Brookyln Nets Health & Safety Playbook

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HEALTH & SAFETY PLAYBOOK BROOKLYN NETS BASKETBALL ACADEMY IS EXCITED TO BE BACK IN ACTION FOR THE SUMMER OF 2021! We have adapted and changed this year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, developing protocols to ensure the safety of our campers, their families and our staff members. The changes outlined in this guide will keep your player safe, while they learn basketball the “Nets Way!” In the Health & Safety Playbook that follows, we have implemented safety procedures, protocols and reduced team/group sizes to allow us to follow social distancing guidelines. This will allow us to provide the best camp experience for our Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy players.


*Photos in this Playbook were taken prior to COVID-19. All guidelines outlined in this book will be followed at every camp location in Summer 2021.



HEALTH & SAFETY PLAYBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Kids Need Camp Now More Than Ever.................................................................. 4 Conditions for Opening Brooklyn Nets Camps..................................................... 5 A Safe Environment for Your Players..................................................................... 6 Safety Notes for 2021............................................................................................... 7 Safety Protocols....................................................................................................... 8 Pick Up & Drop Off Protocols.................................................................................. 9 Camp Visitors........................................................................................................... 9 Lunch/Snack/Bathroom/Sanitizer Breaks.............................................................. 10 What to Bring to Camp............................................................................................. 11 Cleaning Procedures............................................................................................... 11 Symptom Management Plan................................................................................... 12-13 Daily Schedule.......................................................................................................... 14 Overnight Camp Guidelines.................................................................................... 15



KIDS NEED CAMP NOW MORE THAN EVER Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy Staff have adapted our program and curriculum to provide the safest possible camp experience this summer. Now, more than ever, kids need an outlet and an opportunity to play and just be kids. We are proud to continue to offer children the opportunity to learn the game, play, and compete in a safe and fun environment.



CONDITIONS FOR OPENING CAMP The priority of Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy is to deliver a quality basketball experience in a safe and effective manner. Our Health & Safety Playbook prioritizes the health and well-being of players, staff and families. We have fused the recommendations, guidelines and protocols from local and state authorities, the CDC, the ACA and Aspen Institute to provide the safest possible camp experience. Our plan is designed to be flexible, so that we can adapt to changes and recommendations from local, state and national agencies as needed.

EXTERNAL FACTORS • NY & CT allow camps to operate and issue permits. • National, state and local authorities have provided guidance on operating camp in the Summer of 2021.

INTERNAL FACTORS • Staff are trained and prepared to operate under new guidelines. • Camp locations and programming are ready to support physical/social distancing guidelines. • Cleaning and sanitizing procedures are in place and adequate supplies are available to properly execute.

FAMILY COMMITMENT • Submit your child’s Medical Clearance Forms as part of the registration process, no later than two weeks prior to their first day of camp. • Complete the Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy daily RUVNA health screening, prior to camp each morning. • BNBA will utilize RUVNA Health Technology to reduce the risk of symptomatic players and staff arriving to camp each day. RUVNA will send email and text alerts daily during the camp season. No sign-ins, downloads, or apps required – just click the link to access the screening daily, before you arrive at camp. • Monitor camper health while at home. • Communicate with Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy openly about health concerns. • Follow all Brooklyn Nets policies and procedures to support a healthy community.



A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR YOUR PLAYERS Increased safety procedures and policies have been developed to minimize risk and provide our campers with a memorable camp experience. At Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy, you will find the following safety changes for Summer 2021.

LIMITING THE NUMBER OF CAMPERS AT EACH SITE Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy is limiting the number of registrants at each camp this summer. This will help us to ensure that camp is smaller at each location.

CONTACT REDUCTION Players will be spaced apart during fundamentals and skill development drills. Players will be divided up by court and, when applicable, by gym/and or outside courts to ensure the safety of all campers and staff.

LIMITING THE SIZE OF GROUPS In addition to accepting a limited number of players at each location, we will be further dividing players into smaller groups.

PROMOTING PROTECTIVE MEASURES Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy locations will follow state and local guidelines at Camp. We will promote protective measures (physical distancing, proper hygiene, respiratory etiquette, face coverings, symptom awareness, ventilation, etc.) through facility signage and staff communication to campers.

DAILY HEALTH SCREENINGS Daily screening protocols are required for all Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy players and staff. Parents/guardians are required to complete a daily RUVNA health screening of their player(s) prior to arrival at camp. Staff are also required to complete a daily RUVNA health screening prior to arrival each morning. RUVNA Health Technology, is an intuitive COVID-19 screening, tracking, and notification system. This daily health screening system will reduce the risk of symptomatic campers and staff arriving to camp each day. RUVNA will send email and text alerts daily during your camp session. Parents will screen their player(s) daily, before they come to camp.

CAMPER TO STAFF RATIO OF 10:1 Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy will be working with a maximum 10 to 1 ratio of campers to staff. This practice is conducive to keeping players in smaller groups and allows us to provide more attention within fundamentals and skill development for each camper.
















• BNBA will be using RUVNA for rapid alerts when communicating with our parents this summer. RUVNA will send email and text alerts during your camp session. Parents will use the link in the email/text to screen their player daily before arriving to camp.

• Mandatory hand washing for campers & staff daily.

• Monitoring health throughout the day.

STAFF SCREENING • Pre-camp health history.

• Hand sanitizer stations set up at each location.

REASONABLE CONTACT REDUCTION • Group sizes will be limited to provide a camper to staff ratio of 10:1. • Social distancing practices will be implemented for fundamentals and skill development, as possible.

• Daily health screening prior to arrival. • Health monitoring throughout the day. • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn by staff at all times.

CLEANING & DISINFECTION • Increased cleaning & disinfection at each camp location. •C leaning & disinfecting bathrooms multiple times daily.



SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT PLAN • Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy Medical Professionals will assess all campers and staff daily. • Quarantine area will be established at all camp locations.

CONTACT TRACING • Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy will maintain diligent contact tracing throughout each camp week.


• Parents Orientation will be emailed to all families prior to camp.

•P arents/Caregivers should remain in their vehicles at all times and wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up.

CAMP VISITORS Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy sites will be closed this summer to all visitors. Only essential visitors will be permitted with prior clearance from the Site Director and Camps General Manager. There will be no general visitation allowed by family members or caregivers. Approved Essential Visitors Will Be Required to:

• H ave their temperature taken upon arrival and a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be prohibited from entering the camp location.



LUNCH/SNACK/BATHROOM/SANITIZER BREAKS • Players & staff will wash hands and sanitize for all lunch/snack/bathroom breaks. • Players & staff will bring their own lunch, snacks and water bottles/beverage. • Players & staff will not be allowed to utilize any facility water fountains. • Recommended that players bring 2-3 beverages per day. • Player’s lunches will be placed in three different areas based on age groups (leagues). Each league is divided by age and lunches subdivided by team. • All items should be labeled with the player’s full name on it. • Snack time and lunch time will be staggered into three groups.



• Day Camp lunch times are as follows: 1. 6-8 years old eat at 11:30 am daily. 2. 9-10 years old eat at 12:00 pm daily. 3. 11-13 years old eat at 12:30 pm daily. • Lunch groups will be properly spaced out to provide social distancing. • Where applicable, age groups/leagues/teams may eat outside (players with allergies will be allowed to eat inside when necessary).

WHAT TO BRING TO CAMP BACKPACKS • Players must arrive to camp with a face covering and wear it during drop-off and pick-up. • All players will be required to wear their Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy Camp Jersey each day. • Camp jersey should be washed at home each day upon arrival. • All players and staff should have a backpack clearly labeled with the following items inside on a daily basis. Items should be rotated/changed on a daily basis: 1. Lunch box/bag 2. Snack(s) 3. 2-3 beverages/water bottles 4. Sunscreen if necessary (must be self-administered) 5. Clean t-shirt and shorts 6. Hand towel 7. Appropriate mask that fits properly • All personal items must be labeled with the player’s full name.

T RAINED SANITATION TEAM Cleaning staff at each location have strict cleaning protocols to follow on a daily basis.


Shared areas to be cleaned daily after each session. Cleaning & hygiene protocols in all program areas.


Mandatory hand washing/sanitizing before all sessions and before snack/meal times.



SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT PLAN The guidelines and requirements for managing a member of our camp community with symptoms will be provided by local and state authorities. The plan below is based on CDC and ACA guidelines for camps and childcare programs. We will continue to update these guidelines as provided by our local and state agencies.


• Camp medical team screening by Camp Doctor and Nurse and daily screening by our Athletic Trainer. • Camp protocols and procedures are reviewed by our Pro Team Sports Medical Team.


• Screening protocols are reviewed by our Pro Team Sports Medical Team. • All staff will be educated on recognizing signs and symptoms of COVID-19.



• Follow all reporting guidelines as set by local and state authorities.

• Player tracking will be conducted for timely contact tracing.

• Alert families and staff members immediately of any potential exposure.

IF A PLAYER OR STAFF MEMBER DEVELOPS SYMPTOMS AT CAMP Players or staff with possible symptoms will be directed to the quarantine area for further assessment by the athletic trainer. If a player is taken to the quarantine area, a parent or guardian will be called by the Camp Director. If necessary, the athletic trainer will communicate directly with the parents or guardian. If a staff member is taken to the quarantine area and has self-transported to camp, the staff member will be escorted to their car with the proper PPE mask, sent home and instructed to seek medical attention. Anyone sent home will not be able to return to camp without providing the camp with a negative COVID-19 test result.



SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT PLAN IF THERE IS A POSITIVE DIAGNOSIS If a player or staff member reports they are COVID-19 positive, Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy will maintain the confidentiality of the individual at all times while mitigating the situation. The case will be reported to the proper health authorities and all families and staff that came within close contact with the individual will be notified immediately. All facilities that the individual came in contact with will be deep cleaned and disinfected per CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines for dealing with possible exposure and to COVID-19 will be strictly followed. Persons who test positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to return to camp.

WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF “CLOSE CONTACT?”* The CDC defines close contact as interactions within 6 ft. for more than 15 minutes. Contact tracing will be carried out by trained staff in conjunction with the local health department.

WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF “PROXIMATE EXPOSURE?”* A proximate exposure is defined as interactions greater than 6 ft. from an infected individual within a shared space.

MISSED CAMP DAYS If a player misses camp due to being quarantined or potential exposure to an infected individual, they will receive a credit towards the 2022 camp season for the days missed.

*Subject to change based on national, state and local guidances.




Check In

9:00 AM

Coaches review schedule, health & safety rules, and other information for the day.

9:15 AM 10:00 AM 10:10 AM 11:00 AM

Skill Development • Social distancing, when possible. Water/Sanitizing/Snack Break • 6-8 year olds- 10:00 am bathroom break and wash hands. • 9-10 year olds- 10:10 am bathroom break and wash hands. • 11-13 year olds- 10:20 am bathroom break and wash hands. Skill Development • Social distancing, when possible. Team Competition • Social distancing, when possible.

11:30 PM


12:00 PM


12:45 PM

Team Practice

1:00 PM

League Games

1:50 PM

Water/Sanitizing/Snack Break • 6-8 year olds - 1:45 pm bathroom break and wash hands. • 9-10 year olds - 1:50 pm bathroom break and wash hands. • 11-13 year olds - 1:55 pm bathroom break and wash hands.

2:00 PM

Next Level Mentality

2:15 PM

Team Practice

2:30 PM

League Games

3:15 PM

Skill Development • Social distancing, when possible.

4:00 PM

Dismissal • Campers Picked-up in car line. • Parents/guardians remain in vehicle.

*Schedule subject to change. May vary, including start/end time, depending on camp location.



BROOKLYN NETS BASKETBALL ACADEMY OVERNIGHT CAMP SPECIFIC GUIDELINES Overall capacity at Overnight Camp has been reduced to mitigate risk.



• All meals will be served by the professional food service staff.

• Check-in will be staggered by age group for camp. Check-in will occur on Sunday, August 15 at 12:00 PM for the NBA Division (ages 14-17), 1:30 PM for the Big East Division (ages 12-13), and 3:00 PM for the ACC Division (ages 10-11).

• All meals are nut-free and prepared in a nut-free facility. • Special meals will be prepared for players with dietary restrictions (gluten-free, Kosher, vegan/vegetarian, etc.). If your player requires special meal accommodations, please indicate so in your ACTIVE profile or contact

HEALTH SCREENING • All players and families will be required to complete a health screening prior to arrival at camp. After arriving at camp, medical staff will be on-campus to address any health issues.

• A limit of one family member per player in permitted inside the bunks during the check-in process. • Families with players in separate divisions can move in at the earlier check-in time. For example, if a family has a 14-year-old player and a 10-year-old player, the checkin time will be 12:00 PM.

• Players and staff members will undergo daily temperature checks.

• Check-out will be staggered by age group for camp. Check-out will occur on Friday, August 20 at 12:00 PM for the ACC Division (ages 10-11), 1:30 PM for the Big East Division (ages 12-13), and 3:00 PM for the NBA Division (ages 14-17).

• Nursing staff will monitor all health checks and identify symptoms of concern.


• Any player found to have suspected symptoms will be seen by camp nurse for evaluation and appropriate testing.

LODGING • Players will be lodged in cabins together. • Each bunk is equipped with a Delos Air Filtration System. • Daily Bunk cleaning will be done by housekeeping staff and overseen by the operations director or coordinator. Daily Cleaning will consist of a wipe down/disinfecting all highly used areas such as, but not limited to, door handles, sinks, toilets, and showers.

All camp staff are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and our Leadership Team is already fully vaccinated. We are strongly recommending vaccination to our staff prior to the summer. We have received proof of immunization for many of our already hired staff and have provided proof of employment to all our staff members to aid in securing a vaccination appointment. We anticipate that by the summer the vast majority of our staff population will be vaccinated prior to camper arrival. Given recent information released by the CDC, widespread COVID-19 vaccination will significantly reduce the risk to camp this summer.

• Towel Service - A clean towel is provided daily for bathing, and a clean towel is provided at the pool after waterfront activities. •T he residence halls have shared bathrooms for each floor. Bathrooms contain single-stall showers and single-stall toilets. All bathrooms will be cleaned several times per day.




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