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Contents ISSN-0835-605X • Summer 2011 Vol. 24 No. 4 • Issued August 2011 Editor and Publisher STEVE DAVEY E-mail: steve@esemag.com Consulting Editor
Sales Director PENNY DAVEY E-mail: penny@esemag.com
Product Showcase . . . . . 56-65 Environmental News . . . 60-66 Professional Cards . . . . . 60-66 Ad Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Sales Representative DENISE SIMPSON E-mail: denise@esemag.com Accounting SANDRA DAVEY E-mail: sandra@esemag.com Circulation Manager DARLANN PASSFIELD E-mail: darlann@esemag.com Production Manager CHRIS MAC DONALD E-mail: chris@esemag.com
- Editorial comment by Steve Davey
8 10 12
Editorial Assistant PETER DAVEY
Technical Advisory Board Jim Bishop Stantec Consulting Ltd., Ontario
14 16
Bill Borlase, P.Eng. City of Winnipeg, Manitoba George V. Crawford, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. CH2M HILL, Ontario Bill DeAngelis, P.Eng. Associated Engineering, Ontario Peter Laughton P.Eng. Ontario Marie Meunier John Meunier Inc., Québec Peter J. Paine Environment Canada Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi-monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada's municipal and industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. Readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key municipal, provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater plant operators and contractors. Information contained in ES&E has been compiled from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice. Articles being submitted for review should be e-mailed to steve@esemag.com.
To compete, or not compete - that is the question
18 20 26 30 34 36 38 42
Statscan researches Canada’s freshwater supply and demand Cranbrook upgrades its wastewater spray irrigation system - Cover Story Containerized MBR wastewater treatment plants for remote mining Faster water testing procedure saves time and money Wireless communication allows water treatment systems to be controlled from anywhere Remote pump monitoring saves time and money on unique sewer replacement project Engineering treatment wetlands for a variety of wastewater streams Designing a biosolids management plan involves many considerations Can insurance save us from climate change? Reducing drinking water contaminants from sodium hypochlorite disinfection New laser-based technology detects subsurface contamination Task order contracting streamlines procurement for Toronto stormwater project Ancient Romans set many modern water and wastewater treatment standards
44 Meteorology’s increasing role within the environmental sector Page 8
Page 42
Canadian Publications Mail Sales Second Class Mail Product Agreement No. 40065446 Registration No. 7750 Undeliverable copies, advertising space orders, copy, artwork, proofs, etc., should be sent to: Environmental Science & Engineering, 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30, Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3V6, Tel: (905)727-4666, Fax: (905) 841-7271, Web site: www.esemag.com
Page 30
ES&E’s Annual Guide To Government Agencies & Associations Associations ............................................................................. 47 Government Agencies ............................................................ 51 Colleges and Universities ....................................................... 55
Comment by Steve Davey
To compete, or not compete - that is the question astewater operators play a vital role in running what are essentially $10-200 million 24/7 processing plants, that ensure both public health and environmental protection. As such, it would stand to reason that owners of these plants (with the inherent legal liability that entails), would want their operators to be experienced, qualified, highly motivated, and resourceful. Recognizing this need, the Water Environment Federation - and many of its regional Canadian associations - launched annual Operations Challenge competitions in the early 1990s. Having been President of the Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) and the Ontario Pollution Control Equipment Association, I was well aware of the logistics and financial planning needed to make these annual competitions a reality. However, it was not until listening to a presentation by Ian Smith, from the City of Toronto, to fellow members of the Ontario Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovellors, that I truly came to appreciate how valuable they can be to participating operators. In his presentation, Ian described the Events that comprise a Challenge and how extremely well-educated, experienced, prepared and motivated contestants and their coaches need to be. For the Process Event, each team has 25 minutes to complete 42 multiple choice questions. For WEAO’s 2011 Laboratory Event, teams had to perform an E. coli membrane filtration analysis, using proper aseptic techniques; follow the Hach mColiblue24 procedure consistent with Standard Methods 9222B; perform 17 separate procedures, many of which are repeated for six samples; calculate E. coli colonies per 100 ml; answer a variety of quiz questions. A timed activity, the Collection Event involves connecting a 4-inch PVC lateral sewer to an existing 8-inch PVC sewer pipe, while in service, and then programming an automatic sampler. The Safety Event uses a specially built platform to simulate a rescue situation, within the confined space of a manhole. 6 | Summer 2011
(Photo courtesy Ian Smith)
The Flangetastic Four competing at the 2011 WEAO Operations Challenge,
Each team “finds” an unconscious coworker at the bottom of a “lift station”. As this rescue effort begins, another coworker has a heart attack, leaving remaining team members to cope. For the Pump Maintenance Event, teams have to take a faulty submersible pump and a submersible mixer out of service, perform and document the required services to repair them, then place the units back into service. The first and second place teams in a regional Challenge are then eligible to participate in the North America-wide Operations Challenge, held by the Water Environment Federation at WEFTEC. Many Operations Challenge participants have explained to me that preparing for these events, meant they had to learn much more than they would have otherwise had to for day-to-day work. Also, there are the extra benefits of developing a face-to-face network of colleagues from other plants and regions, and sharing knowledge and experience. Many have commented that winning their regional event, finally allowed them to visit WEFTEC. While there, for the first time in their careers, they could see full scale pumps, valves, sludge dewatering equipment, etc., used throughout the industry. Also, they were able to learn more about monitoring and instrumentation products, that improve plant operations and efficiency. Of benefit to their co-workers and managers is that they
bring this experience, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm back with them. Also, according to Ian, “participating, helping organize and judging Operations Challenges is like taking a practical management course, which has helped many assume more senior positions within their own organizations.” Unfortunately, too many Canadian municipal managers no longer see value in supporting their plant operators, who may want to compete in Operations Challenges. Consequently, many operators can now only participate if they cover the expenses personally and take vacation time off to attend. This is indeed a short sighted “bean counter” mentality. Wastewater plants are biologically, mechanically, and electronically complicated to run. As evidenced by numerous and often costly fines levied for discharge violations, they break down even when run by highly qualified and experienced staff. Surely, encouraging operators to exceed their current qualifications, by supporting professional development events, like the Operations Challenge, is money well spent.
Steve Davey is Editor of ES&E Magazine. E-mail comments to steve@esemag.com
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
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Water Supply and Management
Statscan researches Canada’s freshwater supply and demand he Human Activity and the Environment publications bring together a collection of environmental statistics from many sources, and paint a statistical portrait of Canada’s environment. Special emphasis is given to the relationship of human activity to air, water, soil, plants and animals. For “Freshwater supply and demand in Canada” new research done within Statistics Canada is incorporated with information from other sources, including other federal government departments, international bodies and scientific journals. Water supply Canada’s average annual renewable freshwater supply, or water yield, is 3,472 km3. To put this into perspective, this amounts to almost as much water as there is in Lake Huron, which contains 3,540 km3. This abundance in water yield is distributed unequally across the country. With an average annual water yield per unit area of 1.54 m3/m2, the Pacific Coastal drainage region has the highest. It is followed by the Newfoundland and Labrador and the Maritime Coastal drainage regions, which have average annual yields per unit area of 0.86 m3/m2 and 0.85 m3/m2 respectively. Drainage regions in the Prairies and north of the Prairies produce the least water, with yields between 0.02 and 0.07 m3/m2. The southern part of Canada, where 98% of the population is located, is responsible for 38% of the water yield or 22,661 m3 of renewable freshwater per capita. In the North, water yield per capita is 185 times greater, or 4,193,014 m3. Average annual water yield per unit area for the Prairies is 0.05 m3/m2, less than that for either Australia or South Africa. This is equivalent to 12% of the yield of the Great Lakes drainage region, 6% of the yield of the Maritime Coastal drainage region and only 3% of the Pacific Coastal drainage region. Brazil, which has the highest total water yield of any country in the world, provides 43,756 m3 of water per person per year, 40% of the almost 110,000 m3
8 | Summer 2011
In 2005, an estimated 42 km3 of water were withdrawn from the environment and used in household and economic activities in Canada.
that is annually available per person in Canada. While total water yield is comparable between the United States and Canada, the amount of renewable freshwater per American is only 9.1% of that per Canadian, because the United States has a much larger population. Trends in water supply From 1971 to 2004, water yield in Southern Canada decreased an average of 3.5 km3 per year, which is equivalent to an overall loss of 8.5% of the water yield over this time period. This is almost as much as the 3.8 km3 of water that is supplied to the residential population of Canada in a year. For most of the country the bulk of the water yield is produced in April, May and June, as snow, ice melt, and precipitation increases. In the North, this peak occurs in late spring and early summer. In the South, water yield is highest in the spring. As spring turns into summer, yield declines and demand for water related to human activity increases. Water use In 2005, an estimated 42 km3 of water were withdrawn from the environment and used in household and economic activities in Canada. About 14% of this water flowed through the public utility water system, while about 86% was ex-
tracted from the environment, directly by the end user. More than 90% of the water that was withdrawn went to support economic activity, and about 9% was used directly by the residential sector. The residential sector used 56% of the water that was supplied by the public utility water system. Thermal-electric power generation was the sector that used the most water overall, by a considerable margin. It is estimated that 25% of Canadians rely on groundwater as a source of drinking water. This varies depending on the region of the country: the population in the Saint John–St. Croix, New Brunswick, drainage region is the most reliant on groundwater, whereas the population in the South Saskatchewan drainage region is the least. The agricultural sector was responsible for 4.6% (almost 2 km3) of total water withdrawals in 2005. Most of this water was used to irrigate crops, with 16% going to support livestock production. In 2005, precipitation that supported crop growth was roughly twice the volume of water that was withdrawn annually by all sectors of the economy. Canada is one of the largest producers of hydro-electricity in the world, and the volume of water involved is many times larger than all other uses combined. In 2005, hydro-electric generation in Canada made use of approximately 3 trillion m3 of water - more than 100 times the volume of water used by the thermalelectric power generation sector, and just over 70 times the total volume of all water used in Canada in 2005. More water is embedded in forest products than food. When precipitation was included, the production of exported lumber, wood pulp, paper, and other forest products required seven times more water than the production of exported agricultural commodities. In 2005, total water withdrawals in Canada amounted to 1.2% of the average annual renewable water resources. For more information, visit www.statcan.gc.ca/start-debut-eng.html
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Cover Story
Cranbrook BC upgrades its wastewater spray irrigation system By Peter Davey rought in northern China, floods in both Australia and Canada, and wildfires in Russia, have had disastrous effects on global wheat production, and caused prices to jump by nearly 50% recently. This has had a profound effect on government budgets in Developing Nations and on the standard of living of their citizens. Agriculture consumes approximately 70% of the world’s water supply. Rapid urbanization and shifting diets in increasingly developed countries will constrict water allocated to agriculture, while demanding more output. Here’s why. It takes about 1,500 litres of water to produce 1kg of wheat, and about 16,000 litres to produce 1 kg of beef. Increasingly, meat is becoming a larger part of more people’s diets. While global population growth is expected to hold at 1% annually, cereal production must grow by 1.5% to feed more people and more livestock. Consequently, by 2030, it is estimated that farmers will need 45% more water. Irrigated pasture is able to support far more cattle than natural pasture. While native grass supports one calf/cow pair per 10 acres, irrigation allows for 60 pairs per 10 acres. With proper guidelines and public support, effluent spray irrigation can be a viable option to quench farmers’ needs. The Cranbrook City Farm, in Cranbrook, British Columbia, has been operating as a hay/alfalfa farm and cattle pasture since 1978. Producing 3,600 tonnes of hay and partially supporting 1,500 head of cattle, the City Farm is also a wildlife sanctuary and popular recreation area. Covering 2,200 acres, 1,800 of which are pasture, it is the largest among 70 similar operations across western Canada. In 1974, the City of Cranbrook was ordered by the BC government to develop an alternate sewage disposal method. Effluent spray irrigation was chosen for cost and economic advantages. With an initial cost of $10.5 million, effluent irrigation was significantly cheaper than the approximately $50 million required for mechanical treatment. The initial facility
10 | Summer 2011
Air header assembly, prior to installation.
included a pump house, pivot irrigation, onsite storage and settling ponds, with available capacity for 27,000 residents. Raw household sewage, collected through the City’s sanitary sewer system, was carried to a three-lagoon, three-stage, primary treatment site. It was aerated sequentially in these storage lagoons over 30 days. Then, effluent was transferred from settling ponds to two City Farm storage ponds via a pipeline. The storage ponds covered roughly 134 acres, with a 660 million gallon capacity. Effluent was stored and aerated in these ponds for six months, then applied to crop land during the summer months through a pivot irrigation system. In July, 2010, the City, with federal and provincial assistance, broke ground on an extensive wastewater treatment upgrade. This was the result of an Environmental Appeals Board ruling that storage capacity needed to be increased, while the water level in storage pond #2 had to be lowered. The system upgrades consisted of the following: • Adding fine bubble aeration to the treatment lagoons.
• Upgrading pumping station and pipeline systems. • Increasing the aeration capacity in pond #2. • Increasing irrigation pump capacity. • Creation of a third storage pond. • Chemical feed for phosphorus removal. • Constructing an outfall system, including UV disinfection, for discharge into the Kootenay River. Emphasis has been placed on designing the system to meet discharge regulations and future requirements. Major components, including aeration headers, blower pads and piping, have been designed to meet projected requirements for 30 years. Construction of a third storage pond was necessary to meet forecasted growth for the next 20 years. UV disinfection, phosphorus removal and chlorine reduction upgrades are essential in ensuring the system can manage Cranbrook’s growing population, while maintaining effluent quality beneficial for faunal irrigation and possible direct discharge into local waterways. Health concerns As with any waste storage site, leach-
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Cover Story ing and other negative impacts must be considered. Concerns over the structural integrity of pond #2 were a large factor in the BC Pollution Control Branch’s ruling. Furthermore, as effluent-watered grasses are consumed by livestock destined for human consumption, it is prudent to stringently monitor effluent quality. Officials state that the effluent applied is “approaching the same quality as that processed by tertiary treatment systems.” Effluent is tested monthly from May to September. In mid-summer during peak application, testing occurs weekly. In addition, foliage tissue is collected and tested. Over 100 parameters are monitored, including fecal coliform, E. coli and enterococcus, as well as key elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium, etc. Veterinarians report that cattle fed on City Farm forage and hay are comparable to other regional livestock and that no disease or animal health issues were reported. Constraints Effluent spray irrigation systems, similar to the one at the Cranbrook City Farm, offer many advantages. They slake agriculture’s thirst without drawing on additional freshwater, provide beneficial nutrients and minerals to irrigated land, and generate economic gains both directly to participating farmers, and indirectly to recreationalists and businesses involved in farming. However, effluent spray irrigation faces similar drawbacks to other infrastructure projects. “Not in My Backyard” (NIMBY) opposition is a problem which almost every industrial or infrastructure project must overcome. Health complaints attributed to wind turbines continue even though they have been repeatedly shown to have no medical or scientific backing. Similarly, the prospect of having the contents which are flushed down toilets and drains, sprayed near your residence or business is unsettling. Though effluent discharge readings may be in perfect accordance with regulations and harmless in their application, those who reside nearby may think otherwise. Ensuring that proper monitoring and maintenance occurs regularly is vital to a safe and effective treatment plant. But, informing the public of the measures taken, is necessary to ensure their support. www.esemag.com
5.5 km outfall pipeline awaits installation through environmentally sensitive area.
Pivot radio equipment for communication to central computer in pump house.
Wastewater reuse is not a new idea. Ancient Greece is known to have channelled storm and wastewater to nearby orchards and fields, which benefited from the nutrient-rich effluent. As water and fertilizer costs rise with population and food demand, effluent irrigation is an attractive option for wastewater disposal. Cranbrook BC managed to create a lush and highly productive pasture and feed-
stock area in a largely dry and timbered region.
Peter Davey is an Editorial Assistant with Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine Summer 2011 | 11
Wastewater Treatment
Containerized MBR wastewater treatment plants for remote mining camps By Choo Sung Tai lobal expansion of the mining industry has brought new challenges, including the need to operate in increasingly remote regions, as well as in accordance with increasingly strict environmental regulations. Wastewater treatment in mining camps is often complicated by the fact that many mines are located in environmentally sensitive areas, where steps must be taken to avoid any adverse effects. Improper disposal of sewage from mining and exploration camps can lead to the pollution of surrounding wetlands. This can result in adverse impacts on wildlife and/or significant long-term damage to the local ecology. In recognition of this, many jurisdictions have tightened regulations governing water discharge from mining and other work camps. Filter Innovations’ FII Remote Biological Treatment (FII RBT) systems have been designed to effectively meet the requirements for sewage treatment and discharge faced by the mining sector. As mines are increasingly being developed in isolated and arid areas, the ability to reuse wastewater is also growing. Due to the considerable expense required to haul water to camps, technologies that can offset water loss by recycling are becoming more and more economically advantageous. FII RBT systems produce treated water suitable for numerous activities, including equipment washdown, dust suppression, secondary toilet flushing and irrigation. FII RBT systems are based on a biological treatment process combined with
FII Remote Biological Treatment plant in operation at a camp.
an ultrafiltration membrane liquid-solid separation process, based on submerged flat plate membrane technology. The submerged membrane plates have a nominal pore size of 0.04 microns and provide an absolute physical barrier that rejects all suspended solids and pathogens. System design features The systems are modular in design and all of the components are placed in above ground, self-contained, modified high-cube shipping containers. They are pre-assembled, pre-piped and pre-tested to allow for rapid installation and startup. They are also designed to allow modular expandability. An important feature of FII RBT systems is redundancy, which translates into increased reliability. This is accomplished by having duplexed components (e.g., blowers and external pumps), as well as membrane redundancy. The systems are designed for BOD and nutrient removal to levels lower than
any requirement for discharge, and they provide a complete, integrated turn-key solution for sewage treatment, sludge conditioning and dewatering. They include a customized telemetry control software program and PLC control panels to allow for complete automation, as well as remote monitoring. Outlook for the technology Continued expansion of the mining sector, both in North America and around the world, will mean a continued need for effective and workable wastewater treatment systems. Mobile MBR treatment plants are likely to play an ever-growing role in meeting the needs of this sector. Choo Sung Tai, P.Eng, is with Filter Innovations. For information on municipal applications, E-mail: info@spdsales.com For other applications, E-mail: inquiries@filterinnovations.com
Mining camp Influent Sewage Characteristics
FII MBR Effluent Quality
pH BOD5 TSS TKN TAN TP Fecal coliforms
s.u. mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L CFU/100 ml
250 300 40 10 -
6.5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8.5 <5 <1 <1 < 0.5* < 200**
* With chemical addition ** After UV disinfection
Table 1. Raw sewage and treated effluent characteristics. 12 | Summer 2011
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Toronto fined for 2006 sewage discharge Recently, the City of Toronto pled guilty to one violation under the Ontario Water Resources Act for not operating its sewage works in accordance with its Certificate of Approval. The Court heard that, in December 2006, the City’s Ashbridges Bay treatment plant discharged partially treated sewage into Lake Ontario as a result of heavy rains and a bypass gate remaining open. There were no impacts to drinking water as a result of this incident. Since it was winter, there were no impacts to local beaches. Specifically, on December 1, 2006, the plant bypassed partially treated sewage, due to heavy rainfall. This bypass was permitted by its Certificate of Approval. Once the rainfall subsided, city staff instructed the plant’s computerized system to close the bypass gate and believed the bypass gate had been closed. But the gate remained open for another three and a half days before being discovered, allowing partially treated sewage to continue to be discharged into Lake Ontario. A ministry inspection after the incident found a required flow measuring device had failed to monitor and measure the bypass as expected. Since this incident, the City has made improvements to the plant, including upgrading the gate valve mechanisms and other enhanced hardware, and physical inspections to help prevent incidents like this from happening again.
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Engineered solutions for the entire wastewater spectrum including: TRADITIONAL GRAVITY, ALTERNATIVE SEWER, DECENTRALIZED SOLUTIONS AND ON-SITE TREATMENT. Grinder Pumps • 2 HP through 15 HP models with heads to 260 feet and
The Water Environment Research Foundation is co-funding a research project that should determine to what degree VOCs from biosolids composting are reactive, and thus possibly contributing to ground-level ozone. In addition, the research will identify design and operation procedures to reduce VOC emissions, thus remediating ozone impacts from biosolids composting. It is known that not all VOCs are reactive; however, biosolids have not yet been studied. There are proposed rules in California that will regulate emissions from composting operations (including biosolids composting). www.esemag.com
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Summer 2011 | 13
Water Treatment
Faster multiple parameter water testing procedure saves time and money By Gil Dichter ll laboratories and bottlers are required to test for total coliforms and E. coli. They also may be required to test for heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) and for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to be in compliance with government regulations and to ensure that the finished water is safe for consumption. An innovative enzymatic procedure based on Defined Substrate Technology® is a rapid, easy method for the simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E. coli. The method allows the test to be performed either as Presence/Absence (100 ml) or quantitatively as MPN/100 ml. It is based on colorimetric and fluorogenic enzyme substrates for total coliforms and E. coli. with time to results at either 18 hours using Colilert®-18, or 24 hours using Colilert®. It is specific, requiring no further confirmation. At the end of the 18 or 24 hours, the 100 ml Presence/Absence with no change in the sample is negative. With a yellow color, it is positive for total coliforms. If both yellow and fluorescent, it is positive for E. coli. Wells that have a yellow color are counted and a Most Probable Number (MPN) chart is used to convert the positive wells to an MPN/100 ml value for total coliforms. Wells that are both yellow and fluorescent are counted and the same MPN chart is used to convert positive ones to an MPN/100 ml value for E. coli. Confirmation is not required with
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY FOR SALE Leading-edge company specialized in water and wastewater treatment using advanced oxidation technology for control of emerging contaminants and micro-pollutants including Endocrine Disrupting Compounds is for sale.
The company offers: • • • • • • • • • • •
Patented/Validated AOP Technology California EPA certified 20+years of bench, pilot and process data North American and International experience Engineering Drawings & trade secrets $5 million in deferred State & Federal tax assets Trade Mark Clients list Its good name and references California Registration Misc. equipment (U.V. & Ozone, Pumps Media Filters etc..)
APPLICATIONS • Tertiary Treatment of municipal wastewater for reuse in agriculture, commerce, fire fighting and industry (it disinfects, deodorizes, clarifies and oxidizes/eliminates organic chemicals, hormones and petroleum products) • Ideal for surface water disinfections and organic reductions, refinery-cooling water, industrial water, clean in place Should an interested party/buyer come with a water treatment project in hand, the company value will be multiplied.
Interested parties may e-mail- eot@eotus.com 14 | Summer 2011
Colilert-Quanti-Tray positive reaction for total coliforms and E. coli.
this test. Defined Substrate Technology, which was introduced in 1989-1990, is in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater under Section 9223. SimPlate® is used for the quantification of HPC in water. It is based on Multiple Enzyme Technology™, which detects viable bacteria in water by testing for the presence of key enzymes known to be present in these organisms. The sample and medium are added to the SimPlate and incubated for 48 hours at 35°C. A blue fluorescence is produced under a 365nm UV lamp when metabolized by waterborne bacteria. The number of fluorescing wells under a 365nm UV lamp corresponds to a MPN of the total bacteria in the sample. This method is in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Section 9215E. A newly released product called Pseudalert® is a 24 hour enzyme test for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for water, bottled water, pools and spas. This method was compared to both Standard Method 9213 E and ISO method 16266 and found to give equivalent results in 24 hours. No confirmation is required. The test is based on a bacterial detection technology that signals the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the hydrolysis of a substrate present in the reagent. Actively growing strains have an enzyme that cleaves the substrate to produce a blue fluorescence under a 365nm lamp. Samples are incubated at 38°C for 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hours, the 100 ml Presence/Absence with no change in the sample is negative; with fluorescence under a 365nm UV lamp, it is positive for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For quantification, wells that have fluorescence under a 365nm UV lamp are counted and an MPN chart is used to convert to an MPN/100 ml value. Gil Dichter is with IDEXX Laboratories. E-mail: gil-dichter@idexx.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
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Water Treatment
Wireless communication allows water treatment systems to be controlled from anywhere By Sadiq Khan any water treatment processes are stand-alone assemblies which frequently use a PLC or a microprocessor based controller. Often, remote notification or diagnosis are not possible, but would be very useful for operations personnel. Being able to address a problem in its early stages can be advantageous in virtually any process. With this in mind, the Burkert Research & Development team has developed a multi-purpose process and water chemistry controller, called mxCONTROL. It has integrated an HMI, PLC, data logger, enclosure and power supply, and is designed to be connected live to the Web with an on board Ethernet port. This is all assembled in a NEMA 4X enclosure. Normally, to make a system accessible from a remote location, a modem with dial-up connection is required, or it would have to be connected to the facility’s network. Using a phone line can be an issue because one of the signal lines coming into the building would have to be used, before it can be put through the operator switchboard. This would reduce the number of simultaneous calls the building can handle. Connecting the system through Ethernet would require a specific port to
16 | Summer 2011
The Burkert controller does not need to be connected through a phone line or a facility’s network.
be opened on the network. This can create a security risk. However, the Burkert controller does not need to be connected through a phone line or a facility’s network. It is capable of just using a SIM card, or a 3G USB stick, when connected through a router. Any cell phone carrier that provides service in the area can be used with a simple data plan. The controller uses the 3G signal to send out E-mails when it
enters an alarm mode, or predetermined warnings. This makes the system a complete stand-alone assembly that does not use any of the end user’s resources. Since online communication security is becoming more of a concern, four levels have been incorporated within the type 8620 mxCONTROL: • The device does not echo when using the “Ping” function. This makes it almost impossible for hackers to locate.
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Water Treatment
Control devices with assembled Ethernet option offer remote access and email notification.
â&#x20AC;˘ Process parameter viewing and changes can only be executed with the special programming software that has been developed by Burkert. â&#x20AC;˘ The user would have to run the software, then key in the specific IP address
that the cell phone carrier has provided. â&#x20AC;˘ Once connected to the mxCONTROL, a programmed password has to be entered before changes can be made. A password is required even to just view information.
Some of the pre-determined control functions make the controller very easy to set up, while allowing optimum process control. Some of these functions include: general PID control, conductivity control, on/off or PI control, oxygen scavenging, corrosion display, pH control, chlorine/Redox Control, batch dosing, biocide dosing (14 day program with 8 dosing events per channel), monitor module, totalizer function. The standard controller is designed for applications that require four analog inputs, two PT100 temperature inputs, four digital/frequency inputs for flow (up to 2kHz), four on/off binary inputs, four analog outputs, five SPDT relays (250V AC/DC, 10A), and two digital/frequency outputs potentially for dosing pumps. The maximum number of simultaneous control functions is eight but other input/output configurations are available upon request. Sadiq Khan is with Burkert Fluid Control Systems, part of Burkert GmbH & Co. KG. E-mail: sadiq.khan@burkert.com
Summer 2011 | 17
Remote pump monitoring saves time and money on unique sewer replacement project n pump rental situations, both the vendor and the customer need the equipment to perform as expected. But even the most reliable equipment can experience issues during operation, especially in temporary setups. It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t practical or cost-effective to hire a team of people to stand guard 24/7 in case of equipment failure. RACOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s AlarmAgent.com continuously monitors applications and provides notification of any problems as they occur, allowing for immediate action. This can save significant time and money for the company and its customers, while providing reassurance for all involved. Most recently, one pump company rented out 14 temporary bypass pumps, each fitted with an AlarmAgent.com Remote Terminal Unit, for the Lake Oswego Interceptor Sewer (LOIS) project in Oregon. The project involved replacing a 50year-old, corroded and hazardous sewer line running through the 405-acre Oswego Lake. These pumps were used to handle effluent during construction of the new interceptor sewer. The existing sewer line consisted of 20,000 feet of sewer pipe ranging from 12 to 36-inches in diameter and was constructed in the early 1960s. Over 90% of this pipe lay within Oswego Lake, its bays and canals, with the remainder located onshore. Some in-water portions of the pipe were buried, but over half was supported above the bed of Oswego Lake on timber and steel piles. Replacement was necessary, as the existing system had become too small and the steel pile supports and hardware were corroding and were at risk of collapse. Many alternatives were evaluated to correct existing LOIS deficiencies in an economical and reliable fashion. In August 2007, after many public hearings and community briefings on the replacement alternatives, the Lake Oswego City Council recommended replacement of the LOIS system with a combination of pile supported pipe and a buoyant, gravity flow pipeline. During the project, the level of Os-
18 | Summer 2011
Elevation after drawdown was 16-20 feet below its normal level.
wego Lake had to be lowered to allow construction and pipe installation. The Lake Corporation begin lowering the lake level in September 2010. Elevation after drawdown was 16-20 feet below its normal level. Water was scheduled to remain at this level until April 2011, when refilling was to begin. The Oswego Lake area serves as home to 700 residents and is a focal point for the entire surrounding community. With an aggressive timeline and a price tag of about $95 million, everything had to go smoothly. Whenever water levels rose too high, fuel ran out, or a backup pump started up, the AlarmAgent.com system notified the company, which could then take prompt action. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2011. The ability to receive alarms and respond immediately helped LOIS stay on schedule and within budget. Workers were able to correct problems before they escalated. They avoided any potential
pipeline backups, which could have resulted in sewage spills, fines, angry residents and delays in project completion. Also, without it, the project managers would have had to pay people to monitor the pumps around the clock, in order to meet the contractâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mandate for 24/7 monitoring. AlarmAgent.com only required one person on site, instead of 14 for monitoring purposes. The pump company also benefits from the fleet management capabilities of AlarmAgent.com. It uses the system for centralized management of its entire rental fleet across multiple job sites and branches. Because the system is wireless, the company can manage equipment wherever wireless coverage is available, which is across 98 percent of North America. RACO is represented in Canada by SPD Sales. E-mail: farkas.f@spdsales.com
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
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Wastewater Treatment
Engineering treatment wetlands for various wastewater streams By Mark O. Liner
ringing a demonstration facility to the doorstep of a client is always an effective way to provide proof that a treatment system works. Some vendors offer the service by trucking a test unit to the site and running the treatment system on the actual wastewater needing treatment. Treatment wetlands are in a grey area between vendor technology and a consulting engineer’s “solution,” so no sales representative is going to show up with a wetland on a flatbed. However, there are facilities, such as the Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT) at Fleming College in Lindsay, Ontario, that routinely test wetland systems. Another example is New Brunswick’s NATECH, which is currently testing the suitability of wetland treatment technology on byproducts of the local natural gas industry. Experience from these facilities has played an important role in taking the science of wetlands and using it for the engineering of projects.
20 | Summer 2011
Wetland systems are larger than mechanical systems. There is a trade-off between mechanical complexity and land. Wetland systems don’t need as much attention, or care, as their mechanical counterparts, are typically constructed on-site by civil contractors, and have few, if any, moving parts. Historically, the question of how to quantify performance has been left to statistics and heuristics. Recent improvements in the engineering of wetlands have helped increase predictability. Engineers have borrowed the biology, chemistry, and hydraulics of the wastewater industry and are employing them successfully to create treatment systems that perform like sewage plants but look more like … a field of plants. Inclusion of aeration in subsurface wetlands has greatly advanced the ability of the systems to degrade hydrocarbons and ammonia reliably. This is critical for the design of wetland systems used for spent de-icing fluids at airports, contaminated groundwater, or tailings water from gold mines. And, by using proven
hydraulic and thermodynamic principles, designers are creating wetland “reactors” that are stable and more reasonably sized. These reactors increase the reliability and performance over past systems by ensuring proper reactor kinetics and complete use of the wetland, with minimal shortcircuiting. Dr. Jim Higgins of Stantec, an early leader in treatment wetlands, piloted a number of systems at the University of Guelph’s Campus d’Alfred. The work was carried out to support development of kinetic variables that can be used to scale up systems from pilot to full scale. For example, Buffalo Niagara International Airport decided to pilot-test an aerated wetland to examine the rate at which de-icing fluid in cold stormwater could be degraded. The only way to go forward with confidence in this case was to build a model, put it in a walk-in freezer, and give it a test run. The results more than proved out the concept and were ultimately used to size the system now being operated at the airport.
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Wastewater Treatment At Fleming College’s CAWT, Dr. Brent Wootton, director and senior scientist, leads a team of researchers who study innovative forms of wastewater treatment. The centre has carried out extensive research on constructed wetlands and alternative forms of wastewater treatment technology, such as anaerobic bioreactors for metal removal, and floating wetlands for use in stormwater ponds. The CAWT has state-of-the-art facilities, including six outdoor research rest cells for wetland studies, 20 ponds, an indoor greenhouse research facility, climate-controlled environmental chamber, and a fully equipped analytical laboratory. 1. Airport de-icing glycol. Buffalo Airport uses over 200,000 gallons of glycol-based product for aircraft and pavement deicing annually. Spent de-icing compounds are collected within the airport’s stormwater collection system and require treatment prior to discharge. To evaluate the ability of an aerated gravel bed to treat the stormwater on-site, a treatability study was conducted on a pilot-scale treatment system at Campus d’Alfred. Results from the testing demonstrated 95% treatment and were used as a basis for sizing the full-scale 10,000 poundsBOD5/d treatment system. Then Naturally Wallace Consulting (NWC) was selected to take the pilot results to full-scale design. 2. Gold-mine tailings. A remote gold mine in South America was in need of a low O&M system to treat ammonia from the cyanide-laden water in the tailings pond. Over 16,000 m3/day of water required treatment prior to discharge to the adjacent continued overleaf...
Summer 2011 | 21
Wastewater Treatment
Cells at Haliburton hatchery being planted by students.
river. A treatability test was conducted to determine the rates of ammonia removal and to support the sizing of the wetland system. Testing was done in three phases. In the initial phase, artificial leachate was formulated and tested in a wetland reactor located at Campus dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alfred. During the second phase of testing, actual water from the site was shipped to the laboratory for testing in the same reactor. During the final phase of testing, a reactor was constructed and tested on-site. Results from the testing demonstrated successful removal of ammonia, with no inhibition of nitrification. 3. Refinery wastes. A pilot scale subsurface vertical-flow wetland was constructed at the former BP refinery in Casper, Wyoming, to determine degradation rates for chlorinated organics. In particular, the water required treatment for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes in cold weather. The four-cell pilot system, operated in 2002, provided insight into the value of utilizing aeration within the wetland system to expedite the rate of treatment. The
Wastewater Treatment value of a mulch cover for bed insulation was also investigated. Treatment rates from the pilot work were used to design a full-scale system capable of treating up to 11,400 m3/d of gasoline-contaminated groundwater. The full-scale system, which was designed by NWC, achieved compliance levels within one week of startup. 4. Aquaculture. Sedimentation and screening are primarily used for solids removal in flow-through aquaculture facilities. These physical treatment methods remove settleable solids and particulatebound nutrients from the wastewater. But they do not treat the dissolved fractions such as total ammonia nitrogen, phosphate and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), that can harm the receiving aquatic environment. A constructed wetland was installed after a septic tank at the Haliburton Highlands Outdoors Association in Haliburton, Ontario, which operates a 300m3/day flow-through salmonid hatchery. Intensive monitoring examined the ability of a subsurface flow constructed wetland to continued overleaf...
Haliburton wetland one year after planting.
Wastewater Treatment
CAWT College cells in winter.
treat the concentrated wastewater flow that is produced during daily vacuuming of the hatcheryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s raceways. The wetland was operated for a year as a saturated horizontal flow system and has just been switched to a partially unsaturated vertical flow system for comparison purposes. The saturated horizontal flow configuration successfully treated concentrated wastewater even in extreme cold conditions. It is anticipated the unsaturated vertical flow configuration will increase
treatment performance. 5. College wastewater. An integrated treatment system, which combines an engineered wetland and PhosphexTM technologies (EW-Phosphex), was installed to study treatment efficacy of college wastewater. The system configuration consisted of a conventional septic system, followed by a horizontal wetland, then by a forced aeration engineered wetland cell, and ending in a Phosphex polishing unit. The Phosphex polishing unit contained
steel slag intended for removal of phosphorus and pathogens. The integrated system was monitored in the winter of 2010 to determine treatment efficiency, including removal of phosphorus, ammonia, nitrate, BOD5, total coliform, E. coli, metals, metalloids and pharmaceutical compounds. Most of the contaminants monitored were effectively removed by the treatment system. Ammonia removal was as high as 79%, while phosphate, BOD5, total coliform and E. coli were greater than 99%. Pharmaceutical removal ranged as high as 98%. Treatment wetlands are now being used over a wide spectrum of applications. Their success depends greatly on the front-end pilot work and the people and companies doing it. Pushing science to the limits, the pilots allow full-scale engineering of wetland projects. And, all this work can be done at a number of Canadian facilities, without having to put a wetland on the back of a truck. Mark O. Liner is with Naturally Wallace Consulting. E-mail: mark.liner@naturallywallace.com
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NEWS Saskatoon to host 2011 WCW conference & exhibition The 2011 annual conference of Western Canada Water will be held September 20 – 23 in Saskatoon. David K. Foot, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Toronto will present the keynote address. He is the author of Boom Bust & Echo: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Shift and the updated paperback, Boom Bust & Echo: Profiting from the Demographic Shift in the 21st Century. In addition to a wide ranging technical program and tradeshow, the event will also feature several tours, including, the H. McIvor Weir Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Saskatoon Water Treatment Plant, and the Circle Drive South Bridge. www.wwwca.ca
the discharge of sodium hypochlorite into an effluent channel that leads to the Don River, resulting in impairing its water quality. The company had a contract to complete upgrades at a sewage treatment plant in Toronto. The project required that the outdoor containment area surrounding the chemical storage tanks of sodium hypochlorite be expanded and a drain be installed to allow for easy removal of rainwater. The containment area was de-
signed to trap any sodium hypochlorite which might escape the tanks or piping. On September 11, 2009, during construction activities, a pipe was broken accidentally and approximately 3,446 litres of sodium hypochlorite discharged from the containment area and entered the Don River through the treatment plant’s effluent channel. No effort was made by the company to stop the chemical from leaving the containment area.
Levelogger Edge
Helping WWTP managers develop odour management solutions A new web-based tool provides utility managers with a step-by-step process to help them determine the best way to reduce odors. The web-based Biosolids Odor Reduction Roadmap features a decision-matrix based on user “yes/no” responses to help utility managers tailor specific odor management options. The online roadmap also provides guidance from a wealth of Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) biosolids odor research. The tool also allows users to access the complete text of all WERF reports related to biosolids odor reduction; and search a database with more than 100 abstracts related to wastewater biosolids odor reduction. Over the past decade, WERF has committed to a comprehensive research effort to help the wastewater treatment industry better understand how biosolids odors are generated and find more effective ways to control them. www.werf.org
Firm fined for discharge into Torontoʼs Don River Recently, Torbear Contracting Inc. was convicted of one violation under the Ontario Water Resources Act for permitting www.esemag.com
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Summer 2011 | 25
Biosolids Management
Designing a biosolids management plan involves many considerations By Tom Woodcock astewater treatment plant owners and operators have a significant decision to make when selecting a biosolids management plan. A thorough evaluation of treatment options should be made, taking into account local soil conditions, regulatory requirements, and capital and operational costs. The processes practised in Canada for over 60 years are land application, incineration, and land-filling. Each of these methods has known environmental concerns. In recent years, the Ontario government has passed and amended legislation that regulates biosolids management practices. These regulations include O.Reg. 267 of the Nutrient Management Act, and O.Reg. 347 of the Environmental Protection Act, which stipulate: • The locations and soil conditions necessary for land application; • How many months of the year land application is permitted due to weather constraints; • Maximum allowable pathogenic content in biosolids; • Maximum allowable metal concentrations in soils post-biosolids application; and • Treatment process and storage requirements at wastewater treatment
26 | Summer 2011
Top of the fluidized bed incinerator at Greenway Pollution Control Centre in London, Ontario.
plants. O.Reg. 267 specifies that biosolids can only be applied to agricultural lands when there is less than 5 cm of snow on the ground. The result is that biosolids must be stored at wastewater treatment plants, or a centralized biosolids facility during the restricted application period. In Ontario, this is typically from October to March. Furthermore, this regulation defines permissible locations for biosolids appli-
cation sites, specifically the proximity of an application site to underground aquifers and bodies of water, whether streams, rivers or lakes. The maximum allowable pathogenic content in the biosolids is stipulated, requiring stabilization treatment to reduce colony-forming units (CFUs) present in the biosolids. CFUs are a measure of the viable bacterial cells in a sample. O.Reg. 419 of the Environmental Protection Act regulates the maximum allowable concentration of combustion
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Biosolids Management gases and particulate matter generated by incineration of any material. The incineration of biosolids generated from treatment processes at wastewater facilities falls under O.Reg.419 as biosolids are considered a solid waste. Reductions in the maximum allowable concentrations are to be staged, and are currently regulated under Schedule II, which is set to expire on Jan. 31, 2020. After that date, Schedule III will take effect and multiple hearth incinerators may not be able to achieve the maximum allowable concentrations stipulated. In addition, there are Canada-Wide Standards developed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment for dioxins, furans and mercury air emissions. These regulations determine the treatment process required at wastewater treatment plants once a biosolids management plan has been finalized. Land application The requirement for treatment plants to store stabilized sludge during the nonapplication period increases a plantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s footprint due to the need for large storage
tanks and digesters. Stabilization of wastewater biosolids is required prior to land application to reduce pathogen levels. This can be achieved by conventional digestion, whether it be aerobic or anaerobic, or, alternatively, by chemical or biochemical reactions. There are several processes available on the market, such as Lystek, N-Viro and Bioset. Adding lime to biosolids creates a Class A product that is rich in nutrients and can correct the pH of acidic soils. This is especially beneficial to farmers in areas with acidic soils. Digestion can be divided into two subcategories of treatment, aerobic and anaerobic, and each have unique process requirements and characteristics. Aerobic treatment requires oxygen to be present in the process environment to promote the breakdown of biomass by micro-organisms. In anaerobic digestion, gaseous oxygen is detrimental to the process, and micro-organisms are able to digest biomass in the absence of oxygen. The end products of aerobic digestion are mainly carbon dioxide and water, whereas the end products of anaerobic di-
gestion are water, methane, carbon dioxide and trace amounts of hydrogen sulphide. Aerobic digestion is a delicately balanced process, that requires the control of dissolved oxygen levels, temperature, biosolids feed rate, and pH to create an environment that promotes the digestion of biomass by bacteria. Dissolved oxygen levels in the process environment can be monitored, and used to control the aeration of the aerobic digestion tank to achieve an efficient process. On the other hand, anaerobic digestion requires the control of temperature, pH, biosolids feed rate, and mixing. The pH of both digestion processes must be controlled to prevent the biomass from becoming acidic, which reduces the efficiency of digestion reactions. In an anaerobic digester, pH and alkalinity are monitored and the biosolids feed rate must be carefully controlled and regulated to achieve an efficient process. In an aerobic digester, pH, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity are monitored. pH can be controlled by either modulating the air continued overleaf...
Be Safe With Grace Wireless Man-Down Alarms
Summer 2011 | 27
Biosolids Management
View through the sight glass of the fluidized bed incinerator at Greenway Pollution Control Centre.
supply to prevent nitrification or by adding an alkaline substance, such as sodium hydroxide, to compensate for the alkalinity consumed during nitrification.
28 | Summer 2011
Aerobic and anaerobic digestion also require the temperature to be controlled by modulating the heat supplied to the digester. If anaerobic digestion is used and
the digester is of a sufficient capacity, methane gas produced from the process can be used as supplemental fuel for the digester heating system. However, a major concern of anaerobic digestion is that, under NFPA code 820, anaerobic digesters are classified as Class 1, Division 1, due to the presence of methane and other combustible gases. This classification requires specialized electrical and mechanical equipment to be installed, in order to prevent an explosion. Once the sludge has been digested, the question of whether to dewater the biosolids prior to truck loading arises. Evaluating this process option is a function of the storage capacities of the digester(s) and the proximity of the land application sites to the wastewater treatment plant or biosolids facility. If a plant has large digester capacities and is relatively close to the land application sites, dewatering may not be practiced. Dewatering can be achieved via centrifugation, pressing, or vacuum filtration, each of which has operational benefits and concerns. If the dewatered, digested biosolids are stored for more
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Biosolids Management than five days, significant odour issues will arise and high levels of pathogenic bacteria could return. When finalizing a biosolids management plan, plant owners and operators must take these factors into consideration. Incineration Incineration of biosolids, like digestion, is a complex process that requires close monitoring by personnel and automated controls. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;three Tsâ&#x20AC;? of combustion are the standard residence time (SRT) of the feed in the incineration zone, temperature of both the combustion reaction and the gases generated, and turbulence of the reaction mixture. The SRT is governed by the volume of the reaction vessel and the feed rate of biosolids, which is controlled by the sludge conveyance system upstream of the reactor, i.e., a screw conveyor or piston pump. Operational temperature of the incinerator depends on four variables: biosolids heating value, feed rate, supplemental fuel injection rate, and rate of aeration. Turbulence of the combustion reaction is created by the rate of aeration of the incinerator, and can be controlled
by trimming the air supply valves. Prior to incineration, biosolids must be dewatered to increase solids concentration. This allows combustion to occur at lower temperatures due to minimizing the amount of water present in the reaction. The main benefit of increasing the feed solids concentration is reducing the incineratorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fuel consumption. Digestion is not required, and in fact is detrimental to the incineration process as it decreases the biosolids heating value. If the proper process conditions exist, dewatered biosolids cake can be autogenous. To achieve autogenous combustion, the incinerator must be a fluidized bed, combustion air must be preheated, and the biosolids must have a solids concentration greater than approximately 25%. Furthermore, air supplied to the incinerator must be controlled to create a feedto-air ratio that allows for complete combustion. The control of the combustion reaction determines concentrations of the gas products, which then have to be treated in a wet or dry scrubber before being emitted to the environment. Achieving com-
plete combustion reduces concentrations of carbon monoxide, particulate matter and other undesirable compounds, thus reducing the scrubber's chemical usage. A wet scrubber typically uses a sodium hypochlorite solution to remove pollutants. Prior to scrubbing exhaust gas, a heat exchanger can be utilized to preheat combustion air by recovering waste heat from the exhaust gas. This recovered heat can also be directed to other areas of the plant to reduce the plant's external energy consumption. Both land application and incineration of biosolids involve complex processes that require close monitoring and control to achieve an acceptable operational efficiency. However, biosolids generated from wastewater treatment can become a sustainable energy resource. Tom Woodcock is with R.V. Anderson Associates. E-mail: twoodcock@rvanderson.com. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of Tony Van Rossum, City of London.
Summer 2011 | 29
Climate Change
Can insurance save us from climate change? By Brian Thomas
Shrimp boat washed up on dock during Hurricane Rita. Photo courtesy NOAA.
eople judge risk badly. We worry too much about minor hazards and are nonchalant about more serious ones. We’re especially inept at judging chronic long-term risks, like climate change. Insurance is a major part of how we deal with risk. Can it lead us to more viable ways to address climate issues? The picture is mixed. When we manage risk by buying insurance, we endure the slow, small pain of insurance premiums in exchange for a big compensation should something ugly happen. Insurers profit from our lack of knowledge about risk. Buying insurance goes against the grain, but paying our premiums gives us a little more security against fires, earthquakes, business interruption, and the numerous other events against which we can buy an insurance product.
30 | Summer 2011
Insurers review their policies annually and alter their terms if they see a change in the probabilities. When no major losses occur, the industry pats itself on the back for judging its risks correctly for that year. They’re happy and profitable. If the risk landscape changes, they absorb the payouts and adjust the terms accordingly. The optimistic point of view is that insurance can play a major role in guiding businesses and individuals toward more climate-friendly decisions. In theory, insurers study the real probabilities of known hazards, figure out a viable premium that gives them a profit and the policyholders the agreed-upon protection against the risk. When climate change raises the risks of flooding, business interruption, and other insurance hazards, the premiums go up, which can lead policyholders to change their behavior. Financing for a new factory can be
prohibitive or even impossible to get, if insurers won’t cover it. In practice, though, this theory is faulty for several reasons. Climate change poses special challenges to insurers. First, to single out one kind of insurance, many factors combine in extreme weather events. A hurricane has many causes, and global warming might only be two percent of the overall risk. If that part grows from two percent to five percent, it seems negligible, but in fact it’s quite significant. As one insurance executive said: “Even a minor increase in a risk like that can mean billions of dollars in additional losses to insurers.” If the winds are a few miles per hour stronger, and the storm takes a path through a heavily insured area, insurers can be overwhelmed. The same is true for other climate impacts. There have always been floods, ex-
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Climate Change treme weather, and times when the water cycle intensifies. But if climate change is turning up the dial, these familiar events may become more frequent, more intense, or changed in unexpected ways. Second, insurers are people too, and the cognitive blind spots that afflict individuals also affect the risk business. In practice, the insurance industry’s grip on certain probabilities often relies on seatof-the-pants methods that are subjective, and whose over-optimistic assumptions are sometimes rudely corrected by ugly surprises, especially when risks are constantly changing, as they are with climate change. Like all of us, insurers want certainty, even when they know that certainty cannot be attained. At a 2007 conference on hurricane science for an insurance audience, the world’s top climatologists discussed various topics in modeling and hurricanes. The head of underwriting at a major North American insurer complained about the hedged, qualified way the scientists state their conclusions. “Why don’t the scientists give us numbers we can use! These probabilities are too nebulous for us to write business with
them!” His impatience is widely shared, but the answer is no, scientists cannot. Third, insurance functions well when the risks of various hazards are truly independent of each other, and truly random. One trouble with climate change is that climate instability tends to make floods, windstorms, and other extreme weather more interrelated. One force binding all these factors together more tightly is land use, which is often part of a highly entrenched political juggernaut promoting the worst possible policies, such as building heavily in flood plains, or on beaches very prone to hurricane damage. Consider Florida, where the laws, business practices and general culture are geared to developing every square inch of land near water, not only oceans, but also lakes, streams, and wetlands. Even in the absence of climate change, this is an obviously dangerous policy. It’s also very popular. John Coomber, former CEO of Swiss Re, once grumbled that everyone wants to live on the most vulnerable beaches they can find in Florida. Governments occasionally try to buck the pro-development tide, but the politi-
cal pressure against anti-development forces is swift and merciless. Rather than resisting, many property and casualty insurers have pulled away from vulnerable coastal property in Florida. In response, Florida created its own public insurance pool. Result? Development continues, and the state fund is actuarially unsound; a major storm hitting a developed area would bankrupt the fund in short order. A few more storms would bankrupt the state of Florida, which would then call on the federal government, as the stand-in for taxpayers in all other states, to bail them out. These three factors mean that the insurance industry is weaker than it appears in matters of changing social and economic policies. The only way to change these entrenched policies would be for other social forces to align with the insurance point of view. That will require energetic political leadership and vigorous regulation. The market alone cannot save us. Brian Thomas is a sustainability consultant. For more information, please visit www.carbon-based-ghg.com.
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Art & Humanities // Business // Education // Management // Public Safety & Health // Science & Technology // Security & Global Studies
Summer 2011 | 31
Abbotsford's new water source approved Hemmera has secured environmental approval for a groundwater extraction project in the City of Abbotsford. The Bevan Avenue Wells project will provide a clean, reliable source of water for Abbotsford and Mission over the next five years. The Bevan Avenue Wells Project is part of the Abbotsford Mission Water & Sewer System, which supplies water to over 200,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Fraser Valley. The system includes a mix of surface water and groundwater sources. Faced with water shortages from recent dry summer months, an interim groundwater source was needed to meet demands for the City of Abbotsford and the District of Mission.
2,4-D is not an unacceptable risk The Quebec government's acknowledgement that "products containing 2,4-D do
not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment" is an important admission that Canadians have been misled regarding the safety of this product. It also acknowledges the important role of Health Canada in pesticide regulation. "Our industry has long said that the decisions by Quebec and other governments to ban the herbicide 2,4-D and other common urban pesticides are not based on scientific evidence and do nothing to further protect human health or the environment. Now, Quebec has acknowledged that too," says Peter MacLeod, Vice President, Chemistry, for CropLife Canada. The agreement was reached as part of the settlement of a NAFTA dispute that challenged the Quebec government's ban on certain uses of 2,4-D as being without scientific basis. Health Canada concluded in a 2008 review that "risks to homeowners and their children from contact with treated lawns and turf are not of concern," and that "there is reasonable certainty that no harm to human health, future generations or the environment
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32 | Summer 2011
Winnipeg water treatment plant wins award Each year, the Association of Consulting Engineers of Manitoba recognizes the best in engineering by Manitoba engineering companies. This year the Winnipeg Water Treatment Plant project received the association’s Award of Excellence in the Municipal & Water Technology category. Director of Water and Waste, Barry MacBride congratulated the project consultants, AECOM and CH2M HILL, and all the staff that participated in and contributed to this milestone project. The Winnipeg Water Treatment Plant is designed for environmental sustainability and high performance, and can be operated even during power outages. The water treatment processes include coagulation/flocculation, dissolved air flotation, ozonation, deep bed biologically active carbon filtration, chlorination, and UV disinfection. The design makes provision for future expansion to 600 MLD. www.winnipeg.ca
ONEIA elects new board chair
Hoskin Scientific Ltd.
will result from use or exposure to the product." For years Canadians have been receiving conflicting messages about the safety of pesticides which have led to unnecessary fear. "Hopefully, this agreement will help Canadians regain confidence in Health Canada's safety assessment and cause people to rethink whether or not they support the political decisions of governments to deprive them of access to these important tools with no good reason," says MacLeod.
The Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA) has elected Derek Webb of Biorem Technologies, as its new Chair. Mr. Webb succeeded Robert Redhead, of Newalta, who had served as ONEIA chair for the previous two years. In that time, the Association’s membership continued to grow and it released two landmark public policy reports on the future of Ontario’s environment and cleantech sector – Ready to Grow (2009) and Still Ready to Grow (2011). www.oneia.ca
www.hoskin.ca Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
er t a w t es g r a l The
ca i r e m A h t r o N n i t n ve e y t i l qua
84th Annual Water Environment Fede ratioon Tech Te chnic nical al EExxhhib ibiitio tion an a nd C Coonnfe LLoos AAnnggeelles ferreenncce es C Coonnvven entio tion Ce C e nte n t e r • Lo L C Coonnfe os An Ange ferren gelles enccee: O e s, C Caalilifo Occttob obeerr 1155 ––119, 2200111 forrni nia UUSS A 1 • EExxhhib ibitio ition: n: Oc Octob tober er 17 17 –1 –19, 220011 11
We ca cann’’t waiitt ttoo sseee you iinn L Angeelleess iinn Occttobeerr. In os a ttoo tthhe bussiineesss opporrttun ddiittiioon iittiiee exexhiibbiittiioon and tthhe eexxcceelllele s at tthhe nt sseessssiioonss,, yyoou wiillll find grre ttrraiinniinng eat and eenntteerrttaiinnmeennt neexxt ffoood doo convveenttiion cceentteerr.. Evveerryy r ttoo tthhe co tthh neeeed ccaan be ffoound at ww iinng yyoou w..wweeffftteecc..orrgg. Seeee yyoou tthheerree......
Managing contaminants in drinking water from the use of sodium hypochlorite By Gerald F. Connell rinking water system operators are always on the alert for contaminants in the chemicals used in water treatment, or that develop during the treatment process. Three significant contaminants are associated with the use of sodium hypochlorite as a disinfectant. They can all be traced to sodium hypochlorite, whether through the manufacturing process or decomposition of the hypochlorite: • Bromate, a potent human carcinogen, may be present in the bleach or produced as a result of the disinfection treatment process in the presence of bleach. • Perchlorate affects the ability of the thyroid gland to take up iodine. • Chlorate can affect the health of certain population groups such as senior citizens and children. Bromate Bromate comes from two separate
sources in drinking water. The first is in the hypochlorite manufacturing process itself. Sodium hypochlorite for bulk use is produced by reacting chlorine (liquid or gas) with sodium hydroxide. It can also be generated on-site with an electrolytic cell, using a brine feed. Sodium hydroxide solution contains bromine as sodium bromide, a salt of bromine, which is dissolved in the solution. Liquid chlorine can also contain elemental bromine. Almost all of the bromine in the two chemicals becomes bromate in the resultant hypochlorite solution. Bromine in the chlorine gas and bromide in sodium hydroxide are converted to bromate at the pH level of the sodium hypochlorite solution produced by the reaction. The addition of this hypochlorite in the disinfection process adds the bromate present in the hypochlorite solution to the finished water. Brine used
to feed on-site generation also produces hypochlorite with bromated levels. The second source of bromate is the raw water supply. Bromide ions can be present in the raw water supply, surface or groundwater. When water containing these bromide ions is exposed to disinfection using ozonation, the reaction of bromide with ozone will produce bromate ions. As a result, all water treatment plants in the US using the ozonation process are required to test for bromates in their finished water. However, treatment with hypochlorite does not require testing. The quantity of bromate present in finished water from the hypochlorite disinfection process can be controlled by limiting the bromide concentration in the hypochlorite source or the hypochlorite manufacturing process. Control of the bromated content added by hypochlorite will require the supplier of the sodium
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34 | Summer 2011
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Disinfection be included in the unregulated contaminant mandatory rule. Chlorate is formed when sodium hypochlorite decomposes in the bleach solution. Thermal decomposition of bleach is the primary source of chlorate. Quick turnover of sodium hypochlorite is the best method known to keep chlorate levels low. This could require frequent cleaning of the storage tanks so that a heel of â&#x20AC;&#x153;oldâ&#x20AC;? sodium hypochlorite is not kept in the tank. Temperature re-
duction and/or dilution on receipt from the supplier will also reduce the formation of chlorate. Once again, conversion of hypochlorite to chlorine gas would eliminate concern about chlorate. Gerald F. Connell is with Halogen Valve Systems. E-mail: tom@halogenvalve.com
Chlorine contact chamber.
hypochlorite to meet a more stringent guideline on its quality. One clear choice to avoid these issues is to use chlorine gas as the disinfectant, as there is no reaction with chlorine gas that will produce bromates. Perchlorate Perchlorate is a product of sodium hypochlorite decomposition, which happens over time and is caused by higher temperatures and concentrations. The longer hypochlorite is kept by the utility before use, the more likely there is to be a significant increase in perchlorate. Also, the development of perchlorateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s use in rocket propellants and the improper disposal of wastes from the manufacture of these propellants has been a reason for the appearance of perchlorate in raw water supplies. Rapid turnover of sodium hypochlorite and/or a reduction in hypochlorite inventory at the treatment plant will aid in the reduction of perchlorate development. Conversion to chlorine gas from hypochlorite can also be helpful, since perchlorate is not present in chlorine. Chlorate Chlorate is included in the USâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contaminant candidate list and will probably www.esemag.com
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Summer 2011 | 35
Site Remediation
Laser-based technology accurately detects subsurface contamination By Randy St. Germain hen fuel, coal tar or oil has leaked or spilled, site clean-up is not an exact science. In fact, designing a remediation program can be a guessing game when the contaminants disperse irregularly underground. However, some often-ignored technologies are available to screen sites much more accurately than traditional methods have allowed in the past. Traditional methods To locate and map out the subsurface contamination from coal tar, creosotes or other non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), contractors have traditionally taken physical soil samples. Using drilling rigs or direct-push platforms, they bore multiple holes. While drilling down, they take samples at intervals, sometimes at a spacing of every five feet. After finishing one hole, they pick another location to do more sampling. When collecting samples from concentrated areas of contamination, contractors can often tell the presence of crude oil, fuel or other petroleum-based substances from the appearance and smell of the soil. However, to determine the magnitude of contamination or the type of substance, samples must be sent to a lab for analysis. It can take several days or weeks to provide results â&#x20AC;&#x201D; too late to act on the information in the field. Although this method has been accepted by regulators and used by contractors for decades, it often results in an incomplete picture of the subsurface. Or they may take samples at fewer intervals than they need to properly define the contamination. Furthermore, sampling is associated with other problems, such as poor recovery, compression of soils, hole slough, smearing and depth inaccuracies. After gathering data from soil samples, consultants then generate a plan for remediation, if needed. However, it is fairly common for remediation activities to discover uncharted areas of contamination. Then, a remobilization of sampling crews is necessary to create a more accurate depiction of contaminant distribution. Occasionally this must be re-
36 | Summer 2011
LIF instruments can typically log between 10 and 20 locations (300 and 500 feet) per day.
Light crude oil (left) and diesel (right) react to ultraviolet light.
peated, increasing the time needed to complete the project and driving up costs. The reason that sampling does not usually detect all contamination during the first field effort is because oil, fuel and other NAPLs tend to disperse irregularly in the subsurface. This is contrary to the popular belief that these substances are typically contained in floating â&#x20AC;&#x153;pancake-shapedâ&#x20AC;? layers at the groundwater surface. In reality, contaminants are often distributed in many narrow seams and soil fractures, and sometimes end up trapped as far as 20 to 30 feet below the groundwater surface. Lighting the way To map out the distribution of NAPLs with better accuracy, some contractors have adopted direct push tools that use laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), a technology that was invented in the early 1990s. LIF allows contractors to take many more soil readings in much less time, because, rather than taking physical samples, LIF optical screening tools (OSTs) use light to gather information in real time as the probe is pushed into the ground.
In simple terms, LIF acts as a design tool that paints a detailed image of where coal tar, creosote or fuel has leaked and flowed since release. Results are presented in colorized logs that show the type and depth of contaminants throughout each hole that is logged. If site-wide context is desired, all the logs from a site can be combined with geographic coordinates to create three-dimensional conceptual site models (CSMs) using software available from a number of vendors. CSMs clearly illustrate the distribution of NAPLs in the subsurface, and show engineers exactly what they need to know to remediate the site correctly on the first attempt. LIF technology takes advantage of the inherent fluorescence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in oils, fuels and other NAPLs. Bunker fuel, for instance, appears pale orange under visible-wavelength excitation, and coal tar emits red. On the other hand, light NAPLs, such as crude oil and diesel, do not fluoresce well under visible-wavelength light. They do react to ultraviolet (UV) excitation light and emit a bluegreen light.
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Site Remediation Because of this phenomenon, different types of LIF instruments have been developed. These include the ultraviolet optical screening tool (UVOST) for detecting light NAPLs and the tar-specific green optical screening tool (TarGOST) for use with dense coal tars and creosotes. The particular tool used on a job depends on the type of NAPL expected to be found. Otherwise, representative NAPL samples can typically be sent to LIF vendors for free analysis. Generally, an LIF instrument consists of a steel probe with a sapphire window built into the side. Laser light is delivered to the window, as the probe is driven into the ground. Any PAHs from fuel or oil outside the window are excited by the laser light and fluoresce. A fiber-optic cable returns any fluorescence to the surface where it is recorded and displayed in real time. Above ground, the contractor and on-site consultants simply watch as the contaminant log develops, immediately reacting to the result and determining the next logging location, according to the results. Whereas the most liberal sampling plans only analyze the soil once every four feet or so, LIF instruments read and store measurements approximately once every inch for the entire time the OST is being pushed into the ground. This ability allows OSTs to discover small but important seams and fractures of contamination. Not only do LIF instruments produce more data per hole than sampling, but they also work more efficiently. Rather than stopping at various depths to collect soil, an OST probe continuously collects data while being pushed into the ground. Furthermore, LIF instruments can typically log between 300 and 500 feet per day, versus an average of 100 to 200 feet per day by sampling. The contractor does not need to wait for lab results, since LIF immediately identifies the type and relative concentration of fuel and oil in the subsurface. Since no contaminated soils are brought to the surface, LIF is considered a green technology. In addition, contractors no longer need to worry about exposure to contaminants brought up from the subsurface, and there is no investigationderived waste to manage. While sampling is still the most comwww.esemag.com
All the logs from a site can be compiled to create three-dimensional conceptual site models.
monly used screening method, laser-induced fluorescence is becoming more popular among environmental engineers and consultants. In fact, many are finding it to be an essential part of effective remediation, due to the numerous benefits. Some consultants are even starting
to use LIF instruments as primary screening tools, rather than having them as a backup to sampling tools. Randy St. Germain is with Dakota Technologies. E-mail: stgermain@dakotatechnologies.com
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Summer 2011 | 37
Stormwater Management
Task order contracting streamlines procurement for Toronto stormwater project By Denise Costa, Rayna Volden and Tony Petrucci n August 2005, severe rainfall and an urban flooding event in the Greater Toronto Area caused extensive overland flooding and sewer backup. Over 4,200 basement flooding complaints were received. The Insurance Bureau of Canada estimated the damages to public and private property at $400$500 million, making it the largest natural disaster in southern Ontario and the second-largest in Canada. As a result, the City of Toronto embarked on a significant effort to define flood mitigation solutions. The Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Program (TBFPP) will provide a 100 year level of protection in the implementation areas. The City of Toronto used a Task Order Contracting approach for General Services Contract No. 1, which was the first portion of the overall program, involving sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain replacement works located within road right-of-ways. This was done to fast-
Figure 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Comparison of Procurement Methods.
38 | Summer 2011
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Stormwater Management track the program due to both political and public demands to get infrastructure improvement works completed as soon as possible, in order to mitigate future basement flooding. As Program Manager, CH2M HILL’s responsibilities included program management, pre-design, detailed design, services during construction, and postconstruction services. Task Order Contracting Task Order Contracting is a method of construction delivery, which allowed the City to complete watermain, storm and sanitary sewer reconstruction projects through a multi-year contract, in partnership with several contractors. Contractors were selected through a General Services Contract procurement process. In late 2009, once the designs were completed and all approvals in place, the City entered into negotiations with each of the selected contractors to award eight Task Orders for the initial General Services Contract ($30 million in construction value). These ranged from $2 million to nearly $10 million. General Services Contract No. 1 included all construction work substantially
performed within a 12 month period. The lessons learned from the use of the Task Order Contracting delivery method were then applied by the City in developing contract documents for General Services Contract No. 2. This will see four contractors complete $80 million worth of watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer replacement works by 2014. Streamlined procurement Task Order Contracting is a unit price type of contract, with estimated quantities for a group of construction projects that are similar in terms of their scope of work. This allows the selection of multiple contractors with an overall, single, competitively bid contract. It eliminates the time and expense of completing the traditional design-bid-build cycle for each project. Typically, a standard tendering period of eight to 10 weeks can be reduced to three to four weeks by utilizing Task Order Contracting. It also allows the Owner to decrease project duration and, as a minimum, maintain similar costs compared to a traditional designbid-build type contract, while increasing quality. Contractors competitively bid by pro-
viding unit prices for an estimated quantity of work associated with a group of construction projects. Each contractor will be asked to perform a series of projects one after the other. The price for each project will be based on the pre-set unit prices multiplied by the quantity determined for each specific project as part of the detailed design process. Prices for tendered items are never negotiated. However, prices for items not tendered must be negotiated and, once negotiated, the unit prices are applicable on other Task Order Contracts that are offered to the same contractor. The contractor’s performance is evaluated with every project and the prospect of additional work keeps the contractor motivated to provide timely, responsive, and high quality work. Task Order Contracting significantly accelerates project delivery without compromising quality. Figure 1 compares the tendering process for traditional procurement and Task Order Contracting. In order to ensure bidder commitment and secure competitive pricing for the General Services Contract, a decision continued overleaf...
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Summer 2011 | 39
Stormwater Management
Figure 2 – Task Order Duration on General Services Contract No. 1.
was made that each contractor selected would be assigned Task Order Contracts with a cumulative minimum value of $500,000. This minimum value needed to be significant enough to convince bidders that they would secure enough work and to ensure that all pricing was competitive.
This also provided a means for the City to limit the assignment of Task Order Contracts to those contractors who did not perform well. During the pre-design phase, a decision was made to group 10 of the 72 assignments into eight Task Order Contracts,
with a total estimated construction value of $30 million. Up to five bidders would be selected, with the final number being based on the best value to the City. Once the bids had been received, three contractors were selected (all three bids were within the City's pre-tender estimate). This decision considered the pricing submissions, as well as the volume of work. It was essential to have the right number of contractors to complete the work within the term of the contract. Also, each contractor selected had to be awarded a significant portion of the work provided that they had available resources to perform high quality work, right from the very first Task Order Contract. Good contractor performance becomes a prerequisite of additional Task Order awards. The City can withhold the awarding of Task Orders to poor performing contractors. An active performance evaluation process is part of the Task Order approach which provides for flexibility in packaging and scheduling work to allow better management of traffic congestion and complaints from residents.
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40 | Summer 2011
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Stormwater Management Streamlined delivery The program has achieved fast, visible progress. All construction work, including 2,795 m of watermain, 1,560 m of sanitary sewer, and 6,346 m of storm sewer, was substantially completed within 12 months. Construction directly affected 871 homes. Based on actual schedules across eight Task Orders, the program had an average early completion of 41 days, and cumulative early completion of 332 days. Figure 2 shows the actual time for delivery of the eight Task Orders, compared to original estimates. Lessons learned 1. Pre-Qualification of Contractors: The City made a decision that the bid submission requirement to have all contractors submit information as to their ability and experience was not sufficient. More detailed information would be required from contractors to match their experience and resources to the complexity of future sewer reconstruction and watermain replacement projects. As a result, a pre-qualification document was prepared and contractors were selected to bid on future construction contracts, including the General Services Contract No. 2. There will likely be further refinement of the pre-qualification documents to screen contractors for specific categories of construction work associated with the TBFPP (i.e., deep sewer construction, large diameter sewers, difficult ground conditions, high traffic control areas). 2. Period of negotiation for Task Order Contracts: While most of the negotiations for the Task Orders as part of General Services Contract No. 1 were completed in a period of two to four weeks, there were some negotiations which required a considerable amount of time. In an effort to make the contractors more accountable in working with the City, the language in the tender call document for General Services Contract No. 2 was changed to clearly make the Task Order negotiation process part of the contractor’s performance assessment. Conclusion With General Services Contract No. 2 now in effect, the City will make further refinements to the tender call documents for future phases of the Basement Flooding Protection Program. The City has already used the Task Order Contracting method for their Watermain Replacement Program, and plans to explore future use of this method for road reconstruction and utility relocation programs. Anthony Pagnanelli, Director of Design and Construction for Major Works Facilities with the City of Toronto, endorses the Task Order Contracting approach, saying that “the success of this approach – and the entire program – makes it possible for the City of Toronto to meet its goals of protecting residents from future large-scale basement flooding. This approach was the first of its kind in the City and has created a model which other City programs have followed.” Denise Costa, Rayna Volden and Tony Petrucci are with CH2M HILL. For more information, E-mail pauline.graf@ch2m.com
Summer 2011 | 41
Guest Comment
Ancient Romans set modern water and wastewater treatment standards By Michael Albanese hile on vacation, I wondered if I was the only one involved in our profession who asks questions about where the water comes from, and where the water is going? But, I think some of you, probably most of you, do exactly the same thing. During a recent visit to Italy, I toured the ancient city of Hercolaneum, near Naples. Aside from all the beautiful artifacts, buildings, mosaics, statues, frescoes, and other features of this place, I was amazed by the 2,000-year old water and sewer system! The Romans arrived in the Naples area in the 4th century B.C., populating the beautiful maritime coast with luxurious villas. In 89 B.C., it became an actual district of Rome. The territory was famous for specialized crops such as wheat, olives, figs, and vines that gave the best wines. Over 4,000 inhabitants lived in Hercolaneum. Incredibly, two thousand years ago the Romans already understood the significance of sewer systems and their direct relationship to public health. They engineered closed sewers, running under the streets, with access holes along the sewer lines, very much like what we have today in a modern city. Houses and buildings had drains that connected to the sewer system.
Roman manhole. 42 | Summer 2011
Street with underground sewer, in the ancient Roman city of Hercolaneum.
The city of Hercolaneum was near the sea, and the Romans also understood that collecting the sewage in a sewer system was not enough; you also had to treat it somehow. Public bathing, water recreation and, of course, fishing, were very important. Therefore, at the end of the sewers, they built large cisterns in series that provided solids settling, anaerobic digestion and decanting of the clarified
water before outfall to sea. That was enough to leave me speechless! The drinking water distribution system was also amazing. They had built plumbing (unfortunately made with lead piping) within the walls of the houses and buildings. We were shown an exposed pipe within a wall. Out of curiosity I measured it, and it was pretty close to the ½ inch standard size pipe we use today. This city also had fast food vendors at designated corners, men’s and women’s steam rooms with ornate mosaics, pools, fountains, shopping districts, schools, worship areas, art rooms, exercise areas and boat slips! Two thousand years ago it must have been a marvelous place, and it was all elegantly engineered and planned. Unfortunately, on the 25th of August 79 A.D. it was completely destroyed and buried by the eruption of Vesuvius, as was the more famous neighbouring city of Pompeii. On that horrible day, Hercolaneum was buried by a pyroclastic flow which originated from the volcano and reached an incredible speed, with temperatures high enough to liquefy rocks. This is why there are so many well-preserved artifacts. The high temperature of this burning mass carbonized clothes, sheets of papyrus and wood without destroying them, so you can still observe beams, staircases, furniture and trellises, and get
Open manhole with visible underground sewer. Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Guest Comment
Michael at the ancient city of Hercolaneum.
Lead water pipe embedded in wall.
an idea of the customs of the time. Most of the four thousand inhabitants managed to escape, but at least three hundred people died due to the high temperatures, gases and ash. The city remained buried for over 1,600 years and was accidentally discovered by workers digging a water well in 1709. According to the World Health Or-
Primary containment
ganization, 14,000 people die every day due to waterborne diseases, more than for any other reason. Today, there are still many places in the world with no sewers, or open sewers, and no safe drinking water. What struck me the most is that, two thousand years ago, the knowledge to prevent much of this type of disease was clearly already available. If you can judge a civilization by its
sanitary engineering standards, the ancient Romans were ahead of their times. Hercolaneum is an amazing place to visit and, although smaller than Pompeii, it is well worth it.
Secondary containment
Michael Albanese, P.Eng., is with H2FLOW Equipment Inc. E-mail: michael@h2flow.com
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Summer 2011 | 43
Professional Development
The role of meteorology in the environmental sector By Jessica Reynen ccurate forecasts and assessments by meteorologists can save lives and money, making them a key element in the operation of several industries, including transportation, agriculture and energy. In the past decade, meteorology has become even more important due to the increased impact of severe-weather and natural disasters. Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meteorological activity spans both the private and public sectors to offer a wide variety of weather-related services to industries and individuals. It is estimated that over 100 private-sector organizations provide traditional meteorological services in Canada, and more than 1,000 other organizations employ meteorological practitioners in various positions, such as weather observers, airline pilots, weather broadcasters and utility planners. Recognizing the need for a mecha-
nism to provide professional credibility to meteorologists, Environment Canada and the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Private Sector Committee recommended that Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada develop a human resource strategy incorporating meteorological and weather occupations within its environmental employment certification programming. The labour market study, Changing Climate: Canadian Meteorological Employment, conducted by ECO Canada in 2005, found that the projected demand for trained practitioners in the private sector was high. But, with a large portion of these positions requiring a post-graduate degree or higher, coupled with low enrolments in related academic programs, there was a growing concern about shortages in the supply of trained meteorologists.
Demographic data from the survey also pointed towards increasing retirements in the public sector. Retirements from the Meteorological Service of Canada were estimated at about 8% annually, meaning that most job opportunities will arise from the need to replace veterans. Furthermore, most meteorological practitioners require job-related training, following the completion of a degree, before they can effectively begin work, and practitioners reported a wide range of continuing skill needs. Some 90% of employers reported that their practitioners needed upgrading and additional training in technical areas (e.g., meteorological science, 29%), and many areas of general ability (e.g., communications, 23%). In October 2009, Statistics Canada found that increased demand and heightened public awareness were having a positive impact on labour resources, resulting
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44 | Summer 2011
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Professional Development in what should become a re-stabilization of the industry. However 42% of the workforce is 45 to 64 years of age, and with most employers only rarely hiring graduates of bachelor programs, the focus will be on post-graduate training. Professional accreditation On June 5, 2011, after years of research and numerous conversations with key industry representatives, ECO Canada officially launched the Professional Meteorologist (P. Met) certification, which formally recognizes the unique skills and knowledge of meteorologists working in various fields such as forecasting, consulting and research. One of the original driving forces for Environment Canada’s partnership with ECO Canada on the Professional Meteorological certification project was David Grimes. His 35 years of scientific, research and management experience at Environment Canada and over 20 years’ experience working with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) made his involvement in the development of the P. Met certification vital. He was recently elected president of the WMO by repre-
Canada’s meteorological activity spans both the private and public sectors.
sentatives of its 189 member states and territories. The P. Met certification program is based on the development of national occupational standards for meteorology, which is a result of the collaborative efforts of the entire meteorological community, including the private sector, academia and government. “Ongoing professional development is crucial to success as a meteorologist. P. Met provides a framework for professional development and will ensure that Canadian meteorologists stay abreast of the latest forecasting techniques and advancements in the science,” says Christopher Scott, forecast operations manager at the Weather Network. “Encouraging meteorologists to be active educators in their community will serve to broaden the public’s knowledge of our profession and ultimately improve the understanding of weather forecasts.” “Like it or not,” says Claire Martin, on-air broadcaster at CBC, “your local TV weather presenter is often seen as continued overleaf...
Summer 2011 | 45
Professional Development being the ‘face of the science.’ Achieving and displaying a P. Met designation will bring a level of confidence in the individual presenter, and trust in the on-air product that does not currently exist.” Professional certification is awarded based on academic achievements and experience, as well as the evaluation of an in-
“The new program is part of a much broader change going on in the College of Natural Resources and Environment,” says Dean Paul Winistorfer. “To meet the needs of today’s world and to prepare our students to be leaders in the natural resources and environmental arena, we are focusing our programs on the critical is-
It is imperative that Canada is equipped with the highly trained and qualified meteorological workforce required to meet these challenges. dividual’s competency level as compared to the national occupational standards for meteorology. National occupational standards form the foundation of all certification programs offered through ECO, and are updated approximately every five years to ensure they continue to reflect emerging areas. A global endeavour Shortly after ECO Canada launched its P. Met certification, Virginia Tech launched a new meteorological degree.
sues of sustainability, climate and water. The new degree in meteorology will touch on our existing programs in forest growth, forest resources and environmental conservation, wildlife and fisheries conservation, and biomaterials.” A similar attitude also exists at the University of Worcester in the UK, where an Environmental Science BSc Hons course explores the theoretical and scientific explanations of many fields of environmental knowledge, including meteorology and
climatology. Another international example is the Saudi Presidency of Meteorology & Environment (PME), which received new environmental legislation and procedures in 2010. New environmental standards were written, and the PME is now strictly implementing them. Developments such as these, along with the leadership and free exchange of data and information provided through the WMO, are part of the continued development of the profession. The coming years will see the emergence of new technologies and opportunities related to issues such as climate change, and it is imperative that Canada is equipped with the highly trained and qualified meteorological workforce required to meet these challenges. Jessica Reynen is Communications Coordinator with ECO Canada. E-mail: jreynen@eco.ca
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ES&E’s Annual Guide To Government Agencies & Associations Associations ...................................................................47 Government Agencies ..................................................51 Colleges and Universities .............................................55
ES&E ’s Guide To Associations ABORIGINAL WATER AND WASTEWATER ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 2547 Eglinton Ave W Toronto ON M6M 1T2 (416) 651-1443 Fax: (416) 651-1673 Web site: www.ofntsc.org/awwao AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (AWMA) One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor 420 Fort Duquesne Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15222-1435 USA (412) 232-3444 Fax: (412) 232-3450 Web site: www.awma.org ALBERTA WATER AND WASTEWATER OPERATORS ASSOCIATION (AWWOA) 11810 Kingsway Ave Edmonton AB T5G 0X5 (780) 454-7745 Fax: (780) 454-7748 Web site: www.awwoa.ab.ca AMERICAN CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION 1303 W Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 305 Irving TX 75038-2965 USA (972) 506-7216 Fax: (972) 506-7682 Web site: www.concrete-pipe.org AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (AWWA) 6666 W Quincy Ave Denver CO 80235 USA (303) 794-7711 Fax: (303) 347-0804 Web site: www.awwa.org ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSORS OF CANADA INC. P O Box 490 Fenelon Falls ON K0M 1N0 (877) 512-3722 Web site: www.aesac.ca ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF CANADA (ACEC) 420-130 Albert St Ottawa ON K1P 5G4 (613) 236-0569 Fax: (613) 236-6193 Web site: www.acec.ca ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO
801-200 University Ave Toronto ON M5H 3C6 (416) 971-9856 Fax: (416) 971-6191 Web site: www.amo.on.ca ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECYCLING COORDINATORS 100-127 Wyndham St N Guelph ON N1H 4E9 (519) 823-1990 Fax: (519) 823-0084 Web site: www.amrc.ca ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS (AOLS) 1043 McNicoll Ave Toronto ON M1W 3W6 (416) 491-9020 Fax: (416) 491-2576 Web site: www.aols.org APPRO – ASSOCIATION OF POWER PRODUCERS OF ONTARIO 1602-25 Adelaide St E Toronto, ON M5C 3A1 (416) 322-6549 Fax: (416) 481-5785 Web site: www.appro.org ATLANTIC CANADA WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (ACWWA) PO Box 41002 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P7 (902) 434-6002 Fax: (902) 435-7796 Web site: www.acwwa.ca AUDITING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA PO Box 3093 – Lapierre Station La Salle, QC H8N 3H2 (866) 582-9595 Web site: www.auditingcanada.com BRITISH COLUMBIA GROUNDWATER ASSOCIATION 1708 197A St Langley BC V2Z 1K2 (604) 530-8934 Fax: (604) 530-8934 Web site: www.bcgwa.org
BRITISH COLUMBIA WATER & WASTE ASSOCIATION (BCWWA) 221-8678 Greenall Ave Burnaby BC V5J 3M6 (604) 433-4389 Fax: (604) 433-9859 Web site: www.bcwwa.org
BCWWA is a non-profit association dedicated to the safeguarding of public health and the environment through the sharing of skills, knowledge and experience in the water and wastewater industries. The British Columbia Water & Waste Association evolved into an organization supporting water and wastewater professionals in BC and Yukon with training, educational opportunities, technology transfer, and networking opportunities. CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR LABORATORY ACCREDITATION (CALA) 310-1565 Carling Ave Ottawa ON K1Z 8R1 (613) 233-5300 Fax: (613) 233-5501 Web site: www.cala.ca CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES 7885 Jock Trail Ottawa ON K0A 2Z0 (613) 222-6920 Fax: (613) 822-4987 Web site: www.renewables.ca CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF RECYCLING INDUSTRIES (CARI-ACIR) 1-682 Monarch Ave Ajax ON L1S 4S2 (905) 426-9313 Fax: (905) 426-9314 Web site: www.cari-acir.org CANADIAN ASSOCIATION ON WATER QUALITY PO Box 5050 Stn LCD 1 Burlington ON L7R 4A6 (905) 336-4513 Fax: (905) 336-6444 Web site: www.cawq.ca CANADIAN BROWNFIELDS NETWORK (CBN) 2175 Sheppard Ave E, Suite 310 Toronto, ON M2J 1W8 (416) 491-2886 Fax: (416) 491-1670 Web site: www.canadianbrownfieldsnetwork.ca CANADIAN CENTRE FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (CCOHS) 135 Hunter St E Hamilton ON L8N 1M5
continued overleaf... Summer 2011 | 47
Associations (905) 572-2981 Fax: (905) 572-2206 Web site: www.ccohs.ca CANADIAN CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION 205 Miller Dr Georgetown ON L7G 6G4 (905) 877-5369 Fax: (905) 877-5369 Web site: www.ccpa.com CANADIAN COPPER & BRASS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 415-49 The Donway West Don Mills ON M3C 3M9 (416) 391-5599 Fax: (416) 391-3823 Web site: www.coppercanada.ca CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING ASSOCIATION 1-6820 Kitimat Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5M3 (905) 814-1274 Fax: (905) 814-1158 Web site: www.ceaa-acve.ca CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION APPROVALS BOARD (CECAB) 200-308 11 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 0Y2 (403) 233-7484 Fax: (403) 264-6240 Web site: www.cecab.org CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ASSOCIATION 301-130 Spadina Ave Toronto ON M5V 2L4 (416) 960-2284 Fax: (416) 960-9392 Web site: www.cela.ca CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD 6B1-11 Laurier St Place du Portage Gatineau QC K1A 1G6 (819) 956-0425 Fax: (819) 956-5740 Web site: www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca CANADIAN GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 1600 Bedford Highway, Suite 100 – 409 Bedford NS B4A 1E8 (902) 845-1885 Fax: (902) 845-1886 Web site: www.cgwa.org
Guide to Government Agencies & Associations CANADIAN WATER NETWORK 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 (519) 888-4567 Fax: (519) 883-7574 Web site: www.cwn-rce.ca CANADIAN WATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION 330-295 The West Mall Toronto ON M9C 4Z4 (416) 695-3068 Fax: (416) 695-2945 Web site: www.cwqa.com CANADIAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 9 Corvus Ct Ottawa ON K2E 7Z4 (613) 237-9363 Fax: (613) 594-5190 Web site: www.cwra.org CANADIAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 710-1600 Carling Ave Ottawa ON K1Z 1G3 (613) 234-8716, (800) 922-6932 Fax: (613) 234-5642 Web site: www.canwea.ca CEMENT ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 704-1500 Don Mills Rd Toronto ON M3B 3K4 (416) 449-3708 Fax: (416) 449-9755 Web site: www.cement.ca/cement.nsf COMPOSTING COUNCIL OF CANADA 16 Northumberland St Toronto ON M6H 1P7 (416) 535-0240 Fax: (416) 536-9892 Web site: www.compost.org CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INSTITUTE 2A-652 Bishop St N Cambridge ON N3H 4V6 (866) 295-2416 or (519) 650-8080 Fax: (519) 650-8081 Web site: www.cspi.ca CSA INTERNATIONAL 178 Rexdale Blvd Toronto ON M9W 1R3 (416) 747-4000 Fax: (416) 747-4149 Web site: www.csa-international.org
CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY (CIELAP) 301-130 Spadina Ave Toronto ON M5V 2L4 (416) 923-3529 Fax: (416) 923-5949 Web site: www.cielap.org
DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 245 Riverchase Parkway E Suite O Birmingham AL 35244 USA (205) 402-8700 Fax: (205) 402-8730 Web site: www.dipra.org
CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION 100-5060 Spectrum Way Mississauga ON L4W 5N6 (416) 747-4000 Fax: (416) 401-2473 Web site: www.csa.ca
ECO CANADA 200-308 11 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 0Y2 (403) 233-0748 Fax: (403) 269-9544 Web site: www.eco.ca
CANADIAN WATER AND WASTEWATER ASSOCIATION 11-1010 Polytek St Ottawa ON K1J 9H9 (613) 747-0524 Fax: (613) 747-0523 Web site: www.cwwa.ca
INTERNATIONAL OZONE ASSOCIATION PO Box 28873 Scottsdale AZ 85255 USA (480) 529-3787 Fax: (480) 473-9068 Web site: www.io3a.org
48 | Summer 2011
INTERNATIONAL ULTRAVIOLET ASSOCIATION PO Box 28154 Scottsdale AZ 85255 USA (480) 544-0105 Fax: (480) 473-9068 Web site: www.iuva.org INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SCIENCES (ISEIS) 413-4246 Albert St Regina SK S4S 3R9 (306) 337-2306 Fax: (306) 584-2305 Web site: www.iseis.org MANITOBA ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION INC. (MEIA) 100-62 Albert St Winnipeg MB R3B 1E9 (204) 783-7090 Fax: (204) 783-6501 Web site: www.meia.mb.ca MANITOBA WATER AND WASTEWATER ASSOCIATION 9 Saskatchewan Ave W, Suite 202 Portage La Prairie MB R1N 0P4 (204) 239-6868 Fax: (204) 239-6872 Web site: www.mwwa.net MARITIME PROVINCES WATER & WASTEWATER ASSOCIATION (MPWWA) Box 41001 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P7 (902) 434-8874 Web site: www.mpwwa.ca MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION 2-6355 Kennedy Rd Mississauga ON L5T 2L5 (905) 795-2555 Fax: (905) 795-2660 Web site: www.municipalengineers.on.ca MUNICIPAL WASTE INTEGRATION NETWORK Box 1116, 704 Glen Morris Rd W Ayr ON N0B 1E0 (519) 620-9654 Fax: (519) 620-9678 Web site: www.mwin.org
NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 601 Dempsey Rd Westerville OH 43081 USA (614) 898-7791 Web site: www.ngwa.org E-Mail: ngwa@ngwa.org The National Ground Water Association is the hallmark organization for anyone affiliated with the groundwater industry. NGWA is composed of US and international groundwater professionals – scientists and engineers, contractors, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers.
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Guide to Government Agencies & Associations NEBB CANADA 8094 Esquesing Line Milton ON L9T 2X9 (905) 693-9090 Fax: (905) 693-8282 Web site: www.nebb.ca
INFRASTRUCTURE 2-6355 Kennedy Rd Mississauga ON L5T 2L5 (905) 795-2555 Fax: (905) 795-2660 Web site: www.ogra.org
NEW BRUNSWICK ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (NBEIA) PO Box 637 Stn A Fredericton NB E3B 5B3 (506) 455-0212 Fax: (506) 452-0213 Web site: www.nbeia.nb.ca
ONTARIO CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION 447 Frederick St, Second floor Kitchener ON N2H 2P4 (519) 489-4488 Fax: (519) 578-6060 Web site: www.ocpa.com
NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (NEIA) 101-90 O’Leary Ave,Parsons Building St. John’s NL A1B 2C7 (709) 772-3333 Fax: (709) 772-3213 Web site: www.neia.org NORTH AMERICAN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 3030 W 81st Ave Westminster CO 80031-4111 USA (303) 451-5945 Fax: (303) 458-0002 Web site: www.nahmma.org
ONTARIO ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (ONEIA) 218-330 Adelaide St W Toronto ON M5V 1R4 (416) 531-7884 Fax: (416) 593-9603 E-mail: info@oneia.ca Web site: www.oneia.ca ONEIA is the business association representing the interests of Ontario’s environment industry – working together to promote environmental businesses to industry and government. With over 200 product and service companies, members provide market-driven solutions for society’s most pressing environmental problems.
NORTHERN TERRITORIES WATER & WASTE ASSOCIATION 201-4817 49th St Yellowknife NT X1A 3S7 (867) 873-4325 Fax: (867) 669-2167 Web site: www.ntwwa.com
ONTARIO GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 48 Front St E Strathroy ON N7G 1Y6 (519) 245-7194 Fax: (519) 245-7196 Web site: www.ogwa.ca
NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 10308 Thunder Bay ON P7B 6T8 (807) 683-6662 Web site: www.noma.on.ca
ONTARIO MUNICIPAL WATER ASSOCIATION 43 Chelsea Cres Belleville ON K8N 4Z5 (613) 966-1100, (888) 231-1115 Fax: (613) 966-3024 Web site: www.omwa.org
OCETA 201A-2070 Hadwen Rd Mississauga ON L5K 2C9 (905) 822-4133 Fax: (905) 822-3558 Web site: www.oceta.on.ca ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS (OACETT) 404-10 Four Seasons Pl Etobicoke ON M9B 6H7 (416) 621-9621 Fax: (416) 621-8694 Web site: www.oacett.org ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF SEWAGE INDUSTRY SERVICES PO Box 91 Sundridge ON P0A 1Z0 (705) 384-9264 Fax: (705) 384-2880 Web site: www.oasisontario.on.ca. ONTARIO BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSOCIATION PO Box 265 Campbellville ON L0P 1B0 (416) 249-2837 Fax: (905) 854-0180 Web site: www.obpaonline.com ONTARIO COALITION FOR SUSTAINABLE
ONTARIO ONSITE WASTEWATER ASSOCIATION PO Box 831 Stn Main Cobourg ON K9A 4S3 (905) 372-2722 Web site: www.oowa.org
ONTARIO POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (OPCEA) PO Box 137 Midhurst ON L0L 1X0 (705) 725-0917 Fax: (705) 725-1068 Web site: www.opcea.com Our association is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting member companies in the promotion of their equipment and services to the pollution control market sector of Ontario. Originally founded in 1970, the OPCEA has since grown to over 160 member companies whose fields encompass a broad spectrum of equipment and services for the air and water pollution control marketplace.
Associations ONTARIO PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (OPWA) 2-6355 Kennedy Rd Mississauga ON L5T 2L5 (905) 795-2555 Fax: (905) 795-2660 Web site: www.opwa.ca ONTARIO SEWER & WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION 300-5045 Orbitor Dr,Unit 12 Mississauga ON L4W 4Y4 (905) 629-7766 Fax: (905) 629-0587 Web site: www.oswca.org ONTARIO SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 4950 Yonge St, Suite 502 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6K1 (416) 223-9961 Fax (416) 223-9963 Web site: www.ospe.on.ca ONTARIO WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 3-2005 Clark Blvd Brampton ON L6T 5P8 (905) 791-9500 Fax: (905) 791-9514 Web site: www.owma.org
ONTARIO WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (OWWA) 200-1092 Islington Ave Toronto ON M8Z 4R9 (416) 231-1555 Fax: (416) 231-1556 Web site: www.owwa.com ONTARIO WATERWORKS EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION Web site: www.owwea.ca The Ontario Water Works Equipment Association (OWWEA) is an organization that represents its membership within the waterworks industry of Ontario. Membership consists of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, agents and contractors dedicated to serving the Ontario municipal market. PLASTICS PIPE INSTITUTE 825-105 Decker Court Irving TX 75062 USA (469) 499-1044 Fax: (469) 499-1063 Web site: www.plasticpipe.org PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 101-40 Sheppard Ave W Toronto ON M2N 6K9 (416) 224-1100 Fax: (416) 224-8168 Web site: www.peo.on.ca PULP AND PAPER TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 1070-740 rue Notre-Dame O Montreal QC H3C 3X6 (514) 392-0265 Fax: (514) 392-0369 Web site: www.paptac.ca
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Guide to Government Agencies & Associations RESEAU ENVIRONNEMENT 220-911 rue Jean-Talon E Montreal QC H2R 1V5 (514) 270-7110 Fax: (514) 270-7154 Web site: www.reseau-environnement.com SASKATCHEWAN ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRY AND MANAGERS ASSOCIATION (SEIMA) 2341 McIntyre St Regina SK S4P 2S3 (306) 543-1567 Fax: (306) 543-1568 Web site: www.seima.sk.ca
SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY OF CAN. INC. 207 Bank St, Suite 173 Ottawa, ON K2P 2N2 (613) 686-4474 Fax: (613) 533-6550 Web site: www.sesci.ca SOLID WASTE ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA (SWANA) 1100 Wayne Ave, Suite 700 Silver Spring MD 20910 USA (800) 467-9262 Fax: (301) 589-7068 Web site: www.swana.org
SUBMERSIBLE WASTEWATER PUMP ASSOCIATION (SWPA) 1866 Sheridan Rd, Suite 212 Highland Park IL 60035 USA (847) 681-1868 Fax: (847) 681-1869 Web site: www.swpa.org THE GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE 2104 SE Morrison Portland, OR 97214 USA (503) 274-6538 Fax: (503) 961-8991 Web site: www.thegbi.org WATER AND WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (WWEMA) PO Box 17402 Washington DC 20041 USA (703) 444-1777 Fax: (703) 444-1779 Web site: www.wwema.org
SASKATCHEWAN WATER & WASTEWATER ASSOCIATION (SWWA) PO Box 7831 Saskatoon, SK S7K 4R5 (306) 761-1278 Fax: (306) 761-1279 Web site: www.swwa.sk.ca
WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO (WEAO) PO Box 176 Stn Main Milton ON L9T 4N9 (416) 410-6933 Fax: (416) 410-1626 Web site: www.weao.org WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 601 Wythe St Alexandria VA 22314-1994 USA (703) 684-2400 Fax: (703) 684-2492 Web site: www.wef.org
WATER FOR PEOPLE-CANADA 255 Consumers Road, Suite 300 Toronto ON M2J 5B6 (416) 499-4042 Fax: (416) 499-4687 E-mail: info@waterforpeople.org Web site: www.waterforpeople.org Water For People-Canada is a charitable nonprofit international humanitarian organization dedicated to the development and delivery of clean, safe water and sanitation solutions in developing nations. It is the Canadian equivalent of the US based charity, Water For People. Canadian water industry professionals established Water For People-Canada in 1995, to support and promote the mission of Water For People in Canada among the public and the water community. WESTERN CANADA WATER PO Box 1708 Cochrane AB T4C 1B6 (403) 709-0064 Fax: (403) 709-0068 Web site: www.wcwwa.ca
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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Guide to Government Agencies & Associations
ES&E ’s Guide to Provincial and Federal Government Environmental Agencies Alberta Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission 23262 Township Road 540, Fort Saskatchewan,AB,T8L 3Z6, Tel:780-467-8655 Alberta Community Development 404-4911 51 St,Red Deer,AB, T4N 6V4,Tel:403-755-6102 Alberta Environment PO Box 1540, Pincher Creek,AB, T0K 1W0,Tel:403-627-5544 Alberta Environment 930-1009 2 Ave N,Vulcan,AB, T0L 2B0,Tel:403-485-4580 Alberta Environment 535 30 St N,Water Monitoring, Lethbridge,AB, T1H 5G4,Tel:403-381-5977 Alberta Environment Fl2-200 5 Ave S,Water Mgmt Ops, Lethbridge,AB,T1J 4L1,Tel:403-381-5300 Alberta Environment 303-2938 11 St NE, Calgary AB,T2E 7L7,Tel:403-297-5914 Alberta Environment 4912 Viceroy Pl NW, Calgary,AB, T3A 0V1,Tel:403-297-7884 Alberta Environment 111-4999 98 Ave NW, Edmonton,AB,T6B 2X3,Tel:780-427-7617 Alberta Environment Fl3-9915 Franklin Ave, Compliance/Monitoring, Fort McMurray,AB,T9H 2K4, Tel:780-743-7281 Alberta Environment 304-4920 51 St, Red Deer,AB T4N 6K8, Tel: 403-340-7052 Alberta Environmental Appeals Board Fl3-10011 109 St NW, Peace Hills Trust Tower, Edmonton,AB,T5J 3S8, Tel:780-427-6207 Government of Alberta Fl2-10106 100 Ave,Compliance, High Level,AB,T0H 1Z0,Tel:780-926-5263 Government of Alberta 9915 108 St NW, Alberta Environment Relations, Edmonton,AB,T5K 2G8,Tel:780-422-1447 Government of Alberta 9820 106 St NW,Env Strategies, Edmonton,AB,T5K 2J6,Tel:780-427-4954 Government of Alberta 4816 89 St NW,Water Monitoring, Edmonton,AB,T6E 5K1,Tel:780-422-4420 Government of Alberta 1-250 Diamond Ave,PO Bo 8001 Stn Main, Spruce Grove,AB,T7X 4C7, Tel:780-960-8600
Government of Alberta 9621-96 Ave, PO Box 900 Stn Main, Peace River,AB,T8S 1T4,Tel:780-624-6502 Government of Alberta 10320 99 St,Approvals,Grande Prairie,AB,T8V 6J4,Tel:780-833-4350 Government of Alberta 810 14 Ave,Wainwright,AB,T9W 1R2, Tel:780-842-7538 Lesser Slave Watershed Council PO Box 2607,High Prairie, AB,T0G 1E0, Tel:780-523-9800
British Columbia Department of Fisheries & Oceans 401 Burrard St,Vancouver,BC,V6C 3S5, Tel:604-664-9100 Fisheries and Oceans Canada 3690 Massey Dr,Prince George,BC,V2N 2S8, Tel:250-561-5905 Government of Canada 3015 Ord Rd,Kamloops,BC,V2B 8A9, Tel:250-554-5246 Ministry of Environment 3726 Alfred Ave,Bag 5000,Smithers,BC, V0J 2N0,Tel:250-847-7620 Ministry of Environment 205 Industrial Road G,Water Stewardship Kootenay East,Cranbrook,BC,V1C 7G5, Tel:250-489-8540 Ministry of Environment 400-10003 110 Ave,Env Mgmt Section, Fort St John,BC,V1J 6M7,Tel:250-787-3391 Ministry of Environment 4607 23rd St,Env Quality Section,Vernon, BC,V1T 4K7,Tel:250-371-6308 Ministry of Environment 102 Industrial Pl,Env Mgmt Section, Penticton,BC,V2A 7C8,Tel:250-490-8251 Ministry of Environment 1259 Dalhousie Dr,Env Protection, Kamloops,BC,V2C 5Z5,Tel:250-371-6200 Ministry of Environment 400-640 Borland St,Env. Protection Williams Lake,BC,V2G 4T1, Tel:250-398-4716 Ministry of Environment 325-1011 4th Ave, Prince George,BC,V2L 3H9, Tel:250-565-6445 Ministry of Environment 10470-152 St, Source Water Prot.,Surrey, BC,V3R 0Y3,Tel:604-582-5226 Ministry of Environment FL2-836 Yates St,Env Assessment Office, Victoria,BC,V8W 9V1,Tel:250-356-7479 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9047,Stn Prov Govt,Victoria,BC, V8W 9E2,Tel:250-387-1187 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9339,Stn Prov Govt,Compliance
Div,Victoria,BC, V8W 9M1,Tel:250-387-9997 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9340,Stn Prov Govt, Water Use Planning/Utilities, Victoria,BC,V8W 9M1,Tel:250-387-6939 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9341,Stn Prov Govt,Air Protection Section,Victoria,BC, V8W 9M1,Tel:250-356-0634 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9342,Stn Prov Govt,Env Mgmt Branch,Victoria,BC,V8W 9M1, Tel:250-387-9971 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9362,Stn Prov Govt,Water Stewardship Div,Victoria,BC, V8W 9M2,Tel:250-356-5180 Ministry of Environment PO Box 9334 Stn Prov Govt,Regional Ops Branch,Victoria,BC,V8W 9N3, Tel:250-387-9990 Ministry of Environment 3373 Joyce Pl,Victoria,BC,V9C 2G6, Tel:250-387-9513
continued overleaf...
Key Government Web Sites Alberta www.gov.ab.ca
British Columbia www.gov.bc.ca
Government of Canada www.gc.ca
Manitoba www.gov.mb.ca
New Brunswick www.gnb.ca
Newfoundland and Labrador www.gov.nl.ca
Northwest Territories www.gov.nt.ca
Nova Scotia www.gov.ns.ca
Nunavut www.gov.nu.ca
Ontario www.gov.on.ca
Prince Edward Island www.gov.pe.ca
Québec www.gouv.qc.ca
Saskatchewan www.gov.sk.ca
Yukon Territory www.gov.yk.ca
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Government Ministry of Environment 2080a Labieux Rd,Nanaimo,BC,V9T 6J9, Tel:250-751-3186 Ministry of Environment 4051 18th Ave,Prince George,BC,V2N 1B3 Tel:250-565-6135 Ministry of Environment 401-333 Victoria St, Nelson,BC ,V1L 4K3 Tel: 250-354-6332 Ministry of Environment 400-10003 110 Ave, Fort St John,BC,V1J 6M2 Tel:250-787-3411
Manitoba Department of Conservation 59 Elizabeth Dr,Thompson,MB,R8N 1X4, Tel:204-677-6648 Government of Manitoba PO Box 499,Grosse Isle,MB,R0C 1G0, Tel:204-467-4722 Health Canada 300-391 York Ave, Winnipeg,MB,R3C 4W1, Tel:204-983-2615 Department of Conservation PO Box 6000,Gimli,MB,R0C 1B0, Tel:204-642-6070 Department of Conservation PO Box 4000,Lac du Bonnet,MB,R0E 1A0, Tel:204-345-1440 Department of Conservation 1202-155 Carlton St,Winnipeg,MB,R3C 3H8 Tel:204-945-2245 Department of Conservation 160-123 Main Street,Winnipeg,MB,R3C 1A5, Tel:204-945-7015 Department of Conservation 200 Saulteaux Cres.,Winnipeg,MB,R3J 3W3, Tel:204-945-3730 Department of Conservation 466 Main Street,Lower Level, Selkirk,MB,R1A 1V7, Tel:204-785-5349 Department of Conservation PO Box 388,Winnipeg Beach,MB,R0C 3G0, Tel:204-389-2752 Department of Parks & Conservation 143 Main Street,Flin Flon,MB,R8A 1K2, Tel:204-687-1653 Department of Parks & Conservation PO Box 2550,The Pas,MB,R9A 1M4, Tel:204-627-8215 Department of Conservation PO Box 231,Riverton,MB,R0C 2R0, Tel:204-378-5422 Manitoba Water Services Board PO Box 3,Stephenfield,MB,R0G 2R0, Tel:204-745-8735 Manitoba Water Stewardship 1129 Queens Ave,Brandon,MB,R7A 1L9, Tel:204-726-6441 Manitoba Water Services Board PO Box 22080,Brandon,MB,R7A 6Y9, Tel:204-726-6081 Manitoba Watershed Planning PO Box 20000,Neepawa,MB,R0J 1H0,
52 | Summer 2011
Guide to Government Agencies & Associations Tel:204-476-7033 Office of Drinking Water 1007 Century Street,Winnipeg, MB,R3H 0W4, Tel:204-945-7014 Office of Drinking Water 25 Tupper Street N,Portage La Prairie,MB,R1N 3K1, Tel:204-239-3186 Office of Drinking Water 284 Reimer Ave, Unit B, Steinbach,MB,R5G 0R5, Tel:204-326-2472 Office of Drinking Water 75-7th Ave,Gimli,MB,R0C 1B0 Office of Drinking Water 22-2nd Ave,Dauphin,MB,R7N 3E5 Office of Drinking Water 1129 Queen’s Ave,Brandon,MB,R7A 1L9 Parks Canada Agency 5981 Highway #9,St Andrews,MB,R1A 4A8, Tel:204-785-6059
New Brunswick Ministry of Natural Resources 80 Pleasant St,Miramichi,NB,E1V 1X7, Tel:506-627-4050 Ministry of Natural Resources 2570 Route 180,South Tetagouche,NB, E2A 7B8,Tel:506-547-2080 Ministry of Natural Resources 3732 Route 102,Island View,NB,E3E 1G3, Tel:506-444-4888 Ministry of Natural Resources 25 Guy Street,Edmundston,NB,E3V 3K5, Tel:506-735-2040 NB Environment and Local Government PO Box 5001 Stn LCD 1,Moncton,NB, E1C 8R3,Tel:506-856-2374 NB Environment and Local Government 316 Dalton Ave,Miramichi,NB,E1V 3N9, Tel:506-453-2690 NB Environment and Local Government PO Box 5001 Stn Main,Bathurst,NB, E2A 3Z9,Tel:506-547-2092 NB Environment and Local Government 20 McGloin St,Inorganic Chemistry, Fredericton,NB,E3A 5T8,Tel:506-453-2690 NB Environment and Local Government PO Box 6000 Stn A, Drinking Water Protection, Fredericton,NB,E3B 5H1,Tel:506-457-4846 NB Environment and Local Government PO Box 5001 Stn Main, Grand-Sault/Grand Falls, NB,E3Z 1G1,Tel:506-473-7744 NB Natural Resources 40 Brunswick St,St George,NB E5C 1A9 Tel:506-755-4040
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Conservation, Policy & Planning,
P.O. Box 8700,St.John’s, NL, A1B 4J6,Tel:709-729-5783 Department of Environment and Conservation Pollution Prevention, P.O. Box 8700, St.John’s, NL, A1B 4J6,Tel:709-729-2664 Department of Environment and Conservation Pollution Prevention, 35 Alabama Drive, Stephenville,NL,A2N 2K9, Tel:709-643-6114 Department of Environment and Conservation Environmental Assessment P.O. Box 8700,St.John’s,NL,A1B 4J6, Tel:709-729-4211 Department of Environment and Conservation Environmental Assessment P.O. Box 2006,3rd Floor,Noton Building, Corner Brook,NL,A2H 6J8,Tel:709-637-2375 Department of Environment and Conservation Water Resources Management Division Confederation Building,4th Floor,West Block,PO Box 8700, St.John’s,NL,A1B 4J6,Tel:709-729-2563 Department of Environment and Conservation, Water Resources Management Division PO Box 8700/Fl4-Confederation Bldg W,St Johns,NL,A1B 4J6 Tel: 709-729-5743 Department of Environment and Conservation Water Resources Management Div, 3rd Floor,Noton Bldg,133 Riverside Dr, PO Box 2006,Corner Brook,NL, A2H 6J8, Tel:709-637-2542 Department of Environment and Conservation Pollution Prevention Div Fl3-3 Riverside Dr,Corner Brook,NL,A2H 6J8 Tel:709-637-2528 Office of Climate Change, Energy Efficiency & Emissions Trading Fl5- West Block,Confederation Bldg/ PO Box 8700 St Johns,NL,A1B 4J6,Tel:709-729-1210
Nova Scotia Environment Canada Fl5-45 Alderney Dr,Queen Square, Dartmouth,NS,B2Y 2N6,Tel:902-426-7231 Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources PO Box 698,Stn Central,Halifax,NS,B3J 2T9, Tel:902-424-5935 Nova Scotia Dept.of Transportation & Public Works PO Box 186,Stn Central,Halifax,NS, B3J 2N2,Tel:902-424-5875 Nova Scotia Environment 205-155 Main St,Antigonish,NS,B2G 2B6, Tel:902-863-7401 Nova Scotia Environment 295 Charlotte St,PO Box 714,Sydney,
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Guide to Government Agencies & Associations NS,B1P 6H7,Tel:902-563-2100 Nova Scotia Environment PO Box 442,5151 Terminal Road, Halifax,NS,B3J 2P8,Tel:902-424-3600 Nova Scotia Environment FL2-136 Exhibition St,,Kentville,NS, B4N 4E5,Tel:902-679-6086 Nova Scotia Environment PO Box 697 Stn Central,Air Quality Branch, Halifax,NS,B3J 2T8,Tel:902-424-2177 Nova Scotia Environment 12-218 Macsween St,Port Hawkesbury, NS,B9A 2J9,Tel:902-625-0791 Nova Scotia Environment 60 Logan Rd,Bridgewaer,NS,B4V 3J8, Tel:902-543-4685 Nova Scotia Environment 13 First St,Yarmouth,NS,B5A 1S9, Tel:902-742-8985 Nova Scotia Environment 115 Damascus Rd,Bedford Commons, Bedford,NS,B4A 0C1, Tel:902-424-7773 Nova Scotia Environment Fl2-36 Inglis Pl/PO Box 824, Truro,NS,B2N 5G6 Tel:902-893-5880 Nova Scotia Environment 71 East Victoria St,Amherst,NS,B4H 1X7, Tel:902-667-6205 Nova Scotia Environment 20 Pumphouse Rd,RR 3,New Glasgow,NS,B2H 5C6, Tel:902-396-4194 Sydney Tar Ponds Agency PO Box 1028 Stn A,Sydney,NS,B1P 6J7, Tel:902-567-1035
Northwest Territories and Nunavut Dept Municipal & Community Affairs 600-5201 50 Ave,Yellowknife,NT,X1A 3S9, Tel:867-669-2377 GNWT Environment & Natural Resources PO Box 1320 Stn Main,Enr FB,Yellowknife, NT,X1A 2L9,Tel:867-920-3387 GNWT Public Works & Services PO Box 240,Fort Simpson,NT,X0E 0N0, Tel:867-695-7285 GNWT Water Board PO Box 2531/3-125 Mackenzie Rd, Inuvik,NT,X0E 0T0, Tel:867-678-2942 GNWT Water Board 4920-50th St, Fl5,Yellowknife,NT,X1A 2N9 Tel:867-765-0106 Community and Government Services PO Box 200,Cambridge Bay,NU,X0B 0C0, Tel:867-983-4129 Department of Environment, PO Box 1000 Station 1360,Iqaluit,NU, X0A 0H0,Tel:867-975-7729 Department of Environment PO Box 1000 Stn 1310,Iqaluit,NU,X0A 0H0, Tel:867-975-5111 Govt of Nunavut Public Works PO Box 002,Rankin Inlet,NU,X0C 0G0,
Tel:867-645-8184 Nunavut Water Board PO Box 119,Gjoa Haven,NU,X0B 1J0 Tel:867-360-6338
Ontario Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Fl22-160 Elgin St,Place Bell Canada, Ottawa,ON,K1A 0H3,Tel:613-957-0700 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 280 Slater St,Ottawa,ON,K1P 5S9, Tel:613-995-2768 Environment Canada 930 Carling Ave,Env/Eng Services,Ottawa, ON,K1A 0C5,Tel:519-457-1470 Environment Canada 335 River Rd,Env Assess/Fed Progs,Ottawa, ON,K1A 0H3,Tel:416-739-4788 Environment Canada PO Box 5050 Stn LCD 1,Aquatic Ecosystem Protection,Burlington,ON,L7R 4A6, Tel:905-336-4789 Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin St,Air Quality Research, North York,ON,M3H 5T4,Tel:416-739-4836 Environmental Commissioner of Ontario 605-1075 Bay St,Toronto,ON,M5S 2B1, Tel:416-325-0363 Environmental Protection Review Canada Fl1-240 Sparks St,Ottawa,ON,K1A 1A1, Tel:613-947-4060 Environmental Review Tribunal 1500-655 Bay Street,Toronto,ON,M5G 1E5 Tel:416-212-6349 Ministry of Environment Fl1-113 Amelia St,Cornwall,ON,K6H 3P1, Tel:613-933-7402 Ministry of Environment 1259 Gardiners Rd,Kingston,ON,K7M 8S5, Tel:613-540-4000 Ministry of Environment 345 College St E,Belleville,ON,K8N 5S7, Tel:613-962-3641 Ministry of Environment 300 Water St,Peterborough,ON,K9J 8M5, Tel:705-755-4300 Ministry of Environment 300-4145 North Service Rd, Burlington,ON,L7L 6A3, Tel:905-319-1389 Ministry of Environment Fl12-119 King St W,Air/Pesticides/Env Planning,Hamilton,ON,L8P 4Y7, Tel:905-521-7551 Ministry of Environment Fl9-5775 Yonge St,Water Resources, North York,ON,M2M 4J1, Tel:416-325-6966 Ministry of Environment Fl12-2 St Clair Ave W,Toronto, ON,M4V 1L5, Tel:416-211-4621 Ministry of Environment Fl14-135 St Clair Ave W, Dep Ministerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office, Toronto,ON,M4V 1P5, Tel:416-325-4000
Government Ministry of Environment 125 Resources Rd,Air Modelling/ Emissions,Etobicoke,ON,M9P 3V6, Tel:416-235-6230 Ministry of Environment 1222 Ramsey Lake Rd,Air Quality Monitoring,Sudbury,ON,P3E 6J7, Tel:705-929-1080 Ministry of Environment Fl3-289 Bay St,Sault Ste Marie,ON, P6A 1W7,Tel:705-942-6309 Ministry of Environment 733 Exeter Rd,London,ON,N6E 1L3 Tel:519-873-5000 Ministry of Natural Resources 300 Water St,Great Lakes Branch, Peterborough,ON,K9J 3C7, Tel:705-755-2902 Ministry of Natural Resources 1450 7th Ave E,Upper Great Lakes Mgmt, Owen Sound,ON,N4K 2Z1, Tel:519-371-5924 Ministry of Natural Resources 331-435 James St S, Upper Great Lakes Mgmt, Thunder Bay,ON,P7E 6S7, Tel:807-475-1205 National Round Table On The Environment 200-344 Slater St,Ottawa,ON,K1R 7Y3, Tel:613-943-0394 National Water Research Institute 867 Lakeshore Rd,Burlington,ON,L7R 4A6, Tel:905-336-4605 Walkerton Clean Water Centre 20 Ontario St,P.O. Box 160,Walkerton, ON,N0G 2V0,Tel:519-881-2003
Prince Edward Island Environment Energy and Forestry Watershed Management Section, Fl4-11 Kent St,PO Box 2000, Charlottetown,PE,C1A 7N8, Tel:902-368-5054 Environment Energy and Forestry Energy and Minerals, Fl4-11 Kent St,PO Box 2000, Charlottetown,PE,C1A 7N8, Tel:902-368-5000 Environment Energy and Forestry Forests, Fish and Wildlife, Fl4-11 Kent St,PO Box 2000, Charlottetown,PE,C1A 7N8, Tel:902-368-5044 Environment Energy and Forestry Pollution Prevention, Fl4-11 Kent Street,PO Box 2000, Charlottetown,PE,C1A 7N8, Tel:902-368-4700 Environment Energy and Forestry Water Management, Fl4-11 Kent Street,PO Box 2000, Charlottetown,PE,C1A 7N8, Tel:902-368-5024 Environment Energy and Forestry Investigation and Enforcement,
continued overleaf... Summer 2011 | 53
Government Fl4-11 Kent St,PO Box 2000, Charlottetown,PE,C1A 7N8, Tel:902-368-4808
QuĂŠbec Centre de Toxicologie du Quebec 4e-945 Av Wolfe,Quebec,QC,G1V 5B3, Tel:418-650-5115 Centre dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;excellence de Montreal en Rehab Sites 3705 rue Saint-Patrick,Montreal,QC, H4E 1A1,Tel:514-935-6764 Environment Canada 105 rue McGill,Montreal,QC,H2Y 2E7, Tel:514-283-4252 Environment Canada 710-351 boul Saint-Joseph,Gatineau, QC,J8Y 3Z5,Tel:819-953-6161 Environment Canada 1141 route de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Eglise, CP 10100,SainteFoy,QC,G1V 4H5 Tel:418-648-3444 MAMR-Direction des Infrastructures 2e-10 rue Pierre-Olivier-Chauveau,Quebec, QC,G1R 4J3,Tel:418-691-2005 Public Works & Govt Services 0B3-11 rue Laurier, General Standards Board, Gatineau,QC,K1A 0S5, Tel:819-956-0425 Ministere du Developpement durable, de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Environnement et des Parcs Bas-Saint-Laurent et Gaspesie â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Iles-de-laMadeleine Rimouski 212,ave Belzile,Rimouski,QC,G5L 3C3,Tel:418-727-3511 Sainte-Anne-des-Monts 124,1re Ave Ouest,Sainte-Anne-desMonts,QC, G4V 1C5, Tel:418-763-3301 Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Saguenay 3950,boul Harvey,4e etage,Saguenay,QC,G7X 8L6,Tel:418-6957883 Capitale-Nationale et ChaudiereAppalaches Quebec 1175, boul Lebourgneuf,bureau 100,Quebec,QC,G2K 0B7, Tel:418-644-8844 Sainte-Marie 675,route Cameron,bureau 200,SainteMarie,QC,G6E 3V7, Tel:418-386-8000 Mauricie et Centre-du-Quebec Trois-Rivieres 100,rue Laviolette,bureau 102,Trois-Rivieres,QC,G9A 5S9, Tel: 819-371-6581 Nicolet 1579,boul Louis-Frechette,Nicolet,QC,J3T 2A5,Tel:819-293-4122 Estrie et Monteregie Sherbrooke
54 | Summer 2011
Guide to Government Agencies & Associations 770,rue Goretti,Sherbrooke,QC,J1E 3H4,Tel:819-820-3882 Longueuil 201, Place Charles-Le-Moyne, 2e etage,Longueuil,QC,J4K 2T5, Tel:450-928-7607 Montreal, Laval, Lanaudiere et Laurentides Montreal 5199,rue Sherbrooke Est,bureau 3860,Montreal,QC, H1T 3X9, Tel:514-873-3636 Laval 850,boulevard Vanier,Laval,QC,H7C 2M7,Tel:450-661-2008 Repentigny 100,boulevard Industriel,Repentigny,QC,J6A 4X6,Tel:450-654-4355 Sainte-Therese 300,rue Sicard,bureau 80,SainteTherese,QC,J7E 3X5,Tel:450-433-2220 Outaouais Gatineau 170,rue de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hotel-de-Ville, bureau 7.340, Gatineau,QC,J8X 4C2,Tel:819-772-3434 Abiti-Temiscamingue et Nord-du-Quebec Rouyn-Noranda 180,boul Rideau,1er etage,Rouyn-Noranda,QC,J9X 1N9,Tel:819-763-3333 Cote-Nord Sept-Iles 818,boul Laure,Sept-Iles,QC,G4R 1Y8,Tel:418-964-8888 Baie-Comeau 20, boul Comeau,Baie-Comeau,QC,G4Z 3A8,Tel:418-294-8888
Saskatchewan Watershed Authority 111 Fairford St E,Moosejaw,SK,S6H 7X9, Tel:306-694-3900 Saskwater PO Box 3003 Stn Main,Prince Albert,SK, S6V 6G1,Tel:306-961-1755
Yukon Territories Environment Canada Env Protection 91782 Alaska Hwy,Whitehorse,YT,Y1A 5B7, Tel:867-393-6700 Environment Yukon 300 Main St,Whitehorse,YT,Y1A 2B5, Tel:867-667-3945 Environment Yukon 10 Burns Rd,Whitehorse,YT,Y1A 4Y9 Tel:867-667-5652 Environment Yukon 205 Rogers Rd,Whitehorse,YT,Y1A 1X1 Tel:867-633-7971 Government of Yukon PO Box 2703,Whitehorse,YT,Y1A 2C6, Tel:867-667-3212 Govt of Yukon Env Health Services 2 Hospital Rd,Whitehorse,YT,Y1A 3H8, Tel:867-667-8351 Yukon Government PO Box 2703 Stn Main,Whitehorse,YT, Y1A 2C6,Tel:867-667-5652
` Ă&#x20AC; Â&#x2C6; Â&#x2DC; Â&#x17D; Â&#x2C6; Â&#x2DC; }Ă&#x160;Ă&#x153; > Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x20AC; Âś &OR BILLION PEOPLE IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD
Saskatchewan Environment B21-3085 Albert St,Env Prot Branch,Regina,SK,S4S 0B1, Tel:306-787-5021 Saskatchewan Environment 315-2405 Legislative Dr,Regina,SK,S4S 0B3, Tel:306-787-0393 Saskatchewan Environment 206-110 Ominica St W,Moose Jaw,SK, S6H 6V2,Tel:306-694-3586 Saskatchewan Environment 102-112 Research Dr,Saskatoon,SK, S7N 3R3,Tel:306-933-6514 Saskatchewan Environment 108-1146 102nd St,North Battleford,SK, S9A 1E9,Tel:306-446-7987 Saskatchewan Environment PO Box 1886, 210 1st Ave E,Nipawin, SK,S0E 1E0,Tel:306-862-1790 Saskatchewan Research Council 422 Downey Rd,Saskatoon,SK,S7N 4N1, Tel:306-933-5663 Saskatchewan Water PO Box 310,Wakaw,SK,S0K 4P0, Tel:306-233-5645 Saskatchewan Watershed Authority 420-2365 Albert St,Regina,SK,S4P 4K1, Tel:306-787-0913
Water For People helps people in developing countries improve their quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities and health and hygiene education programs. Our vision is a world where all people have access to safe drinking water and sanitation; a world where no one suffers or dies from a water- or sanitation-related disease.
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
ES&E’S AT A GLANCE GUIDE TO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES The following institutions offer diploma and degree programs in these areas: Environmental Biology, Environmental Control, Environmental Technician, Environmental Engineering/Technology, Environmental Health and Science, Environmental Studies, Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Health Engineering.
Alberta Concordia University College of Alberta King's University College Lethbridge College Medicine Hat College Mount Royal University Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, The Red Deer College Southern Alberta Institute of Technology University of Alberta University of Calgary University of Lethbridge
Edmonton Edmonton Lethbridge Medicine Hat Calgary Edmonton Red Deer Calgary Edmonton Calgary Lethbridge
Courtenay Victoria Vancouver Kamloops Langley Okanagan Prince George Victoria
British Columbia North Island College Royal Roads University Simon Fraser University Thompson Rivers University Trinity Western University University of British Columbia University of Northern British Columbia University of Victoria
Brandon Winnipeg Winnipeg
Campbellton Sackville Fredericton Fredericton
New Brunswick Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick Mount Allison University New Brunswick Community College University of New Brunswick
St. John's
Sydney Halifax Halifax Halifax
St. Catharines Ottawa Kitchener Thunder Bay Oshawa Toronto
Nova Scotia Cape Breton University Dalhousie University NS Agricultural College Saint Mary's University
Ontario Brock University Carleton University Conestoga College Confederation College Durham College Humber Institute of Technology
Sherbrooke Mirabel Montréal Montréal Montréal Sherbrooke Chicoutimi Québec City
Regina Vermilion Air Ronge Moose Jaw Saskatoon Prince Albert Saskatoon Regina Regina Saskatoon
Charles Town
Québec Bishop's University Centre de formation agricole de Mirabel Concordia University McGill University Université de Montréal Université de Sherbrooke Université du Québec Université Laval
Newfoundland Memorial University of Newfoundland
Thunder Bay Sudbury Hamilton Stoney Creek Niagara North Bay Kingston Ancaster Kingston Toronto Sault Ste. Marie Toronto Oakville Lindsay Peterborough Toronto Guelph Ottawa Waterloo London Windsor Waterloo Toronto
Prince Edward Island Holland College
Manitoba Brandon University University of Manitoba University of Winnipeg
Lakehead University - Thunder Bay Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne McMaster University Mohawk College Niagara College Canada (Niagara-on-the-Lake) Nipissing University Queens University Redeemer University College Royal Military College Ryerson University Sault College Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology Sheridan College Sir Sandford Fleming College Trent University University of Toronto University of Guelph University of Ottawa/Université d'Ottawa University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario University of Windsor Wilfrid Laurier University York University
First Nations University of Canada Lakeland College Northlands College Institute of Applied Science and Technology Institute of Applied Science and Technology Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science St. Thomas More College Luther College University University of Regina University of Saskatchewan
United States American Public University System
*This list is intended as a quick reference only. Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine makes no claim to the accuracy or completeness of this list.
Summer 2011 | 55
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Online degrees
American Public University (APU) has 85 online degrees. Our tuition is far less than other top online universities so you can further your education without breaking the bank. Learn more about one of the best values in online education. Web: www.studyatAPU.com/ESE American Public University
Electronic road flares EFLARE, the new electronic road flare, eliminates the need for hazardous pyrotechnic road flares with their toxic fumes and potential fire hazard. The EFLARES have 360 degree high visibility LED beacons with flash or steady-on capabilities in orange, red, green, blue and white. They are intrinsically safe, with up to 80 hour battery life and low battery indicator. Tel: 1-800-265-0182, 905-949-2741, Fax: 905-272-1866 E-mail: info@cdnsafety.com Web: www.cdnsafety.com Canadian Safety Equipment
56 | Summer 2011
Package Treatment System ACG Technology’s package treatment system offers performance and durability. It provides sewage treatment within a small footprint. Aeration, mixing and settling can be accomplished in compact, easily transported ISO containers, ideal for remote locations. Provides flexibility of adding future parallel units, an economical means of meeting the needs of any growing sewage loads. Tel: 905-856-1414, Fax: 905-856-6401 E-mail: sales@acgtechnology.com Web: www.acgtechnology.com ACG Technology
Coalescing oil/water separators ACG Technology’s coalescing oil/ water separators are available in carbon steel, stainless steel, FRP and polypropylene construction. Standard systems include air-operated diaphragm pump, air filter and floating skimmer. Adjustable weir and skimmer height provides optimal oil removal and minimal disposal volume. Standard range is 1 to 50 GPM. Tel: 905-856-1414, Fax: 905-856-6401 E-mail: sales@acgtechnology.com Web: www.acgtechnology.com ACG Technology
Phoenix Panel System
Phoenix Underdrain System
• Upgrades and optimizes all types of filters • Installs directly over existing underdrain system • Eliminates the need for base gravel layers • Improves backwash flow distribution • Provides longer filter runs and lower turbidity effluent Tel: 403-255-7377, Fax: 403-255-3129 E-mail: info@awifilter.com Web: www.awifilter.com AWI
• Optimizes all types of filters • Extremely low profile; lowest available • Manufactured from corrosion-resistant stainless steel • Variable custom orifice sizing • Custom hydraulic design • Guaranteed uniform air scour distribution • Rapid, low-cost installation Tel: 403-255-7377, Fax: 403-255-3129 E-mail: info@awifilter.com Web: www.awifilter.com
Corrosion protection
Denso Bitumen Mastic is a high build single component, cold applied liquid bituminous coating that is used to provide economical corrosion protection on buried pipes, valves, flanges and underground storage tanks. Denso Bitumen Mastic is self-priming, VOC compliant and can be applied by brush, roller or spray. Tel: 416-291-3435, Fax: 416-291-0898 E-mail: blair@densona.com Web: www.densona.com Denso
Next generation water sampler The new CSF48 water sampler from Endress+Hauser sets the benchmark in water quality monitoring. Choose between vacuum or peristaltic pumping, and multiple sampling routines. Opt for the two industrial digital sensors (expanding to eight in future) and connect to the SCADA with the latest communications protocols. This is a complete monitoring and collection solution for today’s industrial requirements. Tel: 905-681-9292, Fax: 905-681-9444 E-mail: info@ca.endress.com Web: www.ca.endress.com Endress + Hauser
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Geneq has introduced an ultrasmall SXBlue GPS L1/L2 dual frequency GPS RTK receiver for high accuracy positioning. It is designed to be mounted on vehicles and use the vehicle power for machine control applications such as agriculture, mining, construction and other high-precision applications. Tel: 1-800-463-4363 E-mail: rparise@geneq.com Web: www.geneq.com Geneq
Multiparameter meter
Vortex mixing system
The JetMix Vortex Mixing System can be used for sludge mixing, anaerobic digester mixing, and aerobic digester mixing. Among the advantages of the system are: minimal tank obstructions; easy cleaning, loading/unloading; ideal for varying liquid levels; simplified maintenance; easy retrofitting; and, finally, its ‘as needed operation’. Tel: 519-469-8169, Fax: 519-469-8157 E-mail: Sales@greatario.com Web: www.greatario.com Greatario Engineered Storage Systems
Hand-held DO meter
The YSI Professional Plus handheld multiparameter meter provides extreme flexibility for the measurement of a variety of combinations for dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, ORP, pH/ORP combination, ammonium (ammonia), nitrate, chloride and temperature. Web: www.hoskin.ca Hoskin Scientific
Inline sludge screen
With more than 700 installations, Huber Technology’s Strainpress® Inline Sludge Screen is designed to effectively screen sludge in pressurized lines. It reduces maintenance costs and increases the operating reliability of downstream sludge treatment systems. The Strainpress is precision manufactured of stainless steel. Tel: 541-929-9387, Fax: 541-929-9487 E-mail: trgregg@hhusa.net Web: www.huber-technology.com Huber Technology
The YSI ProODOTM handheld DO meter provides extreme durability for the measurement of optical, luminescent-based dissolved oxygen for any field application. Web: www.hoskin.ca
Hoskin Scientific
Chemical-free water treatment
Ozone systems H2FLOW offers Pinnacle’s revolutionary Zenith ozone systems, producing up to 600 lbs/day (5% wt.) per unit. With their highly efficient design, they can be turned up/down for 100% dosage variability. They are built with solid components, are rugged, proven, extremely compact, and water cooled, with no yearly maintenance. Tel: 905-660-9775, Fax: 905-660-9744 E-mail: info@h2flow.com Web: www.h2flow.com H2Flow
Inclined screw press
The RoS3Q Inclined Screw Press from Huber Technology provides high performance sludge dewatering in a compact, entirely enclosed machine. It provides efficient and reliable operation with minimal operator attendance. The slow rotational design is simple and energy-efficient. Tel: 541-929-9387, Fax: 541-929-9487 E-mail: trgregg@hhusa.net Web: www.huber-technology.com Huber Technology
Wastewater pumps
WEDECO Ozone Generators from ITT Water & Wastewater eliminate pollutants, coloured substances, odours and micro-organisms without creating harmful byproducts. They are compact in design to reduce overall footprint, and provide reduced energy consumption per unit of ozone production. Tel: 514-695-0100, Fax: 514-697-0602 Web: www.ittwww.ca
KSB's Sewatec wastewater pumps have been optimized, resulting in cleaner operation and reduced maintenance. Designed for dry well installations, these singlestage pumps feature double mechanical shaft seals enclosed in an oil chamber, which virtually eliminates any leakage of the pumped medium. Sewatec pumps come in different sizes, and with a full range of special impellers (i.e., nonclogging and high-efficiency variants). Tel: 905-568-9200 E-mail: ksbcanada@ksbcanada.com Web: www.ksb.ca
ITT Water and Wastewater
KSB Pumps
Summer 2011 | 57
Product & Service Showcase
GPS RTK receiver
P roduct & Service Showcase
Automatic Duckbill sampler
ArmorGalv® thermal diffusion environment-friendly cost effective corrosion protection
This “SIMPLER SAMPLER” automates sampling, even in freezing temperatures. Inherently explosion-proof, it uses compressed air, not pumps, pushing samples up 24+m lifts/along 30+m runs. The same controller can sample multiple sites simultaneously. This versatile instrument facilitates monitoring for regulatory compliance. Tel: 1-855-873-7791, Fax: 905-873-6012 E-mail: markland@sludgecontrols.com Web: www.sludgecontrols.com
ArmorGalv is an environment-friendly process that offers superior corrosion protection and wear resistance, as well as antigalling properties. It coats and penetrates the surface of any type of steel, becoming integrated with the part. An excellent alternative for toxic coatings. E-mail: info@planthub.com Web: www.armorgalv.com
Markland Specialty Engineering
MJ International & Associates
Safety hatches
Pumping systems solutions
MSU MG Safety Hatches set the standard in Canada for fall-through protection. They withstand pedestrian and occasional traffic loads. With single, double and multi-door configurations in aluminum and stainless steel, they are made in Canada. Tel: 1-800-268-5336, Fax: 1-888-220-2213 E-mail: sales@msumississauga.com Web: www.msumississauga.com
Satisfying pumping needs at the lowest cost over the life cycle of the system, Myers optimizes system efficiencies with complete engineering services, providing cost-effective solutions and immediate cost savings when planning a pump station. Myers software programs provide the engineering tools to properly design the ideal station. Tel: 604-552-7900, Fax: 604-552-7901 E-mail: epsl@telus.net
MSU Mississauga
Myers Engineered Products
Safety hatches MSU MG Safety Hatches - the open and shut case for hatch standards. With single, double and multi-door configurations in aluminum and stainless steel, they are made right here in Canada. Check us out on the web www.msumississauga.com Tel: 1-800-268-5336, Fax: 1-888-220-2213 E-mail: sales@msumississauga.com
MSU Mississauga
Association for groundwater industry
The National Ground Water Association is the hallmark organization for anyone affiliated with the groundwater industry. NGWA's purpose is to provide guidance to members, government representatives, and the public, for sound scientific, economic, and beneficial development, protection, and management of the world's groundwater resources. E-mail: ngwa@ngwa.org Web: www.ngwa.org National Ground Water Association
Metering pump
Metering pumps
Orival Filters protect heat exchangers and prevent clogging of nozzles, tubes and other narrow passages by removing dirt particles down to micron size, of any specific gravity, from once-through and recirculating cooling water systems. Line pressure powered, the filter cleans itself without external power, and does not interrupt system flow. Installs easily in any position. Available from 10 to 12000 gpm. Tel: 201-568-3311, Fax: 201-568-1916 E-mail: filters@orival.com Web: www.orival.com
The awardwinning delta® with optoDrive® provides diverse control and operating capabilities in a capacity range of 7.5 - 75 l/h, 362 psi - 29 psi. The delta from ProMinent has many advanced features: pulsed or continuous dosing; automatic detection of airlock, low pressure and high pressure; and an automatic degassing option. Tel: 888-709-9933, Fax: 519-836-5226 E-mail: sales@prominent.ca Web: www.prominent.ca/delta
Feature-rich and dependable Sigma series metering pumps from ProMinent help keep your chemical feed under control. Sigma pumps operate in capacities of up to 1000 LPH and pressures up to 174 psi. Microprocessor controls are easy to use, with backlit LCD for rapid and reliable adjustment.
ProMinent Fluid Controls
ProMinent Fluid Controls
58 | Summer 2011
Tel: 888-709-9933, Fax: 519-836-5226 E-mail: sales@prominent.ca Web: www.prominent.ca
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
Headworks system ®
Movigear is an intelligent system with its own control concept. Its high-quality networking helps reduce startup time and supports monitoring and maintenance tasks. When combined with a fractional user software, drive tasks can be resolved quickly and as easily as possible. Tel: 905-791-1553, Fax: 905-791-2999 Web: www.sew-eurodrive.ca SEW-Eurodrive Company of Canada
Specialist training Practical Hands-on Progressive Formats
Tel: 905-578-9666, Fax: 905-578-6644 E-mail: contact@spillmanagement.ca Web: www.spillmanagement.ca Spill Management
NEW affordable optical dissolved oxygen measurement system The new AquaPlus™ Meter, together with the AquaPlus Probe, provides an affordable optical dissolved oxygen measurement system. It can record up to 3,000 data sets, including DO, EC, temperature and barometric pressure. The AquaPlus system retails for $1,425.00. Tel: 905-238-5242, Fax: 905-238-5704 E-mail: sales@waterra.com Web: www.waterra.com Waterra Pumps
Smith & Loveless Inc. announces its latest headworks innovation, PISTA® WORKS™, a pre-engineered packaged headworks system, combining screening, grit removal and grit washing into one integrated system. It is pre-assembled and shipped direct to the job site, significantly reducing field-installation costs, while allowing for a compact footprint. All equipment components are constructed of stainless steel. Tel: 913-888-5201, Fax: 913-888-2173 E-mail: answers@smithandloveless.com Web: www.smithandloveless.com Smith & Loveless
Water level data logger
With absolute precision, the new Levelogger® Edge records up to 120,000 water level and temperature data points using new linear compression sampling. It offers improved temperature compensation, reduced thermal response times, accuracy of 0.05% FS, 24 bit resolution, a 10-year battery, corrosion-resistant titanium coating, and Hastelloy pressure sensor. Tel: 905-873-2255, Fax: 905-873-1992 E-mail: instruments@solinst.com Web: www.solinst.com Solinst Canada
Hatch safety net The lightweight Hatch Safety Net is designed to be permanently installed and easily retractable in floor and roof openings where the risk of fall through is present. When closed, the net system allows people to move freely around confined space openings without fear of falling into the opening. It also allows visibility of inspections and accessibility for limited maintenance and float adjustments. When entry/exit is required, the net can be easily unhooked on all but one side of the opening. Tel: 604-552-7900, Fax: 604-552-7901 E-mail: epsl@telus.net USF Fabrication
Self-contained sampling station
Trickling filters
Waterloo Biofilters® are efficient, modular trickling filters for residential and communal sewage wastewaters, and landfill leachate. Patented, lightweight, synthetic filter media optimize physical properties for microbial attachment and water retention. The self-contained modular design for communal use is now available in 20,000L/d and 40,000L/d ISO shipping container units - ready to plug in on-site. Tel: 519-856-0757, Fax: 519-856-0759 E-mail: wbs@waterloo-biofilter.com Web: www.waterloo-biofilter.com Waterloo Biofilter
Containment system
The Pegasus Alexis® Peristaltic Pump from Waterra is a self-contained sampling station that includes all the best features of these devices. Packaged in the rugged Pelican™ 1430 case and incorporating its own power supply and charger, this pump will keep you sampling in the field all day long. Tel: 905-238-5242, Fax: 905-238-5704 E-mail: sales@waterra.com Web: www.waterra.com
Westeel's CRing Containment Systems are ideal for petrochemical, frac water storage, oil and gas, fertilizer, hazardous material, and agricultural applications. All systems are made with high-strength (50-ksi) steel and have heavy-duty G115 galvanizing, meeting the stringent requirements of ISO 9001. Tel: 1-888-674-8265, 204-233-7133 Fax: 1-888-463-6012 E-mail: info@westeel.com Web: www.westeel.com
Waterra Pumps
Summer 2011 | 59
Product & Service Showcase
Drive system
Los Angeles to host WEFTEC 2011
Acoustic Panels, Enclosures & Products WE WELCOME YOUR INQUIRIES
Email: info@acousticproductsales.com Web: www.acousticproductsales.com Tel: (613) 551-6100
• ANTHRACITE • QUALITY FILTER SAND & GRAVEL • CARBON • GARNET ILMENITE • REMOVAL & INSTALLATION 20 Sharp Road, Brantford, Ontario N3T 5L8 • Tel: (519) 751-1080 • Fax: (519) 751-0617 E-mail: swildey@anthrafilter.net • Web: www.anthrafilter.net
Registration and housing is now open for WEFTEC 2011, the Water Environment Federation’s 84th annual technical exhibition and conference. This year’s event will take place October 15-19 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in California. This year’s program will feature 115 technical sessions, 27 workshops and eight local facility tours. A wide range of topics and focus areas allow attendees to design their own, unique learning experience, with the opportunity to earn continuing education credits. The 2011 focus areas include facility operations and wastewater treatment; nutrients; collection systems; residuals and biosolids; utility management; water reuse and management; stormwater and green infrastructure; sustainability and energy management; industrial wastewater; watershed management; and more. Other conference highlights include Dr. Rita Colwell, a distinguished professor from the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the 2010 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, who will deliver the technical keynote address. She will be followed by a special presentation from Doc Hendley, founder and president of Wine to Water and one of CNN’s 2009 Heroes. WEFTEC’s unrivaled exhibition will provide access to more than 1,000 exhibiting companies and their technical experts, showing the latest developments, research, solutions, and cutting-edge technologies in the field. www.weftec.org
Assessing post-earthquake water systems in Japan and New Zealand
MARKHAM, ONTARIO 905-747-8506 weknowwater@bv.com www.bv.com
60 | Summer 2011
The Water Research Foundation (WaterRF) will be conducting a comprehensive review of water infrastructure in Japan and New Zealand in light of the earthquakes and tsunamis that recently affected these countries. The project will examine the effectiveness of the water systems during the natural disasters and assess how they have recovered in the months following those crises. It will
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
focus on the quality of earthquake planning, reliability of water distribution immediately following the disaster, water pipeline durability and location, and recovery time for restored water service to the affected populations. This project is part of WaterRF’s recently established Emerging Opportunities initiative, which enables the Foundation to respond quickly to emerging challenges and new research ideas. www.WaterRF.org
Specialists in a comprehensive range of Municipal, Environmental, Structural, Building, Water Resources, Transportation and Municipal Engineering Collingwood
Email: info@cctatham.com
Sustainable design-build solutions for:
fabric structures
Water For People introduces “FLOW” Water For People recently began the distribution of a Request for Information to gather information about new ownership options for its instantaneous on-theground remote technology, Field Level Operations Watch (FLOW). Developed by Water For People and Gallatin Systems, FLOW broadcasts reports about the operational status of water projects around the world in near real time. The platform combines Android cell phone technology and Google Earth software, letting staff, volunteers, partners and other government agents record data from a water point and the households, schools, and clinics they serve. The information is then displayed on Water For People’s online global maps to signal whether a project is up and running or requires repair. FLOW allows organizations a whole new level of transparency, efficiency, and accountability to their work. www.waterforpeople.org
ITT Water & Wastewater appoints new Managing Director
Web: www.cctatham.com
Call one of our ClearSpan specialists today at 1.866.643.1010 or visit us at www.ClearSpan.com/ADESEM.
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Elemental Controls Heavy Metals In Soils
In-situ analysis Low PPM levels 33 elements ie Pb, Cd, As
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Active & passive units Personal & area units Interchangeable cyclones
François Forget has been named Managing Director of ITT Water & Wastewater, Canada, headquartered in Pointe-Claire, Quebec. A provider of pumps and systems to move and treat water and wastewater, continued overleaf... www.esemag.com
Summer 2011 | 61
the company has 14 offices and 23 distributors across Canada for leading brands such as Flygt, Sanitaire, Leopold and WEDECO. www.ittwww.ca
Siemens concludes work on desalination
Phone: 905-777-9494 E: info@hydrologic.ca W: www.hydrologic.ca
OTT Fine Bubble Diffusers • • • •
highest efficiency, intelligent, intuitive designs proven worldwide in more than 23 years of service quickest and easiest installation and maintenance uniquely environmentally friendly
Phone: 905-777-9494 E: info@hydrologic.ca W: www.hydrologic.ca
PHI BUBBLETRON Mixing Technology Innovative, most energy-efficient mixing No in-basin moving parts Anoxic mixing Ideal for many applications Sludge mixing Water reservoir circulation Sewage pump station grease cap & odor control
Having claimed to have set a new energy saving benchmark for seawater desalination, Siemens is now poised to transition their technology to the product development phase. As a result of an R&D initiative that commenced in October 2008, a demonstration plant was built in Singapore to treat seawater to drinking water quality.The next step for Siemens is to set up a full-scale system in cooperation with Singapore’s national water agency PUB by 2013. www.siemens.com/water
Endress+Hauser opens new facility
Phone: 905-777-9494 E: info@hydrologic.ca W: www.hydrologic.ca
Insitu Groundwater Contractors • • • • • • P: 519-763-0700 F: 519-763-6684 150 Stevenson Street, South Guelph, ON N1E 5N7
Dewatering systems Mobile groundwater treatment systems Well and pump installation and maintenance Pump, filter, generator rentals Sediment tank rentals Insitu groundwater remediation systems
WELL AND PUMP MAINTENANCE 1-800-461-9636 After Hours Emergency Pager: (705) 734-3277 342 Bayview Drive, Box 310, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 4T5
Tel: (705) 733-0111, Fax: (705) 721-0138 E-Mail: iws@iws.ca
CORROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Leaders in the Cathodic Protection Industry…Since1957
INTERPROVINCIAL CORROSION CONTROL Regional Offices: Burlington, Montreal & Calgary
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62 | Summer 2011
Endress+Hauser recently opened their new temperature production facility in Greenwood, Indiana. The 12,000 sq.ft. manufacturing plant will build temperature sensors, thermowells, transmitters, recorders, flow computers, safety barriers, displays and other instrumentation to meet the increasing demand in both North and South America. The plant will also have an N1STtraceable temperature calibration laboratory to ensure that all instruments leaving the factory are properly calibrated. The laboratory is undergoing accreditation for 1S0 17025, which is expected shortly. www.ca.endress.com
Degremont acquires AmeriWater Degremont has completed the acquisition of AmeriWater, a specialist in high-purity water production for the healthcare market, with a broad range of systems specifically designed for all areas of hospitals Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
and clinics. The company also offers a full line of solutions for industrial applications with a product line that includes cooling tower filters, reverse osmosis systems, deionizers, filters, and softeners, as well as related services. AmeriWater will be integrated into Degremont’s equipment business line, joining other equipment manufacturers, suppliers and service providers that operate under the Degremont Technologies banner around the world. www.degremont-technologies.com
Flooding protection program wins award CH2M HILL has been awarded the Consulting Engineers of Ontario’s Award of Merit in Program Management for the program management, design, and construction management services provided on the City of Toronto’s Basement Flooding Protection Program. Toronto embarked on the Basement Flooding Protection Program after a severe rainfall event in August 2005 caused extensive overland flooding and sewer backups, resulting in the costliest storm damage in Ontario’s history. The program will provide a 100 year level of basement flooding protection in the implementation area. www.ch2mhill.com
Environmental trust fund supports projects The provincial government is partnering with environmental groups in southwestern New Brunswick by contributing more than $750,000 from the Environmental Trust Fund to 41 projects. The Department of Environment announced in April that about $4 million from the fund would be invested in 190 environmental projects in 2011-12 fiscal year. Revenue for the fund comes from about half of the environmental fee paid on redeemable beverage containers in New Brunswick.
10 Alden Road Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 2S1 Tel: 905-475-1545 Fax: 905-475-2021 www.napier-reid.com
Package Wastewater Treatment Plants/SBR/MBR/RBC/EA/DAF
10 Alden Road Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 2S1 Tel: 905-475-1545 Fax: 905-475-2021 www.napier-reid.com
Package Water Treatment Plants/Gravity/Pressure/Membrane/Ion Exchange/GAC
Peter J. Laughton, P. Eng. Consulting Engineer
Environmental Engineering Services
Alliston, Ontario CANADA
tel: +1.705.434.9563 fax: +1.705.434.0419
New "virtual water"white paper released American Water has released a white paper on virtual water, the concept of which was first introduced in 1993 by Tony Allan, a British scientist and Kings continued overleaf... www.esemag.com
Summer 2011 | 63
Advertiser INDEX
ACG Technology............................67 American Public University ..........31 American Water .............................41 Associated Engineering..................5 AWI ..................................................15 Canadian Safety.......................27, 34 Cole Engineering ...........................44 Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute ....68 D’Aqua Technologies ....................39 Delcan Water ..................................26 Denso .............................................16 Endress + Hauser ..........................35 EnvirOzone Technologies.............14
College professor. Arjen Y. Hoeckstra, a professor in water resources management at the University of Twente in The Netherlands, took virtual water a step further to create a “water footprint,” which considers both direct and indirect water. Together, direct and indirect water use is what determines the real dependency on water. Hoeckstra and other researchers working with virtual water and the water footprint concept see it as a tool to better manage freshwater resources on a global scale. www.amwater.com
NB announces stronger requirements for natural gas development
Fluid Metering ................................41 Greatario.........................................46 H2Flow ............................................29 Halogen Valve Systems.................39 Hoskin Scientific..........13, 24, 32, 45 Huber Technology ...........................9 ITT Water & Wastewater ..................7 Levelton Consultants ....................37 Markland Specialty Engineering ..40 Maxxam ..........................................28 MSU Mississauga ............................3 Myers Engineered Products .........13 National Ground Water Assoc. .....44 ProMinent .........................................2 Sanitherm Inc. ................................46 Service Filtration............................21 SEW-Eurodrive...............................27 Smith & Loveless...........................21 Solinst Canada...............................25 Stantec............................................29 StormTrap.................................22, 23 USF Fabrication .............................34 Water For People ...........................19 Waterra Pumps ........................17, 38 WEFTEC..........................................33
Stronger requirements for natural gas development to better protect and inform New Brunswickers were announced recently by the provincial government's Natural Gas Steering Committee. Under these new requirements, oil and natural gas companies who want to engage in exploration, development and production will have to: • Conduct baseline testing on all potable water wells within a minimum distance of 200 metres of seismic testing and 500 metres of oil or gas drilling before operations can begin. These will be minimum requirements and may be increased. • Provide full disclosure of all proposed, and actual, contents of all fluids and chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing (fracing) process. • Establish a security bond to protect property owners from industrial accidents, including the loss of or contamination of drinking water. The provincial government has also committed to develop a formula so landowners and nearby communities can share in the financial benefits of the natural gas industry.
Alberta celebrates environmental excellence Twenty-nine industrial, manufacturing and municipal facilities demonstrating commitment to environmental leadership and stewardship have been recognized through EnviroVista, a voluntary program that acknowledges and promotes
facilities in Alberta that go above and beyond their environmental requirements. EPCOR Water Services Inc., Edmonton Waterworks System is the most recent company to reach Champion status. Three companies maintained Champion status this year, including Alberta Envirofuels Inc., an iso-octane plant in Edmonton; Alberta Newsprint Company, a newsprint mill in Whitecourt; and Umicore Canada Inc., a metal and chemical manufacturing plant located in Fort Saskatchewan. To become an EnviroVista Champion, a facility must meet the Leader criteria and commit to a stewardship agreement with Alberta Environment which demonstrates its continuous environmental improvement. Alberta also recognized 25 EnviroVista Leaders, including the addition of the City of Edmonton’s Waste Management Branch and Shell Chemicals Canada Ltd.’s Scotford Chemical Plant located in Fort Saskatchewan. To be an EnviroVista Leader, a facility must have a minimum of five years of exemplary emissions performance, a comprehensive, publicly-accessible, audited environmental management system, and five years without any enforcement activity under Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.
BCʼs public sector is now carbon-neutral According to the BC government, the province’s public sector is officially carbon neutral, a first for any province or state in North America. To kick-start carbonneutral efforts, BC launched a $75-million public-sector energy conservation capital fund in 2008. It has funded 247 energy projects in schools, hospitals, colleges, universities and other government buildings across the province. Once complete, those projects are expected to reduce carbon output by 36,500 tonnes, create 500 jobs and save organizations about $12.6 million in annual energy costs. BC’s carbon-neutral regulation requires all public-sector organizations to measure, reduce and offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings, vehicle fleets and paper use. Provincial public-sector operations spent $18.2 million to offset 730,000 tonnes of GHGs in 2010, well
Westeel ...........................................43 XCG Consultants ...........................40
Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
within targets set when the carbon-neutral regulation was introduced in 2007. Operating a carbon-neutral public sector is a key part of BC's commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 33 per cent by 2020. The 730,000 tonnes offset by the public sector is equivalent to the annual energy use of 62,000 homes a year. It includes emissions from more than 7,000 buildings, paper use, and vehicle fleets with the exception of school and transit buses, which are exempt. Government ministries also offset emissions from business travel.
Energy-from-waste facility approved The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has issued a certificate of approval for the Durham/York Region’s energy-from-waste facility. The CofA, covering operational requirements related to air, noise, waste and stormwater, reflects the technical specifications of the Project Agreement, Environmental Assessment conditions of approval and the Region’s integrated waste management system, as well as complies with all relevant regulations. The facility will process waste to create energy in the form of steam, electricity and heat, with an approved capacity of 140,000 tonnes per year. It will only process municipally collected household waste (garbage) left over after the Region’s aggressive diversion efforts, such as recycling and composting. Also, the facility will be capable of recovering materials such as metal. Preliminary design and engineering of the facility is well underway. It is anticipated that construction will begin in the fall of 2011, with a target operation date of 2014.
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Municipal Engineering Environmental Assessments dƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ ^ƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞƐ Transit Planning and Engineering Roundabouts ϭϭϬ ^ĐŽƟĂ ŽƵƌƚ͕ hŶŝƚ ϰϭ͕ tŚŝƚďLJ͕ KE͕ >ϭE ϴzϳ WŚŽŶĞ͗ ϵϬϱ͘ϲϴϲ͘ϲϰϬϮ &Ădž͗ ϵϬϱ͘ϰϯϮ͘ϳϴϳϳ ͲDĂŝů͗ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƌŵĂƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ͘ŽƌŐ Žƌ sŝƐŝƚ hƐ KŶͲ>ŝŶĞ͗ www.srmassociates.org DĞŵďĞƌ ŽĨ dŚĞ ^ĞƌŶĂƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ /ŶĐ͘
New study begins on water use patterns The Water Research Foundation (WaterRF) is updating and expanding its 1999 landmark Residential End Uses of Water Study. The goal of the three-year project, which will conclude in late 2013, is to investigate water use patterns in residential housing in 28 water utilities mar-
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• Hazardous Site Clean-up & Remediation • Decommissioning and Demolition • Asbestos and Mould Abatement • Contaminated Soil Removal • On-site Water Treatment Summer 2011 | 65
kets in Canada and the US. The new study will expand on the 1999 report by exploring water use over a more geographically diverse area, monitoring hot water use, examining outdoor water use (e.g., for landscaping) and assessing water conservation efforts in households. It also will integrate data from additional reports, in order to present a more comprehensive picture of residential water use. In each market, the utility participants will provide project researchers with historical water consumption data from a representative sample of 1,000 singlefamily customers. In nine of the 28 markets, researchers will select 100 homes for monitoring of indoor and outdoor water use and 10 homes for examining hot water use. The researchers also will send a water use survey to these customers. In the remaining 19 markets, researchers will survey 5,000 customers on indoor water use. The updated Residential End Uses of Water Study will be published in 2013-2014. www.waterrf.org
Oversight of Tar Ponds cleanup praised A recent report has found that the Nova Scotia Department of Environment continues to successfully regulate the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Cleanup Project. Findings show that it is effectively regulating the project and taking appropriate actions to protect the environment and address concerns about odour at the site. The Remediation Monitoring Oversight Board was created in January 2008 to monitor regulatory performance of the Department of Environment, including project permits and approvals issued, project regulatory issues, and public feedback. The board reports annually to the Minister of Environment. Cleanup is scheduled to be complete by March 2014. www.gov.ns.ca/nse
Groups appeal approval of fish farms Local community members from St. Mary’s Bay and the Atlantic Salmon Fed-
eration have filed an appeal to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court to oppose the creation of one of the province’s largest fish farms in the community’s traditional fishing grounds. According to Ecojustice, Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Sterling Belliveau's approval in early June of two massive salmon feedlots received overwhelming opposition from local communities. The communities believe the feedlots, which will stock almost two million fish, will devastate their tourism and traditional fishing industries. The farms also threaten several endangered species, including the North Atlantic right whale, roseate tern, harlequin duck and wild Atlantic salmon. Ecojustice is representing the St. Mary’s Bay Coastal Alliance, the Atlantic Salmon Federation, Freeport Community Development Association and the Villages of Freeport, Tiverton and Westport. The groups are calling on the government to revoke the licenses and to put the interests of the local communities before the province’s aggressive aquaculture development plans. “Evidence from similar feedlots in New Brunswick shows that they will significantly deteriorate the habitat for key commercially harvested fish and significantly displace and diminish the quality of the existing lobster fishery in the area," said Karen Crocker of the St. Mary’s Bay Coastal Alliance.
AWWA releases drought preparedness manual The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has published a new Manual of Water Supply Practices, entitled Drought Preparedness and Response (M60). Providing a reliable supply of water requires planning for water shortages of varying degree and duration, and advance preparation for such shortages is the best defense. With that in mind, M60 provides tried-and-true strategies and tactics for municipal water providers, and introduces new tools and methods that will minimize the effects of short- to longterm drought. The manual provides a proven, sevenstep process to anticipate and respond to water shortages through a structured planning process. www.awwa.org/bookstore. 66 | Summer 2011