Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine (ESEMAG) November 2002

Page 1

Environmental Science

November 2002


& Engineering Covering Canada's multi-billion dollar environmental protection Industry since 1988.

Canada and the Kyoto Accord the debate rages


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ISSN-0835-605X October/November 2002 Vol.15


No. 5

Issued November, 2002

Features 7 .wj.


The fearful frustrations of Fenestration

- Editorial comment by Tom Davey 10

WEFTEC 2002 sets new attendance record

12 Tough new Drinking Water Act introduced in Ontario

30 Cover Story - Engineers' association supports the Kyoto Accord

Consultants' Forum


Canada's environment ministers meet on

Climate Change Policy 15

In low bid consultant selections - we aii iose


Environmentai professionais need more

32 Fixed film/activated sludge retrofit could save millions


Consultants - Get ready, set, then export!

34 Teaching bacteria to consume PCBs


Building consensus in environmental projects

35 Remote monitoring reduces pumping


How Canada's consulting engineers viewthe



station costs



Do Consuitants have an identity crisis?


Engineering shouid not take a back seat to

Mould - A true growth industry!

37 Internal drop specifications adopted for maintenance holes



Vancouver's award winning stormwater treatment wetiand (above)

38 Chlorine dioxide tested as a post treatment disinfectant

Storage and Containment 41

Booming ethanol market increases demand for cost-efficient storage


Liquid fertilizer plant chooses steel walled secondary containment system


New tank iining materiai for potable water storage


NS composting piant chooses fabric covered enclosures (right)


A wide array of solutions for diverse environmental problems


The gas station that thinks of tomorrow

Departments 25

Ad Index


Industry Update






Literature Reviews


Professionai Cards

Product Review


Date Pad


Environmental Science <& Engineering, November 2002

The reasons are crystal clear.



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The fearful frustrations of Fenestratlon

For 150 years, the British hu

fore replacing their own windows. The idea is to reduce global warming by re ducing the leakage of warm air into the atmosphere. Even amidst the recent del uge of global warming disinformation, Fenestratlon ranks highly in the hierar chy of idiotic environmental initiatives.

mour magazine, Punch, had a global reputation. But in its early days few knew it would

become famous for a different sort of

humour when it emerged that the pub lishers had once rejected an essay by

cided to treble an existing window tax to pay for the Napoleonic Wars. The appropriately named Mr. Johnson, like his namesake Dr. Samuel

Johnson, definitely has a cutting way with words, like slivers of broken glass in fact. He went on to stress that, "Am

Charles Dickens on the state of

sterdam houses are narrow be

London's drinking water. The British capital had been a dis ease ridden place for centuries, cursed with poor drinking wa ter quality along with sporadic bouts of cholera which experts had wrongly concluded was an

cause they were taxed on the

airborne disease.

That Punch would reject an essay from such a legendary author, whose writing often blended pathos with humour, seems - in retrospect - espe cially farcical for a humour magazine. What, and exactly when,


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Dickens wrote about London's

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width of their houses. Modern

Greeks pay taxes only on struc tures that are complete. That is why the landscape is littered with upside-down concrete parthenons." Before April 1, British homeowners replaced win dows as they thought fit. Now plans must be submitted before windows may be replaced or upgraded, and provided that an on-site window inspection is agreed to. It is estimated that the whole exercise could cost the homeowner between £180

water is lost to history but the f,'.and £300 in bureaucratic meas joke ultimately was on Punch. ures alone. To avoid this ab Licenses for bootblacks and news boys but not, alas, fer Dicken's reputation grew surdity, one must become a analytical chemists in most provinces. steadily while that of Punch member of Fensa, the new declined, ceasing publication in its The date being April Fool's Day, guild of window-inserters. But there are sesquicentennial year. undeniable benefits. Membership in made me feel sure it was a hoax, as Fen■fhe UK's undeniable talent for po estration seems to resonate with the hint Fensa gives homeowners the right to litical farce includes the ribald humour of do-it-yourself vasectomies. But we replace windows or doors without sub of the Monty Python series, Benny Hill, are talking about a double whammy mitting to a government inspection, Mr. Bean and John Cleese, to name but oxymoron here - political common sense wrote Mr. Johnson. But membership a few. But even this array of satirical and the law of the land. So I phoned a costs 370 pounds per year. If there is any talent has been eclipsed by the latest idi friend in England who thought I had logic in this, it has escaped me. Fensa ocy from The Mother of all Parliaments, been April Fooled by anything so ab very definitely seems not to be a child a Window Tax which appropriately, but surd as a "window tax". But she hu of Mensa. absurdly, came into force on April Fool's moured me by going to a Borough Odd as the British window regula Day of this year. The idea of taxing Council where she was duly amazed to tions seem, there were once equally idi windows is not new. WhenI worked in be presented with an appropriately green otic Canadian regulations whereby boot London, I often saw windows bricked form. Notes for Guidance - Replace blacks, along with newspaper vendors up in older buildings, being vaguely ment Windows and Doors. It was true. had to be licensed in Toronto at the turn aware that it had something to do with The land which gave us the Magna of the 20th century. Even today, hair some long-gone taxation regulation. But Carta now says homeowners are regu dressers and hot dog vendors require li not even the Georgian Window Tax pre censes. lated when they wish to replace win pared me for something called the Fen Absurdly, especially following the dows in their own houses. estratlon Self-As lethal drinking water problems in On Boris Johnson, editor of The Specta sessment Scheme tor, British MP and literary wit, took aim tario and Saskatchewan, analytical (Fensa for short). at the new window regulations with a chemists - learned, skilled and impor This is a new UK shaip editorial pen. "As you walk around tant as they are - are not required to be regulation requiring London, you will suddenly see them licensed in most provinces in Canada. homeowners to get everywhere - blank walls and sightless That this profession, so vital to public plans approved be- facades, disfigured streets and pathetic health, remains unlicensed is just as ab trompe Toeils." Why? Because, in 1797, surd as the Fenestralion fiasco across the Atlantic. the British government of the day de By Tom Davey, Editor

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Environmental Science

& Engineering Editor & Publisher


E-mail: tom@esemag.com Managing Editor SANDRA DAVEY E-mail: sandra@esemag.com Sales Director


E-mail: penny@esemag.com Sales Representative DENISE SIMPSON E-mail: denise@esemag.com

Design & Production CAROL SHELTON E-mail: caroi@esemag.com STEVE DAVEY

E-maii: steve@esemag.com

Technical Advisory Board Jim Bishop Beak International inc.

Bill Borlase, P.Eng. City of Vtfinnipeg Church & Trought Inc. George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc.

be considered common property and

owned by no person,it is undeniable that


Re: Blue Gold editorial, September

Dr. Howard D. Goodfellow

Stantec Global Technologies Ltd. Rod Holme, P.Eng.

2002 edition.

Regarding the book Blue Gold's asser tion that water remain a "free right", you

Earth Tech Canada Inc.

Barry Loescher, Ph.D. Philip Analytical Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng., DEE

note that this free water is often contami

nated, etc, and therefore requires skilled research and applied science to make it

R.V. Anderson Associates

Stanley Mason, P.Eng.

federal environmental officials, water and

wastewater plant operators and contractors, information contained in ES&E has been complied from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot

be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Although the Information contained in this magazine is believed to be correct, no responsibility Is assumed. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Magazine Fund, toward our editorial costs. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Second Class Mail

Product Agreement No. 40065446 Registration No. 7750 Printed In Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written per mission of the pubiisher. Yearly subscription rates: Canada $45.00 for one year(plus $3.15 GST). USA $45.00(US)for one




should be sent to: Environmen

water in a vessel that the water does in

fact now belong to him. It is based on the principle that work, to a great ex tent, denotes the boundaries of private

property. Private property and the abil ity to not be subject to arbitrary meas ures, he further argues (and has been

proven correct), comprise some of the basic aspects for our modem, liberal, westem, industrialized democracies.

As you may know, Locke borrowed heavily from Hooker, and Jefferson es sentially paraphrased Locke when writ ing the American Declaration of Inde pendence in 1776 (one of the greatest modern political works known). I think Maude Barlow may have more on her hands than expected if she tries to get that document rewritten.

Rod Shaver, B.Sc,P.Geo Director, Site Investigation and Remediation Services, Altech Environ

It seems to me that you are very close to a seminal argument advanced by John

Dear ES&E,

Locke in his Second Treatise on Gov

the best yet! Bravo! Myron Humeniuk,Principal, Ecosystematics, Penetanguishene

ernment (first published in 1690)in the section "On Property" and interestingly,

Please tell Tom his June editorial was

Book Review

New book calls for water utility privatization Liquid Assets, a new book by Elizabeth Brubaker, calls for the privatization of

lions of Canadians to unsafe drinking water. Even major cities are not im

Canada's water and wastewater utili

mune. Vancouver residents with weak

ties. She argues that public provision has not served Canadians well, citing a litany of problems within Canada's wa

ened immune systems face a standing order to boil their drinking water, she writes.

ter and wastewater services. Brubaker

Public utilities in some of Canada's

says these services are badly operated, underfunded and ineffectively regu lated. Hundreds of municipal systems threaten public health and the environ ment, she charges. More than two years have passed

largest cities likewise foul harbours, lakes and rivers with untreated sew age.

Liquid Assets, released by the Uni versity ofToronto,examines privatiza tion in England,France and the United

since contaminated water killed seven

States. It concludes that the sale of

people and made 2,300 ill in Walkerton, Ontario. "People widely referred to Walkerton as a wake-up call, but many utilities and regulators are still sleep ing," says Brubaker, who authored a study for the inquiry into the tragedy.

treatment plants or the contracting out of their operations and maintenance has often brought capital investment, ex pertise, innovation, and efficiency to utilities. It has also brought stricter regulation, by curbing the conflicts of interest that prevent governments that own,finance, or operate water systems from enforcing the laws that govern

From Newfoundland, where 193 communities must boil their water, to


if an individual catches some of that

mental Consulting Ltd.

safe for humans.

Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and Industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. Readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key provincial and



I came across your article whilst search ing online to buy a rotary clothes dryer in the US(you can't as far as I can make

Dear Tom,

CH2M HILL Canada Limited

tal Science & Engineering,220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3V6, Tei: (905)727-4666, Fax: (905) 841-7271, Web site:

Principia. His point ran along the lines that although a waterfall in a forest may

but never once did anyone suggest dry ing your clothes out in the free sunshine! Nicola Berry

Alan Church, C.Chem.

All advertising space orders, copy, artwork, flim, proofs, etc.,

almost consistent in time with Newton's

Re: The eco-convergence of chicken fat, treadmills, clothes lines and calo

As a Brit living in California, I was glad to find that I am not the only one to have noticed the absurdity of running electric dryers in the 100 degree sun shine. During the energy crisis in Cali fornia last year there were many TV and radio commercials containing helpful tips on how to save energy such as turn ing lights off when you leave the room -

Circulation Manager VIRGINIA MEYER E-maii: virglnia@esemag.com


Dear Tom,

BC, where the number is still higher, water providers regularly expose mil


Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002



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Conference Report

WEFTEC 2002 sets new attendance record

WEFTEC 2002,the Water

proved waste-

dling/disposal category, for its rotary press sludge dewatering equipment. These awards recognize products/serv

technical and educational

water and drink

ices that use new ideas, methods, altera

conference, which was held in Chicago in October, attracted a record-breaking

ing water treat

attendance of 18,704 and featured 793

could outstrip current spend ing by $535 bil

tions or unique changes from existing systems in four categories: collection systems,instrumentation, process equip ment and solids handling/disposal. The Operations Challenge continued to be a big draw for attendees. The 15th annual "wastewater Olympics" hon oured the skill and professionalism of over 200 wastewater professionals com peting on thirty-six teams from across

She warned that

Environment Federa

demands for im

tion's(WEE)75th annual


Designed to cover a wide spectrum of traditional and emerging water qual ity issues, a total of seventy technical sessions and 25 conference workshops brought innovative information about topics such as infrastructure security, utility management, watershed manage ment, and biosolids/residuals manage

ment systems

lion over the next two dec

Dr. Christine Whitman

ades. However,

she pointed out that, if municipal rev enues were to increase by 3% each year, the funding gap would be reduced by 90%. Ms. Whitman added that increased


Conference highlights included a keynote address by U.S. Environmen tal Protection Agency (EPA) Adminis trator Christine Todd Whitman who dis

cussed the release of EPA's highly an ticipated report. The Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Gap Analysis. Ms. Whitman said that while the US

has made huge strides in cleaning up riv ers, streams and other waterways since the passage of the 1972 Clean Water Act, state and local governments face enor mous challenges in maintaining and re placing deteriorating water treatment systems. "Much of America's drinking and wastewater infrastructure is aging", Ms. Whitman said, adding that "there are cities in America still using pipes that were laid when Lincoln was president."

federal funding in not enough. Systems must become more efficient to build and

operate and the participation and con tribution of government at all levels, utilities and users are necessary. The Opening General Session pro gram also featured a presentation by Dr. Claire Parkinson(NASA)on the agen cy's Aqua Satellite, which was launched in May 2002. It is the first satellite de signed to study the world's water in solid, liquid and gas states. It uses mi crowave technology that can penetrate cloud cover to view ground formations. The satellite orbits the globe longitudi nally every 98 minutes, covering a 25degree swath with each orbit.

North America. Winners included: Di

vision I: Virginia Water Environment Association Team HRSD Bio-Force(1 st Place), California Water Environment Association L.A. Wrecking Crew (2nd Place), Water Environment Association of Texas TRA CRWSers (3rd Place); Division II: Nevada Water Environment

Association Totally Chaotic(I st Place), Water Environment Association of

Texas Austin Blues (2nd Place), and New England Water Environment As sociation Crustaceans (3rd Place). WEFTEC


will be held in Los

Angeles, California, October 11-15, 2003. For more information

about the Federation, visit www.wef.om.

Fournier Industries of Black Lake,

Ontario, won this year's WEF Innova tive Technology Awai'd in the solids han

By Steve Davey, Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002





















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Ontario introduces tough new Drinking Water Act

Ontario's government wil

introduce legislation with tough new standards to protect the province's drinking water and it will take imme diate action on Justice O'Connor's rec

ommendations on water source protec

systems, including those who have been "grandparented" into the role; • Mandatory licenses for all munici pal owners of drinking-water systems; •A "standard of care"for municipali ties, requiring that they act honestly, competently and with integrity to pro tect citizens;


The announcement was made by Ontario's Premier Ernie Eves, and Chris Stockwell, Minister of the Envi ronment, on October 29, 2002.

• Stronger enforcement and compli ance provisions, including a provin cial ChiefInspector to oversee inspec tion policies, training of Ministry in spectors,frequency of inspections and annual reporting. Tough wastewater regulations are sure to follow the drinking water

The government has consulted with the public and stakeholders on the pro posed components of the Safe Drink ing Water Act. More consultations are Vince Nazareth (left) with PWO conference chair, Eldon Wallis from the City of Oriiiia. standards. planned when the bill is sent to com At the recent Central Region Professional Wastewater mittee in the fall. The proposed legislation builds on a pri Operators'fall conference in Barrie, Vince Nazareth,of R.V. vate member's bill introduced Iry NOP MPP Marilyn Anderson & Associates, told delegates that Ontario's Churley. wastewater industry can expect similar measures in the near Highlights of the proposed Safe Drinking Water Act in clude:

• Mandatory licensing and accreditation of all laboratories that test drinking water; • New standards for drinking-water treatment, distribution, quality and testing; • Mandatory certification of all operators of drinking-water


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reply card No. 108(See page 25)

future. This inevitability, he added, is based on the undeni able fact that water source protection must be part of any safe drinking water strategy. The Ontario government also announced the first steps

of a plan to develop a watershed-based source protection framework in Ontario. Justice O'Connor - in recommenda

tion #68 in Part Two of the Report of the Walkerton Inquiry - said that source protection should be acted upon in legisla tion other than the Safe Drinking Water Act, specifically by amending the Environmental Protection Act. The govern ment has said that it will follow this advice and will estab

lish an advisory committee to help develop a watershed framework to carry out the recommendations on source-pro tection planning. Ontario has already taken action on a number of Justice O'Connor's key recommendations by introducing the Nu trient Management Act and proposing the new Sustainable Water and Sewage Systems Act. The first stage of the Sustainable Water and Sewage Sys tems Act would see the government working closely with municipalities to assess the full cost of water and sewage services. During the second stage, the government would continue working with municipalities, which would use the information from the assessments to develop full-cost re covery plans in a way that makes sense for them. The proposed Safe Drinking Water Act would provide legislative authority to implement 50 of the 93 recommen dations made by Commissioner O'Connor in Part Two of the Report of the Walkerton Inquiry. Another 20 Part Two recommendations are underway, with the remaining being addressed or requiring federal involvement and cooperation. The proposed Safe Drinking Water Act will be posted to the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry at: http:// www.ene.gov.on.ca/envregistry/019012ea.htm (the Environ mental Bill of Rights Registry posting number is7AA02E0002). By Steve Davey, Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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For more information, circle reply card No. 161 (See page 25)

Consulting engineering - invisible value from solid infrastructure assets

How many politicians realize that the majority ofour infra structure projects were designed by consulting engineers

working in liaison with city engineers? One newspaper report this year said that consultants have been on feedingfrenzy, thanks to overwhelmed city officials. Lost to the writer was the fact

that most of the bridges, highways, water and wastewater projects

ii%« •

i>'f. if.

were designed by consulting engineers and are worth billions of dollars today, with the original design fees long amortized into insignificance. The value of engineering design is profound. Without its environmental infrastructure, for example, Canada's largest city might still be "Muddy York", a quaint village perched on Lake

Ontario. Once again ES&E has invited leading consulting

R. V. Anderson's Bombay Office

engineers to give their views on the various issues which confront

the profession in a rapidly changing world. Tom Davey

in low bid consultant selections - we ail lose

Ispublic sectorconsulting engineer

ing in a death spiral in Ontario with today's low bid mentality in all lev els of government? Does low bid consultant selection ultimately provide the best value for clients in the provi sion of engineering services? I think not. Consider the implications of a low bid price mentality in today's market place: •Low bid means low margins and little profit. Any scope deviation or change eliminates profitability. • A low margin means fewer dollars to hire and train new engineers. • Trends towards the hiring of interme diate engineers with developed skillsets rather than hiring and training new graduates. • Fewer junior engineers results in

By Bill De Angelis, P.Eng., MBA, Vice-President Engineering AWS Engineers & Planners Corp.

• Training fewer engineers reduces the candidate pool for public and private sector positions. Other direct and indirect indicators/im

pacts of the low bid mentality are seen in the following trends: •Client capping of rates charged by con sulting engineers. • Engineering skills considered com modities rather than intellectual services

in some procurement processes. • Movement of a small pool of wellknown engineers back and forth be tween consultants and municipalities. • Lack of "new faces" in the Ontario

higher charge out rates. • Mentoring and succession planning initiatives delayed or stalled.

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

engineering fraternity. In the face of the low bid mentality, U.S. firms are now advertising for On tario engineers, at substantially higher continued overleaf... 15


Forum rates than local firms are able to pay to be competitive in the current marketplace. Can traditional consulting engineers survive in this marketplace? We are see ing a proliferation ofsmall companies that work at low cost; they are able to do so because of low overheads.

Large or small, we all need to ask ourselves: Is my firm helping to sustain the engineering community? Does my firm hire new graduates, train and mentor future leaders? Does my firm give something back to the communities within which I work? Many companies build these costs into their rate structures. Our clients need to understand that these are

real costs of doing business. Capping rates for professional engi neers at artificially low levels has contrib uted to the sustainability crisis. Lawyers and chartered accountants are remuner

ated in proportion to their levels of responsibility. Why then are professional engineers not afforded the same rights? More than likely, it is because we traditionally have gone about our business without much fuss, contributing to public protection under a cloak of invisibility and anonym ity. As engineering consultants we have to accept some of the blame for the current situation, because we let it happen. Until recently, we haven't done a very good job of educating our public, in terms of communicating the value we as engineers provide to them, and the real costs to our firms of providing our services. What is not well understood is that

consulting engineering firms and clients need each other, feed off each other, and

support each other. Clients need engineer-

ing services and engineering firms need clients. If we are unable to bill at our real

rates, we can't make a profit. If we ean't make a profit, we can't hire new trainees. If we ean't hire new trainees, mentoring and succession planning initiatives are stalled, and the overall engineering talent pool shrinks. Municipal restructuring initiatives are generating engineering vacancies that are inereasingly being filled by trained intermediate and senior engineers from the Ontario consultant pool, further eroding the availability of consulting engineering resources. The only real asset we as consulting engineers possess is our intellectual skill set; under the current regime, staff are retiring, moving to other sectors and re locating in the U.S. What would retain eurrent staff in

consulting engineering and allow for an infusion of new staff, would be fair mar

Engineers & Planners Corp.

ket compensation for engineering services provided. A move is afoot in some larger mu nicipalities to move to quality based selection processes, wherein price is a contributing but not the overriding con

Water and Wastewater Engineers' specializing in: Environmental Assessment & Plaiming ■ Water Supply & Treatment

sideration in consultant selection. Those

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Circle reply card No. 160

who are moving in this direction are to be applauded. The old adage that you get what you payfor certainly holds true in the consult ant selection process. A low price does not guarantee high quality. ■

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002



Environmental professionals need more volunteers

Itis becoming more and more dif ficult to secure the time and en

thusiasm of drinking water and water environment professionals for volunteering in activities to enhance the goals and solidarity of the industry. In a survey of members of the Water En-

By Deborah Ross, M.A.Sc., PEng., Associate ofKMK Consultants Limited and President of the Water Environment Association

of Ontario (2002 to 2003)

vironment Association of Ontario

(WEAO)a few years ago, government liaison was identified as one of the top priorities by the members. Yet the time and commitment devoted by environ mental professionals to this cause seems to have decreased in recent years. Lately, the promulgation of provin cial policies and regulations that gov ern the drinking water and water envi ronment industry in Ontario has been more dynamic than it has been in dec ades. New policies will have signifi cant impact on the water and wastewater industry, and in particular, the roles that consultants play in supporting munici pal and industrial clients to make any changes necessary to ensure compli ance.

The need for regulatory control on drinking water, water supply protection, wastewater treatment and residue and

biosolids management cannot be ques tioned. However, we cannot forget that the current Ontario government has demonstrated that environmental protec tion is not a high priority profile. We have seen that this ideology influences the government's priorities in terms of new policies, as well as the portion of

infrastructure for the protection of drink ing water and the water environment. Nevertheless, the Ontario govern ment,in developing regulations, seldom seeks technical input resources outside of its own staff, and in particular, does not take advantage of the technical ex pertise and resources of the consulting industry. If we accept that consultants will not be asked to play a role with the prov ince in policy development, 1 believe that we must take on an alternate role in

the provincial budget dedicated to the environment and funding available to municipalities for environmental protec tion infrastructure. It is also important to remember that the voting public and the government can be strongly influ enced by the media, and most often, by so-called environmental advocates.

As consultants and other profession als in this business, we collectively rep resent the most knowledgeable group of individuals dedicated to the protection of drinking water and the water envi ronment. Our knowledge and skills are certainly recognized by the municipal and industrial sectors, because we are

influencing government decisions to ensure that priorities are set that truly reflect environmental protection and fi nancial sustainability. This means that we should advocate policies and changes to the government's direction that embody the best interests of the water environment. We should also de mand sound rationale and full cost/ben

efit/risk analyses to support all new policy developments. Environmental professionals should educate their municipal and industrial clients, so that they can understand and will speak out on environmental issues of importance. Finally, we should educate the pub lic to promote a scientific rationale which will mitigate the impacts on pub lic opinion from some irrational com

retained by these sectors for our special ments from "environmental advocates." ist skills and applied experience in To this end, we must rediscover the evaluating, designing, constructing, time and enthusiasm to work together optimizing and assessing the impacts of to achieve this goal. ■

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leading environmental planning, engineering and project management firm Delcan's Environmental Division brings a globalperspective to environmental projects from environmental nitoring andprotection projects in Latin America to Best Practices reviews for potable water and wastewater systems for the Walkerton Inquiry and the new National Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Guide. Contact: Doug Langiey, Vice President, Environmentai Division, 133 Wynford Dr.,Toronto, ON M3C 1K1 (416) 441-4111 Visit our web site at www.deican.com

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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Consultants - get ready, set, then export!

Urban water and sanitation

are clearly among the critical problems for the future. The world's popu lation is increasingly concentrated into large urban areas and the impact of these rapidly growing zones is im mense. Certainly, the most efficient operation of existing water and wastewater infrastructure is the key to sustainable urban development.

By Alan R. Perks, P.Eng. and Peter J. Laughton, P. Eng R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd.

R.V. Anderson Associates Limited

has been operating in South Asia, and India in particular, for almost ten years now.This article discusses some

other related goods and services from Canada. To achieve this, firms must

make themselves "export ready." What does it mean to be export ready? There should be at least some corporate and professional staff expe rience in a developing country, either on a project or on a technical exchange basis. The firm may have made some initial contacts on its own in the target market, perhaps to the point of identi fying and selecting a local partner to work with. More often than not, this is

a matter of perseverance and carefully targeting opportunities, and then work ing remotely to support the partner with

of the lessons leaimed from that ex

perience, as presented at a Canada-India Business Council Workshop held in Toronto, featuring the visit of Doug Paterson, Sr. Trade Commissioner from the Canadian Con sulate in Mumbai.

Canada has developed well respected planning, design and operational skills to meet her own needs for reliable water and wastewater services. Canadian firms are, there

fore, in a good position to export those skills to countries like India, which have complementary technical abilities and the economy to implement technological change. This not only improves the local environment, it opens the doors to


Knowledge Based

Solutions For the Environment


technical and administrative skills.

Local partners with common interests are the most im portant factor in success overseas. The days of exporting large design teams with a full complement of technical staff are gone. Now the emphasis is on value added services, with whatever can be done locally by a competent local partner. A good local partner, at least from a consultant's point of view, would be a firm of similar size and interests-one that can contribute to the success of any ultimate project through local technical and logistical resources. A good partnership is one in which both partners are similarly exposed to risk and reward potential through their common endeavours. The best indication of the partner's credentials is a solid track record of local assignments for the same client base or mar ket sector as the Canadian firm is interested in. Notably, a good local partner will be willing to shoulder its own share of the marketing and promotion costs. Ones that can't are very often not doing real business in the local market. Winning overseas projects through the process of inter national bidding is nevertheless very tough. Firstly, there is intense foreign competition for every assignment. European and American firms are often much larger than Canadian competitors, and able to sustain longer and more costly mar keting efforts. The cost of a single marketing visit can run to $15,000, and a full-fledged international proposal in the

range of$50,000-$100,000,not exactly small change to most

Stantec offices across Norft} America In Canada call

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Canadian firms.

There are certainly cultural differences to contend with, but seldom do these involve the kind of "body language" considerations found in most briefing notes on overseas travel. The cardinal rule is simply to treat everyone with respect, and usually slight "gaffes" will be overlooked. But Canadians do have to realize that local ways of prob lem solving and managing can be markedly different from what is expected in Canada. For example, personal relation ships are very important in day-to-day business transactions, while procedures and documentation generally less so. Also, time planning takes on an entirely different meaning than in Canada, more akin to"crisis management". This may sim ply be due to population pressures and the resulting intense business competition, and frequent unforeseen events oc curring. However, this intense pressure and competition re quire the business skills of local firms, often to an extent not achieved in Canada.


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reply card No. 113(See page 25)

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Forum Finding appropriate Canadian staff is another obstacle. Compai^ed to Europe, Canada has a dearth of trained pro fessionals with overseas experience in its service sector. There has simply been less need to work offshore than for the British, Dutch and German firms, for example. We may have well qualified people, but some of their curricula vitae are not "marketable" on large internationally financed projects. Most firms find it difficult to free up senior staff to take on offshore assignments when they do arise. Therefore Canadian professionals should make them selves available to even short-term as

signments of a technical exchange na ture, wherever possible. There is a growing local/regional technical capacity,and these firms are increasingly showing up on short lists and proposal calls. Many developing


countries have well-trained technical

staff available, and it is not unusual

to see consulting firms from India, Thailand, South Korea and China competing for interna tionally financed projects along with Canadian, European, American and Australian firms. This means that Canadian

firms must really focus on value-added services, and del egate much of the project to the local partner if they wish to remain competitive. Don't venture more than one can lose! There is always pressure to extend the services and marketing efforts before

revenue has been established. But if one incurs expenses in the hope of repayment at some future date, a very difficult compromise position has been entered into. Avoid that po sition. Recognize what a sales opportunity is to a consulting firm. Many promoters and export development agencies tend to equate a "need" with an "opportunity". This is not the case. An opportunity has the added dimension of a client with the ability to pay for services rendered. .

Trade Commissioner services are

very helpful to smaller and medium sized firms. Learning what they can do and how they operate is important. Too many firms don't explore these serv ices enough.Firms also should take ad vantage of some of the marketing sup port programs of Industry Canada (i.e. PEMD, Program for Export Market Development) as well as CIDA (Ca nadian International Development Agency) support for feasibility stud ies in a region through its CIDA INC (Industrial Cooperation Program). These programs can sig nificantly help a Canadian firm to compete effectively in markets that are difficult and expensive to penetrate. Working internationally can indeed be a wild rollercoaster ride. But in the current context of globalization and environmental problems, the advantage of increased expo sure, experience and revenues from international operations is becoming more and more apparent. ■

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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Building consensus in environmental projects

Environmentalinitiatives continue to be a potential source for con

frontations between stakeholders

and project proponents, typically municipalities, aided by their consultants. Local democracy and the ability of the pub lic to influence the decision making proc ess is growing,particularly with the Internet providing unprecedented research and com munication opportunities.

By Gary O. Houghton, P.Eng. Manager ofEngineering, Delcan Corporation, London

rrs I %

In the face of the confrontational atmos



r i-

phere that seems to surround any project outreach, what can municipalities and their

2. Maintain an environmental scorecard.

Vslue, Innovation and Service since 1970

Many upper tier governments (provinces in Canada and states in the US)regularly produce "State of the Environment" report ing. Local, regional or watershed based reporting can also be beneficial in many ways, particularly if the report pro duction is community assisted, using interested residents. Regularly providing this open and impartial presentation of key environmental indicators without linking them to any specific project gives the community an early and unbiased discussion of issues that may have to be addressed through future initiatives or capital projects. 3. Know the community issues, notjust positions. While it is important to know the platform of the various special in terest groups and associations that you may face, it is more important to understand the issues that resulted in these po sitions being taken. This knowledge should naturally fol low if the other opportunities for stakeholder involvement discussed are employed. 4. Keep a toolbox ofinformation sources, organizations and individuals that can he used to provide initial reaction to proposed approaches to projects. Using groups such as the non-profit Water Treatment Advisory Network, whose mem

15 Townllne, Orangevllle, Ontario, Canada L9W 3R4

bership include consultants, equipment suppliers, research

Tel; 519 941-5331

and public interest organizations, can give access to a broad range of stakeholder interests prior to determining an initial

consultants do to ensure that issues are

properly defined and addressed, with the appropriate stakeholder involvement? Here are some opportunities for maintaining a proactive approach to environmental projects, to avoid project blindsiding, access the value in local knowl edge and give ownership of the environmental issues and solutions to the local community. 1. Consider permanent liaison committees with stakeholder membership. There is an immediate skepticism when large projects with potentially significant environmental impacts are seemingly suddenly introduced for stakeholder input. Permanent liaison committees can help allay the stakeholder suspicion that problems and their solutions are being thrust at them.



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The mandate for these committees can

be global, considering a changing slate of environmental issues as they arise, or they can be very specific, comprising commu nity associations in the vicinity of a major facility, say a sewage or power plant. The committee membership should reflect the community and draw from other groups to provide a network of "involvement by

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course of action.

Clean Water.

5. Use qualification based consultant selection(a guideline is available at www.peo.on.ca). It is important to demon strate fiscal responsibility in consultant assignments. How

R. J. Burnside & Associates

ever, this can lead consultants to streamline project tasks for competitive advantage. This may mean that while a fea

Limited has been helping clients

sible solution is defined, it may be at the expense of a more

find cost effective and innovative solutions to their water needs for

rigorous process that would yield more alternatives and op portunities to optimize the project. Demonstrating a thor

over 30 years.

ough approach through consultant selection will increase the confidence in the community that consideration has been given to all options.

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6. Integrate value engineering in projects to provide afur ther opportunity to engage the stakeholders directly in the solution. Allowing full stakeholder participation in defin ing all possible alternatives and how those alternatives are evaluated will give those stakeholders a sense of empower ment and ownership in the final solution. Reaching consensus through stakeholder involvement in environmental projects is not about who is right or who is wrong, or who is entitled to an opinion and who is not. It is

about ensuring the sharing of knowledge and that the issues of all stakeholders are heard and addressed in an open and Offices Located Throughout Ontario to Serve Our Clients


For more information, circle

reply card No. 115(See page 25)

fair manner. â–

Environmental Science

Engineering, November 2002


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How Canada's consulting engineers view the future

Ihave been in the engineering con

to reach across jurisdictional and func Jim Beechinor, sulting industry for more than 20 tional boundaries. As the environmen Executive Vice-President, years, moving from technical to tal consulting market matures, busi AMEC Earth & management roles. I've seen nesses need to adopt these same kinds trends come and go,some leaving a last Environmental Operations of structures to stand out from the pack ing imprint on the industry, others, not. and add value in client service. We will An important indicator of a firm's abil be seeing increasing flexibility in lead ity to survive and thrive has been its ership roles, leading to more creative ability to act and react quickly and ap and nimble thinking to meet market and propriately. client demands. Everyone develops a comfort level We will also be looking at changing in their respective roles, but to drive suc trends in the kind of people that are fill cess in the consulting engineering in ing these leadership roles. The engineer dustry, there's a real need for experi ing consulting industry hasn't been very enced people to take on new assign good at helping people along in their ments. Organizational development will career paths. Typically, the strongest be a key challenge in the years ahead. technical achievers have been placed in New approaches will enhance how we managerial roles. This model just isn't run our business, who is running our working anymore. business, and how our business is perceived. The most successful firms are investing significantly in I recently read "Straight from the Gut", by Jack Welch, their human resources and developing leaders internally. former CEO of General Electric. One word really caught Project management training and leadership development my attention and inspired my imagination. Boundaryless. will be taking on increased significance throughout the en Organizations are developing non-traditional structures gineering consulting industry. These new leaders are going to be facing unprecedented scrutiny, and not only in publicly owned companies. Cor porate governance issues have been saturating the headlines recently, as the crises at Enron and WorldCom have come to light. 1 believe we'll be seeing new regulations for public kinironiiiciilal Uanagcmeflt Solution.s Inc. companies that will change how they do business. But there will be repercussions for private firms as well. Private com panies will have to find some way to demonstrate responsi ble management to attract and maintain employee investment. Reputation is becoming a key driver in today's market. Solutions(EMS)Inc. Clients are demanding levels of responsibility that only ac Experts in providing cost-effective services and tivist NGOs did in previous years. Words like sustainability solutions to environmental problems. and corporate social responsibility will have to move be yond the realm of mere corporate jargon. They will become • Site assessment/investigation a way of doing business, colouring decision-making in busi • Site remediation/clean-up ness strategy and project selection. Sustainability concepts will be embraced as part of a company's organizational • Brownfield development


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Do consultants have an identity crisis?

In the last Environmental Science

and Engineering Consultants' Fo rum, Norm Huggins, then the Chair of Consulting Engineers of Ontario, asked the question: "...Do we (engineering consultants) have an iden tity crisis?" The context was, does the public know who we are, what we do,

Eric MacDonald, P.Eng.

solid engineering individuals who are

certainly not expensive at, say,$70/hour

President, MacViro

versus medical or financial management

Consultants Inc.

etc., when we refer to ourselves as con

consulting rates of $300/hour -H-! Are we the problem, and if so, how should we convey to the public and our clients the great value and, yes,the criti cal need they have for solid well-thought out engineering solutions to provide for

sulting engineers? The answer, at least

our total infrastructure?

in the fullest sense of the definition, I

On a different note, what are the cur

would suggest, is undoubtedly, no! This begs the question why don't they know and whose fault is it that they don't know? I would go as far as to say that even our clients (some, not all) don't

know fully what we do, and perhaps we, as an industry, are to blame. If we examine the word 'consultant',

the definition is given by MerriamWebster's Unabridged Dictionary as one who gives professional advice or serv ices; expert. Yes, we do 'consulting', however I would suggest the vast ma jority of our engineering is not 'engi neering consulting', but rather a combi-

nation of civil, structural, mechanical,

electrical, environmental,etc., engineer ing. Why is this important? The general public and, yes, the politicians think of consultants as being highly specialized "top guns" and very expensive com modities in their particular profession. Our industry is largely comprised of

rent happenings in our industry? 1. Continued and rapid growth in the G.T.A. is presenting a high demand for engineering services which our indus try is meeting but undoubtedly with the 'seams' being stretched; we are short of engineers to deliver the goods. 2. Federal and provincial regulation changes (water and air) are now in the 21st century. They seek to drive quality oflife changes by causing political lead ers at all levels of government and also industry representatives to accept change with related increased costs that Continued overleaf...

Lotowater ltd. are specialists in providing consulting and contracting services to municipai and industriai clients in the areas of groundwater supply and hydrogeoiogy. We have specialized knowledge in groundwater studies (including GUDi studies), well construction techniques, methods of well maintenance, rehabilitation, performance improvement and aquifer testing. Other areas of specialization are performance testing of wells and pumps, borehole geophysical logging, state-of-the-art video inspection of weiis, and supply and servicing of iineshaft turbine and submersible pumps and motors. We aim to provide knowledgeable and value added service concerning the weiis and groundwater our clients rely on, Tim Lotimer, President of Lotowater ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Gautrey to the position of General Manager of Lotowater ltd., Greg Padusenko to the position of Hydrogeoiogist and Mike Arnold to the position of Field Crew Supervisor.

Simon Gautrey, M.Sc., M.B.A., P.Geo. Simon will be

responsible for strategic planning and operations

Greg Padusenko, B.A.Sc., M.Sc., P.Eng.(2003), P.Geo.(2003)

Mike Arnold, Field Crew Supervisor Mike brings more than 20 years of experience as a licensed driller and

Greg is a graduate of the M.Sc. program in hydrogeoiogy at the University of Waterloo

well technician to

and in Business

where he studied

Administration from


Wilfrid Laurier

contamination from

and submersible pump replacements, drilling, well construction, and

agricultural activities near a municipai well field in

well rehabilitation.

southern Ontario.

Mike will use his wealth of hands-on industry experience to provide supervision and mentorship for our field crews, and to solve pump related problems for our clients.

at the firm. He holds

Master degrees in hydrogeoiogy from the University of Waterloo

University. Simon's consulting experience includes water supply, bioremediation and litigation support projects for clients in Canada and the United States, and he has also worked as a regulator with the Ontario MOEE. Simon will work with clients as the

General Manager and as a project manager.

Lotowater ltd.

His experience includes more than 185 iineshaft

Since joining Lotowater ltd., he has worked as a hydrogeoiogist on several large and challenging groundwater resource development and protection projects in Ontario.

Lotowater ltd. Is a growing firm. The addition of Simon, Greg and Mike to our team will help us increase the Xx^tOWcltCr LTD

level ot service we provide to our clients. If you are interested in becoming a member of our team, we would HYdroBeoio..icai Consultants and—^ like to talk to you. Please forward resumes to us at gcoliins@iotowater.com.

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For more information,

circie repiy card No. 118 (See page 25)



Forum do not necessarily have an economic benefit but are required to change the way we have been addressing our eco system. For example, the Kyoto objec tives are driven by the need for an en

R.V. Anderson wins

Canada-India Partnership Award

The Canada-India Business Council (C-IBC) recognized R.V.

hanced environment without considera

tion of the cost... a new paradigm? Will our politicians put our future ahead of their shortsighted future? 3. Our industry today, as for most in dustries,is driven in many cases by com puter-generated solutions. So what is new? We are perhaps in the last decade or two of engineers, who themselves generate computer solutions to engineer ing problems but also have the founda tion of solving problems, dare I say,"the old-fashioned way". It is increasingly evident that engineering judgment is lacking without this hands-on (first prin ciples) knowledge. Perhaps the term 'Consulting Engi neer' through an evolutionary process may develop a new meaning in the 21st century as being the young, specialized individual who brings both skills to the table, i.e. first principles and electronic

Anderson Associates Limited for its success in India with the first

annual Canada-India Business Partnership Award, one of four awards presented to Canadian firms that have been developing new business opportunities in India. The award was announced in Mumbai(Bombay),India at a special din ner reception during the "Canada Trade Mission" in India, led by Minister for International Trade,the Hon.Pieri'e Pettigrew. C-IBC Chairman and former Minister for Inter

national Trade,the Hon.Roy MacLaren P.C., pre sented the awards during the reception. The CIBC recently announced the award in Canada. Over the last eight years, Toronto-based en vironmental consultant R.V. Anderson has de

veloped an innovative and effective partnership with PHE Consultants of Mumbai, which also

received a counterpart award. The partnership has led to two major World Bank assignments, including the development of a master plan for Mumbai's sewage treatment system, as well as several other Indian contracts. ■

solutions, and also can charge $300 per hour! ■


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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002




Engineering in the pubiic sector should not take a back seat to accountants

Recently,Ihad arevealing con

versation with a government employee regarding consult ant selection processes. "So

what is it that you guys actually do? Don't you already have a design before you have the job?" His question clearly illustrated how far we have yet to go in helping some clients understand the role of consulting engineers, let alone the value that consulting engineers can add. This is a typical (and far too com mon)example of professional engineer ing services being regarded as a com modity in the eyes of some public sec tor purchasing departments.It is not only demeaning to the consulting industry, it also suggests the diminished stature of in-house engineering services within government. Across the country, differ ent governments appear to have very dif ferent levels of understanding with re spect to engineering and infrastructure issues. The level of understanding can, in fact, vary quite dramatically between

John D. Gamble, P.Eng. President,

Consulting Engineers of Ontario

departments within a government. As much as the consulting engineer ing industry welcomes the challenges and opportunities that arise from gov ernment outsourcing, we still want to work with knowledgeable and informed clients. It frustrates us to watch our col

leagues who practise engineering in the

public sector take a back seat to account ants on what should be regarded as en gineering decisions. Outsourcing should not, and need not replace the importance of in-house en gineering expertise. In fact, outsourcing of engineering functions should be overseen by professional engineers who can appreciate the technical merits of engineering proposals, who understand the principles of asset management and life-cycle costing, and who recognize that upfront engineering fees are an im portant investment in the long-term suc cess of the project. As a taxpayer and a fiscal conserva tive, I appreciate the need for govern ment to manage and control costs. How ever, lower costs do not necessarily translate into long-term value. Respon sible fiscal management requires a longterm holistic view of infrastructure

projects, including the engineering com ponent.The capital assets and infrastruc ture designed by engineers are usually

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Forum intended to have design lives exceeding 20, 30, even 50 years. Frequently the service life of capital assets, and infra structure in particular, exceeds the de sign life - such as parts of the water dis tribution system in Toronto that exceed 100 years in age. Unfortunately, the upfront planning and engineering decisions that will im pact on the quality and value of longterm assets are usually driven by oneyear fiscal budgets that are approved by elected officials concerned with three to

five year mandates. As a result, engi neering costs are regarded by some as being a one-time expense instead of as part of a long-term investment. There are, however,some encourag ing signs on the horizon. We are start ing to hear terms such as "asset man agement" and "life-cycle costs" from government policy makers. Govern ments are coming to realize that we face

sustainable solutions. The public sector will need to, in part, look to the wealth of experience and expertise in the con sulting engineering industry for the nec essary engineering resources. But the public sector will also require sufficient in-house engineering expertise to help it develop sound infrastructure policy and assess solutions based on value and sustainability and to look be yond the simplistic and expedient"how much will it cost me right now" credo. This in-house expertise is also necessary

in order to select engineering consult ants based on the qualifications and the value they offer - much more analogous to professional and human resources policies than to the typical"bottom line" procurement polices better suited to of fice supplies. When dealing with capital assets and infrastructure, government policy mak ers need upfront professional advice and realistic solutions from the engineering community - from both the public sector and the consulting industry. ■

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result of short-term thinking and neglect. If governments are serious about ad dressing the infrastructure deficit, they need to look beyond the ledgers and engage professionals with the necessary technical expertise to develop long-term.

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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Award winning Staniey Park stormwater treatment wetiand for Vancouver

Some 60,000 vehicles a day

By Allan Bronsro, M.Sc., P.Eng. traverse the Stanley Park and Troy Jones, P.Eng. Causeway in Vancouver, B.C. Until recently, causeway run Kerr Wood Leidal off flowed uncontrolled to the adjacent Associates Ltd. forest and streams in Stanley Park, and to Lost Lagoon and Coal Harbour, where which contain over 90% of the annual pollutants were dispersed and impossi runoff volume and almost all of the pol ble to clean up. lutants. The wetland can receive a maxi mum flow of 25 litres per second and As part of the Lions Gate Bridge re habilitation project, the Vancouver comprises the following components: Board of Parks and Recreation (Park • Inlet Pool - An inlet pool at the en Board) retained Kerr Wood Leidal As trance to the wetland detains the runoff sociates Ltd.(KWL)to review the pro so that coai^se particles have time to set posed road drainage system and develop tle before the runoff enters the wetland. a stormwater management plan. The This process should remove about 90% plan recommended channelling cause of particles entering the pool. way runoff to a stormwater treatment • Marshes and Pools - The wetland is wetland in Lost Lagoon and routing divided into high marsh,low marsh and groundwater flows to Beaver Lake, deep-water pools, which mimic the ap which supports fish populations and was pearance of natural marshes. fed by potable water. KWL designed the • Berm - The pools and marshes are wetland and supervised its construction, separated from each other and from Lost which was completed in 2001 at a cost Lagoon proper by an impermeable, veg etated berm. of $830,000. The objectives of the project were to: • Outlet Structure - An outlet structure • Treat the causeway runoff to a high controls the water level in the wetland and discharges treated stormwater to the degree, • Protect and improve the water quality lagoon. of Beaver Lake (in Stanley Park) and • Emergency Overflow Bypass - A by its tributary streams with the hope of pass system diverts flows exceeding 25 encouraging a future run of wild salmon litres per second directly into Lost La goon. These flows, caused by infre on Beaver Creek, • Protect Lost Lagoon's water quality quent, heavy rains, will have little ef fect on water quality. and increase the volume of water flow ing into it, and, • minimize the engineered wetland's im pact on the park's environment, while integrating it with the natural park setting. Developing a Solution Stanley Park is one of the world's premier urban parks. In developing a solution, KWL carefully considered many factors, including the project's stated objectives, the need to preserve or restore the park's natural environ

• Flow Augmentation - During extreme droughts, water from a groundwater-fed stream can be diverted into the marsh to

irrigate plants. •Landscaping - The wetland is planted with a variety of native species to blend with the sumounding landscape and pro vide protective nesting sites for birds. How it Works

The wetland removes pollutants via extended settling, adsorption, and bio logical removal processes. Contami nants in the wetland are either adsorbed

onto wetland soil particles or broken down by bacteria and organisms. Oil/grit separators are installed at key locations along the causeway for spill control. They serve as a barrier that en sures that the wetland is not fouled by oil and grease and that spills on the causeway do not harm the wetland, its wildlife, and Lost Lagoon. Building a wetland within an exist ing body of water is unique in British Columbia. The two most difficult tech

nical challenges were preventing the pe rimeter berm from leaking and from sinking into the lagoon sediments. To minimize leakage, the berm has a com pacted till core, which ensures that the water level in the wetland remains

higher than that in the lagoon so that treated runoff flows toward the lagoon, and the marsh remains submerged. To solve the second challenge.

ment, and the vision of the Park Board

and the community at large for the park. KWL recommended construction of a stormwater treatment wetland within the

northeast section of Lost Lagoon,ensur ing the least dismption to the park's envi ronment as no trees would be cut down.

Wetland Design The treatment wetland has a capac ity of 1,300 cubic metres, large enough to treat frequently occurring rainstorms. 28

An engineering project in harmony with nature. Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Forum KWL's design team used detailed geotechnical modelling to estimate the settlement and hence the crest elevation for the berm. This is critical to the

was built in layers over geotextile using equipment with low ground pressures lighter than the pres


wetland's operation because the berm must contain the marsh pool. The satu rated lagoon sediments were far too weak to support construction equipment; therefore, the berm was constructed by end-dumping onto a woven polyester geotextile base. Under the natural-looking marsh is a carefully zoned soil structure, which 'floats' on the soft lagoon sediments. A high-strength geotextile blanket holds the lower granular layers together and prevents the perimeter berm from punching into the sediments. The berm and marsh foundation consists of grav els, riprap, and till. The berm core, of compacted till, minimizes leakage to the lagoon. The outer berm is lined with rock riprap to protect against erosion and provide habitat for fish, birds, and small

Lost Lagoon, and much of Stanley Park, has been used as a road-drainage discharge site for over 65 years. Confining and treating eauseway contaminants in the wetland repre sents a leap forward in environmental protection. The wetland has also become a popular rearing habitat for waterfowl, as evidenced by the large number of

mammals.The structure is overlain with

birds that have colonized the site.

topsoil that supports vegetation. The lagoon's soft sediments dictated

Through the use of natural filtration and treatment processes, the wetland will aid in improving the water quality of the entire ecosystem that formerly re-

the need for careful construction and soil

placement techniques. The soil structure

sure of a human foot. Soil settlement and the

underlying sediment strength were continu ally monitored during construction. Only af ter



structure a


thickness were trucks allowed on it. ceived uncontrolled runoff. Unlike more conventional solutions that scar the land

scape with unsightly structures, the wetland enhances the environment

through the creation of new and sustain able wildlife habitat matching the origi nal natural state of Lost Lagoon. The project won an Award of Excel lence in the 2002 Consulting Engineers of BC competition. For more information,

circie repiy card No. 133

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Cover Story - Kyoto Accord

Ontario engineers support Kyoto Accord

The Kyoto Accord is dominat

ing the news and is facing fierce opposition in many parts of Canada, especially Alberta and

to some degree in Ontario. The cover photo - with power lines cut ting across the smoke stacks - illustrates the dilemma facing Canadians who have a vora cious appetite for electrical energy yet have had several smog alerts in the past hot sum

mer. Ironically they now are facing huge in creases in their hydro bills. Many major polluting countries have re

fused to sign the Kyoto agreement and there are complex loopholes - such as emissions trading - none of which favour Canadians. The Ontario Society of Professional En

gineers has issued a statement supporting the Kyoto Agreement. It reads: A majority of Ontario's professional engineers believe that implementing the Kyoto Accord is worth the potential short-term economic costs, accord ing to independent research conducted by Emissions billow from the Lakeview Generating Station near Toronto as smog Ipsos-Reid on behalf of the Ontario Society obscures the skyline. ofProfessional Engineers. "As the original environmentalists, engi Historically, we enjoy longer life spans and lower rates of neers have always played a key role in ensuring public health. infant mortality because the work of engineers with water and sanitation systems has complemented public health ini


tiatives," said Society CEO Randall Pearce. "As a profes sion, engineers want to use their expertise to find economi cally viable solutions to environmental challenges like Kyoto."

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The research was part of a comprehensive survey of the province's engineers that was presented at the Society's Gen

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eral Assembly in Kingston, Ontario, on November 2, 2002.

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A majority of Ontario's professional engineers believe that implementing the Kyoto Accord is worth the potential short-term economic costs. producing a margin of emor of 1.4%. Fully 58 percent of respondents agreed that "concerns over global warming and climate change outweigh potential costs of implement ing the Kyoto Accord."



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The survey also found that engineers think that power generation companies should consider investing in new nu clear power plants to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Two-thirds of respondents(67%)favoured this option. The survey was a first step for the Society in defining its position on such environmental issues as the Kyoto Accord. "Ontario engineers are part of the solution," said CEO Pearce."Our members are ready to work with industry and government to keep Canada at the forefront of innovative, environmentally-responsible technology." Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Cover Story - Kyoto Accord

Statement on Climate Change Policy

Canada'sEnergy and Environ

ment Ministers issued a Pro

vincial and Territorial State

ment on Climate Change Policy on October 28, 2002. This fol lowed their meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Ministers agreed that: The federal government has indicated that it intends to ratify the Kyoto Accord be fore the end of this year. The federal framework on climate change, an nounced on October 28, does not yet represent an adequate Canadian ap proach to reducing greenhouse gases in Canada(The NWT reserves its position on the adequacy of the federal frame work). Provinces and Territories desire a na

tional plan. They see climate change as a serious global issue that requires im mediate and continuing action to reduce

Provinces and Territories agree that the following points are the principles for a national plan: • All Canadians must have an opportu nity for full and informed input into the development of the plan. •The plan must ensure that no region or jurisdiction shall be asked to bear an unreasonable share of the burden and no

industry, sector or region shall be treated unfairly. The costs and impacts on indi viduals, businesses and industries must be clear, reasonable, achievable, and

economically sustainable. The plan must incorporate appropriate federally funded mitigation of the adverse impacts of cli mate change initiatives. • The plan must respect Provincial and Territorial jurisdiction. • The plan must include recognition of real emission reductions that have been

Canada's emissions.

achieved since 1990 or will be achieved

Slowing, stopping and then revers ing the growth of greenhouse gas emis sions will require major changes for in dividual citizens and companies, in all


• The plan must provide for bilateral or multilateral agreements between Prov

Provinces and Territories.

eral government;

inces and Tertitories, and with the fed

•The plan must ensure that no Province or Territory bears the financial risk of federal climate change commitments. • The plan must recognize that benefits from assets such as forest and agricul tural sinks must accrue to the Province

and Territory which owns the assets. • The plan must support innovation and new technology. • The plan must maintain the economic competitiveness of Canadian business and industry. • Canada must continue to demand rec

ognition of clean energy exports. • The plan must include incentives for all citizens, communities, businesses

and jurisdictions to make the shift to an economy based on renewable and other clean energy, lower emissions and sus tainable practices across sectors. • The implementation of any climate change plan must include an incentive and allocation system that supports lower carbon emission sources of energy such as hydroelectricity, wind power generation, ethanol, and renewable and other clean sources of energy.

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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Wastewater Treatment

Innovative integrated fixed-fiim/activated siudge retrofit couid save miIHons

The Regional Munici

by KMK Consultants Limited,

pality of Peel has ini tiated expansions of its

and included Black & Veatch and

two wastewater treat


Hardy Stevenson Associates Lim

ment plants, the 336,000 mVd Lakeview



Public Information Centres for


the Class EA were held in Octo

163,500 mVd Clarkson WWTP, to provide capacity for significant growth anticipated in the Region over the next several years. An estimated $300 million in capital works will be constructed by 2006

ber 2002, and the environmental

planning process will be com pleted before the end of this year. To meet the aggressive time frame,the preliminary designs for the expansions were initiated in July 2002, and the first Value En gineering workshops on the facili ties plans were completed in the

at these facilities.

The capacity expansions fol low the completion of a compre Aerial photo of the Lakeview WWTP,recently re-rated summer of 2002. hensive Regional Biosolids Man to 392,000 m^/d capacity. Implementation of short-term agement Strategy, which was ini tiated in 2000, and facility plan measures to control odours from ning studies completed through the control measures, was initiated in 2001 the Lakeview WWTP also significantly Class Environmental Assessment(EA) to specifically address odours from the reduced biosolids processing recycle process, started in 2001. In addition, the Lakeview WWTP. Odour management streams. This has enabled the Lakeview Clear Scents odour management strat was identified to be a primary goal for WWTP to be re-rated from 336,000 mVd egy, which included public consultation the expanded facilities. The projects and to 392,000 mVd, with a new Certificate and implementation of short-term odour programs were completed by a team led of Approval issued in October 2002.

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Wastewater Treatment

Additional capacity at the Lakeview plant is required by 2006. KMK and

be conducting a separate pilot-scale study to evaluate the performance of the

Black & Veatch were awarded the $200

various IFAS carrier media, so that de

million Lakeview WWTP expansion project, to expand the plant to 448,000 mVd, the largest project of its kind in Ontario in many years. The wastewater treatment plant projects include expan sions and upgrades to headworks, pri mary and secondary treatment and dis

sign specifications for potential fullscale implementation can be accurately

infection. The recommended biosolids man

agement strategy includes decom missioning of the thermal conditioning process, identified as the most signifi cant source of odours at the facility, re placement with a new centrifuge dewatering facility, and expansion of the existing fluidized bed incineration facility. It is also planned that Clarkson WWTP biosolids, which are currently being hauled as a liquid for co-process ing with Lakeview WWTP, be


The Region of Peel has received a $100,000 grant from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Munici pal Enabling fund for the demonstration of the innovative lEAS process.

cludes expansion and upgrade of the headworks, secondary treatment, disin fection and biosolids management proc esses.

Deborah Ross, P.Eng. is Associate and Senior Process Specialist at KMK Con sultants Limited.

William Fernandes, P.Eng. is Wastewater Program Manager, Region ofPeel.

Earth Tech was awarded the Clarkson

WWTP expansion project, which in

By Deborah Ross & William Fernandes

dewatered at Clarkson and hauled as cake to Lakeview for incineration. This will reduce cun^ent truck traffic across

Lakeshore Road in Mississauga, be tween the two plants, by about 80%. Following a comprehensive evalua tion of secondary treatment technologies in the planning process, it was recom mended that a hybrid fixed-film/sus pended growth retrofit to the existing conventional activated sludge plant be seriously considered as an approach to expanding the Lakeview plant's wastewater treatment capacity, and meeting the non-acutely lethal effluent requirements being proposed by the On tario Ministry of the Environment (MOE). This retrofit could save the Re

gion in the range of $40 to $100 million in capital costs, depending on the level of treatment imposed by the MOE. To evaluate O&M impacts, and de termine site-specific design and operat

ing parameters, a 14,000 mVd demon stration train of the integrated fixedfilm/activated sludge (lEAS) process, which involves adding plastic biomass carrier media to aeration tanks, is being retrofitted, and will be operated for a one year period beginning early 2003. The IFAS technology has been demonstrated in Ontario, and is operating or currently being installed in Christies Beach,Aus tralia, Broomfield,Colorado, Moorhead,

.Jinally a totally automatic metering pump! The New gamma/L pump from ProMinent features automatic relay switching and

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Minnesota and Peterborough, Ontario. The full-scale retrofit of the IFAS tech

nology at the Lakeview WWTP would be an order of magnitude larger than any other facility in the world. In parallel, the Region of Peel will

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Eiiviroiviieiital Science & Engineering, November 2002

For more information, circle reply card No. 140(See page 25)


Site Remediation

Teaching bacteria to consume PCBs

A research team from the University ofBritish Co

lumbia and Purdue University is "teaching" microorganisms to break down polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into ecologically safe mol ecules, a process known as bioremediation.

Waterloo Biofilter Systems Inc. <val &

Scientists have identified one of the key stumbling blocks that prevent microorganisms from decomposing PCBs, a family of persistent hazardous industrial chemicals that is widespread in the environment. They have persisted for dec ades because decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, do not consume them very well. PCBs were manufactured and used in industry for dec ades for their insulating qualities, but the 1960s and 1970s brought increased awareness of their toxicity to animals and mass poisonings linked to PCB contaminated food. PCBs are no longer manufactured in Canada and the United States, but their persistence makes them a worldwide problem. Many clean-up methods, such as incineration, are ineffec tive and may generate other toxic compounds such as dioxins.

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"The globe's entire surface is now contaminated with PCBs," said Jeffrey Bolin, professor of biological sciences and a member of Purdue's Markey Center for Structural Biology and Cancer Center. "PCB molecules actually look very similar to many organic molecules that certain bacteria eat," Bolin said."But there are enough little differences that bacteria can't quite digest them. The process of digestion requires a long chain of chemical steps, and if the bacteria can't accomplish one of those steps, the chain is broken and digestion can't occur," Bolin said. "What we have done is isolate one of the steps that causes problems for the bacte ria, a clog in the biochemical pipeline if you will." Bolin and his research partner, Lindsay Eltis, associate professor of microbiology and biochemistry at the Univer sity of British Columbia, predict that microorganisms can learn to consume PCBs if properly bred. "A species will fit itself to a new environment,given many generations to adapt," said Eltis. "In the case of bacteria, you can get new generations once every few minutes under proper laboratory conditions. We hope to use certain spe cies of bacteria with a slight taste for PCBs and improve this trait through breeding until it's strong enough to make them consume PCBs as a food source."


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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Remote monitoring reduces piant costs

TheTown ofCobourg,Ontario,

has reduced operating costs at its wastewater pumping sta tion by 30% after an upgrade to the plant's monitoring and control equipment. The wastewater treatment system features two pollution control plants with a designed treatment capacity of 3.58 million gallons per day(MOD)at plant one and 2.58 MOD at plant two, plus five sewage pumping stations. The McGill Street pumping station is the largest, with a capacity of 4.6 MOD. It is equipped with three constant speed pumps and a magnetic flowmeter. Before the plant upgrade,the McGill station used a manual float systern to control the pumps. It required daily servicing of floats, manual inspection, and operation logging. A technician had to drive to the station, manually check the float operation, select the lead pump, change the chart recorder paper, log the pumped hours and the daily volume pumped as measured by a magnetic flowm eter, and then bring the log back to the of

reliable level measurement. It is also connected to the flowmeter to monitor flow. The installation eliminated the need

for daily on-site servicing. It automated the information gathering, and all pump control routines and sequencing setups. EnviroRanger provides pump control, data-logging, and communications func tions. It is integrated into the existing SCADA system running Modbus RTU through a telephone modem. From the office at the main treatment plant, the operator can now remotely track pump run-time, pump faults, number of pump

Storm,Sewer atid Wastewater Modelinf Model dual drainage and other complex.^ systems of both open and closed conduM Use Rational, SCS, SWMM Rmioff and many other hydrology methods Design/analyze separate/combined systems Handle flow reversals and looped systems Directly import GIS and other database data Simulate, pumps, orifices, weirs regulators multiple outfalls and real time control


starts, instantaneous flow rate from the

magnetic flowmeter, and totalized pumped volume. The new system has improved plant operation and quality control by mak ing more data available for decisionmaking. For more information, circle reply card No. 141

fice. The technician

performed these tasks every day. Robert Landry, Plant Superintendent, spearheaded the intro

Combined Culvert and Pond Analyzer Design and analyze all bridge, culvert and pond hydraulics Only culvert and pond hydraulics software to combine full unsteady flow and FHWA inlet analysis Use constant or hydrograph inputs and include road overtopping Include upstream storage and ponds


duction of a remote

monitoring system for


the McGill station. He chose Milltronics measurement


process instruments. Automating the rou tine tasks proved a successful strategy for improving effi ciency and reducing

Urban Stormwater Design and Analysis Design and analyze drainage systems using up to 7 retiuTi periods with the Rational formula Predict an accurate HGL and analyze inlets using HEC-12, rating curve or max. capture


The EnviroRanger

Include inlet bypasses and surface flow

ERS 500, a new

monitoring and con trol system, was in

XP Software 9-75 First Street

stalled. Connected to

Orangeville, ON L9W 5B6

a Milltronics Echomax

Tel 877-533-4533 Fax 519-941-SWMM

XRS-5 transducer, the

EnviroRanger panel mount control unit

Remote monitoring using the EnviroRanger has reduced operating costs at the McGiii Street pumping station by

provides accurate and


Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

I\ www.xpsoftware.ca Circle reply card No. 142 (See page 25)


Toxic Mould

Mould -A true growth Industry!

Mould is everywhere! Those dusty little spots often found spreading

or asthmatic symptoms such as wheez ing or runny nose. Mycotoxin moulds

duced by Penicillium chrysogenum, a commonly occurring mould in most

can cause serious health effects in hu



bread, cheese,

mans and animals. Health effects range

books, and other things in the home and

from short-term irritation, to immuno-

business, cause the loss of millions of

suppression, to cancer and even death. Pathogenic moulds can cause serious health effects in persons with suppressed immune systems, those taking chemo therapy, those with HIV/AIDS,or auto

Stachybotrys - some species have achieved considerable notoriety in re cent years due to their production of po

Penicillium can, however, produce mycotoxins, extrinsic asthma, edema and bronchiospasms, pulmonary em physema. Aspergillus - Commonly found in soil, dust, hay,cotton and dairy products and is easily disturbed. Air and mites are its most frequent transporters. They can produce allergen attacks, mycotoxins, diarrhea, nausea and are a carcinogen to liver and kidney. Others-There are other types of mould, mildew and fungus, but these three are

tent toxins in indoor environments.

the most common cause for concern.

dollars to our economy every year. Health effects can be significant if cer tain types of moulds are above accept able limits.

Mould, mildew or fungus? Mould is any of various fungous growths often causing disintegration of organic matter. Mildew is a superficial covering or discoloring of organic materials caused by fungi, especially under damp condi

immune disorders.


They have been linked to some cases of infant death in mouldy buildings. They can produce eai" infections, mycotoxins,

Fungus is any of numerous plants of the division or subkingdom Thallophyta, ranging in form from a single cell to a body mass of branched filamentous hyphae. What should concern me?

Allergenic moulds are normally not dangerous, but they can cause allergic


What types of mould should concern me?

extrinsic asthma, edema and bronchio-

spasms and pulmonary emphysema. Penicillium -cheeses such as Roguefort, Brie, Camembert, Stilton are ripened with species of Penicillium and are quite safe to eat. The drug penicillin is pro-

Laboratory Training Services


Feeling overwhelmed with ISO/IEC 17025? CAEAL Training Services can economically and effectively help your laboratory staff meet conformance challenges with knowledge and confidence. Our courses cover all topics on laboratory operations and accreditation, including:

Measurement Uncertainty Quality Control

How do I know if I have

mould present? • Employees or family members may experience symptoms or detect musty odours.

• Mould may be visible where there has been a leak, around ventilation systems, on bathroom tiles, etc.

• Perform testing to see what you are dealing with and compare indoor sam ples with outdoor samples. How do I clean up mould? 1. Contact a professional remediation service with credentials in mould clean up.

2. Confirm they will be using proper Personal Protective Equipment accord ing to the Canada Labour Code and/or the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations during clean-up and that the employees or family members in the area will be protected by barriers and proper ventilation during clean-up. 3. Inform all people in the area that remediation will occur and answer any questions they may have regarding clean-up procedures and possible health risks.

ISO/IEC 17025

Ensure that post-testing will be done at least two weeks after remediation and

Please visit www.caeal.ca/t_intro.html for more information.


• • •

Our training schedule Our prices Our laboratory manuals

• •

Opportunities to host a training session What others say about us

before rebuilding to make sure the con taminate has been successfully removed to within acceptable levels. For more information,

circle reply card No. 144

The Canadian .Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories Suite 300, 265 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario KIS 2E1 Tel:(613) 233-5300 Fax:(613) 233-5501 E-Mail: ngravel@caeal.ca


For more information, circle reply card No. 143 (See page 25)

By Kent Gillin, President, E.K. Gillin & Associates Inc.

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

System Maintenance

Internal drop specifications adopted by Ontario SeweiTee

Removable Cap Otionol EWER

300 mm Mot from saver

invert to first strop

600 mm Mat fyp 45 33/64 w/e cJcofwut

City of Guelph Director of Engineer ing, Rick Tolkunow stated that"for the Southcreek Subdivision project, the use of internal drop structure was significant in terms of satisfying project timing. The delays that we anticipated for the supply of an external drop and the costs associ ated with the field construction of the drop

nal drop. We, in fact, developed our own standard with the help of Hanson Pipe & Products Canada Inc.(formerly Centennial Concrete Pipe and Prod ucts) for the internal drop structure which is now a component of our mu nicipal standards."

structure warranted the use of the inter

Courtesy - The Concrete Pipe Journal

PVC Drop Pipe

Tri-Phase Environmental

Tri-PhaseEnvironmentallnc. Stainless Steel Strop. lyp

Inc.(TPEI) is a Canadian waste management and environmental remediation

Moinlenonce Hole Woll

company incorporated under the laws of Ontario.

TPEI operates across Canada offering a fuii iine ?0" Hww

Bendiing to invmt of chaonel

In January 1999,the Ontario Con

of on-site services to

private, public, and crown corporations. TPEI has built a national reputation of quality, service and safe, cost effective soiutions. TPEI is committed to

crete Pipe Association initiated

environmental quality, coupled with safety compli

discussions with the Ontario Pro

ance. We handle all of our

projects skillfully and efficiently with minimum disruption to our customers

vincial Standards(OPS)Drainage Committee on the development and im plementation of an internal drop struc ture specification for new maintenance hole construction. This spring, the On tario Provincial Standards approved the internal drop for new construction,

Tel: (905) 279-4906 Fax:(905) 279-0381

OPSD 1003.030 Maintenance Hole


and communities.

(New)Internal Drop Structure. This ad dition to the standard will be made for

mal with the release of the specification drawing later this year. The Drainage Committee has also reviewed, and ap proved, a new safety landing design for the internal drop. For the industry, this is welcome news. From the manufacturer's stand

point, the two-step manufacturing proc ess for an external drop structure as pre sented, will improve production rates

• Asbestos and mold removal • Demolition

• RGB management, cleanup, packaging, transportation and disposal • Transformers retrofill and retrofit

and reduce labour costs. For the contrac

tor, an alternative to a cumbersome prod uct could not come soon enough,reduc ing production delays, costs and the safety issues associated with external drop construction. For the owner,simple access through the opening in the maintenance hole is all that is necessary now for regular monitoring, cleaning and/or mainte nance of the internal drop structure. Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

• Site remediation • Industrial services/

power washing • Confined space entry • Underground storage tank removal

• Decommissioning

For more information, circle reply card No. 145 (See page 25)


Drinking Water Disinfection

Chlorine dioxide triai as a post disinfectant in Wiarton, Ontario

On June 20, 2000, the Town of Wiarton, Ontario, began

a two-month trial where the disinfectant used to treat the

tap water was changed from chlorine to chlorine dioxide.

This project, headed by Sterling Pulp Chemicals Ltd., Water Technologies Division, was undertaken with the par ticipation of the Town of Wiarton, the Ontario Clean Water Agency(OCWA), the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and the University of Toronto, Depart ment of Civil Engineering. The Town of Wiarton, with a popu lation of 2300, is supplied with drink ing water from the Wiarton Water Eiltration Plant completed in 1993. The plant is located on the shore of Colpoys Bay and has a maximum day capacity

the perstraction module where chlorine dioxide and water vapor diffuse through the hydrophobic membrane and are ab sorbed. The resulting high purity chlo rine dioxide solution then leaves the sys tem and goes to the point of use. The anolyte, depleted of sodium chlorite, gets replenished with sodium chlorite

pumped into two flocculation tanks where polyaluminum chloride is added. From the flocculation tanks, water is

then filtered through two multi-media sand filters. Water chlorination takes

place at the plant intake (dosage rate: ~ 1 mg/L Cl,) and at the filter outlets (~ 1

mg/L Cy via addition of 12% sodium hypochlorite solution. Treated chlorin ated water is pumped from the clearwell into the trunkmain, distribution system and the water tower through two high lift pumps. The ERCO RlOl electrochemical

generation system consists of a circula tion loop (anolyte loop) where the so dium chlorite solution (anolyte)is re-circulated through the anode compartments of an integrated cell comprising the chlo rine dioxide generating and anolyte pH control cells. Once generated, the prod uct chlorine dioxide disengages from the anolyte as it passes through the donor side of a perstraction module (Pall Cor poration, New York). Water is circulated through the receiver compartments of Dr. Robert Andrews,

Dr. Bryan Karney and Dr. Georges Ranger 38

structed. Initial modeling efforts were directed at trunk watermains in the cen

separated from the hydrogen gas, which

tral part of the town and major hydrau lic devices (e.g., reservoir, pumping sta tion, treatment plant, etc.). Sampling Locations and Study Timeline Samples were collected from five

is evolved at the cathode, and then used

or drained. The generator is operated via a computer-controlled system, with safety interlocks that allow it to operate

locations in Wiarton:

Hydrophobic Membrane ' <

Sodium Chlorite

from Storage ^

• The water treatment plant clear well


• The water tower effluent

Perstraction 1 Module 1

• House in Oxenden(west part of system) • Wiarton Hospital(east part of system)


• The OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) Station (southern most point of system)

Pump Weak Caustic Soda

Softened Water Control


Erom there the water is screened and then enters the wet well. The water is

lic model of the network was con

feed solution. Weak caustic solution is

of 5137 mVday. The plant operates on demand from the city water storage tank and cycles with a frequency of about 45 hours. Raw water from Colpoys Bay is pumped through the water intake.

furthest point in the town distribution system. The Wiarton Water Distribution System Monitoring Study was the re sponsibility of University of Toronto personnel. To assist in the identification of suitable sampling locations a hydrau

R101 Generator Process Diagram. autonomously. Once started it will op erate unattended at its preset parameters with very little inteiwention or monitoring. The RlOl system installed at the Wiarton site had a ClO, production ca pacity of 10 Kg/day, but due to the low demand of the plant, the unit was oper ated at 6.5 Kg/day. All of the ClO,solu tion produced was sent to a storage tank to provide a reasonable ClO, solution buffer capacity and a means of dealing with possible fluctuations in disinfect ant demand.

Three metering pumps drew ClO, solution from this tank, injecting it at the raw water intake forpre-disinfection and the control/prevention of zebra mus sel infestation, and prior to entering the clearwell. On line monitoring of the clearwell water chlorine dioxide residual

was accomplished by the use of a ProMinent Dulcometer analyzer. The responsibility of the SPC Water Technologies project team was to moni tor the performance of the RlOl gen erator and peripheral equipment as well as to provide the right amount of disin fectant to the Wiarton drinking water in order to maintain a residual value at the

The sampling sites in the distribution system were selected on the basis of a hydraulic model and were mainly lo cated in easily accessible public build ings. EPANet 2.Ox was utilized to hydraulically model the Wiarton Water Distribution System. Sampling commenced two weeks before an initial "ramp up" period. The project was scheduled for 17 weeks with a total of 23 sample collection days. During the initial "ramp up" period the hypochlorite used at the intake for predisinfection and zebra mussel control

was replaced by chlorine dioxide. Af ter a period of approximately one week, the post-filter addition of hypochlorite was also replaced. Microbial protection at all times during the study exceeded that typically obtained when using chlo rine by a factor of 4 to 5. Monitored Parameters

Throughout the trial, data was col lected at the plant and sampling sites to assess the RlOl generator performance and the impact of chlorine dioxide on water quality. Monitoring included: • RlOl generator yield and chlorine di oxide solution quality. • Disinfectant residuals (free and com bined chlorine, chlorine dioxide). • Disinfectant by-products (trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, chlorite,

chlorate, bromate).

• Temperature, pH, UV,jj, DOC.

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Drinking Water Disinfection







Figure 1 - THM's Concentration versus Contact Time for Chlo

Figure 2- HAA's Concentration versus Contact Time for Chlo

rine and Chlorine Dioxide.

rine and Chlorine Dioxide.

ide solution at an average production rate of 6.5kg ClO^/

• Total heterotrophic counts (direct microscopic counts us ing acridine orange). • Heterotrophic plate counts on R2A.

day, at an on time of over 96%. • The average generator yield based on sodium chlorite consumed was 96+1% within a 95% confidence interval


based on the data population.

RIO] Generator Performance - The performance of the RlOl unit at the Wiarton Water Filtration Plant was essen

• The generator average chlorine dioxide yield (EPA for

tially flawless. The following is a summary of the genera tor performance for the trial duration: • The unit produced well over 400kg of pure chlorine diox-

• The generator average excess chlorine(EPA formula) was

mula) was 99.4 + 0.1%. 0.5 + 0.2%.


Waterra Introduces two new

12 volt submersible pumps designed specifically for groundwater monitoring. - suitable for continuous running


- high performance/long life DC electrical motor (runs over 100% longer than competitors' models)

(Also available in a single stage

- adapts to 1/2 x 3/8" high density or low density poly tubing - excellent lift performance: up to 40' with the single stage pump (WSP-I2V-I); up to 60' with the double stage pump(WSP-I2V-2)

watena Groundwater Monitoring Equipment & Supplies Waterra Pumps Limited 5200 Dixie Road, Unit 44, Mississauga, Ontario,Canada L4W IE4 • email: waterra@idirect.com • voice:905.238.5242 • fax: 905.238.5704 Waterra USA Inc. 715 West Orchard Drive,Suite 5, Beilingham,Washington, USA 98225 • email: waterraUSAinc@aoi.com • voice: 360.738.3366 • fax: 360.738.3399

pumps • filters • tubing • www.waterra.com • bailers • water level sensors Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

For more information,

circle reply card No. 146(See page 25)


Drinking Water Disinfection • The RlOl output chlorine dioxide purity as mass ratio averaged 98.8 + 0.3%, for an average output solution con centration of 1200 mg/L ClO,. In addition to generator parameters monitoring, water samples were collected throughout the trial at several loca tions within the treatment plant and at the distribution sys tem in order to confirm and control chlorine dioxide residuals

USEPA limits.

THMs (Trihalomethanes) and HAAs (Haloacetlc acids) - USEPA limits for THMs and HAAs.have been set to BOpg/ L and 60|J.g/L respectively. Results from THM and HAA monitoring in Wiarton are shown in Figures 1 and 2. It was found that the change in disinfectant from chlorine to chlo rine dioxide led to an 85% reduction in THMs (i.e. from

and disinfection by-products in the drinking water. In order to maintain a residual disinfectant value of at least 0.1 mg/L ClO, at the distribution system furthest point (Oxenden), the chlorine dioxide dosage (based on water analysis) dur ing the constant period consisted of 0.4mg/L addition at the plant intake and 0.8 mg/L ClO, post-filter addition. The resulting plant clearwell disinfectant and Disinfection By products (DBP's) concentration averaged 0.6 mg/L ClO,,

30pg/L to 5|ig/L) and a 60% reduction in HAAs (i.e. from

0.5 mg/L ClO,-, and 0.06 mg/L ClO,.

rine. In addition, no coliform bacteria were detected in the

Water Quality Monitoring - Over the monitoring program, more than 500 samples were collected to determine the im pact of disinfectant change on the observed bacteriological and chemical parameters. The results of this work provided valuable insights into the phenomena that are involved when introducing chlorine dioxide to a utility. Disinfectant Residuals - Chlorine dioxide residuals were consistently present above detection limits (and below USEPA MCLs)throughout the distribution system. The low est residual observed was 0.1 mg/L. Chlorite values throughout the system averaged approxi mately 0.7 mg/L; chlorate values averaged approximately 0.1 mg/L. Both of theses were also well within acceptable

drinking water during the duration of the trial.

Your One-Stop Source for Controls and Instruments Put your trust in Davis Controls to deliver packaged solutions designed to reduce loss and save energy in the water cycle of ail water treatment and wastewater processing operations. You need a dedicated business partner with the know-how, experience and product ottering to he with you from abstraction to purification to supply.

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20jag/L to 8|ig/L). AODC(Acridine Orange Count) - AODC is a measure ment, based on a DNA stain, of the number of organisms in water. AODC measurements in Wiarton tap water decreased by approximately 60% following the switch to chlorine di oxide. This suggests that chlorine dioxide was more effec tive at killing microorganisms in the tap water than chlo


The trial undertaken at the Town of Wiarton with thejoint participation of SPC Water Technologies Division, the Uni versity of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, the Ontario Clean Water Agency and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment clearly exceeded expectations for the project. Dr. Robert Andrews and Dr. Bryan Karney are with the De partment of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto. Dr. Georges Ranger is with Sterling Pulp Chemiccds Ltd., Water Technologies Division.

STEP UP YOUR PROTECTION The Hycor® Monoscreen™ Automatic Escalating Screen is designed for fine screening with



Available with openings of 0.5 to 5 mm (0.020" to 0.200") for clean water flows from 4.4 to

1752 L/S (0.1 to 40 MGD), the Monoscreen has rows of self-

cleaning bars in an escalating

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Tel: 905-829-2000 Fax: 905-829-2630 www.daviscontrols.com

This particular feature means

the Monoscreen wiU typically ^' trap 40% more solids than similar screens. Your pumps and downstream equipment and processes will be well protected.

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For more information,

For more information,

circle reply card No. 147(See page 25)

circle reply card No. 148(See page 25)


A diverse range of case histories and new developments are reviewed in ES&E's semi-annual look at tanks and other containment structures. Layfield installs new secondary containment system for liquid fertilizer manufacturer.

Booming ethanol market Increases demand for cost-efficient storage

Now that the US

wanted hopper bottom silos to fa cilitate complete clean out and Columbian TecTank had the larg est hopper silos on the market." Interior and exterior coatings

government is as

interested in ex

panding ethanol production as the country's com growers have been for decades, the planning and construction of new ethanol plants is heat ing up. Because of the growing con cern regarding US dependence on foreign oil, ethanol is fast moving to the forefront of US efforts to produce its own re newable fuels right here at home. Earlier this year it was reported that 20 states already had 57 ethanol plants in produc

were another consideration.

These bolted tanks are factorycoated in a controlled environ


tion, with 18 more under con

struction and a building boom

ment using specialized thermally cured coating systems. Interior coatings are formulated to pro tect the product stored by enhanc ing the product flow, minimizing abrasion and protecting against corrosion.

Exterior coatings are selected and formulated for the exposed environment.

Columbian TecTank bolted smoothwall silos are master

crafted for a precision fit in the Storage tanks at plant In South Bend, Indiana The challenge now is to build field. To ensure quality, all com ponents are fabricated in facili the most cost-efficient plants for producing this energy-efficient fuel and lized two flat bottom silos but when ad ties that are ISO 9000 quality system cer to get the facilities up and running ditional storage was required they opted tified. for four 38' diameter x 120' high (utiliz Pre-engineered shop fabrication re quickly. Cost-efficiency was just one of the ing 45 degree hoppers) "smoothwall" duces the order to installation timeframe. Columbian TecTank can reasons why the New Energy Corp, a silos, designed and engineered specifi have fabricated materials on site within pioneer in producing ethanolfrom com, cally for this application. Randy Chrobot, Operations Manager six weeks of order receipt. selected Columbian TecTank dry bulk For more information, storage tanks for its plant in South Bend, for the New Energy Corp South Bend circie repiy card No. 122 Indiana. Initially New Energy Corp uti- Plant stated, "with the expansion, we on the horizon.

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Tan^^Q ntalF>nrfc@ritt

Liquid fertiiizer manufacturer chooses steei waiied secondary containment system

After years ofservice,a solution was required for the replacement of an eroding earthen dyke con taining an 88,000 imperial gallon steel walled tank,for a liquid nitrogen fertilizer manufacturer

in Southern Ontario.

The task was to supply and install a new secondary con tainment system to replace the current substandard earthen berm. This project required a lining system to be sealed

around the existing concrete pad while providing chemical resistance to the fertilizer. Design criteria and job constraints included: speed of installation, ability to withstand a cata strophic tank failure, and a 10 ft x 10 ft x 1 ft sump area also had to be built. Down time of the tank had to be kept to a minimum with the approaching growing season, plus atten tion to design detail and shape of the containment system had to be adhered to in order to allow easy access to the

Containment system neahng completion.

tank with delivery trucks. All existing pipe penetrations were removed and the berms demolished. A 6 inch compacted sand base was con

this system the owner has the option of altering the tank farm size, thus capacity, by adding or removing wall panels

structed while allowing for a low-lying area for the sump. The site had good access and the project was to go ahead

The geomembrane containment liner was prefabricated and shipped to site in two large panels premeasured to fit this system thus minimizing waste. Supplied by Layfield, the

as the tank farm grows in size.

Enviro Liner 30 was chosen for

its low cost, UV and chemical

' 111' 0' D cS1Z3-

resistance. The largest panel, roughly 60ft x 132ft, was de ployed and a relief cut was made on site to fit around the concrete

pad that supports the tank and 8 ft Self-supporting

then seamed in the field extend

Combo Panels

ing to the G-55 wall. The geomembrane was then me chanically attached to the con crete pad using concrete bolts, flat bar, neoprene gasket and fi nally caulked. The second liner, roughly 15ft x 15ft, was seamed on site for the sump area, and the perimeter of the overall liner was attached to the top of the G-55 system and trimmed to fit.

* No supports * Angled male ends

CHContainment Info Note; Tanks & fill not



- Area = 5049 Sq.ft. -Volume = 19354 Cu. ft.





-B- g

Plan layout of the new secondary containment system.

during dry weather conditions in February 2002. An irregu lar shaped 12 gauge, galvanized, 50 ft x 120 ft x 46 in high containment system was chosen, manufactured by Grit In dustries Inc. and supplied by Layfield Geosynthetics and Industrial Fabrics Ltd.

The G-55 system from Grit, is a free standing system, which does not require support posts so the entire wall sys tem was installed in a matter of days. The unique footprint, due to the flexible nature of the G-55 wall panels, allowed space for delivery trucks to drive up close to the rounded end of the system and the square end provided the 110% required capacity. The narrow walls allowed for a tighter design radius of the system while maintaining capacity as compared to the wide base of an earthen berm. By choosing 42


Prefabrication of the liner reduced 90% of field welding and allowed the entire 5,049 square foot area (does not in clude the tank area) to be lined and tested for seaming in tegrity and the walls assembled by Layfield in about three days with a crew of four. As there are several geomembrane liners available with varying chemical resistance properties, this system can be used in numerous secondary or primary containment appli cations.

For more information, circie reply card No. 123

By Glenn Stokes, Layfield Geosynthetics & Industrial Fabrics Ltd. Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

fDTE INDUSTRIES LIMITED Since 1951 DTE Industries Limited has been supplying the Petroleum, Petro chemical, Agricultural, Forestry, Mining, Heating, Contracting & Engineering fields with quality Storage tanks. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority...

Offering Steel & Plastic Jacketed Tanks from 227 to 100,000 litres (50 gal. to25,000 gal.)

Advantages to you the customer are: •We have our own fleet of trucks and ship from Vancouver to Halifax

® Competitive pricing - Lease or Buy option available ® 5 year or 30 year warranties available •Superior Quality Products & Services for over 48 years

Let us show you how we can provide security & valuefor your money Plant tours are available by contacting our Engineering department

DTE Industries Limited 69 Comstock Rd. Scarborough, ON

For aboveground and underground applications. We meet all ULC and UL specifications. Other models available; •Bench Tanks •Fuel Oil Tanks

•Farm Utility Tanks •Oil/Water separators •Custom Fabrication available

1-800-387-1400 • Tel. 416-757-6278 • Fax. 416-757-5579 www.dteindustries.com



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Aboveground Vertical

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For more information, circle reply card No. 124 (See page 25)

(' FiRKUaro


Compliant lining material for domestic water storage tanks

One of the is ues often over

looked in discussions about

potable water quality, com pliance and safety is the stor age of domestic water. Pocono Fabrica tor's Pre-Krete Tankliner-61, a recently developed product designed exclusively for lining the inside of domestic water storage tanks, is now available and meets NSF Standard 61. NSF Standard

61 specifically ensures that drinking water contact materials and components will not add harmful levels of contami

nants to drinking water. NSF International, founded in 1944 as the National Sanitation Foundation,

is known for the development of stand ards, product testing and certification in the areas of public health safety and pro

The Pre-Krete Tankliner-61 was de

veloped in June 1999 as a lining for in stallation in hot and cold potable water tanks. It is a hydraulic cement formu lated with a bauxite based binder, graded aggregate, and specialty ingredients de signed to provide effective protection against the corrosive effects of hard and soft water. The specialty ingredients control water retention, compressive strength, set time, and workability, all of which ensure that the end product ap plies and performs as expected. The sources for the graded aggre gates are selected on the ability of the vendors to monitor the grain size of the aggregates as well as product purity. Most sand and/or stone supplies contain clay, lime, dirt, etc., all of which will be

tection of the environment. Canada's

attacked in a corrosive environment.

CSA International also approves prod ucts for use in potable water. They too have adopted NSF Standard 61 as their

There is also concern that these aggre gates may contain contaminants that are harmful when ingested. Many sand/ stone supplies contain lead and arsenic.

conformance criteria.

Rusi inside a lanK before refining.

Picture of tank after refining. Note mag nesium sacrifioiai anodes on side of tank. Tankliner-61 can be used to line new

tanks or to repair and restore existing tanks. It can even be applied over a rusted surface provided there is no lami

Effective Solutions for Potable Water, Wastewater, Leachate Storage and Industrial Storage.

nation of the oxidized metal. This elimi

nates the need for sandblasting, an ex pensive procedure when using epoxy-

Experience does matter... construction crews

building quality glass-fused-to steel tanks since 1965.

based tank liners.

NSF Standard 61 specifically ensures that drinking water contact materials and

components will not add harmful levels of contaminants

Greatario / Aquastore® Glass Tanks y Temcor® Aluminum Covers / JetMIx™ Vortex Mixing System Phone 519-469-8169 Fax 519-469-8157


to drinking water. Provincial Tank Lining and Inspec tions serves as the exclusive lining rep resentative for Clemmer Technologies, a leading manufacturer of water storage tanks and other containment systems. Clemmer now installs only Tankliner61 linings in the new water storage tanks they fabricate in their factory in Water loo, Ontario.

For more information,

circle reply card No. 126 44

For more information,

circle reply card No. 125(See page 25)

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Nova Scotia composting piant chooses fabric covered enciosures V-'"?


Gerald Tibbo,the ChiefOper

protection on the steel components of the building is far less costly. According to Gerald Tibbo, "things like condensation weepage have been easy to control. We have ordered a number of customized improvements from the fabric manufacturing company

to eliminate past and foreseeable prob lems. The building is meeting our ex pectations. The clear span working area provides plenty of room to com post product." For more information, circie repiy card No. 127

Fabric covering resists corrosion.

ating Officer of New Era Technologies in Nova Scotia, acknowledges that there is more to composting than the view! His company processes over 25,000 tonnes annually of source sepa rated organic waste into manufactured soil which is sold to landscaping com panies, golf courses, and anyone else who wants to get more out of the land mass they own. The company has cho sen a building system that has added functionality and increased profitability to their composting process: two polyethylene fabric covered buildings manufactured by Cover-All Building Systems. New Era incorporates an extensive aeration process to create their compost product. An in-vessel process breaks down the initial raw product. The sec ondary curing and stabilization takes place in a large 72' x 440' polyethylene fabric covered building by means of a forced ventilation air system. The ex hausted air is then filtered through an elaborate Bio Eilter system to maintain negative air pressure,reduce indoor fog

Diverse Piastic Tanks is your source for doubie wali containment

storage tanks


and to control the indoor air environ

ment. The composted product is then taken into another Cover-All building, which is 90' x 220', to be further in

spected,screened for sizing and residual removal and storage. The reason for choosing a fabric building instead of a conventional one was mainly for the durable long life of the building as well as cost of mainte nance. "The corrosive elements in this

type of environment are quite devastat ing on a steel building," says Mr. Tibbo. The polyethylene skin is not affected by the con'osive gases so the customized

Diverse Plastic Tanks Inc.

.f4't3i 05.Unity Drive, Missis


Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Pit: (905) 607-5189 Fax:(905) 607-9835 lnternet:www.plastictanks.ca

Email: tanks@piastlctanks.ca -

I For more information,

circie repiy card No. 128(See page 25)


lanki &

A wide array of solutions for diverse environmental problems

The thought of leaking under

ground storage tanks typically conjures up media articles de tailing contaminated wells, major environmental clean-ups and seemingly endless costs. This article ad dresses the lessons that ZCL Compos ites has learned about mitigating under ground storage and process tank leak age. It will further invite the reader to

IW| %



think "outside the box" in terms of ad

ditional applications in other sectors. The majority of underground tanks installed in North America are located

at retail and commercial gasoline and diesel outlets. This enormous number of

underground storage tanks did not come into being overnight. Far from it. Mir roring the opportunities created by the "car in every garage" phenomenon, re tail gasoline stations proliferated, until it seemed that there was one on every corner.

Similarly, a large but likely inestima ble number of underground tanks exists for applications ranging from chemical storage to wastewater treatment. The

Bedding process during installation. can be prevented. How does this relate to

catastrophically. Consistent with the "bury it and forget it" mentality, the first

legacy of leaking underground tanks contaminating our environment. By and large, contamination due to tank leakage has been attributable to

underground applications? The exterior wall of an underground storage tank can at any time be subjected to varying conditions of pH, inorganic chemicals,salinity, water table and even stray electrical current. Acting alone or

external and internal coiTosion of the

in combination, these conditions can

tank walls in metallic tanks and permea

result in the eventual degradation of un protected tank walls. Similar conditions will attack protected tanks that have been damaged or improperly main

or a visible plume at a drainage outfall. At this point, the classic "investigate/ blame/clean up/pay out cycle" occurs. Does anybody win? The installation of any underground equipment should be regarded as a longtem investment intended to provide pro tection against unnecessary environ mental mishaps and the associated li

downside of this, of course, is that we have been and continue to live with the

tion and crack formation in concrete tanks.

evidence of a subsurface problem often manifests itself as a contaminated well

Most underground tanks, regardless of application will be subjected to



Degradation of underground storage equipment occurs not only from the out

Fiberglass tanks offer a variety of benefits that address regulatory compli ance issues, insurance costs and protec

interaction with the external

side. Unprotected steel tanks have been found to suffer from the consequence

environment in which

of water accumulation (from conden sation) and, in some cases, biological

they reside.

byproducts if bottom sludge is present. The rate of oxidation may be a slower process but the end result is that the in

Over the past 25 years, technologies intended to address and abate this prob lem have been developed and accepted for use. Without a doubt,the major tech nology has been non-metallic fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) underground tanks. The use of chemically and elec trically stable materials ensures that not

only external but also internal coiTosion 46

side of the vessel but also from the in

ternal surface of the tank will con-ode.

Left unchecked, leakage will occur. In underground concrete tanks, the

tion of land value, not to mention re

duced maintenance and upkeep costs. Fiberglass tanks are fabricated using a composite or laminate that consists of glass reinforcements supporting a ma trix of polymers known as thermoset resins. These resins ai'e custom-tailored

for various applications using hydrocar bon precursors derived from crude oil. Once the resin backbone chains and

Worse still, the release of the tank con

interchain linkages in the resins have been formed, the resulting molecular structure is capable of resisting attack by oxidation (corrosion) and other

tents may occur insidiously rather than

chemical reactions. In a thermoset resin

cement and steel reinforcements in the

form of rebar can be affected by both soil conditions and the stored product.

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

lanks it Canzwtln^i system,the formation of the plastic ma

Most underground tanks, regardless

duce biological build-up and are easier

trix is irreversible and stable.

of application will be subjected to inter

Properly selected, fiberglass tanks can be regai'ded as chemically inert to the underground environs and stored or

action with the external environment in

In many cases, simple modifications

which they reside. But the nature of stored or processed products may vary process contents. Properly designed,the over a wide spectrum, including: tanks are capable of withstanding the • Chemical storage in a tank that is mechanical stresses imposed by the chemically resistant, non-contaminat burial conditions. Investigations of stor ing, impermeable and secure. age tanks unearthed after thirty years of • Sewage holding and processing in a tank that is biologically inert and resist service reveal that the physical proper

can be made to the tanks in situ, should the occasion arise, the tanks can be

ties of the laminates have regressed minimally. For an even higher degree of protec tion,the double wall PreZerver tank was

ant to biological byproducts. • Leachate collection, domestic and in

developed. In essence, a tank within-a-

streams and water treatment chemicals.

tank, the outer wall of this product pro vides secondary containment over the entire tank surface. More importantly,

ous methods. Compared to more gen eral site monitoring wells,in the unlikely

Less obvious but no less important, fiberglass tanks can be used as: • Reliable emergency spill containment tanks that will always be ready when needed. These tanks are typically used where handling and transfer of hazard ous or toxic liquids is being performed. •Bulk water storage tanks can be fabri

event of a breach in the tank wall, the

cated to hold more than 100,000 litres

the discreet space formed between the inner and outer tank walls (interstitial

space)can be directly monitored by vari

dustrial wastewater processing in a tank that is resistant to a wide variety of waste

detection time is significantly reduced. each for emergency fire-fighting. This technology would be highly rec • Protection of stored water supply for domestic application, using food grade ommended in locations that are envi ronmentally sensitive, near subsurface resins resistant to treated water. Smooth stmctures or in critical storage applications. interior surfaces in fiberglass tanks re

to maintain.

drained, exhumed and reused in other

locations subject to confirmation oftheir integrity by inspection and test. For more information,

circle reply card No. 129 GATOR


opens new head office Gator International

has opened Its new head office and an additional new distribution warehouse for

Gator Canada in Langley, BO. Gator Canada is the sole

authorized agent for all Gator prod ucts across Canada and is currently focusing on expanding its distributor network into Eastern Canada.

Contact: Ron Van Luven,

#204, 26730 56th Avenue, Langley, EC, V4W 3X5,(604)857-9048


To find your nearest dealer T-866-610-0370 Manufactured by •HRRmifIS www.harnois.eom Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

For more information,

circle reply card No. 130(See page 25)



The gas station that thinks of tomorrow

When was the lasttime you

heard "gas station" and "environment allyfriendly" in the same sen tence? Trillium Fueling Systems, Burlington, Ontario,entered the market place last year with an innovative and environmentally-friendly gas station concept that is creating waves in the in dustry. The Trillium Fueling System is

completely above ground - no risk of spills or leaking into the soil, and no problem with site remediation if the lo

locating. The Trillium Fueling System, however, maintains the value of property and leaves choices wide open. Brian Villemaire is an Indus

trial Practitioner with Royal LePage Commercial Inc. He is also an expert on brownfield/redevelopment projects and a re spected lecturer at the University of Waterloo. "I think this prod uct is a huge benefit for society. It's forward thinking and consid


cation changes. With many site remediation problems in the news, and government soil reme diation guidelines, small chain and in dependent gas station owners may worry about expanding or moving locations.

makes sense from the gas station A Trillium fueling system in the process ot in owner's perspective. Do you stallation. know how many clients I've had whose retirement savings were wiped ter what they do," he said. out because their site and property There isn't legislation or aid to help

These owners also watch the value of

wasn't saleable?

their site, often a huge part of their re tirement savings, decrease significantly if the land is to be used for anything other than a gas station. Underground tanks depreciate the value of land and severely limit options if selling or re

"If the purchaser requires financing, and most purchasers do, the lending in

ers the environment. But it also

dirty site. And the retiring owner can't

people who face that daunting task of site clean-up - yet. In fact, in current legislation, liability for brownfield sites is determined by ownership, even if the owner had nothing to do with the con

afford to clean the site. Retirement

tamination. It's the "little guys" like in

funds will literally be wiped out no mat-

dependent gas station owners that Villemaire feels for, and a part of the reason he is lobbying for Bill 56 in Ottawa to specifically address brownfield issues and the accompanying liabil

stitution will not finance a deal with a

Storage tanks that simply will not rust!

ity issues.

"Big companies have site remed iation down to an art," adds Villemaire.

"They come in and out and the site is ready to go. Small chains and independ ents face roughly $20,000 just for engi neering services to completely test and report on the soil conditions. And what

Fiberglass tanks that deliver more than twice the service life of other tanks

if the news is bad? The owner faces a

Domestic fuel oil

huge clean-up bill. There has to be a bet ter answer than covering the site in as phalt. What kind of long-term thinking

storage tanks

is that?"

virtually eliminate the risk of

"To tell the truth, portability was my inspiration for coming up with the whole aboveground gas station concept," ad

Waste water,

septic & sewage holding tank systems are maintenancefree with a unique two chamber design that provides better

separation and less carry-over of

environmental contamination

scum and sludge.

due to corrosion leaks. Also

Underground storage tanks Corrosion free internally and externaliy, ZCL tanks provide you with continuous protection against leaks due to corrosion, ideal for safe storage of ail fuel types, water and most hazardous liquids.

safely stores diesel fuel for emergency stand by generators.

mits Phil Andree, President of Trillium

Fueling Systems. "But once we started to explore the idea, the positive envi ronmental impact that these stations can make soon became crystal clear. As easy as they are to install, they are just as easy to take apart and move. And what's left

Oil/Water separator tanks provide high performance solutions for reducing oil and fuel in run-off water streams. No moving parts and only minimal maintenance is

required thanks to corrosion free internal and external components. Ideal for bulk fuel plants, truck stops, vehicle repair shops and parking lots.


Oilfield service tanks

For More Info Call Toll Free Today!

1-800-661-8265 visit us at www.zcl.com

Canada's #1 Selling Fiberglass Tanks 48

For more information,

circle reply card No. 131 (See page 25)

that comply to environmental regulations and meet new changes in guidelines for 100% secondary containment.

behind? Saleable land instead of the

huge headaches associated with buried tanks."

For more information,

circie repiy card No. 132 Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Product and Service Showcase Tank solutions

Diverse Plastic Tanks offer a full range of product designs, including closed or open top vertical tanks in flat or cone bottom styles, horizontal tanks, contain ment tanks and a complete line of "UN" approved intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). They distribute the Snyder In

Underground double wall jacketed tanks

When fuels are required in small quanti

advantages for bulk storage, processing and transportation tanks. With the wid est selection of sizes up to 22,000 gal

Superior corrosion protection and sec ondary containment; inner tank can be compartmentalized; total compatibility with petroleum fuels, as well as a wide range of chemicals; sand, pea gravel or crushed stone may be used for backfill; globally recognized third-party approv als; flat and dished end caps.

lons. Diverse Plastic Tanks

DTE Industries Limited

dustries line of tanks which have many

Circle reply card No. 200

Oil/water separators

ZCL coalescing separators provide sub stantially higher design flows than grav ity separators having the same footprint.

An enhanced MPak® design removes oil droplets as small as 20 microns! Efflu ent oil concentrations are reduced to as

low as 10 parts per million. ZCL oil/ water separators are manufactured with premium-grade fibreglass reinforced plastic. They have no moving parts and require minimal maintenance. ZCL Composites Inc. Circle reply card No. 204

Mobile refuelling

Circle reply card No. 201


The JetMix Vortex Mixing System can be used in biosolids storage where solids suspension is important. Benefits of us ing the JetMix system include: Intermit tent operation saves 60-90% in power consumption; expensive tank cleanout and scheduled maintenance not required; easily installed in existing tanks; multi ple tank mixing using a central pump house. JetMix was a recipient of a 1997 Innovative Technology Award from the

ties, to fill construction machinery on various sites, truck-mounted tanks with

hold-down straps and internal baffles to avoid dangerous load shifts are provided in warning red enamel. Special venting device, fill cap and labels are included. Capacities are 454-4540 litres(100-1000 gallons). Also available in doublewall vacuum-monitored version for added

safety margin. DTE Industries Limited Circle reply card No. 203

Glass coated steel tanks and silos

Wolf Email has more than 30 years ex perience with a wide range of tank appli cations. Advantages of our modular de sign include easy transport and access, fast and simple erection, adaptability to remodel,extend,dismantle and resite the

tank,low maintenance,long life and cor rosion resistance. Tanks and silos are de

signed according to DIN or AWWA

Water Environment Federation.

standards and are ISO 9001 certified.

Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Circle reply card No. 205

Wolf Email GmbH

New life for aging tanks

Leachate storage Aquastore® primary and secondary con

Circle reply card No. 206

For all your storage needs


tainment tanks offer reliable leachate

steel, FRP or concrete. The high quality

storage with a glass-fused-to-steel coat ing that resists corrosive contaminants. From steel processing, sheet surface preparation, hole punching and coating ap plication to packaging and shipping. Engi neered Storage Products is committed to high production standards. Designed to

PVC liners are resistant to chemical at

customer standards, cost-effective and

tacks and will provide years of service. Each liner is prefabricated in one piece and all seams are electronically welded and are not affected by tank expansion and con

easily assembled, Aquastore® tanks are the answer for both primary storage and secondary containment applications. Greatario Engineered Storage Systems

More companies are turning to flexible PVC liners to extend the life of aging chemical storage tanks. The liners are manufactured to line tanks made of wood,

traction. Kentain Products Limited

Circle reply card No. 207

The MegaDome is a versatile, cost-effi cient structure that adapts to the expand ing storage needs of your growing busi ness. Hamois'versatile structures are preengineered to meet local building codes and are designed with high side walls for maximum storage capacity and accessi bility. • Corrosion resistant

• PowerShield^'^ tough • Door options Harnois Industries Inc.

Circle reply card No. 208

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Circle reply card No. 209 49

Literature Review For Information on advertising in this section call ES&Eat(905)727-4666. Concrete Pipe Handbook


The latest edition of the Concrete


flexible systems

Pre-lnsulated Flexible Pipe Systems Pex-Fiex, Copper-Flex and SteeiFlex pre-insuiated pipe systems for

Pipe Handbook, a comprehensive coilection of theories, formulas and

aids for designing concrete pipe sys

hot or cold water distribution, come

tems, is available from the American Concrete Pipe Association. Now in

complete with bonded poiyurethane foam and polyethylene jacket. Sup plied in coils, these flexible systems allow reduction In number of joints and elbows. Complete selection of brass compression fittings available.

its fifth printing, the handbook has been updated to include information on Standard installation using indi rect Design. American Concrete Pipe Assoc. Circie repiy card No. 210

Visit our web site for more informa tion: www.urecon.com. Urecon Ltd.

Circie reply card No. 211

Danfoss analytical meters

Solving monitoring and control applications nVlTA'

Arjay Engineering Ltd. manufactures capacitance level instrumentation, ppm oil/water monitors and detection equipment for combustible and toxic gas. Arjay instruments are highly respected for their 30 years of re search and design expertise in solv ing monitoring and control applica


clude: nutrient measurement in sew

age system, oxygen profile measure ment in the reactors of diffuser mod

site: www.daviscontrois.com.

ules and outlet measurement of oxy gen, ammonium phosphate and ni

Davis Controls Ltd.

trate to monitor and document treat

tions in Canada. Please visit our web


Danfoss EVilA IN SITU analytical meters ensure optimum process con trol resulting in increased plant capac ity, cleaner effluent, less sludge pro duction and dramatically reduced en ergy consumption. Applications in

ment quality.

Circle repiy card No. 212 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS

Depend on gjwfe from

Davis Controls Ltd.

Circie reply card No. 213

Pumps and mixers

Submersible pumps &mixers

New water analysis handbook

ITT Flygt's new 36 page brochure states that they are the world's larg

Hach Company's 4th edition of the

est manufacturer of submersible

pumps and mixers. Extensive re search in fluid dynamics and over 50 years experience with submersibles, enable ITT Fiygt to provide customers with designs tor pumping and mixing applications, an extensive range of products, and software programs to help custom ers with design and systems engi neering. ITT Fiygt Circie repiy card No. 214

Pre-Engineered Pump and Monitoring Packages



Pre-englneered pump and monitoring packages Metcon offers a variety of pre-engineered,fabricated metering and con trol packages, as well as design and fabrication of custom systems. Pack aged panels are corrosion resistant, pre-engineered, pre-packaged, com pletely self-contained packages with chemical metering pumps,ail neces sary piping, appurtenances and tittings assembled and tested. Premounted packages are a cost-effec tive way of ensuring reliable systems. Metcon Sales & Engineering Circle repiy card No. 216


Water Analysis Handbook is now available and is FREE, it contains


200-h step-by-step procedures, a guide to chemical analysis, a labo ratory practices guide, procedures tor the new DR/2500 Spectrophotometer, electrochemical procedures tor the sensiON,family of products, and titrimetric procedures tor Hach's Dig ital Titrator. it also includes the new

Total Organic Carbon test and a re vised process analysis section. Hach Company. Circie reply card No. 215

MemoorÂŽ microfiltration A new brochure focuses on the ben efits of its continuous microfiltration

systems, a very efficient water treat ment process. The systems easily exceed drinking water quality stand ards. A chlorine tolerant membrane

is now available as an option. The Poiyvinyiidene Difiuoride (PVDF) membrane can be applied to pre-oxidized feeds, filtration of feeds con taining high iron or manganese, or a ferric-based coagulated feed. USFiiter

Circle repiy card No. 217

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Product and Service Showcase HOPE pipe in-service report

New pipe design manual

Filter presses

The 13th edition of the Concrete Pipe Design Manual for engineers who select the type, size and strength requirements of concrete pipe, is now available from the American Concrete Pipe Association. The 536-page design manual has been updated to provide the most current tech nical data and design aids needed to as sist engineers in preparing efficient and cost-effective drainage solutions for sani tary sewer, storm drain and culvert ap plications. ACPA

Parkson/Lanco understands tough dewateringjobs and has designed durabil

The American Concrete



(AGFA) has released a report on the condition


of HOPE pipe in-serv-


ice in six states in the

U.S. The report, pre pared by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., Northbrook, 111.,

reviews the performance associated with large diameter HDPE culvert and cross drains. The 64 page report includes ta bles, graphs and 45 full-colour photo graphs. For a copy of the report, contact the AGFA Resource Centre, 800-290-

2272. Nonmember cost: $18.00 (U.S.) ps&h. American Concrete Pipe Asso ciation

Circle reply card No. 218

Circle reply card No. 219

MAGFLO速 magnetic flow

Drive solutions for water and wastewater


The MAGFLO速 Magnetic Flow Meter from Danfoss is easy to install, easy to commission, easy to service, highly de pendable; it offers simplicity that saves you money for years to come. The

For more than 30 years Danfoss has dem onstrated leadership in water manage ment with a host of measurable benefits. For wastewater treatment the VLT速

prene or EPDM linings and AISI 316 Ti electrodes. User-friendly operator inter face and SENSORPROM technology.

drives ensure reduced energy consump tion, improved throughput and a reduc tion in chemical usage. For water sup ply systems,the drives reduce water leak ages, bursts and maintenance costs.

Davis Controls Limited

Davis Controls Limited

MAGFLO速 3100 comes with either Neo-

Circle reply card No. 221

ecoSep below grade oil/water separators

Cost-effective and safe, this highly effi cient below grade oil/water separator pro vides maximum protection against oil spill contamination. The spill stays on site, where it belongs. Check out all the benefits of ecoSep...the clear choice for clean water. Con Cast Pipe Circle reply card No. 224

Circle reply card No. 222

ity and reliability into all its manual,semi automatic and automatic filter presses. Plates and filter cloth can be changed to meet new demands. With the optional expansion piece, additional filter plates can be easily added. Filter presses are avail able in plate sizes ranging from 320-1500 mm with capacities from 0.1-300 ft' per unit and filter cake thicknesses of 3/4-2"

(20-50 mm). Parkson Circle reply card No. 220

Denso surface tolerant epoxy r*"

ST Epoxy is a two component, fast dry ing, surface tolerant liquid epoxy coat ing for application directly onto wire brushed rusty steel. ST Epoxy's penetra tion and adhesive properties ensure pro tection against a wide variety of exposed environments such as water/sea water, acids and alkalis. It can be used alone or

in combination with other topcoats for long-term protection of structural steel, and more. Denso North America

Circle reply card No. 223

Package Water and

Mc Graw i;iiII McGraw-Hill is a leading publisher of Environmental and Civil Engineering books and products. Our authors are in ternational experts and provide critical insights on environmental issues, devel opments and trends. Browse our new online catalogue for product information at: www.McGrawHill.ca/tpm. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Circle reply card No. 225

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Wastewater Plants

Adapted to Your Needs

We supply Package Water and Sewage Treatment Plants worldwide. The Pack

age Plant concept is a low cost, odourless plant, achieving a high degree of treat ment. It is economical,easy to install and operate, reliable, fulfills regulatory re quirements and is ideal for any location unable to connect to municipal sewer sys tems. Sanitherm Engineering Ltd. Circle reply card No. 226 51

Product and Service Showcase HEC-RAS/12D

Small drinking water systems

Waterloo BiofilterÂŽ

Waterloo Biofilters are efficient, modu

Create a HEC-RAS model directly from a Digital Terrain Model (12D) and cre ate inundation maps from the results. Complete integration between 12D and

lar trickling filters for residential and communal sewage wastewaters, and landfill leacbate. Patented, lightweight, synthetic filter media optimize physical properties for microbial attachment and water retention. The self-contained

Zenon's new Modular Drinking Water (MDW) system has been specifically designed to overcome the challenges faced by small communities of 50 to 5,000 people. The system is based on

modular design for coimnunal use is now

the patented ZeeWeedÂŽ membrane tech

available in 20,000L/d and 40,000L/d

nology incorporated in large treatment plants. This ultrafiltration system is costeffective, easy-to-use, and requires only minimal supervision, while consistently producing high quality water.

back into our 12D model. A water level

ISO shipping container units - ready to plug in on-site. They have long-term ro

surface is automatically created and ready for presentation, plans production and further analysis. XP Software Circle reply card No. 227

toring, and small space requirements. Waterloo Biofilter Systems Circle reply card No. 228

KDEC-RAS allows water level results read

Multi-stage filter for small systems

bustness,low maintenance,remote moni

Specialty gate valve for sewage

On-line nutrient analysis Hach now offers a

Resilient Seal Gate

complete line of prod ucts for water analysis that includes turbidity, in situ suspended sol ids and nutrient analy

signed with sew age applications in mind

- force-

mains, pumping

sis - on line Chlorine

stations and treat

(amperometric, polargraphic and

ment plants. The Seguro Valve has a

colorimetric method

Circle reply card No. 231

ologies), pH, conduc tivity, DO - ppm and ppb, TOC, flow measurement, automatic sampling, sludge volume indes, sludge blanket monitoring, and more. The company is addressing the wastewater industry's movement toward increased monitoring and control of nutrients (e.g. ammonia, phosphates and nitrates). Hach Circle reply card No. 232

Advanced Biological

Environmental services

The MS Filter is a solution to a small

resilient seal that ensures a 100% bidi

system's water treatment needs that is simple and inexpensive to operate. There are no pre-treatment chemicals,no mem branes to replace, and yet treatment per formance equals or exceeds membrane or conventional processes. The plant is ideal for serviced populations of less than

rectional bubble-tight seal, according to Neo Valves. Additionally, the valve is designed in such a manner that sewage debris is prevented from collecting in the bonnet area. It is available in sizes up to 60", with 100% full bore design and hun

1,500. MS Filter Inc.

1972. Neo Valves

Noise control panels

Circle reply card No. 229

Neo Valves Seguro Valve has been de

Circle reply card No. 230

Zenon Environmental Inc.

dreds of installations in Canada since

Wastewater Treatment

Stantec provides value-added pro


fessional services

and technologies in the five princi pal market seg

Stantec Ecofluid DSBF is a moditied activated

EckousticÂŽ Functional Panels(EFPs)pro vide a more comfortable acoustic envi

ronment. By reducing noise levels, thereby lessening worker fatigue, EFPs promote safety and help improve produc tivity. EFPs can quickly add sound ad sorption to compressor rooms, blower rooms and pump rooms. Eckel Industries, Inc. Circle reply card No. 233 52

sludge process that incorporates an anoxic selector zone and upflow sludge blanket clarifier into a compact bioreactor. USBF effectively and eco nomically treats municipal and industrial

ments of environ

ment, buildings, industrial, transportation and urban land, from over 40 locations principally in North America. Environmental engineer ing services include municipal and indus trial wastewater treatment, wastewater

collection and pumping, municipal and

wastewaters. USBF can also be used for

industrial water treatment, water distri

wastewater reclamation systems and is ideal for upgrading existing treatment plants. Visit: www.ecofluid.com

bution, pumping and storage and general municipal engineering. A full range of environmental management services is also provided. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Circle reply card No. 235


Circle reply card No. 234

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Product and Service Showcase Packaged sewage pumping system

Finally a totally automatic metering pump! The New gamma/L pump from ProMlnent features automatic relay switching and advanced timer functionality.

Gorman-Rupp's new J Series Packaged Submersible Pumping System places controls and valves above ground in an attractive, vandal-resistant fiberglass en closure. This design permits safe and

ISAM™ - The Innovative SBR From the pioneers of SBR technology, comes Fluldyne's latest Invention, the Integrated SurgeAnoxlc


(ISAM™) sys

tem. This system | provides many:

'Complete automated flexibility vastly

advantages over I

reduces operator time. 'Can be set to switch on/off through 82 separate events In any control mode such as manual or analog. ' Contact relays allow for the control of external devices In multiple modes and

conventional and continuous flow sys tems,Including reduced tank size by 2025%,reduced sludge production by 65% or more, and reduced energy require ments. It also Includes automatic scum

control. ProMlnent Fluid Controls

skimming, eliminates Influent control valves, and Improves SBR performance at high flows. The ISAMT'"'Is guaranteed to maximize performance, while mini mizing sludge production. Fluidyne Corporation

Circle reply card No. 236

Circle reply card No. 237

Circle reply card No. 238

Sludge density transmitter

Centurion by IPEX

Award-winning Sewer Odor

easy access to controls or valves for main

tenance or service. Compact, economi cal design reduces site space require ments by eliminating the need for a sepa rate valve pit. Gorman-Rupp

The LQ300 Sludge Density transmitter from Toshiba uses the patented micro wave phase difference technology for outstanding measurement reliability, low maintenance and high accuracy. It Is Ideal for virtually all sludge density applica tions and Improves the control of total solids. Its high accuracy measurement (0.05%) Is Immune to changes In flow rate and pressure and Is unaf fected by scaling, coat ings, and other process contamination. HART or

windows based program can be used for remote communications


monitoring or calibration and setup. Cancoppas Circle reply card No. 239

HS-1 Oil/Water Interface Sensor The Waterra HS-1 OllAVater Interface Sensor Is now even more sensitive. The

HS-1 probe uses unique ultrasonic tech nology that makes It very robust and easy to clean. A new electrode configuration now makes the probe even more accu rate. Waterra

OllAVater In terface


Water Level

tapes are still the lightest and most port able on the

market today. Wattera

Circle reply card No. 242

time Intervals two weeks In advance.

' Dlal-ln flow rate In litres or gallons display modes. 'Excellent solution for cooling tower

Save money

and Corrosion Control

with corro

System by IPEX

sion-proof piping sys

The new Vortex

tems. Re

Flow Insert elimi

pairing cor

nates sewer odor

rosion-related water main breaks costs

and controls corro

North Americans millions each year. Since PVC systems don't corrode, they maintain the strength and flexibility re quired to handle soil movement, high traffic loads and deep burial applications. Centurion pressure pipe, suitable for wa ter transmission mains, gravity sewers and sewer force mains. Incorporates a patented high-pressure gasket system that withstands over three times the pressure rating of the pipe. IPEX Inc.

sion using a high tech, low-mainte

nance design that has no moving parts. The device not only eliminates the need for highmaintenance blo-fdters, air scrubbers and

manhole seals hut also costly chemical Injection systems. Applications Include drop manholes or pumping station with odorous discharges. IPEX Inc.

Circle reply card No. 240

Circle reply card No. 241

Chlorine analyzer

Cut sludge production

The CLI International AccuChlor2™

By condition ing effectively,

Chlorine Residual Monitoring System from Hach Company combines the best features of on-line chlorine analysis: con

the Enhanced

tinuous or free or






USEPA approved amperometrlc technique; nonproprietary rea gent; and selfcleaning cell de sign. You benefit from highly ac curate and sensitive readings. Inexpen sive operation, and low maintenance. Hach Company

Circle reply card No. 243

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Solids Reduc

(ESR) cuts

sludge produc tion up to 90%. Suited for both munici pal and Industrial applications. It can be Installed as part of a new plant or as a retrofit. Other benefits of the ESR proc ess Include construction and operational savings. Increasing capacity. Improving effluent quality,fully scaleable, phospho rus/nitrogen removal when required, re duction of odors and noise, ability to pro vide reuse water, and simplicity. Premier Wastewater International

Circle reply card No. 244 53

Product and Service Showcase Membrane Bioreactor(MBR) ZENON's ZeeWeed® MBR produces ter tiary quality effluent and simplifies

Health, safety and environmental legislation Legislation Plus Stand ards-access complete text

combines clarification, aeration and

of all Canadian health,

sludge digestion into one, simpler and smaller process step. The modular system can be easily ex panded in a "just in

safety and environmental legislation! Find referenced standards



match surrounding community growth, reducing front-end de velopment costs. Proven in hundreds of installations,ZeeWeed® MBR is ideal for municipal and industrial applications of all sizes from < 10,000 GPD to > 10


1 Canadian EnviroOSH

wastewater treatment. The proven sys tem replaces conventional filtration and


Interactive communications

from the Canadian Standards Association

(CSA)and the Canadian General Stand ards Board (CGSB) plus critical guide lines and codes of practice in one com plete collection. Visit www.ccohs.ca/legislation to search for free! Full access re

quires a subscription. Contact CCOHS today for your free on Web trial. Email:

RACO Manufacturing announces their new CATALYST Interactive Communi

cations System, which combines data and event logging,alarm notification, and sta tus checking into a single package. CATALYST features allow real time, 2-

Circle reply card No. 245

Circle reply card No. 246

way communications via phone,fax,cell, or pager; remote programming and up grades, monitoring of up to 256 points, and PLC interface. Summa Engineering Circle reply card No. 247

Environmental Services

Get the most from your quality management system

Moving Bed^" Biofilm Reactor increases capacity

clientservices@ccohs.ca Phone: 1-800-

668-4284 (CAN) or 905-570-8094 (INT'L). CCOHS

MGD.ZENON Environmental Inc.



Gartner Lee

Gartner Lee is a professional environ mental science, planning and engineer

Management Systems


Learn more by down-loading our FREE documents available at www.bsiamericas .com/getthemost:

ing consulting services firm. Since our founding in 1973 we have established

• What is ISO 14001? • ISO 14001: An

offices across Canada and completed thousands of projects for domestic and

IS09001:2000?«OHSAS 18001 Health

international clients in more than 30

countries. This depth and breadth of ex perience has established Gartner Lee as a leader in developing thoughtful, wellbalanced solutions to complex environ mental challenges. Gartner Lee

Circle reply card No. 248

New treatment process reduced sludge up to 90+%


America says their patented Moving

Environment for Excellence • What is

& Safety • Public & On-site Training catalogue. BSI Management Systems Canada em ploys over 70 full-time assessors operat ing from 15 cities across Canada and serves more than 2,600 clients.


Reactor (MBBR) has been proven to achieve dramatic reductions in biochemi

cal oxygen demand (BOD) and chemi cal oxygen demand(COD)in municipal and industrial applications. This system is a high rate, fixed film process result ing in a plant footprint that is 20% smaller than a conventional activated sludge plant. This gives the customer the capa bility to retrofit existing tankage and tri ple the treatment capacity. Kaldnes North America

BSI Management Systems Circle reply card No. 249

Solutions for environmental

Circle reply card No. 250

Flow pacing valve


A Nevada treatment

hRH plant recently com pleted treating 10 mil lion gallons of wastewater with no in

tentional wasting of organic sludge as a result of a new treatment process devel oped by Premier Wastewater Interna tional (PWl). The Enhanced Solids Re duction (ESR) process features a novel aeration/conditioning devise that aggres sively modifies the waste in such a way that it develops a coefficient of decay sig nificantly higher than conventional sys tems. This permits a small-footprint plant that costs less to install and operate, uses no chemicals, eliminates odours and is

very quiet. PWI Circle reply card No. 251 54

Fimitunmrolal Mana^srincfll Stilul ions tnc.

Environmental Management Solutions Inc.(EMS) provides services and solu tions to environmental problems. Their environmental consulting and contract ing unit specializes in site assessment and remediation services, including profes sional Phase 1 and Phase 11 Site Assess ments. EMS has been committed to de

veloping innovative technologies for remediating contaminated sites and op erates a soil treatment facility in Sudbury, Ontario. For more information: www.emsolutions.com. Environmental

Management Solutions

Circle reply card No. 252

The Regal Smartvalve'''''' is an accurate and versatile Flow Pacing Valve for chlo rine or sulphur dioxide. Operating on fully automatic or manual, with an ad justable "low-flow" alarm, it is widely used for treating water with varying flow rates. The multi function digital display highlights flow rate; valve flow position in pounds per day of actual gas feed rate; mode of operation; and dosage value. Chlorinators Incorporated Circle reply card No. 253

Environmental Science c6 Engineering, November 2002

Product and Service Showcase Asbestos & mold abatement

The FloGet aeration system

Tri-Phase Environmental Inc.'s remedial

The FloGet aeration

service is used to help clients develop the most appropriate and cost-effective reme dial action plan; securing permits, ensur ing site specific

unit has been spe cifically designed ' for use in small to



Safety compli

ance, and pro-


viding expert remediation. Services include:

• Asbestos removal and encapsulation of mechanical insulation systems sprayed fireproofing and architectural finishes


medium sized tanks

and basins. The company says that it is robust, user-friendly, easy to install, op erate and maintain, with no need for any compressors. The self contained unit can handle a series of tasks including BOC/ COD reduction, mixing, homogenization, odour control and oxidization. The FloGet unit is manufactured to be flex

Circle reply card No. 254

ible and can be used in any shape or size tank. In order to provide optimum results, Flygt non-clogging submersible Npumps of differing power and hydraulic performance can be connected to the ejec tors to vary flow capacities. ITT Flygt Circle reply card No. 255

ITT Flygt's controllers and remote monitoring

Site monitoring over cellphone

in the industrial, commercial, retail and institutional sectors.

• Supply and install insulation/finishes. • Decontamination of toxic mold ampli fication.

Tri-Phase Environmental Inc.


Series Stqrmceptor system

Developed for the treatment of larger catchment areas, the new Series Storm-

ceptor system employs the same operat ing principles as the well-known Inline and Inlet Stormceptor systems. The sys tem receives flow from a single inlet pipe and splits it into two distinct streams, which are treated in two separate treatment chambers before recombining into a sin gle outlet pipe. It effectively doubles the treatment area of the inline system. Stormceptor Canada Inc. Circle reply card No. 256

Engineering Guide now available!

Logimac, MacTec and Alpha are designed to produce reliable, ef fective results for wa

ter treatment systems

large and small. ITT Flygt starters(manual or automatic) ensure

uninterrupted drain age from sites of all types to protect equipment from flood risk. Logimac and MacTec can be easily and seamlessly adapted to the requirements of your

applicaton. Premature wear of pumping equipment is a major concern. The FPC 100 provides a solution to this problem while also reducing pumping equipment energy costs. ITT Flygt Circle reply card No. 257

Quick panel operator

ProTalk Cv2 combines alarm reporting and cellphone operation into one com pact package. Count on getting quick and reliable alarm status reports. Site moni toring features include: analog inputs; digital inputs; totalizers; timers. Site con trols include: emergency shutdown; pumps; lights; and heaters. Can-Am Instruments

The CON/SPAN Engineering Guide is a valuable tool with all the necessary in formation to consider the CON/SPAN

System for rnany different design appli cations. Filled with numerous figures and charts, the Engineering Guide provides a reference of design parameters, stand ard detail illustrations, and limited design methodologies. Available in binder or CD Rom format. CON/SPAN Canada

Circle reply card No. 258

Circle reply card No. 259

Self-priming pumps

Inlet Stormceptor® system


These slim-profile touchscreen graphical operator interfaces provide a practical, cost-effective alternative to a variety of discrete devices. Several screen tech

nologies and sizes are available and pro vide bold, clear displays in colour or monochrome. Each unit communicates

with over 40 major PLCs and PLC net works, including Allen-Bradley Remote

Because Gorman-

The Inlet Storm

Rupp centrifugal pumps are selfpriming, they can be mounted high and dry at floor level, with only

ceptor System em ploys the same prin ciples of operation as the well-known In

line Interceptors. Developed to treat

the suction line

run-off from an area

down in the liq

of up to 0.30 ha, the Inlet Stormceptor

uid. Service or

maintenance can be performed quickly and simply with common hand tools and without having to pull the pump. There are no long drive shafts to install and align, no hoists or cranes required, and no need for service personnel to enter the sump. Gorman-Rupp

has inherited the in

ternal by-pass function, ensuring that all sediment and oil removed from storm-

water run-off remains trapped within the storage chamber,even during peak flows. There are currently more than 4,500 units installed throughout North America. Stormceptor Canada Inc.

I/O and DH-I-. Gescan Texcan

Circle reply card No. 260

Circle reply card No. 261

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Circle reply card No. 262 55

Industry Update

Indoor stoves killing

deaths of 2.1 million women and chil

NWT candidate area First Nations' leaders in the Northwest

from stoves that bum coal, wood or cow

dren each year,the World Health Organi zation says. Officials meeting at the World Summit on Sustainable Develop ment are seeking ways to break the cy

dung have been linked to the premature

cle of these domestic hazards.

millions in third world Air pollutants trapped inside homes



Territories(NWT)are welcoming a re cent federal government decision to tem

porarily protect Edehzhie,a 25,000 kilo


metre NWT site, from development. Protection of the area, which is nearly as big as Vancouver Island, is an impor


tant step in safeguarding First Nation's


culture and the environment.

TEL:(905)619-3009 FAX:(905)619-3638

tino High Pressure Water Jetting Liquid/Dry Vacuum Services

withdrawn for five years

Waste Water Treatment

The Deh Cho First Nations and the

Dogrib Treaty 11 Council requested pro tection for Edehzhie,a plateau that rises out of the Mackenzie Valley to the west of Great Slave Lake.

Sponge Jet Cleaning

Edehzhie rises abruptly up to 600 metres above the surrounding fiat land

For more information, circie reply card No. 155

scape and stores huge quantities offresh





water in its headwater lakes and muskeg. It includes key migratory bird habitat at Mills Lake and the Horn River, which


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For more information, circie repiy card No. 156

are important waterfowl staging areas during spring and fail migration. Edehzhie also supports a population of woodland caribou, a species listed as vulnerable by the Committee on the Sta tus of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Edehzhie has been withdrawn for

Digester Cleaning,Dewatering,Dredging,Disposal Complete Services

.Trimax Residuals an American Water Services"company

five years under the NWT Protected Areas Strategy (PAS). The Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) sponsored the First Nations request for withdrawal, which was carried out through an Order in Council. During the five-year period, more consultations will be held and the

area's cultural, ecological and economic 800-465-21 15 www.trimaxenv.com I www.americanwaterservlces.com

resources will be further assessed, in order to determine the final boundaries

For more information, circle reply card No. 157

and levels of protection under CWS's Canada Wildlife Act. During the interim

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For more information, circie reply card No. 154 Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Industry Update Gold Bar to convert Edmonton weed bed to

cost is the lives of countless animals and

murres, kittiwakes and gannets, among

the health of Canada's marine environ

other birds.

ment. In the U.S. the average imposed

At the recent Earth Summit, Canada

flourishing lake

fine for bilge oil dumping is $1 million

A demonstration wastewater plant will treat Edmonton's sewage and reuse wa ter to rejuvenate neighbouring parkland. ZBNON membrane technology will

or more, a very effective deterrent. The ship, registered in the Bahamas, is being held in Conception Bay. The area of the spill is in the famous St. Mary's breeding colony,which features

pledged new measures to protect her seas and now is an opportunity to dem

treat wastewater from Edmonton's Gold

onstrate to the world that Canada is se

rious about stopping deliberate pol lution of marine waters. Contact:


Bar Wastewater Treatment plant for re use in a dry weed-filled pond in Gold Bar Park.


The Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment

plant,located on the outskirts ofEdmon ton along the south shore of the North Saskatchewan River, is adjacent to two under-used city parks. Currently,the fa cility treats nearly 100,000 million megalitres of wastewater annually. In September, City council decided to up grade and modernize the existing plant using membrane technology. They pur chased ZENON's MBR (membrane bioreactor) system as the initial demon stration unit with a view to evaluating a larger full-scale system.


SERVICES INC. Environmental Consultants www.aandaenv.com/

SoU, Groundwater & Air Studies ,Investigations Burlington -f St. Catharines -f Woodstock -f North Bay -f Kirkland Lake -f TImmins -f Thunder Bay-f Winnipeg Dr. George Duncan, President (705) 567 4996 Fax:(705)568 8368

Need Another Lab Choice in Ontario?

The treated water will also be used

as intemal recycle water in the plant with the City looking to expand usage to in clude local irrigation. One ofthe main objectives of the new plant will be to revitalize the pond in



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5623 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z 1N9. P-905.501.9998 F-905.501.0589

Gold Bar Park, which has turned into a weed-bed over the years. The newly cre

ated lake, to be filled with tap water this fall, will be filled with membrane-fil tered water a year from now. This is the first project of its kind in

Four decades of excellence in infrastructure planning &'engineering

Canada to date. Contact: www.zenon.com.

Oil Spill A foreign ship has dumped oil and cre ated a slick 116 km long in an area criti cal for birds and important for fisheries off the Newfoundland coast. It only takes a drop of oil the size ofa quarter to kill a seabird.

These deliberate spills kill 300,000 seabirds annually - equivalent to an Exxon Valdez disaster every year. Canadian enforcement too often amounts to a mere traffic ticket for a




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criminal offence. The average cost to le

gally dispose of the poisonous oil is $6,000 and the average imposed fine, if caught dumping oil illegally in Canada, is only $21,000. To a ship's operator, the chances of being caught are low and

I R.V Anderson Associates Limited I consulting engineers, architects, technology managers

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the fine can be considered a business

For employment and project development opportunities

cost that is usually covered by their in surance company. What is not ac counted for, by the ship operators and the Canadian government,is that the real

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002


Industry Update Environmental, Transportation & Industrial Engineering

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wastewater in the world.

ADI Systems Inc. will supply proc ess design, detailed design of SBR in ternals, operator training, start-up and commissioning, and equipment includ

ing 15 ADI Model ASD decanters, a jet

(New)- Gee Tube dewatering


Guangzhou Paper Ltd. undertook a careful review of competing systems and ultimately chose the ADI-SBR for this important project. When the project is complete, it will be one of the largest SBRs treating pulp and paper

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aeration system, instrumentation, con trol valves, and a large distributed con trol system (DCS) for monitoring and automatic control. The Changsa Design Institute will undertake detailed design for the system. The high-strength portion of the mill wastewater is pretreated in a previously

built high-rate activated sludge system. The low-strength wastewater is pretreated in two large dissolved air flo tation units. The SBR system has been designed to treat the combined high- and

low-strength streams after pretreatment. The ADI-SBR will be comprised of five 14 000 m' reactors and centrifugal blow ers to supply air to the jet aeration sys tem.









EMSL Analytical, Inc. participates in theAIHA EMPATprogram


107 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ USA 08108


The complete system will be auto matically controlled by a DCS with a personal computer operator interface. The aeration system is controlled by on line dissolved oxygen monitors to help minimize operating cost. Construction should be completed in the second quarter of 2003 with com missioning and start-up immediately thereafter. Contact: rcl@adi.ca

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Industry Update

North Winnipeg STP spilis raw sewage into the

GAP EnviroMicrobial Services Inc.^ Microbiology Laboratory & Consulting

Red River Provincial officials closely monitored the North Winnipeg Water Pollution Control Centre following the mechani cal failure that occurred in mid-Septem ber. Due to a valve failure during the removal of an inspection hatch in one of the facility's six pump rooms,the cen tre was shut down for three days. This

Cryptosporidlum & Giardia Microorganism Identification Rapid E.coli recreational water





metres of raw sewage being released into the Red River per day until the fa cility's equipment was repaired. This







"For professional services in environmentai training, due diiigence, heaith and safety, and compiiance auditing, give me a call."

release was about 1.5% of the river's flow.

Daily results showed that the oxygen

Lou Locatelli, Principal, Tel:(905) 477-8400 ext. 206 Email: llocatelli@gartnerlee.com Website: www.gartnerlee.com

levels in the river water remained ad

Geamat:rix Consultants Engineers, Geologists,and Environmental Scientists 'Industrial Water/Wasfewater Treatment

■ Waste Minimization/Wastev/afer Reuse/Recycle ■ Treatment System Upgrade/Optimization

Suite No. 1\465 Phillip Street

■ Treofmenf System Design and Construction

Waterloo, Ontario N2L 6C7

Ontario bans Dombind for

* Respirometry

1020 Hargrieve Road, London, Ontario. N6E1P5 Telephone: 519-681 -0571 Fax: 519-681-7150

resulted in an estimated 230,000 cubic

equate to support healthy aquatic life. River flows remained above average, which together with cooler river water temperatures helped to reduce the im pact on water quality. As a precaution ary measure, the province also moni tored water quality at beaches on the southern portions of Lake Winnipeg.

* MicrobialTraining * Consulting Services

■ /SO J4000 - Environmental Management Systems

Tel:(519)886•7500 Fax:(519)886•7419


dust suppression Dombind,a by-product from Norampac Inc.'s (formerly Domtar Packaging) containerboard mill in Quinte West (Trenton), can no longer be legally used as a road dust suppressant in Ontario. Dombind is a concentrated liquid material that is a by-product of recycled cardboard produced at Norampac Inc.'s cardboard mill. Dombind was previ ously spread by municipalities prima rily on gravel roads within 100 kilome tres of that facility and in the London

Experts in Water, Wastewater, Environmental Planning,and Simulation Software

Hydromantis,Inc. Consulting Engineers 210 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge, Ontario, NIT 1A8 lei: (519)624-7223 Fax:(519) 624-7224 1665 Main Street West, Suite 302, Hamilton, Ontario, LBS 1G5 Tei: (905) 522-0012 Fax:(905) 522-0031

E-maii: jnfo@hydromantis.coni Web: www.hydromantis.com

J.L. Richards & Associates Limited


The ministry ordered an end to spreading Dombind on roads, as it be lieves there is potential for long-term build-up of dioxins in the environment. Norampac brought a number of legal challenges to the ministry's Order to

Water & Wastewater Treatment I Environmental Assessment & Planning Solid Waste Management I Stormwater Management I Watermain & Sewer Rehabilitation

eliminate the use of Dombind as a dust

jimmini 7n5-3Kn-iRqq

Consulting Engineers, Architects & Planners

Providing a wide range of Environmental Services , , Kingston 613-544-1424 ( Visit Our Website at www.jlrichards.ca )

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suppressant by the end of October 2002. The ministry was successful in having the Order upheld at various levels of courts and any continued use of Dombind as a dust suppressant after

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• Performance testing of wells and pumps

ment an alternative treatment technol

ogy to eliminate Dombind.

• Design and supervision of groundwater exploration programs

• New municipal well design • Assessment of groundwater/surface water interaction • Groundwater protection •Artificial recharge

October 31, 2002, will lead to strict en

forcement action by the ministry. The ministry has also ordered Norampac Inc. to develop and imple

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(519)442-2086, Fax;(519) 442-7242

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

E-mail: [water@lotowater,com, Web site: www.lotowater.com


Industry Update

Crompton Company fined for spill

Engineering & Environmental Science



MacViro Consultants Inc. 90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600, Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3 (905)475-7270 • Fax:(905) 475-5994 E-Maii: reception@macviro.com Web site: www.macviro.com

der the Environmental Protection Act


Marshall Mackiin

The firm was convicted of discharg ing odours into the environment as a result of a spill at the company's opera tions in Eimira between February 10 and


13, 2000.

The company pleaded guilty to one count under section 14 (1) of the EPA


Specialists in Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources

for discharging a contaminant causing an adverse effect. The company also pleaded guilty to one count under sec

Toronto, Calgary, Mississauga, Whitby 80 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhlll, ON L3T 7N4 Telephone: 905-882-1100 E-mail: mmm@mmm.ca


The Crompton Company (formerly known as Uniroyal Chemical Company) was recently fined a total of $125,000 after pleading guilty to two counts un

FAX: 905-882-0055

tion 92(i)(b) of the EPA, which relates to failure to forthwith notify the regional municipality of the spill. Two additional charges laid against the company relat ing to this incident in 2000 were with


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BC introduces new

drinking water legislation The British Columbia government has introduced new legislation to implement a comprehensive $16-million action plan to strengthen drinking water protection.The government will make amendments to enhance the Drinking Water Protection Act, and new regula tions are being developed to strengthen groundwater protection. The legislation will: • Establish decision-making and ac countability for drinking water with the Minister of Health Services and B.C.'s


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provincial health officer. It enables the minister to establish guidelines and di rectives, and strengthens the provincial

health officer's role in monitoring and reporting yearly on drinking water and public health protection.

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• Make public health the priority for decisions related to drinking water. • Establish new drinking water officers across B.C., with authority to investi gate complaints, require testing and as sessment, perform inspections,co-ordi nate source protection, issue orders and

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take other steps to ensure water safety. •Provide for a source-to-tap assessment of ail drinking water systems in B.C., starting with those that may pose the highest risk to users. The new legislation will be pro claimed later this winter, after consulta

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tions with the Union of B.C. Municipali ties and other stakeholders.

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

Industry Update

Two NB towns to get water and sewerage system upgrades


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The Greater Shediac Sewerage Com mission will receive funds under the Canada - New Brunswick Infrastructure

Program to upgrade the Greater Shediac sewerage system, which will improve the water quality discharged into Shediac Bay. The investment under this program amounts to a total of $1,218,989.

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Work to be undertaken will consist

of upgrading and increasing the capac ity of a total of four lift stations and re lated piping. A joint federal, provincial and mu nicipal infrastructure investment of

$434,485 will improve water manage

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ment in the Village of Saint-Andre. Work to be undertaken will include de EARTH AND WATER SECTOR

velopment of an additional water sup ply, construction of an underground water infiltration chamber, installation

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Nova Scotia government announces its Drinking Water Strategy A comprehensive strategy to manage and protect Nova Scotia's drinking wa ter was released in October by David Morse, Minister of Environment and

Labour. It is the first water management strategy ever developed for the province. The strategy outlines a three-year action plan to conserve and protect Nova Scotia's drinking water through a threestep process — source protection, water treatment system operation, and moni toring and testing. Some of the new ini tiatives include the renewal of operat ing approvals for all municipal water systems. Anew due diligence handbook will be produced for municipal council-

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Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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Industry Update lors and other water utility owners and the development of new educational materials for private well owners. Through federal and provincial co operation, more than $94 million has been provided to municipalities since the Fall of 2000 for infrastructure improve ments to more than 61 water- treatment and wastewater-treatment facilities.

Both the Town and the Municipality of Antigonish were recipients of infra structure program funding. The munici pality received $975,000 toward the construction of a wastewater collection

and treatment system in Pomquet, and the town received $4.5 million for a new

water-treatment facility in James River. 20th edition of Standard

Methods approved by EPA The U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency's(EPA) has approved the 20th Edition ofStandard Methodsfor the Ex amination of Water and Wastewater. Serving as a comprehensive guide for the testing of water and wastewater,this latest edition was created through ajoint

sludge, the volume was naturally re duced. The reduced matter is totally oxidized to form gaseous elements and

water, which generate no residue or sec Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention ondary pollution. (C2P2) Tel: (519) 337-3425, 1-800-667The different mycelium strains were 9790 in North America, Fax: (519) 667identified and isolated in advance, then 9790, E-mail: sue@c2p2online.com. gathered to form a "cocktail" that is combined with the sludge. To ensure. May 14-15, 2003. Environmental the production and supply of the "cock Management, Compliance & Engi tail", SAUR signed an industrial part neering 2003 Conference/Workshops nership with the French company Biovitis.

and the Ontario Environmental

The mycelium cocktail is developed on site by means of a bioreactor that al lows the reproduction and bio-augmentation of the species. The bioreactor, which is permanently connected to the tank, automatically supplies the aerobic treatment tanks. Sludge can be inte grated into the usual recycling or re moval circuit without changing the eco

Tradeshow. Toronto Congress Cen


Thanks to the MycET process reduc ing the volume of sludge,the usual treat ment costs ai'e reduced. Today,the costs of recycling and removal processes

effort of the Water Environment Federa

range from US $35 to $100 per metric

tion(WEF),The American Water Works Association(AWWA)and the American Public Health Association (APHA). Since 1905, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and

ton. Contact, e-mail: vlorcin@saur.fr.

Wastewater has served as the industry guide for water quality testing of a wide variety of contaminants, including ar senic, biochemical oxygen demand and organic compounds. The Standard Methods guide provides more than 350 separate methods of water quality meas urements used by water and wastewater industry scientists, analysts and engi neers nationwide.

Standard Methodsfor the Examina tion of Water and Wastewater can be ordered on-line at www.awwa.org, www.apha.org/media,or www.wef.org; or via telephone at 1-800-926-7337 (AWWA),1-301-893-1894(APHA),or 1-800-666-0206(WEF).

Humans running up huge 'overdraft' with the planet Canada has the third heaviest ecologi cal footprint in the world, behind the United Arab Emirates and the U.S.

Standards of living and human devel opment will start to plummet by 2030 unless humans stop using more natural resources than the planet can replace, according to a new report released by World Wildlife Fund.

WWF's Living Planet Report 2002 says that humans are currently running a huge deficit with the Earth - using over 20 percent more natural resources each year than can be regenerated - and this figure is growing each year. Projections based on likely scenarios of population growth, economic development and technological change, show that by 2050, humans will consume between

French SAUR group offers sludge reduction process for wastewater plants The SAUR Group, of France, claims to have developed an innovative and eco logical process that reduces by up to 30% the volume of sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. SAUR re searchers discovered that by isolating certain micro-organisms, mycelium strains (mould) partially present in 62

Date Pad June 11-12, 2003. 7th Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable, Calgary, Alberta.

180 percent and 220 percent of the Earth's biological capacity. According to the report,this means that unless gov ernments take urgent action, by 2030, human welfare, as measured by average life expectancy, educational level, and world economic product will go into decline.

According to the Living Planet Re port, the Earth has about 11.4 billion hectares of productive land and sea space - or 1.9 hectares of productive land

tre, Toronto, ON. Contact: ES&E,

Tel: 1-888-254-8769, or (905) 7274666, Fax:(905) 841-7271.

to provide for each of the 6 billion peo ple on the planet. The global ecological footprint - or consumption of natural resources - is 2.3 hectares per person. However, while the footprint of the av erage African or Asian consumer was less than 1.4 hectares per person in 1999, the average Western European's foot print was about 5.0 hectares, and the average North American's was about 9.6 hectares.

At the same time, the Living Planet Index, which is based on trends in

populations of hundreds of species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish, also shows clearly that the cur rent human consumptive pressure is unsustainable. Over the past 30 years, the LPI has declined by about 35 per cent. The decline in freshwater species has been particularly dramatic, with 54 percent decline on average in the populations of 195 species living in riv ers and wetland ecosystems. Marine species are also under threat - with an average decline of 35 percent in 217 species, while forest species populations show a 15 percent decline in 282 species. WWF believes that governments could reverse some of these negative trends and put humanity back on a path to sustainable development if they ad dress some key issues. These include improving the resource efficiency with which goods and services are produced - in particular moving energy supplies away from fossil fuels and promoting energy-efficient technologies, buildings and transport systems; encouraging eq uitable and sustainable consumption; and conserving and restoring natural ecosystems to maintain their biological productivity and diversity. Contact: kevans@wwfint.org

Environmental Science & Engineering, November 2002

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