Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine (ESEMAG) June-July 2004

Page 1



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Coquitlam chooses tablet chlorination

Reducing ^ ammonia

discharge t'


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June/July 2004 Vol. 17 No.3, Issued July, 2004 ÂŁS<Sf invites articles (approx. 1000 words) on water, wastewater, hazardous waste treatment and other environmental protection topics.

If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration, please contact Steve Davey at steve@esemag.com. Please note that Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. reserves the right to edit all submissions without notice.

Page 42



Who are the real eco-warriors? Editorial comment by Tom Davey

Cover story - $400 million committed for Nova Scotia tar ponds clean-up


Ontario seeks comment on its composting guidelines


Trenchless technology used to replace deteriorated wood stave pipeline


City of Coquitlam chooses tablet chlorination


Region of Peel to build the world's largest low pressure membrane ultrafiltration plant


Achieving oil free bilge water discharge from ships


Reducing ammonia discharge levels in cold climates


Niagara leads in water source protection planning


Environmental labs measure the effectiveness of conforming to international standards


Newfoundland and Labrador releases its annual drinking water safety report


Low-tech approaches saving millions in the Third World - WEAO conference report


Source water protection is critical for public safety


Environmental compliance conference and tradeshow attracts some 2,000 visitors


How companies can get the most out of their environmental


Job Announcements


Product Showcase


Environmental News


River Tiete project will improve water quality for 17 million people



Canadian landfill gas utilization technology demonstrated in Brazil


Chemical free leachate treatment technology used for pulp and paper wastes Curb inlets improve service and reduce stormwater project costs

4 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004


Literature Reviews

management systems



Professional Cards

Advertiser Index

54 - 62 55 56 - 60


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Editoria Mobile drinking water treatment facilities

unquestionably saved


thousands of lives in WWI. But few know of the remarkable

Canadian chemist

Lt. Colonel Naismith, a real eco-warrior.

Who are


the real eco-wamors?

History,it is said, is written by

Federation (WEF). In my opinion,

Columbia. FACE later mutated into the

the victorious. While it was

these world-renowned bodies did more


the environmental scientists

to advance the state-of-the-art in pub lic health than the medical profession. Canada has had a strong presence

Wastewater Association. These activi

and chemists that won most

of the major victories in the fight against water-borne diseases, the news media repeatedly, and erroneously, still writes that 1970 was the 'birth of the






practical methods to purify drinking

Greene, then Minister of Mines, Energy and Resources, was impressed

eases. The news media, which cover

'environmental stories', are usually conspicuous by their absence at the annual meetings of these associations. A Toronto chemist, Lt. Colonel

water on the battlefield, when unsafe drinking water killed five times more people than bullets or artillery. Lost to history, too, is the story of people such as Pat Bourgeois, who organized the Association Quebecoise des Techniques de I'Eau (AQTE), a professional activist group which began in the mid 1960s and was high ly critical of Quebec government neg


lect of environmental infrastructure.

American Water Works Association

AQTE developed into a powerful com bination of engineers and scientists, becoming a major force within Quebec. Now called RESEAU environnement, it is one of the most pow erful professional environmental groups in Canada. Pat Bourgeois later became presi

(AWWA)in 1881, to be joined later by what is now the Water Environment

dent of the Federation of Associations

By Tom Davey, Editor

Pollution Probe and other activist

tens of thousands of lives. He devised

have invested hundreds of millions in research to reduce water-borne dis


ties began well before Greenpeace,

Naismith, played a major role during World War I, unquestionably saving

associations and sections throughout the country. Both AWWA and WEF

Media chronology and public awareness are out of whack by a centu ry and a half. With some notable exceptions, I think environmental reporting has concentrated on the colourful protesters and imaginative were virtually ignored. As recently as May 2004, a Toronto newspaper article heaped lavish praise on a 'pioneer environmentalist and eco-warrior', noting that the environ mental movement had begun in 1970. The writer clearly was unaware of at least 150 years of activity in environ mental engineering and analytical chemistry when palpable progress was made in reducing lethal water-borne epidemics. Yet another milestone in public

Water and

groups emerged to dominate environ mental media coverage and change political agendas. A professor of environmental engi neering at the University of Toronto, Dr. Philip Jones, fought a vigorous campaign in 1968 to reduce the amount of phosphates in laundry detergents. He appeared on television and was the subject of countless edito rials across Canada which, at that time, did not even have a federal or provin

reflected in several AWWA and WEF

environmental movement'.

stunts, while the real environmentalists


on the Canadian Environment(FACE), eventually handing over the chain of office to Stanley Mason in British




and introduced an amendment to the

Canada Water Act, resulting in the reduction of phosphates in laundry detergents. These notable men and the organi zations they inspired, were surely the true pioneer environmentalists - yet they languish in obscurity. Toronto, mainly due to pressure to abandon incineration as an option, is currently shipping its garbage to Detroit. Amazingly, the city has now begun shipping biosolids, a euphe mism for treated sewage sludge. This type of"export" is redolent of a Third World country, not one of the richest countries in the world. For a city which rejected garbage incineration because of fears of air pollution, the thought of 150 huge diesel garbage trucks, belch ing out pollution as they make an 800 continued overleaf...

June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 7

Environmental Science

& Engineering Editor



E-mail; tom@esemag.com

(No attachments please) Managing Editor SANDRA DAVEY E-mail: sandra@esemag.coni Sales Director


E-mail: penny@esemag.com Sales Representative DENISE SIMPSON E-mail: denise@esemag.com

kilometre round trip, mostly through Ontario, can only be described as a comedy of the absurd. This appalling ly expensive, highly polluting proce dure is the very antithesis of the high tech exports Canadians should be ship ping across the border. But where are the eco-warriors now?

Circulation Manager VIRGINIA MEYER E-mail: virglnia@esemag.com Design & Production CAROL SHELTON E-mail: carol@esemag.com Publisher


E-mail: steve@esemag.com

Technical Advisory Board

A recent report pointed out that the average Canadian water and sewage pipe network has used up to 50% of its predicted life. Our water pipes are being replaced at a rate of six tenths of one percent, meaning that on average, each pipe would be replaced every 150

years. Walkerton is a sombre warning of the potential price, human and fis cal, of infrastructure neglect. The

McGuinty Liberal government in Ontario recently switched $60 million from its health budget to infrastruc ture. Noble as this seems, it is still $4 million short of the $64 million spent investigating the Walkerton drinking water tragedy. Had a mere fraction of these monies been spent on infrastruc ture rehabilitiation and disinfection

equipment, the disaster could have been avoided by an investment of a few thousands, not millions. â–

Jim Bishop

Stantec Consulting Ltd., Ontario


Bill Borlase, P.Eng. City of Winnipeg, l\/lanitoba

George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. CH2M HILL Ontario

Bill De Angeiis, P.Eng. AWS Engineers & Pianners Corp., Ontario Dr. Robert C. Landine

ADI Systems Inc., New Brunswick Peter Laughton, M.Eng., P.Eng., DEE ft. y. Anderson Associates Limited, Ontario

Barry Loescher, Ph.D. Philip Analytical Services, British Coiumbia Stanley Mason, P.Eng. British Coiumbia Marie Meunier

Hi Tom,

and are confident that it will continue

1 enjoy you magazine and always find

to meet our needs well into the future.

the time to read it. In the March edition

you ran an article on permeable reac tive barriers and how they are being used in the UK to remediate contami

nated groundwater. This technology was developed and patented by Bob Gillam, a hydrogeology professor at the University of Waterloo. A spin off company located in Waterloo has sold this technology around the world. Bob Leech, Gartner Lee

John tJteunier Inc., Ouebec

Re: Article - Atlantic Canada's 1st Environmental Science & Engineering Is a bi-monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publica tion, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and industrial environmental con trol systems and drinking water treatment and distribu tion.

Readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key municipal, provincial and

Low Pressure Membrane Filtration

vide information rather than give legal or other profes sional advice. Canadian Publications Mail Sales


Second Glass Mall

Product Agreement No.40065446 Registration No. 7750

Printed In Canada. No part of this pub- QPQM lication may be reproduced by any means without written permission of

the publisher. Yearly subscription rates: Canada S75.00 for one year . (plus $5.25 GST). All advertising space orders, copy, art

work,film, proofs, etc., should be sent to: Environmental Science & Engineering, 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3V6, Tel: (905)727-4666, Fax: (905) 841-7271, Web site: www.esemag. com

Since we commissioned a ZeeWeed

Microfiltration system in June 1996, it has consistently met the Town's requirements for quality and quantity of drinking water, small footprint and operation simplicity. Conventional green sand technology had failed to meet Town needs to treat water from

tives of ZENON Environmental Inc.

installation of a USFilter continuous

assumed.Articles in this magazine are intended to pro


supply wells producing high and vari able levels of iron, iron bacteria and manganese and for a compact plant which could be expanded at minimal cost and require minimal chemicals and operator attention. Rothesay's Plant is enclosed in a building with office and laboratory space of less than 2000 square feet. A part time operator spends approxi mately 1 hour per day at the plant for sampling. The plant generates high quality drinking water with minimal

plant operators and contractors.

sible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial mat ter. Although the Information contained in this maga zine is believed to be correct, no responsibility Is


Water Treatment Plant

Information contained in ES&E has been compiled from sources believed to be correct. ESSfcannot be respon


installed over eight years ago, and the membranes continue to perform as well as when they were first commis sioned without showing any long-term loss of permeability over time

Dear Mr. Davey: A recent article in your magazine was brought to my attention by representa

In the May issue of Environmental Science and Engineering, the proposed

federal environmental officials, water and wastewater

Our plant still uses the original ZeeWeed

microfiltration water treatment plant at St. John's, Newfoundland, is said to be 'the first water treatment plant in Atlantic Canada to install a low-pres sure membrane system'. We find this a surprising claim con sidering that by the time the St. John's plant is scheduled to open in 2005, Rothesay will be planning the 10 year anniversary of the continuous success ful operation of a ZENON low-pres sure immersed membrane system. In fact, we believe that Rothesay was the


of chemicals. The


Microfiltration process typically gen erates water with non-detectable levels

of suspended solids, iron and man ganese levels below 0.01 mg/L. We hope you will choose to inform your readers of the ongoing success of

first in the world to commission a

our installation.

membrane drinking water treatment plant. During our eight years of operation, we have been extremely pleased with the operation of our ZeeWeed" system

John Jarvie, MCIP,Town Manager, Rothesay, New Brunswick

8 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

Send comments to; tom@esemag.com


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Cover Story

$400 million committed for Nova Scotia

tar ponds clean-up

Stephen Owen, Minister of Public Works and Government

Services Canada, David Anderson, Minister of the Environment and John Hamm,

Premier of Nova Scotia, announced up to $400 million in funding for the clean-up of the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens. The province will provide $120 million and the Government of

Canada will contribute up to $280 mil lion.

The minister and the premier signed a memorandum of agreement in May committing their governments to a clean-up that will use proven, effective

technologies to safely destroy the worst contaminants and treat the

remaining material before encapsulat ing both sites with an engineered con tainment system. The sites will be restored and land

scaped in a manner consistent with their natural surroundings and future use. Upon completion of the clean-up, the province will assume ownership of the properties. The project will proceed on several fronts over the coming months. The removal of the Domtar tank will con

clude this summer. Design work will continue on a number of preventative works including the removal of the cooling pond, the eonstruction of a cofferdam at Battery Point closing off the Tar Ponds from Sydney Harbour, the relocation of the Vietoria Road

water main, and the rerouting of Coke Ovens brook through Mullins Bank. Governments will work with con

tractors to develop a detailed project description that will be subject to a joint environmental assessment. The assessment will identify measures needed to ensure the clean-up of the

From left to right: Nova Scotia Premier John Hamm, Minister of Pubiic Works and Government

Services Stephen Owen, and Federal Environment Minister David

Anderson, answer questions from the media during a tour of the Sydney Tar Ponds on May 12, 2004, after the announcement that $400 miiiion would be made available to

clean up the toxic area. CP Picture Archive


Sydney Tar Ponds is carried out in a way that protects the environment and

fnarKets anaerobiQian

human health.

aerobic treatment to industrial

The proposed clean-up will take 10 years to complete and will create an estimated 2,700 person-years of employment. PCB-contaminated sedi

processors worldwide. In the USA and Canada, ADI

provides design-build services for wastewater

ments in the Tar Ponds and the con

treatment involving anaerobic

tents of the tar cell on the Coke Ovens

|%hd aerobic technologies, as

will be removed and destroyed using a safe, proven technology such as high

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temperature incineration. The remain ing material will be treated with bioremediation or solidification and stabi

lization, and then encapsulated with an engineered containment system. Over the last seven years, govern ments have been working closely with the community to assess the sites and understand them in sufficient detail for

governments to plan and implement an effective clean-up effort. Significant groundwork, including the removal of derelict buildings, the capping of the old municipal landfill, and the installa tion of the interceptor sewer, has been completed to prepare the site for reme diation.

Contact: parker@kempthead.ca. 10 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

The Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute is a Canadian Association of manufacturers of corrugated steel pipe and material suppliers. With production facilities and technically trained sales staff in communities throughout Canada, we work with you to create flexible and versatile solutions to meet your unique requirements. Through CSPI, we share our vast resource of knowledge and experience in order to bring to you the greatest value for today's dollar. Members: Fabricators: Armtec Limited, Atlantic industries Ltd., Canada Culvert & Metal Products, FSi Culvert Inc., E.S. Hubbell & Sons Ltd., Prairie Steel Products Ltd., Soleno inc., SPIR-L-OK Industries, Steelcor Culvert Ltd., Twister Pipe Ltd., Westman Steel Industries. Steel Producers and Associates: Dofasco Inc., Steico Inc., Noranda Inc., Sorevco.

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Ontario's Interim Guidelines for the Production

and Use ofAerobic Compost in Ontario was pub lished as a temporary guideline in 1991 to assist in the selection and approval of appropriate aero bic composting methods and the production of quality compost. The guideline establishes criteria for metals, pathogens, foreign matter and maturity for a compost prod uct before it can be used in an unrestricted manner.

The metal criteria in the Ontario guidelines were devel oped based on the objective of not significantly affecting the background soil level when used in an unrestricted manner. It was noted in the guideline that the compost quality criteria requirements would be modified as new and updated information became available. The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment

(CCME) researched and published a national compost guideline titled "Guidelines for Compost Quality (CCME106E March 1996). The CCME guidelines were developed based on several objectives including the protection of public health and the environment across the country. It was also to encourage source separation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to produce a high quality compost. Other provincial jurisdictions have adopted the CCME guideline. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment had proposed to harmonize with the CCME standard for metals in 1998.

This initiative was part of a comprehensive waste manage ment regulatory review proposal which was posted for pub lic comment on the EBR (RA8E0023-1998). At that time, respondents who commented were supportive of this part of the proposal. However, the Ministry did not proceed with the comprehensive waste management proposal (RA8E0023-2002). The Ministry's interim compost guideline used known upper levels of soil background concentrations to develop metal criteria for compost. Experience has shown that in some instances these criteria may be overly restrictive. The CCME used a combination of soil background concentra tions and concentrations achievable using existing com12 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

CP Picture Archive

posting technology for source separated organics to estab lish their criteria. The CCME numbers were limited at the

top end by the CCME effects-based soil quality criteria to protect public health and the environment. The Ministry is proposing to harmonize its criteria for metals with that ofthe CCME guideline. The proposed cri teria for the eleven metals are described below (all values based on dry weight): • Arsenic: proposed criteria is 13 mg/kg, • Cadmium: proposed criteria is 3 mg/kg,(unchanged) • Chromium: proposed criteria is 210 mg/kg, • Cobalt: proposed criteria is 34 mg/kg, • Copper: proposed criteria is 100 mg/kg, • Lead: proposed criteria is 150 mg/kg,(unchanged) • Mercury: proposed criteria is 0.8 mg/kg, • Molybdenum: proposed criteria is 5 mg/kg, • Nickel: proposed criteria is 62 mg/kg, • Selenium: proposed criteria is 2 mg/kg,(unchanged) • Zinc: proposed criteria is 500 mg/kg.(unchanged) The existing criteria for the same 11 metals are: • Arsenic: 10 mg/kg, • Cadmium: 3 mg/kg, • Chromium: 50 mg/kg, • Cobalt: 25 mg/kg, • Copper: 60 mg/kg, • Lead: 150 mg/kg, • Mercury: 0.15 mg/kg, • Molybdenum: 2 mg/kg, • Nickel: 60 mg/kg, • Selenium: 2 mg/kg, • Zinc: 500 mg/kg. This harmonization of the metal criteria allows for the

production of a high quality compost and enables easier use and marketing of the end product. Comments should be directed to: Sr. Program Advisor, Waste Management Policy Branch, 135 St. Clair Ave. West, 7th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4V lP5,Tel:(416) 314-9404 Fax:(416) 325-4437. ■


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Trenchless Technology

Pipe bursting wood stave in British Columbia

Kamloops Augering Ltd., of Trail,

British Columbia, is a trenchless pipe rehab contractor using several trench less techniques including directional drilling, pipe ramming, auger boring, and pipe bursting. Malcolm Bachand, son of Kamloop's founder Monte Bachand, recently completed one of the most unique and difficult pipe burst ing projects the firm ever attempted.


General contractor Marwest Industries, Ltd.

in Trail, contracted Kamloops to replace 700 feet (213 m) of 30-inch (762-mm) wood stave pipe with 30-inch (762-mm) High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). For the project, Bachand would use the 24-inch (610-mm) Grundocrack Taurus pipe bursting tool from TT Techno logies, Aurora, Illinois. Project background The pipe bursting project was being carried out for Cominco, Ltd., Trail, BC. Cominco is For the project, Kamloops used the 24-inch diameter Grundocrack one of the largest integrated zinc and copper Taurus with a specially fabricated 32-inch front expander with cutting producers in the world. As part of a general blades. upgrade and plant rehabilitation project, a water cooling line was earmarked for replacement. wood stave bursting projects According to Bachand, the burst was especially chal were ever attempted and cer lenging. He said,"Cominco had a critical cooling line at its tainly none of this magnitude facility in British Colombia that had begun to collapse. To and diameter. The thing that add to the problem, the pipe was 700 feet (213 m) long, makes wood stave so difficult extremely deep and was below a highly congested area of to burst is actually steel. Wood the plant with buildings, roads and extensive underground stave pipe is usually bound infrastructure. The only solution was to pipe burst the together with steel bands like a An example of wood entire run. An open cut option was not feasible. The old wooden barrel or a continuous stave pipe. Wood stave cooling line was wood stave pipe and in very rough condi steel spiral band." was used extensively tion. In many places it had collapsed to half its diameter." In order to effectively burst throughout North and The host pipe the steel banding the South America in the Two other factors made this particular pipe bursting job Kamloops crew used a 32-inch early 1800s. unique: the host pipe and the bursting tool chosen for the (813-mm) diameter front expander equipped with special cutting blades. This Mil I project. Wood expander was crucial to the success of the project. f ' ' stave pipe in , jt.,; itself is not Schwager said, "We don't run into situations where we unique. The pipe need that large of a tool for bursting that often. The majori was used exten ty of the pipe bursting work currently being done can be sively throughout more efficiently handled by bursting tools from 3 to 18 North and South inches (76 to 457 mm)in diameter. America through Prep work out the 1800s. Marwest Industries prepared the entrance pit. The pit was Replacing deteri quite extensive because the wood stave line was located 20 orated wood stave feet (6 m) below the surface. In addition the entrance pit through pipe needed to be long enough and wide enough to accommo bursting, however, date the 30-inch (762-mm) HDPE product pipe as it was is unique. pulled into place during the bursting operation. The 700 feet TT Techno (213 m)of HDPE was fused on site. A winch system was set up at the end of the run, in a 54logies Pipe Burst ing Specialist, inch (1372-mm) diameter manhole. Once the bursting was Mike Schwager, completed, the Kamloops crew planned to remove the front explained: "Until expander from the tool and pull the bursting tool out the Kamloops through the new product pipe. The 700 feet of wood stave pipe was burst and replaced with 30project, only a The burst inch HDPE in just 3 1/2 hours. small number of The bursting proceeded without incident. Bursting times 14 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

averaged 3 to 4 feet (914 to 1219 mm) per minute. Bachand said, "We were

very impressed with the performance of the equipment. We excavated one section of the pipe in order to tie in

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that, we expected retrieving the 10,000 lb (4535 kg) Taurus pipe bursting tool

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Once the tool arrived at the exit

manhole, the Kamloops crew removed the expander without incident or dam age to the manhole. The winch was

then moved to the entrance pit and a winch-line was rodded through the

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The Taurus was pulled back, through the newly installed pipe, to the entrance pit without a problem. The entire project took a mere eight days to complete.

vides opportunities for professional growth and development, and offers com petitive salaries along with a generous benefits package. A new and challenging career awaits you, forward your resume in confidence to: Manager, Human

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For more information contact Kamloops Angering Ltd., 250-5737814 or TT Technologies, e-mail: info@TTtechnologies.com.


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June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 15

Drinking Water

City of Coqultlam chooses tablet chlorinatlon

British Columbia's mountainous

landscape presents unique challenges to the distribution and supply of drinking water. The City of Coquitlam, located just

natives and the PPG Accutab system was chosen based on the following:

• Life cycle costing based on 10 to 20 years showed no difference between the systems but the Accutab system

Columbia's lower mainland, covers

had a much lower capital cost; • Ease of handling the pails of chlo

land that includes lowlands along the Fraser River and extends up the local

• The system was the only system that




mountains to





as the

Westwood Plateau.

Coquitlam had been receiving domestic

water from the


Vancouver Regional District (GVRD)

for years. The water was received with 0.7 to 0.8 ppm chlorine residual which was typically sufficient for distribution to most of the low lying areas. In the case of the Westwood Plateau, a resi dential development stretching up the local mountainside, the water required

pumping up through a series of five

rine tablets;

would fit into the existing space; • The fact that the system is NSF Standard 61 approved for drinking water applications. The system in Coquitlam has been

running for some three years and has allowed the operations staff to achieve their main goals. The latest Accutab system incorpo

rates a patented, non-flooded chlorinator at the heart of the system. The tablets are delivered in easy-to-handle

reservoirs that served the local resi

25 kg pails of 3-1/2" Calcium Hypochlorite tablets. The tablets con

dents. On occasion, this uphill journey

tain nominal 68% available chlorine by

resulted in the loss of the chlorine

weight. Erosion rates are determined by the flow rate of the water through

residual and the potential for growth of microbial contaminants.

The City required a means of rechlorinating the water at two points in the system. Through evaluation of many options, the choices were nar rowed down to three alternatives: two

on-site chlorine generation systems and





Hypochlorite system. The City evaluated the three alter

A system installed In the City of Langley, BC.

the chlorinator which, in turn, deter mines the chlorine delivery rate. This

system produces a consistent, low con centration solution (approximately 100 - 700 ppm of chlorine) which is then metered back into the distribution sys tem. The consistency of the solution concentration makes the delivery more repeatable and easy to control. As insurance against calcium scale.

a scale inhibitor is contained in the

tablets that sequesters up to 750 ppm of hardness. This scale inhibiting

insures that the system remains rea sonably scale-free, requiring cleaning only once or twice per year in most applications. Successful installations exist throughout the US in areas such as Arizona where water hardness is a

significant issue. Accutab systems

have been installed or are being commissioned by Langley, Whistler, Elkford, and Burnaby.

Contact Greg Vissers, Vissers Sales Corp., e-mail: greg@vissers.on.ca.


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The Lakeview expansion (shown under construction at top left) wiii increase drinking water treatment capacity from 560 MUday to 820 MUday. The new facilities, which incorporate ZENON UF membranes with ozonation and BAC technolo gies, wiii occupy significantly less space than conventional technologies.

Over the past 30 years few

By Andrew Farr and Scott Lenhardt

municipalities in Canada have experienced the kind of rapid population and eco nomic growth that the Region of Peel has. With the population increasing threefold during this time, from about 330,000 to over one million residents and still growing, the municipality places a high priority on ensuring that new infrastructure expenditures are long-term investments. The residential community, while significantly contributing to the growth, is not the only group of people moving into Peel. The business com munity is also growing each year, mak ing Peel an integral part of the eco nomic engine that drives industry within the Greater Toronto Area, the Golden Horseshoe and South-Western Ontario. One reason Peel has been success

ful in attracting new industry is because of its proximity to key Canadian and US markets. Rail, ship, and air transport services are easily accessible and reliable in Peel and

municipal infrastructure such as road way networks, water and sewer servic es are in place and readily available. Located on the shores of Lake

Ontario, the Region of Peel has direct access to an abundant supply of quali ty drinking water. Unquestionably,

having a secure source of water is one service that is critical for healthy growth and development to occur in any community, as is the ability to finance the delivery of that service. With this in mind, the Region of Peel began discussions in 2002 to expand its Lakeview Water Treatment Plant (LWTP). Both Regional Council and senior management established key criteria for current and future expansions at the site. It was impera tive that the expansion remain within the existing footprint of the plant, pro duce the highest quality drinking water possible at a reasonable cost, and allow for sufficient capacity to service future needs and opportunities. After an extensive pilot program, and in consultation with engineering and design firm CH2M HILL, the Region of Peel decided to implement a new, innovative, multi-barrier approach at its LWTP, using ozonation, biologi cally active carbon (BAC) contactors and hollow-fibre ultrafiltration (UF) membranes.

Upon completion of the expansion, this project will be the largest lowpressure, UF membrane plant in the world with a summer capacity of over 300 ML/d (80 mgd) and a cold water (2°C) capacity of 262 ML/d (69 mgd). Daily water treatment capacity of the plant will rise from the current 560

18 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

ML/d (148 mgd) to 820 ML/d (216 mgd). Products considered for installation at the LWTP needed to demonstrate

reliability and longevity. Three leading membrane suppliers were invited to participate in a comprehensive pilot program to test the performance of their products for factors such as solids and pathogen removal. At the conclu sion of the study, the ZENON ZeeWeedÂŽ 1000 membranes showed

the highest quality technical solution at the most reasonable cost.

Drinking water treatment with lowpressure ultrafiltration membranes is becoming increasingly more common throughout North America, and many municipalities have adopted ZENON technology to serve their communities. Reference sites in Collingwood, Ontario (32.5 ML/d, 8.6 mgd); Sudbury, Ontario (37.8 ML/d, 10 mgd) and Racine, Wisconsin (189 ML/d, 50 mgd) were examined closely by Peel staff during the decision-making process.

In determining the best value for Peel, each supplier was also asked to submit a technical proposal which was assigned a relative performance factor. The results from this step were used to adjust each supplier's cost proposal which considered both capital and 20year operating costs. Other factors

Water Treatment lower chemical consumption, and a reduced risk of membrane damage. The Lakeview expansion, sched uled for completion in 2006, will add 12 membrane process trains. Each

such as service, project delivery, and training also figured prominently in the decision to recommend awarding the $11.8-million membrane purchase. Ozone and biologically active car bon (BAG) will provide pretreatment for the raw water prior to ultrafiltra-

tank that can hold up to seven

tion. Water from Lake Ontario is mod

ZeeWeed membrane cassettes. Eleven

erately hard and usually low in turbid ity and organics, but turbidity can rise to high levels for up to a week. Taste and odour episodes can also occur and are known to last for up to several weeks. Typical turbidity for the lake water can range from less than 1.0 NTU to peaks of greater than 20 NTU. The pretreatment will reduce turbidity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and provide taste and odour control.

of the trains will operate at all times, with the twelfth train operating on

debris from the fibres, and when nec essary, membrane cassettes can be removed from service, and placed in a separate cleaning tank to dissolve solids from the fibres. With regular maintenance and inspections, each membrane cassette will provide years of efficient and cost-effective opera

demand whenever one of the others is


taken off line for backwashing, sched uled maintenance or testing. branes are immersed directly into the

Delivering a quality product and service at the best value, is something Peel Public Works prides itself on. Peel Region boasts the lowest water and

membrane tanks and draw water into

sewer rates in the Greater Toronto Area

train will consist of a 55 m^ process

The ZeeWeed ultrafiltration mem

the fibres using a slight vacuum. The membranes form a physical barrier to particles, preventing suspended solids, turbidity, algae and pathogens such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium from passing into the permeate. Operation of this system will be highly automated and fibres can be easily cleaned with a clean-in-place backpulsing process that forces nonchlorinated permeate water back through the membranes. This dis lodges any particles that may adhere to

the membranes. Intermittent aeration of the membranes is also used to scour

and delivers those services through some of the most advanced treatment

technologies in North America.

Andrew Farr, P. Eng., is Manager, Capital Works,for the Regional Municipalit}' ofPeel, contact e-mail: farra@peelregion.ca. Scott Lenhardt, P. Eng. is Regional Manager with ZENONEnvironmental Inc., contact

e-mail: slenhard@zenon.com.


Recipient the


Builder of the Year Award

The Lakeview WTP will incorporate the latest version of ZENON ZeeWeedÂŽ membranes and will ben

efit from the increased flow capacity and reduced space requirements that the new configuration offers.

"The ozone and BAG pretreatment will deliver a consistent quality feed water to the membranes with turbidity below 2.0 NTU, 95 per cent of the time, with total suspended solids below 5.0 mg/L (maximum of 40 mg/L)and DOG ranging from 1.0 - 5.0 mg/L," said Director of Water and Wastewater Treatment Mark Schiller.

During pilot testing, the pretreat ment contributed to more efficient

membrane functioning with longer cleaning intervals and trouble-free operation during raw water variability. Overall, the pretreatment will benefit the system with more consistent per meate quality, reduced energy costs.

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IT'S NOT A TANK UNTILIT'S BUILT... [I] Q [Z1 ond counting June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 19

Oil/Water Separation

Achieving oil free bilge water discharges from ships

In the void space below the engine

room floor of commercial ships,

condensation, wash-down water,

cooling water and oil leaks accu mulate. This bilge water can be dis charged overboard while "under way", provided it is processed through approved bilge water separators and verified by an approved oil content meter to Transport Canada stated lim its. For inland waters (rivers and lakes) the limit is 5 ppm; for "outside" waters the limit is 15 ppm. The challenges to compliant bilge water discharges come from physics as well as chemistry. In industrial appli cations there is generally a limit to how many different oils may be mixed with outflows, whereas on a ship anything can drop into the bilge. Ships have dif ferent engines installed, running on different fuels and using different lube oils. There is hydraulic oil, there is grease and then there are the water

treatment chemicals, cleaners, etc. To

top it all off, the moving ship then mixes the oily bilge water. The first bilge water regulations were introduced in 1973 with 100 ppm effluent quality. In 1978 this was amended to 15 ppm for coastal waters and in 1993 the 15 ppm limit became the universal limit; only in Canada do we have 5 ppm for inland waters. To be able to discharge treated bilge water, the oil content in the effluent has to be below the allowed limit. A

ship owner can choose between invest ing in equipment that can handle any thing, or he can make the crew respon sible to get bilge water overboard. The latter option is the only cost-effective and reliable alternative. Preventing uncontrolled oil leaks saves costs and

it makes bilge water processing possible. The efforts by the crew are directed towards the elimination, or at least reduction of emulsification of the oil

and water mixture. This is prevention of chemical emulsions from detergents and surfactants, and the prevention of mechanical emulsions.

Chemical emulsions are primarily caused by detergents, therefore ships have changed to the use of"fast break ing" cleaners. These products "tem porarily" emulsify oil, then let the oil float free for gravity separation or removal in the oily water separator (OWS). These "fast breaking" cleaners are mostly biodegradable; they have to be non toxic and cannot be flammable

for use in the confined space of the engine room.

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20 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

Gerry is a registered professional engineer in Ontario and Alberta, with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Alberta. He has over 20 years of project management and engineering experience on environmental, municipal and transportation projects, and is the Associate Manager of the firm's Ottawa regional office.

Oil/Water Separation Mechanical emulsions are basically the result of kinetic energy. A pressure leak or a drop falling into the bilge will cause finer oil dispersion than the laws of physics can reverse. The fractured oil drops rising slowly to the surface don't have the same energy to coalesce as what split them apart. To get "sepa rable" bilge water, crews limit the mix ing of oil and water. To avoid emulsification through the ship's motion, skim mers are used to remove floating oil. Today the effluent quality is veri fied by oil content meters(OCM)with sophisticated light scattering measur ing systems. Their ability to detect very small oil drops, registers mechan ical as well as chemical emulsions.

With their accuracy, discharge quality has improved, requiring crews to be vigilant in the prevention of oily water and irmovative in the processing of bilge water. Whereas before ships could dis charge overboard in a single pass through the International Maritime Organization (IMG ) approved oily water separator because of the less reliable meters, this is not possible

summo product division

today. The modern OCM no longer ignores the finer oil particles and reg isters total oil content more accurately. To be able to get the bilge water overboard, cascaded systems are com monly used, where bilge water is trans ferred into a holding tank, decanted and the oil removed. The oily water mixture is then processed through the IMO approved OWS and discharged, if the oil content is below the alarm set

point. Depending on the type of ship, fuel used and shipboard practices, this basic, cascaded system is then expand ed and modified, to achieve the eompliant effluent quality. If the choice of cleaners, catch-alls, skimmers and other initiatives fails to produce the required effluent quality, then polish ing filters are generally used to clean the effluent to measurable, clean dis charges. Is 15 ppm oil content a threat? One way to look at 15 parts per mil lion is to equate it to roughly one 2.5 mm oil drop in I litre of water. One such drop would readily separate; therefore oil needs to be finely distrib

uted to form a stable mixture. Such a

homogeneous 15 ppm mixture is com posed of oil drops evenly dispersed in the effluent, with each oil particle spaced about 40 times its diameter from the next one. Measuring oil eontent of such an oil distribution is simi

lar to looking at the rainbow. Difficulties in measuring this 15 ppm oil dispersion arise as background tur bidity increases, like dust or smog for the rainbow.

A ship "making way" at 6 KN,trav els about three metres per second (10.8 km/hr). A typical Great Lakes freighter carrying 24,000 tons of goods, processes bilge water through a 3.5

m^/hr OWS, whieh is equal to 1 litre per second,for about 8 hours in 7 days. Thus it discharges at maximum allow able effluent quality, one oil drop equivalent over 3 metres traveled. Commercial ships disperse the effluent over the length of the Seaway, i.e. 3,700 km, en route, not in port.

By Gernot Seebacher, President of Hermont Marine Inc. Contact e-mail:


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The AccUVIew Online UV%Transmission Analyzer was specifical


ly designed to fill the need for increased drinking water UV disin fection monitoring. The AccUView is manufactured using micro processor technology making it the most reliable and cost effi cient Instrument for monitoring the %transmission of UV disinfec tion systems. The AccUView is affordable without sacrificing quality and is by far the most advanced and reliable instrument for Online UV% Transmission monitoring on the market today.

The use of low capacity, high accuracy diaphragm metering pumps is con stantly growing, particularly for disin fection. Alldos TrueDos M combines a

metering pump,a flow meter and a set point controller. The Stepper motor with superior microelectronics provide a unique method of introducing chem ical Into the process accurately.

Process Products and Instrumentation - SOIUTIOMS June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 21

Wastewater Treatment

Cold climate lagoon-based ammonia reduction been a difficult problem to solve. During the past five years, a collaborative effort with a number of technology suppliers, scientists and engineers has resulted in the suc cessful retrofit of six lagoon sites for the purpose of ammo nia reduction. These sites included municipal lagoons, agri cultural hog manure lagoons, and landfill leachate ponds. Three of these systems have ice-covered conditions during


winter months with water temperatures at 1 °C, and all sys tems have water temperatures that fall below 5°C during winter months.

The municipal systems treat standard municipal wastewater with influent ammonia levels between 25 and 35

Excess ammonia (NH3) levels discharged from

sewage treatment facilities can have detrimental consequences on receiving streams or lakes. Since nitrification (ammonia removal) naturally occurs in

mg/L. Winter effluent ammonia concentrations for these sites are typically less than 5 mg/L with periodic spikes to 8 mg/L. One facility typically produces discharge ammonia levels less then 2 mg/L (often less than 1 mg/L) during win ter months. Summer effluent ammonia concentrations are

less than 1 mg/L for all of the sites. The landfill leachate pond system is reducing ammonia levels from over 400 mg/1 to less than 20 mg/1 in all seasons. Ammonia reduction parameters

the aerobic conditions in lakes and streams, discharging ammonia can result in creating oxygen deficient condi tions in the receiving water body. Nitrification requires 4.6 kilograms of oxygen for each kilogram of ammonia that is nitrified. Regulators are recognizing that year-round ammonia removal is required to protect our natural streams

Nitrification is greatly influenced by temperature. As the temperature increases, the nitrification rate increases.

and lakes.

Temperatures between 20°C and 35°C are optimum nitrifi

Nitrification is dramatically reduced in cold-water tem peratures. Because winter water temperatures in cold cli

cation conditions. Nitrification slows down dramatically

mate lagoon systems are typically 0.5° to TC, winter

As with any living organism, the primary building blocks for bacteria cell replication are: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous (C:N:P) with an approximate respective ratio of 100:7:1. C:N:P ratios in a typical sewage lagoon setting are such that no manual buffering or ratio balancing is

ammonia removal is historically poor. Cold temperatures combined with winter anaerobic conditions in facultative

and anaerobic ponds result in little or no ammonia reduc tion.

Extremely expensive (capital and operating) mechani cal treatment plants have replaced many lagoon systems to facilitate ammonia removal. Wetlands have also become a

recognized treatment method for ammonia removal,

although cold temperatures and ice-covered conditions limit their reliability of year-round treatment. Construction of mechanical treatment plants is not eco nomically feasible for many small to medium sized com munities. The basic principle behind lagoon upgrades is to provide an acceptable, low-cost treatment alternative for enhanced ammonia reduction while maximizing the use of existing infrastructure. Full-scale research

Ammonia reduction in cold climate lagoon systems has

Ammonia reduction in lagoon systems is a biological process that is primarily related to the following parame ters: temperature, carbon, pH, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, surface area, and beneficial bacteria.

during cold, 1 °C temperatures.


Nitrification is enhanced at higher pH levels. pH levels of 7.5 to 8.5 are ideal, although nitrifying bacteria can adapt outside of this range. Nitrification will also produce acids. Sufficient alkalinity must be present to buffer the acids to maintain an adequate pH level. Manual buffering may be required in some instances to maintain optimum nitrifica tion conditions.

In order to improve the rate of ammonia removal in

water temperatures below 5°C, the three major factors that can most cost-effectively be modified are dissolved oxy gen, surface area, and beneficial bacteria. Dissolved oxygen Nitrifying bacteria require aerobic conditions. In unaer-

Time-lapse photos showing biomass growth on AquaMats in landfill leachate application.

■ r--/-T.vy'tc. 1 to 3 weeks

4 to 6 weeks

22 Environmental Science & Engineering, June/July 2004

7 to 9 weeks

10 to 12 weeks

Wastewater Treatment ated facultative lagoons, nitrification cannot occur in ice covered, winter

conditions, because dissolved oxygen levels are reduced to 0 mg/1 (anaerobic conditions) which stops growth of all nitrifying bacteria. Supplemental aera tion is required to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen levels throughout the year, including ice-covered conditions. A minimum dissolved oxygen(DO) concentration of 2 mg/1 (preferably 3 mg/L)must be present for the nitrifica tion process to occur. Dissolved oxy gen must be greater than 2 mg/L immediately above the sludge water interface in order to prevent liberation of ammonia from accumulated sludge under anoxic conditions. Although

increasing oxygen levels, providing surface area, balancing nutrient ratios, and providing adequate alkalinity, the bacteria populations can be increased

temperatures (>10°C) in northern cli

in a controlled fashion. This has been

tive nitrification aside from the tem

demonstrated in full-scale case studies


and has resulted in improved ammonia reduction rates during cold tempera tures.

There is no cost-effective way to increase or maintain reasonable water

mate lagoons. A combination of tech nologies is, therefore, required to opti mize all parameters critical for effec

Contact Lionel Ens, P.Eng., Nelson Emdronmental Inc., 1-888-426-8180, or e-mail:


"whj not things <v.s eaST OkS possible?

nitrification can occur with DO con

centrations down to 2 mg/1, the aera tion system should have the ability to maintain 3 to 5 mg/1 at the final lagoon discharge to provide buffering for any variations in oxygen demand. Surface area and beneficial bacteria

Bacteria require a medium of some form to grow on. High surface area medium allows for high-density bacte ria population. AquaMatsÂŽ for Biofiltration achieve continuous rates

of nitrification by providing surfaces designed for biofiltration that extend into the water column. AquaMats sur face area is engineered to specifically provide holdfast surfaces for nitrifying bacteria. Surfaces are ideal for nitrifier

Prosonic M - the easy solution

colonization due to the average pore size distribution in the range of 5 to

in water & wastewater

400 microns.

ievei measurement

The principal of operation is to gen erate concentrated biomass and accel

erated biological treatment in a dynamic process similar to the activi ties in attached growth systems such as trickling filters or rotating biological contactors (RBC). The AquaMats dynamic process is achieved through self-cleaning and re-establishment. When the biomass reaches a certain

thickness, the material will start to

slough off and new biomass will start to establish. The engineering of the surfaces discourages excess biofilm development.

In order to convert ammonia(NH3) to nitrite (NO2-) and ultimately nitrate (NO3-) (the process of nitrification) sufficient quantities oftwo bacteria are required, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. These bacteria are already natural ly present in the wastewater. By

Cost effective continuous

Prosonic M is a compact, 2-wire ultrasonic device specially designed for the water and wastewater industry. Easy to install and use, it comes with a software tool which lets you carry out measurement, diagnosis and documentation from the comfort of your control room.

User-friendly features A large four-line display leads you stepby-step through commissioning, and the envelope curve is shown right on the display. The aluminum housing is Nema 6P. HartÂŽ, Profibus-PA and FF protocols are available. Ask us www.ca.endress.com 1-800-668-3199

Endress+Hauser OSJ People for Process Automation

June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 23

Watershed Strategies

Lake Ontario loTyuCf


.'Town of


/ 6rim&by

Town of Lincdn

leads the

Townshipc^ west tincdn

country In Haldimand

â– W

Mdwnshipcf^ \ Wainfleet




protection planning

Mi^ara's Wabensheds

Municipality of Niagara (Niagara Region), Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), and Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOB), consulted to consider ways to more effectively manage Niagara's water resources. All parties agreed that to properly protect the area's water, a more integrated approach would be required that took into consideration all jurisdictional levels. To this end, the three principals commissioned a study in August 2002 to develop Niagara's Water Quality Protection Strategy (NWQPS). consortium



Consultants, CH2M HILL Canada,

and Philips Engineering, along with eight specialist firms, including Lura Consulting (which completed the com munity engagement component).



lake Onfario Watershed . R pea "River Waterehed 37 Mahiclpoi Boundai

til S Erie Water^ed

worked together with area stakeholders to produce the strategy in only 14 months, releasing it in October 2003. The purpose of NWQPS was to develop the foundation for a compre hensive water protection strategy for all watersheds within Niagara. The NWQPS is an integrated, multi-jurisdictional plan that guides the respec tive authorities on how best to protect and manage water-dependent re sources. It was organized into six mutually supported themes: human health, natural environment, property risk and assessment, recreation, agri culture, and commerce.

Strategies involved intensive data gathering, including over 1,000 data items, comprising reports, maps, databases, and general information


vision, goals, objectives and

from 14 area munici

palities and over 30 formal agencies and watershed groups.



Vieedtion oTDraini

Figure 1: The NWQPS study area.

Figure 2: The relationship


.City of "ibwncf - borne forf Erie

Lake Erie

In late 2001, the Regional



Goals Objectives

Based on this infor

pore Issues Supporting Issues

study area. These watershed areas, with a total drainage area of 2,424 km, fall within three municipal jurisdic tions, including the Region of Niagara,

the City of Hamilton and Haldimand County. Strategy hierarchy A number of watershed issues were

grouped into six themes. The NWQPS itself was structured around a set of

sensitivity and value

actions, organized by programs that individually do not specifically



their potential 'stressors' such as sources



flooding, water taking, etc.

24 Environmental Science & Engineering, June/July 2004

to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the

Niagara River. There are a total of 145 primary subwatersheds within the

was conducted of the

resources, as well as


Action Programs, to address core issues related to water quantity and quality management. Study area Figure 1 shows that the study area encompasses a number of watersheds and subwatersheds that discharge flow

mation, an assessment

of the


The understanding gained from the study area characterization was subse quently used to develop the manage ment strategy. This part of the work involved significant consultation with area stakeholders to develop a priori tized action plan, comprised of over 400 area-wide and locally-specific activities organized into 11 focussed

address any one goal but in combina tion were developed to achieve the respective objectives, goals, and vision. Programs are made up of poli cy reviews, capital works projects, and continued overleaf...

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Watershed Strategies stxidies that are designed to address the issues on a Region-wide basis and on a Local Management Areas/smaller subwatershed scale. These actions are

considered mutually supporting to ful fill the respective theme-based objec tives, goals, and vision. Figure 2 illus trates the relationship between vision, goals, objectives, and actions hierar chy. Action programs The initial long list of issues was developed in accordance with the sixtheme concept. A summary of the Action Programs that cohesively address the core issues include: • Public/Stakeholder Education and Consultation

• • • • •

Data Collection/Monitoring Land Use Planning Regulations/Policies Land and Property Management Watershed and Natural Heritage System Study • Groundwater Study/Protection • Agricultural Practices • Financing, Taxation, Funding Incentives

• Energy, New Technology, Best


• Maintenance/Management/Repair of Infrastructure and Remediation of Contaminated Sites

Strategy implementation Before implementation could begin, a framework needed to be developed that ensures that the effort continues to meet the strategy's goals.

which recognized the links between the Region of Niagara, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, and watershed-area municipalities. Communication

tend to reflect Public Sector gover

Throughout the study, public con sultation was a significant part of the strategy development and included five advisory meetings with stakehold ers and two formal public meetings. A Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) was also formed as part of the study's public consultation process. The goal for CAC was to ensure citizen engage ment in water quality and quantity

nance with substantial stakeholder



The communication process will continue in the implementation of the strategy. A key component of the Implementation Team's monitoring activity will be to report on the status

From an extensive review of other

jurisdictions, it was found that several types of implementation frameworks are available. Further investigation indicated that those that are successful

Key elements considered in the development of an implementation framework for the NWQPS included: • Use existing resources in an effi cient and cost-effective manner; • Remain accountable to local taxpay ers and other levels of government; and

• Include opportunities for public/pri vate partnering and input. Subsequently, a near-term imple mentation framework was prepared

of the watersheds to demonstrate the

changes arising from the implementa tion of the NWQPS. An integral com ponent of this process will be public education/awareness and involvement

to develop an open information shar ing process. Gauging the success of the NWQPS



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26 Environmental Science & Engineering, June/July 2004

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Watershed Strategies is important to the Niagara Region, its residents, and its neighbours. It is for this reason that a template for a Regional Report Card was developed. The report cards are meant to demonstrate relative levels of improvement or degradation in the six theme areas developed as part of the NWQPS. In order to make these comparisons, baseline monitoring will need to be established for each of the mon itoring areas. Following this initial monitoring, grades can be assigned based on the level ofimprovement in each area. Periodic updating of the strategy will be required in order to incorporate the findings of the monitoring plan and to address new approaches which arise. Recommend ations were made that the strategy be updated on a fiveyear basis. Integration of NWQPS with provincial planning framework NWQPS is a significant undertaking that will address the need for source protection planning recommended in Part One and Part Two reports of The Walkerton Inqiiiiy and anticipated as a legislative requirement by the Province. It is important that the NWQPS meets the source protection planning requirements and, at the same time, be imple mented through a framework that meets the specific requirements of the Niagara Region, area municipalities, and other key stakeholders. In April 2003, the provincial government's Advisory Committee





Planning released their final report entitled. Protecting Ontario's Drinking Water: Toward a Watershed based Source Protection Planning Framework. NWQPS essentially, is the foundation for a Source Protection Plan. The plan has been developed, however, to this point, without the benefit of the province's Source Protection Planning Framework. The implementation framework provides a structure that is in conformance with the requirements put foward in the province's Source Protection Planning Framework and will ensure that the recommendations that were put forward in the two Walkerton Inquiry reports are addressed. NWQPS priorities Implementation of the NWQPS is now being directed by an Implementation Committee that has the mandate to ini tiate the implementation priorities and to determine the ultimate framework structure that will provide for the longterm management of the Strategy. In the proposed Framework for Implementation, it is suggested that an Implementation Team be set up to conduct the respective Action Programs that support the NWQPS. Specifically, the Implementation Team will be responsi ble for the direct actions being implemented directly as a result of the NWQPS. In addition, the Implementation Team will need to be informed by a host of indirect actions, which are, or will be, undertaken by other stakeholders across Niagara. Some examples of important direct actions include: • Taking stock of existing environmental monitoring pro grams, assessing data gaps, and establishing new partner ships along with harmonized standards; • Standardizing land use regulations and policies across the Region; • Conducting a pilot project in an appropriate urban centre to determine stormwater retrofit opportunities;

• Developing maps of all significant water takings (link to groundwater study); • Establishing a Rural Water Quality Demonstration proj ect (link to benefits to downstream urban users); • Conducting user surveys to characterize recreational use, attitudes, and opinions; • Preparing Local Area report cards and setting up local interest groups; and • Developing relational database actions, status, and other benefits, etc. Some equally important indirect actions include: • Petitioning area municipalities, agencies, and stakehold ers on current and planned initiatives; • Developing an information transfer protocol; • Supporting and participating on complementary initia tives by way of information transfer; and • Setting up an Advisory Committee structure. Implementation of the NWQPS will continue in 2004 and into 2005, with many actions items being undertaken and many more stakeholders becoming involved to ensure that the vision of Water for Life becomes a reality.

Contributing authors include Mario Conetta, MacViro Consultants Inc. (905-475-7270), Tom Mahood, CH2M HILL Canada Limited (519-579-3501,) Ronald B. Scheckenberger, Philips Engineering Ltd. (905-335-2353), Bob Steele, Region ofNiagara (905-685-4225) and Sandra Znajda, Lura Consultants (416-644-1803).

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June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 27

Environmental Laboratories

Environmental labs measure the effectiveness

of conforming to international standards ctive conformance to interna






ISO/IEC9001:2000 is intend-

Led to help organizations con

sistently produce a quality product

(material or service) and instill a cul ture of continual improvement in their operations. The fact that registration to ISO standards is a growing phenome non (greater than 500,000 worldwide)

strongly suggests that the process is effective.

But the question must be asked: Is it successful because it measurably improves the performance of the oper ation, or is it successful because it has

become a powerful mar keting tool - a cost of doing business? The ana lytical laboratory indus try in Canada is an excel lent case study in the true

and reagents, and numerous other questionable practices. This situation was not helped by the practices of the predominant client for many of these services, the engineer ing community. Too often, the decision on what laboratory to use was based solely on two criteria, cost and turn around time. The perception being pre sented was that the signed report was more important than the quality of the results on the report. Presumably, some clients felt that having a signed report absolved them of any liability resulting from erroneous data. We now know that legal liability cannot be rationalized this easily.

CAEAL-registered laboratories could also expect increased business as (hopefully) clients preferentially selected registered laboratories over non-registered laboratories. The first program to be established by CAEAL was a Proficiency Testing (PT) program in which samples were sent to member laboratories twice per year. A laboratory's performance for each parameter was evaluated against all other laboratories. Successful par ticipation resulted in proficiency certi fication on a parameter level basis. In 1993 the accreditation program was added. This program, for which PT participation is mandatory, assesses a laboratory's conformance to ISO/IEC 17025 (updat •Accredited (2001)

Accredited (1997) Non-Accredited (1997)

• Non-Accredited (2001

Accredited vs Non-Accredited Laboratories

and measurable effective ness of conformance to an international standard

(specifically, 17025).


are now more than 350

participants in the PT pro gram and over 200 labo

Before 1990

Twenty years ago, shopping for analytical laboratory services was like buying a car without road testing it. You may have ended up with a good quality vehicle or you may have gotten a lemon. Anyone with a few dollars and a basic

ed in 1999 from ISO/IEC

25). Both the proficiency testing program and the accreditation program have grown significantly, to the point where there

ratories in the accredita

tion program. Many laboratories, both government and commercial, have decided that accreditation and PT

participation is a good business decision. This

Figure 1. A comparison of proficiency testing faiiure rates between accredited and non-accredited laboratories.

knowledge of analytical chemistry (or not) could set themselves up to provide analytical chemistry services to the general pub lic. This resulted in, not only a great diversity in quality between laborato ries, but often a great diversity in qual ity within the same lab. The highly competitive nature of the analytical chemistry market and the general lack of accountability occasionally resulted in laboratory practices that would not be considered acceptable by today's

standards. These included the use of

methods that were not properly vali dated, the use of non-qualified or poor ly-trained staff to perform testing, skipping of critical steps in analytical processes, use of out of date standards

has been reinforced by recent government regu

lations. But the question still remains as to whether

1990 to 2004

In 1989, the laboratory community cooperated to form the Canadian Association



Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL). The main goal of the association was to improve the quality of environmen tal information in Canada. It is also fair to state that individual laboratories

were motivated by an attempt to level the playing field amongst analytical laboratories and a desire to improve how the laboratory industry was being perceived by the general public. Membership required a laboratory to abide by a set of by-laws, a code of conduct, and client confidentiality.

28 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

these programs, when properly imple mented and maintained, actually result in a measurable improvement in the quality of analytical results or whether their benefit is limited to their market

ing value.

The CAEAL proficiency testing program has been in operation since 1989 and has grown in size and scope ever since. This extensive database is a

valuable tool for evaluating the effect of various factors on laboratory per formance. In 2004, A. Morris and D. Macey published a paper clearly demonstrating that accredited labora tories perform better on proficiency testing samples than non-accredited

Environmental Laboratories laboratories (Accred Qual Assur 9:52-54). Given that labo ratory accreditation is contingent on demonstrating confor

PT Performance

mance to an international standard, this result is not unex pected. This leads to the question; If accreditation results in

improved performance, is there an added value to profi ciency testing or is this program superfluous? Again, the CAEAL proficiency testing database contains the informa tion necessary to answer this question. The database was queried to retrieve all laboratory/parameter combinations where first time PT participation started after October 1994

(5 87

and participation continued for at least ten consecutive PT rounds. For each laboratory/parameter combination, the first participation was assigned to study one. In total, 29,480 individual scores were used in this examination.

When the average PT scores were plotted, the trend was obvious. Average performance (as measured by PT score) improved over the first few rounds, after which it leveled off. Since this data-set includes accredited labs, nonaccredited labs and labs that obtained accreditation within

the ten study window, it can be stated with confidence that the observed trend is due to PT participation, not due to other factors that may affect quality. This phenomenon is supported by observations made for clinical laboratory PT programs. For example, in 1994, PT participation was mandated for clinical laboratories in the United States. This resulted in a decreased percentage of acceptable PT scores, due to the influx of a large number of


Figure 2. Average CAEAL proficiency testing score for the first ten PT rounds after the first participation event.

first-time participants, followed by improved numbers over the next several PT rounds (Hassemer, D. 1996. Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, newsletter #10). The curve is very similar to the one observed for the CAEAL data. 2004 and on...

In the aftermath of the Walkerton tragedy, provincial governments enacted new legislation and regulations with the goal of protecting the safety of drinking water. A requirement in almost all of these regulations has been that water utilities use laboratories that have demonstrated pro ficiency (i.e., PT programs) or are accredited to ISO/IEC continued overleaf...

M* I 1

-"A.4 •




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June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 29

Environmental Laboratories 17025. Although this is a significant step forward in assuring the quality of drinking water, it only provides a means of quickly and accurately iden tifying problems after they occur. It does little to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place. This is because much of the chemical test

ing conducted in order to optimize and monitor the treatment process (e.g., chlorine, turbidity, colour, fluoride, pH, etc.) is not performed in accredit ed laboratories. Generally, these process tests are governed under oper ator certification or through specific analyst certification. There is little or no direct oversight of the testing proce dures used, whether they are suited to purpose or whether they perform as designed. This is disconcerting given the fact that results from these tests are

used in day-to-day operational decisions. To illustrate the importance of proper controls at the process testing level, an analogy to loss control theory can be drawn. Most managers and supervisors are familiar with the ice berg or pyramid models of accidents. For every accident there is a large

number of near misses and an even

greater number of substandard condi tions that could lead to an accident.

The best means of reducing the num ber of accidents is to directly address these conditions. Following the same logic, the most effective way of reduc ing the number of adverse water quali ty conditions (or C of A exceedences) is to address substandard process con ditions, including the process testing. As has been demonstrated with ana

lytical laboratories, two ways to improve the accuracy and reliability of test results is to actively participate in a proficiency testing program and to be part of an operation that conforms to an applicable standard. The trend towards the management and opera tion of utilities to international stan

dards started prior to the Walkerton tragedy but has been accelerated in recent years. Ontario has enacted legis lation that will require drinking water utilities to become accredited to a spe cific standard (still to be defined). However, proficiency testing, a tool with a proven track record, has not yet been considered in the field of process

testing. In large part, this is due to the general belief that analytical testing and process testing are fundamentally different. This is a misconception. It is true that the average process test may not need the accuracy expected for analytical labs, but this does not justi fy a complete lack of control proce dures. At present, many utilities lack or have inadequate procedures in place to ensure that the process tests are per forming as designed. Sometimes, the first indication that there is a problem with the test is when the results

obtained for samples are observably different from those typically meas ured. By now, any problems with the testing procedure have been reflected in the entire treatment process. To conclude, the experience of the environmental laboratory industry in Canada clearly demonstrates that pro ficiency testing and accreditation to an international standard provide real and measurable benefits to laboratories

that undertake these strategies. Contact Ken Middlebrook, CAEAL,

e-mail: hniddlebrook@caeal.ca.




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Proficiency Testing Program for Process Chemistry

Survey of Interest




The Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) operates a proficien cy testing program for analytical laboratories. Proficiency testing is an essentiai component of qual ity assurance for chemicai testing. CAEAL is soiiciting input into the potential demand for, and fea sibility of, a proficiency testing program in support of process/operational testing in drinking water and wastewater utilities.

This survey is for information gathering oniy and does not imply a commitment to participate in any future program. Ali reference to respondent's name and company name will be held in confidence.

Utilitv Tvne:

Utilitv Name: Address:





- 1

Level of Interest (circle one)





5 High


Please complete the following table for tests performed by utility staff as part of process control Test



No.of Staff*

Typical Range(s)


Turbidity Colour Fluoride


Use additional page(s) if necessary * include the total number of staff that currently perform the test routinely

Fax survey to the attention of Ken Middlebrook at(613)233-5501 (kmiddlebrook@caeal.ca)

June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 31



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Environmental NEWS

Newfoundland/Labrador water report available

Tliis drinking water safety report

• A reduction in the number of boil


outlines accomplishments and

water advisories.

Provincial Affairs also hired three

activities for 2002-03 under the

• Resolution of drinking water quality issues (pH, colour, turbidity, arsenic, fluoride, lead and trihalomethanes) in

Community Water and Wastewater Specialists. The department also provided

a number of communities.

financial assistance to communities

• Improvements in regulatory approval and inspection systems. • Development of an arsenic risk map of the island portion of the province. • Delivery of operator education and training through classroom sessions and hands-on training sessions. During the 2002-03 fiscal year, the Newfoundland and Labrador govern

attending the training, workshop and certification courses relating to drink ing water safety. The Department of

Multi-Barrier Strategic Action Plan (MBSAP) for drinking water safety in Newfoundland/Labrador. The report says that substantial progress has been made in the imple mentation of the MBSAP for drinking water safety over the past year. Some of the highlights include: • The designation of 12 new protected water supply areas. • Digitization of public water supply areas.

•Investment of over $120.41 million

ment allocated $1.5 million for drink

on various water and sewer related

ing water initiatives. In addition, $55.8 million was spent on capital infrastruc

projects to date. • Continued routine monitoring of drinking water quality for all public water supply systems. • Provision of quarterly and annual

water quality reports to all communi ties.

• Improved reporting of drinking water quality data.


The Department of Environment spent $530,000 to implement phase two of its community based operator education and training program and to support the drinking water quality monitoring program. In addition to capital infrastructure funding, the




Government Services and Lands hired seven Environmental Health Officers

in 2002-03. The Department of Health and Community Services spent nearly $500,000 to increase the capacity of the




Laboratory, to hire an Environmental Health Specialist and to provide fund ing for the Health Labrador and Grenfell Regional Health Services to hire a shared Environmental Health Coordinator.

The Drinking Water Safety Technical Working Group met on a regular basis throughout the year to deal with drinking water issues and outline the proposed path forward. ■


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Conference REPORT

Low-tech approaches saving millions in Third World By Tom Davey

Water For People was the

age by between one-quarter and onethird. Intestinal worms infect about 10%

personal hygiene. Adequate quantities of safe water and good sanitation facilities are nec

essary conditions for healthy living, but their impact will depend upon how they are used. Three key hygiene behaviours of greatest likely benefit are: hand washing, safe disposal of

vital role of sanitation in the provision

of the population of the developing world. Ascariasis, one of the most common human parasitic infections, can lead to malnutrition, anemia and retarded growth, depending upon the severity of the infection in the human host. Some 6 million people are blind ed by trachoma and the population at risk from this disease is approximately 500 million, while 200 million people

of safe water in the Third World. Water

in the world are infected with schisto-

projects also have dramatically improved women's rights, he stressed, and his presentation showed how the status of women substantially improved following completion of water projects. Many projects shown were both low-tech and low-cost, yet they have proven to dramatically cut back deaths and crippling diseases. Technology appropriate to the cultures and geogra phy were employed which had proved very effective.

somiasis, of which 20 million suffer

Water Environment Federation awards

severe consequences.

were made. The Arthur Sidney Bedell Award was given to Bob Crane, Veolia

subject of the keynote address at WEAO's 33rd


Annual Conference and Exhibition at London's

Convention Centre, April 18-20, 2004. Steve Werner, Executive Director of the organization, Water for People, made a moving presentation on the

Mr. Werner said an estimated 2.4

billion people lacked adequate sanita tion, while 1.2 billion are without access to safe water. Some 90% of

wastewater in developing countries is discharged into rivers and streams without any treatment and, worldwide, a child dies from a preventable waterborne illness about once every 10 sec onds. Water-borne diseases include

cholera, typhoid, bacillary dysentery, infectious hepatitis, and giardias, while major diseases caused by lack of water include (water-washed diseases) sca bies, skin sepsis and qjcers, yaws, lep rosy, trachoma, dysenteries and ascari-

Arsenic in drinking water is a major public health threat. According to research data on wells in Bangladesh, 20% have high levels of arsenic (above 0.05 mg/1). Cholera is a worldwide problem that can be prevented by ensuring that everyone has access to safe drinking water, adequate excreta disposal systems and good hygiene behaviours.



children's feces and safe water han

dling and storage. Repeatedly, he stressed how inexpensive low-tech projects could result in dramatic improvements to human health. During the Awards Luncheon, two

Water Canada. This award acknowl

edges extraordinary personal service to a Member Association.

Ian Smith, City of Toronto, was given the William D. Hatfield Award which is presented to operators of wastewater treatment plants for out standing performance and profession alism.

transmission occurs by drinking fecally contaminated water. Common fecaloral diseases include diarrhea, typhoid, viral hepatitis A, dysentery and dracunculiasis (guinea-worm). Malaria is a prevalent water-related disease and is transmitted by mosqui toes which breed in fresh and standing water. Scabies and ringworm, both water-washed diseases, are contagious skin infections that spread rapidly

technology, brought the event to a

when clean water is not available for

humorous finale. â–

Tony Petrucci (left), outgoing WEAO president, congratulates Ian Smith on winning the Hatfield Award.

(left) presents Bedeii Award to Bob

On Tuesday, some one hundred OPCEA exhibitors used every avail able booth space surrounding the pop ular Operations Challenge, which was won by a team from the City of Toronto.

Later, former WEF President, Rhonda Harris, was a hilarious host ess in the Totally Wasted Game show, where wit mixed with environmental

asis. Diarrhea causes 2 million deaths

per year, mostly amongst children under the age of five (WHO, 2002). These deaths represent approximately 15% of all child deaths under the age of five in developing countries. Water is implicated in 80% of all sickness and disease worldwide, while 19% of deaths from infectious diseases worldwide are water-related and water

related diseases contribute to nearly 4 million child deaths each year. One encouraging statistic noted that clean water, sanitation and hygiene interven tions reduce diarrheal disease on aver

34 Environmental Science & Engineering,iurie/iu\y 2004

Michael Read, WEF Vice President, Crane.


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T;iS:H#I G AL 'SK^^

Oi'v^ER ao Or^R LBJTI NQ-LG 0;M PAN tES -

Conference REPORT but highly humorous presentation. He pointed out that disease lurks in

Source water protection Is critical issue for public safety

The Ontario Water Works Association and the Ontario

Municipal Water Association (OWWA/OMWA) conference at Niagara Falls ranged from 'hands on' field operations to learned dis courses on epidemiology and disease

some recreational waters as well as in

protection. Dr. K. Griffiths, of Tufts University, provided insights based on his





grounds. He stressed that the main thing was to "keep the bad stuff away from source waters" - a statement he

restated several times in his thoughtful


drinking water sources. The lethality of Cryptosporidium, he noted, was not fully recognized until an outbreak in Milwaukee killed many people, as well as making over 400,000 seriously ill. Watershed protection was of prime im portance yet had been neglected for years. Dr. Griffiths




importance of the multi-barrier approach for source water protection and noted that the list of medically sensitive people was expanding with diabetes becoming rampant. Not all people are sensitive to these pathogens, but monoculture, with its megafarms and industrialized meat production in highly concentrated areas seemed to be a factor in the

growth of certain health problems.

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Dr. Griffiths described a Texas river

that was found to be comprised of 50 percent animal urine and feces, but stressed that these types of problems were international in scope. "Never ever stop killing bacteria", he said. One hundred years ago ten percent of all children died before they reached one year old. 2004 Fuller Award

The Fuller Award recognizes distin guished service in the water supply field. This year, the OWWA named Judy MacDonald, now of Halifax, the recipient of this prestigious award. MacDonald is a graduate of the University of Waterloo, Civil Engi neering and has extensive experience in the Ontario drinking water industry with a private consulting firm and at the municipal, regional and provincial government levels. She is currently employed as a program manager with the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour. Norman J. Howard Award

Ian Douglas, Manager of Drinking Water Quality for the City of Ottawa, was honoured with the Norman J.


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36 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

Howard proficiency award for his leadership and outstanding service to the drinking water industry. 2004 Award of Excellence

The purpose of the Award of Excellence in Water Efficiency is to recognize organizations that have implemented successful water effi ciency programs. The goal is to high light projects that will help utilities advance municipal water efficiency

Conference REPORT programs in Ontario. Awardees were: Veritec Consulting Inc.-Petformance testing ofpopular toilets

With financial support from utili ties across Ontario and North America,

Veritec Consulting developed an advanced testing protocol to measure the maximum flush performance of popular toilet models, and established performance benchmarks for low flush toilets that are now changing an entire

industry. Veritec's project included testing of at least 36 popular low flush toilets and summarizing the results in a December 2003 report. City of Toronto - City of Toronto Water Efficiency Plan The 2003 City of Toronto Water Efficiency Plan has set a target of reducing peak day demands by 266 million litres by the year 2011, at a projected cost of $74.3 million. The Water Efficiency Plan is an ambitious strategy to reduce water use in order to defer capital infrastructure expansions through the use of demand side man

AWWA Vice-President, Dixie Fanning (ieft) congratulates Judy MacDonaid,

OWWA Past Chair, Susan Andrews, presents Ian Douglas with the

recipient of the 2004 Fuller Award.

Norman J. Howard Award.

about one-third of the estimated $220

effective public education program. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Niagara Children's Water

million required for the equivalent expansions of water and wastewater treatment plant infrastructure. In order to achieve the water and

wastewater demand reductions, the

city will implement seven water effi ciency measures: system leak detec tion, computer controlled irrigation, watering restrictions, toilet replace ment, clothes washer replacement, out


door water audits, and Industrial/ Commercial/Institutional (IC&I) in

The water efficiency programs implemented from the plan will cost

door water audits. The plan also recog nizes the importance of maintaining an


The Water Efficiency Committee chose to give special recognition to the education efforts of Niagara Region Conservation Authority, Niagara Region and City of St. Catharines. In 2003, more than 4,000 grade 3 and 4 students, accompanied by teachers and parent volunteers, participated in the first annual Niagara Children's Water Festival, held at Ball's Falls Heritage Conservation Area. ■

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June/July 2004, Environmental Sdence & Engineering 37

Conference REPORT

ES&E's Canadian Environmental Conference

and Tradeshow attracts some 2,000 visitors There were over 40 presenters representing Canada's lead ing-edge environmental trainers, lawyers, consultants, managers, administrators, and health and safety practition ers.

Toronto Congress Centre

The 6th Annual Canadian Environmental Conference &

While seminars dealt with complex legal and technical problems, a presentation by Doug Petrie, of Wiilms & Shier Environmental Lawyers, was especially notable. His session combined wit with incisive legal knowledge as he took delegates through some of the complex environmental and legal labyrinths that industrial companies now face. Jim Bishop, an environmental chemist from Stantec, followed up with a masterly outline of the legal and techni cal issues of getting quality data from samples. He showed how faulty analyses could easily result from even slightly incorrect calibrations of laboratory equipment. These two presentations, from the differing viewpoints of law and chemistry, highlighted the fact that the legal implications of analyses are inescapably linked to expertise in both pro fessions.

Tradeshow (CANECT 2004) was held at the Toronto Congress Centre, May 12-13.

Some 2,000 industry professionals visited the 6th

Annual Canadian Environmental Conference &

Tradeshow (CANECT 2004), co-organized by Environmental Science & Engineering magazine (ES&E) and Canadian Environmental Regulation & Compliance News. CANECT 2004 was co-located with the annual Toronto Instrumentation, Systems and Automation (ISA)Tradeshow.

Since 1992, the organizers of CANECT have put on a highly successful annual conference on Environmental Management, Compliance & Engineering that has been the

foremost event for Canadian environmental managers, plant personnel, government policy-makers, lawyers and consultants with responsibilities for environmental affairs.

Jim Bishop (left), Stantec Consulting, gave a masterly review of the complexities of obtaining quality analytical data while John Wiilms (right), of Wiilms & Shier Environmental Lawyers, dealt with regulatory issues relating to industrial water and wastewater.

Other topics presented included:

• Environmental Regulation & Compliance • Dealing with Industrial Air Pollution • Environmental Management: Establishing a Costeffective EMS

• Dealing with Industrial Waste

• Environmental Health & Safety Due Diligence for Managers and Supervisors • Insider's Guide to Investigations and Inspections • Dealing with Industrial Water and Wastewater • Dealing with Industrial Contaminated Land

• Dealing with Spills and Environmental Emergencies Doug Petrie (left), of Wiilms & Shier Environmental Lawyers, and Adam Quipp (right) of RWDi gave presen tations at the session on dealing with industrial air emis sions. Mr. Petrie spoke on prosecution and enforcement issues. Mr. Quipp's presentation was on certificates of approval, air emissions - options and variables.

38 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

For further details on CANECT 2005, please contact Steve Davey, Enviromnental Science & Engineering, 30220 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3V6, Tel: (905) 727-4666, 1-888-254-8769, Fax: (905) 8417271, E-mail: steve@esemag.com. ■

En vironmentat

r^ank you!!

Science Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine would like to thank the companies

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listed below who exhibited at the 2004 Canadian Environmental Conference and

Tradeshow (CANECT 2004). We would also like to thank the approximately 2,000 delegates that visited our show or attended the workshops and hope to see you again in May 2005. Yours truly,

Steve (Davey, Publisher ABS Pumps Activation Laboratories


H2FI0W Equipment



Manna Instruments


Acute Environmental & Safety Services .www.acuteservices.com ADI International


Hanson Pipe & Products ....www.hansonpipeandproducts.com Harold Marcus Limited


AGAT Laboratories www.agatlabs.com Airsep Corporation www.airsep.com ALTECH Drilling & Investigative Services Ashtead Technology Rentals www.ashtead-technology.com Atlas Dewatering and Pumping www.altascorp.com AVENSYS www.avensys.ca

Industrial Scientific Corporation Ipex Kaeser Compressors Kengro Corporation

www.indsci.com www.ipexinc.com www.kaeser.ca www.kengro.com

Baker Tanks

Kentain Products



Bestobeli Aquatronix C&M Environmental Technologies

03 Environmental Cambridge Materials Testing

www.bestobeli.com www.cmeti.com

www.c3group.com www.cambridgemateriais.com

Can-Am Instruments


Canadian Centre for Occ. Health & Safety www.ccohs.ca Canadian General Standards Board www.ongc-cgsb.gc.ca Canadian Ortech Environmental


Cancoppas Limited


Chemiine Plastics Limited


Con Cast Pipe


CSR Environmental Services Davis Controls Deb Canada

www.csrenvironmental.com www.daviscontrols.com www.debcanada.com



Echelon Response & Training www.echelonresponse.com Ecolog Information Resources Group www.ecolog.com Elemental Controls Limited


EMRP www.emrp.ca Environment Canada www.ec.gc.ca Environmental Analytical Systems .. . .www.enviro-analytical.com Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

EnviroTest Laboratories - Sentinel Div


Fielding Chemical Technologies Filter Innovations

www.fieidchem.com www.filterinnovations.com

Fluorescent Lamp Recyclers Franz Environmental


www.contech.ca www.franzenvironmental.com

Frontline Environmental Management ..www.onthefrontlines.com

Gartner Lee GESCAN Green Turtle Technologies GREENTEC Grundfos Canada

www.gartnerlee.com www.gescan.com www.phix.ca www.thinkgreen.com .www.grundfo8.com


Heron Instruments


Hobbs Miller Maat


Knowledge Management innovations ..www.kminnovations.com Lakes Environmental Software


Layfield Geosynthetics & Ind. Fabrics ...www.geomembranes.com Levitt-Safety www.levitt-safety.com Liquiplus Solutions www.iiquipius.com Maxxam Analytics www.maxxam.ca Nelson Environmental


Nijhuis Water Technology




Ontario Plastic Fabrication Osprey Scientific Purifies ES REGENESIS

www.ontarioplastics.ca www.ospreyscientific.com www.purifics.com www.regenesis.com

RMS Enviro Solv


Sarafinchin Associates Service Filtration of Canada

www.sarafinchin.com www.service-filtration.com

Sonic Soil Sampling Spill Management Summit Structures

www.sonicsoii.com www.spilimanagement.ca .www.summitstructures.com

Team-1 Environmental Services


Technical Standards & Safety Authority Terrafix Geosynthetics Total Safety Trow Associates

TS Group (Ontario) Tubefit

www.tssa.org www.terrafixgeo.com www.totalsafetyinc.com www.trow.com

www.towersafetygroup.com www.tubefit.com

Victaulic Company of Canada Vissers Sales Corp Vogelsang USA Wainbee

www.victaulic.com www.visserssales.com www.vogelsangusa.com www.wainbee.com

tWarren's Imaging & Dryography ....www.warrenswaterless.com Waterra


WMC Occupational Health Services


June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 39

Environmental Management

How companies can get the most out of their



Many organizations have invested considerable

resources in the design and iinplementation of an Environmental Management System with out necessarily realizing the well-documented benefits. Organizations have been driven to portray a "green" image as a means to enter new markets, reduce attention from regulators and avoid damaging press. In reaction to external pressures, organizations have

implemented an EMS with the sole objective of complying with regulations, standards, protocols, etc. Management's focus often appears limited to compliance and satisfying auditors. Strategy and value become elusive when regula-

To realize the full potential of an EMS companies should focus on performance improvement instead of simply compliance.

tions and procedural standards, such as ISO 14001, take precedence. An organization should focus instead on per formance improvement as its strategic and value-creation goals are then more likely to fall into place. ISO 14001 is an auditable protocol. It is not a strategic management document and, therefore, should not be used as the starting point in the design of an EMS. The standard does not provide any guidance for directing performance improvement, developing performance indicators, improv ing processes or integrating corporate strategies. However, registration to ISO 14001 is still essential, as it provides the world independent assurance that an organization's EMS complies with an internationally accepted set of principles. Organizations can also comply with other supporting standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative



(GHG Protocol), to provide verification of the accuracy

with the

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40 Environmental Science & Engineering, June/July 2004

and relevance of published data and reports. Just as compa nies do not use GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) to drive their management programs (although they strive to comply with its principles), environmental managers should not let environmental certification stan dards and guidelines drive their environmental manage ment and performance improvement strategies. Develop a strategic model The starting point in designing an EMS should be to develop a business case based on a strategic model designed to improve the organization's environmental per formance and bottom line. Unfortunately, the development of a strategic model is often overlooked, resulting in processes being driven by a checklist of required elements, extracted from a standard or obtained from a list of regula tions. Companies that have made the effort to develop a strategic model, such as IBM, Baxter, Dupont and British Telecom, have realized significant value creation, as well as public recognition. By stepping back and taking the time to design a strate gic model to guide corporate environmental management, organizations can create value. They do not have to reinvent the wheel, as there are many documented case studies, as well as guidelines published by a variety of respected organizations.

Environmental Management One example is the SIGMA Guidelines. These guidelines provide clear and practical advice, enabling organizations to make a meaningful contribution to sustainable develop ment. Another highly regarded strate gic-based guideline is The Natural Step, and an organization can easily strengthen the performance compo nent of its EMS by incorporating these principles into its strategic model. Such guidelines are not registration documents, although they link into existing management systems and

to capital, increase market share, improve operating efficiency, etc. Corresponding performance indicators

porate matrix. EMS-specific objec tives and targets will exist, but they

ance with sound environmental man

frameworks such as ISO 14001, the ISO 9000 series, OHSAS 18001 and

should be seen as a subset of the cor

agement practices, but it does not pro


Many strategic initiatives can be simplified to a "performance-based EMS" that focuses on performance and integration. Upon completing a study of ISO 14001-registered compa nies, researchers at the University of California found that overall improve ment in environmental stewardship appeared to fall short of expectations. Researchers were unable to obtain the

quantitative information required to evaluate the benefits of ISO 14001.

The study appears to prove, once again, that "you cannot control what you do not measure". Create a process matrix The first step in designing a per formance-based EMS is for manage ment to develop a performance matrix that will guide the development of the EMS. When designing the perform ance matrix, management needs to cre ate a list of organizational objectives that are to be achieved or furthered

with the implementation of the EMS. For example, the organization may want to improve social impacts, reduce insurance costs and legal fees, elimi nate regulatory fines, improve access

should then be identified as a means of

measuring the progress in achieving the objectives. As many organizations are already performance-driven, this provides the simplest way of integrat ing the EMS with corporate-wide objectives and management processes. The EMS performance matrix should fit and feed into the overall cor

porate matrix. The detailed EMS measures provide information about the performance of the EMS and its value in achieving corporate objec tives. The EMS performance matrix will be incorporated into the facility's performance matrix, which will be consolidated at the corporate level. Such an undertaking should be coordinated at the corporate level as well. This will ensure that performance data can be consolidated to provide an accurate picture of overall perform ance, as well as a breakdown and com parison of performance by facility. Value creation then can be traced back

to individual measures, EMSs and facilities. This structure allows man

agement to drill down to the weakest link in its drive to improve perform ance.

Map performance to process The next step is process mapping, through which each performance indi cator is mapped across facility and cor porate processes. Mapping helps deter mine which processes will affect each facility's ability to achieve its objec tives - and how. This undertaking drives the development of procedures and controls needed to achieve each of

the EMS objectives.

In the mapping process, the prac tices of various departments are stud ied, controlled and integrated. For example, to track environment-related costs, the accounting department may need to integrate the principles of ecoaccounting. And to control inputs, the purchasing department may seek to embrace "green" purchasing. Conclusion

ISO 14001 registration provides assurance of an organization's compli

vide a framework to create value or

justify continued investment in sus tainable management. On the other hand, a performance-based EMS will help create value through performance tracking and integration. ISO 14001 can then be used to ensure that the pro cedures, controls, resources, responsi bilities, objectives, etc. are sufficiently documented and are being implement ed as documented.

Implementing an EMS element by element appears to create a complacent attitude within an organization. Highly-respected companies around the world have achieved significant value creation, improved environmen tal and social performance, and gained considerable respect by managing their EMSs under the guidance of a strategic model. Many of these organizations also obtained ISO 14001 registration at several of their facilities to demon

strate that their processes are docu mented and transparent, their public claims are accurate, and they are meet ing their commitments. Contact Green Ware Environmental

Systems Inc., e-mail: greeninfo@greenware.com.

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June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 41

One of the largest environ

region. In order to increase levels of treatment, another 400,000 households

mental projects in Latin America, the Tiete Project, will provide wastewater col

two phases, with the first one in 19921998 already completed. The results achieved in this first phase were excel lent with collection rates going up

will be connected to the sewerage sys tem, resulting in wastewater collection

lection and treatment to some 17.5

from 70% in 1994 to 79% in 2001.

services that will be available to 82%

million people who live in the metro politan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Tiete Project aims at expanding

Treatment rates increased from 24% to

of all inhabitants in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo.

wastewater collection and treatment in

the 8,000 square kilometre metropoli tan region of Sao Paulo with a view to reducing the disposal of pollutants into rivers and creeks and to improving water quality in the Tiete river, the area's main body of water. ABS is the major supplier of wastewater pumps for this project. Two phases The program has been divided into

65% over the same period of time. The stretch of river that is polluted has been reduced by 120 km and fish can be found again in locations that were completely dead before. A second phase, with the objective to reduce the pollution by another 40 kilometres, is in progress and sched uled to be completed by 2005. Works carried out by SABESP, the water and sewage authority in Sao Paulo, during this phase will bring permanent bene fits to people living in the metropolitan

The cleanness of the river Tiete is of

outmost importance for the State of Sao Paulo, but like the Thames river in

England, it will take several years until this objective will be achieved. Improved public health The advantages are manifold. Approximately 1.2 million people will benefit directly from wastewater col lection and 75,000 new job positions will be offered during the execution of the project. The quality of water in the

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42 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

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Wastewater Pumps Tiete River and its tributaries will be constantly monitored, and sanitary conditions should improve not only for the 17.5 million inhabitants of the region of Sao Paulo, but also for those living in towns located on the banks of the Tiete River in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. As far

as public health is concerned, it is expected that costs of curative medicine will decrease and there will be a reduc

SP in partnership with the BNDES (National Development Bank), and the other half in the form of a credit facility granted by the IDB (Interamerican Development Bank) after the results achieved in the first phase were considered extremely satisfactory. The IDB, therefore, endorsed the relevance and seriousness of this project, which goes far beyond a basic sanitation program. ■

tion in waterbome diseases and child mortality rates. Pumps supplied by ABS ABS' subsidiary in Brazil, ABS Bombas, is one of the

largest suppliers of wastewater pumps to the end client SABESP, with deliveries of a large number of AFP and PIRANHA® pumps for sewage pumping stations and treatment plants over the last 25 years. ABS was awarded the contract for 47 pumping stations by the GEVA/PLANOVA/H.GUEDES consortium due to per formance evaluations of the pumps, both in terms of relia bility and longevity. Other factors were the support provid ed by staff and the fact that there were manufacturing facil ities available locally in Brazil. Large investments During the first phase, investments amounted to US

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$1.1 billion (940 MEUR)of which US $450 million (380 MEUR) were financed by the IDB; U$ 550 million (470 MEUR) were private funds and US $200 million (170 MEUR)came from a loan granted by the Federal Savings


Bank (Caixa Economica). Investments for the second phase amount to US $400

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million (340 MEUR), half of which was funded by SABE

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Energy from Waste

New technology demonstrated for landfill gas utilization system in Salvador,Brazil

In June 2003, under the auspices of the Sustainable Cities Initiative of the Government of Canada, with

funding from Technology for Early Action Measures (TEAM), a pilot-scale landfill gas (LEG) collection and utilization system was implemented at the Canabrava Landfill in the City of Salvador, in northeastern Brazil. The pilot-scale system was designed and assembled in Canada and shipped to Salvador, Brazil, as a skid-mounted system. The system includes a reciprocating engine from Waukesha and a WEG generator, within the steel contain er. The skid-mounted approach worked extremely well in terms of facilitating transfer of necessary equipment from Canada to Brazil, and as a security measure while it contin ues to operate at the Canabrava Landfill. The pilot-scale system of75 kW/h of electricity is being used to demonstrate how LEG can be utilized for beneficial

prnqjoses. In fact, the situation is a 'win-win' in that a ben eficial output is created (electricity), and biogases being combusted to create the electricity are no longer released to

The system includes a reciprocating engine from Waukesha and a WEG generator, within the steel container.

the atmosphere, as a contribution toward abating the glob al-warming impacts to climate change. The generated elec tricity is currently being used to light a medical waste dis posal facility contained elsewhere on the Landfill, a guard

exist to expand use of the electricity to a composting facil ity that is being constructed for the Landfill. This utilization system commenced operation in January 2003. The system flares biogases in excess of the electrici house, and a soccer field for the local citizens. Plans also ty generation requirements, for pur poses of destruction of the methane, a HOBO Weather Station gas with twenty-one times the global warming impact of carbon dioxide. The new HOBO Weather





Station records temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, barometric

Development and the Public Waste Management Company of Salvador (LIMPURB) were the host country's recipients of the project.

pressure, soil moisture, soil temperature, etc.

Golders, and Burnside, played pivotal roles in the implementation of the LEG utilization system at the

• Smart sensors - just plug in and begin logging!

cooperation from LIMPURB during

No calibration or complex wiring required Runs for one year on 4 AA

The three Canadian firms, CRA,

Canabrava landfill site, with excellent the unit's installation and subsequent

testing phase. As a result, Canadian firms have gained enormous public attention in Brazil through various

articles published in local newspapers.


15 channels can log over 500,000 measurements HOSKIN




By Heather Schoeiiiuker, Deputy Director, Sustainable Cities Initiative,

Industry Canada. Ed McBean, VicePresideiit, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (now Canada Research Chair, University qfGuelph), Roy Lopes, Principal, Golders Associates ltd., and Luis Carvalho, VicePresident, RJ. Burnside International Ltd. Contact Ed McBean, e-mail:

Vancouver: 604-872-7894 Montreal: 514-735-5267 Burlington: 905-333-5510

44 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004


'^1 ** i

haddon Water Management (WWM), located in Boisde-Filion, Quebec, is an





wastewater treatment company spe

cializing in chemical-free technology for municipal drinking water and medium to large industrial wastewater treatment. Its wastewater applications range from pulp and paper to pig waste to the food and beverage industries. For the past fifteen years, WWM's research and development department has focused on its Oxycair line, a multi-media technology treating municipal surface and ground water to ensure bottled-water quality in drink ing water. Now, based on these advanced principles, the Oxycair XPM technology has evolved to the point where the same water quality stan dards can be produced from sources as severe as landfill leachate. XPM tech

nology offers companies the option of the reuse of treated wastewater within

the plant, as well as direct discharge into the environment.

The pilot project A full-scale demonstration of the

Oxycair XPM technology has been underway for one year at a pulp and paper mill. The wastewater stream is created at the mill's landfill site where

all pulp and paper process waste is dumped. Once the waste is saturated

by rain and melting snow, it is collect ed and stored in cistern holding tanks. Until now, the leachate has been

trucked to a secondary treatment facil ity located many kilometres from the landfill, incurring significant and unnecessary transportation costs. The challenge

leachate is in full compliance with the environment discharge standards set by the legal authorities. How it works

a number of contaminants consistently

This chemical-free technology is based on mechanical processes occur ring simultaneously in several reactor vessels. Within the main drive pump housing, solids entering with the raw water are broken up and mixed by the

found in raw leachate. Since these are

extreme rotational forces of the multi

typical pollutants, the demonstration study will be relevant to most industri al effluent streams subject to environ mental pollution standards. Depending on the amount of raw water to be treated per day, the specif

stage raw water pump. Three similar pumps boost the process stream pres sure to as high as 1500 psi through a

The influent wastewater consists of

ic XPM, manufactured in various sizes, can be selected. The model used

in the pulp and paper leachate demon stration project has a nominal treat

ment capacity of 600 m^ per day. Recovery of treated water is high - up to 95% - and virtually pure, permitting environmentally safe discharge or industrial reuse of the product water. The remaining 5% is rejected as a by product concentrate. During the study, all influent, efflu ent and concentrate analyses have been performed using standard methods performed at university laboratories and at commercial, government certi fied







series of in-line screen and membrane

housings. The heat and pressure gener ated by these submersible motors and pumps increase the solubility of salts in solution, and the membrane ele

ments produce higher quantities of product water at higher temperatures. The in-line screens provide mechanical filtering to separate sus pended solids from the process stream to ensure that large particulates are removed or broken up prior to entering the membrane housings. The process stream through the screens is reversed every few minutes. While in the backflow position, the screens, supports, and housings are designed to produce mechanical resonance and pressure waves to loosen and remove solids and

crystals from the screen surfaces. continued overleaf...

June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 45

Pulp and Paper Dissolved air in the process stream is released from solu tion near or at areas of plugging and works as a scrubbing agent to aid the removal of solids from the screens.

10 970 7-^

The concentrated return flow from the membranes and

inline screens goes through a set of Venturis, which drop the pressure and induct large quantities of ambient air. Incoming raw water mixes with this highly oxygenated and supersaturated stream and enters the concentration chamber at high velocity. Metals, salts and organic solids contained in the raw water are rapidly oxidized and sheared from the process stream and are collected in the concentration chamber. Volatile and low solubility gases


3 313

10.000 B.OOO


contained in the raw water stream are also oxidized or dis-

Industrial Process Flows 505.8


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The above graphs demonstrate influent and effluent water results.

placed in the high pressure, super-saturated environment, and collect in an air cap at the top of the concentration chamber.

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As the process stream slows across the concentration chamber to a still zone at the opposite end from the intake, gases are released, the temperature decreases, and salts that are at, near or above saturation levels solidify and set tle to the bottom. Final settling of most solids occurs throughout the still zone within the chamber, preventing them from reentering the process stream. Following a pro duction cycle, the pressurized air cap is used to rapidly and completely empty the liquid, solid, and gaseous con tents of the concentration chamber through a blow down port.

Clean product water extracted by the membranes enters a product accumulator at the top where it passes through an air cap, assisting the degassing process. Water Totten Sims Hubickl Associates is a multidisciplinary consulting engineering firm providing design services leaves the product accumula to the public and private sector. www.rwdi.com

tor from the bottom ofthe ves

Environmental Engineers• whitby We are looking for intermediate engineers to provide design services to our clients In the area of water and wastewater engineering. Other responsibilities will include report and proposal writing. The successful candidates will have their R Eng. designation and a minimum of five years related experience. A thorough understanding of the Ontario Environmental market and outstanding written and oral communication skills are required. We offer a competitive compensation package. Please apply In writing to: HR Coordinator, TSH,300 Water Street, Whitby, ON LI N 9J2 Fax:(905)668-0221 * E-mail: tcurrie@tsh.ca We thank all candidates for their interest: however only those invited for interviews will be contacted.

solution. engineers


www.tsh.ca 46 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

sel where the lowest concen

tration of gases exists. Degassing at atmospheric pressure reduces the aggres siveness of the product water and pH increases while dis solved CO2 is released from


The membrane technology The use of thin-film mem

branes may be necessary for

Pulp and Paper

Waterfor the World

Wastewater Engineers Oakvllle, Ontario





advanced technology company, dedicated to solving urgent problems of humanity associated with water supply and wastewater management.

Three dimensional view of

the XPM processor unit.

ZENON Environmental Inc. Is recruiting for wastewater engineering positions. the treatment of certain kinds of waste-

The small footprint of the XPM

waters, as is the case in the treatment

reduces or eliminates the need for new

ofleachate from a pulp and paper land fill site. The new XPM technology

construction at most companies' wastewater sites. Because the XPM proces sor is fully automated it can be remote ly operated, reducing manpower costs.

resolves conventional thin-film draw

backs, i.e. plugging, blinding, biofouling, mechanical stress. In this case the membranes reduce or eliminate the

Contact, Ed Philion, Whaddon Water

toxicity of off gases in the effluent, maximize treated water recovery, and minimize concentrate discharge vol umes. The technology allows for fur ther development and evolution, and improvement patents are being added as a result of ongoing research and development. Overall, the technology is proving to be a very attractive, economical

Management Inc., at e-mail: ephillon@wmint.ca.

Engineers are required at ZENON for wastewater process support for the various business units. Engineers will be hired and trained In development of membrane tech nology for wastewater treatment. The Ideal candidate will be an engineer with at least 3-5 years wastewater experi ence.

Interested applicants can submit resumes at: www.zenon.com/careers/careers.shtml (no phone calls or e-mails, please)



alternative to other leachate treatment

strategies. Transportation alone, from the landfill site to a mill's wastewater

treatment plant, may cost $500,000 or more, depending on the distance from a landfill site to the secondary treat ment facility. Without the need for additional treatment facilities, a com pany will also save the chemical costs usually associated with the treatment of leachate.

Most important, third party results demonstrate that the XPM is meeting the most restrictive of government standards, allowing direct discharge into the environment at the demonstra tion site.

With rising energy costs, water reuse within a plant for washing, cleaning, sanitizing, boiler processes and cooling towers is of high priority and, with the XPM technology, can now be realized. The ability to close the loop within an industry eliminates additional water usage, saving compa nies the rising cost of water as well.

Praxair Canada Inc. is pleased to announce that Rosanna DiLabio

has been appointed to the position of Environmental Compliance Manager. Rosanna will lead Praxair Canada's ongoing efforts in environmental protection and com pliance for the company's Industrial Gases business. Since

joining Praxair in 1994, Rosanna has held positions in applications engineering and sales. She has been








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of Directors of the Association.

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June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 47

Storm Drainage

Curb inlets can improve service and reduce cost By A.R.Perks and R.G. Hewitt

Some Canadian municipalities

have been installing curb inlets for roadway storm drainage because they are easier on bicy clists and traffic, and less costly to install and maintain than traditional

grated inlets. The curb inlets make it easier for snow clearing as well - no more damaged snowplow blades and inlets in winter.

Curb inlets (also known as side opening inlets) are set into the face of

the curb rather than in the road gutter itself(see Figures 1 & 2). This means that there are no iron grates in the traf fic lane for cars and bicyclists to avoid.

flume (scaled down model) for testing the standard grate inlets used by most

(i.e. less than 0.5% - 1% slope), the gutter flow just by-passes the inlets. However, when installed at low


For the curb inlet project, the flume (model) was set up to represent the City's curb inlet design at a one-half scale, and a series of experiments was carried out under different flow and

roadway conditions, such as road/gut ter slope, cross fall (ie. side slope) and gutter shape to establish hydraulic capacity. The laboratory results clearly showed that under most practical road way conditions, the curb opening inlets have substantially less hydraulic capacity than the standard drop inlet gratings. The curb inlet "efficiency"is between 10% and 20% for most road-


Not only is this more convenient, but

because the underlying support struc


ture does not have to withstand the

constant pounding of traffic, there is


less settlement and damage to the inlet




points or sumps, the curb opening inlets act in a different way, as basic orifices or broad crested weirs. Then, their capacity increases under the hydraulic head available, and they behave comparably to the standard grate inlets. The resulting problem is that using typical inlet spacing derived for stan dard grated inlets, the street gutters will be forced to carry significantly more flow, and potential for flooding will exist at the next low spot in the road, for example. While the problem may not manifest itself for many years along a given street, eventually a storm




i I ; III " "


a 1


itself - not to mention the reduced wear and tear on cars and bikes.



However, until recently, no reliable

data was available on the capacity of the curb inlets used in Ottawa to cap ture the roadway runoff, and so the design information needed to be



Figure 1

updated. To overcome this problem, R. V Anderson Associates Limited(RVA) and the University of Ottawa were

way conditions. The standard inlet cap tures approximately 60%-70% of the

engaged by the City of Ottawa to assist

street flows under similar conditions.

in developing the necessary informa tion, such as flow capture based on varying road and cross fall slopes, for designing the new inlets as part of the City's roadway design procedures. RVA had previously worked on the City's storm sewers and design criteria, and the University of Ottawa had pre viously done research into roadway drainage for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and still possessed the specially designed laboratory 624


In addition, the tests showed that

the addition of a depression in the curb at each inlet does not dramatically improve the efficiency ofthe flow cap ture rate.

The main factor is simply that the City of Ottawa curb inlets are less than

1 metre in width, due to the potential for





Similar curb inlets in the US, where

curb opening inlets are more widely used, are in the range of 2-5 metres in width along the curb. This width is

required to create sufficient hydraulic

will overtax the system and create either traffic or flooding problems. The City of Ottawa updated its design standards and overland flow routes to accommodate the new data.

Other municipalities should also update their drainage design standards to allow for the design of curb inlets based on road slope, cross fall, gutter shape, spacing and lateral spread. In addition, municipalities might consider wider inlets, using upstream flaring and/or gutter depressions to maximize capture, and be especially cautious on steeply sloping streets where unintended ponding might occur at low points. Additionally, over land flow routes may need to be pro vided at these locations.

"draw" to turn the

flow in the gutter into the curb open ing inlet. For the City's narrow design,

T 603 mm 100



Figure 2 48 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

under all but the

flattest street slopes

A.R. Perks, P.Eng., FEIC, is Director, R. V. Anderson Associates Limited in

Ottawa. Contact e-mail: aperks@ rvanderson.com. R.G. Hewitt, PEng., is Director, Infrastructure Services, City of Ottawa.

Environmental NEWS

Proco Products, Inc. The Expansion Joint People

BC announces $5.5 mllllon for conservation projects

Over $5.5 mil ion in conservation, habitat restoration and enhance


ment projects in British Columbia will receive funding this year from the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund(HCTF), Water, Land and Air Protection Minister Bill Barisoff announced recently. This year,

« 0

investments will be made in 142 projects across British Columbia, including: • $338,000 for the Georgia Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan. • $250,000 for the Vancouver Island Steelhead Recovery Plan. • $60,000 to gather grizzly bear population data in the Southern Coast Ranges. • $60,000 for prescribed burns in the Peace to enhance key wintering habitat

■t. 'XL

for ungulates.

• $10,000 for a wildlife-vehicle collision public awareness campaign in the

Proco Products, Inc. is a Water/

Thompson-Nicola. In the Okanagan, 12 fish and wildlife, habitat and conservation proj ects will receive a total of $700,000.

expansion joint needs! With a $1.7 million inventory of rubber expan sion joints to 72" I.D., why go any

Wastewater facilities first choice for

Penticton Creek will benefit from a

where else. Proco has warehouses

$40,000 investment to kick-start a multi-year restoration of critical fish

in Stockton, CA, Houston, TX and Atlanta, GA. Contact Proco and we can connect you with a local distrib


The creek restoration will support the extensive Okanagan Lake Action Plan, a multi-year project to rebuild kokanee stocks. Now in Phase 2, the plan will this year receive HCTF fund ing of $325,000.

utor who can service your needs. For more information and a free cat

Water, Land and Air Protection Minister, Bill Barisoff, stands alongside Penticton Creek.

alog, contact Tel: 800-344-3246, Email: sales@procoproducts.com, or Web: www.procoproducts.com.

Literature Review For information on advertising in this section call ES&E at (905) 727-4666 EMEC Electronic Metering Equipment Controi Emec Sri is a leading company in the field of metering and control systems of chemicals for water treatment in

manufacturing and industrial process es. Emec offers a wide range of metering pumps, control instruments, electrodes, sensors, mixers, tanks and accessories. Emec products, employing advanced technology, are the result of customers' requirements and special market demands. Distributed by:

seepex Metering Pumps seepex pumps, group D, are used to meter and dose small fluid capacities in nearly all industries. They can deliv er thin to highly viscous liquids, as well as corrosive and solids laden

chemicals. The modular construction

of the group D pumps allows easy change-out of the rotor, stator and other wetted parts. Distributed by:

Performance Fluid Equipment Inc. www.performancequip.com

Performance Fluid Equipment Inc. www.performancequip.com New environmental catalog GENEQ is proud to announce the release of its new 2004 Environmental

Catalog. This catalog features a wide range of products for Water Quality/Monitoring/Sampling, Weather Stations and Sensors, Gas Detectors, Air Samplers, Soil Sampling Equipment, General Lab. Equipment and GPS Systems. Ask for it. It's free. Tel: 514-354-2511, Fax: 514-3546948, E-mail: lnfo@geneq.com, Web: www.geneq.com


CSP standards and practices The CSP industry has, through the Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute, devel oped product standards and recom mended design and installation prac tices to insure proper selection and economical design In CSP. Please tell us of your interest and we will be pleased to send technical information. Tel: 519-650-8080, Fax: 519-6508081, E-mail: info@cspi.ca. Web: www.cspi.ca Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute

June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 49

Product and Service Showcase Slim line submersible pumps

New 5100 and 5150

slurry pumps ITT




Modular cover systems

ITT Flygt has released a further





pumps, for use in active dewatering. The new


generation of slurry pumps. They are designed specifical ly to handle the

60Flz models, which can

handle up to 55 1/s and pump up to heads of 70 metres, can operate in pipes ranging between

most abrasive slur

ries, in a wide spec trum of tough

300 and 500 mm in diam

eter, with 3" and 4" hoses. They are

industrial environ

made from cast aluminum and have an

ments. The pumps have the latest ITT

Flygt technology incorporated, ensuring high efficiency, reliability and a long working life. Tel: 514-695-0100, Fax: 514-695-6605.

outer casing of stainless steel. The multi-vane impellers are made from hardened high-chrome cast iron (HRC 60) in order to withstand tough and abrasive operating conditions. Tel: 514695-0100, Fax: 514-695-6605, Web:

Web: www.ittflygt.ca.

www.ittflygt.ca. ITT Flygt

ITT Flygt

Moving-bed bio-reactor Parkson's Geo-Reactor™ is an attached

LemTec''''^ Modular Cover Systems are an effective way to improve pond or tank performance. Durable, insulated double geomembrane casings control algae and odor, as well as retain water

temperature. Available in any size, shape or configuration (with or without gas collection options), they install eas ily with a small crew and no heavy equipment. Tel; 612-253-2002, Fax; 612-253-2003, E-mail: techsales@ lemna.com. Web: www.lemnatechnologies. com.

Lemna Technologies

Package water and wastewater plants

Water level sensors

growth, moving-bed bio-reactor. Its patented media supports biological growth, and its random movement aer ates the wastewater in unique ways. The net result is


DO, increased

We supply Package Water and Sewage




of the mixed




Package Wastewater Plant concept is a low cost, odourless plant, achieving a high degree of treatment. It is econom ical, easy to install and operate, reli able, fulfills regulatoiy requirements and is ideal for any location unable to

Waterra's WS Water Level Sensors are

8712, Fax: 514-636-9718, E-mail:

connect to municipal sewer systems. Tel: 604-986-9168, Fax: 604-986-5377,

canada@parkson.com. Web: www. parkson.com.

E-mail: saneng@sanitherm.com. Web:

advanced products utilizing the most recent electronic technology. These sensors have been designed to offer the user the best features available, includ ing auto shut-off and sensitivity adjust ment, at an affordable price. Tel: 905238-5242, Fax: 905-238-5704, email: waterra@idirect.com, web; www.waterra.




Sanitherm Engineering Ltd.

Waterra Pumps Ltd.

liquor with the biology, thinner and more active biofilm, and improved mixing in the tank. Geo-Reactors offer


BOD reduction and nitrification can

easily be accomplished. Tel: 514-636-

I Monitor helps ensure complete

Specialist training


Grit chamber The Smith & Loveless PISTA" Grit Chamber

Practicai Hands-on

maintains the highest proven grit removal




wide range of daily



flows because of its Since even a small sulfite residual indi

cates complete chlorine removal, con tinuous measurement and control of

excess sulfite results in significant sav ings in chemical costs while assuring a zero chlorine discharge. ATI's new Series


1 - 5 Day Courses


Tel; 905-578-9666


Fax; 905-578-6644

using a unique vapor phase analytical system. Tel; 905-678-2882, Fax; 905293-9774, E-mail; sales@spdsales.com.

Web; spillmanagement.ca E-mail: spillman@on.albn.com



•Test & Verify Chemical Properties •Select Ideal Response Supplies •Modify Response Conditions •Prepare Spills for Recovery •Reduce Disposal Costs

measures residual

SPD Sales

exclusive forced vortex design. It removes grit and other discrete parti cles, separates organics and inorganics, and reduces grit accumulation in down stream basins, channels, weirs and pip ing. This results in reduced wear on mechanical equipment. Complete grit pumping, dewatering and washing components are available. Tel: 913888-5201, Fax: 913-888-2173, E-mail;

answers@smithandloveless.com. Web: www.smithandloveless.com.

Spill Management Inc.

50 Environmental Science & Engineering,iune/}u\)/ 2004

Smith & Loveless

Product and Service Showcasd Series Stormceptor system

Inlet Stormceptor® system

the treatment of



ment areas, the new


Stormceptor system


ploys the same operating principles as the





Stormceptor systems. The system receives flow from a single inlet pipe and splits it into two distinct streams, which are treated in two separate treat ment chambers before recombining into a single outlet pipe. It effectively

ation as the well-known

In-line Interceptors. Developed to treat run off from an area of up to 0.30 ha, the Inlet Stormceptor has inherit ed the internal by-pass function, ensuring that all sediment and oil removed from stormwater run-off

remains trapped within the storage chamber, even during peak flows. There are currently more than 4,500

E-mail: info@stormceptor.com, Web: www.stormceptor. com.

inexinc. com.

Stormceptor Canada Inc.


units installed in North America. Tel:

800-565-4801, Fax: 416-960-5637,

Membrane Bioreactor(MBR)

Small drinking water systems

ZENON's ZeeWeed®

ZENON's new Modular Drinking Water(MDW)system has been specif ically designed to overcome the chal lenges faced by small communities of 50 to 5,000 people. The system is based on the patented ZeeWeed® membrane technology incorporated in large treat ment plants.

ventional filtration and combines clar

ification, aeration and sludge digestion into one, simpler and smaller process step. The modular system can be easily expanded in a "just in time" manner to match surrounding community growth, reducing front-end development costs.

TerraBrute™ is the first AWWA C900

PVC pressure pipe system specifically engineered for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and other trenchless applications. Now you can standardize on PVC throughout your potable water and sewer infrastructure, whether you are using open-cut or trenchless meth ods. Tel: 866-473-9462, Web: www.

doubles the treatment area of the inline

system. Tel: 800-565-4801, Fax: 416960-5637, E-mail: info@stormceptor.com, Web: www.stormceptor. com. Stormceptor Canada Inc.

MBR produces tertiary quality effluent and simplifies wastewater treatment. The proven system replaces con

PVC pressure pipe system

The Inlet Stormceptor System employs the same principles of oper

Developed for

This ultrafil-

tration system is cost-effec

Peristaltic pumps Sample/7ev peri staltic pumps by Metcon solve the

problem of find ing a low flow pump with good suction lift capa bility. Sample/Zex can draw up to 8 metres with flow

rate of 10 gpm. Sample/7e.r features a run time meter, local or remote start stop, and automat ic restart. Sample//ex can be wall mounted, making it an ideal supply pump to online analysers. Tel: 905-

and industrial applications of all sizes

tive, easy-to-use, and requires only minimal supervision, while consistent ly producing high quality water. Tel:

from < 10,000 GPD to > 10 MOD.Tel: 905-465-3030, Fax: 905-465-3050, E-

905-465-3030, Fax: 905-465-3050, Email: info@zenon.com, Web: www.

738-2355, Fax: 905-738-5520, E-mail:

mail: info@zenon.com, Web:zenon.com.

zenon. com.


ZENON Environmental Inc.

ZENON Environmental Inc.

Metcon Sales & Engineering

Particulate emission monitors

Concrete pipe design manual

Continuous particulate (dust) emission monitors and baghouse leak detectors employ induction-sensing and protected-probe technologies which provide reliability even in difficult applications

The Concrete Pipe Design Manual'

Proven in hundreds of installations, ZeeWeed MBR is ideal for municipal

such as carbon black, smelters and

Version 1.4 is now available. A tool for

spray dryers. Benefits include detect ing emissions before they are visible, eliminating clean-up costs, preventing escape of valuable powders, protecting downstream equipment and meeting EPA compliance. Tel: 978-927-4304, Fax: 978-9274329, Web: www.filtersense.

engineers who are responsible for selecting the type, size and strength requirements of pipe for the design and specification of precast concrete pipe for sanitary sewer, drainage and culvert applications. Tel: 972-506-7216, Fax: 972-506-7682, E-mail: mfo@concretepipe.org. Web: www.concrete-pipe.org. American Concrete Pipe Association



metcon@metconeng.com. Web: www.

PIPEPAC® software

Widely used interactive software for selecting the right material for buried infrastructure systems. Determine the real cost of materials you specify over the design life of the project through three independent programs. Tel: 972506-7216, Fax: 972-506-7682, E-mail:

info@concrete-pipe.org. Web: www. concrete-pipe.org. American Concrete Pipe Association

June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 51

Product and Service Showcase Pumps for industry

Super T-Series pumps

Focusing on the specialized needs of

Only Gorman-Rupp could make a superior trash pump better. • External shimless adjustment design doubles the life of the impeller and wearplate with the turn of a hand. • Removable coverplate with "easygrip" handle. • Solids handling impeller.

the industrial market.

The right pumpfor the rightjob

• Self-priming centrifugal • Standard centrifugal • Prime-assist • Submersible

• Diaphragm • Pumping stations • Rotary gear ■ Off the shelf

Tel; 519-631-2870, Fax: 519-631-4624,

E-mail: grcanada@grcanada.com. Web: www.grcanada.com. Gorman-Rupp of Canada

SCI00 probes

TOC analyzer The



of sample

tor flow are stan

dard integrated advanced diag nostic features. A

dual range NDIR detector and a multi-staged UV lamp reactor enable the analysis of high salts, high-suspended solids, and hardto-oxidize samples. Tel: 970-669-3050, E-mail: intl@hach.com. Web: www. hach.com.

Hach Company

Data logger Hoskin Scientific is now offering the HOBO U12 Stainless Temp Logger, a

eliminates fouled sen

stainless steel, food-grade data logger designed for

sors and lost flow data

food and bev

operation of the sensor

data from up to two sensors. Connect one or two Turbidity, Suspended Solids, EDO™ Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Conductivity or ORP probes for opti mum performance at a cost-effective price. Transmit data using MODBUS or 4-20 mA outputs. Tel: 970-6693050, E-mail: intl@hach.com. Web:

while avoiding the risks and expense of con fined space entry. According to the manufacturer, it sim plifies personnel and equipment requirements of the flow monitoring process as well as providing a safer, more dependable and less costly alter native for accurate open channel flow monitoring. Tel: 905-850-3904, Fax: 905-850-3981, E-mail: info@cmeti.


com. Web: www.cmeti.com.

Hach Company

C«&M Envirunmcntal

Digital plug & play pH sensor MemoSens, Endress-tHauser's new pH sensor digitally stores production and

Internship program for Aboriginal graduates

Field calibration



field. As soon as

it is plugged into the transmitter, MemoSens identifies itself and is ready to measure. Tel: 800668-3199, Fax: 905-681-9444, E-mail:

trial applications where high-accuracy temperature data is critical. The logger, which fits into a standard-sized bever

age bottleneck, measures and records temperatures from -40 to 125°C and can withstand process conditions from pasteurization to flash freezing and wash down. Tel: 604-872-7894, Fax: 604-872-0281, E-mail: salesv@hoskin.ca. Web: www.hoskin.ca. Hoskin Scientific

Air pollution control technology The AroBlOS™

System effective ly removes odors and gaseous con taminants such as ammonia, hydrogen

properties such as s/n and date of man ufacture, ensuring traceability of all important data.

retains its cali bration in the

erage, phar maceutical, autoclave, and other indus


calibration data and documents sensor

is not necessary the sensor is pre-


loss of UV reac

The "above the flow"

The Model sclOO Controller receives


conditions. Loss

The "above the flow" flowmeter

Flo-Dar was designed for portable open chan nel flow monitoring.

Process TOC

to withstand se

• Exclusive Gorman-

Rupp cartridge seal. • Dual protection of bearings. • Removable rotating assembly. • A five-year manufacturer's warranty standard on all SuperT-series pumps. Tel: 519-631-2870, Fax: 519-6314624, E-mail: grcanada@grcanada. com. Web: www.grcanada.com. Gorman-Rupp of Canada


Analyzer is a rugged, low-maintenance analyzer designed

sulfide, and other reduced sulfur com

The BEAHR Internship Program will cost-share the salary expenses associat ed with hiring Aboriginal graduates from a college or university. BEAHR will fund 33% of the salary costs of an intern to a maximum of $8,000.00. The internship positions must be between 6 - 12 months in length and be environ

pounds without the use of expensive chemicals or costly incineration meth ods. AroBlOS provides: • Lowest Gas Retention Times

• Easy access, low profile design • Non-degradeable AroPACT" biomedia • Easy to install, factory pre-assembly with mixed flow exhauster

info@ca.endress.com. Web: www.ca.

Patricia Colosimo-Andreeff at 403-233-

• No expensive chemical costs • Environmentally safe by-products Tel: 989-725-8184, Web: www.dualldiv.


0748, or e-mail: pcolosimo@ beahr.com.


EndressH-Hauser Canada


Dual! Division, Met-Pro Corp.

mental in nature. To find out more or to

apply, visit www.beahr.com or phone

52 EnvironmentalScience & Engineering,June/My 2004

Product and Service Showcase

I;Danfos Analytical introColorimetric nutrient sensor

, duces the world's first on-line


colorimetric nutrient sensor

able to measure ammonium, nitrate or orthophosphate. The three sensors look alike

Comstock Canada Ltd.

has been providing general contractor, multi-trade and design/build construc

and share the same widely approved colorimetric measuring prin ciple. The EVITA" INSITU Nutrient Sensor is placed in the wastewater at the point where the concentration must be

Monitoring instruments Net Safety's combustible gas, toxic gas, ilame and smoke detection equipment is accurate and reliable. Gas

detection devices employ a full range of technologies, including Infrared (IR), cat alytic bead, electromechanical and solid state sensors and these analog and smart digital sensors are complemented by multiple versions of microprocessor

tion services to the Canadian water

known. No external factors influence

based transmitters and controllers. The

and wastewater sectors for almost 100

the measurements, as is the case with conventional analyzers where filters,

flame detectors meet the most rigorous requirements for fire detectors and use the latest in Ultraviolet, Infrared, UV/IR and Triple IR technologies. Tel: 905-829-2000, Fax: 905-829-2630, Email: bsmith@daviscontrols.com, Web:

years. Located in most major centres across Canada, Comstock will provide the solution to your needs. Tel: 905info@comstockcanada.com. Web: www.

pumps, long pipes or sedimentation equipment can cause significant meas uring errors. Tel: 905-829-2000, Fax: 905-829-2630, E-mail: bsniith@davis


controls.com, Web: www.daviscontrols.com


Comstock Canada Ltd.

Davis Controls

D.ivis Controls Ltd.

335-3333, Fax: 905-335-0304, E-mail:

Prevent asphalt cracking

m If you were planning to rout and seal your asphalt joints after they fail, think about

Magmeters tailored to water & wastewater





Denso North America Inc.

Enclrcss-i-Hauser Canada

repairing what you've already done. Denso re-instatement tape is a polymer modified bituminous strip that is cold applied and designed to seal the joints between asphalt, concrete and steel, the first time. Re-instatement tape seals around catch basins, manholes, utility cuts and next to concrete curbs

prior to paving. Do it right the first time with Denso Road Products. Tel: 416-

291-3435, Fax: 416-291-0898, E-mail:

sales@densona.com. Web: www.densona.

Digital dosing







Water Environment Federation. Tel:

519-469-8169, Fax: 519-469-8157, E-

mail: saIes@greatarioengsys.com, Web: www.greatario.com. Greatario Engineered Storage Systems

Water quality treatment

Bachelor's Degree in Site Remediation


drain systems. Stormceptor removes free oil and suspend


Tel: 905-829-9533, Fax: 905-829-


installed in existing tanks; multiple tank mixing using a central pump house. JetMix was a recipient of a 1997 Innovative Technology Award from the


9512, E-mail: aIelarge@grundfos.com, Web: www.grundfos.com.


important. Benefits ofusing the JetMix system include: Intermittent operation saves 60-90% in power consumption; expensive tank cleanout and scheduled

structure for storm

trol over the additives administered.



The StormceptoC is a patented water quality treatment

tion nor any guesswork. What you see is what you get. It provides a reliable measurement on the easy to read digital display. With the system, users have more con trol over water quality, which is a criti cal factor in many applications. Water Treatment Chemical and System Specialists will have an increased con



solids storage

Digital Metering uses a unique technology that allows a precise with no calcula


Mixing System can be

Endress-i-Hauser meas

ures liquids with a mini mum conductivity of 50 pS/cm and is intended for use in potable water, wastewater and sewage sludge applications. It is ideal for simple measuring tasks, e.g. current output for displaying flow, pulse output for driving an external totalizer, or as status output. Guaranteed high degree of reliability and measured value stability and opti mum process control based on an accu racy of + 0.5. Tel: 800-668-3199, Fax: 905-681-9444, E-mail: info@ca. endress.com. Web: www.ca.endress. com

the added costs of


JetMix^ Vortex

Seneca Toronto








Environmental Site Remediation. Included

water, preventing spills and non-point source pollution from entering down stream lakes and rivers. Hanson Pipe & Products Canada, Inc. is the exclusive manufacturer of the precast concrete Stormceptor System in Ontario. Tel: 888-888-3222, Fax: 519-621-8233, Email: scott.kirby@hansonamerica.com. Web: www.hansonpipeandproducts.com.

in this full-time pro gram are field camps, paid co-op placements, and an integrat ed curriculum to prepare individuals to meet the growing demand for highlyskilled practitioners in the remediation industry. Seats available for September. Ask about bursary and scholarship opportunities. Tel: 800-572-0712/416491-5050 Ext. 2521, E-mail: iesr.tech nology@senecac.on.ca, Web: www.

Hanson Pipe & Products Canada

Seneca College

ed solids from stonn-


J tihe/July 2004, EnvironmentalScience & Engineering 53

Environmental NEWS

Golf courses swallow up lots of water The Canadian Bottled Water Association wants golf courses, farmers and municipalities to pay for taking water from Ontario's lakes and rivers.

Representing 56 companies who bottle water in Canada, 20 of them in Ontario, the association supports proposed provincial legislation that would charge companies that take water out of Ontario's watershed, but it wants all users to pay. "If such charges are imposed, we believe they should be fair and applied to all who use water," spokesman Larry Brookes said. Currently, companies such as water bottlers who take more than 50 cubic metres of water a day don't have to pay for it, as long as they have a permit. There are about 5,300 water-taking permits allowing companies to take about 160 billion litres of water a day. But that number is just an estimate because the gov ernment cannot track how much water is actually being taken. Proposed legislation aims to change all that. The first part, dealing with regulation should now be in place. The second and third parts of legislative proposals involving permits and levies, are to be introduced later this year. Ontario's 650 golf courses use 81 times more water than bot tlers, according to an Association spokesperson.

Ontario's Peel Region begins major expansion of infrastructure facilities Construction

of one

of Canada's

largest expansions of water and wastewater infrastructure has begun, announced Mark Schiller, Director of Water and Wastewater Treatment for

the Region of Peel, on June 29. The expansion projects total over $600 mil lion in capital expenditures and will support growth and development in Peel Region for the future. In 1999, Peel Region identified the need to expand the Lakeview Wastewater Treatment Facility, Lakeview Water Treatment Facility

and Caledon areas.

"We are upgrading the facilities with


of the



advanced treatment technologies", says Schiller. "These new technologies will generate positive benefits for local residents, such as higher water treat ment capacity, odour reduction and improved benefits to Lake Ontario." "Constructing three multi-million dollar facilities, at the same time, while maintaining service levels, is an ambitious business management initia tive," Schiller said, "but between our

ects will significantly increase the capacity of the three plants to handle the Region's water and wastewater services: • The Lakeview Wastewater Treat

ment Facility will expand to treat 448 million litres of wastewater a day from its current capacity of 392 million litres. The construction cost is approx imately $260 million. • The Clarkson Wastewater Treatment

Facility will increase its capacity to 200 million litres per day from 163 million litres, with an anticipated con


staff and the contractors we have

struction cost of about $110 million.

Treatment Facility by 2006, to service growth in the Mississauga, Brampton

engaged, we have a good team." The South-Peel construction proj-

• The




Canadian Business magazine selects ZENON COO as top in operations Rafael Simon,ZENON's Chief Operating Officer, has been selected as one of the best managers in Canada and ranked number one in operations by Canadian Business magazine in its third armual list of outstanding executives. ZENON also ranked in the top 10 of the Top 60 All-Star companies in Canada with a three-year average annual growth in net sales of 30%, net income of 63% and total shareholder return of 37%, according to the maga zine's April 26th issue. The ranking was conducted by Bain & Co., Canadian Business magazine and a panel of industry experts who worked together to select the top executives in various categories. In 2003, the company was the recipient of the prestigious Stockholm Industry Water Award for its innovative approaches to the development of water and wastewater process technologies, along with its contributions to environmental improvement.


Water Treatment

Facility will expand daily treatment capacity to 820 million litres from 560 million litres. There is approximately $135 million budgeted for this project. When completed in 2006, the Lakeview Water Treatment Plant will

have the world's largest membrane fil tration operations. Maja Prentice, Chair of the Region's Public Works committee said, "The Region of Peel has been industri ous in saving for these expansions and we are committed to constructing the facilities on-time and on-budget." For all three facilities, the bulk of

the expansion work will be completed by 2006. The treatment processes involved with these new wastewater

facilities significantly reduce odour. 54 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

Environmental NEWS


Siemens purchases USFIIter's systems and



services businesses

Veolia Environment recently an nounced the sale of USFIIter's systems and services businesses to Siemens for US $993 million. The transaction is

expected to close during the third quar ter of 2004, following approval by the applicable antitrust authorities. Within the USFilter systems busi nesses being sold by Veolia Environment to Siemens are many of



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the water treatment market's most rec

ognized brand names, including Memcor, Envirex, Wallace & Tiernan and General Filter. In November 2003, Veolia Environment sold its Everpure

Brantford, Ontario

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business to Pentair.

As of June 30, Veolia Environment

was in the process of selling Culligan. Veolia is retaining its Operating Services, Engineering & Construction businesses (now known as Veolia Water North America or VWNA) as well as Kruger, John Meunier, and HPD. For



Auma has secured three contracts

10-year warranty Air ReleaseA/acuum Break Valves

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for Sewage & Water


HYDRO-LOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL 762 Upper James St., Suite 250 Hamilton, Ontario L9C 3A2 Fax: 905-777-8678

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from the City of Toronto to retrofit


After Hours Emergency Pager:(705)734-3277

over five hundred valves.

Upgrades include the city's four major water treatment plants, reser voirs and pumping stations and the Ashbridges Bay wastewater treatment plant. Valves range in size from 400 to 1800 mm, and include butterfly, plug, ball, cone, gate and sluice gate. Some are over 60 years old. Over 60 SAR modulating actuators are being used for filter rate control. Another 150 plus SA/GS electric actuators are used for

342 Bayview Drive, Box 310, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 4X5

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Package Since 1950

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NAPIER-REID LTD. 10-2 Alden Road

Treatment Plants

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pump start/pump run control. Contact: www.troy-ontor.ca.


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June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 55

Environmental NEWS

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ADI and Indachem sign distribution agreement ADI International Inc. and Indachem

Inc. have recently signed a distribution agreement which allows Indachem to add ADI's Media G2' arsenic removal

Creating Quality Solutions Together

systems and Sulfa-Bind gas scrubbing equipment to its product line for distri bution in Ontario. This agreement makes Indachem ADI's first Canadian

R.V. Anderson Associates Limited

representative. Media 02 is a patented filter media

environment • infrastructure

used for the removal of arsenic from

tel 416 497 8600 web www.rvanclerson.com

toronto welland Ottawa sudbury london moncton fredericton charlottetown bombay

engineering ■ operations ■ management

and contaminated air streams.


Specialists in a comprehensive range of Environmental and Municipal Engineering Coillngwood



Tel.(705)444-2555 EMail; info@cctatham.com


Tel,(705) 645-7756 Web; www.cctatham.com

Clunas Environmental Consulting updating of municipal sewer use bylaws compliance with regulations/ sewer use bylaws sampling

spill management plans ISO 14000

drinking water. Sulfa-Bind is a new patented adsorption technology for the removal of hydrogen sulfide from gas

policy and program development hauled sewage programs

stormwater assessment

industrial wastewater

pollution prevention plans


NPRi submissions

MOB C of As

15 Robert St., Weston, ON M9N 2J6•Tel:(416) 414-7656 • Fax:(415) 245-1986 • E-maii: david.clunas@rogers.com

For further information, contact Eric Winchester, ADI International Inc., Tel:: 506-451-7407, Email: elw(@adi.ca, www.adi.ca or Brian Allen, Indachem Inc. Tel: 416-7433751, Email: allen(^keddco.com OCAA rates Premier

McGuinty's progress Premier McOuinty received a grade of B-l- for his progress to date and his strong commitment to staying on track with a 2007 coal phase-out in a report released by the Ontario Clean Air

Alliance: Phasing Out Coal: SixMonth Progress Report. The report details the steps the Oovernment has taken to date to

implement the phase-out and points to a number of additional steps that it needs to take in the very near future to get the greatest environmental and health benefits from the elimination of Ontario's number one industrial source




(New)- Geo Tube dewatering

Competent and Complete Services GIroux

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Tel:(506)684-5821, Fax:(506) 684-1915, Tel:(705) 235-5531, www.girouxinc.com



Cumming Cockburn Limiteci

of air pollution.

There is no question that if the Oovernment doesn't pick up the pace of its actions in the next six months, it

risks falling seriously behind and miss ing key opportunities to improve pub lic health for the people of Ontario. The




become badly sidetracked if it accepts the recommendation of John Mauley and proceeds with the re-start of the Pickering A Unit #1 nuclear reactor rather than focusing on shifting Ontario's power sector toward a more

Consulting Engineering • Planning • Environmental Approvals • Municipal Infrastructure > Land Development

' Structural & Marine

• Renewable Energy

' Transportation

• Water Power

• Community Planning

' Water Resources


Toll Free:

56 Environmental Science & Engineering,lone/My 2004


sustainable mix of conservation and

efficiency, renewable energy and highefficiency natural gas. Despite a long legacy of cost over runs and poor performance in its nuclear program, the Ontario Power

Environmental NEWS

Toronto • Ottawa


London • Hamilton

Generation Board is expected to vote in favour of the Pickering A re-start proposal in June. The final decision,


• Drainage Planning

however, will rest with McGuinty and his cabinet.

• Water S Wastewater Systems

• Hydro-technical Services

Corporate Office: 133 Wynford Drive

• Industrial Treatment

• Environmental Impact

Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1

• Stormwater management

• Environmental Planning

Fax: (416) 441-4131


The full report can be downloaded from www: cleanairalliance.org.

Vancouver • Victoria

Tel: (416)441-4111

New well could ensure

safe water for Kamloops





An environmental assessment certifi



cate for a new collector well that could

7 7


give the City of Kamloops an alterna tive safe water supply has been approved. The $5-million Kamloops Groundwater Project includes a collec tor well, pump house, disinfection and fluoridation system, approximately



7 V


ElttSL Analytical, Inc. participates in the AIHA EMPAT program


107 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ USA 08108


650 metres of water main to connect

the well to the city's central water sup ply system, hydro connection, vehicle access road and parking. The new well has the potential to serve as an alternative water source for

the city's main system or provide a backup or emergency supply system to augment the city's water system.


EnviroMicrobial Services


a division of Conestoga-Rovers & Associates

• Drinking Water Contamination Source Detection • Indoor Air Quality Services

• Cryptosporidium & Giardia • Microscopic Particulate Analysis • Disinfection Efficacy Testing

1020 Hargrieve Road, London, Ontario N6E 1P5 Telephone: (519) 681-0571 • Fax: (519) 681-7150

Alberta invests more

funds to improve regional water systems Ten Alberta communities will benefit

from approximately $25 million for water projects. $16 million will be allocated to regional water systems and an additional $9 million will

improve Alberta's monitoring net works as part of the province's Water for Life strategy.


Gartner Lee Limited

envi ronmental strategies & solutions

Environmental Science, Economics,

Planning & Engineering Solutions www.gartnerlee.com British Columbia I Alberta i Yukon i Northwest Territories I Ontario i Quebec

Announced as part of Budget 2004,

the $25 million in new funding was added to the government's 2004-2007 Capital Plan to address the Water for Life strategy. Alberta Transportation's share of that amount is $16 million, which was added to the department's existing Alberta Municipal Water Wastewater Partnership grant program. Alberta Environment's $9 million

share is for the replacement, rehabilita tion and expansion of Alberta's moni toring networks. One project to receive partnership grants is the creation of a regional water transmission line from the City of Red Deer's water treatment plant to Blackfalds, Lacombe and Ponoka.

Geamatrix Consultants Engineers, Geologists,and Environmental Scientists

• Design of WaterAVastewater/Air Treatment Systems • Remedial investigations and Feasibility Studies • Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14000) ' Utility Minimization Audits (Energy, Water, kVasfesJ • Remedial Designs/Remedial Actions • Phase l/ll Environmental Site Assessments • Soil/Groundwater

Contaminant Remediations • Litigation Assistance www.geomatrix.com

Tel: (519) 886.7500 Fax: (519)886 • 7419

Unit G, 420 Weber St. North, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 4E7

Experts in Water, Wastewater, Environmental Planning, and Simulation Software

Hydromantis, Inc. Consulting Engineers

Another project involves building a regional water line from Grande

■ 210 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge, Ontario, NIT 1A8 Tel: (519) 624-7223 Fax: (519) 624-7224

Prairie to the Hamlet of Clairmont and

« 1665 Main Street West, Suite 302, Hamilton, Ontario, L6S 1G5 Tel: (905) 522-0012 Fax:(905) 522-0031

the Town of Sexsmith.

E-mail: info(@hydromantl8.com Web: www.hydromantl8.com

June/July 2004, Environmental Sdence & Engineering 57

Environmental NEWS

lNT€GRnT€D CXPLORRTIONS Inc. Bio-Environmental Specialists since 1977 67 Watson Rd., Unit #1 LAB Division

TEC Division

Box 1385, Guelph,

• Environmental Microbiology • Biotreatment Optimization • Fungi, Bacteria & Algae ID • Contract R&D, UV Efficacy

• Bioremediation

Ontario, N1H 6N8

• Air & Water Biofilters

Tel: (519) 822-2608 Fax:(519) 822-3076

• Site investigations • Aquatic Spill Surveys

E-mail: ieinc@istar.ca

Layfield Plastics acquires business assets of CW Neai

Layfield Plastics Incorporated, a mem ber of The Layfield Group of Companies, and CW Neal Corporation have announced the successful com

pletion of Layfield's acquisition of the business






J.L. Richards & Associates Limited

Corporation. CW Neal has operations

Consulting Engineers, Architects & Planners

in California and is a supplier of geosynthetic floating cover systems

Water & Wastewater Treatment I Environmental Assessment & Planning Solid Waste Management I Stormwater Management I Watermain & Sewer Rehabilitation

Providing a wide range of Environmental Services Ottawa 613-728-3571

Kingston 613-544-1424

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KMK Consultants Limited

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Brampton ♦ Pickering ♦ Kitchener ♦ Windsor ♦ Cobalt Telephone: 905-459-4780 E-mail: kmk@kmk.ca

Internet Site: www.kmk.ca

Emissions Inventory - Air Modeling - Risk

and is a fabricator and installer of

geomembrane containiuent products and water control baffle systems. The business will continue to operate as Layfield Environmental Systems Corp., dba CW Neal. Layfield is a vertically integrated, ISO 9002 certified manufacturer and

distributor of a diverse range of con struction and environmental products. Contact; www.layfieldgroup.com. New Brunswick waste-

water treatment plant to receive $2.8 million The Town of Woodstock, New Brunswick, will receive funds under the Canada - New Brunswick Infra

structure Program for the construction ► CALPUFF View - Advanced Puff Dispersion Model ► ISC-AERMOD View - Air Dispersion Model ► IRAP-h View - Human Healtti Risk Assessment

► Emissions View - Air Emissions Inventory

Lam Environmental

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Well and pumps; testing, supply & servicing Colour video and specialized well logging (519) 442-2086 - lwater@lotowater.com

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1-800-923-6923 » 92 Scott Ave., Paris, ON N3L 3R1 » Fax: (519) 442-7242

of a new aerated lagoon wastewater treatment plant that will replace an outdated facility. The investment under

this program amounts to a total of $2,831,150.00.

This project involves the construc tion of a new aerated lagoon waste-

water treatment plant on a site north of the Beardsley Road, together with a 2.4 km gravity and forcemain piping system. This will replace an existing oxidation ditch which is emitting efflu

ent quality above regulatory levels and threatening the municipal water sup ply. A total of 1,700 households will have improved treatment of wastewater.

New Victaulic pocket handbooks now available



Engineering &

Victaulic Company's Field Assembly

Environmental Science

and Installation Instruction 1-100

MacVIro Consultants Inc. 90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600, Markham, Ontario L3R 6H3 (905)475-7270 • Fax: (905) 475-5994 E-Mail: reception@macviro.com Web site: www.macviro.com

58 Environmental Sdence & Engineering, June/July 2004

Pocket Flandbook has been updated to include new product information and reformatted into three distinct manu

als: 1-100 (IPS and metric-size carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and PVC pipe products), 1-300 (American

Environmental NEWS

Marshall Macklin

Water Works Association-size prod ucts for ductile iron pipe) and 1-600 (copper connection products). Each handbook includes an index in


Specialists In Environmental Planning and Engineering, Hydrogeology, Waste Management and Water Resources

the front locating the instruction man ual for every product, an expanded installation inspection section, tool rat ing charts, updated grooved specifica

Toronto, Calgary, Mississauga, Whitby 80 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, ON L3T 7N4 Telephone: 905-882-1100

FAX: 905-882-0055

E-mail: mmm@mmm.ca


tion tables with minimum and maxi mum dimensions rather than toler

ances, as well as takeout dimensions.

M a xyiB m


Contact: www.victaulic.com.

Port Colborne resort fined

for altering waterworks without approval Sherkston Shores Inc. and ASI Group


9331 - 48th Street

National Comprehensive Environmental Testing Services

MaxxLiNK - internet accessible sample tracking and report viewing Air Quality Monitoring Services

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Ltd. have been fined $10,000 and

$3,000, respectively - plus 25-percent victim fine surcharges - after pleading guilty to a total of three counts of noncompliance with the Ontario Water Resources Act(OWRA). Sherkston Shores Inc. operates a seasonal resort in Port Colborne, Ontario, that serves an estimated pop


ulation of 4,000 people. The company is authorized to take water and operate its drinking water systems through a

www.environmentalliazards.com • www.toxicmold.ca E-mail: rec@restoratlonenvironmenfal.com

Permit to Take Water and a certificate

of approval issued by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE). Sherkston Shores Inc.'s waterworks is managed by ASI Group Ltd. and drinking water for the resort is supplied by an on-site

SARAFINCHIN Consulting Engineers since 1984 Specialists in Earth Engineering and Environmental Sciences


The court heard that on July 15, 2002, MOE staff responded to a report of adverse water quality and found that ASI Group Ltd. had contracted for the installation of a wider pipe to connect the resort's water treatment plant to its distribution system. This installation, which was reportedly undertaken to accommodate increased demand by

Geotechnlcal, GeoEnvlronmental, Hydrogeology, Geosciences, Construction QA 238 Galaxy Blvd., Toronto, Canada M9W 5R8 T 416*674-1770 F 416-674-1997 vvww.sarafinchin.com

"A leader in providing innovative automation solutions to our customers." We offer a complete range of products & services in the areas of: • Systems Integration • Process Instrumentation • Control Panels

residents, was carried out without first

• Chemical Packages • Programmable Logic Controllers • HMI/SCADA • Computer/Network Services • Service

obtaining approval from MOE. Also, during an October 10,2002 inspection, MOE staff found that the resort's water meter recorder was out of service from

Summa Engineering Limited 6423 Northam Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V1J2 • Tel:(905)678-3388, Fax:(905) 678-0444 E-mail: info@summaeng.com • Website: www.summaeng.com

July 9 to 31, 2002, which resulted in the rates and amounts of water taken

not being monitored for a one month period between July and August 9,

A 47 Year



Tradition of Excellence

Altering the waterworks without approval is a violation of Section 52(1) of the OWRA. Failing to ensure flow monitoring is a contravention of the resort's Permit to Take Water and of

Section 107(3) of the OWRA.


in Engineering











June/July 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 59

Environmental NEWS

Fibreboard facility fined for non-compliance

The court heard that by 1998, the plant, which had been built for MacMillan Bloedel in 1996 and 1997,

Temple Pembroke Inc., which operates a medium density fibreboard manufac turing facility located in the Township of Laurentian Valley, Ontario (former ly the Township ofPembroke) has been fined $305,000 for non-compliance. The company's pollution control equipment and air emissions are regu lated by a Certificate of Approval issued by the Ministry of the Environ ment (MOE). Temple Pembroke Inc.'s manufacturing activities result in dis charges to the air of condensed water vapour and combustion gases contain ing by-products of odorous organic compounds and particulates.

had run into significant production and environmental performance issues due to engineering design flaws, installa tion defects and equipment failures. Temple Pembroke Inc. had undertaken engineering and operational fixes since purchasing the facility in 1998 from MacMillan Bloedel. However,

between September 13, 2000 and September 12, 2002, the plant dis charged odours and wood fibres that caused area residents material discom fort and limited their normal use and

enjoyment of their properties. Court also heard that a groundwater


TfH engineers

• Wastewater

Solid Waste

Environmental Assessment


' Site Assessment & Remediation


' System Optimization

well, supplementing the plant's main water supply from the Ottawa River, was not properly maintained. As a result the company did not ensure that surface water or other material was

prevented from entering the well pit.

NS government approves tough new biosolitJs rules The government of Nova Scotia has approved tough new standards for the storage and disposal of biosolids. Only biosolids that have been treated to kill

pathogens and to meet certain chemi cal criteria will be approved for land application. The treatment must be applied by the generator of the materi al. All approvals for land application of untreated sludges are cancelled. The new guidelines took effect May 15,2004. They will become part of any approval issued for land application or storage of biosolids, which makes them fully enforceable under the Environment Act. Current approval holders for land application or storage of biosolids will have to meet the tech

Whitby• Barrie • Bracebridge • Cobourg•Kingston • Kitchener-Waterloo • Ottawa • Sault Ste. Marie • St. Catharines Tel:(905)668-9363•Toll Free: 1-800-668-1983•Fax:(905)668-0221 » E-Mail:tsh.@tsh.ca » www.tsh.ca

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nical standards of the new guidelines. Applicants for new approvals will also have to meet requirements to conduct meaningful public consultation, to address concerns expressed at public consultations and to have written con

firmation of compliance with any local bylaws or planning regulations. The new guidelines and instructions for filing comments are available on the Environment and Labour website

at www.gov.ns.ca/enla/. Focus on UV disinfection


(519) 741-5774 (905) 829-8880 (613) 542-5888 (513) 841-9246

Kitchener Toronto area

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Environment Association of Ontario

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Conference were given an overview of

' Drinking Water Quality and Treatment

the evolution of UV for wastewater

> Hydrogeoiogy Investigation / Modelling

effluent disinfection, including differ ent types of UV lamps and lamp clean ing systems. The tour, sponsored and hosted by Trojan Technologies, continued at the City of London's Greenway Pollution Control Centre (GPCC). In 1998, the City of London installed the Trojan UV4000 for disinfection of the plant's effluent prior to discharge into the Thames River. The system included a

' Environmental Site Assessment / Auditing ' Remediation and Decommissioning

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Tackling municipal/industrial CONSULT A

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60 Environmental Science & Engineering, June/July 2004

contoured reactor, module removal

mechanism, PLC options, automatic lamp cleaning system and mediumpressure, high-intensity lamps.

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June/}u\y 2004, Environmental Science & Engineering 61

Environmental NEWS introduced by the Ontario MOE to ensure water system operators contin ue to improve their knowledge and skills. Among other requirements, the new regulation will ensure that; • Water system operators are aware of emerging pathogens, protection meas ures and technologies; • Training is clearly defined and directly relates to the work of a water

Alberta launches Canada's first provincial program for e-recycling Effective October 1, 2004, old

televisions, computers and related equipment currently going into Alberta's landfills

will be collected, reused, recy cled and turned into new prod ucts and economic opportuni

system operator;

ties for Albertans.

• The hours of training required by an operator reflect the knowledge needed to run a particular system; •"Grandparented" operators (those who received an operator's licence in the past without passing a certification exam) are re-certified through exami

In 2004, more than 190,000

televisions and 90,000 desktop computers will be discarded from



These electronics contain haz ardous materials like lead and

mercury that can cause signif

nation; and • Entry-level operators take a ministryapproved course within 16 months of securing their operator-in-training cer

icant environmental and health

risks through potential soil or groundwater contamination if they end up in landfills. In the initial phase of the program, televisions, comput


er monitors, CPUs,laptops, electronic notebooks and printers will be accept ed for recycling. An environmental fee, ranging from $5 to $45, depending on the item, will be placed on each product included in the program. The fee will cover the costs of collection, transportation and recycling of electronics material, education and awareness programs and electronics recycling relat ed research. Collection will be co-ordinated through locally run depots and drop-off points across the province. The e-recycling program is a key part of the Government of Alberta's strategy to reduce the annual per capita waste going to landfills from the cur rent level of 750 kilograms per person to 500 kilograms by 2010.

Norfolk County fined for exceeding BOD discharge limits Norfolk County, Ontario, has been

impacts on Nanticoke Creek. The court heard that average monthly concentrations reports sub mitted to MOE by the County revealed that between June 1 and 30, 2002,

fined $13,000, after pleading guilty to

BOD levels exceeded their set limit.

three counts of non-compliance with

The reports also showed that average monthly suspended solids levels



Water Resources Act



The Waterford sewage lagoon, located in Waterford, Norfolk County (formerly Township of Townsend), is owned by Norfolk County and operat ed through a contractual agreement by USE Canada Inc. The sewage treat ment facility discharges treated water

between August 1 and 31, 2002, and November 1 and 30, 2002. By failing to ensure that the month ly average concentration for BOD in

directly into Nanticoke Creek. A February 28, 2002, Provincial Officer

Order issued to Norfolk County by MOE required that monthly concentra tions of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids and total phosphorus in the effluent discharged from the lagoon not exceed specified limits. Limits were set to prevent any potential negative environmental




the effluent discharged from the lagoon and the average monthly con centration for suspended solids in the

effluent discharged from the lagoon did not exceed their respective pre scribed levels, Norfolk County com mitted violations of Section 107(2) of the OWRA.

Ontario toughens operator training requirements A new regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, has been

62 Environmental Science & Engineering,June/July 2004

This tough new regulation will address eight of Commissioner O'Connor's 10 recommendations on

certification and training in the Report of the Walkerton Inquiry. The govern ment will work with the water industry to improve access to training across the province, which will address the remaining two recommendations on certification and training. Most aspects ofthe regulation come into force on August 1, 2004. The Ministry of the Environment will help ensure those affected by these new rules have the tools needed to help them meet the new standards quickly and effectively. The new training requirements come into force on August 1, 2005. Ontario water treatment facilities to be modernized The Ontario government will invest

over $400 million into safe drinking water, including money to allow more communities to upgrade and modern ize their water treatment facilities to

help them meet tough standards set out in the Safe Drinking Water Act. The funding was amiounced in the May 2004 Budget. The 2004 Ontario Budget also increases the operating budget for the Ministry of the Environment to $304 million, its highest level in a decade. About half of the MOE's operating budget is committed to providing safe drinkinu water.


The benefit of bedding material in a concrete pipe installation has been underestimated for far too long. Current OPS specifications do not reflect the recent research by the National Research Council ofCanada(NRC)on the real impact ofbedding. Data is now available from the three-year study that supports 20 years of research on the engineered value of Standard Installations. Recent recognition of Standard Installations by the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code should ease the mind of any design engineer. It's the most direct route to project success. Standard Installations (Concrete Pipe Bedding Specifications) put the designer back in the driver's seat. Consider these benefits:

o Increased range ofbedding materials optimize native soil use o Specified compaction requirements ofvarious embedment material Measured relationship between bedding quality and pipe strength Accurate understanding ofthe benefit ofcurrent bedding practices Various bedding alternatives that economize design Improved site control Standard Installations are not about changing current bedding practices, but more about sound, efficient and accountable concrete pipe installations. Standard Installations also maintain the historical confidence that comes from using concrete pipe. To take a test drive and learn more about Standard Installations or to obtain your free copy ofPipePac design software, please contact the Ontario Concrete Pipe Association.


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Concrete Pipe Association The choice of a Ufctime

5045 South Service Road, First Floor, Burlington, Ont. L7L 5Y7 (905)631-9696 Fax:(905)631-1905 www.ocpa.com






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