November 2000
& Engineering
I, m
Focus on storage tanks & containment Consultants fear shortage of trained engineers Pumps cast as unseen extras in movies
Biosolids management across Canada Ultrafiltration installed at Walkerton Toxic mould removal
SUCTION ZeeWeed* Membrane Cassette
ZeeWeed' modules fit
m existing tankage
TREATED WATER Gentle suction ensures
longer membrane life
Open tank allowsfor use
ofcoagulants and any type offeedwater
Modular,conveniently expandable components
THIS... is ZENON's ZeeWeed" immersed
The MEMBRANE itself is an NSF 6l certified
membrane system.A revolutionary drink ing water filtration technology that employs our unique suction teclmology. This SUCTION process provides imparaUeled advantages over conventional and other membrane filtration systems. The innovative ZeeWeed速 system operates in an open environment and gently draws water through the membrane. This means it can
handle virtually any type of feedwater - from pretreated to high turbidity or even filter backwash -
without plugging. This ability to handle liigh solids and resist clogging means that ZeeWeed速 can easily accommodate coagulants or be immersed directly in
ultrafilter that is chlorine tolerant and
100 TIMES STRONGER than the compe tition. Providing over 6 log removal of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and other harmful parasites. The most remarkable thing about ZENON's ZeeWeed速 technology may be its ability to immediately upgrade your current conventional filtration plant by fitting inside your existing tanks. Ensuring a reduction in capital costs with minimal change to your infrastructure. This... is why ZENON invented immersed membrane
technology. ZENON's ZeeWeed速 suction system. Suction...
a clarifier.
Tel:(905) 465-3030, Fax:(905) 465-3050
For more information, circie reply card No. 101 (See page 25)
ABOVE-GROUND PUMP STATIONS. Ask us for details now! Gorman-Rupp of Canada Ltd.
PUMPS Distributors across Canada
70 Burwell Road
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For more information, circle reply card No. 102(See page 25)
October/November 2000 Vol. 13 No.5
Issued November, 2000
Examiningjbiosmi^s mahagernent
Spill management at the US/Mexican
,>' ,^^ross C^hacla - see pag^'12
border - See page 14
Features 7
The gravity of Newton's sentence - by Tom Davey 10 Ultraflltration being used in Walkerton 16 Control system improves activated sludge and thickening process
Consultants' Forum Consulting has entered the new millennium
Small consultants surviving in a giant's world Shortage of trained engineers looms
Is there a chlorine taste in your drinking water? 20 Pumps make Hollywood special effects a reality 22 Protecting groundwater from intensive farming operations 40 Cover Story - Toxic mould found at Newmarket courthouse
Epoxy resin lining chosen for OttawaCarleton watermain rehab
Boston's $390 million offshore wastewater effluent tunnel opens
on horizon
The environment requires global thinking Changing the development and design of engineered solutions Laboratory association addresses Walkerton inquiry Methane recovery from Egyptian
Special Tank Focus
Latvian landfill remediation project
Storage tanks and containment A UST detective story with a surprise ending No fuss, no muss fluid dispensing Concerns spur mini-boom for onsite coverage Canadian fabricator supplies huge
generates power
tanks to the Middle East
Departments 8
Literature Reviews
Date Pad
Industry Update
Ad index
Professional Cards
Product Review
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
New Hach CL17 Online
Chlorine Analyzer The new CL17 uses the proven DPD colorimetric method to provide
around-the-clock free or total chlorine measurement for detection as low as
The Best
0.035 mg/L (35 ppb).
Just Got Better
Unattended Operation The low-maintenance CL17 operates continuously for up to 30 days without needing reagent replacement.
Monitor Residuals Anywhere The IP62 enclosure of the new CL17
is lightweight, strong, and corrosionresistant, ideal for monitoring in your plant or anywhere in the distribution system.
High and Low Concentration Alarms
Two user-selectable alarms with SPDT
relays alert the operator when results are outside user-defined limits.
Flexible Data Management and Chlorine Feed Control Connect the programmable 4-20 mA out put to a feed pump, AquaTrend" network, chart recorder, PLC, or SCADA system.
CL17' The new Hach CL17 Chlorine Analyzer offers the highest accuracy and flexibility yet. With advanced features to assure proper disinfection and regulatory compliance, the CL17 provides a fast, reliable, and cost-effective method for determining free or total chlorine anywhere in your distribution system.
Hach makes the total-solution process analyzers that perform best for you. To order the CL17 Chlorine Analyzer, please visit Hach online at, or call 800.227.4224. For a current CL17 data sheet, call Hach or visit us online at, or send
an e-mail inquiry to and request literature no. 1626.
mACH] Be Righr
For more information, circie repiy card No. 103(See page 25)
Thefollowing claim has been verified by ETV Canada Inc.: "The Stormceptor System is capable ofremoving thefollowingpollutantsfrom stormwater runoffwhen designed in accordance with the Expert Sizing System Version 2.0: TSS overall loading removal ranging from 81% to 94% TKN overall loading removal ranging from 42%o to 67%)" Over 4000 units have been
installed throughout Canada, the United States, Australia
"The TSS claim is based on
three overall loading tests performed at three geographically
different sites. Site 1 included seven rain
events, site 2 had three rain events and site 3
had four rain events. The rain events varied in
^ m
intensity and duration.
The TKN claim Is based on two overall loading tests performed at two geographically different sites. Site 1 included eight rain events and site 2 had three rain events. The rain events varied in intensity and duration.
Simulations produced by the Expert !rt Sizing System version 2.0 are based on runoff that is generated from a stabilized catchment iment of specified size and imperviousness with all areas covered by vegetation, concrete, asphalt, asphalt, structures and/or other non-erodible surfaces."
Stormceptor' 1 800 565 4801
WWW,StOrrnC6ptOr.COm For more information, circle reply card No. 104(See page 25)
Editorial Comment
The gravity of Newton's sentence
After winter's stark, cold si
stead of thank you! He later told the De
lence, wonderful sounds of
troit Free Press,"it makes me think about
wildlife emerge. Robins begin chirping,cardinals cry
other people's styles of music. I prob ably wouldn't appreciate it if some old man drove past me blasting this music." The sentencing judge must have had a keen sense of humour as well as a per ceptive way of making the punishment
out, and loons can move us with their
hauntingly melodic cries, in nature's eternal quest for renewal. But with spring, a young man's fancy also turns to love. These days, the rhyming cou plet gives way to the rhythmic thudding beat of rap music, now seemingly a per vasive part of teenage mating rites. Young men cruise with their stereos full blast, cutting acoustical swaths through many a peaceful community. The har mony of animal mating calls is often drowned out by the ear-splitting ca cophonies of these electronic entreaties from motorized swain. One can feel, as
well as hear,the pulsing beats ofcar ster eos, a hundred metres away. Since recycling is in vogue, I won dered if this energy might be recycled into something useful. I consulted a pip ing contractor. He checked the decibel levels, and, after further calculations, he
said the deep pulsing 'music' could cer tainly be used to tamp down pipe bed ding - or backfill-for small to medium sewer pipes - all in accordance with Newton's law of gravity, of course. Go ing further, he said that much of the stereo music was noise pollution any way,so using it in sewerage projects was environmentally appropriate. But Troy, Michigan, named after the ancient city of Trojan Horse fame, has struck back with a city ordinance de signed to defend the city - not against invading Greeks, but against acoustical invaders borne by horsepower. One of the city's judges recently backed up the noise by-law with some creative sentencing which was music to my ears. After violating the City of Troy's ordinance against loud radios by driving with his stereo blaring and win dows down, Justin Rushford, 18, was sentenced to sit in a courthouse and listen several times to an
entire compact disc, featuring Wayne Newton's Greatest
Hits. He is now say ing Danke Schoen in-
By Tom Davey
fit the crime. But for second offences, I
think more serious punishments would be in order. If Justin Rushford thought that two hours of Wayne Newton was bad, how about a mandatoiy minimum
hearing losses. This "retribution signa ture" unfortunately inflicts higher noise levels on the captive audiences. Testing for noise is done fairly regu larly around Toronto. Alan Mihalj,a sen ior project manager with the consulting firm Marshall Macklin Monaghan, says noise checks are common for new build
ing projects. He says it is difficult to pin point particular noisy spots in the city other than the airport and major roadways -but he does note that downtown streets
must cope with both increased bustle and
Deep pulsing 'music' could certainly be used to tamp down pipe bedding - all in accordance with Newton's law of gravity, of course of four hours of Chopin's Noctume in E Flat? Both penal reformers and Rappers will, no doubt,say this punishment is too harsh, but musicologists could work out sliding scales appropriate to the gravity of the offences. We must have a right to protect our tympanic membranes (eardmms) with appropriate weaponry. What was intriguing about the Troy case was the precedent-setting nature of a judgement, based on the quality of the sound, not just the volume. A great ju dicial distinction. Under present noise by-laws, an overture from the Toronto Symphony is lumped in the same meas urement soup as the ragged V-twin roar of a Harley Davidson. Lawnmowers are said to range between 85 to 100+ deci bels; jet fly-overs hover around 103 decibels;jackhammers at 110 decibels; discotheques at 120 decibels; and shot gun blasts at 130 decibels. I used a decibel counter recently to measure the music at an aerobics class. The needle flickered from 90 to well
over 100 decibels, a somewhat perverse situation for those seeking good health. The trouble is that there is no way to put value on sound emissions. How can the
finale of Beethoven's Ninth, performed in a concert hall, before people who paid to be there, be measured against the rag ged note of a 200 c.c. dirt bike in cottage country where people have gone to get away from it all? Such a question could test the wisdom of Solomon.
There is no question that loud music is reducing the hearing capacity of our youth, ironically causing noise levels to rise to greater levels as our teenagers turn up the volume to compensate for
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
a "hard" environment, where sound is
reflected off concrete and buildings. Now,in Britain, an MP with the un
likely, but acoustically appropriate name of Robert Key,has launched a bill to ban Muzak,or other piped music from pub lic places. "The dangers of passive, or involuntaiy listening are only beginning to enter the realm of public awareness. All music is devalued if it is treated as
acoustical wallpaper," said Mr. Key. His Private Member's Bill would ban piped music in hospitals, doctors'offices, pub lic pools, bus and railway stations, and airports. Mit Key's bill inadvertently ad dresses the fact that the duration of noise
emissions could be as important as the volume.
I believe that any legal decibel lev els should be combined with exposure periods to set acceptable limits and pen alties - much as our traffic acts com
bine speed with prevailing urban and rural road conditions when speed limits and penalties are drawn up. Surely acceptable acoustical penalty calibration values could be worked out
similar to our highway code which com prises limits from 100 km/h down to 25 km/h. An irate motorist honking his hom on the Don Valley Parkway during rush hour could be termed a minor infraction.
Loud blasts on a horn to signal depar tures in a quiet neighbourhood, late at night, are an intolerable acoustical intru sion, usually resulting in disturbed sleep. Science has shown that such disturbances
can have negative health effects. Such acts should invoke penalties commensu rate with the level of nuisance and po tential health effects,
Environment Science &
Engineering Editor & Publisher
Managing Editor
Sales Manager PENNY DAVEY E-mail:
Sales Representative DENiSE SIMPSON E-mail: Circulation Manager VIRGINIA MEYER Publisher's Assistant
E-mail: President
Technical Advisory Board Jim Bishop Beak International Inc.
Dear Penny, I just received the September 2000 is sue of Environmental Science & Engi neering magazine via the post. As usual, a multitude of interesting technical and educational articles that do, and should
concern us all. As is my want, I first turn to your dad's Keynote Address page to see what gems of wisdom he has unturned and will get my own grey cells synapsing in double quick time! I was reading with interest, his tidbits of historical folly, when I read:"During the American Civil War, John Adams,
Harvard graduate, lawyer and the first US Vice President, wrote...". As John
CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited
Adams died on July 4, 1826 (the same day as his political foe Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States), I find it startling that he was still writing during the American
Dr. Howard D. Goodfellow
Civil War - and if he was, that he was
Bill Borlase, P.Eng. City of Winnipeg Alan Church, C.Chem., QEP. Church & Trought Inc. George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc.
Stantec Global Technologies Ltd. Rod Holme, P.Eng. Earth Tech (Canada) Inc. Barry Loescher, Ph.D. Philip Analytical Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng., DEE R.V. Anderson Associates
Stanley Mason, P.Eng. Terminal City Iron Works
being published. It would be much more likely that he was writing during the American Revolutionary War. Please continue to publish one of the most informative magazines in Canada and the world,on environmental topics. Doug Moore, Buckman Canada
we saw the cell where the Confederate
President, Jefferson Davis was confined. Despite ail this, I stiii managed to con fuse the two wars in the article.
Culpa agam Doug. Thanks for your kind words about ES&E's content.
Tom Davey
Dear Tom: Your Consultants Forum in an earlier is
sue certainly caught my attention. Once again, the common lament is price com petition, low margins, etc., etc., etc. I began to realize over 20 years ago that this was a serious problem in the con sulting fratemity. Even in these seem ingly "times of plenty", there appears to be no shortage offirms ready to low ball the estimate when it is clear that they are involved in a price competition. I will close on an upbeat note. You publish a truly marvelous magazine, Tom. No doubt as it is in many consult ants' offices, yours is the one which is circulated rather than stashed, with firm
rules in place about not clipping any thing from it until it has been through its circulation.
Yours truly, C.C. Tatham,P.Eng., C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd.
Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and Industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. ES&E's readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater treatment plant operators and contractors.
Mea Culpa, especially as I am deeply interested in the American Revolution
ary War and its subsequent Civil War. As a family, we have visited Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Monticeilo, Thomas Jefferson's home, as well as George Washington's farm at Mount Vernon. We were also moved during visits to such Civil War sites as Gettysburg, Fredericksburg and Ft. Monroe, where
Dear Tom:
Thanks for publishing the feature on our Pearson de-icing project. Already it has led to several important enquiries,show ing the article was read by potential clients, and for that we are appreciative. Peter Overton, Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited
Information contained in ES&E has been complied from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot
be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Although the Information contained In this magazine is beiieved to be correct, no responsibility is assumed. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice.
Date Pad
Canadian Publications Mail Sales
November 27-28,2000. EECO 2000 Envi ronment & Energy Conference - business strategies for sustainable economic growth,
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November 27-28,2000. 23"Symposium sur les eaux usees, 12" Atelier sur I'eau potable. Laval, QC. Contact: www//reseau-environ
November 28, 2000. Council for Public Private Partnerships 8th National Confer ence. Contact: ~partners.
January 29-31, 2001. Second NSF Inter national Conference on Indoor Air Health -
Members of:
Trends and Advances in Risk Assessment
and Management, Miami Beach, FLA. Contact: Wendy Raeder, NSF International, E-mail:, Web site: www.nsf. org/conference/air2.
January 29 - February 1, 2001. 87th An nual Meeting of the Pulp and Paper Techni cal Association of Canada, Montreal. Con tact: Glen D. Black, Tel: (514) 392-6967,
Fax: (514) 392-0369, E-mail: gblack@pap, Internet site: March 28-30, 2001. Americana 2001 PanAmerican Environmental Technology Tradeshow and Conference - Evolving solu tionsfor a changing world, Montreal, QC, organized by Reseau environnement. Con tact: Tel; (514) 270-7110, Fax: (514) 2707154, Web Site;
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
The New Generation N-Pumps. They'll run efficiently day after day after day.
Chances are, that every day you run your pumping operation, your costs are creeping up and up: maintenance, servicing, the cost of replacement. So the New Generation N-Pumps could bring a brighter start to your day. The N-impeller is designed to prevent clogging and maintain higher pumping efficiency over longer periods.
The N-technique, patented by ITT Flygt, features a self-cleaning impeller that, together with an integrated relief groove in the pump housing, ensures sustained high hydraulic efficiency and clog resistance.
The Spin-out™ seal protection system prevents particles from damaging the seals. New, improved cooling means the motors operate more efficiently, and at lower temperatures. And the new Plug-in™ seal system means that if you do have to replace a seal, it'll take just a few minutes. Have a nice day. Day after day. Call us for more information, or visit us at
For more information, circle reply card No. 105(See page 25)
ITT Industries Engineered for life
Walkerton Crisis
Ultrafiltration being used in Walkerton Part of OCWA's multi-barrier approach
Zenon delivered one of its mo
bile containerized Zee-WeedÂŽ
ultrafiltration water treatment units to the Town of Walker
ton, after responding to a request for pro posal from the Ontario Clean Water Agency early in October. The unit will be used in OCWA's interim drinking water clean-up plan which is expected to last six months to two years. OCWA's consultant, R.V. Anderson Associates
Limited, will use the ZeeWeed system in a design which features a multi-bar
rier approach to treating Walkerton's groundwater which is tainted with E. coli 0157:H7 bacteria. This approach includes wellhead protection, ultrafiltra tion, chlorine disinfection and residual
maintenance prior to distribution. The system is being installed on a new concrete pad at Well #7 site by Stonetown Construction, and will pro
The second container is iowered onto a concrete pad at Well #7 site.
duce a maximum flow of 5,000 mVday
housed in the white container, while the
of ultrafiltered water. This transportable system comes complete in two contain ers, as shown in the picture. The equip ment,including process pumps, valves, instruments and control system, is
immersed hollow fibre membranes will
necessary services to deliver raw well water to the unit, chlorinate and provide
be installed in the blue steel tank.
chlorine' contact time for the treated
On-site work by the contractor con sists of civil, mechanical, electrical and
control work required to provide the
water, and commission high lift pumps to convey the treated water to the town's elevated water storage tank. The pre-assembled and tested ZeeWeed system minimizes on-site con struction time and cost; the unit was ex
Summa celebrates two decades in business
'a ma
pected to be commissioned in 3-4 weeks. The on-board Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) monitors the system, and makes necessary adjust ments to ensure the plant is operating optimally. The PLC is connected to OCWA's Gutposf'^ Supervisory Con trol and Data Acquisition(SCADA)sys tem, which has recently been integrated with Walkerton's system to oversee op eration of the entire system. Raw groundwater is pumped into the membrane tank where it is filtered by passing through the hollow fibre ZeeWeed membranes, which are at tached to the suction side of an ANSI
Summa Engineering recently celebrated its 20th year of business. Frank Cosentino, Vice President (seated third from the right), said his firm was committed to staying the course as system integrators, control and process products suppliers in the environmental and process fields. He stressed that Summa valued working with consulting engineers in systems integration projects, as well as supplying high quality process products. Summa's success over two decades, he emphasized, was largely due to the fact that the company had stayed on course with its original objectives. 10
end suction centrifugal pump. Under a partial vacuum, water is drawn through the pores of the membrane to the inside of the hollow fibre, requiring only -2 to -8 psi of suction. With a nominal pore size of 0.04[xm, the membranes form a positive banier to solids in the water, producing filtered water with less than 0.1 NTU of turbidity. For more information, circle reply card No. 107
Environmental Science cfe Engineering, November 2000
A piping solution
the taxpayers will love. Want to be known for fiscal responsibility? Use the VictaulicÂŽ grooved-end piping system in your water and wastewater treatment plants. After all, it installs 3 to 5 times faster than alternative systems and keeps saving you money every time it needs service. Any joint can be accessed easily, because all the sealing elements are outside the pipe and not trapped between pipe ends as with flanged systems, Victaulic offers a complete system of couplings, fittings, flange adapters, plug and check valves. And it's suitable for
ductile, steel, stainless, PVC, HDPE, lined and coated pipe. It meets AWWA C-606 groove standards, and is available in AWWA sizes 3"-36", with
specials up to 144". The gaskets are, of course, ULC classified to ANSl/NSF 61 for potable water.
Call Victaulic today for a free value analysis or demonstration at 416/675-5675, or fax 416/675-5729. Or visit
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iCtauliC \A An ISO 9001 certified company
Victaulic Company of Canada 65 Worcester Road Rexdale, Ontario M9W 5N7 Phone: 416/675-5575 Fax: 416/675-5729
Victaulic Is a registered trademark of Victauiic Company of Canada. Š1998 Victaulic Company of Canada. M\ rights reserved.
For more information, circle reply card No. 108(See page 25)
Wastewater Operations
Biosolids 2000-examining residuais management across Canada
Following the tainted drinking
tives and technologies. During the open water tragedy in Walkerton, ing general session,speakers from vari management of organic resi ous provinces outlined key biosolids duals in Canada is becoming strategies and policies. more challenging and complex, both Larry Schut, Ministry ofAgriculture, socially and politically. Many farmers Food and Rural Affairs(OMAFRA),ex and town councils are increasingly be plained that Ontario's first biosolids coming opposed to land application of (sludge) land application guidelines biosolids. were published in 1973 and were last In September, some 250 producers, updated in 1996. managers, practitioners and regulators These initial guidelines specified met in Toronto, at the
1st Canadian Na
share their experi
• sludge must be stabilized (no patho gens); • must meet toxicity standards; •not exceed 11 heavy metal guidelines; • not be applied to soils under pH 6;
ences and learn more
• not elevate soil metals above normal
about various initia-
background levels. Currently in Ontario, he said three
tional Residuals and
Biosolids Manage ment Conference, to
By Steve Davey, President, ES&E magazine
Cylinder valve shut-off system....Capital Controls Cyl-Safe™ provides automatic rapid closure of chlorine cylinder valves upon con tact closure from a gas detector, fire alarm, seismic sensor, etc. Cyl-Safe cylinder valve shut-off systems are Ideal for protection of personnel and property wherever chlorine is used. In some cases, Cyl-Safe replaces the need for scrubbers and containment devices.
Easy to Install for Indoor Installation, each Series CS100 Is factory tested. Units can be provided for one to four cylinders. The closing device mounts directly onto the cylinder valve with a clamp. Circle reply card No. 250
provides technical advice, and the Min istry of Health deals with related health issues.
Mr. Schut explained that current per
mit requests for land application of wastes,i.e. slaughterhouse effluents, are reviewed by the special Biosolids Utili zation Committee(BUC). This cormnit-
tee is made up of government and stakeholder representatives. BUC ex amines applications on a case-by-case basis and then advises the Ministry of the Environment if they are acceptable. Jack Bridon,from BC,told delegates that in his province, 90% of municipal biosolids is land applied. Of that, 70% is used for land reclamation, 25% for
agriculture and the remaining 5% is re tailed as compost. He believes that be cause of extensive education efforts,
ministries are involved with biosolids
public concern in BC is not a problem.
issues. The Ministry ofthe Environment is responsible for legislation, OMAFRA
plained that most wastewater facilities
Turbidity monitoring systems....The ABB Turbidity Systems 4670 Series Is a long-term and reliable instrument with favourable quali ties. It has many features which makes it the most preferred Instrument. A few of the key features Include: provides the operator Interface and communications to other de
vices, large, easy-to-read display, easy to program and configure, high accuracy, easy Installation, maintenance and calibration, auto-cleaning, comes with a dry secondary calibration standard which eliminates the
need for chemical standards to be produced, ultralow back scatter, reliable sensing. Circle reply card No. 251
Brent Ame, from Manitoba, ex
Iron and manganese removal.... Flltronlcs Electromedia 1 System Is a simple, compact filtration system that effectively removes Iron and manganese concentrations without the use of green sand or potassium permanga nate. Electromedia I filters up to 15 gpm per sq. ft. and offers extremely low opera tion and maintenance costs, especially In chemicals. It is the leading system for Iron and manganese removal-the perfect choice for both small and large utilities. A single filter vessel system Is capable of flows up to 2,300 gpm. Circle reply card No. 252
15 Connie Ores., Unit 3, Concord, Ontario, L4K1L3 • Tel: (905) 738-2355, Fax: (905) 738-5520 E-mail: • Web site: Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Wastewater Operations
ProMinent - Leaders in Ciilerination. [Disinfeclioirmoniloring
technology anldeiiveryl
Larry Schut, from OMAFRA, outlined Ontario's guidelines.
in his province use holding lagoons, some of which are only pumped out every nine years. Biosolids can be land applied at a one time use of 55 tonnes per hectare. He said that the increasing number and size of hog plants, and a recent re port showing that 48% of private wells were contaminated, was causing in creased public concern. Richard Beaulieu, from the Quebec Ministry of the Environment said that in his province in 1999,80% of biosolids was incinerated, 12% landfilled and 8%
or .5 million tonnes was either land ap plied or composted.
CONTROLLERS offer precise,
is the first caiibratabie pump to display continuous feedrate and pumped volume, as well as operating status and stroke length.
state-of-the-art chlorine
Many farmers and town councils arc increasingly becoming opposed to land application of biosolids. Craig Peddie, of Azurix, explained that in Alberta and Saskatchewan,regu lations specify a maximum biosolids ap plication rate of 25 tonnes per hectare. Biosolids cannot be applied to land used for root crops, vegetables, tobacco or dairy grazing. An Ottawa representative of the National Sludge Alliance presented his organization's position on problems with Canada's land application policies. For example, he said that Ontario's guide lines do not specify any minimum dis tance between the land involved and the
general public. Other issues the Alli ance do not feel are being addressed properly include: the effects of leachate
monitoring and control capabilities, in free or total chlorine sensor technology.
Safe and reliable
monitoring for less
than $200/yr [operating costs] ProlVlinent Canada 490 Southgate Drive, Guelph, ON N1G4P5 Tel: 519-836-5692 Fax: 519-836-5226
in areas where the land is tile drained;
ProlVlinent USA
RiDC Park West, 136 industry Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1014 Tel: 412-787-2484 Fax: 412-787-0704
lack of proper monitoring; and insuffi cient emergency planning. â?– Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
For more information, circle reply card No. 109 (See page 25)
Stormwater Treatment
Patrolling the US/Mexican Solutions for measurement
The City of Laredo has always been known to the residents of
& analysis
South Texas as "The Gateway to Mexico". Laredo is located
on the historic Rio Grande River, which
provides a natural border between the United States and Mexico.
analysis,storage tank measurement
Laredo is unique because it is the only city to operate international bridges between two Mexican states and the United
& leak detection
(equalling 38% of all ground trade be tween the US and Mexico), something had to be done to protect the Rio Grande from run-off pollution and potential spills at this location. For this application, Mia decided that the Stormceptor System,from CSR Hy dro Conduit, was the solution. Since the system has been proven in numerous field and lab tests to remove virtually
With a population base approaching 200,000 people, this border town,
located two hours
- Magnetic level
gauges - Local indication - Alarm switches - Continuous
output - No leaks - No maintenance
Evita - Inline dissolved
oxygen meters
Warrick - Conductance
actuated liquid level controls
- Control panels - Tank leak
Antonio, Texas, is the second fastest
growing city in the United States (pri marily due to the passing of the North American
Free Trade Agree ment in 1994).
Unfortunately, rapid growth does not come without problems. For example, "how do you treat stormwater run-off in a rapidly ex panding urban area, while protecting natural resources and not compromis ing economic development?" Riazul Mia,Laredo's Environmental
Manager, faced this very problem at a new US/Mexico border station being constructed in Laredo. The border sta
all free oil from stormwater run-off,trap large spills, and remove up to 80% of total suspended solids(TSS), it was the logical choice for the border station. Six STC 7200s were used within the
new storm drain system to provide stormwater treatment and spill control at this large facility. The STC 7200 is the largest Storm ceptor manufactured. With the high vol
tion handles a large volume of interna
umes of international truck/vehicle traf
tional vehicle traffic between the United
fic, oil storage volume was a key ele ment in deciding which device to use
States and Mexico, with its stormwater
run-off eventually draining into the Rio Grande River. Areas of heavy vehicle traffic, such as this, are known to be 2200 Bristol Circle
Oakville, 0NL6H5R3 Tel:(905) 829-2000
large contributors of pollution, as well as a huge potential for spills. Since ve hicle maintenance is not regulated as strictly in Mexico as in the United States, concerns associated with pollutants from vehicle traffic were increased signifi cantly. Considering that the City of Laredo handled over $65 billion dollars in trade
By Scott Love, CSR Hydro Conduit, Dallas, Texas For more information,
circle reply card No. 110
on this site. Each of the STC 7200s has
the ability to contain approximately 1,100(US)gallons of oil/hydrocarbons, without risk of scouring. In addition to the large oil storage capacity, the sys tem will hold over 700 cubic feet of sedi
ment before requiring maintenance. The City of Laredo decided not only to implement the use of Stormceptor at this and several locations in the city, it purchased its own vacuum truck. Since maintenance is straightforward (but of ten overlooked), city officials decided to take it upon themselves to ensure the long-term operation of the system. For more information, circle reply card No. 111
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Don't assume open cut is less expensive than Insituform* Today, Insituform is an affordable choice for day-to-day sewer rehabilitation. Of course Insituform is less disruptive Ihan digging up and replacing old sewers. But did you know it's otten less expensive, too?
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Techmlogks Limited Š2000 Insilulorm Technologies, Inc.
For more information, circle reply card No. 112(See page 25)
Control system improved activated sludge and sludge thickening processes
The activated sludge and sludge thickening pro
cesses at Toronto's main treatment plant have been greatly improved by a sludge retention time con
trol system. This is a 818,000 mVday(180 MGD) secondary facility that consistently meets discharge limits on BOD,TSS and phosphate. Despite excellent water quality produced by an activated sludge system, the plant experienced high variability of MLSS concentration,SRT,and mass of wasted sludge. High variability of the SRT reduces the ability of the activated sludge system to withstand the stress caused by changes in flow, temperature, or toxic spills. Significant changes in MLSS and in mass of wasted sludge cause overloading of the sludge thickening DAF units and the necessity to bypass them. In order to over come these challenges, an SRT control system was installed at Toronto Main at the end of the summer of 1999.
SRT Control System The automatic SRT control system manufactured by Royce Instrument Cor-
By Cordell Samuels,Toronto Works Dept.
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poration consists oftwo suspended solids meters and a waste flow controller. (Figure 1). Royce is represented in Canada by Cancoppas Ltd. The control algorithm employed takes into account the dynamic characteristics of the individual activated sludge system. One of the suspended solids meters was installed in the mixed liquor channel; another TSS meter was installed in the sampling sink to measure suspended solids concen tration of RAS that is pumped there. Operation of SRT Control System The suspended solids meters were initially calibrated and then checked daily with a portable TSS meter. If the differ ence between the portable and permanent TSS readings ex ceeded 5%, the permanent TSS meters were recalibrated. Laboratory data was used only once per week to calibrate the portable TSS meter. During the first part of October, 1999, the SRT control system was utilized in monitoring rather than control mode; during this period, plant opera tors controlled the waste flow using conventional strategies. Starting in the second part of October, the waste flow was controlled by the SRT control system. Initially, the SRT target was 1.2 days, since it was equal to operational data at the time. It was recommended, though, to slowly raise the SRT target to reduce observed earlier dispersed growth,com monly associated with SRT below two days. By the end of November the SRT target was 2.2 days. Table 1. Percent deviation from 24 hour moving average
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For more information, circle reply card No. 113 (See page 25)
Manual Control
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Mixed Liquor TSS Return Sludge TSS
Mass of Waste Load
The number of required laboratory TSS tests was reduced by more than 80%. Suspended solids meters provided ac curate data with reliability. The meters did not require main tenance and rarely needed recalibration. The treatment proc ess was improved considerably. Data presented covers 16 days of manual control(September 28 through October 12, 1999) and 16 days of automatic control(December 11-26). The data was received from the SRT control system via mo dem. As can be seen from Table 1 and Figure 2, stability Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
able increase in sludge blanket depth.
The control system was very robust; during the testing period, there were no occasions when a faulty control sig nal was generated by the controller. On several occasions, RAS flow to the sampling sink was interrupted, and as a result, the RASSS meters produced invalid readings. The control system automatically detected problems with RASSS readings and not only initiated alarms but also changed the control algorithm to disregard the faulty readings. Once
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conditions returned to normal, the controller automatically
changed the control algorithm back to the one used prior to the problems encountered. Conclusions
• The SRT control system considerably improved stability of the activated sludge process by reducing variability in sludge age.
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• It also drastically improved the sludge thickening by re ducing variability in sludge mass loading. • The SRT control system proved to be a very low mainte nance and reliable system due to a self-cleaning feature of the TSS meters and to a sophisticated expert algorithm built into the controller.
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
For more information, circle reply card No. 115 (See page 25)
Drinking Water
Is there a chlorine taste in your drinking water? Bad taste could be due to a lack of chlorine
Somepeople complain thatthere is a 'chlorine' taste in their
drinking water. But, if you can smell or taste chlorine in your drinking water, there isn't enough re sidual in it!'
Chlorine produces bacteria-free wa ter, and eliminates algae and slime. It also removes hydrogen sulphide from groundwater (wells, springs)
found in amounts that exceeded US fed
After this, the bottled water is given a two-year shelf life, or more. There are
eral limits. The results were not made
few or no(US)restrictions on the envi
public until 14 months later.In the US,when the same type of tests are given to a municipal or rural water district producing potable drinking
ronment in which the water is stored.
22, 1994. Nine contaminants were
The complete elimination of deadly diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and others, is now taken for granted,in many cases, thanks to the effectiveness
of chlorinated water. So why
would anyone chance the return of
and eliminates iron bacteria
diseases like these, or risk deaths
(cenothrix), which are associated with objectionable odour and taste. Despite these important facts,some people still object to chlorine in their drinking water. Comments like "I don't like the way chlorine makes my water taste," are com
from E-coli or other contamina
tion? Many say:"We will wait to disinfect when we are told we have to." Livestock manure is one of
the suspects in the recent deaths in the Town of Walkerton, Ontario,in
May 2000. What goes in the ground today, you might drink to morrow. This is reason enough to chlorinate properly.
The bad taste is actually due to an insufficient residual or the lack
Chlorine has been available
of chlorine in their water. The
since the early 1900s,and has over whelmingly proved its effective
proper dosage of chlorine to main tain the required minimum residual of free chlorine, is the important key. If the residual falls below the free minimum, the re-forming of chlororganics and chloramines(the taste and odour producing part of the disinfection process), takes place as a result of increased con tamination (chlorine demand). The
in the drinking water is mandatory
increased levels can be a result of
in most US states. It would seem
a mains break, cross connections,
very important to consider the ben efits, cost-effectiveness, and safety record of chlorine gas. Water quality can be obtained by many forms of processes and al
ness since that time. It is as im
portant to pure water as the polio vaccine has been to children's and adults' health. Both continue to
keep disease away from humans. Polio vaccination is mandatoiy for US school children, and chlorine
increased bacteria growth from a dead-end line, or a combination of all of these, and more. There are some who favour
switching to bottled water to avoid drinking chlorinated water. Con sumers may be startled to learn that
ternative means of disinfection.
However, a minimum residual
level of the disinfectant has to be pro
some brands of bottled water contain
water, the public must be informed im mediately of any contaminants found in
toxins in amounts that exceed US fed
excess ofEPA limits. The water district
injection point. Chlorine, so far, is the only disinfectant approved that provides this required measurable residual
vided at the furthest distance from the
eral standards.
would then be tested on a more frequent
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment conducted a study of 80 bottled water samples which were
Many brands of bottled water begin as tap water from a public water sys
collected from retail stores and manu
tem, with the chlorine residual removed!
and odour control, water main steriliza
facturers between March 21 and May 'Principles of Chlorination in the Handbook
By Ron Grage, Special Projects Director, Chlorinators Incorporated, Stuart, FLA
of Chlorination by George Clifford Wfiite. 5th Edition.
^Bottled Water: Does it IVteet the Test? by Scott Hoober, Eiien Miiier Group; printed July 1995, Kansas Rural Water Association,"Life line".
Chlorination is also suitable for taste
tion, algae and slime control, hydrogen sulphide, and iron and manganese re moval,cooling towers,low pressure drip irrigation systems, and poultry drinking/ processing water. For more information, circle reply card No. 116
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
The New Generation N-Pumps. Celebrate the end of clogging.
A wastewater pump that's designed to resist clogging, and maintain high levels of pumping efficiency over long periods of time. Now there's something worth celebrating. At the heart of the New Generation N-Pump, you'll find the proven N-impeller. Its unique design reduces the risk of clogging, even in fluids with a high
Sensors in the inspection chamber give an early alert of any fluid build-up and allow for simple checking and maintenance.
fiber and solids content. And with an
impeller that keeps itself clean, you'll find it maintains consistently high levels of pumping efficiency. So not only are your power costs under better control, you're also spending less on maintenance. Cheers! Call us for more information, or visit us at
Flygt ITT Industries Engineered for life
For more information, circie repiy card No. 117(See page 25)
Pumps behind the special effects In 'The Perfect Storm'and 'Titanic' movies
The hit movie The Perfect
Guard. The North Atlantic though, bore the brunt of the storm which eventually destroyed the fisherman's boat and took
Storm, used four Jumbo® 604 pumps, specially equipped with "people protector" Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter - an electrical protection located in the ABS control panel. These units provided
the lives of all on board.
wave effects for the dramatic storm
Starring George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and Diane Lane, The Perfect Storm was released in July, 2000. The award-winning film Titanic,
from Fox Studios, utilized two Jumbo
The Warner Bros. Studios production traces the horrific trials of a Gloucester,
Massachusetts fishing boat captain, his vessel and crew, in the North Atlantic.
It was a true story about a fast moving storm in the autumn of 1991, that was
so powerful it produced waves up to 70 feet(more than 20 m)high. The devastating effects of the storm, named the greatest storm in history, were felt throughout the East Coast of the United States. Several pleasure and fish-
Jumbo 604 high volume pumps suppliecl by ABS,provided dramatic effects in two hit movies.
604 high volume pumps to provide the flooding action for the climactic scene, where Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were depicted, trying to save a little boy while the passageway was rap idly flooding. Out of 14 Academy Award nomina tions, Titanic won II, most notably the Oscars for Best Picture and Best Cin
ematography, and took in a record(US) ing boats were overcome and daring res cues were performed by the US Coast
Process Controls and Instrumentation
11 billion dollars worldwide.
Circle reply card No. 118
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thing between you and your re
pling... GLI/Manning offers both vacuum and peristaltic type suction lift technologies to fit all your application require
mote facilities. This brochure
describes an automatic dialing/ remote monitoring system that will contact a series of prepro grammed telephone numbers with a voice message when any of the up to 96 alarms con nected to the system is tripped. Circle reply card No. 240
ments. Models include: sta
tionary, portable, self-contained and economical peristaltic sam plers; stationary and portable vacuum samplers. Circle reply card No. 241
Low-Range Turbidimeter System... The advanced Accu4™ Turbidity System op erates in accordance with
USEPAapproved GLI Method 2 and ISO 7027-1984 (E) to pro vide unparalleled measurement stability and accuracy in drink ing water treatment plant applications. Circle reply card No. 242
Ultrasonic Flowmeters... KROHNE ultrasonic flowmeters
are designed for measuring almost anything, whether liquid or gas, aggressive or corrosive. Measurement is independent of electrical conductivity, viscosity, temperature, density and pres sure.
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
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Protecting groundwater from intensive farming operations
Groundwater is important to
the economic and social
well-being and the health of many people in Ontario. Nearly three million people depend on groundwater as their main source of domestic water, and it is used exten
sively for irrigation,livestock op erations, and a wide variety of commercial operations. Groundwater sustains ecosys tems by releasing a constant sup ply of water into wetlands and contributing up to 20 percent of
Groundwater may become contami vincial and federal agencies. nated by leaking underground storage The Ministry of the Environment tanks, farming activities, leachate from (MOE) plays a key role in managing landfills, discharges and spills from in groundwater by administering the On dustrial facilities, and pesticides and fer tario Water Resources Act (OWRA). tilizers from golf courses. Many rural The OWRA requires anyone that draws residents rely upon septic tanks which. more than 50,000 litres of groundwater or surface water a day to obtain a permit to take water (PTTW). Historically,PTTWs were issued on a first-come, first-served ba sis. When a conflict arose, MOE could use PTTWs to allocate
water flows diminish, most of the
available groundwater among competing users. In the past, the ecosystem functions of water were "also important considera tions", but were not overriding
stream flow can be attributed to
groundwater. Groundwater is also important for water quality. Adequate quantities of clean groundwater are needed to sup port human and ecological needs. Underground aquifers are re charged mainly by rainfall and snow. As long as the water con tained in these aquifers is not ex tracted faster than it is replen ished, groundwater is a renew
In April 1999, MOE intro duced a new regulation, the Wa ter Taking and Transfers Regula
the flow of headwater streams. In
some regions of the province, during dry periods when surface
able resource. However, hous
ing development and the intensi
tion, that sets out criteria to be
considered by MOE staff before issuing a PTTW. Other ministries also have
important responsibilities for groundwater, but the variety of provincial laws, regulations and programs, promotes conflicting While small family farms can still prosper in Ontario, new goals with respect to ground-
farms are often high-investment intensive operations.
fication of land use in rural southern
if not well-maintained, can threaten
Ontario are placing extraordinary de mands on groundwater, creating concern that some aquifers are being depleted faster than they can be recharged. For example, certain commercial operations, especially water bottling plants, consume 100 percent of the groundwater they extract. When water is used for irrigation, over 70 percent of the water extracted evaporates or is lost to run-off. Industrial and municipal uses consume approximately 10 percent of
groundwater quality.
the extracted water. At the same time,
agricultural land and green space are being transformed into built-up areas. Land that has been paved over or other wise built up has a reduced capacity to absorb rain water and return it to aqui fers, resulting in precipitation running off directly to streams. In addition, the quantity of groundwater has important implications for water quality because reduced flows can aggravate the effects of contamination. 22
Given the environmental and eco
nomic importance of groundwater, the Ontario government,together with other stakeholders such as municipalities, in dustry, farmers and environmental groups, must ensure that these resources are protected and managed for the ben
efit of present and future generations. However,the government does not cur rently have a comprehensive strategy in place to protect groundwater. In four previous annual reports, the Environ mental Commissioner of Ontario(EGG) has urged the Ontario government to de velop a groundwater management and protection strategy in consultation with key stakeholders and the public. Shared management of groundwater
Several provincial ministries share responsibility for aspects of groundwater management with municipalities, conservation authorities and other pro
For example,the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), provides guidance to ru ral landowners on wells and encourages farming practices that minimize the im pacts upon both groundwater quality and quantity. The ministry also administers the Drainage Act, which provides a le gal mechanism for rural landowners to drain their lands and share the costs of
doing so. Moreover, the Drainage Act encourages farmers to increase the pro ductivity of agricultural lands by drain ing low-lying areas, potentially divert ing water away from aquifers. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) manages aquatic habitat and provides support to Conservation Au thorities under the Conservation Authori ties Act to enable them to control flood
ing and erosion, and to conduct water shed planning. However,the Aggregate Resources Act administered by MNR, promotes resource extraction activities that may alter groundwater flows.
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs stakeholders and the public. Moreover, and Housing (MAH) has set out poli the ECO encourages MOE to use en cies in the Provincial Policy Statement hanced public participation measures to (PPS) under the Planning Act, that mu keep the public informed and attempt to nicipalities must have regard to in mak resolve conflicts before they become ing land use planning decisions that may disputes. affect groundwater. The PPS expresses the need for municipalities to protect Ontario currently has water quality and quantity, but the policy is not legally binding and must only be over 3.4 million hogs considered by municipal planners and developers. Moreover,MOE,not MAH, (approximately 400,000 is responsible for ensuring that this as in Huron County pect of the PPS is adequately considered. The Technical Safety Standards alone), and altogether, Authority administers and enforces the they produce as much Gasoline Handling Act(GHA) on be half of the Ministry of Consumer and
raw sewage as the province's 10 million people.
Commercial Relations. The GHA and
a range of regulations and policies un der that Act,contain a number of provi sions related to prevention of gasoline spills by service station operators. To conclude,the contours of a clearly defined, comprehensive groundwater strategy have yet to emerge. The ECO urges the ministries to develop and im plement a groundwater strategy in a timely manner in consultation with key
Intensive Farming While small family farms can still prosper in Ontario, new farms are often high-investment intensive operations, with very large numbers of livestock. Farms with 3,000 or more pigs or 1,200
cattle are increasingly common. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs suggests that one defi nition of an intensive farm might be a facility with over 10,000 pigs or 1,500 dairy cows. As this new form of farm ing spreads, environmental laws created when small operations were the norm may not address the associated environ mental risks that come with more inten
sive farm operations. The management of nutrients, par ticularly from manure, is one of the major sources of environmental risk in agriculture. Raw manure is tradition ally spread onto farm fields as fertilizer, and this can be a reasonable environ
mental practice as long as farmers have sufficient acreage to absorb the manure of their livestock. But new large-scale farms produce vast quantities of manure and often do not have correspondingly large areas of farm land. Ontario cur rently has over 3.4 million hogs (ap proximately 400,000 in Huron County alone), and altogether, they produce as much raw sewage as the province's 10 million people. Continued overleaf
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place short-term moratoria on new large livestock operations, or require manure management plans. These municipalities have also urged the provincial government to take action, arguing that municipalities do not have the legislative tools necessary to deal with manure management. OMAFRA has long promoted a voluntary approach to the management
Excess manure application can result in run-off to streams or leaching of nu trients from the soil into groundwater. The run-off spurs additional growth of algae and other aquatic plants, which may make water unusable for drinking or swimming. As well, excess aquatic plant growth reduces oxygen levels in the water, leading to frsh-kill incidents. Excess nitrogen (as nitrate), can make groundwater unsafe to drink, particu larly for infants and the elderly. Am
of environmental risks from manure.
The contamination of drinking water
Since 1993, OMAFRA has provided technical support to the voluntary En vironmental Farm Plan Program. Under the program, farmers with peer-reviewed Action Plans are eligi ble for up to $1,500 ofincentive funds to offset expenses. OMAFRA re ported to the Environmental Commis sion of Ontario in February 2000,that more than 17,000 people have at
with E. coli that killed several resi
tended Environmental Farm Plan
monium nitrate and ammonium
sulfate emitted to the air from animal
housing can be harmful to human and animal health.
Epidemiologists have also recently found that Ontarians living in rural areas with high cattle density have el evated risk for toxic E. coli infections.
dents of Walkerton, Ontario, in May 2000, is suspected by some experts to be related to livestock manure. Residents in a number of rural On
tario municipalities have complained in recent years about the handling of ma nure at large livestock operations. Sev
eral large manure spills and leaks have increased the public's concern. Within the last two years, numerous counties and townships across rural Ontario have attempted to deal with the issue by passing by-laws, which either
workshops across Ontario, represent ing an estimated 30 percent of Ontario's farm acreage. Farmers have also com pleted 7,000 environmental improve ment projects, with the support of the incentive funds. It is not clear how many Continued overleaf
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For more information, circle reply card No. 134 (See page 25)
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
of these projects addressed manure man agement.
OMAFRA has avoided using regu latory measures to deal with manure management. There are no legally bind ing standards for constructing manure storage facilities or for the application of manure. For example, there are no rules forbidding the spreading of manure onto fields that are drained by tile drains. There are also no monitoring mecha nisms to ensure that farmers use best
practices for managing manure. Ontario environmental legislation also specifi cally exempts some aspects of manure management. For example, waste man agement requirements in the Environ mental Protection Act(EPA)do not ap ply to animal waste (certificates of ap proval and manifests are not required). In 1998, the Farming and Food Pro duction Protection Act(FFPPA)streng thened the protection offarmers against complaints from neighbours. The new
FFPA also stipulates that no municipal by-law can restrict a normal farm prac tice if the practice is determined to be "normal" by the Normal Farm Practices Protection Board. The ECO's 1998 an
nual report noted that, as a result of this new law, farm discharges may not be dealt with as vigorously as industrial discharges and emissions. The EGO said it would continue to monitor and
report on the impact of this new law. In fact, this legislation has already been used to overturn a municipal by law attempting to control intensive farm ing operations in Biddulph township, north of London, Ontario.
To deal with manure problems, the Ministry of the Environment has in some cases undertaken prosecutions and is sued orders under the EPA. In 1998,
MOE issued a Director's Order against a hog farmer with 1,000 pigs in Hope Township,requiring him to provide bot tled water to seven families whose wells
were contaminated. In 1999, MOE or
dered the farmer to drill new deeper wells for each of the affected families.
In 1999,a pork producer in the Chatham area was prosecuted successfully under the Fnvironmental Protection Act for a
discharge of approximately 1.5 million litres of pig manure, some of which reached a drain and Lake Erie. As well.
Environment Canada charged a pig pro duction facility under the Fisheries Act in 1999; it was the first prosecution of
Why Is there excitement in the air about Eaglebrook? We're continuing to spread our wings - taking the lead as your single source for water coagulation products and chemistry.
its kind in Ontario.
Other jurisdictions, including New Brunswick and Quebec, have created regulatory standards for manure man agement. In the United States, the En vironmental Protection Agency has re cently announced that large agricultural operations will be required to have per
Check out our extensive product range and see why vye're attracting so many customers. We have it all, induding aluminum- and iron-based products for water and wastewater treatment.
mits under the National Pollutant Dis
charge Elimination System, as factories already do. Many American states also have regulatory requirements. About half require that farms have manure management plans. Some states also prohibit spreading of manure during the
With expert technical services in regional offices across Canada and the United States, we're up to your specific challenge. So don't expect the buzz about Eaglebrook to stop anytime soon. Future acquisitions and new product development are in the works. Deal with a company that's top flight all the way.
winter, when the risk of run-off from
frozen ground is high. Abridged from: The Protection of Ontario's Groundwater and Intensive
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Farmitig: Special Report to the Legis lative Assembly of Ontario, by Gord Miller, Fnvironmental Commissioner of Ontario. Updates can be obtainedfrom:
Matteson, Illinois
Your Single Source^' For more information,
circle reply card No. 141 26
For more information, circle reply card No. 140 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
The Regional Municipality of Waterloo is a unique urban/rural area (population 431,000)situated in south-central Ontario, approximately 100 km west of Toronto. We offer excellent educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities. Currently, we are seeking proven professionals to join our Engineering and Public Works Department.
Leading In Project Management... the Region's Design and Constniction Division is committed to excellence in engineering.
& Programs
Reporting to the Director of Design and Construction, you are responsible for delivering a $30 million dollar annual capital program. Your staff of Project Managers lead consultant teams in the design and construction of facilities for water supply, treatment, storage and transmission, wastewater treatment, and solid waste disposal. You are an accomplished manager who
likes to set challenging goals and lead your team to exceed them. A strong problem solver, you have a solid track record of consistently delivering quality projects on time and on budget. This key position requires exceptional leadership, supervisory, communication, and decision making skills. A Civil Engineer and member of the PEO, you have advanced project management skills in preparing budgets, scheduling, design, and contract administration for municipal engineering infrastructure. Experience in the design and construction of water, wastewater or solid waste projects would be valued.
• Waste Management Through needs analysis and a comprehensive understanding of technological opportunities, you will take a proactive role as you develop medium and long-range plans and philosophies for our waste disposal sites, facilities, and programs such as blue box, yard waste, and garbage collection. A .strong problem solver with excellent negotiation and human relation .skills, you will implement technological programs, tender preparation, and contract administration. In this consultative role, you will develop and review policy, provide technical .support to the division, and prepare and pre.sent propo.sals, budgets, 10-year capital plans, and forecasts including investment requirements to internal and external parties. A strong communicator with sensitivity to public concern, you will act as our primary contact and public relations official for area residents and the MOE. An Engineer and member of the PEO, you have comprehensive knowledge of environmental engineering. Position #2000-435
Position #2000-593
Manager,Engineering Senior Project Manager & Planning •Water Services • Environmental Engineering Reporting to the Head, Environmental Engineering, your strong technical knowledge, project management, and leadership skills are required as you plan and manage the design and con.struction of water supply, wastewater, and waste management capital projects. Highly organized and an excellent communicator, you will direct a number of capital projects managed by engineering consultants. You will prepare detailed project cost estimates and manage workplans, budgets, and schedules from pre-design through to the completion of construction. A Civil Engineer and member of the PEO, you have a thorough knowledge of civil engineering and strong communication, human relations, and negotiation skills. A practical knowledge of contract administration, scheduling, and budget preparation and monitoring is essential. You are highly functional in a computerized environment utilizing WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, and CAD software. You must be able to travel to various work sites. Position #2000-604
Reporting to the Director of Water Services, you will organize and manage the engineering and planning activities of our Water Services Division.
You will coordinate and supervise the development and
implementation of feasibility studies and pre-design and pilot projects for water supply and wastewater treatment facilities. This position also requires you to.supervise the development and maintenance of our computer models and develop new policies and guidelines related to water supply and wastewater treatment and servicing issues. In addition, you will supervise staff and/or consultant studies to resolve operational problems and develop and regularly review/update our twenty-year capital program. You have comprehensive knowledge of environmental and municipal engineering, normally acquired through the attainment of a degree in Civil Engineering, and progressively responsible experience in hydraulics, water pumping and distributing facilities and water and wastewater treatment processes. Eligible for membership in the PEO, you have proven leadership, human relations, and communication skills and the ability to write reports and pre.sent issues to various committees as required. You are able to travel to various work sites. Position #2000-123 w If you feel that you are our ideal candidate, please respond in writing, quoting the appropriate position number, to: The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Staffing Coordinator, 150 Frederick Street, 3rd Floor Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4J3 Fax:(519) 575-4454 e-mail: rywendy®
We are commined to etnployrtietil equity atld thank alt appticants hi advance: however, we wilt be corresponding only with those .selected for an interview.
w w
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Consultants' Forum
Consulting has entered the new millennium
'f V
The Waikerton tragedy, Toronto's garbage crisis, air pollution's impact on human health, mergers - the consulting profession faces daunting challenges in the new millennium. This special Consultants'section focuses on the
Nicholas C. Sonntag
Frank Belfry
future of the profession and reports on some innovative projects and initiatives.
Barry Loescher
try has faced many challenges over the past two decades,and always found ways to respond successfully. As we approach the end of 2000, our industry is beginning to respond to both internal and external factors to remain competitive and sus tainable.
As a people business,one of the most significant internal challenges we face is on the Human Resource side. Suc
cessful consulting firms will have to focus on internal training to become leaming organizations that attract and retain qualified staff. Changing demo
graphics and lifestyle choices amongst employees are forcing firms to develop new definitions of employment. Professional staffin organizations to day are becoming less interested in par ticipating in 'old style'company politics or rigid and restrictive workplace poli cies. Employees are becoming increas ingly mobile at a time when there are significant opportunities in the US. Our industry must,therefore, become more flexible in our approach to staff work habits, while providing a stimu lating work environment with career ad vancement opportunities. To respond to these challenges and maintain profitable businesses we should leam from man-
Don Ingram
By Brian H. Coniin, P.Eng., President, Colder Associates Ltd.
Brian H. Coniin
Bruce Stewart
but the operational and decision-mak ing centres can shift from Toronto or Vancouver,to Atlanta or Stockholm,for
example. With these shifts, it will be agement consultants that collectively de cided to shift from hourly rates to value
come harder for small and mid-sized
added services.
tact with these clients due to the geo graphic, time and cultural barriers. The second implication of consoli dation is that businesses will be looking for efficiencies in their purchasing de partments by reducing the overall number of service providers. Consult ing firms will have to focus on client
The second internal challenge we mustface is technology. In recent years consulting companies have started to invest heavily in workplace and e-based technology. Firms should consider the option of collaboration in such large technology investments. Our challenge now, is to turn these expenditures into assets that will provide returns to our companies. Externally, the consulting industry needs to assess what changes are hap pening within our clients' organizations and develop ways to remain responsive. In recent years, industry around the world has been undergoing consolida tion in almost every sector. Along with this consolidation has been a trend to
wards specialization, and a move within corporations to realize efficiencies from their e-based technology investments. Business consolidation has many implications for the consulting industry. As our client businesses undergo merg ers and acquisitions, the absolute num ber of potential clients not only declines
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Canadian firms to maintain close con
service, as this will be one of the most
important differentiators amongst serv ice providers. We will deal with these challenges. The Canadian consulting industry is strong, both domestically and inter nationally. Until we demonstrate the value of our services to our clients and receive com
pensation that reflects the benefits we provide, we can expect consolidation in our industry to continue. This consoli dation, public stock companies acquir ing mid-sized private firms, will accel erate to the point where a few global firms control the market and the herit
age of the Canadian consulting firm may be lost. â?–
Continued overleaf 29
Consultants' Forum
Small consultants surviving In a giants' world
In today's market,there are only a
relatively small number of what would be considered giant con sulting engineering firms operat ing in Canada. We all know who they are - they have giant offices and giant payrolls-providing the engineering for all of the giant projects - but there are also thousands of smaller consulting
You may or may not know them quite as well-they usually operate out of tiny rented or home offices, and they have only a small number ofemployees,ifthey have any employees at all. The boss may be the senior project manager in the morning, but he is likely also to be the guy who answers the phone, buys the paper clips, and takes out the garbage. How can these small consulting firms compete in the giants' world? The first key to surviving as a small consulting firm is to avoid tiying to com pete on all levels directly with the gi ants. It is much better to limit your serv
The third key is accessibility. When clients call a small consulting firm they expect to talk to the boss. Although this can often be difficult when your time is divided between attending meetings, analyzing data, writing reports, market ing, office administration, etc., today's technological advancements have helped to simplify the problem. Cell phones and pagers let clients contact you no matter where you are; voice mail sys tems inform your clients of when you are away from the office and when you may return; E-mail lets you send and re ceive all types of information instantly; and the Intemet has opened up a whole new world for gathering information. One of the most important elements of success, however, is the same today as it was years ago - return your phone calls immediately. In the consulting engineering field there is always plenty of room for firms that provide superior results, whether they are giants or small niche players
By Bill Gauley, P.Eng., and Alain Lalonde, P.Eng., Veritec Consulting Inc.
ing strengths. Work towards becoming an expert in one specific area. Look for opportunities to participate in large or complex projects by becoming part of a team. You may find yourself as one of the leaders of a group of several small firms, or you may find yourself being a very small part of a giant's team. The second key element is to grow
your business slowly and in a control led manner- develop your strengths and stay within yourself. Although we al most expect mega engineering projects to go over budget and over schedule,the same latitude is not usually granted to small consulting firms. Don't try to be
ices to a "niche" market sector that takes
all things to all clients- provide quality rather than quantity. Although it often takes years to develop a respectable reputation, it may take only one botched project to destroy it. The best recipe for cultivating repeat business is to do good
particular advantage of your engineer-
work, on time, and on budget!
like the rest of us. Excuse us, we must
go and take out the garbage.
Engineers, Hydrogeologists, Environmental Consultants
MacViro Designing Environmental &â– Energy Solutions
David Trudeau
Marius Caprariu
Eric A.D. MacDonald, President & CEO, is pleased to announce that David Trudeau and Marius Caprariu have joined the firm. David Trudeau has fifteen years experience in consulting engineering and fifteen years experience in the public sector. He is now Practice Leader - Special Projects with MacViro.
Marius Caprariu has eight years experience in water and wastewater treatment and will continue to work in this field with MacViro.
MacViro is a firm of consulting engineers specializing in environmental and energy solutions.
Rui F. De Carvalho, M.Eng., P.Eng.
R. J. (Bob) Burnside, IVI.Sc., P.Eng.
The Board of Directors of R. J. Burnside &
in project management, water resources
Associates Limited, is pleased to announce the appointment of Rui F. De
planning and environmental engineering.
Carvaiho, M.Eng, P.Eng., as President, effective September 1, 2000. Robert
R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited has
(Bob) J. Burnside, M.Sc. P.Eng., President and Founder, becomes
offices in Orangeville, Brampton, Newmarket, Coiiingwood, Stratford, Wingham and Ottawa.
Cbairman of the Board and will continue
to be active with the company. R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited Rui has been with R. J. Burnside &
Associates Limited for over 23 years. As a
Orangeville, Ontario
Senior Manager, Rui has gained broad experience in the management of a private
sector technical services organization. He has been instrumental in the development
of the company with extensive experience
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Consultants' Forum
Shortage of trained engineers looms on horizon
Theconsulting industry is con
cerned that there is a man
power crisis looming over the horizon. To staff our compa nies and to compete in world markets, we require a continuing supply of quali fied, experienced, innovative technical specialists. We believe that the demand for technical staff, both engineers and technicians,is already starting to exceed the supply and there are certainly indi cations that the situation will worsen.
By Don Ingram, P.Eng., President, Consulting Engineers of Ontario We are, and we must be committed
to a major program of infrastructure re newal and growth. It is essential to sup port economic growth and competitive ness, protect our environment, preserve our public health standai'ds, and to main tain our quality of life. 1 now quote from a recent editorial in Environmental Science & Engineering magazine on the role of civil engineers in the development of our society; "Recent events in Walkerton's drinking water supplies were described as un precedented. Because of impure drink ing water supplies, the people of Walkerton suffered deaths, widespread
14,000 inhabitants. In response, the city commissioned a waterworks and pump ing station to provide water from Lake Ontario, a much purer source. • In 1911, typhoid fever struck the city of Ottawa; in a little over two months,
987 cases were reported and 83 people died from this disease. In July 1912, Ottawa was stricken with a second and
even worse typhoid epidemic; 1,878 people contracted the disease and 91 died from it."
Many people would assert that the Today, many of our client groups are contributions of the engineering profes expressing similar concerns. For very sion to public health in Ontario, surpass solid economic reasons, they have even those of the medical profession. outsourced much of their engineering We are still very much in the prelimi work to our industry. For example, last nary stages, but we hope to work to year consulting engineering firms did gether to develop solutions in Ontario: more than 85% of the design and con to create broad awareness of the excit tract administration work for Ministry ing, challenging opportunities in civil of Transportation Ontario. MTO is cur sickness and severe economic disloca engineering and technology;to increase rently experiencing the same hiring dif tion and losses, but looking back in his student enrolment in these programs; tory, this tragedy was not unprec ficulties as us, but they are also con and to build an image that matches the cerned about the ability of our industry edented: tremendous accomplishments of our in •In 1854, a cholera epidemic in Hamil to meet their future requirements. ton, Ontario killed 552 of the city's dustry. � In the early 1990s, there was a sud den decline in construction spending in Ontario, triggered by an economic re cession, which severely impacted the consulting economy. By 1993, indus try revenues dropped to one-third of the 1989 level, equivalent to the industry ENVIRONMENTAL income of ten years earlier. In response, consulting engineering firms basically tried to survive; some didn't. Many re Mark Cotter, Ph.D., P.Eng., CEA
duced staff, reduced work weeks,chased
work in other countries, merged, and regrettably, stopped hiring new grads. Price competition flourished as cli ents took advantage of the excess sup
ply to drive fees down. Consulting en gineers were equally guilty, bidding to survive so engineering services became a commodity. The firms that survived became lean and mean. There is still a
reluctance in many firms to change that lean and mean approach. Many firms are reluctant to hire and train new gradu ates. Many qualified people left the in dustry. A little later, in the mid 1990s, they also moved out of our clients' busi nesses, as outsourcing and downsizing eliminated those positions. It is not surprising that engineering salaries in the consulting sector declined relative to other sectors. A demographic void was created in our industry; expe rienced engineers and technologists with 5-10 years experience are in short sup ply as a result of non-hiring in the 90s.
Vice President, Environmental Management Services
Pinchin Environmental Ltd. is pleased to announce that Mark Cotter, Ph.D., P.Eng., CEA, has joined the firm as Vice President, Environmental Management. Mark brings 10 years of environmental consulting experience to the firm, most recently with an inter national environmental consulting company. He has extensive experience in the assess ment and management of environmental issues in a wide variety of industrial sectors. Mark is a Certified Environmental Auditor and Chair of the Examination Panel of the
Canadian Environmental Auditing Association, responsible for overseeing the certifica tion of new auditors. Mark Cotter is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto.
Mark assists companies in implementing ISO 14001 environmental management sys tems, and integrating these systems with quality and health & safety management sys tems. Mark has delivered many training courses on environmental topics, including environmental auditing, environmental management systems, and integrating quality and environmental management systems.
Pinchin Environmental was established in 1981 by Dr. Donald J. Pinchin to provide consulting services to the asbestos abatement industry. The company now provides engineering, consulting, management, implementation and training in: environmental management, hazardous materials, air emissions, indoor air quality and microbiological contamination of buildings, occupational health and safety and agricultural waste and emissions.
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Visit us at: 31
Consultants' Forum
The environment requires giobal thinking CG&S seminar focussed on sustainable development matter because it is neither created nor natural systems. • Material quality can be characterized destroyed. by the concentration and structure of •The net increase in material quality on earth is produced by sun-driven proc matter. What we consume are the quali the theme of the third seminar esses. Photosynthesis is the only largescale producer of material quality. in a series put on by CH2M Among the most important of the Gore & Storrie, in Toronto, September 18. Nicholas Sonntag, laws that govern energy and material transformations in all physical systems CG&S President, introduced Dr. Brian Nattrass, a leading global thinker in sus are two important conservation laws upon which physicists agree. The first tainable development and business, and the co-author of The Natural Step for law deals with energy which exists in a Business. Dr. Nattrass listed the follow number of different forms including gravitational energy, chemical energy, ing basic scientific principles which serve as the foundation for his work: electrical energy, heat,light, and motion. All can be measured in the same energy • Matter and energy cannot be created units called joules. These different or destroyed (according to the first law forms of energy are constantly being of thermodynamics and the principle of transformed from one type into another. matter conservation). According to the law of conservation of •Matter and energy tend to disperse(ac ties of matter and energy - the concen tration, purity, and structure of matter, energy, also known as the first law of cording to the second law of thermody and the ability of energy to perform thermodynamics, energy is neither de namics). Sooner or later, matter intro duced into society, will be released into work. We never consume energy or stroyed nor created during these trans-
By Tom Davey
Sustainable development was
Golder Associates is helping its clients maintain the balance
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For more information, circle reply card No. 144 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Consultants' Forum
formations. The total energy input al ways matches the total energy output. The principle of matter conservation deals with matter: the conservation of
atoms during material transformations. According to this principle, the atoms of the material inputs to a transforma
tion process are conserved so that they are exactly the same in the material out puts. The only exceptions to this rule are nuclear reactions. This means that
all material resources we exploit and transform through human activities must end up somewhere - if not in products, then in the environment.
In summary, the Earth is a closed system with respect to matter. This means that the overall mass of the Earth
remains constant; we have the same volume of matter now as we did 4.5 bil
lion years ago. In other words, nothing disappears-itjust takes a different form. For example,as gasoline is used in a car, it doesn't disappear, it simple changes to a different form - much of it as mo
lecular garbage,that although invisible, exists nontheless. Dr. Nattrass said that matter and en
ergy tend to disperse and that material quality can be characterized by the con-
As matter disperses, it loses its concentration, purity and structure its order. Biological and economic value come from concentration and structure. centration, purity, and structure of mat ter. The laws that state that nothing is created or disappears, apply to every thing: to matter and energy. The only thing that can disappear is the quality or
functional value, as does a bathtub filled
value of matter.
ops a negative economic and functional value as it becomes a disposal problem, while the quantity of water and ink re main the same before and after they are mixed together. Dr. Nattrass and his co-author, Mary Altomare, fielded questions from the audience. Nicholas Sonntag made cop
The spontaneous tendency of energy and matter to dissipate as described in the second law of thermodynamics, is what changes or diminishes material quality. Because nothing disappears and everything tends to disperse, a carpet turns to dust and a car turns to rust, and
with pure water. As the ink is dripped into the water,it disperses and both lose their economic and functional value.
The contaminated water, in fact, devel
not the reverse. Dust does not reassem
ies of the author's book available follow
ble into a carpet or rust into a car. As matter disperses, it loses its con centration, purity and structure - its or der. Biological and economic value
ing the meeting. It is published by New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island,
come from concentration and structure.
Storrie will be holding other environ
A bottle of pure ink has economic and
mental seminars in the future.
British Columbia. He stressed that CH2M Gore &
Positions Available
Hatch is a large multidiscipline engineering consulting firm, serving primarily the metallurgical and mineral industries, and the rail and transit sector, Hatch is an employee-owned firm, with more than 4,000 employees worldwide, providing professional engineering, management and technology services to both the public and private sectors. Hatch is offering permanent positions in our Mississauga office for:
Engineer - Water Technologies (Position #41)
R. Laird Smith, REng., Chief Operating Officer of Azurix North America Corp., is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill De Angelis, MBA,REng., to the position of Director of Engineering, Canada.
Bill will be responsible for the day-today operations of the consolidated Engi neering and Automation team,providing traditional consulting engineering serv ices as well as innovative project devel opment, management and financing options. Azurix North America, headquartered in Hamilton, Ontario, provides a full range
Requirements: The Water Technologies Group is looking for an engineer with 3-5 years of experience to join our team. The engineer will be responsible for carrying out analysis of wastewater issues and conceptual design, including process and equipment selection of industrial water and wastewater treatment plants. Previous experience in process design, sizing of equipment, costing of equipment and project management is required. A strong knowledge of water chemistry is essential.
Qualifications: The candidate will possess a Chemical or Environmental Engineering degree from a well-recognized engineering university. The candidate will have obtained or will be obtaining their REng. designation in the near future. Junior Engineer - Air Quality and Water Technologies (Position #44 and #40) Qualifications: The candidate will possess a degree in Chemical, Environmental Mechanical (Air) or Civil (Water) Engineering from a well-recognized engineering university and will have excellent communication skills and will be an effective team player.
of water and wastewater related services
Please provide resumes complete with copies of transcripts, quoting position
to the municipal and industrial sectors. The company operates from offices in
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2800 Speakman Drive Mississauga, ON L5K 2R7 Fax:(905) 855-7628
Azurix ^
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
E-mail: hr@
Consultants' Forum
Public consultation: Changing the development and design of engineered solutions By Frank W. Belfry, P.Eng., President, Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.
Governmentshave increasingly involved the pub
lic in the decision-making process for proposed engineered improvements that have an impact on the public or the natural environment. This
public consultation process has significantly changed not only the tasks undertaken by engineers and the time involved to bring a project to completion, but also the final design of engineered solutions.
Public involvement requires engineers to be effective communicators. Designing the most practical solution from
a purely engineering perspective may not always succeed in obtaining public support and approval. Identifying all stakeholders at a project's outset and inviting their partici pation throughout the design and construction phases are crucial to a project's success. Engineers must be prepared
Public relations' efforts required for a given project may be elaborate, and may not always be in proportion to the
dollars spent on the actual engineered works. Some projects, particularly those where environmentally-sensitive issues
are involved, may require direct mailings, advertising in the media, and/or a series of open houses. They may also in volve the formation of special committees and focus groups. All of these means of obtaining public comment require considerable time and effort on the part of the consulting engineers to both communicate concepts and then filter and analyse public response.
Once identified, public opinion must then be integrated with clients' needs, objectives, budgetary restrictions, regu
latory requirements and what is practical from an engineer ing perspeetive. Gaining an early understanding of stake holders' concerns generally ensures that large commitments
of resources and time are not wasted on concept designs that are unlikely to win approval.
This trend towards involving the public in the design
to listen to the wishes of stakeholders and integrate their
process is challenging the engineering community to imio-
sometimes conflicting requirements into a solution that will win broad-based acceptance. Although this consultation process often lengthens the project completion time, it can produce positive outcomes if it is well-managed.
The public is no longer accepting of large, "hard" engineered solutions that scar the landscape. vate. In British Columbia, this can be seen most dramati
cally in the area of environmental preservation, where pub
lic awareness of environmental issues has heightened sig
nificantly in recent years. The public is no longer accepting of large, "hard" engineered solutions that sear the landscape. Engineered works must, as far as possible, blend with the landscape and preserve environmental values. These de
mands have led to the development of new techniques and "natural" bioengineered solutions, which either replace or are used with traditional "hard" engineered solutions. For example, one of the initial design concepts for a re cent culvert replacement project, in a densely-populated residential area of British Columbia, called for a new ex
tended culvert with a small side channel for fisheries pres
ervation. However, during an extensive public consulta tion process, it was determined that the public favoured day-
lighting the culvert, that is, replacing much of the culvert with an open creek channel. The resulting creek works in
□ minimal chemical diffusion
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P.O. Box 385, Rockwood, Ontario, Canada NOB 2K0
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For more information, circle reply card No. 255 (See page 25)
cluded a new "natural" channel with many fish-friendly fea tures such as weirs and extensive bioengineered plantings along the creek banks. The final product has received positive public endorse ment and has enhanced the local fisheries resource by open
ing an area that had been closed to fisheries for the past 50 years. Final project costs, including the public consulta tion, were less than they would have been for the culvert
Given such potentially positive results, it seems likely that the trend towards public consultation will continue to increase. Although this will require engineers to spend more time on non-engineering tasks, perhaps it will inspire fur ther innovation and advancements in engineering science. Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Consultants' Forum
CCIL submission to the Waikerton inquiry highlights roie of private laboratories
TheCanadian Council ofInde
pendent Laboratories (CCIL) is a professional association of independent consulting, in spection and testing firms that fosters high standards, ethical business prac tices and technical excellence among its members and the industries they serve. CCIL members are committed to pro tecting the public through: education; adhering to a code of ethics; encourag ing good performance and reliability; and fair fees.
CCIL members are very concerned that private labs be regarded as part of the Waikerton problem when the reality is, we were not and we are doing abso lutely everything we can to be part of the solution. What follows is a synop sis of our position presented to the Waikerton inquiry. Never Again The first and foremost thought of CCIL's members is for the people of
By Barry Loescher, PhD., Vice President,
Philip Analytical Services
analyzing drinking water in Ontario for a long time, well before the change in the role of the Ministry of the Environ ment's own testing laboratories that was
Waikerton. We share their loss. We
instituted in 1995. In addition to mu
share their grief. We share their deter mination that from this day forward all
nicipal drinking water, we test the water that goes into bottled water con tainers, soft drinks and beer. It is widely agreed by accreditation authorities that government and private laboratories generate data of equal quality.
Ontario residents, whether in Waikerton,
other small communities, large urban areas, or even remote corners of the
province, must be able to have complete confidence in the quality and safety of their drinking water. Ontario's privately owned environ mental testing laboratories have a key role to play in ensuring a positive out come. Indeed, we have been pursuing this goal in many ways for many years. Building on Strength Private testing laboratories have been providing, and will continue to provide, prompt and accurate data to ensure the quality of Ontario's drinking water. Private laboratories have been
There have been no issues that we
are aware of, regarding data quality in Waikerton. In fact, the private labs in volved in the analysis of Waikerton water correctly detected the problem. Accreditation
Accreditation provides independent assurance of laboratory capability. CCIL strongly supports the initiative re quiring laboratories to achieve and maintain accreditation/proficiency for all drinking water parameters for which Continued overleaf
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Environmental Engineers, Planners, and Scientists CG&S provides innovative, practical, and sustainable solutions for public and private sector clients in the fields of Water, Wastewater, Site Management, Waste Management,
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
For more information, circle reply card No. 159 (See page 25)
Consultants' Forum
data is being provided. In fact, CCIL has been advocating this position since our inception. The majority of private labs are already accredited for the drink ing water parameters they analyze and full compliance is just common sense. Private labs have been part of the ac creditation process in Canada from the beginning in 1989 and occupy half the seats on the Board of Directors of the
accreditation provider(CAEAL), which operates under the imprimatur of the Standards Council of Canada. There are
more accredited private labs in Canada than public labs, both in absolute num bers and on a percentage basis. Private and public labs are accredited to the same, internationally recognized standards. There is more than adequate accred ited capacity and capability in the pri vate sector to deliver the increased work
load generated by the new Standards. Reporting Requirements Any Ontario Drinking Water Stand ards exceedence must immediately be reported to the local Officer of Health,
entrenched in regulation, as the Ministiy of the Environment has now done. In underscoring the importance of clear, full reporting requirements, there are several requirements that give us concern. In particular, for our labs to comply with the reporting requirements, it is critical that drinking water samples be clearly identified. A legally defined prefix or specific chain of custody form is recommended. We are also concerned
about liability if no one answers, since to date, some Ministry of Health offi cials and waterworks operators have been very difficult and in some cases im possible to contact directly. Public - Private Partnership Some commentators have wrongly cast the Walkerton situation in terms of
tive and technical issues. In CCIL's
view this partnership is a model of how best government and the private sector can work together.
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the MOE District Office and the con
tracting agency. Given the extreme im portance ofsuch reporting requirements, we absolutely agree that they should be
public versus private laboratories. The suggestion is that somehow the problem would not have occurred if public labo ratories had done the testing rather than private laboratories. This is not the case. CCIL member laboratories work very closely and well with the Laboratory Services Branch of the MOE; the pri vate laboratories are partners of the Branch, with each party playing their relative role well, with full, open com munication. This partnership is man aged by a formal, senior-level Liaison Committee that meets regularly to dis cuss a wide range of policy, administra
For more information, caii 1-800-268-7742 ext. 2105 or visit Environmental Risk Intenmation Services Ltd.
For more information, circle reply card No. 160(See page 25)
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For more information, circle reply card No. 161 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Consultants' Forum
Methane recovery from landfill sites begins In Egypt
The Greater Cairo area gener
ates 12,800 tonnes of solid
waste per day. In April 2000, Industry Canada launched a demonstration project in conjunction with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)for the design of two pilot-scale bioreactor landfill cells to be constructed at candidate landfill sites
near Cairo and Sadat City, Egypt. This project will demonstrate the re covery oflandfdl gas, which can be used for power generation. The main com ponents of landfill gas are carbon diox ide and methane. Since these gases con tribute to climate change, the opportu nity for landfill gas recovery and utili zation also represents a means for con trolling global warming. Not only will the release of landfill gas be mitigated, but all waste by-products from the cells will be diverted and used as compost material.
R.J. Burnside International Limited,
with project partners at AAW Consult ing Engineers in Cairo, Biothermica In-
Location of bioreactor iandfili ceii near industriai area in Sadat City, Egypt (top). Park constructed foilowing end use rehabiiitation on previous Iandfili site (bottom).
ternational in Montreal, and SCS Engi neers in Kansas City, continue with ef forts to design and plan for the construc tion of these bioreactor landfill cells.
Most recently, the EEAA has granted approval for two sites: one in an indus trial area near Sadat City and the other near Nasser City.
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For more information, circle reply card No. 119 (See page 25)
Consultants' Forum
International landfill remediation project and energy cell development in Latvia
The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania,located
By E.A. McBean, Ph.D., P. Eng.,
south of Finland and border
and Ed Taves, M.Sc.,
Conestoga-Rovers & ing the Baltic Sea, were oc Associates Limited cupied by the Soviet Union from the mid 1940s to 1991. During that time, the process of landfill site selection, and formerly termed as a "dump". The spe solid waste management practices were cific circumstances associated with the models of simplicity, but did not dem Riga landfill include: onstrate significant environmental • the surface soil (Quaternary) deposits awareness. Landfills were placed in ar consist of coai'se lacustrine delta sands eas not suitable for any other purpose, (hydraulic conductivity of up to 50 ml typically low-lying, or backwoods ar day). Because of the coarse nature of eas; and solid waste management prac these soils, precipitation infiltration gen tices essentially consisted of dumping erally exceeds run-off; the garbage with limited controls. The following points generally character ize the landfill operations: •no restrictions were placed on the types of wastes received for disposal. Therefore, refuse in landfills used in
these countries during these periods typically contains the complete spectrum of solid wastes locally generated, in cluding industrial, hospi tal, hazardous, demoli
tion, and potentially even military wastes; • no daily, or any other form of landfill cover was utilized; •no leachate minimization,collec tion, or treatment measures were em
contamination of the upper Devonian aquifer, and localized contamination of a deeper Devonian aquifer are antici pated by 2020. Since 1991 Latvia has made signifi cant progress towards establishing a modem market-based economy. The el ements of progress include establishing a national currency; controlling infla tion; and generally improving the stand ard of living of the citizenry. However, without international assistance, the technical and financial resources re
quired to modernize its solid waste man agement practices,including the upgrad ing of its landfills, would not occur in the foreseeable future. Intemational as
sistance for landfill design and construction purposes has been obtained from the World
Bank, and the Swedish In
temational Development Agency,and for managerial assistance, from
Canada through the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA). The estimated cost to upgrade the landfill utilized by the City of Riga is projected as
approximately $25 million (USD). Upgrades provided for in this cost include:
•for the existing landfill area - cap ployed; and, ping of the landfill, constmction of a • no landfill/greenhouse gas collection, •the shallow groundwater occurs 1 to 2 leachate collection system and a leachate or odour abatement measures were un metres below the ground surface, and is treatment plant, installation of a landfill dertaken. heavily contaminated with landfill gas collection system, installation of a The landfill utilized by the City of leachate. The leachate plume is ex landfill gas-to-electricity conversion Riga,the capital of Latvia, with a popu pected to reach the major regional plant; and lation of approximately 800,000,fits the Daugava River, located 1.6 kilometres •forfuture landfilling requirements above description perfectly. In 1973, away, within two years. The shallow the constmction of eight energy cells, when the need for a new landfill was groundwater is used for irrigation pur including the landfill gas collection sys identified, a small sand quarry was se poses for nearby summer gardens. El tem and connection to the above-noted lected. evated concentrations of metals and landfill gas-to-electricity conversion This sand quarry was conveniently other contaminants have been identified plant, various waste sorting and recy located, within 15 minutes of the city in these gardens; clable material diversion equipment, centre. As additional space was re • the deeper (Devonian) aquifers are and various heavy equipment, weigh quired, the landfill was extended onto utilized by the City of Riga and envi bridges, and operations buildings as re an adjacent bog. Today the landfilled rons as a source of municipal potable quired for effective landfill operations. area is approximately 36 hectares in size, water supply. The deep aquifers are only The World Bank is funding over 50% and 37 metres in height, with an esti partially protected, by discontinuous till of the project costs via a loan through mated volume of 3.7 million cubic me layers, from the leachate-contaminated the International Bank for Reconstruc tres (m^) of waste. shallow groundwater. It is anticipated tion and Development (IBRD), and a Environmentally, the landfill is al that leachate will infiltrate the upper grant through the Global Environment most a textbook example of what was Devonian aquifers by 2002. Massive Fund (GEF). The collection of landfill 38
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Consultants' Forum
gases, resulting in a significant reduc tion in greenhouse gas emissions, and conversion of the landfill gas into an indigenous electrical energy source, is the principal justification for funding from both these agencies.
Approximately 3.7 million m' of waste are currently disposed at the landfill, with a density of 800 kilograms per cubic metre, or approximately three million tonnes of waste. With an or
ganic carbon content of approximately 60 percent (60 percent of this is con sidered biodegradable), all dry weight values, the estimated quantity oflandfill gas that will be produced from this waste is 200 million m\ over a period of 20 years. Collection and conversion of this
landfill gas will be accomplished by what is now proven technology operat ing at a number of municipal landfills
constructed every six months, or for every 100,000 tonnes of municipal waste received. The waste will be
crushed or shredded, metals sorted out
with a magnetic separator, and the re maining waste placed in the energy cell provided with an underdrain system for leachate collection. Once filled, landfill
gas collection piping will be installed and the energy cell capped. The col lected leachate is recirculated through the energy cell to maintain optimum moisture content. Leachate will also be
heated, and can be enhanced with nutri
ents and alkalinity to accelerate anaero bic decomposition of the refuse. After approximately five years, the rate of landfill gas generation decreases and continued operations will no longer be economically viable. Wastes treated in an energy cell are reduced in mass by approximately 20 percent. The remain-
methane, also represents a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for Latvia. Methane as a greenhouse gas is considered to have 21 times the global warming potential of carbon di oxide. The greenhouse gas abatement costs for the landfill, have been calcu
lated to be approximately 3.4 USD per tonne of carbon dioxide, substantially less than the maximum value of 10 USD
per tonne established for eligibility for funding from the Global Environment Fund. As a signatory of the Kyoto Pro tocol, this project also represents a sig nificant component of Latvia's efforts to achieve its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. CRA's primary role with the project is with respect to capacity building for procurement, under the auspices of CIDA's Bilateral Program. This role utilizes CRA's knowledge and experi-
in Canada and elsewhere. Perforated
pipes placed in the landfill wastes col lect the gases, which are directed via a gas blower station, to an energy conver sion plant. The energy conversion plant consists of modified natural gas engines, fired by the landfill gas, connected to electric generators which feed to a sup ply grid, and secondary recovery of waste heat for use in a small gas heat ing boiler for on-site energy use. Considering that landfill gas is typi cally 50 to 55 percent methane,a caloric
heat value of 5 kilowatt hours per m' (kWh/m')is calculated. With a current market value of electricity in Latvia of 0.034 USD/kWh, this represents a po tentially significant revenue source over the next 20 years. However, privatiza tion of Latvenergo, the monopoly sup plier of electricity in Latvia, makes this potential revenue uncertain.
The collection of landfill gases, resulting in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and conversion of the landfill gas into an indigenous electrical energy source, is the principal justification for funding....
ture energy cells, or deposited in the
ence in landfill technology in general, and energy cell technology in particu lar, and in equipment procurement. A note of interest to equipment suppliers is that many components of this project are open to international suppliers. A total of 16 procurement packages were
main landfill.
to be distributed this fall and include
ing wastes will be excavated and may be separated into three streams;combus tible materials, inert wastes, and soil.
The inert wastes and soils will be recy cled to the degree possible, and the residues used as cover materials for fu
Once operational, the energy cells will produce approximately 26 million m'of landfill gas per year. Over the 20 year life of the landfill, an estimated 640
separate procurement packages for items such as:
• Supply and delivery of: - heavy vehicles and equipment such as
million m' of landfill gas will be col
wheeled and track loaders with detach
The landfill will continue to receive
lected from the historical landfill, and
waste for another 15 to 20 years, at an
the energy cells. This quantity of gas
able accessories, and various container vehicles;
estimated rate of 205,000 tonnes of
would fill the Main Chamber of the Ca
municipal waste per year and 45,000 tonnes of industrial waste per year. In novative energy cell technology will be used to optimize the landfill gas genera tion rate/revenue potential, from these wastes. In an energy cell, waste decom position is completed under forced anaerobic conditions. By controlling variables such as the waste particle size, moisture content, acidity, temperature, and the carbonmitrogen ratio, optimal conditions for anaerobic decomposition can be achieved, and the decomposition or landfill gas generation period, can be reduced from 20 years to 5 years. At the landfill, an energy cell will be
nadian House of Commons 13 times per day, or every 1 hour and 50 minutes over the 20 year period of the operation of the landfill (a unit of measurement we were first introduced to by ES&E). This landfill gas also represents a potential revenue source of approximately 110 million USD over the next 20 years. While the construction, operation and maintenance costs are also substantial,
- gas regulation stations; and - piping (steel and plastic) for the gas extraction systems; • Supply, delivery, and installation of: - weigh scale bridges, and registration systems for the landfill entrance and exit;
- a turn-key energy conversion unit in cluding the building, blowers, gas mo tors, PLCs, piping, alarms, etc; - radiation monitoring equipment for the
this revenue source is the basis to en
landfill entrance area; and
sure the economic viability of the landfill once the World Bank project is completed. It is also noted that the con version of640 million m'of landfill gas,
- waste shredders/crushers, magnetic sorting equipment, plus associated sort ing and conveyance equipment. For more information, circle reply card No. 163
of which 50 percent(320 million m')is
Environmental Science (& Engineering, November 2000
Cover Story
Toxic mould found at Newmarketcourthouse Lawyers,Judges and accused work in campsite settings By Bruce Stewart, CIH, ROH, Senior Vice President, Pinchin Environmental Limited
Imagine you were driving north
through Newmarket, Ontario, in early November 2000, along Yonge Street. On the west side of Yonge, you might see over 30 construc tion trailers and portable offices, located next to a modem four storey building, surrounded with construction hoarding. Given the number of trailers and the
fresh appearance of the building, you might conclude that this was a constraction site for a large new building. You would be wrong. For life has been turned upside down at the Newmarket provincial courthouse. The workers in the temporary trail ers are not construction workers but law
yers, judges and other staff of the cen tral courthouse for York region. And in the courthouse, built in the 1970s, you would find not judges and lawyers but demolition workers wearing respirators and disposable coveralls, labouring in side carefully maintained containment
Mould has been found in other places besides the Newmarket courthouse. Here workers wearing sophisticated protection gear strip mould from a portable building. Photo - Pinchin Environmental
have been many press reports in the past few years of the massive efforts by school boards to correct mouldy condi tions,especially in portable classrooms. In the province of Ontario alone, 40 million dollars was granted last year to compensate school boards for their ex traordinary expenses to correct mould
finds the walls of the house pitted with reddish or greenish depressions, the priest is to go out of the house,to the door, and shut it up for seven days. On the seventh day he must go back again, and if on examination he finds that the infection has spread
Facilities Management, with Pinchin
contamination. And in British Colum
over the walls of the house, he must
Environmental as the consultants, al
bia, there have been many reports of leaky condominiums and the impact on the health and pocketbooks of their
be removed and thrown into some
In this project, managed by Profac
most all of the walls and ceilings of this 165,000 square foot building are being removed to eliminate every trace of mould growth. Along with the workers are representatives of the Ministry of Labour and the regional Public Health office, under whose watchful eye the work is proceeding. This year has been a very trying time for the staff and man agers of the York regional courthouse, and all because of mould growth. The concems over mould growth in buildings are not confined to the New market provincial courthouse. There
the house; and if on examination he
give orders for the infected stones to
new concem. However,there are warn
unclean place outside the town. The stones must be replaced by new ones and the house given a new coat of plaster. "If the infection spreads again after
ings regarding mould, back at least to
the stones have been removed and the
the time of Moses. Witness the follow
Need to hire qualified and experi
"When you reach the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as an inherit ance, if I strike a house with leprosy in the land you are to possess, the
house scraped and replastered, the priest is to come and examine it. If he finds that the infection has spread, this means that there is a contagious leprosy in the house; it is unclean. It must be pulled down and the stones, woodwork and all the plaster taken to an unclean place outside the town. "Anyone who enters the house while
enced staff?
Environmental Sci
owner must come and warn the
it is closed will be unclean until
ence & Engineering reaches over
priest; he must say, "I have seen something like leprosy in the house". The priest is to give orders for the house to be emptied before he goes
evening. Anyone who sleeps there must wash his clothing. Anyone who eats there must wash his clothing. But ifthe priest finds, when he comes
Call us at:(905)727-4666
to examine the infection; thus noth
to examine the infection, that it has
for special rates
ing in the house will become unclean. "Then the priest must go and look at
not spread in the house since it was plastered, he is to declare the house
19,000 water, wastewater and en
vironmental protection profession als across Canada.
Most of us would consider the health
hazards of mould in buildings to be a
ing text from Leviticus, ascribed by tra dition to Moses:
Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron; he said;
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Consultants' Forum
clean, for the infection is cleared. Leviticus, 14:33-48. The Jerusalem Bible.
(Editor's note; Italics added by author) Ontario Ministry of Health confirms hazards of mould in buildings It appears Moses was convinced that mould growth in buildings was a haz ard. A recent expert panel review spon sored by the Ontario Ministry of Health
Since 1995, many provincial occupational health and safety authorities, including British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario, have published guidelines for the assessment and control of mould in buildings.
came to the same conclusion. The Min
istry convened a medical panel in 1999 to review the evidence linking mould contamination in buildings and adverse health effects. The panel included phy
is evidence in the scientific literature
which supports an association ofseveral health effects, primarily symptoms, with unusual fungal growth in the indoor en
sicians and scientists drawn from the
vironment or with environmental con
University of Toronto, McMaster Uni versity, the Hospital for Sick Children
ditions which are associated with fun
in Toronto,the Ministries of Health and
Labour, the Health Units of the Region of Peel and Brant County, and the Eastem New York Occupational and Envi ronmental Health Center.
In response to the question, what are the health effects of exposure to moulds?, the panel concluded that there is strong evidence to support the rela tionship between the exposure to mould in buildings and many health effects. However, some of the health effects do
not apply to exposures generally expe rienced in residential settings or at low levels. Considering exposure in all set tings and where exposure may include inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion, the possible health effects listed by the expert panel were: 1)Allergic and other immune-mediated mechanisms including asthma, hayfever, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. 2)Infectious diseases, generally limited to illnesses in immuno-compromised in dividuals from normally non-pathogenic organisms such as Aspergillus species. 3) Potential toxic effects from mycotoxins and volatile products including eye and throat irritation, skin rash, changes in lymphocytes and neurobehavioral and cognitive effects, and pulmonary hemorrhage in infants. 4) Potentially carcinogenic mechariisms. There is strong evidence of a car cinogenic effect in certain agricultural and industrial settings. However, there is no evidence that the low-level expo sure to fungi that would occur in resi dences and schools has any relationship
gal growth (e.g. humidity and conditions which promote fungal growth - mould amplifiers)." The position of regulatory agencies The federal and provincial occupa tional health and safety and public health authorities have published a number of guidelines for the assessment and remediation of mould growth in build ings. One of the most important Cana dian references in this area is the Health
Canada 1995 guidelines, based on the recommendations of a federal/provincial
working group. This recommends that inspection for mould contamination in buildings be based on a combination of air monitoring, interviews with occu pants and building managers regarding the history of air quality complaints and water problems, and a detailed physical inspection. The Health Canada guide lines say that the physical inspection often may have to include hidden spaces such as ceilings and wall cavities, for these areas may be missed by a non-in trusive inspection. Since 1995, many provincial occu pational health and safety authorities, including British Columbia, Saskatch ewan and Ontario, have published guidelines for the assessment and con trol of mould in buildings. These agen-
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to cancer.
In response to a question on how con vincing the data was regarding an asso ciation between mould growth and health effects, the panel wrote: "The expert panel agrees that there Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
For more information, circle reply card No. 106 (See page 25)
Consultants' Forum
cies all consider mould growth in build ings to constitute a health hazard sub ject to their regulatory authority. And this authority has been widely used. For example, we are aware of differ ent occasions where Ontario Ministry of Labour inspectors have issued orders to test for mould, to abate the mould
growth where found, and to close down work areas until the mould could be
abated. In a paiticularly interesting case, a provincial labour inspector, on find ing mould growth on a demolition pro ject, required that all mouldy materials be removed following the highest degree of abatement procedures, before the demolition of the building could pro ceed.
Recommendations for assessment and abatement of mould
The most current professional guide lines for controlling the mould hazard in buildings is Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments, published by the New York City Department of Health in April of 2000. These guidelines were pre pared with the assistance of the most important medical and scientific re
searchers in this field in the US. Cana
dian health and safety authorities gen erally recommend compliance with the 2000 Guidelines. The 2000 Guidelines were an exten
sive update of a 1993 version. The ear lier version had applied only to the haz ards and control of Stachybotrys chartarum, a particularly toxic species of mould commonly found growing on drywall and ceiling tiles. The 2000
The abatement methods to be fol
lowed depend on the extent of mould growth to be removed. Level 1 work requires only a half-facepiece respira tor, plastic dropsheet, and careful clean up. Only a vacuum cleaner with a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA, > 99.97% efficient at 0.3 micrometres)can be used and all waste must be removed
in sealed bags. The step up to Level 2 and Level 3
Guidelines differ from the eaidier ver
work adds containment of the work area
sion in that all types of mould are con sidered hazardous and are subject to the same requirement for remediation. The New York City Guidelines clas sify mould remediation into the follow ing six categories of work, depending on the extent of mould growth to be
with plastic sheeting and better worker protection. Qualified health and safety professionals must supervise level 3 and Level 4 work. Level 4 work requires the highest level of precautions,includ
ing temporary decontamination facilities for workers to use on leaving the work
area and HEPA filtered air exhaust units
• Level 1: less than 10 square feet of total mould growth; • Level 2: 10-30 square feet; • Level 3: 30-100 square feet; • Level 4: more than 100 square feet; • Level 5: less than 10 square feet in ventilating equipment; and • Level 6: more than 10 square feet in ventilating equipment.
to create a negative pressure in the work. Clearance air sampling is required after Level 4 and Level 6 work.
The mould abatement procedures underway at the Newmarket courthouse are being performed under a combina tion of Level 3 and Level 4 procedures. For more information, circle reply card No. 148
Environmental Auditors A major international registrar is seeking environmental auditors to fill vacancies within their ISO 14001 environmental teams for
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has been deveioped to biock harmfui ultravioiet(UV) radiation that can destroy iight sensitive chemicais such as Sodium Hypochiorite (NaOCi). UV radiation aiso has the potentiai to significantiy degrade the structurai integrity of buik storage tanks and interme diate buik containers(iBCs)that contain light sensitive chemicais. This proprietary resin package is formulated with a special opaque pigment that prevents UV rays from attacking the bleach contained within. Previously, most polyethylene tank and IBC manufacturers have promoted either black pigmented or natural translucent polyethylene for sodium hypochiorite applications. A black tank can biock UV rays, but it aiso absorbs sunlight, which can heat the tank to a level that harms both the tank and the chemi cais it contains.
Visit our web site at: or contact us directly for a copy of our product catalogue.
contamination. Earlier, there had been a spill of diesel fuel due to over-filling during the filling of boiler tanks in win ter. But a clean-up of the diesel fuel and soil had been com pleted. During the following spring thaw, the client identified heavy oil seeping from the ground to the west of the build ing. He deduced that oil flowed into the catchbasin and into a weeping tile system and into a sump pit. The client surmised that a neighbour's recently removed Underground Storage Tank (UST) must have been leaking. The neigh bour had removed the tank quickly with no evidence ofleak ing, odour, or a clean-up noted. The client was aware of only two USTs on his own site: one 10,000 gallon diesel tank for the fumace and one 500 gallon tank for the back-up generator.
The client contacted us to arrange for a Phase IESA(His torical) and a Phase II sub-surface investigation to gather evidence against the neighbour. During the course of the sub-surface investigation, it was discovered that contami nation was not present between the neighbour's property and the visual oil seepage. A geomagnetic investigation revealed an additional UST that was historically used for Bunker C oil for the old boil ers before they were converted to diesel. After the discov ery, rumours surfaced that the old tank had been emptied and filled with sand. Investigators found a tank cover in a landscaped area - covered with soil and stones, approxi mately 0.75 metres below grade in a round access tube. A remediation program was arranged. When three tanks had been removed, only the oil bunker C tank had leaked and the contamination followed the weeping tile bed. Confirmatory sampling showed evidence of bunker oil and diesel from previous spills and fill overflows. The con tamination had migrated along weeping tile beds surround ing the building footprint. Contamination was made worse by the fact that the weeping tiles had failed and standing water built up in the area of the USTs and up-gradient along the weeping tile beds. Remediation was completed successfully; however, many difficulties were encountered. Challenges included the prox imity of a major roadway (access and permits), steep grade and the building footings situated very close to the tanks, and the only equipment access was through the neighbour's property. But ultimately, it was confirmed that it was the client's own tank that had leaked and that it did not con
Diverse Plastic Tanks 3190 Ridgeway Drive, Unit 22, Mississauga, ON L5L 5S8 Tel: (905) 607-5189, Fax:(905) 607-9835 1-800-685-3174
For more information, circle reply card No. 150
taminate adjacent properties.
For more information, circie repiy card No. 165
By Christopher Nielsen, B.Sc., T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
flOUfWORE' Tanks
Better initial value! AquastoreÂŽ tanks are fabricated in ISO 9001 quality system certified facilities.
Save on construction! Aquastore assembly by factory-trained builders is faster than site welding.
Save on maintenance! Aquastore tanks offer lower maintenance costs than welded tanks.
Save on repainting! Aquastore glass outlasts paint and eliminates repainting costs. Before you order your wastewater or potable water tank, talk to your Aquastore dealer about state-of-the-art water storage. Otherwise the cost could be higher than you think!
SomethiJig notfoundin mosttariks.
. .
345 Harvestore Drive, DeKalb, Illinois 60115|316-421-0200 Phone|316-421-9122 Fax| For more information,
circle reply card No. 151 (See page 25)
storage Tanks and Containment
No mess, no fuss fluid dispensing
Storage of oils and other lubri
An authorized Harley Davidson dealer for nearly 40 years, Bill Chancy
tem installed by Innovative Fluid Han dling Systems, eliminated wasted time, labour space and fluids, helped main tain proper inventory and increased the safety of the working environment. The company said that while nine 55US gallon drums take up ap proximately 120 square feet offloor space, the eight con tainer system occupies only 25 square feet and can hold 520 US gallons of capacity -
wanted a neat, clean fluid
25 more than the nine drums.
handling system for his 13,000 square foot dealer ship and service centre in
With no drum tipping and cleaning, switching or re placement of drum pumps, along with highly-visible sight gauges, the user can easily tell exactly how much product remains, so there is less risk of running out or overstocking for fear of run ning out. The system also features clearly-labelled
cants in 55-US gallon drums can be messy as well as an inefficient way to access all the liquids you have paid for. Companies might want to consider a fluid handling and dispensing system that makes storage and retrieval
occuiTcd. While screw caps were placed on the nozzles before the hoses were
pulled back, they wore out easily and often fell off, leaving a trail of oil splat ters on the service area floor.
The system also made it hard for the
of fluids more efficient.
Walnut Creek, California.
His old system consisted of four 55-US gallon drums with air pumps that stored 20/50 and 50 weight motor oils, chain lube and trans
mission oil. To get at the flu ids, a technician would open the drum lid and insert a hose
containers and faucets that
to transfer the lubricants
reduce the chances of the
through ceiling mounted
wrong product being used. Clean-up is aided by selfclosing faucets and timer
hoses on reels.
Service people would pull these 50foot long hoses
The IFH storage and dispensing system heips eliminate the use shut-off that allow minimal of messy and inefficient drums to store lubricants and fluids. operator supervision. down to their work area, and Innovative Fluid Handling Systems waste oil drums were positioned under company to track inventory accurately. the nozzle to catch some of the leakage "We never knew how much oil was in is represented in Canada by Eco-Tec in from the hanging hoses. It was during the drum at any given time," said Mississauga. For more information, the pulling down and recoiling of these Chancy. circle reply card No. 152 hoses that most of the leakage problems A new storage and dispensing sys
Low Cost, Long Life Low Maintenance
Rapid Installation
is the exclusive source for Permastore tanks and
silos in Canada, supplying integrated design, construction and warranty programs. 191 Booth Rd. North Bay, Ontario, Canada, PIA 4K3
Tel:(705) 474-4759, Fax:(705) 474-9041 E-Mail:
Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks and Silos offer
the complete storage solution. P\ ^ >*
Over 40,000 tanks installed in 70 countries Excellent corrosion resistance
Modular construction growth — capacity Easily relocated after years of use Custom roof components
For more information, circle reply card No. 153 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
rDTE INDUSTRIES LIMITED Since 1951 DTE Industries Limited has been supplying the Petroleum, Petro
chemical, Agricultural, Forestry, Mining, Heating, Contracting & Engineering fields with quality Storage tanks. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority... Advantages to you the customer are:
•We have our own fleet of trucks and ship from Vancouver to Halifax
•Competitive pricing - Lease or Buy option available
Offering Steel & Plastic Jaiicketed Tanks from 227 to 100),000 litres (50 gal. to 25,000 gal.) For aboveground applications. We specifications.
and und unc erground
all ULC and UL
•5 year or 30 year warranties available
•Superior Quality Products & Services for over 48 years
Let us show you how we can provide security & valuefor your money Plant tours are available by contacting our Engineering department
Other models av Bench Tanks
Fuel Oil Tanks
Farm Utility Tanks Oil/Water separators
DTE Industries Limited
69 Comstock Rd. Scarborough, ON 1-800-387-1400 • Tel. 416-757-6278• Fax. 416-757-5579
Doubln We)!i Tank
Aboveground Vertical
round Horizontal
fe WailTan'k
For more information, circle reply card No. 154(See page 25)
storage Tanks and Containment
Concerns spur mini-boom for on-site coverage of manure, sait and garbage
The Walkerton E. coli disaster
has shattered Canadians'
sense of security. Several peo ple died and more than two thousand fell sick from microscopic bac teria lurking in their drinking water. Other cases of contaminated water are
popping up across the continent, sug
quick solution for covering manure piles. They can be disassembled and re located if the producer moves. "New technology has brought these buildings a long way," says Hogervorst. "They are made of a heavy-weight polyethylene, not canvas or tarp mate rial, so they really stand up over the
The Institute's Executive Director,
Dick King, calls the research that led to the request "weak and inconclusive". The Institute does,however,recommend
covering salt piles. Not only does a cover provide water protection, it also saves taxpayers' dollars when otherwise the salt might literally go down the drain.
gesting that we can no longer take the safety of our drinking water for granted. As task forces and government offi cials struggle to secure the proper treatment of drinking water, there is a mini building boom on the rural landscape.
Another environmental ini
tiative driving fabric-covered building sales is domestic gar bage. Many cities are banning kitchen waste and other biode
gradable materials from their landfill sites. In Halifax, Nova
Scotia, curbside pick-up is pro vided and the material is
While it is sometimes diffi
hauled to a mass composting facility housed in a giant Cover-All building, 72 feet wide and 440 feet long. New Era Farms General Manager Andrew Wort says: "At any
cult to track the exact cause of
groundwater contamination,it is known that cow manure can
carry some strains of E. coli. While the bacteria are not
harmful to animals,they can be
Covered storage could minimize run-off problems
acutely harmful to people. Rain falling on uncovered manure piles can wash the bacteria and nitrates into water bodies
or cause them to leach into the ground. So far, there is no legislation demand ing the piles be covered, but at least one manufacturer of steel-framed, fabric-
covered buildings has noticed an in crease in sales directly from concern for the environment.
Ben Hogervorst from Lucknow,On tario is a Cover-All Building Systems, Inc. dealer. He says the structures are a
By Patti Mertz, Cover-All Building Systems, Inc.
years. They are also naturally-lit inside, which saves on power demands." Environmental concerns are pushing sales in other directions as well. Many municipalities now demand that salt and sand piles be covered. Road salt, once thought to be benign, is now also sus pected of leaching into groundwater, threatening the supply of safe drinking water and increasing soil salinity. It could hamper the growth of plants, trees and crops. In fact. Environment Canada is recommending that road salt be labeled a toxic substance, sparking an outery from suppliers and organizations
one time, we have three to five thousand
tonnes of material on site. The product and odours are fully contained, which is really important in an urban setting like ours." The buildings' components even promise to be part of the solution; the frames are made of steel, the most-
recycled element on the planet, and the covers are 100% recyclable. Solving groundwater problems will take time and money. Simple coverage of manure piles may reduce threats to human health, while later composting measures can enrich the soil.
For more information,
circle reply card No. 155
such as the Salt Institute.
Hassan Steel Fabricators Limited 223 Ashland Ave., London, Ontario N5W 4E3
Complete Storage Systems
Secondary Containment Units Bulk Oil Systems & Dispensers
Call US today for a quote on your requirement Tel: 519-451-3100
Fax: 519-451-3102
For more information, circle reply card No. 156 (See page 25)
Toll Free: 800-668-0814
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Portable Samplers
Refrigerated Samplers Open Channel Flow • FRF Enclosures
Rain Gauges/loggers • Software
Call 1-800-215-4469 or
Email: can-am
Can-Am Instruments Ltd. Sales * Service * Rentals
Fax: 905-829-4701
OllaPivbl^^ Is
OilAVater Separators
• Portable Oil In Water Monitor
• In-line Oil In Water Monitor
• Oil Float Sensor THESE BARRELS 1
• ON Interface Monitor
• Liquid Leak detection • Oil Skimmers
Ca// 1-800-215-4469 or
Email: can-am
Can-Am Instruments Ltd.
Sales * Service * Rentals
Fax: 905-829-4701
storage Tanks and Containment
Canadian plastics fabricator supplies huge chemical tanks to Far East
Aninternational manufacturer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), contracted Fabri cated
(Fabco), to engineer, manufacture, ship and install over 30 miles of custom-
made plastic(FRP)piping,lined plastic and thermoplastic tanks for the expan sion of its plastics resin plant in the United States.
Fabco was later invited, along with other plastics manufacturers, world wide, to tender for another complex project located in the Far East. This con sisted of a petrochemical complex, one of32 plants being built on a huge 12,000 acre site. The required tanks and tow
ers, 14 of each, were destined for the
chlor-alkali supply plant, specifically for the Ion Exchange Membrane system (lEM). The lEM plant produces liquid chlorine, a key ingredient of PVC plas tic resin.
The plant site is located in a sensi-
Four Chlorine Gas Absorbers installed on site.
tive seismic zone so that any construetion, and particularly a plant handling hazardous chemicals, had to be able to
withstand earthquakes. The hydrostatic loads this equipment had to accommoContinued overleaf
Leaking Tank?
• Only highest quality materials are used.
• Durable - Long Life - Pinhole Free. For 38 Years, FABCO has
produced High Quality Chemical Processing & Pollution Control
Equipment, for the Chemical
Processing, Pulp & Paper & Mining
• Highly resistant to chemicals such as: Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid Alum, Hydrofluosilicic Acid. • Electronically welded lap seams (Homogeneous Weld). • Un-effected by expansion and
Woodstave Tank
Let Canada's leadingflexible PVC tank lining manufacturer solve your containment needs.
Open Top PVC Liner
FRP: Hand-Lay-Up & Filament Winding
2175 Teston Road, Maple
LEentamJ Products Ltd.
"Celebrating 25 Years"
(Toronto), Ontario Canada, L6A 1T3 Phone: (905)-832-8161 • Fax: {905)-832-2111
E-mail: Web Site:
For more information, circie repiy card No. 137 (See page 25)
PVC Lined Fittings
For more information, circie repiy card No. 136 (See page 25)
Storage Tanks and Containment
WMmmwA Terra Nova INDUSTRIES *
Thousands of Guaranteed Quality Metal Buildings
date were particularly high too, so that great strength and integrity were impera tive. The challenge then, was to maxi
Since 1987
mize the amount of fusion machine
welding of thermoplastic lining and to armour the equipment by the filament winding process. Armourplastics, the registered trade name for Fabco's construction of ther
moplastic, armoured with fiberglass, was chosen for the construction mate rial.
It is believed that no project ever before had included this number of
oversize tanks, using super-strength
specifications, or this total poundage of material. The details of the engineering required exploring previously uncharted territory including computer-aided lami nate design and stress analyses of lami nate layers. ASMERTP-1 design meth
Chemical & Hazardous Material
Containment Buildings built to meet your Specifications
ods were followed.
A large investment was required in plant modification and machinery, namely an enormous vacuum form ca pable of producing the tank tops and bot toms without any hand welded seams.
For more information, please call as at
403 236 0800 Fax: 403 236 0803
4115 - 72 Avenue SE
The oversize sheets ofPVC plastic, ma chine fused and set in the gigantic
Calgary, Alberta
T2C 2G5
vacuum forms, were perfectly produced For more information, circle reply card No. 237
For all vour storage solutions Effective Solutions for Potable Water, Wastewater,
Leachate Storage, Industrial Storage.
Our Epoxy, Galvanized, Stainless Steel, Glass or Glass 97 coatings offer distinct advantages:
Proven performance with| low^ Bolted lap joints for rapid maintenance costs
Cost effective construction
, assembly in any location
Phone: 519-469-8169 Fax 519-469-8157 50
For more information, circle reply card No. 135
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Storage Tanks and Containment
Vf ism^
These two sections, now joined, then underwent the same procedure to seal them to the bottom piece. The com pleted tanks then had their ladders and safety rails attached. A stevedore crew then quickly but very carefully loaded the tanks into the ship's hold. Quickly because there is a time limit imposed by weather on the St. Lawrence Seaway. In fact, the loading was completed and the ship set sail just beating the Seaway's seasonal closing on December 22,1997. Once the ship arrived in the Far East,
many of the tanks could be lowered di rectly into their final positions. The rest were transported and lowered into posi tion by construction cranes. During the remainder of the winter of 1997/98, the
final pieces were fabricated and shipped out on the first ship leaving the Seaway in the Spring of 1998. Subsequently, Fabco installation experts completed their task and the entire plant, virtually a turn key operation, was successfully test run. For more information,
circle reply card No. 138
Your Coast-to-Coast
Supplier of Underground Storage Tanks PVC/FRP Sodium Hypochlorite tanks.
in spite of the manufacturer's concerns. The identical process was used to make the seamless tank linings in order to avoid hand welding. The tanks were fabricated and filament wound in large pieces. A special permit was sought and granted by the Department ofTransport to truck the finished materials to a ship yard on the St. Lawrence Seaway. In Ontario, December temperatures can easily drop into the minus twenties Cel sius, hardly the best conditions for the final assembly of the equipment. Temporary buildings were erected that allowed a system of heat control. Inside these buildings the tanks were
Canada's Ultimate 'Site Risk' Reducer Coast to coast, ZCL fiberglass tanks offer the ultimate in site risk mimagement. Made of 100% resin and fiberglass rein forced plastic,ZCL tanks will not rust -
the ZCL Double-Wall Prezerver™ ULC listed, ZCL's double-
inside or out!This is a key factor when
give you perhaps the
comparing ZCL fiberglass tanks to other storage tanks made from steel. Repair or reiining due to corrosion is never required because ZCL tanks are simply not susceptible to rust. Even after years of reliable,trouble-free service,
wall Prezerver™ tanks safest state-of-the-art
secondary contain ment on the market. A true
360° doublewall tank, Prezerver™
ZCL tanks can be recertified and re-used!
offers twice the
Designed to withstand the hea%'y
risk management of any single-
weight of all road vehicles (H-20 axle loads - 32,000 ibs./axie),ZCL tanks are lighter and easier to handle than steel,
Sodium Hypochiorite tanks being ioaded to beat Seaway dosing.
Double Your Risk Management with
wall tank. In the
unlikely event that there is a breach in the primaiy wall, the secondary wall is designed to contain your product and prevent a spill into the
eliminating the expense of heavy crane equipment rental when installing or removing. Ideal for the safe storage of environment. all fuel types and most hazardous An amazing 3-D glass fabric technology called Parabeam® adds incredible wall liquids, ZCL tanks are also available in strength and creates a defined interstitial cost-effective multi-compartment designs .space (sandwich core) to accommodate that can store two or more products in your choice of monitoring methods the same tank. Capacities range from including pressure, vacuum,dry and wet (hydrostatic) monitoring, of both walls.
assembled and made ready for loading onto the ship. This required using a massive construction crane to lift the
tops onto the centre sections. Continu ous welding sealed the PVC liner, fol lowed by a complete fiberglass seam to
Discover how to reduce site risk, ^ Qflfl f^ISi QOfSR call us today to discuss your particular needs I^OIIU'DD ■"OfcOw
seal the exterior armour coating. Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
For more information, circle reply card No. 139 (See page 25)
Product and Service Showcase Underground double wall jacketed tanks
Mobile refuelling
Tank solutions
Diverse Plastic Tanks offer a full range
When fuels are required in small quanti ties, to fill construction machinery on Superior corrosion protection and sec ondary containment; inner tank can be compartmentalized; total compatibility with petroleum fuels, as well as a wide range of chemicals; sand, pea gravel or crushed stone may be used for backfill; globally recognized third-party approv
various sites, truck-mounted tanks with
hold-down straps and internal baffles to avoid dangerous load shifts are provided in warning red enamel. Special venting device, fill cap and labels are included. Capacities are 454-4540 litres(100-1000 gallons). Also available in doublewall
als; flat and dished end caps.
vacuum-monitored version for added
DTE Industries Limited
Circle reply card No. 180
safety margin. DTE Industries Limited Circle reply card No. 181
TecStore epoxy-coated tanks
Introduced at WEFTEC 2000
dustries line of tanks which have many
advantages for bulk storage, processing and transportation tanks. With the wid est selection of sizes up to 22,000 gal lons. Diverse Plastic Tanks
Circle reply card No. 182
New Aquastore brochure
This colour bro
Based on the con
A.O. Smith Engi
chure introduces
cept of Engineered Storage Products Company's tradi tional glass-fused-
neered Storage
TecStore™ EpoxyCoated liquid stor age tanks from En gineered Storage Products Company.
Products Com
pany offers a new eight-page bro chure on its glass-
TecStore'''^ Bolted
The tanks combine
Tanks are available
Aquastore'® tanks.
the construction ad-
in epoxy-coated
The Aquastore
steel, galva-
product line is well estabhshed for municipal and indus trial water storage. The brochure explains the manufacturing process and the advan tages of bolted assembly. Other topics include the benefits of glass coating and the company's proprietary Edgecoat™ process and Glass97™ potable water coating system. A.O.Smith Circle reply card No. 185
vantages of the company's Aquastore® glass-fused-tosteel tanks with the coatings and materi als of their Peabody TecTankTM API stor age tanks. The brochure includes descrip tion of typical industrial water and wastewater treatment applications, as well as technical information and capac ity charts. The tanks are made to AWWAD103 and AISC standards. A.O.Smith
Circle reply card No. 183
The solution to your containment challenge
IHHff' i
nized and stainless
steel fabrication.
All three lines are stocked as precut sheets for prompt shipment. The savings in TecStore Bolted Tanks result from mass
fabrication, modular design and quick erection. They are suitable for most in dustrial waste and waste treatment stor
age applications. A.O.Smith Circle reply card No. 184
Instant fuel storage
Self Dyked Tanks Above ground
A Kentain liner can restore life
double wall tanks
to an old tank,
cal and environ
are the economi
mentally friendly storage system of today. They are transportable and
which is struc
turally sound but has started to leak.
Kentain uses only the highest quality PVC materials,
with proven dura bility, high resistance to chemical attack and pinhole free. Each seam of the sin gle piece Kentain liner is electronically welded for a complete homogenous weld. All seams are completed at the state-ofthe-art plant in Kitchener, Ontario. Kentain Products Ltd.
Circle reply card No. 186
of product designs, including closed or open top vertical tanks in flat or cone bottom styles, horizontal tanks, contain ment tanks and a complete line of"UN" approved intermediate bulk containers. (IBCs). They distribute the Snyder In
Aero Tec Laboratories Inc. has upgraded its entire line of heavy-duty bladder tanks for bulk storage of gasoline. Jet Fuel,
fuel or chemical
AVGAS and diesel. These durable
storage require
come in all sizes
and styles to meet
"Petro-Flex" pillow tanks are extremely compact, and may be easily air lifted or trucked to remote work camps, mines, and exploration sites. Set-up is instant as the Hex-Tanks need only be unfolded
storage systems receive a positive re sponse from banks,insurance companies, landlords, and local approval authorities.
on a smooth site and filled.
Waterline Environmental Services
Aero Tec Laboratories Inc.
All tanks are ULG labeled.
Circle reply card No. 188
Circle reply card No. 187 Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Product and Service Showcase Double-wall tanks
Mobile storage tanks
Hassan Steel Fabricators continues to Dual-Tek™ double-wall tanks from
Viatec, Inc. feature a standard pre-engineered detection system that includes a liquid sensor and strobe alert alarm sen sor. These corrosion resistant, reinforced
thermoplastic (RTF) double-wall tanks have a wide range ofchemical resistance. Dual-TekTM tanks are offered in over 600
standard sizes, plus custom designs. Viatec, Inc.
develop solutions for the safe storage of your fuel products. Shown is one ofthese solutions, a mobile storage tank that comes complete with a toolbox attached. This tank is ULC approved and built to stand up to the rigours of the job. Other mobile storage tanks are available for truck or trailer mounting. Sizes range from 200-5,000 litre capacity. Hassan Steel Fabricators Ltd.
The JetMix Vortex Mixing System can be used in biosolids storage where solids suspension is important. Benefits of us ing the JetMix system include: Intermit tent operation saves 60-90% in power consumption; expensive tank cleanout and scheduled maintenance not required; easily installed in existing tanks; multi ple tank mixing using a central pump house. JetMix was a recipient of a 1997 Innovative Technology Award from the Water Environment Federation.
Greatario Engineered Storage Systems
Circle reply card No. 189
Circle reply card No. 190
Circle reply card No. 191
Double-wall storage system
Oil/water separators
Home fuel oil tanks
The double-wall Prezerver fuel storage system is your best response to second ary containment regulations. If legisla tion requires you to install secondary con tainment, our double-wall tanks make compUance easy and economical. The Prezerver allows you to choose the moni toring system that best suits your busi ness and location. 100% premium grade
ZCL coalescing separators provide sub stantially higher design flows than grav
ity separators having the same footprint. An enhanced MPakÂŽ design removes oil droplets as small as 20 microns! Efflu ent oil concentrations are reduced to as
resin and double-wall F]^ construction provide corrosion free internal and extemal service. ZCL Composites Inc. Circle reply card No. 192
low as 10 parts per million. ZCL oil/ water separators are manufactured with premium-grade fibreglass reinforced plastic. They have no moving parts and require minimal maintenance. ZCL Composites Inc. Circle reply card No. 193
Centrifugal pumps
Flowline Level catalogue This four-colour,
Cornell Pump Company manu
gal pumps for sewage and water,
overview of the
complete range of Flowline prod ucts, including
sizes 2" to 42",
vertical dry pit, immersible, hori
level transmitters, level switches, flow switches, controllers, and
zontal, self-prim ing. Exclusive features include
Circle reply card No. 195
Multi-stage filter for small systems
130-page cata logue provides a comprehensive
factures centrifu
Cycloseal-non-flushed mechanical seals, run-dry seal system, immersible power frames and motors. Cornell Pumps are engineered to be rugged, durable and dependable, backed by an industry lead ing two year warranty.
Constructed of corrosion resistant and
fire retardant materials, fiberglass tanks simply will not corrode. Most of today's metal-designed home heating fuel tanks will eventually leak and need replacing. Failure to replace a leaking tank can be expensive to insurers and home-owners with clean up costs ranging from $20,000 - $200,000. ZCL Fiberglass tanks are said to be cost-effective, non permeable, an asset to property, lightweight. ZCL Composites Inc. Circle reply card No. 194
fittings. Introductions for each product grouping contain helpful reference infor mation, such as a glossary of terms and application specifics and recommenda tions. Instructions for accessing the FlowUne Level Superstore on the intemet are also provided. Davis Controls Ltd. Circle reply card No. 196
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
The MS Filter is a solution to a small
system's water treatment needs that is simple and inexpensive to operate. There are no pre-treatment chemicals, no mem branes to replace, and yet treatment per formance equals or exceeds membrane or conventional processes. The plant is ideal for serviced populations of less than 1,500. RAL Engineering Ltd. Circle reply card No. 197 53
Literature Review For information on advertising in this section call ES&Eat(905)727-4666, Leister welding machines for geomembranes
Urecon pre-insuiated pipe
Our Leister line of automatic wedge weiders, combiwedge macfiines and hand toois are used in a wide variety of geomembrane appiications where the precise weiding control is re quired as part of the seaming proc ess. Our products provide excellent field performance and superior reli ability. Tel: (905) 828-1400, Fax: (905)828-1056, Stan Mech Agencies inc. Circle reply card No. 170
Urecon pre-insuiated pipe has been used across Canada for shallow bury freeze protection since 1972(with or without Thermocabie® heat tracing). Other appiications include: central chilled water pipe, industrial, mining, etc. We also distribute Logstor Ror (Denmark) pre-insuiated hot water district heating pipe suitable for serv ice up to 140°C (with or without leak alarm system). Visit our web page
Urecon Ltd.
Circle reply card No. 171
Coming soon!
Corrosion resistant tanks
An in-depth analysis of drainage pipe performance and design comparisons of concrete pipe vs HOPE. The technical data you need to know when specifying your next project. Reserve your copy now! OCRA Circle reply card No. 172
and vessels
Armourpiastics* thermoplastic lined FRF armoured tanks and vessels
resist corrosion over a broad range of temperatures. They are suited to both the most severe chemical serv
ices and for high purity appiications where it is necessary to keep the process fluid totally free of contami nants. Lining choices include PVC, CPVC, P.P., PVDF, ECTFE,PEP PFA
and TEFZEL. Fabricated Plastics Limited
Circle reply card No. 173
Water and Wastewater Tanks
Hazardous materials
IS09001 manufacturer of factory-
storage Chem-Loc Buildings are uniquely designed and manufactured by MakLoc Buildings Inc. to provide safety, security, segrega tion, and secondary con
coated, bolted steel tanks for all
stages of water treatment. Tanks for digesters, clarifiers, aeration, waste holding, equalization, potable water, etc. Capacities from 4,000 to 2.4 million gallons. Columbian's Trico-Bond 478 coating resists cor rosion over a wide pH range. For extra exterior corrosion protection, Columbian offers our Z-Bond 493
system. Specifications and draw ings on diskette or our web site. Columbian Steel Tank Company Circle reply card No. 174
Trash removal and dewatering
tainment of hazardous ma
terials. Since 1971, multi
national oil and gas companies, the Armed Forces, Govern ment agencies, municipalities and golf courses have chosen Chem-Loc as their economical solution. Tel: 1-888-774-7792,
Web site: MakLoc Buildings Inc. Circle reply card No. 175
Wk<m TfetS ©ira 'iijus.
The StrainPress SludgeCleaner is the first closed system which both screens and then compacts trash from siudge. It screens trash from primary, secondary, return, waste, or digested siudge, septage, as weii as
•An cxtzRiivc cotnplimcni of
from concentrated scums. The re-
•Rj^d 24 hour mponif. (Onvuio'« only Mobile
suiting StrainPress sludge output is cieaner and more aestheticaily pleasing, and can be used for fertiiizer, composting, or soii improve ment. The screenings are dry and can aiso be disposed of with other plant wastes to landfills at reduced disposal costs. Parkson Circle reply card No. 176
«]ulFaie»l& c!(dic4t(d ntv. •TTtUEnulllyle mpontf
• CoAi»<t«4(orell«,F)re I mdlndusyforlanilasil I
«Opeolerofllie FmtTgencySeivInM
TiilnlhgAcodemy HIH
Office (90S)
offer an extensive complement of equipment and dedicated crew. TRUE multiple response facilities. Contracted to police, fire and indus try for land and marine response. Rapid 24 hour response (Ontario's only Mobile Decon Trailer). Opera
tor of The Emergency Sen/ice Train ing Academy with three fully equip ped locations.
with 3fslly oiulyped loeu'oi
Emergency Response Team-1 Environmental Services
Team-1 Environmental
Services Inc.
North AjfHirkxi Vtikki
Circle reply card No. 177
^ i-aoo-3S-SPlLL
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Product and Service Showcase Storm and Wastewater
Culvert design software
PipePac 2000 software
XP-SWMM2000 is a friendly, graphics-
BOXCAR Software from the American
based storrawater and wastewater deci
Concrete Pipe Association can help en gineers significantly reduce design time and costly over-designs on projects us ing precast concrete box sections. The Windows-based CD-ROM provides
sion support system. XP-SWMM2000 may be used to model the fully hydrologic cycle from stormwater and wastewater flow and pollutant generation to the simulation of the hydraulics in any com bined system of open and/or closed con duits with any boundary conditions. XP Software Circle reply card No. 200
ity fluid weight,live loads and user speci fied surcharge loads. AGFA Circle reply card No. 201
Classifying & washing system
Flo-Line® cleaner
complete structural analysis for loads due to box weight, soil weight, internal grav
PipePac 2000 software from the Ameri can Concrete Pipe Association is an en hanced version of ACPA's popular PipePac software. It offers integrated analysis using three independent pro grams for D-load calculations(3EB),es timating the material costs ofthe pipe and embedment zones (CAPE) and the real
cost of the materials specified over the design life of the program(LCA). Pipe Pac helps you select the right material for a buried infrastructure system. AGFA
Circle reply card No. 202
Membrane filter presses
The Derrick Flo-Line screening machine utilizes two 1,800 RPM vibrating motors
Circle reply card No. 204
With rising costs and regulations imposed on land disposal of both industrial and municipal solid waste, applications for membrane filter presses are now show ing acceptable returns on investment. A simple payback calculation based on dis posal cost often reveals economical jus tification for the added capital cost of a membrane filter press system. Dagex Inc. Circle reply card No. 205
Stop water inflow
Denso Petroiatum Tapes
above the live screen frame. The motors
With the Coanda Grit Washing Plant, grit classifying and grit washing are com bined in one plant. By using the Coanda effect, the process of classifying can be combined with the process of sorting, so that a continuously high separation ca pacity and simultaneous optimum wash ing can be guaranteed. Dagex Inc.
Circle reply card No. 203
operate in opposition to each other cre ating a linear motion over the entire screen traverse. Positive solids convey ing is achieved and bed angles may be
varied from 15° downhill to 5° uphill. In most cases, this machine is operated in the 5° uphill position which allows a pud dle of fluid to form at the feed end of the
machine. Dagex Inc.
Flow pacing valve
Manhole leakage wastes money! "^■^asssssai
The Regal Smartvalve™ is an accurate and versatile Flow Pacing Valve for chlo rine or sulphur dioxide. Operating on fully automatic or manual, with an ad justable "low-flow" alarm, it is widely used for treating water with varying flow rates. The multi function digital display highlights flow rate; valve flow position in pounds per day of actual gas feed rate; mode of operation; and dosage value. Chlorinators Incorporated
Circle reply card No. 206
Cretex Manhole Chimney Seals stop manhole frame-chimney inflow, the sin gle largest public sector source. This in flow reduces system capacity and in creases pumping and treatment costs. Manhole frame-chimney inflow enters manholes through frame-chimney area joints that are unsealed or have been bro ken by soil movement, frost heave, ther mal expansion and contraction of the sur rounding pavement and/or traffic load ing. Scarborough Supply Circle reply card No. 207
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Proven worldwide for well over 100 years, Denso Petrolatum Tapes offer the best, most economical, long-term corrosion protection for all above and below ground metal surfaces. Requiring only minimum surface preparation and environmentally responsible, Denso Petrolatum Tape is the solution to your corrosion problems in any corrosive environment. For applications in mines, miUs, refineries, steel mills, pulp & paper, oil & gas, and the waterworks industry. The answer is Denso!
Circle reply card No. 208 55
Product and Service Showcase Environmental Monitoring
Oxygen Do you need oxy gen for your waste water treatment
Are you puzzled about...
plant? Maybe you Aquatic Sciences biological experience ranges from the collection of baseline en vironmental data to impact assessment, biomonitoring and fisheries studies. Their toxicology lab is presently serving MISA compliance needs. In addition to stand ard toxicity testing, the laboratory com pletes advanced toxicity identification
would hke to use
oxygen as a feed gas for your ozone generator? Be it our on-site tech
plex effluent streams. Aquatic Sciences Circle reply card No. 209
nology, or our numerous cylinder distri bution centres and liquid plants located across North America, let Air Liquide provide you with the right mode of sup ply for your oxygen needs. Air Liquide Circle reply card No. 210
evaluations for clients with more com
Your Single Source
...lowering pH without using hazardous chemicals, reducing aluminum residuals in your water, eliminating sodium hypochlorite scaling from your WTP pip ing? Carbon Dioxide solutions from Air Liquide may be what you're looking for. Talk to one of our representatives and let Air Liquide show you how it all fits to gether. Air Liquide
Circle reply card No. 211
Spring 2000 Catalogue
Your Single Source
Odor & Corrosion Control Enhancing Primary
One Simple Solution For Two
Reduce Costs and
Major Problems. finprcue Treatmenl.
ChemksHy Enhanced Primary Treatment(CEPI)
Cpntrolllng Odor And Cocroston' With iron Sails.
With Iron Salts.
1-800-428-3311 Circle reply card No. 212 Circle reply card No. 213
Trenchless Technology
Lamella Clarlfler
Free 4-colour Hertz catalogue featuring over 1,200 used equipment items for sale. Equipment ranges from air compressors to earthmoving, material handhng, aerial, trucks, and much more! All equipment is listed by make, model, serial number, price, and location. The Spring 2000 catalogue includes information on lowrate financing program as well as details on rental purchase option. Hertz
Circle reply card No. 214
Process Analyzers Chemscan
Analyzers utilize ultra violet absorbance to de tect and measure the
concentration of multi
ple parameters such as ammonia, phosphate, chlorine, nitrate, nitrite, and more, in waste-
Insituform Technologies' proprietary trenchless technologies make it possible to reconstruct underground sewers and other pipes without digging or disruption. The Insituform*速, NuPipe速,Paltem速, and Tite Liner速 processes are used by wastewater, gas, and industrial customers worldwide. For more information, visit our website at:
Insituform Technologies,Inc. Circle reply card No. 215 56
water. Chemscan on
Ecodyne custom-designed Lamella Clarifiers, the unit process of choice for a wide variety of applications, are fully assem bled and factory painted, have individu ally removable FRP plates and adjustable effluent weir plates. Ecodyne Limited Circle reply card No. 216
line analyzers can auto matically provide wastewater treatment plant operators with timely process chem istry measurements without the need for frequent manual sampling or lab meas urements. This can assure process con formance, control energy and chemical costs as well as improve process perform ance. Cancoppas Limited
Circle reply card No. 217 Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Product and Service Showcase
EIMCO component flotators offer you the opportunity to save both time and money by specifying a thickener/clarifier mechanism that combines a job-tested design with the production economy of pre-engineered components. Baker Proc ess engineers have drawn on a half-cen tury of custom flotator experience to de sign modular, standardized mechanisms that meet the requirements of many com mon municipal and industrial applica tions with economy. Baker Process Circle reply card No. 218
Solids/corrosive liquids pumps
Packaged sewage pumping system
Dissolved Air Flotators
Gorman-Rupp's new J Series Packaged Submersible Pumping System places controls and valves above ground in an attractive, vandal-resistant fiberglass en closure. This design permits safe and easy access to controls or valves for main tenance or service. Compact, economi cal design reduces site space require ments by eliminating the need for a sepa rate valve pit. Gorman-Rupp Circle reply card No. 219
Gorman-Rupp T Series''''^ pumps are de signed for economical,trouble-free opera tion in handling solids-laden hquids and slurries. Pumps feature a large volute de sign which allows them to reprime auto matically in a completely open system without the need for suction or discharge check valves. And they can do it with the pump casing only partially filled with hquid and a completely dry suction hne. Gorman-Rupp Circle reply card No. 220
Signal converter
Noise control panels
The use 6000 sig nal converter from Danfoss eliminates the
choosing specific communication
In today's global marketplace,concem for one's neighbours and the environment is more than good citizenship, it's good
protocols when uti lizing a dissolved oxygen sensor in
business. Our clients believe this and so
aeration tanks. De
do we. Knowledge of our customer's
process and business helps us tum envi ronmental challenges into strategic op portunities. Hatch,
Circle reply card No. 221
signed to be easily mounted with the EVITA® Oxy dis solved oxygen sensor,this CE,C-tick and UL-approved converter compensates for temperature, barometric pressure, humid ity, and sahnity. It operates in tempera
tures ranging from -40°C to -t70°C with ± 0.1 ° accuracy.
provide a more comfortable acoustic en vironment. By reducing noise levels, thereby lessening worker fatigue, EPFs promote safety and help improve produc tivity. EPFs can quickly add sound ab sorption to compressor rooms, blower rooms and pump rooms.
Davis Controls Limited
Eckel Industries, Inc.
Low cost AutoFlash
Circle reply card No. 222
Circle reply card No. 223
Inlet Stormceptor® system
Submerged Stormceptor® system
evaporation process
The Inlet Storm
The AutoPlash is
ceptor System em ploys the same prin ciples of operation as
a time-proven evaporation sys tem with the capa bility of using low-grade, reject,
the well-known In
. ..
waste heat as the
only source of en ergy for phase separation. This exclusive feature makes evaporation a very viable treatment method for TDS (total dissolved solids), over 4,500 milli grams per litre. The proprietary,self-regu lating device causes the AutoPlash to be able to operate outside of steady state con ditions in a highly stable manner. Donson Engineering Circle reply card No. 224
Eckoustic® Functional Panels... the prac tical, efficient solution to noise reduction needs. Eckel's sound absorbing EPFs
line Interceptors. Developed to treat run-off from an area
of up to 0.30 ha, the Inlet Stormceptor jjgg inherited the in
ternal by-pass function, ensuring that all sediment and oil removed from storm-
water runoff remains trapped within the storage chamber,even during peak flows. There are currently more than 4,500 units installed throughout North America. Stormceptor Canada Inc. Circle reply card No. 225
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Developed for sub merged and partially submerged storm sewer pipes, the new Submerged Storm ceptor System em ploys the same oper ating principles as the well-known In-line
and Inlet Stormceptor systems. Compared to the In-line system, the Submerged Stormceptor has two modifications: an extended weir and a
second drop pipe to enable it to capture oil and sediment during high tailwater conditions. Stormceptor Canada Inc. Circle reply card No. 226
Product and Service Showcase
Clean burning waste system
The clean burning waste
Chemical monitoring
Process controllers
(pyrolytic style) is a two stage proc
ess. The first stage burns garbage and produces inert ash and combustible
gases, while the second stage reburns gases and renders them safe for exhaust. The sys tem has a 2-1-2 hour cycle time, depend ing on waste type and density and one hour for ash cleanout and reload. The
standard system has a capacity of up to 300 lbs. per cycle, depending on waste type, witb larger systems available.
Circle reply card No. 227
production technologies to produce the Kent-Taylor EIL8230 Series of monitors. Models for the monitoring of ammonia, fluoride and nitrate meet the increasing requirement for monitoring river pollu tion, drinking water purification and sew age treatment.
High-sensitivity measurement
Odour evaluation
Pinchin Environ
mental has opened a state-of-the-art odour evaluation
laboratory located in Mississauga, Ontario. The labo
ratory has been constructed
bined with the latest in electronics and
Metcon Sales & Engineering Circle reply card No. 228
Eco Waste Solutions
Over 35 years of experience and innova tion in the design and application of on line chemical analyzers have been com
MOE specifica tions and staff and panellists have been trained to provide compliance quality analyses satisfying ASTM E679 and CEN TC 264 standards. For additional
information on industrial odour sampling and analysis, or environmental impact assessment contact Pinchin. Pinchin
The new, updated MHS-15 Mercury/ Hydride System
NEMA 4X as standard and clear displays mean process status can be seen at a glance. Commander products offer uni versal inputs, transmitter power supplies and extensive process output within the standard instrument. Totalizers, math
functions and logic equations are avail able on many Commander instruments for advanced application functionality. Metcon Sales & Engineering Circle reply card No. 229
Catalogues on CD-ROM Raco Manufacturing and Engineering Co. CD-ROM
from PerkinElmer
Instruments, fa
cilitates high-sen sitivity determin ations of mercury and metallic hy dride-forming ele ments, including As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi, and Sn, using flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). This inexpensive accessory is used in thousands of lahs as a convenient answer to low-cost, highsensitivity mercury/hydride analysis ondemand. PerkinElmer Instruments
Circle reply card No. 231
Circle reply card No. 230
New 2001 products catalogue
All Commander instruments have dust
and water protection, many to IP66/
Chlorine analyzer
A variety of CD-ROM catalogues of ana lytical instrumentation for water quality and process control are available from Sumrna Engineering. These CD-ROMs offer product information from compa nies such as Raco Manufacturing, Krohne and GLI International.
Summa Engineering Ltd. Circle reply card No. 232
Blanket level control
The Hach CLI7
chlorine analyzer is an online instru ment that utilizes
USEPA accepted DPD method of
The new catalogue from Hach has been updated with current products and infor mation for the water testing industry. New product additions to the Products for Analysis catalogue include: sensioni'''' electrochemical and multi-parameter meters; FilterTrak'''''' process laser nephelometer; Platinum Series electrodes;
Optiquant™ UV nitrate analyzer; mColiBlue® method for detecting total coliforms; and EC-310 pH process moni toring system. Hach Company Circle reply card No. 233 58
analysis for meas uring free or total
BinMinder 9300 employs sophisticated
residual chlorine.
industrial sonar instrumentation and
Drinking water plants use this instrument to control the chlorine feed in the disinfection process,
state-of-the-art signal processing and tracking software to provide dependable monitoring of blanket levels in raw
control taste and odour, and monitor the
water clarifiers. Standard 4-20mA,con
effluent residual chlorine. For waste-
tact relay and RS232/485 serial outputs offer the advantage ofconvenient,continu ous and reliable blanket level monitoring at remote locations and may be used for integration with existing plant control systems. Summa Engineering Ltd. Circle reply card No. 235
water plants, the CL17 is supplied with a self-cleaning bypass Y-strainer and larger tubing and fittings that accommodate wastewater applications. Hach Company
Circle reply card No. 234
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Water Reuse
Hawaiian city reciaims water previousiy discharged into Pacific
Foryears,the City ofHonouliuli
gation and industrial uses, reducing en
discharged secondary effluent
vironmental concerns and the strains
from its wastewater treatment
plant into the Pacific Ocean an acceptable solution by many stand
placed on the city's drinking water re sources. This public-private partnership will save the city and taxpayers millions
ards for some time. In the late 1990s,
of dollars in construction, maintenance
as environmental standards changed,the city found itself under a federal consent decree to improve its wastewater treat ment and disposal. At the same time, the city's potable water resources were strained by population and tourist growth. As a result, the city faced the costly challenge of finding a new solu
and operating costs by spreading out costs over a 20-year period and out sourcing specialized water management. The reclamation facility, scheduled to be launched August 2000, will be the first of its kind in Oahu and the largest in the Hawaiian Islands. It will produce 12(US)million gallons per day(mgd)of beneficial reuse water from effluent pre viously discharged into the Pacific Ocean. The process will generate two grades of water. One grade will be extremely high in purity and will be sold to power and petro-refining companies. Like most industrial manufacturers, power and petro-refining companies need a tre mendous amount of high purity water for their businesses. The second grade
tion for water treatment that would be
cost-effective for taxpayers and comply with a changing regulatory environment. The city entered into a 20-year part nership with USFilter to design, build, finance, and operate a multi-faceted water reclamation facility to preserve its limited potable water resources and meet federal mandates. USFilter will treat
and reuse the city's wastewater for irri
of water will be purchased by the city for irrigation purposes. As a result, the amount of available potable water for residential needs will increase dramati
cally -an important aspect for an island suiTounded by salt water. The facility will use fine-media fil tration, microfiltration and reverse os
mosis processes to treat secondary ef fluent. USFilter's Hydro-Clear® filter system will be used for wastewater pol ishing purposes. The company's Con tinuous Microfiltration Process, which has been used worldwide for wastewater
reuse applications, will be used to re move particles and bacteria from the wastewater prior to reverse osmosis treatment. USFilter's reverse osmosis
technology will be used to create water that matches specification for industrial use as boiler feed water. The agreement is valued at $140 million.
For more information,
circle reply card No. 258
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update
Trojan President addresses Empire Club of Canada
already met or exceeded ARET year 2000 targets for all categories of sub stances on which they report. •Year 2000 targets have been exceeded for three of the five ARET substance
categories. • Year 2000 targets have been met or exceeded for 62 percent of ARET sub stances being reported. The ARET initiative, launched in
1994, is a multi-stakeholder, voluntary initiative to reduce the release of 117 toxic substances to the environment.
ARET targets are to reduce by 90% the emissions of30 toxic substances that are
persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT)and by 50% emissions of87 other substances by the year 2000. Voluntary measures can be an effec tive means of accelerating the reduction
At a recent Toronto luncheon meeting of the Empire Club of Canada,Hank Vander Laan,President and CEO ofTrojan Technologies,spoke about the need for a multibarrier strategy to protect potable water quality. In addition to protecting public health, Mr. Vander Laan also stressed that water quality is of concern to the manufacturing sector. He pointed out that it can take up to 350 gallons of water to manufacture one computer chip. One bacterium can short out that chip. Photo - Steve Davey
Canada-Ontario Agreement for 2000 and beyond The Government of Canada has an
nounced its intention to negotiate with Ontario on a new Canada-Ontario
Agreementfor 2000 and beyond,to find and implement effective environmental solutions to improve the health of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. The agreement will build on the ef forts supported by previous agreements that have resulted in the Great Lakes
being cleaner now than they have been for 50 years. While the 1994 Canada-Ontario
Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin ended March 21,2000, both gov ernments have agreed that cooperative work on the Great Lakes will continue
until the new agreement is negotiated. Copperative efforts in the Great
• Substantial reductions in the release
of persistent toxic chemicals. •Significant reduction and control ofsea lamprey populations. • The protection of over 9,000 hectares of wetlands,4,000 through acquisitions and 5,150 through other methods such
voluntary measures do not produce the desired results. Environment Canada undertook an
evaluation of ARET this past year to determine its level of support for the indicates that, in general,ARET partici pants made a greater effort to reduce releases of toxic substances than non-
participants. Information: New WEF book on for industrial and
municipal wastewater
•More than 50% of the high-level PCBs The Water Environment Eederation which were in storage, have been de (WEE) has announced the publication stroyed, exceeding the year 2000 de of Membrane Technologies for Indus struction target. trial and Municipal Wastewater Treat • Contributions to the environmental ment and Reuse, which compiles related sustainability of Ontario's agricultural papers from Federation conferences and sector. publications into one resource on mem Toxic emissions down on a brane technology. Membrane technologies include
voluntary corporate
plishments, including; •Dramatic improvements in water qual ity, as well as the return of a number of fish and wildlife species to the Great
Environment Canada has released the
of the clean-up actions required in
reduce emissions of toxic substances if
membrane technologies
as easements.
•The rehabilitation of 2,500 hectares of
Lakes basin.
environment. The federal government is prepared to take regulatory action to
initiative in the future. The evaluation
as an area of recovery.
Lakes have led to a number of accom
•The implementation of more than 60%
in the release of toxic substances to the
Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of
Toxics(ARET)Environmental Leaders 3 (EL3) Report. Highlights (for the 1998 reporting year) show:
• Emissions have been reduced by 26,360 tonnes or 67 percent from base-
microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofil-
tration, reverse osmosis, pervaporation, dialysis, and electrodialysis. This soft cover, 412-page book fea tures an introduction to membrane sepa ration technologies, as well as chapters on the application of specific membrane separation systems, and the application of membrane bioreactors to industrial
and municipal wastewater treatment.
•The de-listing ofCollingwood Harbour
year levels. • 169 companies have submitted and are
as an Area of Concern.
implementing ARET action plans.
• The recognition of Spanish Harbour
•43 percent or 136 of 316 facilities have
(703) 684-2452, Lax: (703) 684-2492, E-mail:
Canadian Areas of Concern.
Call WEE at: 1-800-666-0206, or
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update
Regulation for stricter training requirements for waterworks employees Ontario's Ministry of Environment has proposed amendments to Water Works and Sewage Works O.Reg. 435/93 un
Environmental consulting engineers and scientists specializing in
wafer resources planning water supply, transmission and treatment wastewater collection and treatment
electrical engmeering, instrumentation and controls
Acres &
municipal infrastructure services solid waste and hazardous materials management
geo-eninronmental investigations and site remediation environmental assessments and planning environmental health and safety
Environmental Limited
der the Ontario Water Resources Act that
will revise the licence and training re quirements for waterworks and sewage works employees. A new category of licence - water quality analyst- will be created and will require: • grade-12 education or equivalent; •successful completion of a water labo ratory analyst exam; and • two years of water operating experi ence or one year of lab experience or successful completion of 18 hours of approved training in water analysis. In addition, all operators must verify completion of 36 hours of approved training in the previous three years in order to renew their licence. Training must be approved by the ministry, and may include: • formal courses on topics related to operations; • approved municipal training; • correspondence courses; • approved on-the-job training; and • computer-based training. The above requirement is in addition to training required under Section 17(1) of Reg. 435/93 which states the owner of the facility must ensure every opera tor is given at least 40 hours of training every year. The initiative will be phased in over a three year period to be com pletely in effect by September 1, 2003. Notice of the amendments was posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry (Registry Number: RAOOE 0015)August 14. Contact: B. Gildner,(416)314-9324.
Ontario now supplies
525-21 Four Seasons Place, Toronto, Ontario MSB 6J8•Tel(416)622-9502•Fax(416)622-6249 4342 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6W1•Tel(905)374-4470•Fax(905)374-8365
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Environmental, Transportation & Industrial Engineering
Creating Value Through Service and Innovation
water with meals Groundwater under the Grand Restau
British Columbia
rant near Orillia is so saturated with road
salt, the Ontario Transportation Minis try has agreed to supply drinking water for the business indefinitely. The Min istry says that elevated levels of salt are a problem in wells bordering Highway 11. Several residents said they would like the province to stop using salt, and just put down sand. The Transportation Ministry says that sand alone is not the best material for snowy and icy roads from both a safety and maintenance per spective.
Telephone: 604.293.141 1
Career Advancement Employment Services Inc.
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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update
Specialists in a comprehensive range of Environmentai and Municipal Engineering Coiiingwood
Tel.(705) 325-1753
CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited
Environmental Engineers, Planners and Scientists 255 Consumers Road, Toronto, Ontario M2J 5B6
phone:(416) 499-9000, fax:(416) 499-4687 direct dial: (416) 499-0090 -i- ext.
will sit on the committee, one each from
Toronto • Vancouver • Waterloo
Agriculture and Food, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Manage ment, and SaskWater. A representative of Big Sky Farms, the company build ing the hog hams, will also sit on the hoard. The rest of the representatives will he members of the surrounding community. The hog bams have already received approval.
Dredging (since 1971)
• Dewatering • Pumping • Weed Harvester •Tailings relocation • Hazardous Waste Reduction •High Speed Decanter Centrifuges
Tel: (506) 684-5821 E-mail:
Fax:(506) 684-1915 Web site:
in partnership with National Research Council Canada
Tel: 613-744-6001
Crechem Technologies Inc.
Fax: 613-744-0573
Simulation-assisted Design • pollution prevention/treatment
• cleaner manufacturing/processing innovative environmentai technologies
1200 Montreal Rd.
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' Infrastructure
• Communities
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committee of its kind in the province. The 13 person committee will advise the provincial government on water quality and manure fertilizer use, and will per mit a public review of soil and water monitoring data. The committee will be chaired by a director of the Good Spirit Lake Cot tage Owners Association, after the as sociation expressed concem over the im pact of a hog barn on the lake's water quality. Three government representatives
Barrie • Calgary • Ottawa • ThoroliJ
Consolidated GIroux Environment Inc.
A committee to monitor the impact of hog barns on water quality near Yorktown, Saskatchewan, is the first
Hog farming under scrutiny
Amendments to
Chlorobiphenyls and Storage ot PCB Material Regulations expected Environment Canada recently proposed amending the Chlorobiphenyls Regula tions and the Storage of PCB Material Regulations under the Canadian Envi ronmental Protection Act.
under the Chlorobiphenyls Regulations will include new provisions for track ing and disposal of PCB contaminated equipment, including: • an accelerated phase-out schedule that would require the elimination of PCB equipment in sensitive locations (schools, hospitals, drinking water treat ment plants, food and feed processing sites) within one year of the regulation coming; • the phase-out of all PCB equipment by December 31, 2007; • a maximum PCB content of 2 ppm in all manufactured and imported products; • a prohibition on the release of PCB material (material containing 50 ppm or more PCB content) into the environ ment; and
• the mandatory labeling and reporting of all PCB-contaminated equipment. In addition, proposed amendments to the Storage of PCB Material ReguiaEnvironmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update tions would prohibit, after December 31, 2009, the continued storage of PCB material already in storage. This allows two years for the destruction of all PCB material after the phase-out date of December 31,2007 for PCB equipment as required in the proposed new Chlorobiphenyl Regulations. In addi tion, the revisions would prohibit the storage ofPCB material for more than a year after its decommissioning and in sensitive locations.
The draft regulations were expected to be published in Canada Gazette Part I in November 2000, to be followed by a 60-day comment period. Final regu lations in Canada Gazette PartII axt an
ticipated in spring 2001.
Duke Engineering &Services(Canada),Inc. A Duke Energy Company
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Fractured Rock Hydrogeology Environmental Management and Compliance Hydrogeologic/Performance Assessment Modeling Site Remediation
• Risk Assessment
(613) 232-2525 Toronto
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EMSL Analytical, Inc. participates in the AIHA EMPATprogram
107 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ USA 08108
Newman introduces
toughest penalties in Canada for major pollution
GAP EnviroMicrobial Services Inc.^
Microbiology Laboratory & Consulting
Ontario Environment Minister Dan Newman introduced a bill October 10
* Cryptosporidium & Giardia * Microorganism Identification * Rapid E.coli recreational water
in the Legislature that would give Ontario the toughest fines and longest jail terms in Canada for major environ
* Microbial Training * Consulting Services
* Respirometry
1020 Hargrieve Road, London, Ontario. N6E1P5 Telephone: 519-681 -0571 Fax: 519-681-7150
mental offences.
The Environmental Penalties Statute
Law Amendment Act, 2000 would
amend the penalty structure of the En
Specialty Environmental Consulting Services for the Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy, Land Development and Mining Sectors
vironmental Protection Act, Ontario Water Resources Act and the Pesticides
Act. The proposed penalties would: • Increase the maximum fine for a first
conviction of a major offence for a cor
poration from $1 million to $6 million per day, and for a subsequent convic tion from $2 million to $10 million per day.
a Gartner Lee Limited
• Environmental Planning
• Wildlife & Vegetation
• Fistieries
• Groundwater
• Approvals
• Surface Water
• Social Science
• Geology
Contact Deborah Martin-Downs, Principal (905) 477-8400 ext. 225 TORONTO
• Increase the maximum fine for a first
conviction of a major offence for an in dividualfrom $100,000 to $4 million per
day, and for subsequent convictions from $200,000 to $6 million per day. •Increase the maximum jail terms for a
Geamatrix Consultants Engineers, Geologists,and Environmental Scientists 'Industrial Wafer/Wasfewater Treatment
We have moved!
■ Woste Minimizofion/Wostewoter Reuse/Recycle
Our new address is:
■ Treatment System Upgrade/Optimization
person convicted of a major offence
Suite No. 1\465 Phillip Street
from two years to five years. The penalty structure in the Ontario
Waterloo/ Ontario N2L 6C7
Water Resources Act would be amended
■ Treofmenf System Design and Construction
■ ISO 14000 - Environmental Management Systems
to ensure that these new tough penalties
apply to the most serious offences un der the new Drinking Water Protection Regulation, including failure to report samples that exceed standards and fail
Noise Vibration and Acoustics
ure to ensure minimum levels of treat ment.
Mr. Newman has also announced the
creation of a SWAT team, which will be
Noise Vibration Acoustics
a highly mobile compliance,inspection and enforcement unit.
Howe Gastmeier Chapnik
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 1, Suite 203 Mississauga, Ontario L5N1P7 (905) 826-4044, Fax 826-4940 LIMITED
Industry Update
Experts at wastewater process audits, process optimization, and process design
NRC presenting seminars on water and sewer infrastructure
Canadian municipalities make signifi
Consulting Engineers
cant investments in their water and
sewer systems each year. Recent ad vances in technology provide new tools and opportunities to better manage bur
1685 Main Street West, Suite 302, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 1G5
Tel:(905)522-0012 Fax:(905) 522-0031
ied infrastructure.
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
Consulting Engineers, Architects & Planners Traffic Engineering I Road & Highway Design I Structural Engineering
Urban & Regional Planning I
Land Development
I Municipal/Environmental Engineering
Three seminars will present new de velopments in buried infrastructure re search and practical examples to show how the information can be applied to maintenance, repair, and management of water and sewer systems. Speakers will include research staff from the Urban Infrastructure Rehabili
Providing Architecture, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Services
tation Program of the Institute for Re
Ottawa 613-728-3571
search Construction at the National Re
Kingston 613-544-1424
Sudbuiy 705-522-8174
search Council of Canada and the Uni
versity of Waterloo.
Seminars started in September. Re
MacViro Designing Environmental &■ Energy Solutions
maining locations and times include:
Consulting Engineers, Planners and Scientists, Specializing in the Environment MacViro Consultants Inc. 90 Allstate Parkway. Suite 600, Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3 {905)475-7270 • Fax: (905)475-5994 E-Mail:
• environmental site assessments
• risk assessment/management
MALROZ Engineering Inc.
Kingston Ottawa
• Winnipeg • Calgary • Vancouver
December 4, 2000 December 6, 2000 December 8, 2000
Each seminar participant will receive a workbook containing copies of the slides and background material. Engi neering professionals and technicians can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for attending. For registration details, contact G. Lee at:
• site remediation
Researchers to test
• waste management
(613) 548-3446 (613)521-8258
vaccine which could fight
• hydrogeology
E. con Researchers from the National Research
Council have begun testing a vaccine in
Marshall Macklin
cows to suppress the deadly strain of E. coli bacteria that claimed several lives
in Walkerton, Ontario. Outbreaks of E. coli 0157:H7 start with cows, whose
Specialists in Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources
contaminated meat ends up on super
Toronto, Calgary, Mississauga, Whilby
market shelves or whose contaminated
feces leak into groundwater. The vaccine works by using bacteria that has the same marker gene as E. coli
80 Commerce Valley Drive East, ThomhIII, ON L3T 7N4 Telephone: 905-882-1100 FAX: 905-882-0055
M a;^a m Analytics Inc
Comprehensive Environmental Testing National Service
Certified/Accredited Source Emissions
Occupational Health
Rush Analysis
0157:H7, but which does not have the A Chemex Labs Alberta / Novamann international Partnership Ontario 5540 McAdam Road
Calgary ■,
Mississauga, ON L4Z IPI Tel:(905)890-2555 U Fax; (905)890-0370 Qudbec 9420 Cflte de LiesSe
Uchine.QC HBTIAI. Tel: (514) 636-6218 Fax:(5l4)631-9814
2021-41 Avenue N.E.
Calgary. AB T2E6P2
Tel ; (403) 291-3077 - Fax;(403)291-9468 Edmonton
- 9331-48th Street Edmonton. AB T6B2R4
Tel : (403) 465-9877 -
Fax: (403)466-3332
Toll Free: East (800) 563-6266
West (800) 386-7247
same harmful effects. In an earlier trial, mice developed antibodies that attacked E. coli after they were injected with the vaccine. The antibodies succeeded in
warding off future infections and in eliminating E. coli from mice that al ready had it in their systems. The trials are only the first step to ward possibly moving the vaccine into the private realm.
Environmental Science
Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update
Goderich, Ontario selects
USF to operate town's water and wastewater systems
The Town of Goderich, Ontario, has
• Aqua Guard® Screen • Biolac® System • I^naSand® Filter
awarded USF Canada a five-year opera tions and maintenance contract to oper ate the town's water and wastewater sys tems, including treatment facilities and collection/distribution systems. The partnership will provide Goderich and its ratepayers high-quality,reliable serv
• Lamella Gravity Settler • StramPress SludgeCleaner 9050 RYAN AVENUE, DORVAL,QUEBEC H9P 2m8 TELEPHONE 514-636-8712 FAX 514-636-9718
An Axel Johnson Inc. Company
ices at a fixed cost for the term of the
contract. The Town also has the option to renew the contract for a second five-
year term. USF Canada is a USFilter Operating Services affiliate. "Although we will see cost savings over time, our primary objective for en tering into this public-private partner ship is to improve safety and reduce the
WiiU one 0^ th^ kMaudecLfecMe'daUri ieamd. m the Pkdlp,AnctLjiiccii U'amtmiUecl hcodi-e^^ecUoe pAO^^/iamd- udide dtili cm. <^uaiU4^ and Orodome/i de/UMce.
Valerie Geldart, Ssles Manager
1-800-263>9040 ext. 275 Internet:
risk of harm to our residents," said
Goderich Mayor, Deb Shewfelt. USF Canada guarantees operating performance and permit compliance and takes on all associated risks of running the town's water and wastewater sys tems. Existing employees'jobs are pro tected, and all project staff will be given advanced training for certification at the highest levels.
$300 million law suit filed
iJSimcoe ij?'SIMCOE ENGINEERING GROUP LIMITED ; Consulting Engineers
Head Office: 1815 Ironstone Manor Suite #10
recently filed in Ontario Superior Court against Walkerton Public Utilities Com mission, the utility's manager, Stan Koebel, the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Health Unit,and the Town of Walkerton. The suit, filed on behalf of four
Offering Services in the areas of: Water Supply Pollution Control
Kingston, Ontario K7P 1N3
Tel: (905)831-1715 Fax:(905)831-0531
Tel: (613)389-1661 Fax:(613)389-2442
Environmental/Occupational Health and Safety Stantec
♦ Air Pollution Control
♦ Occupational Health and Safety ♦ Indoor Air Quality ♦ HS&E Compliance Audits
♦ Clean Air Technologies
♦ EMS Audits
♦ Environmental Engineering ♦ Ventilation Assessment & Design
7070 Mississauga Road, Suite 160, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7G2 Canada Tel: (905) 858-4424 • Fax: (905) 858-4426 • Website:
"A leader s providing innovative automation solutions to our customers." We offer a complefe range of products & services in tlie areas of: • Systems Integration • Process InstrLmentation • Control Panels • Programmable Logic Controllers • MMI/SCADA • Computer/Network Services • Service
town's water was contaminated.
Summa Engineering Limited 6423 Northam Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V1J2 Tel: (905) 678-3388, Fax; (905) 678-0444
Summa Enterprises, Place Grilli, 3539 Blvd. St. Charles, #350, KIrkland, QC H9H 5B9
Tel: (514) 591-5748, Fax: (514) 455-3587
of Edmonton. The $150 million com
plex, Air Liquide's largest-ever invest mentin Canada,primarily supplies Shell Chemicals Canada's new monoethylene glycol facility. In addition, Air Liquide will produce oxygen, nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide in liquid form to meet the growing demand of the mar
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
should have alerted officials that the
Air Liquide Canada has opened a new state-of-the-art industrial gases and utili ties complex in Scotford,just northeast
Regional Office:
Pickering, Ontario
Walkerton residents, alleges children in Walkerton were infected by the E. coli 0157:H7 bacteria two years ago which
Air LIqulde opens new complex
516 O'Connor Drive Suite 205
L1W 3W9
In Walkerton A $300 million class action lawsuit was
Water Supply • System Optimization • Wastewater Solid Waste Management • Environmental Assessment
Site Assessment & Remediation • SCADA
TEL: (905) 668-9363 • WHITBY • Fax: (905) 668-0221 E-mail: Web site:
ket in Westem Canada.
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update
Scientists are cooling on global warming Will taxing fuel stop global warming? New evidence shows the warming trend is caused mainly by the sun. The tem perature rise, previously blamed on the burning offossil fuels, results primarily from an increase in solar radiation, ac
cording to studies released late Septem ber. The research,some of it by the Eu ropean Space Agency(ESA),using sat ellite and other astronomical data, now
claims that earlier computer models se verely underestimated the sun's impact.
road charges. The potential political impact is huge. Measurements show a global aver age temperature rise of 0.6°C over the past century. This is predicted to ex
Brekke, said the results could change thinking on climate. "Taxing carbonbased fuels may be good for other rea sons but our evidence suggests it will not be much help in keeping the Earth
ceed 2°C by 2100. The rise has partly
cool," he said.
melted the North Pole and the Green
Scientists previously calculated that the sun radiates only 0.7% more energy than 150 years ago,causing about a tenth of global warming. Brekke and others say the models underestimated the 3% UV light increase over the same period, generating the extra ozone that locks more heat into the atmosphere. Source: Jonathan Leake, Stronger sun is blamedfor global warming, The Sunday Times.
land and Antarctica ice caps and made British winters far warmer. But some new studies now claim the
main reason is a solar energy surge and a particularly big increase in ultraviolet (UV) light. This has coincided with a doubling in strength of the sun's mag netic field.
Governments worldwide have ac
cepted scientists' warnings that they must cut carbon dioxide emissions and
used them to justify tax increases and
umo Ontario
Much of the data on the sun's role in
global warming was gathered by the ESA's sun-watching Soho satellite. Soho's deputy project scientist, Paal
An improved paint process has resulted in two environmental awards for the
Environmental Engineering Water & Wastewater Engineering
Site Assessment & Remediation
Hydrogeology Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Urban Drainage
British Columbia
Northern Territories
& internationally
A.O. Smith plant recognized for pollution prevention efforts
A.O. Smith Engineered Storage Prod ucts Company plant in Parsons, Kansas. The plant received the 2000 Kansas Pollution Prevention Award for New
Initiatives on September 12. The state singled out the A.O. Smith facility for
Visit our website at
its efforts to reduce the use of hazard
Compact - Low Impact Drilling by Water Regime "Specializing in geo-technical and environmental drilling in confined and low impact environments" Standard auger and Geoprobe applications available Contact us at;(519)577-5114 (Drilling Inquiries) (519)884-5816(Office)
(Follow the links under "drilling") Water Regime Investigations and Simulations Ltd. RO. Box 28040, Parkdale Postal Outlet, Waterloo, Ont, N2L 6J8
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❖ Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health & Safety
ous chemicals and recycle solvents and other materials.
On September 19, the US Environ mental Protection Agency recognized the plant's paint improvement project as a notable pollution prevention program in the six-state Region VII. The new system is 99.86 percent ef ficient. During the year that the new paint system has been running, solid waste has been reduced by approxi mately six percent and solvent wastes reduced between 85 and 90 percent.
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& Monitoring
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Email: Facsimile: 613-839-5376 WEBSITE:
A Better Environmcnl For Business
Water contamination
'should be prevented, not cured'- RFK Jr. Engineers got a put down from a man in high places - Robert E. Kennedy Jr. Citing the Walkerton E. coll crisis, he said;"Machines and chlorination are not
• Industrial/l\/lunicipal Wastewater Management XCG CONSULTANTS LTD.
• Watershed and Stormwater Management • Drinking Water Quality and Treatment
Vancouver (604) 990-0582 Kitchener (519)741-5774 Toronto area (905)891-2400 Kingston (613)542-5888
• Hydrogeology Investigation /Modelling • Environmental Site Assessment/Auditing • Remediation and Decommissioning
• Environmental Management Systems
the best way to prevent water contami nation. It's better to stop pollution from happening in the first place. The lesson of Walkerton is that engineering solu tions are not the best solution to protect ing water quality." In an interview re ported in the Ottawa Citizen, he said: "If you really want water supplies pro tected, you've got to do it at the source." Mr. Kennedy, an environmental law
Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
Industry Update professor in New York, was the keynote speaker at a Purchasing Management
Management Association of Canada, it might have been more relevant for him
Association of Canada conference.
to have cited The Low Bid Ethos as a
Moving easily from legalities to hydrol ogy, he gave a somewhat elementary overview of our ecosystem. Words may have failed him here - or perhaps the reporter was simply overwhelmed when seeing the complexities of hydrology, etiology and epidemology unveiled with such brilliant simplicity.
major contributor to our water purifica tion problems. Tom Davey
"In a natural environment, rain and
melting snow percolate through the ground before reaching waterways," he said. "Butin towns and cities, pavement covers a large part of the land. Parking lots, streets, driveways, and even roof tops are designed to drain water as fast as possible into a sewer leading to the nearest river. So engineering and chemi cal solutions are not the solution to our
environmental problems." "That's the problem with putting en gineers in charge of this. They're going to find solutions that are based on con
crete and chemicals, rather than we've
Complex condo water billing plan The Halifax Water Commission has ap plied to the Nova Scotia Utility and Re view Board to bill condominium corpo rations for water costs. Five metro con
dominium corporations will be fighting the application during a board hearing. The Water Commission says that
As his audience was the Purchasing
but individual condo owners would still
be billed separately. If the resident does not pay, the condominium corporation is responsible for the bills. If the corpo ration fails to pay the bills, the Commis sion could shut off water to the entire
"For Cost Effective Pumping" company in the Cardo Group
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got an ecosystem here and we've got to protect it and implement best manage ment practices. We need ecological so lutions."
while most condo owners pay their wa ter bills, there is an ongoing problem with some residents. Many condo units can share just one water shut-off valve, making it difficult to punish the culprits. The Commission wants to implement a billing system in which all water bills would be put in the corporation's name,
For more information, circle reply card No. 120
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BERLIE For more information, circie repiy card No. 124
Continuous Emissions Monitors and dozens of other
Superior drying technology and biosoiids management 1225 Industrielle Street, La Prairie (Quebec) Canada J5R 2E4 (450) 659-1986•e-mail: • web site:
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Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 4T5
E-mail: Web site:
circie repiy card No. 125 Environmental Scietice & Engineering, November 2000
For more information, circle reply card No. 123 67
Watermain Rehabilitation
A capital Idea for Ottawa-Carleton Epoxy resin lining chosen for watermain rehabilitation
Since 1969, the Region of Ottawa-Carleton has
owned and operated the water distribution system,
servicing a population of over 1,000,000 across
eleven municipalities. The system consists of ap proximately 2,500 kilometres of watermain, 24,000 valves,
and 14,000 hydrants. The age of the water system varies significantly from a very old system in the City of Ottawa to a relatively new system in the growth communities of Kanata, Nepean and Gloucester. The replacement value of the system is estimated to be in excess of $1.5 billion. Watermain Rehabilitation Options Prior to 1998, the only method of choice to rehabilitate
the existing watermain infrastructure was full system replacement. Although the replacement method is still a viable solution in areas where the watermains have exceeded
their useful structural life cycle, less expensive solutions needed to be found to deal with structurally sound pipe, where there were hydraulic deficiencies or water quality View of corroded pipe.
problems. Table 1 - Total length of iron pipes • Unlined Cast Iron
1874 to 1959
500.3 km
• Cast Iron • Ductile Iron
1956 to 1973 1966 to Present
499.3 km 829.0 km
This situation has become most apparent in the unlined cast iron watermains (approximately 500 km). See Table 1. Unlike the newer, thinner walled ductile iron pipe (ap proximately 829 km),the older cast iron watermains are in
excellent shape in terms of structural integrity, with a serv ice life in excess of 90 years. Through various methods of investigation, it has been noted that failure due to external
corrosion is not as severe on the cast iron pipes. However, because the older cast iron mains were unlined, the interior
walls of the pipes have been subject to internal build-up caused by intemal corrosion, which has significantly reduced the hydraulic capacity of the watermain. As mentioned, replacement of the watermains would eliminate the hydraulic deficiencies but the cost in terms of
financial and social impact would be very high. The Re gion then turned to the various trenchless options available for an answer.
Cleaning and Lining Program In 1998, during a joint municipal project in the Village ofRockclilfe,the Region received numerous red water com plaints from outside the contact area where the watermains were being replaced. It was determined that the increased
water flow generated from the newly replaced watermains was dislodging significant iron deposits on the existing con necting pipes which were unlined cast iron. It was impor tant that a quick solution be found, with minimum disrup tion to the already concemed residents. With the assistance
By Fernando Marcuccio, P.Eng., Region of Ottawa-Carleton, and Piero Salvo, P.Eng., WSA Trenchless Consultants Inc., Ottawa 68
of WSA Trenchless Consultants Inc., the Region selected the cleaning and epoxy lining trenchless method to deal with the situation. Approximately 700 metres of 150 mm, un lined cast iron watermain were rehabilitated and back in
service within nine working days. Based on the initial success and the Region's level of confidence in the process, the Region conducted further re search into the cleaning and lining method, specifically us ing the epoxy resin lining. Research conducted by WSA Consultants, on behalf of the Region, on the availability of approved materials and contractors in Eastern Canada allowed the Region to make this method an alternative to the conventional replacement method.
Some features and benefits of the cleaning and lining method are:
• reduced excavation and restoration cost, • reduced risk to adjacent utilities, • reduced community and social impact, • reduced project costs,
•restoration of the original hydraulic capacity and fire flow, •extended life expectancy of the existing watermain. As a result of the construction experience and research, a Cleaning and Epoxy Lining Program was initiated for the first time in 1999 as part of the Capital Budget for watermain rehabilitation. The budget allocation in 1999 was $1,000,000. The Cleaning and Epoxy Lining program has been extended and expanded in the next Capital Budget until the year 2002. Planning Process
The first step in the planning process for cleaning and lining is to properly assess potential candidate areas for ex isting structural conditions. In Ottawa-Carleton an assess
ment matrix based on a point system of structural and hy draulic criteria is used. Information on the age, material type, number of breaks, type of historical breaks, depth of watermain and fire flow data is compiled in a database and the level of need is assessed. Analysis of actual pipe sam ples may also be utilized to assess remaining pipe thickness Environmental Science <£ Engineering, November 2000
Watermain Rehabilitation
to better educate them in the process, the expected results and timing of the works. It gave staff the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers to any concems that they might have. One element that is often overlooked is the public's in creasing need to know what the work consists of and what the impact and results will be in their area. The Region has made this an important step in the planning process. Public information sessions and written notice distributions were carried out before the commencement of the work.
From the experience gained on the 1998 and 1999 Epoxy Resin Lining projects, some of the major benefits that have been experienced and noted are: • Cost-effective and reliable method for water quality im provement.
• No effect on water quality, including pH. • Thin coating - minimal effect on small diameter mains capacity. •Smooth finish -can improve hydraulic capacity, helps low pressure areas.
• Forms a permanent corrosion barrier - prevents tuberculation.
• Lower risk of blocking service connections/laterals - no need for service replacement. • High rate of lining application - 500 to 800 metres per week depending on location. • Diameter range from 75 mm to 600 mm. • Materials/application equipment/applicators subject to mandatory QA certification. • Minimal road disruption. • 50 year minimum life predicted from laboratory acceler Temporary overland by-pass.
ated tests.
• Good track record/experience. and remaining life of pipe would support the structural life expectancy.
In order to maximize the efficiency of the cleaning and lining process, the Region has also adopted a policy of se lecting areas of adjacent candidates to clean and line. Re duced mobilization of the contractor's lining crews should result in maximizing the contractor's effort, thus reducing the cost per metre lined. The next step in the planning process is to make a deci sion if it is cost-effective to replace existing hydrants, valves and services. Maintenance and operational issues need to be carefully assessed. Coordination of access pits required for the lining process with existing appurtenance location will minimize the number of excavations required. The next step is to ask: Who does what? The contrac tor's responsibilities and those of the internal operational staff need to be clarified and coordinated early in the plan ning process. Requirements for temporary services, opera tion of valves and services posts, connections and flushing and chlorination procedures should be clearly identified in the contract documents.
It is imperative during the planning stage to identify and establish the quality control measures that will be required, as a minimum, on the job site. Requirements such as mate rial and equipment certification, lining application moni toring, hard copy records and CCTV inspection should all be examined and included in the bid documents.
Since the lining process was relatively new to Regional staff, WSA Consultants held several training and informa tion sessions with inspection and operational staff in order Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2000
In conclusion, the Region of Ottawa-Carleton has iden tified the cleaning and epoxy lining method as an effective trenchless solution to restore hydraulic capacity in an exist ing watermain and also to eliminate "red water" problems in unlined cast iron watermains.
The Region has also adopted a policy of establishing a proper planning process in order to identify and success fully select an area that can be considered a candidate for this process. Another significant conclusion made by the Region of Ottawa-Carleton is the importance of having a specialized consultant on site that is familiar with the cleaning and lin ing process and all the aspects of quality control that are required. For more information, circle reply card No. 126
KMK CONSULTANTS LIMITED Consulting Engineers, Project Managers Ecological Planners, Landscape Architects
KMK DESIGN BUILD LTD. Design Building of Municipal and Industrial Infrastructure
Brampton (905)459-4780 Pickering (905)837-0314 Kitchener (519)743-6111 Cobait (705)679-5979
E-mail: kmk@kmk.on,ca
CELEBRATING OVER 40 YEARS For more information, circle reply card No. 166
Boston Harbour's offshore tunnel
opens after 10 years of work
Thewater quality in Boston Harbour is expected to improve rapidly after the opening of the world's longest offshore tunnel. The (US) $390 million tunnel will carry all of the treated wastewater dis charges from the Deer Island Treatment Plant to a new
more than 100 times that amount of seawater, according to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority(MWRA). Construction of the tunnel and its discharge system took
more than 10 years and was the single largest project of MWRA's new Deer Island facilities.
location nine miles offshore in Massachusetts Bay, where
The construction workforce, made up of members of the
deeper water and stronger currents will dilute and disperse
Boston Building Trades Council, including specialized "sandhogs", electricians and operating engineers, worked four million hours to complete the project. A 25 foot diam eter tunnel boring machine mined 1.6 million cubic yards
Boston's sewage. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority executive di rector, Douglas MacDonald, is optimistic. "With the new outfall, there will be a dramatic change. Wastewater dis
of bedrock to excavate the tunnel. The discharge pipes and
charges to Boston Hai-bour will end. All the improvements
ports were installed from an adapted oil rig moored over
to date around the outfall locations will accelerate as the
the tunnel's end.
natural clarity and cleanliness of the water is established. Water conditions should also improve throughout the areas of Massachusetts Bay affected by tidal interchanges of wa ter with Boston Harbour, the Bay's largest estuary." The new outfall diffuser is 6,600 feet long and is made up of hundreds of individual eight inch discharge ports to assure effective dispersal and dilution of the wastewater stream. It is reached by the 25 foot high tunnel, about 100 feet under tbe surface of Massachusetts Bay.
Direct discharges of sewage sludge into the Harbour were stopped on Christmas Eve in 1991. Since then,treated sew-, age has been dumped several hundred feet off the Deer Is land treatment plant in Boston Harbour. Some critics say the money would have been better spent to improve the treatment of wastewater. Others fear the treated sewage, although diluted, will contaminate Massa chusetts Bay and Cape Cod. To answer these concems,the US Environmental Protection Agency has required exten sive scientific monitoring of the outfall effects in MWRA's
Discharges will dissipate and disperse rapidly into the surrounding ocean currents. Each gallon of treated wastewater discharged will be mixed almost immediately with
THERMO-SYSTEM Solar Sludge Drying
discharge permit.
Stellwagen Bank, a National Marine Sanctuary, is 16.4 miles from the discharge site. Areas in eastern Cape Cod Bay are feeding grounds of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.
MWRA's science program investment of over $20 mil lion has supported teams of researchers from virtually all marine science disciplines. Findings have been pooled and shared in quest of an integrated picture of the harbour and Bay ecosystems.
Dr. Andrea Rex, a microbiologist who directs marine ecology research and study efforts at MWRA,said: "The science program prompted by the outfall project has cre ated unique research opportunities and led to important sci entific and public policy results. Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbour have become one of the best-studied and best-understood marine environments in the world. Fish
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veterinarians, plankton biologists, physical oceanographers and benthic ecologists,just to name a few,have shared their insights not only for the benefit of basic science, but to as sure that critical environmental policy questions have been soundly addressed." Ongoing patterns in deep water species are being tracked by ecologists. They note changes from pollution tolerant
organisms which appear to be in the process of being replaced by more diverse, healthy communities. Mussels placed near the old haibour outfalls are accumulating lower levels of or ganic pollutants. Some investigators predict that seagrass beds may return to wide areas of the once polluted harbour, providing more natural complexity to the ecosystem. Sampling studies of lobsters showed that while the nearshore environment was an important habitat for juve nile lobsters, the offshore location was not, alleviating fears of significant adverse impacts on lobsters from the sewage
An Axel Johnson Inc. Company
outfall nine miles from shore.
For more information, circle reply card No. 127 (See page 25)
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