markham, Ontario, L3R 4B5 Tel:(905)946-1732 • Fax:(905)946-8680 • Email: airemissions@eercanada.com
rain issue.
This is an important issue for Canada because the petitioners are challenging the EPA and contending that pollution does
not tr'avel across boundaries and cause
comes from the US and causes smog. The Government of Canada has been
4 —
TEM - PLM - PCM - SEM - Flame AA - Graphite Furnace
health damage. Between 30 and 50 per cent of pollution that is damaging the health of Canadians living in Ontario and Quebec, and as much as 90% of the pol lution in New Brtinswick and Nova Scotia
GAP EnviroMicrobial Services Inc.
Microbiology Laboratory & Consulting ATP' ""ices
a strrtng advocate of the aggressive US
NOj^ reduction program. Last March,the Canadian government intervened for mally in the EPA rulemaking process as the only government outside the US to support the aggressive US program pro posal. Again in June, Canada formally intervened on the issue of Michigan's air pollution crossing into Canada. In October 1998, all provincial and territorial Ministers of Energy and Envi ronment, gave Minister Stewart the ap proval to work towar-d an ozone agree ment with the US to reduce air pollution
Microbial Training '• Cryptosporidium & Giardia * Microorganism Identification Consulting Services * Rapid E.coll recreational water Respirometry 1020 Hargrieve Road, London, Ontario. N6E1P5 Telephone: 519-681 -0571 Fax: 519-681-7150
Gartner Lee Limited
"Restoration ecology, environmental Impact assessment and natural heritage planning - we can assist you with your environmental planning needs." Dale Leadbeater, Biologist Tei:(905)477-8400 ext. 229, Email: dieadbeater@gartnerlee.com Website: http://www.gartnerlee.com
that harms the health of Canadians.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update ♦ Industrial Water/ Wastewater Treatment ♦ Waste Minimization
C3eomat:rix Consuf-tantis
♦ Wasteiwater Reuse/Recycle
Engineers, Geologists, and Environmental Scientists
Treatment System Upgrade/ Optimization
Announcing Our Newest Office:
871 Victoria North, Suite 201 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3S4
Treatment System Design and Construction Ray Stickney, C.E.T, Jeff Chambers, P. Eng.i Bill Malyk, M. Eng., P. Eng., Dave Ellis, Project Engineer
Tel:(519) 741-3618 Fax:(519) 741-3621
... solutions through clean air technology Tel: (905) 858-4424 Fax:(905) 858-4426 E-mail: infoOgoodfell.com
7070 Mississauga Road, Suite 160 Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7G2, Canada Website: www.goodfeli.com
• Air Pollution Control
• Occupational Health and Safety • Indoor Air Quality • HS&E Compliance Audits
• Clean Air Tectinologies
• EMS Audits
• Environmental Engineering • Ventilation Assessment & Design
polluting BO waters An Environment Canada study says that
airborne pollutants from Asia are believed to be a major source of contamination in fish stocks offour British Columbia lakes. Tests on turbot show concentrations ofthe
pesticide toxapbene in quantities well above the acceptable limits for full-time fish predators such as osprey and otter, although they are still considered safe for human consumption. The study, part ofthe seven-year Eraser River Action Plan,suggests airborne pol lutants such as DDT and toxapbene(both banned in Canada,but still used in devel
oping countries for agriculture and mos quito control), as well as banned PCBs, can be found throughout the province. The major source of the airborne pol lutants is bebeved to be Asia, the study
Noise Vibration and Acoustics
Chemicals from Asia
said. The Eraser River watershed research
shows that lakes located high in the moun tains are at greatest risk, because the pol lutants fall to earth with rain or snow and
2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 1, Suite 203 Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P7 (905)826-4044, Fax 826-4940 www.hgcengineering.com
ENGINEERING Noise Vibration Acoustics
Howe Gastmeier Chapnik
leach into fresh-water lakes in summer.
Report projects pump market at $22 billion by 2003
An Asian economic recovery wiU help
push worldwide pump sales to more than Experts at wastewater process audits, process optimization, and process design
year, including pumps, parts and drivers will be US $39 billion, according to a new report entitled Pumps: World Market 1999-2004, produced by the Mcllvaine Company and distributed by the Hydrau
Hydromantis,Inc. Consulting Engineers
lic Institute.
1685 Main Street West, Suite 302, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 1G5
Tel:(905)522-0012 Fax:(905)522-0031
US $22 biUion m 2003. Total sales in that
Highlighted conclusions of the report
Brampton Picketing
Kitchener w
London Cobalt
Consultants Limited
(905) 459-4780 (905) 837-0314 (519) 743-6111 (519) 659-4465 (705) 679-5979
Celebrating 40 Years Consulting Engineers, Project Managers Eooiogicai Planners, Landscape Architects Internet Site: http://www.kmk.on.Ga
• The Asian market wiU grow fastest de spite the financial crisis. The United States will remain the largest purchaser over the next five years, but China wiU experience the largest growth rate. • The three top companies will gamer more than a 19 percent market share and the top 25 companies will capture 50 per cent of the market.
E-mall: kmk@kmk.on.ca.
• Over 500 niche players wiU continue to maintain leadership by region or appbcation.
Consultants specializing in:
Odour Evaluations
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Process Assessments by FTIR mroehlerfSlehder.com
• Growth in sealless pumps wiU far ex ceed the average for all pump types. • Innovations in design to reduce energy consumption and bfe cycle costs will pay dividends for progressive suppbers. • Recently improved industry profitabil ity will be retained as better managed companies take advantage of industry growth. • Important industry trends include
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update wastewater reclamation and reuse,com
bined cycle power generation, paper re cycling, and leak prevention. The reportincludes over 30,000 pump forecasts, with over one milhon support ing facts and figures, covering centrifu gal,rotary,reciprocating,seaUess and sub mersible pumps. Growth projections for specific indus tries are based on a 25-yeai- comprehen sive information gathering process by The Mcllvaine Company. Potential market and identifiable targets are linked allow ing a urrique pump purchaser analysis in cluding O.E.M. groups such as wastewater, scrubber, and cleanroom equip ment manufacturers.
Lotowater ltd.
Mail: P.O. Box 451, Paris, Ontario N3L 3T5
Design and supervision of groundwater exploration programs New municipal well design Assessment of groundwater/surface water interaction Groundwater protection Artificial recharge Hydrogeology studies and groundwater impact assessments Landfill monitoring and impact assessment Well maintenance, rehabilitation, performance improvement
Office: 149 Golf Links Road, Paris, Ontario Pticne:(519)442-2086 Fax:(519)442-7242 e-mail: lwafer@worldctiaf.com
Video inspection services Performance testing of wells and pumps
Hydrogeological Consultants and Groundwater Supply Specialists
Celebrating 10 Years
Well construction
Consulting Engineers, Planners and Scientists, Speciaiizing in the Environment
Pumps: World Market 1999-2004 is
available for $4,900 from The Hydrauhc Institute, Fax:(973) 267-7772.
MacViro Consultants Inc. 90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600, Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3 (905)475-7270 • Fax:(905)475-5994 E-Mail: 103700.2767@compuserve.com
IJC to investigate water use, diversion & removal policies The United States and Canadian federal
governments have asked the Intemational Joint Commission(UC)to examine and report on the use, diversion and removal of waters along the common border. The governments noted that "boundary water resources continue to be the subject of ever-increasing demands in the light of expanding populations", and that "pro posals to use, divert and remove greater amounts ofsuch waters can be expected." A February 1999 media release re ported that the requestfrom governments comes in the wake of proposals to export water overseas from Canada and litiga tion involving the export of water from Canada to the United States. Both gov ernments ai^e concemed that existing man agement principles and conservation measures may be inadequate to ensure future sustainable use of shared waters.
•environmental site assessments
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Engineering Inc.
•site remediation
Kingston Ottawa
■ waste management
(613)548-3446 (613)521-8258
Marshall Macklin
Specialists In Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources Toronto, Calgary, MIsslssauga, Whilby 80 Commerce Valley Drive East. Thornhill, ON L3T 7N4 Telephone: 905-882-1100 FAX: 905-882-0055
E-mail: mmm@mmm.ca
M a;>^a m
The DC wiU examine,report upon and provide recommendations on: •Existing and potential consumptive uses of water;
• Existing and potential diversions of water in and out of the transboundary basins,including withdrawals of water for
A Chemex Labs Alberta / Novamann international Partnership
Ana\yX]cs Inc
Comprehensive Environmental Testing National Service
5540 McAdam Road
2021-41 Avenue N.E.
Mlssiss^ga, ON L4Z IPI. Tel:(905)890-2555 Fax:(905)890-0370
Calgary, AS T26 6P2
Quebec Lachine.QC H8TIAI
Edmonton 9331 - 48th Street Edmonton, AB T6B2R4
Tel:(514)636-6218 Fax:(5l4)631-9814
Tel 1(403)465-9877 Fax:(403)466-3332
9420 C6te de Liesse
Source Emissions
Occupational Health
Rush Analysis
Tel:(403)291-3077 Fax:(403)291-9468
Toll Free: East (800)563-6266
• The cumulative effects of existing and potential diversions and removals of water,including removals in bulk for ex
• The current laws and pohcies that may affect the sustainability of the water re sources in boundary and transboundary
(m& tk& the
JmMidedcjealde' Aaled- teami ipi the mduiimj,, iA^
More information may be found on the Commission's web site: www.ijc.org Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Valerie Geldart, Sales Manager 1-800-263-9040 ext.275 or valerie_geldart@phillp-serv.com Internet: www.philJpanalytical.com
Industry Update Hershel Guttman elected VP of AWWA
A Pollution Control
Tel: (403) 254-3301
A Wastewater Treatment
Fax:(403) 254-3333
A Water Treatment www.reld-crowther.com
Hershel Guttman was elected Vice Presi dent of the vVnerican Water Works Asso
ciation (AWWA) at the Association's 1999 winter board meeting in San Antonio,Texas. He takes office June 24, 1999. Ml". Guttman is a Principal of R.V. Anderson Associates Limited(RVA),and Director ofthe firm's municipal water and wastewater section.
Removal of Lead, PCBs
ASBESTOS Environmental Hazards
seiwed on 20 association and section com
mittees and provided leadership as Chan-
• Demolition of commercial, institutional & industrial buildings
for 1 i of them.
• Soil ciean-up - Removal underground storage tanks - USTs • Moid, fungus & micro-biological decontamination • Bird, bat, animal feces cleaning - Disease - Histopiasnosis • Pharmaceutical - UFFi - Mercury - Fleavy Metals - Chemicals • Environmental & FIEPA cleaning of buildings and facilities • Excellent M.O.L. Health & Safety Record
France aims to reduce
automotive noise by 50% Between now and the year 2002,the limit imposed by European Union legislation on levels of external noise from automo
Restoration Environmental Contractors Ltd. "Proud Owners of The Markham Waxers Junior 'A'Hockey Club"
tive vehicles may be reduced to 71 dB, which imphes a reduction of 50%. There are four sources of noise and
10 Stalwart Industrial Drive, Unit 5, Gormley, Ontario LOFI 1G0
vibration from automotive vehicles: noise
1-800-894-4924 Web Site: www.inforamp.net/~r8stcon Tel:(905) 888-0066
Hershel has been active in AWWA and a member for over two decades. He has
E-Mail: restcon@lnforamp.net Fax:(905) 888-0071
from the road, whose irregularities cause the tires to vibrate; noise created by the air inlets in the engine compartment and by the exhaust at the tail pipe; noise of the ahfiow ai'ound the vehicle which be
comes turbulent at highway speeds; and finally, the noise generated by the power
unit, the source of noise connected with
Consulting Engineers & Architect
combustion which generates vibrations from the oscillating motions of the pis tons - connecting rods - crankshaft as sembly. The PSA Peugeot-Citroen group has for several years, been caiTying out ex
1815 Ironstone Monor. Suite #10, Pickering, Ont. LIW 3W9 • Tel: 905-831-1715 Fax; 905-831-0531
tensive research in the field of acoustics
and vibration in automotive vehicles. Sig nificant progress has been accomplished with models such as the Peugeot406,and
Environmental Consultants
1090 W. Render Street, Suite 720 Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6E 2N7 (604) 669-6681, Fax:(604) 669-6682
Specializing In: •Landfill Gas Management•Solid Waste Management• Landfill Design •Site Assessment• Compliance Audits•Site Remediation •Project Management
the Citroen Xantia with its HDI diesel
engine, whose acoustic perfoiinance ap proaches that of a gasoline engine. With the help of the Mega CtM)soft ware,Renault's engineers can put together a virtual hut very reahstic representation of an engine, showing the noise and perfonnance curves resulting from the caicniations.
"A leader\n providing innovative
Studies are being undeitaken to reduce the noise radiated by the power unit so as
automation solutions to our customers."
to reduce the excitation at the base. The
We offer a complefe range of producfs & services in fhe areas of: • Systems Integration • Process Instrumentation • Control Panels • Programmable Logic Controllers • MMI/SCADA • Computer/Network Services • Service Summa Engineering Limited 6423 Northam Drive. Mississauga, ON L4V1J2 Tel: (905) 678-3388, Fax:(905) 678-0444
Summa Enterprises, Place Grilli, 3539 Blvd. St. Charles, #350, Kirkland, QC H9H 589 Tel: (514) 591-5748, Fax;(514) 455-3587
noise generated by the shocks in the vari ous mechanical elements of the engine is being studied. Reducing the noise from the engine and the exhaust brings to attention other noises that were previously inaudible. Gradnaiiy,the sources of noise previously
Environmental Science cfe Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update considered to be secondaiy(transmission shaft, gearbox, etc.), ai^e being made the subject of constant attention. Today, acoustic engineers are opening up new fields of investigation, such as the aero dynamic excitation of the vehicle, vibra tions from the road wheels, or fan noise.
The 'silent design' approach is being widely adopted. Alternative fuels will also have a big future in urban applications. The French designed and built Agora bus, which runs on compressed natural gas, won the 1998 Golden Decibel trophy for its low noise emissions.
Contact: FTPO,Fax:(312)222-1237.
The drinking water message in A Civil Action The basis for the movie A Civil Action, is
the sequence of events surrounding a real occumence ofgroundwater contamination
Real-time flood alert system provides vital lead time Intense rainfall from Tropical Storm
warnings are very regional in scale. The flood alert system utilizes com puter modeling that combines topography, land use, an advanced radar system and rain and stream gauges to track the
Frances, which blew into the Houston area
in September '98, provided the first test of the Rice University/Texas Medical Center Flood Alert System, which is now fully operational. "Ifthe Brays watershed
amount of rainfall and rttnoff over time.
Using six-minute radar- estimates of
had received about one more inch ofrain fall in one hour,the Texas Medical Center
rainfall amounts,the radar estimates were
would have been in serious tr'ouble," said
calibrated with actual rainfall amounts
Philip Bedient, professor and chair ofen vironmental science and engineering. "This was a good test for the system, and
from past stor-ms. Acomputer system was
it worked well."
The flood alert system gives lead time - an extra two to three hours of warning. More than 70 percent offlash flood warn ings ar-e issued with less than one hour of lead time and half of the warnings issued provide no lead time whatsoever. In ad
then developed that uses the radar- num bers to predict peak flows in the bayou. The system takes into account how the region's geography reacts to the rainfall. By only looking at rain gauges, one can not always accurately predict flows in the
bayou. The radar provides the big pic ture, showing how much rain is coming, and where and when.
dition, the US National Weather Ser'vice
Contact: E-mail: um-au@rice.edu
in Woburn,Massachusetts. The film con
tains powerful images of courtroom drama,legal maneuvering,family trauma,
THORBURN PENNY Consulting Engineers
corporate indifference and scientific un
•Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Systems
certainty. The movie may prompt cinema audiences to ask:"What about my drink ing water?" "How do I know tlrat my well is safe?" "Is there an old abandoned dump in my community?" "Good questions, especially because
• Instrumentation & Controls
Environmental Audits Water Resources Water Pollution Control
• Environmental Planning
Water Supply
(905)634-9494 (418) 361-6135
OTTAWA: (613) 247-0111
the drinking water for over 140 million Americans comes from wells. A Civil
Action is providing a great public serwice if it prompts citizens to think about water resources and the environment," says Andrew Stone, Executive Director of the American Ground Water Trxtst. "Citizens
should ask questions about the safety of their drinking water, whether supplied by a utility or from a private well. Chances ar^e that their drinking water is perfectly
COMPLETE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE Water Supply • System Optimization • Wastewater Solid Waste Management• Environmental Assessment MISA • Site Assessment & Remediation • SCADA
t o 11 e n Sims h u b 1ck1 associates
44 Ye
WWRDROP Engineering Inc.
"Water contamination, such as por trayed in A Civil Action, is very rare in any of the nation's 15 million private wells and there ar-e now strict testing requir-ements for all utility water supplies. We
• Environmental Assessment
understand far more about 'cause and ef
• Site Remediation
• Chemicoi ond Process Engineering • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
fect' than we did 20 years ago. However, we need to be vigilant and act responsi bly to ensure that groundwater continues
«Solid Waste Monogement
• Municipal and industrial Water
Winnipeg•Toronto• Saskatoon •Thunder Boy• Asio• Africa
A multidisciplinnry Engineering, Environmentol and Information Technologies firm, offering expertise in:
• Asbestos Abatement
and Waste Water Treotment Lliil.tasiructure.Ren.e.wjii
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E-mail: winnipeg(@wardrop.com Web Site: www.wardrop.com
to be America's 'source of choice' for
drirrking water. Ifcitizens have questions about their drinking water, they should call their water utility or water well con
The American Ground Water Trust is
a national, non-profit, member supported groundwater education organization. For groundwater information visit:
• Industrial/Municipal Wastewater Management • Waterstied and Stormwater Management • Drinking Water Quality and Treatment
Vancouver (604)990-0582 Kitchener (519)741-5774 Toronto area (905)891-2400 Kingston (613)542-5888 www.xcg.commail@xcg.com
www.agwt.org Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
• Hydrogeology Investigation /Modelling • Environmental Site Assessment/Auditing • Remediation and Decommissioning • Environmental Management Systems
r Technical Sales & Distributors Wanted-|
"For Cost Effective Pumping" company in the Cardo Group
Activated Carbon (Granular/Pellet)
^BS has the most Comprehensive range on the market.
• For Water / Air Purification
Sales & Service
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• Sewage Pumps - Submersible & Dry Pit • Portable Dewateriiig Pumps • Mixers - Submersible & Conventional • Aerators - Submersible • Submersible Grinder Pumps
• Best Price Guaranteed
• Effluent Pumps • Stock & Process Pumps - PPI • Chemical Pumps • Canned Motor Pumps ABS Pumps Corporation, 1215 Meyerside Drive, Unit 7, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1H3 Phone: 1-800-988-2610 or(905)670-4677, Fax:(905) 670-3709, Web: www.abspumps.com Callfor the Representative nearest you
^ction Carbon-Chem Inc. www.carbonactivated.com
505-7E Queensway E., Mississauga,ON L5A 4B4 Tel:(905) 272-8220, Fax:(905) 272-2977
For more information,
For more information, circle reply card No. 115
circle reply card No. 120 - FILTER MEDIA
TEL:(905)619-3009 FAX:(905)619-3638
High Pressure Water Jetting tina Liquid/Dry Vacuum Services
Media & Coal Ltd.
Waste Water Treatment
TEL:(519)751-108Q FAX:(519)751-0617
Sponge Jet Cleaning
For more information,
For more information, circle reply card No. 116
circle reply card No. 121
Cronitech On-Site Wastewater Treatment Using Blofilm Advanced Secondary Treatment: BOD < 15 mg/L;IBS < 15 mg/L;
communities, ideal for hotels, restaurants
and rest areas.
F.Coliform < 50,000 UCF/100 ml.
Solves many problems of odours, drainage and contamination in older leaching fields.
Installs Into underground pre-cast concrete tanks with remote control unit and
compressor box.
Applications for single dwellings up to small
Approved by the Quebec Ministry of Environment(MEF)and Environmental Technology Verification (ETV Canada).
CRONITECH ENVIRONNEIVIENT INC., 59 Centre St., Magog, QC J1X 5B6 Tel: (819) 843-7070 • Fax:(819) 843-3845 • E-mail: bioflim@cronitech.ca
Blosollds and Waste Utilization • Liquid and Dewatered Application. • Digester and Lagoon Cleaning. • Contract Facility Operations. • Spills Response & Industrial Wastes. Mali — P.O. Box 60069
Oakville, Ontario L6IVI 3H2
For more information, circle reply card No. 117
Location — W.A. Johnson Resource
Management Centre 4449 Hwy #25, Oakville, Ont. L9T 2X5
Phone:(905) 878-2800/Fax: (905) 878-7332
For more information, circle reply card No. 122
• MonitoringWells
• Municipal Well Drilling • Industrial Well Drilling •Construction Drilling • Well Testing and Rehabilitation
»Recovery Wells • Gas Extraction Wells
• Deep Monitoring Weil Specialists R.R. #1 (Bast Place) Waterloo, Ontario (519) 664-1422
Erratum In ES&E's Directory issue (page 60), H2Fiow's web site was shown incor
147 North Street West
rectly. Please update your flies with the correct listing shown heiow.
Wingham,Ontario Dmndson "Since 1900"
(519) 357-1960
For more information, circle reply card No. 118
WIOUJ !0 U I f M t N T
INSITU I Contractors I Inc.
Remedial Groundwater Control and Treatment
Construction Dewatering
• well decommissioning • dual phase extraction • vapour extraction • wellpoint systems • product recovery Insitu Groundwater Contractors • pump tests
7 Momicello Cres.
Guelph.ON Canada NIG2M1 phone:(519) 763-0700. fax:(519)763-6684
For more information, circle reply card No. 119 56
I H (.
80 Cariauren Rd., #24, Woodbridge, ON L4L 7Z5 (905)264-2188 Fax:(905)264-2062 E-mail: h2flow@idirect.com Web Site: www.h2flow.com
Contact: Michael Albanese, Application Engineer Water and wastewater treatment equipment special izing in screening, filtration, separation, clarification, grinding, sludge mixing and dewatering, aeration, biological treatment, floatation, DAF, sequencing batch reactors (SBR), UV disinfection. Municipal and industrial treatment. Package treatment plant units, lime feeders, vacuum sewage systems, oil/ water separators.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Industry Update The Town of New
who form a private sector consortium, presented the most acceptable proposal,
Tecumseth to proceed with water supply project
and were the lowest bidder.
The Town of New Tecumseth has formed
million project consists of the following:
a Public-Private Partnership with SNC Lavalin Inc. and Con-Drain Company (1983)Ltd. to design and construct a new 57 km water transmission pipeline from Collingwood to Alhston, Ontario. The Town had previously completed an Environmental Assessment Study that identified the surface water supply source from Collingwood as the pre
SNC/Con Drain will provide $2.9M in
vincial grant;the Town ofNew Tecumseth will supply $7M in equity financing to be recovered from development chaiges; and the Town of Colhngwood Public Utilities Commission will provide an additional
ferred solution.
$1.3M, also in equity financing. As out
The financing structure for this $27.3
debt financing; the Province of Ontario
will provide $11.IM in debtfinancing and an additional $5M in the form of a pro
This pipeline project has become a pri ority for the Town of New Tecumseth in order for it to meet future water supply needs, specifically those of the Alliston
lined in the Environmental Assessment
industrial area and Honda of Canada
of up to $.60/m\
Manufacturing. As well, local commu nities have expressed an interest in and a need for additional water.
An extensive process was undertaken by the Town in developing this project, including a Request for Strategy, a Re quest for Expression of Interest, and fi nally, a Request for Proposals from four short-hsted consortia. SNC Lavalin Inc.
and Con-Drain Company (1983) Ltd.,
Study, the proposal initially requires the Town to accept 6,000m-^ of water per day which will see rates targeted in a range The Town of New Tecumseth retained
the Ontario Clean Water Agency to man age the proposal process for the water transmission pipeline, and continue man aging the project, to completion. For further information contact: Ster
ling W. Zeran, Town Manager, Town of New Tecumseth at (705) 435-6219, or
John Carter, Project Manager, Ontario Clean Water Agency at(416) 314-4617.
Hershel Guttman, M.Eng., P.Eng, Elected VP of American Water Works Association
Guide to water reuse
system released The Canada Mortgage and Housing Cor poration (CMHC) Research Division, has released a research publication An Application Guidefor Water Reuse Sys tems (1998). The main focus of this report, devel oped by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for CMHC,is aimed at residential reuse
applications. It is intended for those in volved in the analysis, design, specifi cation and operation of water reuse sys tems, and for those who wish to become
familiar with current developments in innovative water treatment systems and broaden their knowledge of water reuse problems and their solutions. Two other publications in the same field of study that may also be of inter est are: Innovative Residential Water
and Wastewater Management (1998) arid Regulatory Barriers to On-site Water Reuse (1997). To obtain copies of these publica tions, contact the Canadian Housing Information Centre (CHIC) at: (613) 748-2367. These publications are free in Canada.
Announcement Mr. Wm. Nordick, Presi
Hershel Guttman was elected Vice
President of the American Water
Works Association (AWWA) at the Association's 1999 winter board
meeting in San Antonio, Texas. He takes office June 24, 1999.
dent of Centennial Con
crete Pipe and Products Inc., is pleased to an nounce the appointment of Mr. Mark Sabine,
Mr. Guttman is a Principal of R.V. Anderson Associates Limited (RVA), and Director of the firm's municipal
C.E.T., to the position of Technical Marketing
water and wastewater section.
joined RVA as a Senior Engineer in 1978 and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Ontario and Licensed Professional Engineer in New Brunswick. He has a Masters in Environmental Engineering and has presented numerous papers on water supply issues. Hershel has been active in AWWA and a member for over two decades. He has served on 20 association and section
committees and provided leadership as Chair for 11 of them. He is a Director of the Ontario Water Works Association, a section of AWWA. A former OWWA Chair, Hershel initiated a
section self-assessment effort and led the task force to reorganize the section to meet the challenges of the 21st century. He also serves on AWWA's Canadian Affairs Committee and the Water
for People Canada Board. RVA has been engaged in the practice of consulting engineering and technology management for over 50 years. The organization comprises environmental and infrastructure specialists for technologies related to water, wastewater, transportation, urban development and telecommunications. For more information on the firm and employment oppor tunities, please visit RVA's Web site at www.rvanderson.com. Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
With this appointment, Mark brings fourteen years of related industry ex perience in quality control, product design, sales and marketing. This position will focus on pro viding Municipalities and Civil Engineering firms with modem design packages and value-added en gineering altematives,including any technical sup port that may be necessary to enhance municipal infrastructure design. Mark is available by con tacting Centennial Concrete Pipe and Products Inc. toll-free at: (888) 888-3222 or on-line at: msabine@cenpipe.com Congratulations Mark and good luck.
Centennial Concrete Pipe & Products Inc.
Industry Update
BC makes progress in environmental management Biitish Columbia is making measurable progress in managing its environment according to a just-released Report Card rating its ability to reach envii-onmental
goals. Preparedby the Ministry of Envi ronment, Lands and PaiLs, the report is in response to the 1995 Auditor General's Report recommending increasing the ac countability of government by develop ing methods to measure performance.
Twelve envkonmental indicators used
to measure the government's performance included: protected areas, sohd waste dis posal, fine paiticulates in the air, ozone depletion, the presence of greenhouse
gases, water quahty,groundwater supply, species at risk in general, forest species at risk, and the range of toxic contami nants in animals and fish.
Groundwater protection is one of three areas recognized as needing more sus tained effort. Of the 124 water bodies used as
sources for drinking water, nine were rated as excellent, 44 good, 62 fan", five borderline, and four were poor.
Asthma "puffers" without
A suiwey of 600,000 wells used for drinking water showed that 47 percent
CFCs Metered-dose inhalers (MDI), often
suffered from lower water levels in 1995,
called "puffers" by asthma patients, have traditionally contained ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), as propellant. Temporary exemptions were given
compared with about 26 percent in 1965.
under the Montreal Protocol on Sub
stances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in order to allow for a continued supply of CFCs as alternatives were developed. Parties to the Protocol were, however,
asked to develop transition strategies. On July 15,Environment Canada pub lished an Initial Transition Strategy which aims to ensure that there is an orderly re placement of existing MDls with CFCfree altematives. This document was pre pared in cooperation with Health Canada. One of the principles of the strategy is that the health of asthma patients must be safeguarded. Canada's Initial Transition Strategy is expected to reduce the use of CFCs in MDls by 60 percent by 2001, with a complete phase-out by 2005.
Water supply and food production Over the next 25 years, water could be come an increasingly contentious issue worldwide because ofshortages expected in many areas, according to a study fi nanced by the US and Japan. Some 1.3 billion people worldwide lack access to clean supplies of water, and water short ages will pose the single greatest threat to food production and human health, wams the study. In an effort to improve water manage ment, the Consultative Croup of Interna tional Agricultural Research has compiled
Jt's a dirty job and the OCPA has the effective new system to do it. The OGER (Oil/Grit Extraction Reservoir) is an off-line oil and grit separator that removes sediment and free oil from urban stormwater. Oil and sediment are
separated before re-entiy into the sewer system or stormwater management
a massive electronic world water and cli
facility. Trapped oil and
mate atlas. The atlas provides maps of every country, allowing the user to call up information on rainfall and hours of sunshine, temperature averages, and soil types in their home ai'eas.
sediment can be removed
easily during regular maintenance.
Performance improves, saving considerable time and money. Get the OGER on your side. It's a giant advance in stormwater treatment.
o 58
5045 South Service Road,
Concrete Pipe
First Floor, Burlington, Ont. L7L 5Y7
(905)631-9696 Fax:(905)631-1905
The choice of a lifetime
For more information, circle reply card No. 162 (See page 25)
Worldwide,about 80% of water use is
dedicated to agriculture. Demand is in creasing,so that water scarcity, not short age of land, is likely to be the biggest impediment to food production in devel oping countries. Some 25% ofthe world's population is expected to face severe water scarcity in the next 25 years.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Drinking Water
Drinking iron rich water in Wales
The spa -an ancient spring in Snowdonia with a Victorian pump room and bath house - is believed to have been
discovered by soldiers of the 20th Ro man Legion. Visitors can take samples of the water for themselves, straight from the well, which is protected to ob
POINT or imofAT No 2 PttA4i:SWJUJU>S TAPi: \SH llATI
viate the risk of contamination.
The site has a production facility of one million sachets every 70 hours. Story by Albert Evans, Photo - Mike Pattison
Lime softening In Manitoba USFilter is supplying almost all the wa ter treatment plant process equipment to Manitoba Water Services for a new mu
nicipal water plant at Morden. USFilter received the order from Gateway Con struction in Manitoba to provide lime softening process equipment. The system consists of two 34-foot
The World Spa Federation has recog nized that the naturally iron-rich spa water from Trefriw, Conwy, North Wales, has the highest chalebeate-iron in solution - known in the world. It
pours from the rock in a natural solu tion that can be readily absorbed (after filtering) by the body and offers an ex cellent alternative to those people who
active ingredients are 6.3 milligrams Fe2+(clinically proven up to 40 percent bio-availability) compared with ap proximately five to 15 percent from food and manufactured iron preparations. Because the iron in the product is al ready in solution, the iron does not have to be dissolved in the gut before it can be absorbed and then used. It enters the
diameter General Filter CONTRAFLO® solids contact clarifiers, two 12-foot di
ameter(3.65 m)recarbonation basins, a
pair of nine-foot wide (2.64 m),33-foot long (10.05 m) three-cell Rectangular Steel Gravity Filters, and two 12-foot diameter (3.65 m)Zimpro WHM bulk feed storage silos for lime and soda ash. This project also includes Wallace & Tiernan chemical feed equipment, and Control Systems instrumentation and
cannot tolerate iron in tablet form. Iron
blood stream in about 30 minutes.
is crucial for the proper functioning of the human body. Under the Spatone Iron-i- label - a registered medicine in Germany - the only licensed spa water medicine in the world is used specifically for the pre vention of iron-deficiency anaemia. The
Sold in sachet form,one packet a day will provide the entire average daily re quirement of iron for men, women and children, or the average extra quantity of iron needed during pregnancy. Spatone Iron-i- is said to be safe for long-
term use for those whose diet is lacking.
is expected to begin operation in the spring of 1999. USFilter is represented on this project by Mequipco, Calgary,
■ Densoclad and Densopol Bitumen Tapes
Cold applied tapes ranging from 20 mils up to 80 mils
Reid Crowther Engineering,of Win
nipeg designed the 315 m% plant which
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For more information, circle reply card No. 163 (See page 25)
Industry Update
New septic regs in Ontario
the Mechanical Physics Section at the
quality. Although different scientific ap
Regulations affecting the design and con struction of smaller on-site sewage sys
Institute from 1967 to 1990. He is now
tems were transferred to the Ontario
Montreal, and also teaches at the Uni
Building Code on April 6, 1998. Since then, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has received many questions about these regulations. The Ministry is releasing a series of newsletters to answer frequently asked questions about sewage systems in the Ontario Building Code. Infoimation can also be found by visiting the Housing Development and Building Branch's homepage at: http://obc.mmah/gov.on.ca
versity of British Columbia, Vancouver. The two scientists are being recog nized for their breakthrough research
proaches were used,basic knowledge on this subject had accumulated slowly. Now, Miles and May have provided a basic understanding of the process by developing a theory that starts from an analysis of the forces acting upon the
Adjunct Professor at McGill University,
Canadians receive
prestigious Marcus Waiienberg prize H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, presented the fifteenth Marcus Wallen berg Prize to Canadians Keith B. Miles and W. Donald May, in Stockholm last October.
Keith Miles, B.Sc., of Montreal,
into the fundamental mechanisms of
materials in a refiner and leads to the
wood chip refining and for their devel opment of the concept of refining inten sity. This concept has provided a major impetus to the manufacture of mechani cal and other high yield pulps with im proved quality and reduced energy con sumption. The impressive rate of development of chip refining over the last 25 years
fundamental equations that govern the flow of material within and through the refiner. Contact: www.mwp.org
has resulted in a tremendous increase in
which gives municipalities private sec tor-like opportunities for electrical utili ties, also could have the potential to change the way in which water is pro vided. The Act provides for options for utility operation and may affect water utility governance. The Act is considered by the Ontario Municipal Water Association(OMWA) to be significant to the water industry and they have had a report prepared on the topic. Contact OMWA at:(519)8886402, Fax:(519)725-5987.
production capacity of this so-called thermo-mechanical pulp. This has im proved the quality of newsprint and magazine paper as well as several pa per board grades while decreasing their cost to produce. Characteristics for this type of pulp include high electric power consumption and high pulp yield from
joined the Pulp and Paper Research In
the wood raw material.
stitute of Canada in 1968 and is now
A great deal of research has focused on finding ways to minimize the energy costs while maximizing the product
Senior Research Scientist at the Insti
tute. Donald May, B.Sc., was Head of
Philip Utilities Management Corporation
PENN State
Ontario's Electricity Competition Act may affect water utilities Ontario's Electricity Competition Act,
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For more information, ciroie repiy card No. 165 (See page 25)
For more information,
circie repiy card No. 164
Date Pad
March 24-26,1999. Americana 1999, Pan-American Environmental Technol
The Future is Now, Toronto, ON. Con tact: Fatima Lawson, Tel: 1-800-669-
ogy Trade Show and Conference, Montreal, QC. Contact: Tel;(514)2707110, Fax:(514) 270-7154.
4939, ext. 283, Fax:(416)506-8631.
April 7-8 1999. Environmental Com pliance and Best Available Technologies
Contact: Elizabeth Muckle-Jeffs, Tel: 1800-868-8776, Fax:(613) 732-3386.
April 26-30,1999. Ninth International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference, Duluth, Minnesota.
Too Muc
'99,The 7th Armual Environmental Con
ference & Workshops - Now With Its
May 3-5,1999. First NSF Intemational
Own Tradeshow! The Constellation
Conference on Indoor Air Health: Im
Hotel, Etobicoke, ON. Contact ES&E: Tel: 1-888-254-8769, or (905) 727-
pacts, Issues and Solutions, Denver, Colorado. Contact: Wendy Raeder,Tel: (734) 769-8010, ext. 205, Fax: (734)
4666, Fax: (905) 841-7271, Web site: www.esemag.com.
April 11-13,1999. Water Environment Association of Ontario Annual Confer
ence, Toronto, ON. Contact: Sandy Pickett,Tel:(416)502-1440,Fax:(416) 502-1786.
May 4-8 1999. IFAT 99 - 12th Intema tional Trade Fair for environment,
wastewater and waste diposal: water, sewage, refuse and recycling. Munich, Germany. Contact: Barbara Blackburn, Tel: (416) 291-6359, Fax: (416) 291-
April 12-15,1999. Philip Utilities and
Penn State Wastewater Biology Courses, St. John, NB. May 10-13,1999. Van couver, BC. Contact: PUMC,Tel:(905) 312-7604, Fax:(905)545-2314.
May 5-7,1999. Air & Waste Manage
April 18-21,1999. 1999 International Environmental Conference & Exhibit,
ment Association - Ontario Section
Spring Conference,Toronto, ON. Con tact: Jean-Yves Urbain, Tel:(416)445-
7022 ext. 2283, or E-mail: "jyurbain@ pandr.com
sponsored by the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, and cosponsored by the Pulp and Paper Tech
May 11-13,1999. The Institute of Elec trical and Electronics Engineers Inter national Symposium on Electronics and
nical Association of Canada, Nashville,
the Environment, Danvers, Massachu setts. Contact: Tel:(732)562-3875,Fax: (732)981-1203.
Tennessee. Contact: Tel: 1-800-4469431.
April 19-24,1999. HANNOVER FAIR '99, Hannover, Germany. Contact: Tel: I-800-727-4I83, Fax:(416) 364-6557.
April 22-23,1999. Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable - Innovators in
Pollution Prevention, Vancouver, BC. Contact: Tel: 1-800-667-9790, Fax: (519) 337-3486.
April 22-24, 1999. Ontario Ground Water Association 47th Annual Conven
May 16-19, 1999. OWWA-OMWA
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May 18-20, 1999. Canadian Confer ence on Energy Efficiency, hosted by Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON. Contact: Tel: 1-800-342-7146.
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April 25-28,1999. BC Water & Waste
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1999 Joint Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON. Contact: OWWA,Tel:(416) 2527060, Fax:(416) 252-3908.
tion and Trade Show, London, ON. 869-8940.
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May 23-26, 1999. North American No-Dig '99, Orlando, Florida. Contact: Tel: (312) 644-0828, Fax: (312) 6448557, E-mail: NASTT@Bostrom.com
May 26-28,1999. Combustion Canada April 25-30,1999. CORROSION/99, '99, Calgary, AB. Contact the CC '99 Coordinator, Tel:(613) 236-6222, Fax: (613) 236-6850.
June 20-24,1999. Air & Waste Man agement Association 92nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, St. Louis, Mis
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Prevention Association's Health &
souri. Contact: Tel: 1-800-270-3444,
Safety Conference & Trade Show '99-
Fax:(412) 232-3450.
NACE Intemational's 54th Annual Con
ference and Exhibition, San Antonio,
Texas. Contact: Tel: (281) 228-6223, Fax:(281) 228-6300.
April 26-28,1999. Industrial Accident
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
For more information, circle reply card No. 140
The understated costs of infrastructure The existing infrastructure deficit is in the order of$60 biliion
Consider the harbours in St.
public debate on our
John's, Halifax, Saint John
cient capacity for current use, and im proved safety standards.
and Victoria where untreated
At different times since its founda
sewage is discharged. These and others are well-known and widely deplored examples of inadequate infra
tion in 1925,the Association of Consult
true costs to the tax
ing Engineers of Canada (ACEC) has championed the cause oflong-term sti'ategies and policies for infrastructure re
payer should become amply evident and politicians will hope fully pay more than lip service to this issue. The existing infrastructure deficit is the gap between the investment required to maintain or upgrade existing infra structure to acceptable standards and the amount actually invested. CuiTently, it is in the order of $60 billion, without even taking into consideration the an cillary costs. In order to capture the overall scope
structure in Canada.
For several reasons over the past 1015 years, governments at all levels have given low priority to the upgrading of essential infrastructure such as roads,
wastewater management and natural hazard controls, opting instead for "Band-Aid" solutions most often imple mented as a result of politics, public pressure or tragedy. For the most part, these essential infrastructure compo nents are between 25 and 35 years old, and several of them are older. The defi
ciencies are a result of several factors,
including normal wear and tear, insuffi-
By Bob Lorimer, P.Eng., Chair, Association of Consuiting Engineers of Canada
newal. Road fatalities, disease and other
injuries and losses confirm ACEC's con cerns, more so since a large portion of these avoidable tragedies is directly at tributable to deteriorating infrastructure. The costs go beyond those of the materials and labour required to renew such installations, and are often under stated, if stated at all, when the issue is
publicly discussed. Chief among these understated costs are health care, lost
wages, property damage and insurance. As professionals whose prime respon sibility is the health and safety ofthe com munity, we are in a unique position to comment on infrastructure issues and make recommendations to the relevant
authorities. At least, we can stimulate
1 =1
infrastructure deficit.
With discussion, the
of this mounting problem, perhaps some perspectives on the situation would be appropriate. A study by the National Institute for Scientific Research conducted in Que bec revealed that, although 75% of mu nicipalities have water distribution in spection and evaluation programs in place, the status and performance of more than 30% of the water transporta tion systems are unknown to municipal managers. Moreover, some 20% of the water conduits are more than 50 years old, while roughly 10% of the systems surveyed are in dire need of repair. The study also revealed that the public gen erally believes the life expectancy of existing underground installations to be anywhere between 250 and 700 years! ACEC is one of several business,
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For more information, circle reply card No. 166 (See page 25)
professional and municipal groups cur rently making representations to govern ment on the issue of a permanent infra structure revitalization policy. Our job is to point out to our politicians that com mitting public funds annually to essen tial services helps reduce the burden on other essential support systems. This, in turn, creates economic growth thi^ough increased efficiency, but more impor tantly, through the improvement of the community's health and safety. "The quality of Canada's infrastruc ture is a direct indication of our envi
ronmental and economic vitality. When we fail to maintain these basic services,
we are failing our citizens and our fu ture." These words were penned by the National Liberal Task Force on Munici
pal Infrastructure, May 31st, 1990. ❖ Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
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PCB Focus
Hazardous waste incineration A viable and environmentally sound option ficient to restrict the evaluation to com
bustion efficiency as might be the case in a power boiler. An equally important aspect of incineration is the ability to remove pollutants that can be produced during the combustion process and those that are constituents of the waste mate
rial. Pollutants may also arise as a re sult of incomplete combustion while others are formed in the post combus tion zone where conditions may be favorable to synthesis and recombina tion reactions. Pollutants in the flue gas stream include the well-known inor
ganic compounds such as hydrogen chloride, sulphur oxides and oxides of nitrogen but of more concern from a health and environmental perspective are organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metal emissions, particularly heavy metals.
Test proved the BOVAR system exceeded regulatory requirements.
Millions of tonnes ofPCBs
and other industrial waste
materials are produced in North America each year. A significant amount of this is classi
Thus the common measurement of
thalpy, energy levels and psychometry. performance is expressed in terms ofthe Subject to chemical equilibrium, the Destruction and Removal Efficiency following general reactions will occur (ORE) for a designated component in during incineration of waste materials: the waste. DRE is usually expressed as • All hydrogen converts to water vapor. a percentage. The standard of perform
fied as hazardous waste for which in
ance for incinerators used for hazardous
cineration is the preferred means of
•All carbon conveits to carbon dioxide,
treatment from both an environmental
and economic perspective. Incineration poses a number of decided advantages over disposal technologies:
• All chloride (halogen) converts to hy drogen chloride, HCl,(Halogen acid). • All sulphur converts to sulphur dioxide. •Alkali metals convert to the hydroxide
waste treatment that has been adopted by all major environmental protection agencies, such as Environment Canada,
• The volume of hazardous waste is
greatly reduced by incineration. • Toxic compounds are converted into less harmful compounds. The performance of incinerators can be predicted and measured on a continu
• Non alkali metals convert to oxides.
In assessing the performance of a hazardous waste incinerator it is not suf
Alberta Environmental Protection and the US EPA is 99.9999%. It is also cus
tomary to establish additional emission criteria including particulate matter, acid gases such as hydrogen chloride,carbon monoxide and pollutants of concern Continued overleaf
ous basis.
Incineration is an engineering proc ess that uses thermal decomposition in a highly oxidative environment to de compose organic molecules into simple compounds, predominantly carbon di oxide and water. A necessary property
Liquids Sludge
of the waste material is that it be com
bustible. The incineration of organic compounds is well understood and the end result can be predicted by basic thermodynamic concepts including en-
Collision Scrubber
Separator Shredder
By H.B Krenkel, Operations Manager, Swan Hills Treatment
Combustion Condenser/
Centre and
A. Wakeiin, Sensor Environmental Services Ltd.
H Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
The 7th Annual Environmental Conference &
Workshops - Now With Its Own Tradeshow! The most cost-effective networking opportunity of 1999
April 7 & 8,1999
To be held at the conference and tradeshow facilities
The Constellation Hotel
900 Dixon Road, Etobicoke, ON For the first time, Environmental Compliance '99 will also feature its own Two Day Tradeshow with some 25 booths. To receive an exhibitor kit, please contact us at: 1-888-254-8769
Luncheon Sessions - FREE Admission Visitors to the tradeshow are invited to attend the special luncheon workshops at no charge. For free admission to the tradeshow, and for the free workshops, please fill in the registration form below and fax this page to ES&E. Your badge can be picked up at the registration desk at the show. April 7,1999 - noon to 1:30 p.m. April 8,1999 - noon to 1:30 p.m. • Computer Applications in Environmental Mgmt. • Site Remediation • Emissions Monitoring • Monitoring • Wastewater Treatment Technologies • Wastewater Treatment Complete or attach business card and Fax in this page to register for your complimentary PASS to the tradeshow and the FREE lunchtime workshops(not valid for conference sessions). Your badge can be picked up at the registration desk. Name:
Company: Address:
April 7 & 8,1999 Province:
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Produced by:
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine Tel:(905) 727-4666, Fax:(905) 841-7271
Tradeshow open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily The Constellation Hotel
900 Dixon Road, Etobicoke, ON
PCB Focus
such as poly chlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and poly chlorinated dibenzo-furans (PCDFs). BOVAR Waste Management oper ates one of the most modern hazardous waste incinerators in North America.
The facility located near Swan Hills, Alberta has conclusively demonstrated an operational performance that is su perior to the regulatory requirements. This is the result of careful attention to
the understanding of incineration proc esses, design and operating protocols. Prior to receiving an Operating Approval from Alberta Environmental Protection, BOVAR was required to demonstrate the performance of the in
cinerator and its associated air pollution control devices through a series of test burns. These tests proved conclusively that the system exceeded the regulatory requirements. In order to monitor the performance of the incinerator on an ongoing basis, a number of instruments continuously monitor stack emissions. The param eters monitored are oxygen (O,),carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxicle (CO,),
hydrogen chloride(HCl), sulphur diox ide(SO,),oxides of nitrogen(NOx)and total hydrocaiBons(THC). Oxygen,car bon monoxide, carbon dioxide and to
tal hydrocarbons provide measures of combustion efficiency. The mainte nance of high oxygen and low carbon monoxide levels are regulatory require ments that must be maintained at all
have the waste characterized by labora tory analysis. The analysis of the waste must quantify the heating value, halo gen content, and priority pollutants such as poly chlorinated biphenyl(PCB)and inorganic compounds such as heavy met als. This information allows the opera tor to establish the operating parameters that will achieve the necessary combus tion conditions required to destroy the waste. The most important operating parameters for proper incineration are temperature, residence time, oxygen availability and turbulence or mixing. During incineration, waste is com
sis on heavy metals and condensed or ganic compounds on particulate matter. Duplication the key to superior performauce
busted with air and, while the theoreti
tion products or flue gas ai^e then cleaned in two stages of gas scrubbing in which caustic is employed to remove acid gases and particulate matter is primarily re moved by a fabric filter baghouse fol lowed by a high energy scmbber. In ad
cal quantity of air can be calculated and supplied, it is necessary to provide ex cess air in order to achieve complete burning. Depending on the physical and chemical properties of the waste,excess air is supplied in amounts that range from 5% above the stoichiometric amount to more than 200% of the stoi
chiometric quantity. In addition to predicting and manag ing combustion, the identification and control of emissions from incineration
is a subject of intense debate. Emissions can be considered to be inorganic gas discharges, organic gas discharges and particulate discharges. Inorganic gas discharges include car-
feeds if a variant condition is observed. In addition to these continuous measure
ments, BOVAR is required to test the incinerator on an annual basis to dem onstrate that the incinerator continues to
perform as intended and with the emis sion criteria. This is refen'ed to as Com
pliance Testing and is conducted by an independent third party. The following describes the technol ogy employed in the BOVAR incinera tor at the Swan Hills Treatment Centre
and the performance as measured dur ing a typical Compliance Test. The technological keys to performance levels In order to specify the appropriate operating parameters, it is necessary to 66
characteristics of the waste. The combus
dition to these features, the BOVAR in
cinerator employs a dioxin and furan con trol process that is proprietaiy. These design features, coupled with the adherence to stringent operating protocols, result in a level of perform ance that BOVAR claims is equal to or better than any other hazardous waste incinerator in the world. The results re
ported during the 1998 Compliance Test are compared with the regulatory re quirements in Table 1.
Table 1 - Regulated Emission Limits and Actuai Performance Recorded during the 1998 Annual Compliance Test Contaminant
Regulatory Requirement
Stack Survey Averages
% of Regulatory Requirement
ORE (calculated on PCB)
Total particulate Hydrogen Chloride Sulphur dioxide Carbon Monoxide
20 mg/m^ 75 mg/m^ 325 mg/m® 57 mg/m^
6.2 mg/m® 3.9 mg/m' Less than 3 mg/m^ 1 mg/m®
0.5 ng/m®
0.079 ng/m^
times. Process interlocks will automati
cally shut off waste feeds if these pa rameters deviate from prescribed values. Similarly, the measurement of HC1 and SO,provide an accurate measure of the performance of the inorganic scrubbing system. These instruments will also bring about the termination of waste
A feature of the BOVAR Waste Man
agement incinerator is that each ofthe unit operations (combustion, acid gas scrub bing and particulate removal) is dupli cated. Combustion is carried out in a pri mary combustion zone(the kiln) and in a secondary combustion zone (the Second ary Combustion Chamber). This ensures a high degree of combustion efficiency regai'dless of the physical and chemical
31% 5.2% 0.9%
Toxicity Equivalent
bon dioxide, acidic gases such as HCl and SO, and CO. Emission limits for all of these except carbon dioxide are imposed on incinerator operators. The limits imposed by Alberta Environmen tal Protection are shown in Table 1.
Organic gas discharges may result from incomplete combustion of the waste material or from reactive compounds formed during the combustion process. The focus in recent years had been di rected towai'd minimizing the emission of cyclic compounds in general and dioxins and furans in particular. Particulate emissions include both
organic and inorganic matter with empha-
The values reported are calculated on a dry basis comected to 11% oxygen at 25°Cand 101.325 kPa.
The PCDD/PCDE Toxicity Equiva lent is calculated in accordance with an
internationally recognized formula that is based upon the toxicity ofspecific con geners as compared to 2,3,7,8 PCDD. As the data supports, the BOVAR Waste Management incinerator clearly surpasses the regulatory requirements in all areas. These levels of performance are the result of both good design and good operating practice. For more information, circle reply card No. 143
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
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$1 - $49,900 $50,000 • $99,999 $100,000-$499,999 $500,000 - $999,999 $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 $5,000,000 - $9,999,999 $10 Million and Over
PCB Update
Reviewing the Canadian PCB industry The key for generators is to select a facility or service company that can provide as much of a total package as possible.
PCBs have not been sold in
Canada since 1976, yet we find ourselves with many stoi^age sites still active through
out Canada. Often, the PCB waste has
been stored for 10 years or more in metal drums that have begun deteriorating, posing yet another thi-eat of leaking into the environment. The intent of the stor
age regulations and indeed the genera tors of PCB waste, was that by putting the waste into proper drums or other containers and placing them into modi fied storage containers, the risks of a mishap would he reduced. Now, after
Hills Treatment Centre was not allowed to receive PCB waste from outside Alberta until 1995.
Different technologies began to de velop and become available to generators. For example, mobile technologies for the treatment of transformers came on line,
then mobile treatment of hghting ballasts. There was even talk about installing mo bile incineration units on a temporary basis at strategic locations throughout Eastern Canada to rid ourselves of this
containers, which usually are sea con tainers, ai^e subject to msting out. In order to understand why this situ ation exists, it is important that one un derstands the disposal options available to PCB generators from the point at which the ban was put in place to the current day options. In 1976, there were virtually no op tions for disposal of high level PCB waste in Canada. European incineration
persistent and very pubhc problem. In fact, the reason that everyone was focusing on mobile or transportable so lutions, was because the public had a tre mendous fear of PCBs, especially after they saw PCB liquid spilled on the Trans-Canada Highway near Kenora, Ontario. The subsequent cleaning ef fort frankly would have scared the hell out of anybody. Men dressed in white suits and respirators were all over the place and parts of the Trans-Canada highway were being dug up, almost as though a nuclear accident had occurred. Then again in 1988,a fire broke out in
facilities received thousands of tonnes
a PCB warehouse in St. Basile le Grand,
all this time, even the bottoms of these
In order to understand why this situation exists, it is important that one understands the disposal options available to PCB generators from the point at which the ban was put in place to the current day options.
waste. The key now for generators is to select a facility or service company that can provide as much of a total package as possible in a safe, effective and costefficient manner, all the while limiting the potential overall liability. There is no standard,for example,for the amount ofinsurance that a provider ofPCB serv ices must maintain in order to receive
an approval from governmental authori ties. Insurance coverage ranges from $2,000,000 to $14,000,000 for the same type of service. When involved in clean ing up a PCB spill or other incident of any magnitude, one must ask if $2,000,000 is sufficient. The following is a list of other sig nificant elements that generators should take into consideration before deciding how best to deal with their PCB waste
in order to minimize the potential liabil ity and risk. After all, regardless of the quantity of waste to be disposed of, the effect of one's company name appear ing in newspapers because there has been an incident involving their PCBs is the same - something that must be avoided at all cost.
1) Does the service provider have a closure plan for the facility? If so, how does the closure plan cover the PCB waste at the facility? It is im portant to understand what happens to your waste if a company is unable to fulfill the terms of the contract. In some
cases, there is a bond or letter of credit
in place to ensure that, should the owner of the facility close the doors due to financial difficulty or any other reason, the waste in inventory is disposed of with the funds available under the secu
of PCB waste, shipped to them by sea blocked the export of PCB waste. This was as a result of waste being shipped
Quebec, causing the evacuation of ap proximately 4,000 residents who again watched pohce,firefighters and pubhc au thorities wander through their neighbour
back to Canada from England after longshoremen refused to offload a ship
hoods dressed in full-face masks. Who wouldn't be scared? Because of these
containing PCB waste destined for an incineration facility in England. This action by Environment Canada
until 1989, when Environment Canada
and build facilities that could properly
events, Canadians agreed that PCB ma terial needed to be disposed of but would only allow mobile or temporary technolo gies to be installed in their region. Today, the NIMBY(not in my back yard)syndrome has worn off and finally
treat or dispose ofPCB waste within our
we have a number of fixed facilities in
own borders. In fact, Bovar's Swan
Canada available to generators of PCB
was in effect a call to Canadian indus
try to develop their own technologies
rity instrument. It is also important to see this in writ ing and ensure that there is little chance ofthe waste returning to the original gen erator. One must be careful when told:
"We take title of the waste from the mo
ment your waste is on the truck." In many cases the provider of disposal services doesn't have their own transportation,so who takes title? Generators ofPCB waste
have cradle-to-grave responsibihty and, should the service provider become in solvent,the waste can be retumed if there is no such financial assurance.
Continued overleaf
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Pre-Engineered Pump and Monitoring Packages Metcon offers a variety of pre-engineered, fabricated metering and control packages, as well as design and fabrication of custom systems.
Packaged panels are corrosion resistant, preengineered, pre-packaged, completely selfcontained package with chemical metering pumps, all necessary piping, appurtenances and fittings assembled and tested by Metcon. Chemical metering pumps, instruments and all piping, fittings and accessories are mounted on a white polypropylene panel, drilled for convenient horizontal or vertical mounting.
Pre-mounted packages are a cost-effective way ofensuring reliable operating systems. A variety of process control/monitoring packages for measurement and pumping of chemicals is available.
Features Union connections for ease of maintenance.
Compact design and sturdy construction. Chemical resistance and durability. Pre-engineered for different chemical requirements. Convenient, easy, and fast installation. Minimal time for start up. Fully enclosed panels available. Single pump, multi pump, stand by/duty arrangement. SALES & ENGINEERING LIMITED
Inexpensive monitoring and control packages. Panels for existing pump installations.
15 Connie Ores., #3, Concori, ON L4K 1L3 â&#x20AC;˘ Tel: (905) 738-2355, Fax: (905) 738-5520, E-mail: metcon@ican.net
776 Corydon Ave., #759, VUnnipeg, MB R3M 0Y1 - Tel: (204) 895-8487, Fax:(204) 896-6606, E-mail: metcon@ican.net For more information, circle reply card No. 306 (See page 25)
PCB Update 2)How does the service provider han dle waste tracking to ensure that waste from different generators can be identified for the entire time that it is in their care?
Again there ai'e no govemment stand ards for tracking waste while the serv ice provider is handling it. Some facili ties dismantle electrical equipment into small components. It is important that the generator is certain that after this process every component has indeed been recycled or disposed of properly. Some facilities use manual log sys tems to record the waste that is being
each component of the waste has gone. 3) What happens to these different components of electrical equipment? There are many components that need to be dealt with. Electrical equip ment may have residual liquids inside even though the equipment has been drained. Transformers, for example, contain wood, paper insulation, copper, steel, ceramic bushings,etc. It is of pai^amount importance for the generator to ensure that all components ai"e dealt with in a manner that minimizes liability.
porous residuals and other debris sent to be incinerated at the only fully inte grated incineration facility in Swan Hills, Albeita? If the facility includes incineration of porous materials regard less of PCB concentration, how is the
Are the ceramics, which in most cases are contaminated, sent to landfill
site monitored for fugitive emissions? What type of measures are in effect to prevent environmental contamination, i.e. liner systems under the flooring and steel containment areas? What type of air and water sampling takes place to ensure that the surrounding area is pro tected and that generators will not find themselves with liability issues down the
received and others use more reliable
or are they sent for qualified PCB in
road? How is the health of the workers
computer controlled bar-coding systems which eliminates the possibility of in correctly transcribing numbers or letters from one page to another. At the end of the day,the generator must know where
cineration? Do the metals go to smelt
used in new or refurbished transfoim-
monitored and protected? If the facility handles lead shielded cable, is this op eration done in an enclosed sepaiute ai^ea with proper ventilation? Are the work
ers? Are the metals recycled? Are the
ers monitored for lead contamination in
ers or to scrap dealers or, as in some cases, are they shipped overseas to be
their bloodstream?
At the end of the day, the generator must know where each component of the waste has gone.
4)What are the sampling procedures for material once it has been decon taminated?
As in the cases mentioned above,
there is no industiy-wide standard for the sampling protocol of material once it has been decontaminated. One must
> Efficient information management - so you can
spend less time managing, more time understanding
James N. Bishop BEAK International Incorporated is pleased to announce the appointment of James N. Bishop to the position of Chief Operating Officer. Concurrently, Mr. Bishop continues in his role as VP, Ex ecutive Consulting, Corporate Environ mental Services, assisting clients in meet ing their environmental mandates and pro viding expert testimony in related legal
environmental data.
Effective compliance management. â&#x20AC;˘ Reduced costs for
reporting to regulators and management
Mr. Bishop has acquired over 30 years of experience In the evaluation of environ mental impacts. Prior to joining BEAK in 1997, Mr. Bishop was Vice President of
^ Consistency in environmental protocol and procedure.
â&#x2013;ş Configured to your operatio,
MDS Environmental Services Ltd. (19951997), Vice President of Environment Pro tection Laboratories, Inc. (1990-1994),
> Reduced potential for
and Director of the Water Resources
Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the En vironment (1984-1989).
He has served on the Technical Advi
For more information, circle reply card No. 147 (See page 25)
sory Board of Environmental Science & Engineering since the magazine was launched early in 1988.
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
PCB Update understand the frequency of samples,the location from which samples are re moved and the manner in which sam
ples are taken. This perhaps is the area where facilities can most easily cut cor ners if they chose to. One can take sam ples from strategic locations or with a strategic sampling protocol to ensure either the success or failure of a sam
ple. While it is not being suggested that
facilities falsify samples, if a sample is not taken correctly or in the coiTect lo cation, the risk of the facility sending contaminated metals back into the en
vironment is significantly increased. Also, does the facility take samples using hexane wipes or do they use dry wipes? The difference in the results us ing hexane wipes is far more accurate and can be as much as seven times
higher than the results with dry wipes. While the CCME guidelines explain the proper recommended procedure for sampling, it is not always applied the same way from one facility to another. Overall, it is indeed a good thing that more options are now available to gen erators for the disposal of PCB waste.
Kirkland Lake facility, there now exists over capacity in the marketplace for the treatment of electrical equipment, which will no doubt translate into savings for generators. With the options available today in Canada for the disposal and treatment of PCB material, there is no excuse for Canadians to hold this waste
in inventory with the associated mount ing risk of aging storage sites. The generator should be looking at using a company that offers the most turn-key operation possible. For exam ple, does the company operate its own transportation fleet or does it sub-con tract transportation? This is especially important when the generator is shipping liquids. Is there a potential for a truck carrying liquid waste from previous stops coming onto your property and
spilling PCBs on your site? If this were to happen, what is the chain of respon sibility? Would you have to wait for each company in the chain of responsi bility to respond? Can the company also offer site services with their own per sonnel? Again you want the responsi bility to be with the company you hire for the job and want the least number of sub-contractors possible. These are by no means the only items that a generator should consider. When deciding which option to use one must be diligent and ensure that the environ ment that we live in is protected for our selves and for future generations.
For more information,
circie repiy card No. 146
...there is no industry-wide standard for the sampling protocol of material once it has been decontaminated.
In fact, with the recent addition ofTCTs
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For more information, circie reply card No. 148 (See page 25)
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For more information, circie repiy card No. 149 (See page 25)
Site Remediation
New photocatalytic process provides 99.9+% reduction of VOC at Superfund site
Anew photocatalytic process, said to offer marked eco
nomic advantages, is claim ed to have demonstrated
consistent, 99.9+% reduction of a vola
tile organic compound(VOC)from soil vapours and groundwater at the Stamina Mills Superfund site in North Smithfield, Rhode Island. It is now undergo ing independent evaluation by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund Innovative Technol ogy Evaluation (SITE) program. The proprietary Adsorption Integrated Reac
tion(A-I-R-2000™)process, developed by KSE, Inc. of Amherst, Massachu setts, has been licensed exclusively worldwide to Trojan Technologies, Inc. of London, Ontario. The VOC contamination derived
from the 1969 spill of an unknown quan tity of trichloroethene(TCE)at a textile mill formerly located at the site. El evated TCE, above the maximum con
The A-I-R-2000™ Process has demonstrated consistent, 99.9-h % reduction of a
voiatiie organic compound(VOC)from soil vapours and groundwater at the Stamina Miiis Superfund site in North Smithfieid, Rhode island.
taminant level(MCL)of5 ppb for drink ing water, was measured in 1979 at a well 800 feet away, and was noted by EPA in 1988 to have migrated as far as 1,200 feet. Concentrations as high as 290,000 ppb were found in groundwater at the spill area. EnSafe Inc. of Memphis,Tennessee, supervising contractor for remedial de sign and remediation at the site, began a dual-phase treatment of soil vapours and groundwater with the AIR 2000 unit last May. Craig A. Wise, EnSafe's VP.
first four months of operation indicate that the technology is not only perform ing well, with low electiicity usage of 15 to 20 amps for the entire system, and high pollutant destruction efficiency, but it also does not appear that there is deg radation of the photocatalyst over time." Gallardo explained that the absence of observed degradation was very sig nificant, since it indicated a departure
of remediation services said:"We meas
from what had been seen in numerous
ured TCE destruction efficiency at 99.98% in May; 99.99% in June; 99.93% in July; and 99.99% in August. Now we're looking forward to the EPA SITE program, not only to further con firm the capability for TCE reduction from soil vapours, but also to gain ac ceptance for use of the technology on groundwater via air stripping." Vince Gallardo, EPA chemical engi neer in the SITE program, said he had reason to be optimistic about the proc ess even though evaluation data were still preliminary.
other studies of photocatalysis. EnSafe's Craig Wise said the eco nomic advantages offered by the A-I-R2000 Process were revealed during the technology evaluation phase. "We started work on designing a sys tem based on the EPA technology se lection of soil vapour extraction and activated carbon adsorption, with ultra violet peroxidation of groundwater," he
"While the data that have been col
lected have not undergone a rigorous re view of the sampling and analytical pro cedures to ensure that they are credible, and that the conclusions dr^awn from the 72
results are scientifically sound," he cau tioned,"the unvalidated results from the
remembered. "But when we determined that the bulk of the TCE was below the
water table in the top of the weathered portion of bedrock, and realized that vapour extraction of that mass would also require pumping groundwater, we began to think differently." Wise added that during a treatability study on the UV peroxidation of the
groundwater, another concern emerged. "While the UV peroxidation was shown to work, we could see it was go ing to be very expensive, because of the presence of naturally-occurring metals like iron and manganese," he explained. "When you added the hydrogen perox ide to bleach out the organic of interest, it was also consumed by oxidation of the metals, driving up the cost consid erably. We were also very concerned about the disposal or reactivation costs associated with activated carbon adsorp tion, given it was going to take 7-10 lbs. of carbon per lb. of TCE, and we were estimating a total TCE mass of 15,000 lbs. in the source area. So we began an active search for alternative approaches." The A-I-R 2000 Process consists es
sentially of adsorption of VOCs onto a UV light-activated proprietary cata lyst, for breakdown to carbon dioxide and water, and also to hydrochloric acid (HCl) and a small amount of chlorine gas when the VOCs are chlorinated. With a maximum internal operating tem perature of I25°E, it is claimed to be a low-energy system when compared to other catalytic technologies that feature thermal catalytic equipment. For more information, circle reply card No. 150
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
Confidence in safeguarding our environment
We hear a lot of talk about environmental problems—about hazardous
wastes and the perils they pose to the planet we live on. -.4
At BOVAR Waste Management, we listen to all that talk. We take it to heart. And we're proud to offer solutions to the problem of hazardous waste.
At BOVAR's fully integrated waste-management facility -the Swan Hills *
Treatment Centre - all aspects of waste destruction are carried out by
qualified professional! No waste residues leave BOVAR's Treatment Centre; all waste Is completely destroyed on-slte.
BOVAR's cradle-to-grave approach minimizes the risks hazardous wastes pose to people and the environment. We embrace and develop our Industry's most advanced technologies. Our destruction efficiencies • for.organic waste materials exceed 99.9999%.
BOVAR haSjSafely processed over 200 million kilograms and :2,000 typpS of hazardous waste since 1987. With exceptional
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Call us at 1-800-633-5552.
BOVAR Waste Management
Calgary • Edmonton • Montreal • Toronto • Vancouver
waste_management@bovar.com www.bovar.com
For more information, circle reply card No. 145(See page 25)
Contaminent Control
Control of contaminated groundwater Using sealable joint steei sheet piling, contaminants are prevented from moving off site.
Low permeability containment walls are increasingly used in groundwater pollution control
and remediation. Contain
struction of small scale, closed test cells,
or they were found to be insufficiently watertight. Hydraulic testing of proto type sealable joint sheet piling in numer
ment enclosures minimize or eliminate
ous closed cells at CFB Borden and an
the need for contaminant plume control by groundwater pumping and water treatment. Contaminants are prevented from moving off site while site control
industrial site near Sarnia, Ontario, in
activities, such as source removal and
plume remediation, are canied out in the
dicated that bulk wall hydraulic conduc tivities of 10"^ to lO"'" cm/sec could be
achieved; this was well below the 10"' cm/sec limit normally required by regu latory agencies for vertical barriers at
isolated subsurface environ ment inside the walled enclo sure.
New passive and semi-pas sive treatment technologies for the interception and in situ treatment of groundwater con taminants provide alternatives to conventional pump-andtreat approaches. In systems
ing, any loose soil remaining in the cav ity is jetted clean with pressurized wa ter. A sealant injection line is then low ered to the base of the open cavity and a low permeability grout is emplaced from bottom to top. Potential leak paths thi'ough the Bar rier are limited to the sealed joints and, therefore, thejoints are the focus of qual ity assurance and quality control proce dures(QA/QC). The vertical alignment of piles is monitored during driving, and the flushing and probing of the sealable cavi ties provides documentation regarding the ability to inject sealant the full length of the cavity. Records of grout vol ume, pumping time and start ing depth provide assurance that the entire cavity has been
such as these, containment
walls can be used to direct
Several types of sealants have been developed to meet specific project requirements. These include clay based grouts such as bentonite and attapulgite, cement based grouts modified with expand ing agents, epoxy polymers, urethane polymers and inflat able mechanical packers. Grout selection is governed by the required service life of the installation, chemical compat ibility with groundwater con
plumes into subsurface treat ment zones containing reac tive media. This article de
scribes the development and recent applications of sealable joint steel sheet piling for groundwater containment wall construction. Waterloo Barrier
The Waterloo BarrierÂŽ is a
steel sheet piling system that incorporates a sealable cavity at each interlocking joint(Fig ure 1). It was developed in the late 1980s by researchers at the University of Waterloo for the purpose of construct The Barrier was driven to refusal through stiff to hard soils ing secure test cells for con comprised of a mixture ofsand, day and gravel using a cranetrolled releases of DNAPL
mounted vibratory hammer.
chemicals to a shallow sand aquifer at
contaminated sites. A roll-formed,
Canadian Forces Base Borden near
manufactured version of the sealable
Alliston, Ontario.
sheet piling became commercially avail
Several available containment wall
technologies were investigated and found to be cost-prohibitive for the con-
By R.J. Jowett, Waterloo Barrier Inc., D. Smyth, University of Waterloo, D. Lee, AECL,and C. Creber, Dow Chemical Canada Inc.
able in late 1993 and is now in use at more than 25 contaminated sites in North America.
Standard pile driving equipment and techniques are used to install the Bar rier. A foot-plate at the base of the sealable cavity displaces soil laterally as the steel sheets are driven into the
ground, preventing the build-up ofcom pacted soil within the cavity. After driv
taminants, and whether or not
the piling has to be removed from the ground after site cleanup. The Waterloo Barrier has
proven its versatility in differ ing geological conditions and in a wide variety of applications. However, as with all steel sheet pile walls, the Bar rier is not suitable for use in extremely dense or rocky soils, and in densely populated urban areas the noise and vi bration from pile driving equipment may be a concern. Typical applications in clude containment to limit offsite migra tion or protect waterways,the construc tion of subsurface in situ treatment sys tems, and structural support and dewatering for the excavation of con-
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
rial. During construction, the Barrier
Figure 1
functions as a structural wall as the
clinoptilolite is installed in an excavated, temporary sheet pile enclosure. The upgradient side of the enclosure is then removed to open the reactive curtain to groundwater flow. The downgradient Barrier remains in place as an imperme able cut-off wall to prevent ingress of surface or groundwater into the reactive
medium. The curtain-and-wall in situ treat
ment system was designed with the aid of three dimensional numerical model
ling and then tested in the laboratory. It offers a cost advantage and also a higher degree of hydraulic control and moni toring than alternative methods.
The Waterloo BarrierÂŽ system showing interlocking steel sheet piling and modified joint with the seaiable cavity. taminated soils. Two examples of Canadian projects are described in more detail.
surface reactive curtain of granular clinoptilolite oriented perpendicular to groundwater flow and backed by a
Dow Chemical Canada Landfill Site
Waterloo Barrier containment wall
Sarnia, Ontario
sealed to the underlying bedrock (Fig ure 2). A passive tile drain maintains a uniform hydraulic head across the reac tive media. Monitoring and control is performed at two adjustable weirs allow-
A Waterloo Barrier containment wall
system totalling approximately 16,000 square metres was completed at this in active disposal facility in the summer of 1997. Past disposal activities at the landfill resulted in lateral migration of contamination from the landfill through fissures in weathered clay, and pooling at the top of unweathered consolidated clay at various depths up to 6 metres.
Waterloo Barrier seaiable joint steel sheet piling has demonstrated its ability to limit the migration of groundwater from contaminated sites, thereby reduc ing the impact to adjoining property or waterways. Installation is clean and rapid with minimal site disturbance and no excavation of contaminated soils;
Curtain of Reactive Media Waterioo Barrier Cutoff Wall -Level Control Manhole
The Waterloo Barrier was installed to
prevent future migration of contaminants beyond the limits of the property. The Barrier was driven to refusal through stiff to hard soils comprised of a mixture of sand, clay and gravel using a cranemounted vibratory hammer. A diesel hammer was then used to key the wall into the dense clay formation. Final depths of the wall range up to 7.3 metres. A proprietary organic polymer manu factured by Dow was selected to seal the joints because of its low permeability, elasticity and resistance to chemical deg radation. Subsequent phases of work at
Wall & Curtain
Plume Mitigation
Figure 2
the site entailed excavation of contami
ing the capture zone to be manipulated. Shallow uncontaminated groundwater
however, its use may be subject to limi tations in certain geotechnical environ
nated soils on the down-gradient side of the Barrier and replacement of the con
will be diverted around the treatment
The construction of irregular layouts with the Barrier, for example as in sub surface in situ treatment systems,can be easily achieved. Significant advantages of the Barrier are its predictable hydrau
taminated soil with clean material.
AECL Eacility Chalk River, Ontario A novel wall-and-curtain system has
been designed to intercept and treat a
strontium-90("'Sr) plume situated in the lower half of a 12 metre thick sandy aquifer. The system incorporates a sub
Clinoptilolite is a hydrated aluminosilicate mineral (zeolite) that removes
the '"'Sr from solution by sorption and retains it for an extended time. The re
active curtain is predicted to have an operating life of more than 20 years and could be rejuvenated for longer service
lic performance and documentable QA/
with the addition of new reactive mate-
circie repiy card No. 151
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
QC during the construction process. For more information,
Combined Sewer Overflow
R V. Anderson wins an Award of Merit During severe storm events the estimated 650 kiiometres of combined sewers in the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth receive sewage fiows that overwheim the trunk sewer and treatment plant faciiities.
The Main / King Combined
the environmental assessment, prelimi
at the 1998 Canadian Consulting Engi neering Awards presentations in Edmon ton, Alberta. One of the largest facili
the environment during all storm events. The Award of Merit for this project recognizes the challenges that were met to successfully complete the design and construction of this $22 million project. The small 2 1/2-hectare park site avail able to construct the tank complicated the severe time and budget constraints.
ties of its kind in Canada, this buried
An expressway with on-off ramps on
storage tank is designed to capture com bined sewage overflows dur ing a rainfall event that is oth erwise being discharged and conUibuting to the pollution in
three sides and a railway on the other
Construction logistics were consid ered during the design. A digital terrain model was developed to esti mate the size ofstockpiles that could be expected during the
Sewer Overflow Storage Tank, designed by R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
was recognized with the Award of Merit
nary and detailed design, approvals and tendering in less than 12 months. The contractor, Kenaiden Construction, was
awarded the project and proceeded to complete the fast-track project, meeting all deadlines required by the funding program.
excavation work. The final
Hamilton Harbour on Lake
cut-fiU calculations identified
the need to temporarily store
During severe storm events
some of the excavated materi
the estimated 650 kilometres
als on finished sections of the
of combined sewers in the Re
tank while other portions were being constmcted. The design,
gion of Hamilton-Wentworth receive sewage flows that
therefore, provided for this ex
overwhelm the trunk sewer
tra loading on key roof areas.
and treatment plant facilities, resulting in overloading at the plant and throughout the sewer system. The historical
low for speedier construction were a modular design to fa
Other considerations to al
cilitate the re-use offorms and
scaffolding during construc tion, and the design of a spe
relief measure has been to
open a number of control gates and overflow the excess sewage directly into Hamilton Harbour. Over the years this has contributed to the pollu tion that has disrupted plant
cial concrete mix with low
and fish life and caused beach closures
surround the site, creating difficult traf
in the area waterways. The new combined sewage overflow
fic control and access conditions. It was
storage tank is 75,000-m^ in size and de signed to contain the sewage overflow
nicipal landfill until 1927. People scav enging for relics, and managing hazard ous soil conditions, were just some of
from all but the one or two largest an nual storm events for two of the major drainage areas in the Hamilton system. Even in the most extreme storm events
when the tank capacity is exceeded, it still provides the benefits of containing
also discovered the site had been a mu
crete to pour, the need to design a facil ity that was conducive to fast-track con struction was essential.
struction efforts that went into this
The project team, the client repre sentatives and governmental agencies made extraordinary efforts to complete
unique project. For more information, circle reply card No. 123
As a result of the time constraints to
meet the requirements of the CanadaOntario Infrastructure Works Eunding program, only one full summer period was available to construct 85% of the
portion that usually carries the heaviest pollutant load. The tank contains fea
project. With as much as 150,000-m^
in the tank, preventing their release to
By Reg Andres, P.Eng., R.V. Anderson Associates
keep the tank clean and odour free, with no components of the system in contact with the sewage stored in the tank. The tank is now operating under ground and the site has been restored as a city park. No great monument is vis ible on the surface as this large facility silently provides a key improvement to the water quality of Hamilton Harbour. The award received for this project is an appreciated recognition of the crea tive and innovative engineering and con
the hurdles that needed to be overcome.
the "first flush" of a storm flow, that
tures to retain solids that settle or float
shrinkage and high workabil ity characteristics to accommo date large continuous pours. One of the design features of the tank is a tipping bucket cleaning system located in an easy access gallery for the system operators. This provides for a simple and effective operation to
of soil excavation and 25,000-m^ ofcon
Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
NOW OPEN! FULL SERVICE PGR DISPOSAL FACILITY Trans-Cycle industries, Inc. (TCI) is ready to accept ali of your PCB contaminated electrical equipment at our brand
We provide our customers:
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Call TCI today to review your disposal needs with one of our specialists, and see how TCI has set the standard in quality, service, safety and cost-efficiency.
For more information, please contact TCI at: 455 Archer Drive P.O. Box 518
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or Email us at tcl@tci-pcb.com
See us at our website at www.tci-pcb.com For more Information, circle reply card No. 310(See page 25)
One threat of Antarctic collapse ruled out
John Anderson,profes or ofgeol
ogy and geophysics at Rice Uni versity, and graduate student Stephanie Shipp, have been studying how the West Antarctic Ice
els predicted." Professor Anderson has made 20 vis
Sheet slides across the bed of rock or
its to Antarctica over the past 28 years to study the structure, movement and erosion of this icy continent. There is a lai^ge range of uncertainty
sediment beneath it, a mechanism be
in trying to predict how much the ice
lieved to be one that could lead to break
sheets will contribute to sea level rise over
down of the ice sheet. The sliding al
the next century as Earth's climate warms. Reports published by an international government panel estimate a rise in sea level by 2100 that varies in range from
lows it to accelerate, become thinner and
eventually float off the sea floor. This phenomenon is known as ice sheet col lapse, which could raise the world's sea
20 centimetr^es, which is minimal and the
age into the ocean occurs. To get a more accurate prediction of future behavior of the ice sheet, scien
tists look at a variety of complex fac tors, including temperature, precipita tion, the ice sheet system, and climate change and its direct impact on surface oceans. The most predictable impact of global warming is that of expansion of the oceans as surface waters become warmer. Scientists also want to under
stand those complexities over a 100-200 year scenario.
level and threaten to flood coastal areas.
present rate, to 96 centimetres. The West
Other mechanisms that have been
To test the plausibihty of this mecha nism,Rice geologists have been examin ing the geological record ofthe ice sheet's behaviour during the past 20,000 yeai's. "The evidence we have today shows that this was not an important mecha nism in the past," Anderson says. "The evidence suggests that the recent retreat
Antarctic Ice Sheet is believed to be the
tied to a rapid retreat of the ice include melting under the ice from warm ocean
Island would not survive, South Louisi
of the ice sheet has been slower and more
ana would be flooded, and Bangladesh
continuous than previously thought. So this portion of the ice sheet appears to be more stable than some previous mod
would be under water." To date, re search has focussed on the Ross Sea,
most likely source of this rise, but there is still debate concerning the ice sheet's stability and those mechanisms that could cause the ice sheet to melt.
"If this extreme prediction comes true," Anderson says,'Texas's Galveston
where 50 percent of the ice sheet drain
"The undermelting now seems to take on greater importance," Anderson says, "now that the ice sliding across a bed of deforming sediment is played down by our results." In visits to Antarctica this year; Pro fessor Anderson and his team of graduate and undergraduate students will focus on other factors that could lead to collapse.
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Environmental Science & Engineering, March 1999
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