Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine January 2009

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January 2009

Key considerations for wastewater lift station level control Multi- barrier process improves water plant efficiency Managing water treatment plant residuals


Many factors considered in Dieppe storm drain retrofit

Guide to Consultants, Equipment Suppliers and Products


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WASTE TO ENERGY SYSTEMS ONE-THIRD THE COST & BETTER PERFORMANCE Quality Recycling has teamed with RCBC Technologies to provide the perfect culmination to the MRF. RCBC Technologies has combined well-known and time-tested principles to create a rotating cylindrical combustion chamber that uses patented Rotary Cascading Bed Combustion (RCBC) technology. The RCBC provides the ideal conditions for clean combustion of diverse fuels, ranging from high sulfur coals to municipal solid wastes and sludge. A MRF and the RCBC combined produce the ultimate waste to energy plant. These waste to energy plants burn municipal wastes to produce steam and electricity. This energy is produced with less harmful emissions than the conventional fossil-fuel powered energy plants. There are other outstanding advantages to the waste to energy technology: • RCBC reduces waste volume up to 90% and the end product is an ash that can be combined with compost from the MRF and used for soil conditioning and land reclamation. • Combustion in the RCBC destroys bacteria, household chemical and other compounds that are a potential hazard to health and environment. These once harmful components of the waste stream are converted to a useful product that can actually help our environment. • Combustion eliminates the odor and methane normally produced by waste, and can completely eliminate the need for a landfill.

Rotary Cascading Bed Combustion (RCBC)

Quality Recycling is the exclusive distributor of the patented RCBC technology. The RCBC is not only more efficient than other combustors, but can be produced at about 1/3 their cost.

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Contents ISSN-0835-605X January • 2009 Vol. 21 No. 6 Issued January 2009

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ES&E invites articles (approx. 2,000 words) on water, wastewater, hazardous waste treatment and other environmental protection topics. If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration in our print and digital editions, please contact Steve Davey at steve@esemag.com. Please note that Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. reserves the right to edit all text and graphic submissions without notice.

FEATURES 7 17 20 26 27 30 32 34 37 40 44 46 48 52 55 58 60 64 66 101 112

Canada’s environmental ranking needs to improve. Editorial comment by Tom Davey Chemical use reporting will improve user accountability Innovative municipal water softening, using high-rate sand ballasted technology Key considerations for wastewater lift station level control Multi-barrier process improves efficiency at a Saskatchewan water treatment plant The value of stimulating simulation in pump design Effective pump maintenance strategies Urbanization, climate change and sustainability considered in Dieppe storm drain retrofit Understanding the treatment of water treatment plant residuals Managing remote First Nations water and wastewater treatment plants Measurable energy savings through a team approach DEPARTMENTS Innovative geosynthetic cap helps Ottawa with its landfill Nanoose Bay decentralized WWTP celebrates three years of Environmental News . . . 10-16 successful operation Product Showcase . . . . . 70-75 Bioremediation replaces “dig and dump” for treatment of pesticides in soil Professional Cards . . . . . 77-83 How to benefit from Canada’s R&D credit programs Ad Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Conserving water with closed-loop evaporative wet surface air coolers New MBR system upgrades Kilworth WPCP In situ oil containment system installed at eco-sensitive electrical substation Managing the environment during infrastructure projects is critical Pumping systems for Vancouver’s Canada Line rapid transit project Reflections from Bolivia


Guide to Consultants, Equipment Suppliers and Products Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

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Comment by Tom Davey

Canada’s environmental ranking needs to improve

A pure lake makes cottage lots worth millions – polluted lakes see drastic losses in real estate values.

anada’s abundant freshwater resources are exceeded only by Russia and Brazil, yet, regrettably, our environmental record stands 13th out of 17 developed countries. A report: How Canada Performs: Environment Details and Analysis, was released by The Conference Board of Canada in November (www. conferenceboard.ca/hcp). Personally, I am incredulous at these statements which are so critical of Canada’s record, but the Conference Board has a good reputation. The Board’s data will shock complacent provincial and federal politicians who control environmental funding and regulatory initiatives. The overall C grade reflects a poor performance and Canada has earned D grades in the areas of waste generation, water usage, and greenhouse gas emissions. This is despite faring better than average on other measures of environmental performance. Len Coad, Director, Environment, Energy and Transportation for the Conference Board, notes that “Canadians generate far too much waste and still use water as



though we have unlimited supplies. Canada’s past record on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is terrible.” But, he says, encouragingly, that “we are among the world leaders in managing our forests, our air quality is good overall, and we have made progress on using energy efficiently.” Per capita, Canada’s GHG emissions increased by almost one third between 1990 and 2006. Encouragingly, initiatives that are either proposed or underway, such as carbon taxes, emission caps and emissions trading, could lead to an improved score in future years. On the downside, Canada is said to generate more waste per capita than any other OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) country. Environmental leaders in this category are Japan, Belgium, and Finland, generating only 50 to 60 percent as much solid waste as Canadians. The report says that Canada’s water usage per capita is higher than any country except the United States. While Canadian water quality ranks well, the overall B grade in water quality obscures problem areas along the Canada-US border.

Mr. Coad notes that, while size and industrial structure are contributing factors, Canada is not taking the necessary steps toward environmental sustainability. Canadians stand almost at the bottom of the pack on environmental performance, along with the United States and Australia – three countries with huge land masses, yet among the most resource-intensive economies in the OECD. The Nordic countries – Sweden, Finland, Norway – and Switzerland, not only earned A grades, but were among the best performers in almost all categories. They scored well on air quality, water quality, and GHG emissions, lagging only in certain measures related to biodiversity and energy intensity. Canada, with its huge land mass, thousands of lakes and rivers, and engineering expertise in all the disciplines related to drinking water supplies, wastewater treatment and infrastructure, should now add political will and funding to these assets. Tom Davey is Senior Consulting Editor of Environmental Science & Engineering January 2009 | 7

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Environmental Science & Engineering Editor and Publisher STEVE DAVEY E-mail: steve@esemag.com Senior Consulting Editor


Sales Director PENNY DAVEY E-mail: penny@esemag.com Sales Representative DENISE SIMPSON E-mail: denise@esemag.com Accounting SANDRA DAVEY E-mail: sandra@esemag.com Circulation Manager DARLANN PASSFIELD E-mail: darlann@esemag.com Production Manager CHRIS MAC DONALD E-mail: chris@esemag.com

Technical Advisory Board Jim Bishop Stantec Consulting Ltd., Ontario Bill Borlase, P.Eng. City of Winnipeg, Manitoba George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. CH2M HILL, Ontario Bill DeAngelis, P.Eng. Associated Engineering, Ontario Dr. Robert C. Landine ADI Systems Inc., New Brunswick Marie Meunier John Meunier Inc., QuĂŠbec Peter J. Paine Environment Canada Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi-monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. Readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key municipal, provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater plant operators and contractors. Information contained in ES&E has been compiled from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice. Articles being submitted for review should be e-mailed to steve@esemag.com. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Second Class Mail Product Agreement No. 40065446 Registration No. 7750 Undeliverable copies, advertising space orders, copy, artwork, film, proofs, etc., should be sent to: Environmental Science & Engineering, 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3V6, Tel: (905)727-4666, Fax: (905) 841-7271, Web site: www.esemag.com Printed in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission of the publisher. Yearly subscription rates: Canada $75.00 (plus $3.75 GST).

8 | January 2009

Letter to Editor Hi Tom I read your latest commentary and enjoyed the read laced with history. Your pen remains a stiletto, and at the same time the teacher’s voice. A. Grant Lee, AGL Marketing Limited Hello Tom, As Maintenance Engineer in a Pulp Mill and one who has a general interest in science, I find your magazine extemely interesting. And of all the magazines I'm exposed to, I find your comments to be some of the consistently most insightful of all. I just can't help comment on your recent article on the horrors of living in societies that lack technology and the improvements that it gives us in hygiene and medicine. I'm not challenging the fact that individual health has been improved and suffering reduced. What I'm getting at is how technology has brought out a very ugly side of what is in every human. Technology and its wealth creation has resulted in the social values that have the average citizen believing he/she can have the vehicles, homes, trips, possessions, etc., that cause the pollution and resource exploitation that is such a scar on our civilization. Maybe we're healthier as individuals, but as a whole our planet is dying. What I'm alluding to is that humans learn by suffering. Pollution is causing numerous new diseases and many people now suffer from emotional conditions that technology cannot solve. Bert Verdon Hi Steve I would like to direct you to a link that might be useful to your readers. For over a decade we have collected and data-based Canadian and US sewer bylaw (ordinance) information. The database provides information on the discharge restrictions and prohibitions to the sanitary sewer for over 3,000 Canadian and US cities, towns and municipalities. It also contains contact information of the wastewater treatment authority for each jurisdiction. We were contacted by the Photo Marketing Association International (PMAI) to provide the sewer discharge requirements to their members and others who could benefit from the information. The database is now online at www.pmairegs.com/sewer, free of charge. George Ayers EssentialEHS inc.

Hello Penny, I felt I had to respond to your thoughtprovoking card. I decided this year not to 'waste' my money on silly things that people don't need and instead try to help my eight year old son understand how truly blessed he is. It is hard for a child to understand how lucky they are to have been born in Canada and, in so many situations, that is the ONLY difference between them and another child half way around the world with no shoes, bed, school. Again thank you f or including me. I appreciate what you do with Water for People. Heather J. Westcott, Mueller Canada Hi Penny! Great X-mas Card and great pic from Bolivia! Nice that you also found a neat way to refer to WFP. We got a lot of nice replies back from our E-card and our donation to WFP. Reseau-environnement will actually run a small article on the Xmas card and incite environmental companies to combine donations and X-mas cards! John Cigana, John Meunier Inc. Hi Penny, Wow! What a great Christmas Card you sent! Congratulations on your efforts with Water For The People. I feel more sensitized to the cause now that I see your card. Jean Grenier, Parkson Hi Penny, I got your Christmas card based on your Bolivia trip. It really makes you think and appreciate home. Terri Mand, Armtec

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Get essential Environmental Due Diligence training

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w w w . C A N E C T. n e t

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NEWS Canada signs North American harmful chemical agreement Canada's Environment Minister Jim Prentice, Stephen Johnson, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Environment Minister Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada of Mexico, have signed a joint Statement of Intent affirming their commitment to developing a regional framework for the safe management of harmful chemicals. The agreement builds on Canada's Chemicals Management Plan, by ensuring that Mexico, Canada, and the United States have access to consistent information that can be used to strengthen chemical management in North America. Canada is agreeing to share its analysis of over 23,000 chemicals in use today.

Call for Abstracts The 5th Canadian Residuals and Biosolids Conference will be held September 13-15, 2009, in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The goal of the 2009 conference is to move beyond current management prac-





tices towards an integrated approach to the management of sewage biosolids and residuals to produce customized products to meet client needs. Future management must continue to focus on optimizing and advancing treatment process efficiency, management costs, product quality assurance, energy usage and production, human health and environmental protection, in particular greenhouse gas emission reduction, and public acceptance. This Conference has issued a Call for Abstracts for the following tracks: Master Planning; Land Application; Odour Management; Treatment Technologies; Product Development; Innovative Uses; Emerging Issues; Climate Change; Public Education and Communication; International Experience; and Tried and Not So True. The deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2009. www.weao.org

Just one year after Grundfos added Peerless Pump Company to its group of companies, it has now acquired Yeomans


The impeller – the heart of all wastewater pumps. The choice of design, geometry and free passage clearance determines a pump‘s efficiency and anticlogging characteristics. We offer pumps and impellers that can meet any wastewater requirements. KSB – we know what it takes to make your world flow round. KSB Pumps Inc. Q www.ksb.ca

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Endress+Hauser mourns passing of company founder

Grundfos acquires Yeomans Chicago

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Chicago Corporation (YCC) of Aurora, Illinois, which specializes in pumps for wastewater. Yeomans sells products under the Yeomans Pump, Chicago Pump and Morris Pumps brands and focuses primarily in the wastewater and sewage markets. The $2 billion wastewater pump market in North America is driven by aging infrastructure, changing demographics and changing discharge regulations and is expected to grow at a minimum of 5% annually. www.grundfos.com

Dr. Georg H. Endress, a founder of The Endress+Hauser Group, passed away on 14 December 2008, a few weeks before his 85th birthday, after a brief illness. From small beginnings, Endress+ Hauser Group developed into an international company for industrial measurement and automation engineering, with over 8,300 employees worldwide.

Alberta renews its Water for Life strategy The Alberta government has renewed its Water for Life strategy, to ensure the water quality and quantity needed to support population and economic growth in the province. The renewed strategy accelerates action to safeguard Alberta’s water sources, ensuring integration of watershed planning, with regional planning under the proposed Land-Use Framework, and sets clear direction and action for improved watershed management in Alberta. It outlines the need to take action on a number of fronts, including: regional drinking water and wastewater solutions; aquatic ecosystem health; a viable governance system that supports sustainable management of surface and groundcontinued overleaf...

10 | January 2009

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Clean solutions in your process automation.

Safeguarding the natural basis of our existence is something which concerns us all. Endress+Hauser supports its customers in tackling this challenge by providing excellent devices, innovative services and intelligent automation solutions. In this way we ensure processes which are safe, environmentally sound, and cost-effective. This benefits people and also protects the environment. Count on us for practical solutions for all your water and wastewater measurement challenges. Endress+Hauser Canada Ltd 1075 Sutton Drive Burlington, Ontario L7L 5Z8

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NEWS water; and water monitoring, evaluation and public reporting. Implementation of Alberta’s original Water for Life strategy, released in November 2003, has involved the efforts of many partners from a number of sectors including non-government organizations, industry, provincial and other governments. To successfully move the renewed strategy forward, a detailed action plan will be released in 2009. www.waterforlife.alberta.ca

New Brunswick releases new groundwater chemistry atlas A new atlas is available online to help persons seeking information about the quality of groundwater in any given area. The atlas is comprised of groundwater quality data collected under the potable water regulation of the Clean Water Act from domestic water wells drilled between 1994 and 2007. It is expected to be a useful reference for health professionals, scientists, researchers, planners, municipal officials and the public. The atlas provides information on

28 naturally-occurring chemical parameters related to groundwater quality, including pH, fluoride, and hardness, as well as information on geology, well depth and location. www.gnb.ca

Report surveys possible sea change for BC coast The Province of British Columbia has released a report on projected sea level changes in an effort to help BC’s coastal communities prepare for climate change and its serious effects, such as flooding. “Projected Sea Level Changes for British Columbia in the 21st Century” summarizes a scientific study published by the Government of Canada, which is the first comprehensive analysis of sea level change for BC’s coast since 1997. According to scientists involved with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the 21st century will continue to see global sea levels rise as a result of melting continental glaciers and ice caps and warming of the upper ocean. However, natural factors unique to BC, such as the Pacific Northwest climate and vertical

land movements, could alter sea levels in ways that vary greatly along its coast. www.env.gov.bc.ca/epd/climate/report

New wilderness area protects Amherst’s water supply The water supply for Amherst, Nova Scotia, is now better protected, with the designation of watershed lands as a provincial wilderness area. Nine-hundred and seventy hectares of Amherstowned lands, north-east of the town, make up the new Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area. "We are pleased to work with one of our municipal partners to protect their water supply and biodiversity, through this collaborative effort," said Mark Parent, Minister of Environment. "Protecting these lands demonstrates continued progress on the government's commitment to move toward a greener Nova Scotia by protecting 12 per cent of our provincial land base by 2015." The town requested that the province apply the higher level of protection to the lands which are within the municipal water protection area. Department of Environment and town staff worked closely together to develop terms and conditions of designation acceptable to both parties. The area protects bogs, marshes, coniferous and mixed forest and the endangered mainland moose. Its importance also stems from its location in the narrow, low-lying land bridge which connects Nova Scotia to New Brunswick. The area was already closed to unauthorized use of motorized vehicles by provincial water supply protection regulations.

Report shows climate change action plan on track Ontario is on track to meet its aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets and adapt to climate change impacts according to the government’s first report on its climate change action plan.The report notes that in Ontario: • emissions are down six per cent from 2004. • CO2 emissions from coal-fired electricity are down by 20 per cent. • over 2,600 MW of new, renewable power supply has been contracted. continued overleaf... 12 | January 2009

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NEWS • more than 78,000 home audits and 20,000 retrofits were completed. • Over 225,000 square kilometres of the Far North Boreal Region, a globally significant carbon sink, are being protected. The report also shows how the province is creating green energy options, building greener communities and reducing the government’s carbon footprint.

Ontario passes Lake Simcoe Protection Act Four decades of scientific studies show that impacts from human activities have impaired the health of the Lake Simcoe watershed ecosystem. The Lake Simcoe Science Advisory Committee recommended that the province needed to act immediately to protect the lake. Otherwise, the impact of current activities, future growth and other major stressors, notably climate change and new invasive species, would affect the health of the lake. The Lake Simcoe Protection Act passed recently by the Ontario government sets the framework for protecting the lake by:

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• requiring the province to create the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. • setting the objectives of the plan. • setting the scope of the plan and the mechanisms for carrying it out. • creating science and stakeholder advisory committees to support plan implementation. • allowing the province to regulate activities in shoreline and other critical areas of the watershed to protect water quality. • promoting environmentally sustainable land use practices and development. • allowing the province to require municipalities to pass by-laws to control site alteration, top soil removal, tree cutting, use of lawn fertilizers and pet waste.

Terratec Environmental fined for biosolids spills Terratec Environmental Ltd. has been fined a total of $300,000, plus a victim fine surcharge, in conjunction with three recent court decisions related to biosolid spills in 2006. Terratec hauls biosolids from various wastewater pollution control

plants throughout Ontario. On November 24, 2008, the company was fined $100,000 for causing or permitting the discharge of biosolids from a spill that occurred in Hamilton, Ontario, into the natural environment that caused, or may have caused, an adverse effect. On December 1, 2008, it was fined $100,000 for a spill of biosolids that occurred in Cayuga and $100,000 for a spill of biosolids that occurred in Welland. All fines are exclusive of the 25% Victim Fine Surcharge. On August 24, 2006, a truck contracted by the company to transport biosolids headed towards Haldimand County. As the truck was traveling south on Centennial Parkway, near Hamilton, the driver applied the brakes suddenly, resulting in approximately 500 to 1,000 lbs of biosolids spilling onto the road. Multiple commuter vehicles drove through the odorous biosolids and the road was closed for several hours for clean-up. Also on August 24, 2006, another truck contracted by the company was headed south on Halidmand Road 53, near Cayuga, when the driver applied the

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NEWS brakes suddenly, resulting in approximately 500 to 1,000 lbs of biosolids spilling onto the road. A few minutes later, a driver was northbound on the road, when her vehicle entered the spill, causing her to lose control of the vehicle. On September 11, 2006, a truck owned by the company was traveling southbound on Moyer Road in Welland, when the driver applied the brakes suddenly, resulting in 1 to 3 tonnes of biosolids spilling onto the road. Residents near the spill site had to vacate their home for two days due to the odour from the spilled biosolids.

Jail time and fines imposed for discharges in Belleville, Ontario In December 2008, James Sinclair, Thermosets Limited, and Demolition and Recycling Inc. were fined a total of $659,000, plus victim fine surcharges, for violating the Ontario Water Resources Act. Mr. Sinclair was also sentenced to four months in jail. Thermosets Limited and Demolition and Recycling Inc. are businesses located


in Belleville, Ontario, at the site of the former Bakelite manufacturing plant that produced resins and formaldehyde. Mr. Sinclair is the president and sole director of these businesses. Manufacturing at this location ceased in 1992. Following investigations by the Ministry of the Environment’s Investigations and Enforcement Branch, in February 2008, the defendants were convicted of various violations related to excavations and discharges from the site, including the discharge of PCB-contaminated sediments and failure to comply with Orders issued to remediate the site and clean up the discharged sediment.

Siemens purchases rights to Portacel line Siemens Water Technologies has been awarded the sole license for the global manufacture and supply of the entire range of products, service and replacement parts for ITT Corporation’s Portacel product line. ITT will no longer manufacture and sell Portacel products and spares. The licensing agreement includes the supply of

products as well as aftermarket support of monitoring and dosing equipment for disinfection of potable water, and in particular, of vacuum dosing of gaseous and liquid chlorine.

WERF to fund research on the impacts of climate change The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) is seeking proposals for research that assesses the impact of climate change on clean water utility (wastewater, stormwater and collection system) services. The research will review the risk of climate change and provide an estimate of the magnitude of that risk. The research results will be used by clean water utility personnel and their consultants. Wastewater and stormwater utilities are well aware that changes in temperature, precipitation, sea levels, and the hydrologic cycle in general affect delivery of services and potentially affect receiving water quality. Changes in human behavior, such as changes in water demand, in land continued overleaf...

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NEWS use and land cover, and more legislative protection of adversely affected species, may also accompany climate change. Similar to a white paper prepared for the water supply industry (Miller, K., and D.Yates, 2006), this paper will address the range of potential impacts that could affect the wastewater industry. It will include cost impact projections based on various scenarios (e.g., sensitivity analysis to determine the “big cost” factors). www.werf.org

$250 million proposed for water recycling in California Last summer, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and US Senator Dianne Feinstein unveiled a plan for a $9.3 billion water bond that would include $250 million for water recycling projects. The proposed water bond would be spent as follows: • $250 million for water recycling projects. • $800 million for water quality, including cleaning up contaminated underground reservoirs that could be used for future storage.

• $1.3 billion for rivers and watersheds, for such things as improvements at the Salton Sea, post-fire restoration and removing fish migration barriers such as obsolete dams. • $1.9 billion to help restore the Sacramento Delta, hub of the state's water supply system. • $2 billion on grants to local agencies, including $108 million for those in the San Diego region, to improve water quality and quantity. • $3 billion to provide more storage, including statewide reservoirs, groundwater banks and local projects.

Labor force crisis aided by AWWARF research Water utilities are facing a workforce crisis, caused by impending retirements, shifting demographics, and a declining number of students receiving scientific and technical degrees. To some extent, the water sector is facing the exodus of baby boomers from the workplace sooner than the general population. And it’s estimated to continue over the next 10 to 15 years. Several examples of research reports

from completed projects are listed below; other studies are ongoing: • Workforce Planning for Water Utilities–Successful Recruiting, Training, and Retaining of Operators and Engineers (2008, order #91237). This report clearly frames the issues of recruiting, training, and retaining drinking water utility operators and engineers. It identifies shortterm and long-term strategies that can be implemented to address the issues. • Strategies to Help Drinking Water Utilities Ensure Effective Retention of Knowledge (2008, order #91220). The study’s findings identify strategies, tools, and techniques that utilities can use to retain knowledge of the retiring and shifting workforce. The report also includes key drivers, critical success factors, barriers, and costs and benefits related to implementing knowledge retention programs. • Succession Planning for a Vital Workforce in the Information Age (2005, order #91090). This report assesses the current workforce demographics for the water and wastewater industry, identifies future shortfalls in critical and technical workforce skills, and provides guidance on creating a succession strategy and plan. • Workforce Planning for Successful Organization Change (2003, order #90965F). The research provides a guidance manual designed to lead, align, and support successful organization change and development of a continuous-improvement organizational culture. www.waterresearchfoundation.org

CALA Training - For laboratories around the world. Rated by graduates at www.cala.ca/t_summaries.html. Visit www.cala.ca or call 613-233-5300 for multiple methods of training in the following subjects: • • • • • • •

Laboratory accreditation and 17025 Developing quality manuals Root causes analysis for enduring solutions Using PT results to improve lab processes Internal auditing and internal calibration “Care and Feeding” of a laboratory QMS Leadership within laboratories

• •

For lab clients – “The Value of Accreditation” For lab clients – “What is Uncertainty?”

Building Laboratory Excellence 16 | January 2009

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Legal Affairs

Chemical use reporting will improve By Alexandria Pike and Sarah Powell user accountability ublic concern for health impacts from chemicals in our environment has heightened and, with it, political pressure to increase regulations. Although the federal National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) has publicly tracked releases of hundreds of chemicals in Canada for well over a decade, the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario are undertaking their own community right-toknow initiatives to fill perceived gaps in the federal toxics regime. In particular, recent initiatives with respect to chemical use reporting will increase the accountability of chemical users at local and provincial levels. City of Toronto On December 1, 2008, Toronto City Council adopted an Environmental Reporting, Disclosure and Innovation Program, which is intended to encourage businesses to adopt pollution prevention programs. The program includes a new bylaw that will require Toronto businesses to publicly report their use and release of 25 common chemicals (24 of which are NPRI substances). The bylaw will take effect January 1, 2010, and reporting will be phased in over four years. Unlike the federal NPRI, which focuses primarily on large businesses, the City's new bylaw will also require information to be provided by small- and medium-sized facilities by virtue of a low reporting threshold (e.g., as little as 100 kg/year for most designated chemicals). It is expected that the bylaw will require reporting by up to 7,000 facilities (e.g., printing and publishing, waste management, auto repair, dry cleaning, funeral services, etc.) that are not currently required to report to the federal NPRI . NPRI currently collects data from approximately 350 Toronto facilities. As a result, it is the City's view that its new program does not overlap with the federal NPRI or Ontario's proposed Toxics Reduction Strategy. The City believes that its new program will be a "complementary" local program and has stated that it will work closely with the federal and provincial governments to ensure the City's new program "con-



tinues to align with existing initiatives". Ontario's proposed Toxics Reduction Strategy Similarly, Ontario has recently committed to the establishment of a "tough new toxics reduction law". In August 2008, the Ontario government released a discussion paper regarding the develop-

ment of Ontario's Toxics Reduction Strategy (the "Strategy"). A key part of the Strategy is proposed toxics reduction legislation that would create new requirements for many facilities, including materials accounting, toxics reduction plans, reporting and public disclosure. continued overleaf...

Levelogger Proven to be Worth its Weight in Gold

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Legal Affairs Under the Strategy, as a first step, a facility would be required to undertake materials accounting (i.e., monitoring, tracking and reporting on the total inputs and outputs of any designated toxic used at the facility) and such information would be made available to the public. Facilities would also be required to develop toxics reduction plans based on the materials accounting information discussed above. The plan would outline the use of processes, practices, materials, products or substances that use designated toxics and would outline ways to avoid or reduce their use. It is interesting to note that, while the development of the plan would be mandatory, the implementation of the plan would be voluntary but monitored by the public through progress updates. Facilities would be required to submit a summary of the plan to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and update the plan over time. The summary of the plan would be made available to the public. Facilities would also be required to report the following to the MOE: (i) specified data for approximately 475 toxic substances listed on the proposed

18 | January 2009

designated list of toxics; (ii) materials accounting information on each substance on the list of toxics used or produced in the reporting year; (iii) any update to the facility's toxics reduction plan; (iv) progress in implementing such plan; and (v) any quantifiable reductions in use, generation or emissions of substances on the designated list of toxics due to such implementation. Such reports would be made available to the public. The MOE's Policy Proposal Notice for the Strategy states: The proposed legislation and corresponding regulations would include a designated list of toxic substances, outline the sectors to be captured, and define toxic use and facility size thresholds. The legislation would also create new authorities for Ontario to regulate toxic substances and/or products containing toxic substances in cases where the federal government does not take action. (‌) The legislation could also establish a new body or bodies, external to the government, to provide technical assistance, toxic reduction planning support, and potentially training and certification of

toxic reduction planners for regulated facilities. This new body (or bodies) could support research, commercialization of new green technologies and work to identify new and safer alternatives to toxics. The Policy Proposal Notice and a copy of the discussion paper can be found on the Environmental Registry (www.ebr.gov.on.ca), EBR Registry Number 010-4374. Discussion Jurisdiction over the regulation of toxics does not fall clearly under any of the powers assigned to either the federal or the provincial governments under the Canadian constitution. While some areas of the regulation of toxics have been undertaken by the federal government, other areas have fallen to the provinces. For yet other areas, laws are overlapping, concurrent or joint. Further, municipal governments are also taking an increasingly active role in the regulation of toxics. From a harmonization and efficiency perspective, it is our view that the provincial and municipal community right-to-know initiatives should be con-

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Legal Affairs solidated with the federal NPRI regime. At this time of economic uncertainty, all levels of government need to be particularly sensitive to avoiding duplication and conflict and we would encourage all three levels of governments to work together to accomplish this goal. Further, the City and the MOE should also consider regulating only NPRI substances. The City's bylaw contains one non-NPRI substance and the Strategy proposes to regulate approximately 155 non-NPRI substances. While we agree with the importance of evaluating the risks of such substances, we believe that the City and the MOE should conserve valuable public resources by working within the existing federal Chemical Management Plan to assess and ultimately designate further substances for the federal NPRI, as appropriate. Again, we believe that it would be prudent for the City and the MOE to take all reasonable steps to minimize overlap, duplication and conflict with the federal plan so as to ensure that regulatory efforts are as efficient and uniform as possible. Finally, the MOE is also recommending a number of new legislative authorities that would enable the MOE to (i) ban or restrict the manufacture, distribution or sale of a designated toxic and products known to contain a toxic; and (ii) require manufacturers and/or sellers of consumer products to publicly report on products containing toxics. While we agree that Ontario has an important role to play, it is our view that additional consideration should be given to the benefits of working with the federal government to enhance the existing (and complex) federal regulatory framework that is designed to prevent and respond to dangers to human health or safety posed by consumer products. In particular, additional consultation with stakeholders would be prudent to ensure that any proposed consumer protection actions would not create an unlevel playing field for consumer products that are manufactured in Ontario. Alexandria Pike and Sarah Powell are partners at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP. E-mail: spowell@dwpv.com


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Water Treatment

Innovative municipal water softening using high-rate sand-ballasted technology By Gaétan Bourdages, Christian Scott, and Charles D. Blumenschein and-ballasted settling is a highrate coagulation/flocculation/ sedimentation process that uses microsand as a seed for floc formation. The microsand provides a surface area that enhances flocculation and acts as a ballast or weight. The resulting floc settles quickly, allowing for compact clarifier designs with high overflow rates and short detention times. These designs result in system footprints between five and 30 times smaller than conventional clarification systems of similar capacity. The use of microsand also permits the unit to perform well under dramatically changing flow rates without affecting final effluent quality. Raw water is pumped into the coagulation tank of the sand-ballasted system (Figure 1) where a coagulant, such as alum, ferric chloride or ferric sulphate, is added to destabilize the suspended solids and colloidal matter in the influent stream. Typically, hydraulic retention time in this tank is approximately two minutes. The water then flows into the injection tank where polymeric flocculant and microsand are added to initiate floc formation. These serve as a “seed” for floc formation and development in the next step of the process. A hydraulic retention time of about two minutes is maintained in this tank as well. Treatment continues as the water passes to the maturation tank. In this tank, relatively gentle mixing provides ideal conditions for bridging between the microsand and the destabilized suspended solids. Typical hydraulic retention time in the maturation tank is approximately six minutes. From this tank, the fully-formed ballasted floc enters a settling tank equipped with a lamella, which provides the rapid and effective removal of the microsand/sludge floc. The clarified water exits the system via a series of collection troughs or weirs. The sand-sludge mixture that settles to the bottom of the clarifier is then pumped to a hydrocyclone for separa-


20 | January 2009

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the ACTIFLO® process. SLUDGE






Figure 2. Process flow diagram for the softening testing. Wa ste Flow Ra te = 40 m L/m in

To Sludge De wa te ring Syste m

Sludge /Sa nd Se pa ra tion Ta nk (8L)

Re circula tion Flow

Sa nd Re circula tion

Ra te = 40 m L/m in

Flow = 210 m L/m in

Polym e ric Floccule nt

Sodium Ca rbona te

Sa nd Ta nk (2L)

pH Fe rric Chloride

Lim e or Sodium Hydrox ide

Cla rifie r (56L)

Cla rifie r Ove rflow

Ra w Wa te r Floccula tion Ta nk (2L) Softe ning Ta nk (6L)

tion. After separation, the higher-density microsand is discharged from the bottom of the hydrocyclone and re-injected into the process for re-use. The lighterdensity sludge is discharged from the top of the hydrocyclone, then thickened and dewatered prior to off-site disposal. Pilot and full-scale data reveal that the ballasted microsand process can produce an effluent with very low total suspended solids and turbidity. Objectives of this study The primary objective of this work was to determine the results of incorporating water-softening chemistry into the sand-ballasted flocculation system opera-

tion to create a single process that would both soften and clarify raw water. The investigation evaluated the process parameters and operational considerations of this marriage of the water-softening and sand-ballasted Actiflo© technologies. Other objectives were to demonstrate the efficiency of the system for removing organic compounds during the softening process, to explore the solid/liquid separation as well as sand/sludge separation efficiency of the system, to evaluate the solids settling rates in the clarifier, to determine the quality of treated water, and to explore the potencontinued overleaf...

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Water Treatment tial for solids build-up on the sand, especially in the presence of high calcium and magnesium concentrations. Process verification study procedures As the process flow diagram (Figure 2) illustrates, feed water was pumped continuously into a reactor/softening tank where the required dosages of lime and sodium carbonate were added. The softening reaction was conducted at a pH between 10.5 and 11.2 units. After the softening reaction was complete, the

mixture flowed to a flocculation tank. Recycled sand and a selected dosage of polymeric flocculant were added into this tank. The water was then diverted to a clarifier where the sludge (mixture of sand and sludge) was allowed to settle. After settling, the treated water was discharged. The mixture of sand and sludge, predominantly calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, was then pumped into a sludge/sand separation tank equipped with a mixer where the

sand was separated from the sludge. In the full-scale system, separation of sand from sludge is accomplished with a hydrocyclone; however, this equipment could not be made small enough to be effective in this situation. Because of this, a separation tank equipped with an agitator was used. The speed of the agitator was adjusted to simulate the velocity gradient achieved in the hydrocyclone. The sand was then recycled to the system. A portion of the sludge, without sand, was recycled to the softening tank as a “seed� for crystal growth. Samples of untreated water, clarified water, overflow and underflow from the sand/sludge separation tank (simulated hydrocyclone), and waste sludge were collected and analyzed for total and dissolved calcium, magnesium, silica, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, turbidity and percentage of solids in the sludge. The characteristics of the influent water used in the softening study are summarized in Table 1. The system was operated continuously (24 hours a day, seven days a week) for several months. The average concentration of dissolved calcium was 260 mg/L (as Ca2+); magnesium, 100 mg/L (as Mg2+); and silica, 90 mg/L (as SiO2). The raw water had a pH of about 8.0. Parameter


pH, S.U. Calcium, mg/L Magnesium, mg/L Silica, mg/L TSS, mg/L TDS, mg/L

8.0 260 100 90 10 12,000

Table 1. Influent water quality for softening study.

Results and discussion The softening study results revealed that the concentration of total calcium in the treated water was reduced from an initial value of about 260 mg/L (as Ca2+) to less than 10 mg/L and that of magnesium was reduced from 100 mg/L (as Mg2+) to less than 12 mg/L. At magnesium-to-silica ratio of about 1:1, the silica concentration was reduced to less than 10 mg/L. The results also indicated that the concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions before and after filtration were continued overleaf... 22 | January 2009

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EHC-M™ Bioremediation Technology: Using U sing C Controlled-Release ontrolled-Release C Carbon, arbon, Z ZVI VI a and nd S Sulfate ulfate t to o irreversibly precipitate and adsorb Trace Metals Trace metals constitute a significant class of groundwater contaminants originating from mining effluents, industrial wastewater, landfill leachate, agricultural wastes, fertilizers and other sources. Adventus’ EHC-M redox compound is a technically superior ISCR technology—both in cost efficiency and effectiveness—over conventional enhanced bioremediation. Not limited only to Hexavalent Chromium like competing offerings, EHC-M is field-proven to encourage the precipitation and adsorption of many dissolved metals such as antimony, arsenic, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc—limiting their movement downstream of a treatment zone. EHC-M is a patented, specially formulated material containing controlled-release organic carbon, ZVI, a source of sulfate, and other additives designed for treatment of dissolved trace metals. It can be easily applied via a variety of construction methods providing in situ source area treatment or plume management (such as PRBs). At CA$2.50/lb, cost factors for EHC-M are often 50% lower than other purportedly similar metals remediation compounds

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Water Treatment Table 2. Mass balance calculation.




Flow Rate (mL/min) Calcium as Ca2+ (mg/L) Mass of Calcium as Ca2+ (mg) Calcium as CaCO3 (mg) Magnesium as Mg2+ (mg/L) Mass of Magnesium as Mg2+ (mg) Magnesium as Mg(OH)2 (mg) Flow of Recycle Stream (mL/min) TSS of Recycle Stream (mg/L) Mass of Solids in Recycle Line (mg) Total Solids (mg)

212.2 260 55 137.5 100 21 51 42 38,900 1634 1823

212.2 10 2.2 5.5 12 2.5 6.0 44 38,900 1711 1723

Table 3. TOC removal during softening study.


Influent TOC

Effluent TOC

Percent Removal

1 2 3

5.8 5.7 5.6

4.0 3.0 3.0

31.0 47.5 46.0


comparable, indicating that the system is capable of removing almost all the particulates formed during the softening process. The effluent quality from this process, including TSS and turbidity, is comparable to that of filtered water. This process resulted in a settling rate that


varied between 60 to 120 m/h. After 24 hours of settling, TSS in the settled sludge (without microsand) ranged between 20% and 25%. After operating the unit continuously for two months, an insignificant amount of solid build-up was observed on the recycled sand.

Mass balance calculation results for the solids generated in the softening process are presented in Table 2. The calculations were performed based on average concentrations of calcium and magnesium, average flow rate of the influent and effluent streams, average TSS concentration and flow rate of the recycle stream (without sand), and average TSS concentration and flow rate of the waste solids stream. It was also assumed that the silica was removed by being adsorbed onto the reactive surface of magnesium hydroxide. As the table illustrates, summation of the mass of the TSS in the influent stream and the effluent stream are comparable. The difference is approximately 6%. It is anticipated that the small amount of solids that could not be accounted for may have stuck to the clarifier wall or been carried away during sand recycle. The effluent total suspended solids was also very low (<15 mg/L) throughout the study. The total organic carbon removal results obtained from the softening study are summarized in Table 3. As the table illustrates, a 30-48% TOC removal efficiency

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Water Treatment 1.2

1.1 1.0

Settled Solids (ft.)


Dense Sludge

0.8 0.7

0.6 0.5 0.4

Dense Sludge With Sand 0.3 0.2 0.1








Time (Minutes)

Figure 3. Solids settling curve, comparing sludge alone and sludge with sand.

was achieved; however, the removal efficiency is a function of water quality, pH condition and chemical dosage. One of the important aspects of this study was to compare the settling rate of the solids with and without the addition of microsand. Figure 3 presents the results of this study. As the figure illustrates, the solids settling rate was improved tenfold

with the addition of microsand. Conclusions The high-rate ballasted flocculation Actiflo process appears to have excellent potential for use as a high-rate softening technology. This is a cost-effective, innovative technology that is capable of effectively removing a variety of concentrations of calcium, magnesium and

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silica from raw water. It reduced the calcium concentration to less than 10 mg/L (as Ca2+) and the magnesium concentration to less than 12 mg/L (as Mg2+), while maintaining a clarifier overflow rate of 60 to 120 m/h. Excellent water quality was achieved at overflow rates as high as 120 m/h. This increased overflow rate results in a system footprint significantly smaller than that of a conventional clarification process with similar capacity, thus making the system economical, especially for treating high flow. Because of the increased overflow rate, the unit is capable of performing well under dramatically changing flow rates without affecting the final effluent quality. Solids/scale build-up on the recycled microsand was insignificant and did not affect the operation of the system. Gaétan Bourdages and Christian Scott are with John Meunier Inc. Charles D. Blumenschein is with N.A. Water Systems. Both firms are Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies companies. E-mail: gbourdages@johnmeunier.com

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Key considerations for wastewater lift station level control arious technologies have been employed over the years to measure level in the harsh environment of lift station wells. Now, changing technology and the ever-increasing pressure to reduce costof-ownership and maintenance issues drive us to look closer at the available level measurement technologies. In wastewater collection systems, raw sewage flows through gravity sewers to lift stations, which transfer the waste to higher elevations, facilitating further transfer to a treatment plant. Each lift station is typically equipped with two or more pumps, which are mounted on the floor of a wet well. When the wastewater level reaches a critical point, a control system starts one or more pumps. A reliable and accurate level monitoring system is absolutely critical to the overall performance of these lift stations. In the specification process we strive


26 | January 2009

to evaluate different level measurement technologies to create the right balance between affordability, reliability and accuracy. It is always important to look at each application individually, as things like ambient temperature range and condensation will vary in different locations. In many applications there is more than one good solution. Having an understanding of the key considerations, benefits and limitations of each technology will make the daunting task of selecting a specific technology a little easier: Level (float) switches connect to a control panel with relays and starters. Float switches, while inexpensive, tend to stick due to grease build-up and often require manual intervention if the float sticks due to an inflow of debris. This technology has been used for many years and has been quite successful in clean applications but, for the conditions present in lift stations, floats often become a costly maintenance issue. Bubbler systems combine pressure switches with a compressor that pumps air into a chamber at the bottom of the wet well. While bubbler systems are inexpensive, they require a constant source of compressed air, and the tubes can easily clog in the lift station environment. Ultrasonic devices are a technology that can be considered in a lift station application. Different locations will have different physical layouts, and climate conditions that need to be considered. This non-contact level measurement technology uses sound waves to bounce off the liquid surface. Care in selection is of utmost importance as thick foam can absorb the sound signal. High levels of condensation or turbulence can also create issues, as can physical intrusions such as piping or ladders in the measurement path. Consultation with the instrument vendor can help with the selection. Radar level measurement also provides non-contact level measurement, and is less susceptible to condensation issues than ultrasonic devices. Radar can solve many application challenges as it is not affected by changing product

Lift station application with Endress + Hauser RIA 452 process indicator and FMX 167 sensor.

densities, coating products, solids, gas blankets or vapors above the liquid. Radar units use an electromagnetic signal that is reflected back when it encounters a change in dielectric at the surface of the liquid. A hydrostatic pressure sensor offers a reliable, cost-effective solution for level control. High precision and long term stability are ensured by the selection of a ceramic measuring cell. In a lift station a submersible sensor would be selected and would measure the actual “weight� or pressure created by the sewage. A continuous analog signal proportional to the depth is then provided. An important consideration here is when dramatically different densities are expected over time, the actual measuring accuracy will be affected. This is usually well within the accuracy requirements of a lift station application. Hydrostatic measurement is ideal for applications with foam or coating issues. For more information, E-mail: stephanie.stevenson@ca.endress.com

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Water Treatment

Multi-barrier process improves efficiency at a Saskatchewan water treatment plant By Daniel L.Willers, PE he Village of Ile a La Crosse, Saskatchewan, operates a surface water treatment plant for their drinking water supply. The water source is Lac Ile a La Crosse in northern Saskatchewan, with the corresponding cold water temperatures. The inlet turbidity is typically less than 5 NTU, but the raw water total organic carbon (TOC) can be as high as 12 mg/L. Prior to this year, the system included two conventional packaged treatment units consisting of flocculation, tube settling and granular media filtration. The filter run lengths were short, producing excessive wastewater and low system production efficiency. The high TOC was not properly addressed, which resulted in trihalomethane (THM) concentrations that were out of compliance with regulatory standards. In addition, during high demand periods in the summer, the water was sometimes out of compliance for turbidity, resulting in advisories to boil the water. The existing package treatment systems were also near the end of their useful life. AECOM was given the contract to design a new water treatment system that would produce higher quality water, increase capacity, and improve overall system efficiency. A multi-barrier technology solution Initially, the consultant investigated



This design consists of two-stage clarification and mixed media filtration in a single tank configuration.

the feasibility of replacing the existing units with larger package flocculation, settling, and filtration package systems. They ultimately selected a new treatment process, the Trident速 HS package treatment system (Siemens Water Technologies). This design consists of twostage clarification and mixed media filtration in a single tank configuration. The system process consists of solids contacting with external sludge recirculation prior to tube settling for removing settling solids, followed by upflow adsorption clarification through a bed of buoyant media, and mixed media filtration for final polishing. All three treatment stages are combined in a sin-

gle packaged treatment system. This multi-barrier approach allows the system to dampen variable contaminant loads while increasing system net production with a smaller footprint. The water is first chemically treated with a polyaluminum chloride coagulant and non-ionic polymer. A static mixer is used to ensure that the chemicals, raw water, and previously-settled solids are thoroughly mixed. The water then enters the bottom of the tube settler compartment, where the bulk of the solids settle. The sludge concentration below the tube settlers is typically 3,000 to 5,000 mg/L, which acts as an effective buffer to variable influent solids loads.

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Water Treatment

The Trident® HS package system at Ile a La Crosse. The Adsorption Clarifier® and filter sections.

Since the influent solids concentration is typically much lower than this sludge inventory concentration, variations in influent solids are dampened by

the higher concentrated inventory. This gives a more consistent solids load to the tube settling section, allowing for consistent treatment. Settled sludge is col-


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lected from the tank bottom using a moving sludge collection header. The sludge is recirculated by a pump to the static mixer, where it is mixed with the raw water. Returning sludge allows for the system to operate in a solids contact mode, which has been shown to effectively remove TOC. This process makes optimal use of process chemistry, increases sludge concentration, moderates solids loading, and improves settling. Periodically, sludge is blown down to maintain the appropriate sludge concentration and to prevent concentration of pathogens. Effluent from the tube settlers is collected in a header/lateral system and a non-ionic filter aid polymer is added. The water is pumped upward through the Adsorption Clarifier® section. This second barrier in the clarification system ensures that non-settling solids are removed prior to the filter, increasing filter run length and overall production efficiency. Buoyant media removes flocculated particles that did not settle in the tube settler. The use of buoyant media allows for the water to flow up through the adMarket Leading Products for Water and Wastewater Treatment

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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Water Treatment sorption clarification system without expanding the media bed. The media is rolled and scarified, which places a rough edge on the media to enhance solids capture capacity. Solids are periodically removed by adding air to the bottom of the clarifier. This lowers the bulk density of the water and air, expanding the media bed and flushing the solids out of the section. The turbulence of the air, combined with the flushing action of the water, ensures that the media bed is thoroughly cleaned. The water overflows a weir into the mixed media filtration section. Mixed media consists of anthracite, sand, and garnet to produce a constantly tightening filter bed. The filter media is directly retained on laser-cut stainless steel media retainer to eliminate support gravel layers. A block style underdrain ensures even collection of the treated water as well as distribution of the backwash air and water, while maintaining a low profile. The filter is backwashed using simultaneous air and water to thoroughly clean the media. Backwash waste is col-

lected with a low profile washtrough specifically designed to prevent media washout with an advanced baffling and solids separation design. After the mixed media filter, the treated water is sent to the clearwell for chlorination and distribution. Chemical doses are flow-controlled automatically by a programmable logic controller (PLC) working in conjunction with an inlet flow meter. An influent flow meter allows flow pacing of the chemical feed systems. In addition, influent and intermediate turbidimeters continuously monitor the raw water quality and system performance. This automatic chemical dosing control system reduces operation time and optimizes chemical use, thus reducing overall system operating costs. Plant operators are able to adjust set points on the control system’s operator interface terminal (OIT) to ensure proper operation. Longer filter run lengths, higher water quality Placed online in April, 2008, the new treatment system was designed for a flow rate of 56.8 m3/hr (250 gpm) using

a single tank package treatment system. The raw water turbidity has been between 1 and 4 NTU. The raw water TOC has ranged between 7 and 12 mg/L. The system consistently produces treated water with a turbidity of 0.15 NTU or less. The THM concentration in the treated water is about 78 μg/L. Before the plant was placed online, the Province of Saskatchewan began to consider lowering the compliance levels for THMs from 100 μg/L to 80 μg/L. The system is already operating in compliance with the new level. In addition, the filter run length is three times longer than it was with the previous system. To date, the new Trident HS units have provided exceptional treatment results under very difficult water quality conditions. Multi-barrier treatment will allow the plant to address current and future regulations for years to come. Daniel L. Willers is with Siemens Water Technologies, General Filter and Microfloc Products, in Ames, Iowa. E-mail: daniel.willers@siemens.com



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Pumping Systems

The value of stimulating simulation ncreasingly industries are using simulation to design new products or discover new application benefits. No matter if it is to test how aeroplanes fly or the function of water pumps, simulation is an indispensable tool. Simulation is really the imitation of real things, a state of affairs, or processes. Simulating means that certain key characteristics, or behaviours, of selected physical or abstract systems are represented. Used in many contexts, simulation includes the modelling of natural or human systems in order to gain insight into their functioning. Other contexts include simulation of technology for performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, training and education. During the First World War, wooden mechanical horses were used to simulate the movement of real ones. Decades later, the first landing on the moon could not have taken place without simulation techniques. During recent decades, physical models have been increasingly complemented by the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Understanding fluid dynamics problems often requires both virtual simulation and physical testing. Industries are increasingly using CFD to develop products and applications. The aerospace and aircraft industries, for example, started to use CFD to simulate the flow of air around wings in order to measure the most efficient way to lift aeroplanes. The automotive industry was also quick to pick up the new simulation tool. All auto makers now have CFD capabilities to be able to put their cars on the market as quickly as possible. CFD helps shorten the time spent designing and engineering new cars. It is vital because there is so little time to build these cars to stay competitive. Computational simulation helps designers in the automotive industry address aspects such as the optimal shape of the car in terms of superior aerodynamics and reduced fuel consumption. In all industries where various aspects of flow are involved, such as the


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shipping and electronics industries as well as in the chemical process and water fields, CFD is used to get adequate answers to design and application issues. “Pump design analysis has come a long way from the days of slide rules and drafting tables,” says Guillaume Mercier, CFD team leader at ITT Water & Wastewater’s marketing department. “Over the past years, CFD has made its mark on the pump industry, reducing the need for expensive physical tests and cutting new pump development costs. In the past, engineers conducted experiments to see what happened inside pump stations by using models made of plexiglass, for instance.” Pumps represent a challenging simulation problem, because they involve ro-

tating internal components whose motion – particularly when combined with stationary components – needs to be included somehow in the model. Components such as impellers rotate, and their rotation drastically affects the fluid flow through the device. The CFD methods have greatly increased the ease and accuracy of simulating pumps. Thanks to the contemporary advanced calculations and computer simulations, ITT Water & Wastewater engineers have gained a better understanding of what goes on inside pumps. “A CFD analysis yields values for pressure, velocity, temperature and other flow variables throughout the solution domain,” Mercier says. “A key advantage is that CFD provides the flexibility to readily change design para-

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Pumping Systems

meters and determine the impact of those changes on performance.” According to Slavica Zikic, an application engineer and expert in pump station design at ITT Water & Wastewater, system engineering simulation can typically be used for complex applications. It is important for ITT to prove that a product installed in a specific environment will deliver the promised performance. “We assist the customers to design and dimension facilities where our products are installed,” she says. “It is ITT Water & Wastewater uses Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes, or RANS. This is an advanced tool that uses turbulence models but calculates everything else pressure, speed, load and so on. A Linux cluster with a large number of computers is used to carry out all the computations that this simulation requires.


necessary to ensure that products will work well in the requested application.” She adds that although CFD simulation is being used more and more in engineering, different phenomena are detected by CFD and physical model testing, so both are necessary. “They complement each other because both have some limitations,” she says. “Sometimes it may be demanding and time-consuming to use just CFD, and then the model test will be the easiest way. But it is not possible to see the flow distribution and velocity by just model testing in a pump station, so CFD is crucial.” Mercier says that prototype testing also has other drawbacks, compared with CFD. “You really need to prepare the measures of the model and carry out careful calibration,” he says. “You cannot easily switch to measure several parameters, which you can do through CFD. Once you have done the simulation with CFD, there is a huge amount of information available, such as pres-

sure and flow dynamic quantities. It is also easier and quicker to analyse all this data, thanks to CFD, than designing an accurate prototype.” A direct benefit of CFD is that velocity and flow direction are simulated. From the data created by the CFD tool, it can be understood how the water flows and will behave in the real environment. The flow can be visualised in various scales from water drops to the large motion of a bulk flow. The velocity magnitude, which is the distance the flow travels in the application during a certain time, can be simulated at virtually any point. CFD also helps in establishing where the flow is slowing down or where it is doing unwanted recirculation. “The benefit of simulation for customers is that it helps to show that pumps are not over-dimensioned for a certain application, but correctly selected,” Mercier says. “CFD can confirm that you do not over-engineer your application.” Adapted from ITT Water & Wastewater’s publication Impeller. For more information, E-mail: Raymond.Simond@itt.com January 2009 | 31

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Effective pump maintenance strategies By Joel Jacobson and George Lepidas eeping pumps operating successfully for long periods of time requires careful selection of pump design, proper installation, careful operation, the ability to observe changes in performance over time and, in the event of a failure, the capacity to investigate the cause of the failure thoroughly and take measures to prevent the problem from recurring. Take a moment to reflect on how many times you and your organization have thoroughly investigated a failure until you found the primary cause(s). Those who work long enough in industry may get an opportunity to observe all the different styles or philosophies of maintenance. These fall into four categories: • Breakdown or run-to-failure maintenance • Preventive or time-based maintenance • Predictive or condition-based maintenance • Pro-active or prevention maintenance 1. Breakdown or run-to-failure maintenance - The basic philosophy is to allow the pumps to run to failure and only repair or replace damaged equipment when obvious problems occur. The advantage of this approach is that it works well if equipment shutdowns don’t affect production and there is a backup when a pump does fail. The disadvantage is simple: most treatment plants are one- or two-man


operations, so the repair work must be done in a crisis mode, especially if the backup also fails. 2. Preventive or time-based maintenance - This philosophy consists of scheduling maintenance activities at predetermined times when damaged equipment can be repaired or replaced before obvious problems occur. The advantage of this approach is that the equipment does not run continuously. The personnel need to have enough knowledge, skill and time to perform the preventive maintenance work. The disadvantages are that the scheduled maintenance may be done too early or too late. It is quite possible that production will be reduced due to potentially unnecessary maintenance. In many cases there is a possibility of diminished performance through incorrect repair methods. 3. Predictive or condition-based maintenance - This philosophy involves scheduling maintenance activities only if and when warranted by the metering pumps or operational conditions, by periodically monitoring the equipment for excessive vibration, head-gasket leaking or observing any other unhealthy trends that occur over time. When the condition gets to a predetermined unacceptable level, then the pumps are shut down for repairs or replacement of damaged components to prevent a more costly failure from occurring. In other words, “Don’t fix what isn’t broken”.

An alternative is to outsource this work to the distributor or manufacturer. 32 | January 2009

The advantage of this approach is that it works very well if personnel have enough knowledge, skill and time to perform the predictive maintenance work. Repairs to the pumps can be scheduled in an orderly fashion, and some lead time is allowed for purchasing materials for necessary repairs, thus reducing the need for a high parts inventory. Since maintenance work is only performed when needed, there is a likely increase in production capacity. The disadvantages are that maintenance work and material cost may actually increase if the plant operators improperly assess the level of degradation in the metering pumps. An alternative is to outsource this work to the distributor or manufacturer to perform predictive, condition-based duties. If an organization has been running in the breakdown/run-to-failure mode or the preventive maintenance style, the production and maintenance management must conform to this new philosophy. The disadvantage is that the plant must have a backup pump that is ready to be put online when the equipment is at the manufacturer for repair. 4. Pro-active or prevention maintenance - This philosophy uses all of the predictive and/or preventive maintenance techniques described above, in conjunction with root-cause failure analysis to detect and pinpoint the precise problems that occur. Another aim is to ensure that advanced installation and repair techniques are performed, including potential equipment redesign that fits into the plant’s mode of operation (this may be as simple as purchasing a pre-designed panel) or modification to avoid or eliminate potential problems from occurring. The advantage of this approach is that it works extremely well if personnel have enough knowledge, skill and time to perform these tasks. As in the predictivebased style, repairs to equipment can be scheduled in a timely manner, but then additional efforts are made to provide improvements to reduce or eliminate potential problems from occurring. Again, repairs to equipment can be scheduled in

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Operations an orderly fashion and lead time is available for purchasing materials for the necessary repairs, reducing the need for a high parts inventory. Maintenance work is only performed when needed, and extra efforts are made to investigate the cause of the failure and then determine ways to improve the reliability of the total system requirements. The disadvantage is that this approach requires employees who are extremely knowledgeable in preventive, predictive and preventive/pro-active maintenance. Effectively identifying and avoiding problems requires an intensive investigation process. When a pump failure occurs, it is very tempting to remove the pump, replace the defective parts (or the entire pump), install the new or rebuilt unit, and get it back on line as quickly as possible. However, if several checks are not made during the removal and disassembly process, important clues to the cause of the problem may be overlooked. During disassembly, the following should be checked: 1. Was the metering pump leaking hypo

or chemical from the head gasket? 2. Are the pumps vibrating during operation? 3. When was service last done on the metering pumps? 4. When was the last time head gaskets or hoses were changed? 5. Are the electrical contacts in good shape? 6. Is the body of the metering pump cracked? Summary Which is the right approach to pump

maintenance? They are all excellent. The right choice is based on personal preferences and the level of competence in predicting and evaluating the metering pumps so they run at 100% performance as per the manufacturer’s specifications. Keeping metering pumps well maintained will take some time, but it is time well spent. Joel Jacobson and George Lepidas are with Metcon Sales & Engineering Ltd. E-mail: joelj@metconeng.com

Series 7000 mechanical diaphragm metering pumps

Neptune’s Series 7000 mechanically actuated diaphragm metering pumps handle viscosities in excess of 5,000 cps and pump chemicals that off-gas (sodium hypochlorite) without binding. All models provide suction lift to 20 feet. Maximum capacities range from 15 gph to 300 gph with adjustable 10:1 turndown by micrometer dial; variable speed option allows automated flow control. Liquid ends are available in PVC, Kynar, and 316SS. Neptune Chemical Pump Co. Lansdale, PA Tel: 888-3NEPTUNE or 215-699-8700 E-Mail: pump@neptune1.com www.neptune1.com


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Urbanization,climate change and sustainability considered in retrofitting Dieppe’s storm drains ver the past several decades in the City of Dieppe, New Brunswick, the Babineau Creek watershed has been subject to urbanization with the rapid growth of developments within the watershed. The increases in peak runoff flows resulting from this rapid growth have put a strain on the culvert system (major system) within the watershed and also created adverse tailwater conditions for the storm-sewer outfalls (minor system) discharging along the watercourse. Recently, the frequency of sewer surcharging in this watershed has increased substantially from the levels of past years. Touchie Engineering and HydroCom Technologies (both divisions of R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd.) were commissioned by the City to carry out a forensic investigation of the recurring sewer surcharging in the Babineau Creek watershed and recommend remedial drainage improvements. The focus of the investigation was to identify the


causes of the recurring sewer surcharging, anticipate the effects of future developments, review the effects of climate change and take necessary measures to ensure a sustained high level of service of the existing stormsewer infrastructure in the watershed. The investigation revealed three separate issues related to culvert sizing and backwater effects at storm-sewer outfalls. The report recommended that the Babineau Creek culverts on Gauvin Rd., Champlain St. and College St. be replaced to provide adequate hydraulic capacity for the 100-year flood event with the anticipated future development. In addition, an existing storm-sewer outfall on Cousteau St. was extended from the headwater end to the tailwater end of the new Champlain St. culverts. The report also recommended flow restriction of catch-basin outlets, using inflow control devices (ICDs) throughout the watershed to ensure that the total flow in each section of storm sewer

would be capped to match the existing conveyance capacity, thus minimizing the possibility of sewer surcharging through storm-sewer system service connections. Additional surface drainage capacity would be provided at major street intersections to ensure the residual flow created by catch-basin flow restrictors would not result in excessive street flooding during a “design plus” event for the minor system (i.e. a storm event with a return period in excess of 10 years). Effects of climate change These approaches also considered the effects of climate change and the inevitability of increases in the frequency and magnitude of peak flows over the service life of the existing storm-sewer infrastructure within the watershed. In order to quantify the effects of climate change on drainage infrastructure in Dieppe, a review of the scientific literature was performed. Relevant information on the effects of climate change for southeastern New Brunswick conINTERNATIONAL WATER SUPPLY LTD.

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Stormwater sisted of the results of analysis of trends in historical climate data, as well as predictions from global climate models and the results of statistical downscaling of these predictions. Regional trends in seasonal temperatures for Atlantic Canada show an overall warming of 0.3 Celsius degrees from 1948 to 2005, with summers showing the greatest increase in temperature (+0.8 C degrees), warming characterizing springs (+0.4 C degrees) and autumns (+0.1 C degrees), but winters becoming colder (-1.0 C degrees). Precipitation increased in Atlantic Canada by approximately 10% between 1948 and 2005, a trend that continued through the 1990s (Vassuer, L. and Catto, N. 2008). When interpreting these results, it should be noted that the trends are for average values throughout Atlantic Canada and the average values do not accurately reflect potential trends in extreme events (on which the design of drainage infrastructure is based). Gary Lines and others performed statistical downscaling of results from the Canadian (CGCM2) and the British (HADCM3) global climate models, and


found that, for the Moncton area, including Dieppe, the annual average change in precipitation is predicted to increase between 2% and 8% by 2020, between 6% and 12% by 2050, and between 8% and 19% by 2090. Preliminary results from computer model simulations that evaluate the effects of increased temperature and a less stable atmosphere on the risk

of extreme precipitation events (J. Wang and X. Zhang, 2007) show that the highrisk areas in North America include the southern US, the Pacific northwest and eastern Canada. Based on these preliminary results, the risk of an extreme precipitation event in eastern Canada is predicted to continued overleaf...

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Stormwater double, which corresponds to a halving of the return periods of existing design events (i.e. a storm event with a magnitude that historically represented a 100year return period would in the future only represent a 50-year return period) or to an increase of the magnitude of a design storm with a given return period by approximately 20%. In order to accommodate the predicted increases in design-flow magnitudes resulting from the expected effects of climate change, the magnitude of historical 100-year return period flows were increased by 20%. Global climate models Taking the effects of climate change into consideration during the retrofitting of the Dieppe storm drainage infrastructure will ensure that the hydraulic capacity of the existing storm sewers in this watershed will be sufficient to provide an acceptable level of service over the remaining service life (as defined by the structural durability). The use of ICDs at catch-basin outlets will ensure that the flow in the downstream sewer system (the minor system)


Consumption of Energy

will remain within the cross-section of each pipe, regardless of the effects of climate change or the accuracy of climatechange predictions (i.e. surcharging of the minor system will be prevented regardless of the magnitude of the design storm and regardless of the increase in the precipitation intensity resulting from climate change). The flows in excess of the minor system’s hydraulic capacity will be diverted overland on the existing streets to the nearest interception point and directed into the nearest watercourse (the major system components). This approach requires that allowances be made for the additional flows resulting from climate change in the design of the major system (i.e. bridges and culverts) over the entire duration of their predicted service life, while insulating the minor system from these same effects wherever possible. The construction work undertaken was broken out into four phases: • Phase 1 – Gauvin Rd. culvert • Phase 2 – Champlain St. culverts • Phase 3 – College St. culvert extension from Highway #15

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36 | January 2009

(Shediac Highway) • Phase 4 – Additional surface drainage and flow restrictors Each phase was substantially completed from the downstream end (Phase 1) to the upstream end (Phase 4) of the watershed. The majority of contingency money was utilized for additional infrastructure relocations, and procuring additional drainage easements to accommodate the residual overland street flows from the flow restriction in the minor system during the design plus events. Most of the construction work was carried out near existing watercourses from June 1 to September 30, 2007, to comply with environmental regulations. The project was completed with the surface restoration and installation of flow restrictors in catch basins in October and November 2007. The total construction cost was approximately $1.5 million and was on schedule despite pre-existing easement disputes and unknown stakeholder issues at the outset of the construction. City Council and the taxpayers of Dieppe will reap the benefits of this sustainable approach since existing storm sewers that are still in good structural condition will not have to be replaced to address insufficient conveyance capacity, thereby alleviating high costs, public inconvenience and disruptions from construction activities. This will allow more public funds to be allocated to rehabilitating other deteriorating infrastructure within the municipality. To this end, the City of Dieppe has implemented stormwater design criteria to mitigate the effects of urbanization and climate change while sustaining both existing and new storm-sewer infrastructure. The City is also endeavouring, in the long term, to implement watershed management plans for each of its watersheds with a potential for high-density development. This will facilitate development by addressing stormwater management requirements more economically on a regional scale rather than on individual properties. Rodney Hopper is with Touchie Engineering. E-mail: rhopper@rvanderson.com. Hans Arisz is with Hydro-Com Technologies. E-mail: harisz@rvanderson.com

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Understanding the treatment of water plant residuals

By Nathaniel Andres, EIT, B.E.Sc. n recent years, “residue management” has become a common term in the water industry. As environmental awareness continues to drive engineering projects, more stringent regulations are being imposed. Therefore, it is critical for the industry to understand the basic concepts behind the process and the regulations that govern the treatment of water residuals. Residuals consist of settled sludge from preliminary treatment, and backwash wastewater from filtration in the water treatment process. Their discharge is regulated by effluent limits; the extent to which the material is treated is highly dependent on whether it is sent to surface waters or the sewer system. Discharge to the sewer system is the cheapest method of residue management and requires only equalization of the flow prior to discharge. Slightly more advanced systems provide an extra step for thickening. In these situations, the supernatant (the liquid above the precipitate) is sent to a body of water and



the settled materials are transferred to the sewer system. The third option, which is the basis of the process design described here, returns supernatant to a watercourse but captures and dewaters the settled sludge, producing a dry “cake” for disposal. For discharges into the environment, process residuals are generally treated for total suspended solids (TSS) and chlorine. Chlorine concentration varies according to the amount of residual that each facility applies. The solids that comprise the residual material are products of the source water and chemical additives used to aid in its treatment. The term “solids,” although common to the practice, can be deceptive. Settled sludge, from either a conventional flocculation and sedimentation system or a mechanical clarifier, can be described as a pumpable slurry made up of roughly 3-5% solids, while the filter backwash, usually less than 0.1% solids, is, essentially, turbid water. Legislation The Ontario Water Resources Act stipulates that the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has the authority to order the owner of a water treatment plant to provide whatever means necessary to prevent discharges that may be harmful to a watercourse. These orders are upheld in the site-specific Certificate of Approval (C of A). Benchmark

values used by the MOE to create these discharge limits are the Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO). These limits were introduced with the overall goal of ensuring that Ontario’s surface waters remain safe for aquatic life and recreational purposes. PWQOs are not legal standards unless they are included in the C of A. Treatment plants that do not currently treat residues are fixed to a caveat in the C of A that specifies a deadline for the facility to make the necessary upgrades to meet more rigorous effluent criteria. Although rare, there are water treatment plants in Ontario that do not treat residues and were not given such a deadline. Nevertheless, these plants do not have complete freedom; rather, they are intermittently required to conduct studies to characterize the nature of their discharges in order to determine if residue management is necessary. Process design Although the process of managing water treatment residuals is often compared to sewage treatment, there are significant differences in the influent chemistry and, accordingly, the treatment processes. As mentioned, residue management facilities are concerned with a number of impurities, but the removal of TSS and chlorine are the priorities. Conversely, municipal wastewater treatment continued overleaf...

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Residuals plants, in addition to TSS, are required to remove contaminants such as nitrogen, phosphorus and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). As an example, Ontario’s wastewater is usually composed of 200250mg/L of BOD, compared to just 1020mg/L in water treatment residuals. A typical residue management facility will employ chemical conditioning, thickening and dewatering. Plants will also utilize an equalization tank at the inlet of the facility to accept filter backwash, clarifier sludge and the liquids extracted by dewatering. A sludge holding tank may also be used prior to dewatering to ensure a consistent sludge concentration and to provide storage that allows flexibility in equipment operation. There are many proven technologies available for treating residuals. A designer should be prepared to evaluate them to optimize the process. Some of the most common treatment technologies, with proven results of producing a dry cake, are presented here. Given that the most common form of cake disposal is to landfill, a drier product can drastically reduce tipping fees for the owner. Chemical conditioning The quantity of solids that can be extracted from the residue management process depends on two main factors. The first factor is the chemical coagulant used to agglomerate the solids. The second is the quality of water that enters the water treatment plant. Since a designer is often fixed to a water source, it is easier to adjust the dose or concentration of chemical compounds to suit subsequent processes. Typical coagulants include aluminum sulphate (alum), ferric chloride, ferrous chloride and polymers. Each reacts differently under various process technologies, but polymers tend to be most favourable when mechanical dewatering is employed. Jar tests should be conducted to establish the most suitable coagulant for the conditions. The coagulant assists in particle settling by eliminating the particles’ colloidal properties. When the negative charges that inhibit sedimentation are removed, solids are allowed to agglomerate and settle. Flocculation, or gentle agitation, should be provided to give the particles ample opportunity to come together. A coagulant is also added fol38 | January 2009

Example of dry cake.

lowing thickening to improve the efficiency of the dewatering equipment. Thickening Following coagulant addition and flocculation is the thickening stage. Thickening improves dewatering capabilities by increasing the solids concentration. A removal rate of approximately 95% with a solids concentration of up to 6% is achievable through most technologies. Historically, standard gravitational thickening has been most successful for water treatment residuals, but other technologies worth exploring are solidscontact, ballasted flocculation and dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickeners. Pilot studies are recommended to find the optimum thickening process. Standard gravitational thickening involves separate units for coagulation, flocculation and settling. The requirements of a large footprint and relatively high residence time are often determined to be acceptable trade-offs for proven success in achieving a high percentage of solids. Typical results for these systems are 4-6% in solids concentration. They are simple to operate and have relatively low operating costs. Solids-contact thickening is an emerging technology that, through years of improvement, has become a financially feasible solution to residue management. It combines rapid mix coagulation, flocculation and clarification in a single, compact unit and is able to

operate under high hydraulic loadings. Recirculating the sludge offers excellent savings in coagulant dosing, while a sludge blanket is responsible for providing better flocculation. The ballasted flocculation system is a process that uses both chemical and physical means to thicken the influent. An anionic polymer and a continuous supply of coagulant are utilized to encourage the settling of suspended solids by combining the floc. The coagulant used is microsand, which is recycled through the system. A hydrocyclone delivers the centrifugal force required to separate the microsand from the sludge. Financial savings resulting from the high-quality sludge can be lost in excessive operational costs if the recycle rate of the microsand is not maintained. DAF also requires that all particles undergo coagulation and flocculation. While the goal of gravity settling is to produce large, heavy floc, DAF incorporates flocculation to produce many smaller particles that float to the surface via fine bubble aeration. Sludge that is collected at the top of the tank is easily removed with a skimmer. This form of treatment is particularly effective at removing solids with low specific gravity and other characteristics such as turbidity, colour and algae. It is also known to remove powerful odours and operate with low retention times and, therefore, a much smaller tank. Operational

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Typical process diagram for a residue management facility.

costs for compressed air and polymer dosages must be considered in the design. Dewatering Pilot studies are generally the best method for finding the most effective dewatering mechanism. Some of the most common forms of dewatering equipment include a belt filter press, centrifuge, and plate and frame filter press. Sand drying beds were used in the past but have been phased out of designs, as increased flow volumes require a very large footprint for the beds. The belt filter press design is based on a very simple concept. Sludge is compressed between two tensioned, permeable belts and is forced over and under various rollers. For any given belt tension, as roller diameter decreases, an increase in pressure is transferred to the sludge, squeezing out the water to achieve a total cake solids concentration of up to 25%. To prevent common problems, plant operators are required to monitor the equipment consistently for broken belts and clogged pores. Centrifugal dewatering uses highspeed rotation of a cylindrical bowl to force the water out of the solids. It operates as a continuous feed system, with the solids being removed by a scroll conveyor and discharged, while the liquids flow out over a weir. Results vary with centrifuge dewatering, reaching as high as 30% solids concentration but as low as 15% or worse for alum sludge. Downfalls of this method include its susceptibility to corrosion, abrasion and www.esemag.com

wear. Furthermore, energy requirements are much greater than for other options. It does, however, offer continuous operation with minimal operator attention following start-up. The plate and frame press is one of the most common forms of dewatering on the market today. The driving force behind this dewatering mechanism is the pressure differential. The reason this process is used so widely is because it produces a drier cake than any other dewatering technology. Previous installations have achieved 30% total cake solids and better. The main advantages to this equipment include savings in landfill tipping fees, adaptability to a variety of solids characteristics, high mechanical reliability and high filtrate quality. Summary Given the adaptability and success of today’s thickening and dewatering technologies, the discharge criteria established by Ontario’s MOE are more achievable than ever. Those directly involved in water treatment are inherently familiar with the legislation and processes behind the practice. It is now time for others in related industry applications to take the time to understand this specialized field, as residue management will continue to be at the forefront of water treatment designs. Nathaniel Andres is with R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd. E-mail: nandres@rvanderson.com

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Operator Training

Managing remote First Nations water and wastewater treatment plants By Mohammed N. Karim perators of water and wastewater treatment plants in remote First Nations communities in Ontario are being trained through a program managed by the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation. The corporation is mandated by Ontario First Nations Chiefs-in-Assembly to provide advisory-level technical services to the province’s tribal councils, large First Nations and unaffiliated First Nations. Its main objective is to foster greater First Nations autonomy in the acquisition of capital facilities and infrastructure development. It also promotes the development of modern community health and safety practices. The Circuit Rider Training Program (CRTP) is based on a similar program started 16 years ago in Saskatchewan. The general objectives of the CRTP are to promote hands-on training of First


Nations water and wastewater treatment plant operators, to reduce recapitalization costs, to minimize service interruptions resulting in school and medical station closures, and ultimately to improve social conditions within the communities through improved management of water and sanitation facilities. The long-term objective is to maintain a revolving training cycle for First Nations plant operators with varied technical and operational skill levels to ensure they become fully competent in performing their assigned duties. A First Nations community with interest and commitment by a trainee or trainees can ask to participate in the CRTP. Communities are selected based on several criteria, including health and safety issues within the community; type, complexity, age and condition of the facility; remoteness, geographic location and accessibility; and commit-

ment by the community through a band council resolution. After a community has been selected and trainees identified, the trainer (circuit rider) visits the site to review the program and obtain community assurances of commitment. The trainer establishes a training cycle in conjunction with the trainees, and then undertakes periodic site training sessions over a oneto two-year period. The total time depends on the number and complexity of the facilities and the aptitude of the trainees. The instruction method is based on demonstration by the trainer followed by repeated hands-on return demonstration by the trainees; they are shown how to do the work and then they actually do it. Each stage of development is noted on a performance chart that tracks each trainee’s level of competency in various areas. Instruction is supplemented by a


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Operator Training 12-module training manual and participation in a basic mathematics course and an occupational health and safety workshop. All 12 modules of training materials have been approved by the Ontario Environmental Training Consortium and the provincial Ministry of the Environment to award continuing education units to participating plant operators. The First Nations are adopting Ontario Drinking Water Regulations as a best practice in operating their water treatment plants. Most of the water and wastewater treatment plants have been classified, and operators are progressing through the certification levels by attending courses and appearing in the licensing examination at designated local community colleges. In addition to the training modules, an annual trade show allows the operators to take part in technical hands-on sessions in the areas of laboratory, pump, valve and hydrant maintenance, and demonstration of the confinedspace entry procedures and related equipment. These technical sessions provide the operators with hands-on experience with new equipment being marketed by suppliers. Participating communities and plants Currently 55 First Nations communities in Ontario are participating in the CRTP, including fly-in remote communities as well as drive-in communities. High-risk water and wastewater treatment plants are given priority in receiving the training. The following types of plants are being serviced under the program: • Conventional water treatment plant with zebra mussel control and chlorination. • Membrane filtration plant with chlorination. • Pulsapak package water treatment plant with chlorination. • Water treatment plant with zebra mussel control, Dynasand filtration, granular activated carbon treatment and chlorination. • Slow sand filter with ozonation and chlorination. • Green sand filter with chlorination. • Rotating biological contactor with UV disinfection and phosphorus removal. • Rotating biological contactor with chlorination and phosphorus removal. www.esemag.com

• Lagoon system with pumping station and collection system. • Sequencing batch reactor with UV disinfection. • Lake intake with cartridge filters and chlorination. Challenges under the program First Nations communities face a number of challenges in finding and retaining water treatment plant operators: • Education requirements – Few operators have achieved Grade 12 education, the minimum requirement for licensing

and certification. • Manuals and procedures – Most plants do not have as-built drawings, operations and maintenance manuals, standard operating procedures manuals, emergency response plans, and written health and safety procedures. • Monitoring – No inspection/monitoring of the operators’ performance parallel to the Ontario Ministry of Environment is being carried out to determine if they are following the proper procedures for continued overleaf...

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Operator Training plant compliance to best practices. • Succession planning – In small remote First Nations communities, it is difficult to maintain certified operators within the community. • Start-up training – Training provided by the consultant/contractor at plant start-up and commissioning is often inadequate. CRTP assistance is provided once the plants are officially handed over to First Nations, but plant deficiencies from the start-up and commissioning can become an inherent problem for operators. • Maintenance – Preventative maintenance of water treatment and distribution systems is not carried out in most communities due to inadequate budgets. This activity also requires people with proper knowledge and trade licences. Also, most plants do not have sufficient funds to undertake even minor corrective maintenance. If something is broken, it can take an inordinate amount of time to get repaired. Spare parts are not kept in stock due to insufficient O&M funding. When monitoring and control equipment fails, it is often left alone as long as the plant can run in manual mode.

Edward Panamick, Jason Fox, Gary Wheatley and Mohammed Karim in front of Henvey Inlet Water Treatment Plant, December 2008.

Proper tools for repair and maintenance are often not readily available. • Equipment – Confined-space equipment is not available in most communities and as a result safety procedures are being compromised. As well, plant operators require regular training in the use of safety equipment and confinedspace entry procedures. • Health and safety training – Many operators lack training in basic health and safety procedures such as WHMIS and first aid.

• Access to technical advice – Once the trainer leaves the training site, there is no one to help the operators on technical issues in the event of unusual circumstances and/or emergencies. • Outdated manual – The present CRTP manual was developed in 1995/96. It needs to be upgraded to include the latest treatment technologies and applicable best practices. It does not include an overview of new drinking water regulations and standards. • Inadequate coverage – Not all First


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Operator Training Table 1: Distribution of various licences of First Nations plant operators from OETC Database (February 2006).








Water treatment







Water distribution







Water distribution and supply







Wastewater treatment





Wastewater collection














Nations with plants are covered under CRTP, although requests for assistance are frequently received. There is no pool of technicians (mechanical, electrical, controls) to provide emergency assistance. As a result, assistance to First Nations is not available in a timely manner, and non-compliant plants cannot meet best practices. • Travel costs – For remote First Nations communities, costs for travel to examination sites and training centres can be prohibitive. • Lack of access to classroom continuing education opportunities. • Language barriers. Success of the program Despite these challenges, the CRTP has proven to be successful. Operators who have completed the training program express confidence in their abilities and “pride and ownership” of their plants. Some operators have already taken the operator-in-training examination and are preparing for the Class-I and Class-II certification examinations in water and wastewater treatment, collection and distribution systems. The quality of water and sewage effluent has improved in the participating communities. As additional funding becomes available from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation will make the program available to any First Nations community in Ontario that wishes to participate. Mohammed N. Karim, M.Eng., P.Eng., is with the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation. E-mail: mkarim@ofntsc.org




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Measurable energy savings through a team approach By Tom Brown ignificant financial savings, environmental footprint reduction and today’s requirement for continuous improvement in all areas of manufacturing mean that no category of expenditure can be overlooked. Even if energy expenditure is a small proportion of total cost it is likely that it ranks high on the list of areas where savings or cost avoidance can be achieved, particularly if gains in improving raw material and labour efficiency have been exhausted. Many companies believe the procurement of energy is the only viable option to control energy costs. Although an effective purchasing strategy is important, this is only part of the equation. Once the energy is purchased, if usage is not carefully monitored and controlled, the initial purchasing savings disappear quickly through preventable, wasteful consumption. Frequently, the benefits of minimizing energy usage are not linked to measurable environmental benefits or used to promote an energy efficiency culture within or outside the company. Those organizations who view their environmental policy solely in terms of meeting regulatory requirements and not incorporating energy conservation reductions as a priority will miss out on significant savings or cost avoidance opportunities. Reducing energy usage can have the same impact on the bottom line as increasing sales revenues. With the industry average profit margin of 1%, every dollar saved on energy is the equivalent of $100 of industrial product sold, or increasing the margins on some existing products by reducing operating costs. These bottomline savings are substantial and, in many cases, can be achieved with little or no capital investment required. Historically, energy has been addressed strictly as a technical issue and organizations have tended to focus on new technology for their energy savings. Although technical insight is absolutely essential, business acumen must also be incorporated when making energy decisions. Typically, energy management is lim-


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Participants at a company workshop to establish a sustainable energy plan.

ited to one person or one department. Often, this one person or department is not in the position to garner a lot of interest or support within the company. In a lean manufacturing environment, this person is already so busy with other tasks that the mandate of complete energy responsibility can be overwhelming. As a result of this structure, energy becomes isolated from other critical planning activities and is not seen as a high priority for the organization. We know ‘engineering’ may spec new equipment because it has been recommended by suppliers to save energy. However, the challenge with relying solely on new technology is the organization’s ability to sustain energy savings. For example: How many companies ensure their equipment has been commissioned properly to achieve the noted savings? How many promote their achieved cost reductions within their organization and, if there is a change in operations, is the affected equipment re-commissioned to ensure it is operating effectively? In these cases, the efficiency benefits of new equipment can be missed and the savings become unsustainable. This is not to say technical expertise is irrelevant when managing energy. Fortunately, most companies realize it is absolutely essential to have technical experts on board. Viewing energy as strictly a business issue would be equally one-dimensional. A business-

only approach would severely lack the imperative technical insight required and decision-making ability would be dramatically reduced. In fact, the list of business-only approach limitations would easily exceed the technical-only shortcomings described above. The key to success is involving a variety of technical and business personnel in the energy management process, ensuring organizational integration and the achievement of sustained results. A shift in organizational behavior is required; energy must be controlled by everyone in the organization from the CEO to the people on the plant floor who use energy every day. The challenge for organizations lies in knowing where to begin. Creation and implementation of a sustainable energy plan A sustainable energy plan (SEP) is a company-wide effort and strategy, with both a business and technical focus, for reducing costs. The first thing that must be done is to review all possible energy management practices with a variety of department managers at the same table. Identify the current position and determine what actions need to be taken over the next three years. It is essential to demonstrate to senior management all steps to reduce cost without spending a large amount of capital. Surprisingly, it has been proven that half of a company’s energy savings can

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Energy be achieved with limited capital. These cost savings are achieved through simple management practices, often requiring a different way of thinking. Once this is demonstrated to management they are typically more receptive to approach them on capital.

can be controlled with their support. The plan your group develops bridges the gap between senior management and other disciplines by creating accountability and targets for usage at every level. In fact, the plan should be used as a sales proposal to motivate

Making a plan and proceeding to successfully implement, monitor, and follow up is a guaranteed way to reduce your energy usage, in addition to the increased environmental benefits and the fulfilled corporate social responsibilities. A successful plan matches up with all organization activity and typically incorporates customized strategies for procurement, conservation and demand management. Traditionally, senior management have not focused on energy because they didn’t understand it and thought it could not be controlled. Through the development of a company-specific SEP, you will be able to speak senior management language and demonstrate that energy

senior management and various departments to sign a mandate saying energy is controllable and they will review and support your plan efforts. Developing an SEP is a proven, proactive, measurable approach that provides a structure for managing volatile energy costs. This is not to say that an SEP can be bought or that simply copying a competitor’s plan will be effective. For the plan to have any value, it must be cre-

ated internally. Creating the plan inhouse ensures that all team members take ownership of the plan and subsequently, energy awareness is raised throughout the organization. Creating a plan and filing it away for future reference will be equally ineffective. By constantly revisiting and revising strategies, the SEP becomes a living, breathing document. Making a plan and proceeding to successfully implement, monitor, and follow up is a guaranteed way to reduce your energy usage, in addition to the increased environmental benefits and the fulfilled corporate social responsibilities. With a variety of people involved in energy initiatives, measurable savings are achieved, energy usage is minimized and organizational objectives are met. Remember, the starting point for this team approach is the development of your SEP, your site-specific, internally-created, sustainable plan for managing energy. Tom Brown is with 360 Energy Inc., Burlington, Ontario. E-mail: tom.brown@360energy.net

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Innovative geosynthetic cap helps Ottawa By Mark Simpson and Susan Ruttan with its landfill ike many large Canadian cities, Ottawa is trying to improve the way it handles the garbage its citizens generate. An innovative landfill cap installed at the main Ottawa landfill is helping with that improvement. The City of Ottawa hired Layfield Environmental Systems to install a low-permeability geosynthetic cap over Stages 3 and 4 of the City’s Trail Waste Facility. That 32-hectare cap, completed in October 2008, will minimize infiltration and leachate generation from the landfill. The landfill, which opened in 1980, was developed in four stages. Stages 1 and 2 are unlined landfill cells, and Stages 3 and 4 are engineered landfill cells underlain by a low-permeability liner and a leachate collection system. Since Stage 4 was fast approaching its approved limit, the City of Ottawa received provincial approval in 2005 for a vertical increase - upward expansion of Stages 1 and 2. It also decided to put a temporary cap for at least 15 years on Stages 3 and 4 in order to reduce the potential for leachate to be generated from the site. After that time, it is expected that the interim cap will be removed and use of Stages 3 and 4 will resume under a vertical increase plan. The City rejected the idea of covering Stages 3 and 4 with a low-permeability soil cap because of the limited quantities of clay in the area. Instead it chose a


geosynthetic cap, one that was exposed rather than buried. A buried cap would have required ongoing maintenance of the surface materials over the cap. An exposed cap is also cheaper to remove. In the request for proposals, the City asked for a cover material that would meet certain minimum physical properties but would also have a 15-year design life. Layfield proposed two products that met the physical criteria: a 0.75-mm (30mil) thick high density polyethylene (HDPE 30) geomembrane, and a 30-mil Enviro Liner 6030 geomembrane. Although both materials met the physical criteria, the Enviro Liner 6030 also came with a warranty that would cover the 15year expected design life. In the end, the Enviro Liner option was chosen. Documented long-term UV testing and a manufacturer’s warranty covering the design period were the major selling points. As well, its flexibility and its ability to remain intact through excessive elongation gave it advantages over stiffer products like HDPE. EL6030 can be factory prefabricated into large panels and folded without damaging the membrane. HDPE cannot be folded and must be entirely field-fabricated, increasing risk to its quality, safety and productivity. Layfield and the project designers, Golder Associates, Dillon Consulting and JL Richards, faced a number of design challenges in the project. The City

The Enviro Liner 6030 panels were prefabricated into custom panel sizes before delivery to site. A prefabricated panel is being delivered to the installation area on the landfill. 46 | January 2009

of Ottawa had recently installed a network of wells to extract landfill gas at the Trail Road landfill, and the gas is used in an on-site power generation facility. The cap needed to provide access paths for all-terrain vehicles to service the gas extraction wells that are on top of Stages 3 and 4. The team also had to handle the wind uplift that might affect an exposed geomembrane cap. In the cap design, a series of granular-filled ballast trenches and anchor trenches were used to deal with possible uplift of the geomembrane. It even used the access paths to the gas extraction wells as part of the ballast system. Designers also had to consider the potential for waste settling under the cap at different rates, due to decomposition of different kinds of materials and different levels of compaction. A relatively flexible cap was desirable to meet that challenge. Use of a low-permeability exposed cap meant altering the existing site drainage network around the landfill. That network had enough capacity to handle runoff from a vegetated cover, but a low-permeability cap generates significantly more storm runoff. The team made a number of improvements to drainage, including replacing the culvert crossings in the outside perimeter ditch with larger concrete box culverts. Overcoming pressure problems The cap designers worked on the assumption that underlying landfill gas pressures beneath the cap would be neutral i.e., the landfill gas collection system was not creating negative pressure through the cover soils, and the collection system was preventing landfill gas from escaping out through the cover soils. The ballast system to handle winds was designed on the assumption that negative pressure could not be relied on to prevent wind uplift. Things proved more difficult than the design team expected. While the cap was being installed, the team noticed that portions of the cap were lifting up even when winds were low. Although the ballast system worked to contain

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Landfill these lifted areas, the lifting was a problem. The cap was being inflated by landfill gas venting through the underlying waste and sandy bedding soils. Upper portions of the waste mound seemed not to be benefiting from the landfill gas collection network. In some areas, landfill gas pressures, possibly combined with some wind uplift, lifted the geomembrane cap by almost five metres, which was close to the wind uplift predicted under the maximum design wind speed. The design team was concerned that such high uplift could permanently deform the geomembrane or pull it out from beneath the travel paths or ballast trenches. The design team worked with designers of the landfill gas extraction system to find a way to extract accumulated landfill gas from beneath the cap in inflated areas and convey that gas to the landfill gas collection system. A field trial was done in which the geomembrane cap was perforated in an inflated area and a hose was inserted and connected to an adjacent landfill gas extraction well. And it worked; the extraction well was able to remove all the accumulated landfill gas in an inflated area in less than 12 hours. Based on the success of the field trial, the team installed permanent landfill gas extraction ports in areas of the cap that had been inflating and in provisional areas adjacent to landfill gas extraction wells. These ports will allow easy connection to the landfill gas collection system if they are required. Despite the problem of inflation from landfill gas, no notable change occurred in the thickness of the geomembrane in these inflated areas of the landfill cap. Nor were there any signs of permanent deformation of the geomembrane. Installation challenges Laying out the geomembrane panels was a complex undertaking due to the highly irregular shape, grade changes and numerous trenches in the landfill mound. Layfield used three standard panel sizes. That minimized the time spent in the field sorting individual panels and eliminated the need to carefully co-ordinate fabrication and shipping of particular panels to the field placement team. The random nature of the landfill gas wells on the top of the landfill also www.esemag.com

proved a challenge in laying the panels. Installation of the liner began in Stage 3 of the landfill in the summer of 2007, while Stage 4 was still receiving waste. Stage 4 stopped receiving waste that fall, when Stage 1 was re-opened. Once landfilling stopped in Stage 4, the top of that mound was re-graded to improve drainage toward the existing side slopes and ditches around the base. Drainage provided many design challenges in the project. The design

team dealt with them by utilizing low spots on top of Stage 4 as drainage channels to convey surface runoff toward the steeper side slopes. As well, diversion berms were built beneath the cap material at points along the lower sections of the landfill footprint to help re-direct and disperse surface flows before they entered the perimeter ditches. Weather produced its own difficulties while Layfield was working on the continued on page 111...

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Wastewater Treatment

Nanoose Bay decentralized WWTP celebrates three years of successful operation

ith the technological advances in small plant performance and reliability, decentralized wastewater treatment plants have now become eminently feasible. Smaller local treatment plants, instead of a large central facility, allow for considerable economical advantages including the reduction of costly collection infrastructure. They also provide the opportunity for smaller incrementalas-needed expansion phasing. Significant environmental and practical advantages also exist, including the possibility of reclaimed water re-use or disposal even in a


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Mechanical room - sand filters and UV disinfection.

IPEC drum screen.

very environmentally-sensitive locality. In the early 2000s, Indian & Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) was evaluating the construction of a wastewater treatment plant to serve the Snaw-nawas First Nation village in Nanoose Bay in British Columbia. The plant was to

initially serve the village itself but expansions were anticipated because of growth of the village and future commercial developments alongside the nearby highway. The treated effluent was to be discharged by an ocean outfall into the en-

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Wastewater Treatment Table 1 – First Samples and Analysis (Taken November 1, 2005). BOD5 mg/l

TSS mg/l

Nitrite Nitrate mg/l

Ammonia Nitrogen mg/l

TKN mg/l

Total Nitrogen mg/l

Fecal Coliform CFU/100ml








Table 2 – Annual average of plant samples and operating data. Year




BOD Mg/l

TSS Mg/l












N-NH4 Mg/l

N-NOx Mg/l

TKN Mg/l

TN Mg/l







































BOD Mg/l

TSS Mg/l









Turb. NTU

Fecal Coliform Average Count/100 ml kWh/d


Notes: All data are annual averages of monthly sampling, testing and analysis which is performed by professional third party laboratory

vironmentally-sensitive Nanoose Bay. In 2002, INAC commissioned Chatwin Engineering and Novatec Consultants to prepare Expression of Interest (EOI) and, later, Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, and, after the due evaluation process, the project was awarded in 2004 to the team of Knappett Construction Ltd., of Victoria (general contractor), and ECOfluid Systems Inc. (treatment technology designer and provider) that had previously delivered a number of wastewater treatment projects in British Columbia. The project award, and the facility construction and operation included several innovative approaches, such as awarding the contract as a design/build/operate (DBO) contract, and the later inclusion of the development and implementation of training Band members to eventually become Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) certified operators. Design criteria The design criteria for the new plant came directly from the decentralized facility order book: • Produce high quality Class A effluent as stipulated by the Municipal Sewage Regulations (MSR), (BOD5, TSS and Total Nitrogen of less than 10, 10 and 20 mg/l respectively, ammonia nitrogen of less than 1 mg/l, and fecal coliform of less than 14/100 ml.) • Discharge the treated effluent into the environmentally-sensitive local recipient. • Allow for future incremental plant www.esemag.com

expansion. The initial capacity of 119 m3/d will be expanded in five future stages, each sized for an average flow of approximately 132 m3/d to an ultimate future average capacity of 775 m3/d. (In phases 4, 5 and 6, a mirror image plant is to be built). • Build a decentralized treatment

facility having a minimal visual, odor and noise impact on the neighbourhood. • Design an operator-friendly plant, keeping in mind that the plant will be for the most part operated by the Band member operator trainees. • Design a SCADA controlled plant continued overleaf...

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Wastewater Treatment that can be remotely monitored. • Develop and implement an operators’ training program for the Snaw-naw-as Band members, so that they can attain wastewater treatment plant operators’ certificates as per the requirements of the EOCP. The design As mandated, the plant was designed to be simple and easy to operate. The influent is pumped into an IPEC drum screen with 6 mm openings, with a sealed, continuous bagging system. Screened influent drops into an equalization tank provided with a set of duplex equalization pumps which are controlled by float switches and timers. The screened influent is then pumped through a flow splitter box into the anoxic compartments of two USBF bioreactors. Influent and recycled activated sludge mixed liquor flow to the aerobic compartment and the sludge and the treated water are eventually separated by the upflow sludge blanket filter (USBF). From the sludge blanket filter the treated effluent flows to the filter feed

tank, from which, controlled by flow switches, it is pumped through sand filters to the ultraviolet disinfection system overflow feed tank (which also serves as a reservoir for the sand filter backwash water). After flowing through the open channel Trojan UV disinfection unit, the effluent is discharged via ocean outfall into Nanoose Bay. Waste sludge is thickened in the ECOfluid STP pre-thickeners to approximately 2% dry solids, and controlled by sludge pre-thickener pump timers; it is transferred to the sludge holding tank before being periodically hauled away for disposal. The entire process is automatic and is SCADA monitored and controlled. Very little direct input by the operator is required. The design underwent extensive and drawn-out reviews by INAC and INACappointed consultants. Construction was finally given the go-ahead and commenced in April 2005. The plant The first phase of the plant was built over the next six months. To follow the

design criteria, the entire plant was installed within a building blending esthetically with the surrounding environment. The small footprint of the bioreactors allowed them to be installed below ground and within the building. Noise from the plant was reduced, firstly, by the fact that the USBF’s self-regulating hydraulics result in minimal motorized noise-emanating equipment, and, secondly, by the noise abatement design of the blower enclosure. In fact, the noise from the nearby highway is often higher than that emanating from the plant. USBF bioreactors are odor free. The only other sources of odor, such as the screen room, and the equalization tank gas phase, are piped into an air fan which passes the collected gas through a biofilter bed. (The odor abatement system described was not ECOfluid’s first and preferred choice. In most ECOfluid plants the odorous gas would be piped to the air blowers and, subsequently, stripped during the mixed liquor aeration). Phase 1 of this advanced plant was completed in October 2005, and the

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Wastewater Treatment plant started to receive wastewater on October 20, 2005. The first sampling and analysis were performed within two weeks of the plant start-up and the data were well within the design parameters (Table 1). Plant performance In the last three years the plant performance has been consistently within the Class A design parameters. Table 2 summarizes annual averages of monthly sampling and analysis. Prior to the sampling of the influent BOD, the operators and the designers were baffled by the elevated Total Nitrogen, which, while still within the design criteria, hovered higher than the 10 mg/l typically expected of the USBF plants. Subsequent analysis of the influent BOD confirmed the initial suspicion that the consistently low influent BOD did not provide sufficient donor carbon necessary for denitrification. It is interesting to observe that the one year the influent BOD was higher (2006) resulted in much better denitrification and TN was reduced to an average of 12.5 mg/l. Although the plant still performs within the design criteria, the addition of supplemental carbon on a trial basis will be implemented. To compound the denitrification process challenge, it was recently discovered through the construction photos, that a fine air bubble diffuser was installed in error within the anoxic compartment instead of a coarse air bubbler intended for mixing. The situation will be corrected in early spring of 2009. Addition of supplemental carbon, and replacement of the fine air diffuser in the anoxic compartment will no doubt bring the Total Nitrogen levels closer to, or below the USBF customary 10 mg/l. The plant's absolute power consumption is approximately 250 kWh/day. The specific power consumption (kWh/m3 or kWh/kg BOD) will reach its optimum when the plant capacity loading increases. Operator training The development and implementation of the Band members' operating training program were a first for INAC and ECOfluid. The program’s goal was to have two Band members attain wastewater treatment plant operators’ certification as per the requirements of the EOCP. Two trainees were selected by the www.esemag.com

Band and the training started even before the plant construction was completed. Based on the Sacramento State Office of Water Programs (OWP) and other sources, the training curriculum and methodology were developed entirely by ECOfluid, and included both classroom lectures and hands-on, practical education and training. To date, both original trainees are still maintaining the day-to-day operations of the plant. They have shown

great dedication to the job and have embraced the steep learning curve. Daily reports are submitted to the ECOfluid chief operator, who visits the plant periodically but who, in any case, is never more than a few hours away, outlining operating parameters and issues that need to be addressed. For more information, E-mail: jhebner@ecofluid.com

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Site Remediation

Bioremediation replaces“dig and dump” for treatment of pesticides in soil By David Hill and Alan Seech istorical usage of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as DDT, toxaphene and dieldrin has resulted in long-term soil contamination, because these substances typically do not degrade naturally at significant rates, so sites are still impacted decades after the end of application. For example, DDT use in Canada ended over 30 years ago, but impacted soil remains at many sites. Such was the case at a former apple orchard in Ontario that was to be developed for housing, but where concentrations of DDT, DDE and dieldrin exceeded the residential use standards. In the past, the most common way to deal with OCP-impacted soil was “dig and dump”: excavation, trucking and disposal in an approved landfill. In this case, however, the real estate developer’s consultant had identified a potential on-site treatment technology called Daramend® (a registered trademark of Adventus Intellectual Property Inc.). The technology is based on addition of a soil amendment composed of biodegradable carbon in the form of processed plant material and zero-valent iron (ZVI). The amendment is thoroughly mixed into the soil, typically using a rotary tiller, and water is added to increase the soil’s moisture content to just below the saturation point. Zero-valent iron particles rust to form ferrous iron and release electrons in the


DARAMEND amendment provided in one-ton bulk bags.

process. Simultaneously, organic carbon is fermented by native soil micro-organisms, contributing more free electrons, which are transferred to electron acceptors, such as oxygen and nitrate, thereby driving soil redox conditions well into the negative range. Also through this in situ chemical reduction process, electrons are transferred to the OCPs, resulting in removal of chlorine atoms (reductive dechlorination). After a period of five to 10 days of strong reducing conditions, the soil is tilled again and allowed to dry, to impose aerobic conditions. Completion of

each anaerobic/aerobic period represents one “treatment cycle.” Typically, each treatment cycle results in a reduction in the soil OCP concentration. The number of cycles required to treat a given soil depends primarily on the initial concentrations and the remedial standards. The overall site was approximately 240 acres in size, of which 34 acres were impacted with OCPs. To validate the technology at this site, a two-acre pilot project was performed in late 2006. Tractors, tillage implements and irrigation equipment were mobilized to

Tables 1a) and b): Influence of DARAMEND treatment on DDT, DDE, and Dieldrin in soil. Data provided are average values, calculated using plots that were treated after one treatment cycle (Table 1a) and after two treatment cycles (Table 1b). Constituent data that were below standards at the beginning of treatment were not included in calculations. Table 1a Constituent DDT DDE Dieldrin

Initial Concentration (ppm) 1.90 2.38 0.064

Concentration After 1st Cycle (ppm) 0.98 1.11 0.040

Final % Removal 49% 53% 38%

Table 1b Constituent DDT DDE Dieldrin 52 | January 2009

Initial Concentration (ppm) 2.05 2.37 0.110

Concentration After 1st Cycle (ppm) 2.00 1.98 0.080

Concentration After 2nd Cycle (ppm) 0.66 0.80 0.028

Final % Removal 68% 66% 65%

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Site Remediation

Irrigation traveler carrying 365 m of hose and capable of delivering over 300 gallons per minute.

the site. After approximately three weeks of work, one treatment cycle was completed and soil samples were analyzed by an external laboratory, reveal-



ing that the soil had met the remedial standards. Given the success of the pilot-scale project, Adventus provided the developer with a full-scale, money-back performance guarantee whereby payment was required only for soil that was treated to the remedial standards. This removed significant risk for the developer. The full-scale implementation phase began in May 2007, since a soil temperature of at least 10˚C is needed to support sufficient microbiological activity. Additional tillage and irrigation equipment was mobilized to the site. The remaining 32 acres requiring remediation were located in 10 distinct areas and were separated by often large distances on the 240-acre site. One challenge was providing sufficient water to the isolated treatment zones. Water was sourced from two fire hydrants, depending on which area was being treated. A 300-gallon-per-minute pump was driven by the power take off of a tractor. From the pump, the water was conducted through up to 1,100 ft of 4-in. aluminum pipe (30-ft sections) to

a 12-ft-high water reel equipped with 1,200 ft of 4-in. diameter hose. At the end of the hose, a large sprinkler directed the water onto the soil. This setup provided a tremendous amount of flexibility in reaching various areas. An unoccupied barn was used to store equipment and materials. The Daramend amendment, which was supplied in one-ton bulk bags, was delivered to the site on 53-ft trailers as needed throughout the project. Representative soil samples were taken after the completion of each treatment cycle on the individual acres to determine if the remedial standards had been met. Approximately 60% of the areas was treated after one cycle, while the remaining 40% required a second cycle. All impacted areas were successfully treated to the remedial standards. The averaged data for each of these two groups of areas are presented in Table 1a and 1b. For plots that were treated in one cycle, the average percentage removal ranged from 38% to 53%. For plots requiring two treatment continued overleaf...











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Site Remediation

Tillage of soil using a rotary tiller driven by a 90-HP tractor.

cycles, the average percentage removal was between 65% and 68%. Although DDD (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane) did not exceed the remedial standards, it was reduced by an average of 57% in one treatment cycle. If the site had had higher concentrations to begin with, additional cycles might have been required

and would have yielded higher percentage removals. The guaranteed fixed-price cost of this turnkey project was less than US$35,000 per acre (under $21 per ton of soil). Compared to an estimated cost of $80/ton for the dig-and-dump option, the savings on the project were over $59

per ton. Thus, the bioremediation approach resulted in savings of over $3 million compared to dig and dump. In addition to the financial benefit, there were additional environmental and societal advantages. Being able to treat the impacts on site meant there would not be a constant flow of trucks to pick up and deliver the loads of soil to the landfill. This reduced noise emissions significantly, and cut the greenhouse gas emissions compared to the more than 2,500 truck trips that would have been needed to transport the soil off-site, and a similar number to bring in clean fill. To conclude, this innovative and cost-efficient approach to in situ soil remediation represents a transferable method that site owners, developers, engineers and regulators may consider for remediation not only of pesticides and herbicides, but also of chlorinated solvents and organic explosives, and for immobilization of heavy metals. David Hill and Alan Seech are with The Adventus Group. E-mail: david.hill@adventusgroup.com

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How to benefit from Canada’s R&D credit programs By Jason Schwandt ncouraging innovation is one of the most critical activities for all industrialized nations. Since 1985, Canada has offered incentives to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development that will lead to new or improved products, processes, or materials. The largest of these programs is known as SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development). This federal program, when combined with various provincial incentives, can help companies who conduct their development work in Canada recoup up to 68.5% of their R&D expenditures, bringing direct benefits to their bottom line. Many companies, however, overlook this source of revenue because they don’t think they qualify, or there is a perceived lack of time, resources or expertise to properly identify eligibility and manage the claims. This article answers some common questions regarding the SR&ED program. Qualifying for a claim and putting a company on a path to dollar recovery may be simpler than people think. 1. How can the SR&D program help us? The program gives claimants cash refunds and/or tax credits for their expenditures on eligible research and development work done in Canada. This allows companies to hire additional, or better qualified staff, conduct more development work, expedite projects, or just simply improve profitability. As long as the activities were conducted in Canada, qualifying expenditures may include wages, materials consumed, contractors, equipment purchased for SR&ED, some overheads, and third party payments to organizations such as universities. Recent legislation now allows up to 10% of eligible labour dollars to be utilized for wages for SR&ED activities conducted outside of Canada. 2. What are the eligibility criteria? To be eligible, a company must have performed qualifying work in the development of a product or process. In addition, there must have been qualifying dollars spent for the project(s). A



company may be eligible for a refund if: • It tries to overcome one, or more, technological problems. • It had to conduct trials, analyses, or experiments to solve those problems. • It required experience, or technologies not commonly available,

to solve these problems. • The work will result in a technological advancement. The advancement does not have to be new to the world; it can just be new to the company as long as it did not have continued overleaf...

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R&D ready and reasonable access to the details of that innovation. 3. Our company isn’t a high-tech company - can we still qualify? The SR&ED program is not exclusive to science and technology companies. As long as projects meet the criteria, they can qualify. In the simplest terms, if a company identified a technical problem, had some technical uncertainty as to how to resolve the problem, and it applied an iterative, experimental approach to solving the problem, there is a good chance it will be eligible to file a claim. It does not matter if the company is involved with environmental products, software, industrial manufacturing, food and beverages, medical products, or a wide range of other industries. 4. The project failed. Can a company still claim? Absolutely. If anything, failure demonstrates that there was some technical risk and uncertainty to your claim. 5. How much can be recovered? The maximum refund depends primarily on your type of company, province of op-

eration, and the type of expenditures claimed. For example, Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC), claimants in Ontario are eligible to receive 68.5% of labour expenditures, 41.5% of materials and subcontractor costs. Consider a CCPC who spends $100,000 on labour to conduct eligible development work. This organization would be eligible to receive a maximum of $68,500 as a refund. Refund rates for sole proprietorships, partnerships, public companies, and foreign-owned companies are slightly lower. 6. What kind of documentation is needed? The government will want to ensure there is some kind of dated documentation to substantiate your claim. This information could include project records, such as notebooks, test results, progress reports, drawings, schematics, or even photographs. For labour expenditures, the government expects some kind of tracking document describing the hours spent, by person and by project. For first time claimants, the government recognizes

Communal & Residential

companies may not have all of the information required. Therefore, it is somewhat more lenient. For subsequent claims, however, a more rigorous documentation system is needed. If you are claiming materials, purchase invoices or scrap certificates are necessary. For subcontractors, invoices and a signed Statement of Work transferring the right to claim SR&ED to you are key. Conclusion The Scientific Research & Experimental Development program provides strong incentives to companies willing to undertake efforts to achieve technological or scientific advancement. Participation helps to reduce the financial impact of development costs, encouraging companies to grow. In the long run, this can have significant benefit for the Canadian economy. Jason Schwandt is with Techcentive Services Inc. E-mail: jason@techcentiveservices.com

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Nanoparticles offer promise in ground water remediation anotechnology, the science of matter on the atomic scale, offers much promise for making water clean and safe for the world’s citizens, but care also should be taken to study possible unwanted environmental side effects, according to researcher Vicki Colvin, Ph.D., of Rice University. Colvin’s presentation, “Nanotechnology in the Environment: Clean Water from Small Materials,” explored the emerging science of nanotechnology at the National Ground Water Association’s Ground Water Expo and Annual meeting. A “nanoparticle” is 1 to 100 nanometers in diameter, a nanometer being one billionth of a meter in length. While some nanoparticles occur naturally, nanotechnology has resulted in the development of nanoparticles that have very specific properties. In the context of remediating contaminated water, two such properties are: 1) Sequestration, where the nanoparticle locks up a contaminant to where it’s not harmful; and, 2) Reaction, where a nanoparticle reacts with another sub-


stance to render it harmless. “The real benefits to ground water are all related to the surface area of nanoparticles. A gram of nanoparticle material might have the surface area of a football field. Nanoparticles have huge surface areas for reaction and sequestration,” Dr. Colvin said. Another advantage to nanoparticles is that they are so small they do not settle in water but are a part of the water flow, thus facilitating their ability to react with or sequester contaminants. Dr. Colvin said the ability to design and produce nanoparticles to do very specific things is so good that “you can make a nano-anything these days.” “The field of nanotechnology is projected to be a $1 trillion business in the next five to 10 years. They are in many consumer products from deodorants to sunscreen and car tires to golf clubs ”, Dr. Colvin said. “The question is, do they find their way into aquifers and are they going to be part of drinking water systems?” The same qualities that make nanoparticles so useful and effective can also present dangers to the environment.

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“Small amounts in mass could be huge amounts in surface area so that you could moderate and change environmental processes drastically,” she said. Among the potential issues: Nanoparticles could facilitate the transport of contaminants; the reactive properties of some nanoparticles could create unwanted byproducts; at its atomic-scale size, nanoparticles could invade and affect biological organisms in ways larger particles cannot; they could persist in the environment for a long time. “For all those reasons, we want to be cautious with them. The science of application of nanoparticles has been around for 10 years or longer. What’s newer and less evolved is the science of how to deal with the unwanted consequences,” said Dr. Colvin. This evolving science is complicated by the fact that it can be difficult to differentiate between naturally occurring and manmade nanoparticles.

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Water Reuse

Conserving water with closed-loop,evaporative wet surface air coolers By Jen Dorman ater conservation and treatment have become important considerations for industrial facilities worldwide. Wet Surface Air Cooler (WSAC™) closed-loop, evaporative coolers and condensers optimize the use of scarce water resources, may reduce the amount of water required in a plant, and can also be used to maintain the required temperature in wastewater streams. In addition to providing cooling and condensing solutions, a WSAC cooler or condenser can use low-quality water from almost any other source as spray makeup. Commonly used for adding capacity in “thermally challenged” plants, WSAC systems offer additional direct cooling without the need for additional tower capacity or makeup water. Because the spray water never contaminates the process stream and there


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58 | January 2009

Field erected Wet Surface Air Cooler.

is no exposure of process fluid to the environment, low-quality water can be used as a makeup source. In addition, spray water does not cycle through surface exchangers. Due to wide tube spacing and non-clogging, large-orifice spray nozzles, higher cycles of concentration can be achieved. The fluid to be cooled flows through large-diameter prime surface tubes. As an evaporative cooling device, a WSAC system has an operating approach (leading fluid temp) to the ambient wet bulb, not the dry bulb as with air-cooled units. This allows the process being cooled to be much cooler than the alternative system designs. The Niagara WSAC “single-source thermal responsibility” has proved to be a viable solution to control cooling capacity. WSAC technology combines elements of a tubular heat exchanger and cooling tower in a single structure. This is a cost-effective heat transfer technology providing lower outlet temperatures while requiring less plot space and operating HP. Each WSAC system is custom-designed to fit a specific heat transfer ap-

WSAC drenching spray system.

plication. To ensure efficient operation in all climates, design parameters are based on customer specifications for inlet and outlet temperatures as well as average weather conditions. Units can be manufactured with a wide variety of materials depending on water quality, water treatment and cycles of concentration. Varying in size from smaller packaged skidded to large field-erected units, WSAC equipment can be tailored to meet the most demanding applications. WSAC coolers and condensers have been engineered for industrial applications in power, primary metal, petrochemical, refinery, and food and beverage facilities. Applications for these closed-loop, evaporative coolers and condensers include fluid-loop cooling, direct-vapour condensing, hydrocarbon desuperheating and subcooling.

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Water Reuse Reusing low-quality water to condense steam Engineered for a natural gas-powered, 25 MW power plant in Australia, a WSAC steam condenser reuses lowquality water as spray water. Because of the water quality and ambient air effects on the external surfaces, corrosive-resistant coil material and protective surface finishes were selected for this unit. Regular service and cleaning are recommended for maintaining optimal performance, especially when low-quality water is used. Prime surface cleanable condensing coils offer complete internal access for inspection and cleaning, while an unobstructed view from above the tube bundles of the recirculating spray system and the outside tube surfaces permits daily visual inspection. This view is obtained by way of an external access package provided on this unit. WSAC system access packages typically include a ladder, cage walkway, handrail and access doors. WSAC coolers and condensers offer several advantages for similar sites with low-quality makeup, including a reduc-

tion of freshwater makeup and the ability to reduce plant wastewater and obtain higher cycles of concentration. Using existing cooling tower blowdown as makeup An international petroleum company in the southwestern United States selected Niagara to engineer a large fielderected WSAC system to condense propylene. The WSAC condenser offered this plant the ability to use existing cooling tower blowdown as spray makeup and reduced the horsepower required to condense this service. The WSAC system eliminated the need for an additional water source. Closed-loop, evaporative coolers offer an opportunity to reuse water that would otherwise be discharged. Using low-quality river water A field-erected, multi-cell hydrocarbon cooler and condenser were provided for a multinational oil company’s plant in the Middle East. Closed-loop technology permits the use of high-chloride river water as spray makeup. The WSAC cooler and condenser system designed for this facility allows for observation

and maintenance of the spray water distribution system without the need for structure entry or fan shutdown. An important design feature for this unit is individual tube bundle installation and removal by a vertical lift without affecting the operation of fans and remaining tube bundles. The straight-through mechanically cleanable individual tube bundles are hydraulically isolated for service or control. A self-draining, lowpressure, high-flow spray system that includes large-orifice non-clogging spray nozzles was designed so all spray nozzles can be inspected and serviced without removing any appurtenances while the equipment is in operation. Issues such as water conservation will continue to have an impact on plant design and operation. Closed-loop, evaporative coolers can help maintain plant performance while utilizing water streams that are currently unusable with conventional towers and heat exchangers. Jen Dorman is with Niagara Blower. E-mail: jdorman@niagarablower.com


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Wastewater Treatment

New MBR system upgrades Kilworth WPCP by Heather Brewer, Ben Samuell and Justin Leyland unicipal wastewater treatment facilities are facing increased environmental pressures to improve effluent quality. In some cases, improvements in the effluent quality must be achieved by additional treatment processes within the confines of the existing plant site. Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology provides a tertiary quality effluent within a compact footprint. As a result, the application of membrane technologies has increased substantially within the broader environmental community in recent years. This case study provides a perspective on the application, design and start-up experience for the integration of a membrane bioreactor at an existing municipal wastewater treatment facility. Project history Design and construction of a membrane bioreactor has been completed for the expansion and upgrade of the Kilworth Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). The Kilworth WPCP provides wastewater service for the village of Kilworth, located about 15 kilometres west of London, Ontario, in the Municipality of Middlesex Centre. The Kilworth WPCP consisted of an Old Plant (commissioned in the late 1970s) and a New Plant (commissioned in the mid-1990s). Both plants consisted of activated sludge (aeration and secondary clarification) with sludge holding


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Figure 1. Modification of inlet works for new fine screening.

tanks for seasonal sludge storage. A sand filter provided tertiary filtration of the secondary effluent from the New Plant only. The New Plant tertiary effluent was combined with the Old Plant secondary effluent prior to seasonal disinfection by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and subsequent discharge to the Thames River. Based on the age of the steel tanks in the Old Plant, and the environmental conditions in the New Plant tertiary filter building, it was identified that major re-

pairs/replacement of this equipment would be required to maintain the existing treatment capacity. In addition, expansion of the plant capacity was needed to accommodate rapid residential development occurring in the service area. Site constraints at the Kilworth WPCP presented significant challenges associated with a conventional expansion. With flows already approaching the rated plant capacity, all existing treatment processes would be required to remain in service during the construction of replacement/expansion processes. In addition, the expansion to double the plant capacity was to be based on maintaining the existing loading conditions to the effluent receiver. Therefore, tertiary treatment for the entire expanded plant capacity would be required. Under these constraints, the existing plant site could not accommodate the increase in plant capacity using conventional secondary (activated sludge) and tertiary (sand filtration) treatment processes. Membrane bioreactor technology The application of MBR technology was investigated as an alternative for capacity expansion of the Kilworth WPCP. Unlike conventional activated sludge systems, solid/liquid separation in the

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Wastewater Treatment MBR process does not rely on biomass settling properties and the secondary clarifier solids loading rate does not limit the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration. A compact footprint is achieved through two features of the MBR process: • Reduction of the bioreactor volume required for a given flow as a result of operation at higher MLSS concentrations; and • Replacement of secondary clarifiers and conventional filtration in a single stage membrane filtration process producing a high quality effluent. As a result of these inherent features, the MBR process was implemented within the existing site boundaries using the New Plant aeration tanks only to achieve the expanded plant capacity. The design approach included the reuse of other existing equipment, including chemical P-removal systems, UV disinfection and the blower/administration building. The New Plant secondary clarifiers and filtration and entire Old Plant activated sludge processes will be decommissioned.

Effluent requirements A new Certificate of Approval was issued for the MBR upgrade and expansion. The effluent objective and compliance concentrations specified on a monthly average basis are presented in Table 1. The effluent requirements also include monthly average loading limits based on these concentrations and the expanded plant capacity of 1,280 m3/d. Design components The design works required to convert the existing activated sludge system to a membrane bioreactor included the following major components: 1. Alteration of the existing inlet works structures to accommodate new grinders and 2 mm drum screening system (Figure 1) provided to protect the downstream membrane process. 2. Conversion of one sludge holding tank into a flow equalization tank to optimize membrane requirements. 3. Provision of new transfer pumps from existing aeration tanks to new membrane tanks and gravity flow return lines. 4. Provision of two new membrane tanks, complete with multiple membrane

cassettes, all housed in a new membrane building. The membrane filtration and ancillary systems included: • Variable speed permeate pumps to draw treated water through the membranes; • Citric acid and sodium hypochlorite chemical storage and injection systems for membrane cleaning; • Additional blowers for membrane aeration and air-scour cleaning; • Backpulse water storage tank; • Compressed air system for pneumatic valve operation; and • Lifting equipment for cassette removal. The membrane building, approximately 14 metres wide by 17 metres long, was located in available site space with allowance for all existing plant components to remain operational during construction. The building location also allowed the UV disinfection system to be incorporated within the building envelope. The membrane tanks were recessed below grade to minimize the height of the membrane building, which must be adecontinued overleaf...

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Wastewater Treatment Table 1. Effluent limits for MBR system at Kilworth WPCP.

Table 2. Timeline of project milestones.

quate to allow for periodic removal of the membrane cassettes. Schedule A Class Environmental Assessment (EA) that identified MBR as the preferred wastewater servicing alternative for Kilworth was completed by Conestoga-Rovers & Associates in November 2006. Detailed design and services during construction of the project were awarded subsequently to ConestogaRovers & Associates in December 2006. A membrane prequalification process was completed in May 2007 with the

award to GE Water and Process Technologies (formerly Zenon Environmental Inc.) based on extensive technical review, review of existing installations and competitive price quotations. Design and construction of the expansion project was completed over a period of approximately 24 months. The timeline of significant project milestones is provided in Table 2. Integration of MBR system A number of modifications were completed to accommodate the MBR treatment system during construction.

Detailed review by the membrane supplier at the initial design stage of the project is recommended to minimize modifications required during later stages of construction. Successful integration of the MBR treatment system also requires careful consideration of the existing facilities. Several examples of the integration issues at the Kilworth WPCP during construction are provided. Prior to the upgrade, the New Plant consisted of two parallel treatment trains (aeration and secondary clarifiers). Since the New Plant aeration tanks were retained for the MBR expansion, hydraulic connection was needed between the two aeration tanks to accommodate flow conditions. Both a below-operating level connection and an overflow weir were provided between the tanks to achieve hydraulic connection. One of the consequences of the nonoptimum position of the below-operating level hydraulic connection is that there is a reduced operating band for the aeration tank level and therefore, the permeate pump set-points also. The outlet/overflow weir from the

Cleantech Funding Available If you have an innovative clean technology, we want to hear from you. The SD Tech Fund is open for Statements of Interest from February 25 to April 22, 2009

Supporting the development and demonstration of clean technologies by Canadian companies.

www.sdtc.ca 62 | January 2009

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Wastewater Treatment

Figure 2. Outlet/overflow weir from the MBR tanks.

MBR tanks was located perpendicular to the MBR support beams (Figure 2) to increase flow across the MBR cassettes. Since the clearance between the MBR support beams and the membrane tank water surface during operation is limited, there is a tendency for some foam to accumulate between the MBR support beams. Backup power for the treatment plant was provided by a 175 kW generator. Although several electrical upgrades were completed (i.e., splitting of essential/nonessential loads, new motor control cen-


tres, new distribution panels), the design approach was based on the reuse of the existing backup generator for the MBR upgrade and expansion. As a result, the re-start procedure for the MBR system after loss of power was customized to avoid amperage spikes that could not be handled by the existing generator. The MBR system is controlled by multiple pneumatic valves for membrane aeration and air-scour sequences. Since the plant site is located in close proximity to residential and recreational areas, si-

lencers were added to these air-actuated valves to mitigate noise impacts. The new blowers provided for membrane aeration did not present any additional noise issue. Start-up performance The membranes were commissioned in November 2008. Significant benefit was realized by keeping all existing plant components operational during construction and commissioning of the MBR system. Initial control and performance testing of the MBR system was conducted with recirculation of the MBR effluent back to the existing treatment system. Permeate samples were collected to monitor membrane performance during start-up. During this period, the concentrations of conventional parameters in the permeate from the MBR treatment system were typically less than the reportable detection limit for each parameter. The MBR system also successfully met effluent requirements during a 72-hour stress test. Heather M. Brewer, Ben Samuell and Justin Leyland are with Conestoga-Rovers & Associates. E-mail: hbrewer@ craworld.com

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Environmental Protection

In situ oil containment system installed at eco-sensitive electrical substation hen an environmental assessment of one of ATCO Electric’s substations in Alberta determined that the site was at high risk, the company looked for a solution that would be most compatible with the site. ATCO serves more than 179,000 customers in northern and east-central Alberta which are resource-rich areas of the province where electricity is an essential component of industrial development. An environmental assessment was carried out on a substation built in the early 1980s south of Valleyview, on the banks of the Little Smokey River. This substation consists of two transformers, each containing approximately 70,000 litres of mineral oil. The assessment deemed the site to be at high risk due to the amount of oil in the transformers and their location near the river. Due to the possibility of damage to


More resources. More technologies. More solutions.

Completed installation of the Sorbweb Plus secondary oil containment with firewall erected between the two transformers.

the environment and monetary penalties that this could bring, ATCO quickly came to the conclusion that it was in its best interest to find a preventive secondary oil spill containment solution. This substation supplies a large amount of electricity in northern Alberta so it would not be possible to take the two transformers off-line to install a secondary containment system. After researching various types of secondary oil containment systems, ATCO concluded that the Sorbweb™Plus system offered by Albarrie Canada Ltd. was the

logical solution for complete containment. SorbwebPlus is a no-maintenance, passive system that can be installed around existing energized transformers and will function in all severe weather conditions. It is designed to contain 110% of the volume of oil within the transformers along with a historical 24hour rainfall over the past 25 years. During the installation of the secondary oil system, all cable trays within the perimeter of the containment system had to be taken into account, including a trenwa (concrete subsurface cable tray).

More resources. More Technologies. More solutions. Siemens partners with Napier Reid Ltd to offer market-advancing Memcor® and MBR technologies for municipal drinking water in Ontario and Manitoba. Contact: Napier Reid Ltd, 10 Alden Rd., Markham, ON, phone:s 905.475.1545 www.siemens.com/water

Water Technologies

64 | January 2009

Further excavation around oil filled transformers to final depth for the Sorbweb Plus secondary oil spill containment system. Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Environmental Protection Given the area that was available for the system, it was also necessary to lower the grounding grid from 0.5 m to 1.0 m. All this had to be accomplished while the transformers were live. As a firewall was to be installed between the two transformers, two contain-

firewall foundation so allowance was made for passage of the cable tray through the foundation. This would later be sealed to prevent any seepage of oil from one containment system to the other. Slings lifted the cables in the trenwa, and the trenwa was lined with the oil mat

Placing of geosynthetics within the Sorbweb Plus secondary oil spill containment system.

ment systems needed to be built, one for each transformer. Each containment system has a capacity of 110% of the 70,000 litres of oil within the transformer. The substation slopes towards the river at a three-degree angle, but the excavation of the containment system would have to be level, not following the contour of the land, or else the oil would spill out of one side. The soils were determined by an independent laboratory to be permeable, therefore no special drainage system had to be designed. The SorbwebPlus system is designed to allow the permeation of water in the form of precipitation or melted snow into the subsoil. In cases where the soil is impermeable, a drainage system can be built underneath the system to move the water away. During excavation, the cable trays that ran along the surface of the containment had to be supported with wooden planks. On reaching the 0.5-m depth, the grounding grid was exposed so there would be no damage to the grid. The grid was made visible so further excavation could be made down to the 1-m depth. In between the two secondary oil containments, further excavation was necessary to allow for a foundation that would support the firewall. The two containment systems would abut the foundation of the firewall. A surface cable tray ran through the www.esemag.com

to prevent any seepage of oil into the ground, as the bottom of the trenwa was earth. Once lined, the cables were then replaced and the top of the trenwa was sealed with concrete lids. When excavation was completed, the

grounding grid was dropped to the 1-m depth and, as the substation had been built in the early 1980s, upgrading to the grounding grid was done at the same time. The excavated areas were then installed with the SorbwebPlus system, which includes the impermeable liner around the perimeter and the special oil mat at the bottom of the containment. The oil mat will seal on contact with oil, but, if no oil is present, it will allow the passage of water into the subsoil. Once the containment system was installed, rock was added. The rock was 19 mm to 38 mm in diameter, which typically gives a void area of 40-45%. This void area is where the 110% of oil within the transformer and the 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event will be contained in the event of a catastrophe. The rock will also quench any fire should it occur. The final task was to erect the firewall on the foundation that had been built for this purpose. The high risk for this substation was now eliminated. For more information, E-mail: scott_lucas@albarrie.com

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Project Management

Managing the environment during infrastructure projects is critical By Muin M. Husain and John M. Chadwick nfrastructure projects are subject to a screening process during the environmental assessment stage in order to assess potential environmental approval requirements. Most of these requirements can be identified during the preliminary design phase, with approval applications being made during the detailed design phase. The majority of these approvals contain monitoring and mitigation conditions that must be implemented prior to, during and after construction activities. Obtaining environmental approvals during the design phase involves multidisciplinary studies of the hydrogeological, hydrological, ecological, geomorphic, socio-economic, air and noise, archaeological/cultural and agricultural settings that are proportional to the scale and complexity of the undertaking and the potential environmental effects it presents.


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Project Management These studies assist in appropriately evaluating the risks to local environmental receptors. For various infrastructure projects, approvals are sought from the provincial and federal regulatory agencies as well as the local conservation authority and even the regional and local municipalities for specific issues. Examples of some major approval requirements include: 1. Ministry of the Environment Project approval is required from the Ministry of Environment, i.e., Certificate of Approval for municipal water and sewage works. In Ontario, a Permit to Take Water (PTTW) is required under Section 34 of the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) for any surface or groundwater taking that exceeds 50,000 L/day. Dewatering at construction sites requires disposal of the pumped groundwater, which requires approval from the Ministry of the Environment, the local conservation authority, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the regional and local municipalities. Furthermore, the Ontario Environ-


Stream flow assessment to ensure baseflow conditions are maintained.

mental Protection Act (EPA), which provides for the protection and conservation of the natural environment, is referenced when dealing with other environmental issues that arise during a project’s implementation such as the discovery of contaminated soil or groundwater.

2. Ministry of Natural Resources The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is the lead agency responsible for the management of fish resources in Ontario. MNR approval is required under the Public Lands Act as well as the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act for the construction, decommissioning or alteration of dam structures that hold back water in streams, rivers, lakes or ponds, thereby affecting flows. 3. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada is the implementing agency of the Federal Fisheries Act. Section 35 (2) of the Act prohibits the harmful alteration, disruption and destruction (HADD) of fish habitat as well as the release of substances deleterious to fish habitat. Where a HADD cannot be avoided, a Letter of Authorization may be issued by Fisheries and Oceans Canada detailing required mitigation and habitat compensation measures, thus triggering the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) review process if applicable. The quantity, quality and temperature continued overleaf...

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Project Management

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www.msumississauga.com 68 | January 2009

of water discharged from dewatering operations may result in a potential HADD. The potential for requiring approval needs to be assessed in these situations prior to dewatering discharge. 4. Transport Canada/Canadian Coast Guard The Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA) provides for the protection of the public right of navigation and regulating structures that interfere with navigation such as dams, bridges and piers. The Act requires approval from Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Canadian Coast Guard before any work is “built or placed in, on, over, under, through or across any navigable water.” 5. Conservation authorities Conservation authority (CA) approval is required (under different regulations for different CAs) for work involving the development, interference with wetlands and alterations to shorelines and watercourses (e.g. O. Reg. 166/06 for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority). Also, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), for example, has a Level III Agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to identify fish habitat impacts within its watershed. TRCA provides co-ordination and assistance to Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the review and assessment of projects that may affect fish and/or fish habitat. 6. Regional and local municipalities Often the regional municipality owns road allowances and is responsible for the storm drainage systems in the road allowance. The discharge of water (e.g. from dewatering systems) to the regional storm sewers requires approval from the region. Similarly, local municipalities own storm sewers adjacent to local roads or in subdivisions and need to be consulted regarding discharge to their systems. 7. Other agencies and applicable legislation Involvement of other agencies may be required, depending on the project’s location. Examples of legislation that may apply in Ontario include the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, the Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act and the Greenbelt Act. It is critically important to integrate multidisciplinary studies and translate them into an understanding of the natural ecosystem, the stress expected during construction and the predictive long-term effects. This understanding is achieved through the collection of robust scientific field data, which, along with approval conditions, is used to develop an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) aimed at mitigating potential stresses to the natural environment as well as monitoring the success of these mitigation measures. The EMP is finalized through several iterations and includes review comments received from the various regulatory agencies, ultimately tying it within the regulatory framework through the issuance of approvals. Once the approvals are obtained, compliance with the EMP during the project implementation phase is a rigorous process due to the multidisciplinary tasks, the scientific nature of the reporting and the integration of the overall findings into readerfriendly compliance reports. Managing and integrating work from the various specialized fields is a significant task that itself deserves independent consideration within the roles and responsibilities of the project. This role complements the existing project manager’s functions in delivering the project effectively. Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Project Management The value of having a dedicated environmental professional engaged at a level proportional to the scale and complexity of the project (including its environmental effects) cannot be overstated. Projectrelated environmental issues that are “unforeseen” to the infrastructure project manager may well be foreseeable to the environmental professional. In fact, time invested in proactive environmental planning and management will result in cost and reputation savings down the line. However, that is not to say that unforeseeable environmental issues cannot still arise during the project implementation phase; they often do. Examples include the discovery of contaminated soils and groundwater, underground storage tanks requiring removal, and engineering design/scope changes leading to dewatering requirements. When such issues arise, the project should undergo an assessment with input from an environmental professional to determine project implications. Dealing with these issues as early as possible (as opposed to later on or not at all) will minimize project risks in

terms of increased project costs, construction/contractor delays, imposition of stressful deadlines, financial disputes and potential claims.

Most engineering programs now offer or require courses in environmental law or compliance. The relationship between the infrastructure project manager and the environmental professional has evolved over the last several years. Irrespective of formal training in environmental issues, infrastructure project managers are quickly becoming conversant in the language needed to collaborate with environmental professionals, regulators and the public about any issues with potential to affect their projects. Industry is recognizing this shift as a new way of doing business, and as a result the M.O. (method of operation) of the 21st century project manager is changing. This is evidenced by the fact

that most engineering programs now offer or require courses in environmental law or compliance. With the rise of the green economy and society’s attitude and awareness shift towards environmental issues, demonstrating proactive environmental planning and management on infrastructure projects, as a mainstay business model, not only strengthens relationships with clients and regulators, but allows the company to present a brand of corporate socio-environmental responsibility, which enhances public and marketing optics. Although creating provisions for environmental involvement throughout a project may be a relatively new concept, experience has shown that, in the long run, this proactive measure works to the benefit of the project in the form of reduced uncertainty and surprises as well as improved transition and flow of the project. Muin M. Husain and John M. Chadwick are with Genivar. For more information, E-mail: tripti.ninan@genivar.com

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Odor control systems

Bioscrubber and biofilter

The HAWK line of radial flow odor control systems is designed to be a low cost, highly effective system for removing H2S and other compounds from municipal wastewater applications. The system utilizes radial flow operation, with the foul air entering from the outside, then diffused through the media bed. Contaminates are then removed and the clean air is collected in the inner portion of the vessel and exits the exhaust stack. Tel: 905-856-1414, Fax: 905-856-6401 E-mail: sales@acgtechnology.com Web: www.acgtechnology.com

Bay Products OdorDigest DuO systems are a line of staged compartment systems capable of removing odorous compounds from a variety of sources. Air is pulled or pushed from the source to the bottom of the system whereby odorous air enters the bioscrubber section and diffuses up through the BPI’s BioScrub-XL foam. Humidified and hydrogen sulfide free air exits the top of the bioscrubber section and is transferred to the bottom of the biofilter compartment plenum. Tel: 905-856-1414, Fax: 905-856-6401 E-mail: sales@acgtechnology.com Web: www.acgtechnology.com

ACG Technology

ACG Technology

Product & Service Showcase

Secondary oil containment Albarrie, a leader in containment technology, in partnership with Kinectrics Inc., offers the SorbWeb Plus secondary oil containment system for power utilities. • No maintenance • Cost-effective • Proven system • Rain water passes through, no pumps • Can be installed around energized transformers. Tel: 705-737-0551, Fax: 705-737-4044 E-mail: scott_lucas@albarrie.com Web: www.sorbwebplus.com Albarrie Environmental

Equipment rental

BakerCorp maintains an extensive inventory of over 18,000 pieces of quality rental equipment including more than 17 varieties of steel tanks, roll off boxes, pumps, filtration and specialty equipment. For over 65 years, BakerCorp has provided outstanding customer service, quality equipment and application expertise. Tel: 905-545-4555, 1-800-BAKER12 Web: www.bakercorp.com BakerCorp 70 | January 2009

Downwell deployment of dissolved oxygen The benefits of OSOX™ Remediation Technology for downwell deployment of dissolved oxygen include: substantial time savings in the field; cost savings exceeding 25% over market alternatives; easy determining of exact depth for deployment; even distribution of active material, since O-SOX do not collapse or bunch up; contains nutrients, and pHbuffering to reduce self-encapsulation; 3 – 6 month longevity. Tel: 905-273-5374, Fax: 905-273-4367 E-mail: info@adventusgroup.com Web: www.adventus.ca Adventus

Concrete arch bridges

Stormwater solutions Armtec provides a wide range of CONTECH stormwater quality management systems throughout Canada. Products include VORTECHS hydrodynamic separation systems and VORTFILTER filtration systems. These systems are among the best for capturing suspended solids, oils, grit and trash from stormwater runoff. Tel: 519-822-0210, Fax: 519-822-1160 E-mail: sales@armtec.com Web: www.armtec.com

Armtec provides BEBO concrete arch bridges in Québec, Ontario and Western Canada. Based on technology developed in Switzerland, BEBO arches are an economical alternative to cast-inplace concrete or structural steel bridges. They are available in a range of shapes with spans up to 31m. Tel: 519-822-0210, Fax: 519-822-1160 E-mail: sales@armtec.com Web: www.armtec.com Armtec


Rotary drum screen

Lightweight plastic ventilator

Baycor introduced a massive new rotary drum screen at WEFTEC 2008. More wastewater, or sludge, can be processed with fewer screens, in less space, reducing construction and installation costs. The unique UnibodyTM design gives the company the flexibility to customize a screen to your specific application and screening goals. Tel: 519-751-7787, Fax: 519-751-7712 E-mail: info@baycorfibre.com Web: www.baycorfibre.com Baycor Fibre Tech

Pelsue has introduced the new 1325p Axial Ventilator with Airpac 15 or 25’ hose canister. This rugged ventilator is perfect for confined space entry ventilation and is available in 12 VDC or 115 VAC. Tel: 800-265-0182, Fax: 905-272-1866 E-mail: info@cdnsafety.com Web: www.cdnsafety.com Canadian Safety Equipment

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Grindex’s new stainless steel pump line combines the integrity of years of tested design with the ingenuity and durability of new technology. Inox pumps can be used in applications that would destroy their aluminum predecessors. Their stainless steel construction enables them to endure pH values from 2 – 10, making them ideal for extreme environments with highly acidic or alkaline contents. Tel: 705-431-8585, Fax: 705-431-2772 E-mail: PB@claessenpumps.com Web: www.claessenpumps.com Claessen Pumps

Dissolved air flotation system

The AquaDAF® Clarifier High-Rate Dissolved Air Flotation System is a viable alternative to conventional settling and DAF clarifiers. The AquaDAF is a hybrid of conventional DAF and optimally designed system components. It is highly effective for the treatment of a range of raw water characteristics including troublesome waters exhibiting low turbidity, high TOC, color and algae. Web: www.infilcodegremont.com Degremont Technologies/Infilco

One-pass trenches

DeWind provides one-pass installation of gravel filled trenches with simultaneous installation of horizontal HDPE screens near trench bottom; also, trenches for groundwater collection, free-product recovery, or air-sparging applications. Dewatering is generally not required. Depths to 35 feet building up to 57 feet in key trenches. Tel: 616-875-7580, Fax: 616-875-7334 E-mail: dewind@iserv.net Web: dewinddewatering.com DeWind Dewatering & Trenching


Gravity pipe design Canadian Durability Guideline for Corrugated Steel Pipe Culverts. Your location in Canada may affect the long term performance of your infrastructure. Understanding your local environment helps you to select the steel material best suited to your site, for optimum durability and value. Tel: 866-295-2416, Fax: 519 650-8081 E-mail: info@cspi.ca Web: www.cspi.ca Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute

Underground stormwater management

Using large diameter corrugated steel pipe under parking areas and playgrounds is a cost-effective way to meet reduced runoff and environmental restrictions while allowing revenue producing services, recreation and commercial development. Design software is available, FREE. Tel: 866-295-2416, Fax: 519-650-8081 E-mail: info@cspi.ca Web: www.cspi.ca. Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute

Denso Petrolatum Tapes

Inspection check-list books

Proven worldwide for well over 100 years, Denso Petrolatum Tapes offer the best, most economical, long-term corrosion protection for all above and below ground metal surfaces. Requiring only minimum surface preparation and environmentally responsible, Denso Petrolatum Tape is the solution to your corrosion problems in any corrosive environment. For applications in mines, mills, refineries, steel mills, pulp & paper, oil & gas, and the waterworks industry. The answer is Denso! Tel: 416-291-3435, Fax: 416-291-0898 E-mail: blair@densona.com Web: www.densona.com Denso

Inspect over 200+ vehicles, equipment and machines with the “Checker”® inspection check-list books. Pumps, compressors, generator, compactor, baler, shredder, waste/recycle, service/utility vehicles, digger derrick, drilling/auger, fleet vehicles, welders, dumptrucks, backhoe, storage pouches and MANY MORE! Tel: 800-291-4719, Fax: 905-469-8831 E-mail: devtra@sympatico.ca Web: www.thechecker.net DEVTRA Inc.

One-Pass trenching

Biological odor control without costly chemicals

With DeWind's One-Pass trencher technology, deep environmental horizontal collection trenches, reactive barriers, and slurry walls are installed in a single pass directly into contaminated water and soil. There is no need to dewater or remediate. Tel: 616-875-7580, Fax: 616-875-7334 E-mail: dewind@iserv.net Web: dewinddewatering.com

Duall AroBIOS™ is an engineered biotechnology in which gaseous pollutants are absorbed then biodegraded by immobilized bacteria. The easy to access, low profile bioscrubber is environmentally friendly and achieves high levels of odor control for industrial and municipal wastewater applications. Tel: 989-725-8184, Fax: 989-725-8188 E-mail: info@dualldiv.com Web: www.dualldiv.com

DeWind Dewatering & Trenching

Duall Division January 2009 | 71

Product & Service Showcase

New stainless steel pumps

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Electronic water meter

The Elster AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter is revolutionizing I.C.I. Revenue and Water Loss Management metering. A direct replacement for turbine, compound and fire service mechanical type meter designs, the AquaMaster remains consistently accurate, reduces metering costs and maximizes revenue capture. Tel: 866-703-7581, Fax: 905-634-6705 E-mail: watermeters@ca.elster.com Elster Metering

Product & Service Showcase

SCADA-based monitoring

Glentel provides integrated MSAT and VSAT solutions for real-time mission critical communications and data management. SCADA solutions allow for monitoring and controlling vital water flows, and sending data from and control signals to PLCs, meters, valve and pump controls. Tel: 1-800-GLENTEL Web: www.Glentel.com Glentel Inc.

New calibration facility

Geomembrane systems

Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG in Switzerland, the company’s new calibration facility, sets standards worldwide. The facility produces measurements that deviate no more than ±0.015 percent from the reference value – equivalent to about the contents of one champagne glass in one thousand litres of water. Endress+Hauser operates in accordance with internationally accepted standards for the accreditation of its products. Web: www.ca.endress.com Endress + Hauser

Firestone Specialty Products’ geomembrane systems offer the strength and resilience to perform in many of the most demanding environments. With 100 years of tradition in polymer innovation, Firestone offers geomembranes that are the durable and dependable solution for nearly any application. Tel: 888-292-6265, Fax: 877-666-3000 E-mail: petruzzidominic@firestonebp.ca Web: www.firestonebpco.ca Firestone Specialty Products


The JetMix Vortex Mixing System can be used in bio-solids storage where solids suspension is important. Benefits of using the JetMix system include: Intermittent operation saves 6090% in power consumption; expensive tank cleanout and scheduled maintenance not required; easily installed in existing tanks; multiple tank mixing using a central pump house. JetMix was a recipient of a 1997 Innovative Technology Award from the Water Environment Federation. Tel: 519-469-8169, Fax: 519-469-8157 E-mail: sales@greatarioengsys.com Web: www.greatario.com

Greenspoon Specialty Contracting has been actively engaged in the Demolition and Environmental Remediation industry for over 50 years. Spanning across the commercial, industrial and government sectors, GSC is proficient in all areas of demolition (implosion and dismantlement), asbestos, mould and lead abatement, soil remediation and site decommissioning. Proficient in LEEDs projects. Offices in Toronto, Winnipeg, Buffalo. Tel: 800-928-8812, Fax: 905-458-4149 E-mail: bill@greenspoon.net Web: www.greenspoon.net

Greatario Engineered Storage Systems

Greenspoon Specialty Contracting

Weather station

Water level indicator

Oil/water interface meter

The Heron dipper-T water level indicator is all you need to measure your water levels accurately. The markings in feet and 100/th of a foot on the yellow, tensile steel tape are protected under the polyethylene jacketing. The dog bone design makes this a no stick tape. Fully encapsulated, water resistant electronic module with A/C signal eliminates probe corrosion. Beeps and flashes when in water. It’s that easy! Tel: 800-331-2032, Fax: 905-634-9657 E-mail: info@heroninstruments.com Web: www.heroninstruments.com Heron Instruments

The Heron H.OIL Oil/Water Interface Meter is certified intrinsically safe for use in explosive environments. It is a precision instrument used to accurately measure the thickness of product layers (LNAPL) as thin as 1mm (1/200ft) floating on the water table and sinking layers (DNAPL) quickly, easily and accurately. The fully pressure proof probe is 5/8” (16mm) in diameter and is ideal for wells, piezometers and direct push equipment. Tel: 800-331-2032, Fax: 905-634-9657 E-mail: info@heroninstruments.com Web: www.heroninstruments.com

72 | January 2009

Heron Instruments

The HOBO Remote Monitoring System, a state-of-the-art weather station, provides instant access to data via the internet. The new system combines research-grade hardware with built-in GSM cellular communications and HOBOlink™, a new web-enabled software platform. Web: www.hoskin.ca Hoskin Scientific

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HDPE pipe

The HOBO U30/Wi-Fi Remote Monitoring System is a web-based monitoring system that provides real-time, remote access to energy and environmental data over any Wi-Fi network. HOBOlink™ is a new web-enabled software platform that can be used to access current and historical data, set alarm notifications and relay activations, and control the system from their computer. The HOBO U30/Wi-Fi provides around-the-clock monitoring of various types of renewable energy systems. Web: www.hoskin.ca Hoskin Scientific

Exclusively from Ideal Pipe, the Challenger line of engineered HDPE pipe meets and exceeds all requirements for storm sewer, culvert and drainage applications. Challenger 3000 gasketed smoothwall pipe is CSAapproved with excellent environmental stability and flow characteristics for lasting reliability. Tel: 519-473-2669, Fax: 519-641-2524 Toll Free: 1-800-265-7098 E-mail: ideal@netrover.com Web: www.idealpipe.ca Ideal Pipe

Portable level measurement The new TSS Portable Handheld Turbidity, Suspended Solids, and Sludge Level System from Hach offers three parameters in one instrument, has multiple calibration curves and easy sludge blanket levels. It is also a very high accuracy and durable instrument. Tel: 905-286-4846, Fax: 905-286-5805 E-mail: instrumentation@johnmeunier.com Web: www.johnmeunier.com John Meunier

Personal gas detector A DS2 Docking Station™ is now available for the GasBadge® Plus single gas monitor. The GasBadge Plus is a two-year, lowcost, personal gas detector. The DS2 Docking Station recognizes individual instrument serial numbers, performs calibration and bump testing and its instrument diagnostics and record keeping functions limit safety hazards and liability concerns. Tel: 800-338-3287, Fax: 412-788-8353 E-mail: clange@indsci.com Web: www.indsci.com Industrial Scientific

Hard-working, hard-wearing pumps KWP heavy duty non-clogging pumps from KSB are designed to handle challenging solidsladen liquids encountered in the energy, pulp and paper, chemical, and the food processing industries.The versatile KWP pumps can be ordered in a variety of abrasion and corrosion resistant alloys that ensure long and reliable service. A back pullout design makes it possible to overhaul pumps without disconnecting the pump casing from the piping. Tel: 905-568-9200 E-mail: jstrunk@ksbcanada.com Web: www.ksb.ca KSB Pumps

Water filters

Stainless steel, carbon steel, NSF coating, Hastelloy, titanium – whatever materials are required, ORIVAL will meet all customer specifications when manufacturing fully automatic self-cleaning filtration systems, in sizes ranging from ¾” to 24”. Tel: 1-800-567-9767 E-mail: filters@orival.com Web: www.orival.com Orival

Septage Receiving Station

Submersible level transducer

Water level measurement

The user-friendly, maintenance-free Helisieve Plus® Septage Receiving Station pre-treats septage and protects downstream processes. This self-contained system removes troublesome solids and dewaters them for landfill. It's fast, easy and effective, and odors are contained in the stainless steel receiving tank. Tel: 514-636-8712, Fax: 514-636-9718 E-mail: canada@parkson.com Web: www.parkson.com Parkson

Pressure Systems’ enhanced KPSI Series 705 submersible level transducer now offers a static accuracy of +/- 0.25% FSO. With its wide sensing area and flushmounted, Teflon® coated, elastomeric diaphragm, it is ideally suited to highly viscous or slurry environments. Tel: 800-328-3665, Fax: 757-865-8744 E-mail: sales@pressuresystems.com Web: www.pressuresystems.com

Pressure Systems’ new waterMONITOR, used for high accuracy level measurement of water resources, is uniquely configured for environments where the transducer is permanently installed. The rugged design and high reliability are ideally suited to wireless applications in difficult-to-access locations. Tel: 800-328-3665; Fax: 757-865-8744 E-mail: sales@pressuresystems.com Web: www.pressuresystems.com Pressure Systems


Pressure Systems

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Web-based monitoring system

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Metering pumps

Metering pump

Combustion chamber

Feature-rich and dependable Sigma series metering pumps from ProMinent help keep your chemical feed under control. Sigma pumps operate in capacities of up to 1000 LPH and pressures up to 174 psi. Microprocessor controls are easy to use, with backlit LCD for rapid and reliable adjustment. Tel: 888-709-9933, Fax: 519-836-5226 E-mail: sales@prominent.ca Web: www.prominent.ca

The awardwinning delta® with optoDrive® provides diverse control and operating capabilities in a capacity range of 7.5 - 75 l/h, 362 psi - 29 psi. The delta from ProMinent has many advanced features: pulsed or continuous dosing; automatic detection of airlock, low pressure and high pressure; and an automatic degassing option. Tel: 888-709-9933, Fax: 519-836-5226 E-mail: sales@prominent.ca Web: www.prominent.ca/delta

Rotary Cascading Bed Combustion (RCBC) provides the ideal conditions for clean combustion of diverse fuels. Our waste to energy plants burn municipal wastes to produce steam and electricity. This energy is produced with less harmful emissions than the conventional fossil-fuel powered energy plants. Tel: 828-696-2111, Fax: 828-696-2191 E-mail: recycle@a-o.com Web: www.qualityrecycling.com

ProMinent Fluid Controls

ProMinent Fluid Controls

Quality Recycling

Product & Service Showcase

Site investigations

RMSS specializes in difficult access site investigations. Our equipment is easily broken down into helicopter, ATV and man portable packages so you can get your job done without huge mobilization costs. Soil sampling, monitoring wells, geo-technical testing, we go anywhere. Tel: 604-947-RMSS (7677), Fax: 604-947-9500 Web: www.rmsoil.com Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling

Heavy industrial gear units The in-house development of SEWEurodrive’s new XSeries heavy industrial gear units is nearly unrivaled with its fine size graduation that covers the medium torque range from 43000 to 129000 ft-lb. The large number of pre-defined accessories offers a high degree of flexibility for adapting to a broad range of application situations, with a minimum of components at maximum utility. Tel: 905-791-1553, Fax: 905-791-2999 E-mail: marketing@sew-eurodrive.ca Web: www.sew-eurodrive.ca SEW-Eurodrive 74 | January 2009

Membrane bioreactor Sanitherm, a division of Peak Energy Services, has perfected containerizing their SaniBrane® MBR. The containerized SaniBrane is portable, provides excellent effluent on start-up, is operator friendly and comes pre-wired, preplumbed and tested. The system for anywhere needing reliable waste treatment with a small footprint! Tel: 604-986-9168, Fax: 604-986-5377 E-mail: saneng@sanitherm.com Web: www.sanitherm.com Sanitherm, a division of Peak Energy Services

Water treatment Siemens provides innovative water technologies: • Vantage® NF/RO Filtration Systems • TRIDENT® HSC and Trident® HS Packaged Water Treatment Systems • MEMCOR® Membrane Filtration Systems • CenTROL® Filter Systems • MULTIBLOCK® FilterUnderdrains Tel: 800-525-0658 or 724-772-1402 E-mail:information.water@siemens.com Web: www.siemens.com/drinking_water Siemens Water Technologies

Improve electrical equipment performance

Schneider Canada Services & Projects' highly experienced Power Systems Engineering team provides a wide range of comprehensive, focused solutions to performance problems for any type of electrical equipment. Complete service solutions are available for installation, maintenance, analysis and modernization of any electrical system. Web: www.schneider-electric.ca Schneider Electric

Water treatmment Siemens also offers these technologies: • MULTICRETE® II Filter Underdrains • CONTRAFAST® Clarifier • GFH® Arsenic Removal Media • Barrier® M and Barrier® A UV Disinfection Units • OSEC® On-site Hypochlorite Generation System Tel: 800-525-0658 or 724-772-1402 E-mail: information.water@siemens.com Web: www.siemens.com/drinking_water

Siemens Water Technologies

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The Smith & Loveless PISTA® Grit Chamber maintains the highest proven grit removal efficiencies over a wide range of daily flows because of its exclusive forced vortex design. It removes grit and other discrete particles, separates organics and inorganics, and reduces grit accumulation in downstream basins, channels, weirs and piping. This results in reduced wear on mechanical equipment. Complete grit pumping, dewatering and washing components are available. Tel: 913-888-5201, Fax: 913-888-2173 E-mail: answers@smithandloveless.com Web: www.smithandloveless.com Smith & Loveless

Join pipe to 144 inches

Depend-O-Lok is the new standard for joining pipe to 144”. Engineered for restrained and unrestrained systems, Depend-O-Lok allows angular deflection and pipeline thermal expansion/contraction while maintaining seal integrity. Specify in systems to 600 PSI for strength, reliability and ease of maintenance. Tel: 905-884-7444 E-mail: viccanada@victaulic.com Web: www.victaulic.com Victaulic

Disposable bailers

Water level meter For over 20 years, the Model 101 Water Level Meter has been a top-selling precision instrument. Sensitivity adjustment, battery test button, and full repairability set this meter apart. The durable tape measures every millimetre or 1/100 foot up to 1800 metres (6000 feet). Tel: 905-873-2255, Fax: 905-873-1992 E-mail: instruments@solinst.com Web: www.solinst.com Solinist

Peristaltic pump

The Walkerton Clean Water Centre held its groundbreaking for the new facility on Friday, October 17, 2008. Doing the honours were MPP Carol Mitchell, Brockton Mayor Charlie Bagnato, Chair of the Board Murray Elston and CEO Saad Jasim. The building will be a 19,000 square foot LEED GOLD building.

Waterra distributes the Pegasus Alexis Peristaltic Pump, a self-contained sampling station that includes all the best features of these devices. Packaged in the rugged Pelican 1430 case and incorporating its own power supply and charger, this pump will keep you sampling in the field all day long.

Tel: 519-881-2003, 1-866-515-0550 Fax: 519-881-4947 E-mail: inquiry@wcwc.ca Web: www.wcwc.ca

Tel: 905-238-5242, Fax: 905-238-5704 E-mail: waterra@idirect.com Web: www.waterra.com

Walkerton Clean Water Centre

Waterra Pumps

Pipe couplings YNC Pipe Couplings provides couplings for water and wastewater treatment plants that are the equivalent to flanges, welding, bolted sleeves (Dresser) and Vic D-O-L couplings. Made of stainless steel, they can be installed in one piece, in lieu of field welding. Capital cost is low – you can save on installed cost.

Tel: 905-238-5242, Fax: 905-238-5704 E-mail: waterra@idirect.com Web: www.waterra.com

Tel: 416-489-4090 E-mail: ynccoupling@aol.com


The Tuthill Qx™ rotary positive displacement blower line is one of the industry’s quietest blowers. Used in the Qube™ blower package, it provides high efficiency and high pressure with low noise, 18 psi or 17” hg dry vacuum, flow to 3400 cfm, and speed to 4800 rpm. Features include precision helical gears keyed to rotor shafts for quieter running; double row ball bearings for added durability; trilobe rotors; piston ring oil seals fitted on internal shafts; and triple lip seal on drive shaft. Tel: 1-800-825-6937 E-mail: aburlison@tuthill.com Web: vacuum.tuthill.com Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems

New facility

Waterra's Clear PVC EcoBailers are available in three sizes, 0.5" OD, 0.7" OD and 1.5" OD x 36" in length. These are high quality disposable bailers for quality sampling results.

Waterra Pumps

Displacement blower line

YNC Pipe Couplings, Inc.

Underground tanks ZCL’s underground tanks are constructed of non-corrosive fibreglass composite material and premium quality grade resin. They are marketed under the trade names Prezerver® and Greentank®. Safe and durable, ZCL tanks have become the #1 choice for environmentally safe storage of petroleum products. Tel: 1-800-661-8265 Web: www.zcl.com ZCL Composites January 2009 | 75

Product & Service Showcase

Grit chamber

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ES&E’s 21th Annual Equipment Specifiers’ Guide March 2008

May 2008

May 2007

July 20 08

November 2008

January 2008

guide 2008 Show


ECT Page 88 Official CAN er pollution for cross-bord of liability The danger lly cost? leak actua watermain What did that MRB lls flexible insta t system BC resor treatment wastewater www.esem


rence Spring confe


Petrolia upgra des its water treat ment syste m Solving sewe r odour and corrosioncomplaints problems Wastewater Canada’s oil reuse by industry Storage Containment Tanks & Spills

host ACE 2007 Toronto to million on’s new $22 Halton Regi e project water intak of sewage tion Peat filtra ever e vital than mor ing Operator train ter tanks g wastewa Waterproofin

www.esem ag.com

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A business analysis of the world's water industry Decontaminating bioeffluents reading Automatic water meter Québec’s new plasma facility assisted sludge oxidation

www. esema g.com

Environmental Consultants and Testing Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 www.esem

Special Sections: Storage Tanks Containment & Spills Consultants’ Forum



Equipment and Service Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 www.esemag


Products & Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102


Guide to Cons ultants, Equip ment Suppliers and Products

Mapping sewe rs using dye tracing tech Why land appl niques ication of bios olids makes New water sense reservoir expa nsion for Bram Remediating pton closed land fill sites crea challenges tes and opportun ities

ES&E’s Guide to Environmental Consultants and Testing Laboratories NOTE: This guide is intended as a service for ES&E readers only. No claims are made that it is a comprehensive review. ES&E relies on information supplied by companies who returned questionnaires. AIMS ENVIRONMENTAL 111-1020 Denison St Markham ON L3R 3W5 (905) 474-0058 Fax: (905) 474-0601 Contact: Mohamed Jagani, Principal, Project Manager

2CG INC. 451 Ferndale Ave London ON N6C 2Z2 (519) 645-7733 Fax: (519) 645-0337 Contact: Paul Van der Wert, President AA BOSCARIOL AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 214-2825 Lauzon Pkwy Windsor ON N8T 3H5 (519) 966-4006 Fax: (519) 974-1017 Contact: Aldo Boscariol, P. Eng. ABRAM CONSULTING SERVICES LTD. 217 Industrial Rd F Cranbrook BC V1C 6N4 (250) 489-8188 Fax: (250) 489-3416 Contact: Sean Abram, President ADI LIMITED 300-1133 Regent St Fredericton NB E3B 3Z2 (506) 452-9000 Fax: (506) 459-3954 Contact: Paul Morrison, P. Eng., President

AECOM 275-3001 Wayburne Dr Burnaby BC V5G 4W3 (604) 689-3431 Fax: (604) 685-1035 E-mail: canadacommunications@aecom.com Web site: www.aecom.com To better service our clients, Earth Tech, Gartner Lee, KMK, TSH and UMA are now known collectively as AECOM. In Canada, AECOM has more than 4,000 employees and offers multi-disciplinary services in the business lines of transportation, water, community infrastructure, environment and design. AEON EGMOND LTD. 13-6800 Kitimat Rd Mississauga ON L5N 4M1 (416) 657-2367 Fax: (416) 657-2367 Contact: John Van Egmond, Principal AGAT LABORATORIES 5835 Coopers Ave Mississauga ON L4Z 1Y2 (905) 712-5074 Fax: (905) 712-5122

76 | January 2009

AET GROUP INC. 3-504 133 Weber St N Waterloo ON N2J 3G9 (519) 576-9723 Fax: (519) 570-9589 E-mail: info@aet-group.com Web site: www.aet-group.com Contact: Scott Freiburger, Principal/ Sr Consultant With over 30 years of experience, AET Group is a multi-disciplinary environmental consulting company that provides professional, technical and management solutions in waste, building sciences, ecology, energy and environmental management to both private and public sectors. The repeat business we receive from our clients is evidence of the first-rate consulting services that we offer.

AGL MARKETING LIMITED 205 Miller Dr Georgetown ON L7G 6G4 (905) 877-5369 E-mail: glee@aglmarketing.com Web site: www.aglmarketing.com Contact: Grant Lee, President AGL Marketing Limited provides marketing services to engineers, surveyors, contractors, concrete pipe producers, and industry associations. The business was established by Grant Lee, a professional marketer and land use planner with over 25 years experience in the infrastructure field. AIL-ATLANTIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED Head Office: 3155 Route 935 Dorchester NB E4K 3J5 (877) 245-7473 Fax: (506) 379-2290 Contact: Wade Abbott

AINLEY GROUP 280 Pretty River Pkwy Collingwood ON L9J 4J5 AIR EARTH & WATER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 423 Ireland Rd Simcoe ON N3Y 5J1 (519) 426-7019 Fax: (519) 426-5035 Contact: Robert Lovegrove ALS CANADA LIMITED 1-60 Northland Rd Waterloo ON N2V 2B8 (519) 886-6910 Fax: (519) 886-9047 ALS LABORATORY GROUP 1988 Triumph St Vancouver BC V5L 1T9 (604) 253-4188 Fax: (604) 255-4768 ALTECH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LTD. 12 Banigan Dr Toronto ON M4H 1E9 (800) 323-4937 Fax: (416) 467-9826 Contact: Brian Bobbie, President AMEC GEOMATRIX CONSULTANTS Unit G-420 Weber St N Waterloo ON N2L 4E7 (519) 886-7500 Fax: (519) 886-7419 AME-MATERIALS ENGINEERING 6-117 Ringwood Dr Stouffville ON L4A 8C1 (905) 640-7772 Fax: (905) 640-8512 Contact: Sebastian Nicholas, Project Manager AMOS ENVIRONMENT & PLANNING 1236 Butter & Egg Rd RR 6 Bracebridge ON P1L 1X4 (705) 764-0580 Fax: (705) 764-1514 Contact: Janet Amos, Principal AN-GEO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 204-8708 48 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6E 5L1 (780) 450-3377 Fax: (780) 450-3232 Contact: David Y. F. Ho, Principal

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Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories AQUAGENIE 380 rue Dolbeau Saint-Bruno QC J3V 4J5 (450) 461-1647 Fax: (450) 461-0585 Contact: Philippe Soreau, President AQUA TERRE SOLUTIONS INC. 110-20 Colonade Rd Ottawa ON K2E 7M6 (613) 226-2456 Fax: (613) 226-9980 Contact: Mark Foerster, Ottawa Manager ARK ENVIROTECH INC. 102-1439 17th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 1J9 (403) 355-3655 Fax: (403) 355-3658 Contact: George Neely, President

ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING 300-4940 Canada Way Burnaby BC V5G 4M5 (604) 293-1411 Fax: (604) 291-6163 E-mail: admin@ae.ca Web site: www.ae.ca Contact: Rick Corbett, VP Environmental Associated Engineering provides consulting engineering services in the water, infrastructure, environmental, and transportation sectors. Our services include planning, feasibility studies, design, construction, training, and operational assistance, project management, and asset management. Recognized as an industry leader, we received the 2006 Canadian Consulting Engineers Schreyer Award for the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant Water Reuse Facility in Edmonton.

ATLAS DEWATERING CORPORATION 111 Ortona Ct Concord ON L4K 3M3 (905) 669-6825 or (877) 669-6825 Fax: (905) 669-4036 E-mail: steve@atlascorp.com Web site: www.atlasdewatering.com Contact: Steve Brett, General Manager Established in 1946. Environmental professionals – Hydrogeology and Geoscience. Phase I, II and III environmental assessments. Erosion/sediment control plan review, design and monitoring, restoration of fish habitat. Permit to Take Water Applications. Water Resource Engineering. AVOCA-TEC CONSULTANTS 365-3700 Griffith St Saint-Laurent QC H4T 2B3 (514) 341-7777 Fax: (514) 341-0353 BARENCO INC. 202-2561 Stouffville Rd PO Box 295 Gormley ON L0H 1G0 (905) 887-6661 Fax: (905) 887-1999 Contact: Jim Phimister, President BELTECH ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATES INC. 4811 King St Beamsville Ontario L0R 1B6 (905) 563-8500 Fax: (905) 563-8188

• ANTHRACITE • QUALITY FILTER SAND & GRAVEL • CARBON • GARNET ILMENITE • REMOVAL & INSTALLATION 20 Sharp Road, Brantford, Ontario N3T 5L8 • Tel: (519) 751-1080 • Fax: (519) 751-0617 E-mail: swildey@anthrafilter.net • Web: www.anthrafilter.net

Innovative, PRACTICAL , Responsible, COST-EFFECTIVE Environmental


Assessment | Monitoring | Approvals Risk Management | Remediation | Reclamation OTTAWA (613) 226 -2456

TORONTO (416) 635-5882

CALGARY (403) 266 -2555


LETHBRIDGE ( 4 0 3 ) 3 1 7- 9 1 6 1


SASKATOON (306) 244-8663


BIO-LIMNO RESEARCH AND CONSULTING 28 Stone Gate Dr Halifax NS B3N 3J2 (902) 425-8989 Fax: (902) 425-8989 E-mail: magbeti@bio-limno.com Web site: www.bio-limno.com Contact: Michael Agbeti, President Bio-Limno specializes in analysis of algae (phytoplankton and periphyton), zooplankton and interpretation of water quality data.

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Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories BIOGENIE S.R.D.C. INC. 1140 Levis St Lachenaie QC J6W 5S6 (450) 961-3535 Fax: (450) 961-0220 Contact: Claude Deschambault, General Manager BLACK & VEATCH 500-18310 Montgomery Village Ave Gathersburg MD 20879 USA (301) 921-2889 BLAKE, CASSELS & GRAYDON LLP 2800-199 Bay St Commerce Court W Toronto ON M5L 1A9 (416) 863-2660 Fax: (416) 863-2653 BLANEY MCMURTRY LLP 1500-2 Queen St E Toronto ON M5C 3G5 (416) 593-1221 Fax: (416) 593-5437 Contact: Janet Bobechko, Partner

MARKHAM, ONTARIO 905-747-8506 weknowwater@bv.com www.bv.com

BODYCOTE ACCUTEST LABORATORIES 8-146 Colonnade Rd Ottawa ON K2E 7Y1 (613) 727-5692 Fax: (613) 727-5222 Contact: Robert Walker, Manager – Client Services BOLTON PHOTOSCIENCES INC. 628 Cheriton Cres NW Edmonton AB T6K 2M5 (780) 439-4709 Fax: (780) 439-7792 Contact: Jim Bolton, President BOMA ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY INC. 203-2621 Portage Ave Winnipeg MB R3J 0P7 (204) 889-5275 Fax: (204) 889-2348 Contact: Dr. Dinko Tuhtar, Director BOOJUM RESEARCH LTD. 1459 Pickwick Dr Mississauga ON L5V 1V7 Contact: Margarete Kalin, CEO

Get a clear view of:

“Specialists in non-intrusive ground investigations” Tel: 905.458.1883 Fax: 905.792.1884 E-mail: general@geophysics.ca Web: www.geophysics.ca

• UST's, buried metal, debris & fill • Former excavations & structures • Leachate plumes • Voids and fractures • Stratigraphy • Pipes and utilities

More than 30 Years More Ye ears of Water Water & Wastewater Wastewater S Solutions olution ns

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Worldwide W orldwide Engineering, Engineering g, En Environmental, vironmental, C Construction, onstruction, and IT S Services er vices

BRUCE A. BROWN ASSOCIATES LIMITED 2-109 Vanderhoof Ave Toronto ON M4G 2H7 (416) 424-3355 Fax: (416) 424-3350 Contact: Dr. Bruce Brown, Principal BSI MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AMERICA, INC. 200-12110 Sunset Hills Rd Reston VA 20190-5902 USA (800) 862-4977 Fax: (703) 437-9001 Contact: Elizabeth Anderson, Marketing Coordinator

BURNSIDE (R.J. BURNSIDE & ASSOCIATES LIMITED) 3 Ronell Cres Collingwood ON L9Y 4J6 (705) 446-0515 Fax: (705) 446-2399 E-mail: jeff_langlois@rjburnside.com Web site: www.rjburnside.com Contact: Jeff Langlois, MBA, P.Eng. From offices across Ontario, Burnside engineers, hydrologists and environmental scientists have over 35 years of experience providing comprehensive project management services to private and public sector clients in: water & wastewater management, environmental planning and assessment, water supply and treatment, stormwater management, solid waste management and site remediation, GIS applications and satellite remote sensing. CADUCEON ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 285 Dalton Ave Kingston ON K7K 6Z1 (613) 544-2001 Fax: (613) 544-2770 CANTEST LIMITED 4606 Canada Way Burnaby BC V5G 1K5 (604) 638-2634 Fax: (604) 731-2386

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Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories

Accurate and Innovative Laboratory Services CALA 310-1565 Carling Ave Ottawa ON K1Z 8R1 (613) 233-5300 Fax: (613) 233-5501 E-mail: lmorin@cala.ca Web site: www.cala.ca Contact: Louise Morin, CFO Laboratory accreditation, proficiency testing and training services. Full international recognition worldwide through APLAC and ILAC.

Phone: 519-681-0571 Fax: 519-681-7150 Email: info@gapenviromic.com www.gapenviromic.com Internationally recognized laboratory – accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 Standard (CAEAL)

• Microbial Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) • Microbial support for UV reactor validation efforts – bacteriophage and collimated beam analysis

• Pathogen detection (Legionella spp. accredited test)

CAMBRIDGE MATERIALS TESTING 13-6991 Millcreek Dr Mississauga ON L5N 6B9 (905) 812-3856 Fax: (905) 812-3866 Contact: Frank Mangiarol, General Manager CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITORS 35 Lakeshore Blvd RR 1 Gilford ON L0L 1R0 (705) 456-3318 Fax: (705) 456-1255 Contact: John Sciberras, President CAROLLO ENGINEERS 101-3033 North 44 St Phoenix AZ 85018 USA (602) 263-9500 Fax: (602) 265-1422 Contact: Steve Wirtel, Director, National Client Services CASSEN TESTING LABORATORIES 211-215 Carlingview Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 5X8 (416) 679-9663 Fax: (416) 679-9668 Contact: Cecilia Chan, Principal C.C. TATHAM & ASSOCIATES LTD. 200-115 Sanford Fleming Dr Collingwood ON L9Y 5A6 (705) 444-2565 Fax: (705) 444-2327 Contact: Rex J. Meadley, President Experts in Water, Wastewater, Environmental Planning, and Simulation Software

CH2M HILL CANADA LIMITED 300-255 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 5B6 (416) 499-9000 Fax: (416) 499-4687 E-mail: bruce.tucker@ch2m.com Web site: www.ch2mhill.com Contact: Bruce Tucker, P. Eng, President Employee-owned CH2M HILL is a leader in engineering, procurement, construction, management, and operations for government, civil, industrial, and energy clients. With more than 1,400 employees in offices across Canada, CH2M HILL is committed to the principles of world-class safety, sustainable development, client-focused value creation, and targeted recruitment and retention. CHEM SOLV 20848 Dalton Rd PO Box 608 Sutton ON L0E 1R0 (905) 722-6035 Fax: (905) 722-5195 Contact: Peter Robinson, Chemist CLEARVIEW GEOPHYSICS INC. 12 Twisted Oak St Brampton ON L6R 1T1 (905) 458-1883 Fax: (905) 792-1884 Contact: Joe Mihelcic, Geophysicist CLUNAS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 15 Robert St Weston ON M9N 2J6 (416) 414-7656 Fax: (416) 245-1986 Contact: David Clunas, Owne CONCISE DESIGN 300-736 6th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3T7 (403) 237-7160 Fax: (403) 237-7166 Contact: Kandy Hubl, HSE Services Manager

continued overleaf... www.esemag.com

Hydromantis, Inc. Consulting Engineers ! 420 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge, Ontario, N1T 2H9 Tel: (519) 624-7223 Fax: (519) 624-7224 ! 1685 1 James Street Ontario, L8P L8S 4R5 1G5 Main St. South, West,Suite Suite1601, 302,Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario, Tel: (905) 522-0012 Fax: (905) 522-0031

E-mail: info@hydromantis.com Web: www.hydromantis.com

Insitu Groundwater Contractors • • • • • P: 519-763-0700 F: 519-763-6684 • 150 Stevenson Street, South Guelph, ON N1E 5N7

Dewatering systems Mobile groundwater treatment systems Well and pump installation and maintenance Pump, filter, generator rentals Sediment tank rentals Insitu groundwater remediation systems



GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISTS Engineers & Hydrogeologists Serving the Groundwater Industry for 75 Years 342 Bayview Drive, Box 310, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 4T5

Tel: (705) 733-0111, Fax: (705) 721-0138 E-Mail: iws@iws.ca

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CHEMICAL EMISSION MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5211 Preservation Circle Mississauga ON L5M 7T3 (905) 820-6126 Fax: (905) 820-1245 E-mail: tkhan@cems-group.com Web site: www.cems-group.com Contact: Tahir Khan, Ph.D, Vice President Services include: Air emission management inclusive of regulatory compliance; Ambient, stack, indoor/workplace Air Quality testing/management; Ventilation; P2 planning and implementation; Phases I, II, III Site Assessment; 3R Waste Audit and Waste Reduction Plan; Industrial Waste Water management and City by-Law compliance; ISO 9001: 4000 EMS. CEMS is the developer and owner of MPRI – a unique software for compiling emission inventory for the manufacturing industry. COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS OPTIMIZATION, INC. 32-760 Brant St Burlington ON L7R 4B7 (905) 634-1143 Fax: (905) 634-4758 Contact: David Chapman, Jim Mathews, Owners CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES LIMITED 651 Colby Dr Waterloo ON N2V 1C2 (519) 884-0510 Fax: (519) 884-5256 Contact: George Godin, Vice President CONSTRUCTION CONTROL INC. 70 Haist Ave Woodbridge ON L4L 5V4 (905) 856-5200 Fax: (905) 856-1455 Contact: Trevor Diseko, Environmental Manager CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF ONTARIO 405-10 Four Seasons Pl Toronto ON M9B 6H7 (416) 620-1400 Fax: (416) 620-5803 CYRIL J. DEMEYERE LIMITED 261 Broadway PO Box 606 Tillsonburg ON N4G 4J1 (519) 688-1000 Fax: (519) 842-3235 Contact: John D. Weibe, President DANGON DESIGN SERVICES CO. 46 Elmartin Dr Scarborough ON M1W 3C5 (416) 490-0600 Fax: (416) 490-0255 Contact: Danny Zhu, Owner







DECOMMISSIONING CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED 11-121 Granton Dr Richmond Hill ON L4B 3N4 (905) 882-5984 Fax: (905) 882-8962 E-mail: engineers@dcsltd.ca Web site: www.dcsltd.ca Contact: John Hilton, President Phase I/II ESAs; brownfield assessments; decommissioning and demolition; soil and groundwater remediation and treatment; environmental risk assessments and management; geotechnical engineering; contaminant hydrogeology; USTs/ASTs; wastewater treatment; industrial hygiene; hazardous materials, PCB, mould and asbestos investigation, abatement design and inspection; designated substances surveys; Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act sampling, treatment and reporting for small systems. DST CONSULTING ENGINEERS 605 Hewitson St Thunder Bay ON P7B 5V5 (800) 668-4201 Fax: (807) 623-1792 Contact: Mike Fabius, President

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DELCAN WATER IWS 500-625 Cochrane Dr Markham ON L3R 9R9 (905) 943-0500 Fax: (905) 943-0400 E-mail: water@delcan.com Web site: www.delcan.net Contact: Jackie Willick, Division Administrator, Water Engineering expertise for the entire water cycle including: strategic reports and environmental assessment, watershed planning, system modelling and plant optimization, preliminary, detailed design and contract administration, procurement, finance and Intelligent Water Systems (IWS). Delcan IWS features leading edge design and implementation of system automation, networking and information management systems.

Peter J. Laughton, P. Eng. Consulting Engineer

Environmental Engineering Services

King City, Ontario CANADA


tel: +1.905.833.6738 fax: +1.905.833.8497

DEWIND ONE-PASS TRENCHING 9150-96th Ave Zeeland MI 49464 USA (616) 875-7580 Fax: (616) 875-7334 Contact: Becky Dewind, Owner Since 1991 DeWind Deep One-Pass Trenching has built, maintained, and operated our fleet of deep one-pass trenching machines. Our intimate knowledge of our equipment enables us to provide you with the most powerful and reliable one-pass trenching machines in North America.

ELECSAR ENGINEERING CO. LTD. 1001-1149 Vanier Rd PO Box 2009 Sarnia ON N7T 7K2 (519) 337-6580 Fax: (519) 332-6198 Contact: David McGarry, President EMSL ANALYTICAL INC. 107 Haddon Ave Westmount NJ 08108 USA (800) 220-3675 Fax: (856) 858-3178




ENGINEERING NORTHWEST LTD. 200 S Syndicate Ave Thunder Bay ON P7E 1C9 (807) 623-3449 Fax: (807) 623-5925



ECOH MANAGEMENT INC. 6130 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1X7 (905) 795-2800 Fax: (905) 795-2870 Contact: Jennifer Hammond, Office Manager

ENTECH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 3187 Thompson Pl West Vancouver BC V7V 3E3 (604) 921-1932 Fax: (604) 921-1934 Contact: Fred Sverre, President ENVIRONEC (CANADA) INC. 140-7070 Mississauga Rd Mississauga ON L5N 7G2 (289) 290-0600 Fax: (905) 821-3711 Contact: Ted Pollock, Managing Principal

engineering toronto london


welland moncton

tel 416 497 8600


ottawa fredericton

sudbury mumbai


ENVIROTECH ASSOCIATES LTD. 10028-27 Legend Crt Ancaster ON L9K 1P2 (905) 304-4666 Fax: (905) 304-1073 Contact: H. Vens, Sr. Executive Consultant EPCOR 10065 Jasper Ave NW Edmonton AB T5J 3B1 Web site: www.epcor.ca ERAMOSA ENGINEERING INC. 90 Woodlawn Rd W Guelph ON N1H 1B2 (519) 763-7774 Fax: (519) 763-7757 Contact: Tim Sutherns, President

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Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories ETCOS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 Terrosa Rd Markham ON L3S 2N1 (905) 471-9890 Fax: (905) 471-6439 Contact: Ravi Sharma, Project Manager GAP ENVIROMICROBIAL SERVICES INC. 14-1020 Hargrieve Rd London ON N6E 1P5 (519) 681-0571 Fax: (519) 681-7150 GENIVAR 436 De La Madone Mont-Laurier QC J9L 3L8 (819) 623-3302 Fax: (819) 623-7616 Contact: Alain Ryan, Ing GENIVAR Fl 5-600 Cochrane Dr Markham ON L3R 5K3 (905) 475-7270 Fax: (905) 475-5994 Contact: Anita Smith, Executive Vice President

www.trg.ca Experience, Innovation, Diversity, Teamwork & Commitment


GEOPHYSICS GPR INTERNATIONAL INC. 103-6741 Colombus Rd Mississauga ON L5T 2G9 (905) 696-0656 Fax: (905) 696-0570 E-mail: m_situm@on.aibn.com Web site: www.geophysicsgpr.com Contact: Milan Situm, Regional Manager Geophysical surveys applied to Civil Engineering: seismic, electrical and ground radar methods for hydrogeologic and geotechnical studies. In addition, locating buried objects, evaluating roads, bridges and other concrete structures. Marine geophysics and hydrographic surveys. Noise and vibration monitoring. Geophysics GPR provides Geophysical Studies, R&D and Surveys in Civil, Mining and Petroleum engineering. GIFFIN KOERTH FORENSIC ENGINEERING & ACCOUNTING 800-40 University Ave Toronto ON M5J 1T1 (416) 368-1700 Fax: (416) 368-5576 Contact: Michael Butler, Director, Communications

Tel: (905) 823-7965 Fax: (905) 823-7932 www.pcbdisposal.com

• Hazardous Site Clean-up & Remediation • Decommissioning and Demolition • Asbestos and Mould Abatement • Contaminated Soil Removal • On-site Water Treatment

GILES ENVIRONMENTAL ENG. 2005 Sooke Lake Rd Shawnigan Lake BC V0R 2W3 (250) 743-1822 Fax: (250) 743-1855 Contact: George Giles, Sr. Engineer GODFREY ASSOCIATES LTD. 186 Adelaide St Saint John NB E2K 1X1 (506) 632-9010 Fax: (506) 633-7093 Contact: Darcy Harris, Director GOLDER ASSOCIATES LTD. 2390 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5Z7 (905) 567-6100 Fax: (905) 567-6561 GREENLAND INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING LTD. 120 Hume St Collingwood ON L9Y 1V5 (705) 444-8805 Fax: (705) 444-5482 Contact: Mark Palmer, President

HARGRAVE & COMPANY 61 Brooklyn Ave Toronto ON M4M 2X4 (416) 410-4188 Fax: (416) 466-5479 E-mail: BillHargrave@Hargrave-Company.ca Web site: www.Hargrave-Company.ca Contact: William Hargrave, Principal Nationally recognized specialists in the planning, engineering and scientific services needed for drinking-water systems including water quality

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assessments, treatability evaluations, optimization programs, feasibility and predesign reports, facility designs, O&M manuals; computerize online interactive documents, plant troubleshooting, commissioning and staff training.

HATCH MOTT MACDONALD LTD. 200-5420 N Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 6C7 (905) 315-3500 Fax: (905) 315-3569 E-mail: Canada@hatchmott.com Web site: www.hatchmott.com Contact: Beverley Perks, Business Development Manager Delivering solutions for water, wastewater and transportation. At Hatch Mott MacDonald we work hard to turn your ideas into reality. Our staff is committed to implementing sustainability principles in all our activities. Offices from British Columbia to Newfoundland. To learn more visit our website at www.hatchmott.com or contact us at Canada@hatchmott.com. HUNTER AND ASSOCIATES 18-2285 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 3S3 (905) 607-4120 Fax: (905) 607-1132 Contact: Garry Hunter, President

disposal.Organic sludges’ aerobic and anaerobic treatment and disposal. Storm drainage, solid and liquid waste management. Water and wastewater treatment equipment fabrication and supply. Project design, tendering, construction supervision and management.

INLAND AQUATICS/AQUATIC MANAGEMENT 67 Brock St W PO Box 156 Uxbridge ON L9P 1M7 (905) 852-0204 Contact: Bruce Foxton, Manager

J.L. RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 864 Lady Ellen Pl Ottawa ON K1Z 5M2 (613) 728-3571 Fax: (613) 728-6012 Web site: www.jlrichards.ca Contact: Guy Cormier, P. Eng., Chief Civil Engineer Providing a wide range of environmental services including water and wastewater treatment, environmental assessment and planning, solid waste/leachate management, water resources and stormwater management, sewer and watermain condition assessment and rehabilitation, plant retrofits, energy management. Offices also in Kingston, Sudbury, Timmins and North Bay.

INSITU CONTRACTORS INC. 150 Stevenson Street S Guelph ON N1E 5N7 (519) 763-0700 Fax: (519) 763-6684 Contact: Harry Oussoren, President

J.T. DONALD CONSULTANTS LTD. 251 Bartley Dr Toronto ON M4A 2N7 (416) 751-5230 Fax: (416) 751-6745 Contact: Wally Ringis, President

INTERNATIONAL WATER CONSULTANTS LTD. 342 Bayview Dr PO Box 310 Barrie ON L4M 4T5 (705) 733-0111 Fax: (705) 721-0138 Contact: Gary A. Kuehl, P.Geo., President

JURGEN ENVIRONMENTAL PO Box 461 Arthur ON N0G 1A0 (519) 848-3245 Fax: (519) 848-2638 Contact: Hans Theurer

HYDROMANTIS INC. 1601-1 James St S Hamilton ON L8P 4R5 (905) 522-0012 Fax: (905) 522-0031 Contact: Brian Monaghan, Sales Manager

JAGGER HIMS LIMITED 301-1091 Gorham St Newmarket ON L3Y 8X7 (905) 853-3303 Fax: (905) 853-1759 Contact: Gale Belcourt, Project Coordinator JAGGER HIMS LIMITED 117-2885 Lauzon Pkwy Windsor ON NHT 3H5 (519) 974-5887 Fax: (800) 545-5406

KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 200-4185A Still Creek Dr Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 (604) 294-2088 Fax: (604) 294-2090 Contact: Mike Currie, President KEYSTONE ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 320-4400 Dominion St Burnaby BC V5G 4G3 (604) 430-0671 Fax: (604) 430-0672 Contact: David Small, Manager, Marketing KOERS & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. 194 Memorial Ave PO Box 790 Parksville BC V9P 2G8 (250) 248-3151 Fax: (250) 248-5362 Contact: Dave Shillabeer, Principal

J.K. ENGINEERING LTD. 320-7930 Bowness Rd NW Calgary AB T3B 0H3 (403) 247-1777 Fax: (403) 286-9895 E-mail: jkeng@telus.net Web site: www.jkeng.ca Contact: Jan Korzeniowski, President Engineering consulting since 1987. Water supply, treatment, distribution. Groundwater development, monitoring, reclamation. Wastewater (municipal and industrial) collection, treatment,

LAFARGE ENVIRONMENT INC. 6917 rue Beaubien E Montreal QC H1M 3B2 (514) 255-5236 Fax: (514) 255-3113 Contact: Alain Lafarge, President LECOMPTE ENGINEERING LTD. 201-1417C Cyrville Rd Ottawa ON K1B 3L7 (613) 236-6662 Fax: (613) 236-2945 Contact: Gaetan Beauchesne, Vice President LGL LIMITED 3365 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3N2 (905) 333-1667 Fax: (905) 333-2660

LEHDER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LIMITED 210-704 Mara St Point Edward ON N7V 1X4 (519) 336-4101 Fax: (519) 336-4311 E-mail: mroehler@lehder.com Web site: www.lehder.com Contact: Mark Roehler, Principal LEHDER is one of the largest air quality management companies in Canada. All air quality aspects – source testing, emission inventories, air dispersion modeling, data interpretation and approval applications – are managed internally without outsourcing and partnering. We provide integrated solutions for our clients to address complex problems.

LOTOWATER TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 92 Scott Ave PO Box 451 Paris ON N3L 3T5 (519) 442-2086 or (800) 923-6923 Fax: (519) 442-7242 E-mail: georgeo@lotowater.com Web site: www.lotowater.com Contact: George Ounapuu, Sales Manager Lotowater Technical Services has served Ontario municipalities since 1989. Our staff of professional geoscientists and MOE licensed well technicians specialize in innovative testing and rehabilitation of wells and the supply and maintenance of pumps. For information on services such as well performance testing, video inspections, permits to take water and well rehabilitation services, please contact us. MARTYN ENGINEERING LTD. 801B-29th St Courtenay BC V9N 7Z5 (250) 334-3846 Fax: (250) 334-2645 Contact: Hal Martyn, P.Eng., President

MASKWA ENGINEERING LTD. 925 Mackenzie Hwy Hay River NT X0E 0R3 (867) 874-2207 Fax: (867) 874-2763 E-mail: chris_maskwa@northwestcl.net Contact: Chris Robinson, Manager Maskwa is an aboriginal owned company serving the North West Territories and northern Alberta. We provide municipal engineering, water and sewage treatment, quality control testing, environmental assessments, water resources, structural, electrical, building services, construction surveys, construction management, CADD/drafting services, GIS information system, and maintenance management.

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Consultants MILLER THOMSON LLP P O Box 1011 Scotia Plaza 40 King St W Toronto ON M5H 3S1 (416) 595-8172 Fax: (416) 595-8695 Contact: Bryan Buttigieg, Certified Specialist – Env. Law MMM GROUP LIMITED 100 Commerce Valley Dr W Thornhill ON L3T 0A1 (905) 882-1100 Fax: (905) 882-0055 MOLD & BACTERIA CONSULTING LABS 1A-1020 Brevik Pl Mississauga ON L4W 4N7 (905) 290-9101 Fax: (905) 290-0499 MOUNTAIN VALLEY GEOPHYSICS CORP. 15 Hunting Ridge Dr Etobicoke ON M9R 1R6 (416) 249-6664 Fax: (416) 249-6965 Contact: Mike Vumbaca, Principal MR2 MCDONALD & ASSOCIATES 204-4303 Albert St Regina SK S4S 3R6 (306) 584-7071 Fax: (306) 584-8666 Contact: Rodger McDonald, Principal Engineer MTE CONSULTANTS INC. 520 Bingemans Ctr Dr Kitchener ON N2B 3X9 (519) 743-6500 Fax: (519) 743-6513 Contact: Angelo Innocente, VP Business Development NATECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 109 Patterson Cross Rd Harvey Station NB E6K 1L9 (506) 366-1080 Fax: (506) 366-1090 Contact: Jochen Schroer, President NWS INSPECTION INC. 601-7620 Elbow Dr SW Calgary AB T2V 1K2 (403) 236-5982 Fax: (403) 236-7189 Contact: Jim Coroon, Business Development O2 ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 200-1311 Howe St Vancouver BC V6Z 2P3 (604) 676-3581 Fax: (604) 669-3688 Contact: Paul O’Callaghan, President & CEO ODOTECH INC. 301-3333 Queen Mary Rd Montreal QC H3V 1A2 (514) 340-5250 Fax: (514) 340-5211 Contact: Bertrand De Petigny, Marketing

Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories (905) 363-1295 Fax: (905) 363-0681 Contact: Jose Barinque, Marketing Coordinator

ficiency program development, implementation and monitoring for major municipalities in Canada and internationally.

PHH ARC ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED Unit B-4250 Commerce Cir Victoria BC V8Z 4M2 (250) 592-9203 Fax: (250) 592-9239 Contact: Dan Miller, Manager – Victoria Region

RSG ENGINEERING INC. 202-3754 Richmond Rd Nepean ON K2H 5B9 (613) 721-0880 Fax: (613) 721-2096 Contact: Richard Goubko, President

POLLUTECH ENVIROQUATICS LIMITED 122-704 Mara St Point Edward ON N7V 1X4 (519) 339-8787 Fax: (519) 336-6965

RSW INC. 500-5600 Blvd Des Galleries Quebec QC G2K 2H6 (418) 648-9512 Fax: (418) 648-1011 Contact: Martin Bellavance, Vice President

Consulting Engineer

PETER J. LAUGHTON, P.ENG. CONSULTING ENGINEER ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 22 Chelsea Lane King City ON L7B 1E6 (905) 833-6738 Fax: (905) 833-8497 E-mail: p.laughton@pjlaughtonenv.com Contact: Peter Laughton, Principal Services: feasibility studies, reports, strategic long range planning, environmental strategies, public participation, project management, design and construction advisory services, quality assurance and peer reviews, operational assistance, audits and general advisory services in the environmental engineering field mainly related to wastewater pumping, conveyance, and treatment including sludge handling and biosolids. POTTINGER GAHERTY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 1200-1185 W Georgia St Vancouver BC V6E 4E6 (604) 895-7628 Fax: (604) 682-3497

R.V. ANDERSON ASSOCIATES LIMITED 400-2001 Sheppard Ave E Toronto ON M2J 4Z8 (416) 497-8600 Fax: (905) 497-0342 E-mail: toronto@rvanderson.com Web site: www.rvanderson.com Contact: Ken Morrison, Reg Andres or Ken Campbell Environmental and infrastructure specialists: planning and management, design and construction, operations and optimization services for water and wastewater, transportation, urban development and telecommunication technologies. Branches: Welland, Ottawa, Sudbury, London, Moncton, Fredericton and Mumbai. RWDI AIR INC. 650 Woodlawn Rd W Guelph ON N1K 1B8 (519) 823-1311 Fax: (519) 823-1316 Contact: Carol McClellan, Business Development Administrator SGS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 185 Concession St Lakefield ON K0L 2H0 (705) 652-2111 Fax: (705) 652-6365 Contact: Chris Sullivan, Sr. Project Specialist

PREMIER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 60 Shade St Cambridge ON N1R 4J8 (519) 623-9208 Fax: (519) 623-6689 Contact: Bill Leedham, Regional Manager

SKELTON BRUMWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. 107-93 Bell Farm Rd Barrie ON L4M 5G1 (705) 726-1141 Contact: Sandra Culbert, Office Coordinator

PROCYON CONSULTING INC. 238 Hickling Trail Barrie ON L4M 5W5 (705) 739-9738 Fax: (705) 739-8448 Contact: George Chamberlin, Principal QMI-SAI GLOBAL 100-29 Carlson Crt Toronto ON M9W 7K6 (416) 401-8700 Fax: (416) 401-8650 Contact: John Fraser, Product & Dev. Mgr, Environment

PARACEL LABORATORIES LTD. 300-2319 St Laurent Blvd Ottawa ON K1G 4J8 (613) 731-9577 or (800) 749-1947 E-mail: paracel@paracellabs.com Web site: www.paracellabs.com Contact: Dan Barton, Sales & Technical Support Manager Paracel Laboratories is a full service environmental laboratory specializing in organic, inorganic, mold and fungi, bacteria, allergen and asbestos analysis. Locations include Ottawa main lab, Mississauga asbestos lab/depot, Niagara Falls and Sarnia depots. Ask us about our new allergen project support services and mold test kits for professionals and homeowners. PARISH GEOMORPHIC LTD. 207-10 Mountainview Rd S Geogetown ON L7G 4J9 (905) 877-9531 Fax: (905) 877-4143 Contact: Rosemarie, Account Manager PINCHIN ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 2470 Milltower Crt Mississauga ON L5N 7W5

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QUALITY ANALYSIS CONSULTANTS 580 Witty Beach Rd Victoria BC V9C 4H8 (250) 474-0607 Fax: (250) 474-0607 Contact: Dr. W. Johnson, Consultant

RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES INC. 342-701 Rossland Rd E Whitby ON L1N 9K3 (905) 444-9275 Fax: (905) 444-9103 E-mail: mbrooks@rmsi.ca Web site: www.rmsi.ca Contact: Michael Brooks, President Resource Management Strategies Inc. (RMSi) located in Whitby, Ontario, is a dedicated group providing water efficiency consultant services to governments, utilities and engineering firms in Canada and world-wide. Our team has been responsible for providing award winning water ef-

SMITH PROCESS SERVICES 338 Highland Ave Orillia ON L3V 4E4 (705) 323-5315 Fax: 705-327-5155 E-mail: kensmith@engineer.com Registered Professional Engineer (Ontario), 38 years with Dorr-Oliver and Eimco, 3 years in control systems, Fluidized Bed Incinerator & Dryer Design and Optimization, Wastewater Treatment Unit Processes, Materials Processing Flowsheets - Design and Evaluation, Project Management Services, Optimization Studies, Troubleshooting, Repairs & Improvements, Field Calls, Professional Reports. SOLINOV INC. 240-100 Rue Richelieu Saint-Jean-Sur Richelieu QC J3B 6X3 (450) 348-5693 Fax: (450) 348-3607 Contact: Benoit Beaudoin, President STRUM ENVIRONMENTAL 1355 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1C5 (902) 835-5560 Fax: (902) 835-5574 Contact: Bruce Strum, President

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Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories THEODOR STERLING ASSOCIATES LTD. 310-1122 Mainland St Vancouver BC V6B 5L1 (604) 681-2701 Fax: (604) 681-2702 Contact: Michael Glassco, Operations Manager

SPILL MANAGEMENT INC. 45 Upper Mount Albion Rd Stoney Creek ON L8J 2R9 (905) 578-9666 Fax: (905) 578-6644 E-mail: contact@spillmanagement.ca Contact: Cliff Holland, President Spill Management offers on-site site-specific, all-risk and all-hazard response training for chemical spills using hands-on training and classroom instruction as well as workshops in Emergency Response Planning and Incident Command. Other services include plans for emergency response, and environmental preparedness, as well as emergency response equipment and supplies assessments using video. SRM ASSOCIATES 41-110 Scotia Crt Whitby ON L1N 8Y7 (905) 686-6402 Fax: (905) 432-7877

STANTEC 200-325 25th St SE Calgary AB T2A 7H8 (403) 716-8000 Fax: (403) 716-8039 E-mail: gord.johnston@stantec.com Web site: www.stantec.com Contact: Gord Johnston, Vice President Focusing on the application of knowledge and technology for the development and management of sustainable solutions for air, water, and soil, Stantec provides professional services in water, wastewater, air quality, water resources, waste management, environmental site assessment, and remediation. Stantec = Sustainable Solutions STRAGIS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES INC. 303-115 Hurontario St Collingwood ON L9Y 2L9 (705) 443-8448 Fax: (705) 443-8668 Contact: Craig Fisher, President THAMES VALLEY ENGINEERING INC. 100-392 Park Ave E Chatham, ON N7M 5Y5 (519) 354-2193 Fax: (519) 352-4272 Contact: Win Elzinga, President

T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. T. HARRIS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INC. 101-93 Skyway Ave Toronto ON M8W 6N6 (416) 679-8914 Fax: (416) 679-8915 E-mail: info@tharris.ca Web site: www.tharris.ca Contact: John C. Fisher, President & CEO T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. (THEM) is a diverse group of engineering, scientific, technical and industrial hygiene professionals providing consulting services to a variety of industrial, commercial, and institutional clients since 1979. THEM is committed to providing our clients with high quality services at cost effective prices, and in a time-efficient manner.


THOMPSON ROSEMOUNT GROUP INC. 1-367 Woodlawn Rd W Guelph ON N1H 7K9 (519) 827-1453 Fax: (519) 827-1483 THORCONSULT LTD. RR 1 Site 160 C12 Bowser BC V0R 1G0 (250) 757-8874 Contact: Bon Thorburn, Chief Engineering Officer TRIHEDRAL ENGINEERING LTD. 1160 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1C1 (902) 835-1575 Fax: (902) 835-0369 Contact: Patrick M. Cooke, Director of Marketing TROW ASSOCIATES INC. 1595 Clark Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4V1 (905) 793-9800 Fax: (905) 793-0641 Contact: Kelly Shea, Business Development Manager URBAN & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INC. 301-4701 St Clair Ave Niagara Falls ON L2E 3S9 (905) 371-9764 Fax: (905) 371-9763 Contact: Robert Martin, Principal URS CANADA INC. 75 Commerce Valley Dr E Markham ON L3T 7N9 (905) 882-4401 Fax: (905) 882-4399 Contact: Mahmood Ghinani, VP, Environmental Services Group

VERITEC CONSULTING INC. 12-1495 Bonhill Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1M2 (905) 696-9391 Fax: (905) 696-9395 E-mail: info@veritec.ca Web site: www.veritec.ca Contact: Alain M. Lalonde, Principal Leaders in operations enhancement providing specialty services to the water and wastewater industry including water efficiency programs, system optimization, leakage.

Consultants veloping nations. It is the Canadian equivalent of the US based charity, Water For People. Canadian water industry professionals established Water for People-Canada in 1995, to support and promote the mission of Water For People in Canada among the public and the water community. WATERWORKS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2024 12th Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1J7 (403) 289-3198 Fax: (403) 289-3147 Contact: Len Sukovieff, Director of Engineering WILLMS & SHIER ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYERS LLP 900-4 King St W Toronto ON M5H 1B6 (416) 863-4837 Fax: (416) 863-1938 Contact: Barry N. Spiegel, Director, Research & Professional Development WPC SOLUTIONS INC. 335 Hampshire Crt NW Calgary AB T3A 4Y4 (403) 547-7281 Fax: (403) 547-8261 Contact: Warren Wilson, President

XCG CONSULTANTS LTD. 300-2620 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 6Z7 (905) 829-8880 Fax: (905) 829-8890 E-mail: gta@xcg.com Web site: www.xcg.com Contact: Deborah Molloy, Marketing Coordinator Expert people. Better decisions. XCG Consultants Ltd. is an environmental engineering firm that has earned a reputation for excellence. Our staff is committed to delivering innovative and practical solutions. XCG offers comprehensive services in water and wastewater treatment, infrastructure management, water resources, site assessment and remediation, risk assessment, solid waste, and training and operations. ZORIX ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 3425 Semenyk Ct Mississauga ON L5C 4P9 (905) 277-1110 Fax: (905) 277-1112

The new EchoSmart Level Analyzer

VERTEX ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 64 Kerr St Cambridge ON N1R 4A3 (519) 620-8484 Fax: (519) 620-8784 Contact: Rick McGregor, Hydrogeologist/ Geochemist VIRTUAL ENGINEERS 402-15 Wertheim Crt Richmond Hill ON L4B 3H7 (905) 707-0704 Fax: (905) 707-1604

WATER FOR PEOPLE - CANADA 300-295 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 5B6 (416) 499-4042 Fax: (416) 499-4687 Web site: www.waterforpeople.org Water For People-Canada is a charitable nonprofit international humanitarian organization dedicated to the development and delivery of clean, safe water and sanitation solutions in de-

Cancoppas Limited is pleased to announce the Aysix Technologies EchoSmart Interface Level Analyzer, which offers field tested ultrasonic measurement technology in a totally new, easy to use and easy to integrate instrument. By combining this proven software package with the latest hardware technology, EchoSmart offers time tested reliability and accuracy in a new, easy to use and easy to integrate instrument. Unlike other instruments, it generates and processes the ultrasonic signal in the Smart Sensor.

For more information, e-mail, FLemon@cancoppas.com January 2009 | 85

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers

ES&E’s Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers NOTE: This guide is intended as a service for ES&E readers only. No claims are made that it is a comprehensive review. ES&E relies on information supplied by companies who returned questionnaires. ABB INC. 3450 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3W5 (905) 639-8840 Fax: (905) 639-8639 Contact: G.A. (Redir) Obaji ABS CANADA 2-1401 Meyerside Dr Mississauga ON L5T 1G8 (905) 670-4677 Fax: (905) 670-3709 Contact: Jason Goldberg, Vice President

ABUMA MANUFACTURING LTD. 531 Admiral Dr London Ontario N5V 4L6 (519) 659-4747 or (888) 280-8182 Fax: (519) 659-9438 E-mail: larry@abuma.com Web site: www.abuma.com Contact: Larry Gooder, Business Development Manager Abuma Manufacturing Ltd. is a 'Build to Print' fabrication company who work with clients in the environmental and energy technologies. Pressure vessels, tanks, clarifiers and stacks in stainless steels and alloys are our specialty. Abuma offers high quality and time critical delivery for your project. \

A.C. CARBONE CANADA INC. 300 rue Brosseau Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu QC J3B 2E9 (450) 348-1807 Fax: (450) 348-3311 E-mail: accarbon@accarbone.com Contact: Johanne Rajotte We are Canada’s only manufacturer of activated carbon. We produce activated carbon from virgin coconut shell charcoal. We also offer many types of standard, impregnated and specialized media, low cost carbon canisters and related products for emissions control, odour abatement, product purification and solvent recovery, for both liquid and vapour phase applications, providing solutions for virtually any water, wastewater, gas and air contamination problems. ACCUWORX INC. 40 Advance Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4J4 (416) 410-7222 Fax: (416) 410-7405

ACORUS RESTORATION NATIVE PLANT NURSERY 222-6th Concession Rd RR #1 Walsingham ON N0E 1X0 (519) 586-2603 Fax: (519) 586-2447 Contact: Paul Morris, Owner ALBARRIE CANADA LIMITED 85 Morrow Rd Barrie ON L4N 3V7 (705) 737-0551 Fax: (705) 737-4044 E-mail: scott_lucas@albarrie.com or albarrie@albarrie.com Web site: www.sorbwebplus.com Contact: Scott Lucas or Lauren Howles SorbWeb™ Plus is an economical state-of-the-art secondary oil containment (SOC) system that effectively reduces fires and contains oil from spills and leaks associated with transformers and other oil filled equipment. No maintenance. No electric wiring or mechanical parts. SPCC compliant.

ADVANCE PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS PO Box 60399 Lafayette LA 70596 USA (337) 233-6116 Fax: (337) 233-3860 Contact: Tom Forlander, President

ADVENTUS GROUP 1345 Fewster Dr Mississauga ON L4W 2A5 (905) 273-5374 Fax: (905) 273-4367 Contact: Alan Seech, CEO ADVENTUS GROUP provides a portfolio of patented remediation technologies designed for contaminated soils, sediments, and groundwater environments. Compounds treated at field-scale around the world include: chlorinated solvents, pesticides/herbicides, heavy metals, energetics, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Our business model supports environmental engineers, consultants, site owners, regulators, and the academic community by helping provide unbiased design, and selection of cost-effective remediation strategies.

ACO CONTAINER SYSTEMS 794 McKay Rd Pickering ON L1W 2Y4 (905) 683-8222 Fax: (905) 683-2969

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ALTECH TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 12 Banigan Dr Toronto ON M3A 3E6 (416) 467-5555 Fax: (416) 467-9824 Contact: George Bennett, Sales Manager AMERICAN CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION 305-1303 West Walnut Hill Lane Irving TX 75038-3008 USA (972) 506-7216 Fax: (972) 506-7682 AMERICAN WATER CANADA CORP. 200 Eastport Blvd Hamilton ON L8H 7S4 (905) 544-0444 Fax: (905) 544-0266

AGL MARKETING LIMITED 205 Miller Dr Georgetown ON L7G 6G4 (905) 877-5369 E-mail: glee@aglmarketing.com Web site: www.aglmarketing.com Contact: Grant Lee, President AGL Marketing Limited provides marketing services to engineers, surveyors, contractors, concrete pipe producers, and industry associations. The business was established by Grant Lee, a professional marketer and land use planner with over 25 years experience in the infrastructure field. AIR CYCLE CORPORATION C-2000 S 25th Ave Broadview IL 60155 USA (800) 909-9709 Fax: (866) 909-6725 Contact: Jon Svensson, Project Manager

ACG TECHNOLOGY LTD. 13-131 Whitmore Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 6E4 (905) 856-1414 Fax: (905) 856-6401 E-mail: sales@acgtechnology.com Web site: www.acgtechnology.com Contact: Greg Jackson, President For more than 25 years ACG Technology Ltd. has been providing solutions for industrial and municipal water and wastewater treatment. Whether you require complete batch or continuous treatment systems or individual components, such as screens, flow monitoring equipment or coalescing oil/water separators, chances are we can help.

ALPHA CONTROLS & INSTRUMENTATION 6-361 Steelcase Rd W Markham ON L3R 3V8 (905) 477-2133 Fax: (905) 477-4219 Contact: David Sand, Marketing Manager

AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA SPECIALTY GASES LLC 6141 Easton Rd PO Box 310 Plumsteadville PA 18949 USA (215) 766-8860 Fax: (215) 766-2476 Contact: Bob Jeffreys, Director Marketing Communications AIRSEP CORP. – COMM. PROD. DIV. 260 Creekside Dr Buffalo NY 14228-2075 USA (716) 691-0202 or (800) 320-0303 Fax: (716) 691-1255 Contact: James Klein Jr., Regional Sales Manager NA ALFA AESAR, A JOHNSON MATTHEY CO. 26 Parkridge Rd Ward Hill MA 01835 USA (978) 521-6300 Fax: (978) 521-6350 Contact: Gwilym Clarke, Director Specialty Sales

AMS INC. 105 Harrison St American Falls ID 83211-1230 USA (208) 226-2017 Fax: (208) 226-7280 E-mail: ams@ams-samplers.com Web site: www.ams-samplers.com Contact: Marc Chipps, President AMS Inc.is a leading provider of the highest quality soil sampling tooling and equipment available for hand sampling, dual tube sampling, groundwater monitoring, and the PowerProbe ™ direct push system.

ANTHRAFILTER MEDIA & COAL LTD. 20 Sharp Rd Brantford ON N3T 5L8 (519) 751-1080 Fax: (519) 751-0617 E-mail: swildey@anthrafilter.net Web site: www.anthrafilter.net Contact: Steve Wildey, General Manager Filter Media Replacement across North America since 1976. Service to all types of Filters including: Gravity, Pressure, Traveling Bridge and others. Removal, Disposal, Supply and Installation. Anthracite Filter Media, Filter Sands & Gravels, Carpet, Greensand, Activated Carbon, etc. Quality, Efficiency, Customer Satisfaction.

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers ARCHER TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT INC. 346 Cranbrooke Ave Toronto ON M5M 1N3 (416) 781-0135 Fax: (416) 781-9560 Contact: David Archer, C.E.T. AQUABLAST CORP. 77 Orchard Rd Ajax ON L1S 6K9 (905) 619-3009 Fax: (905) 619-3638 E-mail: john@aquablast.ca Web site: www.aquablast.ca Contact: John Eecloo, President/General Manager Cleaning reactors, silos. Heat exchangers, sewers, tanks, process piping, equipment, buildings using high pressure waterjetting services to 40,000 psi. Cold cutting steel tanks and piping 3D self rotating cleaning head and teleboom for safe tank cleaning, turbo vacuum pumping for liquids, sludges and dry products. Dry ice blasting. AQUA TECHNICAL SALES INC. 200-124 McNab St S Hamilton ON L8P 3C3 (905) 528-3807 Fax: (905) 528-3428 Contact: Brian Gage, President

AQUATECH DEWATERING COMPANY INC. 69 Connie Cres Concord ON L4K 1L3 (905) 907-1700 Fax: (905) 907-1701 E-mail: info@aquatd.com Web site: www.aquatechdewatering.com Contact: Andy Ingriselli, President AQUATECH is a complete service provider of specialized pumping and environmental equipment for fluid handling and testing applications. While mostly known for our construction dewatering and groundwater related services, Aquatech also offers a complete line of pumping equipment including diesel, hydraulic and electric powered centrifugals, electric submersibles, light towers and diesel generators.

ARCUS ABSORBENTS INC. 21-800 Arrow Rd Toronto ON M9M 2Z8 (416) 745-7947 Fax: (416) 745-1174 Contact: T. Kossowsky, Vice President

ARMTEC 370 Speedvale Ave W PO Box 3000 Guelph ON N1H 6P2 (519) 822-0210 Fax: (519) 822-1160 E-mail: sales@armtec.com Web site: www.armtec.com Contact: Terri Mand, Marketing Communication Specialist For over 100 years, Armtec has provided products and engineered solutions to the challenges of the civil engineering market. Our product line includes corrugated plastic and metal pipe, construction products, geosynthetics, water control gates and stormwater solutions.

ASHTEAD TECHNOLOGY RENTALS 18-3505 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Y7 (800) 242-3910 Fax: (905) 607-8592 E-mail: rentalscanada@ashtead-technology.com Web site: www.ashtead-technology.com ASSMANN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 300 N. Taylor Rd Garrett IN 46738 USA (888) 357-3181 Fax: (260) 357-3738 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 1043 McNicoll Ave Toronto ON M1W 3W6 (800) 268-0718 Fax: (416) 491-2576 ATLANTIC INDUSTRIES LTD. PO Box 1006 Stn Main Dorchester NB E4K 3V5 (506) 379-9215 Fax: (506) 379-1097

AQUATECK – INDUSTRIAL DIV. 2705 Pitfield Blvd Ville St Laurent QC H4S 1T2 (514) 633-0999 or (514) 772-3898 or (877) 633-0999 Fax: (514) 633-9374 E-mail: jmarotta@aquateck-e.com Web site: www.aquateck.com Contact: Joe Marotta, Technical Sales – Ind. Div. AQUATECK distributes process equipment from world-class manufacturing companies. Our diversified product mix gives us the opportunity to provide you, our customers, with the most valueoriented solutions in the MUNICIPAL, INDUSTRIAL, FOOD and DAIRY industries. AQUATIC LIFE LTD. 34 Alexander Ave Pinawa MB R0E 1L0 (204) 753-5270 or (800) 409-8378 Fax: (204) 753-2082 Contact: Jeff Simpson, President AQUEOUS OPERATIONAL SERVICES INC. 12 Highland St Delaware ON N0L 1E0 (519) 851-8303 Fax: (519) 999-9999 ARBRUX LIMITED 6-33 Alliance Blvd Barrie ON L4M 5K2 (705) 739-7878 Fax: (705) 739-7826 Contact: Peter Barbe, President


Suppliers catons; Tomek Kniat, Sales Manager or Peter Seto, Senior Water Specialist Avensys Solutions is an industry leader in providing instrumentation and integrated solutions for the monitoring of industrial processes and environmental surveillance applications for air, water and soil in the Canadian marketplace. Avensys offers equipment for the water, wastewater, groundwater, air quality, atmospheric emission, gas detection, hydrology and meteorology applications. We are committed to providing cost-effective, customer-driven solutions, high quality products from single instrument to fully integrated and customized systems. AVOCA-TEC ENERGY MANAGEMENT 31 Marble Arch Cres Scarborough ON M1R 1W8 (416) 701-1148 Fax: (416) 701-1889 AWI 4450-46th Ave SE Calgary AB T2B 3N7 (403) 755-7377 Fax: (403) 255-3129 Contact: Nicola Currie, North America Marketing Manager BACKUP-POWER.CA 2342 Munn’s Ave Oakville ON L6H 6G9 (905) 257-1119 Fax: (905) 257-0119

BAKERCORP 1300 Garth St PO Box 79022 Hamilton ON L9C 5V0 (905) 545-4555 Fax: (905) 545-9388 E-mail: mbaker@bakercorp.com Web site: www.bakercorp.com Contact: Kevin Bailey, Canadian Branch Manager BakerCorp is the industry leader in containment, pumping, filtration and shoring equipment rental solutions with over 90 locations nationwide and international operations in Europe, Canada and Mexico. For over 65 years, BakerCorp has built its reputation on a long history of outstanding customer service, quality equipment and application expertise. BAYCOR FIBRE TECH INC. 4 Edmondson St Brantford ON N3R 7J3 (519) 751-7787 Fax: (519) 751-7712 Contact: Herb Langner BELTECH ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATES INC. 4811 King St Beamsville ON L0R 1B6 (905) 563-8500 Fax: (905) 563-8188

ATLAS DEWATERING CORPORATION 111 Ortona Crt Concord ON L4K 3M3 (905) 669-6825 or (877) 669-6825 Fax: (905) 669-4036 E-mail: steve@atlascorp.com Web site: www.atlasdewatering.com Contact: Steve Brett, General Manager More than 60 years of Dewatering experience; Vacuum Wellpoint Systems; Deep Eductor Well Dewatering; 24 hr Emergency By-pass pumping; Pump Rentals/Sales.

AVENSYS INC. 422 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 1P8 (416) 499-4421 or (888) 965-4700 Fax: (416) 499-0816 E-mail: info@avensys.com Web site: www.avensys.com Contacts: Louise Clement, Marketing Communi-

BENTLEY SYSTEMS INC. 685 Stockton Dr Exton PA 19341 USA (800) 236-8539 Contact: Jessica Rothrock, Marketing Manager BIODISK CORPORATION 426 Royal York Rd Toronto ON M8Y 2R9 (416) 503-4100 Fax: (416) 503-4101 Contact: Tom Smith, President BIOREM TECHNOLOGIES INC. 34-7496 Wellington Rd Guelph ON N1M 6M9 (519) 767-9100 Fax: (519) 767-1824 Contact: Karyn Rousselle, Marketing Manager BIRKSCO (THE BIRKS COMPANY) 2132-Fifteen Sideroad Moffat ON L0P 1J0 (905) 854-9875 Fax: (905) 854-0180 Contact: Michael Birks BISHOP AQUATIC TECHNOLOGIES INC. 110-B Bonnechere St W Eganville ON K0J 1T0 (613) 628-5266 Fax: (613) 628-4978

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Suppliers BLUEWATER ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 201-704 Mara St Point Edward ON N7V 1X4 (519) 337-0228 Fax; (519) 337-9178

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers CANADIANENVIRONMENTAL.COM 2342 Munns Ave Oakville ON L6H 6G9 (905) 257-1119 Fax; (905) 257-0119

CETCO CANADA 6347 Neuchatel Rd Mississauga ON L5N 2J7

BLUE WATER TECHNOLOGIES 10450 N Airport Dr Hayden ID 83835 USA (888) 710-2583 Contact: Shawn Lewis, Marketing Manager

BLUE-ZONE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 14-84 Citation Dr Concord ON L4K 3C1 (905) 761-1224 Fax: (905) 761-3371 E-mail: dfilipovic@bluezone.ca Web site: www.bluezone.ca Contact: Dusanka Filipovic, President Sustainable air pollution and greenhouse gas emission reduction in the healthcare sector. Through the use of its globally patented technology, the company’s products and services prevent the vent of valuable anesthetics, extend their useful life cycle and support hospitals’ leadership in advancing anesthesia practice while creating cleaner local and global environments.

CANADIAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC. 114-2465 Cawthra Rd Mississauga ON L5A 3P2 (800) 265-0182 Fax: (905) 272-1866 E-mail: ross@cdnsafety.com Web site: www.cdnsafety.com Contact: Ross Humphry, Manager Canadian Safety Equipment specializes in confined space entry and rescue equipment including fall protection, gas detection, communication systems and respiratory protection. In addition, we offer the GRACE Lone Worker Monitoring Systems used to monitor lone workers, and in the event that they are hurt or rendered unconscious, will immediately call for assistance. Systems are available for water or wastewater treatment plant monitoring, pumping stations, and can also monitor mobile workers.

B.N.W. VALVE MANUFACTURING LTD. PO Box 47 Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 (905) 689-4713 Fax: (905) 689-7402 Contact: Harry Rodzoniak, President BRISTOL CANADA 6338 Viscount Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1H3 (905) 362-0880 Fax: (905) 362-0882 Contact: Tom Langstaff, Area Sales Manager BSI MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CANADA INC. 102-6205 Airport Rd Mississauga ON L6V 1E1 (800) 862-6752 Fax: (416) 620-9911 Contact: Anne-Marie Pizzitelli, Marketing Manager

C&M ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 3206-274 Burton Ave Barrie ON L4N 5W4 (705) 725-9377 or (800) 570-8779 Fax: (705) 725-8279 E-mail: info@cmeti.com Web site: www.cmeti.com Contacts: Joshua Hamilton, Tonia Van Dyk or Larry Madden Factory representative and distributor for water and wastewater treatment equipment including: screens, grit removal, screenings washers/compactors, circular/rectangular clarifiers, chain and flight collectors, fine/coarse bubble and mechanical aeration, IFAS systems, filters, digester covers/mixers, ATAD systems, screw conveyors, live bottom bins, silos, sludge thickeners, package treatment plants, tablet chlorinators, slide and sluice gates. CAES CAREER ADVANCEMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 200-522 Burlington Ave Burlington ON L7S 1R8 (905) 681-8240 Fax: (905) 639-4601 Contact: Jim Gilchrist, President CANADA PIPE COMPANY LTD. 1757 Burlington St E Hamilton ON L8N 3R5 (905) 547-3251 Fax: (905) 547-7369 Contact: Terry Lang, Sales Manager CANADIAN DRIVES INC. 2-242 Applewood Cres Concord ON L4K 4E5 (905) 660-2766 Fax: (905) 660-0901

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CHEMLINE PLASTICS LIMITED 55 Guardsman Rd Thornhill ON L3T 6L2 (905) 889-7890 Fax: (905) 889-8553 E-mail: request@chemline.com Web site: www.chemline.com Contact: Susan Nagy, Marketing Assistant Chemline stocks manual and actuated valves, strainers, flowmeters and controls all made of corrosion resistant solid thermoplastics; PP and PVDF pipe, fittings, and fusion equipment; teflon tubing, fittings and valves. Flowmeters are variable area and paddle wheel type including instruments. Application areas include waste and water treatment plants, landfills, etc. C.I. AGENT SOLUTIONS 11760 Commonwealth Dr Louisville KY 40299 USA (502) 267-0101 Fax: (502) 267-0181 Contact: Terry Masters, National Sales Manager CIRCUL-AIRE INC. 3999 Cote-Vertu Montreal QC H4R 1R2 (514) 336-3330 Fax: (514) 337-3336 Contact: Nick Agopian, Vice President Sales

CAN-AM INSTRUMENTS LTD. 2851 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 (905) 829-0030 Fax: (905) 829-4701 E-mail: support@can-am.net Web site: www.can-am.net Contact: Mark Reeves, President Can-Am Instruments Ltd. provides sales, rental and service of environmental monitoring equipment, samplers, flow meters, alarm auto dialers, FRP enclosures, oil/water monitors and separators, TOC, BOD, COD, and respirometry monitors and gas detection systems. We represent Hach/American Sigma, Highland (McTighe) Separators, LAR, and Enmet.

CLAESSEN PUMPS LIMITED 2249 Bowman St Innisfil ON L9S 3V5 (705) 431-8585 Fax: (705) 431-2772 Web site: www.claessenpumps.com Contact: Paul Brierton, President Grindex electric submersible pump and Power 4 Prime diesel self priming trash pump are both durable and reliable for any tough job. Claessen Pumps is where you get quick, dependable service to any make or model of pump.

CANCOPPAS LIMITED 2-2595 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 3N9 (905) 569-6246 Fax: (905) 569-6244 E-mail: controls@cancoppas.com Web site: www.cancoppas.com Contact: Steve Gilligan, Sales Manager Marketing, Sales and Service of process control and environmental instrumentation throughout Canada. Specializing in technologies for Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and On-line Analysis for water and wastewater processes. By focusing on products that employ leading edge and unique technologies, Cancoppas is able to provide solutions to problems where other suppliers fall short.

CLARO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES & EQUIPMENT INC. (514) 562-4575 Fax: (514) 683-8786 E-mail: info@claroglobal.com Web site: www.claroglobal.com Contact: Peter Lipert Jr., General Manager Complete system design / equipment: ANAEROBIC DIGESTION & MODULAR HEAT EXCHANGERS (Big Bubble Gun™ gas mixers, Cannon retrofits, sludge heat exchangers & heat recovery, compressors+); SCREENING & GRIT REMOVAL (fine screens, septage stations, washpresses, aerated tank grit extraction, classifiers, vortex+); SOLIDS HANDLING (conveyors, automated outloading, live-bottoms+). OEM; 30+ years applications experience.

CARTIER CHEMICALS LTD 445 21st Ave Lachine QC H8S 3T8 (514) 637-4631 Fax: (514) 637-8804 Contact: E.W. Robins, President

CLA-VAL CANADA LTD. 4687 Christie Dr SS1 Beamsville ON L0R 1B4 (905) 563-4963 Fax: (905) 563-4040

CCOHS 135 Hunter St E Hamilton ON L8N 1M5 (905) 572-2981 Fax: (905) 572-2206 Contact: Eleanor Westwood, Manager Communications

CLOW CANADA 1757 Burlington St E Box 2849 Hamilton ON L8N 3R5 (800) 561-9931 Fax: (905) 547-0113 Contact: Ray Miller, Sales

CEA INSTRUMENTS, INC. 160 Tillman St Westwood NJ 07675 USA (201) 967-5660 Fax: (201) 967-8450 Contact: Steven Adelman, VP Sales & Marketing

CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 7480 Bath Rd Mississauga ON L4T 1L2 (905) 612-0566 Fax: (905) 612-0575 Contact: Mike O’Brien, Sales Manager

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers COBRA TANKS INC. 115-2677 192nd St Surrey BC V3S 3X1 (604) 541-9423 Fax: (604) 541-9470 Contact: Phil Cudmore, Vice President COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS INC. 4-1540 Trinity Dr Mississauga ON L5T 1L6 (905) 795-1610 Fax: (905) 795-1632 Contact: Louie Simone, Sr Technical Sales Rep COMPREVAC INC. 3067 Jarrow Ave Mississauga ON L4X 2C6 (905) 624-4096 Fax: (905) 624-4099 Contact: Jonathan Snook, General Manager CON CAST PIPE 299 Brock Rd S Guelph ON N1H 6H9 (800) 668-7473 Fax: (519) 763-1956 CONTAINMENT SOLUTIONS 5150 Jefferson Chemical Rd Conroe TX 77301 USA 1-877-CSI-TANK Fax: (936) 756-7766 Contact: Scott Knake CONTECH – PCB CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 75 Wanless Crt Ayr ON N0B 1E0 (519) 740-1333 Fax: (519) 740-2320 CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS (STORMWATER 360) 200 Enterprise Dr Scarborough ME 04092 USA (207) 885-9830 Fax: (207) 885-9825 CONTOR TERMINALS INC. 1611 Britannia Rd E Mississauga ON L4W 1S5 (905) 670-7771 or (905) 740-3959 Fax: (905) 670-8721 CONVAULT, INC. 4109 E Zeering Rd Den Air CA 95316 USA (209) 632-7571 Fax: (209) 632-4711 Contact: David Harris, Vice President Marketing CORIX WATER PRODUCTS (EAST) INC. 4102 Eastgate Cres London ON N6L 1B2 (519) 652-5555 Fax: (519) 652-0545 Contact: Rick Henry, Sales Manager

CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INSTITUTE 2A-652 Bishop St N Cambridge ON N3H 4V6 (866) 295-2416 Fax: (519) 650-8081 E-mail: djpenny@cspi.ca Web site: www.cspi.ca Contact: Dave Penny, Marketing Manager The Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute is a Canadian association of manufacturers of corrugated steel pipe and material suppliers. With production facilities and technically trained sales staff in communities throughout Canada, we work with you to create flexible and versatile solutions to meet your drainage requirements and bring you the greatest value for today’s dollar. CRETEX SPECIALTY PRODUCTS N16-W23390 Stoneridge Dr Waukesha WI 53188 USA (262) 542-8153 Fax: (262) 542-0301 Contact: Sales Department

DAGAZ ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 4-2510 Jasper Ave Saskatoon SK S7J K2 (306) 249-1312 Fax: (306) 249-1455 Contact: Kathleen Cameron, President & Sr Env Director DAGEX INC. 21 Parkes Dr Ajax ON L1S 4W4 (905) 427-2666 Fax: (905) 427-6366 Contact: M. Bates DANAMARK WATERCARE 90 Walker Dr Brampton ON L6T 4H6 (888) 326-2627 Fax: (905) 792-2986 Contact: D. French, Director Business Development DANATEC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LTD. 201-11450 29th St SE Calgary AB T2Z 3V5 (800) 465-3366 Fax: (403) 232-6952 Contact: Alina Martin, VP Sales & Marketing DAVIS CONTROLS LTD. 2200 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 5R3 (905) 829-2000 Fax: (905) 829-2630 Contact: Larry Staunitzky, Product Manager DEAN PUMP, MET-PRO CORP. 6040 Guion Rd Indianapolis IN 46254 USA (317) 293-2930 Fax: (317) 297-7028 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Manager Creative Services DEGREMONT TECHNOLOGIES 8007 Discovery Dr Richmond VA 23229 USA (804) 756-7600 Fax: (804) 756-7643 Contact: Sylvie Roy, Marketing Manager DEGREMONT TECHNOLOGIES 400-1375 route Transcanadienne Dorval QC H9P 2W8 (514) 683-1200 Fax: (514) 683-1203

DENSO NORTH AMERICA INC. 12-90 Ironside Cres Toronto ON M1X 1M3 (416) 291-3435 Fax: (416) 291-0898 E-mail: blair@densona.com Web site: www.densona.com Contact: Blair Slessor, Regional Sales Manager Denso – the global leader in corrosion prevention for over 117 years. Denso offers the highest quality, most economical, long-term corrosion protection for all above and belowground metal surfaces. The Denso petrolatum tape system consists of Denso paste as an initial corrosion inhibitor; Denso mastic fillers to eliminate localized corrosion cells; Denso petrolatum tape as the long-term corrosion barrier. The Denso system requires only minimum surface preparation, is ready for immediate service after application, VOC free, environmentally responsible and maintenance free. DEVTRA INC. – THE “CHECKER” ® 2441 Lakeshore Rd W PO Box 70024 Oakville ON L6L 6M9 (905) 825-0172 Fax: (905) 469-8831 Contact: David Lefevre, General Manager

CUDO STORMWATER PRODUCTS INC. PO Box 497 Occidental CA 95465 USA (877) 876-3345 Fax: (707) 876-3346 Contact: Doug Allard, President CULTEC, INC. 878 Federal Rd PO Box 280 Brookfield CT 06804 USA (800) 4-CULTEC Fax: (203) 775-1462 Contact: Chris Di Tullio


DEWIND ONE-PASS TRENCHING 9150-96th Ave Zeeland MI 49464 USA (616) 875-7580 Fax: (616) 875-7334 Contact: Becky DeWind, Owner Since 1991 DeWind Deep One-Pass Trenching has built, maintained, and operated our fleet of

Suppliers deep one-pass trenching machines. Our intimate knowledge of our equipment enables us to provide you with the most powerful and reliable onepass trenching machines in North America. DIRECTRIK LTD. 16-6790 Davand Dr Mississauga ON L5T 2G5 (905) 565-9606 Fax: (905) 565-1358 Contact: Sam Directo, General Manager DOUGLAS BARWICK INC. 150 California Ave Brockville ON K6V 5W1 (613) 342-8471 Fax: (613) 342-4432 Contact: Clem McEvoy, Sales Manager DRAEGER SAFETY CANADA LTD. 7555 Danbro Cres Mississauga ON L5N 6P9 (905) 821-8988 Fax: (905) 821-2565 Contact: Lynn Scharfe, Marketing Assistant

DRAIN-ALL LTD. 1161 Liverpool Crt Ottawa ON K1B 4L1 (613) 739-1070 Fax: (613) 739-5971 Contact: Stephen Huza, Manager, Sales & Business Development Drain-All Ltd. environmental service company, providing industrial wet/dry vacuuming, high pressure blasting and vacuum excavation. Emergency spill response and First Responder containment, removal and remediation; for truck rollovers or train derailments. Hazardous waste (liquid or solid) removal. Flush and camera-sewers-process and leachate lines. Confined space entry and cleaning. D.R. TECHNOLOGY, INC. 73 South St Freehold NJ 07728 USA (732) 780-4664 Fax: (732) 780-1545 Contact: D. Krueger, Office Manager

DUALL, MET-PRO CORP. 1550 Industrial Dr Owosso MI 48867 USA (989) 725-8184 Fax: (989) 725-8188 E-mail: info@dualldiv.com Web site: www.dualldiv.com Contact: Greg Kimmer, VP/GM Manufactures air and water quality control systems for the treatment of odors, corrosive fumes and toxic gas in industrial and municipal applications. Products include dry scrubbers, mist eliminators, fume/emergency gas scrubbers, NOx scrubbers, wet particulate dust collectors, odor control wet scrubbers, bioscrubbers, aeration towers/ degasifiers, and ducting/exhaust fans.

DURPRO 255 Montcalm N Candiac QC J5R 3L6 (800) 850-5035 Fax: (450) 659-7781 E-mail: sdurepos@durpro.com Web site: www.durpro.com Contact: Sharon Durepos, VP Marketing/Sales Durpro supplies Dissolved Air Flotation FDAF units, Ozone Generators, Oxygen Generators and Automatic Self-Cleaning Filters as well as Integrated Systems, Components and Media: RO, UF, Nano, EDI, Membranes, Softeners, Carbon Filters. Ion Exchange, Dealkalizers, Condensate

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Suppliers Polishers, Filter Cartridges & Bag Filters, GE Autototrol & Aquamatic Valves and Tonkaflo Pumps. Elite Distributor for GE, Amiad, Filtomat Filters, 3M CUNO. Manufacturers of Dur-flote ™ Dissolved Air Flotation and Ozo-Pro Ozone Generators and systems. DYK INCORPORATED PO Box 696 El Cajon CA 92022-0696 USA (619) 440-8181 Fax: (619) 440-8653 Contact: Galit Ryan, VP Sales & Marketing DYNAMIC PLASTIC SOLUTIONS INC. 17-850 Legion Rd Burlington ON L7S 1T5 (866) 559-2357 Fax: (905) 333-9335 Contact: Steven Shillingford, President ECO BURN INC. 14-5195 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7L 6E9 (905) 634-7022 Fax: (905) 634-0831 Contact: Andrea Monague ECO CANADA 200-308-11th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 0Y2 (403) 476-1959 Fax: (403) 269-9544 ECODYNE LIMITED 4475 Corporate Dr Burlington ON L7L 5T9 (905) 332-1404 Fax: (905) 332-6726 Contact: Paul Kitchen, General Sales Manager

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers

E L E M E N TA L C ONTROLS ELEMENTAL CONTROLS - NITON ANALYZERS 3230 Wharton Way Mississauga ON L4X 2C1 (905) 282-9974 Fax: (905) 282-9519 E-mail: kgrattan@elementalcontrols.com Web site: www.elementalcontrols.com Contact: Keith Grattan, Director of Sales and Marketing The NITON Analyzers Division of Elemental Controls provides Sales, Service, and Rental capability of Field Portable XRF Analyzers for Heavy Metal Screening in Soils for Remediation, Lead Paint Assessments, and Heavy Metals in Dust and Air Filters with the NITON Xli/t Series of Source and Tube based XRF Systems. ELSTER METERING 1100 Walker’s Line Burlington ON L7N 2G3 (905) 634-4895 Fax: (905) 634-6705 Contact: Gord Moffatt, Product Manager EMCO CORPORATION 1834 Drew Rd Mississauga ON L5S 1J6 (866) 271-9322 Fax: (905) 564-2228

ECOFLUID SYSTEMS INC. 209-5589 Byrne Rd S Burnaby BC V5J 3J1 (604) 662-4544 Fax: (604) 662-4564 Contact: Justin Hebner, Sales

EMRP INC. 13-23 Craig St Brantford ON N3R 7H8 (519) 751-3405 Fax: (519) 751-3443

ECOINTER CORPORATION 67 Varsity Rd Toronto ON M6S 4N7 (416) 464-6799 Fax: (416) 850-9942 Contact: Alex Tsyzanicov, President

ENABLON NORTH AMERICA 233 S Wacker Dr The Sears Tower Chicago IL 60606 USA (312) 396-4115 Contact: Ron Johnston, N. A. Sales Director

ECOLOG ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES GROUP 800-12 Concorde Pl Toronto ON M3C 4J2 (416) 510-6844 Fax: (416) 510-5133 Website: www.ecolog.com Contact: Terry Barkhouse, Sales Account Mgr For over 30 years, EcoLog Environmental Resources Group has been Canada’s leading source of environmental health & safety news, legislation and risk information. EcoLog.com offers online subscription packages of national and regional legislation, daily/weekly news, an EHS compliance newsletter, and magazines on solid waste and hazardous materials. ECO-TEC INC. 1145 Squires Beach Rd Pickering ON L1W 3T9 (905) 427-0077 Fax: (905) 427-4477 Contact: Greg Berube, Marketing Manager ECO TECHNOLOGIES 3481 Route 305 Pigeon Hill NB E8T 2W4 (506) 344-5958 Fax: (506) 344-7672 E.H. WACHS COMPANY 600 Knightsbridge Pkwy Lincolnshire IL 60069 USA (847) 537-8800 Fax: (847) 520-1147 Contact: Sherry Gilmore, Marketing Coordinator EIMCO WATER TECHNOLOGIES 300-2010 Winston Park Dr Oakville ON L6H 5R7 (905) 491-2700 Fax: (905) 491-2790 Contact: Donna Morano, Sales Manager ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE LIMITED 8835-60th Ave Edmonton AB T6E 6L9 (780) 496-9300

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ENDRESS + HAUSER CANADA LTD. 1075 Sutton Dr Burlington ON L7L 5Z8 (905) 681-9292 Fax: (905) 681-9444 E-mail: info@ca.endress.com Web site: www.ca.endress.com Contact: Scott Whitehouse, Mktg Comm Mgr Established in 1953, Endress + Hauser is a worldwide manufacturer of instrumentation for the water and wastewater and process industries, including flow, level, pressure, analysis, temperature and recorders. Our analysis line includes chlorine, pH, turbidity and dissolved oxygen measurement systems as well as ammonia, nitrate and phosphate analyzers and sludge level detection. ENGINEERED STORAGE PRODUCTS COMPANY 345 Harvestore Dr DeKalb IL 60115 USA (815) 756-1551 Fax: (815) 756-1659 Contact: Rocky Owens, VP – Sales ENTEX TECHNOLOGIES INC. 260-400 Silver Cedar Crt Chapel Hill NC 27514 USA (919) 933-2770 Fax: (919) 287-2258 Contact: Wayne Flournoy, President

ENGINEERED PUMP SYSTEMS LTD. 1635 Industrial Ave Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M9 (604) 552-7900 Fax: (604) 552-7901 E-mail: epsl@telus.net Engineered Pump Systems Ltd. specializes in the supply of water and wastewater conveyance, treatment and disposal products. Submersible pumps, solids grinders, access hatches, valves

and controls to name a few. Equipment can be supplied in complete factory built packages or as components for on-site installation. Engineered Pump Systems has built a reputation as a trusted supplier of knowledge and quality products backed up with over two decades of satisfied customer service.

ENV TREATMENT SYSTEMS INC. 70 High St Etobicoke ON M8Y 3N9 (416) 503-7639 Fax: (416) 503-8925 E-mail: envinc@interlog.com Contact: Edward M. Pikovnik Markham Office: Rob Rainford, robr@envinc.ca Aeration (aspirating, submerged turbine, fine bubble); clarifiers (rectangular, circular); disinfection; dewatering presses; centrifuges, continuous sandfilters; SBRs, package plants; biofilters; underground corrugated stormwater systems; plunger pumps; stormwater CSO; digester covers & mixers; ozonation systems; access hatches; hispeed blowers; vortex grit removal; coalescing oil water separators; tipping buckets/CSO screens; peristaltic hosepumps; odour control; positive displacement blowers; flumes; bar screens, fine plate or perforated plate screens, compactors, conveyors and submerged grit screws.

ENVIROCAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT COMPANY 15-2 Marconi Crt Bolton ON L7E 1E5 (905) 951-9672 Fax: (905) 951-3195 E-mail: envirocan@sympatico.ca Web site: www.envirocan.ca Envirocan offers a full line of wastewater treatment solutions including complete head works systems aeration systems, tertiary filtration high efficiency blowers, and sludge dewatering equipment.

CANECT ENVIROGATE EVENT MANAGEMENT 30-220 Industrial Pkwy S Aurora ON L4G 3V6 (905) 727-4666 Fax: (905) 841-7271 E-mail: steve@esemag.com Web site: www.envirogate.ca Contact: Steve Davey, Director Envirogate is now widely recognized as Canada’s leading environmental compliance training organization. Producers of the annual Canadian Environmental Conference and Tradeshow (CANECT), our experience and dedication to the field provide registrants access to practical and proven insights offered by a knowledgeable and approachable roster comprised of Canada’s leading environmental professionals. ENVIRONETICS INC. 1201 Commerce St Lockport IL 60441 USA (815) 838-8331 Fax: (815) 838-8336 Contact: Crystal Terfler, Sales Assistant ENVIRONMENT CANADA 4905 Dufferin St Toronto ON M3H 5T4 (416) 739-5867 Fax: (416) 739-4405 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS 286 Mask Island Dr RR #1 Barry’s Bay ON K0J 1B0 (613) 756-0101 Fax: (613) 756-0909 Contact: Nigel Newing, Vice President

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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING MAGAZINE 30-220 Industrial Pkwy S Aurora ON L4G 3V6 (905) 727-4666 Fax: (905) 841-7271 E-mail: steve@esemag.com Web site: www.esemag.com Contact: Steve Davey, Publisher Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine has covered Canada’s multi-billion dollar a year environmental protection industry since 1988. ES&E’s expert articles are vitally important to some 19,000 readers responsible for the design, construction and operation of water treatment and distribution systems, sewerage systems, and industrial and hazardous waste management systems. EPIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM INNOVATIONS CENTER 5759 Coopers Ave Mississauga ON L4Z 1R9 (888) 374-2338 Fax: (800) 866-6343 Contact: Hira Ahuja, President

ERIS (ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICE) 800-12 Concorde Pl Toronto ON M3C 4J2 (416) 510-5204 Fax: (416) 510-5133 E-mail: info@eris.ca Web site: www.eris.ca Contact: Joan Hagerman, Sales Acct Mgr ERIS is Canada’s leading provider of risk information for property. Federal, provincial and private sector databases provide detailed reports on potential environmental liabilities. ERIS reports are an essential component of Phase 1 and 2 ESA requirements, remediation assessments and legal due diligence and are affordable, accessible and accurate. Fire insurance plans, property underwriters’ reports, property title searches, city directory searches, topographic maps and aerial photographs are also available. EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CANADA (EDC) 810-150 York St Toronto ON M5H 3S5 (416) 640-7615 Fax: (416) 640-7634 FABGROUPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1100 Saint Amour Saint Laurent QC H4S 1J2 (514) 331-3712 Fax: (514) 331-5656 Contact: Ted Mulhern

FE MYERS CO., DIV of PENTAIR CANADA 269 Trillium Dr Kitchener ON N2G 4W6 (519) 748-5470 Fax: (519) 748-2553

FLUORESCENT LAMP RECYLERS INC. 75 Wanless Crt Ayr ON N0B 1E0 (519) 740-3334 Fax: (519) 740-2320

FESTIVAL CITY FABRICATORS, DIV OF CSTI 487 Lorne Ave E Stratford ON N5A 6T3 (519) 271-4751 Fax: (519) 271-1092 Contact: Chris Wyatt, Sales & Mktg Manager

FPZ, INC. 150 N Progress Dr Saukville WI 53080 USA (262) 268-0180 Fax: (262) 268-0415 Contact: Steve Schultz, Director Mktg

FILTER INNOVATIONS INC. 744 Gordon Baker Rd Toronto ON M2H 3B4 (416) 490-7848 Fax: (416) 490-0974 Contact: John Dragasevich, President FILTERSENSE 357W-800 Cummings Center Beverly MA 01915 USA (978) 927-4304 Fax: (978) 927-4329 Contact: Gail Morris, Inside Sales Manager

FIRESTONE SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 2-2835 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 8G6 (905) 363-3133 or (888) 292-6265 Fax: (905) 821-2082 or (877) 666-3022 Web site: www.firestonesp.ca Contact: Dominic Petruzzi, Product Manager Firestone Specialty Products manufactures high quality, durable geomembrane systems used in a wide variety of decorative and critical containment applications including commercial and residential ponds, waterfalls and streams; irrigation canals; stormwater retention ponds; aquaculture ponds, constructed wetlands, animal waste containment and mining. Our product offerings include PondGard EPDM, fPP-R and EPDM Geomembranes and a full line of accessories. FLEX-KLEEN, MET-PRO CORP. 45 N Brandon Dr Glendale Heights IL 60139 USA (630) 775-0707 Fax: (630) 295-9019 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Services FLIR SYSTEMS 25 Esquire Rd North Billerica MA 01862 USA (978) 901-8000 Fax: (978) 901-8532 FLOCHEM LTD. RR#7 Guelph ON N1H 6J4 (519) 763-5441 Fax: (519) 763-9691 Contact: Tim Trottier, VP Sales FLOWMETRIX TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 212 Terrence Ave Dorchester ON N0L 1G3 (519) 870-3659 Fax: (519) 268-3459 FLUID DYNAMICS PO Box 576 Lansdale PA 19446 USA (888) 363-7886 Fax: (215) 699-0370

FABRICATED PLASTICS LIMITED 2175 Teston Rd Maple ON L6A 1T3 (905) 832-8161 Fax: (905) 832-2111 E-mail: info@fabricatedplastics.com Web site: www.fabricatedplastics.com Contact: Greg Landry, Vice President Sales We custom design, engineer and fabricate chemical and pollution control equipment in reinforced plastics (FRP), thermoplastics and dual laminate armoured thermoplastics for the chemical processing and pollution control industries. Products include: pipe, tanks, vessels, scrubbers, mist eliminators, columns, hoods, stacks, launders, cooling towers and ducting. FCM’S GREEN MUNICIPAL FUND 24 Clarence St Ottawa ON K1N 5P3 (613) 241-5221 Fax: (613) 244-1515 Contact: Raymend Sullivan, Communication Mgr



FLUIDYNE CORPORATION Suite D-5436 Nordic Dr Cedar Falls IA 50613 USA (319) 266-9967 Fax: (319) 277-6034 E-mail: fluidyne@fluidynecorp.com Web site: www.fluidynecorp.com Contact: Erick Mandt Fluidyne provides wastewater treatment equipment for municipalities and industries. Fluidyne’s Integrated Surge Anoxic Mix – ISAM™ activated sludge system provides tertiary level wastewater treatment with integral sludge reduction (up to 85% less than conventional plants) all in one process. Other products include grit removal, jet aeration, jet mixing, and sludge digestion.

FOCUS ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 5360 South Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 5L1 (905) 690-7638 Fax: (905) 690-7639 Contact: Robert Freeman, President Focus Environmental Group Inc. provides clientele with professional, full service environmental contracting services to suit site-specific project needs, including: waste management (soil, C&D, liquid), tank removal and disposal, TSSA Ontario licenced, TSSA PM1, PM2, PM3 certified personnel; soil/groundwater remediation expertise; site/plant-facility decommissioning; environmental restoration. FRAC RITE ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 5325-3rd St SE Calgary AB T2S 0T1 (403) 265-5533 Fax: (403) 265-5648 FYBROC, MET-PRO CORP. 700 Emlen Way Telford PA 18969 USA (215) 723-8155 Fax: (215) 723-2197 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Svcs GARDNER DENVER ENGINEERED PRODUCTS DIVISION 100 Gardner Park Peachtree City GA 30269 USA (770) 632-5000 Fax: (770) 486-5629 Contact: Carol Sanders, Marketing Specialist G.E. WATER & PROCESS TECHNOLOGIES 3239 Dundas St W Oakville ON L6M 4B2 (905) 465-3030 Fax: (905) 465-3050 GENEQ INC. 8047 Jarry St E Montreal QC H1J 1H6 (514) 354-2511 Fax: (514) 354-6948 Contact: Rene Parise, VP Sales & Marketing G.E.T. INDUSTRIES INC. 33 Cedar Dr Caledon ON L7K 1H5 (905) 451-9900 Fax: (519) 927-9315 Contact: David Martin GLENTEL INC. 8501 Commerce Court Burnaby BC V5A 4N3 (604) 415-7032 Fax: (604) 415-6576

GORMAN-RUPP OF CANADA LIMITED 70 Burwell Rd St Thomas ON N5P 3R7 (519) 631-2870 Fax: (519) 631-4624 Web site: www.grcanada.com Contact: Mark Neal, Marketing Manager Gorman-Rupp of Canada manufactures a full line of self priming centrifugal, standard centrifugal and submersible pumps for construction, industrial, sewage, petroleum, agricultural and firefighting applications.

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GLOBESTAR SYSTEMS INC. 7 Kodiak Cres Toronto ON M3J 3E5 (416) 636-2282 Fax: (416) 635-1711 Contact: Don Hennessey, Product Comm. Manager

GREYLINE INSTRUMENTS INC. 16456 Sixsmith Dr Long Sault ON K0C 1P0 (613) 938-8956 Fax: (613) 938-4857 Contact: Ernie Higginson, Vice President

HASSCO INDUSTRIES INC. 223 Ashland Ave London ON N5W 4E3 (519) 451-3100 Fax: (519) 451-3102 Contact: David Hassan, President

GODWIN PUMPS One Floodgate Rd Bridgeport NJ 08014 USA (856) 467-3636 Contact: Joe Abbott, National Sales Manager

GROUND EFFECTS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 2251 Industrial Dr PO Box 1605 Regina SK S4P 3C4 (866) 425-1400 Fax: (306) 352-1412

HAZCO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, A CCS COMPANY 15-550 Trillium Dr Kitchener ON N3R 1K3 (519) 886-2972 Fax: (519) 886-3078 Contact: Terry Lorentz HAZMAT MANAGEMENT MAGAZINE 800-12 Concorde Pl Toronto ON M3C 4J2 (416) 510-6798 Fax: (416) 510-5133 Contact: Brad O’Brien, Publisher

GREATARIO ENGINEERED STORAGE SYSTEMS 715647 County Road No 4 PO Box 399 Innerkip ON N0J 1M0 (519) 469-8169 Fax: (519) 469-8157 E-mail: sales@greatarioengsys.com Web site: www.greatario.com Contacts: Steve Gregory, Scott Burn, Jeff Rodger or Willie Hodess Products/services: supply and construct Aquastore® glass-fused-to-steel storage tanks, Temcor® aluminum domes and covers and JetMix vortex mixing systems. Principals/trade names represented: Aquastore®, Temcor®, JetMix™. GREEN MARKET CANADA 42 Arlstan Dr Toronto ON M3H 4V9 (416) 473-4614

GREEN TURTLE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 2596 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 1J5 (416) 966-9400 Fax: (416) 966-3439 Web site: www.greenturtletech.com Contact: Rob Abernethy, Manager of Canadian and International Markets At Green Turtle, we know our customers would rather focus on their business, not their wastewater. Green Turtle combines innovative technology and flexible manufacturing capabilities to help thousands of customers meet local wastewater pre-treatment requirements. Our line of Proceptor™ oil, grease and solids separators and PHIX™ neutralization systems ensures our customers meet local regulatory requirements. GREENOAKS COMMUNICATIONS 84 Oak Ave Richmond Hill ON L4C 6R7 (905) 889-1987 Fax: (905) 889-1987 Contact: Vic Wilensky, President

GREENSPOON SPECIALTY CONTRACTING 42 Stafford Dr Brampton ON L6W 1L4 (905) 458-1005 Fax: (905) 458-4149 E-mail: jpmarini@greenspoon.net Web site: www.greenspoon.net Contact: J.P. Marini Greenspoon Specialty Contracting has been actively engaged in the Demolition and Environmental Remediation industry for over 50 years. Spanning across the commercial, industrial and government sectors, GSC is proficient in all areas of demolition (implosion and dismantlement), asbestos, mould and lead abatement, soil/groundwater remediation and site decommissioning. Proficient in LEED projects. Offices in Toronto, Winnipeg, Buffalo.

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GRUNDFOS CANADA INC. 2941 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 (905) 829-9533 Fax: (905) 829-9512 Web site: www.grundfos.ca Grundfos is a worldwide manufacturer of centrifugal pumps for residential, agricultural, environmental and commercial/industrial applications with 67 companies in 43 countries employing over 11,000 employees internationally.

H2FLOW EQUIPMENT INC. 7-470 North Rivermede Rd Concord ON L4K 3R8 (905) 660-9775 Fax: (905) 660-9744 E-mail: info@h2flow.com Web site: www.h2flow.com Contact: Michael Albanese, P.Eng. Water-wastewater treatment equipment for industrial and municipal applications: grinders, screens, conveyors, SBRs, grit removal, aerators, blowers, biological treatment, clarifiers, sludge presses, centrifuges, digesters, mixers, thickeners, tertiary treatment and filters, package plants, UV disinfection, drinking water filters, filters, underdrains, strainers, DAFs, CSO treatment, odour control biofilters, oil/water separators.

HERON INSTRUMENTS INC. 2031 James St Burlington ON L7R 1H2 (800) 331-2032 or (905) 634-4449 Fax: (905) 634-9657 E-mail: info@heroninstruments.com Web site: www.heroninstruments.com Contact:Vicky Toon, Sales & Marketing Heron Instruments offers a line of high quality groundwater monitoring instrumentation diverse enough for any groundwater project and any budget. The dipper-T and the Water Tape water level indicators are standards for measuring depth of water in wells, boreholes & standpipes. For narrow spaces the Skinny Dipper is a perfect fit. The Conductivity PLUS level & temperature meter make conductivity profiling quick and easy. Use the Heron dipperLog groundwater data logger for continual, long term monitoring of water levels & temperature. Add the dipperWave system and communicate with your dipperLOG at distances of up to 1 Km (1000 yds). HETEK SOLUTIONS INC. 2085 Piper Lane London ON N5V 3S5 (519) 659-1144 Fax: (519) 453-2182 Contact: Gary Fricke, Mgr Business Development HF SCIENTIFIC 3170 Metro Pkwy Ft Myers FL 33916 USA (239) 337-2116 Fax: (239) 332-7643 Contact: Dennis Perry, Marketing Mgr

H2FLOW TANKS & SYSTEMS INC. 6-470 North Rivermede Rd Concord ON L4K 3R8 (905) 660-0649 Fax: (905) 660-9744 E-mail: tanks@h2flow.com Web site: www.h2flow.com Contact: Darrin Hopper, National Sales Manager Sales, installation and service of PERMASTORE glass-fused-to-steel tanks, CONSERVATEK aluminum covers, and related systems such as Fluidyne, Eimco and PAX mixing systems. Applications include aerobic and anaerobic digesters, water tanks and towers, wastewater/slurry/leachate storage tanks, clarifier tanks, MBR and SBR tanks. Custom engineered tanks with published quality standards and a commitment to “zero defect” glass fusion. Alternative FRP paneled water storage tanks available from Fiber Technology Corporation. HALOGEN VALVE SYSTEMS INC. A-17961 Sky Park Circle Irvine CA 92614 USA (877) 476-4222 Fax: (949) 261-5033 Contact: Tom Kincaid, President HANSON PIPE & PRECAST LTD. RR2 Stn Galt 2099 Roseville Rd Cambridge ON N1R 5S3 (519) 622-7574 or (888) 888-3222 Fax: (519) 621-8233

HLS ECOLO 59 Penn Dr Toronto ON M9L 2A6 (416) 740-3900 Fax: (416) 740-3800 Contact: Allen Nichols, Sales Manager

HOSKIN SCIENTIFIC LTD. 239 East 6th Ave Vancouver BC V5T 1J7 (604) 872-7894 Fax: (604) 872-0281 E-mail: rmckeown@hoskin.ca Contact: Rod McKeown Hoskin Scientific sells sampling and monitoring instruments for the environmental, agricultural, mining, oil & gas, and forestry markets. We have a complete range of instruments for: water quality, water level, water flow and velocity, groundwater sampling, limnology and oceanography, soil and plant science sampling and testing, weather stations, data loggers including the miniature low-cost HOBO loggers. HULCHER SERVICES INC. 333A Humberline Dr Rexdale ON M9W 5X3 (416) 675-0565 Fax: (416) 675-0567

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers IMPERIAL COFFEE & SERVICES INC. 12 Kodiak Cres Toronto ON M3J 3G5 (416) 638-7404

HYBRIDYNE POWER SYSTEMS CANADA INC. PO Box 93001 1111 Davis Dr Newmarket ON L3Y 8K3 Phone/Fax: (866) 230-3918 E-mail: info@hybridynepower.ca Web site: www.hybridynepower.ca Contact: Thomas Cleland, President Hybridyne Power Systems Canada Inc. specializes in the international sales and installation of Hybrid (Wind & Solar) Renewable Energy Systems, of the distributed-architecture, peak-shaving, non-co-gen type. HYDRO-LOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 250-762 Upper James St Hamilton ON L9C 3A2 (905) 777-9494 Fax: (905) 777-8678 Contact: George Pastoric, President

HYDROVISION AMERICA 35 B-10520 Yonge St Ste # 212 Richmond Hill ON L4C 3C7 (905) 833-0885 Fax: (905) 833-0823 E-mail: info@hydrovision.us Web site: www.hydrovision.us Contact: Riyaz Jiwani, International Manager HydroVision GmbH designs and manufactures sophisticated measurement instruments used by water and wastewater industries worldwide. Principal product lines include level and flow measurement. Ultrasonic flow meters are available as individual measuring stations or complete system solutions. Contact us for more information, because: At HydroVision we know flow!

ICR WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC. 3-23 Progress Dr Orillia ON L3V 6H1 (888) 281-7774 Fax: (888) 281-7774 E-mail: bhouse21@rogers.com Web site: www.icrwatertechnologies.com Contact: Bev House, General Manager If you are looking for these well known and long established products, ODS® Pumps, Dorrco® Pumps, Gorator® Pumps, Doxie® Hydrocyclones, Centrifugal Pumps, Chemical Metering Pumps, Vacuum Pumps, Polymer Systems, Glycol Systems, Waste Treatment Packages, and many accessory items, then contact ICR Water Technologies Inc.

INDACHEM INC. 3-1040 Martin Grove Rd Toronto ON M9W 4W4 (416) 743-3751 Fax: (416)743-2038 E-mail: ballen@keddco.com, rao@keddco.com Web site: www.indachem.com Contacts: Brian G. Allen, Manager or Max Rao, Sales Engineer Siemens/Stranco “PolyBlend” dry/liquid polymer feed systems; “Strantrol HRR” chlorination/dechlorination controllers; “Water Champ” gas/liquid chemical induction and mixing systems; ABEL high pressure pumps; ADI International arsenic removal; Cornell non-clog centrifugal pumps; Halogen emergency valve actuators; Muddy Rivers; oil/water separators and DAF; HLS Ecolo odour control technology; Westfalia centrifuges. INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION 1001 Oakdale Rd Oakdale PA 15071 USA (412) 788-4353 Fax: (412) 788-8353 Contact: Renee Simpson, Marketing Services Coordinator

Suppliers INTERPROVINCIAL CORROSION CONTROL 930 Sheldon Crt Burlington ON L7L 5K6 (905) 634-7757 Fax: (905) 333-4313 Contact: Ray Thoroski, Manager Customer Service INTERRA HAZMAT EMERGENCY RESPONSE Bay 12-2180 Pegasus Way NE Calgary AB T2E 8M5 (403) 236-4901 or (866) 249-7583 Fax: (403) 236-1759

IPEX INC. 2441 Royal Windsor Dr Mississauga ON L5J 4C7 (866) 473-9462 Fax: (905) 403-1124 Contact: Bill Hawke, Marketing Manager IPEX offers the world’s most extensive range of thermoplastic piping systems for the municipal, electrical, industrial, mechanical, plumbing and radiant heating markets. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities across North America, the IPEX name is synonymous with quality and performance.

INSITU CONTRACTORS INC. 150 Stevenson Street S Guelph ON N1E 5N7 (519) 763-0700 Fax: (519) 763-6684 Contact: Harry Oussoren, President

INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES® LIMITED 7605-18th Street Edmonton AB T5N 2J4 (780) 413-0200 Fax: (780) 413-0777 E-mail: afoster@insituform.com Web site: www.insituform.com Contact: Andrew Foster, Business Development Manager Insituform Technologies® rehabilitates deteriorated sewer and water pipes using the Insituform® process, a non-disruptive method of creating a structurally sound pipe-within-a-pipe. The Insituform® process is an afffordable way to solve a full range of everyday sewer and water problems with no, or limited, digging or disruption. INTEGRATED EXPLORATIONS 1-67 Watson Rd S Guelph ON N1H 6H8 (519) 822-2608 Fax: (519) 822-3076

ITT WATER & WASTEWATER 300 Labrosse Ave Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4V5 (514) 695-0100 Fax: (514) 697-0602 Web site: www.ittwww.ca Contact: Raymond Simond, Communications Manager Integrated solutions for fluid handling are offered by ITT Water & Wastewater as a world leader in the transport and treatment of wastewater. We provide a complete range of water, wastewater and drainage pumps, monitors and controls, biological treatment units, products for filtration and disinfection, and a full dewatering and rentals service. IWR TECHNOLOGIES 5710-51 St SE Calgary AB T2C 4M9 (403) 297-0925 Fax: (403) 730-7989 J.K. ENGINEERING LTD 320-7930 Bowness Rd NW Calgary AB T3B 0H3 (403) 247-1777 Fax: (403) 286-9895 Contact: Jan Korzeniowski, President

IDEAL PIPE 1196 Sunningdale Rd W London ON N6G 5B6 (519) 473-2669 Fax: (519) 641-2524 IET – AQUARESEARCH LTD. PO Box 2680 North Hatley QC J0B 2C0 (819) 842-2494 Fax: (819) 842-2414 Contact: Karl F. Erlich, Vice President IHS ESP 800-444 Castro St Mountain View CA 94041 USA (650) 968-9000 Fax: (650) 691-6984 Contact: Rebecca Morris, Director Mktg-Env. Initiatives IMBRIUM SYSTEMS INC. 2100-2 St Clair Ave W Toronto ON M4V 1L5 (416) 960-9900 Fax: (416) 960-5637 Contact: Brett Johnson, Marketing Director


INTERNATIONAL WATER SUPPLY LTD. 342 Bayview Dr PO Box 310 Barrie ON L4M 4T5 (705) 733-0111 Fax: (705) 721-0138 E-mail: iws@iws.ca Web site: www.iws.ca Contact: John A Harris, P.Eng., President Complete Groundwater Engineering and Hydrogeologic services. Services include: groundwater resource assessments, well head protection studies, exploration programs, groundwater flow modeling, well design, large diameter, high capacity well construction and testing, well rehabilitation and re-development programs, well video inspection, geophysical logging, supply, installation and maintenance of pumps.

JOHN MEUNIER INC. 4105 Sartelon Saint-Laurent QC H4S 2B3 (514) 334-7230 Fax: (514) 334-5070 Web site: www.johnmeunier.com With over 60 years of experience, John Meunier Inc. brings innovative solutions and technologies and seasoned professionals to the water and wastewater market. Leading edge technologies include ACTIFLO®, BIOSTYR®, Escalator®, UF, MBR, FluidSep® vortex separator as well as Stormwater/CSO equipment. Also included are technologies for analysis, measurement and control from our Instrumentation division. New in 2008: the Anox-Kaldnes MBBR process is now available from John Meunier Inc.

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Suppliers JOHN MEUNIER INC. 2000 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 1W1 (905) 286-4846 Fax: (905) 286-5805 Contact: Noemie Boucher, Marketing Coordinator JOHN BROOKS COMPANY LTD. 1260 Kamato Rd Mississauga ON L4W 1Y1 (905) 624-4204 Fax: (905) 624-6379 JOHN WILEY & SONS CANADA LTD. 6045 Freemont Blvd Mississauga ON L5R 4J3 (416) 646-7994 Fax: (416) 236-4448 JURASSIC ACTIVATED CARBON INC. 161 Kingslake Rd North York ON M2J 3G4 (416) 297-8876 Fax: (416) 297-9976 Contact: Rodger Lu, President JWC ENVIRONMENTAL 290 Paularino Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 USA (800) 331-2277 Fax: (949) 833-8858 KEITH MANUFACTURING COMPANY 401 NW Adler St Madras OR 97741 USA (541) 475-3802 Fax: (541) 475-2169 Contact: Mike Robinson, Sales Director KENGRO CORPORATION 6605 Hwy 32 E PO Box 432 Charleston MI 38921 USA (662) 647-2456 Fax: (662) 647-2468 Contact: Brent Brasher, Vice President KENTAIN PRODUCTS LTD. 55 Howard Pl Kitchener ON N2K 2Z4 (519) 576-0994 Fax: (519) 576-0919 KEYSTONE FILTER, MET-PRO CORP. 2385 N Penn Rd Hatfield PA 19440 USA Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Svcs KPSI TRANSDUCERS, PRESSURE SYSTEMS 34 Research Dr Hampton VA 23666 USA (757) 865-1243 Fax: (757) 865-8744 Contact: Dale Beardsley, Sales Manager

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers LAMOTTE CO. PO Box 329 Chestertown MD 21620 USA (800) 344-3100 Fax: (410) 778-6394 Contact: Tom Seechuk, Marketing Manager

LAYFIELD GEOSYNTHETICS 9-20 Staffern Dr Vaughan ON L4K 2Z7 (905) 761-9123 Fax: (905) 761-0035 Contact: Chris Ramuscak, Business Development Manager Layfield is a manufacturer, fabricator, distributor, and installer of geosynthetics products including geomembranes, geotextiles, geogrids, floating covers, baffle curtains, and many related products and services. We are currently featuring biogas collection covers, clearwell baffle curtains, and ULC Listed secondary containment liners. For more information visit our web site at www.layfieldgroup.com. LES CONTENANTS DURABAC 22 Chemin Milton Granby QC J2G 8C8 (450) 378-1723 Fax: (450) 378-1720 Contact: Patrick Charbonneau, President LINDE CANADA LIMITED 5860 Chedworth Way Mississauga ON L5R 0A2 (905) 501-3715 Fax: (905) 501-1634 LUBRICATION ENGINEERS OF CANADA LTD. 2200 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 5R3 (905) 829-3833 Fax: (905) 829-2630 Contact: Kim Krieber, National Sales Manager MABAREX 2021 Halpern St-Laurent QC H4S 1S3 (514) 334-6721 Fax: (514) 332-1775 Contact: Louis Barre, President MAGNOR INC. 1271 Ampere Boucherville QC J4B 5Z5 (450) 655-1711 Fax: (450) 655-5428 Contact: Richard Delisle, Manager Wastewater

KRAEMER TOOL & MFG 75 Devon Rd Brampton ON L6T 5A4 (905) 458-0400 Fax: (905) 458-0688 Contact: R. Kraemer, Vice President KRISTAR ENTERPRISES INC. 360 Sutton Pl Santa Rosa CA 95407 USA (800) 579-8819 Fax: (707) 524-8186 Contact: Doug Allard, CEO

KSB PUMPS INC. 5885 Kennedy Rd Mississauga ON L4Z 2G3 (905) 568-9200 Fax: (905) 568-3740 E-mail: ksbcanada@ksbcanada.com Web site: www.ksb.ca Contact: Majid Hadavi, National Account Manager KSB Pumps Inc. is a member of the KSB Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of pumps, valves and systems. KSB’s history dates back to 1871 in Germany, where the company’s global HQ is still located. KSB’s giant product portfolio consists of thousands of engineered and customized solutions. Water and wastewater pumps, submersible, dry, centrifugal, vertical, vertical turbine and submersible mixers (2002500 mm). LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE 3-419 Phillip St Waterloo ON N2L 3X2 (519) 746-5995 Fax: (519) 746-0793 Contact: Julie Swatson, Environmental Sales Rep

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MARKLAND SPECIALTY ENGINEERING LTD. 9-305 Armstrong Ave Georgetown ON L7G 4X6 (905) 873-7791 Fax: (905) 873-6012 E-mail: markland@sludgecontrols.com Web site: www.sludgecontrols.com Contact: Scott Langstaff, General Manager Markland has been making instrumentation for the water and wastewater industry for 40 years. We manufacture the popular Sludge Gun® for portable sludge level detection, fixed installation sludge depth meters, suspended solids meters and the unique Duckbill® wastewater sampler. We offer reliable products, fast delivery and are 100% Canadian. MARSH INSTRUMENTATION LTD. 1-1016C Sutton Dr Burlington ON L2S 3L2 (905) 332-1172 Fax: (905) 332-1668 Contact: Ron Bake, General Manager

MASTER METER CANADA 207-100 rue Lansdowne Saint-Bruno QC J3V 0B3 (450) 461-1535 Fax: (450) 461-3720 E-mail: jclauret@mastermeter.com Web site: www.mastermeter.com Contact: Jean-Claude Lauret, Managing Director Master Meter, Inc. provides comprehensive utility water measurement solutions, smart AMR technology, and intuitive meter management software designed to help utilities run more efficiently. Better serve customers, capture more revenue and proactively combat resource loss from leaks, theft and meter malfunction with our completely integrated AMR system. MCCOY CONSTRUCTION CASTINGS 159 Sugar Maple Rd PO Box 475 St George ON N0E 1N0 (519) 448-3395 Fax: (519) 448-3393 Contact: Frank Mulligan, Branch Manager MCNALLY CONSTRUCTION INC. 1544 The Queensway Toronto ON M8Z 1T5 (416) 252-6321

MEASUREMAX INC. 2015 Fisher Dr Peterborough ON K9J 6X6 (705) 745-1626 Fax: (705) 745-3493 E-mail: info@measuremax.ca Web site: www.measuremax.ca Contact: John Gillis, President We offer market-leading technology to meet the diverse and complex needs within the marketplace via the most complete product portfolio on the market today. Providing innovative solutions for level, weighing, flow, pressure, temperature, wireless communication and analytical control. Industrial control products, including HMI, PID control modules, data logging, panel meters, webserver and communications converters. MECHANOVENT CORP. 7660 S Quincy St Willowbrook IL 60527 USA (630) 794-5750 Fax: (630) 794-5785 Contact: Gary Benson, President MEDTEQ SOLUTIONS CA LTD. 87 Law Dr Guelph ON N1E 7J7 (866) 639-8727 Fax: (519) 822-5080 Contact: Nelson Lawrence, President MEFIAG, MET-PRO CORP. 1550 Industrial Dr Owasso MI 48867 USA (989) 725-8184 Fax: (989) 729-1013 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Svcs MERIAM PROCESS TECHNOLOGIES 10920 Madison Ave Cleveland OH 44102 USA (216) 928-2224 Fax: (216) 281-0228

MARSH-MCBIRNEY/HACH FLOW 4539 Metropolitan Crt Frederick MD 21704 USA (301) 874-5599 Fax: (301) 874-8459 Contact: Customer Support Group MAXQSOFT WEB DESIGN SOLUTIONS (905) 428-6690 or 416 894 7217 E-mail: design@maxqonline.com Web site: www.maxqsoft.com Contact: Courtney McLaren We specialize in web solutions for the water industry and other industrial businesses.

METCON SALES & ENGINEERING LIMITED 3-15 Connie Cres Concord ON L4K 1L3 (905) 738-2355 Fax: (905) 738-5520

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers E-mail: metcon@metconeng.com Web site: www.metconeng.com Contacts: Ahron Nahmias, David Tidy, Matthew Nicolak, or Darryl Annis Disinfection systems (Cl2, NaOCl, NH3, SO3, ClO2, O3,UV, KMnO4); chemical feed systems (dry, liquid, gas, polymer, lime); flowmeters (magnetic, mass, DP, VA); metering pumps, analyzers, turbidity, ozone generators, odour control scrubbers; reservoir mixing; filtration systems, screen filters, filtration plants, SBRs, septage receiving, grit removal, aeration and mixing, centrifuges, chemical induction mixing, bulk water filling systems. MET-PRO SYSTEMS PO Box 144 Harleysville PA 19438 USA (215) 723-9300 Fax: (215) 723-8501 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Svcs MINOTAUR GUARDIAN SERVICE LTD. 566 Lynden Rd Brantford ON N3T 5M1 (519) 647-3750 Fax: (519) 647-3198 Contact: Garnet Shaver, President MODUTANK INC. 41-04 35th Ave Long Island City NY 11101 USA (718) 392-1112 Fax: (718) 786-1008 Contact: Reed Margolis, President MS FILTER INC. 47-17665 Leslie St Newmarket ON L3Y 3E3 (905) 853-0626 Fax: (905) 853-8807

NAPIER-REID LIMITED 2-10 Alden Rd Markham ON L3R 2S1 (905) 475-1545 Fax: (905) 475-2021 NEBB CANADA (NATIONAL ENV. BALANCING BUREAU) 8094 Esquesing Line Milton ON L9T 2X9 (905) 693-9090 Fax: (905) 693-8282

NEO VALVES 6-1020 Brevik Pl Mississauga ON L4W 4N7 (905) 624-9090 Fax: (905) 624-8020 Contact: David Buchanan, General Manager All types of valves: large R/S gate valves, lubricated plug valves, eccentric plug, tilting disc check, Pinch Valve products (pinch, knifegate, pressure sensors, duckbill check, expansion joints), many types of CGA valves, butterfly valves, backflow preventers, air release valves, filters. NEPTUNE CHEMICAL PUMP CO. 204 Delkalb Pike Lansdale PA 19446 USA (215) 699-8700 Fax: (215) 699-0370 Contact: Mike Dowse, Managing Director NEPTUNE TECHNOLOGY GROUP 7275 West Credit Ave Mississauga ON L5N 5M9 (905) 858-4211 Fax: (905) 858-0428 Contact: Darlene McNichol, Product Manager

MSU MISSISSAUGA LTD. 2222 South Sheridan Way Mississauga ON L5J 2M4 (905) 823-4340 or (800) 268-5336 Fax: (905) 823-4947 E-mail: sales@msumississauga.com Web site: www.msumississauga.com Contact: Virginia Junkin, President From man-hole steps, weirs, handrailing and catwalks to custom fabrication, MSU is ready to service the needs of the water and wastewater industry. MUELLER CANADA 82 Hooper Rd Barrie ON L4N 8Z9 (705) 719-4957 Fax: (800) 263-4145

MULTIVIEW LOCATES INC. 325 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga ON L4Z 1X8 (800) 363-3116 Fax: (866) 571-5946 Contact: John E. Scaife, Director of Business Development MultiVIEW provides utility locating and geophysical mapping services. We are sanctioned to provide Enbridge, Bell and Toronto Hydro locates for your engineering projects compliant with TSSA, MOL and OHSA regulations. We also will capture and collate all locate tickets to deliver an on-site dossier to permit immediate excavation. MUNRO CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 8807 Simcoe Rd #56 Utopia ON L0M 1T0 (705) 734-2892 Fax: (705) 734-2920 MYRON L. COMPANY 2450 Impala Dr Carlsbad CA 92010 USA (760) 438-2021 Fax: (760) 931-9189 Contact: Kathyrn Robinson, Director of Sales & Mktg


NEWALTA CORPORATION 211-11 Ave SW Calgary AB T2R 0C6 (403) 806-7000 Fax: (403) 806-7348 Contact: David Tyson, Executive Director, Sales & Mktg NIAGARA COLLEGE CENTRE FOR ENV. TRAINING 135 Taylor Rd East 301 Glendale Campus Niagara-on-the-lake ON L0S 1J0 (905) 641-2252 Fax: (905) 988-4309 NORTH AMERICAN GREEN 14649 Highway 41 N Evansville IN 47725 USA (800) 772-2040 Fax: (812) 867-0247 Contact: Lynne Finney, Marketing Manager NORTHERN STEEL PO Box 1718 Tisdale SK S0E 1T0 (888) 674-8265 Fax: (306) 873-2252 Contact: Brad Warner, Sales & Marketing Manager

Suppliers ONTARIO CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION FL1-5045 South Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 5Y7 (905) 631-9696 Fax: (905) 631-1905 ONTARIO WATER OPERATOR TRAINING CENTRE 500-600 Cochrane Dr Markham ON L3R 5K3 (866) 622-6535 Fax: (866) 622-6534

ORIVAL INC. 213 S Van Brunt St Englewood NJ 07631 USA (201) 568-3311 Fax: (201) 568-1916 E-mail: filters@orival.com Web site: www.orival.com Contact: Cila Schwartz, Advertising Mgr Providing automatic self-cleaning filtration systems for the removal of suspended solids from water is more than a job for Orival – it’s a way of life. For over 20 years, Orival has supplied thousands of filtration units for a wide variety of customers in over 40 countries around the world. Single units, flange-to-flange systems, complete skid mounted or containerized packages, and specially fabricated filters are all common products for Orival. Product support and customer satisfaction are of the utmost importance to Orival and its network of application specialists. OTEK CORPORATION 4016 E Tennessee St Tucson AZ 85714 USA (520) 748-7900

PACK-A-CONE 16-270 Esna Park Dr Markham ON L3R 1H3 (905) 284-1000 Fax: (905) 284-1082 E-mail: info@packacone.com Web site: www.packacone.com Contact: Cory Tse PACK-A-CONE is the original collapsible pylon! Available in sizes: 18” (45cm), 20” (50 cm), 28’ (70cm), 30” (75 cm), 36” (90 cm) and they all collapse down to just 2” (5cm) for convenient storage. Each PACK-A-CONE includes an internal LED lighting and a storage bag. Our PRO series model has a solid rubber base for heavy duty use. PALL CORPORATION 25 Harbor Park Dr Port Washington NY 11050 USA (516) 801-9906 Fax: (516) 484-3216 Contact: Jay Garcia, Market Sales Manager

N.R. MURPHY LIMITED 430 Franklin Blvd Cambridge ON N1R 8G6 (514) 621-6210 Fax: (519) 621-2841 E-mail: 4nodust@nrmurphy.com Web site: www.nrmurphy.com Contact: Craig Moffatt, Sales Manager Over the past 65 years N.R. Murphy Ltd have designed and installed over 14,000 dust collection systems, solving virtually every dust problem imaginable; with the most complete line of standard and custom fabricated dry dust collectors available. Also, cyclones, fans, exhausters, related equipment and accessories. They also manufacture dust collector filters for all makes. NSF – ISR 789 N Dixboro Rd Ann Arbor MI 48105 USA (734) 769-8010 Fax: (734) 827-7768

PARKER FLUID CONTROL DIVISION 95 Edgewood Ave New Britain CT 06051 USA (860) 827-2300 Fax: (860) 827-2384 Contact: Customer Service

PARKSON CORPORATION 205-1000 St-Jean Pointe-Claire QC H9R 5P1 (514) 636-8712 Fax: (514) 636-9718 E-mail: Canada@parkson.com Web site: www.parkson.com Contact: Jean Grenier, Regional Manager

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Suppliers Parkson Corporation is a leading provider of advanced solutions in water recycling and treatment, committed to providing clean water for the world. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale with offices in Chicago, Montreal, and Dubai, Parkson is an Axel Johnson Inc. company, member of the Axel Johnson Group of Sweden.

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers (905) 847-6700 Fax: (905) 847-0272 Contact: C. Ramage, Manager - Ontario

Filter, ITT Sanitaire, Schwing Bioset, Siemens Water Technologies, Sopers, Spaans Babcock, TGO Technologies.

PLASCO WELDING & FABRICATION INC. 4268 Dundas St RR#2 Thorndale ON N0M 2P0 (888) 475-2726 Fax: (888) 475-4535 Contact: Richard Khan, Sales Manager

PROLITE SYSTEMS INC. 20127-113B Ave Maple Ridge BC V2X 0Z1 (604) 460-8250 Fax: (604) 460-8254 Contact: Bill Trulsen, Sales

POLYSTAR INC. 2030 Midway Dr Twinsburg OH 44087 USA (330) 963-5100 PCB DISPOSAL INC. 72 Lake Driveway W Ajax ON L1S 3X1 (905) 428-6480 Fax: (905) 428-6481 E-mail: esmith@pcbdisposalinc.com Web site: www.pcbdisposalinc.com Contact: Eric A.H. Smith, Ph.D, President For the past 20 years, PCB Disposal Inc. has specialized in replacement of askarel transformers and mineral oil transformers, decommissioning of PCB storage sites, site remediation, reclassification of mineral oil transformers, and transportation and disposal of ALL PCB wastes including askarels, oils, ballasts, capacitors, PILC cable, potheads, soil, concrete and miscellaneous PCBcontaminated debris. PEACOCK, A DIVISION OF KINECOR Eastern Canada: 2360 Millrace Crt Mississauga ON L5N 1W2 (905) 812-7100 Fax: (905) 813-0570 Contact: Simon Bennington, Sales Director, Eastern Region Western Canada: 2715 18 St NE Calgary AB T2E 7E6 (403) 250-7000 Fax: (403) 250-2032 Contact: David Warkentin, Sales Director, Western Region PENCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY F12-109 Thomas St Oakville ON L6J 3A7 (905) 845-1727 Fax: (905) 845-1792 PETRO VIRON INC. 10-2 Taggart St Guelph ON N1H 6H8 (519) 837-2281 Fax: (519) 763-9371 Contact: Michael Gorman, President

PFE ROTO INC. 5 Progress Dr Orillia ON L3V 6H1 (705) 327-6550 Fax: (705) 327-6551 E-mail: info@pferoto.com Web site: www.pferoto.com Contact: George Balcerczyk, President Pumps, pump packages, customized systems, pump parts, repairs, distributors for progressive cavity pumps, AOD pumps, metering, turbine, centrifugal, splitcase and submersible pumps; bag and cartridge filters. PHOENIX PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO. 2402 Watterson Trail Louisville KY 40299 USA (502) 499-6198 Fax: (502) 499-1079 Contact: John Waugh, VP Marketing PIGMALION ENVIRONMENTAL 5128 Everest Dr Mississauga ON L4W 2R4 (905) 602-4349 Fax: (905) 502-6760 Contact: Donald Redford, General Manager PINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. PO Box 77232 RPO Courtney Park Mississauga ON L5T 2P4 (866) 688-0388 Fax: (905) 795-0002 PLAD EQUIPMENT LTD. B7-461 North Service Rd W Oakville ON L6M 2V5

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POWER PLANT SUPPLY COMPANY 12-140 Midwest Rd Toronto ON M1P 3B3 (416) 752-3339 Fax: (416) 752-7637

PRESSURE SYSTEMS INC. 34 Research Dr Hampton VA 23666 USA (757) 865-1243 Fax: (757) 865-8744 E-mail: sales@pressuresystems.com Web site: www.pressuresystems.com Contact: Christina Sanchez, PR Coordinator Pressure Systems, an Esterline Company, is a producer of level and pressure transducers, electronic pressure scanners, and pressure acquisition systems for environmental, industrial, aerospace applications. Product lines include KPSI™ Level and Pressure Transducers and Quartzonix™ Pressure Standards. These products are uniquely designed to operate in water/wastewater and oceanographic level measurement.

PRIMARY FLUID SYSTEMS INC. 1050 Cooke Blvd Burlington ON L7T 4A8 (905) 333-8743 or (800) 776-6580 Fax: (905) 333-8746 Web site: www.primaryfluid.com Contact: David Walker, General Manager Specializing in the manufacture of metering pump accessories. Accudraw, graduated calibration cylinders in PP, PVC and glass; Top Valve, backpressure and pressure relief valves; Accupulse pulsation dampers, PFS injection quills and corporation stops for the injection of chemical into the centre stream of the process; Accu-vent, an automatic degassing valve.

PROMINENT FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 490 Southgate Dr Guelph ON N1G 4P5 (888) 709-9933 Fax: (519) 836-5226 E-mail: sales@prominent.ca Web site: www.prominent.ca ProMinent is the reliable solutions partner for water treatment and a manufacturer of components and systems for chemical fluid handling. Based on our innovative products, services and industry-specific solutions, we provide more efficiency and safety for our customers – worldwide.

PROTECTOLITE INC. 84 Railside Rd Toronto ON M3A 1A3 (416) 444-4484 Fax: (416) 444-4485 E-mail: kszasz@protectolite.com Web site: www.protectolite.com Contact: Karl Szasz, President Since 1952, Protectolite ™ Inc. is your reliable, quality source for FRP Fiberglass Composite Parts. Our product line includes weir plates, scum, inlet and current density baffles, StanDeck Flat covers, Stanley Launder covers, FRP odor control ducting, and chemical storage tanks. Corrosion grade flat sheet and structural shapes. PURIFICS 340 Sovereign Rd London ON N6M 1A8 (519) 473-5788 Fax: (519) 473-0934 Contact: Brian Butters, President PWC, PURE WATER CORP. 5318 4A Ave Delta BC V4M 1H5 (604) 219-7898 Fax: (604) 948-9812 Contact: William Danshin, President QUALITY RECYCLING EQUIPMENT 104 1st Ave E Hendersonville NC 28792 USA (828) 696-2111 Fax: (828) 696-2191 Contact: Cindy, Admin. Asst. Mgr

PRISTINE WATER SOLUTIONS, MET-PRO CORP. 1570 Lakeside Dr Waukegan IL 60085 USA (847) 689-1100 Fax: (847) 689-9289 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Services

PRO AQUA, INC. 204-1 Atlantic Ave Toronto ON M6K 3E7 (416) 861-0237 Fax: (416) 861-9303 E-mail: geoff@proaquasales.com or scott@proaquasales.com Contacts: Geoff Coate, V.P. or Scott Lenhardt, V.P. Pro Aqua Inc. is a supplier of a complete line of market leading products for water and wastewater treatment. Plant retrofits, mechanical refurbishments and spare parts for all products are also available. Principals represented include Biosec Enviro, Boerger, Brentwood, Calgon Carbon, Dresser Roots, GE Zenon, Grande Water Management, Hallsten, HIS, Huber Technologies, Hydro International, Invent, Miox, ML, Meurer Research, Microsludge, Nova Water Technologies, Orica Watercare (MIEX), Ostara, Salness

QUANTUM MURRAY LP/ECHELON TRAINING SERVICES 4-10 Kenmore Ave Stoney Creek ON L8E 5N1 (905) 388-4444 Fax: (905) 643-3106 E-mail: mark.jasper@echelonresponse.com Web site: www.echelonresponse.com Contact: Mark Jasper, National Operations Manager Quantum Emergency Response, Echelon Training Services, Murray Demolition, Quantum Environmental and Thompson Metals and Disposal provide the strongest emergency response/training/ industrial services in the nation. As Canada’s leading decommissioning service provider, the Quantum Group of Companies supports clients ranging from institutional and government to commercial and industrial sectors. With offices across the nation and over 800 employees, we can offer a seamless service to execute an emergency response to all classes of dangerous goods

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers and provide a combination of emergency mitigation, remediation, waste management services, demolition and scrap metal salvage. Quantum Murray LP is truly your “One and Only Call”. RAIN FOR RENT 3404 State Rd PO Box 2248 Bakersfield CA 93308 USA (661) 387-6248 or (661) 399-9124 Fax: (661) 393-1542 RED VALVE CANADA LTD. 1-1785 Frobisher St Sudbury ON P3A 6O8 (705) 560-5477 Fax: (705) 560-0817

RICE EARTH SCIENCES Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto – Toll free (888) 742-3364 E-mail: info@riceeng.com Web site: www.ricerentals.ca Contact: Allister McIsaac, Sales Manager Rice was established in 1952 and is a pioneer in the groundwater industry. Our manufacturing and distribution locations, strategically located throughout Canada, service the needs of groundwater contractors, consultants, industry, and government. Rice's product offerings range from site investigation to remediation and rental equipment. RM PRODUCTS LTD. 27 Progress Dr Orillia ON L3V 6H1 (705) 326-5580 or (800) 363-0867 Fax: (705) 326-3646 Contact: Randy Chotowetz, Production Director ROBAR INDUSTRIES LTD. 12945 78 Ave Surrey BC V3W 2R8 (604) 591-8811 Fax: (604) 591-5288 Contact: Dave Brewer, Waterworks Sales Manager

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SOIL SAMPLING Box C-23 Bowen Island BC V0N 1G0 (604) 947-7677 (604) 947-RMSS (7677) E-mail: info@RMSOIL.com Web site: www.RMSOIL.com Contact: Andrew Thompson, President RMSS specializes in Difficult Access Site Investigations for Environmental, Geological and Geotechnical projects. Our portable equipment allows us to get into tight spaces both indoors and outdoors as well as remote locations, with minimal cost and effect to the client. Based in North Vancouver, BC, we service Canada and beyond.

Fax: (610) 436-8436 Contact: Rebekah Gormish, Sales Manager SAFETY STORAGE INC. 2301 Bert Dr Hollister CA 95023 USA (800) 344-6539 Fax: (831) 637-7405 Contact: Kelly Armer, Mktg Coordinator

SAF-T-FLO CHEMICAL INJECTION 4071-L East La Palma Ave Anaheim CA 92807 USA (714) 632-3013 Fax: (714) 632-3350 E-mail: gkline@saftflo.com Web site: www.saftflo.com Contact: Gary Kline SAF-T-FLO Chemical Injection specializes in chemical injection quills for municipal and industrial chemical feed systems. We offer a complete line of retractable and non-retractable injection quills in PV, CPVC, Kynar, SS, Hastelloy C-276, Alloy 20, and Titanium. Chemical feed lines range from ¼”, for feeding neat chemical solutions, to 2 ½” for feeding carrier water solutions at high volume.

SANITHERM, A DIV. OF PEAK ENERGY 100-340 Brooksbank Ave North Vancouver BC V7H 2Z4 (604) 986-9168 Fax: (604) 986-5377 E-mail: saneng@sanitherm.com Web site: www.sanitherm.com Contact: Kathy McCourt, Marketing Manager The SaniBrane™ Container system is suitable if you have limited land mass, a small population and need a compact self-contained wastewater treatment system. No building required and can be used in the most remote areas with excellent effluent.

SAPPHIRE GROUP Head Office: Suite 1410 - 530 8th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3S8 (403) 537-8470 Fax: (403) 537-8479 E-mail: info@sapphire-group.ca Web site: www.sapphire-group.ca Contact: Dan O’Brien, VP Marketing & Sales Sapphire Group offers innovative water and wastewater solutions. We design and manufacture RO / NF membrane treatment systems, package water and wastewater plants, biological treatment systems (SIBROM & BTP), and automated control systems with remote monitoring capabilities. Sapphire also represents leading manufacturers offering a complete line-up of premier water and wastewater equipment & processes.

ROMTEC UTILITIES INC. 18240 North Bank Rd Roseburg OR 97470 USA (541) 496-9678 Fax: (541) 496-0804 Contact: Mark Sheldon, VP, Marketing & Sales ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY 2005 Sooke Rd Victoria BC V9B 5Y2 (250) 391-2600 Fax: (250) 391-2500 RUDI KOVACKO & ASSOCIATES INC. Unit A-1197 Fewster Dr Mississauga On L4W 1A2 (905) 238-0308 Fax: (905) 238-6327 RUSMAR INCORPORATED 216 Garfield Ave, West Chester PA 19380 USA (800) 733-3626 or (610) 436-4314


SCADALLIANCE CORPORATION 150 Douglas Dr Toronto ON M4W 2B7 (416) 849-6702 Fax: (416) 849-6703 E-mail: rbonfils@scadalliance.com Web site: www.scadalliance.com Contact: Robert Bonfils, President Scadalliance represents European manufacturers who have designed innovative products in Automation and Telemetry: wireless sensors, smart controllers and RTUs, SCADA software. Some

Suppliers unique features of these products result in extremely flexible and cost- effective solutions. We are currently looking for partners to extend our distribution network in Canada and the US. SCANTRON ROBOTICS INC. 1316 Rupert St Regina SK S4N 1V7 (306) 522-3203 Fax: (306) 757-1537 Contact: Marietta Klock SCARBOROUGH SUPPLY 154 Crown Crt Whitby ON L1N 7B1 (877) 261-5243 Fax: (905) 579-4755 Contact: Kevin Watson SCHLUMBERGER WATER SERVICES 101-460 Phillip St Waterloo ON N2L 5J2 (519) 746-1798 Fax: (519) 885-5262

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 6675 Rexwood Mississauga ON L4V 1V1 (905) 678-5242 Contact: Sucheta Acharyya, Specialist Marketing Schneider Canada Services & Projects’ energy efficiency solutions reduce energy consumption, optimize energy costs and improve equipment reliability and availability. Engineering services include energy audits and power quality audits with added power monitoring & control, lighting control and demand/usage management. For more information visit www.schneider-electric.ca/dc SECURAL WATERCARE 3&4-150 Rivermede Rd Vaughan ON L4K 3M8 (905) 763-7428 Fax: (905) 763-7429 Contact: Wendy Banting, President SEEKER GREEN PRODUCTS LTD 28 Donhaven Rd Markham ON L6E 1S6 (905) 209-0626 Fax: (905) 209-0527 Contact: Eric Chung, Director SEEWATER INC. 121 North Dillion St San Jacinto CA 92583 USA (888) 733-9283 SEPROTECH SYSTEMS INC. (P.J. HANNAH EQUIPMENT) 26-151 Brunel Rd Mississauga ON L4Z 2H6 (905) 712-0620 Fax: (905) 712-1240 Contact: Bruce Homebrook, Tech. Sales Rep

SERPENTIX CONVEYOR CORP. 9085 Marshall Crt Westminster CO 80031 USA (303) 430-8427 Fax: (303) 430-7337 CONVEYORS manufactured by Serpentix can turn, climb, flex, and telescope in and out and haul dry granulated materials to wet sludges. The modular belting will not slip or drift. There are no idle rollers to lubricate. Serpentix's flex-end discharge and telescoping conveyors distribute material to uniformly fill bins, hoppers, and trucks. For more information: www.serpentix.com SERVICESTAT LIMITED 2675 Rena Rd Mississauga ON L4T 1G6 (905) 678-11394 Contact: Bill Robertson, President SETHCO, MET-PRO CORP. 800 Emlen Way Telford PA 18969 USA (215) 799-2577 Fax: (215) 799-0920 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Svcs

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers SONITEC INC. 1400 Tees Saint-Laurent QC H4R 2B6 (514) 335-2200 Fax: (514) 335-2295 Contact: Dana Raileanu, Marketing Assistant

SERVICE FILTRATION OF CANADA, LTD. 12-4141 Sladeview Cres Mississauga ON L5L 5T1 (905) 820-4700 or (800) 565-5278 Fax: (905) 820-4015 Contact: Wayne McGillivray Service Filtration engineers and manufactures high performance corrosion resistant pumps and filter chambers in CPVC, Poly Pro and PVDF. Filter media is available for use on chemicals, acids, hydraulic oil, electroplating solutions, photographic and food products. Pollution abatement products are also available. We can also supply customer design filtration systems.

SEW-EURODRIVE COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. 210 Walker Dr Bramalea ON L6T 3W1 (905) 791-1553 Fax: (905) 791-2999 E-mail: g.simpson@sew-eurodrive.ca Web site: www.sew-eurodrive.ca Driving the world – with innovative drive solutions for all sectors and every application of industry. Products and systems from SEW-EURODRIVE come into operation everywhere – worldwide. Whether in the wastewater/water, food and beverage or processing industry, the decision for drive engineering “made by SEW-EURODRIVE” is synonymous with function and investment. SGS CANADA INC. 185 Concession St PO Box 4300 Lakefield ON K0L 2H0 (705) 652-2000 SHRED-TECH CORPORATION 295 Pinebush Rd Cambridge ON N1T 1B2 (519) 621-3560 Fax: (519) 621-4288 Contact: Joe Roberto, VP Sales & Marketing SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA, INC. Unit 1-215 Konrad Cres Markham ON L3R 8T9 (905) 944-2800 Fax: (905) 474-1660

SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES 181 Thorn Hill Rd Warrendale PA 15086 USA (724) 772-1438 Fax: (724) 772-1202 Siemens Water Technologies delivers cost-effective, reliable water and wastewater treatment systems and services to municipal, industrial, commercial and institutional customers worldwide. Through innovation and integration of the world’s leading water treatment companies, Siemens offers the industry’s largest portfolio of water and wastewater solutions, backed by Siemens’ unparalleled commitment to service. SJE RHOMBUS PO Box 1708 Detroit Lakes MN 56502-1708 USA (218) 847-1317 Fax: (218) 847-4617 Contact: Loran Knudsvig, Sales Manager SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING MAGAZINE 800-12 Concorde Pl Toronto ON M3C 4J2 (416) 510-6798 Fax: (416) 510-5133 Contact: Brad O’Brien, Publisher

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SMITH & LOVELESS, INC. 14040 Santa Fe Trail Dr Lenexa KS 66215 USA (913) 888-5201 Fax: (913) 888-2173 E-mail: answers@smithandloveless.com Web site: www.smithandloveless.com Contact: Stuart B. Marschall, International Division Smith & Loveless Inc. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of a complete line of preengineered water and wastewater treatment and pumping systems. With sales offices throughout Canada, and numerous installations over 40 years, we feature treatment plants, grit removal systems, pump stations and filtration systems.

SOLAR BEE, INC. 3225 Hwy 22 Dickinson ND 58601 USA (203) 569-5000 Fax: (203) 569-5001 E-mail: robert.nobile@fluidsengineering.net Web site: www.solarbee.com Contact: Robert Nobile, Marketing Manager SolarBee solar-powered circulators provide a very efficient laminar-flow, long-distance circulation to control blue-green algae in lakes and reservoirs, reduce aerator run time in wastewater lagoons and eliminate stratification and stagnation in portable water tanks. SolarBee circulators are constructed of stainless steel and corrosionresistant polymers. The largest unit can produce flows up to 10,000 gpm.

SPARTAN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC 7383 Lauren J Dr Mentor OH 44060 USA (440) 368-3563 Fax: (440) 368-3569 Contact: Tony Sarro, Marketing Director

SPD SALES 6467 Northam Dr Mississauga ON L4V 1J2 (905) 678-2882 Fax: (905) 293-9774 Contact: Josephine Perricone, Mgr., Inside Sales

SPECTRA SCIENTIFIC INC. 5-6380 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1Y4 (877) 480-0024 or (905) 565-1888 E-mail: info@spectrascientific.com Web site: www.spectrascientific.com Contact: Hafiz Mahboubullah, Manager Provides environmental rental equipment such as air and water quality meters, samplers as well as industrial monitors. Please call us at (877) 4800024 for a free trial of our portable peristaltic pump Spectra Field Pro. It is the most rugged and user friendly pump on the market.Visit our Website: www.spectrascientific.com. SPECTRUM NASCO 150 Pony Dr Newmarket ON L3Y 7B6 (905) 898-0031 Fax: (905) 898-0035 E-mail: info@spectrascientific.com Web site: www.spectrascientific.com Contact: Stacey Haywood, Catalogue Dir – Whirlpak SPILL MANAGEMENT INC. 45 Upper Mount Albion Rd Stoney Creek ON L8J 2R9 (905) 578-9666 Fax: (905) 578-6644 E-mail: contact@spillmanagement.ca Contact: Ruth Holland, General Manager

SOLINST CANADA LTD. 35 Todd Rd Georgetown ON L7G 4R8 (905) 873-2255 Fax: (905) 873-1992 E-mail: instruments@solinst.com Web site: www.solinst.com Contact: Jim Pianosi, General Manager Solinst Canada Ltd. manufactures high quality groundwater and surface water monitoring instrumentation. We offer a broad range of practical equipment used by hydrogeologists and hydrologists around the world. Our leading-edge instruments are designed for repeatable accuracy, ease-of-use, and durability, including Leveloggers, Telemetry, Water Level Meters, DrivePoints, Interface Meters, and Multilevel Systems.

STANCO PROJECTS (A DIV. OF SEMCO SYSTEMS LTD) 12391 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4X6 (604) 273-6441 Fax: (604) 273-0466 Contact: Mike Greig, Sales & Procurement

SONIC SOIL SAMPLING INC. 668 Millway Ave Concord ON L4K 3V2 (905) 660-0501 Fax: (905) 660-7143 E-mail: sonic@sonicsoil.com Web site: www.sonicsoil.com Contact: Alan Archibald, VP Administration Sonic Soil Sampling Inc. has been providing contract services since 1981 to the Environmental, Geotechnical and Mining sectors throughout the world. We offer portable solutions at cost-effective rates. Our reputation for quality, workmanship and a willingness to help our customers has been our best promotion tool.

STANMECH TECHNOLOGIES INC. 944 Zelco Dr Burlington ON L7L 4Y3 (888) 438-6324 or (905) 631-6161 Fax: (905) 631-1852 E-mail: rchomiak@stanmech.com Web site: www.stanmech.com; www.leister.ca Contact: Rick Chomiak, Technical Sales Our Leister line of automatic wedge welders, combiwedge machines & hand tools and our line of field designed extrusion welders are used in a wide variety of geomembrane applications where precise weld quality and high speed is desired. Our products provide excellent field performance and superior reliability. We provide 24-hour repair service on most of our products. We are the Canadian Master Distributor for Leister products.

ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEV. AGENCY 6-80 State Hwy 310 Canton NY 13617 USA (315) 379-9806 Fax: (315) 386-2573

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Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers STATIFLO INC. 203-2175 Sheppard Ave E North York ON M2J 1W8 (416) 756-2406 Fax: (416) 490-6937 STEVENS WATER MONITORING SYSTEMS INC. 106-12067 NE Glenn Widing Dr Portland OR 97212 USA (503) 445-8000 Fax: (503) 445-8001 Contact: Fred Halloway, Sales Director STROBIC AIR CORP, MET-PRO CORP. PO Box 144 Harleysville PA 19438 USA (215) 723-4700 Fax: (215) 723-7401 Contact: Kevin Bittle, Mgr Creative Svcs.

TRANS ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. PO Box 8001 Charlottesville VA 22906 USA (434) 975-2872 Fax: (434) 975-2972 Contact: Merrill Bishop, President SYNTEC PROCESS EQUIPMENT LTD. 1-68 Healey Rd Bolton ON L7E 5A4 (905) 951-8000 Fax: (905) 951-8002 E-mail: info@syntecpe.com Web site: www.syntecpe.com Authorized manufacturer's representative for plug, pinch, check, air release, knifegates, R/S gate AWWA, sluice, slide gate, butterfly AWWA, lug, wafer, ball, pressure relief, pressure reducing, pump control valves, actuators, pressure and temperature gauges. T.D. ROOKE ASSOCIATES LIMITED 201-20 Floral Pkwy Concord ON L4K 4R1 (905) 326-5666 Fax: (905) 326-5673 Contact: Eric Kudlik, Municipal Market Manager

SUMMA ENGINEERING LIMITED 6423 Northam Dr Mississauga ON L4V 1J2 (905) 678-3388 Fax: (905) 678-0444 E-mail: info@summaeng.com Web site: www.summaeng.com In-depth knowledge of water and wastewater processes and extensive experience with instrumentation and SCADA projects have allowed Summa Engineering Limited to provide quality goods and services to Canadian industrial and municipal markets continuously for over 28 years. SUMMIT PROCESS CONTROLS GROUP INC. 6430 Sixth Concession RR2 Brockville ON K6V 5T2 (613) 926-0108 Fax: (612) 926-0269

TEAM HAZCO 1650 Upper Ottawa St Hamilton ON L8W 3P2 (905) 383-5550 Fax: (905) 574-0492 TELOG INSTRUMENTS INC. 830 Canning Pkwy Victor NY 14564 USA (585) 742-3000 Fax: (585) 742-3006 Contact: Sue Backer, Sales Support Manager TENBUSCH INC. PO Box 417 Lewisville TX 75067 USA (972) 221-2304 Fax: (972) 221-2498 Contact: Sue, Marketing

TERRATEC ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 200 Eastport Blvd Hamilton ON L8H 7S4 (905) 544-0444 Fax: (905) 544-0266

T.G. COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS 3225 Mainway Burlington ON L7M 1A6 (905) 335-1440 Fax: (905) 335-4033 Contact: Mike Pitt, General Manager THE BILCO COMPANY PO Box 1203 New Haven CT 06505 USA (800) 854-9724 Fax: (203) 933-8478 Contact: Pamela Grevlich, Customer Service Manager THERMO-KINETICS COMPANY LTD. 6740 Invader Cres Mississauga ON L5T 2B6 (905) 670-2266 Fax: (905) 670-8530 Contact: J. Lockhart, Product Manager THERN, INC. 5712 Industrial Park Rd PO Box 347 Winona MN 55987 USA (800) 843-7648 Fax: (507) 454-5282 Contact: Scott Thelen, Sales Manager

SWAN HILLS TREATMENT CENTRE PO Box 1500 Swan Hills AB T0G 2C0 (780) 437-7272 Fax: (780) 439-0976 E-mail: info@shtc.ca Web site: www.shtc.ca Contact: Gord Godin, National Sales Mgr The Swan Hills Treatment Centre is a world class, fully integrated hazardous waste treatment facility. It plays a principal role in treating hazardous wastes from across Canada including PCBs and other hazardous waste compounds. As a fully integrated facility, it is capable of achieving complete treatment of all wastes with the exception of pathological, explosive, mercury, and radioactive wastes.


TRANSPO INDUSTRIES INC. 20 Jones St New Rochelle NY 10801-6098 USA (914) 636-1000 Fax: (914) 636-1282 Contact: Steve Orman, NE Sales Manager TRIANGLE FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 269 University Ave PO Box 186 Belleville ON K8N 5A2 (613) 968-1100 Fax: (613) 968-1099 Contact: Mike Shorts, General Manager TRIHEDRAL ENGINEERING LTD. 1160 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1C1 (902) 835-1575 Fax: (902) 835-0369 Contact: Patrick M. Cooke, Director of Marketing TRI-PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 446 Hazelhurst Rd Mississauga ON L5J 2Z7 (905) 823-7965 Fax: (905) 823-7932 TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES 3020 Gore Rd London ON N5V 4T7 (519) 457-3400 Fax: (519) 457-3030 TROY ENVIRONMENTAL – POND DOCTOR 121 Little Lake Panache Rd RR 1 Whitefish ON P0M 3E0 (705) 866-5357 Fax: (705) 866-5568 Contact: Ron Tait, Owner

TERRAFIX ENVIRONMENTAL TECH INC. 178 Bethridge Rd Toronto ON M9W 1N3 (416) 674-0363 Fax: (416) 674-7346

TERRATUBE 1420 Route 222 CP181 Saint-Denis de Brompton QC J0B 2P0 (819) 846-3642 Fax: (819) 846-2135 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY CANADA 1850-45 O’Connor St Ottawa ON K1P 1A4 (613) 234-6313 Fax: (613) 234-0303 E-mail: info@sdtc.ca Web site: www.sdtc.ca Contact: Zoltan Tompa, Director of Applications Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is an arm’s-length, not-for-profit corporation created by the Government of Canada which operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative technological solutions: the $550 million SD Tech Fund™ and the $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund™.


THOMPSON PUMP Corporate Headquarters: PO Box 291370 Port Orange FL 32129 USA (800) 767-7310 Fax: (386) 761-0362 TOP SPRAY 305 Griffin Rd W Cochrane AB T4C 2C4 (403) 932-1464 Fax: (403) 932-5733 Contact: Rob Olenick, General Manager TORONTO & REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 5 Shoreham Dr Downsview ON M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 Fax: (416) 661-6898

TROY-ONTOR INC. 1A-3A - 230 Bayview Dr Barrie ON L4N 5E9 (705) 721-8246 Fax: (705) 721-5851 E-mail: martin-doyle@troy-ontor.ca Contact: Martin Doyle, Sales Manager Specializing in the supply of electric and pneumatic actuators, for both new and retrofit installations with complete on site technical assistance. Complete line of manual gears to suit all types of existing distribution for water and waste water valves including all necessary adaptation and mounting hardware, designed and fabricated in our machine shop. Motorized valve packages of all types and sizes, with associated controls and accessories. TS GROUP (ONTARIO) 2096 Valens Rd RR2 Puslinch ON N0B 2J0 (905) 659-0598 Fax: (905) 659-0689 TURBOSONIC INC. A14-550 Parkside Dr Waterloo ON N2L 5V4 (519) 885-5513 Fax: (519) 885-6992 Contact: Arleigh Hayes, Marketing Coordinator

TUTHILL VACUUM & BLOWER SYSTEMS 4840 W Kearney St Springfield MO 65802 USA (417) 865-8715 Fax: (417) 865-2950 E-mail: vacuum@tuthill.com Web site: www.tuthill.com Contact: Angie Burlison, Marketing Communications Manager Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems is a leading manufacturer of blowers and blower packages, and vacuum pumps and systems. Tuthill’s line of rotary positive displacement blowers is among

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Suppliers the most complete in the industry. Since 1937, we have been designing and manufacturing proven M-D Pneumatics products that are solidly engineered, competitively priced and produced under stringent ISO quality standards. Our experience has helped us establish a worldwide customer base and made us one of the industry’s leading manufacturers of lobe style blowers and vacuum boosters.

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers WAINBEE LIMITED 5789 Coopers Ave Mississauga ON L4Z 3S6 (905) 568-1700 Fax: (905) 568-0083

include pumps, filters, water level and hydrocarbon detection equipment, bailers and other accessories. Currently, we have some exciting new products in development which will make your life easier in the field.

WALKERTON CLEAN WATER CENTRE 220 Trillium Crt PO Box 160 Walkerton ON N0G 2V0 (519) 881-2003 Fax: (519) 881-4947 Contact: Lisa Irwin, Admin. Assistant

WATERTRAX 300-1201 W Pender St Vancouver BC V6E 2V2 (866) 812-2233 Fax: (604) 630-3720 Contact: Julius Walczynski, Marketing Coordinator

ULTRAFLOTE CORPORATION 100-8558 Katt Fwy Houston TX 77024 USA (713) 461-2100 Fax: (713) 461-2213 Contact: George Gavlik, Sales Manager UNIQAIR ODOUR CONTROL 35993 Eaglecrest Pl Abbotsford BC V3G 1E7 (604) 854-5628 Fax: (604) 854-5620 Contact: Hans Schieven, General Manager US PEROXIDE, LLC C3-500 Bishop St NW Atlanta GA 30318 USA (877) 346-4262 Fax: (404) 352-6077 Contact: Luvella Hebert, Mkg. Dev. Specialist USABLUEBOOK PO Box 9006 Gurnee IL 60031 USA (800) 548-1234 Fax: (847) 689-3030 Contact: Customer Service USF FABRICATION 3200 West 84th St Hialeah FL 33018 USA (305) 556-1661 Fax: (305) 882-1577

WATERWORKS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2024-12 Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1J7 (403) 289-3198 Fax: (403) 289-3147 Contact: Len Sukovieff, Director of Engineering WATER FOR PEOPLE 6666 West Quincy Ave Denver CO 80235 USA (303) 734-3490 Fax: (303) 734-3499 E-mail: infowaterforpeople.org Web site: www.waterforpeople.org Water For People helps people in developing countries improve their quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities and health and hygiene education programs. WATER MATRIX INC. 3-331 Trowers Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 6A2 (800) 668-4420 or (905) 850-9100 Contact: Sean Kimmons President

VAL-MATIC VALVE & MFG CO. 905 Riverside Dr Elmhurst IL 60126 USA (630) 941-7600 Fax: (630) 941-8042

VECTOR PROCESS EQUIPMENT INC. 5889 Summerside Dr Mississauga ON L5M 6L1 (416) 527-4396 or (905) 979-8660 Fax: (905) 567-8590 E-mail: info@vectorprocess.com Web site: www.vectorprocess.com Contact: André Osborne, Dale Sanchez Bar screens, rotary drum screens, odour control biofilters, clarifiers, biological treatment systems, surface aerators, digester covers, mixers, heat exchangers, sludge thickening & dewatering solutions, continuously cleaned sand filters, phosphorous removal, progressive cavity pumps, grinders, screw conveyor systems, chemical feed pumps, concrete protective liners.

VICTAULIC COMPANY 123 Newkirk Rd Richmond Hill ON L4C 3G5 (905) 884-7444 Fax: (905) 884-7446 E-mail: viccanada@victaulic.com Web site: www.victaulic.com Victaulic is a worldwide leader in mechanical pipe joining solutions. Reliable and innovative, Victaulic products are specified and installed in WWTP plants and municipal systems for economic and constructability benefits. A complete line-up of couplings, valves, and fittings include long-lasting plug valves, and Depend-O-Lok for strong, versatile large diameter connections. VIKING PUMP CANADA 24-2900 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 7X9 (888) 845-7867 WACHS CANADA LTD 8-1166 Gorham St Newmarket ON L3Y 8W4 (905) 830-8888 Fax: (905) 830-6050 Contact: Steve Ward, Sales Rep

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WATERLOO BARRIER INC. PO Box 385 Rockwood ON N0B 2K0 (519) 856-1352 Fax: (519) 856-0759 E-mail: info@waterloo-barrier.com Web site: www.waterloo-barrier.com Contact: Robin Jowett, Manager Waterloo Barrier® is a containment wall for the control of contaminated groundwater. Formed of steel sheet piling with joints that are sealed inplace in the ground, the barrier offers a long service life, exceptionally low hydraulic conductivity, and documentable construction QA/QC. Installation is clean and rapid with minimal site disturbance.

WATERLOO BIOFILTER SYSTEMS INC. PO Box 400 Rockwood ON N0B 2K0 (519) 856-0757 Fax: (519) 856-0759 E-mail: info@waterloo-biofilter.com Web site: www.waterloo-biofilter.com Contact: Craig Jowett, President Waterloo Biofilter® for on-site treatment of residential, commercial and communal sewage wastewaters, fully scalable from 2-bedroom house/cottage to more than 200,000 L/day. Advantages include low maintenance and energy requirements, small footprint, high quality effluent, and no aerobic sludge. Optional re-use for irrigation and toilet flushing.

WATERRA PUMPS LIMITED 44-5200 Dixie Rd Mississauga ON L4W 1E4 (905) 238-5242 Fax: (905) 238-5704 E-mail: sales@waterra.com Web site: www.waterra.com Contact: John Newall, President Waterra has been providing customers with simple solutions for groundwater monitoring since 1985. Our product line has grown considerably to

WCI ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 2100-1785 Woodward Dr Ottawa ON K2C 0P9 (613) 225-4500 Fax: (613) 225-4501 WESSUC INC. 1693 Colborne St E Brantford ON N3T 5L4 (519) 752-0837 Fax: (519) 752-0840 Contact: Hank Vanveen, Vice President

WESTECH ENGINEERING, INC. 3625 South West Temple Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA (801) 265-1000 Fax: (801) 265-1080 E-mail: info@westech-inc.com Web site: www.westech-inc.com Contact: Jim Woods, Int Sales Manager WesTech Engineering designs, engineers and manufactures water and wastewater treatment process equipment for screening, clarification, digestion, filtration, aeration, biological processes, sludge handling, package water and wastewater plants. From headworks to tertiary treatment and drinking water, WesTech is your independent process source. Employee owned ISO 9001 Certified, since 1973. WESTECH INDUSTRIAL LTD. 240 Matheson Blvd E Missisauga ON L4Z 1X1 (905) 890-5265 Fax: (905) 890-6213 WESTEEL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 5812 48 Ave Olds AB T4H 1V1 (800) 665-2099 Fax: (403) 556-9487 Contact: Brad Warner, Sales & Marketing Manager WESTFALIA SEPARATOR CANADA INC. FL2-835 Harrington Crt Burlington ON L7N 3P3 (905) 319-3900 Fax: (905) 319-3903 WHIPPS INC. PO Box 1058 Athol MA 01331 USA (978) 249-7924 Fax: (978) 249-3072 WIKA INSTRUMENTS LTD. 1-2679 Bristol, Oakville ON L6H 6Z8 (905) 337-1611 Fax: (905) 337-2716 Contact: Lloyd Clarke, Market Segment Mgr. WOLF ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. PO Box 933 Whistler BC V0N 1B0 (800) 668-9653 WORLD WATER & WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS LTD. (OWOTC) 3665 Wyandotte St E Windsor ON N9A 5T7 (866) 622-6535 Fax: (866) 622-6534 WYCKOMAR INC. 111 Malcolm Rd Guelph ON N1K 1A8 (519) 822-1886 Fax: (519) 763-6580 Contact: W. Boduch, Systems Manager

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Pumping Systems


Pumping systems for Vancouver’s Canada Line rapid transit project By Tony Santos, Don Chin and Moss Martinez X-TREME ENERGY GROUP INC. (PRO-TEC STORAGE SOLUTIONS) Box 6239 3600 61 Ave Innisfail AB T4G 1S9 (403) 227-5400 Fax: (403) 227-4073 E-mail: sales@protecstorage.ca Web site: www.protecstorage.ca Contact: Tony Smethurst Pro-Tec storage solutions are ULC listed and FM approved, heavy gauge steel, hazardous material storage units. X-treme Energy Group also fabricates custom solutions for all your hazardous needs. Our extensive experience in manufacturing and installing our storage units in public and private industrial sites has positioned Pro-Tec as the acknowledged leader in its field. YNC PIPE COUPLING CO. INC. 1417-155 Balliol St Toronto ON M4S 1C4 (416) 489-4090 Fax: (416) 489-9632 YORK FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 2 Westwyn Crt Brampton ON L6T 4T5 (905) 454-4013 Fax: (905) 454-8423 Contact: M. Knapman

ZCL COMPOSITES INC. 6907 36 St Edmonton AB T6B 2Z6 (800) 661-8265 Fax: (780) 466-6126 Web site: www.zcl.com ZCL is Canada’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of cost effective fibreglass storage tank systems to the petroleum industry. Our growth over the past 20 years is attributed to our ability to develop and utilize new techniques to fill industry needs for fibreglass tanks and other storage tank solutions. Our mission is to provide global solutions for the economical and environmentally safe storage of petroleum products and other liquids ZOELLER PUMP COMPANY 3649 Cane Run Rd Louisville KY 40211-1961 USA (502) 778-2731 or (800) 928-7867 Fax: (502) 774-3624 Contact: Laura Johnson, Marketing Coordinator


rapid transit link connecting downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, with Richmond and the Vancouver International Airport has been in the planning stage for decades. The new Canada Line will run, separated from traffic and on dedicated rails, north-south from the emerging transportation hub at Waterfront Centre to the heart of Richmond’s civic precinct and to Sea Island, home to the airport. When the link is complete in late 2009, it will be a fast, frequent and very reliable service with peak-hour train frequency of every six minutes.


This project marked the three millionth Flygt pump sold.

The Canada Line will provide additional transportation capacity where it is neither practical nor desirable to expand roads and bridges. The area between downtown Vancouver and downtown Richmond is one of the busiest transportation corridors in Greater Vancouver, and home to one-third of the region’s jobs and 20% of its population. The project is being funded by the governments of Canada and British Columbia, the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (TransLink) and Vancouver Airport Authority, and it is also supported by the Cities of Vancouver and Richmond. The technology is automated light metro system with an approximate line length of 19 km. There will be 16 stations and an estimated 100,000 riders will use the system daily in 2010, equivalent to the road capacity of 10 major lanes. The cost will be approximately $2 billion in 2003 dollars.

Construction began in September 2005 and the target date for the line to be fully in service is November 30, 2009. Regional plans had called for a line to be completed by 2006. The Canada Line is not an Olympic project, but it must be completed on schedule in order to avoid major construction during the games in 2010. The addition of the link to the rapid transit network makes a new and different kind of traffic planning possible for the Olympic events. The project’s pumping system The Flygt pumping system was chosen by the design-consultant group SNC-Lavalin for all the sewage and storm pumping systems along the line. The criteria were pumping reliability, serviceability and experience, as well as long-term lifecycle costs, as the Canada Line is projected to serve the region for the next 50 to 100 years. The pumping systems consist of pumps, accessories and the Flygt APP521 controller on the majority of the stations. One of the major challenges was the design of the Bored Tunnel pumping stations located in the deepest section of the tunnel underneath False Creek. Two of the four pump stations have to be right below the rail tracks with very limited space. Numerous meetings were arranged between SNC-Lavalin and ITT Water & Wastewater Vancouver branch to come up with a viable solution. The Flygt NZ configuration was finally chosen and had to be engineered with the assistance of ITT’s technical department in Montreal. Of all the pumping stations throughout the Canada Line, these Bored Tunnel sump stations are the most critical for storm and flood control. The installation is unusual, but befitting the project is the milestone production of the three millionth Flygt pump, which is destined to be used in the Bored Tunnel sump application. Tony Santos, Don Chin and Moss Martinez are with ITT Water & Wastewater. For more information, E-mail: raymond.simond@itt.com January 2009 | 101

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Guide to Environmental Products & Services

ES&E’s Guide to Environmental Products & Services See “Suppliers” Section (pg. 86) for address, etc., of any company listed in this section ACCESS HATCHES ABS Canada Aqua Technical Sales Engineered Pump Systems ENV Treatment Systems Festival City Fabricators ITT Water & Wastewater McCoy Construction Castings MSU Mississauga Protectolite The Bilco Co. ACTIVATED CARBON ADSORBENTS A.C. Carbone Canada Archer Technical Equipment BakerCorp ClearTech Industries Durpro EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Filter Innovations Insitu Contractors J.K. Engineering John Meunier Jurassic Activated Carbon Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies ACTIVATED CARBON REGENERATORS Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua ACTUATORS Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Chemline Plastics IPEX Thermo-Kinetics Troy-Ontor ADSORBENTS/ ABSORBENTS Arcus Absorbents BakerCorp Cartier Chemicals C.I. Agent Solution Durpro Imbrium Systems Interra Hazmat Emergency Response John Meunier Kengro Kristar Enterprises AERATION SYSTEMS ABS Canada ACG Technology Arbrux C&M Environmental Technologies Dagaz Environmental EcoInter Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Festival City Fabricators Fluidyne Gardner Denver H2Flow Equipment H2Flow Tanks & Systems Hydro-Logic Environmental ITT Water & Wastewater J.K. Engineering

102 | January 2009

Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Parkson Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sanitherm Sapphire Group Smith & Loveless Syntec Process Equipment Troy Environmental/Pond Doctor Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems Vector Process Equipment Waterworks Technologies AEROBIC DIGESTION ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Dagaz Environmental Eimco Water Technologies Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Festival City Fabricators Fluidyne H2Flow Equipment H2Flow Tanks & Systems J.K. Engineering Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless Westech Engineering AIR DRYERS CompreVac TG Compressed Air Systems AIR EMISSIONS TESTING Avensys Solutions CEA Instruments Environmental Analytical Systems AIR FILTERS Blue-Zone Technologies Circul-Aire CompreVac EcoInter Environmental Analytical Systems Flex-Kleen Jurassic Activated Carbon Keystone Filter N.R. Murphy Pall Corporation Peacock AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT ACG Technology Archer Technical Equipment Biorem Technologies CEA Instruments Circul-Aire D.R. Technology Duall ENV Treatment Systems Environmental Analytical Systems Fabricated Plastics

Filter Innovations FilterSense Flex-Kleen John Meunier Keystone Filter Kraemer Tool & Mfg. Met-Pro Systems N.R. Murphy Pro Aqua Prolite Systems Scadalliance Seprotech Systems SPD Sales Spectra Scientific Strobic Air Corp Troy Environmental/Pond Doctor Turbosonic Ultraflote AIR STRIPPERS Duall EcoInter Fabricated Plastics Filter Innovations Hazco Environmental Services Insitu Contractors J.K. Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Rice Earth Sciences ANAEROBIC DIGESTERS a. compressors b. covers c. mixers d. tanks ACG Technology – a,c,d Aqua Technical Sales – a,b,c Aquablast Archer Technical Equipment – c C&M Environmental Technologies – b,c Claro Environmental Technologies -a,b,c Dagaz Environmental – c Directrik – all Eimco Water Technologies – b,c Engineered Storage Products – d ENV Treatment Systems – b,c Fabricated Plastics – b,d Festival City Fabricators – c,d Fluidyne – c Greatario Engineered Storage Systems – b,c,d H2Flow Equipment – b,c,d H2Flow Tanks & Systems – b,c,d J.K. Engineering John Meunier – all Layfield Geosynthetics – b Pro Aqua – all Protectolite – b,d Sapphire Group – all Siemens Water Technologies Stanco Projects – d T.D. Rooke Associates – c Ultraflote – b Vector Process Equipment – b,c Waterworks Technologies Westech Engineering – b,c

ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT ABB Inc. Aquatic Life Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments ClearTech Industries Endress + Hauser Environmental Analytical Systems HF Scientific John Meunier LaMotte Magnor Markland Specialty Engineering Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Pressure Systems Prolite Systems ProMinent Fluid Controls Rice Earth Sciences SPD Sales Spectra Scientific ANALYZERS ABB Inc. Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas CEA Instruments ClearTech Industries Elemental Controls Endress + Hauser Environmental Analytical Systems Grundfos Canada HF Scientific Industrial Scientific John Meunier LaMotte Markland Specialty Engineering Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Siemens Water Technologies Canada Spectra Scientific Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Thermo-Kinetics AQUIFERS a. artificial recharge b. clean-up c. design d. replenishment equip. Adventus Group – b Insitu Contractors – b International Water Supply – a,c Purifics – b ARSENIC REMOVAL ACG Technology Adventus Group Aqua Technical Sales BakerCorp Durpro H2Flow Equipment Indachem J.K. Engineering John Meunier Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pall Corporation Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp.

Siemens Water Technologies Westech Engineering ASBESTOS a. removal b. survey Aquablast Greenspoon Specialty Contracting – a Hazco Environmental Services – a Newalta – a Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – a,b BACKFLOW PREVENTION Birksco Corix Water Products John Meunier Neo Valves Neptune Technology Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls USA BlueBook BACTERIA a. e-coli b. monitoring c. pseudonomus, algae d. water quality Aquatic Life – a Avensys Solutions – all ClearTech Industries EcoInter – all Environmental Analytical Systems – all IET–Aquaresearch – d International Water Supply – d John Meunier – all Kristar Enterprises – d Measuremax – a,b,d Metcon Sales & Engineering – d Purifics – a,d ScanTron Robotics – all BIODEGRADABLE PRODUCTS Seeker Green Products BIOFILTERS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Archer Technical Equipment Biorem Technologies Duall ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Waterloo Biofilter Systems Westech Engineering BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT PROCESSES Sapphire Group BIOREACTOR a. membrane ACG Technology – a Aqua Technical Sales – a C&M Environmental Technologies – a Durpro EcoInter – a

Eimco Water Technologies – a Filter Innovations – a H2Flow Equipment – a John Meunier – a Mabarex – a Metcon Sales & Engineering – a Pall Corporation – a Parkson – a Pro Aqua – a Sanitherm – a Sapphire Group – a Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless – a Vector Process Equipment – a Westech Engineering – a BIOREMEDIATION a. sediment Adventus Group – a Dagaz Environmental DeWind One-Pass Trenching Flochem Greenspoon Specialty Contracting – a Hazco Environmental Services – a IET–Aquaresearch – a Insitu Contractors – a Kengro – a Newalta – a Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – a BIOSOLIDS MGMT. Biorem Technologies Degremont Technologies J.K. Engineering John Meunier Newalta Pro Aqua Serpentix Conveyor Siemens Water Technologies BLOWERS ABS Canada ClearTech Industries CompreVac Corix Water Products Directrik Duall EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Fabricated Plastics Filter Innovations FPZ Gardner Denver H2Flow Equipment Hetek Solutions John Meunier Mechanovent N.R. Murphy Pro Aqua Stanmech Technologies Strobic Air Corp T.D. Rooke Associates TG Compressed Air Systems Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems BOREHOLE CLEARING

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Guide to Environmental Products & Services Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS ACG Technology Corix Water Products Cultec ENV Treatment Systems John Meunier Kristar Enterprises CENTRIFUGES Dagex EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Filter Innovations H2Flow Equipment Indachem Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Siemens Water Technologies Vector Process Equipment CHEMICAL MIXERS ABB Inc. ABS Canada ClearTech Industries Dagaz Environmental Directrik Festival City Fabricators Flochem HLS Ecolo ICR Water Technologies Indachem J.K. Engineering John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Neptune Chemical Pump Peacock ProMinent Fluid Controls Service Filtration T.D. Rooke Associates Vector Process Equipment CHEMICALS (sewage treatment) ABB Inc. Circul-Aire ClearTech Industries Flochem HLS Ecolo John Meunier Jurassic Activated Carbon Pro Aqua US Peroxide CHEMICALS (water treatment) ABB Inc. Cartier Chemicals ClearTech Industries Durpro Flochem ICR Water Technologies IWR Technologies John Meunier Jurassic Activated Carbon Magnor Pristine Water Solutions Pro Aqua Siemens Water Technologies US Peroxide CHLORINATION SYSTEMS C&M Environmental Technologies ClearTech Industries Flochem


Grundfos Canada Indachem John Meunier Magnor Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Canada SPD Sales CLARIFIERS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Dagex Degremont Technologies Durpro Ecodyne Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment IWR Technologies J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Newalta Parkson Pro Aqua Protectolite Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering CLEANING a. digester b. lagoon c. ponds d. products e. robotic f. sludge Aquablast Cartier Chemicals – d ClearTech Industries Dagaz Environmental – b,c Dagex – a,b,c,f Flochem – a,b,c,f Hazco Environmental Services – b,c,f IET–Aquaresearch – b,c Imbrium Systems – c Kristar Enterprises – d Newalta – all ScanTron Robotics – all Siemens Water Technologies CLEARWELL EQUIPMENT Environetics Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Layfield Geosynthetics Seprotech Systems SolarBee COAGULATION SYSTEMS ABB Inc. ACG Technology ClearTech Industries Flochem Indachem J.K. Engineering John Meunier

Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua COATINGS Cartier Chemicals Cobra Tanks Denso North America Fabricated Plastics ZCL Composites COLLECTORS ACG Technology C&M Environmental Technologies ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment Pro Aqua COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW EQUIPMENT ACG Technology Archer Technical Equipment Can-Am Instruments Degremont Technologies Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment Hetek Solutions John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Seprotech Systems SPD Sales COMMINUTORS/ GRINDERS C&M Environmental Technologies Directrik Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment G.E.T. Industries H2Flow Equipment Peacock Pro Aqua Vector Process Equipment COMMUNICATIONS a. equipment Bristol Canada – a Canadian Safety Equipment – a Can-Am Instruments – a Danamark WaterCare – a Scadalliance – a Stevens Water Monitoring Systems – a Telog Instruments - a Troy Environmental/ ACN Canada – a COMPOSTING Biorem Technologies Dagaz Environmental Dagex Festival City Fabricators H2Flow Equipment Siemens Water Technologies COMPRESSED GASES Air Liquide America Specialty Gases IPEX TG Compressed Air Systems COMPRESSORS Claro Environmental

Technologies & Equip. CompreVac Directrik ENV Treatment Systems FPZ TG Compressed Air Systems COMPUTERS & CONTROL SYSTEMS a. hardware b. programmable controllers c. SCADA d. software e. web sites ABS Canada – all Alpha Controls & Instrumentation – b Bentley Systems – c,d Bristol Canada – all Davis Controls – b,c Enablon North America – all GlobeStar Systems – d ITT Water & Wastewater – b,c John Meunier – all Measuremax – a,b Medteq Solutions – d,e Metcon Sales & Engineering – c Purifics – a,b,c Scadalliance – all Schneider Electric Siemens Water Technologies SJE-Rhombus – all Stevens Water Monitoring Systems – e Summa Engineering - all Thermo-Kinetics – a,b,d Troy-Ontor – a,b,c,d Watertrax – d CONTAINMENT WALL DeWind One-Pass Trenching Flochem Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services RM Products Waterloo Barrier Westeel Petroleum Products X-Treme Energy Group ZCL Composites CONTRACTING DeWind One-Pass Trenching Focus Environmental Group Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services Insitu Contractors International Water Supply Layfield Geosynthetics CONTROL EQUIPMENT a. flow b. level c. motor d. pressure e. pump f. temperature ABB Inc. ABS Canada – all Alpha Controls

& Instrumentation – all Avensys Solutions – all Can-Am Instruments – a,b,f Cancoppas – a,b,d Davis Controls – all Dean Pump – e Durpro Fybroc – e Greyline Instruments – a,b H2Flow Equipment – a,b HydroVision America – a,b ITT Water & Wastewater – a,b,e J.K. Engineering – a,b John Meunier – all KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems – b,d KSB Pumps – e Markland Specialty Engineering – b Marsh Instrumentation – all Measuremax – a,b,d,f Metcon Sales & Engineering – a,b,d Parker Fluid Control Div. –a Peacock – a,b,d,e,f Plad Equipment – e Plasco Welding & Fabrication – a,b Pressure Systems – b,d Pro Aqua – a,b ProMinent Fluid Controls – all Scadalliance – all Siemens Water Technologies SJE-Rhombus – all SPD Sales - a,b,d,e,f Spectra Scientific Syntec Process Equipment Thermo-Kinetics – all Thompson Pump – e Troy-Ontor – all USA BlueBook WIKA Instruments – b,d,f CONTROL PANELS ABS Canada Abuma Manufacturing Bristol Canada Can-Am Instruments Directrik Engineered Pump Systems ENV Treatment Systems ITT Water & Wastewater J.K. Engineering Marsh Instrumentation Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls Sapphire Group Scadalliance Siemens Water Technologies SJE-Rhombus Summa Engineering Thermo-Kinetics Thompson Pump Troy-Ontor Westech Engineering COOLING TOWERS/ CONDENSERS Ecodyne Flochem Sapphire Group Turbosonic CORROSION PREVENTION Advance Products & Systems Circul-Aire

ClearTech Industries Corix Water Products Denso North America Fabricated Plastics H2Flow Equipment Magnor Pristine Water Solutions Protectolite US Peroxide ZCL Composites COVERS/ENCLOSURES (digester, etc.) Aqua Technical Sales Birksco C&M Environmental Technologies Directrik Eimco Water Technologies Engineered Storage Products ENV Treatment Systems Environetics Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment Layfield Geosynthetics Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Protectolite RM Products Sapphire Group Stanco Projects Ultraflote Vector Process Equipment CULVERTS a. polyethylene b. precast reinforced concrete c. relining d. steel fabricated Armtec – a,c,d Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute – c,d CUSTOM METAL FABRICATING Abuma Manufacturing AMS Inc. Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute Dagex Festival City Fabricators Tenbusch Ultraflote Westeel Petroleum Products X-Treme Energy Group CUSTOM PLASTIC FABRICATING Dagex Dynamic Plastic Solutions Fabricated Plastics Plasco Welding & Fabrication Prolite Systems Rice Earth Sciences DATA a. acquisition b. analysis c. loggers d. management Alpha Controls & Instrumentation – a,c Bentley Systems – b,d Bristol Canada – all Can-Am Instruments – a,b,c Davis Controls – a Enablon North America

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Products – all Geneq – c Heron Instruments – c Hetek Solutions – a,c Hoskin Scientific – a,c John Meunier – all KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems – c Master Meter Canada – all Measuremax – all Metcon Sales & Engineering – a,c Petro Viron – a,b,d Pressure Systems – c Rice Earth Sciences – a,c Scadalliance – all Schneider Electric SJE-Rhombus – c,d Solinst Canada – a,c SPD Sales - c Stevens Water Monitoring Systems – all Telog Instruments – all Thermo-Kinetics – all Watertrax – b,d DECHLORINATORS C&M Environmental Technologies ClearTech Industries Flochem Indachem Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Siemens Water Technologies Canada DECOMMISSIONING Aquablast E.H. Wachs Focus Environmental Group Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services International Water Supply Newalta DEMOLITION Focus Environmental Group Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services DEGRITTERS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Archer Technical Equipment C&M Environmental Technologies Dagex Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Mabarex Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering DEMINERALIZERS Aqua Technical Sales Durpro Ecodyne Eco-Tec Mabarex Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Smith & Loveless

104 | January 2009

Guide to Environmental Products & Services Westech Engineering DEWATERING SERVICES ABS Canada ACG Technology Aquatech Dewatering Atlas Dewatering BakerCorp Claessen Pumps Dagex DeWind One-Pass Trenching Hazco Environmental Services Insitu Contractors ITT Water & Wastewater IWR Technologies John Meunier Magnor Newalta Pro Aqua Siemens Water Technologies Thompson Pump DIALERS a. automatic alarm b. microprocessor c. synthesized voice d. tape Can-Am Instruments – a,b,c Measuremax – a,b Metcon Sales & Engineering – a,b Scadalliance – a,b,c SJE-Rhombus – a SPD Sales - a,b,c DISINFECTION EQUIPMENT Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies ClearTech Industries Degremont Technologies Durpro EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Flochem Fluidyne Grundfos Canada H2Flow Equipment Indachem John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls Purifics PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Canada Smith & Loveless SPD Sales USA BlueBook Wyckomar DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Aquateck – Industrial Div. Baycor Fibre Tech C&M Environmental Technologies Dagex Degremont Technologies Durpro EcoInter Eimco Water Technologies

ENV Treatment Systems Filter Innovations H2Flow Equipment J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Markland Specialty Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Smith & Loveless Waterworks Technologies Westech Engineering DREDGES/DREDGING AMS Inc. Hazco Environmental Services Newalta ScanTron Robotics DRILLING SERVICES Aquatech Dewatering DeWind One-Pass Trenching Insitu Contractors International Water Supply Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling Sonic Soil Sampling DRINKING WATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT ABB Inc. ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Aquateck – Industrial Div. AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) C&M Environmental Technologies Containment Solutions Dagaz Environmental Danamark WaterCare Degremont Technologies Duall Durpro EcoInter Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Environmental Analytical Systems Flochem H2Flow Equipment HF Scientific Indachem ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier J.K. Engineering Keystone Filter Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Myron L Pall Corporation Parkson Pro Aqua Purifics PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Siemens Water Technologies Canada Smith & Loveless Stanco Projects Troy Environmental/ Pond Doctor US Peroxide USA BlueBook Westech Engineering Wyckomar

Interra Hazmat Emergency Response PCB Disposal Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling US Peroxide

DRUM COMPACTORS ENV Treatment Systems Safety Storage DUST COLLECTION Circul-Aire Duall ENV Treatment Systems FilterSense Flex-Kleen Kraemer Tool & Mfg. N.R. Murphy Safety Storage Seprotech Systems

ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE Bentley Systems EcoLog Environmental Resources Group Enablon North America FilterSense IHS ESP Lakes Environmental Software Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Watertrax

EDUCTORS Chemline Plastics D.R. Technology Insitu Contractors Metcon Sales & Engineering Peacock Seprotech Systems Service Filtration EJECTORS a. sewage Aqua Technical Sales – a Engineered Pump Systems – a Fluidyne – a Plad Equipment – a ELECTRIC MOTORS International Water Supply SEW-Eurodrive Troy-Ontor EMERGENCY RESPONSE a. equipment b. services ABS Canada – a,b Aquatech Dewatering – a,b BakerCorp – a Canadian Safety Equipment – a Cartier Chemicals – a ClearTech Industries Commercial Solutions - a Drain-All – a,b Industrial Scientific – a Interra Hazmat Emergency Response – a,b Kengro – a,b Newalta – b Pigmalion Environmental –a Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – a,b Siemens Water Technologies Thompson Pump – a,b Trans Environmental Systems – a ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS & REMEDIATION Adventus Group BakerCorp Dagaz Environmental DeWind One-Pass Trenching D.R. Technology Drain-All Elemental Controls Enablon North America ERIS (Environmental Risk Information Service) Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services Insitu Contractors

EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Armtec Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute Kristar Enterprises Layfield Geosynthetics North American Green Top Spray EVAPORATORS a. wastewater ACG Technology – a EcoInter – a John Meunier – a EXPANSION JOINTS Corix Water Products Fabricated Plastics Neo Valves Plad Equipment TG Compressed Air Systems Troy-Ontor FANS Canadian Safety Equipment Duall Fabricated Plastics Mechanovent N.R. Murphy Prolite Systems Stanmech Technologies Strobic Air Corp FEEDERS (chemical) ClearTech Industries Grundfos Canada ICR Water Technologies Indachem John Meunier Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Neptune Chemical Pump Peacock Pristine Water Solutions ProMinent Fluid Controls Saf-T-Flo Chemical Injection Siemens Water Technologies Canada SPD Sales FILTER EQUIPMENT ABB Inc. ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales

AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) BakerCorp Blue Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Circul-Aire Dagex Degremont Technologies Durpro EcoInter Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Filter Innovations Flex-Kleen H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Keystone Filter Kraemer Tool & Mfg. Magnor Mefiag Metcon Sales & Engineering Pall Corporation Parkson Peacock PFE Roto Pro Aqua Protectolite PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sapphire Group Service Filtration Sethco Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless TG Compressed Air Systems Westech Engineering FILTER MEDIA/ MAINTENANCE A.C. Carbone Canada Anthrafilter Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) BakerCorp C&M Environmental Technologies Circul-Aire ClearTech Industries Dagex Durpro EcoInter Filter Innovations FilterSense Insitu Contractors IWR Technologies John Meunier Kristar Enterprises Mefiag N.R. Murphy Pall Corporation PWC, Pure Water Corp. Service Filtration Transpo Industries Westech Engineering FILTER PRESSES ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Dagex Durpro ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment H2Flow Equipment Hazco Environmental Services ICR Water Technologies John Meunier Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering

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Guide to Environmental Products & Services Pall Corporation PFE Roto Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Service Filtration Siemens Water Technologies Westech Engineering FILTER UNDERDRAINS C&M Environmental Technologies FILTERS ABB Inc. A.C. Carbone Canada ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) Blue Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Circul-Aire CompreVac Dagex Danamark WaterCare Ecodyne EcoInter Eco-Tec Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Fabricated Plastics Filter Innovations Flex-Kleen H2Flow Equipment Imbrium Systems IWR Technologies J.K. Engineering John Meunier Jurassic Activated Carbon Keystone Filter Kraemer Tool & Mfg. Kristar Enterprises Magnor Mefiag Metcon Sales & Engineering N.R. Murphy Orival Water Filter Pall Corporation Parkson Peacock PFE Roto Pigmalion Environmental Plasco Welding & Fabrication Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sapphire Group Service Filtration Sethco Smith & Loveless Sonitec Syntec Process Equipment Transpo Industries Troy-Ontor Waterra Pumps Westech Engineering Wyckomar York Fluid Controls FIRE PROTECTION & DETECTION SYSTEMS Bentley Systems Containment Solutions IPEX Stanco Projects The Bilco Co. FLOCCULATORS/MIXERS ACG Technology C&M Environmental


Technologies ClearTech Industries Dagaz Environmental Durpro Eimco Water Technologies Flochem H2Flow Equipment ITT Water & Wastewater J.K. Engineering John Meunier Magnor Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Smith & Loveless T.D. Rooke Associates Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering York Fluid Controls FLOTATION SYSTEMS ACG Technology Baycor Fibre Tech C&M Environmental Technologies EcoInter H2Flow Equipment J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Westech Engineering FLOW METER CALIBRATION Bentley Systems Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Endress + Hauser Marsh Instrumentation Measuremax ProMinent Fluid Controls FLOW METERS ABB Inc. ACG Technology Air Liquide America Specialty Gases Alpha Controls & Instrumentation Ashtead Technology Rentals Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Chemline Plastics Corix Water Products Davis Controls Durpro Elster Metering Endress + Hauser Environmental Analytical Systems Geneq Greyline Instruments Hetek Solutions Hoskin Scientific HydroVision America Insitu Contractors John Meunier Marsh Instrumentation Marsh-McBirney/Hach Flow Master Meter Canada Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Peacock Plasco Welding & Fabrication ProMinent Fluid Controls Rice Earth Sciences Service Filtration

Siemens Water Technologies Canada SPD Sales Syntec Process Equipment TG Compressed Air Systems Thermo-Kinetics Thompson Pump USA BlueBook FLUMES Can-Am Instruments ENV Treatment Systems Environmental Analytical Systems Geneq Greyline Instruments Hoskin Scientific John Meunier Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Protectolite SPD Sales GAS DETECTION Air Liquide America Specialty Gases Alpha Controls & Instrumentation Ashtead Technology Rentals Canadian Safety Equipment Can-Am Instruments CEA Instruments Commercial Solutions Davis Controls Environmental Analytical Systems Flir Systems Geneq Halogen Valve Systems Hetek Solutions Hoskin Scientific Industrial Scientific John Meunier Marsh Instrumentation Metcon Sales & Engineering Peacock Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Rice Earth Sciences Siemens Water Technologies Canada SPD Sales Spectra Scientific Thermo-Kinetics USA BlueBook GASES (calibration) Air Liquide America Specialty Gases CEA Instruments Endress + Hauser Hetek Solutions John Meunier Marsh Instrumentation Peacock Rice Earth Sciences SPD Sales Spectra Scientific GATES (shear, sluice, etc.) ACG Technology Armtec B.N.W. Valve Mfg. C&M Environmental Technologies Neo Valves Pro Aqua Protectolite Sapphire Group

Troy-Ontor GENERATORS (electrical) Hybridyne Power Systems ITT Water & Wastewater USA BlueBook GEOMEMBRANES Firestone Specialty Products H2Flow Equipment Layfield Geosynthetics ModuTank Seprotech Systems GEOSYNTHETICS Armtec Layfield Geosynthetics GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling Sonic Soil Sampling GEOTEXTILES Armtec Corix Water Products H2Flow Equipment Layfield Geosynthetics ModuTank Trans Environmental Systems GRIT COLLECTION/ REMOVAL ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. Dagex Degremont Technologies Directrik Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Fluidyne H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering GROUNDWATER MODELING Adventus Group Atlas Dewatering Siemens Water Technologies GROUNDWATER MONITORING AMS Inc. Atlas Dewatering Environmental Analytical Systems Heron Instruments Hetek Solutions Insitu Contractors International Water Supply Interra Hazmat Emergency Response J.K. Engineering KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems Myron L

Petro Viron Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Pressure Systems Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling Scadalliance Siemens Water Technologies Solinst Canada Spectra Scientific Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Telog Instruments Waterra Pumps GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION/ EQUIPMENT A.C. Carbone Canada Adventus Group AirSep Aquatech Dewatering Ashtead Technology Rentals BakerCorp Blue Water Technologies CompreVac Dagex DeWind One-Pass Trenching EcoInter Filter Innovations Focus Environmental Group Geneq Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services Heron Instruments Insitu Contractors J.K. Engineering KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems ModuTank Pall Corporation Purifics PWC, Pure Water Corp. Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Rice Earth Sciences Siemens Water Technologies Solinst Canada Thompson Pump US Peroxide Waterloo Barrier Westech Engineering HAZARDOUS WASTE a. collection b. disposal c. management d. storage e. training f. transfer facility g. treatment h. equipment Air Cycle – b Aquablast BakerCorp – a,b Canadian Safety Equipment - h Cartier Chemicals – g D.R. Technology – g Drain-All – a,b,c,d,f,g Focus Environmental Group – a,b Greatario Engineered Storage Systems – d,f,g Greenspoon Specialty Contracting – g Hazco Environmental

Services – a,b,c,d,e,f Interra Hazmat Emergency Response – a,b,c,d,e ModuTank – d Newalta – a,b,c,d,e,f,g Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – a,b,c,e Safety Storage – d Sanitherm – g Siemens Water Technologies Stanco Projects – d Swan Hills Treatment Centre X-Treme Energy Group – d ZCL Composites – d HEAT EXCHANGERS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Aquateck – Industrial Div. C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. Directrik Festival City Fabricators Peacock Pro Aqua T.D. Rooke Associates Vector Process Equipment HOSES ABS Canada Aquatech Dewatering ENV Treatment Systems Plasco Welding & Fabrication ProMinent Fluid Controls Thompson Pump USA BlueBook HUMAN RESOURCES CAES Career Advancement Employment Services HYDROGEN SULFIDE Air Liquide America Specialty Gases Ashtead Technology Rentals Biorem Technologies Dagaz Environmental John Meunier Peacock PWC, Pure Water Corp. Spectra Scientific INCINERATOR SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT ABB Inc. Aqua Technical Sales Degremont Technologies Metcon Sales & Engineering Met-Pro Systems Pro Aqua INSTRUMENTATION a. air velocity b. calibration c. dissolved oxygen monitors d. dust indicators e. dynamometers f. geotechnical g. groundwater monitoring h. meteorological i. mobile lab equipment j. particle generators k. pitot tubes

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Products l. rental m. repair n. scales o. sludge blanket level control p. smoke indicators & alarms q. systems & control r. thermometers s. toxicity monitors t. tube settlers u. turbidimeters ABB Inc. ACG Technology – l,m Alpha Controls & Instrumentation – b,m,q,r Aquatic Life – c,g,h,l,o,s,u Ashtead Technology Rentals Avensys Solutions – b,c,d,g,h,l,m,o,s,u Bristol Canada – b,q Can-Am Instruments – c,l,q,u Cancoppas – a,b,c,l,m,o,u ClearTech Industries Commercial Solutions – a,c Davis Controls – o Durpro Endress + Hauser – b,c,k,q Environmental Analytical Systems – a,c,d,h,k,l, m,s,u Fabricated Plastics – q FilterSense – d Geneq – a,c,f,g,h,i,l, m,n,o,r,u Heron Instruments – g Hetek Solutions – b,g HF Scientific – b,c,u Hoskin Scientific – a,b,c,d, e,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,r,u Industrial Scientific – l International Water Supply – g John Meunier – all KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems – g LaMotte – u Markland Specialty Engineering – o Marsh Instrumentation – a,b,c,d,h,m,n Measuremax – b,c,i,o,q,u Metcon Sales & Engineering – c,n,o,s,t,u Myron L – g,i Peacock – a,k,r Pressure Systems – g,h,o,q ProMinent Fluid Controls – b,q,u Rice Earth Sciences – b,c,f,g,i,l,u Scadalliance – q Siemens Water Technologies SJE-Rhombus – q Solinst Canada – g SPD Sales - a,c,g,l,m,o,u Spectra Scientific – all Stevens Water Monitoring Systems – c,g,u Summa Engineering – q Syntec Process Equipment Telog Instruments – g Thermo-Kinetics – a,b,c,k,m,o,q,r Troy-Ontor – q WIKA Instruments – b,r ION EXCHANGE SYSTEMS Aqua Technical Sales BakerCorp

106 | January 2009

Guide to Environmental Products & Services C&M Environmental Technologies ClearTech Industries Danamark WaterCare Degremont Technologies Durpro Ecodyne EcoInter Eco-Tec ENV Treatment Systems J.K. Engineering John Meunier Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Smith & Loveless IRON REMOVAL PLANTS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Durpro EcoInter H2Flow Equipment Insitu Contractors J.K. Engineering John Meunier Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless IRON REMOVAL SYSTEMS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) C&M Environmental Technologies Dagaz Environmental Degremont Technologies Durpro EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Filter Innovations H2Flow Equipment J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pall Corporation Pro Aqua Purifics PWC, Pure Water Corp. Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless Waterworks Technologies Westech Engineering ISO 9001 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Enablon North America Northern Steel Thompson Pump ZCL Composites ISO 14000 ENV. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Enablon North America IHS ESP ISO 18001 HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Enablon North America

LABORATORIES (analytical) John Meunier Magnor Measuremax Prolite Systems LABORATORY SUPPLIES Air Liquide America Specialty Gases ClearTech Industries HF Scientific John Meunier Primary Fluid Systems Prolite Systems Spectra Scientific Spectrum Nasco Strobic Air Corp USA BlueBook LANDFILL a. closure b. construction c. gas compressors d. leachate & gas wells e. leachate pumps f. leachate treatment g. operations h. daily cover Aqua Technical Sales – f C&M Environmental Technologies – f Dagaz Environmental – f Directrik – c,d,e Drain-All – f Engineered Pump Systems – e ENV Treatment Systems –f Fybroc – e Gardner Denver- c Gorman-Rupp – e Greatario Engineered Storage Systems – d,f Greenspoon Specialty Contracting – a,b,d H2Flow Equipment – f Hazco Environmental Services – a,b,g HLS Ecolo – f J.K. Engineering – f John Meunier – f Layfield Geosynthetics – a,b Metcon Sales & Engineering – e,f Met-Pro Systems – f Newalta – g North American Green – a Pall Corporation – f Pro Aqua – c Purifics – f PWC, Pure Water Corp. – f Rice Earth Sciences – e Rusmar – h Stanco Projects – d TG Compressed Air Systems – c LEAK DETECTION a. devices b. services Advance Products & Systems – a Bentley Systems – a,b Can-Am Instruments – a CEA Instruments – a ClearTech Industries Containment Solutions – a Corix Water Products Elster Metering – a Endress + Hauser – a Flir Systems – a Hetek Solutions – a,b Industrial Scientific – a

IPEX – a Marsh Instrumentation – a,b Master Meter Canada – a,b ModuTank – a Neptune Technology – a Petro Viron – a,b Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – b Scadalliance – a Spectra Scientific – a,b USA BlueBook – a,b LEVEL CONTROLS ABB Inc. ABS Canada Alpha Controls & Instrumentation Avensys Solutions Bristol Canada Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Davis Controls Endress + Hauser Engineered Pump Systems ENV Treatment Systems Flochem Greyline Instruments Hetek Solutions ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems Markland Specialty Engineering Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Peacock Petro Viron Pressure Systems Scadalliance SJE-Rhombus Syntec Process Equipment Thermo-Kinetics Troy-Ontor USA BlueBook LIME SLAKERS ACG Technology Directrik Indachem John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Siemens Water Technologies Canada Smith & Loveless Westech Engineering

LUBRICANTS CompreVac Lubrication Engineers TG Compressed Air

MAGAZINE/PUBLISHING Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine HazMat Management Magazine Solid Waste & Recycling Magazine MAINTENANCE HOLE a. access hatches b. accessories c. precast d. safety equipment e. separators ACG Technology – e Canadian Safety Equipment – d Containment Solutions – a Corix Water Products – a,b Engineered Pump Systems – a Industrial Scientific – d Kristar Enterprises – c,e McCoy Construction Castings – a,b,c MANGANESE REMOVAL SYSTEMS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Dagaz Environmental Degremont Technologies Durpro H2Flow Equipment EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems J.K. Engineering John Meunier Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Pall Corporation Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sapphire Group Westech Engineering MARKETING CONSULTANT AGL Marketing GreenOaks Communications

LINERS a. installation equipment b. lining system Containment Solutions – b Firestone Specialty Products – a,b H2Flow Equipment – b Hazco Environmental Services – a Layfield Geosynthetics – b ModuTank – b Stanmech Technologies – a ZCL Composites – b LOCATORS Commercial Solutions Hetek Solutions USA BlueBook


MATERIAL HANDLING a. conveyors ACG Technology – a C&M Environmental Technologies – a Claro Environmental Technologies - a ENV Treatment Systems – a H2Flow Equipment – a Keith Mfg. – a Peacock - a Pro Aqua – a Sapphire Group – a Serpentix Conveyor Thern MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS a. charge b. chlorine c. conductivity d. dioxide e. heavy metals f. ORP g. ozone h. peroxide i. pH j. water k. other

ABB Inc. Aquateck – Industrial Div. – all Avensys Solutions – b,c,f,i,j Can-Am Instruments – b,c,f,g,i Cancoppas – b,c,f,i,j CEA Instruments – g ClearTech Industries Durpro Elemental Controls Elster Metering – j Enablon North America – all Endress + Hauser – b,c,d,f,i,j,k FilterSense – a Flochem – b,d,h Geneq – b,c,f,i Grundfos Canada Hetek Solutions – b,c,f,i,j HF Scientific – b,c,f,g,i Hoskin Scientific – c,d,f,i ICR Water Technologies – b,c,f,i Indachem – f,i Industrial Scientific – b,d,k John Meunier – all LaMotte – b,c,f,g,h,i,j Marsh Instrumentation – all Master Meter Canada – j Measuremax – b,c,f,i,j,k Metcon Sales & Engineering – b,c,d,f,g,h,i,j,k Myron L – c,f,i,j,k Pressure Systems – j ProMinent Fluid Controls – all Schneider Electric – k Service Filtration – f,i Spectra Scientific – all Stevens Water Monitoring Systems – f,i,j Thermo-Kinetics – c,f,i,j,k MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT ACG Technology SEW-Eurodrive MEMBRANES ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Denso North America Durpro ECOfluid Systems EcoInter Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Pall Corporation Pro Aqua Sanitherm Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies SJE-Rhombus Smith & Loveless METER TESTING EQUIPMENT Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Marsh Instrumentation Neptune Technology Spectra Scientific Thermo-Kinetics

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Guide to Environmental Products & Services METERS (equipment) a. air velocity b. conductivity c. lysimeters d. reading systems e. recording f. remote reading g. sewage gas h. sludge density i. smoke density j. suspended solids k. water consumption l. zeta potential Alpha Controls & Instrumentation – a,b,h Ashtead Technology Rentals Can-Am Instruments – b Cancoppas – a,b,e,h,j CEA Instruments – g Commercial Solutions – a Corix Water Products – d,f Elster Metering – d,f,k Endress + Hauser – b,e,f,h,j Environmental Analytical Systems – a,b,e FilterSense – i Geneq – a,b,c,j Heron Instruments – b,f Hoskin Scientific – a,b,c,d,e,f Industrial Scientific – d,g John Meunier – all Markland Specialty Engineering – h,j Marsh Instrumentation – all Master Meter Canada – k Measuremax – b,f,j,k Metcon Sales & Engineering – b,e,f,h,j,k,l Neptune Technology – k Peacock – g ProMinent Fluid Controls – e,k Rice Earth Sciences – a,b,c,d,e,f,j Schneider Electric SPD Sales - a,b,g,h,j Spectra Scientific – a,b Stevens Water Monitoring Systems – j Thermo-Kinetics – a,b,e,f,j Troy-Ontor – d,f METERS (service & installation) ABB Inc. Can-Am Instruments Corix Water Products Elster Metering Endress + Hauser John Meunier Marsh Instrumentation Master Meter Canada Neptune Technology Schneider Electric MIXERS/AGITATORS ABS Canada ACG Technology Aquateck – Industrial Div. Arbrux Archer Technical Equipment ClearTech Industries Dagaz Environmental Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Festival City Fabricators Fluidyne Greatario Engineered


Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment H2Flow Tanks & Systems ICR Water Technologies Indachem ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier KSB Pumps Metcon Sales & Engineering Neptune Chemical Pump Peacock PFE Roto Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls Sapphire Group Service Filtration SolarBee T.D. Rooke Associates Troy Environmental/ Pond Doctor USA BlueBook Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering York Fluid Controls MIXING EDUCTORS Fluidyne J.K. Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Peacock MONITORING WELL SUPPLIES CEA Instruments Geneq Heron Instruments Hoskin Scientific Petro Viron Rice Earth Sciences SPD Sales Spectra Scientific Stevens Water Monitoring Systems MONITORS ABB Inc. Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas CEA Instruments FilterSense Geneq Hoskin Scientific Industrial Scientific ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier Markland Specialty Engineering Measuremax Myron L Pressure Systems SJE-Rhombus MOULD a. removal Greenspoon Specialty Contracting – a Hazco Environmental Services – a Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – a NOISE ABATEMENT SYSTEMS Strobic Air Corp OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY a. auditing b. information c. products d. software

e. training Ashtead Technology Rentals Avensys Solutions – c Canadian Safety Equipment – c Cartier Chemicals – c DEVTRA – b,c,e Enablon North America Environmental Analytical Systems – c Industrial Scientific – c Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services – a,b,d,e SPD Sales - c The Bilco Co. – c ODOUR CONTROL ACG Technology Archer Technical Equipment BakerCorp Biorem Technologies Cartier Chemicals Circul-Aire Dagaz Environmental Duall ENV Treatment Systems Environetics Fabricated Plastics Filter Innovations Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment HLS Ecolo Indachem IPEX John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Rusmar Sanitherm Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Siemens Water Technologies Canada Strobic Air Corp Troy Environmental/ Pond Doctor Ultraflote Uniqair Odour Control US Peroxide Vector Process Equipment OIL CLEAN-UP EQUIPMENT Avensys Solutions Cartier Chemicals C.I. Agent Solutions Dagaz Environmental EcoInter Filter Innovations Hazco Environmental Services Interra Hazmat Emergency Response Pigmalion Environmental OIL CONTENT DETECTORS Can-Am Instruments Davis Controls OIL IN WATER DETECTORS AMS Inc. Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Durpro ENV Treatment Systems Heron Instruments Magnor

Rice Earth Sciences Solinst Canada Spectra Scientific Waterra Pumps

SJE-Rhombus Smith & Loveless Thompson Pump Westech Engineering

OIL/WATER SEPARATORS ACG Technology Atlas Dewatering Baycor Fibre Tech Can-Am Instruments C.I. Agent Solutions CompreVac Containment Solutions Corix Water Products Dagex Durpro EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Filter Innovations Green Turtle Technologies H2Flow Equipment Hazco Environmental Services Imbrium Systems Indachem Insitu Contractors Interra Hazmat Emergency Response J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Northern Steel Pall Corporation Parkson Pro Aqua Rice Earth Sciences Sanitherm Sapphire Group Service Filtration Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless TG Compressed Air Systems Westech Engineering Westeel Petroleum Products ZCL Composites

PACKAGE SEWAGE LIFT STATIONS ABS Canada Aqua Technical Sales Engineered Pump Systems Gorman-Rupp ITT Water & Wastewater J.K. Engineering John Meunier Plad Equipment Pro Aqua Romtec Utilities Sapphire Group Smith & Loveless Thompson Pump

OXIDIZERS Met-Pro Systems OZONIZATION EQUIPMENT AirSep Aqua Technical Sales Degremont Technologies Durpro EcoInter ENV Treatment Systems Environmental Analytical Systems John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering ProMinent Fluid Controls Sapphire Group Spartan Environmental Technologies Wyckomar PACKAGE EFFLUENT CONTROL SYSTEMS ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group

PACKAGE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Circul-Aire Degremont Technologies ECOfluid Systems EcoInter Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Filter Innovations Fluidyne H2Flow Equipment J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sanitherm Sapphire Group Seprotech Systems Smith & Loveless Waterloo Biofilter Systems Waterworks Technologies Westech Engineering PACKAGE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) C&M Environmental Technologies Circul-Aire Degremont Technologies Duall Durpro Ecodyne EcoInter Eco-Tec ENV Treatment Systems Filter Innovations H2Flow Equipment ICR Water Technologies Insitu Contractors J.K. Engineering John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pall Corporation Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls Purifics PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sanitherm Sapphire Group

Seprotech Systems Service Filtration Smith & Loveless US Peroxide Waterworks Technologies Westech Engineering ZCL Composites PCB TREATMENT/ STORAGE Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Greenspoon Specialty Contracting PCB Disposal Swan Hills Treatment Centre PIPE DESIGN Armtec Bentley Systems J.K. Engineering Prolite Systems PIPE EQUIPMENT Advance Products & Systems Aquatech Dewatering E.H. Wachs Rice Earth Sciences Scarborough Supply Syntec Process Equipment Thompson Pump Wachs Canada PIPE FITTINGS Aquatech Dewatering Armtec Chemline Plastics Douglas Barwick Fabricated Plastics IPEX ModuTank Plasco Welding & Fabrication Prolite Systems Rice Earth Sciences Robar Scarborough Supply Thompson Pump USA BlueBook Victaulic PIPE REHABILITATION Cretex Specialty Products Denso North America Prolite Systems Tenbusch Thompson Pump PIPE RENTALS Aquatech Dewatering Thompson Pump PIPING a. aluminum b. asbestos cement c. box sewers d. carbon/stainless steel e. cast iron f. concrete-non pressure g. concrete-pressure h. copper/brass i. corrugated j. ductile iron k. fibreglass l. glass-lined m. insulated n. jacketed steel o. microtunnel p. polyethylene q. polypropylene r. precast concrete

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Products s. PVC t. PVDF u. secondary containment v. steel w. tubing x. vitrified clay y. other Armtec – c,i,p,r,v BakerCorp – a,v Canada Pipe – j Chemline Plastics – p,q,t,u Corix Water Products – e,h,i,j,p,q Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute – c,i,n,u,v Douglas Barwick – d,v,y Fabricated Plastics – k,s,t,u IPEX – p,q,s,t,u,w Petro Viron – u,y Plasco Welding & Fabrication – q,s,t,u Prolite Systems – k,m,p,q,s,t,u Protectolite – k Rice Earth Sciences – p,q,s,t,v,w Scarborough Supply – m,p Thompson Pump – a,d,i,p,s,v ZCL Composites – k PIPELINE INSPECTION Advance Products & Systems Aquablast Ashtead Technology Rentals ScanTron Robotics PLANT OPERATIONS a. wastewater b. water Bentley Systems – a,b Insitu Contractors – a Measuremax – a,b ProMinent Fluid Controls – a Sanitherm – a,b Siemens Water Technologies Waterworks Technologies – a,b PLATE SETTLERS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Parkson Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Westech Engineering PNEUMATIC LIFT STATIONS Aqua Technical Sales ENV Treatment Systems POLYMER BLEND & PREP SYSTEMS ACG Technology Fluid Dynamics Indachem John Meunier Magnor

108 | January 2009

Guide to Environmental Products & Services Metcon Sales & Engineering Neptune Chemical Pump ProMinent Fluid Controls SPD Sales PUMP DESIGN Aqua Technical Sales Aquateck – Industrial Div. Atlas Dewatering Bentley Systems Dean Pump Fybroc Grundfos Canada International Water Supply KSB Pumps John Meunier ProMinent Fluid Controls Sethco SPD Sales Thompson Pump York Fluid Controls PUMP DRIVES ACG Technology Aquateck – Industrial Div. Grundfos Canada International Water Supply ITT Water & Wastewater KSB Pumps Peacock PFE Roto Plad Equipment ProMinent Fluid Controls SEW-Eurodrive SJE-Rhombus Thompson Pump York Fluid Controls PUMP MOTORS Aqua Technical Sales Aquateck – Industrial Div. Grundfos Canada International Water Supply ITT Water & Wastewater KSB Pumps Peacock PFE Roto Plad Equipment ProMinent Fluid Controls Service Filtration SEW-Eurodrive Thompson Pump York Fluid Controls PUMP PROTECTION SYSTEMS Aquateck – Industrial Div. KSB Pumps Plad Equipment Thompson Pump York Fluid Controls PUMP RENTALS ABS Canada Aquatech Dewatering Aquateck – Industrial Div. Ashtead Technology Rentals Atlas Dewatering BakerCorp Claessen Pumps Engineered Pump Systems Insitu Contractors International Water Supply ITT Water & Wastewater KSB Pumps Rice Earth Sciences Spectra Scientific Thompson Pump Waterra Pumps York Fluid Controls PUMP REPAIRS ABS Canada

Aquateck – Industrial Div. Claessen Pumps Dean Pump Durpro Engineered Pump Systems Fybroc International Water Supply ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier KSB Pumps PFE Roto Plad Equipment ProMinent Fluid Controls Service Filtration Sethco T.D. Rooke Associates Thompson Pump USA BlueBook York Fluid Controls PUMP REPLACEMENT PARTS Aqua Technical Sales Aquateck – Industrial Div. Archer Technical Equipment Claessen Pumps Dean Pump Directrik Durpro ENV Treatment Systems Fybroc Gorman-Rupp ICR Water Technologies International Water Supply ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier KSB Pumps Peacock PFE Roto Plad Equipment ProMinent Fluid Controls Service Filtration Sethco T.D. Rooke Associates Thompson Pump USA BlueBook York Fluid Controls PUMP STATIONS & COMPONENTS ABS Canada Aqua Technical Sales Atlas Dewatering Engineered Pump Systems Fybroc Gorman-Rupp Green Turtle Technologies ITT Water & Wastewater J.K. Engineering John Meunier KSB Pumps PFE Roto Plad Equipment ProMinent Fluid Controls Romtec Utilities Sethco SJE-Rhombus Smith & Loveless Thompson Pump York Fluid Controls PUMPS a. air lift b. axial flow c. centrifugal d. chemical feed e. chopper f. deep well g. dewatering h. diaphragm i. gravimetric j. grinder k. groundwater sampling

l. hydraulic m. jet n. peristaltic o. piston p. plunger q. positive displacement r. progressing cavity s. rotary lobe t. screw u. self-priming v. slurry w. solar-powered x. spiral y. submersible z. sump aa. turbine bb. vacuum cc. variable displacement dd.bladder ee.double valve ABS Canada – b,c,e,g,h,j,u,v,y,z ACG Technology – t AMS Inc. – h,n,bb Aqua Technical Sales – a,c,o Aquatech Dewatering Aquateck – Industrial Div. – all Archer Technical Equipment – c,e,t,u,v,y,z Ashtead Technology Rentals Avensys Solutions – k,n BakerCorp – c,h,l,u,y Bentley Systems – l Canadian Safety Equipment – v,y Claessen Pumps – g,u,v,y ClearTech Industries CompreVac – bb Dagex –a Dean Pump – c,d,u,z Directrik – c,e,g,h,j,n,q,r,s,t,u, v,y,z Durpro Eimco Water Technologies – h Engineered Pump Systems – c,e,f,g,j,y,z ENV Treatment Systems – a,n,o,p,q Fabricated Plastics – c,h,n,y Flochem - d Fybroc – c,d,u,z Gorman-Rupp – b,c,g,h,q,u,y,z,aa Grundfos Canada HLS Ecolo – d,l ICR Water Technologies – c,d,e,h,j,p,q,s,u,v,bb Indachem – c,d,q Insitu Contractors – b,c,f,g,h,o,q,r,s,t,u, y,z,bb International Water Supply – f,g,k,y ITT Water & Wastewater – c,e,g,j,v,y John Meunier – all KSB Pumps – b,c,f,v,y,z,aa Magnor – h Mefiag – c,u Metcon Sales & Engineering – c,d,h,i, j, n,o,p,q,r,u,v Neptune Chemical Pump - d Peacock – c,d,f,g,h,m,n,q, r,s,t,u,v,y,z,bb PFE Roto – a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,

j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v, w,x,y,z,aa,bb,cc Plad Equipment – b,c,e,f,g, h,j,m,o,q,r,u,y,z,aa,cc Pro Aqua – a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i, j,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,bb ProMinent Fluid Controls – c,d,h,n,o,p,q,r,v Rice Earth Sciences – k,n,o,w,y Service Filtration – c,d,h,u,z Sethco – c,d,u,y,z Siemens Water Technologies Siemens Water Technologies Canada Smith & Loveless – c,u Solinst Canada – k,n,dd,ee SPD Sales - d,h,l Spectra Scientific – a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j T.D. Rooke Associates – b,c,d,f,u,y,aa Thompson Pump – b,c,g,h, l,m,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,y,bb,cc USA BlueBook – d,g,j,n,q,u,y,z,bb Vector Process Equipment – d,r Wachs Canada – g,y,bb Waterra Pumps – y York Fluid Controls – b,c,d, e,f,g,h,j,k,n,q,r,s,t,u,v,y,z Zoeller Pump – g,j,r,y,z RECORDERS ABB Inc. Alpha Controls & Instrumentation Bristol Canada Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas DEVTRA Geneq Hetek Solutions Hoskin Scientific John Meunier Marsh Instrumentation Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering ProMinent Fluid Controls Solinst Canada Telog Instruments Thermo-Kinetics USA BlueBook WIKA Instruments RECYCLING EQUIPMENT a. asset recovery Air Cycle Durpro EcoInter – a Les Contenants Durabac –a Quality Recycling Equipment – a Siemens Water Technologies RENEWABLE ENERGY Dagaz Environmental EcoInter Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Hybridyne Power Systems Pall Corporation PWC, Pure Water Corp. Quality Recycling Equipment Schneider Electric RESPIROMETERS a. laboratory

b. on-line Metcon Sales & Engineering – b REVERSE OSMOSIS ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales Degremont Technologies Durpro Ecodyne EcoInter Eco-Tec ENV Treatment Systems John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Pall Corporation Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless Sonitec T.D. Rooke Associates Waterworks Technologies Westech Engineering SAFETY EQUIPMENT a. breathing apparatus b. communication c. confined space equipment d. fall protection e. fire fighting equipment f. gas detection g. lone worker protection h. respiratory protection i. tents/shelters Alpha Controls & Instrumentation – f Avensys Solutions – f Canadian Safety Equipment – all Can-Am Instruments – f CEA Instruments – c,f Commercial Solutions – a,c,d,e,f,h Davis Controls – f Environmental Analytical Systems – f Geneq – f Hetek Solutions – c,d,f Industrial Scientific – c,f MSU Mississauga Pack-A-Cone – e Peacock – f Plad Equipment – e SPD Sales - c,d,f,h Thermo-Kinetics – c USA BlueBook – a,c,f X-Treme Energy Group – i SAMPLE CONTAINERS ClearTech Industries Spectrum Nasco SAMPLERS & SAMPLING EQUIPMENT Air Liquide America Specialty Gases AMS Inc. Ashtead Technology Rentals Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Endress + Hauser Geneq Hetek Solutions Hoskin Scientific ICR Water Technologies John Meunier

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Guide to Environmental Products & Services Markland Specialty Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Pressure Systems Rice Earth Sciences Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling Saf-T-Flo Chemical Injection Solinst Canada SPD Sales Spectra Scientific Spectrum Nasco Syntec Process Equipment USA BlueBook Waterra Pumps SCADA SYSTEMS ABS Canada Bentley Systems Bristol Canada FilterSense ITT Water & Wastewater John Meunier Marsh Instrumentation Metcon Sales & Engineering Purifics Sapphire Group Scadalliance SJE-Rhombus Summa Engineering Thermo-Kinetics Thompson Pump Troy-Ontor USA BlueBook SCALES ClearTech Industries Geneq John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Siemens Water Technologies Canada SCREENINGS a. compaction b. presses c. washing d. grinding ACG Technology – a,b,c Aqua Technical Sales – a,b,c Baycor Fibre Tech – a,c C&M Environmental Technologies – a,b,c Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. - a,b,c Dagex – a,b,c Directrik – a,b,c Eimco Water Technologies – a,c ENV Treatment Systems – a,b,c Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment – a,b,c H2Flow Equipment – all John Meunier – a,b,c Metcon Sales & Engineering – a,b,c Parkson – a,b,c Pro Aqua – a,b,c Sapphire Group – a,b,c Vector Process Equipment – a,b,c SCREENS a. bar b. rotary c. self cleaning d. sewage plant


e. stormwater f. travelling water g. vibratory h. water plant intake ACG Technology – a,b,c,d,e,h Aqua Technical Sales – a,b,h Baycor Fibre Tech – b C&M Environmental Technologies – a,b,c,d Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. - a,c,d,h Dagex – a,b,c,d,f,g Degremont Technologies –a Directrik – a,b,c,d,e,h Durpro Eimco Water Technologies – a,c,d,h ENV Treatment Systems – all Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment – a,b,c,d,e H2Flow Equipment – a,b,c,d,e,f,h John Meunier – all Kristar Enterprises – e Mabarex – all Metcon Sales & Engineering – a,b,c,d,e Parkson – a,c,d,f Peacock – g Pro Aqua – all Rice Earth Sciences – c Sanitherm – b,h Sapphire Group – all Vector Process Equipment – a,b Waterworks Technologies – all Westech Engineering – b,c,d,e,h SCRUBBERS/WASHERS a. atomising b. deflector washers c. spray chambers d. spray nozzles ENV Treatment Systems – a Fabricated Plastics – d HLS Ecolo – a,c,d John Meunier – all Metcon Sales & Engineering – a,c,d Pro Aqua – all Prolite Systems Seprotech Systems – all Siemens Water Technologies Turbosonic – a,d SEALS Cretex Specialty Products Denso North America John Meunier SECONDARY CONTAINMENT Albarrie Canada BakerCorp ClearTech Industries Containment Solutions Greatario Engineered Storage Systems IPEX Layfield Geosynthetics SECURITY CONTAINMENT X-Treme Energy Group

SEDIMENTATION SYSTEMS ACG Technology Adventus Group Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment Imbrium Systems John Meunier Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless SEPARATORS a. centrifugal b. coalescing c. gravity d. hydro-dynamic/ vortex e. inertial ACG Technology – b,c,d Aqua Technical Sales – d Can-Am Instruments – b,c Containment Solutions – b,c Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute – c,d Dagex – a,c ENV Treatment Systems – all Fluidyne – d H2Flow Equipment – a,b,c,d ICR Water Technologies – d Imbrium Systems – all Insitu Contractors – b,c J.K. Engineering – b,c John Meunier – all Kristar Enterprises – d Pall Corporation – a,b Parkson – c Peacock – a,b Plad Equipment – a Pro Aqua – all Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless – c Westech Engineering – d ZCL Composites – b,c SEPTAGE RECEIVING SYSTEMS ACG Technology Birksco C&M Environmental Technologies Cancoppas Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. Dagex ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment Metcon Sales & Engineering Parkson Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering SEPTIC TANKS & EQUIPMENT Containment Solutions Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless ZCL Composites

SEQUENCING BATCH REACTORS (SBR) ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Fluidyne Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Mabarex Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group SERVICE CONTRACTING Endress + Hauser Hazco Environmental Services Marsh Instrumentation SEWAGE GAS EQUIPMENT Ashtead Technology Rentals Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Industrial Scientific John Meunier SEWER EQUIPMENT & PRODUCTS a. cleaning b. cleaning service c. inspection d. repair e. upgrade Aquablast Bentley Systems – d,e CEA Instruments – c Cretex Specialty Products –d Drain-All – a,b,c,d Siemens Water Technologies Thompson Pump – d,e USA BlueBook – a,c

ModuTank Newalta PCB Disposal Purifics Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services SLUDGE DEWATERING ACG Technology BakerCorp Baycor Fibre Tech Claessen Pumps Dagex Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment Hazco Environmental Services Indachem John Meunier Mabarex Magnor Metcon Sales & Engineering Newalta Parkson Pro Aqua Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Sanitherm Sapphire Group Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless Vector Process Equipment Westech Engineering SLUDGE DISPOSAL Drain-All Fabgroups Technologies Hazco Environmental Services John Meunier Newalta Siemens Water Technologies

SHREDDERS/ COMPACTORS C&M Environmental Technologies Directrik Eimco Water Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Shred-Tech

SLUDGE DRYING Arcus Absorbents Fabgroups Technologies H2Flow Equipment Hazco Environmental Services John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Newalta Parkson Pro Aqua Siemens Water Technologies Vector Process Equipment

SITE REMEDIATION A.C. Carbone Canada Adventus Group AMS Inc. BakerCorp Dagaz Environmental Drain-All Flochem Focus Environmental Group Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services IET–Aquaresearch Insitu Contractors

SLUDGE HANDLING EQUIPMENT ACG Technology Aqua Technical Sales BakerCorp Blue Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Environmental Technologies & Equip. ENV Treatment Systems Envirocan Wastewater Treatment Equipment Greatario Engineered Storage Systems

H2Flow Equipment ICR Water Technologies John Meunier ModuTank Pro Aqua Sapphire Group Serpentix Conveyor Siemens Water Technologies SLUDGE - LEVEL CONTROL Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Endress + Hauser KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems Markland Specialty Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Pressure Systems SLUDGE REMOVAL EQUIPMENT ACG Technology C&M Environmental Technologies Fluidyne H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Sapphire Group US Peroxide Waterworks Technologies SOIL REMEDIATION A.C. Carbone Canada Adventus Group AMS Inc. BakerCorp Baycor Fibre Tech C.I. Agent Solutions Drain-All Flochem Focus Environmental Group Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services IET–Aquaresearch Insitu Contractors Interra Hazmat Emergency Response Kengro Layfield Geosynthetics Newalta Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services US Peroxide SOIL STABILIZATION Armtec Drain-All Greenspoon Specialty Contracting Hazco Environmental Services Layfield Geosynthetics Newalta North American Green Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Top Spray SOLVENT RECOVERY SYSTEMS A.C. Carbone Canada ACG Technology

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Products Blue-Zone Technologies SOLVENT RECYCLING SERVICES ACG Technology Drain-All Newalta SPILL CONTAINMENT Arcus Absorbents BakerCorp Cartier Chemicals C.I. Agent Solutions Commercial Solutions Containment Solutions Drain-All Environetics Filter Innovations Hazco Environmental Services Interra Hazmat Emergency Response Kengro Layfield Geosynthetics ModuTank Newalta Pigmalion Environmental Quantum Murray LP /Echelon Training Services RM Products Safety Storage Sanitherm Trans Environmental Systems USA BlueBook Westeel Petroleum Products X-Treme Energy Group ZCL Composites SPILL RESPONSE Canadian Safety Equipment Cartier Chemicals C.I. Agent Solutions Drain-All Hazco Environmental Services Interra Hazmat Emergency Response Kengro Newalta Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services SPILL RESPONSE EQUIPMENT Canadian Safety Equipment Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services SPILL RESPONSE TRAINING Drain-All Interra Hazmat Emergency Response Newalta Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services STAND PIPES Engineered Storage Products Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Tanks & Systems IPEX Stanco Projects STORAGE BUILDINGS Arcus Absorbents RM Products

110 | January 2009

Guide to Environmental Products & Services Safety Storage X-Treme Energy Group STORAGE CONTAINERS BakerCorp Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute Dynamic Plastic Solutions Flochem Pigmalion Environmental Protectolite RM Products Siemens Water Technologies X-Treme Energy Group STORAGE TANKS Abuma Manufacturing ACG Technology Aquateck – Industrial Div. BakerCorp Can-Am Instruments Cobra Tanks Containment Solutions ConVault Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute DYK Dynamic Plastic Solutions Engineered Storage Products Fabricated Plastics Festival City Fabricators Flochem Focus Environmental Group Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Green Turtle Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems Hassco Industries Hazco Environmental Services Interra Hazmat Emergency Response ModuTank Northern Steel Plasco Welding & Fabrication Protectolite PWC, Pure Water Corp. Sanitherm Stanco Projects USA BlueBook Waterworks Technologies Westeel Petroleum Products X-Treme Energy Group ZCL Composites STORMWATER a. contaminant removal b. detention c. flow regulator d. grit removal e. monitoring systems f. oil removal g. oil/water separators h. pumping i. recharger j. sediment separators k. treatment l. other ACG Technology – a,b,c,d,f,g,j,k Aqua Technical Sales – d Armtec – a,b Atlas Dewatering Avensys Solutions – e BakerCorp – a,f,h,j,k Bentley Systems – b,h Can-Am Instruments – e,f,g C.I. Agent Solutions – g

Containment Solutions – g,l Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute – all Cudo Stormwater Products – a,b,i,k Dagaz Environmental – k Dagex – d,j Directrik – d,h Eimco Water Technologies – d Endress + Hauser – e Engineered Pump Systems – h ENV Treatment Systems – all Firestone Specialty Products – b Gorman-Rupp – h H2Flow Equipment – a,b,c,d,e,f,g,j,k HydroVision America – e Imbrium Systems – a,d,f,g,j,k,l Industrial Scientific – e Interra Hazmat Emergency Response – a,f,g IPEX – a,f John Meunier – all KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems – e Kristar Enterprises – a,b,c,d,f,j,k,l KSB Pumps – h Layfield Geosynthetics – b Magnor – k Metcon Sales & Engineering – c,d,e,k Minotaur Guardian Service – d,e,f ModuTank – a Myron L – e,k Newalta – a,k Pall Corporation – a,f,g,k Pressure Systems – e Pro Aqua – all Purifics – a,k Rice Earth Sciences – e Sanitherm – k Sapphire Group Scadalliance – e Siemens Water Technologies SolarBee Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Telog Instruments – e Thompson Pump – h Transpo Industries – a,d,f Troy Environmental/ Pond Doctor – k USA BlueBook – e,k ZCL Composites – g,j STRAINERS AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) Birksco Dagex Durpro H2Flow Equipment John Meunier Orival Water Filter Peacock Plasco Welding & Fabrication Syntec Process Equipment Troy-Ontor York Fluid Controls TANK CLEANING Aquablast ClearTech Industries Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Hazco Environmental

Services John Meunier Newalta Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services ScanTron Robotics

EcoLog Environmental Resources Group Enablon North America Envirogate Event Management Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center Hetek Solutions Medteq Solutions Metcon Sales & Engineering Quantum Murray LP/ Echelon Training Services Walkerton Clean Water Centre

TANK DESIGN Cobra Tanks DYK Dynamic Plastic Solutions Festival City Fabricators Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Tanks & Systems Stanco Projects ZCL Composites

TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY Containment Solutions Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute Tenbusch Thompson Pump

TANK INSPECTION Ashtead Technology Rentals DYK Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Hazco Environmental Services ScanTron Robotics

UTILITY LOCATING Hetek Solutions MultiView Locates

TELEMETERING EQUIPMENT Bristol Canada Flochem Hetek Solutions Hoskin Scientific ITT Water & Wastewater Metcon Sales & Engineering Scadalliance Spectra Scientific Summa Engineering Telog Instruments Troy-Ontor

VACUUM EQUIPMENT Birksco E.H. Wachs Gardner Denver Hazco Environmental Services Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling Spectra Scientific Wachs Canada

THICKENERS a. belt b. centrifuge c. gravity d. rotary ACG Technology – a,c,d Aqua Technical Sales – a,d Baycor Fibre Tech – d C&M Environmental Technologies – c,d Dagex – c,d Eimco Water Technologies – c ENV Treatment Systems – all H2Flow Equipment – all Indachem – b Mabarex – c Metcon Sales & Engineering – all Parkson – c,d Pro Aqua – all Sapphire Group – all Siemens Water Technologies Smith & Loveless – c Vector Process Equipment – all Westech Engineering – c,d TRADESHOWS Envirogate Event Management Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine TRAINING Bentley Systems Danatec Educational Services Denso North America

VALVE ACCESSORIES a. actuators b. emergency valve actuators Aquateck – Industrial Div. – a,b Corix Water Products – a E.H. Wachs – a,b Halogen Valve Systems – b Measuremax – a Plasco Welding & Fabrication – a ProMinent Fluid Controls – a,b Rice Earth Sciences – a Syntec Process Equipment Thermo-Kinetics – a Troy-Ontor – a,b Wachs Canada – a,b VALVE SERVICING Troy-Ontor VALVES a. air release b. backwater c. ball d. butterfly e. check f. cone g. diaphragm h. eccentric i. flap j. flow regulating k. gate l. knife gate m. multi-jet n. needle o. pinch p. plug q. pressure reducing r. rotary s. sleeve

t. solenoid u. telescoping v. tilting disk ACG Technology – u Air Liquide America Specialty Gases – j,q Alpha Controls & nstrumentation – c,d Aquateck – Industrial Div. – all BakerCorp – a,d Birksco – j,q B.N.W. Valve Mfg. – i,u Can-Am Instruments – d Chemline Plastics – a,c,d,e,g,j,k,n,q Clow Canada – d,e,h,i,k,p Corix Water Products – a,b,c,d,e,k,l,p,q,v Durpro Engineered Pump Systems – c,e,p ENV Treatment Systems – u Fabricated Plastics – c,d,e,g Gorman-Rupp – a Hydro-Logic Environmental - a Insitu Contractors – c,d,e,j,k IPEX – a,b,c,d,e,g,t ITT Water & Wastewater – c,k John Meunier – all Metcon Sales & Engineering – g,o,p Neo Valves – a,b,c,d,e,h,j, k,l,o,p,q,u,v N.R. Murphy – r Parker Fluid Control Div. – e,j,q,t Peacock – c,e,l,n,q,r,t Plasco Welding & Fabrication – a,c,d, e,g,k,l,n,q,t Primary Fluid Systems ProMinent Fluid Controls – b,c,e,g,t Rice Earth Sciences – a,c,d,e,g,i,j,k,l,n,t Siemens Water Technologies Syntec Process Equipment Thompson Pump – e,k,l Triangle Fluid Controls – e Troy-Ontor – c,d,e,f,g,h,i, j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,t,u,v USA BlueBook – a,c,d,e,h,k,l,p,q Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. – a,c,d,e,p,v Victaulic – c,d,e,p Waterra Pumps – c VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES ACG Technology Aquateck – Industrial Div. Bentley Systems Davis Controls Grundfos Canada SEW-Eurodrive Thompson Pump WASTE DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING Air Cycle Drain-All Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Les Contenants Durabac Newalta Pigmalion Environmental Servicestat Siemens Water Technologies

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Guide to Environmental Products & Services Solid Waste & Recycling Magazine WASTE REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Greatario Engineered Storage Systems John Meunier Metcon Sales & Engineering Thompson Pump WASTE MANAGEMENT Air Cycle Hazco Environmental Services ModuTank Newalta Siemens Water Technologies Solid Waste & Recycling Magazine WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS a. pressure sewer b. vacuum Bentley Systems – a Containment Solutions – a,b Engineered Pump Systems – a Interra Hazmat Emergency Response - b John Meunier – a,b Pro Aqua – a,b Siemens Water Technologies WASTEWATER NEUTRALIZING C.I. Agent Solutions Festival City Fabricators Greatario Engineered Storage Systems H2Flow Equipment ICR Water Technologies

John Meunier Magnor Newalta ProMinent Fluid Controls WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS a. pH control ACG Technology – a Aquateck – Industrial Div. –a Avensys Solutions – a Biodisk C&M Environmental Technologies C.I. Agent Solutions Circul-Aire – a Dagaz Environmental Degremont Technologies Duall Durpro ECOfluid Systems EcoInter – a ENV Treatment Systems – a Gardner Denver Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Green Turtle Technologies –a H2Flow Equipment – a HF Scientific – a ICR Water Technologies – a J.K. Engineering – a John Meunier – a Mabarex – a Magnor – a Marsh Instrumentation – a Metcon Sales & Engineering – a Myron L – a Pall Corporation Parkson ProMinent Fluid Controls –a Purifics PWC, Pure Water Corp. – a Sanitherm – a

Sapphire Group – a Seprotech Systems – a Service Filtration Siemens Water Technologies Siemens Water Technologies Canada Sonitec – a SPD Sales Summa Engineering Thermo-Kinetics – a Troy Environmental/ Pond Doctor – a US Peroxide – a Waterloo Biofilter Systems Waterworks Technologies – a Westech Engineering – a WATER CONSERVATION/ MANAGEMENT Bentley Systems Dagaz Environmental EcoInter Greatario Engineered Storage Systems Neptune Technology Sonitec Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Water Matrix WATER LEVEL INDICATORS Aquatic Life Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Endress + Hauser Environmental Analytical Systems Geneq Heron Instruments Hetek Solutions Hoskin Scientific Insitu Contractors International Water Supply

J.K. Engineering John Meunier KPSI Transducers, Pressure Systems Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Peacock Petro Viron Pressure Systems Rice Earth Sciences Service Filtration Siemens Water Technologies Solinst Canada Spectra Scientific Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Thermo-Kinetics Waterra Pumps WATER QUALITY MONITORS ABB Inc. Aquatic Life Ashtead Technology Rentals Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas ClearTech Industries Endress + Hauser Environmental Analytical Systems Geneq Hetek Solutions HF Scientific Hoskin Scientific John Meunier Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Myron L Pressure Systems Rice Earth Sciences Scadalliance Siemens Water

Technologies Canada Spectra Scientific Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Telog Instruments WATER QUALITY TEST KITS Aquatic Life Avensys Solutions Birksco ClearTech Industries Environmental Analytical Systems Geneq HF Scientific Hoskin Scientific John Meunier LaMotte Measuremax Metcon Sales & Engineering Myron L ProMinent Fluid Controls PWC, Pure Water Corp. Rice Earth Sciences Spectra Scientific WATER TOWERS Greatario Engineered Storage Systems ScanTron Robotics Sonitec Stanco Projects WATER USE & TREATMENT OPTIMIZATION AWI (Anthratech Western Inc.) Bentley Systems Dagaz Environmental Durpro Greatario Engineered Storage Systems IET–Aquaresearch J.K. Engineering

Newalta Pall Corporation ProMinent Fluid Controls Siemens Water Technologies Sonitec WATERPROOFING a. adhesives b. tapes Denso North America – a,b WEIRS Avensys Solutions BakerCorp Bentley Systems C&M Environmental Technologies Can-Am Instruments Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute ENV Treatment Systems Fabricated Plastics Geneq John Meunier MSU Mississauga Protectolite USA BlueBook ZEBRA MUSSEL CONTROL Aquateck – Industrial Div. Durpro Flochem Indachem Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua ProMinent Fluid Controls

Innovative geosynthetic cap helps Ottawa with its landfill - continued from page 47 project. The landfill area received nearly record snowfall accumulation in the winter of 2007-08 and near-record precipitation in the summer of 2008. Managing the surface water runoff during the spring melt and wet summer days was a significant challenge. Areas where the sand sub-grade base had been prepared in advance of the liner placement were washed out during the summer storms. The spring melt also washed out the granular base material underneath the access travel paths. As a result, travel paths on the steeper slopes had to be redesigned, incorporating a textured EL6030 geomembrane material. Despite all the challenges, the Enviro Liner cap is now in place on two sections of the Ottawa landfill. Albert Shamess, director of solid waste servwww.esemag.com

ices for the City of Ottawa, said in an interview that even before the cap was fully installed, it was working to reduce leachate runoff from the landfill. He is also pleased with the bonus service the cap is providing: it is acting as a barrier to the passive venting of landfill gas through the surface of the waste mound, gas that was not being captured by the active landfill gas collection system. The new system of capturing the landfill gas under the cap and conveying it to the gas collection system has increased the volume of landfill gas collected. That, in turn, has increased the electrical power generated from the gas. In 15 years or so, when Ottawa needs more landfill space, the cap will come off and Stages 3 and 4 of the Trail Road

Just after the completion of a weld on a 48 x 230 ft fabricated panel. The sandbags are moved to the open edge to protect against wind uplift.

landfill will go back into action. Until then, the cap will do its job. Mark Simpson, P.Eng., MBA, is General Manager, Layfield Central and Eastern Canada. Susan Ruttan is a freelance journalist in Edmonton, Alberta. E-mail amills@layfieldgroup.com January 2009 | 111

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Reflections from Bolivia Water for People continues to impress y interest in Water for People began many years ago at a BCWWA spring conference. The appalling world statistics concerning access to safe drinking water and sanitation and the help Water for People was providing really moved me. It made perfect sense to me that a charity that had grown from the engineers and scientists working in the water treatment field would be among the best at tackling these terrible problems. In fact, 97 % of all Water for People supported water systems are still delivering an unheard-of success rate in the sector. It is one thing to read and hear about the conditions in developing countries; it is quite another to see it all first hand. The experience of travelling in-country and touring Water for People’s work was truly an experience I will never forget. Bolivia is a beautiful but poor and troubled country. I had the opportunity of visiting communities and hearing how having safe drinking water and sanitation has or will change their lives. I saw a community that had both water and very nice composting toilets. The second village had water and was soon to have sanitation. Residents of the final village were still walking 3 km for water but were soon to have a water tap outside their rather humble mud brick homes. The village awaiting its water had already been disappointed and had lost money through a failed attempt at providing water by another organization in the early 1990s. Fifteen more years of walking 3 km to get water and who knows how many illnesses from drinking unsafe water! I think the whole village was there crowding around to welcome us and to proudly show us how they have organized themselves to complete the project and keep it running. I will never forget the beautiful children in Bolivia. In one village a woman noticed me smiling at her baby, and handed him to me to hold. Holding this lovely little guy in my arms, a sense of happiness came over me, knowing he was likely to have a much healthier and easier life now because of Water for People. Soon after my return from Bolivia the


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Edgar Vye, Tony Petrucci, Bill Butler, Peter Hanlon and Penny Davey take a break during their visit to Chaqui Kjocha.

world was plunged into the worst economic crisis of my generation. Despite this, I feel an inner sense of calm and good fortune that can’t seem to be shaken. Penny Davey, Environmental Science & Engineering I can sum up my feelings prior to the Bolivia Country Tour in two simple words‌..eager anticipation. Very few people are given the chance to see the water and sanitation work that we have supported through our fundraising efforts here in Canada. I was one of the lucky few. When I arrived in Bolivia, I was captivated by how picturesque the country was, not only in terms of the lush green settings in Santa Cruz but also in terms of the desert-like areas approaching Cochabamba. The scenery was mesmerizing, but perhaps even more profound was the genuine kindness shown to our group from the townspeople in the communities of Hardeman, Cuchumuela, and Chaqui Kjocha. They made it clear to us that they treasured their relationship with Water For People, and were appreciative of our collective efforts. I was amazed by their resolve to provide a better future for their children. Alejandrina, a local woman in Villa Rivero, shared a hope that her children and grandchildren, like Miguel, would be given every opportunity to grow,

thrive, and prosper in the future. Alejandrina knew that safe water and sanitation were important keys to making this hope a reality. Looking back on the tour, my mind is filled with the images of the warm and hardworking people of Bolivia, each sacrificing for the benefit of a bright future for their children. I think about the extraordinary staff of Water For People, and their partner NGOs, each working so diligently to help ensure that the program work is successful. I reminisce about the children in the communities we visited and I am encouraged to know that they will have an opportunity to grow up and experience life to its fullest. There is still much work to do, for certain, but I know after seeing it with my own eyes, that Water For People is making a positive impact in the communities where we work. Tony Petrucci, CH2M HILL Canada, President, Water For People - Canada Others have eloquently expressed the kindness and sincerity of the Bolivian people, the competent staff of Water For People - Bolivia (Agua para el Pueblo) and its partner NGOs, and the magnificent beauty of the country. I could not agree more. I really wanted to see the bricks and mortar that Water For People - Canada has helped to provide. Followcontinued overleaf...

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. . . . . . .sales@acgtechnology.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.acgtechnology.com . . . . . . .info@adventusgroup.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.adventus.ca . . . . . . .CanadaCommunications@aecom.com . . . . . .www.aecom.com . . . . . . .lauren_howles@albarrie.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.sorbwebplus.com . . . . . . .j.marotta@sympatico.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.aquateck.com . . . . . . .sales@armtec.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.armtec.com . . . . . . .cyndi.shantz@ashtead-technology.com . . . . .www.ashtead-technology.com . . . . . . .admin-group@ae.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.ae.ca . . . . . . .info@avensys.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.avensys.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.bakercorp.com/ineeditnow . . . . . . .info@cmeti.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.cmeti.com . . . . . . .ngravel@cala.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.cala.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.cdnsafety.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.can-am.net . . . . . . .controls@cancoppas.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.cancoppas.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.canect.net . . . . . . .ch2mhillcanada@ch2m.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`www.ch2mhillcanada.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.chemline.com . . . . . . .pb@claessenpumps.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.claessenpumps.com . . . . . . .info@cspi.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.cspi.ca . . . . . . .water@delcan.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.delcan.com . . . . . . .sales@densona.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.densona.com . . . . . . .dewind@iserv.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.dewinddewatering.com . . . . . . .info@dualldiv.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.dualldiv.com . . . . . . .info.ewt@glv.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.glv.com . . . . . . .info@ca.endress.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.ca.endress.com . . . . . . .roofing@firestonebp.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.firestonebpco.ca . . . . . . .info@dynablend.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.dynablend.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.grcanada.com . . . . . . .bbaird@greatario.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.greatario.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.greenspoon.net . . . . . . .tanks@h2flow.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.h2flow.com . . . . . . .info@heroninstruments.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.heroninstruments.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.hoskin.ca . . . . . . .www.iws.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iws@iws.ca . . . . . . .instrumentation@johnmeunier.com . . . . . . . . .www.johnmeunier.com . . . . . . .ksbcanada@ksbcanada.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.ksb.ca . . . . . . .epsl@telus.net . . . . . . .ese@layfieldgroup.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.hazgard.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.mastermeter.com . . . . . . .metcon@metconeng.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.metconeng.com . . . . . . .virginia@msumississauga.com . . . . . . . . . . . .www.msumississauga.com . . . . . . .pump@neptune1.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.neptune1.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.oneia.ca . . . . . . .filters@orival.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.orival.com . . . . . . .canada@parkson.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.parkson.com . . . . . . .sales@pressuresystems.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.pressuresystems.com . . . . . . .primary@primaryfluid.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.primaryfluid.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.proaquasales.com . . . . . . .recycle@a-o.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.qualityrecycling.com . . . . . . .info@riceeng.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.ricerentals.ca . . . . . . .info@rmsoil.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.rmsoil.com . . . . . . .info@saftflo.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.saftflo.com . . . . . . .saneng@sanitherm.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.sanitherm.com . . . . . . .louise.jones@ca.schneider-electric.com . . . . .www.schneider-electric.ca/services . . . . . . .sales@service-filtration.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.service-filtration.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.sew-eurodrive.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.siemens.com . . . . . . .answers@smithandloveless.com . . . . . . . . . . .www.smithandloveless.com . . . . . . .instruments@solinst.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.solinst.com . . . . . . .info@stantec.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.stantec.com . . . . . . .z.tompa@sdtc.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.sdtc.ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.vacuum.tuthill.com . . . . . . .epsl@telus.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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ACG Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Adventus Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 AECOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Albarrie Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Aquateck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Insert Armtec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14, 15 Ashtead Technology Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Associated Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Avensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 BakerCorp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 C&M Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 CALA Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Canadian Safety Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Can-Am Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Insert Cancoppas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 CANECT 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 CH2M HILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Chemline Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Claessen Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116 Delcan Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Denso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 DeWind Dewatering and Trenching . . . . . . . . . . . . .Insert Duall Division, Met-Pro Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Eimco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Endress + Hauser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Firestone Building Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Fluid Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Gorman-Rupp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Greatario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Greenspoon Specialty Contracting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 H2Flow Tanks & Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Heron Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Hoskin Scientific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 61, 69 International Water Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 John Meunier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 KSB Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Landia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Layfield Geosynthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Master Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Metcon Sales & Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 MSU Mississauga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Neptune Chemical Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 ONEIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Orival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Parkson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Pressure Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Primary Fluid Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Pro Aqua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 66 Quality Recycling Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Rice Earth Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Saf-T-Flo Chemical Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Sanitherm, a Division of Peak Energy Services . . . . .25 Schneider Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Service Filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 SEW-Eurodrive Company of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Siemens Water Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Smith & Loveless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Solinst Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Stantec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Sustainable Development Technology Canada . . . . . .62 Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 USF Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Victaulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Waterloo Barrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Waterloo Biofilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Waterra Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 XCG Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 ZCL Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48


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Water for People

ing my return to Canada, I looked back at our visit to Bolivia and there were two things that truly stand out. The thing is, these two things have very little to do with bricks and mortar. We visited a Bolivian community by the name of Hardeman, in the Municipality of San Pedro. In Hardeman, the major focus of Water For People’s work is in health education - hygiene practices and in providing Eco-san latrines for each family. The Health Promotion Committee demonstrated, through the use of posters, how they explain to all community members the importance of personal hygiene and the proper way to wash hands, etc. They took us on a tour of the community to show us each of the Eco-san latrines that Water For People supported. In many cases the new latrine was the bestconstructed facility the family owned, and, also, the most decorated. We are all aware of the term building community capacity. This trip allowed us to experience what building community capacity is all about. We were advised that we would be attending a meeting with Water For People NGO partners in the Municipality of Tiraque, one of the regional areas in Bolivia where program work is focused. This meeting was a true “eye-opener.” It was conducted in Spanish, with translation provided by Water For People staff. The presentation was extremely professional, complete with PowerPoint images and technical handouts. I have previously served as the Director of a large Canadian Water and Sewerage Utility. The planning in Tiraque for the present year and following years for program work was at least equal, if not exceeding, what I was familiar with in Canada. The presentation in Tiraque provided detailed information on the plan and capital budget to bring water to the community of Chaqui Kjocha (elevation 114 | January 2009

4,300 metres). The budget included estimates for all labour, materials, and equipment for a head works (water catchment) structure; an 8,000-metre PVC water transmission line (2-1/2 “); and, concrete storage tank and pressure break stations along the pipeline route. We were told that the community was and is pleased to work with Water For People because it is program-focused not project-focused, and thus, a greater impact can be made in the region by using the available resources more wisely. Bill Butler, retired. Recipient of the Kenneth J. Miller Founder’s Award for Water for People I have one enduring memory of Bolivia. I remember seeing, in some remote village, a young mother standing in front of us, as proud as any East Side matron ruling over the social event of the year at her multi-million dollar apartment. She was so happy and proud. The odd thing is that she was standing in front of an outhouse. In Canada, if there are any outhouses left, they are nondescript and hidden out back. The Bolivian outhouse I saw was tall, in the centre of the yard, and it was the centrepiece of the backyard. It was attractively painted, had vines growing up the side, and it was shaded by several leafy trees. A winding gravel path with floral borders led from the front door of the house to the front door of the house. It isn’t the outhouse that’s important, but the change of mindset. They have gone from using the fields or the backyard to using a method that is not only safe and hygienic, but more environmentally friendly than my municipal system, which may clean the material, but then throws it away. To me, the important and personally satisfying prospect is that this is not about only one outhouse. What is most exciting to me is the increased feeling

of self worth and the confidence and knowledge this lady has that she is providing a healthier home for her family. She wasn’t smiling, she was glowing. That image left me with the impression that she knew she was doing the right thing for her family, and the fact that they did it themselves (and would continue to do so). Edgar Vye, retired Knowing that Bolivia is among the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, I went with certain preconceived expectations. Quite to the contrary, what I found was a very beautiful land with people who were the friendliest and most hospitable that I have ever met. Many of the communities we visited were very remote and obviously poor, but the people were dignified, proud, and very determined to improve their situation (for their children and for the community). In every community we visited, we were greeted as if we were long lost family members or royal dignitaries. Again and again, we were told that Water For People is unique among the groups that these communities have worked with over the years; WFP gets things done, on time and with minimal bureaucracy. This degree of efficiency is truly appreciated by people who have to work very hard all day to scrape a living from the land. Bolivia is a country in transition and Bolivians are working hard for a better life: Water For People has been part of this endeavor since 1992. From what I saw during this brief visit, by working with Bolivians to ensure water and basic sanitation needs are met, WFP is making a difference and is contributing to a much better future – for all of us! Peter Hanlon, City of Saint John, New Brunswick

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Effective Underground Storm Water Management,

In nature, rainfall is recognized as a life-giving asset. When we develop a natural site the asset too often becomes a runoff liability for the developer and all parties downstream. Traditional storm water ponds and infrastructure require expensive land area and are often over-taxed by runoff accumulations from many areas upstream. Large underground storm water tanks, using economical corrugated steel pipe systems, permits developers to manage storm water on-site without sacrificing valuable land or flooding their neighbours.

For creative storm water management solutions contact a CSPI member in your neighbourhood. Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute CSP Fabricators: Armtec, Atlantic Industries Limited, Canada Culvert, E.S.Hubbell & Sons Ltd., Prairie Steel, Soleno Inc. Steel Producers and Associates: ArcelorMittal Dofasco, DOW, Ironside Design Manufacturing Inc., METAL KOTING

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