Environmental Science
September 2002
& Engineering Covering Canada's multi-billion doiiar environmental protection industry since 1988.
Regina to host WCWWA conference
Monitoring anaerobic digester levels France builds world's largest nanoflitratlon water treatment plant Kelowna studies water conservation
Water storage facility designers choose floating covers Ontario gets tough on polluters Remote monitoring optimizes wastewater process
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For more information, circle reply card No. 102(See page 25)
August/September 2002 Vol.15 No.4 Issued September, 2002
Microfiltration to stop seawater intrusion
Advanced automation comes to the
precast concrete pipe industry - See page 14
- See page 22
Features 7
Blue Gold - a dismal litany of global water tragedies - editorial comment - by Tom Davey
Cover Story - Waveguide solves digester level monitoring dilemma
French fry plant wastewater treated by low-
Helping laboratories understand ISO/lEC 1 17025
1WEF commends new biosolids rules for 1protecting
rate anaerobic reactor 16
1New sensors may enhance sensitivity and reduce 1 power demand
worker and public health
Nanofilters convert river flow into safe
Cleaning up historic St. John's Harbour 1
drinking water
Irrigation incentive study reduces peak demand by 26%
Ensuring Ontario's drinking 1 are safe and sustainable
Norway cancels CO^ sea injection trials
Windy City to host WEFTEC 2002
water supplies
mining industry faces new effluent regulations
Canadian firm supplies piping for Hawaiin 1 deep-sea energy project
60,000 visitors expected at Pollutec 2002
Regina to host WCWWA conference
Ontario proposes tough AMPS regs
Solving lubrication problems in wastewater treatment plants
Book review - Environmental Toxicology 1
Remote monitoring for wastewater sites
Fossil tests show 1 underestimated
Ice cream firm chooses to treat its own 64
Satellites used to monitor aquifers 1
Ratifying the Kyoto accord makes me yawn 1 - Guest comment
Why sustainable drainage is urgently 60 ' needed 1
climate change may be
Nova Scotia water reservoir uses
geosynthetic floating covers
Departments 8
Industry Update
Ad Index
Literature Reviews
Professionai Cards
Product Review
Date Pad
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
VLT® Drives
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Editorial Comment
Blue Gold -a dismal litany of global water tragedies
Itwas Malthus who first predicted
that growing human populations would inevitably result in human kind becoming unable to feed it
self, and so invested economics with the taint: The Dismal Science. In 2002, the
The authors' expertise in collecting and assembling the incredibly diverse water resource data on Planet Earth is
highly sophisticated, painstakingly pre sented and easy to read and understand.
book Blue Gold is similarly pessimistic but outlines a litany of tainted rivers, dried out aquifers and polluted lakes, as an even bigger threat to mankind than food shortages. History, however,shows that war has remained the largest and most consist ent obstacle to providing food and wa
To|\| Y _
Now,Blue Gold shows how water short
ages, pollution and population increases are rising on a dramatic scale which in evitably will lead to political unrest. Coincidently, the book's global wa ter theme has other links to the AWWA.
In 1999, Maude Barlow addressed the OWWA/OMWA^ conference in Ottawa
on this subject. Noted for her strong, left-wing views, 1 thought she seemed an unlikely speaker for this rather con servative group of water treatment pro fessionals. 1 was wrong. She captivated her audience with her expert grasp of
Many, including me, will disagree with some of the authors' familiar nos
trums that the full burden of all global water problems can be laid at the door of multinational coiporations-although some of them certainly do leave heavy and tainted footprints. Some of the authors' entreaties read
water resources data - interwoven with
more like biblical injunctions, rather than practical ways to solve the com plex economic, political, geographic, scientific and religious problems which hinder international cooperation. In
undeniably simplistic solutions to glo
nature, on land and in freshwater and
bal water situations.
oceans, virtually every animal and fish population establishes territorial impera tives. Force and cunning take the place of cumency exchanges. Water, the au thors insist, must remain a "free" right.
Now she has
written a book with Tony Clark called: Blue Gold - The battle against corpo rate theft of the world's water. While the subtitle leaves readers in no doubt
of the authors' left-wing mindset, their book is well worth buying for its im pressive collection of water resource
data. Many of the data she presented at the Ottawa confer
ence appear in this book.
By Tom Davey, Editor
Philip (ES&E January, 2002), said that one of the main reasons oceanic pollu tion was hard to police was that, unlike land, 'nobody owns it' and of course, there is the legendary "Tragedy of the Commons" where land adjacent to vil lages in England was gradually enclosed by feudal lords, or abused by a few, to the ultimate detriment of the land.
ter for the human race.
At the AWWA Centenary meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1971, keynote speaker, Robert MacNeil', a Canadian author and broadcaster, eloquently out lined the growing number of areas where water shortages resulted in conflicts. Much later, a spokesman for the World Bank predicted that the wars in this cen tury would be about water, notjust land.
"Free" water in fact can have a nega tive effect on the environment. Prince
But some "free" water, in its natural
The authors lay out some dismal sta tistics. Groundwater overpumping and aquifer depletion are now serious prob lems in the world's most intensive agri cultural areas and water is being de pleted many times faster than nature can replenish it. Mexico City depends on aq uifers for 70% of its water, yet pumping exceeds natural recharge by almost 80% every year; at the current rate of extrac tion, Saudi Arabia will run out of water
in 50 years. The cuiTent depletion of Africa's nonrecharging aquifers is estimated at 10 billion cubic metres a year; water tables are falling everywhere throughout India; the water table beneath Beijing, the Chinese capital, has dropped 37 metres over the last four decades; and land be
neath Bangkok has sunk because of the massive overpumping of underground systems. The authors warn that, instead of liv
ing on water income, we are irrevers ibly diminishing water capital. At some time in the near future, water bankruptcy will result. In addition to depleting sup plies, groundwater mining causes salt water to invade freshwater aquifers, de stroying them. In some cases, groundwater mining actually pemianently re duces the earth's capacity to store water through compaction. In 1998, Califor nia's Department of Water Resources an nounced that by 2020, if more supplies
state, is loaded with parasites, bacteria,
are not found,the state will face a short
and viruses which are lethal to humans
fall of water nearly as great as all its towns and cities together use today. The global expansion in mining and manufacturing is increasing the threat of pollution of these underground water supplies. As developing countries are undergoing rapid industrialization, heavy metals, acids and persistent orContinued overleaf
unless treated with sophisticated tech nology. It requires skilled research and applied science to make water safe for humans and not just from bacteria. In many countries, there are naturally oc curring toxins such as arsenic and mer cury which are present in some water sources.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Editorial Comment
Environmental Science
& Engineering Editor & Publisher
ganic pollutants are contaminating the aquifers which provide more than 50% of domestic supplies in most Asian
E-mail: tom@esemag.com Managing Editor SANDRA DAVEY E-mail: sandra@esemag.com Sales Director
E-mail: penny@esemag.com Sales Representative DENISE SIMPSON E-mail: denise@esemag.com Circulation Manager ViRGiNiA MEYER E-mail: virginia@esemag.com Design & Production CAROL SHELTON E-mail: caroi@esemag.com President
The book continues with a litany of potential disasters. Over-exploitation of the planet's major river systems is threat ening other finite sources of water. The Nile in Egypt,the Ganges in South Asia, the Yellow River in China,and the Colo
rado River in the US are just some of the major rivers that are so dammed,di verted, or overtapped that little or no
E-maii: steve@esemag.com
fresh water reaches its final destination
Technical Advisory Board
for significant stretches of time. In fact,
Jim Bishop
the Colorado River is so oversubscribed
Beak international inc.
on its journey through seven US states, that there is virtually nothing left to go
Bill Boriase, P.Eng. City of Winnipeg
out to sea.
Alan Church, C.Chem. Church & Trought inc. George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. CH2M HiLL Canada Limited Dr. Howard D. Goodfeliow
Stantec Giobai Technologies Ltd. Rod Holme, P.Eng. Earth Tech Canada inc.
Barry Loescher, Ph.D. Philip Anaiytical Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng., DEE R.V. Anderson Associates
Stanley Mason, P.Eng.
Environmental Science & Engineering is a bimonthiy business publication of Environmentai Science & Engineering Pubiications inc. An ali Canadian publication, ESiSE provides authoritative editoriai coverage of Canada's munlcipai and industriai environmentai control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution.
Overtapping of groundwater and riv ers is exacerbating another potential cri sis - world food security. Irrigation for crop production claims 65% of all wa ter used by humans; the annual rise in population means that more water is needed every year for grain production, a highly water intensive activity. But the world's burgeoning cities and industries are demanding and taking more and more of the water earmarked for agri culture every year. Eventually,some dry
areas will not be able to serve both the
needs of farming and those of the bal looning cities, say the authors. Throughout Latin America and Asia, the growing of crops for export is claim ing more and more of the water once used by family and peasant farmers for food self-sufficiency. There are over 500 free trade zones operating in the developing world, using local water sources for the assembly lines that pro duce goods for the world's consumer elite.
The litany of polluted waterways and depleted resources presented in Blue Gold is compelling and thought-provok ing reading for all environmental pro fessionals.
Blue Gold: The Battle Against Corpo rate Theft of the World's Water
By Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke Stoddart, 280 pages, $29.95 Tormer Nova Scotian, Robert MacNell,
was a long-time anchorman on PBS (MacNeil/Lehrer Report), and has writ ten The Story of English and other titles. ^Ontario Water Works Association/
Ontario Municipal Water Association, Ottawa.
For Maude Barlow's 1999
abridged report, visit; www.esemag.com
wastewater plant operators and contractors.
later at the AWWA National Conference
yond valuation to the field of Environ mental Engineering, undoubtedly the most important industry in the world today. Congratulations. Roger Crawford,P.Eng.
Information contained in ES&E has been compiled
in New Orleans - was well deserved. I
from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot
recently enjoyed reading all about it again in the June issue of ES&E. Tom, over the years you have man aged to bring wit, an occasional touch of sarcasm, and a special brand of hu mour to an industry that by its very na ture deals in fact, frequently faceless, without expression. I can recall only two other Profes sional Engineers, both of whom I had the privilege to know, who dispensed
Readers inciude consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key provincial and federal environmentai officials, water and
be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Although the information contained in this magazine is believed to be correct, no responsibility is assumed. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Magazine Fund, toward our editorial costs. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Second Class Mali
Product Agreement No. 40065446 Registration No. 7750
Printed in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written per mission of the publisher. Yearly rTFinBPA subscription rates: Canada $45.00 for one year (plus $3.15 GST). USA $45.00(US)for one
All advertising space orders, copy, artwork, film, proofs, etc.,
should be sent to: Environmen
tal Science & Engineering,220 industriai Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3V6, Tei: (905)727-4666, Fax: (905) 841-7271, Web site: www.esemag.com
Dear Tom: Presentation of the AWWA 2002 Award
of Merit to you at the OWWA/OMWA Conference in London, Ontario - and
hard, cold, technical fact with such elo
quence. One was the late J. Roy Cockburn, P.Eng., Professor in Me chanical Engineering in S.P.S. at the University of Toronto. The other was the late Dr. A.E.(Albert) Berry, P.Eng.,
Dear Tom, Enjoyed your June editorial,"The ecoconvergence of chicken fat, treadmills, clothes lines and calories."
Also, congratulations on your well deserved AWWA Award of Merit.
Stan Mason,P. Eng.,Vancouver ES&E:
Re: AWWA Award of Merit to Tom
Davey. Just read about the award. Congratula tions. Richly deserved. Steve McMinn,P.Eng. URS Cole Sherman
O.C., also a Professor at S.P.S., U of T.
Dear Tom:
Remind me to tell you sometime about their particular brands of humour. ES&E,which correctly or incorrectly I have come to regard as a Daveyfamily affair, communicates information be
Congrats on your AWWA award. Also enjoyed your latest editorial,"Eco-convergence of chicken fat, treadmills..." Ron Grage, Chlorinators Inc. Stuart, Florida
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
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For more information, circle reply card No. 105(See page 25)
Cover Story
Waveguide solves digester level monitoring dilemma for Orlllla plant
Thecity of Orl l a, Ontario,lo
cated north of Toronto, has
found a reliable level measure
ment system for the two anaerobic digesters at Its wastewater treatment centre. This facility features five primary and five secondary clarlflers, as well as six aeration basins, serv
icing a flow of six million gallons a day via 21 pumping stations. The level in an anaerobic digester Is a critical measurement. If the top foam level gets too high. It can enter the gas collection pipeline and lead to costly maintenance.In extreme cases, pressure can lift the roof off the vessel. Gas may escape, harming staff and the environ
clamping seal on the top of the mount ing flange which seals the low pressure digester gases after Installation. This system was Installed and com
missioned quickly. After bolting the flange on the spool section, the valve was opened and the radar Instrument was lowered and clamped Into place. Set-up was easy, with only six para meter entries required for operation. The Mllltronlcs IQ Radar 160 Instru ment Is providing reliable level meas urement for this difficult application and the sliding waveguide configuration eliminates valve signal noise.
This sliding waveguide, using the ro tary valve between the radar unit and the digester vessel, has also eliminated the related environmental safety Issues. The Instrument can be raised. Inspected or removed at any time without releasing methane gas Into the environment. Pre viously, the plant needed permission from the Ontario Ministry of the Envi ronment to open the tank to Install or remove an Instrument because the gases In the digester tank would then be re leased Into the environment.
For more information, circle reply card No. 106
Releasing carbon dioxide and meth ane gas Into the environment requires notification paperwork and has poten tially negative effects on a community
blessed with clean lakes and rivers.
Conditions In digesters make level measurement particularly challenging. Bubblers are prone to maintenance prob lems. Traditional ultrasonic level moni
toring systems are adversely affected by sound absorption caused by the combi nation of carbon dioxide and methane
gases above the foamy level surface, a condition aggravated by the steamy en vironment.
Radar technology Is not affected by these conditions; however. If a radar
device Is simply Installed above the valve, excessive signal noise may lead to faulty signals and unreliable readings. This application required a reliable level measurement device to accommo
date the existing rotary valve used for Instrument Isolation. It also needed to
be Inspected and serviced without dis charging any digester gas Into the envi ronment.
Eldon Wallls, Chief Plant Operator for the Orlllla plant, found an effective solution with the Mllltronlcs IQ Radar 160 level measurement device, fitted
with a built-in sliding waveguide an tenna. The sliding waveguide Is a unique feature available with the Mllltronlcs
radar unit. The waveguide pipe carries the radar signal from the Instrument to the horn antenna, bypassing the spool and valve components. The pipe has a 10
Unique sliding waveguide antenna on the Miiitronics iQ Radar 160 iets chief piant operator Eldon Wallis, raise the device for instaliation or inspection without reieasing methane gas into the atmosphere. Eiivimiiiiientul Science & Engineering. September 2002
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dard No. 107(See page 25)
Food Processing Wastes
Simplot Canada goes back to the future
Simplot Canada is constructing
waste into the drains.
and primary clarification upstream of the digester. This will be the first plant of the three to burn the generated biogas, from day one, in its process boiler, dis placing natural gas. The 20 X IC^USgal (77,000 m^) di gester is designed to treat a maximum monthly flow and load of 9,900 mVd, 63,000 kg/d COD,and 18,000 kg/d sus pended solids. Assuming 90 percent COD removal, 130 x 10'Btu/d of biogas energy will be produced, or enough to raise 5,400 Ib/h (59 tonnes/d) of steam in the process boiler.
After fine-screening to remove the skins, the process wastewater is treated
ened (oxidation of sulfides) in an aera
a new french fry plant just an hour's drive west of Winnipeg, Manitoba. An important ele ment of such potato processing plants is waste treatment. Disposing of the po tato solids as a by-product for animal feed was not the usual obvious choice at this location due to a lack of cattle
feedlots in the vicinity. Energy consid erations were also important. Because of these and other factors,
Simplot decided to release the peel
The anaerobic effluent will be sweet
tion tank equipped with subsurface aera tion equipment. Sweetened effluent will be pumped through a 10 km(6 mi)force main to the city's secondary plant for polishing prior to discharge to the Assiniboine River.
ADI Systems is under contract to pro vide the anaerobic digester and aeration tank on a design-build basis. Donohue® & Associates was the process engineer ing consultant to J R Simplot of Boise, Idaho, the parent company of Simplot Canada. Financial assistance was pro vided by both local and provincial gov ernments.
Circle reply card No. 108
in a low-rate anaerobic reactor. The mud,
or silt, is removed in a separate mud clarifier. The fatty water stream is sub jected to fat removal prior to joining the main process stream en route to the anaerobic digester. This is believed to be the first time
in 20 years that a large french fry plant has chosen to anaerobically digest all the solids after screening the process stream containing peel waste. ADI proposed the same aiTangement for other potato plants 20 to 25 yeai's ago,and it currently has active proposals for the same sce nario at a couple of other potato plants. ADI Systems was the successful bid der on this project, with its proprietary EVP® digester. This is the third Simplot-owned plant to install this type of reactor; however,the other two plants both have peel segregation (animal feed)
.'V'- .
BVF® digester under construction in Manitoba
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For more Information, circle reply card No. 109 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
• Level measurement • Volume measurement
• Pump control
• Lift station monitoring • Open channel flow
Rake control
• Clarifier interface
Digester level From basic level measurement to complete lift station monitoring and control, our technology is the reliable choice.for water distribution and wastewater plants worldwide.
Gasholder height Dry solids weighing
We offer a full range of cost-effective Milltronics ultrasonic systems featuring? low maintenance Echomax® transducers arid high performance transceivers:; with patented Sonic Intelligence® software for superior reliability. Our radar, i continuous level instruments have a unique sliding waveguide for safe, : srii reliable level measurement in digesters. Arid we're your preferred source for velocity sensors, open channel meters, pressure transmitters and a wide^ range of point level probes. Products are easy to install, and expert technical support is there when you need?it. i ■/: ;,y , Technology. Innovation. Support.
For more information, circle reply card No. 110 (See page 25)
SIEMENS Global network of Innovation
Advanced automation comes to the
precast concrete Industry itgggffl
i^ZL! «
. ■
Concretepipe is one of the old
Pipes are cured and ready in 24 hours.
Automated production line.
est materials used in water
engineering projects, with a history pre-dating the Roman Empire. Now robotic engineering has taken a futuristic leap of faith in the de sign and quality control of concrete in frastructure products. Ontario Concrete Products (OCP) has introduced its new 80,000 sq. ft. plant and claims to have the world's most advanced robotics and automation in the
precast concrete industry. "Through this technology, mass pro duction can now come with quality as surance, offering a consistency and qual
passing plant tests, products are auto matically marked.
Lifting anchors are directly cast into the concrete product for easy and safe installation at the job site. Manholes are directly cast in step rungs, while rungs are securely anchored and the manholes are watertight. Standardized prebenched monobases ensure high qual ity, lower cost solutions for standard channel configurations. The process produces durable concrete suitable for applications where products are exposed
to high levels of potentially aggressive liquids. Smooth inside surfaces guar antee hydraulic performance. This state-of-the-art plant is said to be unique in North America. Produc tion processes include state-of-the-art robotics, laser testing and the ability and flexibility to manufacture a wide range of pipe, manhole, concrete boxes and other infrastructure products with rapid turnaround.
For more information,
circle reply card No. 111
ity of product never before possible," said Brian Wood, President of Con Cast
Pipe, the manufacturing group behind OCP.
Engineers and other professionals on the first plant tour were impressed with the speed of production and variety of products manufactured. An automated rebar machine takes
steel rods, shapes and welds them at
impressive speeds with virtually no hu man assistance. In pipe manufacture, the continuously controlled closed loop curing cycle ensures uniform quality. Every product must pass automatic vacuum tests, ensuring that pipes and manholes are watertight. Spigot ends of pipe are automatically checked for specified tolerance. After successfully 14
Automation ailows rebar to be shaped, welded and stacked in minutes. Environmental Science c& Engineering, September 2002
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For more information, circle reply card No. 112(See page 25)
Potable Water
Nanofilters convert river flow
Into safe drinking water
The world's first and largest
nanofiltration plant for treat ing river water is located in Mery-sur-Oise, north of Paris. The plant is fully automated and the CIP (clean in place) loop for cleaning the membranes runs without virtually any manual intervention. Trouble-free CIP
operation is ensured by, among other things, 30 plastic-lined magnetic drive pumps for dosing and conveying the chemicals.
Water supplies to the French public are mainly in the hands of private com panies. A large share of the market is served by Vivendi, which was founded in 1853. In the north of Paris, the Syn dicate des Eaux d'lle de France(SEDIF) supplies 39 communities (800,000 in habitants) from a plant that employs a new and very unique method of treat ing water from a river source. Located in Mery-sur-Oise, the treatment plant needed to increase production capacity. To do this, SEDIE decided to adopt a technology which had never been used before to treat river water: nanofiltration.
Nanofiltration is a membrane liquid separation technology that is positioned between reverse osmosis (RO) and ultrafiltration. While RO can remove the
smallest of solute molecules, in the
range of 0.0001 micron in diameter and smaller, nanofiltration removes mol
ecules in the 0.001 micron range. Nanofiltration is essentially a lowerpressure version of reverse osmosis
where the purity of product water is not as critical as pharmaceutical grade wa ter, or the level of dissolved solids to be
removed is less than what is typically encountered in brackish water or
seawater. As such, nanofiltration is es
pecially suited to treatment of well wa ter or water from many surface supplies like rivers or lakes.
Nanofiltration is used where the high salt rejection of reverse osmosis is not necessary. Yet nanofiltration is still ca pable of removing hardness elements such as calcium or magnesium. Like RO,nanofiltration is also capable of re moving bacteria and viruses as well as organic-related colour without generat ing undesirable chlorinated hydrocar bons and trihalomethanes (THMs). Nanofiltration is also used to remove
pesticides and other organic contami nants from surface and ground waters to help ensure the safety of public drink ing water supplies. Sometimes referred to as "membrane
nature consume little energy and are extremely efficient. Researchers are try ing to understand the processes in na
increased. Moreover, more effective
There is enormous future potential for membrane processes. Their appli cation ranges from the recovery of gaso line vapours through the treatment of
ture and convert them into industrial
processes with synthetic membranes. Industrial membranes are filigree structures which largely consist of a multi-layer polymer film with a total thickness of a human hair (approxi mately 100 pm); the actual active layer only accounts for one hundredth of this thickness.
acids and alkalis to the removal of alco
hol from beer. And the fuel cell is largely based on membrane processes. Certain branches, such as the food
industry, the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology would no longer be feasible without membrane processes. In principle, all pressure-driven mem brane filtration processes (microfiltration - ultrafiltration - nanofiltration -
Membrane processes emulating nature
the membranes.
softening", nanofiltration is an attractive alternative to lime softening or sodium chloride zeolite softening technologies. And since nanofiltration operates on lower pressure than does RO, energy costs are lower than for a comparable RO treatment system. Water quality governs treatment technology The location for this unusual plant was chosen because the capacity of the old plant in Mery-sur-Oise had to be
treatment technology was required. Pro viding more incentive is the increasingly poor quality of the untreated water from the Oise River. The pollution of the water by organic constituents as well as pesticides from agriculture has been ris ing continuously for years. In 1998 the old treatment plant even had to be tem porarily shut down owing to the exces sively high TOC content. It was decided that a membrane process was an ideal solution for such problematic water
Project manager Arnaud Douveneau, Vivendi, is counting on a new type of membrane in the nanofiitration piant in Mery-sur-Oise.
Plastic-lined magnetic drive pumps from ITT Richter, Kempen, dose the chemi cals necessary for the CiP cleaning of
All known life forms are based on
the separation of substances with bio logical membranes. It is assumed that the membrane processes which occur in
reverse osmosis) involve the water be
ing pressed through a membrane by a transmembrane pressure difference. The membrane then ideally retains all the undesirable water constituents. Which
process is used depends on the type and
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Potable Water
size of the substances to be separated. Nanofiltration membranes generally carry an electric charge and so special separation problems can be solved, e.g. the separation of molecules of the same size but with different electric charges. Vivendi's decision to go forward with nanofiltration proved to be correct, as the project manager responsible,Amaud Douveneau notes:"Using nanofiltration, our plant in Mery-sur-Oise already sat isfies the stringent EU demands placed on the quality of drinking water - and with a much lower volume of chemicals
than in conventional plants." Equally good results could only be achieved with reverse osmosis but
nanofiltration consumes much less en
ergy and is therefore considerably lower-priced. Nevertheless, nanofiltra tion is not a cheap technology. But thanks to the use of specially developed membranes for water not containing salt, the throughput in Mery-sur-Oise is sub stantially higher than with conventional membranes. Moreover, the operators can run the plant at a lower pressure and both aspects cut running costs, as Amaud Douveneau stresses.
Cleaning the membranes A major factor for the economic suc
The Mety-sur-Oise nanofiltration plant for treating river water. were also an important reason for the system prevents damage to the pump operator to install Richter sealless even if it runs dry for several minutes pumps and in particular magnetic drive or there is a shortage of lubrication. pumps. The plant cost roughly 1 billion The plant staff needs to completely French Francs($150(US) million). empty the CIP lines for safety reasons and for this purpose the installed pumps must run dry briefly from a certain point For more information, contact: in time. Richter's "Safeglide" bearing Manfred.Kluge@fluids.ittind.se
cess of nanofiltration in water treatment,
is the continuous monitoring and clean ing of the membranes. In Mery-surOise,this takes place in a fully automatic CIP process. Each membrane is equipped with pressure, flow and con ductivity sensors. The condition of the
Effective Solutions for Potable Water, Wastewater, Leachate Storage and Industrial Storage. mrmn
membrane surfaces is therefore moni tored around the clock. The control
takes each of the eight membrane lines out of production every eight weeks and initiates the cleaning process which in volves acids, bases and detergents. Dosing out these cleaning chemicals are leak-free, plastic-lined ITT Richter magnetic drive pumps. ITT Richter spe cializes in pumps and valves as well as measuring and control equipment for corrosive and pure media. Although the initial investment costs of magnetic drive pumps are slightly higher than for conventional mechanical seal pumps, the high operational reliability of these leak-free pumps was more important to the operators. Pumps for conveying corrosive,toxic or otherwise critical media are subject to particularly stringent standards as re gards operational reliability, sealing against the atmosphere and service life -especially in the environment of drink ing water treatment. The high demands
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www.greatario.com•sales@greatarioengsys.com For more information, circle reply card No. 113 (See page 25)
Water Conservation
Irrigation incentive study reduced peak-period demand 26%
In 1998, the City of Kelowna Wa
ter Utility, in British Columbia,im plemented a user-pay rate based on metered water consumption. The average residential monthly water con sumption before that was 54 cubic me tres. Since then, average residential monthly water consumption has
Education These customers received a home
water audit and an irrigation system as sessment by Water Smart staff. Particu lar attention was paid to settings on irri gation timers such as time of day, wa tering times per zone,and number of wa tering days per week. Advice was of-
dropped to 44 cubic metres, or about 19%.
While this represented a significant and welcome drop in overall water use,
The report also noted that,
a 2001 report estimated that $22 million
with a 16% reduction in
worth of infrastructure expansions would be required over the next 20 years to accommodate summer consumption. Kelowna's semi-arid climate and gen erally poor soil conditions cause sum mer demand to skyrocket- particularly in July. However, the report also noted
water use in July alone, the
that, with a 16% reduction in water use
in July alone, the cost of infrastructure would drop to just $5.8 million, due to deferred and/or eliminated expansions. So, in the summer of 2001, the City of Kelowna Water Smart Water Effi
ciency Program studied a series of in centives designed to help customers re duce water used for irrigation. Sixty participants from the Crawford Estates area(the neighborhood with the highest average water consumption), were se
cost of infrastructure would
drop to just $5.8 million, due to deferred and/or
eliminated expansions. fered on proper seasonal settings and, where necessary, timers were adjusted to deliver water in off-peak hours(early morning) and for shorter periods. These participants reduced their water consumption by 27% in July. Aeration/Ogogrow Ogogrow is made up of composted biosolids from Kelowna's wastewater
treatment facility. Each participant's
following incentives: 1. Education (home visits including water audit irrigation system assess
lawn received core aeration and a 1/2"
3. Rain sensor (to shut off automatic ir
rigation systems in the event of rain);
2000. Rain sensors
These participants had a "mini-click" type rain sensor installed on irrigation systems. Their average consumption actually went up 15% in June (a rainy month),then dropped 31% in July(a dry month).
Inspections of the rain-sensing de vices and follow-up interviews with par ticipants revealed that there was not enough heavy precipitation in June to actually trigger the sensors. However, participants were expecting the devices to work, so they did not manually shut off their systems during June rains when they normally would have. The dramatic drop in July water use is the result of customer reaction when
lected at random to receive one of the
2. Aeration/Ogogrow (core aeration and top dressing of lawn with organic mat
ent value and water-holding capacity. Participants reduced their average waterusein July 2001 by 35% over July
top dressing of Ogogrow mixed 50/50 with soil. The idea was to help custom ers achieve a green lawn without the use of high-nitrogen fertilizers and exces sive water consumption.
they received notice that their June con sumption was above average. There fore, this 31% reduction can really be attributed to education.
Automatic irrigation system upgrades Each participant received a profes sional irrigation system assessment and a list of improvements that could be made to increase the efficiency of the system. Participants were offered finan cial incentives toward the upgrades, with the option of paying for any additional upgrades themselves. Recommended system improve ments varied from home to home. In
As the soil in Crawford Estates is a
some cases it was a matter of replacing old sprinkler heads with more efficient
mix of sand and gravel, the application of Ogogrow increased the soil's nutri
changed to two zones to allow for proper
ones. In other cases, one zone was
4. System improvements(an audit of ir rigation system and minor upgrades). Each participant's summer 2001 wa ter consumption was compared to 2000 consumption levels over the same pe riod.
Study results showed that partici pants reduced their July water consump tion an average 26%.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Participants 2001 —-Participants 2000
By Neal Klassen*, City of Kelowna Water Smart Coordinator
Participant average water use in 2001 with incentive compared to 2000 without incentive.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Water Conservation
coverage. Changes in landscaping over
time also necessitated moving sprinklers to more efficient locations. These par ticipants reduced their average water consumption by 15% in July. Was weather a factor?
Weather was not a factor during the month of July, as average 2001 tempera tures and precipitation were identical to
2000. August 2001 was a record dry month. Only 17.4 mm of precipitation fell in August 2001 compared to the 50.8 mm of precipitation that fell in August 2000. But despite the dry spell, August consumption was still well below the July peak. What's next?
The 26% average reduction in July water use is encouraging and well above the targeted 16% reduction. An ex panded study in three other areas of the city has been underway in 2002. This
year, selected customers will pay $50 toward their incentive. If 2001 results
are repeated and sustained throughout 2002, a utility-wide incentive program may be offered in 2003.
*Neal Klassen is manager ofpublic edu cation programsfor Neptune Technol
ogy Group and coordinates the City of Kelowna Water Smart program. Circle reply card No. 114 Our high strength NSF61 certified baffle
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For more information, circle reply card No. 116 (See page 25)
There's more to it than meets
the eye
How to drive down your Cost of Ownership For water supply services, driving down Cost of Ownership is about taking advantage of the benefits that a business relationship with Grundfos offers and about exposing hidden costs. Think ahead.Think Cost of Ownership. Want to know more? Call us at 905 829 9533 or visit www.grundfos.com
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What does 6fundfos mean by Cost of Ownership? Cost 6f Ownership is defined as the total sum of both the costs and benefits of having a business relationship with Crundfos. The Crundfos Cost of Ownership cycle illustrates how we can help water suppliers optimise pumping systems throughout the lifetime of the system. An important element of this is how we can help drive down costs through technical advice, customer training, service agreements, reliable logistics and mutual trust.
GRUNDPO For more information, circle reply card No. 117 (See page 25)
Microfiltration to stop seawater intrusion
In March, 2002, USFilter received a contract to pro
vide the largest microfiltration plant in the world for the Orange County Water District(OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation District(OCSD) in Foun tain Valley, California. The $25 million Memcor® continu ous microfiltration submerged (CMF-S) system will be a crucial part of an advanced water reclamation project. Located in an arid region where water resources are pre cious, the OCWD currently purchases imported water from
The microfiltration system will allow the district to effectively manage its water resources with little or no increase in cost. the Colorado River and the State Water Project. The high costs associated with imported water, combined with an in creasing population that is expected to reach 2.8 million by 2020, drove the OCWD to consider a more reliable, cost-
effective water treatment system. The microfiltration sys tem will allow the district to effectively manage its water
USFilter's CMF-S system at the Sandhurst treatment facility
resources with little or no increase in cost. In addition, it
in Coiiban, Australia.
can employ a new water source that is completely independ ent of the imported water. High-quality, dependable water
Water Treatment
Solutions ARSENIC LEAD • Media G2® - A New Filter Media
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will be processed with half the energy that it takes to import the water. This is a big energy savings for California. In 1997, the water and sanitation districts of Orange County formed the Groundwater Replenishment(GWR)Sys tem, a joint project specifically created to purify highly treated secondary wastewater currently released into the ocean. The GWR System will process the wastewater through an intricate membrane treatment plant to be con structed on the Fountain Valley water campus, occupied by both Orange County's water district and sewer district. The treatment plant will include the CMF-S microfiltration unit, reverse osmosis system, and ultraviolet disinfection equip ment,as well as supplementary pumping,power and chemi cal facilities.
• NSF 61 - Certified for Water
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• 100 gpm - 10,000 gpm • Simple Regeneration • Non-Hazardous Residuals
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Fredericton, St. JoliiFs, Sydney, Port Hawkesbury, Halifax, Truro, Charlottetown, Moncton, Saint John, and Salem, NH
Circle reply card No. 174 (See page 25)
USFilter's CMF-S system will purify the water to levels that surpass drinking water standards; it will then be injected into the local groundwater basin to prevent seawater intru sion. The remaining water not directly injected into the ba sin will be introduced into a groundwater aquifer through the district's Santa Ana River percolation basins, located in the cities of Anaheim and Orange. In the Fall of 2002, USFilter will begin its first stage of construction of a temporary CMF-S system that will proc ess(US)6.7-mgd. This system will be incorporated into a (US)80-mgd permanent system that will produce a total of (US)86.7-mgd of microfiltered water, enough water to fdl over 1000 Olympic size swimming pools every day. Cur rently, the OCWD employs an existing 8-mgd lime clarifi cation system that serves as pretreatment to a reverse osmo sis unit. The (US) 6.7-mgd CMF-S unit will replace this existing system. For more information, circle reply card No. 147 Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
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iCtauliC 100% Victaulic.0% worry. Victaulic is a registered trademark of Victaulic Company. Š2001 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved.
For more information, circle reply card No. 118(See page 25)
Global Warming
Carbon dioxide sea injection triais canceiied
A last minute veto from Nor
The project was originally set up to
it offered "good potential" for reducing
run a similar test off Hawaii, but this
emissions, but that further research is
what would have been the
plan was dropped in the face of local opposition.
world's first attempt to demonstrate se questration of carbon in the oceans by
Capturing and sequestering COjfrom
needed, in particular to reduce costs. The Norwegian oil firm Statoil is al ready injecting some one million met
fossil fuel burning is being pursued as a
ric tonnes of CO^ per year into the rock
way's environment minister in late August, has stopped
injecting liquid carbon dioxide (CO^)
strata of an offshore oilfield in the North
into the Norwegian Sea. Carbon seques tration is being considered as a technique to remove the main greenhouse gas, CO,, from the atmosphere to curb glo bal warming. Norwegian Environment Minister Borge Brende stated that: "In the opin ion of the environment ministry, the use of deep sea marine areas as potential storage places for CO,must first be thor oughly discussed at the international level and clarified legally". Led by the Norwegian Institute for
Sea, but no one has yet tried sequestra tion in the oceans.
Environmental groups argue that the
project would have meant "dumping" CO,in the ocean in violation of the 1972 London dumping convention and of the 1992 Ospar convention on protection of the North Sea environment. Greenpeace and other NGOs also claim that inject ing CO, into the oceans could harm wildlife, and that the gas might return much more quickly than expected to the Greenpeace and other NGOs also claim
Water Research (Niva), a coalition in cluding American, Japanese, Canadian and Australian organizations had
that Injecting 00^ Into the oceans could
planned to inject five metric tonnes of liquid CO, at 800 metres depth off the
possible means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Last year, the European climate change program concluded that
coast of Norway.
harm wildlife.
atmosphere, undoing the object of the exercise. Also, the NGOs fear that se
questration of CO^ might prop up the fossil fuel industries and distract atten tion from efforts to move towards a low
carbon economy based on renewable energy such as solar and wind.
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For more information, circle reply card No. 119 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Ad Index
ADI International Inc AESAC
22 72
Maple Reinders McGraw-Hill Ryerson
AIM Waste Management American Concrete Pipe Association
51 11
American Water Services Anthrafilter
58 72
Mixing Systems MSU Mississauga
56 50
Neo Valves
ONDEO Degremont
Becquerel Labs
Plastics Pipe Institute
Canadian Waste & Recycling Expo
Can-Am Instruments
44 31
Premier Wastewater International
Procyon Consulting
Career Advancement CCOHS CH2M HILL
59 53 48
ProMinent Fluid Controls
Sanitherm Engineering
Siemens Milltronics
Con Cast Pipe County of Oxford
28 41
SIMAAir Purification
5 & 35 12 50 45
Stormceptor. Summa Engineering
6 39
Davis Controls Denso Eckel Endress+Hauser Canada
Fluldyne Gorman-Rupp
41 3
Greatarlo Grundfos Canada Hach Harnois Industries
17 20-21 33 52
Instrumentation Testing Assoc ITT Flygt
19 9
KMK Consultants
Layfield Geosyntfietics
Trimax Residuals
Troy-Ontor IS Group (Ontario) Unified Pump Techinologies
64 46 72
Urecon USFilter. Victaulic Waterra Wessuc XP Software York Fluid Controls Zenon Environmental
65 36-37 23 51 72 43 65 2
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Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Conference Preview
Windy City to host WEFTEC 2002
TheWater Environment Federation'sTechnical Ex
hibition and Conference is being held in Chicago, Illinois, September 28 to October 2, 2002. Thou sands of water quality professionals will be attend ing from around the world. WEFTEC 2002's Opening General Session will com memorate both the Federation's 75th anniversary and the 30th anniversary of the Clean Water Act(CWA). Chicago Mayor Richard Daley will welcome attendees to "The Windy City"; he will also speak about the city's progress under the CWA and the funding crisis America's cities face in trying to maintain and upgrade aging water system infrastructure. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Christie Whitman has been invited to give the keynote ad dress, providing a national perspective on progress made since the US Clean Water Act was established. The Agen cy's future water goals will also be outlined. Workshop and session topics Topics for the various sessions and workshops will include: • Industrial Issues and Treatment Technologies • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes • Residuals and Biosolids Management • Collection Systems • Surface Water Quality and Ecology
• Public Education/Government Affairs
• • • • •
Management of Odours and VOCs Computer Applications Small Community and Natural Treatment Systems Plant Operations and Maintenance/Lab Practices Disinfection/Innovative Technologies The Canadian Icebreaker
• Management
The Great Canadian Icebreaker will be held September 28 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Downtown located on Wacker
• Remediation of Soils and Groundwater
For complete information visit www.weftec.org
• Water Reclamation and Reuse
Two New Product Lines!!!
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Ohmart/Vega services offers a complete line of Radar Level Gauges. Puls 40 Is a high frequency radar
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for use in small process connecflons.
Puls 50 uses larger antennas, and operates at a lower frequency. Puls 56HT Is a high temperature, high pressure unit.
systems are engineered to upgrade the performance of new or existing Ciearwell disinfection systems, to meet the CT requirements
contained in the Safe Drink
ing Wafer Act. VEGAPULS Pulte Radar
Puls 81 is a 4-wlre device de
Director III Ciearwell Baffle
systems can be Installed In concrete or steel tank and
signed for the most difficult proc
are custom manufactured
ess condition.
for each application.
This family of gauges proves the ability to make the best use of ra dar technology, with optimal so lutions for their level and specialty measurement applications
Director i l l Ciearwell Baffle
systems use materials that are NSF Standard 61 Certi
fied and approved by the EPA.
Circle reply card No. 182
Circle reply card No. 183
15 Connie Crescent, Unit 3, Concord, Ontario L4K 1L3
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FAX: (905) 738-5520 FAX: (905) 738-5520 FAX: (204) 896-6606
E-mail: metcon@metconeng.com http://www.metconeng.com 26
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For many years Armtec has stretched
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BRIDCE-PLATE effers the deepest and strangest cerrngatien in the market today enahiing ieng span seii steei structures te he designed and huilt mere ecenemicaliy than ever hefere!
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Conference Preview
60,000 visitors expected at Poiiutec 2002
The 18th Poiiutec tradeshow is
A unique panorama of
expected to set a new exhibi
environment solutions
tor record when it takes place in Lyon, France, November
The 90,000 m- show will feature all the environmental solutions currently
lOcm Authorities
26 - 29, 2002. Some 2,250 exhibitors
available in the fields of water, waste,
will be participating. Over 60,000 trade
recycling, air, energy,soil decontamina tion, clean technologies, analysis/meas urement/monitoring,industrial cleaning. Poiiutec will also welcome large num bers offoreign exhibitors. Ten countries have already announced they will be organizing national stands (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom/Scotland). Several markets will be highlighted this year, including: 1. Risk prevention and management - in 2001, France suffered 1,800 major
visitors are also expected. Poiiutec is held every year and alter nates between Paris and Lyon. The Lyon show focuses on exhibits in the field of
waste, recycling and cleaning and the needs of local authorities, whereas the
Paris show is more geared to the con cerns of industry.
industrial accidents, serious cases of
pollution or incidents with a major im pact on the environment, with the worst being the AZF explosion in Toulouse. 2. Coastal development and protec tion - this year the show will feature the tools for fighting accidental pollution, beach cleaning equipment,solutions for the management of water quality and the development of sea fronts. 3. Clean or renewable sources of en
ONTARIO CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Canada's newest concrete pipe and manhole producer introduces the
ergy - these types of energy (biomass, solar, wind, co-generation...) only con tribute 5% of France's final energy con sumption,estimated as the equivalent of 216 million tonnes of oil in 2000
world's most advanced robotics and
(source:IFEN)but should grow strongly
automation to the precast concrete industry.
in the future.
4. Noise - pressure from the public (who now place noise as their fourth most serious environmental concern)
80,000 square feet of innovation.
and legislation mean that this market should grow rapidly over the coming
Unique in all of North America.
For more information, contact
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For more information, circle reply card No. 131 (See page 25)
tre, Toronto, ON. Contact: ES&E,
Tel: 1-888-254-8769, or (905) 7274666, Fax:(905) 841-7271.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Conference Preview
WCWWA 54th annual conference "2002 - What next? Ongoing Challenges" October 22-25, 2002
Regina will host the annual
conference organized by the Western Canada Water and
Wastewater Association, AWWA Western Canada Section, Westem Canada Water Environment Asso
ciation and the Municipal Service and Suppliers Association. Two workshops on October 22 will cover the legal impacts of owning wa terworks and particle counters/ turbidimeters
Field Trials of the BOD BART Sys tem for the Rapid Determination of BOD in Secondary & Tertiary Efflu
Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring, Data Gathering and Interpretation. Commercial Presence - Absence
Technologies for Onsite Bacti Screening.
Balancing Cost and Reliability in Water Utilities.
Achieving Filtration Credits, a Case Study. Conventional & Micromembrane
Filtration Treatment, Prince Albert National Park.
Design Features and Considerations for the Implementation of Online Real Time CT Monitoring Systems. Britannia and Lemieux Island Baf fle Curtain Installation.
North Battleford - An Unexpected Water Challenge. City of Lethbridge Wastewater Treat ment Plant Cogeneration Project. H2S Control with Ferrous Chloride.
Downtown Regina.(Photo courtesy of Tour ism Saskatchewan)
Papers scheduled to be presented during the conference include: • Commissioning and Operating an
How Testing for Meter Accuracy Can Improve the Bottom Line. Biosolids to Agricultural Land Pro gram.
Characterization of Stormwater In
put to S. Sask. River within
Ultrafiltration Membrane Surface
Plant Retrofit of Integrated Mem
• Actiflo Ballasted Floe Clarification in Western Canada.
• City of Regina Collection System Study. • Biological Nutrient Removal Pro cess Optimization - The Gold Bar Experience. • Implementation of UV Disinfection at a Large Surface Water Treatment Plant.
Get FREE newsletters
brane Filtration.
Flmira Inflow/Infiltration (FI) Total Solution.
Langdon Wastewater Treatment Plant Design-Build-Operate Chal lenges & Opportunities. Removal of Arsenite and Arsenate
Waterworks Glenmore Water Treat
• Core Area Park Stormwater Deten
ment Plant Upgrade. Preparing a Water Quality Emerg ency Response Plan. Automatic Meter Reading.
• Emerging Trends in Environmental Legislation & Regulations.
from Drinking Water Using Ferrihydrite and Granular Ferrihydrite.
• Evaluation of the Coli-Bart System. tion Project. • Modified Design Approach for Flow in Water Distribution System Stor age Reservoirs. • Infrastmcture Management Support
With timely topics on corrugated polyethylene pip
Environmental Water and Waste-
water - Saskatchewan Changes For further information contact
WCWWA at 1-877-283-2003, (403) 283-2003, e-mail: member@wcwwa.ca
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
circle reply card No. 132 (See page 25)
Ontario MOE proposes tough AMPs regs
TheOntario Ministry ofthe En
vironment("MOE") posted a Notice of Proposal on January 16th, 2002, on the Environ
mental Bill of Rights Registry for three separate Administrative Monetary Pen alties Regulations ("AMPs Regula tions") made under the Environmental Protection Act(EPA), the Ontario Wa ter Resources Act(OWRA)and the Pes
ticides Act(PA)(collectively, the "Par ent Statutes").
What exactly is an AMP? An administrative monetary penalty
under the EPA, the OWRA or the PA;
gence, mitigation or mistake of fact ar
• is a director or officer of a corporation that engages in an activity that may re sult in the discharge of a contaminant into the natural environment contrary to
the EPA, the OWRA or the PA, or the
regulations, and fails to take all reason able care to prevent the corporation from causing or permitting the unlawful dis charge; to pay an administratative penalty in the amount set out in the notice for each day or part of a day on which the contraven tion or failure occurred or continues.
("AMP") is an enforcement tool that
There is a two-year limitation period
gives the Ministry of Environment the authority to impose monetary penalties on anyone who contravenes certain sec
on the issuance of an AMP and a $5000
tions of the EPA,the OWRA and the PA.
The penalties are not registered as "con victions" on an individual or company's record, but, as will be discussed, the
MOE does keep a record of previous AMP contraventions and penalty amounts. AMPs are different than Part
I tickets under the Provincial Ojfences Act.
The MOE's rationale for AMPs is
that it will be a more administratively efficient way to deal with certain types of environmental contraventions. Who is Affected?
Any person or company that was pre viously engaged in activities or a course of business governed by the EPA, the OWRA and/or the PA will be subject to the provisions in the AMPs Regulations if the regulations are made effective. For
per diem cap for an AMP issued for any one failure or contravention.
A person who receives an AMP no tice from the Director can request a hear ing of the matter before the Environmen tal Review Tribunal (the "ERT"). This is discussed in greater detail below.
If an AMP amount is not paid by the due date, the Director can (1) file the notice with the registrar of the Ontario Court (General Division) for enforce ment by the court; (2) suspend any li
cence or permit issued to the person until the AMP is paid; and (3)refuse to issue any licence or permit to the person until the AMP is paid. How Does It Work?
There are two types ofAMPs that can be issued by the Director: Advance Notice AMPs, and those where no ad
vance notice is provided. Advance no tice is always required except if (1)the the contraventions listed in the AMPs notice applies only to one contravention; Regulations, the MOE has the option of (2) the notice applies only to one day or imposing an AMP or using an order or part of a day; and (3) the base penalty other instrument as was the case prior for the contravention does not exceed to AMPs. The present schedule of pro $3,000. posed fines lists amounts from $1,500 In all other cases, the Director must to $4,000 per contravention, per day. provide an Advance Notice which, These amounts do not yet reflect the among other things, describes the $5,000 cap but may be subject to future contravention(s) and the day(s)on which increases. What You Need to Know
The MOE Director is empowered to
issue an AMP requiring any person who: • contravenes certain provisions of the EPA, OWRA or PA or the regulations; • fails to comply with certain terms or conditions of a licence, permit or ap proval made under the EPA,the OWRA or the PA;
• fails to comply with an order, notice, direction, requirement or report made 30
the contravention occuired or continued;
says that the Director proposes to issue an AMP with respect to the contravention(s); gives the base penalty and shows any increases to the base pen alty as a result of previous violations and outlines the payment requirements, op tions for reduction and/or the proposal of a consent order.
For Advance Notice AMPs, alleged violators can request a reduction in the penalty(up to 50%)based on a due dili
If a person is successful in convinc ing the Director of any of these argu ments, it is not a defence but can reduce
the penalty amount. Whether a person receives advance notice or not they can propose a consent order and, if it meets the requirements, compliance with the consent order automatically results in a 50% reduction in the amount of the AMP
penalty. There are two other notable aspects of AMPs: First, for advance notice
AMPs,previous violations will be taken into account in calculating the penalty. A "previous violation" includes convic tions (by a court) for offences and pre vious AMPs imposed under the EPA,the OWRA or the PA. Second, a person to whom an AMP is issued may request a hearing before the Environmental Re view Tribunal.
A person can request a hearing within 15 days after the AMP notice is served and until the disposition of the matter, the requirement to pay the AMP is stayed. The ERT can confirm, rescind or amend the AMP notice or vary the AMP amount if it considers the penalty amount to be unreasonable.
It should be noted that at this stage the AMPs Regulations are a proposal of the MOE only. The MOE has received comments from stakeholders who would
be affected by the Regulations in the event they are made but it is impossible to predict whether the AMPs Regula tions will stand as they are presently drafted, be revised and, perhaps again circulated for further comment, or not
put into effect at all.
NOTE: This docmnent provides an overview ofthe proposed Admin istrative Monetary Penalties Regu lations only. For a more in-depth analysis, the Regu lations, the EPA,
I "W „ ^
be con-
I Pills document I does not constitute legal advice.
By Kristi N. Sebaij, Power Budd LLP
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
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Plant Maintenance
The facts behind lubrication probiems in wastewater treatment plants roper maintenance of the equipment in wastewater dis posal is becoming more im portant and increasingly com plex. There have been many new tech nical developments(some mandated by
the EPA, OSHA and the USDA/FDA)
and a great deal of new, modem equip ment put into use. The impact of federal legislation dealing with water quality and pollution has had a major effect on wastewater engineering. There is a much greater emphasis on the reuse of wastewater and land treatment systems. Tertiary and advanced treatment systems are be coming standards rather than Utopian ideas. All of this
blood of any mechanical system, but even more so of the wastewater disposal systems. The lubricant, oil or grease, is constantly harassed, diluted or destroyed by water, sand,dirt, dust, acids,caustics, cold, heat and the dynamics of the chemical processes involved. One of the most important consid erations in these present times is that a judicious selection of quality lubricants can reduce energy consumption, as well as reduce lubricant cost and prolong equipment life. A carefully selected lu bricant can pay for itself many times over, especially when compared to the lowest priced lubricants available on the
dwarfed by the value of the equipment that it is protecting. Solutions to many of the toughest maintenance problems faced by wastewater treatment plants have been developed by Lubrication Engineers and have been proven in thousands of plants around the world.
For more information,
circle reply card No. 134 By Chris Barnes, P.Eng., MBA Lubrication Engineers
Open gears rusting and corroding
A very tacky open gear lubricant was applied by caulking gun.
Running hot, tripping off and needing frequent oil changes
A low friction oil with high oxidation stability was put into service.
Blower temperatures reduced by 10 to 25°F, and oil drain
An extremely water-resistant and wear
to 2 years. Bearing failures eliminated, and grease consumption reduced
and sophistica
better knowl
edge and good practice in the field of mainte nance and lu-
Pillow block bearings require lots of grease and frequent bearing replacement Overheating and sludge forming in the oil coolers
b r i c a t i o n.
More complex machinery and
interval extended from 3 months
reducing grease called was installed.
from 4-5 tubes per day to 1 and a half tubes per day.
Compressors were cleaned and flushed and filled with an oil formulated
to combat acid hydrolysis and reduce
High Electrical Energy Consumption
Energy saving compressor oils were
Chains rusting and corroding causing poor operation and
A penetrating wire rope fluid was used to penetrate into the pins and bushings
put into service.
Electricity savings of $500 to $5000 per year achieved with only $200 investment in oil.
lubricants and
their applica
Temperature dropped by 15°F, and sludging was eliminated.
processes re
quire better knowledge of
Water and caustics were sealed out and lube intervals extended to once a month.
more highly trained people and also much
tion demands
of Canada
market for the cost of the lubricant is
Existing chains were freed up and the rusting stopped.
of the chains.
downtime Filter Press
Lack of
knowledge in either area can Filter Press
Hydraulic oil foaming and causing pump
A non-foaming, paraffinic (compatible with hoses and seals), oxidation resistant hydraulic oil was put into
Foaming ceased, operation smoothed out and leaks
cavitation, hoses and seals leaking.
stopped. Oil life was dramatically increased.
Greased bearings contaminated by
A very tacky, water-resistant grease was pumped into the bearings.
Grease staying in the bearings, sealing out water and
The units were filled with a wear
Reducers cooled off and are
reducing gear oil.
now lasting 17 months vs 2 months before the change.
create prob lems, but espe cially in the knowledge of application. It
still costs four
Gear oil emulsified
with water, frequent
The gearboxes were changed out to a gear oil that rapidly separates from
gearbox without changing the
oil changes needed
oil, no more emulsion.
Chains rubbing and wearing metal pads
Pads were coated with a layer of very tacky open gear lubricant by means of
or five times as
much to apply
Bar Screen
the lubricant as
water and oxidizing. High wear and overheating caused freguent failure.
it does to buy the lubricant. Lubrica
tion, of course, is
prolonging bearing life.
Water is drained out of the
Wear on the pads has been
a caulking gun. Grinder/ Comminutor
Hydraulic drive system foaming and emulsifying with water High wear and
A non-foaming hydraulic oil with rapid
Foaming and water
water separation was used.
emulsification were eliminated,
A very tacky grease that resists pound
oil drain interval doubled Wear rate and failures
premature failure
out was aoDlied.
dramaticallv reduced
Above is a briefsummary of the most frequent problems found in wastewater treatment plants and how they are solved. 32
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Maximize your disinfection strategy %
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Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
determine incoming organic material to guide coagulation or clarification.
optimized filtration improves disinfection effectiveness.
control chlorine, ammonia, ozone, or chlorine dioxide
dosing and residual at any point of the disinfection process; on-line analyzers and/or any of several laboratory platforms meet your monitoring needs.
Total trihalomethanes
streamlined THM Plus'" test for in-house assessment
of disinfection by-product levels. Total coliforms/£co//
> Disinfection control
simultaneous results in 24 hours with USEPA-
approved m-ColiBlue24® Broth.
solution checklist Laboratory/On-site TOC Reagent Sets: 0-20; 15-150; and 100-700 mg/L Compact COO/TOC Reactor Monchlor-P" Monochloramine Reagents
DR/4000 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer system
For more about Hach's solution for disinfection control, contact your local distributor. To find a distributor in your area visit www.hach.comm or call 1.910.669.3050.
Model 2100AN Laboratory Turbidimeter m-ColiBlue24® Broth
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1720D Low Range Turbidimeter
For more information on how
Hach can help you minimize the risk of waterborne disease, contact your local distributor or Hach Company in the USA, Telephone:(970) 669-3050, Fax:(970) 461-3939, E-mail: intl@hach.com.
For more information, circle reply card No. 150
(See page 25)
Remote monitoring for wastewater sites Optimize and understand your treatment process site location, who can investigate re
Waterloo Bloflltere Treatment Process Schematic
Wastewater Treatment System with Surface Discharge
motely by computer before visiting the site, saving much time. Remote moni toring also provides off-site preventive maintenance. By downloading and viewing daily summaries, problems such as stuck rotating valves or ineffi cient pump cycles can be isolated and fixed, generally before they become a
Rotating Valve Alum Dosing Pumps(D) Waterloo Blofllter PE Treatment
Units (E)
Effluent Filter(B) (C)
jt Septic Tanks(A)
problem. Optimizing treatment 1. Pump Frequency Too High - In May 2001,one system had frequent low-level
Dosing Pumps
alarms in the pump chamber, and event listings of the pump on-times were in vestigated to determine activity through out the day. Figure 2 shows the pumps
UV Disinfection
Unlt(F) Professional
To Pond"
Operator Remote Monitoring
(G) Not To Scale
were active only 50% of the time (green is on, white is off) because the timer had been set for short cycles at too high of a
Figure 1. Process schematic of a 30rrf/day Waterloo Biofiltei^ wastewater treatment system with surface discharge to irrigation ponds.
A remote monitoring system
frequency. The water level in the surge pump chamber remained low because the pumps would discharge the effluent
Remote monitoring allows for immedi ate detection of problems off-site and is
as soon as it came in, almost on a de
(RMS) for a number of wastewater treatment sites
easier and faster than on-site trouble
not utilized. If this situation were to
could be an invaluable tool
continue, ammonium levels in the efflu
in optimizing the treatment process and in complying with Ministry of Environ ment surface water discharge criteria for organics, solids, ammonium, phospho rus, and pathogens. It was developed for Waterloo Biofilter Systems. The ClubLink golf courses of Blue Springs, Rattlesnake Point, King's Rid ing and Rocky Crest use the Waterloo Biofilter septic tank and absorbent trickle filter system to treat highly vari able flows of high-strength wastewater from the clubhouses and resort buildings for reuse in irrigation. Figure 1 is a
The RMS consists of SiteWatch-de-
signed software and hardware connected to mechanical equipment, to record pump-on times and cycles for all pumps, rotating valve cycles,flow meters, tem peratures, UV light intensity, and indi
mand basis, and the surge capacity was
ent would rise.
The timer cycles were changed to spread the dosing evenly throughout the day, allowing more effective use of the surge chamber. 2. Rotating Valve Stuck - Three sets of
vidual alarms. Certain alarms are auto
Biofilters at Rattlesnake Point Golf
matically paged to the operator with the
Course are dosed using a mechanical
Table 1. Daily pressure switch dosing cycies through rotating valve. Date
Dose Cycies
Dose Cycies
Dose Cycies
Unit 1
Unit 2
Oct. 20
Oct. 21
Oct. 22
NA 76 36
NA 53
Oct. 23
23 29
183 157
183 157
183 183
183 183
schematic diagram of a 30 mVday peak system and includes:(a)two-day capac ity septic tanks,(b)effluent fdters,(c)a surge pump tank,(d) aluminum sulfate addition, (e) six Waterloo Biofdter PE tanks,(f) Trojan 3000 UV disinfection, (g) SiteWatch RMS,and (h) operations
Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 27
Oct. 28
Oct. 29
184 172
Valve stuck
Treatment and compliance may be compromised if one of these compo nents does not function properly, and so it is important to pre-empt problems.
By Ignatius lp\ E. Craig JowetF and Scott Kirby^ 34
Oct. 30
Oct. 31 Nov. 01
173 157
Nov. 02
163 163
168 172
Nov. 03 Nov. 04 Nov. 05
183 144
165 196
Valve Recovery after Cleaning
190 Normal
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Blue Springs Dosing Pump Timer Enable ON / OFF June 4,2001 :Q = 22.6 m31 day
Rattlesnake Point Golf Course 1999
Total Nitrogen Mass In Effluent 1.2
^ 0.8
P OFF I 1200 AM
6:00 AM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
12:00 AM
3-day Avg Flow (m3/day)
Figure 2. Dosing pump activity on June 4, 2001.
Figure 3. Predicting Total Nitrogen (IN) mass in effluent.
rotating valve, and the rotations are recorded using pres sure switches on the force mains. Table 1 shows the cy cling of the valve being normal for October 20-21 with all cycles equal, but abnormal for October 23-28, with unequal cycles. After the valve was cleaned, the valve regained nor mal cycling. If the valve had remained stuck, ammonium levels would have eventually exceeded compliance. Understanding the treatment 1. Peaking Factors Too Low - In June 2001, the ammonia at Rattlesnake began to rise and threaten to fall out of com pliance(above 2.0 mg/L). The records of the daily summa ries were investigated to determine what might be the cause. The median flows in the peak season May to September
ing factors calculated (Table 2). The average annual flow of the new facility was back-calculated using this peaking factor, and predicts an average annual flow of 20,400 L/ day. This represents 0.48 kg/day of TN released into the environment, or 175.7 kg per year. These figures can sub sequently form a basis for hydrogeologic calculations in ap plications for approval. ^Waterloo BiofiiterSystems inc. ^CiubLink Corporation
For more information, circle reply card No. 136
were 31 mVd in 1999 and 33 mVd in 2000(a peaking factor of-1.9), but jumped substantially to 44 mVd in 2001 (a peaking factor of only 1.4), due to the commercial success
Your One-Stop Source for
of the golf course. The hydraulic and mass loading were much greater than the design loads and caused the ammo
Controls and Instruments
nia levels to rise.
Put your trust In Davis Controls to deliver packaged solutions designed to reduce loss and save energy In water cycle of all water treatment and wastewater processing operations.
With the mass loadings to justify the system upgrade, more filter medium was added, and effluent ammonia fell
to <0.5 mg/L, well within compliance. 2. Calculating Nitrogen Loading Ratesfor Reasonable Use Policy - A number of effluent samples froin Rattlesnake were analyzed for total nitrogen (TN = TKN + NO,-N -t-
You need a dedicated business partner with know-how, experience and product offering to he with you from abstraction to purification to supply.
NOj-N), and the mass of TN (kg/day) calculated using a three-day average flow due to re-circulation and extensive mixing in the plant. Figure 3 shows a very good coirelation between TN mass loading and average flow, indicating simply that the effluent quality is consistent. Using recorded data, the peaking factors were determined for a three-year period, and this data used to predict the nitrogen loading at
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the new facility. The two highest consecutive days of flow at Rattlesnake were averaged to determine the peak flow, and annual peakTable 2. Determining peaking factors.
Flow (mYday) Year
2-day average peak
Peaking Factor
1999 2000
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Flowmeters up to 160
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tion process.
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solids disposal facing many municipalities. In effect, it gives munici palities the convenience of Class A biosolids with the least possible inconvenience in terms of capital costs and operations. This is accomplished by fully utilizing the traditional digestion equipment and incorporating it into the new pasteuriza
Circle reply card
Circle reply card No. 179
No. 176
Using innovative design features and imaginative process engineering, Zimpro Products pro
The J-Vap® sysrem
provides dewatering and
biosolids or residuals
duces fluid bed furnaces
in a simple, onestep operation. J-Vap®
that are clean, cost-effec
tive, and in compliance with sludge management requirements. Our furnaces can be coupled with state-of-the-art waste heat recovery, so that thermal energy from sludge can be beneficially reused. You get maximum sludge volume reduction while reducing rhe expense of hauling or other disposal options. Zimpro Products 800.826.1476 phone 715.355.3219^ Circle reply card www.usfilter.com
No. 177
Dewarering Systems has combined conven tional filter press technology and a unique drying system in one unit. Any level of dryness can be achieved by simply extending the drying time. The solids are subjected to a
low temperature, gentle drying process that is extremely energy efficient and produces over 95% dry solids that can meet Class A sludge requirements. The J-Vap® system is manufac tured in all sizes to accommodate almost any
dewatering and drying need. Laboratory and on-site tesring available. Dewarering Systems
800.245.3006 phone 616.772.4516/«
Circle reply card No. 180
The IPS composting system turns sewage
The most technically
sludge, leaves, yard
advanced and costeffective odor control
waste, brush, food and wood wastes into
high quality compost for agricultural and horticultural use in
about 3 weeks. This EPA approved technology produces high quality compost meeting the EPA 503 regulatory requirements for Process to Further Reduce Pathogens and vector attraction requirements. Systems are fully automated, controlhng temperature and mixing operations, collecting data, and generating
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scrubber system available, the LO/PRO® system is a patented, multi-stage, multi-chemistry wet scrubber system that can be configured to remove hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and
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air flow rates up to 24,500 cfm. The compact design occupies a fraction of the space required by conventional packed tower sys tems, with better chemical utilization and lower installation and maintenance costs.
IPS Products
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800.547.1202 phone 508.347.7049fax
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Circle reply card No. 178
Circle reply card
USFilter cuts down your biosolids concerns with compre hensive hiosolids management including solutions, systems integration and service. From dewatering to odor control to composting, we offer the treatment technologies you need.
Our experienced engineers will design and supply an integrated biosolids management solution tailored to your process Learn more at our website,
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www.usfilter.com cost. For more information, check the web at www.usfilter.com, call 1.800.387.3635 or e-mail biosolids@usfilter.com.
.Vivendi Environnement company
For more information, circle repiy card No. 138(See page 25)
Industrial Wastewater
Ice cream firm treats its own wastewater First Ontario dairy with its own wastewater piant
Chapman's Ice Cream is believed to be the first dairy operation in Ontario with its
own wastewater treatment
plant. The firm selected a state-of-tbe art Fluidyne ISAM'''^ (Integrated Surge Anoxic Mix) anaerobic/aerobic batch reactor, so that the continuously expanding operation would not overwhelm the existing municipal lagoon system capability. Founded in 1973 by David and Penny Chapman, the firm is believed to be the largest independent manufacturer of ice cream and water ice products in Canada. Chapman's, with production more than doubling within the last five years, is located in Markdale, Ontario, a commu
nity about two hours north of Toronto. It is the largest employer in the area by far. During the selection process. Chapman personnel and their consult ing engineers found many advantages in the Fluidyne ISAM when compared with conventional Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR), upflow sludge blanket filtration (USBF) and trickling filter systems. Lowered capital and installed costs, reduced operating and mainte nance expense, minimal sludge produc tion with 80% less sludge compared to other activated sludge processes, builtin redundancy with a 100% in-place spare aerator, and the ability to better handle peak flows and loadings, topped
the list of reasons for selecting Table 1 - Chapman's Ice Cream the Fluidyne ISAM. Typical Performance Data A The system does not wash out solids at peak flows. Un 1535 mg/l Influent BOD (mg/l) like continuous flow processes Effluent BOD (mg/l) 10 mg/l and discharge, there is no flow 417 mg/l Influent TSS (mg/l) entering the reactor during ef 10 mg/l Effluent TSS (mg/l) fluent discharge. This promotes the high effluent quality at all flow rates. The system incorporates a Fluidyne control panel. The control strategy provides great process flexibil surge/anoxic mix tank to assure opti ity as aeration/mixing are automatically mum control of the process and to pro vide both rapid and complete waste- adjusted to meet incoming loadings, a feature which also reduces power re water treatment. This surge tank pro vides flow and nutrient equalization and quirements significantly. While it was treatment at a full 10;1 range of flows not a requirement in the Chapman se lection process, the ISAM has Califor and loadings. The built in sludge reduction system's nia Title 22 approval, authorizing nonanaerobic compartment significantly residential use of the effluent for irriga tion purposes. reduces total sludge production, han The system treats a design flow of dling and disposal. On average, each 132,000 gallons(500m')per day of high week the ISAM treats 350,000 gallons strength wastewater generated in the of wastewater while generating only production of ice cream. BOD,and TSS 1,760 gallons of sludge. design influent/effluent parameters for The system uses jet aeration to pro vide oxygen to the system. Jets are ideal the installation were specified as 1,300/ for industrial wastewater as they provide 200 and 600/200 mg/L respectively. Chapman's wanted the plant to meet a high oxygen transfer and have signifi cantly higher alpha values compared to higher, more environmentally friendly fine bubble diffusers. Furthermore,jet BOD,/TSS effluent standard of 50mg/l for discharge to the city sewer system. aerators have large solids handling ca pabilities and can be serviced without Actual BOD,ranged from 1,210 to 1,860 entering or draining the tank as they and suspended solids from 143 to 417. have a built in self-cleaning mechanism. The process is automatically control led through an Allen-Bradley PLC in the
At startup, the influent BOD, regis
tered 1,330. Effluent BOD immediately dropped to below 200, and consistently falls under 10. Numbers for effluent
suspended solids proved equally impres sive dropping to single digits within a few brief weeks. According to Jerry Schwartz, plant operator, "we sample every week and the effluent is consist ently far better than the standards pre scribed for us."
Charlie Rheaume, Chapman's Vicepresident, adds: "We actually gave the municipality back 40% of the total ca pacity of their treatment plant and, es pecially, the BOD. Before our new sys tem came on stream, the local munici
pal lagoon was up to 80% of capacity. With our anticipated growth,the system would soon have been overwhelmed.
Founded in 1973 by David and Penny Chapman, the firm is believed to be the largest independent manufacturer of ice cream and water ice products in Canada. 38
We've been recognized by our industry and by the Ontario Minister of Environ ment for our ecological stewardship. Since the Chicago World Wide Food and
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Industrial Wastewater
Dairy Expo, we've hosted a stream of foreign visitors from Australia, Russia and many other countries. They were all favorably impressed."
At startup, the influent
BODj registered 1,330. Effluent BOD immediately dropped to below 200, and consistently falls under 10. Numbers for effluent
suspended solids proved equally impressive dropping to single digits within a few brief weeks. In the first five months of operation. Chapman's processed 360 batches, or approximately 7,920,000 gallons (SO.OOOm'). Heaviest flows come Tues day-Friday; during summer months,the average is 20-25 batches each week, but
fh ^
On average, each week the ISAM treats 350,000 gallons of wastewater while gen erating only 1,760 gallons of sludge.
this drops to 16-20 weekly fall to spring. Fluidyne provided process design and supplied all related treatment, processing and flow controls for the siteconstructed tanks. Chapman's served as their own prime contractor with respon
sibility for final installation of the sys tem; D.J. Peach & Associates, Ltd., pro vided consulting engineering on the project. For more information, circle reply card No. 139
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Enviroiviieiilal Science c6 Engineering, September 2002
For more information, circle reply card No. 140 (See page 25)
Potable Water Storage
Nova Scotia town chooses geosynthetic floating covers
TheTown ofMiddleton in Nova
Scotia recently completed a project to provide a new cover system for their existing 1,000,000-gallon potable water storage
The SGE Group in Halifax reviewed various options for covering the reser voir including rigid roof structures, pitched timber roofs and flexible float
ing synthetic covers.After determining that a 45 mil reinforced polypropylene flexible floating cover system was the best choice for this project, Layfield Environmental Systems was awarded a contract to manufacture and install a 45
mil reinforced polypropylene floating cover system.
The design of the cover system was particularly challenging because rain water trapped on the cover needed to be channeled to a dewatering pump sys tem. The floating cover system also needed to function at various operating levels depending on the elevation of the
Cover under construction
water in the reservoir.
Requisite performance properties for the floating cover membrane included: cold temperature flexibility, NSF 61 cer tification, UV resistance, and suitable
tensile strength. The polypropylene floating cover supplied by Layfield met all of these rigorous requirements. The floating cover system was based on a defined sump design and included stra tegically placed attached foam floats, sand filled ballast tubes, four air vents,
Completed cover filled with water.
one access hatch and mechanical an
chorage around the perimeter of the cover.
The project took approximately six days to complete. Municipalities across North America
are increasingly using geosynthetic floating covers to help prevent evapo ration, reduce contamination, reduce treatment costs and to improve overall water quality. For more Information,
circle reply card No. 141 By Brian Fraser, Layfield Environmental Systems Ltd. Rain water sump. 40
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Industry Update COUNTY OF OXFORD
WERF Releases Nutrient Credit Trading Program Market Analysis A report, Nitrogen Credit Trading in Maryland: A Market Analysis for Establishing a Statewide Framework (stock #97IRM5E) is now available from the Water Environment
Research Foundation. It explores whether a market for ni trogen credits can assist publicly owned treatment plants in Maryland in achieving cost-effective nitrogen loads. The study strongly indicates that trading options may provide opportunities to achieve environmental objectives at substantially lower costs, and possibly faster than ap proaches that ask (or force) all POTWs to achieve equally lower nitrogen concentrations.
This project highlights general considerations for any one interested in trading, including a market analysis and a recommendation to use the Chesapeake Bay Program's Nutrient Trading Principles and Guidelines(2001)as a model of process and policy. The report concludes that point-point trading should not be overlooked as a potentially important strategy - nonpoint source credits will not always be less expensive than point source credits. It also proposes to add best management practices credits for stormwater-related projects and restoration on undeveloped land. The report shows trading options at three geographic scales in Maryland and explains how various factors would strengthen or weaken a credit market, expanding or dimin ishing opportunities for greater cost-effectiveness. The re searchers present previously unavailable information and analyses that are critical to regional watershed management strategies. Contact www.werf.org.
WaterAVastewater Engineer The County of Oxford requires a permanent full-time Water/ Wastewater Engineer in the Public Works,Water/Wastewater De partment. Under the direction of the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services, organizes and directs the planning, design and construction of the County water and wastewater systems.
Minimum Qualifications: Civil Engineering Degree and mem
bership in the Professional Engineers of Ontario; three years of related engineering experience; knowledge of current engineer ing design standards, Class Environmental Assessment Procedures and construction practices relating to water and wastewater, work ing knowledge of current regulations and legislation as applied to water and wastewater; and a valid driver's licence and a reliable vehicle with insurance.
Resumes to be forwarded by October 18,2002 at 4:00 p.m. to: County of Oxford, Human Resources Office, P.O. Box 397, 415 Hunter St., WOODSTOCK ON N4S 7Y3 Fax #(519)537-3024 E-mail address: hr@countv.oxford.on.ca Web Site: www.countv.oxford.on.ca
Receipt of personal information is acknowledged and will be re tained for 6 months in confidence, but only those selected for interviews will be contacted personally.
Fluidyne's ISAM'"- The Innovative SBR Maximizing performance while minimizing sludge production We knew we had something special over 20 years ago when we pioneered SBR technology in North America. Now Fluidyne brings SBR technology into the next millennium. The innovative
Fluidyne Integrated SurgeAnoxic Mix (ISAM ™) system provides the following advantages over conventional and continuous flow SBR
systems. ■ Reduces tank size by 20-25% ■ Reduces sludge production by 65% or more compared to other activated sludge processes ■ Reduces energy requirements ■ Includes automatic scum
skimming ■ Eliminates influent control valves
■ Improves SBR performance at high flows For more information on the ISAM™ and other Fluidyne products: 2816 West First Street ■ Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
(319) 266-9967 Fax:(319)277-6034 email: fluidyne@cfu.net www.fluidynecorp.com
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For more information, circle reply card No. 184 (See page 25)
Environmental Analyses
Understanding requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
ISO/IEC 17025 is a standard that
sets out the specific requirements to be met by laboratories wish ing to achieve the production of competent results as a matter of course. These requirements were developed by groups of laboratory experts from
sessors will often encounter situations
where they are forced to defend particu lar requirements to a laboratory seeking accreditation and, while they understand
At the same time, a laboratory's blind adherence to each of the requirements of the standard, while better than no sys tem at all, is not an approach which instills confidence in
ability to produce competent results. Nor is it the best ap proach to use in acquiring rec ognition of such competence.
around the world over the
course of 30 years. From the first, laboratory competence has been the paramount con
"Finally, ISO 9000:2000 is now well-known and respected
around the world as a standard
In today's world, recogni tion of such competence gen erally requires that laboratories which have implemented the requirements of the standard
which today aims at allowing conforming organisations to implement a "model for excel lence." While some may see this aim as a very ambitious one for any organisation, the standard effectively breaks
obtain accreditation. Accredi tation involves assessment
and, like all audit-associated activities, assessment of technical
competence requires trained assessors to deliver these assessments. Asses
sors must be fully cognisant of each of the requirements in the standard. During the course of their work,as
down the elements which an
the specific requirement under discus sion, they may not be able to clearly ar ticulate why such a requirement exists, in the first place. That is to say - they may not be able to identify the princi ples which underlie the stated require
organisation can readily achieve in their implementation of such a model. One of the great strengths of ISO 9000:2000 is its clear basis on principles which can be easily articulated and understood. Those who live and work in the world
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Envimninental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Environmental Analyses
Model with Confidence!
of laboratories also adhere to specific as being subjective, or known by experts principles, but these have not been ar in that field of testing to be mainly sub ticulated in one collection. Such prin jective. ciples vi'ould provide a clearly under Impartiality of conduct stood basis for the requirements of the The pursuit of competent results standard which most directly impacts through the use of generally accepted laboratory operations. scientific approaches is the primary and The objective of this article is to pro oveiTiding influence on the work of per vide a listing of the principles behind sons executing tests - all other influences ISO/IEC 17025. These can be used by should be considered secondary and not laboratories to better appreciate indi permitted to take precedence. vidual requirements of the standard. The Traceability of measurement article can also be used by assessors, in The results produced, within the understanding how or why a specific scope of work of the laboratory, must requirement can help(or perhaps hinder) be based on a recognised system of a laboratory to implement the processes measurement that derives from ac required for the recognition of their com cepted, known quantities(SI system)or petence.
other intrinsic or well-characterised de
From study of the standard and its impact on laboratory operations over the course of the last nine years, the follow ing principles are considered to be the main forces behind all of the require
vices or quantities. The chain ofcomparison of measure ment between these accepted, known quantities or intrinsic devices or quanti ties, and the device providing objective
ments of ISO/IEC 17025:
results, must be unbroken for the trans fer of measurement characteristics, in
• Capacity • Exercise of Responsibility
measurement chain.
Repeatability of test The test which produced the objec tive results, will produce the same re sults, within accepted deviations during subsequent testing, and within the con straints of using the same procedures, equipment and persons used during a previous execution of the test. Transparency of process The processes existent within the laboratory producing the objective re sults, should be open to internal and ex ternal scmtiny,so that factors which may adversely affect the laboratory's pursuit of objective results based on scientific method, can be readily identified and mitigated.
have the resources {people with the re quired skills and knowledge, the envi ronment with the required facilities and equipment, the quality control, and the procedures) in order to undertake the work and produce competent results. Exercise of responsibility Persons in the organisation should have the authority to execute specific functions within the overall scope of work - and the organisation can demon strate accountability for the results of the work.
Scientific method
Work earned out by the organisation must be based on accepted scientific ap proaches, preferably consensus-based, and any deviations from accepted sci entific approaches must be substantiated in a manner considered generally accept able by experts in that field. Objectivity of results Results produced within the scope of work of the organisation, must be mainly based on measurable or derived quanti ties.
Subjective test results should be pro duced only by persons deemed qualified
>Otni, SSWfa any ouciii-.'.I'myi
Model dual drainage and other complex systems of both open and closed conduits Use Rational, SCS, SWMM Runoff and many other hydrology metfiods Design/analyze separate/combined systems Handle flow reversals and looped systems Directly import GIS and other database data Simulate, pumps, orifices, weirs regulators multiple outfalls and real time control
cluding uncertainty,for the whole of the
• • • • •
Environmental laboratories must
• Scientific Method
Objectivity of Results Impartiality of Conduct Traceability of Measurement Repeatabili ty of Test Transparency of Process Capacity
Combined Culvert and Pond Analyzer Design and analyze all bridge, culvert and pond hydraulics Only culvert and pond hydraulics software to combine full unsteady flow and FHWA inlet analysis
Use constant or hydrograph inputs and include road overtopping Include upstream storage and ponds
These eight principles may not cover every aspect of every requirement in the standard, but they are broad enough to allow persons working in laboratories to appreciate the reasons behind most of the individual requirements. They may also allow assessors to use their professionaljudgement in assessing the conformance of a laboratory to each of the requirements within the standard. For more Information,
circle reply card No. 145 By J.E.J.(Ned)Gravel, P.Eng., Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories
Urban Stormwater Design and Analysis Design and analyze drainage systems using up to 7 return periods with the Rational formula Predict an accurate HGL and analyze inlets using HEC-12, rating curve or max. capture
Include inlet bypasses and surface flow XP Software 9-75 First Street
Orangeville, ON L9W 5B6 Tel 877-533-4533 Fax 519-941-SWMM
to do so and such results should be noted
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
circle reply card No. 144 (See page 25)
Biosolids Management
WEF commends new biosolids rules for
protecting worker and public health
pleased that this
tion (WEF) has commended
diverse commit
the National Academies' Na
tee of experts
has confirmed
(NRC) on the completion of its 18month study,Biosolids Applied to Land: Advancing Standards and Practices, and supports its conclusion that there is no
health and water
documented scientific evidence that
quality profes sionals already know. Today we
EPA's 1993 Part 503 rule has failed to
call on EPA to
protect public health. Instead, the new report calls for additional scientific re search to reduce persistent uncertainty about potential for adverse human health effects from exposure to land-applied biosolids and provides recommenda
act promptly to respond to the recommenda
tions outlined by the NRC. Lead
ership by EPA at Farmers and others who work with Class B biosolids should benefit from the new NIOSH Guidance
tions to the U.S. Environmental Protec
the federal level,
tion Agency (EPA) to update and strengthen the scientific credibility of
together with
biosolids standards and ensure their con
for state regulatory programs, will help to maintain public confidence in biosolids recycling as a safe and envi ronmentally-friendly practice."
sistent implementation. According to WEF Deputy Executive Director, Dr. Albert Gray, "WEF is
greater support The NRC established its recommen
dations based upon the need to update the scientific basis of the Part 503 rule. These recommendations ensure that the
chemical and pathogen standards are supported by current scientific data and risk-assessment methods, demonstrate effective enforcement of the rule, and
validate the effectiveness of biosolids
management practices. The report's rec ommendations include the use of im
proved risk-assessment methods to bet
Integrity In Building Excellence
ter establish standards for chemicals and
Enhance your career and become a leader! Join our team:
MAPLE REINDERS INC. A well-established Building and Heavy Civil construction group with offices across Canada to become a top-notch
pathogens; conduct a new national sur vey of chemicals and pathogens in sew age sludge; establish a framework for an approach to implement human health investigations; and increase the re sources devoted to EPA's biosolids pro gram.
Heavy Civil (Design/Buiid) Marketing Professional Qualifications: P.Eng. Degree with focus on Civil and Environmental Design and Engi neering and formal training in water and wastewater treatment processes is required. A minimum of 5 years experience in civil construction, process mechanical and electrical installations are essential benchmarks that you have already achieved. The position:The ideal candidate will be a goai-oriented innovator, with an appreciation for Design/Buiid/P3 project delivery and who has a proven ability to work on project devel opment teams. You will also have a proven track record in building lasting relationships with clients and consultants coupled with an in-depth knowledge of construction costing and systems. An understanding of contracts and contract law as well as the ability to write client focused proposals will round out your experience base. Occasional travel will be required as you manage opportunities across Canada,
Send resumes for this exciting, multi-taceted position in contidence to: Bert Hofland, Human Resources Manager
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This study was requested by the EPA to evaluate the Part 503 rule to ensure
the protection of public health and as sure the public of the safety of regulated biosolids land application. With the rec ognition of NRC's recommendations by the EPA, Gray concludes that, "the re port reassures the public that the Part 503 rule has been, and is, protective of public health and we would expect that further study will reinforce confidence in the safety of land applied biosolids". To obtain additional information on
biosolids please visit www.wef.org to view the Guide to Understanding Biosolids, a publication developed by WEFandAMSA.
Only applicants selected for an interview wiii be contacted 44
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Biosolids Management WEF lauds new NIOSH biosolids
guidance Earlier the Water Environment Fed eration had welcomed the action of the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to rescind Hazard ID No. 10(Workers Exposed to Class B Biosolids During and After Field Application) and replace it with guidance that better reflects the precau tions that biosolids workers should be
taking. According to Dr. Gray,"WEF is pleased that NIOSH was open to the
ily mischaracterized as a call for the pro hibition of all Class B biosolids. Finally, WEF and others noted that the recom
mended practices in the report were al ready routinely administered at the vast majority of publicly owned treatment works.
As in the HID #10,the new guidance focuses on potential risks from close occupational exposure to Class B biosolids. It stresses that those working
gum on the job and should wash their hands thoroughly upon leaving the work site and remove clothing and footwear that could transport Class B biosolids off-site. The goal is to avoid possible ingestion or exposure through cuts, scratches, eyes, etc. to possible Class B biosolids pathogens.
To view the new NIOSH Guidance, visit
with Class B biosolids should avoid eat
ing, drinking, smoking, and chewing
discussion of our concerns about the in
evitable misunderstanding and misrep resentation of its earlier Hazard ID #10
and used input from the water quality profession to prepare the revised docu ment".
In March 2002, NIOSH extended an
invitation to WEF to officially comment on NIOSH's draft guidance entitled Controlling Potential Risks To Workers Exposed to Class B Biosolids. The new guidance was written in response to criti cism surrounding some misinformation stated in the August 2000 release of Haz ard ID No. 10(HID #10). In response. Dr. Gray requested that NIOSH retract HID #10 and replace it with new guid
which one Pits best?
ance that reflects the need to follow
common safe work procedures and use of personal protective equipment widely available to the wastewater profession. On June 12,2002, NIOSH officially re placed HID #10 with the new guidance, which is a more refined, accurate, and useful document for those who work
closely with Class B biosolids. Since its release in August 2000,the HID #10 had been criticized by water quality and biosolids experts as alarm ist and poorly researched. While the guidance recommended the use of stand
ard personal hygiene practices and per sonal protective equipment to prevent potential health problems in workers handling Class B biosolids, WEF and other organizations found fault with as pects of HID #10 because it implied widespread potential health effects and failure within the wastewater profession
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based on the observance of only one biosolids land application and storage site. The site used did not comply with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Class B requirements and workers were clearly not following good personal hy
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giene or using personal protective equip ment.
The organizations were also con cerned that the guidance could be eas Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
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For more information, circie reply card No. 146 (See page 25)
Wastewater Treatment
Historic St. John's harbour undergoes phased approach in ciean-up project
TheSt.John's Harbour in New
foundland is known for its
natural beauty and its rich na val history due to its strategic location and the depths of its waters. But as the City of St. John's continues to grow, the harbour is in need of special environmental attention.
Approximately 120 million litres of raw sewage and stormwater runoff en ter the harbour on a daily basis. This inflow contributes an annual loading of some 3,700 tons of BOD,4,200 tons of
solids and 200 tons of phosphorus to the harbour. The once pristine water is also polluted with bacteria, pathogens and heavy metals. The St. John's Harbour clean-up project is being implemented through a phased approach for wastewater treat ment for the St. John's region. New foundland Design Associates, in asso ciation with CH2M HILL Canada, are
the engineering consultants for this am bitious project. John Barry, P.Eng., is the City of St. John's project manager. As the first step of its multi-phase wastewater treatment system, the City of St. John's built the Southside Road
pumping station in 1999 which is equipped with three CP 3501 Flygt sub-
The historic Cabot Tower overiooks St. John's Harbour. Photo courtesy, Tourism St, John's
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Waterford River where the outfall was
wells, bins, chimneys, communication towers, dams, elevated water tanks,
high signs, hydro transmission towers, interior or exterior building ladders, light support poles, refineries, scaffolds, silos, stacks, water and sewage pumping stations, wind generators
For more information, circle reply card No. 148
1-905-659-0598 www.towersafetygroup.com 46
1,200 1/s of wastewater from the Wa-
terford Valley sewershed to a diffused interim outfall which is strategically placed in the middle of the harbour. This phase has dramatically improved the water quality at the mouth of the previously located. Ultimately the Flygt pumps, com bined with the second phase of the pumping station will provide low lift pumping to the new primary treatment plant.
antennas, below street access ladder
Please call or visit our website:
mersible pumps. The pumps convey
For more information, circle reply card No. 149 (See page 25)
By Jim Aylward, P.Eng., Newfoundland Design Associates Limited and
Robert Squires, ill Flygt Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
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Drinking Water
Ontario drinking water - towards a safe sustainabie future
OWWA/GMWA would prefer
to see a single Provincial source of responsibility for drinking water, preferably a Water Branch within the Ministry of the Environment (MOB). The Water
The Ontario Water Works
Association(OWWA)- a Section of the American
are more than 127 AWWA Standards on
tablishment of a Professional Interest
topics ranging from water treatment, to connections, to disinfecting, to equip
Advisory Forum (PIAF) to assist with water policy review, development and analysis. The PIAF would not only guide the development of a management framework to implement the recommen
and the Ontario Municipal
tions:(1) drinking water,(2) water pol lution control/source water protection, and (3) water conservation.
in Part II of the Walkerton
Inquiry. Part II focused on the future of drinking water safety in Ontario. Key recommendations from their submission follow.
formance. All stakeholders in the drink
The Water Branch would encourage the implementation of best management practices(BMPs),including continuous quality improvement programs, by wa ter utilities in the Province. Today,there
Branch itself would consist of three sec
(OMWA)jointly participated, with standing,
acceptance level of performance and that water utilities be encouraged to always strive to go beyond the base level of per
ing water system,from professional as sociations to consumer groups, should have the opportunity to participate in and be formally consulted on the develop ment of proposed legislative and regu latory reforms. The framework that guides change must not only be trans parent, but also be well communicated so that it is seen to be that way. OWWA/OMWA encourage the es
Water Works Association -
Water Association
standards be considered as the minimal
ment installation. OWWA/OMWAcan
guide and assist with the implementa tion of industry standards and best man agement practices. OWWA/OMWA recommend that
Provincial water quality regulations and
dations of the Walkerton Commission
of Inquiry, but also ensure a process of continuous quality improvement in wa-
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For more information, circle reply card No. 151 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Drinking Water ter system operations. As the lead agency, the MOE would, on a regular and continuing basis, con sult with and receive recommendations
from the PIAF. The membership of the PIAF would include senior-level repre sentatives from public health and envi ronment agencies, water utilities, and non-government stakeholders with an interest in drinking water issues (e.g. environmental associations and groups, research scientists, professional engi neers, etc.).
ticular need to help small system pro viders that may face disproportionately high costs to comply with all necessary upgrades. OWWA/OMWA recommend a pro gram of loans to assist with transitional costs. A one-time special loans program, rather than grants, is preferred as loans ensure accountability for repaying the cost of any system improvements. OWWA/OMWA do not support sys tem-wide subsidies, but do recognize that full-cost pricing could create finan
cial hardship for some individual house holders. Accordingly, it may be neces sary for the Province- not the individual municipality -to determine the need for assistance and provide that assistance to individual households.
Financing OWWA/OMWA recommend that
each water provider develop a long-term financial plan for the maintenance, up grade and replacement of infrastructure. Fundamental to the success oflong-term
planning is a record of accurate, up-to-
OWWA/OMWA are concerned that
ongoing Provincial initiatives relating to drinking water are in four ministries as
• Drinking Water Regulations - Min istry of Environment • Bill 81, Nutrient Management Act Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural
Peace of Mind?
•Bill 155,Sustainable Water and Sew
age Systems Act, 2001 - Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing • Project Financial Assistance(Super Build)- Ministry of Finance Cost Recovery and Financing The OWWA/OMWA believe that the
Sfery^tosfiY if nofe
costs of sourcing, treating and deliver ing safe drinking water should be in
cluded in the cost to the end user. The cost of water service should be recov
ered by water user fees and charges, and not recovered through property taxes. However,it is important to point out OWWA/OMWA do not recommend that
the water rate alone represents the re covery of all water costs. Municipali ties and other water service providers should continue to use development charges,local improvement charges,and special assessments that reflect cost re covery on a benefits received basis. OWWA/OMWA have responded to the Provincial Government's proposed Bill 155,the Sustainable Water and Sew
age Systems Act, 2001, and fully sup port the concept of the Bill and have pro vided a number ofsuggestions for its im
provement,including having the respon sibility for the Bill in the same ministry as all other drinking water issues. Subsidies
OWWA/OMWA do not support sub sidies to offset the true costs of provid
ing water service. However, it may be necessary to implement a one-time as sistance program to help those munici palities that face significant expenditures as a result of recommendations that the
ProMlnent offers the entire pH effluent discipline from initial analysis to final equipment installation, ^ When assigning a single source supplier the respon sibility of design, fabrication and installation of your plant's effluent system, you are ensuring that the best possible result is utilised to accomplish neutralization. The resulting chemical injection and mixing/storage system will optimize the performance and economic evaluation of the project. For informafion on effective pH effluent control: Phone 519-836-5692, Fax 519-836-5226 or
visit us on the web at www.prominenf.ca
Commission of Inquiry present to the Province. It is recognized there is a parEnvironmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For more information, circle reply card No. 152 (See page 25)
Drinking Water date information on the physical assets of each individual water system.
results and require improvements when
to undertake corrective action.
and where necessary.
The choice of specific financial tools is a matter of public policy and must be
OWWA/OMWA recommend that the
Provincial government encourage wa
reviewed at the local level in order to
OWWA/OMWA recommend that all
applicants for an operator's license com plete an MOE approved training course with a specific curriculum. The deliv ery of the training could include a com
water cost recovery. The local water
ter utilities to join an accreditation pro gram to ensure a process of continuous improvement in the Province. The ac
service providers are most in touch with
creditation model developed by the
bination of classroom courses, corre
their customers, the issues facing the
American Water Works Association
spondence courses, internet and home
adopt the most appropriate approach to
community, patterns of usage,economic (AWWA),is appropriate.
matters, etc. OWWA/OMWA recom
For operators presently certified, and particularly for the grandfathered opera
AWWA Standards and Manuals
mend that funding tools currently avail able to water service providers should
could be referenced as a group of publi cations covering 116 products and pro cedures that have wide acceptance in the water supply business. Throughout the world, they are the most used and re spected drinking water standards. The OWWA/OMWA suggest that the
not be reduced.
To ensure the public is protected, the Province should consider a revolving
loan fund that would speed up bringing non-viable systems into compliance. Fi nally, the Province should mandate that all water system providers budget suffi
Government of Ontario work with them to establish an International Water Treat
cient funds on an annual basis for infra Accreditation
ment Alliance (IWTA) program in On tario. IWTA is the necessary first step in facilitating continuous improvement,
Accreditation covers all aspects of the water and wastewater utility busi ness, and verifies that certain standards
tation. OWWA/OMWA recommend that a
of best practice are being used to deliver high quality service. The results of regu
third party do the accrediting, advise the utility of the results, including any defi
lar accreditation should be shared with
ciencies identified, and then follow up to ensure the utility fulfils its obligations
structure replacement.
the community who will evaluate the
Access Handles
Vent Pipes
peer review, benchmarking,and accredi
tors, OWWA/OMWA recommend that
a gap analysis be conducted to determine what training is required. Cuirent re
quirements of 40 hours of professional development per year and 36 hours of continuing education in each three-year
period will address the need for manda tory training in the long term, but ini tially, there may be a need for specific training for existing operators. Once the needs for training are de termined, the Ontario Government should form an alliance with
stakeholders to develop and deliver the required training programs. Source Protection
OWWA/OMWA steadfastly believe there should be a focus on source water
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Circle reply card No. 154(See page 25)
Drinking Water protection measures that will prevent drinking water problems from develop ing in the first place. Statutory authority on a Provincewide basis is required to ensure appro priate development of source protection plans. Policy guidelines are not strong enough; there must be statutory and regulatory obligations. The essential components of a wa tershed source protection plan are: • Inventory and characterization of the water source.
• Inventory of all point and non-point sources of water pollution. • Identification of the nature and qual ity of pollutants discharged. • Development of goals and strategies for remediation, monitoring, and evalu ation. The OWWA/OMWA believe that
protection of source water is a continu ous process that requires a long-term commitment and is essential in an over
all program of drinking water protection. Any industrial, commercial, agricul tural, or other land use development that is going to harm source waters within a watershed should be regulated under Provincial law to minimize or com
pletely avoid such harm. Provincial legislation authorizing source water protection plans should override inconsistent land use planning decisions. Provincial regulations and standards should prevent and overrule any competition between municipalities who might seek development activity at the expense of source water protection. More than two decades ago, the In ternational Joint Commission(IJC)rec ognized the threat posed by non-point sources, particularly agriculture, on the
Due to an expansion of services AIM'S Environmental
Contracting and General Contracting division based in Grimsby, Ontario requires a:
source waters of the Great Lakes Basin. OWWA/OMWA recommend that ma
nure management by farmers needs to be regulated like other waste manage ment industries, i.e., a system of permits and certificate of approval from MOE. All farms should be required to de velop Water Protection Plans that incor porate approvals for activities such as manure storage, and spreading, nutrient management, and tile drain outlets. At a minimum,farms above a certain size
to oversee water treatment centres and to secure new contracts. The ideal candidate
will have solid knowledge of waste/water treatment systems, Ontario certification for
operations and sales/marketing experience. E-mail resumes in confidence to:
and those vulnerable to source water
contamination, should have hydrogeological investigations. Issue papers authored by OWWA/ OMWA can befound at www.owwa.ca.
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pumps • filters • tubing • vvww.waterra.com • bailers • water level sensors Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For more Information, circle reply card No. 156 (See page 25)
Radium-226 monitoring for new metai mining effiuent regulations
The MMER (Metal Min
Radium-226 requirements
ing Effluent Regula tions) were published in
and methods
Radioactivity in effluent is monitored in the form of radium-226, a daughter
the Canada Gazette,Part II this
past June and will be fully in force De cember 6th, 2002. These new regula tions(which replace MMLER)now ap ply to all metal mines in Canada,includ ing pre-1977 mines. The intent is to monitor the effluent released by mines for parameters that have a potential negative environmental impact. There is still debate amongst various groups about what should or should not be included and what limits are accept able; however, after six years of exten sive consultation the regulation has been set. Along with establishing an Envi ronmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) program as set out by Environment Canada, testing for individual para meters must occur at specified intervals. Suspended Solids, acute lethality test The parameters tested include the radio ing, and the deleterious substances ar active isotope radium-226, pH, Total senic, copper, lead, zinc, and nickel.
of uranium. Authorized limits for ra dium-226 have been set as 0.37
Becquerels (Bq)/L for the maximum monthly mean concentration,0.74Bq/L for the maximum concentration in a
composite sample and 1.1 IBq/L for the maximum concentration in a grab sam ple. According to the regulation, sam pling for radium-226(on unfiltered and undiluted effluent) must occur weekly, at least initially. Section 13.2 states that "...the owner or operator of a mine,other than an uranium mine, may reduce the frequency of testing for Radium-226 ...to not less than once in each calendar
quarter if that substance's concentration in the effluent is less than 0.037Bq/L in ten consecutive tests".
Therefore, after a comprehensive ten-
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For more information, circie repiy card No. 161 (See page 25)
www.harnois.com Environmental Science c&: Engineering, September 2002
Regulations week screening period,effluent samples need only be analyzed quarterly if the level of radium-226 continues to fall be
low 10% of the monthly mean concen tration value.
Although many environmental labo ratories can provide metals analysis,few can fulfill the radium-226 requirements set out in the regulations. The guidance document published by Environment Canada for the sampling and analysis of metal mining effluents states that labo ratories must demonstrate clearly their ability to work within a performancebased system. That is, results will be accepted only from a laboratory that is ISO 17025 (formerly ISO Guide 25) accredited by the Standards Council of Canada(SCC)for the determination of radium-226 in liquid samples. There are generally three techniques
of samples per week and the ensuing analysis logjam could delay results and force mines to continue weekly sam pling long past the minimum ten weeks. The economical approach Mine operators will want to reduce their Radium-226 sampling to quarterly. In order to do this, mines need approval from the governing agencies after com pletion of the mandatory ten consecu tive week screening period. Because there is little time remaining before the
mended that monitoring programs start as early as possible to avoid additional weekly testing while waiting for ap proval. For more information,
circle reply card No. 164
By Blake Barber & Steven Simpson, Becquerel Laboratories
December enforcement, it is recom
to determine radium-226. Gamma
spectrometry, the simplest and least ex pensive, cannot practically achieve the minimum 0.0IBq/L detection limit. Al though radon emanation, a second method, does achieve the necessary de tection limit, the analysis time is too long for this project. The best technique is
vt\ comp//.
co-precipitation with barium sulfate fol lowed by alpha-spectrometry. This can
Although many environmental laboratories
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can provide metals analysis, few can fulfill the radium-226 requirements set out in the regulations.
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provide the regulatory detection limit within an acceptable time frame. How ever, the SCC lists only two laborato
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ries that are certified for this method, Saskatchewan Research Council in
Saskatoon, SK and Becquerel Labora tories in Mississauga, ON. Handling the surge With expansion of its peak capacity
P- Uniimited ciient and technicai
Try it for yourself!
by Becquerel, the two labs should have sufficient capacity to process the antici pated sample volume. However, the
sign up for a 7-day Web trial today or if you prefer
short-term demand for radium-226
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analyses is expected to be unusually high, and delays are likely if all the
Contact Client Services at 1-800-668-4284
mines decide to wait until the regula
clientservices@ccohs.ca or www.ccohs.ca
tions are enforced in December. This
scenario would result in many hundreds
CCOHS Canada's National Resource for Workplace Health & Safety Information
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For more information, circle reply card No. 162 (See page 25)
Alternative Energy
Aquaculture and energy-generation benefit from pipeline deep under the sea
A Canadian company supplied the piping for an
application to pump ashore 38° F seawater from deep below the surface for use in aquaculture and energy-generation in Hawaii. The 9,000-foot long,cold water pipeline was successfully deployed last Oc tober by the contractor, Healy Tibbitts Builders,Inc. of Hono lulu. KWH Pipe of Mississauga, Ontario, a member of the Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI), produced the pipe. Makai Ocean Engineering, consultants to the Natural En ergy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA), near Keahole Point on the western-most point of the Big Island of Hawaii, chose about 10,000 feet of HOPE pipe in 55inch and 63-inch diameters. NELHA operates the Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology Park that provides the re sources, support, and facilities for many innovative oceanrelated businesses.
As the world's tropical oceans are a huge collector of heat energy, NELHA engineers are taking advantage of a process that uses that energy for various scientific and prac tical endeavours. That process is called Ocean Thermal En ergy Conversion (OTEC). NELHA has hosted a series of OTEC experiments since its founding in 1974. OTEC utilizes the difference in temperature between warm surface seawater and cold deep seawater to produce
Installers make a flange connection in the 55-Inch diameter HOPE pipe in Kawalhae Harbor. The pipe was painted white to keep it cool and provide better visibility when fioating at sea. Photo; Tom Daniel
energy. The cold deep seawater can also be used to aircondition buildings, desalinate water, grow lobsters and fish, produce algae and shellfish, grow cold-climate fruit and vegetables and much more. To do that, NELHA must get the cold water from deep in the ocean to the surface. Tom Daniel, one of the project scientists with NELHA explained that the pipe is filled with air, which supports it and its anchors during towing to the site where it is flooded for sinking. The intrinsic buoyancy of the HOPE pipe al lows designs using pendant-weighted buoyant sections to avoid rough areas on the bottom of the ocean. The pipe was fused into nine sections, each approximately 1,000 feet in length on shore at Kawaihae Harbor on the northwest corner of the Big Island. In a three day assembly and deployment operation, the flanged sections were joined into one 9,000-foot long pipe segment, towed 27 miles to the site and deployed using a controlled submergence proc ess.
The Hycor® ThickTech'" Rotary Drum Thickener (RDT) is a sludge-thickening system that is setting new standards for volume reduction.The ThickTech commonly reduces sludges by 90% with a 98% capture rate. The system is quite compact and requires less floor space than other thickeners. It is economical to operate with low horsepower and water consumption.
A separate warm water intake structure was also installed near the 80-foot-deep end of one shore-crossing tunnel, and spool pieces connect that structure and the offshore HDPE pipe to the two tunnels constructed earlier. The tunnels ex tend about 500 feet onshore to the pump station which is now under construction. The system was expected to begin pumping ashore deep cold (38°F)and surface (76°F - 81°F) seawater by the end of July 2002. Daniel says OTEC has tremendous potential for large-scale energy generation in
The ThickTech increases digester capacity, reduces hauling costs
the future.
and can be used as a pre-thickener to increase capacity of other dewatering equipment.
There is growing interest in smaller diameter suction pipe lines for bringing ashore deep seawater for aquaculture and cooling applications, like the one at Keahole Point. The only existing example outside of NELHA is Cornell Uni versity's Lake Source Cooling Project, which cools the Uni versity campus by pumping cold water from 250 feet deep in Cayuga Lake through a two mile long, 63-inch HDPE pipeline, also designed by Makai Ocean Engineering. For more information,
Parkson Canada
Dorval,QC H9P 2M8 Tel.: 514-636-8712 Fax: 514-636-9718
circle reply card No. 165 54
Circle reply card No. 163 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
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The design/build process for water and wastewater infrastructure construction
The Design Build Institute of America describes
Design Build (DB) as a process, in which archi tectural/engineering and construction services are awarded under a single contract, thereby combin ing the vital roles of designer and constructor. Typically DB is a partnership between a professional engineering con sultant (designer of the works), and a contractor (construc tor of the works). DB continues to remain a popular method of delivering
capital works projects in Canada. The advantages of this process make it an attractive option for owners. Scheduling For works which must be constructed under precise time constraints, the DB process can substantially reduce the amount of time needed to complete preliminary engineer ing, design, and construction phases of the project, thereby
reducing the length of time from contract award to commis sioning of the works. Intricate and Challenging Works
Complex works that are to be constructed in uncertain and demanding site conditions, can take great advantage of the DB process. Compared to a conventional contractor, a Design Builder is given much more freedom to modify its design to fit unforeseen site conditions and meet other
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project-specific demands. Risk Transfer
The DB process transfers the risk associated with the de sign and functionality of the works from the Owner to the Design Builder. Although this may appear to be advanta geous to the Owner, it will undoubtedly result in unfavour ably high tender cost submissions. The Design Builder must include in its total contract price, the cost of potential risks associated with these uncertain conditions.
The Owner's Agent In most design build contracts, the Owner enters into a contract with a Project Manager(FM). The role of the PM is quite critical in delivering the works. Although, the PM represents the Owner, nonetheless, it has a delicate respon sibility to ensure that both the Owner and the Design Builder meet their contractual obligations. The PM must be both professional and fair. The PM's
primary role is to interpret the contract agreement to the best of its ability, and therefore, must also be impartial in its dealings regarding all contractual matters. The Design Build er's role is to design and construct the works, and the Own er's responsibility is to compensate the Design Builder in accordance with the contract terms and conditions.
The PM is responsible for delivering the project on time, and on budget, in each project phase including: • issuing Expressions of Interest(EOI)for the contract; •evaluating EOI submissions, and short listing a pre-determined number of DB teams based on a pre-determined set of evaluation criteria;
•issuing the Request for Proposal(REP)to these DB teams; • evaluating DBs' proposal submissions; • making recommendations to the Owner on contract award; • awarding the contract on behalf of the Owner; • executing the contract agreement between the Owner and the Design Build team; and • putting in place all procedures necessary to ensure deliv ery of a successful contract on time and on budget, includ ing contract administration, site inspections, quality control, etc.
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Although DB seems an ideal method to deliver capital works projects, it poses its own unique set of challenges and disadvantages. Project Control The Owner may be unenthusiastic about giving up con trol of the project especially during the detailed design phase. This legitimate concern can be resolved by writing these specific requirements in the REP document. This ensures that the Owner maintains control over some of the design aspects.
Higher Contract Price No Owner likes the extra risk associated with the un
known parts of the project(e.g. site conditions, soil quality, etc.) The Owner, therefore, would ideally like to transfer all unknown risks to the Design Builder. Often, DB con tracts include clauses such as: "All costs associated with
By Cam Vatandoust, P.Eng.* Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Design/Build dewatering are to be included in the Design Builder's total contract price." The DB team, in return, is forced to build in a "safety factor" into its contract price, in case unfavour able site conditions are encountered. This increases overall
contract price. Approvals Another important aspect of the DB contract is securing the necessary approvals to ensure on time completion of the project. This stage often proves to be the most critical as pect of any contract. In today's "environmentally sensitive" world, these approvals may vary from necessary comple tion of a Class EA Process,to obtaining approvals from vari ous Federal Agencies,such as Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency, and/or other numerous Provincial Ministries and Agencies. Actually, obtaining the green light to proceed with the project can often make the difference between a project on time and budget, and one which is late and has gone way over budget. Therefore, due to the sensitive nature of these approvals, all project stakeholders including the Owner,DB team, and the PM must work together to remedy any sensi
rate total cost for the works, the PM can request a "Total Cost" for the works. The "Total Cost" includes the Con
struction costs, as well as the Operational costs over the life of the works (e.g. 20 years). The Operational costs include such items as routine maintenance, energy and replacement parts. This not only gives the Owner a more accurate cost for the whole project, but also, causes the Design Builder to search for the most economical long-term solution, adding value to the works. In order to determine this "Total Cost", the PM should pre-set values for all con stants needed to calculate this in the RFP (e.g. cost of elec tricity per kWh,and unit cost of labour in dollars per manhour). This "Total Cost" should be used to compare all DB submissions.
A good PM is one who executes the contract fairly and without bias. This is the most critical way to ensure project success. Although many remain skeptical of aids such as conducting Partnering Workshops among all stakeholders, there is much value in bringing together different people with diverse agendas to achieve a common goal, a quality project on time and on budget.
tive situations, to ensure that the desired outcome is obtained.
Evaluation of the Proposals and Award Arguably, one of the most important parts of the PM's role on any DB project is evaluating the DB team submis sions, and making a recommendation on contract award to the Owner. This phase is extremely critical. In order for the evaluation process to be impartial, and without bias, all pro posal submissions must be evaluated against a pre-set evalu ation criterion. The Owner and the PM,prior to tender clos ing, must agree upon the evaluation criterion, so that poten tial post-tender uncertainties are minimized. A very common method of evaluating the DB submis sions is to divide the evaluation score into two parts: •Technical and design features; and •Total contract price.
*Cam Vatandoust, P.Eng., is a senior evaluations engineer with Ontario Ministry of the Environment in To ronto, specializing in water and sew age infrastructure. He is also an in structor at Ryerson University's Con tinuing Education division.
Protecting water quality isn't a choice. It's the law.
However, since the DB teams are free to choose their
own design, a good option for the PM is to hold confidential interviews with each finalist, and accept all the various de signs. This means that the PM's evaluation team may re quest the DB to modify its design to adhere to certain pref erences and/or requirements posed by the Owner. Once the Owner and the PM have deemed all the designs acceptable, then, the PM can obtain quotations from each team based on the requested modifications. The PM, then, is free to award to the lowest bidder without any conflict with respect to the diversity of the submitted designs. Also, in order to ensure that the Owner receives an accu-
ew and existing government regulations clearly outline mandatory sampling schedules and set limits for radioactive elements in water.
Since 1982, Becquerel Laboratories has been satisfying the radiological requirements of clients in the environmental and mining sectors. Using a consultative approach, we provide reliable, cost-effective analysis for: • MMER requirements on Radium-226
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Guest Comment
Ratifying the Kyoto accord makes me yawn
People are delighted, cynical, hoiTified and otherwise startled
that Jean Chretien suddenly said Canada will ratify the Kyoto Accord on global warming. Some predict the salvation of Mother Earth;
the 1990 level of 601 megatonnes. These emissions have grown enor mously since 1990, so reaching the Kyoto target would require unprec edented, long-term efficiency gains, or
others the demolition of brother Alberta.
I say chill out, folks. Nothing will hap
These emissions have
I don't dispute that implementing Kyoto would be economically disas trous. Nor do I dispute that it would hit Alberta hardest(though not by as much as people think, given the misery it would cause everywhere) and might provoke a fatal crisis in Canadian fed eralism. I do dispute that implementing it would work, but leave that for another
day. The point is, Kyoto won't have any effects, economic or political, until you
find a way to try to implement it. So what exactly is it that the government proposes to do? I know it wants to reduce Canada's
emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to 565 megatonnes, six per cent below
grown enormously since 1990, so reaching the Kyoto target would require unprecedented, long-term efficiency gains, or roughly a one-third drop in living
mits that, if you have any brains, are tradable,so the relentless quest for prof its ensures maximum GDP output per unit of GHG output. But what, techni cally as well as legally, would such per mits convey permission to do? Emit a certain weight of GHGs each year? How do you know how much someone is emitting? How do we know what Cana da's emissions were in 1990,or are now?
We don't. This newspaper alone {Ottawa
Citizen) has given figures of 682, 726, 694 and 705 megatonnes in stories over the past three years, while economist William Watson implied this spring it's now 768.
Such imprecision is a waming. Theo retically you'd need point-source meas urements because unlike, say, sulphur standards. dioxide, the main GHGs are also pro duced naturally, in quantities that dwarf human output.Think someone measured roughly a one-third drop in living stand the output offumes from every factory, ards. How does it plan to force one or gas lawnmower and forest fire in the other of these outcomes(or a mix of Canada? Hoo hah. They made wildly heroic assumptions. Also wildly inac the two)? The standard answer is emission per curate.
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For more information, circie repiy card No. 158 (See page 25)
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Guest Comment
right to send 100 tonnes of GHGs up your smokestack per year just gives the dishonest businessman an edge on his rivals without reducing global warming. What about a proxy system of sell-
We now know that hydro power, os tensibly GHG-free, generates lots of methane from rotting vegetation trapped by dams and that methane is a far worse greenhouse baddie than carbon dioxide.
but the system wouldn't know the dif ference. Worse, major sources like dams and cows don't burn fuel, nor do the
garbage dumps that may account for half the methane we emit. So we need seven
proxies for this, eight for that, and a par tridge in a pear tree. In the end, you'd get an immensely costly rearrangement of our economic life to comply with paper requirements that are a pitifully poor proxy for the problem we're try ing to solve. Trae, some other regula tory schemes work equally badly, but the cost here would be so high the public
How much worse? Environmental re
porter Greg Easterbrook says about 30 times; the Globe & Mail two years ago quoted the New Scientist that it's 20 times. But even if you could monitor and reduce methane from dams,if you don't know whether it's cost-efficient to trade
off one kilo of it against 30, or just 20, kilos of CO,, you'll close lots of fossilfuel power plants and build hydro ones at huge cost but possibly no reduction
would revolt.
or even an increase in GHGs.
If you're asking the public to risk a huge drop in living standards, you have to be more precise. But you just can't put hundreds of millions of monitors around the country to track all the CO,,
Rotting vegetation trapped underwater by hydro dams produces large quanti ties of methane gas.
The government has made its sup porters happy, and itself smug, by pa rading its noble intentions. But it will never even try to implement the treaty. Alberta won't separate, the economy won't tank. Nothing will happen. There's no "how" there.
CH^ and other bugbears. Imagine the energy cost of manufacturing, placing and servicing a monitor on every bar becue,chimney and car. And what about factory-farmed cattle, a major source of methane? Do you monitor them? And how? What's more, if everyone knows you can't monitor emissions, selling the
ing permits to bum a certain amount of fuel, using the conventional heroic as sumptions about how many kilos of vari ous GHGs you get by buming a litre of gas, propane and so on? Such a system would lead clever entrepreneurs to
John Robson is Senior Editorial Writer
economize on litres of fuel consumed,
and Columnist at the Ottawa Citizen.
not emissions per litre offuel consumed,
Copyright the Ottawa Citizen.
By John Robson, Ottawa Citizen
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For more information, circle reply card No. 159 (See page 25)
For more information, circle reply card No. 160 (See page 25)
Flood Control
Why sustainable drainage is urgently needed Serious floods are Increasing around the globe
The day the Pope left Toronto in August,an inten
storms. It collects stormwater from roofs and drives in a
sive storm caused serious flooding in Toronto.
prefabricated storage facility. A simple control unit regu
Since then we have seen massive floods in Eu
lates the inflow and outflow of water so that run-off is re
rope, China, Russia and other countries. Lis Stedman,EPS special correspondent, UK,writes that draining urban areas so that run-off mimics nature instead of providing shock floods is becoming a pressing issue given the increasing frequency of storms throughout the world. But this is a complex issue. Sustainable urban drainage sys tems - or SUDs for short - can potentially provide a solution for a key climate change effect such as flooding caused by increased rainfall. As SUDs mimic nature in enabling wa ter to sink into the ground rather than running off imperme able surfaces into rivers or drains, they are seen as a way of ameliorating an otherwise intractable problem. In the United Kingdom, the government has provided
leased into the traditional drainage system at a controlled rate.
AquaCell is also intended to aid stormwater control - this consists of 1.0m by 0.5m by 0.4m modules made from re cycled polypropylene, in a matrix framework that gives a void to solid ratio of 95 to five per cent. The units clip together in layers to provide a robust infiltration basin that can be wrapped with a permeable geotextile to permit con trolled release of water or an impermeable geomembrane so that it becomes a sealed storage unit. For more information contact CIRIA at www.ciria.org.uk, or Wavin Plastics at www.wavin.co.uk
impetus in the form of the publication Development and Flood Risks which provides planning guidance that backs the use of SUDs. The government's recent periodic report TN3,on climate change, also suggests that SUDs should be given greater consideration. The water industry in England and Wales is keen to get the issues resolved at the outset, in case the government is
obliged to step in to say who will clean up pollution. The Water Framework Directive adds another dimension to the
complicated picture of responsibility but the water industry is at pains to stress that it views SUDs positively, while stress ing that implementation must be thought through carefully. With SUDs very much a live issue, UK companies are coming up with innovative solutions that are leading the world in providing sustainable drainage solutions. The Con struction Industry Research Association (CIRIA)is a major player in research into SUDs. CIRlA's new SUDs website (www.ciria.org.uk/suds) runs through the different types of SUDs available and gives advice on their use. There is also a glossary of terms and case studies. One example is Wessex Water's headquarters in Bath, westem England,that uses permeable paving in the car parks, porous blocks that filter through to soakaways and perme able grass paviors through which run-off filters into pipes and a storage tank. A swale runs down the western edge of the site and this also drains to the main storage tank. Water from the tank is pumped back to soakaways at the top of the site and also feeds an ornamental water feature. Roof run-off and treated
grey water are stored in three intermediate tanks and this water is used to flush toilets. CIRIA is providing specific technical guidance in its research project 637 called Source Control Using Constructed Pervious Surfaces - Hydraulic and Structure Performance.
Some manufacturers are producing systems to help house builders who need to reduce run-off so that they can build on sensitive plots of land. Wavin Plastics has introduced a new stormwater system,Garastor, to complement its awardwinning AquaCell stormwater control system. From a con cept developed by Bryant Homes, Garastor uses the space under garages as a storage area for excess water during 60
AquaCell system being installed beneath the surface of what will become a carpark in a housing development. Photo: Wavin Plastics
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Book Review
Environmental Toxicology-a new textbook Jf Environmental Toxicology is a mJ comprehensive introductory M ' textbook designed for under-
fessor Wright has published more than 100 journal articles, primarily on the physiology of ionic regulation and the
M ^ graduate and graduate stu dents of this subject. Its authors are David A. Wright and Pamela Welboum. The text is arranged in four tiers and covers most aspects of environmental toxicology, from the molecular to the ecosystem level. Early chapters deal with basic and advanced concepts, meth ods, and approaches for environmental toxicology. The next tier ofchapters dis cusses the environmental toxicology of individual substances or groups of sub stances. The third tier of chapters ad dresses complex issues that incorporate and integrate many of the concepts, ap proaches, and substances covered in the first two tiers. The fourth part includes chapters on risk assessment, rehabilita tion, and regulatory toxicology. A final chapter discusses areas of study for cur rent and future emphasis. Throughout the book concise case studies from Europe, the United King dom, and North America illustrate the
indigenous species. He holds a D.Sc. degree from the University of Newcas tle upon Tyne. Pamela Welboum is a professor at Queen's University, previously a profes sor at Trent University, and former di rector of the Institute for Environmen
tal Studies and a professor at the Uni versity of Toronto. She was the first woman to be appointed Director of the Institute. Professor Welboum has pub
Environmental toxicology
DbvhI A. VVrioht(nd PaniolA Wolbojin
lished more than 150 articles in scien
uptake, toxicology, and physiology of trace metals in aquatic organisms. In recent years, he has developed an inter est in the dispersion and control of non-
tific joumals including Nature, Environ mental Science and Technology, the Canadian Journal of Eisheries and Aquatic Sciences, and Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry and has con tributed to ten scholarly books on as pects of the environmental toxicology of inorganic substances. Environmental Toxicology, April 2002. Authors: David A. Wright and Pamela Welboum. Hardback(Order No. 0-521-58151-6)US $150.00;Paperback (Order No.0-521-58860-X)US $55.00. Call Cambridge University Press at: (212)924-3900, extSlO.
issues. Each chapter has a comprehen sive list of references and further read
ing, as well as student exercises that are designed to reinforce the subject matter. Environmental Toxicology is primarily
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Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For more information, circie reply card No. 168 (See page 25)
Air Pollution
Fossil tests now show that computers have underestimated climate change
Conclusions about global
warming and how to re spond to it are largely based upon predictions from com puter models. Scientists at the Open University in the United Kingdom and
elsewhere - who have used data from
at least, the predictions which some ad visors to the United States government and others regard as exaggerated and unfounded may in fact represent con siderable underestimates of the amount
of global warming which will be caused
by excessive CO^ emissions today.
fossils to check computer simulations of temperatures in the late cretaceous pe
The late cretaceous period was one
riod (65 - 100 million years ago)- have Data from fossil leaves shows that the
best computer models available substan tially underestimate the warming that
had on the climate then would be very valuable as an aid to predicting what effects increased CO,emissions caused
lower than they in fact were, as a consequence of the greenhouse effect.
tres of continents, as a result ofincreased
carbon dioxide(CO^)in the atmosphere causing a "greenhouse" effect. They imply that, for large areas of the world
in which atmospheric CO^ concentra
BBC World Service
Obviously, being able to discover what effects high CO, concentrations
in the centres of continents would be much
can be caused in inland areas in the cen
By John Newell,
below it.
Fossil leaf data shows that in greenhouse eras the models predicted that the winter temperatures
found that the models are unreliable.
former science editor,
of a greenhouse effect caused by CO,in the atmosphere trapping the sun's heat
tions were high, as a consequence of in creased volcanic emissions. Earth ap pears to have been much warmer than at present, probably as a consequence
SANITHERM ENGINEERING LIIVIITED Package Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Worldwide
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For more Information, circle reply card No. 170 (See page 25)
Air Pollution
of continents during previous warm pe riods. Similar to tree rings, the shapes of fossil leaves are strongly related to the mean annual temperature when the plant grew. But the problem has been finding good, well-preserved assem blages of such leaves. An international team led by Profes sor Robert Spicer, of the Open Univer sity, with Professor Paul Valdes, of Reading University, both in southern England - with colleagues in Russia, Sweden and the Czech Republic - lo
Surface Air Temperature (in C)
Dec 18
cated such a site, in the Vilui basin in
Central Russia, at the centre of the large Eurasian landmass.
In 1999, a major international expe msmm
dition visited the area and collected fos
sil leaves and other geological evidence of climate change. The leaves from the Vilui basin, along with some existing museum collections, were analysed us ing the Climate Leaf Multivariate Pro gramme(CLAMP,for short). The analysis yielded a picture of a warm and wet continental interior dur
ing the late cretaceous period. The cli mate in what is now central Russia was
mild, with winter temperatures hardly falling below freezing. The average tem perature in the coldest winter month was about 5.1° Celsius. These results were
compared with the climate at the same period in the same area as predicted by the Hadley Centre Climate Model, the most advanced climate prediction model. This predicts that the winter tem peratures in the Vilui basin in the late
A global view of Surface Air Temperatures nental interiors, conditions much more
extreme than the geological data (from fossil leaves)suggests. This must be un derstood before we can have full confi
dence in future global warming predic tions for regional climates," said Profes sor Spicer and the other authors of the research report. The models that have been used to
cretaceous time would have been well below zero - about minus 20 to minus
12° C.
The same kind of disagreement is found when the predictions from other computer models are compared with the results from leaf analysis. It is also found when the same kind of compari son is made between computer model predictions and fossil leaf data in pre dicting the climate in the interiors of all continents during other periods when the atmosphere was rich in CO, - often called greenhouse worlds. The big differences between the pre dictions from computer models and the results from fossil leaf analysis are only
are broadly in agreement. "A strong characteristic of all paleoclimatic (ancient climate) models is that for greenhouse worlds such as the mid-cretaceous they predict cold conti-
For more information, contact e-
mail: r.a.spicer@open.ac.uk
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found in the interiors of continents, not in coastal areas where models and data
predict climate change and global warm ing in today's global greenhouse may have underestimated the greenhouse ef fect. This likely underestimate should be taken into account in today's interna tional decision-making, as well as act ing as a driving force for more research.
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Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
For more information, circle reply card No. 171 (See page 25)
Groundwater Monitoring
Satellites can peer underground to monitor aquifer levels
Satellite data wil soon enable
researchers to measure changes in groundwater levels. The new technique, using National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) satellites, may prove vital for the management of water resources for agriculture, other human water needs and wildlife. Many of the world's aqui fer levels are now monitored with
ground-based wells, a labour and equip ment intensive approach that offers in complete coverage.
The new technique may prove vital for the management of water resources for agriculture, other human water needs and wildlife.
NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to monitor groundwater. The GRACE mission, launched in
The replenishment of underground aquifers-groundwater recharge-is also difficult to monitor using the groundbased approach. With the satellite in formation, all large underground water
March 2002, will map variations in the Earth's gravity field. These gravitational variations come from measurements of
changes in the distribution of the Earth's mass, which includes all water storage
sources can be measured with reason
sources, such as oceans, lakes, rivers,
able accuracy, providing important data that can help address worldwide water shortages, and perhaps locate new aq
ice, soil water and aquifers. Initial
Famiglietti and Rodell are the only hydrologists to work on the GRACE project. They have developed a math ematical model to isolate groundwater information from overall water storage
University of California at Irvine hydrologist James Famiglietti,and Mat thew Rodell of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, will be using data from
GRACE data will be available later this year.
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"The prospect of satellite-based monitoring of groundwater is intriguing because most other satellites only moni tor Earth's surface. GRACE provides us with an exciting opportunity to re motely observe processes beneath the
For more information, circie repiy card No. 172 (See page 25)
global view of changes in water stor age," Famiglietti said. "Many regions of the world are experiencing a water crisis that is better attributed to manage ment policies than to scarcity of water. Any new and objective method for monitoring the availability of water re sources will be valuable for assessing future development and sustainability." For more information on GRACE:
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or season to season.
surface and to construct a simultaneous,
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data. Their findings appear in the June 10 issue of the Journal ofHydrology. "It has been nearly impossible in the past to accurately measure the changes in underground water storage," said Famiglietti. "GRACE presents a break through not only as a means to measure these changes, but provides researchers with a way to understand how and why these changes take place, which has sig nificant implications for water resources management." Famiglietti noted that it will not be possible to measure the absolute mass of groundwater storage, only the changes in mass either from year to year
www.csr.utexas.edu/grace/ or essp.gsfc. nasa.gov/grace/
Environmental Science
Engineering, September 2002
Literature Review For information on advertising in this section call ES&E at(905)727-4666. Peristaltic chemical and
sludge pumps
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hot or cold water distribution, come complete with bonded poiyurethane foam and polyethylene jacket. Sup plied in coils, these flexible systems allow reduction in number of joints and elbows. Complete selection of brass compression fittings available. Visit our web site for more informa tion: www.urecon.com.
York Fluid Controls Ltd.
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Circle reply card No. 200
Circle reply card No. 201
Solving monitoring and control applications
Danfoss analytical meters
Arjay Engineering Ltd. manufactures
capacitance level instrumentation, ppm oil/water monitors and detection
equipment for combustible and toxic gas. Arjay instruments are highly respected for their 30 years of re search and design expertise in solv ing monitoring and control applica
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Pre-engineered pump and monitoring packages
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Metcon offers a variety of pre-engineered,fabricated metering and con trol packages, as well as design and fabrication of custom systems. Pack aged panels are corrosion resistant, pre-engineered, pre-packaged,com pletely self-contained packages with chemical metering pumps, all neces sary piping, appurtenances and fit tings assembled and tested. Premounted packages are a cost-effec tive way of ensuring reliable systems. Metcon Sales & Engineering Circle reply card No. 206
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Membrane technology for ZENON's ZenoGemÂŽ bioreactor
system can retrofit any existing wastewater treatment facility, im mediately Increasing capacity by up to four times. The system In corporates Immersed membrane technology, which assures biomass retention, resulting In a high quality effluent, suitable for direct reuse or discharge. ZENON Environmental inc.
Circle reply card No. 207
Product and Service Showcase Concrete Pipe Handbook
Reducing hydrogen sulflde from gas and air streams
Dissolved air flotation system
ADI Intemational Inc. announces a new ad
The latest edition of the Concrete Pipe Handbook,a comprehensive coiiection of theories, formulas and aids for designing concrete pipe systems, is available from the American Concrete Pipe Association. Now in its fifth printing, the handbook has been updated to include information on Standard Installation using Indirect De sign. American Concrete Pipe Assoc. Circle reply card No. 208
Measurement solutions
ONDEO Degremont presents a new
solution for the clarification of surface
coated filter media, up to 99.99% of H,S is
and ground water, especially with cold water and water with high TOG or col our. The simple yet very effective AquaDAF™ system provides operating rates unequalled by conventional flota tion technologies. It enables an excel lent algae, Ciyptosporidium and Giardia removal without requiring polymer in most applications. ONDEO Degremont
removed. With a one minute contact time,
concentrations as high as 30,000 ppm have been reduced to below 1 ppm. MEDIA
G2® is capable of multiple regenerations without chemicals or backwashing. ADI can provide complete systems to meet any size need. ADI International
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Circle reply card No. 210
Versatile level monitor
Amperometric chlorine analyzer
Milltronics' Multi-
Do you need to ensure high qual ity, reduce operating costs and comply with envi ronmental regula
Ranger ultrasonic level monitor has
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instruments and applications, as well as installation tips and techniques for best results. Siemens Milltronics instruments set the standard for level measurement
with innovative technology and strong technical support. Siemens Milltronics
Circle reply card No. 211
Engineering Guide
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easy-to-read re source for opera
lated industries about level measurement
wastewater, min
tions? This is an
tors of water dis
sorption process for the reduction of hy drogen sulfide from gas and air streams. With MEDIA G2®, the company's pat
pulp and paper, food, and other
process industiies. The new-generation MultiRanger has additional features and functions for enhanced performance, greater versatility and unsurpassed reliabil ity for short- to medium-range applications up to 15 metres. It offers digital commu nications, and the latest technology fea tures in a cost-effective package. Siemens Milltronics
The FX-lOOOp can read from low PPB ranges to as high as 50 PPM without di lution (higher ranges with dilution varimeter panel). It is unaffected by high turbidity or extremely high and low pH swings. The EX-lOOOp uses ordinary food grade,5% distilled white vinegar as a pH buffer, which is non-toxic, non-haz ardous, cheap and available at any gro cery store. Cancoppas Limited
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For many years,Armtec has stretched your design dollar with its range of soil steel structures including Multi-Plate and Su per-Span. Keeping pace with the need to provide economical bridge solutions, Armtec offers Bridge-Plate structures for larger installations. Bridge-Plate has the deepest and strongest corrugation in the market today,enabling long span soil steel structures to be designed and built more economically than ever before. Armtec Circle reply card No. 215
Armtec is a leader in twin-wall HDPE
pipe systems through the BOSS product line. BOSS products are used in gravity storm sewers,culverts and, using the bell and gasket POLYTITE products, in grav ity sanitary sewers. Armtec is moving to full CSA certification for the complete BOSS product line. Armtec
Circle reply card No. 216
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Product and Service Showcase MAGFLO® magnetic flow
Drive solutions for water
and wastewater
Problem solving lubes
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drives ensure reduced energy consump tion, improved throughput and a reduc tion in chemical usage. For water sup ply systems, the drives reduce water leak ages, bursts and maintenance costs.
Lubrication Engineers have solved the toughest lubrication problems at wastewater treatment plants worldwide. Elimi nation of foaming and water emulsification in comminutors, grinders, clarifier gearboxes, filter press hydraulics and lightning mixers. Significant reduction in operating temperatures and electricity consumption, in aeration blowers, influ ent pumps, speed reducers and air com pressors. Lubrication Engineers
Davis Controls Limited
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The MAGFLO® Magnetic Flow Meter from Danfoss is easy to install, easy to commission, easy to service, highly de pendable; it offers simplicity that saves you money for years to come. The MAGFLO® 3100 comes with either Neo-
For more than 30 years Danfoss has dem onstrated leadership in water manage ment with a host of measurable benefits. For wastewater treatment the VLT®
Circle reply card No. 217
Circle reply card No. 218
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Circle reply card No. 219
Environmental services
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StdfltfiC ments of environ ST Epoxy is a two component, fast dry ing, surface tolerant liquid epoxy coat ing for application directly onto wire brushed rusty steel. ST Epoxy's penetra tion and adhesive properties ensure pro tection against a wide variety of exposed
We supply Package Water and Sewage Treatment Plants worldwide. The Pack
ment, buildings, industrial, transportation and urban land, from over 40 locations principally in North America. Environmental engineer ing services include municipal and indus
Circle reply card No. 220
age Plant concept is a low cost, odourless plant, achieving a high degree of treat ment. It is economical,easy to install and operate, reliable, fulfills regulatory re quirements and is ideal for any location unable to connect to municipal sewer sys tems. Sanitherm Engineering Ltd. Circle reply card No. 221
bution, pumping and storage and general municipal engineering. A full range of environmental management services is also provided. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Circle reply card No. 222
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Series Stormceptor system
Introducing the N-Pumps!
environments such as water/sea water, acids and alkalis. It can be used alone or
in combination with other topcoats for long-term protection of structural steel, and more. Denso North America
coupled with cus
ceptor System em-
tomer demands
ploys the same prin ciples of operation as
mn-off from an area
of up to 0.30 ha, the Inlet Stormceptor has inherited the in
ternal by-pass function, ensuring that all sediment and oil removed from storm-
water run-off remains trapped within the storage chamber,even during peak flows. There are cun-ently more than 4,500 units installed throughout North America. Stormceptor Canada Inc. Circle reply card No. 223
field trials have
the well-known In
line Interceptors. Developed to treat
industrial water treatment, water distri
Years of research
The Inlet Storm-
trial wastewater treatment, wastewater
collection and pumping, municipal and
Developed for the treatment of larger catchment areas, the new Series Storm
ceptor system employs the same operat ing principles as the well-known Inline and Inlet Stonnceptor systems. The sys tem receives flow from a single inlet pipe and splits it into two distinct streams, which are treated in two separate treatment chambers before recombining into a sin gle outlet pipe. It effectively doubles the treatment area of the inline system. Stormceptor Canada Inc. Circle reply card No. 224
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
produced a revo lutionary new pump design that combines high ef ficiency with Flygt's clog-free performance. The N-Pump series feature a radical new hydraulic end design which ensures efficient, clog-free, and troublefree pumping over extended periods. The result is improved operational economy due to less downtime,dramatically reduc ing the total life cost of the installation. ITTFlygt Circle reply card No. 225 67
Product and Service Showcase Biological removal of iron and
Submersible pumping/mixing
manganese We have
making submers ible pumps since 1948, when we introduced
world's first sub
ONDEO Degremont offers an ecological and economical solution for removing iron and manganese from groundwater. The Ferazuf'^ Mangazur''''^ system uses the natural microorganisms already present in water to oxidize Fe and Mn. The innovativeness and performance of the system has been recognized by the 2001 Technological Innovation Award of the Ministere des Ajfaires Municipales, QC. ONDEO Degremont Circle reply card No. 226
mersible designed for pumping con taminated water.
Over the years,
Mo Graw II
ible pumping/mixing equipment and fluid handling technology. ITT Flygt Circle reply card No. 227
McGraw-Hill is a leading publisher of Environmental and Civil Engineering books and products. Our authors are in ternational experts and provide critical insights on environmental issues, devel opments and trends. Browse our new online catalogue for product information at: www.McGrawHill.ca/tpm. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Circle reply card No. 228
Filter underdrains
Digital communication
our name has come to stand for efficient,
versatile products of the highest quality and we have remained at the forefront of
development. Our designs, patents, and technical innovations have made us the
world's leading manufacturer ofsubmers
^Itss to have and to hold 'till
death parts your parts! Only Canadian Welding Bureau certified
Parkson has introduced a new underdrain
design for traveling bridge filters. The SmartCelE'^ system eliminates most of
Auma's 2-wire digital communication keeps the customer in control. Commu nication protocols such as Modbus, DeviceNet and Profibus are very com plex and have been developed by the best computer communication minds in the industry. They allow the exchange of
fabricators weld to CSA standards W47.1
the field labour associated with the in
for steel and stainless steels and W47.2
stallation of the filter underdrain. Indi
for aluminum. Assure the integrity of the products you specify, use and maintain. Make sure that all your welded products are manufactured by a Canadian Weld
vidual cell modules are completely shop assembled, including the installation of porous plates. The system eliminates many of the difficulties inherent in field assembly of the traditional underdrain. Parkson Corporation
e.g. actuators, sensors and controls, as required for the automation of control led processes. Troy-Ontor Inc.
Circle reply card No. 229
Circle reply card No. 230
Circle reply card No. 231
Toshiba magnetic flowmeter technology
Dissolved oxygen
ing Bureau certified fabricator. MSU Mississauga Ltd.
For wastewater and .
sistance to slurry noise via patented noise suppressor cir cuit; extremely sta ble zero via patented
drinking water treat ment, Liquisys M dis solved oxygen trans
mitter and sensor pro- ,
multi divided sam HHT HART com
HEC-RAS allows water level results read back into our 12D model. A water level
surface is automatically created and ready for presentation, plans production and further analysis. XP Software Circle reply card No. 232 68
Features include: re
pling technique; Create a HEC-RAS model directly from a Digital Terrain Model (12D) and cre ate inundation maps from the results. Complete integration between 12D and
information between devices in the field,
munications; wide
range power supply; 80-265 Vac; multi
functional converter; digital input con trol; large wiring terminals; empty pipe alarm; coated circuit boards for high re liability; surface mount circuit boards provide resistance to vibration. These and many other features have a 5 year war ranty. Cancoppas Limited
Circle reply card No. 233
vides a simple and safe ' system which is modu lar in design and can be adapted to a wide range of customer needs. The system consists of transmit ter either in field housing or panel mounted,and a sensor. Optional air clean ing systems are also available. Features include: calibration and display in mg/1, ppb or % saturation; measuring signal check for plausibility and stability. Com munication is via HART,or Profibus PA and DP. Endress -i- Hauser
Circle reply card No. 234
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Product and Service Showcase Waterloo Biofliter®
Layfleid and Grit Industries Align Layfield Geosynthetics & Industrial Fab rics Ltd. and Grit Industries have an nounced a strate
Waterloo Biofilters are efficient, modu lar trickling filters for residential and communal sewage wastewaters, and landfill leachate. Patented, lightweight, synthetic filter media optimize physical properties for microbial attachment and water retention. The self-contained
modular design for communal use is now available in 20,000L/d and 40,000L/d ISO shipping container units - ready to
plug in on-site. They have long-term ro bustness,low maintenance,remote moni toring, and small space requirements. Waterloo Biofilter Systems
Enclosures Summit™ Structures is the ultimate
building solution for construction or en vironmental projects requiring a rapidly deployed, relocatable, and affordable en-
gic alliance that will provide the
ment for building applications in cluding; biosolids processing/odor
Canadian oil &
gas sectors with new solutions for economical secondaiy containment. This new alliance will see
Layfield market Grit Industries' unique G 55 modular interlocking steel contain ment system.The Grit product will be offered alongside Layfield's extensive geomembrane (liners) product line. Layfield also offers installations and tech nical support for the G 55 Containment System. Layfield Geosynthetics Circle reply card No. 236
control, soil excavation/remediation, site reclamation/containment, materials stor
age/separation, wastewater/water treat ment and winter construction enclosure.
Full installation, design-build/project management services are available for our buildings, both pre-engineered or custom ized, in 30' - 260' widths and any length. Summit Structures
Circle reply card No. 235
EMSL Analytical Inc. EMSL now has 21
closure. Maintain a controlled environ
Circle reply card No. 237
Conditions Investigations of HDPE Pipe In-Service Report
The American Concrete
nationwide loca
tions in the US and in the last three
years has seen a major expansion into Microbiologi cal Analyses. Staff
Pipe Association : (ACPA) has released a report on the condition of HDPE pipe in-serv: ice in six states in the
EPCOR's extensive operational experi ence with water and wastewater provides
of the laboratories
U.S. The report, pre pared by Wiss, Janney,
in New York City
Elstner Associates,Inc., Northbrook,111.,
and Westmont in
reviews the performance associated with large diameter HDPE culvert and cross drains. The 64 page report includes ta bles, graphs and 45 full-colour photo graphs. For a copy of the report, contact
Some products and services include: UV Disinfection, Remote Monitoring and Response, Capital Planning, Infrastruc ture Assessment/Repair, and Water Laboratory Services.
the ACPA Resource Centre, 800-2902272. Nonmember cost: $18.00 (U.S.) ps&h. American Concrete Pipe Asso
clude Mycologists and Microbiologists with PhDs. Mold
testing includes tape samples, bulk samples, agar plate samples and analysis of air cassettes. EMSL Analytical Inc. Circle reply card No. 238
customers with solutions that minimize
costs and optimize system performance.
Visit www.epcor.ca to learn more.
Circle reply card No. 240
Circle reply card No. 239
Artificial Neural Network
Certified manufacturers of
HDPE corrugated pipe and resin Input
Artificial Neurons
EPCOR's Artificial Neural Network
(ANN)software program is a form of ar tificial intelligence that simulates the hu man brain's aptitude for problem solving. Traditional tools are too simplistic to yield the accurate,fast results needed for water
treatment. ANN allows operators to react quickly to changing conditions while at the same time minimizing costs and optimizing water treatment plant perform ance. Please visit www.epcor.ca to learn more about ANN and other EPCOR prod ucts and services. EPCOR
Circle reply card No. 241
Check out www.cppa-info.org for the growing list of manufacturers of corru gated high density polyethylene(HDPE) pipe and/or resin that have successfully had their products certified via a thirdparty testing program initiated by the Plastics Pipe Institute(PPI). The PPI pipe certification program tests for the mate rial, dimensional, and physical perform ance properties as specified in AASHTO
Memcor® mlcroflltratlon A new brochure fo cuses on the benefits of
microfiltration sys tems, a very efficient water treatment proc
ess. The systems eas ily exceed drinking water quality standards. A chlorine toler ant membrane is now available as an op tion. The Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF)membrane can be applied to pre-
M294/MP7 for 12-inch
oxidized feeds,filtration offeeds contain
to 60-inch pipe. PPI is the major trade associa tion representing all segments of the plastic pipe industry. Plastics (fieo Pipe Institute Circle reply card No. 242
ing high iron or manganese, or a ferricbased coagulated feed. Memcor® con
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
tinuous microfiltration skid mounted and
submerged systems have been successful in over 700 installations around the world. USEilter
Circle reply card No. 243 69
Product and Service Showcase Media for arsenic removal
The GFH system from
General Filter Prod
ucts is an adsorption process capable of removing arsenic and other heavy metals from raw water supplies. The process uti lizes a ferric-based, non-regenerative me dia to absorb arsenic, selenium, antimony, chromium and other heavy metals from drinking water. Like other adsorption processes, the water is simply passed through the media to remove the contami nants. Once the media has depleted its adsorption capacity it is removed from the vessel and additional media is installed.
A new brochure has recently been pub lished discussing the GFH systems fea tures and benefits. USFilter
New literature dis
Designed for fall-through protection and for control of confined space entry, the new Safe-Hatch is a very versatile ac cess cover. Used for new or retrofit pumping stations, the Safe-Hatch provides op timum security for working personnel, trouble-free service and easy installation. The rugged aluminum secondary safety grate is rated to withstand a live load of 14.36 kpa (300 psf) and is locked sepa rate from the main
door, allowing lim ited
safety for mainte nance personnel. When opened, it creates a physical barrier to further pro tect workers. FFT Flygt
Circle reply card No. 244
Circle reply card No. 245
Extensive filter parts supply
Site monitoring over cellphone
USFilter has
Total biosolids management
ITT Flygt launches the
brought to gether ad
in the biosolids
market, from thickening and di gestion through dewatering, dry ing, composting, incineration, and biosolids handling and odour control as a fully integrated system. Countless mu nicipalities use USFilter technologies to produce Class A and Class B biosolids,
which meet the "part 503 rule" of the U.S. EPA Code of Federal Regulations. USFilter
Circle reply card No. 246
Stainless flange adapter Victaulic now offers stainless
steel flange adapters to di rectly incorpo
vanced tech
nologies in the
cusses USFilter's
solutions, systems integration capa bility and service
treatment industry. USFilter is al.so the premier supplier of the high-quality ba sic components for rehabilitation of grav ity filters and other systems. Filtration components include monolithic and block style underdrains, washtroughs and launders, in-bed air wash grid systems, surface washers, standard and custom
controls, a wide range of filter media and other components. USFilter can provide filter evaluations and on-site technical di rection and labour. Both materials and la
bour are guaranteed. USFilter Circle reply card No. 247
Oil Gator
ProTalk Cv2 combines alarm reporting and cellphone operation into one com pact package. Count on getting quick and reliable alarm status reports. Site moni toring features include: analog inputs; digital inputs; totalizers; timers. Site con trols include: emergency shutdown; pumps; lights; and heaters.
flange compo nents with ANSI Class 150 bolt hole pat terns into grooved stainless steel piping systems. Style 441 flange adapter features integral end tabs to speed assembly and Grade CF8M (316 equivalent) stainless construction to resist corrosion. Adapter is offered in 2", 2-1/2", 3",4" and 6" sizes
for working pressures ranging from 125 PSI (865 kPa) to 275 PSI (1896 kPa). Both Grade E and Grade T gaskets are available. Victaulic Company of Canada
Can-Am Instruments
Circle reply card No. 248
Circle reply card No. 249
Reduce sludge up to 90-i-%
Flow management
HETEK Solutions Inc. is a leader in me
Oil Gator is an "All Natural" biocatalyst. It will bioremediate hydrocarbon con tamination problems quickly and cost ef ficiently. It is simply mixed into the con taminated soil and left to break down the
hydrocarbon. Cleanup usually takes about 120 days. Oil Gator was recently used to clean up a 1,500,000 litre crude oil spill. For before and after pictures and the consultant's report contact oilgator@vip.net. Gator International. Circle reply card No. 250 70
The Enhanced Solids Reduction (ESR)
process features a novel aeration/condi tioning device that aggressively modifies the waste in such a way that it develops a coefficient of decay significantly higher than conventional systems. This in creased efficiency permits a small-foot print plant that costs less to install and operate, uses no chemicals, eliminates odours and is very quiet. PWI Inc. Circle reply card No. 251
ter verification programs with more than 20 years of practical experience. We are able to supply all of the necessary equip ment and expertise required to prove a meter to applicable standards and at com petitive prices. HETEK provides you with a single point responsibility, saving you the time and money of "shopping around" and then coordinating efforts of multiple suppliers and installation con tractors. HETEK
Circle reply card No. 252
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Product and Service Showcase Environmental service
T Series™ solids handling pumps
New pump doubles impeller and wearplate life Gorman-Rupp
Canada Ltd., has in
troduced the Super T Series''^' of self-
priming centrifugal pumps. Based on the T Series solids-han
Because Gorman-Rupp T Series™ pumps HETEK Solutions Inc. is a leading pro vider of environmental investigative and remedial .services in Canada. We have
formed strategic alliances that fully en able the company to provide enhanced services in the areas of AirAVaste Ap provals and Compliance Reviews. Regu latory changes are constant as all gov ernments are mandated to improve the quality of our ecosystem. HETEK Circle reply card No. 253
Circle reply card No. 254
dling trash pumps, the new Super T Se ries is said to double impeller and wearplate life to decrease downtime and keep the pump operating at maximum ef ficiency. External shimless wearplate ad justment for easy maintenance of the clearance between the impeller and wearplate results in the dramatic increase in impeller and wearplate life of the Su per T Series pump. Gorman-Rupp Circle reply card No. 255
Upgrade to the most
Collaborative internet
advanced free chlorine
are self-priming, they can be mounted high and dry at floor level, with only the suction line down in the liquid. Service or maintenance can be perfonued quickly and simply with common hand tools and without having to pull the pump. There are no long drive shafts to install and align, no hoists or cranes required, and never any need for service personnel to enter the sump. Gorman-Rupp
sensor on the market today CIMPLICITY
Plant Edition pro vides HMl and SCADA function
The JetMix Vortex Mixing System can be used in biosolids storage where solids suspension is important. Benefits of us ing the JetMix system include: Intermit tent operation saves 60-90% in power consumption; expensive tank cleanout and .scheduled maintenance not required; easily installed in existing tanks; multi ple tank mixing using a central pump house. JetMix was a recipient of a 1997 Innovative Technology Award from the Water Environment Federation.
Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Circle reply card No. 256
Small drinking water systems
ality and estab
lishes a founda tion for collabora tive internet man
ufacturing. True client/server ar
sensor technology, the innovative new CLE3.1 Sensor, www.prominent.ca
chitecture and open-system design offer fast, easy integration with the ability to grow from a single computer node to a plant-wide monitoring and control system providing real-time information from the factory floor to all levels of the enterprise.
ProMinent Fluid Controls
Gescan Texcau
For direct continuous free chlorine measurement in surface water without
the need for buffers or reagents, upgrade to ProMinent's most advanced chlorine
Circle reply card No. 257
Circle reply card No. 258
Jet aeration, jet mixing, SBR systems
Quick panei operator interface auHSKfANeL /
Zenon's new Modular Drinking Water (MOW) system has been specifically designed to overcome the challenges faced by small communities of 50 to 5,000 people. The system is based on the patented ZeeWeed® membrane tech nology incorporated in large treatment plants. This ultrafiltration system is costeffective, easy-to-use, and requires only minimal supervision, while consistently producing high quality water. Zenon Environmental Inc.
Circle reply card No. 259
Manufactured by Mixing Systems, Inc., jets are both versatile and effective. Sys tems are custom-designed to satisfy var ied process demands and tank sizes. Mixing and oxygen transfer are inde pendently controlled. Energy efficient, low maintenance, no in-basin moving parts, with liquid depths from 15 to 60 feet. Mixing Systems, Inc. Circle reply card No. 260
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
These slim-profile touchscreen graphical operator interfaces provide a practical, cost-effective alternative to a variety of discrete devices. Several screen tech
nologies and sizes are available and pro vide bold, clear displays in colour or monochrome. Each unit communicates
with over 40 major PLCs and PEG net works, including Allen-Bradley Remote 1/0 and DH-I-. Gescan Texcan
Circle reply card No. 261 71
Industry Update He was also recognized for his work on several international fast-track
projects, including the Puerto Rico In frastructure Financing Authority's Sys tem-wide Study, and USAID West Bank Water Resources program 2 and Beth lehem 2000 Project.
Established in 1987 by the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, the Albert E. Berry Medal pays tribute to Dr.Albert E. Berry (1894-1984), an outstanding civil engineer and one of Canada's en vironmental engineering pioneers.
TEL:(905)619-3009 FAX:(905)619-3638
High Pressure Water Jetting tina Liquid/Dry Vacuum Services
George Powell receives Albert E. Berry Medal, 2002 Recognized for his 40+ years of out standing engineering service and dedi cation to the profession, the public, cli ents and peers, George Powell, CH2M
Waste Water Treatment
Sponge Jet Cleaning For more information, circle reply card No. 122 CANADA'S NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSORS
National Registry of Site Assessors Tk-aining & Certification Certified Environmental Site Assessor(C.E.S.A.)
HILL Canada's Senior Vice President,
has been awarded the Albert E. Berry Medal for engineering expertise in wa ter infrastructure design, and planning and design services. George has worked on some of the largest and most innovative water and wastewater treatment facilities in
Canada, including Toronto's main wastewater plant, Ashbridges Bay, and the City of Calgary's Clenmore Dam Pumping Station.
Associated Environmental
Site Assessors of Canada Inc.
Visit: www.aesac.ca E-Maii: info@aesac.ca Call Toll Free: 1-877-512-3722 for information
For more information, circle reply card No. 123
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Learn how to access knowledge and investment opportunities that wfli once reservedfor only the wealthy
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and well connected
For more information, circle reply card No. 124
High Return Investing-Both Domestic and
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Inertial Pumping Systems
Tax Reduction Strategies Early Retirement, collapse the time from 15-20 years to 5-9 years
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For more information, circle reply card No. 120
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For more information, circle reply card No. 121 72
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For more information, circle reply card No. 126 Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Industry Update
Largest Actiflo plant in
Canada used as dual
USFilter's John Meunier Products re
Environmental Consultants www.aandaenv.com/
cently secured a $3.4 million project
Soil, Groundwater & Air Studies,Investigations
with the Regional Municipality of Halton, Ontario, for treating raw water and backwash wastewater at the
Burlington Water Purification Plant. It was decided to increase the plant's ca pacity to 236 ML/day, due to steady population growth in Halton Region. With a total hydraulic capacity of 450,000 mVday, three 100 ML/day Actiflo® ballasted floe clarifiers will be
installed upstream of new ozone contac tors and the existing gravity dual media
ENVIRONMENTAL Assessment Association
Burlington -f St. Catharines -f Woodstock -f North Bay > KIrkland Lake >• TImmlns -f Thunder Bay-f Winnipeg Dr. George Duncan, President (705)567 4996 Fax:(705) 568 8368
water resources planning
Environmental consulting engineers and scientists specializing in
water supply, transmission and treatment ivastewater collection and treatment
electrical engineering, instrumentation and controls
Acres &
municipal infrastructure services solid waste and hazardous materials management
geo-environmental investigations and site n'mediation environmental assessments and planning
Environmental Limited
filters. In addition,two ACP-600 Actiflo
package plant clarifiers will treat plant
525-21 Four Seasons Place, Toronto, Ontario M9B 6J8•Tel(416)622-9502•Fax(416)622-6249 4342 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6W1•Tel(905)374-4470•Fax(905)374-8365
residuals. The installation is scheduled
for completion in March 2004. The Burlington Water Purification Plant is the first water purification plant
Heed Another Lab
Choice in Ontario?
in Ontario to use a combination of two
• •
Contaminated Sites
and Drinking Water Packages
Actiflo processes-one for clarification of raw water, and the other for second ary treatment of combined filter back wash water and primary sludge. When completed, the installation will also be the largest Actiflo plant in Canada. Con
Organic and Inorganic Analyses
- Full Service Facilities
accredited to
- Flexible Electronic Reporting
IS0/IEC17025 for
specific tests
AGAT Laboratories Ltd.
5623 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z 1N9. P-905.501.9998 F-905.501.0589
tact: E-mail: zielinskin@usfilter.com
New York leaky pipes As New York was just getting over the trauma of September 11, it has had to swelter through the worst drought in recent memory. In May 2002, Mayor Michael Bloomberg introduced drought regulations forbidding waiters setting down glasses of water in restaurants unless diners requested them. The city's drought emergency also prompted a ban on most car-washing and street-wash ing. Reservoirs, normally more than
(705)726-3371 (613)966-4243 (705)445-3451
CreaOng Quality Solutions Jbgetber
The ALTECH Group
90% full, were down to 60% and below
in May. Thousands of rivers and wells across the country have run dry. However, something much more mundane is also to blame. A report from the Environmental Protection Agency, appropriately "leaked" to the press, said the gap between actual and required spending on America's vast network of pipes, pumps,sewage works and res
Four decades of excellence in infrastructure planning & engineering
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I R.V. Anderson Associates Limited consulting engineers, architects, technology managers
ervoirs, was in the tens of billions of
dollars zone. If no action is taken by 2019,the gap will be $650 billion, a fig
fVater, Wastewater, Transportation, Urban Development and Telecommunication Technologies
ure that an EPA official described as
For employment and project development opportunities
"staggering". Experts estimate that in New York's case, by the time water reaches the city from 300 miles upstate -as more than a
visit our web site; www.rvanderson.com
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Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Industry Update Environmental, Transportation & Industrial Engineering
Creating Value Through Service and Innovation
billion US gallons does every day - a third as much has already been lost, largely through leaks in the pipes that bring it from reservoirs in the Catskill mountains.
Government of Canada British Columbia
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in wind energy
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tive for the installation of 1,000 mega watts of new wind energy capacity over the next five years. This is equivalent to the amount of power needed by ap with continued momentum, WPPI will
|eel Deichenet, Vice-president
(WPPI), a $260-miilion initiative to de velop wind energy, was launched in May by the Government of Canada. This program will help increase the amount of wind energy available across the country by 500 percent. Through WPPi, the Government of Canada will provide a financial incen
proximately 250,000 average Canadian houses. When fully implemented, and
(Since 1985)
invests $260-mill[on
cut Canada's greenhouse gas emissions by more than three megatonnes annu ally by 2010. Contact: www.nrcan.gc.ca/redi.
E«Mail I ctamexgqc.airo.com
Web lite t vAAMw.clamex.qc.co
New training programs mean safer weiis, safer
water for Ontario
The Ontario government has partnered
with four organizations to train well con tractors and educate private well own
(New)- Geo Tube dewatering
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Municipal & Industrial Tel:(506)684-5821, Fax:(506)684-1915, Tel:(705)235-5531, www.girouxinc.com
and safety. The funding includes: $750,000 for
Sir Sandford Fleming College to de velop ieading-edg« cumcuium for well contractors and technicians; and
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$940,000 for Green Communities, in partnership with the Ontario Ground Water Association and the Association
of Professional Ceoscientists of Ontario,
to lead an i8-month community-based education program for private well own ers.
Tel: (416) 441-4111 Fax: (416) 441-4131
These initiatives are consistent with Commissioner Dennis O'Connor's rec
GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISTS Engineers & Hydrogeologists Serving the Groundwater Industry for Over 65 Years 342 Bayview Drive, Box 310, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4IVI 4T5
Tel: (705) 733-0111, Fax: (705) 721-0138 E-mail: iws@iws.oa. Web site: www.iws.ca
ommendation 86 in Paft Two: Report of the Walkerton Inquiry, which suggests that the province provide owners of pri vate systems with information on weiis and their protection. Other steps include: provincial fund ing to safeguard rural water quality through the Healthy Futures for Ontario Agriculture program, and information on the care and maintenance of private weiis.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Industry Update Also, the province is providing $200,000 to the Centre for Research and Technology(CRESTech)to develop in
novative approaches to improve and extend the life of water wells, and to
evaluate the state of the province's water well infrastructure and make rec
ommendations for improvement. In early April,2002, the govemment proposed tougher standards for well con struction and mandatory training for
EMSL Analytical, Inc. participates in the AIHA EMPATprogram
107 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ USA 08108
GAP EnviroMlcrobia! Services Inc.^
well contractors and technicians which
were posted to the Environmental Reg istry for public comment.
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John Duffy
10.5 to 7.3, and the lost-time incidence
rate has decreased by approximately one-half over that same period.
"For professional services in environmental training, due diligence, health and safety, and compliance auditing, give me a call."
The American Concrete Pipe Associa tion recently completed its 2001 Sum mary of Injury Statistics and Trends and reports that the concrete pipe industry continues as one of the safest working environments among comparable heavy industries. The report verifies that the industry has continued to decrease its incidence rates from 1996 through 2001. Total incidence rate has decreased from
Lou Locatelli, Principal, Tel:(905) 477-8400 ext. 206 Email: llocatelli@gartnerlee.com Website: www.gartnerlee.com
Geomatrix Consultants Engineers, Geologists.and Environmental Scientists ' Indusfriol Water/Wastewoter Treofment
■ Woste Minimizafion/Wostewofer Reuse/Recycle ■ Treatment System Upgrade/Optimization
Suite No. 1\465 Phillip Street
■ Treatment System Design and Consfrucfion
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 6C7
■ ISO J4000 - Environmento/ Manogemenf Systems
Tel:(519)886•7500 Fax:(519)886•7419
The Association measures the effec
tiveness of the safety programs instituted by the industry by analyzing the safety performance of the industry over the last several years, and by comparing the safety records of the concrete pipe in dustry against those of similar industries. As growth in the concrete pipe in dustry has occurred, so has the need for increased safety. Common injuries in industry include slips, trips, falls, dust in the eyes, vehicular injuries, back in juries, and injuries to the fingers, hands
Experts in Water, Wastewater, Environmental Planning, and Simulation Software
Hydromantis,Inc. Consulting Engineers 210 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge, Ontario, NIT 1A8 Tei: (519)624-7223 Fax:(519)624-7224 1685 Main Street West, Suite 302, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 1G5 Tei: (905) 522-0012 Fax:(905) 522-0031
and feet.
E-maii: info@hydromantis.ooni Web: wwv/.hydromantis.com
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
John J. Duffy, AGFA president, says
Consulting Engineers, Architects & Planners
that the American and Canadian con
crete pipe industries have moved very quickly over the past 20 years to em brace new product design technology, production processes, quality assurance programs and healthy workplaces. Contact: info@concrete-pipe.org
Water & Wastewater Treatment I Environmental Assessment & Planning Solid Waste Management I Stormwater Management I Watermain & Sewer Rehabilitation
Providing a wide range of Environmental Services Ottawa 613-728-3571
Kingston 613-544-1424
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
( Visit Our Website al www.jlrichards.ca )
Sudbury 705-522-8174 Timmins 705-360-1899
Industry Update Call for Abstracts
• Design and supervision of groundvvater exploration programs • New municipal well design
Lotowater ltd. Hydrogeological Consultants and
The Water Environment Association of
• Assessment of groundwater/surface water interaction
Groundvvater Supply Specialists
Ontario's 2003 Annual Technical Sym posium will be held at the Toronto
• Groundwater protection •Artificial recharge • Hydrogeology studies and groundwater impact assessments • Landfill monitoring and impact assessment • Well maintenance, rehabilitation, performance improvement
12 Years and Still Flowing
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, March 30
-April 1,2003. WEAO is looking for papers on the following topics; utility management, including sewer use bylaws and enforce ment, alternative delivery, finance and partnering; watershed management; in formation management; collection sys tems and stormwater management; pre liminary and primary treatment; biologi
• Well construction
P.O. Box 451, Paris, Ontario N3L 3T5
• Video inspection services
326 Grand River St. North
• Performance testing of wells and pumps
Paris, Ontario N3L 4A5
(519) 442-2086, Fax:(519) 442-7242
E-mail: lwater@lotowater.com, Web site: www.iotowater.com
Engineering & Environmental Science
cal treatment; advanced treatment;
biosolids management; odour control; new technologies and research; opera tions; small community issues; septage disposal.
MacViro Consultants Inc. 90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600, Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3 (905)475-7270 • Fax:(905) 475-5994 E-Mail: reoeption@maoviro.com Web site: www.macviro.com
The abstract submission deadline is
October 1, 2002. Details: WEAO, Tel: (905) 947-
1300, email: weao@weao.org
New federal regulations to reduce mine pollutants
Specialists in Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources
New environmental regulations have been announced that will significantly reduce pollution entering waterways
Toronto, Calgary, Mississauga, Whitby 80 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, ON L3T 7N4 Telephone: 905-882-1100 FAX: 905-882-0055 E-mail: mmm@mmm.ca
from metal mines across Canada. The
m Analytics Inc
9331 - 48th Street
• National Comprehensive Environmental Testing Services • MaxxLINK - Internet accessible sample tracking and report viewing
Mississauga, ON L4Z 1P1
(905) 890-2555
Fax (780)466-3332
Fax (905)890-0370
2021 -41 Avenue N.E.
• Air Monitoring Services
ONTARIO 5540 McAdam Road
Edmonton, AB T6B 2R4
Calgary, AB T2E 6P2 (403)291-3077
9420 Cote de Liesse
Lachine, QC H8T1A1
(514) 636-6218 Fax (514)631-9814
• Occupational Hygiene Services
Fax (403)291-9468
• Rush Analysis
Toll Free: WEST (800)386-7247
EAST (800)563-6266
Exceptional People. Exceptional Results. 1
new requirements of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER), which will be fully in force on December 6, 2002, are among the most comprehen sive and stringent national standards for mining effluents in the world and pro vide opportunities for further advances in Canadian environmental expertise in the mining sector. New MMERs impose limits on re leases of cyanide, metals, and suspended solids, and prohibit the discharge of ef fluent that is acutely lethal to fish. The Regulations also require metal mines to conduct Environmental Effects Monitor
ing programs to identify and adverse ANALYTICAL
effects to their effluent on fish,fish habi tat, and the use of fisheries resources.
5735 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z1N9 vgeldart@philipmc.com • 1-800-263-9040 ext. 275 • Fax:(905)890-8575 i
Valerie Geldart
[National Accounts Manager
www.environmentalhazards.com t/vww.toxicmold.ca
Promulgated under the Federal Fish cries Act, the new MMERs replace the 1977 Metal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations and repeal the 1979 Alice Arm Tailings Deposit Regulations. The new MMERs apply to the ap proximately one hundred metal mines operating in seven provinces and three territories in Canada. These regulations were developed through extensive con sultations with the mining industry, en vironmental organizations, First Na tions, and provincial and territorial gov ernments.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Industry Update
Large ZeeWeed orders
Offices across North America
for Zenon
stantec.com Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
The Eraser Valley Regional District has chosen ZENON Environmental to sup
ply its ZeeWeed® membrane technology as an expansion to the existing conven tional drinking water plant. The $5 mil
Knowledge Based
lion extension will supply drinking wa ter to the City of Abbotsford and the
For the Environment
in Canada Call: (519) 579-4410 (204) 489-5900 (306) 757-3581 (780) 917-7000 (604) 597-0422
Arizona • Nevada • California • Utah • Colorado • Virginia North Carolina • South Carolina • Georgia •Tennessee
Community of Mission,just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia. Cur
"A leader\n providing innovative
rently, water from nearby Norrish Creek is only receiving chlorine treatment. The company has also been awarded a contract for two ZeeWeed drinking water plants in the communities of Hamlet of Smith and Canyon Creek,Al berta, valued in excess of $1 million. One of the plants will be replacing an existing conventional water treatment facility, while the other is an upgrade to the existing plant.
automation solutions to our customers." We offer a complete range of products & services in the areas of: • Systems Integration • Process Instrumentation • Control Panels • Programmable Logic Controllers • MWII/SCADA • Computer/Network Services • Service Summa Engineering Limited 6423 Northam Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V1J2
Tel: (905) 678-3388, Fax:(905) 678-0444
Summa Enterprises, Place Grilii, 3539 Blvd. St. Charles, #350, Kirkland, QC H9H 5B9 Tel:(514) 591-5748, Fax;(514) 455-3587
ZENON has also won a wastewater
equipment order from Traverse City and five other neighbouring townships in Michigan. Council approved the move
Water Supply • System Optimization • Wastewater Solid Waste Management• Environmental Assessment
Site Assessment & Remediation •SCADA
to membranes for a number of reasons. One of them is the ease with which the
plant can be retrofitted to increase ca pacity without incurring additional ma jor facility expansion. Treated sewage will be discharged into nearby Boardman Lake, which then flows
through to Lake Michigan. This plant will be the largest munici pal membrane sewage treatment plant
TEL:(905)668-9363• WHITBY•Fax;(905)668-0221 E-mail: tsh@tsh.ca
Web site: www.tsh.ca
umo Ontario
Environmental Engineering Water & Wastewater Engineering
Manitoba Saskatctiewan
in North America.
Site Assessment & Remediation
Alberta Britisfi Columbia
Contact: www.zenonenv.com
Northern Territories
Hydrogeology Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Urban Drainage
& Internationaiiy
Visit our website at www.umagrouD.com
v-T/ The name for exoelience. worldwide
Providing totai Engineering, Environmentai
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Toronto > Sudbury • Thunder Bay • Winnipeg •Saskatoon • Minneapolis• Africa
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Vancouver (604)681-7277 Kitchener (519)741-5774 Toronto area (905) 829-8880 Kingston (613)542-5888 www.xcg.commail@xcg.com
Phone (519) 836-6050 Web www.esg.net GUELPH TIMMINS TORONTO OTTAWA
liWih w.TV.T I'l 170o.0orn
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
' industrial/f/lunicipal Wastewater Management ' Watershed and Stormwater Management ' Drinking Water Quality and Treatment ' Hydrogeology Investigation /Modelling ' Environmental Site Assessment/Auditing ' Remediation and Decommissioning 'Environmental Management Systems
Industry Update U of T hosted North Date Pad
American Conference of Environmental
September 26, 2002. Plant Management
Issues, Water Environment Association of
Some 200 environmental engineering professors, graduate students and prac titioners from across North America
were at the University of Toronto Au gust 10-14 for a conference organized by the Engineering Faculty's Division of Environmental Engineering, and pro fessors in Civil and Chemical Engineer ing. Held only every three years, the conference is a joint meeting of the As sociation of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors(AEESP)and the
American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE). The conference theme was Integrated Environmental Teaching, Research and Practice; Link ing Engineering and Science to Address Complex Problems. Professor Phil Byer, Chair of the Di vision of Environmental Engineering, was the Conference Chair. Each ses
sion began with a keynote address by a world-renowned expert: Prof. Richard Luthy of Stanford, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen of Berkeley, Jerald Schnoor of Univer sity of Iowa, and Bryan Karney, Uni versity of Toronto. David Phillips, who is Senior Climatologist with Environment Canada,gave an entertaining dinner talk in which he told a largely U.S. audience about the
fascination that Ca nadians have about weather and the need to be con cerned
changes in extreme __ weather events.
Dr. Benedek
The next day.
Dr. Andrew Benedek, founder, Chair man and CEO ofZENON Environmen
tal Inc., shared his valuable and success
ful experiences of moving from research to the business world.
Contact: byer@ecf.utoronto.ca.
Important facts about chlorination Some people ask: wouldn't it be more simple to completely eliminate the risk of cancer from chlorinated water by eliminating the use of chlorine in drink ing water? Eliminating the use of disinfection methods in drinking water would lead to serious epidemics of infectious dis78
Ontario specialty seminar. Contact: Tel: (905) 947-1300, E-mail: weao@weao.org. October 15-18,2002. ITEPEC ASIA 2002. International Technology for Environmen tal protection in China Exhibition and Con ference. E-mail: info@hfcanada.com,
www.itpec.com. October 18, 2002. Canadian Association on Water Quality, 18th Eastern Regional Symposium on Water Quality Research. Montreal, QC. Contact: www.cawq.ca October 22-25, 2002. Western Canada
quebecois sur la gestion des matieres residuelles. Saint-Hyacinthe, QC. Contact: Tel: (514)270-7110, E-mail: mfhuot@reseau-environnement.com.
November 15-16, 2002. CWWA Annual General Meeting & Federal Accountability and Strategy Workshop. Ottawa, ON. Con tact: Tel:(613)747-0524, www.cwwa.ca. November 20-22, 2002. Saskatchewan Water & Wastewater Association annual con
ference and trade show. Saskatoon, SK.
Conference. Regina, SK. Contact:
Contact Fax: (306) 664-0027, E-mail: krecsy.swwa@sasktel.net. November 21, 2002. Plant Monitoring seminar, hosted by WEAO,held at the CNE grounds,Toronto. Contact: Wes Trimble,E-
mail: wtriiuble@ch2m.com.
Water and Wastewater Association annual
October 23-25,2002. The Rubber Associa tion of Canada. Rubber Recycling. Montreal, QC. Contact: Tel:(905) 814-1714, E-mail: helen@rubberassociation.ca, www.rubberassociation.ca.
October 23-25, 2002. The Pulp and Paper Technical Association TECH 2002- Improv ing energy efficiency in the pulp & paper industry, Edmonton,AB.Contact: Tel:(514) 392-6966, E-mail: jroy@paptac.ca. November 4-5, 2002. Le 3e Colloque
May 14-15, 2003. Environmental Management, Compliance & Engi neering 2003 ConferenceAVorkshops and the Ontario Environmental
Tradeshow. Toronto Congress Cen tre, Toronto, ON. Contact: ES&E, Tel: 1-888-254-8769, or (905) 7274666, Fax:(905)841-7271.
eases. In the 19th century, major out
Lake Erie.
breaks of waterborne diseases were
A MemcorÂŽ CME (Continuous Microfiltration) system will provide six million gallons of water per day to over
common in Canada, the United States
and other developing nations. Beginning in the early years of the 20th century, the advent of chlorinated drinking wa ter virtually eliminated typhoid fever,
10,000 residents. The new South Chatham-Kent Water Treatment Plant will service the area of south Chatham-
cholera and other waterborne diseases,
Kent including the communities of
representing one of the great achieve ments of public health. The dangers were typically demon strated in 1991 after a decision by Peru vian officials abandoned drinking wa
Blenheim and Erie Beach.
ter chlorination because of concerns over the health effects of THMs. The
result was a cholera epidemic and the death of more than 3,500 people. This tragedy shows that complex epidemiological events cannot be solved by simplistic answers. Excerpted from Health Canada's factsheet on chlorination
Microfiltration plant to treat
In May 2000, Chatham-Kent devel oped a master plan specifically to ad dress future water and wastewater serv
icing issues in the region. Part of the plan was to focus on two of the region's existing conventional water treatment plants that draw water from Lake Erie. In order to consolidate operations and provide for future water requirements the plants needed to be upgraded or re placed. The CMP technology incorporates a patented air/liquid backwash to remove inorganic or organic contaminants greater than 0.2 microns and prevents them from entering the hollow fibre
Lake Erie water
membranes that form the CME barrier.
After extensive evaluations on mem
The direct-flow (outside-in) filtration through the PVDF oxidant resistant membrane fibres provides an efficient
brane systems, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Public Utilities Commis
sion in Ontario awarded USFilter a $1.7
use of membrane area and assures the
million contract to provide the first microfiltration plant to treat water from
removal of contaminants from the raw water source.
Environmental Science & Engineering, September 2002
Concrete pipe meets standards. What about HOPE? Before you believe all the clucking about HDPE conduit, compare the specifications and see for yourself. In Ontario, concrete pipe has a recognized industry-wide third party certification program; HDPE does not. A product
conforming to standards does not mean it's third party certified. So, on your next project, don't stick your neck out... specify concrete pipe.
For more information, visit our web site and e-mail us for your copy of "JUST THE FACTS" Concrete Pipe vs. HDPE Ontario
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Concrete Pipe Association The choice of a lifetime
5045 South Service Road, First Floor, Burlington, Ont. L7L 5Y7 (905)631-9696 Fax:(905)631-1905 www.ocpa.com
For more information, circie repiy card No. 127(See page 25)
SS-: : Grease retrtov^
Very fast(20 to 120 m/h Small footprints (50% smaller than conventional systems)
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www.ondeo-degremont.ca 514-683-1200
For more information, circle reply card No. 128(See page 25)
Our pilot units are available for on-site testing